- The [bo] [tsu] [ku] which is inhaled it does
http://ameblo.jp/maxlovelove/entry-11205145594.html Temporarily…The dessert eating, the supper making, to the park go Temporalmente… el postre que come, la cena que hace, al parque va
- Fearful story., a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/skool_kill12/archives/51987319.html Temporarily, with tomorrow rather than, the present splash! ¡Temporalmente, con man¢ana algo que, el actual chapoteo!
- First riding
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/0909909/e/9a6fbc67b71062371ef540ba8ba15df4 Temporarily today at this point - [noshi, a liberal translation Temporalmente hoy a este punto - [noshi
- Hiroo it does, the [yo] [u] [gi] classroom (2012 5th time)
http://miyahal.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/20125-5d7f.html Temporarily, you take the pleasure in next year, a liberal translation Temporalmente, usted toma el placer en el próximo año
- Spring it is the day off and thrust!
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/toricchi-toracchi/e/12fb192613e1e7d09dabcc5b2260099f Temporarily, being taught study method and the like to the cute lecturer, securely, it is dense! Because with you threw, it is ¡Temporalmente, siendo enseñado a método del estudio y similares al conferenciante lindo, con seguridad, es denso! Porque con usted lanzó, es
- No Title, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/satty-forever/entry-11203824736.html Temporarily, copying [me] you to try taking with your own carrying, [tsu] kana Temporalmente, copiándole [yo] para intentar tomar con su propio llevar, kana [del tsu
- Quantity Sawayama one day
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/gugu1999/e/2e141fb8411d291862e9ea0e9a560ef5 Temporarily, it will try squeezing to one,…, a liberal translation Temporalmente, intentará exprimir a uno,…
- [so],, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/mayu_21935/36833985.html The kana where [kore] probably will go today temporarily - with El kana donde [kore] irá probablemente hoy temporalmente - con
Spring Break, japanese culture, Leisure,