Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
First of all , let's get this out of the way . Tactics Ogre is an absolutely incredible game . You can absolutely tell that the guys behind FFT were behind this remake . The musical score , combat system , storyline , and dialogue are all very similar . And yes , I know Tactics Ogre came first but I'm writing this from the perspective of someone who played FFT long before knowing Tactics Ogre even existed . I got the game about three days ago , and have already logged close to ten hours of playtime . It's very addictive , and fun . As you can see , I rated it a 5 / 5 because it deserves nothing less .
With that said , if you're a diehard FFT fan ( like I am ) and you're wondering if Tactics Ogre can sate your hunger for FFT2 . . . well it doesn't quite cut it . Whether Tactics Ogre or FFT is better has been discussed more times than I can count , but personally FFT is ahead by far . One of the most common advantages I heard about Tactics Ogre was that the combat is far more tactical and the battles are more difficult . Quite frankly . . . I don't see it at all . I'm in Chapter 3 , and I haven't leveled outside of a story battle once and I've steamrolled through every fight . The only fight that gave me a problem was in Chapter 1 , where I had to save an NPC who kept running directly into the enemy and dying before I could heal her once . I remember playing FFT , and getting my ass beat in Dorter Trade City about an hour into the game . I don't see the challenge that everyone was talking about . You get the equivalent of Orlandu in FFT in the first Chapter in Tactics Ogre , Canopus . He kills any nonplate wearer in 2 hits , has ridiculous movement range + flight , and about six rounds into any fight you'll unlock his finisher which hits for well over 100 damage in the first Chapter . Since most early fights objectives are to kill the leader of the other team , you can literally just stall a few rounds , have Canopus shoot them once , and then use his finisher and it's automatic victory . In my opinion , FFT's combat system was far more intricate and involved . . . at least until Chapter 4 when you got Orlandu . Every FFT fans knows the names Dorter Trade City , Golgarand , and Riovanes Castle because quite frankly , FFT kicked your ass and forced you to find a way to win . In Tactics Ogre . . . there's really not much of a challenge if you just let the enemy come to you .
Going further on the challenge , the AI is unspeakably bad . If you have a character with 1 life standing right next to the enemy , the enemy AI will simply ignore him and attack another character with full life . This is most noticeable when you have a melee class at low life , and you have a caster with full life next to him . The AI will always attack the caster , with no exception . To date , I have not seen an enemy not attack a caster when given the chance to do so . Again , if you recognize this fact this can make battles incredibly simple . Here's another one . There's a skill in the game called Phalanx that reduces incoming damage by 90% . However , I found that the AI takes no note of this whatsoever , and would regularly attack my Phalanxed character for 1 damage instead of hitting the guy next to him for 40 . The AI also has no sense of impending doom . If they are at 20% life and their healer is in the back , enemy units will still charge your line to attack you . I mean , FFTs AI wasn't perfect but it rarely made mistakes like this .
Also , the graphics leave something to be desired . FFT was just utterly beautiful , and Tactics Ogre in contrast looks like a Super Nintendo game . Yes , graphics aren't everything . . . but they are something . However , Tactics Ogre runs far better than FFT : War of the Lions for the PSP . That games slowdown made it nigh unplayable at times , but Tactics Ogre runs extremely fluidly with no hiccups at all . For some , that alone may make Tactics Ogre superior to the PSP port of FFT .
So , I know some of you will bash this review because it's more of a comparison between two great games rather than a review of Tactics Ogre in its own right . However , I think it's important to understand that most people bothering to pick this game up are Final Fantasy Tactics fans . Whether or not it was the first , FFT popularized the sRPG genre and is still the golden standard to this day . With that said , this is for all you FFT addicts out there . You will love this game , but the entire time you're playing it you'll find yourself missing that simple joy you felt through your first playthrough of FFT . In any case , wonderful game and I hope there are more like it in the future .
015 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I should point out that A . I love SRPG's and B . I have not had that much of a chance to play far into the game .
Also , I tend to lean more towards the Final Fantasy Tactics camp when it comes to SRPGs .
Anyway , this game is daunting , and I love it .
Graphically speaking , it's pretty much standard SRPG fare , comparable to FFT : The War of the Lions , although I must say this game's presentation is extremely polished . The sound effects and the animations have none of the slowdown that plagued the PSP port of FFT , and it's just a crisper , prettier game all around . The soundtrack is magnificent , and the game is kind enough to allow for a music test on the main menu . I miss those in games .
I do , however , miss not having any cutscenes . I got used to having pretty cutscenes in FFT and Jeanne D'Arc , so I half expected this game to also include some .
The game play is pretty much standard fare for SRPGs . The only thing I thought was a bit strange was the camera control ( not with the analog , no , hold square button , I believe , and move the camera to top down , or isometric ) The menus are a bit confusing at first , but any SRPG enthusiast knows that this game would have menus galore ( and if you bought this game not KNOWING that , I'm sorry you picked THIS game as your first SRPG )
The class system is enthralling , and I can't wait to progress further and play around with the combinations . I don't know if the original PSone version required the player to buy or find marks to be able to do a class change , but I thought this was a very interesting twist .
The Tarot Chariot has been touted as a feasible easy mode . . . and well , I don't see it . It could be compared to being able to pull off a Prince of Persia , but in all earnest , if you keep trying the same action over and over after rewinding to a previous turn , the outcome will be the same . So it doesn't allow you a get out of jail free card , more of a think that over , and do it differently . Haven't had to use it as much yet . In fact , I've found myself reloading to the title screen a lot because I did not prepare properly BEFORE a battle .
A lot of people are criticizing the game for not allowing you to fit equipment on characters before you buy . I can see that being a problem . It does force you to micromanage in your mind all of your characters ' equipment , but the game does a good job of telling you what each class could and could not wear ( You would think a big glaring red X on top of the class icon would be telltale enough ) So , whereas the FFT fitting room was great , and I think that would have been ultimately better , I don't think this nuance breaks the gameplay here .
The reason I'm not giving this gem a perfect 5 is . . . this game is very inaccesible ! The story is incredibly convoluted ( love ) but there's no intro ! I've read I would have to allow for the intro cinematic that plays on an untouched main menu to play and bring me up to speed , so I will have to do that . But if you do not , if you simply jump in , the game will drop you in medias rex , heavily into the story . I had no idea what was going on for the first 10 minutes of the game . Shame on me for not reading up ? I guess that could be said .
I should note the localization work for this game . Some people disliked the choice of sort of shakesperian English they used in FFT for PSP . I personally loved it , but in this game they sort of eased off a bit , but it does retain some of that ' olde English ' charm .
Excellent , superb game ; I would only fault it in that this is not a game for the uninitiated in SRPGs , and while that's no real fault , it does mean that a lot of people won't get what this game is about .
PS-Some further notes regarding the menu - While the game will not show you how X item compares to Y item equipped on a character , you CAN compare it , most definitely , to the item as it were , as long as it's available in the store at that time . All you do is hold square , scroll to the side to show the set of stats you want to see , and then scroll up or down within the menu to compare it to items within the same item class . It's fairly simple . It's not as good as a fitting room option , but it's not as if you have to go out of the store screen and into the party screen to see whether what you bought was an improvement or not .
063 Amazon Verified Purchase
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Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I loved FFT when I first played it why back in the early PS era . When I learned that there was a predecessor based on the great Ogre Battle SNES game , I tried to track it down , but it was a limited release even in remakes it seems ; I never found it until this version .
I understand that there's been some updates here , a bit with graphics and the skills system was added , along with some other gameplay changes . As said , I've never played the original , but somehow this game exceeded my expectations . I've been playing obsessively since I got it , and if you are at all a fan of the genre I recommend it without reservation .
Compared with FFT , there is slightly less emphasis on building the perfect unit , and more on the best army . Battle sizes can be larger ( ranging from 6 to 12 units on the playes team at a time ) , and some classes have abilities that rely on positioning moreso than in Tactics - - such as knights restricting enemy movement , thieves getting a bonus to attack from behind ( well beyond what others get ) , certain auras that benefit nearby units , etc . But as other people have pointed out , you can't take the best abilities from different classes and merge them ( much - - in a couple cases like Dragoons with Rampart Aura I could use a skill learned elsewhere , but these are exceptions ) . I wouldn't say FFT or TO is better in terms of gameplay , but the focus changes a bit and it is refreshing .
I don't find that all the classes play the same , either - - use a rogue like you would a knight and you won't have them around for long . Rogues need to dart in when the get a chance and then run back behind the knights who have the skills to stop pursuit . There are some similar classes , though .
The difficulty of this game is just right . Most of the time I'm not sure if I will win a battle - - I need a stroke of luck or expenditure of precious resources to get by without anyone losing any hearts from a guy ( three strikes and a unit is gone for good ) or even needed to restart . Fortunately the turn order listing and chariot tarot replay makes this difficulty forgiving if you need to take an informed risk or make a mistake - - I back up a turn if I didn't know an obstacle would block my spell , for instance . And any random battle can be fled without penalty .
The story is great also . Disgaea's comic story never caught my attention for a moment . Better Tactics Ogre that risks losing me in it's machinations than Disgaea's gonzo anime antics that don't make a lick of sense ( imo ) . I also think it is superior to FFT in that the enemies stay more or less human forces , rather than the too common demonic forces . There's demons & monsters to fight here , don't get me wrong , but the plots are driven by humans with conflicting visions and goals rather than being possessed puppets of evil forces . And while I haven't yet finished the game ( chapter 4 so far ) , I'm already looking forward to seeing how the divergent paths will play out in subsequent play-throughs .
Finally , the cons - - The graphics are dated , obviously . Think of it as a board game rather than a video game if you need to , its worth looking past the SNES era sprites .
The menu navigation hasn't bothered me much , so I think that's over blown , though there certainly is a lot of button pushing .
And I agree that the crafting system is poor ; basically it is a time sink . It would have been better to force you to choose how to add your rare components than make most parts purchasable but give a risk of failure . But the gear you can craft isn't essential so if it bugs you you can skip it .
064 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I loved FFT when I first played it why back in the early PS era . When I learned that there was a predecessor based on the great Ogre Battle SNES game , I tried to track it down , but it was a limited release even in remakes it seems ; I never found it until this version .
I understand that there's been some updates here , a bit with graphics and the skills system was added , along with some other gameplay changes . As said , I've never played the original , but somehow this game exceeded my expectations . I've been playing obsessively since I got it , and if you are at all a fan of the genre I recommend it without reservation .
Compared with FFT , there is slightly less emphasis on building the perfect unit , and more on the best army . Battle sizes can be larger ( ranging from 6 to 12 units on the playes team at a time ) , and some classes have abilities that rely on positioning moreso than in Tactics - - such as knights restricting enemy movement , thieves getting a bonus to attack from behind ( well beyond what others get ) , certain auras that benefit nearby units , etc . But as other people have pointed out , you can't take the best abilities from different classes and merge them ( much - - in a couple cases like Dragoons with Rampart Aura I could use a skill learned elsewhere , but these are exceptions ) . I wouldn't say FFT or TO is better in terms of gameplay , but the focus changes a bit and it is refreshing .
I don't find that all the classes play the same , either - - use a rogue like you would a knight and you won't have them around for long . Rogues need to dart in when the get a chance and then run back behind the knights who have the skills to stop pursuit . There are some similar classes , though .
The difficulty of this game is just right . Most of the time I'm not sure if I will win a battle - - I need a stroke of luck or expenditure of precious resources to get by without anyone losing any hearts from a guy ( three strikes and a unit is gone for good ) or even needed to restart . Fortunately the turn order listing and chariot tarot replay makes this difficulty forgiving if you need to take an informed risk or make a mistake - - I back up a turn if I didn't know an obstacle would block my spell , for instance . And any random battle can be fled without penalty .
The story is great also . Disgaea's comic story never caught my attention for a moment . Better Tactics Ogre that risks losing me in it's machinations than Disgaea's gonzo anime antics that don't make a lick of sense ( imo ) . I also think it is superior to FFT in that the enemies stay more or less human forces , rather than the too common demonic forces . There's demons & monsters to fight here , don't get me wrong , but the plots are driven by humans with conflicting visions and goals rather than being possessed puppets of evil forces . And while I haven't yet finished the game ( chapter 4 so far ) , I'm already looking forward to seeing how the divergent paths will play out in subsequent play-throughs .
Finally , the cons - - The graphics are dated , obviously . Think of it as a board game rather than a video game if you need to , its worth looking past the SNES era sprites .
The menu navigation hasn't bothered me much , so I think that's over blown , though there certainly is a lot of button pushing .
And I agree that the crafting system is poor ; basically it is a time sink . It would have been better to force you to choose how to add your rare components than make most parts purchasable but give a risk of failure . But the gear you can craft isn't essential so if it bugs you you can skip it .
075 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
First of all , let's get this out of the way . Tactics Ogre is an absolutely incredible game . You can absolutely tell that the guys behind FFT were behind this remake . The musical score , combat system , storyline , and dialogue are all very similar . And yes , I know Tactics Ogre came first but I'm writing this from the perspective of someone who played FFT long before knowing Tactics Ogre even existed . I got the game about three days ago , and have already logged close to ten hours of playtime . It's very addictive , and fun . As you can see , I rated it a 5 / 5 because it deserves nothing less .
With that said , if you're a diehard FFT fan ( like I am ) and you're wondering if Tactics Ogre can sate your hunger for FFT2 . . . well it doesn't quite cut it . Whether Tactics Ogre or FFT is better has been discussed more times than I can count , but personally FFT is ahead by far . One of the most common advantages I heard about Tactics Ogre was that the combat is far more tactical and the battles are more difficult . Quite frankly . . . I don't see it at all . I'm in Chapter 3 , and I haven't leveled outside of a story battle once and I've steamrolled through every fight . The only fight that gave me a problem was in Chapter 1 , where I had to save an NPC who kept running directly into the enemy and dying before I could heal her once . I remember playing FFT , and getting my ass beat in Dorter Trade City about an hour into the game . I don't see the challenge that everyone was talking about . You get the equivalent of Orlandu in FFT in the first Chapter in Tactics Ogre , Canopus . He kills any nonplate wearer in 2 hits , has ridiculous movement range + flight , and about six rounds into any fight you'll unlock his finisher which hits for well over 100 damage in the first Chapter . Since most early fights objectives are to kill the leader of the other team , you can literally just stall a few rounds , have Canopus shoot them once , and then use his finisher and it's automatic victory . In my opinion , FFT's combat system was far more intricate and involved . . . at least until Chapter 4 when you got Orlandu . Every FFT fans knows the names Dorter Trade City , Golgarand , and Riovanes Castle because quite frankly , FFT kicked your ass and forced you to find a way to win . In Tactics Ogre . . . there's really not much of a challenge if you just let the enemy come to you .
