- The scale is too small.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/midnight_rain_october/e/b9399e15b92d5d3c15f274c4e25fde47 From last night, at each time it moves through the narrow house, we have fallen to the predicament which also the tissue case makes move together 从昨晚,在,每次它通过狭窄的房子移动,我们下落了对组织盒一起也做移动的困境
- As for mistake however anyone., a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/midnight_rain_october/e/d8caf63370a34e1042017815f3fcef1b Cold was caught seemed from about last night, was a minute heat from morning 寒冷被捉住了从大约昨晚似乎,是从早晨的详细的热
- Being the or hay fever which is cold?…
http://ameblo.jp/me-look-house/entry-11032783482.html With the characteristic where air temperature goes down suddenly, with the society cold has been popular, but the [zu] - the [tsu] and the nose slowly doing this, it has been troubled Avec la caractéristique où la température de l'air descend soudainement, avec le froid de société a été populaire, mais [zu] - [le tsu] et le nez faisant lentement ceci, il a été préoccupé
- Nose - ♪
http://blog.livedoor.jp/pumuchan/archives/1759403.html The nose [muzumuzu] has done from yesterday Le nez [muzumuzu] a fait d'hier
- The ~♪ which reaches, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/furanblog/entry-11176964697.html From about yesterday, the head makes the [bo] ~ [tsu] and the nose is plugged because and, the nose water it comes out, cold kana? When with you think, being different, it increased 从大约昨天,头做[bo] ~ [tsu],并且塞住鼻子,因为,并且,鼻子水它出来,冷的kana ? 当与您认为时,是不同的,它增加了
- Blood vessel maneuverability nasitis??, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yumie_poi/e/d422e8bd2e7ac8b20037cfc6b179a63b The nose water does not stop from yesterday, because is, however you thought as cold or the [tsu] which cannot release the tissue - -, a liberal translation 鼻子水从昨天不停止,因为是,然而您认为作为不可能发布组织的寒冷或[tsu] - -
Pollen, Health, japanese culture,