- Aim for the ace.
http://myhome.cururu.jp/goromogu/blog/article/41002722334 To want stopping drawing the tennis picture after a long time, you drew, however it is,…, a liberal translation Para querer la detención dibujando el cuadro del tenis después de un rato largo, usted dibujó, no obstante es,…
- The just a little view [re] it is o (^o^) o
http://ameblo.jp/1440sg/entry-10241140452.html [tenimiyu] you saw after a long time however, and don't you think? the [tsu] [pa] it is good… Pulling, however the [ru], probably to keep seeing even from now on you tried heat restlessly to from the time before ¿[tenimiyu] usted vio después de un rato largo sin embargo, y usted no piensa? [tsu] [PA] es bueno… Tracción, no obstante [ru], guardar probablemente el ver incluso de ahora en adelante de usted intentó calor agitado a partir del tiempo antes
- Emperor deck (temporary), a liberal translation
http://myhome.cururu.jp/yuugiouorijinaru/blog/article/31002722628 Because it is the infrequent article, during this day off the deck which was made one is introduced Porque es el artículo infrecuente, durante este día libre se introduce la cubierta que fue hecha una
- ^p^ which looked at vision with [animeito] (, a liberal translation
http://myhome.cururu.jp/pohu/blog/article/71002762891 It is the infrequent diary! ^p^ ¡Es el diario infrecuente! ^p^
- [tenipuribaton] ^^ , a liberal translation
http://myhome.cururu.jp/reeo/blog/article/41002846864 ^p^ which you talk after a long time with [tenipuri]/the baton ^p^ que usted habla después de un rato largo con [tenipuri] el bastón de /the
- weblog title
http://myhome.cururu.jp/purplepython99/blog/article/81002759736 These are a Lots of Japanese the most recent topics. Sujets japonais, questions, opinions et suggestions, reflexions, commentaires, discussions, etc
Hyoutei, Manga,