Going further on the challenge , the AI is unspeakably bad . If you have a character with 1 life standing right next to the enemy , the enemy AI will simply ignore him and attack another character with full life . This is most noticeable when you have a melee class at low life , and you have a caster with full life next to him . The AI will always attack the caster , with no exception . To date , I have not seen an enemy not attack a caster when given the chance to do so . Again , if you recognize this fact this can make battles incredibly simple . Here's another one . There's a skill in the game called Phalanx that reduces incoming damage by 90% . However , I found that the AI takes no note of this whatsoever , and would regularly attack my Phalanxed character for 1 damage instead of hitting the guy next to him for 40 . The AI also has no sense of impending doom . If they are at 20% life and their healer is in the back , enemy units will still charge your line to attack you . I mean , FFTs AI wasn't perfect but it rarely made mistakes like this .
Also , the graphics leave something to be desired . FFT was just utterly beautiful , and Tactics Ogre in contrast looks like a Super Nintendo game . Yes , graphics aren't everything . . . but they are something . However , Tactics Ogre runs far better than FFT : War of the Lions for the PSP . That games slowdown made it nigh unplayable at times , but Tactics Ogre runs extremely fluidly with no hiccups at all . For some , that alone may make Tactics Ogre superior to the PSP port of FFT .
So , I know some of you will bash this review because it's more of a comparison between two great games rather than a review of Tactics Ogre in its own right . However , I think it's important to understand that most people bothering to pick this game up are Final Fantasy Tactics fans . Whether or not it was the first , FFT popularized the sRPG genre and is still the golden standard to this day . With that said , this is for all you FFT addicts out there . You will love this game , but the entire time you're playing it you'll find yourself missing that simple joy you felt through your first playthrough of FFT . In any case , wonderful game and I hope there are more like it in the future .
076 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
First of all , let's get this out of the way . Tactics Ogre is an absolutely incredible game . You can absolutely tell that the guys behind FFT were behind this remake . The musical score , combat system , storyline , and dialogue are all very similar . And yes , I know Tactics Ogre came first but I'm writing this from the perspective of someone who played FFT long before knowing Tactics Ogre even existed . I got the game about three days ago , and have already logged close to ten hours of playtime . It's very addictive , and fun . As you can see , I rated it a 5 / 5 because it deserves nothing less .
With that said , if you're a diehard FFT fan ( like I am ) and you're wondering if Tactics Ogre can sate your hunger for FFT2 . . . well it doesn't quite cut it . Whether Tactics Ogre or FFT is better has been discussed more times than I can count , but personally FFT is ahead by far . One of the most common advantages I heard about Tactics Ogre was that the combat is far more tactical and the battles are more difficult . Quite frankly . . . I don't see it at all . I'm in Chapter 3 , and I haven't leveled outside of a story battle once and I've steamrolled through every fight . The only fight that gave me a problem was in Chapter 1 , where I had to save an NPC who kept running directly into the enemy and dying before I could heal her once . I remember playing FFT , and getting my ass beat in Dorter Trade City about an hour into the game . I don't see the challenge that everyone was talking about . You get the equivalent of Orlandu in FFT in the first Chapter in Tactics Ogre , Canopus . He kills any nonplate wearer in 2 hits , has ridiculous movement range + flight , and about six rounds into any fight you'll unlock his finisher which hits for well over 100 damage in the first Chapter . Since most early fights objectives are to kill the leader of the other team , you can literally just stall a few rounds , have Canopus shoot them once , and then use his finisher and it's automatic victory . In my opinion , FFT's combat system was far more intricate and involved . . . at least until Chapter 4 when you got Orlandu . Every FFT fans knows the names Dorter Trade City , Golgarand , and Riovanes Castle because quite frankly , FFT kicked your ass and forced you to find a way to win . In Tactics Ogre . . . there's really not much of a challenge if you just let the enemy come to you .
Going further on the challenge , the AI is unspeakably bad . If you have a character with 1 life standing right next to the enemy , the enemy AI will simply ignore him and attack another character with full life . This is most noticeable when you have a melee class at low life , and you have a caster with full life next to him . The AI will always attack the caster , with no exception . To date , I have not seen an enemy not attack a caster when given the chance to do so . Again , if you recognize this fact this can make battles incredibly simple . Here's another one . There's a skill in the game called Phalanx that reduces incoming damage by 90% . However , I found that the AI takes no note of this whatsoever , and would regularly attack my Phalanxed character for 1 damage instead of hitting the guy next to him for 40 . The AI also has no sense of impending doom . If they are at 20% life and their healer is in the back , enemy units will still charge your line to attack you . I mean , FFTs AI wasn't perfect but it rarely made mistakes like this .
Also , the graphics leave something to be desired . FFT was just utterly beautiful , and Tactics Ogre in contrast looks like a Super Nintendo game . Yes , graphics aren't everything . . . but they are something . However , Tactics Ogre runs far better than FFT : War of the Lions for the PSP . That games slowdown made it nigh unplayable at times , but Tactics Ogre runs extremely fluidly with no hiccups at all . For some , that alone may make Tactics Ogre superior to the PSP port of FFT .
So , I know some of you will bash this review because it's more of a comparison between two great games rather than a review of Tactics Ogre in its own right . However , I think it's important to understand that most people bothering to pick this game up are Final Fantasy Tactics fans . Whether or not it was the first , FFT popularized the sRPG genre and is still the golden standard to this day . With that said , this is for all you FFT addicts out there . You will love this game , but the entire time you're playing it you'll find yourself missing that simple joy you felt through your first playthrough of FFT . In any case , wonderful game and I hope there are more like it in the future .
077 First of all , let's get this out of the way . Tactics Ogre is an absolutely incredible game . You can absolutely tell that the guys behind FFT were behind this remake . The musical score , combat system , storyline , and dialogue are all very similar . And yes , I know Tactics Ogre came first but I'm writing this from the perspective of someone who played FFT long before knowing Tactics Ogre even existed . I got the game about three days ago , and have already logged close to ten hours of playtime . It's very addictive , and fun . As you can see , I rated it a 5 / 5 because it deserves nothing less .
With that said , if you're a diehard FFT fan ( like I am ) and you're wondering if Tactics Ogre can sate your hunger for FFT2 . . . well it doesn't quite cut it . Whether Tactics Ogre or FFT is better has been discussed more times than I can count , but personally FFT is ahead by far . One of the most common advantages I heard about Tactics Ogre was that the combat is far more tactical and the battles are more difficult . Quite frankly . . . I don't see it at all . I'm in Chapter 3 , and I haven't leveled outside of a story battle once and I've steamrolled through every fight . The only fight that gave me a problem was in Chapter 1 , where I had to save an NPC who kept running directly into the enemy and dying before I could heal her once . I remember playing FFT , and getting my ass beat in Dorter Trade City about an hour into the game . I don't see the challenge that everyone was talking about . You get the equivalent of Orlandu in FFT in the first Chapter in Tactics Ogre , Canopus . He kills any nonplate wearer in 2 hits , has ridiculous movement range + flight , and about six rounds into any fight you'll unlock his finisher which hits for well over 100 damage in the first Chapter . Since most early fights objectives are to kill the leader of the other team , you can literally just stall a few rounds , have Canopus shoot them once , and then use his finisher and it's automatic victory . In my opinion , FFT's combat system was far more intricate and involved . . . at least until Chapter 4 when you got Orlandu . Every FFT fans knows the names Dorter Trade City , Golgarand , and Riovanes Castle because quite frankly , FFT kicked your ass and forced you to find a way to win . In Tactics Ogre . . . there's really not much of a challenge if you just let the enemy come to you .
Going further on the challenge , the AI is unspeakably bad . If you have a character with 1 life standing right next to the enemy , the enemy AI will simply ignore him and attack another character with full life . This is most noticeable when you have a melee class at low life , and you have a caster with full life next to him . The AI will always attack the caster , with no exception . To date , I have not seen an enemy not attack a caster when given the chance to do so . Again , if you recognize this fact this can make battles incredibly simple . Here's another one . There's a skill in the game called Phalanx that reduces incoming damage by 90% . However , I found that the AI takes no note of this whatsoever , and would regularly attack my Phalanxed character for 1 damage instead of hitting the guy next to him for 40 . The AI also has no sense of impending doom . If they are at 20% life and their healer is in the back , enemy units will still charge your line to attack you . I mean , FFTs AI wasn't perfect but it rarely made mistakes like this .
Also , the graphics leave something to be desired . FFT was just utterly beautiful , and Tactics Ogre in contrast looks like a Super Nintendo game . Yes , graphics aren't everything . . . but they are something . However , Tactics Ogre runs far better than FFT : War of the Lions for the PSP . That games slowdown made it nigh unplayable at times , but Tactics Ogre runs extremely fluidly with no hiccups at all . For some , that alone may make Tactics Ogre superior to the PSP port of FFT .
So , I know some of you will bash this review because it's more of a comparison between two great games rather than a review of Tactics Ogre in its own right . However , I think it's important to understand that most people bothering to pick this game up are Final Fantasy Tactics fans . Whether or not it was the first , FFT popularized the sRPG genre and is still the golden standard to this day . With that said , this is for all you FFT addicts out there . You will love this game , but the entire time you're playing it you'll find yourself missing that simple joy you felt through your first playthrough of FFT . In any case , wonderful game and I hope there are more like it in the future .
081 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Great game ! Difficulty is higher & the game has a steeper learning curve than Final Fantasy Tactics , FFTAdvance , Ogre Tactics , etc . But so far it is awesome . The Wheel Of destiny or whatever it is called is interesting . This game has so many choices that can change the game & this is an interesting & efficient way to encounter them all . This looks & feels much more like a direct successor to the original FFT than FFTadvance did for me .
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I just finished the game , but this game is definitely not designed for people who play the game .
Great Story and Characters ? Yes .
Great Music and Visual ? Yes .
Great System and user friendly ? No .
Everytime there is new companions joining
The game forces you to do same stuffs over and over again
just to raise new charcater and job classes to the level of your already well formed army .
The new item crafting system is such a non-sense , and it should have never been included in 21st century game .
It is useful gamewise , but it often takes you 30 minutes to create one item alone . ( not even good one )
Also there is chance of failure which can be overcome simply by saving and loading , again makes the chance pointless but annoying .
This game is worth your while only if you have lots and lots of extra time to spend ,
I would say about 200 ~ 300 hours .
Otherwise , it will only stress you out even if you are a hardcore fan of this game .
It ` s a game based on one of greatest classic title so it still brings some fun it always had .
However , it is fixed in such a wrong way to vex the players , I think creators of this game don ` t care about players at all .
( or the creators of this game believe everybody , including old fans who are now probably 25 ~ 35 , has hundreds of hours to spend on mindless chore )
032 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
There's been a bunch of so-so turn-based games on the PSP and DS , but this one is impressively good . Other than a tedious process to create ore to then craft weapons , I dont have a single complaint . The game designers thought of everything in this game . I like it even better than FF Tactics . FFT is a great game but it got too easy - - this game keeps the challenge going unless you grind to the max . The maps are large enough to create different strategies and plans of attack . I really like the line of sight matters in most attacks , for both you and the enemies . Over all it really is a 5 star game if you like turn-based .
033 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
There's been a bunch of so-so turn-based games on the PSP and DS , but this one is impressively good . Other than a tedious process to create ore to then craft weapons , I dont have a single complaint . The game designers thought of everything in this game . I like it even better than FF Tactics . FFT is a great game but it got too easy - - this game keeps the challenge going unless you grind to the max . The maps are large enough to create different strategies and plans of attack . I really like the line of sight matters in most attacks , for both you and the enemies . Over all it really is a 5 star game if you like turn-based .
054 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Tactics Ogre in my mind is the second greatest SRPG of all time , behind only Final Fantasy Tactics . It has a brilliant , non-linear storyline with a huge cast of characters and classes . To add to an already wonderful game , this remake revamped the design and fixed some of the problems with the original ( i.e . insanely slow spell casting ) . My only complaint with this game is how every time you gain a new class / character , they will start at level 1 . This is especially troublesome , when some of the cooler characters becomes playable only near the twilight of the game , such as Ozma and Vyce ( Lawful route only ) . Other than that , this game is about as close to perfect as it gets .
[ Non-review info ] : Make sure you keep playing Canopus ( and give him a crossbow ) , he is easily the game's best character . Also , make sure you keep a few ninjas around . Unlike FFT , the ninjas in this game are completely overpowered ! Have fun !
055 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Tactics Ogre in my mind is the second greatest SRPG of all time , behind only Final Fantasy Tactics . It has a brilliant , non-linear storyline with a huge cast of characters and classes . To add to an already wonderful game , this remake revamped the design and fixed some of the problems with the original ( i.e . insanely slow spell casting ) . My only complaint with this game is how every time you gain a new class / character , they will start at level 1 . This is especially troublesome , when some of the cooler characters becomes playable only near the twilight of the game , such as Ozma and Vyce ( Lawful route only ) . Other than that , this game is about as close to perfect as it gets .
[ Non-review info ] : Make sure you keep playing Canopus ( and give him a crossbow ) , he is easily the game's best character . Also , make sure you keep a few ninjas around . Unlike FFT , the ninjas in this game are completely overpowered ! Have fun !
056 Tactics Ogre in my mind is the second greatest SRPG of all time , behind only Final Fantasy Tactics . It has a brilliant , non-linear storyline with a huge cast of characters and classes . To add to an already wonderful game , this remake revamped the design and fixed some of the problems with the original ( i.e . insanely slow spell casting ) . My only complaint with this game is how every time you gain a new class / character , they will start at level 1 . This is especially troublesome , when some of the cooler characters becomes playable only near the twilight of the game , such as Ozma and Vyce ( Lawful route only ) . Other than that , this game is about as close to perfect as it gets .
[ Non-review info ] : Make sure you keep playing Canopus ( and give him a crossbow ) , he is easily the game's best character . Also , make sure you keep a few ninjas around . Unlike FFT , the ninjas in this game are completely overpowered ! Have fun !
072 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I just finished the game , but this game is definitely not designed for people who play the game .
Great Story and Characters ? Yes .
Great Music and Visual ? Yes .
Great System and user friendly ? No .
Everytime there is new companions joining
The game forces you to do same stuffs over and over again
just to raise new charcater and job classes to the level of your already well formed army .
The new item crafting system is such a non-sense , and it should have never been included in 21st century game .
It is useful gamewise , but it often takes you 30 minutes to create one item alone . ( not even good one )
Also there is chance of failure which can be overcome simply by saving and loading , again makes the chance pointless but annoying .
This game is worth your while only if you have lots and lots of extra time to spend ,
I would say about 200 ~ 300 hours .
Otherwise , it will only stress you out even if you are a hardcore fan of this game .
It ` s a game based on one of greatest classic title so it still brings some fun it always had .
However , it is fixed in such a wrong way to vex the players , I think creators of this game don ` t care about players at all .
( or the creators of this game believe everybody , including old fans who are now probably 25 ~ 35 , has hundreds of hours to spend on mindless chore )
073 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I just finished the game , but this game is definitely not designed for people who play the game .
