- The sound novel of yearning now is done part150
The ◆150 which is live play of ◆SS edition 'town'! Front ⇒sm12597771 next ⇒ town ⇒mylist/9921991 renewal report ⇒mylist/12767041 [tsuitsuta] ⇒ http://twitter.com/fuhiky ◆150 которое игра в реальном маштабе времени варианта «городка» ◆SS! Переднее следующее ⇒ http://twitter.com/fuhiky отчете о ⇒mylist/12767041 возобновлением городка ⇒mylist/9921991 ⇒ ⇒sm12597771 [tsuitsuta Le ◆150 qui est jeu de phase d'édition « ville » de ◆SS ! Prochain ⇒ avant http://twitter.com/fuhiky du rapport ⇒mylist/12767041 [tsuitsuta] de renouvellement de la ville ⇒mylist/9921991 du ⇒ ⇒sm12597771
- Without QS QL perfection conquest par44
sm12588685 undecided - live summary user/9956747▲ sm12588685 unbestimmt - Phasenzusammenfassung user/9956747▲ sm12588685 indeciso - sumário vivo user/9956747▲
- <[mariosanshiyain]>Southern mustache, traveling of 煌 positive! part18
It just is, it is languid. * Viewing thank you. Revival fall pattern! The sou perm Rio sunshine the real condition is done. ■You are my destiny~♪ is to come the cartridge uncle was not found. 0 of ■2 gradual constitution. To search to the [yotsushi] blast 誕, after blast 誕 action main. Also call of the degree of highest hardness is high, it seems, but as expected? →sm12578916 →11/5 (gold) [u] p schedule. <[mariosanshiyainmairisuto]>→mylist/20343761 <[u] p animated picture comprehensive list>→mylist/13917628 →sm8775645 Twitter→xsepia2009 [burogu] -> http://xsepia.blog134.fc2.com/ live program →co18783 它是,它是疲倦的。 *观看感谢您。 复兴秋天样式! sou电烫里约阳光真正的情况完成。 ■You是我的destiny~♪是来弹药筒伯父未被找到。 0 ■2逐渐宪法。 搜寻到[yotsushi]疾风誕,在疾风誕行动扼要以后。 并且程度的电话最高的坚硬高,它似乎,但是正如所料? →sm12578916 →11/5 (金子) [u] p日程表。 →mylist/20343761 →mylist/13917628 →sm8775645 Twitter→xsepia2009 [burogu] - > http://xsepia.blog134.fc2.com/实况转播→co18783 Оно как раз, оно languid. * Осматривать благодарит вас. Картина падения возрождения! Сделана солнечность Рио perm sou реальное состояние. не было найдено ■You мое destiny~♪ прийти дядюшка патрона. 0 из постепенно конституции ■2. Искать к 誕 взрыва [yotsushi], после основы действия 誕 взрыва. Также звонок степени самой высокой твердости высок, он кажется, но как предположено? план-график →sm12578916 →11/5 (золота) [u] p. →mylist/20343761 →mylist/13917628 →sm8775645 Twitter→xsepia2009 [burogu] - > программа в реальном маштабе времени →co18783 http://xsepia.blog134.fc2.com/
- My gloss it is completed, (summer) live play part24
8/19 first volume. The [ru] seeing returned, like this doing, it keeps dividing with the person gradually, it is the combining which is… the latter half the insect sumo wrestling the [tsu] doing, it increases. part1→sm11600454 part23→sm12593862 part25→11/3 (the water) the night →11/4 (the wood) the night (it does truly and already there is no reason!)→mylist/10152173 such as mylist/20353291 other real condition 8/19 первых томов. [Ru] видеть возвращенный, как этот делать, его держит разделить с персоной постепенно, оно совмещать который… последняя половина wrestling sumo насекомого [tsu] делать, оно увеличивает. part1→sm11600454 part23→sm12593862 part25→11/3 (вода) ноча →11/4 (древесина) ноча (она делает поистине и уже никакая причина!)→mylist/10152173 как mylist/20353291 другое реальное состояние 8/19 premier volume. [RU] voir renvoyé, comme ce faire, le continue à se diviser avec la personne graduellement, il est la combinaison qui est… la dernière moitié d'insecte de lutte de sumo [tsu] faire, il augmente. part1→sm11600454 part23→sm12593862 part25→11/3 (l'eau) la nuit →11/4 (le bois) la nuit (elle fait vraiment et déjà il n'y a aucune raison !)→mylist/10152173 tel que mylist/20353291 l'autre vrai état
