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    Spring Break,

    japanese culture Leisure related words Winter break Opening ceremony Graduation Entrance ceremony Pollen White Day Summer coming Closing exercises New term

    • O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • http://ekayo.blog103.fc2.com/blog-entry-883.html
      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • http://ameblo.jp/koakuma-mt/entry-11312627302.html

    • , a liberal translation
      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kaworu_toyoda/31119627.html

    • http://blog.goo.ne.jp/handaikyudo/e/cec04a8c4e2f8d0b6a83c3dd544636d9
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    • http://69fdd9cf2eeced111f00.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/07/post-13.html
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • ���������� shinkansho nisatsu ���� chosakusha yori zoutei wo uke �� kansha �� kangeki ��
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    • natsuyasumi no kadai tosho �� suisen tosho

    • shibarakunoo wakare de kaishoku shimashita
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • 1 gakki shuuryou
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    • jiebanni ga hitoban deyattekuremashita
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      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

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      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • Suspiro…
      Suspiro da filha aumentada recentemente, em torno… do ano para não ser tais, porque… mola o dia livre termina prontamente, gradualmente terminará igualmente… vida do bacalhau da viscosidade, escola secundária que a última classe obstinate esticará!! A mãe fêz aliviado,…

    • And others it does with the [ru] day off, a liberal translation
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    • April 4th (water) [bu] and coming that 1

    • Spring the day off., a liberal translation
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • Entrance ceremony preparation
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • April 4th (Wednesday) relative, a liberal translation
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    • The water the [mu] which is painted, a liberal translation
      Le 5 avril (le bois) la surface de l'eau d'Ogawa qui coule la lumière du soleil du ressort à être possible et d'autres les enfants qui entament le jour de congé de ressort l'où a brillé avec venir et d'autres entrent dans, la créature qui ne peut pas encore se réveiller du sommeil de l'hiver est étonnée, les peintures à l'eau la proximité, c'est lui est d'être ou, j'où la nouvelle limite, le cerisier de cette année en tant que but ajusté à la cérémonie d'entrée, ce week-end peut devenir prompte la pleine floraison, est, quand ce printemps, la conférence où est nouvel après qu'un long temps à l'université commence, être, la retraite ce qui [merihari] qu'il a rendu occupé avec l'arrangement précédent avec le bureau exécutif et les données conduisant au guidage est difficile à l'école maternelle d'attachThe de l'enfant de 莉 où le feu met à feu à la passion après laquelle la vie et une telle chose font le cadre de cadre, commencez à sortir encore par l'adaptabilité dont la chose et cette personne qui favorisent au facile entretiennent le serviteur fidèle sont inattendue, « s'inquiétant plutôt que, vous soutenez, aussi le jardin, mais ce semble facilement » la manière étant, dans l'histoire du serviteur fidèle de consolidation, en tant que pour ces personnes énormément

    • From the hand paste rabbit -, a liberal translation
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • Good morning is
      Доброе утро, вы не думаете? шторм ♪ который как вы идет прочь, (^ - ^) весна также выходной день, задий принимая остальные! Когда ~ [ku] вы мысль, почти 4 недели вашим вы persevered, [wa] который вы думаете то есть, (смеющся над) как этот делать, [burogu] кладущ совместно непредвиденно свободное временя? Оно вероятно [tsu] [te] вещь что?? Если очень сегодня бумага которая представлена к школе, оно не заканчивает, то (^_^;)Когда она происходит, рис… когда вы возвращаете домой, рис… также делать риса что, тем ме менее [wa] которые становит утомлял так поэтому рассказ оно изменяет… Оно попробованное закупить солод соли, попробованный он пробовать сперва с цыпленком,… оно вкусен??? Наилучшим образом, что-то он был неприятен, (^_^;)Добро которое соль. Вы не думаете? оно проблема образа мой варить от комментария, тем ме менее уже одно время [ribenji] она делает, вы не думает? … Сделала ли от того оно солод соли расточительной,… мо [tsu] [te] это вероятно домохозяйка что поистине?? С [wa] которое подумано оно связано, сегодня справедливая погода… перед добром дома снежок перед ренджером веранды… уже, ~ бормоча постылое ♪ [tsu] [te] или переулок автомобиль может быть похоронен был с [dobodobo], мы опасается, (^_^;)Так автомобиль используя

    • From today, new term ♪
      Because from today, the child inside at new term to be joyous with the pupil club which the spring when 2nd it had become grade (^−^) while going to bed almost everyday it was passing, has passed also new first grade from April, while becoming the care person in charge, well as for the child, the kind of ^^ which one foot quickly tastes older brother feeling a little well, I a little am, but the ^^ which prepares the new term of child inside first there being whatever, it is saved, the long sleeve t shirt of fixed turn even in the fall when it tries making with knit cloth of border of the faint gray, (^−^) in the one for winter chocolate colorThe long sleeve t shirt was made, but this time compared to it inserts ^^ this time it tries making around the collar of the feeling which a little makes the height of the collar low, will be clear to the side and, attaches the tag %, a liberal translation

