- All everyday [kanibo, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/ken6254krt/archives/51353653.html This is made for the sake of radium and the like is kept in the residence near, a liberal translation Dieses wird um des Radiums willen gebildet und dergleichen wird im Wohnsitz nahe gehalten
- ““It becomes cold and characteristic” is low body temperature”
http://48901364.at.webry.info/201202/article_34.html This with various causes, by the fact that the blood vessel of the hand and foot contracts, happens the fact that the blood style becomes bad as a cause Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/affairwindows/archives/55515334.html As for this there is a possibility of causing the decrease and the like of immunity, a liberal translation Was dieses anbetrifft gibt es eine Möglichkeit des Verursachens der Abnahme und der dergleichen der Immunität
- Recently it is the renewal of week 1 time! (The spring it does closely!! )
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/igarashii1/e/f2005242ee2ce55000228a61d80fbb13 As for this with “word-of-mouth communication” “comment” and so on that store, it becomes matter of concern, it is good to verify reputation of the commodity,, a liberal translation Als für dieses mit „Word-of-mouthkommunikations“ „Anmerkung“ und so weiter dieser Speicher, wird es Angelegenheit des Interesses, es ist gut, Renommee des Gebrauchsguts zu überprüfen,
Pollen, Health, japanese culture,