- [boya] being, it does not start, however [boya] it is, the [chi] [ya] [u].
http://ameblo.jp/daitokuji/entry-11192983833.html Temporarily, the [boya] or [se] [te] it received Временно, [boya] или [se] [te] оно получило
- In sea of pollen
http://takerufudo.at.webry.info/201203/article_23.html Temporarily, it tried taking the medicine Временно, оно попробовало принять микстуру
- It is natural!, a liberal translation
http://tomozao.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/post-eec8.html Temporarily, send the car to fish, the tool store was searched Временно, пошлите автомобиль к рыбам, магазин инструмента поискал
- Virus blocker
http://ameblo.jp/kodelnakano/entry-11201150001.html Temporarily lowering from 1 month necks, as the way dream which you think, a liberal translation Временно понижающ от шей 1 месяца, как сновидение путя которое вы думаете
- Quantity Sawayama one day
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/gugu1999/e/2e141fb8411d291862e9ea0e9a560ef5 Temporarily, it will try squeezing to one,…, a liberal translation Временно, оно попробует сжать до одно,…
- From 1178 [tsuito] of 1211
http://ryo3001.at.webry.info/201203/article_6.html Temporarily, don't you think? the report that it is unrelated, (laughing) Временно, вы не думаете? рапорт что он самостоятелен, (смеющся над)
- Captain defectiveness
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/shirota3go/e/f2ea4ee29dca1b092bfb6ea7fc36824d Temporarily, it went to the nose and ears course, but it is Временно, оно пошло к носу и уши текут, но он
- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/mikurihamikannzuki/entry-11185571334.html Temporarily, just laser remedy Временно, оно попробовало принять микстуру
- W which does not stop
http://ameblo.jp/10vealice/entry-11183682746.html The one which the hospital does temporarily is good kana? Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- While entering the spring,…You think in beginning the month
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/parkside2/e/67fc3e6692177a8c38686816cb508a76 Temporarily putting in “a stop” state, however it is one year when those which are substituted to heat energy are questioned, a liberal translation Временно кладущ в «положение стопа», тем ме менее один год когда те которые заменены к тепловой энергии спрошены
Pollen, Health, japanese culture,