- One day MAFIA (Mafia) Day5
It is the real condition! When you see as the family together, it becomes awkward!! (As for the race/lace scene (enrollment) you think that sometime later you use even with entire collection compilation of impression,) about Day1→sm12435096 Day4→sm12575684 my lith →mylist/21655565 Day6→ Saturday 它是真正的情况! 当您一起时看见作为家庭,它变得笨拙!! (种族或鞋带场面(注册)您认为)关于Day1→sm12435096 Day4→sm12575684我的岩性学→mylist/21655565 Day6→星期六您过了一会使用甚而与印象的整个汇集编辑, Реальное состояние! Когда вы видите как семья совместно, оно будет несуразными!! (Место гонки/шнурка (набор) вы думаете) о Day1→sm12435096 Day4→sm12575684 мой lith →mylist/21655565 Day6→ суббота что когда-то более поздно вы используете даже с всем составлением собрания впечатления,
- Traveling to the new world starts, - Vega - 12th story
When it runs to lower news item, thinking that it is being defeated, the [ru]. Therefore we has tried as it is called in the real condition. Venture →sm10601516 of previous production The →sm12588529 next before →sm12154307 -> Saturday morning 5 o'clock the schedule my list →mylist/21191783 patch is something September 15th. [komiyu] entering, don't you think?!! →co217323 live play part1 link new work (blue ogre and the like) →mylist/15923690 [tsuitsuta] -> http://twitter.com/kiyo_saiore Quand il fonctionne pour abaisser la nouvelle, pensant qu'elle est défaite, [RU]. Par conséquent nous a essayé pendant qu'il s'appelle en vrai état. Entreprise →sm10601516 du productionThe précédent →sm12588529 après avant →sm12154307 - > samedi matin 5 heures le programme ma correction de la liste →mylist/21191783 sont quelque chose le 15 septembre. [komiyu] entrant, vous ne pensez pas ? ! ! →co217323 vivent des travaux récents de lien du jeu part1 (ogre bleu et semblable) →mylist/15923690 [tsuitsuta] - > http://twitter.com/kiyo_saiore 当它跑降低新闻条目,认为它被击败, [ru]。 所以,当它在真正的情况,叫我们尝试了。 事业早先productionThe →sm12588529 →sm10601516其次在→sm12154307之前的- >星期六早晨5时日程表我的名单→mylist/21191783补丁是某事9月15日。 [komiyu]输入,您不认为?!! →co217323居住戏剧part1链接新的工作(蓝色残暴的人等等) →mylist/15923690 [tsuitsuta] - > http://twitter.com/kiyo_saiore
- Large venture of banjo and [kazui] live play part21
When coming out [ochi] [tsu] [te] we would like to try doing we, it is… Making a mistake also BGM, it increases, but when in happy sense, being agreeable, Takahashi who sends cute ones with [ru] kana (temporary) thank you! Finally also the story is interesting part. It keeps advancing at a stroke! You thought that [sakusaku] it could go unusually, it is, but it seemed so purposely and was visible it is the combining… whichIt was the just a little shock →11/6 (earth) around morning ~ evening (10 o'clock at the time of ~16) The →11/4 (the wood) around the noon (14 o'clock at the time of or15) you play that game first! →mylist/20893209<[burogu]>-> http://tsuwahasu.blog66.fc2.com/ the account of mixi Twitter pixiv from this →mylist/11694132 →mylist/8052309<[niko] raw real condition>→co10072 Ao sair [ochi] [tsu] [te] nós gostaríamos de tentar-nos fazer, é… Fazendo um erro igualmente BGM, aumentar, mas quando no sentido feliz, sendo agradável, Takahashi que emite o bonitos com o kana [ru] (provisório) lhe agradece! Finalmente igualmente a história é divisória interessante. Mantem-se avançar em um curso! Você pensou que [sakusaku] poderia ir raramente, ele é, mas pareceu tão propositadamente e foi visível ele é a combinação… o whichIt era apenas o shock→11/6 pequeno (terra) em torno da noite do ~ da manhã (10 horas na altura de ~16) o →11/4 (a madeira) em torno do meio-dia (14 horas na altura de or15) que você joga esse jogo