- Also wild bird [enaga] was vigorous
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/je4hmp/e/78dd346fbc5c51f0219f8e3ef66f400f While walking it is [enaga] of the wild bird which encounters, a liberal translation Пока гулять оно [enaga] одичалой птицы которая сталкивается
- The wind was strong, was cold, a liberal translation
http://sioda.way-nifty.com/kuma1/2011/03/post-e585.html As for [enagayamagara]   [uguisukazurananohana]   road parking zone of [garagara] and usual full car [garagara, a liberal translation Как для зоны стоянкы автомобилей дороги     [enagayamagara] [uguisukazurananohana] [garagara] и обычного полного автомобиля [garagara
- [enaga] and the like
http://sioda.way-nifty.com/kuma1/2011/04/post-f6ca.html [enaga] what is eaten kana   [ayame], [kakitsubata], thought as Hanasiyoubu kana perhaps, but it flies with the   distant bulbul which is the iris, thing practice [enaga] что съеденное   kana [ayame], [kakitsubata], мысль как kana Hanasiyoubu возможно, но оно летают с bulbul который радужка, практикой   дистантным вещи
- In the midst of sima lith mini- field picture and coloration, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kakuterurose2001/51386168.html The same as [shimaenaga], the [u] the ear and the ear applying are attached Эти же как [shimaenaga], [u] ухо и применяться уха прикреплены
- As for 12/19 Takahama!
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/wbswbs/diary/200912100000/ [suenaga] Suenaga Hiroshi line of glasses [suenaga] линия Suenaga Hiroshi стекел
- βθ
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nasu0001/20110226 The bird which was seen in ▽ latest travelling -> [hashibutogarasu], the sparrow, [aosagi] and [karugamo], the thrush and the wren, [kakesu] and [segurosekirei], the pheasant, [enaga] and [tobi Птица которую увидела в ▽ наиболее позднопоздно перемещая - > [hashibutogarasu], воробей, [aosagi] и [karugamo], молочница и wren, [kakesu] и [segurosekirei], фазан, [enaga] и [tobi
- [aogera] and the like
http://sioda.way-nifty.com/kuma1/2011/01/post-49f0.html [aogera] & [enaga]   [aojishime] [aogera] &   [enaga] [aojishime]
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://lapsang-souchon.tea-nifty.com/pokopon/2010/02/post-85ee.html [enaga] and aegithalos caudatus, a liberal translation [enaga] и caudatus aegithalos
- Japanese talking
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/je4hmp/e/274ed26d6cd0eefa1a04b7eef60b7507 It is wild bird [enaga Это одичалая птица [enaga
- original letters
http://lapsang-souchon.tea-nifty.com/pokopon/2010/01/22-7b8f.html [enaga] and aegithalos caudatus, a liberal translation [enaga] и caudatus aegithalos
Long-tailed tit, Nature,