- The third “the [chi] quickly is shaken” neck “it touches and others going”, a liberal translation
http://next884mat.at.webry.info/201110/article_49.html Now therefore [puramai] 0 to call, that, a liberal translation Ahora por lo tanto [puramai] 0 a llamar, de que
- opinion piece , evaluation / appreciation , suggestions, discussion, debate, issues, reviews, thoughts, feedback,
http://ameblo.jp/monyu28/entry-10804914881.html Now when you think, that it ends, impression unmeasured Ahora en que usted piensa, eso que termina, impresión unmeasured
- Nihongo
http://ameblo.jp/winnercoffee/entry-10438997903.html When this becomes 3 minute first half, you call and it is feeling, don't you think? ¿Cuándo ésta se convierte en primera mitad de 3 minutos, usted llama y él está sintiendo, usted no piensa?
- weblog title
http://passo-a-passo.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-02-07 This year now, indoor safety and non illness breath disaster, a liberal translation Este año ahora, seguridad y no desastre de interior de la respiración de la enfermedad
Snowball fight, japanese culture,