- January 29 Today is the feeling Oh wow - weather Ssu
http://ameblo.jp/biwako-brush/entry-10445326816.html Today, many sunny, pleasant weather is likely 今天,许多晴朗,气候宜人,是可能
- Iu0026#39;m a little nervous.
http://ameblo.jp/6capriccio/entry-10462766153.html Kyoto nice sunny weather today is good ☆ everyone! Iki Ah Sho ー luck today another fun day! ! enjoy! today ☆ 京都今天天气好晴朗☆大家好!壹啊翔ー今天运气又有趣的一天! !享受!今天☆
- Minor problems
http://ameblo.jp/himawari1113/entry-10463381197.html Today is good weather, go home to my parents Shima Yi Su ー worse than planned so sick 今天是好天气,回家我的父母志摩易宿ー不如计划生病
- Cavalier babies.
http://ameblo.jp/koinu-aporo/entry-10457751082.html It is good weather today 这是今天天气好
Pollen, Health, japanese culture,