Great Story and Characters ? Yes .
Great Music and Visual ? Yes .
Great System and user friendly ? No .
Everytime there is new companions joining
The game forces you to do same stuffs over and over again
just to raise new charcater and job classes to the level of your already well formed army .
The new item crafting system is such a non-sense , and it should have never been included in 21st century game .
It is useful gamewise , but it often takes you 30 minutes to create one item alone . ( not even good one )
Also there is chance of failure which can be overcome simply by saving and loading , again makes the chance pointless but annoying .
This game is worth your while only if you have lots and lots of extra time to spend ,
I would say about 200 ~ 300 hours .
Otherwise , it will only stress you out even if you are a hardcore fan of this game .
It ` s a game based on one of greatest classic title so it still brings some fun it always had .
However , it is fixed in such a wrong way to vex the players , I think creators of this game don ` t care about players at all .
( or the creators of this game believe everybody , including old fans who are now probably 25 ~ 35 , has hundreds of hours to spend on mindless chore )
074 I just finished the game , but this game is definitely not designed for people who play the game .
Great Story and Characters ? Yes .
Great Music and Visual ? Yes .
Great System and user friendly ? No .
Everytime there is new companions joining
The game forces you to do same stuffs over and over again
just to raise new charcater and job classes to the level of your already well formed army .
The new item crafting system is such a non-sense , and it should have never been included in 21st century game .
It is useful gamewise , but it often takes you 30 minutes to create one item alone . ( not even good one )
Also there is chance of failure which can be overcome simply by saving and loading , again makes the chance pointless but annoying .
This game is worth your while only if you have lots and lots of extra time to spend ,
I would say about 200 ~ 300 hours .
Otherwise , it will only stress you out even if you are a hardcore fan of this game .
It ` s a game based on one of greatest classic title so it still brings some fun it always had .
However , it is fixed in such a wrong way to vex the players , I think creators of this game don ` t care about players at all .
( or the creators of this game believe everybody , including old fans who are now probably 25 ~ 35 , has hundreds of hours to spend on mindless chore )
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I play almost all good tactical strategy games and I find myself having a hard time enjoying this one . The controls and character schemes are very difficult and menu system leaves something to be desired . During battle it is very difficult to tell your enemies from your own team mates and the menu trees are cumbersome and require to many steps . Once it is your turn you have to click on a character icon to tell who is who and even then it is not real clear .
Additionally , when buying weapons and supplies there is no way to try it on a character without exiting the store and selecting a character and then reviewing their equipment and then going back to the store to see if the equipment you are buying is better . With so many team mates you can spend 20 minutes between battles reviewing possible weapon upgrades for your team that with most strategy RPGs takes only a few seconds as they highlight the item you are considering and then show the party members who can use it and if it is an increase or decease in stats .
I am sure some die hard fans don't mind this kind of back and forth but with so many games and so little time I like the mundane details of games to be simple and not overly time consuming so I can enjoy the adventure .
004 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
THIS is what Tactics-style gameplay should be like ! The multitude of customization options , the challenging AI , the numerous strategies that may be employed all come together to make the best tactics experience of the past few years ! I've just had this game for 2 days now , and I've already logged in more than 20 hours-I just can't put it down ! As far as story goes , the compelling cast of characters furthers my desire to reach the ending and see how everything turns out . Don't want to spoil too much , but you're in for a ride with this one for sure .
005 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
THIS is what Tactics-style gameplay should be like ! The multitude of customization options , the challenging AI , the numerous strategies that may be employed all come together to make the best tactics experience of the past few years ! I've just had this game for 2 days now , and I've already logged in more than 20 hours-I just can't put it down ! As far as story goes , the compelling cast of characters furthers my desire to reach the ending and see how everything turns out . Don't want to spoil too much , but you're in for a ride with this one for sure .
017 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
In comparison Japanese version with US one , it is just one difference about DLC contents ( Extra scenarios ) in US one already including DLC after CC , so very
convenience of playing . Also when gamer shall get the explanation game book , just then that one shall be useful . Tactics Ogre is eternal game of RPG as professional gamer . Please try this Simulation RPG and enjoy screenplays of all patterns in this world . Even if after completing / clearing Tactics Ogre , we may be again thinking about re-playing this game for sometimes . Really apreciating Amazon.com that is giving opportunity to sell outside ( in this case Japan ) , thank you so much . We Japanese gamers already did do clearing Japanese version , but didn't do playing / clearing US Version , that is english version ,
that's because were enjoying this Tactics Ogre .
Again thanks lot of Amazon , com shopping site .
018 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
In comparison Japanese version with US one , it is just one difference about DLC contents ( Extra scenarios ) in US one already including DLC after CC , so very
convenience of playing . Also when gamer shall get the explanation game book , just then that one shall be useful . Tactics Ogre is eternal game of RPG as professional gamer . Please try this Simulation RPG and enjoy screenplays of all patterns in this world . Even if after completing / clearing Tactics Ogre , we may be again thinking about re-playing this game for sometimes . Really apreciating Amazon.com that is giving opportunity to sell outside ( in this case Japan ) , thank you so much . We Japanese gamers already did do clearing Japanese version , but didn't do playing / clearing US Version , that is english version ,
that's because were enjoying this Tactics Ogre .
Again thanks lot of Amazon , com shopping site .
019 In comparison Japanese version with US one , it is just one difference about DLC contents ( Extra scenarios ) in US one already including DLC after CC , so very
convenience of playing . Also when gamer shall get the explanation game book , just then that one shall be useful . Tactics Ogre is eternal game of RPG as professional gamer . Please try this Simulation RPG and enjoy screenplays of all patterns in this world . Even if after completing / clearing Tactics Ogre , we may be again thinking about re-playing this game for sometimes . Really apreciating Amazon.com that is giving opportunity to sell outside ( in this case Japan ) , thank you so much . We Japanese gamers already did do clearing Japanese version , but didn't do playing / clearing US Version , that is english version ,
that's because were enjoying this Tactics Ogre .
Again thanks lot of Amazon , com shopping site .
026 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I just received the game in the mail , arrived fast too , I opened it up and the case and the extra tarot cards that came with it look pretty neat : ) they came in a nice black case . Well , I popped it in and the game is fun so far . I know this game is going to be my next best past time . I'm totally stoked . Thanks Amazon ! whoot whoot
027 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I just received the game in the mail , arrived fast too , I opened it up and the case and the extra tarot cards that came with it look pretty neat : ) they came in a nice black case . Well , I popped it in and the game is fun so far . I know this game is going to be my next best past time . I'm totally stoked . Thanks Amazon ! whoot whoot
028 I just received the game in the mail , arrived fast too , I opened it up and the case and the extra tarot cards that came with it look pretty neat : ) they came in a nice black case . Well , I popped it in and the game is fun so far . I know this game is going to be my next best past time . I'm totally stoked . Thanks Amazon ! whoot whoot
038 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I have over 200 hours logged on this game and its timeline feature is amazing .
Very fun and comparable to Final Fantasy Tactics ( although quite different in execution )
039 I have over 200 hours logged on this game and its timeline feature is amazing .
Very fun and comparable to Final Fantasy Tactics ( although quite different in execution )
051 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
one of the tactics ogre battle saga , simple A + beautiful .
deep game , with 3 different core routes to complete , with 40 special characters . A +
052 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
one of the tactics ogre battle saga , simple A + beautiful .
deep game , with 3 different core routes to complete , with 40 special characters . A +
053 one of the tactics ogre battle saga , simple A + beautiful .
deep game , with 3 different core routes to complete , with 40 special characters . A +
069 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
If you're a fan of Final Fantasy Tactics , get this game ! You'll find lots of it familiar , from the intricate story line , to the battle system . You'll also find some challenging differences which enhance the gameplay and add to the difficulty level . Beware of some of the equipping screens , as it's not as simple to tell which of your units can benefit from what equipment .
I am part-way through the title , but I can tell that I might have to play through it again , as it has different story paths based on your decisions . Also the multiplayer mode is an interesting option even if I don't get the opportunity to try it out .
070 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
If you're a fan of Final Fantasy Tactics , get this game ! You'll find lots of it familiar , from the intricate story line , to the battle system . You'll also find some challenging differences which enhance the gameplay and add to the difficulty level . Beware of some of the equipping screens , as it's not as simple to tell which of your units can benefit from what equipment .
I am part-way through the title , but I can tell that I might have to play through it again , as it has different story paths based on your decisions . Also the multiplayer mode is an interesting option even if I don't get the opportunity to try it out .
083 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
When I saw another tactics game coming out that was a hybrid of Ogre Battle I was chomping at the bit for it . I ' ve only made it through part of the law portion of chapter two , so there is a lot of replay value I am seeing already .
I am enjoying the storyline and the gameplay , although the War of Roses from Final Fantasy Tactics seems to have had a better storyline , we shall see . The amount of warriors you can create and work with are astounding and I'm looking forward to creating a wide variety of groups in the future .
Major downfall , if any , is getting more characters and how the Ogre system of loyalty , neutral vs chaotic etc plays on your hero's becoming ninja's or beast masters etc . There is no clarity as far as how it is played out but I think it's fairly intuitive and I need a little more time with the game .
Bottom line , if you enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics or Ogre Battle , you'll regret not picking up this game that has hours of replay value .
084 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
When I saw another tactics game coming out that was a hybrid of Ogre Battle I was chomping at the bit for it . I ' ve only made it through part of the law portion of chapter two , so there is a lot of replay value I am seeing already .
I am enjoying the storyline and the gameplay , although the War of Roses from Final Fantasy Tactics seems to have had a better storyline , we shall see . The amount of warriors you can create and work with are astounding and I'm looking forward to creating a wide variety of groups in the future .
Major downfall , if any , is getting more characters and how the Ogre system of loyalty , neutral vs chaotic etc plays on your hero's becoming ninja's or beast masters etc . There is no clarity as far as how it is played out but I think it's fairly intuitive and I need a little more time with the game .
Bottom line , if you enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics or Ogre Battle , you'll regret not picking up this game that has hours of replay value .
088 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I play almost all good tactical strategy games and I find myself having a hard time enjoying this one . The controls and character schemes are very difficult and menu system leaves something to be desired . During battle it is very difficult to tell your enemies from your own team mates and the menu trees are cumbersome and require to many steps . Once it is your turn you have to click on a character icon to tell who is who and even then it is not real clear .
Additionally , when buying weapons and supplies there is no way to try it on a character without exiting the store and selecting a character and then reviewing their equipment and then going back to the store to see if the equipment you are buying is better . With so many team mates you can spend 20 minutes between battles reviewing possible weapon upgrades for your team that with most strategy RPGs takes only a few seconds as they highlight the item you are considering and then show the party members who can use it and if it is an increase or decease in stats .
I am sure some die hard fans don't mind this kind of back and forth but with so many games and so little time I like the mundane details of games to be simple and not overly time consuming so I can enjoy the adventure .
089 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I play almost all good tactical strategy games and I find myself having a hard time enjoying this one . The controls and character schemes are very difficult and menu system leaves something to be desired . During battle it is very difficult to tell your enemies from your own team mates and the menu trees are cumbersome and require to many steps . Once it is your turn you have to click on a character icon to tell who is who and even then it is not real clear .
Additionally , when buying weapons and supplies there is no way to try it on a character without exiting the store and selecting a character and then reviewing their equipment and then going back to the store to see if the equipment you are buying is better . With so many team mates you can spend 20 minutes between battles reviewing possible weapon upgrades for your team that with most strategy RPGs takes only a few seconds as they highlight the item you are considering and then show the party members who can use it and if it is an increase or decease in stats .
I am sure some die hard fans don't mind this kind of back and forth but with so many games and so little time I like the mundane details of games to be simple and not overly time consuming so I can enjoy the adventure .
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
In Japan , this remake's subtitle was Wheel of Fortune ( the tarot / fate connotation , not the game show ) . True to its name , Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together beautifully weaves themes of time , choice , and causality into gameplay and story .
What I love about this game is its levels of engagement . You can spend as much or as little time on this revitalized classic . The main story takes about 40 hours , but side quests , dlc , and bonus dungeons can add up to 100 hours , and the possibilities are endless with the World system . However , I assure you can beat the game following the main campaign , with occasional side battles , and buying only from the equipment shop . Crafting , side quests , and new classes ( which many people have complained about ) are not necessary to get through the game , but are available if you desire to enhance your experience . But like any rpg , if you want the best gear or heavily customized characters , then you have to grind . Tactics Ogre can be an addictive time sink or an rpg with reasonable length and an amazing story . The choice is yours .
The two godsends of this game are the World and Chariot systems . At first , I avoided Chariot as a matter of pride , but instead of degrading the gameplay , Chariot minimizes any frustrations in battle and makes the game enjoyable and reset-free . The World system is like an advanced New Game + where you can keep most of your progress ( levels , gear , etc . ) after you beat the game , but you can also go back to ALMOST ANY section of the game . Now I can explore the major branches in the storyline in Tactics Ogre without starting from scratch . Add in the ability to quick save in battle and you can play or interrupt the game anytime , anywhere . I hope future games will adopt similar features .
Although TO has an above average learning curve because the menu navigation and gameplay are not always intuitive , the game has extensive tutorials and - - let's face it - - in this day and age , an internet search can answer all your questions . Square-Enix has done another wonderful localization and I won't bother flooding my review with praises of Tactics Ogre's story , which is of a caliber few games have matched . Although some of the name changes might irk fans of the original , these and any other criticism are quibbles , in my opinion , compared to the overall quality of the localization .
Note : If you are interested in the story , I recommend watching the title screen cinematic before you start the game and checking the Warren Report often . Like FF Tactics , Tactics Ogre's supplemental material enhances the plot .
030 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
In Japan , this remake's subtitle was Wheel of Fortune ( the tarot / fate connotation , not the game show ) . True to its name , Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together beautifully weaves themes of time , choice , and causality into gameplay and story .
What I love about this game is its levels of engagement . You can spend as much or as little time on this revitalized classic . The main story takes about 40 hours , but side quests , dlc , and bonus dungeons can add up to 100 hours , and the possibilities are endless with the World system . However , I assure you can beat the game following the main campaign , with occasional side battles , and buying only from the equipment shop . Crafting , side quests , and new classes ( which many people have complained about ) are not necessary to get through the game , but are available if you desire to enhance your experience . But like any rpg , if you want the best gear or heavily customized characters , then you have to grind . Tactics Ogre can be an addictive time sink or an rpg with reasonable length and an amazing story . The choice is yours .
The two godsends of this game are the World and Chariot systems . At first , I avoided Chariot as a matter of pride , but instead of degrading the gameplay , Chariot minimizes any frustrations in battle and makes the game enjoyable and reset-free . The World system is like an advanced New Game + where you can keep most of your progress ( levels , gear , etc . ) after you beat the game , but you can also go back to ALMOST ANY section of the game . Now I can explore the major branches in the storyline in Tactics Ogre without starting from scratch . Add in the ability to quick save in battle and you can play or interrupt the game anytime , anywhere . I hope future games will adopt similar features .