primeiramente! →mylist/20893209-> http://tsuwahasu.blog66.fc2.com/ o cliente mixi do pixiv do Twitter de this→mylist/11694132→mylist/8052309→co10072 Al salir [ochi] [tsu] [te] quisiéramos intentarnos hacer, es… ¡Incurriendo en una equivocación también BGM, aumenta, pero cuando en sentido feliz, siendo conforme, Takahashi que envíe los lindos con el kana [ru] (temporal) le agradezca! Finalmente también la historia es partición interesante. ¡Guarda el avanzar en un movimiento! Usted pensó que [sakusaku] podría ir inusualmente, él es, pero parecía tan adrede y era visible él es el combinar… ¡el whichIt acaba de ser el pequeño shock→11/6 (tierra) alrededor de la tarde del ~ de la mañana (las 10 a la hora de ~16) el →11/4 (la madera) alrededor del mediodía (las 14 a la hora de or15) que usted juega a ese juego primero! →mylist/20893209-> http://tsuwahasu.blog66.fc2.com/ la cuenta mixi del pixiv del gorjeo de this→mylist/11694132→mylist/8052309→co10072
- Ambiguous Journey
Very, the [yu] it is the [yu] [tsu] [pe], (=ω=.) it is song of the jellyfish, [benikurage]. Photographing: The Kamo aquarium * the [yu] as for [yu] [tsu] [pe] →mylist/6330215 ■meola→mylist/11529220 me staying here, as for you staying here? Muito, [yu] é [yu] [tsu] [pe], (=ω=.) é canção das medusa, [benikurage]. Fotografia: O aquário de Kamo * [yu] quanto para a [yu] [tsu] [pe] →mylist/6330215 ■meola→mylist/11529220 mim que permanece aqui, como para você que permanece aqui? Muy, [yu] es canción de la medusa, [benikurage] que es [yu] [tsu] [el PE] (=ω=.). Fotografía: ¿El acuario de Kamo * [yu] en cuanto a [yu] [tsu] [el PE] →mylist/6330215 ■meola→mylist/11529220 yo que permanece aquí, como para usted que permanece aquí?
- Jack
* It is KEI which is not the painter “in order it cuts and to tear”. The my list -> the mylist/5113852mp3 lyric -> http://piapro.jp/kei0111 [burogu] -> http://homingecho.blog84.fc2.com/twitterID -> you made the picture in the space of the homing_echo■ poult. Appreciation! My list -> mylist/8953275 *它是不是画家“按顺序它削减和撕毁”的KEI。 我的名单- > mylist/5113852mp3抒情诗- > http://piapro.jp/kei0111 [burogu] - > http://homingecho.blog84.fc2.com/twitterID - >您做了图片在homing_echo■小火鸡距离内。 欣赏! 我的名单- > mylist/8953275 * Это KEI которое нет колеривщика «в заказе оно режет и сорвать». Мой список - > лирика mylist/5113852mp3 - > http://piapro.jp/kei0111 [burogu] - > http://homingecho.blog84.fc2.com/twitterID - > вы сделали изображение в космосе poult homing_echo■. Благодарность! Мой список - > mylist/8953275
- Hatune [mikuorijinaru]: Endless End
□ song: Hatune [miku] □ chorus: 巡 sound Luke □ tune: [rushiyuka] mylist/7975989□ guitar: Nike mylist/3177286□ base: Color white mylist/5979821□ [supeshiyarusankusu]: [meriken] mylist/8091022 and neko mylist/4461034□ [bokaro] P it tried debutting. [oke]: http://piapro.jp/t/c4mm lyric varieties: http://bit.ly/8ZYHQc chanson de □ : Choeur de □ de Hatune [miku] : air sain de □ de Luc de 巡 : [rushiyuka] guitare de mylist/7975989□ : Base de Nike mylist/3177286□ : Couleur mylist/5979821□ blanc [supeshiyarusankusu] : [meriken] mylist/8091022 et neko mylist/4461034□ [bokaro] P qu'il a essayé de debutting. [oke] : variétés lyriques de http://piapro.jp/t/c4mm : http://bit.ly/8ZYHQc □歌曲: Hatune [miku] □合唱: 巡合理的卢克□声调: [rushiyuka] mylist/7975989□吉他: 耐克mylist/3177286□基地: 颜色白色mylist/5979821□ [supeshiyarusankusu] : [meriken]它设法开张的mylist/8091022和neko mylist/4461034□ [bokaro] P。 [oke] : http://piapro.jp/t/c4mm抒情歌品种: http://bit.ly/8ZYHQc
- Weekly VOCALOID ranking #161
