http://apple-zakkalife.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/11/post-2b46.html Lunch like breakfast which occurs in the inside of a plane of klm Almoce como o pequeno almoço que ocorre no interior de um plano do klm
- Long one day… JL042 at flight
http://bloemenvanthura.air-nifty.com/bloemen/2011/10/post-3c36.html As for start of the embarkation of klm 6: 35, morning quick ~ Quanto para ao começo do embarque do 6:35 do klm, ~ rápido da manhã
- JL041 flight and [rosutobagetsuji
http://bloemenvanthura.air-nifty.com/bloemen/2011/05/8-586b.html The bread and the coffee which it receives in the airplane of klm have converted (to Dutch person very tastily?! By his), is released from the strain and completely is relieved even mentally was O pão e o café que recebe no avião do klm converteram (à pessoa holandesa muito tastily?! Por seu), é liberado da tensão e completamente aliviado mesmo era mentalmente
- original letters
http://suisui-01.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/09/1-b237.html As for the airplane of klm, fuselage of two ton color of blue and white Quanto para ao avião do klm, da fuselagem de uma cor de duas toneladas de azul e de branco
Amsterdam, Sport,