Although TO has an above average learning curve because the menu navigation and gameplay are not always intuitive , the game has extensive tutorials and - - let's face it - - in this day and age , an internet search can answer all your questions . Square-Enix has done another wonderful localization and I won't bother flooding my review with praises of Tactics Ogre's story , which is of a caliber few games have matched . Although some of the name changes might irk fans of the original , these and any other criticism are quibbles , in my opinion , compared to the overall quality of the localization .
Note : If you are interested in the story , I recommend watching the title screen cinematic before you start the game and checking the Warren Report often . Like FF Tactics , Tactics Ogre's supplemental material enhances the plot .
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Let me say that Tactics Ogre for GBA was my all time favorite portable game . When I heard that this version released I was super excited . Then I played the game . Disappointed to an extreme level . Here are my complaints .
1 . The shopping an menu system is cumbersome and boring . Weapon and armor stats are very confusing and tell you nothing about the effects they will have on your character .
2 . The classmarks system takes all the personalization out of you characters . In the original there would be those few character that were just boss and you had that little sense of pride when you used them . Now every class levels up together across all characters at the same time and makes your characters fell generic .
3 . The magic system is seriously flawed . Casting spells is line of site , which would be fine if the game could give you some indication of if your spell had a chance of hitting the target .
4 There is a large difference between the damage a level 8 enemy does and one of your level 8 characters does . Also beasts and golems seem unfairly strong in their defensive and offensive skills . But when you recruit them they seem to lose their gusto some how .
Example : In Kyraso , the Vanquish Farrel mission will make you pull your hair out . Your party will only do 1 damage per hit to him and the game gives you no indication of why he is so powerful . I had plenty of level 10 knights and they had no where near the defensive power this guy had .
Overall , the changes they made negatively impacted the game . I like the idea of revamping the game but I think they should have left some things alone . In my mind , the best part of a RPG is independently level up each character and along the way customizing each the way you want . In this game , all you have to do is go to change class and ta-da ! you now have a clone of another character without the effort .
No fun . Bad job Square
012 Amazon Verified Purchase
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Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Tactics Ogre is awesome ! I never played the original game , but Final Fantasy Tactics ( which is also a strategy RPG made by Square-Enix ) is probably in my top ten favorites list of video games . Once I heard about Tactics Ogre and that it was a lot like FFT , I had to try it , and I'm glad so far that I have . I'm only a few hours into the game so far , but it is really fun to play ! The story already has me sucked in and I love how much the player can customize not only the characters and party you control , but the overall story as well ! Anyone who likes strategy RPG's , I highly recommend this game !
013 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Tactics Ogre is awesome ! I never played the original game , but Final Fantasy Tactics ( which is also a strategy RPG made by Square-Enix ) is probably in my top ten favorites list of video games . Once I heard about Tactics Ogre and that it was a lot like FFT , I had to try it , and I'm glad so far that I have . I'm only a few hours into the game so far , but it is really fun to play ! The story already has me sucked in and I love how much the player can customize not only the characters and party you control , but the overall story as well ! Anyone who likes strategy RPG's , I highly recommend this game !
035 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Sometimes when games are remade they lose some of the old luster that they once had . Square-Enix however does a great job in keeping the love for this classic game , while adding a few new goodies along for the ride .
If you loved the old Tactics Ogre , be sure to check this remake out !
Over all I would rate this game a 5 out of 5 ! Great job !
036 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Sometimes when games are remade they lose some of the old luster that they once had . Square-Enix however does a great job in keeping the love for this classic game , while adding a few new goodies along for the ride .
If you loved the old Tactics Ogre , be sure to check this remake out !
Over all I would rate this game a 5 out of 5 ! Great job !
037 Sometimes when games are remade they lose some of the old luster that they once had . Square-Enix however does a great job in keeping the love for this classic game , while adding a few new goodies along for the ride .
If you loved the old Tactics Ogre , be sure to check this remake out !
Over all I would rate this game a 5 out of 5 ! Great job !
057 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I usually dont write reviews , i think the only one i had done here , was for Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker , which is the best Psp game . Now to Tactics Orge , this is a remake of the snes or psx game , but its definitely the better version , the game is deep , has tons of characters to recruit , and makes you choose sides of the story at certain points . If you like the Final Fantasy tactics series , you'll love this one too , it might be the best tactics game in the series , and definitely the best in the genre .
Square-Enix's latest final fantasy games might be a little weak compared to their earlier days , but the tactics series is as good as ever . great buy , with onwards of 50 + hours easily .
058 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I usually dont write reviews , i think the only one i had done here , was for Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker , which is the best Psp game . Now to Tactics Orge , this is a remake of the snes or psx game , but its definitely the better version , the game is deep , has tons of characters to recruit , and makes you choose sides of the story at certain points . If you like the Final Fantasy tactics series , you'll love this one too , it might be the best tactics game in the series , and definitely the best in the genre .
Square-Enix's latest final fantasy games might be a little weak compared to their earlier days , but the tactics series is as good as ever . great buy , with onwards of 50 + hours easily .
059 I usually dont write reviews , i think the only one i had done here , was for Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker , which is the best Psp game . Now to Tactics Orge , this is a remake of the snes or psx game , but its definitely the better version , the game is deep , has tons of characters to recruit , and makes you choose sides of the story at certain points . If you like the Final Fantasy tactics series , you'll love this one too , it might be the best tactics game in the series , and definitely the best in the genre .
Square-Enix's latest final fantasy games might be a little weak compared to their earlier days , but the tactics series is as good as ever . great buy , with onwards of 50 + hours easily .
094 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Let me say that Tactics Ogre for GBA was my all time favorite portable game . When I heard that this version released I was super excited . Then I played the game . Disappointed to an extreme level . Here are my complaints .
1 . The shopping an menu system is cumbersome and boring . Weapon and armor stats are very confusing and tell you nothing about the effects they will have on your character .
2 . The classmarks system takes all the personalization out of you characters . In the original there would be those few character that were just boss and you had that little sense of pride when you used them . Now every class levels up together across all characters at the same time and makes your characters fell generic .
3 . The magic system is seriously flawed . Casting spells is line of site , which would be fine if the game could give you some indication of if your spell had a chance of hitting the target .
4 There is a large difference between the damage a level 8 enemy does and one of your level 8 characters does . Also beasts and golems seem unfairly strong in their defensive and offensive skills . But when you recruit them they seem to lose their gusto some how .
Example : In Kyraso , the Vanquish Farrel mission will make you pull your hair out . Your party will only do 1 damage per hit to him and the game gives you no indication of why he is so powerful . I had plenty of level 10 knights and they had no where near the defensive power this guy had .
Overall , the changes they made negatively impacted the game . I like the idea of revamping the game but I think they should have left some things alone . In my mind , the best part of a RPG is independently level up each character and along the way customizing each the way you want . In this game , all you have to do is go to change class and ta-da ! you now have a clone of another character without the effort .
No fun . Bad job Square
095 Let me say that Tactics Ogre for GBA was my all time favorite portable game . When I heard that this version released I was super excited . Then I played the game . Disappointed to an extreme level . Here are my complaints .
1 . The shopping an menu system is cumbersome and boring . Weapon and armor stats are very confusing and tell you nothing about the effects they will have on your character .
2 . The classmarks system takes all the personalization out of you characters . In the original there would be those few character that were just boss and you had that little sense of pride when you used them . Now every class levels up together across all characters at the same time and makes your characters fell generic .
3 . The magic system is seriously flawed . Casting spells is line of site , which would be fine if the game could give you some indication of if your spell had a chance of hitting the target .
4 There is a large difference between the damage a level 8 enemy does and one of your level 8 characters does . Also beasts and golems seem unfairly strong in their defensive and offensive skills . But when you recruit them they seem to lose their gusto some how .
Example : In Kyraso , the Vanquish Farrel mission will make you pull your hair out . Your party will only do 1 damage per hit to him and the game gives you no indication of why he is so powerful . I had plenty of level 10 knights and they had no where near the defensive power this guy had .
Overall , the changes they made negatively impacted the game . I like the idea of revamping the game but I think they should have left some things alone . In my mind , the best part of a RPG is independently level up each character and along the way customizing each the way you want . In this game , all you have to do is go to change class and ta-da ! you now have a clone of another character without the effort .
No fun . Bad job Square
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Prologue :
Tactics Ogre . If you're like me , you've heard the name before , listed as one of the best SRPG's ever . I've always heard about it , but never had a chance to play it . When I saw this on Amazon , I jumped on it right away , and let me tell you , it's not something I regret . The game is beautiful ( remember , it's a remake of an old 90 ' s game ) , the music is outstanding , and the whole plot is mature yet interesting . This game has a LOT to offer you , and is quite demanding on your free time . If you're unsure if this game is for you , read on .
The story is what you'd expect from a tactics game . It's full of political intrigue , personal grudges , and the conflicting natures of comrades . It's very well written , and the dialogue is tight . If I had to say there was an age group for the game , it'd have to be 15 + . There's A LOT of political dialogue that alot of younger kids would probably label as boring . Don't come into the game if you expect some 12 year olds the save the world from evil villain with long hair , you won't get that here ,
The game also places a heavy emphasis on YOUR choices . What you do WILL affect the story , which paths you take , which characters you get , which battles you may or may not fight , etc etc . If you're a completionist like me , you may be freaking out right now , but here's the great part : once you beat the game , you can go back to ANY mission as re-do it , and go a different path . There is NO WAY you can permanently miss anything with this system .
I won't take long here . It's what you expect from a remade PlayStation 1 Game . Nothing about the sprites will amaze you , they're low res , no nonsense . The terrain is low res as well , and doesn't really stick out . however , don't let this fool you , as graphics don't make or break a game , they do what they strive to do while keeping true to the original masterpiece the developers imagined .
However , I feel that character portraits and battle skills ( such as magic ) deserve praise . Seriously , the portraits of the characters are very well done , very Final Fantasy Tactics , but much more mature and less cartoony . And the battle skills . . Wow . This blew me away . The battle skill effects are simply amazing . They look good , and they often has some amazing animations . Go look at the amazon video , they're simply that good .
The music in this game is amazing . It captures the feel of the game perfectly . In the game , if you're in a tense battle , the music will reflect it . The world map theme is quiet and calming . Not much more to say about this except that it's quite good .
Wow . This is like Final Fantasy Tactics with 10X more customization . Heck , even more so . There's hundreds of skills , augmentations , spells . It's ridiculous . Battles are difficult , and what you'd expect from the genre . You get a large number of troops , and tactically control them to defeat the enemy's troops .
What NEEDS to be mentioned here is the chariot system . You can rewind the battle up to 50 character actions . This may make it sound like the games too easy , but it's not . It has PERFECT use in the game . It allows you to try different strategies without having to reset your game and redo the fight . And before you think you can rewind a characters turn over and over until they hit or do a critical hit , think again . If you miss the first time on that unit , you'll miss every time after . You can't cheat the system .
The ONLY negative thing about this game is the menu's . They're horrible . You can't easily check if you already have an item you want to buy at the shop , you can't check if it's stronger , if you buy a spell you can't check if your ally has already learned it . Menu's are hard to navigate , but this is a flaw you'll get used to . I had to take off one star for this though , because it is such a glaring flaw .
In the end , I would recommend this game to ANY rpg fan , and ESPECIALLY an SRPG fan . You won't be disappointed , I promise . It is one of the best games I have ever played .
016 I should point out that A . I love SRPG's and B . I have not had that much of a chance to play far into the game .
Also , I tend to lean more towards the Final Fantasy Tactics camp when it comes to SRPGs .
Anyway , this game is daunting , and I love it .
Graphically speaking , it's pretty much standard SRPG fare , comparable to FFT : The War of the Lions , although I must say this game's presentation is extremely polished . The sound effects and the animations have none of the slowdown that plagued the PSP port of FFT , and it's just a crisper , prettier game all around . The soundtrack is magnificent , and the game is kind enough to allow for a music test on the main menu . I miss those in games .
I do , however , miss not having any cutscenes . I got used to having pretty cutscenes in FFT and Jeanne D'Arc , so I half expected this game to also include some .
The game play is pretty much standard fare for SRPGs . The only thing I thought was a bit strange was the camera control ( not with the analog , no , hold square button , I believe , and move the camera to top down , or isometric ) The menus are a bit confusing at first , but any SRPG enthusiast knows that this game would have menus galore ( and if you bought this game not KNOWING that , I'm sorry you picked THIS game as your first SRPG )
The class system is enthralling , and I can't wait to progress further and play around with the combinations . I don't know if the original PSone version required the player to buy or find marks to be able to do a class change , but I thought this was a very interesting twist .
The Tarot Chariot has been touted as a feasible easy mode . . . and well , I don't see it . It could be compared to being able to pull off a Prince of Persia , but in all earnest , if you keep trying the same action over and over after rewinding to a previous turn , the outcome will be the same . So it doesn't allow you a get out of jail free card , more of a think that over , and do it differently . Haven't had to use it as much yet . In fact , I've found myself reloading to the title screen a lot because I did not prepare properly BEFORE a battle .
A lot of people are criticizing the game for not allowing you to fit equipment on characters before you buy . I can see that being a problem . It does force you to micromanage in your mind all of your characters ' equipment , but the game does a good job of telling you what each class could and could not wear ( You would think a big glaring red X on top of the class icon would be telltale enough ) So , whereas the FFT fitting room was great , and I think that would have been ultimately better , I don't think this nuance breaks the gameplay here .
The reason I'm not giving this gem a perfect 5 is . . . this game is very inaccesible ! The story is incredibly convoluted ( love ) but there's no intro ! I've read I would have to allow for the intro cinematic that plays on an untouched main menu to play and bring me up to speed , so I will have to do that . But if you do not , if you simply jump in , the game will drop you in medias rex , heavily into the story . I had no idea what was going on for the first 10 minutes of the game . Shame on me for not reading up ? I guess that could be said .
I should note the localization work for this game . Some people disliked the choice of sort of shakesperian English they used in FFT for PSP . I personally loved it , but in this game they sort of eased off a bit , but it does retain some of that ' olde English ' charm .
Excellent , superb game ; I would only fault it in that this is not a game for the uninitiated in SRPGs , and while that's no real fault , it does mean that a lot of people won't get what this game is about .
PS-Some further notes regarding the menu - While the game will not show you how X item compares to Y item equipped on a character , you CAN compare it , most definitely , to the item as it were , as long as it's available in the store at that time . All you do is hold square , scroll to the side to show the set of stats you want to see , and then scroll up or down within the menu to compare it to items within the same item class . It's fairly simple . It's not as good as a fitting room option , but it's not as if you have to go out of the store screen and into the party screen to see whether what you bought was an improvement or not .
