http://twitter.com/AGGYYOUNG RT@alexander_0729: u7686u3055u3093uff01u30d0u30ecu30f3u30bfu30a4u30f3u306eu30dau30ecu30bbu30f3u30c8u30fc u3069u3046u3082 u3042u308au304cu3068u3046 u3054u3056u3044u307eu3057u305fuff01u30b5u30f3u30c0u304c u672cu5f53u306b u5e78u305bu3067u3059uff01 So happy cuz I didn't know I've got Valentine's gifts from Japan... u3160vu3160
- * Serialization [masakionzamaiku]*
http://blog.livedoor.jp/masaki_mkb/archives/51670291.html 10/5 (Monday) 10/5 (lundi)
- With Tokyo Kouenzi 15,000 person, counter nuclear demonstration, reporting the nuclear protest meeting in France to 4/10 with the NHK comprehensive television
http://ameblo.jp/mayu1117/entry-10858827264.html In counter nuclear demonstration 15,000 human participation [orutana] April 10th (day) 19:31 transmissions Dans contre- les transmissions humaines de 19:31 du 10 avril de participation de la démonstration 15.000 nucléaires [orutana] (jour)
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://ameblo.jp/hirachire/entry-10685009160.html 2010.10.23 (sat) 16: 00~22: 00 fee: 2000yen (2drink) +goods, a liberal translation 2010.10.23 16:00 (reposés) ~22 : honoraires 00 : 2000yen (2drink) +goods
- 色んな意味で晒し者的な…?(^_^;)
http://blog.livedoor.jp/rimroux/archives/51512729.html 2009 May 30th (Saturday) 18:00 open/18: 30start (21: 00 end of a show schedules), a liberal translation 2009 18:00 open/18 du 30 mai (samedi) : 30start (21 : fin 00 des programmes d'une exposition)
Nishida Tsunetoshi, Reportage,