- Japanese Letter
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/zabutoy/61261501.html Being the Al tar the series development of vivid begins in the series, because so is, expectation increases Está sendo o piche do Al o desenvolvimento da série de vívido começa na série, porque assim, que a expectativa aumenta
- weblog title
http://blog.livedoor.jp/m6845932/archives/51499879.html The fairway figure of the Al tar, being popularity like, the shank A figura do fairway do piche do Al, sendo popularidade gosta, a pata
- Joy and anger grief and happiness
http://yaplog.jp/sisterred/archive/1296 Sale “of the Akiyama fairway figure” of the Al tar is provisional, but that it was decided in January, there was communication A venda “da figura do fairway de Akiyama” do piche do Al é provisional, mas isso decidiu-se em janeiro, lá era uma comunicação
- A city of high Ekushidomodo (ALTER)
http://syuuamamori2.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-03-01 The series to be possible to be Al tar, in the truth calling Good Heavens A série a ser possível para ser piche do Al, na verdade que chama bons céus
- キャラホビ2009
http://syuuamamori2.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-08-29 Puppy [zahuira] of Al tar Filhote de cachorro [zahuira] do piche do Al
Alter, Anime,