- Electronics construction of railroad model
http://pandaneko1.blog120.fc2.com/blog-entry-544.html By the way, having tried to the last to refer of remodelling [purareru], it means that it learned the foundation,… 顺便说一句,设法对为时提到改造[purareru],意味着它学会了基础,…
- The GM [kiha] 45 shape kit is made, (the part 5)
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/inabaji-rapid5828/e/54e3b72c659892ea175c4b51911749d5 By the way the light/write point. The classification indicatory part of the car because the part of the [kiha] 47 shape attachment of tomix is excessive, rather than starting cutting the seal, diverts with the notion that where it is easy, 顺便说一句光或写点。 汽车的分类指示的零件,因为tomix的[kiha] 47形状附件的零件是过份的,而不是开始削减封印,牵制与的概念哪里是容易,
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/wara3572/64075471.html The diorama base which is introduced by the way with the previous article is the schedule which is used with the scene of the rust battle of the climax, a liberal translation 顺便说一句介绍与早先文章的西洋镜基地是使用与顶极的铁锈争斗场面的日程表
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/hmc-tec/entry-10636833186.html By the way, you put away the winter, so is 顺便说一句,您投入了冬天,如此是
railway Models, Avocation,