152 4 OK , I played this game when it came out a little after my birthday . I beat the game in like 30 hours ( Over a long period of time , like 4 months ) . I was thinking about this game a couple of months ago , and I decided to try and beat it again . I'm fighting Hades in the Hades Cup right now , and I am at level 56 , so it is a little bit difficult . Last time I played I was at level 56 when I was fighting Ansem at Hollow Bansion . Anyways an overview of the game .
You start off the game with a dream sequence by Sora where crazy things are happening and you are flying from the sky and falling into darkness . The graphics are awesome and the music is H * * * a Sick . when the sword , shield , and mickey staff come out of nowhere , pick the sword first , and next pick the staff . ( IT WILL TRY AND TRICK YOU BY SAYING SOMETHING LIKE DO YOU WANT TO GIVE UP THE MYSTIC POWER ? just do what i told you , go to the sword , pick it , then go to the staff and pick it . After the dream you wake up next to the girl you like , Kairi , who later you find likes you . You guys talk for a bit then you get to wander around . I recommmend that you start battling everyone a lot until you level up a little bit ( LV . 6 is a good start . Hit Wakka's Blitzball back at him for more EXPERIENCE which helps you level up . Time Tidus and the girls attacks also and hit at the right time to deflect them . When you level up talk to Kairi and get all the supplies . ( NO FIRST FIGHT SORA A COUPLE TIMES ON THE TOP OF THAT HILL IN THE WATER , YOU GET A LOT OF EXPERIENCE . Then the rest of the level you are pretty much finding stuff . When You face that big Heartless monster that you fought in the dream , do not worry , he is totally easy . He has a little more health , but with your new experience and the help of the Keyblade , he is an easy defeat . After the battle you will level up and end up in Traverse Town after you see a clip of Donald finding out the King ( MICKEY MOUSE ) has ventured off and Donald starts his journey to find you with the help of Goofy . In Traverse Town first take a look around , go in all the districts , and go in the Accesory shop a couple times to start a fight with Leon . Leon is totally hard ! If you lose , that sucks , but if you do , it doesn't change the stiry at all , you just fall down and he takes you away , either way , win or lose , you still move on . When you awake from battle you find Yuffie and you learn the story of the Heartless and about ANSEM ( who is the final boss ) . And eventually you meet Goofy and Donald . You face your First REAL BOSS in the third District when you find Donald and Goofy . The Boss is easy enough if you have been leveling up , but you may want to take some POTIONS with you to the battle . After you win you learn fire , Dodge Roll ( Equip that fast ) and blue trinity .
Go to Wondeerland next and meet Alice as you tumble down the Rabbit Hole . You find the old Wonderland People , but Alice gets taken by Riku who has joined the Heartless ( he did look kind of evil ) . The boss is easy enough , heal donald and Goofy everyonce in a while ( if you need to ) but you shouldn't because whenever you beat a layer of this guy he drops health . Get on the table to hit the boss because it is kind of hard with out doing that .
Next venture over to Cid in Traverse Town who will do all this stuff and then go to the colliseum in the next level which is south of Traverse Town . You will enter competitions there and learn all kinds of cool things . I'm not sure ( can't remember , ) but I think you can enter the Pegasus cup if you beat Wonderland , if not go to the next level , which is Tarzan .
( WHEN YOU CAN BEAT ALL OF THE CHALLENGES IN THE TOURNAMENTS I MEAN BEAT IT WITH DONALD AND GOOFY , THEN BEAT IT ALONE AND THEN BEAT IT WITH A TIME LIMIT . if you do that with evry tournament , then you will get Donald or Goofy's best weapon , but don't worry , that is far away . )
Tarza , pretty much beat the level , easy enough , and that will make the plot of the story go further . you seal the keyhole and all of that , and you are set . bosses are easy , all you have to do is hit Clayton and ignore the overgrown Iguana .
check the stadium
after that go to TRAVERSE TOWN and make your ship be able to warp . then get out of there , check the stadium to see if you can enter any tournaments , then go to AGRABAH .
