- Plum season
http://ameblo.jp/lubap/entry-10455000935.html Researchers everyone, thank you very much 研究人員大家,非常感謝你
- Kino son Usui
http://kayasdiary.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/1151/ Mother Sue Shima ー head splitting tool in medicine for hay fever 蘇島ー母親頭部分裂的工具,藥物,花粉熱
- Advent season
http://blog.livedoor.jp/puntto/archives/1234217.html Everyone with hay fever, I welcome good information 每個人都患有花粉熱,我歡迎良好的信息
- When spring
http://ameblo.jp/kmkuj/entry-10464372689.html My hay fever every spring, with skillful runny nose I want to see the cherry blossoms! 我每年春季花粉熱,與熟練流鼻水我希望看到櫻花!
Pollen, Health, japanese culture,