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  • 101   You can unlock the 3 original games which are exact arcade ports ! The Game is pretty fun kinda hard at first till you learn have the replenish heath works
    • 018   its a fun game if you remember the sega years . . . which you get the old version , when you beat some of the levels . .

  • 111   This is one of the coolest games out there ! I love the gore , the storyline is good , and the graphics are amazing ! Search for your missing girlfriend in a way like never before ! Smash skulls , crack bones , and fight your way to victory with the Mask of Terror , a strange demon mask that gives you extraordinary super-human powers ! Leave no one standing ! I personally would easily give this game 10 / 10 !
    • 044   Game is great , played before but never to completion until I got it on here . By far one of my favs .
    • 116   this is exactly what i wanted from this game . It still feels like a splatterhouse game . I just think they could have done a little more scary , because the first one scared me when i was little
    • 135   I saw positive and negative reviews of this game and was curious being a fan of the earlier games . All I can say is that after maybe an hour of playing , I became bored and gave up on it . Negative reviews win . . . .

  • Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Splatter-House has the rare distinction of being for kids yet not for kids . Aka much akin to Tales of the crypt , Lady Death , Vampirella , Creep Show , and Evil Dead it is the type of commodity that is somewhat immature yet has that risqu offensive factor that calls out to our inner juveniles with a siren's sweet call ! To catch you up Splatter-House is about Rick Taylor . Despite being a nerd and the all around average nice guy Rick managed to woo the super attractive college student Jennifer . The two apparently share a love of Heavy Metal music and paranormal research . As luck would have it Dr . West , a famous parapsychologist wants Jennifer to interview him . In a typically brainless manner all too common in horror movies Rick and Jen go to the super creepy West manor not suspecting the doctor has been turning other co-eds into monsters and summoning demons . Jennifer is kidnapped to be a sacrifice and Rick is gutted by grotesque creatures and left to die in a pool of his own vital fluids . It is at this pivotal moment a cursed wise cracking mask urges Rick to put it on . With a loved one in need of help and almost to the point of flat-lining Rick hastily agrees to the terms . A scrawny geek physique suddenly buffs up to look like a WWF wrestler as grievous wounds mend rapidly . Mask and man are bound as one and only they can stop Dr . West and save the damsel in distress ! Yeah I know . The plot is as clich as they come but in Splatter-House's defense its ' following the original classic faithfully and isn't meant to be overly complex to begin with . If you read a lot of well written books you will be left scoffing at the absurdity early on . Dr . West has added longevity to his life span and regularly sacrificed the residents of the city for a very long time . You would think local law enforcement would be more uneasy . You would also think with all our cell phones and mini cams someone would have caught weird footage from the mansion leading to an FBI and military sting operation . Griping aside gamers should embrace the fact Splatter-House is deliberately campy . The mask is voiced by Jim Cummings ( A beloved comedic voice actor whom was many Disney characters including Tigger and Dark Wing Duck ) and he constantly delivers jokes that are crass toilet humor . Jennifer is given a few chances to escape but instead she feels the need to make odd gestures with her hands and scream her lungs out whilst not moving her legs one iota . Dr . West gets stabbed in the head by his own dagger and perceives it as a minor inconvenience that a few aspirin can alleviate . He even laughs good-naturedly at the injury ! You get the feeling the cast in Splatter-house is gleefully hamming it up and are happy to stay within the confines of cheesy B-movie horror flicks . My biggest problem with Splatter-House is in many ways it doesn't even try to break new ground . It is the most bare bones action plat former you can get . As Rick kills The Corrupted he fills a blood meter . With the stored hemoglobin points he can buy new moves . There's the mask's rage gauge that allows Rick to heal himself by sucking the life essence out of nearby enemies and he can also hulk up into a more monstrous version of himself . Whereas other action plat former protagonists have special weapons or more finesse Rick is simply a butt kicking brawler . Elbow charges , huge pounding fists , various grapples , and easy to pull off brutal fatalities are his calling cards of choice . His arsenal is that of any dad or uncle with a love of guns and tools . Shotguns , wooden planks riddled with nails , cleavers , chainsaws , and lead pipes are his favorite things ! Rick actually accumulates nasty injuries and there are instances his arms can be torn off . It's a good thing he regenerates quickly and I confess it's a morose delight to pick up my own arm ( or someone else's ) and beat my opponents silly with it ! This is one of the more original dynamics in the game . The brawling itself in Splatter-House is mostly satisfying but the plat forming is hair pulling . There are some instances when you simply do not know where to jump . The side scrolling tributes to the original games are riddled with flame throwers , crushing mashers , conveyor belts , spinning blades , spewing acid , pit falls , and swinging chained wrecking balls that can kill you off rather quickly . The insult to injury is the load times are horrendous and the check points are unforgiving . Bosses and creatures are another high point . They all look fittingly Lovecraftian and it's fun to splatter their buckets of goop all over the screen . There are tougher foes that require quick time events but the developers made these very forgiving compared to other titles of this ilk . There's even a tribute to Biggy man the chainsaw armed antagonist whom was made infamous by this series many moons ago . The next low point for me personally are the environments . They all had potential but they're usually painfully linear and bland . While it's cool to impale creatures on pikes , punch eyeballs to reveal stairs , or microwave beasties to open doors nothing comes off as scenic or atmospheric . The mansion segments were the highlights for me in that at least I got to admire the occasional pretty painting , walk amongst rustic comforts such as rocking horses , fire places , and stuffed animals , or mirthfully chuckle over the mounted heads on the wall . I really liked where that vibe was going but later on everything seems to become uncreative dungeons , organ infested living chambers , and industrial sprawls whence you are still stuck doing the same repetitive tasks to progress . The extras related to the remake are mildly entertaining . You can collect Dr . West's audio logs and piece together kinky pictures of Jennifer . Alas , there are better ways to fill in plot details and we've done these types of scavenger hunts in tedium throughout many titles in the past . The best part of all this is West's journal entries which are separate from the audio clips you find strewn about . He's painted as a tragic adversary whom merely wanted to heal people as a doctor and bring his beloved back to life yet he was slowly corrupted through his studies of necro-biology . We've witnessed this fall from grace in plenty of horror stories but it adds more depth to the proceedings all the same . All three of the original 16 bit Splatter-House games can be unlocked in their full splendor . This makes the few pains in the main package worth enduring if you're a retro geek such as myself . Ending the round up on a positive note I confess I dug the sound track . There's some great Heavy Metal going on and even a few moody orchestral pieces . After tallying the facts I will say I admire the team that brought me this . I know they likely didn't have a huge budget to work with but the re-make is very true to its ' roots . This is a decent game to buy assuming you are into horror , dark humor , and have a soft spot for the lovable under-dog trying to save his girl-friend . Pros 1 # Simplistic yet stylistic graphics that are reminiscent of a horror themed comic book . 2 # The combat is nothing special but it is gruesome fun ! 3 # As campy as it is the voice acting's surprisingly good . Even Rick and Jennifer sound likable . 4 # You can unlock the 3 original retro classics 5 # Quick time events are merciful 6 # Truly sic creature designs ! 7 # In most places the camera can be controlled and rotated manually by the right analog stick . Cons 1 # The plat forming can feel flighty , clumsy , and frustrating until you get the hang of it . 2 # Load times after deaths are akin to watching grass grow . 3 # I had frequent frame rate drops and slow down . Subjective + / - Splatter-House has that punishing old school difficulty . The ground crumbles quickly beneath your feet often and you have to pay sharp attention to your environment . The game harshly reprimands the ignorant . The areas you're in put up more fight than the creatures themselves . Though I loathed this at first I started to like how it's a throwback of those really hard games of yesterday ! This is a gray area . Either you adore this type of sadism from your games or you don't ! Overall Frankly there are better games of this genre out there . Lords of shadow , Bayonetta , Arkham Asylum , and Dark - Siders are much more polished and precise . This game is related to porno magazines stuffed beneath a mattress , Heavy Metal posters on the wall , and candy bars hidden in boot camp lockers . Aka it's self gratifying indulgence that appeals to us as a guilty pleasure on a primordial level . If you're a fan of Splatter-House this is a nostalgic revival . You get an up to date remake as well as all 3 classic titles which you unlock along the way . It's obvious the developers cared about the fan-base and that is a very rare quality this day and age . Though a could wax nostalgic on the topic of Splatter-house many days I cannot give its ' most recent reincarnation a perfect score with a clean conscious . If you are already a Splatter-head you've likely already bought this but for the rest of you proceed with caution ! The fun factor for me is a strong 4 but because of a few quirky technical difficulties I can only go as high as a 3 for the overall segment .
    • 001   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) First off this game is in absolutely ZERO ways for children . . . blood , gore , violence , language and nudity . Seriously the opening movie is detailed in a way I've never seen in a videogame . Main character wakes up in pool of his own blood , tries to get up and his guts spill all over the floor , not a gush pf blood . . . his guts . Instead of finding little trinkets or packages hidden around you find pieces of nude pictures of the main character's girlfriend that get pieced together in the collectibles section of the menu . I'm writing this game as a fan ( not die hard ) of the Splatterhouse franchise since I grew up with it . I was going to wait off until this game came down in price but I found out that it would have the original 3 splatterhouse games unlockable and that warranted a release day purchase for myself . Basically the game plays about as expected . . . take a classic side scroller beat ' em up and convert it into a 3rd person 3D brawler without changing the overall plot very much ( guy searches haunted mansion full of beasts and other vicious looking monster type enemies to save girl ) . Appeal to the mature audiences by cranking up the gore and blood to cover the floor and walls ( and screen ) , then just for good measure make the collectible items in the game torn up nude pictures of the large breasted blonde female character love interest of the game scattered about the levels . Overall story is written by comic writer Gordon Rennie ( Judge Dredd ) and has a all metal soundtrack : Lamb of God , Mastadon , Five Finger Death Punch , and more . Splatterhouse is what you'd expect . . . pretty much a summer horror action flick in the form of a game . It's not an artsy game in the slightest and appeals to everything that people try to deny liking . At worst it's a monument to the lack of creativity in the game market & at it's best it's a guilty pleasure for nostalgic gamers . But hey , I like it so far ; )
    • 002   First off this game is in absolutely ZERO ways for children . . . blood , gore , violence , language and nudity . Seriously the opening movie is detailed in a way I've never seen in a videogame . Main character wakes up in pool of his own blood , tries to get up and his guts spill all over the floor , not a gush pf blood . . . his guts . Instead of finding little trinkets or packages hidden around you find pieces of nude pictures of the main character's girlfriend that get pieced together in the collectibles section of the menu . I'm writing this game as a fan ( not die hard ) of the Splatterhouse franchise since I grew up with it . I was going to wait off until this game came down in price but I found out that it would have the original 3 splatterhouse games unlockable and that warranted a release day purchase for myself . Basically the game plays about as expected . . . take a classic side scroller beat ' em up and convert it into a 3rd person 3D brawler without changing the overall plot very much ( guy searches haunted mansion full of beasts and other vicious looking monster type enemies to save girl ) . Appeal to the mature audiences by cranking up the gore and blood to cover the floor and walls ( and screen ) , then just for good measure make the collectible items in the game torn up nude pictures of the large breasted blonde female character love interest of the game scattered about the levels . Overall story is written by comic writer Gordon Rennie ( Judge Dredd ) and has a all metal soundtrack : Lamb of God , Mastadon , Five Finger Death Punch , and more . Splatterhouse is what you'd expect . . . pretty much a summer horror action flick in the form of a game . It's not an artsy game in the slightest and appeals to everything that people try to deny liking . At worst it's a monument to the lack of creativity in the game market & at it's best it's a guilty pleasure for nostalgic gamers . But hey , I like it so far ; )
    • 003   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I have been following this game since Bottle Rocket was still tinkering with it , and I have to say , I think the wait was worth it . Controls : 3.5 / 5 , my two biggest problems are a problematic camera and I cannot seem to just block without rolling around . I am a twitch individual though , so the latter of these issues can probably be forgiven . Story : 4.5 / 5 , it's a B-movie turned into a video game . Mindless gore , violence , and nudity everywhere , and they never take themselves that seriously . It's wonderful . Graphics : 4 / 5 , I have seen better graphics , but they never promised to break the mold . I like the damage effects as you lose health though . Sound : 4 / 5 , a pleasant mix of death metal and orchestral music do a good job at setting the pace for brawling , boss battling , and platforming , as needed . Pros + Hyperviolent , not enough games revel in this like they should . It's almost impossible to take seriously , except there is a lot of pretty graphic violence . I'd be impressed if you couldn't tell that from the box though . + Great voice acting from Jim Cummings as the Terror Mask . You may know him better ask Darkwing Duck . YES . + Original three Splatterhouse games can be unlocked . I think very few people will be buying this without having played the originals , so this is a huge plus for them . Cons - Long loading times when you die . - Quick time events that restart boss battles if failed . I don't know if all bosses have this , but the first one did and it was supremely irksome . - Aforementioned control issues , but I may get better at the game . Final thoughts I am enjoying this game thoroughly . There is a point in the first level where you get your arm ripped off , and proceed to beat enemies to death with it . That pretty much sets the pace for the game . That being said , I will not be turning to this game for deep , introspective musings about the state of the world . Unless that state involves monsters . Overall , 4 / 5 .
    • 004   I have been following this game since Bottle Rocket was still tinkering with it , and I have to say , I think the wait was worth it . Controls : 3.5 / 5 , my two biggest problems are a problematic camera and I cannot seem to just block without rolling around . I am a twitch individual though , so the latter of these issues can probably be forgiven . Story : 4.5 / 5 , it's a B-movie turned into a video game . Mindless gore , violence , and nudity everywhere , and they never take themselves that seriously . It's wonderful . Graphics : 4 / 5 , I have seen better graphics , but they never promised to break the mold . I like the damage effects as you lose health though . Sound : 4 / 5 , a pleasant mix of death metal and orchestral music do a good job at setting the pace for brawling , boss battling , and platforming , as needed . Pros + Hyperviolent , not enough games revel in this like they should . It's almost impossible to take seriously , except there is a lot of pretty graphic violence . I'd be impressed if you couldn't tell that from the box though . + Great voice acting from Jim Cummings as the Terror Mask . You may know him better ask Darkwing Duck . YES . + Original three Splatterhouse games can be unlocked . I think very few people will be buying this without having played the originals , so this is a huge plus for them . Cons - Long loading times when you die . - Quick time events that restart boss battles if failed . I don't know if all bosses have this , but the first one did and it was supremely irksome . - Aforementioned control issues , but I may get better at the game . Final thoughts I am enjoying this game thoroughly . There is a point in the first level where you get your arm ripped off , and proceed to beat enemies to death with it . That pretty much sets the pace for the game . That being said , I will not be turning to this game for deep , introspective musings about the state of the world . Unless that state involves monsters . Overall , 4 / 5 .
    • 005   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I think this game is great . Offers up a lot of Gore . Old Splatterhouse games are able to be unlocked . Downloadable content is also available on Xbox Live . New masks and a few arenas are available for purchase . As far as gameplay , there is a ton of button mashing going on here . Some RPG elements with upgradeable moves and combos . Some minor platforming in the form of side scrolling . The camera tends to get wonky at times and can add some frustration to the gameplay . Loading screens can be very annoying especially if you die a few times in the platforming levels . Overall the game is fun if you can find it for a good price , I wouldn't dump $60 on it .
    • 006   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I think this game is great . Offers up a lot of Gore . Old Splatterhouse games are able to be unlocked . Downloadable content is also available on Xbox Live . New masks and a few arenas are available for purchase . As far as gameplay , there is a ton of button mashing going on here . Some RPG elements with upgradeable moves and combos . Some minor platforming in the form of side scrolling . The camera tends to get wonky at times and can add some frustration to the gameplay . Loading screens can be very annoying especially if you die a few times in the platforming levels . Overall the game is fun if you can find it for a good price , I wouldn't dump $60 on it .
    • 007   I think this game is great . Offers up a lot of Gore . Old Splatterhouse games are able to be unlocked . Downloadable content is also available on Xbox Live . New masks and a few arenas are available for purchase . As far as gameplay , there is a ton of button mashing going on here . Some RPG elements with upgradeable moves and combos . Some minor platforming in the form of side scrolling . The camera tends to get wonky at times and can add some frustration to the gameplay . Loading screens can be very annoying especially if you die a few times in the platforming levels . Overall the game is fun if you can find it for a good price , I wouldn't dump $60 on it .
    • 008   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I have been keeping my eye on this game basically every since it was announced . However it did not really get much press coverage and little hype ( short of a few random trailers here and there ) . The day it was released it had alot of marketing on the major gaming sites . But no reviews ? A few days later still no reviews ? That will generally concern most hardcore gamers . Since I and a friend were really anticipating the game we just bought it and went for it . Started playing 6pm and beat the game at 2am ( on Hard mode ) . The game was great fun and the combat is much better than I initially thought ! There is a lot of replayability here and you unlock the 3 original versions of the game throughout the main playthru . There is certainly nothing Hollywood has to be worried about with regard to the story , and to be honest my friend and I checked out about an hour in because it was just total nonsense and hard to follow ( not for complexities but just silliness ) . However , thats not a problem . The ONLY reason people should play this game is for the gameplay itself and the gore ! ! Yes the game is EXTREMELY bloody - to the point that it splatters on your screen alot and sometimes almost completely covers the screen . There are finishing moves for all enemies that will generate a short quicktime even and usually winds up in the enemies arms / head / toros being ripped off and gallons of blood flowing ! It never gets old and even towards the end of the game you might still miss one as you werent quick enough for the QTEs . Graphically the game is fine , nothing spectacular . There are a few areas throughout the game that switch to a sidescrolling 2d feel very similar to the original games ( and paying homage I'm sure ) . These sections make for a nice change of pace / dynamic to the game and keep it interesting ( although some of the platforming elements of these sections can be somewhat lame and the enemies are generally much weaker in this mode taking only 1 hit to kill ) . Also , it could have been a factor that we had been playing 8 hours straight and loosing steam , but the game seemed to fall apart somewhat towards the end . The areas started to get weirder and weirder , and the game itself started falling into the habit of using the same old gaming cliches . After beating the game on Hard you unlock Brutal mode and all of your character stats remain when you play again on the newer / harder mode . These stats include special moves , combos , health , rage meter , weapon stats , etc . As far as difficulty goes , we started the game on Hard and it was fun without being too challenging . There were a few parts that really got us stuck and were hard but to the point of cheap . A perfect example is a section where you are on a thin bridge / platform that slowing has chunks fall away while making you get closer and closer to a stack of 6 bosses ( from previous chapters ) that are made invincible by another creature that protects them . The problem is that you run out of room to do any form of combat - the creature making them invincible is hard to hit because she morphs away constantly , and you eventually run out of room . Our only chance at getting past was to finagle the enemies into falling off the edge and finally lucked our way through . It was frustrating and a little cheap , but maybe that was the point - but i digress . I hardly EVER post reviews for any products , so take it as a rarity that i posted one for this game . Also consider that my friend bought the game , we played it together and beat it in 1 night , but now 2 days later I'm ordering my own copy because I want to keep playing it .