This is my favorite level almost . You meet Jasmine and Alladin ( oh i forgot , always equip the extra character you get like alladin , or Jack ) then you fight in the cave of Wonders and you find the Genie . When you fight Jafar ( you should of leveled up a lot ) but bring a lot of HI-POTIONS and attach them to everyone . Destroy Jafar the first time , fall down the hole , and then just keep hitting Iago ( the bird with the lamp ) because you can't hit anything else . Seal the Keyhoe find out Jasmine was taken , then get the H * * l out of there on a magic carpet ride .
leave that level and go to see anymore tournaments popping up ( you can now warp there ) if not go to Monstro , or in other words , go to Alladins level , but don't depart , go to the right of Agrabah and you will be swallowed by a whale of a whale . rpetty much get to pinochio find Riku ( now totally a bad guy ) and chase him until you find the boss . the boss is easy to kill , but hard to keep your partners alive . you can summmon genie to fight a bit , and Riku will fight as well . after that go back to pinnochio's home with Geppeto and learn high jump . you start jumping around and then you go to the top layer ( the throat ) and beat all of these brand new bad-guys and jump into the hole in the top of the room . there you find Riku and Pinnochio , and that nice little boss who seems to have grown stronger . you fight him and you may die a couple of times but thats OK because you can just keep on fighting him .
After your victory , once again check the colliseum to see if any tournament pops up , is so beat it , if not go to the next level which is the little mermaids .
I won't go into depth because it is a long level and i am in class right now so i shouldn't even be doing this , but pretty mnuch master swimming and then go to king triton ) beat all of the guys because you will get a lot of experience ) and then find the grotto , find the sunken ship , beat the whale , beat Ursula which is hard because i don't know how i beat her , i just cast spells at the pot when it turned different colors . then get faster with the new swimming and then beat ursula again whiach i think is easy enough if you leveled up , just keep on curing .
once again check the colliseum .
Go to Neverland where you will learn to fly with Peter Pan . by beating this level you will continue the plot further with Riku's plunge into darkness . you beat the level by hitting captain hook a lot , that's all i did , just hit him . hit the clock tower a couple times ( the clock that is different , and you will find the keyhole .
check the tournaments .
Hollow Bansion you will find vaguely familiar when you enter the library . your friends abandon you , you have no keyblade , all you know how to do is jump like MJ and fly . what are you going to do ? well with the Beasts help there is a lot . you can knock a couple walls down , you cant kill guys , but he can , and you can get the experience . wander around , get exp , and then find riku , get the keyblade back , get your friends back , summon tinkerbell . then kick riku's ass . gather up all of the things that go in the door , fight new bad guys then meet Maleficent . fight Maleficent when she is human , then when she is a dragon . hit her whenever you can and then go away and heal . thats it . Riku is easy no problem he is in the bag .
Go to Traverse town , update your Gummi ship with new gear from CID . go back to Hollow Bansion and seal the keyhole . you beat the game ! yeah right . after that leave and beat all the tournaments in all the catagories . there will be a tournament that looks like ? ? ? ? ? ? . Don't even THINK about trying that , you need to be at level 100 to win , I know i'v tried without being that high and it is impossible . now you probably are wonderin about the book in the wizard's house . that is winnie the pooh , you probably have a couple of pages by now , so go to that level .
get your level hella high and then attempt the last level , i won't say anything cuz the end is too good to spoil , but keep trying the last boss and think . Good Luck .
oh i didn't rate this game . 1000000% out of 100%
001 4 When Kingdom Hearts was first announced , many thought Square had finally lost it . Not only had they partnered with Disney , a company that Square has seemingly little in common with , but Square was also throwing its own creations into the mix . The game was described as Final Fantasy Meets Disney .
However , as it has many times over , Square has proven the critics wrong . Kingdom Hearts has gorgeous graphics that pushes the PS2 to its limits . Many of the Disney characters look and move as if they were ripped right from their respective cartoons . Disney has also spared no expense on voice acting , in many cases brining back a character's original actor when it came time to give the incredibly large ensemble cast voices
The game also features returning characters from Square's reknowned Final Fantasy series . Specifically , the game will feature Cloud , Aeris , Cid and Yuffie from FF7 ; Squall from FF8 ; and Tidus and Wakka from FF10 . One of the most interesting scenes from Kingdom Hearts is a scene where Donald Duck and Aeris have a conversation .
Fans of the Secret of Mana will be excited to learn that the battle system is more like it than Final Fantasy . Fighting is done in real time and with little menus . Even spells can be fired off with menu-less ease by linking them to buttons on the control pad . This gives a very interesting feel since many of the spells come from the Final Fantasy series . Summoned Monsters are also used in Kingdom Hearts , but this time around they're Disney characters . Simba , Bambi , Dumbo , and Tinkerbell all come to your aid in battle .
In short , buy this game . Younger fans will enjoy the nearly limitless cast of Disney characters . Older fans and Square veterans will enjoy seeing familiar characters and the type of story that has made Square games the standard for RPGs . The story , while light-hearted at times , can also become incredibly dark . The packaged is rounded out with incredible music , not the least of which is Light , an English version of Utada Hikaru's song Hikari . For more info , visit Square's game site . . .
