- Tomorrow preliminary round of Olympic normal hill
http://ameblo.jp/nori66nori/entry-10457057502.html (´□ `.)More and more tomorrow preliminary round (`de ´□.)De plus en plus demain rond préliminaire
- Don't you think? the [wa] can of [wake] [e] rumor come out and the tie man
http://ameblo.jp/yu-ta66/entry-10442761345.html (Laughing) tomorrow was found the [ze] [i] ♪ which is upgraded (^ε^) the ♪ to keep speaking pleasantly, (*^o^*) is with,… the self-portrait (=_=:)And [tsu] [tsu] [tsu] [pa] [ri] teacher has! (`ε´) even the [a] which is laughed (=_=:)Because well it was found, however it is good, (--; the person of the [a] everyone hexa- name scene you applied? The oiler remaining in impression, when as for [ru] the chord older brother makes a mistake with the brain elucidation quiz and builds, feeds the green pea one word (Rire) demain a été trouvé [ze] [I] le ♪ qui est amélioré (^ε^) le ♪ pour continuer à parler agréablement, (*^o^*) est avec,… l'autoportrait (=_= :)Et [tsu] [tsu] [tsu] [PA] [ri] le professeur a ! (ε´ de `) même [a] qui est ri (=_= :)Puisque bon on l'a trouvé, toutefois il est bon, (--; la personne [a] du chacun scène nommée hexa que vous vous êtes appliquée ? Le graisseur restant dans l'impression, quand quant [RU] au frère plus âgé de corde fait une erreur avec le jeu et les constructions d'élucidation de cerveau, alimente au pois un mot
- The upper body comes off kana?
http://lisbah.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/03/post.html (; ´▽ `a `` (; `de ´▽ ``
Big Mac, Food And Drinks ,