○ period: October 25th 5 o'clock ~ November 1st 5 o'clock ○ method: The number + of playbacks (comment several à correction values A) + (my list register several à correction values B) (correction value A…Ratio of numbers of playback several + my lists which are occupied in point total) (correction value B…Up to my list ratio ×2 upper limit 40) ○ object: From RSS edition official ranking Within playback comment [mairisuto] each 1000 ranks Within PL playback comment [mairisuto] each 100 ranks: mylist/2951756 weekly #160: sm12549753SP5: sm12609807 correction: There was missing Ducktest 2010 October 29th 21:08: 50 sm12584218 12,418pts 106 rank D clone of dawn by posthumous work P 2010 October 26th 05:07: 07 sm12552056 11,097pts 115 rank restraining, we apologize. ○期间: 10月25日5时~ 11月1日5时○方法: 数量+的放音(评论几个à 校正值A) + (我的名单记数器几个à 校正值B) (放音的数字校正值A…比率数+在点共计)的我的名单(由我的名单比率×2上限40)决定的校正值B被占领… ○对象: 从RSS编辑正式等第 在放音评论[mairisuto之内]每1000种等级 在PL放音评论[mairisuto之内]每100种等级: mylist/2951756每周#160 : sm12549753SP5 : sm12609807更正: 有missingDucktest 10月2010日29日21:08 : 50黎明sm12584218 12,418pts 106茂盛的D克隆由遗腹的工作P 10月2010日26日05:07的: 07 sm12552056 11,097pts 115茂盛克制,我们道歉。 период ○: Метод ○ часа 1-ое ноября 5 ~ часа 25-ое октября 5: Число + воспроизведений (комментируют несколько значений коррекции a Ã) + (мой регистр списка несколько значений коррекции b Ã) (коэффициент значения коррекции a… номеров воспроизведения несколько + мои списки которые заняты в итоге) (значении коррекции b пункта… до моего верхнего предела 40 коэффициента ×2 списка) предмет ○: От ранжировки варианта RSS официальной В пределах комментария воспроизведения [mairisuto] каждые 1000 рядов В пределах комментария воспроизведения PL [mairisuto] каждые 100 рядов: mylist/2951756 еженедельное #160: sm12549753SP5: коррекция sm12609807: Был missingDucktest 29-ое октября 21 2010: 08: 50 клон sm12584218 12,418pts 106 шереножный d рассвета посмертный работой p 26-ое октября 05 2010: 07: 07 задерживать sm12552056 11,097pts 115 шереножный, мы извиняемся.
- The animated picture which sprouts intently in the mini- squid daughter
Collect ones being too lovely, the [tsu] [chi] will not in Sanae, don't you think? so is, don't you think? the ~ on the other hand www good smile company which would like to become Sanae please persevere (, it is in mud well sense) [u] p those mylist/21906146 which are done 收集是的部分太可爱的, [tsu] [凯爱]不将在Sanae,您不认为? 如此,您不认为? 在希望请成为Sanae的另一家手万维网好微笑公司的~坚持(它在泥井感觉) [u] p做的那些mylist/21906146 Соберите одни слишком симпатично, [tsu] [хи] не будьте в Sanae, вы не думайте? так, вы не думаете? компания усмешки www ontheonehand ~ хорошая которая хотел была бы стать Sanae пожалуйста persevere (, она в чувстве) добра грязи [u] p те mylist/21906146 которые сделаны
- Densely the [ji] [yu] of the hatchet [hu] [tsu] and it is
[yo]* Origin Loan main thing →sm1314691 [tune: LoveSong searching] That chestnut ones →mylist/7458065 which pass [yo] * origem Elemento principal →sm1314691 do empréstimo [acordo: Pesquisa de LoveSong] Essa castanha umas →mylist/7458065 que passam [yo] * origen Elemento principal →sm1314691 [consonancia del préstamo: Búsqueda de LoveSong] Esa castaña unas →mylist/7458065 que pasan
- With prohibited bibliography record II OP of a certain magic “No buts!”
Artist: Kawada [ma] seeing sale day: 2010/11/03 FULL 320k Künstler: Kawada [MA] Verkaufstag sehend: 2010/11/03 VOLLES 320k Artista: Kawada [miliampère] que vê o dia da venda: 2010/11/03 de 320k CHEIO
- Onitarou's of [gegege] [ero] it is, scene collection
Mr. Mizuki, you question with your the persons of cultural merit election [me], it is. M. Mizuki, vous interrogez avec le votre les personnes de l'élection culturelle de mérite [je], il est. mizuki,您先生问与您文化优点竞选[我],它的人是。
diverting videos - Nico Nico Douga, Internet, Anime, Video Game,