020 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Prologue :
Tactics Ogre . If you're like me , you've heard the name before , listed as one of the best SRPG's ever . I've always heard about it , but never had a chance to play it . When I saw this on Amazon , I jumped on it right away , and let me tell you , it's not something I regret . The game is beautiful ( remember , it's a remake of an old 90 ' s game ) , the music is outstanding , and the whole plot is mature yet interesting . This game has a LOT to offer you , and is quite demanding on your free time . If you're unsure if this game is for you , read on .
The story is what you'd expect from a tactics game . It's full of political intrigue , personal grudges , and the conflicting natures of comrades . It's very well written , and the dialogue is tight . If I had to say there was an age group for the game , it'd have to be 15 + . There's A LOT of political dialogue that alot of younger kids would probably label as boring . Don't come into the game if you expect some 12 year olds the save the world from evil villain with long hair , you won't get that here ,
The game also places a heavy emphasis on YOUR choices . What you do WILL affect the story , which paths you take , which characters you get , which battles you may or may not fight , etc etc . If you're a completionist like me , you may be freaking out right now , but here's the great part : once you beat the game , you can go back to ANY mission as re-do it , and go a different path . There is NO WAY you can permanently miss anything with this system .
I won't take long here . It's what you expect from a remade PlayStation 1 Game . Nothing about the sprites will amaze you , they're low res , no nonsense . The terrain is low res as well , and doesn't really stick out . however , don't let this fool you , as graphics don't make or break a game , they do what they strive to do while keeping true to the original masterpiece the developers imagined .
However , I feel that character portraits and battle skills ( such as magic ) deserve praise . Seriously , the portraits of the characters are very well done , very Final Fantasy Tactics , but much more mature and less cartoony . And the battle skills . . Wow . This blew me away . The battle skill effects are simply amazing . They look good , and they often has some amazing animations . Go look at the amazon video , they're simply that good .
The music in this game is amazing . It captures the feel of the game perfectly . In the game , if you're in a tense battle , the music will reflect it . The world map theme is quiet and calming . Not much more to say about this except that it's quite good .
Wow . This is like Final Fantasy Tactics with 10X more customization . Heck , even more so . There's hundreds of skills , augmentations , spells . It's ridiculous . Battles are difficult , and what you'd expect from the genre . You get a large number of troops , and tactically control them to defeat the enemy's troops .
What NEEDS to be mentioned here is the chariot system . You can rewind the battle up to 50 character actions . This may make it sound like the games too easy , but it's not . It has PERFECT use in the game . It allows you to try different strategies without having to reset your game and redo the fight . And before you think you can rewind a characters turn over and over until they hit or do a critical hit , think again . If you miss the first time on that unit , you'll miss every time after . You can't cheat the system .
The ONLY negative thing about this game is the menu's . They're horrible . You can't easily check if you already have an item you want to buy at the shop , you can't check if it's stronger , if you buy a spell you can't check if your ally has already learned it . Menu's are hard to navigate , but this is a flaw you'll get used to . I had to take off one star for this though , because it is such a glaring flaw .
In the end , I would recommend this game to ANY rpg fan , and ESPECIALLY an SRPG fan . You won't be disappointed , I promise . It is one of the best games I have ever played .
021 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Prologue :
Tactics Ogre . If you're like me , you've heard the name before , listed as one of the best SRPG's ever . I've always heard about it , but never had a chance to play it . When I saw this on Amazon , I jumped on it right away , and let me tell you , it's not something I regret . The game is beautiful ( remember , it's a remake of an old 90 ' s game ) , the music is outstanding , and the whole plot is mature yet interesting . This game has a LOT to offer you , and is quite demanding on your free time . If you're unsure if this game is for you , read on .
The story is what you'd expect from a tactics game . It's full of political intrigue , personal grudges , and the conflicting natures of comrades . It's very well written , and the dialogue is tight . If I had to say there was an age group for the game , it'd have to be 15 + . There's A LOT of political dialogue that alot of younger kids would probably label as boring . Don't come into the game if you expect some 12 year olds the save the world from evil villain with long hair , you won't get that here ,
The game also places a heavy emphasis on YOUR choices . What you do WILL affect the story , which paths you take , which characters you get , which battles you may or may not fight , etc etc . If you're a completionist like me , you may be freaking out right now , but here's the great part : once you beat the game , you can go back to ANY mission as re-do it , and go a different path . There is NO WAY you can permanently miss anything with this system .
I won't take long here . It's what you expect from a remade PlayStation 1 Game . Nothing about the sprites will amaze you , they're low res , no nonsense . The terrain is low res as well , and doesn't really stick out . however , don't let this fool you , as graphics don't make or break a game , they do what they strive to do while keeping true to the original masterpiece the developers imagined .
However , I feel that character portraits and battle skills ( such as magic ) deserve praise . Seriously , the portraits of the characters are very well done , very Final Fantasy Tactics , but much more mature and less cartoony . And the battle skills . . Wow . This blew me away . The battle skill effects are simply amazing . They look good , and they often has some amazing animations . Go look at the amazon video , they're simply that good .
The music in this game is amazing . It captures the feel of the game perfectly . In the game , if you're in a tense battle , the music will reflect it . The world map theme is quiet and calming . Not much more to say about this except that it's quite good .
Wow . This is like Final Fantasy Tactics with 10X more customization . Heck , even more so . There's hundreds of skills , augmentations , spells . It's ridiculous . Battles are difficult , and what you'd expect from the genre . You get a large number of troops , and tactically control them to defeat the enemy's troops .
What NEEDS to be mentioned here is the chariot system . You can rewind the battle up to 50 character actions . This may make it sound like the games too easy , but it's not . It has PERFECT use in the game . It allows you to try different strategies without having to reset your game and redo the fight . And before you think you can rewind a characters turn over and over until they hit or do a critical hit , think again . If you miss the first time on that unit , you'll miss every time after . You can't cheat the system .
The ONLY negative thing about this game is the menu's . They're horrible . You can't easily check if you already have an item you want to buy at the shop , you can't check if it's stronger , if you buy a spell you can't check if your ally has already learned it . Menu's are hard to navigate , but this is a flaw you'll get used to . I had to take off one star for this though , because it is such a glaring flaw .
In the end , I would recommend this game to ANY rpg fan , and ESPECIALLY an SRPG fan . You won't be disappointed , I promise . It is one of the best games I have ever played .
022 Prologue :
Tactics Ogre . If you're like me , you've heard the name before , listed as one of the best SRPG's ever . I've always heard about it , but never had a chance to play it . When I saw this on Amazon , I jumped on it right away , and let me tell you , it's not something I regret . The game is beautiful ( remember , it's a remake of an old 90 ' s game ) , the music is outstanding , and the whole plot is mature yet interesting . This game has a LOT to offer you , and is quite demanding on your free time . If you're unsure if this game is for you , read on .
The story is what you'd expect from a tactics game . It's full of political intrigue , personal grudges , and the conflicting natures of comrades . It's very well written , and the dialogue is tight . If I had to say there was an age group for the game , it'd have to be 15 + . There's A LOT of political dialogue that alot of younger kids would probably label as boring . Don't come into the game if you expect some 12 year olds the save the world from evil villain with long hair , you won't get that here ,
The game also places a heavy emphasis on YOUR choices . What you do WILL affect the story , which paths you take , which characters you get , which battles you may or may not fight , etc etc . If you're a completionist like me , you may be freaking out right now , but here's the great part : once you beat the game , you can go back to ANY mission as re-do it , and go a different path . There is NO WAY you can permanently miss anything with this system .
I won't take long here . It's what you expect from a remade PlayStation 1 Game . Nothing about the sprites will amaze you , they're low res , no nonsense . The terrain is low res as well , and doesn't really stick out . however , don't let this fool you , as graphics don't make or break a game , they do what they strive to do while keeping true to the original masterpiece the developers imagined .
However , I feel that character portraits and battle skills ( such as magic ) deserve praise . Seriously , the portraits of the characters are very well done , very Final Fantasy Tactics , but much more mature and less cartoony . And the battle skills . . Wow . This blew me away . The battle skill effects are simply amazing . They look good , and they often has some amazing animations . Go look at the amazon video , they're simply that good .
The music in this game is amazing . It captures the feel of the game perfectly . In the game , if you're in a tense battle , the music will reflect it . The world map theme is quiet and calming . Not much more to say about this except that it's quite good .
Wow . This is like Final Fantasy Tactics with 10X more customization . Heck , even more so . There's hundreds of skills , augmentations , spells . It's ridiculous . Battles are difficult , and what you'd expect from the genre . You get a large number of troops , and tactically control them to defeat the enemy's troops .
What NEEDS to be mentioned here is the chariot system . You can rewind the battle up to 50 character actions . This may make it sound like the games too easy , but it's not . It has PERFECT use in the game . It allows you to try different strategies without having to reset your game and redo the fight . And before you think you can rewind a characters turn over and over until they hit or do a critical hit , think again . If you miss the first time on that unit , you'll miss every time after . You can't cheat the system .
The ONLY negative thing about this game is the menu's . They're horrible . You can't easily check if you already have an item you want to buy at the shop , you can't check if it's stronger , if you buy a spell you can't check if your ally has already learned it . Menu's are hard to navigate , but this is a flaw you'll get used to . I had to take off one star for this though , because it is such a glaring flaw .
In the end , I would recommend this game to ANY rpg fan , and ESPECIALLY an SRPG fan . You won't be disappointed , I promise . It is one of the best games I have ever played .
023 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Okay , I normally don't take the time to write detailed reviews about games , but I feel like this one is worth it . I am a huge fan of strategy RPGs , and this game is one heck of a strategy RPG ! Don't get me wrong , I adore Final Fantast Tactics and all of its spinoff games , but in my opinion this is just a superior game . When it comes to strategy RPGs , it doesn't get better than this .
Graphics : 8 / 10
This game features completely hand drawn portraits and crisp , sharp menues . The sprites are largly unchanged from this games original release over ten years ago , but they have definitely been polished up and tightened . The spell animations are great and there is virtually NO lag time , a flaw that plagued Final Fantasy Tactics : The War of the Lions .
Sound : 8 / 10
Not a lot to say in this category . The music definitely fits the game and the scenarios , and is beautifully orchestrated . There aren't many absolutely outstanding tracks , but there aren't really any bad ones either .
Gameplay : 10 / 10
This is where TO : LUCT REALLY shines . The gameplay is very detail oriented , and EVERY decision effects the course of the battle . Everything from the Type of the terrain to the elevations can effect the outcome of your decisions and influence them deeply . This is what a tactical RPG SHOULD be , a game where you must use every detail of the landscape to your advantage .
Overall : 9 / 10
This game is GREAT , a real standout title for the PSP . It does have a couple of minor flaws ( Not being able to compare weapon stats before purchase-ftw ? ) But other than VERY minor complaints such as this , this game still stands as a beacon as to what a good , classic RPG should be . Hopefully other game developers will take heed .
024 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Okay , I normally don't take the time to write detailed reviews about games , but I feel like this one is worth it . I am a huge fan of strategy RPGs , and this game is one heck of a strategy RPG ! Don't get me wrong , I adore Final Fantast Tactics and all of its spinoff games , but in my opinion this is just a superior game . When it comes to strategy RPGs , it doesn't get better than this .
Graphics : 8 / 10
This game features completely hand drawn portraits and crisp , sharp menues . The sprites are largly unchanged from this games original release over ten years ago , but they have definitely been polished up and tightened . The spell animations are great and there is virtually NO lag time , a flaw that plagued Final Fantasy Tactics : The War of the Lions .
Sound : 8 / 10
Not a lot to say in this category . The music definitely fits the game and the scenarios , and is beautifully orchestrated . There aren't many absolutely outstanding tracks , but there aren't really any bad ones either .
Gameplay : 10 / 10
This is where TO : LUCT REALLY shines . The gameplay is very detail oriented , and EVERY decision effects the course of the battle . Everything from the Type of the terrain to the elevations can effect the outcome of your decisions and influence them deeply . This is what a tactical RPG SHOULD be , a game where you must use every detail of the landscape to your advantage .
Overall : 9 / 10
This game is GREAT , a real standout title for the PSP . It does have a couple of minor flaws ( Not being able to compare weapon stats before purchase-ftw ? ) But other than VERY minor complaints such as this , this game still stands as a beacon as to what a good , classic RPG should be . Hopefully other game developers will take heed .
025 Okay , I normally don't take the time to write detailed reviews about games , but I feel like this one is worth it . I am a huge fan of strategy RPGs , and this game is one heck of a strategy RPG ! Don't get me wrong , I adore Final Fantast Tactics and all of its spinoff games , but in my opinion this is just a superior game . When it comes to strategy RPGs , it doesn't get better than this .
Graphics : 8 / 10
This game features completely hand drawn portraits and crisp , sharp menues . The sprites are largly unchanged from this games original release over ten years ago , but they have definitely been polished up and tightened . The spell animations are great and there is virtually NO lag time , a flaw that plagued Final Fantasy Tactics : The War of the Lions .
Sound : 8 / 10
Not a lot to say in this category . The music definitely fits the game and the scenarios , and is beautifully orchestrated . There aren't many absolutely outstanding tracks , but there aren't really any bad ones either .
Gameplay : 10 / 10
This is where TO : LUCT REALLY shines . The gameplay is very detail oriented , and EVERY decision effects the course of the battle . Everything from the Type of the terrain to the elevations can effect the outcome of your decisions and influence them deeply . This is what a tactical RPG SHOULD be , a game where you must use every detail of the landscape to your advantage .
Overall : 9 / 10
This game is GREAT , a real standout title for the PSP . It does have a couple of minor flaws ( Not being able to compare weapon stats before purchase-ftw ? ) But other than VERY minor complaints such as this , this game still stands as a beacon as to what a good , classic RPG should be . Hopefully other game developers will take heed .
031 In Japan , this remake's subtitle was Wheel of Fortune ( the tarot / fate connotation , not the game show ) . True to its name , Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together beautifully weaves themes of time , choice , and causality into gameplay and story .
What I love about this game is its levels of engagement . You can spend as much or as little time on this revitalized classic . The main story takes about 40 hours , but side quests , dlc , and bonus dungeons can add up to 100 hours , and the possibilities are endless with the World system . However , I assure you can beat the game following the main campaign , with occasional side battles , and buying only from the equipment shop . Crafting , side quests , and new classes ( which many people have complained about ) are not necessary to get through the game , but are available if you desire to enhance your experience . But like any rpg , if you want the best gear or heavily customized characters , then you have to grind . Tactics Ogre can be an addictive time sink or an rpg with reasonable length and an amazing story . The choice is yours .
The two godsends of this game are the World and Chariot systems . At first , I avoided Chariot as a matter of pride , but instead of degrading the gameplay , Chariot minimizes any frustrations in battle and makes the game enjoyable and reset-free . The World system is like an advanced New Game + where you can keep most of your progress ( levels , gear , etc . ) after you beat the game , but you can also go back to ALMOST ANY section of the game . Now I can explore the major branches in the storyline in Tactics Ogre without starting from scratch . Add in the ability to quick save in battle and you can play or interrupt the game anytime , anywhere . I hope future games will adopt similar features .