    • Sewing machine full work*, a liberal translation
      Gutenmorgen ist es! Das ♪, das Frühling freier Tag der letzte Tag sagend ist, Erdetag geht und schlafen, aber… gestern glaubte Ihrem guten Wetter im Vergleich mit dem Sturm des Frühlinges des vorhergehenden day* neue Gebrauchsgutankunft auch begleitend, war es Prisma, wohin es kommt und der Kunde des Speichers viele und ist beschäftigt (der Schweiß) unter… so ist [watashi] das mit voller Arbeit… so ausharrt, also Selbst-lob Sie die Nähmaschine sprechen, weil (lachend) der Sparbuchkasten und die lange Mappe des Mangels an Waren gebildet wurden und voran heirateten, ist entscheidend dieses Fleckenrosa des Einleitung ♪☆ natürlichen blauen langen ☆☆ Mappe natürliches des Bleis lang ☆☆ Mappe *** ☆ Mappe des Fleckens danken rosafarbene lange… aktuelle volle Arbeit der Nähmaschine des Artikels Ihnen von ☆ *** „Tagebuch“ category* anwesendes Blume jene 2 ♪ Bad salts* handgemachtes ♪ geliefertes item*

    • Side Western food house coffee, a liberal translation

    • April 4th (water) [bu] and coming that 1

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      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • Movie 311
      , a liberal translation

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      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • Today it is busy
      , a liberal translation

    • Usted no compra el boleto
      ¿Cuándo escándalo contra budokan usted quiso ir, - nunca usted venta que usted no pensó totalmente, allí era también un período del aviso y, el producto del resorte del estudiante a irse a la cama, usted no piensa? influencia también tal lugar [ri] él hace el kana - [mA] -, siendo un boleto, no está a tiempo a levantar la cortina porque era la intención donde no puede ir con la noción que donde y, está, no obstante es bueno, el poder a medio camino áspero ir, con el significado que la cera ciertamente agradable del bacalao - con usted piense y/o usted hace

    • Lately,… it continues, 1? Reunion after the year!, a liberal translation
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    • Children of today
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • Beach land admission ticket
      Der Minami Chita Strandlandpaaraufnahme-Kartenschlag, gleichwohl - das ♪ wieder ist es Name des Ehemanns; ; ; Was hier anbetrifft, dort auch seiend ein entspannendes Bereichs- und Spielzeugkönigreich anders als das Aquarium, 1 die Tage seiend, Sie wachsen nicht müde, (das Kind ist), sind, nicht Sie denken? - Frühling ist es und [Chi] Jagd, des Sommers getrocknete Jagd auch Gezeiten und das Sebaden ist- mit set*, ob Frühling zu gehen ist möglich, zum Tag des Geburtstages von [musume] des freien Tags, nicht Sie denkt? möglich! Sogar im September, gehörte dieses mal, wenn das übliche Miezekatzekonzert das Schlagen tut, zum Elternteil und das Kind und 6 Leute Ihrer 2 Wahl ♪ Freunde! Der Rückkehr wird Ihr übliches Geschenk angebracht und (^m^) mögen wir den Preis solcher Karte und es ist Anwendung mit dem Empfang, der sterben im Allgemeinen Tweetüberprüfung kauft

    • March 28th (water) [bu] and coming, a liberal translation
      Cela [au sujet de] qui a regardé le 00:23 du film de Thatcher de Web, avec vous indiquent, mais seulement vous feutre, quant à l'exécution de Merill [pikaichi] avec juste cela récemment, toutefois le film américain inutilement long il est beaucoup, quant à l'arrière 20 minute que venir 00:51 tombant du Web faisant la main du contenu que vous pensez s'il n'est pas nécessaire, ne dépasse pas la limitation de vitesse la personnalité (quant au film japonais au-dessus de cela) en vue de ce film, le spectacle de film là n'est aucune lumière croissante extérieure qui ne craint pas l'échec, qui indique juste, le film que vous êtes attribué avec le festival de film de l'étranger pays excessivement à être beaucoup, le travail prize-winning et l'assistance générale et, il ne s'inquiète pas juste le factAlienation prize-winning des communications d'action sur les masses et des bords chacun les deux la perte qu'il évente, étant regrettable, très soulevant le travail qui augmente le bénéfice de divertissement même dans le pays étranger délaissé de la journée du 01:09 nécessaire du jour de la semaine de Web, le cinéma qui est serré de la personne appelle, qui à moins que 1 où vous pensez, jour de congé de ressort 2, seulement chose du 01:15 du film de Web où est le jour 1200 Yens du jour individuel de service d'adultes vous écrivent, le recluse Toshi %

