- Hotei mallow
http://ching.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-7b02.html But, also these 2 times the stethoscope is not applied by the thin chest board, with the throat and nose medical examination, cause and condition understand the oak and others? While worrying, returning home 但是,这2倍听诊器没有由稀薄的胸口板也应用,与喉头并且不引导身体检查,起因和情况了解橡木和其他? 当担心,返回在家时
- Migraine
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/vzp06301/64992277.html But, this, it heals, it is the [ro] which is…?, a liberal translation 但是,这,它愈合,是…的它是[ro] ?
- The cold or hay fever or distinction is not attached
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/chq37450/36113667.html But, truly cold? With there are also times when you think, a liberal translation 但是,真实地冷? 当您认为时,也有时期
- Hay fever?
http://windyside.blog93.fc2.com/blog-entry-1462.html But, the nose water and the [bo] of the head - the [tsu] as for the impression it keeps becoming terrible 但是,鼻子水和[bo]坚硬[tsu]至于印象的它继续变得可怕
- Temporarily [banzai]!!!!
http://hachimitsuhouse.blog85.fc2.com/blog-entry-1125.html But why the nose water does not stop from last night 但是鼻子水为什么从昨晚不停止
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://kitakyushutv.cocolog-nifty.com/atopy/2011/08/post-7c3a.html But, electricity and high frequency, letting flow frequency low in the body of the human, it probably is to be good to the body truly? 但是,电和高频率,让流程频率低在人的身体,它大概真实地是好对身体?
Pollen, Health, japanese culture,