Although TO has an above average learning curve because the menu navigation and gameplay are not always intuitive , the game has extensive tutorials and - - let's face it - - in this day and age , an internet search can answer all your questions . Square-Enix has done another wonderful localization and I won't bother flooding my review with praises of Tactics Ogre's story , which is of a caliber few games have matched . Although some of the name changes might irk fans of the original , these and any other criticism are quibbles , in my opinion , compared to the overall quality of the localization .
Note : If you are interested in the story , I recommend watching the title screen cinematic before you start the game and checking the Warren Report often . Like FF Tactics , Tactics Ogre's supplemental material enhances the plot .
040 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Before I say anything else , know this : Tactics Ogre is both an incredible feat of writing and of game design . If you've longed for game in which the choices you make matter , and have ramifications that extend across the entire narrative , then stop reading right here and buy the game . ( It's cheap ! Like , $20 now ! ) You're going to make some brutally hard choices here . Choices that will make you think long and hard about the game ( and yourself ) long after you've put it down .
Still not convinced ? ( Or are you just curious ? ) Okay , then . Tactics Ogre is a thick , meaty SRPG . The mechanics are dense , and the menus multi-layered . It will take you a few hours to acclimate yourself to the battle system , and many more to learn the game's interlocking systems inside and out . Don't be mistaken : you don't need a Ph . D in JRPG ( acronyms ! ) to play the game well - - you can take a very hands-off approach , allowing the AI to do as much as you want , and avoiding some of the more esoteric options entirely ( recruitment , monster auctioning , crafting , etc ) . The game also provides a host of new innovative features to help new and old players alike . The Chariot system lets you rewind time in a battle ( up to 50 turns ) , then records the branching paths . The World system lets you return to crucial plot points after you've finished the game to explore different routes through the narrative . ( And by different , I mean DIFFERENT ) You don't level units , you level classes , so new units in old classes scale up to current levels . My favorite feature is the live instruction book that the game includes . By pressing Select ANYWHERE , you bring up an overlay that tells you what each notable on-screen items does . Any questions you have about the game can be answered in the blink of an eye - - a necessity for a game so complex , and a feature that makes the experience utterly painless .
But make no mistake : Tactics Ogre is hard . Accommodating , certainly , but hard . Early battles will force you up against seemingly impossible odds , where the only route to victory is to exploit the AI and / or your overpowered units . Early victories will leave you feeling unsatisfied and dirty , like you've cheated your way to a win that never should have been yours . Later on in the game , the difficulty curve smooths out , and the game grants you more options that even the odds . What begins as an uphill struggle ends on an even field . . . a perpetually even field , thanks to the game's in-built level scaling . There is no over-leveling here - - the enemies you fight will always scale just up to your level , making the game consistently challenging and fresh . Just don't expect to grind past any obstacles .
Tactics Ogre is very much A Game Worth Playing . I highly recommend it . Just know that it will be rough going from the outset , and keep in mind the immense payoffs that await .
041 Before I say anything else , know this : Tactics Ogre is both an incredible feat of writing and of game design . If you've longed for game in which the choices you make matter , and have ramifications that extend across the entire narrative , then stop reading right here and buy the game . ( It's cheap ! Like , $20 now ! ) You're going to make some brutally hard choices here . Choices that will make you think long and hard about the game ( and yourself ) long after you've put it down .
Still not convinced ? ( Or are you just curious ? ) Okay , then . Tactics Ogre is a thick , meaty SRPG . The mechanics are dense , and the menus multi-layered . It will take you a few hours to acclimate yourself to the battle system , and many more to learn the game's interlocking systems inside and out . Don't be mistaken : you don't need a Ph . D in JRPG ( acronyms ! ) to play the game well - - you can take a very hands-off approach , allowing the AI to do as much as you want , and avoiding some of the more esoteric options entirely ( recruitment , monster auctioning , crafting , etc ) . The game also provides a host of new innovative features to help new and old players alike . The Chariot system lets you rewind time in a battle ( up to 50 turns ) , then records the branching paths . The World system lets you return to crucial plot points after you've finished the game to explore different routes through the narrative . ( And by different , I mean DIFFERENT ) You don't level units , you level classes , so new units in old classes scale up to current levels . My favorite feature is the live instruction book that the game includes . By pressing Select ANYWHERE , you bring up an overlay that tells you what each notable on-screen items does . Any questions you have about the game can be answered in the blink of an eye - - a necessity for a game so complex , and a feature that makes the experience utterly painless .
But make no mistake : Tactics Ogre is hard . Accommodating , certainly , but hard . Early battles will force you up against seemingly impossible odds , where the only route to victory is to exploit the AI and / or your overpowered units . Early victories will leave you feeling unsatisfied and dirty , like you've cheated your way to a win that never should have been yours . Later on in the game , the difficulty curve smooths out , and the game grants you more options that even the odds . What begins as an uphill struggle ends on an even field . . . a perpetually even field , thanks to the game's in-built level scaling . There is no over-leveling here - - the enemies you fight will always scale just up to your level , making the game consistently challenging and fresh . Just don't expect to grind past any obstacles .
Tactics Ogre is very much A Game Worth Playing . I highly recommend it . Just know that it will be rough going from the outset , and keep in mind the immense payoffs that await .
065 I loved FFT when I first played it why back in the early PS era . When I learned that there was a predecessor based on the great Ogre Battle SNES game , I tried to track it down , but it was a limited release even in remakes it seems ; I never found it until this version .
I understand that there's been some updates here , a bit with graphics and the skills system was added , along with some other gameplay changes . As said , I've never played the original , but somehow this game exceeded my expectations . I've been playing obsessively since I got it , and if you are at all a fan of the genre I recommend it without reservation .
Compared with FFT , there is slightly less emphasis on building the perfect unit , and more on the best army . Battle sizes can be larger ( ranging from 6 to 12 units on the playes team at a time ) , and some classes have abilities that rely on positioning moreso than in Tactics - - such as knights restricting enemy movement , thieves getting a bonus to attack from behind ( well beyond what others get ) , certain auras that benefit nearby units , etc . But as other people have pointed out , you can't take the best abilities from different classes and merge them ( much - - in a couple cases like Dragoons with Rampart Aura I could use a skill learned elsewhere , but these are exceptions ) . I wouldn't say FFT or TO is better in terms of gameplay , but the focus changes a bit and it is refreshing .
I don't find that all the classes play the same , either - - use a rogue like you would a knight and you won't have them around for long . Rogues need to dart in when the get a chance and then run back behind the knights who have the skills to stop pursuit . There are some similar classes , though .
The difficulty of this game is just right . Most of the time I'm not sure if I will win a battle - - I need a stroke of luck or expenditure of precious resources to get by without anyone losing any hearts from a guy ( three strikes and a unit is gone for good ) or even needed to restart . Fortunately the turn order listing and chariot tarot replay makes this difficulty forgiving if you need to take an informed risk or make a mistake - - I back up a turn if I didn't know an obstacle would block my spell , for instance . And any random battle can be fled without penalty .
The story is great also . Disgaea's comic story never caught my attention for a moment . Better Tactics Ogre that risks losing me in it's machinations than Disgaea's gonzo anime antics that don't make a lick of sense ( imo ) . I also think it is superior to FFT in that the enemies stay more or less human forces , rather than the too common demonic forces . There's demons & monsters to fight here , don't get me wrong , but the plots are driven by humans with conflicting visions and goals rather than being possessed puppets of evil forces . And while I haven't yet finished the game ( chapter 4 so far ) , I'm already looking forward to seeing how the divergent paths will play out in subsequent play-throughs .
Finally , the cons - - The graphics are dated , obviously . Think of it as a board game rather than a video game if you need to , its worth looking past the SNES era sprites .
The menu navigation hasn't bothered me much , so I think that's over blown , though there certainly is a lot of button pushing .
And I agree that the crafting system is poor ; basically it is a time sink . It would have been better to force you to choose how to add your rare components than make most parts purchasable but give a risk of failure . But the gear you can craft isn't essential so if it bugs you you can skip it .
087 Tactics ogre . . tactics ogre . . . yeah I get it . . . it is supposed to be the best srpg ever and on par , if not better than ff tactics . . . . I just don't see it . I really wanted to like this game . . I really tried , but nearly every time I picked the game up I slammed it back down . Not because of level scaling , not because of losing a battle . . . What really irks me and DESTROYS every shred of enjoyment , it the AWFUL shop / menu system .
MORE than half of my time in this game , has been navigating between the party menu - - > shop menu - - > party menu - - > shop menu - - > to party magic menu - - > back to shop menu - - > buy 1 piece of equipment - - > back to party menu - - > learn the arcana - - > back to shop menu . . buy some equipment - - > back to party menu - - > choose autoequip - > take off the equipment the ' autoequip ' feature equipped . . . ( repeat for character 2 / 14 ) . . . etc . . 20 minutes later progress to the next battle . .
Don't get me wrong , this is not a bad game . But it does feel like something vital and extremely basic part is missing from the final product . It's like buying a car with 3 wheels , or purchasing a new house , but forgetting to install a front door , or buying a bike made without a seat .
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
The Good :
+ An amazing story
+ In depth tactical strategy
+ Enormous game , tons of sidequests to do
+ Branching story offers a few different paths through the game
+ A good challenge
+ Fantastic Soundtrack
+ Updated visuals and dialog add to the game
The Bad :
- The challenge may be a bit too much for some people
- There is a lot of micromanagement
NOTE : The review is a little long
Around 1995 a small company called Quest released a strategy RPG called Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together . It was originally released on the Super Famicom . Tactics Ogre didn't make it's way to the states until 1998 just after the release of the original Final Fantasy Tactics . The game was pretty much a direct port , but it was a little dated by then , and likewise it suffered from problems . Mostly long load times and visuals that were not suitable for the original Playstation . It was still a fun game , though it was notoriously difficult . Those who thought Final Fantasy Tactics was hard had obviously never played Tactics Ogre . The PSP reissue is no different in that regard . If you're not familiar with the SRPG genre , Tactics Ogre isn't the game you should start with . Those who have invested in the genre will be able to jump in without fail .
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together is perhaps most well known for it's story . It's filled to the brim with betrayal and plot twists that are too good not to enjoy . It is hard to describe the story in Tactics Ogre . It's filled with a lot of drama and political intrigue . The localization has been completely redone and much of the dialog is thankfully better than the original game . Certain characters are also renamed to better suit the localization . Much of what you get appears to have been completely revamped and redone . The sprites are more or less the same , but the look of the environments have been smoothed over and look much better . Likewise , the game runs almost flawlessly . There's no slow down or long load times here , and that's actually saying a lot for the PSP . There's an option to install the game , but the game actually loads fast enough and well enough that you shouldn't need to do so . There are times when it shifts seamlessly . So it runs rather well .
As I mentioned in the beginning , Tactics Ogre is not for beginners . If you're ONLY experience with Tactical Strategy RPGs is Final Fantasy Tactics , Tactics Ogre can be a rude awakening . For the most part , taking advantage of Final Fantasy Tactics was relatively simple once you learned the system and got it down . Tactics Ogre isn't quite as simple because there's so much more to it , the battlefields are bigger and more populated , and there's a lot more going on . It can be a lot to take in if you're unfamiliar with the genre . In the first place , Tactics Ogre takes on a more active turn based feel . By that I mean a lot of SRPGs nowadays work in phases where all the allies get to attack and then all the enemies . Jeanne D'arc , Disgaea and even Tactics Ogre : The Knights of Lodis all do this . It's what makes those games extremely accessible . Tacitcs Ogre : Let Us Cling Together does it all based on how fast your characters are . The turn order is done in such a way that there is much bigger emphasis on strategy and moving your characters around . You can see the order your adversaries and allies will attack .
Sometimes it can be overwhelming , but the difficulty has been strangely toned down from the Playstation port . The game is still a challenge , but there's more of a fighting chance here than previously . You can't exactly go rushing into battle but you're able to take a few more risks with your strategy . But this is also because the game includes a new chariot system which lets you rewind back time in the battle to a previous turn . Should you perform the wrong actions in battle or things don't go swiftly , you can rewind time and try again . This may seem like something that would make the game rather easy , but the risk that things can go worse is always there too . For the most part , the game is challenging but not impossible . In most missions your objective is never to wipe the entire field clean , but just to target a specific enemy and end it .
The job system in Tactics Ogre is also unique . It isn't as complex as Final Fantasy Tactics or as much fun to customize your characters . You can send in Knights who are strong or wizards who can cast magic . You begin with basic classes but you'll get stronger variations . You'll begin with Knights , for example , but eventually you'll be able to use White Knights . Some characters also have unique classes such as Lord or Ranger . It's easy to teach characters abilities as well . Unlike the Playstation port , classes actually level up together instead of just individual characters . So if a Knight rises from level 3 to level 4 . . . every Knight will be level 4 . Including characters who aren't Knights . The downside , of course , is that as you get new classes they'll begin at level one and you'll have to raise them all over again and that can require a bit of level grinding .
Grinding is nothing new to the genre . And yes , for those willing to put a lot of time and effort into grinding ( usually an extra hour or two . . . sometimes more ) Tactics Ogre becomes a relatively easy game . Especially when you get a grasp of the job system and utilize your abilities fairly well . Your characters also earn Skill Points which actually are individual and they can be used to learn skills and then assigned to the character . Again , the customization isn't quite as unique as Final Fantasy Tactics , but this is because there's a means of using greater Tactics . In Final Fantasy Tactics , for example , it's not hard to spot which classes to train a specific character under , reap the benefits of those abilities and then use them with the strongest classes . Tactics Ogre doesn't quite let you get away with that . A Cleric , for example , can master Light Magic . . . but that doesn't mean you can suddenly assign those different magic abilities to different classes . If a class can't use Light Magic . . . mastering Light Magic will not allow you to do so . In short , it's rather difficult to take advantage of Tactics Ogre . That limit to customization actually encourages you to do much more than just learn abilities for the sake of using them with a better class . If classes have the same abilities they can cross over but that's it . Meaning if a Cleric learns the first Heal . . . a Knight can also use it because the Knight class allows them to .
This can make Tactics Ogre a bit much for some gamers . And yes , there is A LOT of micromanagement between battles . You'll spend a lot of time in the menus learning abilities , swapping those abilities , changing classes and changing equipment . There has been a lot made out of buying weapons in the shop and how you can't exactly try them on . A lot of games don't let you try the equipment on . . . but they do let you view which stats increase or which ones decrease . Tactics Ogre doesn't let you do that . What you CAN do , however , is view the stats of each weapon before you buy it . So even with the game not automatically showing an arrow over a character or something . . . it won't take much to see that a Long Bow has a greater attack than a Short Bow . You simply have to view the stats of each weapon . Many of your classes will be using the same weapons . So there is a bit of micromanagement but it's not a game killing issue .
