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○■ 5月1日 (日)...
○■ 《細い櫛形状の空 取り入れ口... It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ (後で市の公式h で見ると、... recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
○■ 木造平屋建一部1階 建て、天井は...
○■ 木造平屋建て、ス ート葺き、...
○■ 木造平屋建
○■ So and some days ago ridi ng in the Tokyo Metropolitan bus service in a little hot day, it is to think a little, but this year, perhaps in the national capital region the passenger of the bus barely increases by some chance not just the Tokyo Metropolitan bus service,, a liberal translation
○■ 木造平屋建ての市 住宅... City barracks residence of wooden flat house building
○■ Anyhow, if such match spr eads to also other area, with you think
○■ 木造平屋建で、東 の洋館部と西... With wooden flat house building, it consists of the Western style building section of east side and the harmony mansion section west side, even the nationwide unusual gold China paper is pasted in the wall and the ceiling
○■ This time, partly due to the woodwork at the flat house,
○■ このラジカセ、た か僕らが小... This radio-cassette tape recorder, there were certain I from at the time of the elementary school student
Wooden bungalow construction,