    • 009   I have been keeping my eye on this game basically every since it was announced . However it did not really get much press coverage and little hype ( short of a few random trailers here and there ) . The day it was released it had alot of marketing on the major gaming sites . But no reviews ? A few days later still no reviews ? That will generally concern most hardcore gamers . Since I and a friend were really anticipating the game we just bought it and went for it . Started playing 6pm and beat the game at 2am ( on Hard mode ) . The game was great fun and the combat is much better than I initially thought ! There is a lot of replayability here and you unlock the 3 original versions of the game throughout the main playthru . There is certainly nothing Hollywood has to be worried about with regard to the story , and to be honest my friend and I checked out about an hour in because it was just total nonsense and hard to follow ( not for complexities but just silliness ) . However , thats not a problem . The ONLY reason people should play this game is for the gameplay itself and the gore ! ! Yes the game is EXTREMELY bloody - to the point that it splatters on your screen alot and sometimes almost completely covers the screen . There are finishing moves for all enemies that will generate a short quicktime even and usually winds up in the enemies arms / head / toros being ripped off and gallons of blood flowing ! It never gets old and even towards the end of the game you might still miss one as you werent quick enough for the QTEs . Graphically the game is fine , nothing spectacular . There are a few areas throughout the game that switch to a sidescrolling 2d feel very similar to the original games ( and paying homage I'm sure ) . These sections make for a nice change of pace / dynamic to the game and keep it interesting ( although some of the platforming elements of these sections can be somewhat lame and the enemies are generally much weaker in this mode taking only 1 hit to kill ) . Also , it could have been a factor that we had been playing 8 hours straight and loosing steam , but the game seemed to fall apart somewhat towards the end . The areas started to get weirder and weirder , and the game itself started falling into the habit of using the same old gaming cliches . After beating the game on Hard you unlock Brutal mode and all of your character stats remain when you play again on the newer / harder mode . These stats include special moves , combos , health , rage meter , weapon stats , etc . As far as difficulty goes , we started the game on Hard and it was fun without being too challenging . There were a few parts that really got us stuck and were hard but to the point of cheap . A perfect example is a section where you are on a thin bridge / platform that slowing has chunks fall away while making you get closer and closer to a stack of 6 bosses ( from previous chapters ) that are made invincible by another creature that protects them . The problem is that you run out of room to do any form of combat - the creature making them invincible is hard to hit because she morphs away constantly , and you eventually run out of room . Our only chance at getting past was to finagle the enemies into falling off the edge and finally lucked our way through . It was frustrating and a little cheap , but maybe that was the point - but i digress . I hardly EVER post reviews for any products , so take it as a rarity that i posted one for this game . Also consider that my friend bought the game , we played it together and beat it in 1 night , but now 2 days later I'm ordering my own copy because I want to keep playing it .
    • 010   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Let me just preface this review by stating something that anyone interested in Splatterhouse should already know : this game is * NOT * for kids . Not even slightly . In fact , it is likely not for many people , though the reasons why will vary . Who * is * this game for , you ask ? Well , fans of the original Splatterhouse games for one ; fans of over-the-top , sensationalized violence for another ; fans of straightforward beat ' em ups in the vein of God of War ; and anyone with an affinity for the themes and styles of certain print and video media , including The Evil Dead , Dead Alive ( among many others ) , and the literary works of H.P . Lovecraft . Splatterhouse delivers outstanding fan service on all these points . For the sake of review length I won't go too much into some of the technical issues with Splatterhouse that other reviews have oft highlighted . Yes , the handful of side-scrolling segments can be frustrating and the insta-deaths here will feel unfair . Yes , the gameplay may become a little repetitive , though it never stayed this way long due primarily to the wide array of means by which enemies can be dispatched . For me , the production values ( great CGI cutscenes throughout ) , voice acting ( top-notch thanks to Jim Cummings ' demented turn as The Mask ) , and attention to the themes and inspirations of the original games allowed me to * easily * overlook any perceived technical shortcomings . Splatterhouse is a must-buy for a certain segment of gamers out there . . . and I think you know who you are .
    • 011   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Let me just preface this review by stating something that anyone interested in Splatterhouse should already know : this game is * NOT * for kids . Not even slightly . In fact , it is likely not for many people , though the reasons why will vary . Who * is * this game for , you ask ? Well , fans of the original Splatterhouse games for one ; fans of over-the-top , sensationalized violence for another ; fans of straightforward beat ' em ups in the vein of God of War ; and anyone with an affinity for the themes and styles of certain print and video media , including The Evil Dead , Dead Alive ( among many others ) , and the literary works of H.P . Lovecraft . Splatterhouse delivers outstanding fan service on all these points . For the sake of review length I won't go too much into some of the technical issues with Splatterhouse that other reviews have oft highlighted . Yes , the handful of side-scrolling segments can be frustrating and the insta-deaths here will feel unfair . Yes , the gameplay may become a little repetitive , though it never stayed this way long due primarily to the wide array of means by which enemies can be dispatched . For me , the production values ( great CGI cutscenes throughout ) , voice acting ( top-notch thanks to Jim Cummings ' demented turn as The Mask ) , and attention to the themes and inspirations of the original games allowed me to * easily * overlook any perceived technical shortcomings . Splatterhouse is a must-buy for a certain segment of gamers out there . . . and I think you know who you are .
    • 012   Let me just preface this review by stating something that anyone interested in Splatterhouse should already know : this game is * NOT * for kids . Not even slightly . In fact , it is likely not for many people , though the reasons why will vary . Who * is * this game for , you ask ? Well , fans of the original Splatterhouse games for one ; fans of over-the-top , sensationalized violence for another ; fans of straightforward beat ' em ups in the vein of God of War ; and anyone with an affinity for the themes and styles of certain print and video media , including The Evil Dead , Dead Alive ( among many others ) , and the literary works of H.P . Lovecraft . Splatterhouse delivers outstanding fan service on all these points . For the sake of review length I won't go too much into some of the technical issues with Splatterhouse that other reviews have oft highlighted . Yes , the handful of side-scrolling segments can be frustrating and the insta-deaths here will feel unfair . Yes , the gameplay may become a little repetitive , though it never stayed this way long due primarily to the wide array of means by which enemies can be dispatched . For me , the production values ( great CGI cutscenes throughout ) , voice acting ( top-notch thanks to Jim Cummings ' demented turn as The Mask ) , and attention to the themes and inspirations of the original games allowed me to * easily * overlook any perceived technical shortcomings . Splatterhouse is a must-buy for a certain segment of gamers out there . . . and I think you know who you are .
    • 013   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) When i heard a while back that namco had remade splatterhouse for the 360 i knew i had to have it ! I was always a big fan of part 2 and especially part 3 on the genesis years ago , and i couldnt believe how low key they kept this great remake . Its bloody gory violent adult beat em up fun fest ! Loved how some of the levels reverted to its 2d roots out of no where , really added nostalgia that only a older gamer who played the first versions wouldve recognized . The naked picture fragments of his girl were an awesome addition , as well as the fact that the three original titles were unlockable to play thro the story mode , that was especially awesome to me since i never owned a sega master system and never had the joy of playing the original installment of this series . I reccomend this game strongly to any fan of the original series , and to any fan of bloodsport beat em up games , its very exiting challenging and interesting . Great job Namco !
    • 014   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) When i heard a while back that namco had remade splatterhouse for the 360 i knew i had to have it ! I was always a big fan of part 2 and especially part 3 on the genesis years ago , and i couldnt believe how low key they kept this great remake . Its bloody gory violent adult beat em up fun fest ! Loved how some of the levels reverted to its 2d roots out of no where , really added nostalgia that only a older gamer who played the first versions wouldve recognized . The naked picture fragments of his girl were an awesome addition , as well as the fact that the three original titles were unlockable to play thro the story mode , that was especially awesome to me since i never owned a sega master system and never had the joy of playing the original installment of this series . I reccomend this game strongly to any fan of the original series , and to any fan of bloodsport beat em up games , its very exiting challenging and interesting . Great job Namco !
    • 016   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) its a fun game if you remember the sega years . . . which you get the old version , when you beat some of the levels . .
    • 017   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) its a fun game if you remember the sega years . . . which you get the old version , when you beat some of the levels . .
    • 019   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Hot Damn ! This game certainly is not for kids ! It is an awesome game , but sometimes the gore gets on your eyes for an awesome effect . Also , it is a nice addition to my turbographix 16 if anyone remembers that one .
    • 020   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Hot Damn ! This game certainly is not for kids ! It is an awesome game , but sometimes the gore gets on your eyes for an awesome effect . Also , it is a nice addition to my turbographix 16 if anyone remembers that one .
    • 021   Hot Damn ! This game certainly is not for kids ! It is an awesome game , but sometimes the gore gets on your eyes for an awesome effect . Also , it is a nice addition to my turbographix 16 if anyone remembers that one .
    • 022   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) It started a little rough , but after getting used to it , it quickly became quite enjoyable . There is a ton of mindless action , the visuals are solid , the soundtrack is fitting for what it is ( a mixture between the advertised Metal and original compositions for this game ) , and the mature theme is something I haven't seen in a game in a very long time ( At least not to the extent that it is ) . Also , there are even throwback two-dimensional levels that harken back to the original Splatterhouse days . I have a few complaints that seemed pretty glaring at first , but after I got used to them ( and better at the game in general ) , I was able to avoid most of the issues . First , there are massive load times on the 360 version spanning anywhere from one to two minutes ( literally ) . When you die , it has to load all over again . Second , the QTE system is pretty unforgiving ( even on the easiest skill mode ) . Third , the instant-death platforming sections can be confusing at first , leading to many deaths ( and lots of long load sequences ) . This can be especially frustrating , but again , after getting familiar with the segments , one should be able to blaze through these parts with ease on the second time around ( I know I did ! ) . All in all , I highly recommend this for fans of straight-forward beat ' em ups , particularly ones that are fans of the original games , or those that are just looking for something a bit dark and gritty .
    • 023   It started a little rough , but after getting used to it , it quickly became quite enjoyable . There is a ton of mindless action , the visuals are solid , the soundtrack is fitting for what it is ( a mixture between the advertised Metal and original compositions for this game ) , and the mature theme is something I haven't seen in a game in a very long time ( At least not to the extent that it is ) . Also , there are even throwback two-dimensional levels that harken back to the original Splatterhouse days . I have a few complaints that seemed pretty glaring at first , but after I got used to them ( and better at the game in general ) , I was able to avoid most of the issues . First , there are massive load times on the 360 version spanning anywhere from one to two minutes ( literally ) . When you die , it has to load all over again . Second , the QTE system is pretty unforgiving ( even on the easiest skill mode ) . Third , the instant-death platforming sections can be confusing at first , leading to many deaths ( and lots of long load sequences ) . This can be especially frustrating , but again , after getting familiar with the segments , one should be able to blaze through these parts with ease on the second time around ( I know I did ! ) . All in all , I highly recommend this for fans of straight-forward beat ' em ups , particularly ones that are fans of the original games , or those that are just looking for something a bit dark and gritty .
    • 024   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) If your a fan of Splatterhouse get it , For sure , Its really good ! I already beat it on the hardest difficulty and S ranked all the survivals but one so far and I gotta say they did an excellent job on this game . Think of side scroll meets free roam , although the rooms are not very big , ya still get to walk around wherever till a door closes . . . sorta like darksiders a bit ( though i wasnt big on darksiders ) , the moves are really easy and efficient , grapples , splash damage , rush attacks , combos etc . . . The mask is hilarious , him and rick are so cool to me , i mean both speak their minds immediately in comical senses . . The graphics to me are actually pretty good , i mean its not the most graphical game ever by no means , but not to say they did not do a bad job . . . . You gotta remember this game is a Tribute more over to the old school splatterhouse and they tried to make it as splatterhouse as possible to appease to the fans like me . . . I seriously do love this game , otherwise I would not have played it so much already lol . . . The game is short though , not a long game at all , annnnnnddd there is an occasional glitch i noticed on both play throughs with normal ( slaughter ? ) and brutal mode it did the same thing with me , where for some reason the text on screen the mask says something like ( Watch out ! ) and stays on screen till you exit and come back in . . . which does not really effect anything since every time i have seen it , it's right after a save in the tunnel you enter . Also want to note once you beat the game everything does get carried over to a + new game and you can change the difficulty over to Brutal while still having all your previous skills from before . . . ( makes Brutal a breeze ) I did see the elevator glitch , where he hits the button and for some reason the game freezes . . . only had that problem once . . . . reset and fixed right away , it saved there at any rate so no big deal since no progress lost . . . Music is pretty cool , I'm not a huge heavy metal fan , I mean i like alternative like white zombie , powerman 5000 , god lives underwater etc , but i gotta say the music follows well with it . . . i mean for slicing enemies up and squishing their brains out of their head what else would you listen to . . . . Opera . . . . ? : O Survival mode is just a nice extra to have just to add to game play really , you don't have to do it , but if ya want you can go through these locked rooms with gobs and gobs of monsters to kill while you pick up nude photo pieces of jen your girlfriend or if you want you can just go through it for the heck of it and kill for fun . . . . like 10 to 30 minutes a room i guess depending on how good or bad you are at fighting . . . Then you got the basics like , Jens photos you can view of all her nudey goodness and Dr Doosh-t-bag McGuillacuddy's journals you can listen to . . . And also the ability to play all three original games as well , you gotta unlock them , but its really easy , just beat certain stages to unlock . . . Story is well . . . i liked it , but its really just for fans of the series . . . i mean the basic , rick and his girlfriend are together , rick gets killed , jen gets captured , rick comes back to life with ancient entity attached to face . . . you know the story . . . well us old school gamers do lol . . . So yeh , if your an oldschool gamer then its really right for you I would say . . . especially if you like beatem up games . . . If your a newb spitting young prancy wanna be calico vision player . . . then no this games not for you . . . . Noooooo sir , you just go right ahead and play your Calico vision black ops . . . . Btw if you don't want to buy it . . . rent it at least , that way you won't miss out on the old games which are on there . . . and the new . . . Experience the fun of the old vs the new . . . . pretty crazy comparison actually Such an old game appearing is truly awesome and Thank Namco and their teams for making it happen is all i gotta say . Music - 10 for heavy metal fans Graphics - 8 Really cool , but the backgrounds need more work as in their a little to simple . . . character models are awesome though . Story - 8 Story isn't much , but for this game it works out great since they stuck to the original layout of the old school mad Dr takes girlfriend , rick gets killed , gets mask , goes on slaughter rampage , save girl type scenario . Gameplay - 10 I LOVE THE GAMEPLAY , its strictly beatem up , but its just so much more than that though .
    • 025   If your a fan of Splatterhouse get it , For sure , Its really good ! I already beat it on the hardest difficulty and S ranked all the survivals but one so far and I gotta say they did an excellent job on this game . Think of side scroll meets free roam , although the rooms are not very big , ya still get to walk around wherever till a door closes . . . sorta like darksiders a bit ( though i wasnt big on darksiders ) , the moves are really easy and efficient , grapples , splash damage , rush attacks , combos etc . . . The mask is hilarious , him and rick are so cool to me , i mean both speak their minds immediately in comical senses . . The graphics to me are actually pretty good , i mean its not the most graphical game ever by no means , but not to say they did not do a bad job . . . . You gotta remember this game is a Tribute more over to the old school splatterhouse and they tried to make it as splatterhouse as possible to appease to the fans like me . . . I seriously do love this game , otherwise I would not have played it so much already lol . . . The game is short though , not a long game at all , annnnnnddd there is an occasional glitch i noticed on both play throughs with normal ( slaughter ? ) and brutal mode it did the same thing with me , where for some reason the text on screen the mask says something like ( Watch out ! ) and stays on screen till you exit and come back in . . . which does not really effect anything since every time i have seen it , it's right after a save in the tunnel you enter . Also want to note once you beat the game everything does get carried over to a + new game and you can change the difficulty over to Brutal while still having all your previous skills from before . . . ( makes Brutal a breeze ) I did see the elevator glitch , where he hits the button and for some reason the game freezes . . . only had that problem once . . . . reset and fixed right away , it saved there at any rate so no big deal since no progress lost . . . Music is pretty cool , I'm not a huge heavy metal fan , I mean i like alternative like white zombie , powerman 5000 , god lives underwater etc , but i gotta say the music follows well with it . . . i mean for slicing enemies up and squishing their brains out of their head what else would you listen to . . . . Opera . . . . ? : O Survival mode is just a nice extra to have just to add to game play really , you don't have to do it , but if ya want you can go through these locked rooms with gobs and gobs of monsters to kill while you pick up nude photo pieces of jen your girlfriend or if you want you can just go through it for the heck of it and kill for fun . . . . like 10 to 30 minutes a room i guess depending on how good or bad you are at fighting . . . Then you got the basics like , Jens photos you can view of all her nudey goodness and Dr Doosh-t-bag McGuillacuddy's journals you can listen to . . . And also the ability to play all three original games as well , you gotta unlock them , but its really easy , just beat certain stages to unlock . . . Story is well . . . i liked it , but its really just for fans of the series . . . i mean the basic , rick and his girlfriend are together , rick gets killed , jen gets captured , rick comes back to life with ancient entity attached to face . . . you know the story . . . well us old school gamers do lol . . . So yeh , if your an oldschool gamer then its really right for you I would say . . . especially if you like beatem up games . . . If your a newb spitting young prancy wanna be calico vision player . . . then no this games not for you . . . . Noooooo sir , you just go right ahead and play your Calico vision black ops . . . . Btw if you don't want to buy it . . . rent it at least , that way you won't miss out on the old games which are on there . . . and the new . . . Experience the fun of the old vs the new . . . . pretty crazy comparison actually Such an old game appearing is truly awesome and Thank Namco and their teams for making it happen is all i gotta say . Music - 10 for heavy metal fans Graphics - 8 Really cool , but the backgrounds need more work as in their a little to simple . . . character models are awesome though . Story - 8 Story isn't much , but for this game it works out great since they stuck to the original layout of the old school mad Dr takes girlfriend , rick gets killed , gets mask , goes on slaughter rampage , save girl type scenario . Gameplay - 10 I LOVE THE GAMEPLAY , its strictly beatem up , but its just so much more than that though .
