- βθ
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nasu0001/20110226 As for [enaga] favorite [tori Was [enaga] Liebling anbetrifft [Tori
- Lastly [enaga] of promenade meeting in greeting, with everyone large cheer! Big [enaga] of body. . . @@… in flat tube swamp brush observation observation meeting, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/natty_nanoda/53145282.html [enaga]?-? Just a little, opinion cracked, but after all it was [enaga]! Lastly greeting of separation [enaga]? -? Gerade knackte wenig, Meinung, aber schliesslich war es [enaga]! Der Trennung zuletzt grüßen
- Water bath of [miyamahoojiro
http://mbba2902.air-nifty.com/bmwbike/2010/03/post-5a40.html [enaga] came some time, but it could not store to the photograph [enaga] kam einige Zeit, aber sie könnte nicht zur Fotographie speichern
- The model where the reaction is good, a liberal translation
http://kawasemi134.cocolog-wbs.com/kawasemi_no_hitorigoto/2010/12/post-367a.html When [enaga] stays, it becomes to aim for that on the center Wenn [enaga] Aufenthalte, es wird, um das auf der Mitte anzustreben
- The sea of Ishikawa prefecture is enormous, it is, a liberal translation
http://dokodemo-yachou.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-b7a8.html However [enaga] was my [ya] my [ya], it is difficult to take, it does Gleichwohl [enaga] mein [ya] mein [ya] war, zu nehmen ist schwierig, es tut
- Bird in reed
http://ishishinoshishi.tea-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-32de.html It seems that also [enaga] turns here to the feeding ground, a liberal translation Es scheint, dass auch [enaga] sich hier an den einziehenboden wendet
- Present, a liberal translation
http://kawasemi134.cocolog-wbs.com/kawasemi_no_hitorigoto/2010/12/post-9fc6.html Soaring in [enaga], and simultaneous it increases Innen ansteigend [enaga] und simultan erhöht sich es
- My walking diary #541, [buritani]: [anjiera] ♡ and together #163,
http://bura.tea-nifty.com/hitorigoto/2009/04/541-163-a3a1.html It means being the becoming independent of the small bird, [enaga Es bedeutet Sein das werdene Unabhängige des kleinen Vogels, [enaga
- [enaga
http://akane-1.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/01/post-2335.html It tried beginning the pattern of the tail of [enaga]!! Always, because the chocolate chocolate it has moved about, you could not observe in detail, but when it tries making the picture, funny nevertheless the feather of the stomach which is potato softly so is! Es versuchte, das Muster des Endstücks von anzufangen [enaga]!! Immer weil die Schokoladenschokolade, die sie ungefähr verschoben hat, konnten Sie nicht im Detail beobachten, aber, wenn sie versucht, die Abbildung zu bilden, lustig dennoch die Feder des Magens, der Kartoffel weich also ist, ist!
- A little from the present varieties, a liberal translation
http://sioda.way-nifty.com/kuma1/2011/05/post-7c7c.html   where [enaga] the bird eye is red young the yellow proboscis -> [akaboshigomadara] (spring type) kana?, a liberal translation  , wo [enaga] das Vogelauge rote Junge die gelbe Proboscis - > [akaboshigomadara] (Frühlingsart,) ist, kana?
- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://attyann.way-nifty.com/kokoro/2009/05/post-7a34.html The poult of [enaga], when it seems that already becomes independent the last time it placed Das junge Geflügeltier von [enaga], wenn es scheint, das bereits das letzte Mal es unabhängig wird, setzte
- The spring it does closely, the ♪
http://attyann.way-nifty.com/kokoro/2011/03/post-0e79.html [enaga] became conduct with the couple which leaves from the crowd [enaga] wurde Führung mit dem Paar, das von der Masse verlässt
- In Kakinoki [enaga, a liberal translation
http://paseri.cocolog-nifty.com/top/2009/12/post-cead.html Becoming the crowd, it moves [enaga Der Masse, bewegt sich es stehend [enaga
- [enaga
http://uchidanokaze.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/12/post-2335.html As for [enaga] while making the group, a liberal translation Wie was [enaga] bei der Herstellung der Gruppe
- [miyamahoojiro
http://colibri.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-01-16 Also [enaga] Sawayama being, inserting the air being agreeable well enough, you took, it is, but as usual Auch [enaga] Sawayama, das, die Luft einsetzend ist annehmbarer Brunnen genug ist, nahmen Sie, ist er, aber, wie üblich
- Shank length
http://colibri.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-01-24 Taking [enaga], when just a little it is careless, there are times which you insert in [shijiyuukara] at instant and have substituted, a liberal translation Das Nehmen [enaga], wenn gerade wenig es unvorsichtig ist, dort sind Zeiten, die Sie innen [shijiyuukara] am Augenblick einsetzen und ersetzt haben
- Wind strong cold day
http://rez.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-c658.html [chi] & [chi] [uguisu] which calls being together conduct, unusual in the [enaga] corps, the shank [Chi] u. [Chi] [uguisu,], das das die Anrufe, die zusammen sind, leiten, ungewöhnlich im [enaga] Korps, der Schaft
- The wild bird which comes to the water place - [enaga] (Kanagawa compilation), a liberal translation
http://k-yatyou.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/11/post-ba25.html Water drinking water bath of [enaga] 3 feather Wässern Sie trinkendes Wasserbad von [enaga] Feder 3
- kyou no satoyama �� ruribitaki �� enaga
http://cb400rdhp.cocolog-nifty.com/test/2011/01/post-125d.html The eye eye where as for [enaga] that you think and starts and whether [shijiyuukara] which this year is unprecedented has called and, [enaga] is lovely Das Augenauge, in dem was [enaga] dieses anbetrifft Sie und Anfänge denken und ob [shijiyuukara] welches dieses Jahr beispiellos ist, benannt hat und, [enaga] reizend ist
- Japanese weblog
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/omod1954/e/b60fe48394f5047d6bbd7e8e5bd9f192 There was a form of the female which stares the male in the [enagakijikiji] thicket, a liberal translation Es gab eine Form der Frau, die der Mann im [enagakijikiji] Dickicht anstarrt
- Japanese Letter
http://yokido.cocolog-nifty.com/today/2010/12/post-28ec.html [enaga] which is the bird which has [enaga] and charm, in any case [enaga] das der Vogel ist, der [enaga] und Charme hat, auf jeden Fall
- Japanese Letter
http://myhome.cururu.jp/yurionn/blog/article/81002728190 [enaga] the eye of the bird is red young, is [enaga] ist das Auge des Vogels rote Junge, ist
- weblog title
http://orenge.tea-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-a215.html “[kogera]” it was in the crowd of [enaga „[kogera]“ war es in der Masse von [enaga
- Japanese weblog
http://cb400rdhp.cocolog-nifty.com/test/2010/02/post-a49b.html [enaga] 1/250 f7.1, a liberal translation [enaga] 1/250 f7.1
- my山開き
http://ishishinoshishi.tea-nifty.com/blog/2009/09/post-2ff2.html [enaga] it was in the mixed group, a liberal translation [enaga] war es in der Mischgruppe
- コウライウグイス
http://dokodemo-yachou.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/03/post-cdd6.html Don't you think? [enaga] or [yamagara] or [kogera]…, the Japanese bird it is good Nicht denken Sie? [enaga] oder [yamagara] oder [kogera]…, der japanische Vogel ist es gut
Long-tailed tit, Nature,