    • 3DS passing each other record that 12, a liberal translation
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • May be linked to more detailed information..
      Com o dia livre da mola que é Inoue que é a fatiga, e outro é densa está na família Japonês-Chinesa,… ele é advisory excessivo da força física demasiado, porque depois que uma estadia longa recebeu o fogo do mês e o feriado consecutivo, para fazer ontem, foi ao aquário [do wa]! Para dizê-la à verdade é ir igualmente ao fim de ano mas… o aquário, nós gostamos como,… não obstante o golfinho e o leão de mar é sábio verdadeiramente! É consideravelmente mais sábio do que e outro é denso! A pessoa paris3 responsável Tsukiji - [sukaitsurigori] que a categoria moderna do weblog da apreciação do artigo “”, mola do ♪ da emoção profunda faz para ir para a cama, [yo] [ku] bateu o passeio

    • Hard everyday…
      Housekeeping spring in addition to day off version, work being busy, after returning home almost hp does not remain, limply the sports department which is for 2, preparing lunch, the usual way the fact that you go out is to call, but only spring welcoming and sending off and vaccination of the daughter who enters into the private school (the uterus 頚 cancer) the nose and ears course going to hospital of the hay fever… always the schedule which is not entering plainly, it just tries to try not to forget it is good stress that the [te], that is family amount, work being busy corresponds to consequence that the user increased,The staff who is cut off now is insufficient, it is being normal is, it is not enough, although, the child falling sick in full, when (so it does, you cannot go to work and become) after going to bed, this time by his falling sick, a liberal translation

    • * Kingdom of dream and magic*
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    • Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

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      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

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      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • Trainer, a liberal translation
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    • [regoburotsuku
      While the daughter who does soldier/finishing garden system on the 19th without going into the preschool from today anymore and as for this [rego] which… spring did [rego] silently from day off morning being something which is smaller than usual block, looking at the type instruction manual which can make the house of 3 patterns it perseveres and when in direction before the building which is the house of 3 floor building where the middle becomes original and/or… completes those of small green color… try making the rise this like the master of this house it is this child which… is - up-to-date article soldier/finishing garden type abc cooking election “of child” category! Penmanship daughter… down, a liberal translation

    • Growth.
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • Help sight of teaching aid making (elementary school student), a liberal translation
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • [garinachiyuraruwanpi] special edition of spring
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    • Completion system, a liberal translation
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    • Quantity Sawayama one day
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • Thank you.
      Before two men whom 15 year circles where the day when you release finally comes you take care are born from it was you regularly use it was not thought so long in the pad, but is if, you think, this car coming to the pad, but as for me who immediately spring go to going to bed and the travelling to Fuji as for the car of four running disliking, disliking the car of the one box type, after all as for the car the sedan which it runs with [sutsu] gently most… the same taste like as eldest son me therefore, I have recognized the car where for a long time this car rides when the car of the father, being travelling,… with kana (wry smile) Starting in the traveling to Fuji, Wakayama, Ise, the high mountain and Shizuoka, Izu and Hakone, Toyama, Kokube, Shiga and Fukui Nagano, Osaka, the Awazi island, Kobe and Kyoto, Nara… Fuji Wakayama %, a liberal translation

    • Day of the vernal equinox, a liberal translation
      It is the grade end where as for March 20th 'as for day' Japan of the vernal equinox shank - d (the ^^) either the schools where end ceremony is done on front and back of this day are not few with the day off and probably will bounce don't you think? as for inside when… at present, the short spring day off (spring break) in midst, this which sends the everyday life which is done freely and easily opens, directing to the simultaneous test of the state which next month starts, before study of the timewise school where the teacher becomes frantic enters into the last spurt the combining d which is rest of moment (the ^^; Well well 'today is day what of the vernal equinox, that' the mother 'noon and the time of the night which were said to the son being simultaneous, Japan it is day off what, don't you think? however' with it explained, not understanding…When dadaism from next door explains with English, therefore 'equinox day you go to bed, [tsu] [te]…The son that it is funny',

    • Spring the day off
      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • Equinoctial week entering
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • Immediately it releases F in the 勾 stationary reason disclosure trial concentration, a liberal translation
      It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.

