- Headache
http://ameblo.jp/v-nurse/entry-10452126114.html Recently, I came out of the feeling that the other back-to-local 最近,我出來的感覺,其他返回到本地
- Lobo observed pollen
http://ameblo.jp/ameb-roman23is/entry-10439192539.html Recently, I get the smell of sake 最近,我得到的氣味的清酒
- Pollen give a damn? !
http://ameblo.jp/tg017098/entry-10446620640.html Recently, good things came out of the pollen goods, work as well, but we pass away, What awesome power of the pollen 最近,好東西出來的花粉貨物,工作很好,但是我們走了,什麼真棒權力的花粉
- ● Iu0026#39;m tired - day today
http://eigaku.cocolog-nifty.com/nikki/2010/01/post-1930.html First, the prayer for the pastor s politics and politicians it is rare that was said and, most recently, so pray for easily noticeable feeling that changing the reaction and 首先,“禱告的牧師的政治和政治家,是罕見的”這是說,最近,“所以祈求很容易看到的感覺”,改變反應和
Pollen, Health, japanese culture,