- In the spring ...
http://grimaud.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-625b.html By the way, there s a second season of hay fever 顺便说一下,有一个第二季的花粉热
- Olympics still asleep, you have ... otitis media.
http://ameblo.jp/07rena07rena/entry-10461481726.html Recently I was crazy, Ue into the plate that you mention it, three hours of sleep five hours Zammai cough 最近,我疯了,把板宇江你提到它,3个小时的睡眠五小时扎马伊咳嗽
- Good morning ┏ ○ ° º Í
http://ameblo.jp/chamechameko/entry-10455151524.html Speaking yesterday evening I Resona, 谈到昨天晚上,我理索纳,
- Her arms
http://ameblo.jp/8638/entry-10459543064.html By the way, from the day before yesterday itchy left eye 顺便说,从前天左眼痒
- 花粉対策にしもやけの心配。
http://blog.livedoor.jp/nothingtear/archives/51630274.html By the way, I surprisingly 積Morimashita snow 顺便说一句,我竟然积Morimashita雪
Pollen, Health, japanese culture,