Tactics Ogre is complex but once you get it down , the game isn't so bad to go through . Battles become more manageable . The key to it all is taking an hour or two out of the story to grind . Luckily Tactics Ogre has a lot of ways to conquer it . As you go through the game you'll be forced to choose alliances by making big decisions that can take you down different paths . It makes a difference in what characters you can recruit , what battles you'll face throughout and how they'll go through . There are a TON of different characters in Tactics Ogre . You can take paths that might have you kill some while choosing a different path allows you to recruit them . You'll also come into battles where if the character survives they'll join , but if they die they're gone forever . Likewise , there are a TON of side quests that you can go on throughout the experience . It's a HUGE game .
One notable upgrade from the Playstation Port that is worth mentioning is the music . Yes , the dialog has been revamped and it's better . . . and so are the graphics but the best treatment most definitely came to the soundtrack . It just sounds wonderful . Especially some of the battle themes .
Tactics Ogre isn't without flaws , of course . We talked about the micromanagement and how that is likely to turn off some gamers . While the story may be good , it's pretty clear from the get go that this is most certainly not about characters . Tactics Ogre has too big of a cast of characters for it to be a character driven story . And sometimes it's easy to get lost in it . Especially because the twists and turns are numerous . It's not confusing , there's just a lot of it to take in . You'll have characters who begin as your enemies and will later join you . You'll have characters that join you , betray you and join you again . You'll have characters that get a cursory glance but add a major element to the story . It's a good thing you're able to go back and watch every cutscene again and read about all the different characters . There's a lot to keep up with throughout the story . It's good , but pretty dense . Tactics Ogre is much more of a story about the world it takes place in rather than most of the characters in it . There are some gamers who may not particularly appreciate that .
Nevertheless , it's a great remake of a great game . If every SRPG got a revamp like Tactics Ogre a great deal of them would be better than their original releases . Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together is a great game for the SRPG junkie . It may be challenging and there's a lot of micromanagement , but it's satisfying for those who are willing to invest some time in it .
003 Overview :
The original Tactics Ogre is one of my favorite games of all time . Great characters , a well written story , challenging ( and at times * brutal * ) battles , memorable music , and a bunch of rewards and secrets for the dedicated player . This version is everything that I loved about the original and more . The new translation has a great feel to it , and the character portraits are stunning .
Customization and Leveling :
My favorite new part of the game is the skill and special attack customization . It adds a good deal of depth to your characters and was largely lacking in the original ( with something like 10 special skills available in the game , and even then only at endgame ) . Leveling is quite different , eliminating the need for most of the grinding . Entire classes gain levels , so even the guys you don't use can be decent level , but only the characters you actually use gain skill points . Also , everyone gains experience together at the end of battle , so the berserker you have in the front ranks and your healer each get their fair share . This is great , since you don't need to share kills and have your cleric try to thwack a wounded soldier just to level up .
Chariot and World systems :
I was worried about the Chariot system making things too easy ( you can instantly warp back up to 50 actions while in battle ) , but it actually works quite well . You can try different strategies without a ton of load time and annoyance , but the battles are still challenging . In the 90s I logged well over 100 hours trying to get all the endings . The World system makes this much more manageable and actually lets you know where the branches happen .
All in all , it is a great tactical RPG !
011 The Good :
+ An amazing story
+ In depth tactical strategy
+ Enormous game , tons of sidequests to do
+ Branching story offers a few different paths through the game
+ A good challenge
+ Fantastic Soundtrack
+ Updated visuals and dialog add to the game
The Bad :
- The challenge may be a bit too much for some people
- There is a lot of micromanagement
NOTE : The review is a little long
Around 1995 a small company called Quest released a strategy RPG called Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together . It was originally released on the Super Famicom . Tactics Ogre didn't make it's way to the states until 1998 just after the release of the original Final Fantasy Tactics . The game was pretty much a direct port , but it was a little dated by then , and likewise it suffered from problems . Mostly long load times and visuals that were not suitable for the original Playstation . It was still a fun game , though it was notoriously difficult . Those who thought Final Fantasy Tactics was hard had obviously never played Tactics Ogre . The PSP reissue is no different in that regard . If you're not familiar with the SRPG genre , Tactics Ogre isn't the game you should start with . Those who have invested in the genre will be able to jump in without fail .
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together is perhaps most well known for it's story . It's filled to the brim with betrayal and plot twists that are too good not to enjoy . It is hard to describe the story in Tactics Ogre . It's filled with a lot of drama and political intrigue . The localization has been completely redone and much of the dialog is thankfully better than the original game . Certain characters are also renamed to better suit the localization . Much of what you get appears to have been completely revamped and redone . The sprites are more or less the same , but the look of the environments have been smoothed over and look much better . Likewise , the game runs almost flawlessly . There's no slow down or long load times here , and that's actually saying a lot for the PSP . There's an option to install the game , but the game actually loads fast enough and well enough that you shouldn't need to do so . There are times when it shifts seamlessly . So it runs rather well .
As I mentioned in the beginning , Tactics Ogre is not for beginners . If you're ONLY experience with Tactical Strategy RPGs is Final Fantasy Tactics , Tactics Ogre can be a rude awakening . For the most part , taking advantage of Final Fantasy Tactics was relatively simple once you learned the system and got it down . Tactics Ogre isn't quite as simple because there's so much more to it , the battlefields are bigger and more populated , and there's a lot more going on . It can be a lot to take in if you're unfamiliar with the genre . In the first place , Tactics Ogre takes on a more active turn based feel . By that I mean a lot of SRPGs nowadays work in phases where all the allies get to attack and then all the enemies . Jeanne D'arc , Disgaea and even Tactics Ogre : The Knights of Lodis all do this . It's what makes those games extremely accessible . Tacitcs Ogre : Let Us Cling Together does it all based on how fast your characters are . The turn order is done in such a way that there is much bigger emphasis on strategy and moving your characters around . You can see the order your adversaries and allies will attack .
Sometimes it can be overwhelming , but the difficulty has been strangely toned down from the Playstation port . The game is still a challenge , but there's more of a fighting chance here than previously . You can't exactly go rushing into battle but you're able to take a few more risks with your strategy . But this is also because the game includes a new chariot system which lets you rewind back time in the battle to a previous turn . Should you perform the wrong actions in battle or things don't go swiftly , you can rewind time and try again . This may seem like something that would make the game rather easy , but the risk that things can go worse is always there too . For the most part , the game is challenging but not impossible . In most missions your objective is never to wipe the entire field clean , but just to target a specific enemy and end it .
The job system in Tactics Ogre is also unique . It isn't as complex as Final Fantasy Tactics or as much fun to customize your characters . You can send in Knights who are strong or wizards who can cast magic . You begin with basic classes but you'll get stronger variations . You'll begin with Knights , for example , but eventually you'll be able to use White Knights . Some characters also have unique classes such as Lord or Ranger . It's easy to teach characters abilities as well . Unlike the Playstation port , classes actually level up together instead of just individual characters . So if a Knight rises from level 3 to level 4 . . . every Knight will be level 4 . Including characters who aren't Knights . The downside , of course , is that as you get new classes they'll begin at level one and you'll have to raise them all over again and that can require a bit of level grinding .
Grinding is nothing new to the genre . And yes , for those willing to put a lot of time and effort into grinding ( usually an extra hour or two . . . sometimes more ) Tactics Ogre becomes a relatively easy game . Especially when you get a grasp of the job system and utilize your abilities fairly well . Your characters also earn Skill Points which actually are individual and they can be used to learn skills and then assigned to the character . Again , the customization isn't quite as unique as Final Fantasy Tactics , but this is because there's a means of using greater Tactics . In Final Fantasy Tactics , for example , it's not hard to spot which classes to train a specific character under , reap the benefits of those abilities and then use them with the strongest classes . Tactics Ogre doesn't quite let you get away with that . A Cleric , for example , can master Light Magic . . . but that doesn't mean you can suddenly assign those different magic abilities to different classes . If a class can't use Light Magic . . . mastering Light Magic will not allow you to do so . In short , it's rather difficult to take advantage of Tactics Ogre . That limit to customization actually encourages you to do much more than just learn abilities for the sake of using them with a better class . If classes have the same abilities they can cross over but that's it . Meaning if a Cleric learns the first Heal . . . a Knight can also use it because the Knight class allows them to .
This can make Tactics Ogre a bit much for some gamers . And yes , there is A LOT of micromanagement between battles . You'll spend a lot of time in the menus learning abilities , swapping those abilities , changing classes and changing equipment . There has been a lot made out of buying weapons in the shop and how you can't exactly try them on . A lot of games don't let you try the equipment on . . . but they do let you view which stats increase or which ones decrease . Tactics Ogre doesn't let you do that . What you CAN do , however , is view the stats of each weapon before you buy it . So even with the game not automatically showing an arrow over a character or something . . . it won't take much to see that a Long Bow has a greater attack than a Short Bow . You simply have to view the stats of each weapon . Many of your classes will be using the same weapons . So there is a bit of micromanagement but it's not a game killing issue .
Tactics Ogre is complex but once you get it down , the game isn't so bad to go through . Battles become more manageable . The key to it all is taking an hour or two out of the story to grind . Luckily Tactics Ogre has a lot of ways to conquer it . As you go through the game you'll be forced to choose alliances by making big decisions that can take you down different paths . It makes a difference in what characters you can recruit , what battles you'll face throughout and how they'll go through . There are a TON of different characters in Tactics Ogre . You can take paths that might have you kill some while choosing a different path allows you to recruit them . You'll also come into battles where if the character survives they'll join , but if they die they're gone forever . Likewise , there are a TON of side quests that you can go on throughout the experience . It's a HUGE game .
One notable upgrade from the Playstation Port that is worth mentioning is the music . Yes , the dialog has been revamped and it's better . . . and so are the graphics but the best treatment most definitely came to the soundtrack . It just sounds wonderful . Especially some of the battle themes .
Tactics Ogre isn't without flaws , of course . We talked about the micromanagement and how that is likely to turn off some gamers . While the story may be good , it's pretty clear from the get go that this is most certainly not about characters . Tactics Ogre has too big of a cast of characters for it to be a character driven story . And sometimes it's easy to get lost in it . Especially because the twists and turns are numerous . It's not confusing , there's just a lot of it to take in . You'll have characters who begin as your enemies and will later join you . You'll have characters that join you , betray you and join you again . You'll have characters that get a cursory glance but add a major element to the story . It's a good thing you're able to go back and watch every cutscene again and read about all the different characters . There's a lot to keep up with throughout the story . It's good , but pretty dense . Tactics Ogre is much more of a story about the world it takes place in rather than most of the characters in it . There are some gamers who may not particularly appreciate that .
Nevertheless , it's a great remake of a great game . If every SRPG got a revamp like Tactics Ogre a great deal of them would be better than their original releases . Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together is a great game for the SRPG junkie . It may be challenging and there's a lot of micromanagement , but it's satisfying for those who are willing to invest some time in it .
050 Great game with awesome production values . If you like Final Fantasy Tactics , this game is its spiritual successor . The tactical aspects are solid and the different classes are well rounded .
My only gripe , is that any new classes acquired come on board at a low level . This means that it is difficult to enjoy the cooler classes later in the game .
060 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
It's a perfect combination of classic SRPG exploration and grinding , branching storylines , etc .
And the Chariot system ( 50 levels of undo ) helps a ton in grinding and optimizing battles . For a more casual player who still wants to do everything , this is really nice .
061 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
It's a perfect combination of classic SRPG exploration and grinding , branching storylines , etc .
And the Chariot system ( 50 levels of undo ) helps a ton in grinding and optimizing battles . For a more casual player who still wants to do everything , this is really nice .
062 It's a perfect combination of classic SRPG exploration and grinding , branching storylines , etc .
And the Chariot system ( 50 levels of undo ) helps a ton in grinding and optimizing battles . For a more casual player who still wants to do everything , this is really nice .
071 If you're a fan of Final Fantasy Tactics , get this game ! You'll find lots of it familiar , from the intricate story line , to the battle system . You'll also find some challenging differences which enhance the gameplay and add to the difficulty level . Beware of some of the equipping screens , as it's not as simple to tell which of your units can benefit from what equipment .
I am part-way through the title , but I can tell that I might have to play through it again , as it has different story paths based on your decisions . Also the multiplayer mode is an interesting option even if I don't get the opportunity to try it out .
078 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I had a nice long review written up but I will keep it fairly simple . The list of changes is easily over 50 changes deep so it has been updated quite a bit from the original , but it isn't without flaws . The screens could be friendlier to use but once I got used to them they really are not that bad - just not as efficient as some other games .
It's the gameplay and story that make this game fun and addicting . There are over 60 classes now and with the skill system added in the PSP version it makes it fun experimenting with your army . The learning curve is steep and sometimes unforgiving so I'd recommend playing up to the necromancer part and once you beat him restart the game . You will be more efficient in which items you stock up on and which Skills you select . This isn't the kind of game where you progress simply by playing it , so be prepared to reload your game save many times - mostly in the beginning . Because of the steep learning curve , difficulty , slow beginning and the less then efficient screens this game won't be for everyone . Lately I been more into the fast paced action games ( FPS , etc . ) so it's been hard for me to adjust to slower paced games recently but I am flat out addicted to this game right now . Akihiko Yoshida did a great job updating the Artwork for this game - it gives it a more stylistic , edgier look to fit the the mature storyline a little better . You're still running around controlling cutesy toon dolls that don't match the serious , dark overtone storyline so the artwork fills in nicely to offset it a bit .
This is easily the kind of game you can play many times over the course of your lifetime and still learn something new each time .
079 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I had a nice long review written up but I will keep it fairly simple . The list of changes is easily over 50 changes deep so it has been updated quite a bit from the original , but it isn't without flaws . The screens could be friendlier to use but once I got used to them they really are not that bad - just not as efficient as some other games .
It's the gameplay and story that make this game fun and addicting . There are over 60 classes now and with the skill system added in the PSP version it makes it fun experimenting with your army . The learning curve is steep and sometimes unforgiving so I'd recommend playing up to the necromancer part and once you beat him restart the game . You will be more efficient in which items you stock up on and which Skills you select . This isn't the kind of game where you progress simply by playing it , so be prepared to reload your game save many times - mostly in the beginning . Because of the steep learning curve , difficulty , slow beginning and the less then efficient screens this game won't be for everyone . Lately I been more into the fast paced action games ( FPS , etc . ) so it's been hard for me to adjust to slower paced games recently but I am flat out addicted to this game right now . Akihiko Yoshida did a great job updating the Artwork for this game - it gives it a more stylistic , edgier look to fit the the mature storyline a little better . You're still running around controlling cutesy toon dolls that don't match the serious , dark overtone storyline so the artwork fills in nicely to offset it a bit .
This is easily the kind of game you can play many times over the course of your lifetime and still learn something new each time .
080 I had a nice long review written up but I will keep it fairly simple . The list of changes is easily over 50 changes deep so it has been updated quite a bit from the original , but it isn't without flaws . The screens could be friendlier to use but once I got used to them they really are not that bad - just not as efficient as some other games .
