- Mt Everest ascent most young record renewal
http://ameblo.jp/tabibitochaya/entry-10542046767.html The mountain and the sea, the fact that the natural environment is destroyed is present condition, a liberal translation A montanha e o mar, o fato de que o ambiente natural está destruído são circunstância atual
- [ me^ru koushin ]22 nichi no nikki
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/affection02/diary/201011220001/ Because weather of the mountain is easy to change, because the time, descent had been decided to sometime, also mountain-climbing pace is decided, a liberal translation Porque o tempo da montanha é fácil de mudar, porque o tempo, descida tinha sido decidido algum dia, o ritmo igualmente deescalada é decidido
- We're presenting to translate Japanese text into multiple languages for multilingual communication.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/terusan117/e/22198af9f1be099f682b40e331df95fc The gas rose to the valley of the mountain, a liberal translation O gás levantou-se ao vale da montanha
- weblog title
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/terusan117/e/20f341cd07bb9dca372169970bec5974 The temple is visible in the inner part of the mountain O templo é visível na parte interna da montanha
Everest, Reportage, Nature,