003 4 Adaptation and reimagining are words that frighten the heart of any purist , but occasionally , such projects move forward and are handled with care , respect , and a firm understanding and application of the source material . In Kingdom Hearts , a wildly ambitious collaboration between Disney Interactive and Squaresoft , iconic characters from Disney's vast array of animated features and Square's penultimate series Final Fantasy are paired together in an action-rpg . Square has gone a somewhat similar route before , tackling Super Mario RPG for Nintendo , but that was a stand-alone game world only incorporating Mario characters , who do not exactly have much depth of personality or back story to begin with . Kingdom Hearts , on the other hand , takes childhood favorites from just about every generation alive today and dares to incorporate them in a story beyond the individual movies that gave life to them . As ambitious as the game is , Kingdom Hearts has equal potential to go very , very wrong in so many ways .
Thankfully , it does not . Every aspect of the game bears the mark of A-grade production value . The storyline is imaginative and clever , and the incorporation of characters and familiar Disney locations is executed with such reverence , that even the most hard-bitten cynic would be won over . From the streets of Agrabah ( Aladdin ) to the deck of Captain Hook's ship ( Peter Pan ) , each Disney location is recreated in a way that captures the spirit of the original films . Completing the effect is the fact that , for the most part , Disney and Square hired the original voice actors of all Disney characters or at least the people who currently voice certain characters for recent releases . It is hard not to be won over when hearing Jodi Benson reprise her role as Ariel or John Fiedler doing Piglet . Speaking of Piglet , the appearance of Winnie the Pooh and the 100 - acre Wood sequences are some of the finest moments in any game ever , and capture just how Square and Disney shot for the moon and hit it .
The gameplay itself is simple , having much in common with the later Zelda games and comparable Playstation 2 releases such as Jak and Daxter . While the fighting can sometimes get repetitive , there are so many bonus features included in this game that revolve around items found in combat and reaching high character advancement levels , that the more you seek to get out of the game , the less obtrustive all the combat seems .
Though the game itself is nothing revolutionary , it is a perfectly executed effort . Considering the outrageousness of its concept and its success in achieving it , Kingdom Hearts gets superlative marks in every regard . Though the game can be enjoyed by anyone with only a cursory interest or knowledge of Disney or Square lore , anyone with a child's familiarity with Disney's films or a gamer's passion for Square's series will find themselves in a game experience unlike any other . A true victory for audacious daring .
004 4 Hey everyone , I pre-ordered directly from Squaresoft , and was lucky to receive the game a full week before its street release ! Kingdom Hearts is definitely worth the wait and anticipation . It brilliantly mixes the dark sensibilities of Square's work with Disney's well-known brand of layered humor . There are over 100 Disney cameos in the game , and only around a dozen from Final Fantasy . While the various Disney characters fill their roles to perfection , this is NOT a kids game ! Beloved Disney characters die , both onscreen and off . Through the brilliant writing and impeccable voice acting , there are several scenes that WILL bring a tear to your eye , the most poignant for me being Sora's first meeting with a very lonely and confused Winnie the Pooh . The story centers around Sora ( voiced wonderfully by Haley Joel Osment ) , an ordinary boy thrust into an extraordinary adventure . He is joined by Goofy and Donald Duck , which are pure perfection , like the rest of the cast . In each world ( save for three ) , you have the option of recruiting famous Disney heroes / heroines into your party . Notable party guests include Ariel , Jack Skellington and Beast , who packs a punch with powerful melee-based moves . The villains fulfill their roles with unabashed glee , with notable performances going to Maleficent ( whose voice actress sounds remarkably like the original actress from Sleeping Beauty ) and Hades ( who is once again voiced by James Woods ) . Only the camera ( which can get downright evil in certain areas ) and the length of the game itself otherwise marr this breathtaking title . Please , enjoy this game , because I know I am !
005 4 Yeah , I know adequate isn't exactly an attention grabber for a review but I couldn't think of another way to describe this game . However , I will elaborate .
The game's plot revolves around multiple dimension-like worlds in the Disney and Final Fantasy universe . Kind of like a Mickey Mouse version of the show Sliders . Anyway , you have to travel to all of these worlds looking for your standard bad guys the Heartless . Your main character , Sora , holds the key to defeating the Heartless and setting things right again . I'm not kidding , he actually uses a weapon called a keyblade . And you thought the gunblade was original . In your travels you'll go to Agrabah ( home of Aladdin ) , Wonderland , Neverland , Olympus , Tarzan's jungle , and others . All the while encountering critters from Disney cartoons and Final Fantasy games .