    • 026   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) PARENTAL WARNING : If you are reading this to find out if this game is suitable for your child , skip it ! Extreme violence , gore , and nudity . I really liked this game , I haven't had this much fun with a video game for quite some time . If you belong to the Sega / SNES and Arcade generations then you might remember beat ' em up games like Final Fight and Streets or Rage ; this game follows a similar pattern ( of course , in 3D ) . The graphics are nice , they have a funky style , the soundtrack is heavy metal rock that goes well with the gameplay , which is fun by the way . The gameplay is relatively simple : walk around , beat the crap out of enemies , grab some weapons , collect a few things , move on . While the gameplay is simple it is not shallow , you get to upgrade your character and use combo moves . I don't want to give specific details about the plot so I don't spoil it for you , but I want to say it is relatively simple and straight forward without being shallow . These days video game plots are getting more and more complex and sometimes something straight forward is a refreshing change . Another plus I found is that the game is not extremely short and you won't beat it in an afternoon like some other games ( Halo or Call of Duty , for example ) . There are some games out there that focus more on the online experience and lack the single player quality , games you can beat in 4 hours or less like Call of Duty . The lack of online play can be a plus or a minus , depending on how you look at it . I , personally , like to play online but sometimes I just don't want to , sometimes I want to play a fun game by myself and I don't want to beat it in one afternoon . Games like Call of Duty , while good , leave you with pretty limited choices for off line play . The game is violent , very violent , sometimes even gross . I'm normally pretty open as to what kind of games young teens can play , but this is not something I'd buy for a teenager . Now , the game is not perfect , it has a few issues that are sometimes annoying . My main complaint is the loading times . In this game you will die often , and while it is not frustrating to have to do the same thing over and over it is frustrating to wait for the game to load . The loading time is not horrible , but it is definitely longer than average . Another issue with the game is the lack of variety when it comes to enemies . The first half of the game is great , but by the 2nd half the enemies are pretty much the same . Long story made very short : if you are an older guy ( say , late 20 ' s to mid 30 ' s ) and want to play the same ol ' same ol ' in a modern format , maybe with an arcade feel to it , then get this game , you will not be disappointed . If you are looking for something with a complicated plot , lots of thinking / puzzles , and online play then there are other options out there . I hope they make a sequel which I will definitely get , and if the fix the enemy issue and the loading time issue then it will be a truly great game .
    • 027   PARENTAL WARNING : If you are reading this to find out if this game is suitable for your child , skip it ! Extreme violence , gore , and nudity . I really liked this game , I haven't had this much fun with a video game for quite some time . If you belong to the Sega / SNES and Arcade generations then you might remember beat ' em up games like Final Fight and Streets or Rage ; this game follows a similar pattern ( of course , in 3D ) . The graphics are nice , they have a funky style , the soundtrack is heavy metal rock that goes well with the gameplay , which is fun by the way . The gameplay is relatively simple : walk around , beat the crap out of enemies , grab some weapons , collect a few things , move on . While the gameplay is simple it is not shallow , you get to upgrade your character and use combo moves . I don't want to give specific details about the plot so I don't spoil it for you , but I want to say it is relatively simple and straight forward without being shallow . These days video game plots are getting more and more complex and sometimes something straight forward is a refreshing change . Another plus I found is that the game is not extremely short and you won't beat it in an afternoon like some other games ( Halo or Call of Duty , for example ) . There are some games out there that focus more on the online experience and lack the single player quality , games you can beat in 4 hours or less like Call of Duty . The lack of online play can be a plus or a minus , depending on how you look at it . I , personally , like to play online but sometimes I just don't want to , sometimes I want to play a fun game by myself and I don't want to beat it in one afternoon . Games like Call of Duty , while good , leave you with pretty limited choices for off line play . The game is violent , very violent , sometimes even gross . I'm normally pretty open as to what kind of games young teens can play , but this is not something I'd buy for a teenager . Now , the game is not perfect , it has a few issues that are sometimes annoying . My main complaint is the loading times . In this game you will die often , and while it is not frustrating to have to do the same thing over and over it is frustrating to wait for the game to load . The loading time is not horrible , but it is definitely longer than average . Another issue with the game is the lack of variety when it comes to enemies . The first half of the game is great , but by the 2nd half the enemies are pretty much the same . Long story made very short : if you are an older guy ( say , late 20 ' s to mid 30 ' s ) and want to play the same ol ' same ol ' in a modern format , maybe with an arcade feel to it , then get this game , you will not be disappointed . If you are looking for something with a complicated plot , lots of thinking / puzzles , and online play then there are other options out there . I hope they make a sequel which I will definitely get , and if the fix the enemy issue and the loading time issue then it will be a truly great game .
    • 028   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) There are a few things I always wanted as a Kid ( Which I never got ) MOTU Eternia Playset , A Original Teddy Ruxpin Bear , and a TurboGrafx - 16 Video Game Console ( Which in it's day of the 16Bit Console Wars was the Nintendo Game Cube of it's Generation ) The Original Splatterhouse TV Adds were very Unique in the day and age of Plumbers and Hedgehogs debatable or not Splatterhouse was one of the 1st Hardcore Survival Horror Titles . . . . . . ( 1988 ) That was ahead of Gore and Violence way before the Mortal Kombat craze in the Arcades Fast Forward 20 + Years Splatterhouse gets a Much needed Re-make / Reboot The end result a very fun title That lives up to it's Past in so many ways The Game play is very easy to pick up and learn ( with ability upgrades and Crazy over the top Weapons ! ) The game really doesn't get to stale The Game is kind of like Batman : Arkham Asylum in some ways 9 / 10 the story is written very good ( Sheds light on the Splatterhouse trilogy from the 16bit days ) the kill death-die heavy metal soundtrack is so / so You can adjust the volume thank god ! The Score and the V / O Actors are Both HQ 9.7 / 10 Even though the Terror Mask at times gets very annoying tossing out the same dialog The Graphics are 9.5 / 10 The Cut Scenes are Namco = Amazing Cut Scenes that are close to Flawless The Game has a very Slick HD cell shading look to it the game runs very good with all the Chaos and Violence going through-out The Camera Angles do at times suck but , that can be over looked . Some of the Creatures you run across are straight out of Hell Creepy & bizarre ( Some of them could easily fit in The Silent Hill Games and Doom ! ) A great example of how good this game can look would be the Boss Battle with the Possessed Baby Doll ! ! ! ! That Battle should be used as the Tech Demo it just looks Stunning and Plays so good You'll wanna come back to it a few times just to Take it appreciate it ! Not for Children @ All How this title was just given a Mature is Beyond me ( 10yrs ago it would have been Rated Adult I'm sure ) I think the ESRB really don't care much anymore or they are getting payed off lol The Violence is so Over the top and Crazy It's like playing Evil Dead or a Romero Zombie Film ! But , it's Not a gimmick ! A game like this can only be this Over the top and Intense The Nudity is very silly to say the least ( They should have used a Real life model when u find the pieces of Jenny's Photos . Much like THQ did with Mafia II and finding the Playmate pics The Extras 10 / 10 The 3 Original 2D Games UNCUT ! The Major downfall of this Game is the Release date ( It was Released @ such a Bad time with all the Bloody sequels and Super high Profile titles ( Call of Duty : Black Ops , Dead Rising II , Fable III , Assassins Creed : Brotherhood , Fallout : New Vegas , Medal of Honor , I think this Game will get lost in the Shuffle and overlooked which is a Shame cause it's a great 1st attempt at a 3 - D Remake Keep in mind Super Mario 64 was the 1st leap into 3D it looked great but , the game play was choppy and Flawed ( That was a Super Bad Camera that would give such a headache ) This title is a Great example that a 3 - D Remake can work if you put a good team behind the source material and give them free range to Flush-out every aspect of the characters and story Hopefully more Classic 16bit 2 - D games get a Reboot ( example : Double Dragon , Adventure Island , Kung Fu , a Real Ghost and Goblins Remake , Adventure of Bayou Billy , Smash TV ) Overall Splatterhouse is NOT for kids in any way but , any Hardcore gamer should give it a Chance and try to embrace it It's a very Fun and Unique experience to kill time ! 9 / 10
    • 029   There are a few things I always wanted as a Kid ( Which I never got ) MOTU Eternia Playset , A Original Teddy Ruxpin Bear , and a TurboGrafx - 16 Video Game Console ( Which in it's day of the 16Bit Console Wars was the Nintendo Game Cube of it's Generation ) The Original Splatterhouse TV Adds were very Unique in the day and age of Plumbers and Hedgehogs debatable or not Splatterhouse was one of the 1st Hardcore Survival Horror Titles . . . . . . ( 1988 ) That was ahead of Gore and Violence way before the Mortal Kombat craze in the Arcades Fast Forward 20 + Years Splatterhouse gets a Much needed Re-make / Reboot The end result a very fun title That lives up to it's Past in so many ways The Game play is very easy to pick up and learn ( with ability upgrades and Crazy over the top Weapons ! ) The game really doesn't get to stale The Game is kind of like Batman : Arkham Asylum in some ways 9 / 10 the story is written very good ( Sheds light on the Splatterhouse trilogy from the 16bit days ) the kill death-die heavy metal soundtrack is so / so You can adjust the volume thank god ! The Score and the V / O Actors are Both HQ 9.7 / 10 Even though the Terror Mask at times gets very annoying tossing out the same dialog The Graphics are 9.5 / 10 The Cut Scenes are Namco = Amazing Cut Scenes that are close to Flawless The Game has a very Slick HD cell shading look to it the game runs very good with all the Chaos and Violence going through-out The Camera Angles do at times suck but , that can be over looked . Some of the Creatures you run across are straight out of Hell Creepy & bizarre ( Some of them could easily fit in The Silent Hill Games and Doom ! ) A great example of how good this game can look would be the Boss Battle with the Possessed Baby Doll ! ! ! ! That Battle should be used as the Tech Demo it just looks Stunning and Plays so good You'll wanna come back to it a few times just to Take it appreciate it ! Not for Children @ All How this title was just given a Mature is Beyond me ( 10yrs ago it would have been Rated Adult I'm sure ) I think the ESRB really don't care much anymore or they are getting payed off lol The Violence is so Over the top and Crazy It's like playing Evil Dead or a Romero Zombie Film ! But , it's Not a gimmick ! A game like this can only be this Over the top and Intense The Nudity is very silly to say the least ( They should have used a Real life model when u find the pieces of Jenny's Photos . Much like THQ did with Mafia II and finding the Playmate pics The Extras 10 / 10 The 3 Original 2D Games UNCUT ! The Major downfall of this Game is the Release date ( It was Released @ such a Bad time with all the Bloody sequels and Super high Profile titles ( Call of Duty : Black Ops , Dead Rising II , Fable III , Assassins Creed : Brotherhood , Fallout : New Vegas , Medal of Honor , I think this Game will get lost in the Shuffle and overlooked which is a Shame cause it's a great 1st attempt at a 3 - D Remake Keep in mind Super Mario 64 was the 1st leap into 3D it looked great but , the game play was choppy and Flawed ( That was a Super Bad Camera that would give such a headache ) This title is a Great example that a 3 - D Remake can work if you put a good team behind the source material and give them free range to Flush-out every aspect of the characters and story Hopefully more Classic 16bit 2 - D games get a Reboot ( example : Double Dragon , Adventure Island , Kung Fu , a Real Ghost and Goblins Remake , Adventure of Bayou Billy , Smash TV ) Overall Splatterhouse is NOT for kids in any way but , any Hardcore gamer should give it a Chance and try to embrace it It's a very Fun and Unique experience to kill time ! 9 / 10
    • 030   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I've been following the development of this new and improved version of Splatterhouse for some time and right from the start I can say this new game is worth your time , effort and money . If you don't already know this a ridiculously violent game not for the squeamish , any children , or those without some sense of humor . I won't get into the story but I can say that it is similar to the original in content and atmosphere and it is interesting enough to see through to the end . The graphics are definitely up to current standards and compliment the game very well . The gameplay is where the real meat of the game is and it is developed well enough to stand on its on along with other recent games that are very similar such as Dante's Inferno , God of War , Darksiders , and Castelvania Lords of Shadow . As with those games Splatterhouse includes upgrades for health , combos , and weapons . The action is fast , frenzied and very rewarding . If you like looking at mostly topless to partially nude cartoon-like pics of a 20 something , female hotty then this game is also for you because the game includes collectible pieces of pictures to find and complete . I was old enough at the time the original Splatterhouse's were released to play but until a few years ago I hadn't played any of them . Now I can't confirm this just yet since I rented Splatterhouse but I keep hearing that either with a new copy which includes a redeemable online code or through unlocks the original 3 Splatterhouse's are available to play through .
    • 031   I've been following the development of this new and improved version of Splatterhouse for some time and right from the start I can say this new game is worth your time , effort and money . If you don't already know this a ridiculously violent game not for the squeamish , any children , or those without some sense of humor . I won't get into the story but I can say that it is similar to the original in content and atmosphere and it is interesting enough to see through to the end . The graphics are definitely up to current standards and compliment the game very well . The gameplay is where the real meat of the game is and it is developed well enough to stand on its on along with other recent games that are very similar such as Dante's Inferno , God of War , Darksiders , and Castelvania Lords of Shadow . As with those games Splatterhouse includes upgrades for health , combos , and weapons . The action is fast , frenzied and very rewarding . If you like looking at mostly topless to partially nude cartoon-like pics of a 20 something , female hotty then this game is also for you because the game includes collectible pieces of pictures to find and complete . I was old enough at the time the original Splatterhouse's were released to play but until a few years ago I hadn't played any of them . Now I can't confirm this just yet since I rented Splatterhouse but I keep hearing that either with a new copy which includes a redeemable online code or through unlocks the original 3 Splatterhouse's are available to play through .
    • 032   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) When I was little I remember going down to a local burger joint and looking at a game that had to do with a hockey masked guy killing all these monsters and a particular freaky boss who had a sack and hangmans noose around his neck . But also had chainsaws for hands . 20 years later I get the this game . Damn what a huge surprise . Splatterhouse brings back all of my childhood nightmares and fears all over again . Best bloody and gory game ever . Add your own death metal to it and clear your calender . Cause your going on a bloody hell ride .
    • 033   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) When I was little I remember going down to a local burger joint and looking at a game that had to do with a hockey masked guy killing all these monsters and a particular freaky boss who had a sack and hangmans noose around his neck . But also had chainsaws for hands . 20 years later I get the this game . Damn what a huge surprise . Splatterhouse brings back all of my childhood nightmares and fears all over again . Best bloody and gory game ever . Add your own death metal to it and clear your calender . Cause your going on a bloody hell ride .
    • 034   When I was little I remember going down to a local burger joint and looking at a game that had to do with a hockey masked guy killing all these monsters and a particular freaky boss who had a sack and hangmans noose around his neck . But also had chainsaws for hands . 20 years later I get the this game . Damn what a huge surprise . Splatterhouse brings back all of my childhood nightmares and fears all over again . Best bloody and gory game ever . Add your own death metal to it and clear your calender . Cause your going on a bloody hell ride .
    • 035   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) A title that seemed one of the big dogs at E3 when it was announced but then flew right under the market . I completely forgot about this game until I heard about it being on sale and picked it up for a modest $8 . For $60 bucks , I could see myself being a little disappointed , but for $40 and below its one hell of a bargain . The storyline is involving , and really draws you in . As you learn more about the estate and the people involved , you begin to see cut scenes from your past that slowly piece together why exactly you are in the situation you are in . Lots of collectibles and unlockables , so it gives you reason to replay the campaign . In addition to these , as you slaughter countless enemies , you rack up BLOOD points which you use to learn new skills and enhance your abilities . If a portion of the story is giving you an increasingly hard time ( and trust me , there are sections that are extremely difficult ) you can always grind a couple levels before and rank up your skill so the harder portion is easier to beat . ( Have yet to do this myself but I know the option is available . ) What shocked me most is how well the story is told . In addition to the survival horror elements the gameplay provides , the eerie atmosphere perpetuated by the environment keeps you on your toes , while the narration of the Terror Mask relaxes with you with temporary comedic relief . Its an experience in itself how the game constantly sways your mood through the proper use of comedy , horror , and drama that the story seamlessly blends . If you are looking for a complex and intricate experience , you are looking at the wrong title . If you want a couple months of fun and some good laughs , don't hesitate to pick this up , for the price its at now , its unbeatable . Did I mention you can also unlock the previous 3 splatterhouse games ? Yeah , they're there too .
    • 036   A title that seemed one of the big dogs at E3 when it was announced but then flew right under the market . I completely forgot about this game until I heard about it being on sale and picked it up for a modest $8 . For $60 bucks , I could see myself being a little disappointed , but for $40 and below its one hell of a bargain . The storyline is involving , and really draws you in . As you learn more about the estate and the people involved , you begin to see cut scenes from your past that slowly piece together why exactly you are in the situation you are in . Lots of collectibles and unlockables , so it gives you reason to replay the campaign . In addition to these , as you slaughter countless enemies , you rack up BLOOD points which you use to learn new skills and enhance your abilities . If a portion of the story is giving you an increasingly hard time ( and trust me , there are sections that are extremely difficult ) you can always grind a couple levels before and rank up your skill so the harder portion is easier to beat . ( Have yet to do this myself but I know the option is available . ) What shocked me most is how well the story is told . In addition to the survival horror elements the gameplay provides , the eerie atmosphere perpetuated by the environment keeps you on your toes , while the narration of the Terror Mask relaxes with you with temporary comedic relief . Its an experience in itself how the game constantly sways your mood through the proper use of comedy , horror , and drama that the story seamlessly blends . If you are looking for a complex and intricate experience , you are looking at the wrong title . If you want a couple months of fun and some good laughs , don't hesitate to pick this up , for the price its at now , its unbeatable . Did I mention you can also unlock the previous 3 splatterhouse games ? Yeah , they're there too .
    • 037   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Good game full of nostalgia time , not the best graphics but if you are looking for gore and fun , this is it . It has a decent replay and good enough story . And you really get to do it for the girl , specially after you begin recovering her photos . Rated M for a reason .
    • 038   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Good game full of nostalgia time , not the best graphics but if you are looking for gore and fun , this is it . It has a decent replay and good enough story . And you really get to do it for the girl , specially after you begin recovering her photos . Rated M for a reason .
    • 039   Good game full of nostalgia time , not the best graphics but if you are looking for gore and fun , this is it . It has a decent replay and good enough story . And you really get to do it for the girl , specially after you begin recovering her photos . Rated M for a reason .
    • 040   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) This is an example of a great game being absolutely destroyed by critics because of small problems . I absolutely love this game but I'm not going to lie about the fact that the splatter kills WILL get repetitive , some of the one liners are repeated too much , there are glitches in the game , and the enemies are pretty much all just palete swaps of each other as if this was the early 90 ' s in the arcades . But the story is fantastic , the gameplay is satisfying as all hell , the voice acting is amazing , and it has quite a bit of replay value . Don't believe the loud mouths bringing this game down . It's a good game if you don't mind small problems
    • 041   This is an example of a great game being absolutely destroyed by critics because of small problems . I absolutely love this game but I'm not going to lie about the fact that the splatter kills WILL get repetitive , some of the one liners are repeated too much , there are glitches in the game , and the enemies are pretty much all just palete swaps of each other as if this was the early 90 ' s in the arcades . But the story is fantastic , the gameplay is satisfying as all hell , the voice acting is amazing , and it has quite a bit of replay value . Don't believe the loud mouths bringing this game down . It's a good game if you don't mind small problems
    • 042   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Game is great , played before but never to completion until I got it on here . By far one of my favs .
