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    Nature related words Hypsipetes amaurotis sekirei Ardea cinerea Anas poecilorhyncha Japanese Tit Turtledove Autumn leaves Jungle crow Water wagtail

    • Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 May 22nd (Sunday)
      In “it was and is dense forest” vicinity, [hashibutogarasu] which stops in the wood outside the park was and had done, the feather [zu] [ku] [ro].
      “Era e é na vizinhança da floresta densa”, [hashibutogarasu] que os batentes na madeira fora do parque eram e tinham feito, na pena [zu] [ku] [ro].

    • Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 May 22nd (Sunday)
      “It was and it is dense outside the forest”, it gripped those [hashibutogarasu] like the pan and was flying., a liberal translation
      “Era e é denso fora da floresta”, prendeu aqueles [hashibutogarasu] como a bandeja e estava voando.

    • Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 June 26th (day)
      “It was and is dense in the waterway of forest” vicinity, the poult 5 feather of [karugamo] had dived.
      “Era e é denso na via navegável a vizinhança da floresta”, a pena da ave jovem 5 [karugamo] do tido mergulhado.

    • Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 May 22nd (Sunday)
      “It was and is dense it became difficult [karugamo] of forest” vicinity for the bird to distinguish the forming bird young.
      “Era e é denso ele tornou-se difícil [karugamo] vizinhança da floresta” para que o pássaro distinga os jovens de formação do pássaro.

    • Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 May 22nd (Sunday)
      “It was and is dense, the thrush had reversed the fallen leaves even with the other side of the waterway of forest” vicinity.
      “Era e é denso, o tordo tinha invertido as folhas caídas mesmo com o outro lado da via navegável vizinhança da floresta”.

    • Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 May 7th (Saturday)
      With “it was and is dense the forest”, the Japanese white-eye chirped [chichiyuruchiyuruchi].
      Com “ela era e é densa a floresta”, o branco-olho japonês chilrou [chichiyuruchiyuruchi].

    • Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 May 22nd (Sunday)
      To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
      “Era e é denso na via navegável vizinhança da floresta”, quando a pena da ave jovem 5 de [karugamo], tomando a alimentação, ele nadou.

    • Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 May 1st (day)
      With “it was and is dense the forest”, the thrush had dug up the earth.
      Com “ela era e é densa a floresta”, o tordo tinha escavado acima a terra.

    • Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 March 9th (water)
      “It was and is dense in the post of the forest”, [shirohara] had stopped. Immediately passing by side, at all, there are no circumstances which escape. Fairly, it is accustomed to the person and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is.
      “Era e é denso no borne da floresta”, [shirohara] tinha parado. Não está passando imediatamente pelo lado, de todo, nenhuma circunstância que escapam. Razoavelmente, é acostumada à pessoa e [qui] [ya] [tsu] é.

    • Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 March 16th (water), a liberal translation
      “It was and is dense the sidewalk of the forest”, [shirohara] was leaping [piyonpiyon].
      “Era e é denso o passeio da floresta”, [shirohara] estava pulando [piyonpiyon].

    • Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
      “It was and it is dense in the waterway of forest” vicinity, the poult 5 feather of [karugamo] which becomes large performing a handstand, it took the feed. In “it is and is dense the forest”, [shijiyu
      “Era e é denso na via navegável a vizinhança da floresta”, a pena da ave jovem 5 de [karugamo] que se torna grande executando um handstand, ele tomou a alimentação. Em “ela é e é densa a floresta”, [shijiyu

    • Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
      Through “it was and is dense [hashibutogarasu] which grips those like the meat kept passing the forest”.
      Com “ele era e é denso [hashibutogarasu] que prende aqueles como a carne mantida passar a floresta”.

    • May be linked to more detailed information..
      “It was and is dense in the fence of the forest”, [shirohara] had stopped.
      “Era e é denso na cerca da floresta”, [shirohara] tinha parado.

    • These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
      With “it was and is dense the forest”, [shijiyuukara] poked Konomi., a liberal translation
      Com “ela era e é densa a floresta”, [shijiyuukara] Konomi picado.

    • weblog title
      With “it was and is dense the forest”, [onaga] where the tail is short young the bird was crowded.
      Com “ela era e é densa a floresta”, [onaga] onde a cauda é jovem que curto o pássaro foi aglomerado.

    • Japanese Letter
      “It was and is dense on the waterway of forest” vicinity, the kingfisher kept to east.
      “Era e é denso na via navegável vizinhança da floresta”, o martinho pescatore mantido ao leste.

    • original letters
      With “it was and is dense the forest”, the gray starling [kachikachi] had sounded the bill. As for observing such conduct the first time. There probably is some meaning.
      Com “ela era e é densa a floresta”, o cinza que starling [kachikachi] tinha soado a conta. Quanto para a observar tais conduta a primeira vez. Há provavelmente algum significado.

    • weblog title
      On “it was and are dense forest” vicinity, the yellow mushroom and the thin black mushroom had grown., a liberal translation
      “Era e é na vizinhança da floresta densa”, o cogumelo amarelo e o cogumelo preto fino tinha crescido.

