- European tour that②Occurring, somehow the ~ jet lag
http://bb22.cocolog-nifty.com/jikoman/2011/04/post-dfc9.html As for either snooze without doing in the airplane whether it was correct answer, Quanto para a um ou outro snooze sem fazer no avião se era a resposta correta,
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://utsubohan.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-05-05-3 The airplane transavia aviation which is written on the passage, with low cost carrier something of Air France klm the shank A aviação do transavia do avião que é escrita na passagem, com o portador do baixo custo algo do klm de Air France a pata
- , a liberal translation
http://utsubohan.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-04-27-7 To start the airplane to almost fixed carving/moment, takeoff Para ligar o avião a cinzeladura quase fixa/momento, decolagem
- recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
http://azemichi-nikki.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-5a8d.html When it rides in the airplane directly, it makes the changing room enter, a liberal translation Quando monta no avião diretamente, faz o quarto de mudança entrar
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http://bloemenvanthura.air-nifty.com/bloemen/2011/01/2-b729.html It is not detailed in the airplane, but with flight it was flying through the route of such a north well from Narita, but as for flight excessively it had not flown through the route of this most north from the Seki sky, a liberal translation Não é detalhado no avião, mas com vôo estava voando através da rota de tal norte bem de Narita, mas quanto para ao vôo não tinha voado excessivamente através da rota deste a maioria de norte do céu de Seki
- Japanese Letter
http://sindansi-goukaku.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/05/post-2b20.html From the airplane the time [te], first, doing,, a liberal translation Do avião o tempo [te], primeiro, fazendo,
- Europe flight, circumstance of 19th morning
http://diving.air-nifty.com/marlene/2010/04/iceland.html When the jet engine of the airplane, sucks the volcanic ash, being heated inside the engine, it dissolves, but that way, inside the engine, it is stuck Quando o motor de jato do avião, suga a cinza vulcânica, sendo aquecido dentro do motor, dissolve-se, mas essa maneira, dentro do motor, é furado
Amsterdam, Sport,