    • 043   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Game is great , played before but never to completion until I got it on here . By far one of my favs .
    • 045   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Awesome return to the Splatterhouse and just a difficult as the original series . After completing the game you can even play the original Splatterhouse . Hope they make more , awesome game .
    • 046   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Awesome return to the Splatterhouse and just a difficult as the original series . After completing the game you can even play the original Splatterhouse . Hope they make more , awesome game .
    • 048   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I only got this game so I could play the old games included on the disc . I had to beat this game to get them and while it is fun the gameplay gets old and the recycled boss battles will make you want to throw your controller .
    • 049   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I only got this game so I could play the old games included on the disc . I had to beat this game to get them and while it is fun the gameplay gets old and the recycled boss battles will make you want to throw your controller .
    • 051   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) This game is fun and right now its at its right price point . Its a short game , not for kits in any way , too bloody , and with too much adult content . However it is a fun mindless game . If you are a fan of the old style arcades , the games are un-lockable as part of the game play plus it has a few challenge modes that can be pretty fun . This game doesn't have significant depth , you dont play this game for the story its the mayhem . In the end its mindless button mashing fun .
    • 052   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) This game is fun and right now its at its right price point . Its a short game , not for kits in any way , too bloody , and with too much adult content . However it is a fun mindless game . If you are a fan of the old style arcades , the games are un-lockable as part of the game play plus it has a few challenge modes that can be pretty fun . This game doesn't have significant depth , you dont play this game for the story its the mayhem . In the end its mindless button mashing fun .
    • 053   This game is fun and right now its at its right price point . Its a short game , not for kits in any way , too bloody , and with too much adult content . However it is a fun mindless game . If you are a fan of the old style arcades , the games are un-lockable as part of the game play plus it has a few challenge modes that can be pretty fun . This game doesn't have significant depth , you dont play this game for the story its the mayhem . In the end its mindless button mashing fun .
    • 054   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I found this remake of the original Sega Genesis cult classic above and beyond what I expected . There is a lot of gory violence and nudity involved so if you are buying this for a child make sure they are of age or you know what you are buying . Limbs are torn off and used as weapons , decapitations , etc . Gameplay is enjoyable though at times a bit tricky to get the hang of . Graphics are wonderful when all you can remember are the graphics and side-scrolling of the Genesis version . Overall , a great buy if you enjoy mindless killing with a decent plot . If you played the original you will absolutely love this game .
    • 055   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I found this remake of the original Sega Genesis cult classic above and beyond what I expected . There is a lot of gory violence and nudity involved so if you are buying this for a child make sure they are of age or you know what you are buying . Limbs are torn off and used as weapons , decapitations , etc . Gameplay is enjoyable though at times a bit tricky to get the hang of . Graphics are wonderful when all you can remember are the graphics and side-scrolling of the Genesis version . Overall , a great buy if you enjoy mindless killing with a decent plot . If you played the original you will absolutely love this game .
    • 056   I found this remake of the original Sega Genesis cult classic above and beyond what I expected . There is a lot of gory violence and nudity involved so if you are buying this for a child make sure they are of age or you know what you are buying . Limbs are torn off and used as weapons , decapitations , etc . Gameplay is enjoyable though at times a bit tricky to get the hang of . Graphics are wonderful when all you can remember are the graphics and side-scrolling of the Genesis version . Overall , a great buy if you enjoy mindless killing with a decent plot . If you played the original you will absolutely love this game .
    • 057   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) This games pays tribute to the old splatterhouse series . Its bloody , brutal in your face gory . a must have for any horror fan .
    • 058   This games pays tribute to the old splatterhouse series . Its bloody , brutal in your face gory . a must have for any horror fan .
    • 059   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Well this game is good because of the extreme gore and violence . The only thing I found to be a pain is the loading time . The splatter kills , and all 3 of the classics is a good feature . The soundtrack is good but where is the Cannibal Corpse song . This game needs two things , one music from Cannibal Corpse and 2 faster load times .
    • 061   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Not much to say . I wouldn't pay more than $29.99 , which is what I paid for the game . It's old school blood and guts . Not much of a storyline really and not a whole lot of replay value but a fun little game .
    • 062   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Not much to say . I wouldn't pay more than $29.99 , which is what I paid for the game . It's old school blood and guts . Not much of a storyline really and not a whole lot of replay value but a fun little game .
    • 064   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) The Splatterhouse series isn't particularly known for its exquisite storytelling , and though the game was released back in 1988 in arcades , the original Splatterhouse had enough potency to it to allow this remake to occur , despite some minor issues with the game , having beat it thoroughly , i'd say this game does a good job honoring the original . You play Rick , a recently murdered college kid who just wanted to go out on a date with Jennifer , his soon to be fiance ' but , it all goes wrong when they meet Dr . West in his mansion , who sicks his hounds on the two , kidnapping Jennifer , and impaling Rick pretty badly . As he leaks out , he notices the Terror Mask , and is given a choice , die here , or put the mask on , and save his girlfriend . Without much thought , Rick chooses option B , becomes a hulking mass of muscle and becomes 110% committed to retrieving his Girlfriend , and will kill , maim , disembody , gut , cleave , and pummel anything unfortunate enough to get in his way . Rick's good to go , but will you want to play ? What's Good : The Graphics : The environments are well animated , and though the game has a slightly cartoony feel , it doesn't come off as unrealistic per say . The best description i can come up with is a realistic caricature of the characters , while maintaining a par or better version of realism for environments . With exception of the doors you get to feed . Damage : What i really liked about Splatterhouse is how much effort Namco put into the actual damage system , enemies can be cut limb from limb , decapitated , sliced in half , and Rick himself can be dismembered , all in battle , with no hiccups in frame rate . I like that Rick can be missing chunks of his flesh under normal play , i guess it gives me some sort of real showcase that though rick is the powerhouse he is , its still killable . Violence : Ok this game is excessively , brutally violent in almost every sense . Blood coats the walls , pours off and out of gaping wounds , and flows a neat little trail from corpse , up ricks leg and into the mask . Rick can do what's called splatterkills , which is even more violent than the usual beat you can disperse normally . Usually it involves literally tearing a enemy apart , in one case , you provide an interesting version of a fatal prostate exam . Basically the game offers up all of those things people swear they don't like to see , its a massive collection of gore , and its good at depicting it . Controls : As a whole , i liked the control scheme , X was attack , a jumped , used the triggers for different movesets , and with very minor touchy issues with certain things the controls worked , quite well in fact . The combination weren't obscure , if anything they might have been on the side of too basic . Upgrades : There are plenty of upgrades , purchased by BLOOD which is received through killing enemies , with more moves , health , mask power ups , special moves , and upgrades to the way you even use weapons , Rick is very customizable to the way you play most first . Almost EVERY upgrade is worth getting and will help you fight back the crowds easier , many platformers do not provide effective upgrades , it was nice that when i spent all of my BLOOD i saved up on a skill , I didn't feel like i was ripped off . The Bad : Jumping ( sidescroll ) : Personally i got used to jumping pretty easily , but it felt funky . Rick's jump is a really pathetic thing given what he can do . Its short , most cases , just long enough to get you where you need to go , but its a minor issue at best , especially since Rick jumps a lot early on and then it kind of just never happens in the side scrolling portions again . Loading : The loading screen , though decidedly creepy , and quite well conceived is ridiculously punishing . Though the game loads a lot once and then in very little snippets , really keeping you in game with only a few mandatory load screens througout the story mode , if you die , you will hate this screen . Make a minor error and die , you will be rewarded with a 40 second to 1 minute load . It SUCKS , honestly this one problem almost made me put the game down for a while during one part of the story . Apparent Repetitive nature : At first , the game seems fine , but you begin to feel you're doing the same thing over and over and over . This is true , about 30% into it , Splatterhouse begins to drag its feet . But , towards the last few phases , it begins to ask MUCH more from the player , forcing the player to open up his moveset me , dodge more , block and use different moves , so yes it does get a bit repetitive , but it fixes back up later . The End : I won't spoil it , but i didn't like the end , it fits the bill , but the way it was done i think could have been done more permanent than the choice they made to implement . If there is a S2 , then i think i can forgive them for their choice , but without that , its not going to work . All in all , Splatterhouse does have what it takes to be a good time , its challenging late game , its fun , it more or less does what it needs to with some frustration . But if you can look past what it doesn't do right . Its a good way to spend a few days . * * Note : this game is not in any way for children under its mature title rating , it contains excessive violence , vulgarity , and pornography . If you are not comfortable with this , or not comfortable with your kids ' playing this sort of thing , you should not purchase this title . If you are unsure , rent it to decide .
    • 065   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) The Splatterhouse series isn't particularly known for its exquisite storytelling , and though the game was released back in 1988 in arcades , the original Splatterhouse had enough potency to it to allow this remake to occur , despite some minor issues with the game , having beat it thoroughly , i'd say this game does a good job honoring the original . You play Rick , a recently murdered college kid who just wanted to go out on a date with Jennifer , his soon to be fiance ' but , it all goes wrong when they meet Dr . West in his mansion , who sicks his hounds on the two , kidnapping Jennifer , and impaling Rick pretty badly . As he leaks out , he notices the Terror Mask , and is given a choice , die here , or put the mask on , and save his girlfriend . Without much thought , Rick chooses option B , becomes a hulking mass of muscle and becomes 110% committed to retrieving his Girlfriend , and will kill , maim , disembody , gut , cleave , and pummel anything unfortunate enough to get in his way . Rick's good to go , but will you want to play ? What's Good : The Graphics : The environments are well animated , and though the game has a slightly cartoony feel , it doesn't come off as unrealistic per say . The best description i can come up with is a realistic caricature of the characters , while maintaining a par or better version of realism for environments . With exception of the doors you get to feed . Damage : What i really liked about Splatterhouse is how much effort Namco put into the actual damage system , enemies can be cut limb from limb , decapitated , sliced in half , and Rick himself can be dismembered , all in battle , with no hiccups in frame rate . I like that Rick can be missing chunks of his flesh under normal play , i guess it gives me some sort of real showcase that though rick is the powerhouse he is , its still killable . Violence : Ok this game is excessively , brutally violent in almost every sense . Blood coats the walls , pours off and out of gaping wounds , and flows a neat little trail from corpse , up ricks leg and into the mask . Rick can do what's called splatterkills , which is even more violent than the usual beat you can disperse normally . Usually it involves literally tearing a enemy apart , in one case , you provide an interesting version of a fatal prostate exam . Basically the game offers up all of those things people swear they don't like to see , its a massive collection of gore , and its good at depicting it . Controls : As a whole , i liked the control scheme , X was attack , a jumped , used the triggers for different movesets , and with very minor touchy issues with certain things the controls worked , quite well in fact . The combination weren't obscure , if anything they might have been on the side of too basic . Upgrades : There are plenty of upgrades , purchased by BLOOD which is received through killing enemies , with more moves , health , mask power ups , special moves , and upgrades to the way you even use weapons , Rick is very customizable to the way you play most first . Almost EVERY upgrade is worth getting and will help you fight back the crowds easier , many platformers do not provide effective upgrades , it was nice that when i spent all of my BLOOD i saved up on a skill , I didn't feel like i was ripped off . The Bad : Jumping ( sidescroll ) : Personally i got used to jumping pretty easily , but it felt funky . Rick's jump is a really pathetic thing given what he can do . Its short , most cases , just long enough to get you where you need to go , but its a minor issue at best , especially since Rick jumps a lot early on and then it kind of just never happens in the side scrolling portions again . Loading : The loading screen , though decidedly creepy , and quite well conceived is ridiculously punishing . Though the game loads a lot once and then in very little snippets , really keeping you in game with only a few mandatory load screens througout the story mode , if you die , you will hate this screen . Make a minor error and die , you will be rewarded with a 40 second to 1 minute load . It SUCKS , honestly this one problem almost made me put the game down for a while during one part of the story . Apparent Repetitive nature : At first , the game seems fine , but you begin to feel you're doing the same thing over and over and over . This is true , about 30% into it , Splatterhouse begins to drag its feet . But , towards the last few phases , it begins to ask MUCH more from the player , forcing the player to open up his moveset me , dodge more , block and use different moves , so yes it does get a bit repetitive , but it fixes back up later . The End : I won't spoil it , but i didn't like the end , it fits the bill , but the way it was done i think could have been done more permanent than the choice they made to implement . If there is a S2 , then i think i can forgive them for their choice , but without that , its not going to work . All in all , Splatterhouse does have what it takes to be a good time , its challenging late game , its fun , it more or less does what it needs to with some frustration . But if you can look past what it doesn't do right . Its a good way to spend a few days . * * Note : this game is not in any way for children under its mature title rating , it contains excessive violence , vulgarity , and pornography . If you are not comfortable with this , or not comfortable with your kids ' playing this sort of thing , you should not purchase this title . If you are unsure , rent it to decide .
    • 066   The Splatterhouse series isn't particularly known for its exquisite storytelling , and though the game was released back in 1988 in arcades , the original Splatterhouse had enough potency to it to allow this remake to occur , despite some minor issues with the game , having beat it thoroughly , i'd say this game does a good job honoring the original . You play Rick , a recently murdered college kid who just wanted to go out on a date with Jennifer , his soon to be fiance ' but , it all goes wrong when they meet Dr . West in his mansion , who sicks his hounds on the two , kidnapping Jennifer , and impaling Rick pretty badly . As he leaks out , he notices the Terror Mask , and is given a choice , die here , or put the mask on , and save his girlfriend . Without much thought , Rick chooses option B , becomes a hulking mass of muscle and becomes 110% committed to retrieving his Girlfriend , and will kill , maim , disembody , gut , cleave , and pummel anything unfortunate enough to get in his way . Rick's good to go , but will you want to play ? What's Good : The Graphics : The environments are well animated , and though the game has a slightly cartoony feel , it doesn't come off as unrealistic per say . The best description i can come up with is a realistic caricature of the characters , while maintaining a par or better version of realism for environments . With exception of the doors you get to feed . Damage : What i really liked about Splatterhouse is how much effort Namco put into the actual damage system , enemies can be cut limb from limb , decapitated , sliced in half , and Rick himself can be dismembered , all in battle , with no hiccups in frame rate . I like that Rick can be missing chunks of his flesh under normal play , i guess it gives me some sort of real showcase that though rick is the powerhouse he is , its still killable . Violence : Ok this game is excessively , brutally violent in almost every sense . Blood coats the walls , pours off and out of gaping wounds , and flows a neat little trail from corpse , up ricks leg and into the mask . Rick can do what's called splatterkills , which is even more violent than the usual beat you can disperse normally . Usually it involves literally tearing a enemy apart , in one case , you provide an interesting version of a fatal prostate exam . Basically the game offers up all of those things people swear they don't like to see , its a massive collection of gore , and its good at depicting it . Controls : As a whole , i liked the control scheme , X was attack , a jumped , used the triggers for different movesets , and with very minor touchy issues with certain things the controls worked , quite well in fact . The combination weren't obscure , if anything they might have been on the side of too basic . Upgrades : There are plenty of upgrades , purchased by BLOOD which is received through killing enemies , with more moves , health , mask power ups , special moves , and upgrades to the way you even use weapons , Rick is very customizable to the way you play most first . Almost EVERY upgrade is worth getting and will help you fight back the crowds easier , many platformers do not provide effective upgrades , it was nice that when i spent all of my BLOOD i saved up on a skill , I didn't feel like i was ripped off . The Bad : Jumping ( sidescroll ) : Personally i got used to jumping pretty easily , but it felt funky . Rick's jump is a really pathetic thing given what he can do . Its short , most cases , just long enough to get you where you need to go , but its a minor issue at best , especially since Rick jumps a lot early on and then it kind of just never happens in the side scrolling portions again . Loading : The loading screen , though decidedly creepy , and quite well conceived is ridiculously punishing . Though the game loads a lot once and then in very little snippets , really keeping you in game with only a few mandatory load screens througout the story mode , if you die , you will hate this screen . Make a minor error and die , you will be rewarded with a 40 second to 1 minute load . It SUCKS , honestly this one problem almost made me put the game down for a while during one part of the story . Apparent Repetitive nature : At first , the game seems fine , but you begin to feel you're doing the same thing over and over and over . This is true , about 30% into it , Splatterhouse begins to drag its feet . But , towards the last few phases , it begins to ask MUCH more from the player , forcing the player to open up his moveset me , dodge more , block and use different moves , so yes it does get a bit repetitive , but it fixes back up later . The End : I won't spoil it , but i didn't like the end , it fits the bill , but the way it was done i think could have been done more permanent than the choice they made to implement . If there is a S2 , then i think i can forgive them for their choice , but without that , its not going to work . All in all , Splatterhouse does have what it takes to be a good time , its challenging late game , its fun , it more or less does what it needs to with some frustration . But if you can look past what it doesn't do right . Its a good way to spend a few days . * * Note : this game is not in any way for children under its mature title rating , it contains excessive violence , vulgarity , and pornography . If you are not comfortable with this , or not comfortable with your kids ' playing this sort of thing , you should not purchase this title . If you are unsure , rent it to decide .
    • 067   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Splatterhouse is awesome if you like beat em ups , action , GORE ( ripping limbs and heads off a plenty ! ) , adult comedy ( The terror mask and Rick have conversations with each other , its hilarious , adult humor though no kiddie stuff ) , this game has it all . I like being a character in a game who can deal out major * * * whippings , its nice for a change not feeling so helpless , you are a complete bad * * * in this game . Would be perfect if they stepped up the graphics a tad , add multiplayer and fix the damn camera . You will battle the camera sometimes and its frustrating , although it doesn't happen in every part of the game . I also like the 2D side scrolling parts they have throughout the game , a nod to the old school and made for a very nice change of pace . Also comes with unlockable old school Splatterhouses 1 - 3 . Do not pay attention to reviews on this game from IGN or any other gaming website , they were WAY too harsh on this game , although its not a sixty dollar game ( because the camera should work flawlessly ) I do highly recommend Splatterhouse to anyone who likes 3rd person action and beat em ups , as long as you can handle the blood and gore , you p * * * * !
