- 32bit soul
http://ameblo.jp/mz-2000/entry-10432326587.html “Something, you are disgusted, the [ya]!”, a liberal translation “Algo, você é disgusted, [o ya]!”
- The music ♪ which shakes soul, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/MaiA23/diary/200908310000/ “Something the [a], the being disgusted [ya] [a] - -” it is to be feeling, a liberal translation “Algo [a], ser repugnado [ya] [a] - -” é sentir
- News item , a liberal translation
Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- It is and - is - it is, - -…
http://ameblo.jp/a-pon1027/entry-10291872034.html “Something you are disgusted, [ya] []!” “Algo você é disgusted, [o ya] []!”
- So [e
Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/tatanpapa/entry-10350901189.html Looking at the blood where “something you are disgusted and can stick Yuusaku that Matsuda of the [ya] ~~~~~~,”, is attached to the hand, it is the word which you said, but truly, it was instant of the surprise Olhar o sangue onde “algo você é disgusted e pode furar Yuusaku que Matsuda do ~~~~~~ [do ya],”, é unido à mão, é a palavra que você disse, mas verdadeiramente, era instante da surpresa
- Seven God vessels when becoming feverish
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kazuma07122005/archives/52351061.html “Something, you are disgusted, the [ya]!”, a liberal translation “Algo, você é disgusted, [o ya]!”
Matsuda Yusaku, Entertainment, Drama,