    • Furthermore regrettable news….
      Yesterday, today and the rain continues, the little snow steadily dissolves, “as for the snow of the ski site all right kana?”With you thought, but because… news 2012.03.05 name wooden mountain 2nd [naitagerende] of the name wooden mountain night game pause where the after all regrettable news enters insufficient because of the snow, because 3/7 (the water) from, night game business the stripe which pause is enormously acknowledgment eight one ridge ski sites (name wooden mountain [gerende]) night game business, as for here where it is end at today eight ones jr, is about to do the night game practice of rock peak jr,… with communication from the coach, today becomes last practice, it is worry, whether so ahead how becoming from now on is but, is sport of the natural partner, whether it is helpless… After don't you think? weekend, it probably is spring to become practice of the day off? Taking

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      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • , a liberal translation
      Because the ♪ where also graduation performance and promotion performance of dubbing artist subject and performance arts subject pause as for the one which it cannot go to theater the teachers photograph the many photographs because please tries seeing also the ♪ off shot is taken the large quantity, even in the one which it goes to theater with the recommendation the shank ♪ (^o^)/more and more spring it is experience entrance start of the day off from March 17th because we would like to utilize the ♪ free welcoming and sending off bus as for ~ [tsu] [te] one, now reservation entering successively, the [ru], early reservation the recommendation!! Don't you think? the [ke] which can be reserved from the home page under it is ~♪♪♪о (ж>▽<) the y ☆oni◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ inquiry 0120-474-923 the home page home page (portable edition)

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      Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.

    • [Ru] [HU] [o] é [miliampère] [ji] mol do telefone
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    • Весна? Tenzin
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    • Kirschbaum, März-Prüfungskandidatausharren ~!
      Schließlich Februar, der nach einer langen Zeit erfolgt ist, März was das anbetrifft mit dem Glauben des letzten Spurts, bearbeiten den Schlag und Änderung, zu sein viele, die oben angehäuft werden und surfend was diese Woche, wenn wir tägliches Sein verhältnismäßig lose führen, die Welle, welche die Klemmplatte in verschiedene Richtung… mit ihm reiten, ist das Gefühl, das oder, neulich gesagt wird, das Sie Sorgfalt sehr viel sogar im Patroneninhaber von Nago in der Rückkehr vom des Wannenlektion Sinriyokus Namen genommen haben. Führer zu Spitze, Streifen, das Eindruck es ist, tun in Schönheit von Gott von Berg und in Wholeheartedness, in dem wir das sich freuen lassen möchten, das der hölzerne Eimerrand ist, auf jeden Fall, das es sorgfältig gelebt hat, das „Sie jetzt tragen und Sie müssen das verheiratete Paar des [ho] Fasses unterrichten“ dort sind viele Male, was mich anbetrifft Ihr dieses verheiratetes Paar von diesem auch voran, die Relationen [MU] [MA] [ji] [ku], kommt kommendes Leben des Lebens am Nago-Bereich und arbeitet entfernt mit Tomigusuku [gajiyamadarakitsuchin] welches gebeten hat, die reale Lektion von die Wanne von neuem 3 Leute dieses Jahr, als Sie genau die Grundlage % beginnen

    • No title
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • “Kitayama Yoichi solo tour spring to go to bed”, 3/62 ND Meguro BAJ, a liberal translation
      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • The [a] which is talked in any case it is to do, (laughing)
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • Natural garden
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • As for the ♪ - the [ru] comes and - is - the ♪
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • Pan of [anderusen] spring
      That the cherry tree bean jam [pa] it is [chiyokokoronechiedachizu] it came out, densely next, the cheese pan when it approached to buying, because so the pan of the spring had come out tastily,… morning of yesterday… the [tsu] you want and - it is no human family what? When - with, the [bu] - it does this house, or one does the shoes, “the [ma] which goes - - - the plug!” Roughly, it does not go, when it is, when you have heard, “the umbrella it is pleasant the [tsu] which roughly the [a] which is forgotten - - -” with… the [ma], the [kusu] [tsu] can be laughed from the morning [tsu] [pa] and others! Because the child is the large quantity, it is funny! Because the apartment of the time before was aged, extremely it was quiet with anytime, but as for here the morning when it is different extreme bustling… already spring you go to bed immediately,… up-to-date article [kiruhue] of one Japanese-Chinese bustling “ocean candy harmony candy pan” category %

    • If to be quick it becomes such a wind, ~…(- _-;)=3
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    • It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
      haruyasumi ni ��

    • Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
      oki teshimau �� kushou

    • �ʣ� toukai �� rinia �� tetsudou kan �� ga o^pun
      tetsuo san �� tetsu ko san �� kotetsu sanhasudeni chuumoku shiteirutoiuka sudeni kippu no

    • Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • dai nama ha nihonsaidai no inkaresa^kuru
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    • kinkyouhoukoku
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    • These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
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    • omedetou ��
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    • 2011 nen 3 gatsu 1 nichi �� hi �� no twitter
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    • haruyasumi chokuzen
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    • chakuchakuto
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • a �� ru nichi totsuzen ��
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    Spring Break, japanese culture, Leisure,

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