- Meal, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/camaro1997conv/entry-10821166957.html Those which Leonard [da] [vuinchi] draws, a liberal translation Los que Leonard [DA] [vuinchi] dibuja
- Next the Milan travelling.
http://fiorenkiri.cocolog-nifty.com/kirienikki/2010/04/post-a062.html At the place where there is “a last supper” Leonard [da] [vuinchi] the shank, a liberal translation En el lugar donde hay “una cena pasada” Leonard [DA] [vuinchi] la caña
- Virgin of Rocks, a liberal translation
http://hgstrm2.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-10-03 In the masterpiece which is the quantity of Leonard [da] [vuinchi], the fact that I like “the Holy Mother of picture cave” of beginning is to be, but that you saw is different, when me you have known, some days ago something, what, En la obra maestra que es la cantidad de Leonard [DA] [vuinchi], el hecho de que tenga gusto “la madre santa de la cueva del cuadro” del principio es ser, pero que usted vio es diferente, cuando yo que usted ha conocido, hace algunos días algo, qué,
- The dinner of main thing
http://ameblo.jp/dokkyohisashi/entry-10461239942.html With the picture of the dinner of last moment of Leonard [da] [vuinchi], it is the part where the person where at this story has known also the [te], not to be Christian is many Con el cuadro de la cena del momento pasado de Leonard [DA] [vuinchi], es la pieza donde la persona donde en esta historia ha sabido también [te], para no ser cristiana es muchas
- In origin of protection of mother
http://ameblo.jp/khaneyedust/entry-10692086703.html Leonard [da] [vuinchi] work 'saintly [anna] and the Holy Mother child' 1508-1510 year ([ruvuru] fine arts museum possession) is El trabajo de Leonard [DA] [vuinchi] “santo [Ana] y el año del niño santo” 1508-1510 de la madre (posesión del museo de las bellas arte [del ruvuru]) es
- The pastel is drawn with [suhumato] technique
http://cats2004.blog50.fc2.com/blog-entry-744.html Leonard [da] [vuinchi] (1452 - 1519) and the like the artist of the 16th century created Por ejemplo Leonard [DA] [vuinchi] (1452 - 1519) el artista del siglo XVI creó
- weblog title
Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
- Japanese talking
http://genki-eguchi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-47b3.html Leonard [da] [vuinchi] and [rahuaero], connected Brandt, [rubensu] and l Greco, [goya], [berasukesu], [runowaru] and [sezannu], van Gogh, [gogiyan], Picasso…The enormous fine arts work which even 3,000,000 point of the worldwide artist is said was highlight truly Leonard [DA] [vuinchi] y [rahuaero], Brandt conectado, [rubensu] y l Greco, [goya], [berasukesu], [runowaru] y [sezannu], Van Gogh, [gogiyan], Picasso… el trabajo enorme de las bellas arte que incluso dicen 3.000.000 puntos del artista mundial eran punto culminante verdad
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/hirokikemartintin/entry-10655343388.html The [uitoru] [uiusu] human body figure of Leonard [da] [vuinchi], Leonard, concept of the galaxy which is based on ancient Greek world view, in other words, as for function of the human body is something which designates the concept which it believes that it is related with the movement of outer space, that way as the drawing [Uitoru] [uiusu] la figura del cuerpo humano de Leonard [DA] [vuinchi], Leonard, concepto de la galaxia que se basa en visión mundial del griego clásico, es decir en cuanto a la función del cuerpo humano es algo que señala el concepto que cree que está relacionado con el movimiento del espacio exterior, esa manera como el dibujo
- weblog title
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kiichigobatake52/50348465.html The form of the partner who is called the Leonard [da] [vuinchi] design, passes each other is not visible, there are also double winding stairs La forma del socio que se llama el Leonard [DA] [vuinchi] diseño, se pasa no es visible, allí es también escaleras dobles de la bobina
- original letters
Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
- Journey to Europe '09 ~ローマにて②、フィレンツェへ~
http://ameblo.jp/blog-lily/entry-10314190883.html “[reda] and the swan” of Leonard [da] [vuinchi] saw while lending out and the [re] it was regrettable not to be, “[reda] y el cisne” de la sierra de Leonard [DA] [vuinchi] mientras que prestaba hacia fuera y [con referencia a] era deplorable no ser,
Leonardo da Vinci, Movie,