- original letters
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/goodies2/e/93c8dd6dc8cd6be7d29bf70c69a452c3 It is rich in attractive melody and the Polish flavor, but entire large portion being quick, the piano the difficult tune which dynamic execution above [okutavu] of the both hands meanderingly is required Es ist in der attraktiven Melodie und das polnische Aroma, aber der gesamte große Teil reich, der, das Klavier die schwierige Melodie schnell ist, die dynamische Durchführung oben [okutavu] der beider Hände meanderingly angefordert wird
- Ground your Voce Vol.2
http://ameblo.jp/jayasreeakiko01/entry-10511195564.html Performance only of pathway piano of wind, a liberal translation Leistung nur des Bahnklaviers des Winds
- Department of Education music course graduation concert
http://soulwine.at.webry.info/201002/article_10.html As for light Mozart way 2 pianos are conversational,, a liberal translation Was helle Klaviere anbetrifft der Mozart-Weise 2 seien Sie Unterhaltungs,
Turandot, Entertainment, Music,