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○■ Although df Uchida of Kan nami Cho graduate Atsushi the person (22) (Kashima, mf Hasebe Makoto of Shimizu east high), Fujieda city graduate (26) (restraint Osamu east high), fw Okazaki German [uoruhusuburuku] and Fujieda (24) (Shimizu), the df Komano friend one (28) (Iwada) 4 players were chosen proper, it added, was long with the wound and line of battle was left gk Kawaguchi talent life of “protection God” (34) (Iwada and Shimizu trade high), this season inactive fw Yano your chapter (26) (Niigata, also the Hamana high) both players were elected
○■ Masatane gk Narasaki (Nag oya) Kawasima long 嗣 (Kawasaki) Kawaguchi talent life (Iwada) Yuji df Nakazawa (Yokohama m) Tanaka Marx fighting 莉 the king (Nagoya) the Komano friend one (Iwada) the rock governmental large tree (Kashima) long friend 佑 capital (fc Tokyo) Uchida Atsushi the person (Kashima) Koo Yasushi happiness (fc Tokyo) mf Nakamura 俊 輔 (Yokohama fm) Junichi Inamoto (Kawasaki) Nakamura law hardness (Kawasaki) Endo Mamoru benevolence (g Osaka) Hasebe Makoto ([uoruhusuburuku]) Keisuke Honda (cska Moscow) Daisuke Matsui (Grenoble) Abe Isamu tree (Urawa) restraint Osamu fw Okazaki (Don't you think? Shimizu) ball rice field Keizi (Nagoya) Morimoto your happiness (the Cathar near) Ookubo 嘉 person (Kobe) Yano your chapter (Niigata) there are no many surprises,… with as for those where Yano is chosen that it was good selection after thinking, Kawaguchi good Narasaki compared to is Kawaguchi group, (∀) it is above.
○■ The world cup of the socc er which is commenced on June 11th (the w cup) 23 Japanese typical players who participate in the south African conference on the 10th, was announced from Okada Takeshi history supervision
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