- , a liberal translation
http://nyam2.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/post-863e.html Being vivid, when they are the clothes, but the kind of color which it does not wear no matter what, accessory feeling compared to furthermore moderate, it probably becomes the point where but accent is effective, a liberal translation 是生动的,当他们是衣裳时,此外,但是它不佩带的这颜色,不管,与辅助感觉温和派比较,它大概成为点,但是口音是有效的
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://ameblo.jp/tomnishi/entry-10705895225.html In addition, silver chain cool touch of accent “[rezaru] pearl” series 另外,银色链冷却口音“[rezaru]珍珠”系列接触
- From band area and mud Oshima suica inserting
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sakatam2002/e/8e3d6adb4e2ab29a449fbb6ded311a68 Is that the happening to have of the fastener have no other choice but to the beige, but it became result good accent, a liberal translation 是偶然有紧固件没有其他选择,但是对灰棕色的那,但是它成为了结果好口音
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