- Chocolate how many?, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/harapekori38/45845507.html “It is already… hateful, although… outside we would like to go! The woman is,…” the [tsu] [te, a liberal translation “É já… detestável, embora… parte externa que nós gostaríamos de ir! A mulher é,…” [tsu] [te
- 9825 Valentine 9825, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/h_m_ruby_2/23397730.html “The [hu] - it is the spilling of the son, you can receive, it is kana -” the [tsu] [te, a liberal translation “[HU] - é o derramamento do filho, você pode receber, ele é kana -” [tsu] [te
- Valentineu0026#39;s Day boy
http://soda-sui.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-d710.html Rather than calling “the father”, as “a man” Um pouco do que chamando “o pai”, como “um homem”
- ノンフィクションドラマ
http://ameblo.jp/attitude0723/entry-10215777694.html “Doing perhaps, lovely and others the [tsu] [chi] [yu] it is even from the child?” “Fazendo talvez, encantador e outro [tsu] [qui] [yu] é mesmo da criança?”
Favorite chocolate, japanese culture, Cooking,