It's the gameplay and story that make this game fun and addicting . There are over 60 classes now and with the skill system added in the PSP version it makes it fun experimenting with your army . The learning curve is steep and sometimes unforgiving so I'd recommend playing up to the necromancer part and once you beat him restart the game . You will be more efficient in which items you stock up on and which Skills you select . This isn't the kind of game where you progress simply by playing it , so be prepared to reload your game save many times - mostly in the beginning . Because of the steep learning curve , difficulty , slow beginning and the less then efficient screens this game won't be for everyone . Lately I been more into the fast paced action games ( FPS , etc . ) so it's been hard for me to adjust to slower paced games recently but I am flat out addicted to this game right now . Akihiko Yoshida did a great job updating the Artwork for this game - it gives it a more stylistic , edgier look to fit the the mature storyline a little better . You're still running around controlling cutesy toon dolls that don't match the serious , dark overtone storyline so the artwork fills in nicely to offset it a bit .
This is easily the kind of game you can play many times over the course of your lifetime and still learn something new each time .
085 When I saw another tactics game coming out that was a hybrid of Ogre Battle I was chomping at the bit for it . I ' ve only made it through part of the law portion of chapter two , so there is a lot of replay value I am seeing already .
I am enjoying the storyline and the gameplay , although the War of Roses from Final Fantasy Tactics seems to have had a better storyline , we shall see . The amount of warriors you can create and work with are astounding and I'm looking forward to creating a wide variety of groups in the future .
Major downfall , if any , is getting more characters and how the Ogre system of loyalty , neutral vs chaotic etc plays on your hero's becoming ninja's or beast masters etc . There is no clarity as far as how it is played out but I think it's fairly intuitive and I need a little more time with the game .
Bottom line , if you enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics or Ogre Battle , you'll regret not picking up this game that has hours of replay value .
090 I play almost all good tactical strategy games and I find myself having a hard time enjoying this one . The controls and character schemes are very difficult and menu system leaves something to be desired . During battle it is very difficult to tell your enemies from your own team mates and the menu trees are cumbersome and require to many steps . Once it is your turn you have to click on a character icon to tell who is who and even then it is not real clear .
Additionally , when buying weapons and supplies there is no way to try it on a character without exiting the store and selecting a character and then reviewing their equipment and then going back to the store to see if the equipment you are buying is better . With so many team mates you can spend 20 minutes between battles reviewing possible weapon upgrades for your team that with most strategy RPGs takes only a few seconds as they highlight the item you are considering and then show the party members who can use it and if it is an increase or decease in stats .
I am sure some die hard fans don't mind this kind of back and forth but with so many games and so little time I like the mundane details of games to be simple and not overly time consuming so I can enjoy the adventure .
093 These are the 3 things that I didn't like about Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together
1 ) Classes : They handle far too similarly for my tastes . RPG games that pre-date this game by 5 - 10 years have more abilities per class . My personal issue is that I do not count having a separate skill for resistances to each element as being a separate ability . Resistance is resistance . Take out Augments and Resistances and you are left with some pretty dry archetypes .
2 ) Amount of characters in your party : 10 is too many for me in this type of tactical RPG . I just felt like even the simple fights took too long . Especially with similar handling for all the mel e characters and another type of stock handling for all the magic classes . That made the 10 characters feel even more tiring and repetitive than they already were .
3 ) The storyline : I do not like the translation . It is boring to me . It is the most accurate English translation to date but that is not necessarily a good thing . The original Japanese simply has more punch with these particular words than English does . In a case like this , it would be more fun to scrap a lot of the original Japanese language and use English words that have power and / or personality , even if they are no longer faithful to the original Japanese script . Final Fantasy Tactics went through a similar watering-down when the PSP English version remake came out . The script was a lot closer to the original Japanese intention but it was also more boring than the PS1 English version ! The PS1 English version was often crude and nonsensical in its English translation but sometimes , crude works when you want to be entertained and just have fun . Since you cannot give an English translation the same feeling as the original Japanese language , giving the translation a unique English feeling is better than a more accurate but bland imitation of the Japanese feeling .
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
These are the 3 things that I didn't like about Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together
1 ) Classes : They handle far too similarly for my tastes . RPG games that pre-date this game by 5 - 10 years have more abilities per class . My personal issue is that I do not count having a separate skill for resistances to each element as being a separate ability . Resistance is resistance . Take out Augments and Resistances and you are left with some pretty dry archetypes .
2 ) Amount of characters in your party : 10 is too many for me in this type of tactical RPG . I just felt like even the simple fights took too long . Especially with similar handling for all the mel e characters and another type of stock handling for all the magic classes . That made the 10 characters feel even more tiring and repetitive than they already were .
3 ) The storyline : I do not like the translation . It is boring to me . It is the most accurate English translation to date but that is not necessarily a good thing . The original Japanese simply has more punch with these particular words than English does . In a case like this , it would be more fun to scrap a lot of the original Japanese language and use English words that have power and / or personality , even if they are no longer faithful to the original Japanese script . Final Fantasy Tactics went through a similar watering-down when the PSP English version remake came out . The script was a lot closer to the original Japanese intention but it was also more boring than the PS1 English version ! The PS1 English version was often crude and nonsensical in its English translation but sometimes , crude works when you want to be entertained and just have fun . Since you cannot give an English translation the same feeling as the original Japanese language , giving the translation a unique English feeling is better than a more accurate but bland imitation of the Japanese feeling .
001 Amazon Verified Purchase
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Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Overview :
The original Tactics Ogre is one of my favorite games of all time . Great characters , a well written story , challenging ( and at times * brutal * ) battles , memorable music , and a bunch of rewards and secrets for the dedicated player . This version is everything that I loved about the original and more . The new translation has a great feel to it , and the character portraits are stunning .
Customization and Leveling :
My favorite new part of the game is the skill and special attack customization . It adds a good deal of depth to your characters and was largely lacking in the original ( with something like 10 special skills available in the game , and even then only at endgame ) . Leveling is quite different , eliminating the need for most of the grinding . Entire classes gain levels , so even the guys you don't use can be decent level , but only the characters you actually use gain skill points . Also , everyone gains experience together at the end of battle , so the berserker you have in the front ranks and your healer each get their fair share . This is great , since you don't need to share kills and have your cleric try to thwack a wounded soldier just to level up .
Chariot and World systems :
I was worried about the Chariot system making things too easy ( you can instantly warp back up to 50 actions while in battle ) , but it actually works quite well . You can try different strategies without a ton of load time and annoyance , but the battles are still challenging . In the 90s I logged well over 100 hours trying to get all the endings . The World system makes this much more manageable and actually lets you know where the branches happen .
All in all , it is a great tactical RPG !
002 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Overview :
The original Tactics Ogre is one of my favorite games of all time . Great characters , a well written story , challenging ( and at times * brutal * ) battles , memorable music , and a bunch of rewards and secrets for the dedicated player . This version is everything that I loved about the original and more . The new translation has a great feel to it , and the character portraits are stunning .
Customization and Leveling :
My favorite new part of the game is the skill and special attack customization . It adds a good deal of depth to your characters and was largely lacking in the original ( with something like 10 special skills available in the game , and even then only at endgame ) . Leveling is quite different , eliminating the need for most of the grinding . Entire classes gain levels , so even the guys you don't use can be decent level , but only the characters you actually use gain skill points . Also , everyone gains experience together at the end of battle , so the berserker you have in the front ranks and your healer each get their fair share . This is great , since you don't need to share kills and have your cleric try to thwack a wounded soldier just to level up .
Chariot and World systems :
I was worried about the Chariot system making things too easy ( you can instantly warp back up to 50 actions while in battle ) , but it actually works quite well . You can try different strategies without a ton of load time and annoyance , but the battles are still challenging . In the 90s I logged well over 100 hours trying to get all the endings . The World system makes this much more manageable and actually lets you know where the branches happen .
All in all , it is a great tactical RPG !
007 Amazon Verified Purchase
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Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
This is a must own for any strategy RPG fans . If you liked Final Fantasy Tactics , you'll love Tactics Ogre . The graphics are true to the original game with some improvements . The character artwork is amazing . The enhanced soundtrack is excellent . There's no slowdown like in Final Fantasy Tactics : WOTL . This is not a port , it's the perfect remake for a classic masterpiece .
008 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
This is a must own for any strategy RPG fans . If you liked Final Fantasy Tactics , you'll love Tactics Ogre . The graphics are true to the original game with some improvements . The character artwork is amazing . The enhanced soundtrack is excellent . There's no slowdown like in Final Fantasy Tactics : WOTL . This is not a port , it's the perfect remake for a classic masterpiece .
009 This is a must own for any strategy RPG fans . If you liked Final Fantasy Tactics , you'll love Tactics Ogre . The graphics are true to the original game with some improvements . The character artwork is amazing . The enhanced soundtrack is excellent . There's no slowdown like in Final Fantasy Tactics : WOTL . This is not a port , it's the perfect remake for a classic masterpiece .
042 Amazon Verified Purchase
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Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
This game reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics a lot . . the story along with the writing the the characters . . but it's entirely different . The fun part is that you can choose how you want to do the story . . which I thought was a great touch . . I love the characters and all the suspicion surrounding them . . Good ol ' SRPG , just love it .
043 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
This game reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics a lot . . the story along with the writing the the characters . . but it's entirely different . The fun part is that you can choose how you want to do the story . . which I thought was a great touch . . I love the characters and all the suspicion surrounding them . . Good ol ' SRPG , just love it .
044 This game reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics a lot . . the story along with the writing the the characters . . but it's entirely different . The fun part is that you can choose how you want to do the story . . which I thought was a great touch . . I love the characters and all the suspicion surrounding them . . Good ol ' SRPG , just love it .
045 Amazon Verified Purchase
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Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Look if you love strategy RPGS , if you're a fan of Final Fantasy tactics and haven't played this game then you need to . Its about as close to perfect as these games come and its one of those jems all SRPG fans need to experience .
046 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Look if you love strategy RPGS , if you're a fan of Final Fantasy tactics and haven't played this game then you need to . Its about as close to perfect as these games come and its one of those jems all SRPG fans need to experience .
047 Look if you love strategy RPGS , if you're a fan of Final Fantasy tactics and haven't played this game then you need to . Its about as close to perfect as these games come and its one of those jems all SRPG fans need to experience .
048 Amazon Verified Purchase
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Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Great game with awesome production values . If you like Final Fantasy Tactics , this game is its spiritual successor . The tactical aspects are solid and the different classes are well rounded .
My only gripe , is that any new classes acquired come on board at a low level . This means that it is difficult to enjoy the cooler classes later in the game .
049 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
Great game with awesome production values . If you like Final Fantasy Tactics , this game is its spiritual successor . The tactical aspects are solid and the different classes are well rounded .
My only gripe , is that any new classes acquired come on board at a low level . This means that it is difficult to enjoy the cooler classes later in the game .
066 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I am a RPG fan and I love many games made / published by square enix , with a doubt in my mind that this title is no exception . I absolutely love this game besides being a remake , a must-buy if you own a PSP !
If you want a game that's worth your money and time , this game is both sophisticated and extremely appealing ! The storyline is rich along with its uniquely defined class system , it was an instant classic when it first came out in 1995 . Don't miss out !
067 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
I am a RPG fan and I love many games made / published by square enix , with a doubt in my mind that this title is no exception . I absolutely love this game besides being a remake , a must-buy if you own a PSP !
If you want a game that's worth your money and time , this game is both sophisticated and extremely appealing ! The storyline is rich along with its uniquely defined class system , it was an instant classic when it first came out in 1995 . Don't miss out !
068 I am a RPG fan and I love many games made / published by square enix , with a doubt in my mind that this title is no exception . I absolutely love this game besides being a remake , a must-buy if you own a PSP !
If you want a game that's worth your money and time , this game is both sophisticated and extremely appealing ! The storyline is rich along with its uniquely defined class system , it was an instant classic when it first came out in 1995 . Don't miss out !
091 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
These are the 3 things that I didn't like about Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together
1 ) Classes : They handle far too similarly for my tastes . RPG games that pre-date this game by 5 - 10 years have more abilities per class . My personal issue is that I do not count having a separate skill for resistances to each element as being a separate ability . Resistance is resistance . Take out Augments and Resistances and you are left with some pretty dry archetypes .
2 ) Amount of characters in your party : 10 is too many for me in this type of tactical RPG . I just felt like even the simple fights took too long . Especially with similar handling for all the mel e characters and another type of stock handling for all the magic classes . That made the 10 characters feel even more tiring and repetitive than they already were .
3 ) The storyline : I do not like the translation . It is boring to me . It is the most accurate English translation to date but that is not necessarily a good thing . The original Japanese simply has more punch with these particular words than English does . In a case like this , it would be more fun to scrap a lot of the original Japanese language and use English words that have power and / or personality , even if they are no longer faithful to the original Japanese script . Final Fantasy Tactics went through a similar watering-down when the PSP English version remake came out . The script was a lot closer to the original Japanese intention but it was also more boring than the PS1 English version ! The PS1 English version was often crude and nonsensical in its English translation but sometimes , crude works when you want to be entertained and just have fun . Since you cannot give an English translation the same feeling as the original Japanese language , giving the translation a unique English feeling is better than a more accurate but bland imitation of the Japanese feeling .
092 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
These are the 3 things that I didn't like about Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together
1 ) Classes : They handle far too similarly for my tastes . RPG games that pre-date this game by 5 - 10 years have more abilities per class . My personal issue is that I do not count having a separate skill for resistances to each element as being a separate ability . Resistance is resistance . Take out Augments and Resistances and you are left with some pretty dry archetypes .
2 ) Amount of characters in your party : 10 is too many for me in this type of tactical RPG . I just felt like even the simple fights took too long . Especially with similar handling for all the mel e characters and another type of stock handling for all the magic classes . That made the 10 characters feel even more tiring and repetitive than they already were .
3 ) The storyline : I do not like the translation . It is boring to me . It is the most accurate English translation to date but that is not necessarily a good thing . The original Japanese simply has more punch with these particular words than English does . In a case like this , it would be more fun to scrap a lot of the original Japanese language and use English words that have power and / or personality , even if they are no longer faithful to the original Japanese script . Final Fantasy Tactics went through a similar watering-down when the PSP English version remake came out . The script was a lot closer to the original Japanese intention but it was also more boring than the PS1 English version ! The PS1 English version was often crude and nonsensical in its English translation but sometimes , crude works when you want to be entertained and just have fun . Since you cannot give an English translation the same feeling as the original Japanese language , giving the translation a unique English feeling is better than a more accurate but bland imitation of the Japanese feeling .
096 This review is from :
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together ( Video Game )
square did it again . how can you have a game where when you buy a sword and you dont know if it will be better or worse.i have tried to play this game aleast 10 times each time i turn it off with anger.thie was the last time square will get me.booooooo on square