    • 068   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Splatterhouse is awesome if you like beat em ups , action , GORE ( ripping limbs and heads off a plenty ! ) , adult comedy ( The terror mask and Rick have conversations with each other , its hilarious , adult humor though no kiddie stuff ) , this game has it all . I like being a character in a game who can deal out major * * * whippings , its nice for a change not feeling so helpless , you are a complete bad * * * in this game . Would be perfect if they stepped up the graphics a tad , add multiplayer and fix the damn camera . You will battle the camera sometimes and its frustrating , although it doesn't happen in every part of the game . I also like the 2D side scrolling parts they have throughout the game , a nod to the old school and made for a very nice change of pace . Also comes with unlockable old school Splatterhouses 1 - 3 . Do not pay attention to reviews on this game from IGN or any other gaming website , they were WAY too harsh on this game , although its not a sixty dollar game ( because the camera should work flawlessly ) I do highly recommend Splatterhouse to anyone who likes 3rd person action and beat em ups , as long as you can handle the blood and gore , you p * * * * !
    • 069   Splatterhouse is awesome if you like beat em ups , action , GORE ( ripping limbs and heads off a plenty ! ) , adult comedy ( The terror mask and Rick have conversations with each other , its hilarious , adult humor though no kiddie stuff ) , this game has it all . I like being a character in a game who can deal out major * * * whippings , its nice for a change not feeling so helpless , you are a complete bad * * * in this game . Would be perfect if they stepped up the graphics a tad , add multiplayer and fix the damn camera . You will battle the camera sometimes and its frustrating , although it doesn't happen in every part of the game . I also like the 2D side scrolling parts they have throughout the game , a nod to the old school and made for a very nice change of pace . Also comes with unlockable old school Splatterhouses 1 - 3 . Do not pay attention to reviews on this game from IGN or any other gaming website , they were WAY too harsh on this game , although its not a sixty dollar game ( because the camera should work flawlessly ) I do highly recommend Splatterhouse to anyone who likes 3rd person action and beat em ups , as long as you can handle the blood and gore , you p * * * * !
    • 070   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) First of the all I bought this game during the holiday sales for $25.99 . The game is worth $25.99 . I wouldn't pay more than $29.99 for this game because of it's length ( around 10 - 15 hours ) and bugs . If you are looking to squeeze all the achievements out of it , then you're looking at somewhere around 18 - 20 hours . The game is a love / hate relationship . It has quite a few bugs in it and it can get frustrating , but it can be fun . The Splatterkills are fun to see at first but get really repetitive near the end of the game . One of the most fearsome enemies in the game is not an actual enemy , but the camera that follows Rick . There is no targeting in the game and the camera can get really crazy sometimes , even to the point of looking inside an enemy , or even a black wall or ceiling . When you get to the Arenas where you have to battle wave after wave of creatures , you will see the camera do some wild things . At some points of the game you are literally fighting the camera to look one way while it pulls to another . A few other bugs I've run into are the Splatterkills . When an enemy is low enough in health you are to press the designated button to enter the Splatterkill mini button game . Enemies that are low enough on health are outlined in red . Well there have been a few times that the game messes up and the enemies are outlined in red , but you can't enter the Splatterkill mini game once you press the designated buttons . Another thing that's not really a bug but a frustration is getting out of enemy combos . Some enemies will go into a combo and you basically take every hit . It's especially frustrating when you have the ability to roll / dodge and the enemy has a virtual auto-target on you . One time I executed a Splatterkill and after finishing the enemy off , when I retured to the action , my character ( Rick ) was in an animation button lock with another enemy . Basically the button lock is relative to the God of War types of grapple moves where you press the designated button to get out of a situation , but in my case it happened so fast , a button didn't appear on the screen and I had no idea what button to press to get out of the lock , so I instantly died . It wouldn't be so bad during the story line game , but if you're doing the arenas , which can take up to 25 minutes and you're on the next to last wave , it can be very frustrating . The game is fun though . The upgrade system allows you to get some really powerful moves , which in turn makes it a lot easier to defeat some of the tougher enemies . All upgraded moves can carry over to new games as well . Once I go through it on the Brutal difficulty and get all the achievements I can honestly say I won't play it again . I do recommend the game to anyone that likes a load of violence , cursing and soft-core nudity . The heavy metal soundtrack is rockin ' as well . The game is definitely a button masher and is definitely worth a play through at least once .
    • 071   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) First of the all I bought this game during the holiday sales for $25.99 . The game is worth $25.99 . I wouldn't pay more than $29.99 for this game because of it's length ( around 10 - 15 hours ) and bugs . If you are looking to squeeze all the achievements out of it , then you're looking at somewhere around 18 - 20 hours . The game is a love / hate relationship . It has quite a few bugs in it and it can get frustrating , but it can be fun . The Splatterkills are fun to see at first but get really repetitive near the end of the game . One of the most fearsome enemies in the game is not an actual enemy , but the camera that follows Rick . There is no targeting in the game and the camera can get really crazy sometimes , even to the point of looking inside an enemy , or even a black wall or ceiling . When you get to the Arenas where you have to battle wave after wave of creatures , you will see the camera do some wild things . At some points of the game you are literally fighting the camera to look one way while it pulls to another . A few other bugs I've run into are the Splatterkills . When an enemy is low enough in health you are to press the designated button to enter the Splatterkill mini button game . Enemies that are low enough on health are outlined in red . Well there have been a few times that the game messes up and the enemies are outlined in red , but you can't enter the Splatterkill mini game once you press the designated buttons . Another thing that's not really a bug but a frustration is getting out of enemy combos . Some enemies will go into a combo and you basically take every hit . It's especially frustrating when you have the ability to roll / dodge and the enemy has a virtual auto-target on you . One time I executed a Splatterkill and after finishing the enemy off , when I retured to the action , my character ( Rick ) was in an animation button lock with another enemy . Basically the button lock is relative to the God of War types of grapple moves where you press the designated button to get out of a situation , but in my case it happened so fast , a button didn't appear on the screen and I had no idea what button to press to get out of the lock , so I instantly died . It wouldn't be so bad during the story line game , but if you're doing the arenas , which can take up to 25 minutes and you're on the next to last wave , it can be very frustrating . The game is fun though . The upgrade system allows you to get some really powerful moves , which in turn makes it a lot easier to defeat some of the tougher enemies . All upgraded moves can carry over to new games as well . Once I go through it on the Brutal difficulty and get all the achievements I can honestly say I won't play it again . I do recommend the game to anyone that likes a load of violence , cursing and soft-core nudity . The heavy metal soundtrack is rockin ' as well . The game is definitely a button masher and is definitely worth a play through at least once .
    • 072   First of the all I bought this game during the holiday sales for $25.99 . The game is worth $25.99 . I wouldn't pay more than $29.99 for this game because of it's length ( around 10 - 15 hours ) and bugs . If you are looking to squeeze all the achievements out of it , then you're looking at somewhere around 18 - 20 hours . The game is a love / hate relationship . It has quite a few bugs in it and it can get frustrating , but it can be fun . The Splatterkills are fun to see at first but get really repetitive near the end of the game . One of the most fearsome enemies in the game is not an actual enemy , but the camera that follows Rick . There is no targeting in the game and the camera can get really crazy sometimes , even to the point of looking inside an enemy , or even a black wall or ceiling . When you get to the Arenas where you have to battle wave after wave of creatures , you will see the camera do some wild things . At some points of the game you are literally fighting the camera to look one way while it pulls to another . A few other bugs I've run into are the Splatterkills . When an enemy is low enough in health you are to press the designated button to enter the Splatterkill mini button game . Enemies that are low enough on health are outlined in red . Well there have been a few times that the game messes up and the enemies are outlined in red , but you can't enter the Splatterkill mini game once you press the designated buttons . Another thing that's not really a bug but a frustration is getting out of enemy combos . Some enemies will go into a combo and you basically take every hit . It's especially frustrating when you have the ability to roll / dodge and the enemy has a virtual auto-target on you . One time I executed a Splatterkill and after finishing the enemy off , when I retured to the action , my character ( Rick ) was in an animation button lock with another enemy . Basically the button lock is relative to the God of War types of grapple moves where you press the designated button to get out of a situation , but in my case it happened so fast , a button didn't appear on the screen and I had no idea what button to press to get out of the lock , so I instantly died . It wouldn't be so bad during the story line game , but if you're doing the arenas , which can take up to 25 minutes and you're on the next to last wave , it can be very frustrating . The game is fun though . The upgrade system allows you to get some really powerful moves , which in turn makes it a lot easier to defeat some of the tougher enemies . All upgraded moves can carry over to new games as well . Once I go through it on the Brutal difficulty and get all the achievements I can honestly say I won't play it again . I do recommend the game to anyone that likes a load of violence , cursing and soft-core nudity . The heavy metal soundtrack is rockin ' as well . The game is definitely a button masher and is definitely worth a play through at least once .
    • 073   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I didn't go into playing this with such high expectations due to the poor reviews . First the bad things , yes the camera isn't the best but it's far from bad as well , it's good . Secondly the platforming scenes can be a touch difficult but are still fun to get through , and third and my only real gripe is that the loading screen is pretty long after you die . I also don't like the main menu screen but that's just poor aesthetics , nothing to do with gameplay or the like . The game could have used a touch more polish , but is a good solid release overall . The game does take some strategy with the fights even though it's very repetitive and you pretty much just kill everything in sight . The visuals are nice , the voices and storyline are solid and interesting , and so far the game seems to last around 7 hrs , not counting the three original sega genesis titles you are able to unlock , or the survival mode . The story is pretty much you and your girlfriend go to a mansion , the Evil Dr.West kidnaps her and tries to kill you . You obtain a mask which seems to be very evil but also makes you a force to be reckoned with . But also saves your life . I'm not finished with the game yet so I can't give you too much of the storyline , but that'the gist from the word jump . The killing is fun , the graphics and blood are great , the cut scenes are nice , and the quick time events to defeat bosses and break through walls etc . . are cool in my book . If you want a thinking mans game this is not for you , if you don't mind repetition , violence , cursing , and a little nudity then you may have as much fun with this as I am . Totally worth the $26 Amazon had it on sale for . Grade Rating : B
    • 074   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I didn't go into playing this with such high expectations due to the poor reviews . First the bad things , yes the camera isn't the best but it's far from bad as well , it's good . Secondly the platforming scenes can be a touch difficult but are still fun to get through , and third and my only real gripe is that the loading screen is pretty long after you die . I also don't like the main menu screen but that's just poor aesthetics , nothing to do with gameplay or the like . The game could have used a touch more polish , but is a good solid release overall . The game does take some strategy with the fights even though it's very repetitive and you pretty much just kill everything in sight . The visuals are nice , the voices and storyline are solid and interesting , and so far the game seems to last around 7 hrs , not counting the three original sega genesis titles you are able to unlock , or the survival mode . The story is pretty much you and your girlfriend go to a mansion , the Evil Dr.West kidnaps her and tries to kill you . You obtain a mask which seems to be very evil but also makes you a force to be reckoned with . But also saves your life . I'm not finished with the game yet so I can't give you too much of the storyline , but that'the gist from the word jump . The killing is fun , the graphics and blood are great , the cut scenes are nice , and the quick time events to defeat bosses and break through walls etc . . are cool in my book . If you want a thinking mans game this is not for you , if you don't mind repetition , violence , cursing , and a little nudity then you may have as much fun with this as I am . Totally worth the $26 Amazon had it on sale for . Grade Rating : B
    • 075   I didn't go into playing this with such high expectations due to the poor reviews . First the bad things , yes the camera isn't the best but it's far from bad as well , it's good . Secondly the platforming scenes can be a touch difficult but are still fun to get through , and third and my only real gripe is that the loading screen is pretty long after you die . I also don't like the main menu screen but that's just poor aesthetics , nothing to do with gameplay or the like . The game could have used a touch more polish , but is a good solid release overall . The game does take some strategy with the fights even though it's very repetitive and you pretty much just kill everything in sight . The visuals are nice , the voices and storyline are solid and interesting , and so far the game seems to last around 7 hrs , not counting the three original sega genesis titles you are able to unlock , or the survival mode . The story is pretty much you and your girlfriend go to a mansion , the Evil Dr.West kidnaps her and tries to kill you . You obtain a mask which seems to be very evil but also makes you a force to be reckoned with . But also saves your life . I'm not finished with the game yet so I can't give you too much of the storyline , but that'the gist from the word jump . The killing is fun , the graphics and blood are great , the cut scenes are nice , and the quick time events to defeat bosses and break through walls etc . . are cool in my book . If you want a thinking mans game this is not for you , if you don't mind repetition , violence , cursing , and a little nudity then you may have as much fun with this as I am . Totally worth the $26 Amazon had it on sale for . Grade Rating : B
    • 076   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) This game got a really bad critic score but coming from a gamer who dosnt take gaming sooooo seriously , the game is really fun , heavy metal , blood , gore , enough said this game is great and the bad mechanics do suck but they dont ruin the game .
    • 077   This game got a really bad critic score but coming from a gamer who dosnt take gaming sooooo seriously , the game is really fun , heavy metal , blood , gore , enough said this game is great and the bad mechanics do suck but they dont ruin the game .
    • 078   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) As the title says , that is all this game really is . As a kid , I used to play the first two classic games ( when they came out on the home consoles ) at a friends house , and boy . . . was it ever BRUTAL ( mispelled ? ) . The whole story is the same as the old games : Boy ( Rick ) takes Girl ( Jennifer ) to old creepy manson , Jennifer gets kidnapped ( where have heard this before ? ) , Rick is left for dead , finds the Terror Mask ( voice of Jim Cummings ) , Rick puts mask on . . . MADNESS Starts ! But no more talking . . . lets get down to business . Heres how I'll review the game-Graphics , Sound , Gameplay , Presentation , Diffeculty level , Replay value , Entertainment , Story , and then : the Final Judgement . Graphics : 4 / 5 The cinmatics in the game are good , and the whole cel-shaded , Borderlands in-game graphics is a nice touch . Sound : 3 / 5 Now , theres the good and the bad . The bad is that sometimes the audio cuts out ( both in-game and during load times , ) the good is that the whole Death Metal / Heavy Metal music makes it even more fun while your tearing through monsters , and the voice acting is also good . Gameplay : 4 / 5 Sometimes the controls get a little . . . jagged . One of the big things is the roll . You have to hold the RB button and move the left thumbstick . . . and by the way , that RB button , is also the block button . Yeah . . . which means you can't block and turn to the attacking monster or dead . . . things , because you'll roll instead . But that is the only thing I nit-picked at , everything else is fine . . . so far . Presentaion : 2 / 5 This . . . this is the big one . The menu layout is easy to navgate , and it also has the first three games on the same disc . Sweet ! ! ! But you'll have to unlock them first . Sad face . But the biggest letdown . . . the load times . There not Sonic 06 bad , but they can get pretty bad at times . You die . . . LOADING ! You beat a boss . . . LOADING ! You DIE from said boss . . . LOADING and fight the boss . . . from the START ! ! ! Dificulty Level : 3 / 5 ( aka ' Run-of-the-mills ) Some of the monsters and the dead can get tough at times , but not to stressful . The bosses are the same . . . you just got to reameber ( mispelled ) their patterns . Survial is the true test of your gaming skills . Replay Value : 3 / 5 Once you beat the game , you got the pictures to get , all the power-ups , etc . Also , the first three games to play ( IF you unlocked them . ) Long story short : this game is one and done . Entertainment : 5 / 5 Going back to the title , that's all the entertainment you need really . Story : 3 / 5 Same as the old games . NEXT ! ! ! The Final Judgement : 3 1 / 2 out 5 . Now I gave this a 3 1 / 2 out 5 , but Amazon can't do halves , so its a 4 / 5 . If your looking for a break from any other game your playing , try this game , its fun . . . or should I say : MINDLESS FUN ! Rent , Buy , or Leave : Rent it .
    • 079   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) As the title says , that is all this game really is . As a kid , I used to play the first two classic games ( when they came out on the home consoles ) at a friends house , and boy . . . was it ever BRUTAL ( mispelled ? ) . The whole story is the same as the old games : Boy ( Rick ) takes Girl ( Jennifer ) to old creepy manson , Jennifer gets kidnapped ( where have heard this before ? ) , Rick is left for dead , finds the Terror Mask ( voice of Jim Cummings ) , Rick puts mask on . . . MADNESS Starts ! But no more talking . . . lets get down to business . Heres how I'll review the game-Graphics , Sound , Gameplay , Presentation , Diffeculty level , Replay value , Entertainment , Story , and then : the Final Judgement . Graphics : 4 / 5 The cinmatics in the game are good , and the whole cel-shaded , Borderlands in-game graphics is a nice touch . Sound : 3 / 5 Now , theres the good and the bad . The bad is that sometimes the audio cuts out ( both in-game and during load times , ) the good is that the whole Death Metal / Heavy Metal music makes it even more fun while your tearing through monsters , and the voice acting is also good . Gameplay : 4 / 5 Sometimes the controls get a little . . . jagged . One of the big things is the roll . You have to hold the RB button and move the left thumbstick . . . and by the way , that RB button , is also the block button . Yeah . . . which means you can't block and turn to the attacking monster or dead . . . things , because you'll roll instead . But that is the only thing I nit-picked at , everything else is fine . . . so far . Presentaion : 2 / 5 This . . . this is the big one . The menu layout is easy to navgate , and it also has the first three games on the same disc . Sweet ! ! ! But you'll have to unlock them first . Sad face . But the biggest letdown . . . the load times . There not Sonic 06 bad , but they can get pretty bad at times . You die . . . LOADING ! You beat a boss . . . LOADING ! You DIE from said boss . . . LOADING and fight the boss . . . from the START ! ! ! Dificulty Level : 3 / 5 ( aka ' Run-of-the-mills ) Some of the monsters and the dead can get tough at times , but not to stressful . The bosses are the same . . . you just got to reameber ( mispelled ) their patterns . Survial is the true test of your gaming skills . Replay Value : 3 / 5 Once you beat the game , you got the pictures to get , all the power-ups , etc . Also , the first three games to play ( IF you unlocked them . ) Long story short : this game is one and done . Entertainment : 5 / 5 Going back to the title , that's all the entertainment you need really . Story : 3 / 5 Same as the old games . NEXT ! ! ! The Final Judgement : 3 1 / 2 out 5 . Now I gave this a 3 1 / 2 out 5 , but Amazon can't do halves , so its a 4 / 5 . If your looking for a break from any other game your playing , try this game , its fun . . . or should I say : MINDLESS FUN ! Rent , Buy , or Leave : Rent it .
