- Ise [burogu] 2, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/d_pstcom/archives/51774402.html The Ise shrine from the outside shrine to the inner shrine after being defeated distantly, it became to eat the noon boiled rice with favor Yokotiyou 从外部寺庙的Ise寺庙到在遥远被击败以后的内在寺庙,它成为吃与厚待Yokotiyou的中午煮沸的米
- Summer red luck, a liberal translation
http://macchoco.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-08-05 The red luck which is Monzen of the shrine inside the Ise shrine 是寺庙Monzen在Ise寺庙里面的红色运气
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/happyromance/e/82590a1c3791c980eefdb77e1a258fd5 Because there is no seeing lottery in the Ise shrine, the seeing lottery was pulled, the votive picture was applied, the amulet was purchased 由于没有在Ise寺庙的看见的抽奖,看见的抽奖被拉扯了,奉献的图片是应用的,护身符被购买了
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tomomoon1029/archives/51466753.html Just a little it goes to the Ise shrine 一点它去Ise寺庙
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