- Saint Valentine's Day
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/usagi_purinntyann0131/e/348f5a678bf5ccf6b65c7cb4a6e11bf9 That it received the new favorite chocolate, the ^^ Que recebeu o chocolate favorito novo, o ^^
- Pour une communication multilingue a ete traduit en plusieurs langues presente phrases japonaises.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/riri_art_kawa/29699793.html The person who the favorite chocolate was lifted for the first time in Valentine, a liberal translation A pessoa que o chocolate favorito foi levantado pela primeira vez no Valentim
- Valentine о of this year (ж>▽<) y *
http://ameblo.jp/monmariage/entry-10458309292.html First time! Gives the Valentine chocolate that woman who Σ the (Ω no) the no! Primeira vez! Dá ao Valentim o chocolate essa mulher que Σ (Ω nenhum) o No.!
- Chocolate shops
http://ameblo.jp/oka-san/entry-10456159283.html It is what, also feeling rising the [ri], even if “the [tsu]! Always, to you taking care, [ru] t (the senior) it lifts, the [chi] [ya] concave!” With decision (oh, of course, it is not the favorite chocolate in the notion that where you say, the ~), a liberal translation É que, igualmente sentindo a aumentação [ri], mesmo se “[tsu]! Sempre, a você que ciao, [ru] t (sénior) que levanta, [qui] [ya] côncavo!” Com decisão (oh, naturalmente, não é o chocolate favorito na noção que onde você diz, o ~)
Favorite chocolate, japanese culture, Cooking,