    • 080   As the title says , that is all this game really is . As a kid , I used to play the first two classic games ( when they came out on the home consoles ) at a friends house , and boy . . . was it ever BRUTAL ( mispelled ? ) . The whole story is the same as the old games : Boy ( Rick ) takes Girl ( Jennifer ) to old creepy manson , Jennifer gets kidnapped ( where have heard this before ? ) , Rick is left for dead , finds the Terror Mask ( voice of Jim Cummings ) , Rick puts mask on . . . MADNESS Starts ! But no more talking . . . lets get down to business . Heres how I'll review the game-Graphics , Sound , Gameplay , Presentation , Diffeculty level , Replay value , Entertainment , Story , and then : the Final Judgement . Graphics : 4 / 5 The cinmatics in the game are good , and the whole cel-shaded , Borderlands in-game graphics is a nice touch . Sound : 3 / 5 Now , theres the good and the bad . The bad is that sometimes the audio cuts out ( both in-game and during load times , ) the good is that the whole Death Metal / Heavy Metal music makes it even more fun while your tearing through monsters , and the voice acting is also good . Gameplay : 4 / 5 Sometimes the controls get a little . . . jagged . One of the big things is the roll . You have to hold the RB button and move the left thumbstick . . . and by the way , that RB button , is also the block button . Yeah . . . which means you can't block and turn to the attacking monster or dead . . . things , because you'll roll instead . But that is the only thing I nit-picked at , everything else is fine . . . so far . Presentaion : 2 / 5 This . . . this is the big one . The menu layout is easy to navgate , and it also has the first three games on the same disc . Sweet ! ! ! But you'll have to unlock them first . Sad face . But the biggest letdown . . . the load times . There not Sonic 06 bad , but they can get pretty bad at times . You die . . . LOADING ! You beat a boss . . . LOADING ! You DIE from said boss . . . LOADING and fight the boss . . . from the START ! ! ! Dificulty Level : 3 / 5 ( aka ' Run-of-the-mills ) Some of the monsters and the dead can get tough at times , but not to stressful . The bosses are the same . . . you just got to reameber ( mispelled ) their patterns . Survial is the true test of your gaming skills . Replay Value : 3 / 5 Once you beat the game , you got the pictures to get , all the power-ups , etc . Also , the first three games to play ( IF you unlocked them . ) Long story short : this game is one and done . Entertainment : 5 / 5 Going back to the title , that's all the entertainment you need really . Story : 3 / 5 Same as the old games . NEXT ! ! ! The Final Judgement : 3 1 / 2 out 5 . Now I gave this a 3 1 / 2 out 5 , but Amazon can't do halves , so its a 4 / 5 . If your looking for a break from any other game your playing , try this game , its fun . . . or should I say : MINDLESS FUN ! Rent , Buy , or Leave : Rent it .
    • 081   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I love this game so far . I just rented it but i might buy it in the future . NOT A GAME FOR CHILDREN ! ! ! ! ! ! Graphics are ehhh . But otherwise the game itself is fun as hell !
    • 083   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Nice graphics and loads of demons and monsters along the way . Plenty of gore in this game ! Just what I would expect with a name like Splatterhouse !
    • 084   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Nice graphics and loads of demons and monsters along the way . Plenty of gore in this game ! Just what I would expect with a name like Splatterhouse !
    • 085   Nice graphics and loads of demons and monsters along the way . Plenty of gore in this game ! Just what I would expect with a name like Splatterhouse !
    • 086   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Splatterhouse is definitely a game that treasures the gory and perverse , and this isn't a bad thing . But the mechanics of the game really need some work . A lot of the game isn't intuitive and requires a look at the manual , but outside of that there is some fun to be had . If this was a PS2 game , it would be an easy $20 buy or a solid rental . But I wouldn't recommend buying this at full price . Which is a shame since the Splatterhouse franchise does deserve a reawakening . But this game isn't really what it could have been .
    • 087   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Splatterhouse is definitely a game that treasures the gory and perverse , and this isn't a bad thing . But the mechanics of the game really need some work . A lot of the game isn't intuitive and requires a look at the manual , but outside of that there is some fun to be had . If this was a PS2 game , it would be an easy $20 buy or a solid rental . But I wouldn't recommend buying this at full price . Which is a shame since the Splatterhouse franchise does deserve a reawakening . But this game isn't really what it could have been .
    • 088   Splatterhouse is definitely a game that treasures the gory and perverse , and this isn't a bad thing . But the mechanics of the game really need some work . A lot of the game isn't intuitive and requires a look at the manual , but outside of that there is some fun to be had . If this was a PS2 game , it would be an easy $20 buy or a solid rental . But I wouldn't recommend buying this at full price . Which is a shame since the Splatterhouse franchise does deserve a reawakening . But this game isn't really what it could have been .
    • 089   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I know that it is uncouth to rate a game from a purely emotional standpoint , but to hell with it . I love this game . It provides just what it advertises , an escape into another realm , where violence and carnage are the rule of order . Isn't that what video games are intended for , an escape from dull reality ? Of course there are some technical issues that I wish weren't there , ( Loading Screens ) but nothing that makes this game any less playable . If you are not a fan of violence , then what the hell are you doing buying a game called Splatterhouse , with blood as the sole medium used to create the cover art , anyways . For the few bad reviewers out there it is obvious to me that you had no business buying this game , and I doubt that you even did . It is my assumption that you are censorship proponents who want every game with the slightest bit of blood pulled from the shelves . If you are someone who appreciates violence , this is the game for you .
    • 090   I know that it is uncouth to rate a game from a purely emotional standpoint , but to hell with it . I love this game . It provides just what it advertises , an escape into another realm , where violence and carnage are the rule of order . Isn't that what video games are intended for , an escape from dull reality ? Of course there are some technical issues that I wish weren't there , ( Loading Screens ) but nothing that makes this game any less playable . If you are not a fan of violence , then what the hell are you doing buying a game called Splatterhouse , with blood as the sole medium used to create the cover art , anyways . For the few bad reviewers out there it is obvious to me that you had no business buying this game , and I doubt that you even did . It is my assumption that you are censorship proponents who want every game with the slightest bit of blood pulled from the shelves . If you are someone who appreciates violence , this is the game for you .
    • 091   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Sorry for the sub-level title , but it's true isn't it ? While I love the MW2 and GTA's of the industry , some get passed by just because they're not triple A titles or video game ' journalist ' sites like IGN or the like give it , the equivalent of a darn good indie movie , poop . But hey , they are what they write . So in case you weren't really paying attention , I'm calling sites like IGN poop . This game , however , is virtually anti-poop . If it had to be a type of poop , absolutely had to , it would be angel poop . And it's no coincidence that it's my #2 favorite game of 2010 . Actually it's a total coincidence because I hadn't planned on making poop jokes when I started this . My number one ? Red Dead . See ? I'm not a snob . Splatterhouse is wonderful on so many levels , for the new generation of gamers it's brilliant combat and upgrading in the goriest game I've ever played . The . Goriest . Game . I've ever . Played . Not to mention finding torn pieces of pictures of your lady love nude laying around the West mansion . It's frunkin ' fun . ( I don't think Amazon will allow me to use anything near a curse word , so I opt for the absurd ) For the older gamer , like myself ( at a tender 30 years of age ) , I can recall the birth of the gore genre as well as the afterbirth . Luckily , the fan servicing game makers fought to include the first three games in the series ON THE DISK . Four games . FOUR GAMES . PRICE OF ONE . FUN . Okay , I'm tired of writing reviews . I'd like to go play Splatterhouse or read a comic book by Mark Millar . Get the game . But only if you like gory fun games . If you like horse adventures you won't like it . Unless you like horse murder adventures without horses . Joe Francis Writer / Director of Texas Frightmare Massacre ( buy it here on Amazon ! ) and extra in Gary Coleman's final film Midgets vs Mascots
    • 092   Sorry for the sub-level title , but it's true isn't it ? While I love the MW2 and GTA's of the industry , some get passed by just because they're not triple A titles or video game ' journalist ' sites like IGN or the like give it , the equivalent of a darn good indie movie , poop . But hey , they are what they write . So in case you weren't really paying attention , I'm calling sites like IGN poop . This game , however , is virtually anti-poop . If it had to be a type of poop , absolutely had to , it would be angel poop . And it's no coincidence that it's my #2 favorite game of 2010 . Actually it's a total coincidence because I hadn't planned on making poop jokes when I started this . My number one ? Red Dead . See ? I'm not a snob . Splatterhouse is wonderful on so many levels , for the new generation of gamers it's brilliant combat and upgrading in the goriest game I've ever played . The . Goriest . Game . I've ever . Played . Not to mention finding torn pieces of pictures of your lady love nude laying around the West mansion . It's frunkin ' fun . ( I don't think Amazon will allow me to use anything near a curse word , so I opt for the absurd ) For the older gamer , like myself ( at a tender 30 years of age ) , I can recall the birth of the gore genre as well as the afterbirth . Luckily , the fan servicing game makers fought to include the first three games in the series ON THE DISK . Four games . FOUR GAMES . PRICE OF ONE . FUN . Okay , I'm tired of writing reviews . I'd like to go play Splatterhouse or read a comic book by Mark Millar . Get the game . But only if you like gory fun games . If you like horse adventures you won't like it . Unless you like horse murder adventures without horses . Joe Francis Writer / Director of Texas Frightmare Massacre ( buy it here on Amazon ! ) and extra in Gary Coleman's final film Midgets vs Mascots
    • 093   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) When I played Splatterhouse , I wasn't sure what to expect but once I played and got the hang of it , I'm playing like a pro and already mastering the controls . If you like God Of War , you'll love this game . If you're a fan of the old school games , they can be unlocked in this one . The original uncensored / unaltered Splatterhouse arcade game , Splatterhouse 2 and Splatterhouse 3 can be unlocked in this game . There's also survival mode , an unlock-able exclusive mask for the XBOX 360 , Story Mode with 3 levels of difficulty and custom music , in case you wanna play to your favorite tunes in this awesome game . I recommend Splatterhouse for old-school & new-school gamers . P.S . This game is not for kids . There's swearing and nudity .
    • 094   When I played Splatterhouse , I wasn't sure what to expect but once I played and got the hang of it , I'm playing like a pro and already mastering the controls . If you like God Of War , you'll love this game . If you're a fan of the old school games , they can be unlocked in this one . The original uncensored / unaltered Splatterhouse arcade game , Splatterhouse 2 and Splatterhouse 3 can be unlocked in this game . There's also survival mode , an unlock-able exclusive mask for the XBOX 360 , Story Mode with 3 levels of difficulty and custom music , in case you wanna play to your favorite tunes in this awesome game . I recommend Splatterhouse for old-school & new-school gamers . P.S . This game is not for kids . There's swearing and nudity .
    • 097   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) First things first , Splatterhouse is not a game you should pick up for full price ! It would make a great rental or even a used purchase which by the way I'm sure it will be available very shortly and with a more reasonable price tag on the used market . I was fortunate enough to get a really good deal on this game , which was one of the main reasons I took a chance with it . With that being said , this isn't a horrible game by any means , but it's also nothing special . This game has your basic very generic storyline , so keep that in mind if you decide to play it . I know videogames as a whole are expected to have deep and compelling storylines , to keep us intrigued as to what happens next and to help us relate and / or associate with the characters , kind of like an interactive book if you will . Splatterhouse however is not about the story ; it's about the carnage , the blood and of course finding the most ridiculously insane way to kill something ! I would compare it to the campy horror movies of the 80 ' s . Friday the 13th was never about why Jason was the way he was , rather how he killed as many half naked / buck naked teenagers he could before the credits rolled . In a nutshell it's comparable to watching Friday the 13th with Headbangers ball playing in the background . Many gamers today may not recognize Headbangers Ball but if you're old enough to have played the original Splatterhouse when it was first released you probably will . As with many other games the game play gets very repetitive , which isn't necessarily a bad thing if you only like to play the first couple of hours of a game then move on to something different or just want a mindless fun way to help get your aggression out . Honestly I don't really see many people finishing this game , there's just no real reason to . The makers of the game leave parts to naked photos of Rick's girlfriend for you to find , don't ask me why I guess they think by doing so it would entice adolescent boys to finish the game , which seems to be the target audience anyway . I know what does that say for me LOL . The biggest reason and my motivator to finish the game is that you unlock the original three Splatterhouse games . The graphics will not blow you away by any stretch of the imagination ; actually they seem more like something you would see on the PS2 / Xbox . There is no online feature , so if you're looking for anything other than the single player campaign look elsewhere . There is however some challenge maps that are pretty entertaining but nothing really amazing here either . As I said prior the soundtrack is very much metal , so if that's not your thing then you may want to play with the sound off and if you're into it blast some Justin Bieber while you do your splattering . My only other complaint ( as if I haven't complained enough ) is the camera ; it can be kind of clunky at times and can cause you to get a smack down . Now for some good news , for the most part the auto save feature is pretty reliable with a few hiccups along the way . Meaning there are times you would believe the game would save due to the progress you've made but for some reason doesn't , so if you die you're going back to start of the checkpoint and must make your way back to where you were . But again that's few and far between , most of the time the check points are located in logical and beneficial areas for the player . The mayhem you can cause can also be fun , in short doses of course , it's a good thing the chapters are rather short . The controls are pretty fluid , and the designers did a good job allowing you to chain together combos . The most entertaining element of the game has to be the mask , they did a good job writing smartass comments and of the wall shtick for him . I know based on what I have said above you would think I would rate this game a one star out of five ! However believe it or not there are reasons to play this game , but not for full price . There is hours of mindless blood and gore to be had and if you're like me and have played the originals it will bring back memories . Twenty dollars would be a perfect price for this game ; thirty would be the highest I would go . Michael PSN-Xbox Live gamer tags are MikeJMele
    • 098   First things first , Splatterhouse is not a game you should pick up for full price ! It would make a great rental or even a used purchase which by the way I'm sure it will be available very shortly and with a more reasonable price tag on the used market . I was fortunate enough to get a really good deal on this game , which was one of the main reasons I took a chance with it . With that being said , this isn't a horrible game by any means , but it's also nothing special . This game has your basic very generic storyline , so keep that in mind if you decide to play it . I know videogames as a whole are expected to have deep and compelling storylines , to keep us intrigued as to what happens next and to help us relate and / or associate with the characters , kind of like an interactive book if you will . Splatterhouse however is not about the story ; it's about the carnage , the blood and of course finding the most ridiculously insane way to kill something ! I would compare it to the campy horror movies of the 80 ' s . Friday the 13th was never about why Jason was the way he was , rather how he killed as many half naked / buck naked teenagers he could before the credits rolled . In a nutshell it's comparable to watching Friday the 13th with Headbangers ball playing in the background . Many gamers today may not recognize Headbangers Ball but if you're old enough to have played the original Splatterhouse when it was first released you probably will . As with many other games the game play gets very repetitive , which isn't necessarily a bad thing if you only like to play the first couple of hours of a game then move on to something different or just want a mindless fun way to help get your aggression out . Honestly I don't really see many people finishing this game , there's just no real reason to . The makers of the game leave parts to naked photos of Rick's girlfriend for you to find , don't ask me why I guess they think by doing so it would entice adolescent boys to finish the game , which seems to be the target audience anyway . I know what does that say for me LOL . The biggest reason and my motivator to finish the game is that you unlock the original three Splatterhouse games . The graphics will not blow you away by any stretch of the imagination ; actually they seem more like something you would see on the PS2 / Xbox . There is no online feature , so if you're looking for anything other than the single player campaign look elsewhere . There is however some challenge maps that are pretty entertaining but nothing really amazing here either . As I said prior the soundtrack is very much metal , so if that's not your thing then you may want to play with the sound off and if you're into it blast some Justin Bieber while you do your splattering . My only other complaint ( as if I haven't complained enough ) is the camera ; it can be kind of clunky at times and can cause you to get a smack down . Now for some good news , for the most part the auto save feature is pretty reliable with a few hiccups along the way . Meaning there are times you would believe the game would save due to the progress you've made but for some reason doesn't , so if you die you're going back to start of the checkpoint and must make your way back to where you were . But again that's few and far between , most of the time the check points are located in logical and beneficial areas for the player . The mayhem you can cause can also be fun , in short doses of course , it's a good thing the chapters are rather short . The controls are pretty fluid , and the designers did a good job allowing you to chain together combos . The most entertaining element of the game has to be the mask , they did a good job writing smartass comments and of the wall shtick for him . I know based on what I have said above you would think I would rate this game a one star out of five ! However believe it or not there are reasons to play this game , but not for full price . There is hours of mindless blood and gore to be had and if you're like me and have played the originals it will bring back memories . Twenty dollars would be a perfect price for this game ; thirty would be the highest I would go . Michael PSN-Xbox Live gamer tags are MikeJMele
    • 099   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) You can unlock the 3 original games which are exact arcade ports ! The Game is pretty fun kinda hard at first till you learn have the replenish heath works
    • 100   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) You can unlock the 3 original games which are exact arcade ports ! The Game is pretty fun kinda hard at first till you learn have the replenish heath works
    • 102   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Well well , I'm a big fan of this game and still own a turbo graphic with the original S H title , so what happened to this remake . Blood blood and more blood the game play was thrown out the window for the blood . If the game play was as great as the blood than we would have a hit , but we don't . It's playable but get ready to beat up the same foes over and over in some of the worse level designs or should I say rushed level designs out there , maybe the next one will be given more time and love .
    • 103   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Well well , I'm a big fan of this game and still own a turbo graphic with the original S H title , so what happened to this remake . Blood blood and more blood the game play was thrown out the window for the blood . If the game play was as great as the blood than we would have a hit , but we don't . It's playable but get ready to beat up the same foes over and over in some of the worse level designs or should I say rushed level designs out there , maybe the next one will be given more time and love .
    • 104   Well well , I'm a big fan of this game and still own a turbo graphic with the original S H title , so what happened to this remake . Blood blood and more blood the game play was thrown out the window for the blood . If the game play was as great as the blood than we would have a hit , but we don't . It's playable but get ready to beat up the same foes over and over in some of the worse level designs or should I say rushed level designs out there , maybe the next one will be given more time and love .
    • 105   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) It was surprising to me to see this franchise make a return , but welcome nonetheless . I never had a TurboGrafx - 16 and never played the original Splatterhouse , but fondly remember the second and third games on Sega . What's nice is that all three of the original games are unlockable in this game the further you progress in Story Mode . Generally speaking , this game is a wonderful upgrade from the original titles . Tons of blood , gore and topless photos of Rick's girlfriend , Jennifer . It's also the first game I've played where you can kill an enemy by ramming your arm up into its anus and rip out its entrails . It was fun to play through the chapters and collect as much blood as possible to upgrade Rick's moves ( combos , life and weapons ) , but there's not much replay value for me here for a few reasons . The first is the controls . My experience with the controls was that I would have to continuously press the LB button to activate Berserker Mode even when my bar was full . Another downfall I felt was when you utilize the Mask Eye vision . You cannot look around , only straight , so if you want to look around a room you have to keep waiting for the Mask Eye vision to stop , change your position and try again . On a positive note regarding the controls , I was playing this game parallel with Castlevania : Lords of Shadow , so it was refreshing to be able to use the right joystick to control the camera angle . Another reason is the graphics . I thought they were okay-to-good , but I just didn't find them that appealing . Finally , after the first few chapters , I had to put the T.V . on mute because I couldn't stand the Terror Mask's repetitive comments all the time . It was almost as annoying as how long all of the loading screens took . One of the aspects I enjoyed most about the game was how there were both 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional levels , sometimes within the same chapter . How they were able to interweave the two together changed the landscape of the game and made it more enjoyable for me . The final level of the game was quite challenging and provided an ending that suggests a sequel , but only time will tell . There is one final thing I must mention . It has nothing to do with the game play but it stands out to me and I feel that it is worth bringing attention to . The instructional manual . Okay , you have this very vivid and colorful cover and then you open it up and everything is black and white . Not only is it black and white , but all of the pictures are stretched , resulting in the horrible pixilation of the photos . It looks like it was thrown together last minute and is a bit of a disappointment .
