- It is to be able to be
http://nak.moe-nifty.com/hom/2011/11/post-d9a9.html However it is to have known from the time where by his is about the preschool, with the same Japanese, thing just of the bean jam being produced, a liberal translation Porém é ter sabido do tempo onde por sua é sobre o pré-escolar, com o mesmo japonês, a coisa apenas do atolamento do feijão que está sendo produzido
- The [ohupisutesuki] (22)
http://wadapro.at.webry.info/201111/article_6.html By your going you hesitated, but because it was the invitation with special care of the Nepal going, we had decided to go Seu indo você hesitou, mas porque era o convite com cuidado especial do Nepal que vai, nós tínhamos decidido ir
- �� seishun wo yama ni kake te ��
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ryo_the_freeman/62368601.html By his would like to do what, with, everything is to be decided, don't you think?, a liberal translation Por seu gostaria de fazer o o que, com, tudo deve ser decidida, você não pensa?
- In “Christmas promise” tear…, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/junk1404/e/72321ed4d1b55944a62be9c69b7294f4 Your own having song just [kaname], keep singing that one after another with medley, a liberal translation Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- charenji shi tsuduke ru �� kin suma to �� uwasa bokumetsu nin kimura kun �� wattsu ������
http://ameblo.jp/mahler0818/entry-10813221936.html Your own range of vision spread, Sua própria escala da propagação da visão,
- 「出雲阿国」
http://ningleopi.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1056239/ By his doing, the man equipment you become mountain Saburo Só fazendo, o equipamento do homem você transforma-se montanha Saburo
- 夢の共同企画!X-WINGツアーレポート =3=
http://ameblo.jp/happy-days1224/entry-10359144319.html Please carry back the rubbish which you put out by your by your, make all ones important, a liberal translation Carreg por favor para trás os desperdícios que você põr para fora pelo seu perto seu, fazem todos os importantes
Everest, Reportage, Nature,