- If New York second about Episode 18? ANA09 flight in-flight service first volume
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/member_of_jgc/64192835.html Of course it is the champagne Конечно оно было [hetoheto
- Sorrento 1, a liberal translation
http://tiaretahitians.cocolog-nifty.com/diary/2011/04/1-bb81.html At that place furthermore the box was recreated of course in the last small bamboo grass, a liberal translation На том месте furthermore коробка была воссоздана конечно в последней малой bamboo траве
- In the inner part of OpenGardenDaysAmsterdam2011・・・ building
http://bloemenvanthura.air-nifty.com/bloemen/2011/06/post-2187.html Of course it was [hetoheto Конечно оно было [hetoheto
- Being wrapped in cool tone, Tours Summer2011, a liberal translation
http://bloemenvanthura.air-nifty.com/bloemen/2011/08/post-0e00.html Of course, the flower which is planted by season and the flower which has bloomed are different, probably will be Конечно, цветок который засажен к сезон и цветок который зацветал друг, вероятно будет
- Escaping from illegal sea area, a liberal translation
http://dol.livedoor.biz/archives/51757713.html The fact that of course the rubbish is sent is impolite behavior Факт который конечно хламу посылают невежливое поведение
- Japanese talking
http://hirublog.cocolog-nifty.com/ohiru/2010/10/post-cc49.html You forget also of course sweet ones, the [wa] which the [chi] [ya] is not depending? Вы забываете также конечно помадку одни, [wa] которые [хи] [ya] не зависит?
- original letters
http://bloemenvanthura.air-nifty.com/bloemen/2010/06/post-63c8.html Of course also the champagne not forgetting (has been taken to the photograph) Конечно также шампанское не забывая (делает к фотографии)
Amsterdam, Sport,