    • 106   It was surprising to me to see this franchise make a return , but welcome nonetheless . I never had a TurboGrafx - 16 and never played the original Splatterhouse , but fondly remember the second and third games on Sega . What's nice is that all three of the original games are unlockable in this game the further you progress in Story Mode . Generally speaking , this game is a wonderful upgrade from the original titles . Tons of blood , gore and topless photos of Rick's girlfriend , Jennifer . It's also the first game I've played where you can kill an enemy by ramming your arm up into its anus and rip out its entrails . It was fun to play through the chapters and collect as much blood as possible to upgrade Rick's moves ( combos , life and weapons ) , but there's not much replay value for me here for a few reasons . The first is the controls . My experience with the controls was that I would have to continuously press the LB button to activate Berserker Mode even when my bar was full . Another downfall I felt was when you utilize the Mask Eye vision . You cannot look around , only straight , so if you want to look around a room you have to keep waiting for the Mask Eye vision to stop , change your position and try again . On a positive note regarding the controls , I was playing this game parallel with Castlevania : Lords of Shadow , so it was refreshing to be able to use the right joystick to control the camera angle . Another reason is the graphics . I thought they were okay-to-good , but I just didn't find them that appealing . Finally , after the first few chapters , I had to put the T.V . on mute because I couldn't stand the Terror Mask's repetitive comments all the time . It was almost as annoying as how long all of the loading screens took . One of the aspects I enjoyed most about the game was how there were both 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional levels , sometimes within the same chapter . How they were able to interweave the two together changed the landscape of the game and made it more enjoyable for me . The final level of the game was quite challenging and provided an ending that suggests a sequel , but only time will tell . There is one final thing I must mention . It has nothing to do with the game play but it stands out to me and I feel that it is worth bringing attention to . The instructional manual . Okay , you have this very vivid and colorful cover and then you open it up and everything is black and white . Not only is it black and white , but all of the pictures are stretched , resulting in the horrible pixilation of the photos . It looks like it was thrown together last minute and is a bit of a disappointment .
    • 107   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I got this game when it came out . This is a definite buy for anyone who has played the original Splatterhouse games , or enjoy seeing a gorefest . The soundtrack for this game is EPIC ! ! ! Half the stuff the characters say in this game will make you laugh . If you can't get enough of this game there are also DLC on the Market for this game already ! The fact that the original 3 games are on this game make it even more enjoyable . The Splatter Kills will make you want to do them everytime , just to see what will happen next . If your looking for hardcore music track , More Blood than Texas Chainsaw Massacre , and things that will make you go WTF ! , then you need to buy this game NOW !
    • 108   I got this game when it came out . This is a definite buy for anyone who has played the original Splatterhouse games , or enjoy seeing a gorefest . The soundtrack for this game is EPIC ! ! ! Half the stuff the characters say in this game will make you laugh . If you can't get enough of this game there are also DLC on the Market for this game already ! The fact that the original 3 games are on this game make it even more enjoyable . The Splatter Kills will make you want to do them everytime , just to see what will happen next . If your looking for hardcore music track , More Blood than Texas Chainsaw Massacre , and things that will make you go WTF ! , then you need to buy this game NOW !
    • 109   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) This is one of the coolest games out there ! I love the gore , the storyline is good , and the graphics are amazing ! Search for your missing girlfriend in a way like never before ! Smash skulls , crack bones , and fight your way to victory with the Mask of Terror , a strange demon mask that gives you extraordinary super-human powers ! Leave no one standing ! I personally would easily give this game 10 / 10 !
    • 110   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) This is one of the coolest games out there ! I love the gore , the storyline is good , and the graphics are amazing ! Search for your missing girlfriend in a way like never before ! Smash skulls , crack bones , and fight your way to victory with the Mask of Terror , a strange demon mask that gives you extraordinary super-human powers ! Leave no one standing ! I personally would easily give this game 10 / 10 !
    • 112   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Splatter-House has the rare distinction of being for kids yet not for kids . Aka much akin to Tales of the crypt , Lady Death , Vampirella , Creep Show , and Evil Dead it is the type of commodity that is somewhat immature yet has that risqu offensive factor that calls out to our inner juveniles with a siren's sweet call ! To catch you up Splatter-House is about Rick Taylor . Despite being a nerd and the all around average nice guy Rick managed to woo the super attractive college student Jennifer . The two apparently share a love of Heavy Metal music and paranormal research . As luck would have it Dr . West , a famous parapsychologist wants Jennifer to interview him . In a typically brainless manner all too common in horror movies Rick and Jen go to the super creepy West manor not suspecting the doctor has been turning other co-eds into monsters and summoning demons . Jennifer is kidnapped to be a sacrifice and Rick is gutted by grotesque creatures and left to die in a pool of his own vital fluids . It is at this pivotal moment a cursed wise cracking mask urges Rick to put it on . With a loved one in need of help and almost to the point of flat-lining Rick hastily agrees to the terms . A scrawny geek physique suddenly buffs up to look like a WWF wrestler as grievous wounds mend rapidly . Mask and man are bound as one and only they can stop Dr . West and save the damsel in distress ! Yeah I know . The plot is as clich as they come but in Splatter-House's defense its ' following the original classic faithfully and isn't meant to be overly complex to begin with . If you read a lot of well written books you will be left scoffing at the absurdity early on . Dr . West has added longevity to his life span and regularly sacrificed the residents of the city for a very long time . You would think local law enforcement would be more uneasy . You would also think with all our cell phones and mini cams someone would have caught weird footage from the mansion leading to an FBI and military sting operation . Griping aside gamers should embrace the fact Splatter-House is deliberately campy . The mask is voiced by Jim Cummings ( A beloved comedic voice actor whom was many Disney characters including Tigger and Dark Wing Duck ) and he constantly delivers jokes that are crass toilet humor . Jennifer is given a few chances to escape but instead she feels the need to make odd gestures with her hands and scream her lungs out whilst not moving her legs one iota . Dr . West gets stabbed in the head by his own dagger and perceives it as a minor inconvenience that a few aspirin can alleviate . He even laughs good-naturedly at the injury ! You get the feeling the cast in Splatter-house is gleefully hamming it up and are happy to stay within the confines of cheesy B-movie horror flicks . My biggest problem with Splatter-House is in many ways it doesn't even try to break new ground . It is the most bare bones action plat former you can get . As Rick kills The Corrupted he fills a blood meter . With the stored hemoglobin points he can buy new moves . There's the mask's rage gauge that allows Rick to heal himself by sucking the life essence out of nearby enemies and he can also hulk up into a more monstrous version of himself . Whereas other action plat former protagonists have special weapons or more finesse Rick is simply a butt kicking brawler . Elbow charges , huge pounding fists , various grapples , and easy to pull off brutal fatalities are his calling cards of choice . His arsenal is that of any dad or uncle with a love of guns and tools . Shotguns , wooden planks riddled with nails , cleavers , chainsaws , and lead pipes are his favorite things ! Rick actually accumulates nasty injuries and there are instances his arms can be torn off . It's a good thing he regenerates quickly and I confess it's a morose delight to pick up my own arm ( or someone else's ) and beat my opponents silly with it ! This is one of the more original dynamics in the game . The brawling itself in Splatter-House is mostly satisfying but the plat forming is hair pulling . There are some instances when you simply do not know where to jump . The side scrolling tributes to the original games are riddled with flame throwers , crushing mashers , conveyor belts , spinning blades , spewing acid , pit falls , and swinging chained wrecking balls that can kill you off rather quickly . The insult to injury is the load times are horrendous and the check points are unforgiving . Bosses and creatures are another high point . They all look fittingly Lovecraftian and it's fun to splatter their buckets of goop all over the screen . There are tougher foes that require quick time events but the developers made these very forgiving compared to other titles of this ilk . There's even a tribute to Biggy man the chainsaw armed antagonist whom was made infamous by this series many moons ago . The next low point for me personally are the environments . They all had potential but they're usually painfully linear and bland . While it's cool to impale creatures on pikes , punch eyeballs to reveal stairs , or microwave beasties to open doors nothing comes off as scenic or atmospheric . The mansion segments were the highlights for me in that at least I got to admire the occasional pretty painting , walk amongst rustic comforts such as rocking horses , fire places , and stuffed animals , or mirthfully chuckle over the mounted heads on the wall . I really liked where that vibe was going but later on everything seems to become uncreative dungeons , organ infested living chambers , and industrial sprawls whence you are still stuck doing the same repetitive tasks to progress . The extras related to the remake are mildly entertaining . You can collect Dr . West's audio logs and piece together kinky pictures of Jennifer . Alas , there are better ways to fill in plot details and we've done these types of scavenger hunts in tedium throughout many titles in the past . The best part of all this is West's journal entries which are separate from the audio clips you find strewn about . He's painted as a tragic adversary whom merely wanted to heal people as a doctor and bring his beloved back to life yet he was slowly corrupted through his studies of necro-biology . We've witnessed this fall from grace in plenty of horror stories but it adds more depth to the proceedings all the same . All three of the original 16 bit Splatter-House games can be unlocked in their full splendor . This makes the few pains in the main package worth enduring if you're a retro geek such as myself . Ending the round up on a positive note I confess I dug the sound track . There's some great Heavy Metal going on and even a few moody orchestral pieces . After tallying the facts I will say I admire the team that brought me this . I know they likely didn't have a huge budget to work with but the re-make is very true to its ' roots . This is a decent game to buy assuming you are into horror , dark humor , and have a soft spot for the lovable under-dog trying to save his girl-friend . Pros 1 # Simplistic yet stylistic graphics that are reminiscent of a horror themed comic book . 2 # The combat is nothing special but it is gruesome fun ! 3 # As campy as it is the voice acting's surprisingly good . Even Rick and Jennifer sound likable . 4 # You can unlock the 3 original retro classics 5 # Quick time events are merciful 6 # Truly sic creature designs ! 7 # In most places the camera can be controlled and rotated manually by the right analog stick . Cons 1 # The plat forming can feel flighty , clumsy , and frustrating until you get the hang of it . 2 # Load times after deaths are akin to watching grass grow . 3 # I had frequent frame rate drops and slow down . Subjective + / - Splatter-House has that punishing old school difficulty . The ground crumbles quickly beneath your feet often and you have to pay sharp attention to your environment . The game harshly reprimands the ignorant . The areas you're in put up more fight than the creatures themselves . Though I loathed this at first I started to like how it's a throwback of those really hard games of yesterday ! This is a gray area . Either you adore this type of sadism from your games or you don't ! Overall Frankly there are better games of this genre out there . Lords of shadow , Bayonetta , Arkham Asylum , and Dark - Siders are much more polished and precise . This game is related to porno magazines stuffed beneath a mattress , Heavy Metal posters on the wall , and candy bars hidden in boot camp lockers . Aka it's self gratifying indulgence that appeals to us as a guilty pleasure on a primordial level . If you're a fan of Splatter-House this is a nostalgic revival . You get an up to date remake as well as all 3 classic titles which you unlock along the way . It's obvious the developers cared about the fan-base and that is a very rare quality this day and age . Though a could wax nostalgic on the topic of Splatter-house many days I cannot give its ' most recent reincarnation a perfect score with a clean conscious . If you are already a Splatter-head you've likely already bought this but for the rest of you proceed with caution ! The fun factor for me is a strong 4 but because of a few quirky technical difficulties I can only go as high as a 3 for the overall segment .
    • 113   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) Splatter-House has the rare distinction of being for kids yet not for kids . Aka much akin to Tales of the crypt , Lady Death , Vampirella , Creep Show , and Evil Dead it is the type of commodity that is somewhat immature yet has that risqu offensive factor that calls out to our inner juveniles with a siren's sweet call ! To catch you up Splatter-House is about Rick Taylor . Despite being a nerd and the all around average nice guy Rick managed to woo the super attractive college student Jennifer . The two apparently share a love of Heavy Metal music and paranormal research . As luck would have it Dr . West , a famous parapsychologist wants Jennifer to interview him . In a typically brainless manner all too common in horror movies Rick and Jen go to the super creepy West manor not suspecting the doctor has been turning other co-eds into monsters and summoning demons . Jennifer is kidnapped to be a sacrifice and Rick is gutted by grotesque creatures and left to die in a pool of his own vital fluids . It is at this pivotal moment a cursed wise cracking mask urges Rick to put it on . With a loved one in need of help and almost to the point of flat-lining Rick hastily agrees to the terms . A scrawny geek physique suddenly buffs up to look like a WWF wrestler as grievous wounds mend rapidly . Mask and man are bound as one and only they can stop Dr . West and save the damsel in distress ! Yeah I know . The plot is as clich as they come but in Splatter-House's defense its ' following the original classic faithfully and isn't meant to be overly complex to begin with . If you read a lot of well written books you will be left scoffing at the absurdity early on . Dr . West has added longevity to his life span and regularly sacrificed the residents of the city for a very long time . You would think local law enforcement would be more uneasy . You would also think with all our cell phones and mini cams someone would have caught weird footage from the mansion leading to an FBI and military sting operation . Griping aside gamers should embrace the fact Splatter-House is deliberately campy . The mask is voiced by Jim Cummings ( A beloved comedic voice actor whom was many Disney characters including Tigger and Dark Wing Duck ) and he constantly delivers jokes that are crass toilet humor . Jennifer is given a few chances to escape but instead she feels the need to make odd gestures with her hands and scream her lungs out whilst not moving her legs one iota . Dr . West gets stabbed in the head by his own dagger and perceives it as a minor inconvenience that a few aspirin can alleviate . He even laughs good-naturedly at the injury ! You get the feeling the cast in Splatter-house is gleefully hamming it up and are happy to stay within the confines of cheesy B-movie horror flicks . My biggest problem with Splatter-House is in many ways it doesn't even try to break new ground . It is the most bare bones action plat former you can get . As Rick kills The Corrupted he fills a blood meter . With the stored hemoglobin points he can buy new moves . There's the mask's rage gauge that allows Rick to heal himself by sucking the life essence out of nearby enemies and he can also hulk up into a more monstrous version of himself . Whereas other action plat former protagonists have special weapons or more finesse Rick is simply a butt kicking brawler . Elbow charges , huge pounding fists , various grapples , and easy to pull off brutal fatalities are his calling cards of choice . His arsenal is that of any dad or uncle with a love of guns and tools . Shotguns , wooden planks riddled with nails , cleavers , chainsaws , and lead pipes are his favorite things ! Rick actually accumulates nasty injuries and there are instances his arms can be torn off . It's a good thing he regenerates quickly and I confess it's a morose delight to pick up my own arm ( or someone else's ) and beat my opponents silly with it ! This is one of the more original dynamics in the game . The brawling itself in Splatter-House is mostly satisfying but the plat forming is hair pulling . There are some instances when you simply do not know where to jump . The side scrolling tributes to the original games are riddled with flame throwers , crushing mashers , conveyor belts , spinning blades , spewing acid , pit falls , and swinging chained wrecking balls that can kill you off rather quickly . The insult to injury is the load times are horrendous and the check points are unforgiving . Bosses and creatures are another high point . They all look fittingly Lovecraftian and it's fun to splatter their buckets of goop all over the screen . There are tougher foes that require quick time events but the developers made these very forgiving compared to other titles of this ilk . There's even a tribute to Biggy man the chainsaw armed antagonist whom was made infamous by this series many moons ago . The next low point for me personally are the environments . They all had potential but they're usually painfully linear and bland . While it's cool to impale creatures on pikes , punch eyeballs to reveal stairs , or microwave beasties to open doors nothing comes off as scenic or atmospheric . The mansion segments were the highlights for me in that at least I got to admire the occasional pretty painting , walk amongst rustic comforts such as rocking horses , fire places , and stuffed animals , or mirthfully chuckle over the mounted heads on the wall . I really liked where that vibe was going but later on everything seems to become uncreative dungeons , organ infested living chambers , and industrial sprawls whence you are still stuck doing the same repetitive tasks to progress . The extras related to the remake are mildly entertaining . You can collect Dr . West's audio logs and piece together kinky pictures of Jennifer . Alas , there are better ways to fill in plot details and we've done these types of scavenger hunts in tedium throughout many titles in the past . The best part of all this is West's journal entries which are separate from the audio clips you find strewn about . He's painted as a tragic adversary whom merely wanted to heal people as a doctor and bring his beloved back to life yet he was slowly corrupted through his studies of necro-biology . We've witnessed this fall from grace in plenty of horror stories but it adds more depth to the proceedings all the same . All three of the original 16 bit Splatter-House games can be unlocked in their full splendor . This makes the few pains in the main package worth enduring if you're a retro geek such as myself . Ending the round up on a positive note I confess I dug the sound track . There's some great Heavy Metal going on and even a few moody orchestral pieces . After tallying the facts I will say I admire the team that brought me this . I know they likely didn't have a huge budget to work with but the re-make is very true to its ' roots . This is a decent game to buy assuming you are into horror , dark humor , and have a soft spot for the lovable under-dog trying to save his girl-friend . Pros 1 # Simplistic yet stylistic graphics that are reminiscent of a horror themed comic book . 2 # The combat is nothing special but it is gruesome fun ! 3 # As campy as it is the voice acting's surprisingly good . Even Rick and Jennifer sound likable . 4 # You can unlock the 3 original retro classics 5 # Quick time events are merciful 6 # Truly sic creature designs ! 7 # In most places the camera can be controlled and rotated manually by the right analog stick . Cons 1 # The plat forming can feel flighty , clumsy , and frustrating until you get the hang of it . 2 # Load times after deaths are akin to watching grass grow . 3 # I had frequent frame rate drops and slow down . Subjective + / - Splatter-House has that punishing old school difficulty . The ground crumbles quickly beneath your feet often and you have to pay sharp attention to your environment . The game harshly reprimands the ignorant . The areas you're in put up more fight than the creatures themselves . Though I loathed this at first I started to like how it's a throwback of those really hard games of yesterday ! This is a gray area . Either you adore this type of sadism from your games or you don't ! Overall Frankly there are better games of this genre out there . Lords of shadow , Bayonetta , Arkham Asylum , and Dark - Siders are much more polished and precise . This game is related to porno magazines stuffed beneath a mattress , Heavy Metal posters on the wall , and candy bars hidden in boot camp lockers . Aka it's self gratifying indulgence that appeals to us as a guilty pleasure on a primordial level . If you're a fan of Splatter-House this is a nostalgic revival . You get an up to date remake as well as all 3 classic titles which you unlock along the way . It's obvious the developers cared about the fan-base and that is a very rare quality this day and age . Though a could wax nostalgic on the topic of Splatter-house many days I cannot give its ' most recent reincarnation a perfect score with a clean conscious . If you are already a Splatter-head you've likely already bought this but for the rest of you proceed with caution ! The fun factor for me is a strong 4 but because of a few quirky technical difficulties I can only go as high as a 3 for the overall segment .
