- Feeling 9/6 of morning
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sansyoku77/archives/51823027.html Because it is such a circumstance, as for present futures final value expectation 8690 - 8750 final values are expected Porque es tal circunstancia, en cuanto a la expectativa final 8690 del valor de los actuales futuros - se esperan 8750 valores finales
http://blog.livedoor.jp/riku_scot/archives/51973643.html With as for such a such a 4th day end Con en cuanto tan a un tan 4to día termine
- Feeling 7/20 of morning
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sansyoku77/archives/51811987.html At such a place, as for present futures final value expectation 9980 - 10030 final values are expected, a liberal translation En tal lugar, en cuanto a la expectativa final 9980 del valor de los actuales futuros - se esperan 10030 valores finales
- kodai girisha ten too hiru gohan
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/gatonegro_blanca/e/c3df3e6f347c04439a8a30660525e669 Being satisfied with such a such, at the same time becoming tired rather, there was no physical strength which looks at this permanent establishment exhibition,… the [gu] [nu] [nu], physical strength insufficiency Siendo satisfecho con tal tal, al mismo tiempo cansado algo, allí no era ninguna fuerza física que mira esta exposición del establecimiento permanente,… [gu] [NU] [NU], escasez de la fuerza física
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