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○■ 薩長同盟
○■ This night God. . At the falling mansion you look at the steed of the 阪 wife
○■ Real low-class distilled spirits Riyuuma transmission original make-up boxed potato wheat… - Riyuuma Sakamoto which runs and comes out the last days of the shogunate
○■ Nevertheless, “the secr et step [tsu] [te] Saigo of Riyuuma's” (Takahashi 克 the truth) it was to approach the alliance with Tiyousiyuu, don't you think? is
○■ It moves to 薩 long alli ance from next week, it seems being, the shank
○■ How probably will be? As for Riyuuma of dignified form?
○■ As for Riyuuma thinking, say that because of the Tiyousiyuu feudal clan which desires the weapon in order to fight with the shogunate, the name of the Satsuma feudal clan is lent
○■ Riyuuma does not ride in such transaction, however, original thing is trusted is first completely with the shank
○■ First the chronological t able and the person correlation diagram and the [yu] temporary area introduction etc which put together Riyuuma's and Yatarou's life with the color were published
○■ Even then being wise, wit h the person who has also courage, it cut the stomach nicely, so is
○■ But, Satsuma tied allianc e, but in the Satsuma feudal clan opinion without standardizing, Saigo was agonized
○■ But as for Riyuuma as for such a risk with consent, they are all [bu] [tsu] [chi] [ya] beam
○■ But in your own rule that “it tries to think,” sincerity
○■ Riyuuma, making use of mi litary force to the utmost was the person who thought of that it pushes down even the occasion where the Tokugawa shogunate is defeated
○■ Is dense, this! This way as for selling Riyuuma Sakamoto in Commander-in-Chief Yatarou Iwasaki! Mr. Yatarou! “In this way, the [ze] where 薩 long alliance becomes…”How, when lets flow leisurely narration and takes among them the space! The 待 [tsu] the Tetsu or [a] occasion where you question! In the coming which the big river of 3 years later makes “Iwasaki Yatarou transmission” by Mitsubishi power, the snow [gi] increases stigma!
It sets aside joke, (Mitsubishi people…The [me] it is do
○■ Because you think that al so Riyuuma Sakamoto is simply the big mouse,
○■ In each case because you think, that also the slag of Riyuuma comes out, we would like to enjoy that,
○■ Pages Web liees ecrit en japonais ,
○■ Riyuuma's face was, just, actual Riyuuma like this, that, it was the kind of face which you think whether it is it is not,
○■ 薩 long alliance and lar ge governmental 奉 還 etc
○■ Two people in the Edo per iod Satchō Alliance,大政奉還, the number of people have achieved such a feat of maritime trade is well known that, age is respected as a pioneer for the founding principles of parliamentary democracy and liberalism, not only that, the personality is a lot of people being cared for in
○■ But to carry through the spirit of the Restoration Thus, it will need some 30-year period
○■ The high and had been sen t letters from Saigo s was assassinated when he was alive. . Said one Junnosuke
○■ Tokugawa period, was good at many things connected with this --
○■ Many Japanese, Ryoma Saka moto is the first time learned of this
○■ Even if not captured a d ragon horse, it was found sufficient to achieve the purpose involved in the alliance to take the documents Satchō