- Walking road ♪ of fall
http://brand-new.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-7aeb.html When it is such view, also being pleasant to walk, the shank [tsu]! ¡Cuando es tal visión, también siendo agradable de caminar, la caña [tsu]!
- Ten day barbarian
http://55926699.at.webry.info/201201/article_10.html Such custom, meaning does not understand and also the [te] is continued long, a liberal translation Tal aduana, significando no entiende y también [te] se continúa de largo
- The post rainfall it is cold step, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/jungle_fire_water/e/9e3fca10ae29ec327df75961d0669674 Also the moss of such trunk says, or, that the one which will be been moist in the rain, is an amorousness calls something,… También el musgo de tal tronco dice, o, que el que será sido húmedo en la lluvia, es llamadas de un amorousness algo,…
- The old intellectual house Keiko's nuclear plant you drive, it is
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/urokodama721/e/bbec166ff543b5b04278704bf2356686 Appealing with such technique, the [ru] person is, it is the shelf!! With it is delightful very, that it says, or became shocking feeling, a liberal translation ¡Apelando con tal técnica, la persona [ru] es, él es el estante!! Con él es encantador muy, ésa que dice, o se convirtió en sensación impactante
Street tree, Locality,