    • 114   Splatter-House has the rare distinction of being for kids yet not for kids . Aka much akin to Tales of the crypt , Lady Death , Vampirella , Creep Show , and Evil Dead it is the type of commodity that is somewhat immature yet has that risqu offensive factor that calls out to our inner juveniles with a siren's sweet call ! To catch you up Splatter-House is about Rick Taylor . Despite being a nerd and the all around average nice guy Rick managed to woo the super attractive college student Jennifer . The two apparently share a love of Heavy Metal music and paranormal research . As luck would have it Dr . West , a famous parapsychologist wants Jennifer to interview him . In a typically brainless manner all too common in horror movies Rick and Jen go to the super creepy West manor not suspecting the doctor has been turning other co-eds into monsters and summoning demons . Jennifer is kidnapped to be a sacrifice and Rick is gutted by grotesque creatures and left to die in a pool of his own vital fluids . It is at this pivotal moment a cursed wise cracking mask urges Rick to put it on . With a loved one in need of help and almost to the point of flat-lining Rick hastily agrees to the terms . A scrawny geek physique suddenly buffs up to look like a WWF wrestler as grievous wounds mend rapidly . Mask and man are bound as one and only they can stop Dr . West and save the damsel in distress ! Yeah I know . The plot is as clich as they come but in Splatter-House's defense its ' following the original classic faithfully and isn't meant to be overly complex to begin with . If you read a lot of well written books you will be left scoffing at the absurdity early on . Dr . West has added longevity to his life span and regularly sacrificed the residents of the city for a very long time . You would think local law enforcement would be more uneasy . You would also think with all our cell phones and mini cams someone would have caught weird footage from the mansion leading to an FBI and military sting operation . Griping aside gamers should embrace the fact Splatter-House is deliberately campy . The mask is voiced by Jim Cummings ( A beloved comedic voice actor whom was many Disney characters including Tigger and Dark Wing Duck ) and he constantly delivers jokes that are crass toilet humor . Jennifer is given a few chances to escape but instead she feels the need to make odd gestures with her hands and scream her lungs out whilst not moving her legs one iota . Dr . West gets stabbed in the head by his own dagger and perceives it as a minor inconvenience that a few aspirin can alleviate . He even laughs good-naturedly at the injury ! You get the feeling the cast in Splatter-house is gleefully hamming it up and are happy to stay within the confines of cheesy B-movie horror flicks . My biggest problem with Splatter-House is in many ways it doesn't even try to break new ground . It is the most bare bones action plat former you can get . As Rick kills The Corrupted he fills a blood meter . With the stored hemoglobin points he can buy new moves . There's the mask's rage gauge that allows Rick to heal himself by sucking the life essence out of nearby enemies and he can also hulk up into a more monstrous version of himself . Whereas other action plat former protagonists have special weapons or more finesse Rick is simply a butt kicking brawler . Elbow charges , huge pounding fists , various grapples , and easy to pull off brutal fatalities are his calling cards of choice . His arsenal is that of any dad or uncle with a love of guns and tools . Shotguns , wooden planks riddled with nails , cleavers , chainsaws , and lead pipes are his favorite things ! Rick actually accumulates nasty injuries and there are instances his arms can be torn off . It's a good thing he regenerates quickly and I confess it's a morose delight to pick up my own arm ( or someone else's ) and beat my opponents silly with it ! This is one of the more original dynamics in the game . The brawling itself in Splatter-House is mostly satisfying but the plat forming is hair pulling . There are some instances when you simply do not know where to jump . The side scrolling tributes to the original games are riddled with flame throwers , crushing mashers , conveyor belts , spinning blades , spewing acid , pit falls , and swinging chained wrecking balls that can kill you off rather quickly . The insult to injury is the load times are horrendous and the check points are unforgiving . Bosses and creatures are another high point . They all look fittingly Lovecraftian and it's fun to splatter their buckets of goop all over the screen . There are tougher foes that require quick time events but the developers made these very forgiving compared to other titles of this ilk . There's even a tribute to Biggy man the chainsaw armed antagonist whom was made infamous by this series many moons ago . The next low point for me personally are the environments . They all had potential but they're usually painfully linear and bland . While it's cool to impale creatures on pikes , punch eyeballs to reveal stairs , or microwave beasties to open doors nothing comes off as scenic or atmospheric . The mansion segments were the highlights for me in that at least I got to admire the occasional pretty painting , walk amongst rustic comforts such as rocking horses , fire places , and stuffed animals , or mirthfully chuckle over the mounted heads on the wall . I really liked where that vibe was going but later on everything seems to become uncreative dungeons , organ infested living chambers , and industrial sprawls whence you are still stuck doing the same repetitive tasks to progress . The extras related to the remake are mildly entertaining . You can collect Dr . West's audio logs and piece together kinky pictures of Jennifer . Alas , there are better ways to fill in plot details and we've done these types of scavenger hunts in tedium throughout many titles in the past . The best part of all this is West's journal entries which are separate from the audio clips you find strewn about . He's painted as a tragic adversary whom merely wanted to heal people as a doctor and bring his beloved back to life yet he was slowly corrupted through his studies of necro-biology . We've witnessed this fall from grace in plenty of horror stories but it adds more depth to the proceedings all the same . All three of the original 16 bit Splatter-House games can be unlocked in their full splendor . This makes the few pains in the main package worth enduring if you're a retro geek such as myself . Ending the round up on a positive note I confess I dug the sound track . There's some great Heavy Metal going on and even a few moody orchestral pieces . After tallying the facts I will say I admire the team that brought me this . I know they likely didn't have a huge budget to work with but the re-make is very true to its ' roots . This is a decent game to buy assuming you are into horror , dark humor , and have a soft spot for the lovable under-dog trying to save his girl-friend . Pros 1 # Simplistic yet stylistic graphics that are reminiscent of a horror themed comic book . 2 # The combat is nothing special but it is gruesome fun ! 3 # As campy as it is the voice acting's surprisingly good . Even Rick and Jennifer sound likable . 4 # You can unlock the 3 original retro classics 5 # Quick time events are merciful 6 # Truly sic creature designs ! 7 # In most places the camera can be controlled and rotated manually by the right analog stick . Cons 1 # The plat forming can feel flighty , clumsy , and frustrating until you get the hang of it . 2 # Load times after deaths are akin to watching grass grow . 3 # I had frequent frame rate drops and slow down . Subjective + / - Splatter-House has that punishing old school difficulty . The ground crumbles quickly beneath your feet often and you have to pay sharp attention to your environment . The game harshly reprimands the ignorant . The areas you're in put up more fight than the creatures themselves . Though I loathed this at first I started to like how it's a throwback of those really hard games of yesterday ! This is a gray area . Either you adore this type of sadism from your games or you don't ! Overall Frankly there are better games of this genre out there . Lords of shadow , Bayonetta , Arkham Asylum , and Dark - Siders are much more polished and precise . This game is related to porno magazines stuffed beneath a mattress , Heavy Metal posters on the wall , and candy bars hidden in boot camp lockers . Aka it's self gratifying indulgence that appeals to us as a guilty pleasure on a primordial level . If you're a fan of Splatter-House this is a nostalgic revival . You get an up to date remake as well as all 3 classic titles which you unlock along the way . It's obvious the developers cared about the fan-base and that is a very rare quality this day and age . Though a could wax nostalgic on the topic of Splatter-house many days I cannot give its ' most recent reincarnation a perfect score with a clean conscious . If you are already a Splatter-head you've likely already bought this but for the rest of you proceed with caution ! The fun factor for me is a strong 4 but because of a few quirky technical difficulties I can only go as high as a 3 for the overall segment .
    • 115   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) this is exactly what i wanted from this game . It still feels like a splatterhouse game . I just think they could have done a little more scary , because the first one scared me when i was little
    • 119   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I never really played the old Splatterhouse games ( they are unlockable if you can slog through this game ) , but I was excited to play this version . I love great games with tons of content , but sometimes you just need a game to destroy things in . Unfortunately , Splatterhouse has the violence and horror-movie feel , but the it is as painful to play this game as it is to get hit with its weapons . The combat is very tedious , requiring to use only certain moves to defeat some of the countless enemies . Basically , I can say when you see Splatterhouse , keep looking , there is nothing to see here .
    • 120   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I never really played the old Splatterhouse games ( they are unlockable if you can slog through this game ) , but I was excited to play this version . I love great games with tons of content , but sometimes you just need a game to destroy things in . Unfortunately , Splatterhouse has the violence and horror-movie feel , but the it is as painful to play this game as it is to get hit with its weapons . The combat is very tedious , requiring to use only certain moves to defeat some of the countless enemies . Basically , I can say when you see Splatterhouse , keep looking , there is nothing to see here .
    • 121   I never really played the old Splatterhouse games ( they are unlockable if you can slog through this game ) , but I was excited to play this version . I love great games with tons of content , but sometimes you just need a game to destroy things in . Unfortunately , Splatterhouse has the violence and horror-movie feel , but the it is as painful to play this game as it is to get hit with its weapons . The combat is very tedious , requiring to use only certain moves to defeat some of the countless enemies . Basically , I can say when you see Splatterhouse , keep looking , there is nothing to see here .
    • 122   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) this game is pretty fun , so much blood . has a horror aspect to it . plus wen u beat game u unlock all 3 old splatterhouse games . if your a splatterhouse fan or a fan of beat em ups then buy this . if you dont like beat em ups then pass up on it .
    • 123   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) this game is pretty fun , so much blood . has a horror aspect to it . plus wen u beat game u unlock all 3 old splatterhouse games . if your a splatterhouse fan or a fan of beat em ups then buy this . if you dont like beat em ups then pass up on it .
    • 124   this game is pretty fun , so much blood . has a horror aspect to it . plus wen u beat game u unlock all 3 old splatterhouse games . if your a splatterhouse fan or a fan of beat em ups then buy this . if you dont like beat em ups then pass up on it .
    • 125   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I personally have no actually review for this game , i havent played it , it was a gift for my b / f , but he seems to love it so i personally cant complain .
    • 126   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I personally have no actually review for this game , i havent played it , it was a gift for my b / f , but he seems to love it so i personally cant complain .
    • 128   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) this is a must have for all hardcore gamers ! this game is hours of fun and if you like blood ; you LOVE Splatterhouse !
    • 133   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I saw positive and negative reviews of this game and was curious being a fan of the earlier games . All I can say is that after maybe an hour of playing , I became bored and gave up on it . Negative reviews win . . . .
    • 134   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I saw positive and negative reviews of this game and was curious being a fan of the earlier games . All I can say is that after maybe an hour of playing , I became bored and gave up on it . Negative reviews win . . . .

  • Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) The original Splatterhouse games came out when I was in grade school , so I know the kind of mindless fun the originals offered . Regrettably , I also have grown up since they came out , and times have changed - - it's no longer a novelty to have a blood-splattered horror action game on the market with tons of violence . Other game series have plenty of carnage and most titles out there offer a bit more depth and complexity than the simplistic charms of the Splatterhouse series . Thus , this reinvention of Namco's series is a real drag . The game essentially consists of you bashing enemies over and over from one room to another , executing combos and finishing moves . The creatures are disgusting ( of course ) , the story is threadbare , the violence extreme ( naturally ) and the game play repetitive and dull . After a few minutes I already had enough of it . Namco has tried here to resurrect the series for a new audience , but it's unclear who's going to care - - metalheads who'll love the awful soundtrack ? Old-school gamers like me nostalgic for a return trip to their youth ? Or teenagers who might get off on the ridiculous blood and guts ? No matter what way you go , it's difficult to envision Splatterhouse being overly satisfying for the majority of the gaming public . Namco went the lowest common demoninator route here and rolled snake eyes .
    • 015   When i heard a while back that namco had remade splatterhouse for the 360 i knew i had to have it ! I was always a big fan of part 2 and especially part 3 on the genesis years ago , and i couldnt believe how low key they kept this great remake . Its bloody gory violent adult beat em up fun fest ! Loved how some of the levels reverted to its 2d roots out of no where , really added nostalgia that only a older gamer who played the first versions wouldve recognized . The naked picture fragments of his girl were an awesome addition , as well as the fact that the three original titles were unlockable to play thro the story mode , that was especially awesome to me since i never owned a sega master system and never had the joy of playing the original installment of this series . I reccomend this game strongly to any fan of the original series , and to any fan of bloodsport beat em up games , its very exiting challenging and interesting . Great job Namco !
    • 047   Awesome return to the Splatterhouse and just a difficult as the original series . After completing the game you can even play the original Splatterhouse . Hope they make more , awesome game .
    • 063   Not much to say . I wouldn't pay more than $29.99 , which is what I paid for the game . It's old school blood and guts . Not much of a storyline really and not a whole lot of replay value but a fun little game .
    • 117   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) I have made it to level 9 , The special moves are awesome to pull off and unlocking the first 3 Splatter House games Including improved cut scenes for SH3 really makes it's money worth the reason I gave it 3 stars , The trilogy wasn't emulated correctly ! Splatter house arcade version missing the sounds in the poltergeist room level 2 boss The sfx of the knives are missing and the last part of the song where the painting flies at you is also absent . Splatter House 2 the pitch of the music is wrong and when you first start the game the intro is pitched up so high Jennifer sounded like a little girl screaming . Splatter House 3 The music pitch is too low and if you punch in the last stage password ( SPOILER ALERT ) PHENIX the mask will laugh like a munchkin Other than that the improved cut scenes of Jennifer and David were Great , it's a shame they couldn't improve the cut scenes of Rick .
    • 118   I have made it to level 9 , The special moves are awesome to pull off and unlocking the first 3 Splatter House games Including improved cut scenes for SH3 really makes it's money worth the reason I gave it 3 stars , The trilogy wasn't emulated correctly ! Splatter house arcade version missing the sounds in the poltergeist room level 2 boss The sfx of the knives are missing and the last part of the song where the painting flies at you is also absent . Splatter House 2 the pitch of the music is wrong and when you first start the game the intro is pitched up so high Jennifer sounded like a little girl screaming . Splatter House 3 The music pitch is too low and if you punch in the last stage password ( SPOILER ALERT ) PHENIX the mask will laugh like a munchkin Other than that the improved cut scenes of Jennifer and David were Great , it's a shame they couldn't improve the cut scenes of Rick .
    • 127   I personally have no actually review for this game , i havent played it , it was a gift for my b / f , but he seems to love it so i personally cant complain .
    • 130   Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) The original Splatterhouse games came out when I was in grade school , so I know the kind of mindless fun the originals offered . Regrettably , I also have grown up since they came out , and times have changed - - it's no longer a novelty to have a blood-splattered horror action game on the market with tons of violence . Other game series have plenty of carnage and most titles out there offer a bit more depth and complexity than the simplistic charms of the Splatterhouse series . Thus , this reinvention of Namco's series is a real drag . The game essentially consists of you bashing enemies over and over from one room to another , executing combos and finishing moves . The creatures are disgusting ( of course ) , the story is threadbare , the violence extreme ( naturally ) and the game play repetitive and dull . After a few minutes I already had enough of it . Namco has tried here to resurrect the series for a new audience , but it's unclear who's going to care - - metalheads who'll love the awful soundtrack ? Old-school gamers like me nostalgic for a return trip to their youth ? Or teenagers who might get off on the ridiculous blood and guts ? No matter what way you go , it's difficult to envision Splatterhouse being overly satisfying for the majority of the gaming public . Namco went the lowest common demoninator route here and rolled snake eyes .
    • 131   This review is from : Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) The original Splatterhouse games came out when I was in grade school , so I know the kind of mindless fun the originals offered . Regrettably , I also have grown up since they came out , and times have changed - - it's no longer a novelty to have a blood-splattered horror action game on the market with tons of violence . Other game series have plenty of carnage and most titles out there offer a bit more depth and complexity than the simplistic charms of the Splatterhouse series . Thus , this reinvention of Namco's series is a real drag . The game essentially consists of you bashing enemies over and over from one room to another , executing combos and finishing moves . The creatures are disgusting ( of course ) , the story is threadbare , the violence extreme ( naturally ) and the game play repetitive and dull . After a few minutes I already had enough of it . Namco has tried here to resurrect the series for a new audience , but it's unclear who's going to care - - metalheads who'll love the awful soundtrack ? Old-school gamers like me nostalgic for a return trip to their youth ? Or teenagers who might get off on the ridiculous blood and guts ? No matter what way you go , it's difficult to envision Splatterhouse being overly satisfying for the majority of the gaming public . Namco went the lowest common demoninator route here and rolled snake eyes .
    • 132   The original Splatterhouse games came out when I was in grade school , so I know the kind of mindless fun the originals offered . Regrettably , I also have grown up since they came out , and times have changed - - it's no longer a novelty to have a blood-splattered horror action game on the market with tons of violence . Other game series have plenty of carnage and most titles out there offer a bit more depth and complexity than the simplistic charms of the Splatterhouse series . Thus , this reinvention of Namco's series is a real drag . The game essentially consists of you bashing enemies over and over from one room to another , executing combos and finishing moves . The creatures are disgusting ( of course ) , the story is threadbare , the violence extreme ( naturally ) and the game play repetitive and dull . After a few minutes I already had enough of it . Namco has tried here to resurrect the series for a new audience , but it's unclear who's going to care - - metalheads who'll love the awful soundtrack ? Old-school gamers like me nostalgic for a return trip to their youth ? Or teenagers who might get off on the ridiculous blood and guts ? No matter what way you go , it's difficult to envision Splatterhouse being overly satisfying for the majority of the gaming public . Namco went the lowest common demoninator route here and rolled snake eyes .

  • Splatterhouse ( Video Game ) This game is awesome i definately recommend it to anybody ( except kids cause its gory ) . Any fans of god of war will feel right at home with this game . Im surprised that IGN rated this game a 4.0 , this game is a 10 in my book . PLEASE Namco make a sequel lol .
    • 096   This game is awesome i definately recommend it to anybody ( except kids cause its gory ) . Any fans of god of war will feel right at home with this game . Im surprised that IGN rated this game a 4.0 , this game is a 10 in my book . PLEASE Namco make a sequel lol .

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