- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/mikurihamikannzuki/entry-11185571334.html Temporarily, just laser remedy 临时地,激光补救
- W which does not stop
http://ameblo.jp/10vealice/entry-11183682746.html The one which the hospital does temporarily is good kana? 医院临时地的那个是好kana ?
- While entering the spring,…You think in beginning the month
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/parkside2/e/67fc3e6692177a8c38686816cb508a76 Temporarily putting in “a stop” state, however it is one year when those which are substituted to heat energy are questioned, a liberal translation 临时地投入在“中止”状态,然而它是一年,当时被替代对热能的那些被问
- Otolaryngology
http://blog.livedoor.jp/michiru28/archives/52217192.html Temporarily, but condition of the hay fever which asks the inspection of the allergy the allergy causing vis-a-vis some substance, although you inspect, whether [ru] the blood that it was heard whether there is a plant which in the orthodox cedar other than the coming of the [hi] it can make a foolish mistake becomes matter of concern but…The partner is the grass…How you call [te] [ru] that which is said from the leaf [tsu] [pa] or small time of overfull grass [gane] where long title does not understand it is the [ro]… whichWhen thought stops here, you do not come to mind at all and the doctor call the [gi] and the cover and so on two and three it has adding the allergy source representative ill-smelling 请求过敏检查导致关于某一物质的过敏花粉症的临时地,但是条件,虽然您检查, [ru]血液听见了是否有植物哪些在除来临的正统雪松之外[喂]它可能做一个愚蠢的错误是否成为关注的问题,但是…伙伴是草…您怎么叫[te] [ru]那哪些从叶子[tsu] [pa]说或小规模过度的草[gane]长标题不了解的地方它是[ro]… whichWhen这里想法中止,您不浮现在脑海,并且医生的电话[美国兵]和盖子等等二和三它有增加ill-smelling过敏来源的代表
- Don't you think? which and it is? (゜o゜) \ (- _-)
http://blog.livedoor.jp/daisukeasakura1104/archives/51796001.html Temporarily, when the marketing medicine for the hay fever you drank, it healed 临时地,当您喝的花粉症的营销医学,它愈合了
- Hay fever menu
http://ameblo.jp/xx-rumi-xx/entry-11085830905.html Temporarily, neglect it is and the empty 3 limits shirks 临时地,忽略它是,并且空3限制逃避
- Cold deterioration [u]…., a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/11mi-chanman03/entry-11059387985.html Heat it does not come out you ask temporarily 热它不来您临时地要求
- Recent times
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/satuki_mei_usalove/e/2b655f94ea71ad68e99ad4ef45f9c213 Saying, it increased, first time, but now such a thing before saying, temporarily it is nose [serebu]…(´□ `) 说,它增加了,第一次,但是现在说,临时地它之前的这样一件事是鼻子[serebu]… (´□ `)
- Wenn die Luft angebracht wird
http://ameblo.jp/donguri-dongurin/entry-11132610370.html Temporarily, as for being possible, health care & hygienic management 临时地,至于为是可能的,医疗保健&卫生管理
Pollen, Health, japanese culture,