    • Japanese talking
      “It was and is dense to the road of forest” vicinity, the semi coming out shell had fallen.
      “Era e é denso à estrada vizinhança da floresta”, semi a vinda para fora escudo tinha caído.

    • Japanese talking
      In “it was and is dense forest” vicinity, the flower of [someiyoshino] started scattering, the petal whirled feel nervously.
      “Era e é na vizinhança da floresta densa”, a flor [someiyoshino] da dispersão começada, a sensação girada pétala nervosa.

    • Japanese talking
      With “it was and is dense the forest”, the bee the [a] had stuffed the honey and the pollen of [nanohana], (the photograph).
      Com “ele eram e são denso a floresta”, da abelha [a] tido enchido o mel e o pólen de [nanohana], (a fotografia).

    • original letters
      “It was and is dense in the waterway of forest” vicinity, the parent and child of [karugamo] was. As for poult 7 feathers. That yesterday it was, is., a liberal translation
      “Era e é denso na via navegável vizinhança da floresta”, o pai e a criança de [karugamo] era. Quanto para às penas da ave jovem 7. Que ontem era, é.

    • original letters
      With “it was and is dense the forest”, the gray starling gripped the semi stomach., a liberal translation
      Com “ela era e é densa a floresta”, starling cinzento prendeu semi o estômago.

    • Japanese talking
      “It was and is dense in the waterway of forest” vicinity, [kawau] obtained the fish and the [tsu] [te] ate.
      “Era e é denso na via navegável vizinhança da floresta”, o martinho pescatore mantido ao leste.

    • Japanese Letter
      “It is and is dense [pirakansa] of the other side of the waterway of forest” vicinity (? ) In the wood, [onaga] having gotten together, the red truth was eaten.
      “É e é denso [pirakansa] do outro lado da via navegável vizinhança da floresta” (? ) Na madeira, [onaga] reunindo, a verdade vermelha foi comida.

    • Japanese Letter
      In “it was and is dense the forest”, [akahara] was.
      Em “ela era e é densa a floresta”, [akahara] era.

    • Japanese Letter
      In “it was and is dense the forest”, [akahara] was.
      Em “ela era e é densa a floresta”, [akahara] era.

    • Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2010 April 29th (wood)
      In “it was and are dense forest” vicinity, [namiageha] and the cabbage butterfly whirled., a liberal translation
      “Era e é na vizinhança da floresta densa”, [namiageha] e na borboleta de repolho girada.

    • Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2010 July 25th (day)
      With “it was and are dense the forest”, the children of [hashibutogarasu], played with the dead leaf.
      Com “ela era e é densa a floresta”, as crianças de [hashibutogarasu], jogadas com a folha inoperante.

    • 鳥@仙台堀川公園 2009年11月15日(日)
      In “it was and is dense forest” vicinity, [uguisu] did and went outside the [ge] straw raincoat but, when it tried probably to take the photograph, it entered to grove. Well, it is wasted.
      “Era e é na vizinhança da floresta densa”, [uguisu] fêz e foi parte externa o raincoat da palha [ge] mas, quando tentou provavelmente tomar a fotografia, entrou ao bosque. Bem, é desperdiçada.

    • 鳥@仙台堀川公園 2009年9月6日(日)
      In “it was and it is dense the forest”, today the bulbul the bird being young, it received the feed from the parent bird.
      Em “ele era e é denso a floresta”, hoje o bulbul o pássaro que é novo, ele recebeu a alimentação do pássaro do pai.

    • 鳥@仙台堀川公園 2009年9月13日(日)
      To “it was and is dense the forest”, Konomi actual like [tochi] had fallen, the large quantity., a liberal translation
      “Era e é denso a floresta”, Konomi real como [tochi] tido caído, a grande quantidade.

    • 鳥@仙台堀川公園 2009年9月14日(月)
      With “it was and is dense the forest”, the bulbul flying had caught the type of [kanabun].
      Com “ela era e é densa a floresta”, o vôo do bulbul tinha travado o tipo de [kanabun].

    • 鳥@仙台堀川公園 2009年9月5日(土)
      In “it was and is dense the forest”, the bulbul the bird was had called 3 feathers young, tweet tweet. You could observe also the fact that the parent bird gives the feed.
      Em “ela era e é densa a floresta”, o bulbul que o pássaro foi tido chamou 3 jovens das penas, tweet do tweet. Você poderia observar igualmente o fato de que o pássaro do pai dá a alimentação.

    • 鳥@仙台堀川公園 2009年7月4日(土)
      “It was and is dense from the bush of the forest”, [kawarahiwa] flew away 2 feathers., a liberal translation
      “Era e é denso do arbusto da floresta”, [kawarahiwa] voou afastado 2 penas.

    • 鳥@仙台堀川公園 2009年5月25日(月)
      With “it was and is dense the forest”, the gray starling 2 feather chased [hashibutogarasu] and turned.
      Com “ele era e é densos a floresta”, o cinza que starling a pena 2 perseguida [hashibutogarasu] e girada.

    • 鳥@仙台堀川公園 2009年5月27日(水)
      “It was and is dense the flower of the hydrangea of forest” vicinity started blooming., a liberal translation
      “Era e é denso a flor do hydrangea da florescência começada vizinhança da floresta”.

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