Being a Final Fantasy fan , the major draw for me in this game was seeing Final Fantasy characters from Final Fantasy 7 , 8 , and 10 . Unfortunately , this is one aspect of the game that disappoints . Cameos are limited . I haven't played through the entire game but it seems that the only characters playing significant roles are Leon ( aka Squall from FF8 ) , Cid ( from FF7 ) , and a little bit from Yuffie ( FF7 ) and Aerith ( Aeris / FF7 ) . Sure old favorites Cloud and Sephiroth make appearances , but they don't play major roles in the game . And in the end , you could easily replace them with normal , original NPCs . Square's number one reason for including them is to pander to the Final Fantasy crowd . Mission accomplished , I bought it .
You'll mostly be encountering Disney characters . Disney NPCs , Disney party members , even Disney summon monsters . For me , all that Disney stuff would make me vomit , but it isn't as childish as you would think . Donald and Goofy provide you with battle support and they're good for a laugh in cutscenes . On the downside , all of the worlds I've seen so far are Disney worlds , nothing from Final Fantasy , or at least anything original - except for the first island you start on , and that reminds me of Besaid from FFX .
The voice acting in the game is short . Most of what you see are dialogue boxes or speech bubbles instead of actual voices . But the voices that are in the game are excellent . Square and Disney actually hired some professional talent for a few of the non-Disney characters . And even the Disney characters are voiced by either the original voice actor from their respective movies , or the actor from the TV series spinoff ( in a few cases ) . The dialogue is a little choppy in some areas , but it's not as ridiculous as some of the translated dialogue in other games .
Play control . Jeez . Controlling your character is relatively easy . Battles are a little tougher because of the battle menu , but they do provide a few shortcut buttons for magic , etc . The absolute worst thing is the platform jumping . Between the camera angles and your nitwit sidekicks , it's difficult to land some jumps . Donald and Goofy are constantly in the way , they follow you around like the characters in Final Fantasy 8 do , unfortunately you can't walk through them . I had to push Goofy off a ledge a few times just to see where I was going . They do add a remedy for the problems - a first person look around view . It helps to see around and to line yourself up with a jump , but it doesn't help if you turn the camera around to look for a platform only to see that annoying duck standing in your way . And in battle they were basically useless for me . After playing Devil May Cry , I'm good enough with melee sword combat that I don't need the backup of a giant dog with a shield and a duck who can't hit a monster the size of a building with a fire spell .
The minor problems aside , the game has its strengths . The story and the cutscenes make you feel like you're actually controlling a Disney movie - not necessarily a bad thing . And the freedom of movement in battles was a nice change from turn-based Final Fantasy combat . It's no Final Fantasy X , but Kingdom Hearts ranks as one of the best RPGs I've ever played .
Pros :
- Great battle system
- Top notch voice acting
- Music is good and it sets the mood in certain areas
- Original and engaging story
Cons :
- Donald and Goofy get in the way
- Other members of your party aren't very helpful in battle
- Final Fantasy angle not as prominant as many would like
Overall I gave it four stars taking into consideration the flaws . If you're looking for an original RPG , I would recommend this game . But if you're looking for a Final Fantasy clone , this isn't it . Otherwise I think everyone should give this game a shot . Rent it first , and if you like it then buy it .
006 4 This game is the best . Every Part of it is great . Sora the main character gets zapped away from his home along with with his friends Rikku and Kari . Also on the island are Tidus and Wakka from FFX along with Selphine from FFVIII . Sora then meets Goofy and Donald and gets his key blade . A sword that can defeat the heartless . Donald and Goofy are on their own quest . You use a ship called the Gummi to travel to different Disney worlds . Other disney characters like Tarzan and The Little Mermade can get on your team .
* Downsides - Well I really don't want to say anything bad about this game but the camra angles sometimes go near a wall and you can't see Sora . It can be fixed . Also you can't open chests while you are fighting so if you find a rare chest and then a heartless knocks you down and you die . Well no game is perfect .
007 4 You know , I have to admit it . I'm not much of a Disney fan nor a Square fan either . I've played several of the Final Fantasy games , and even Parasite Eve 1 2 but I can't say I've ever been blown away by any of it . That is , til now .
This game has got to be the most fun I've had in years . I mean , I've never had but two games ever draw me in like all get out to where I can't stop playing it ( those games were Quake and Golden Sun ) . Now , I have a third . It's Kingdom Hearts . For those of you thinking it's a kiddie game , think again because this game will definitely hand that assumption back to you with a lil something extra . You play as Sora and along with Donald and Goofy . . . . you go looking for Mickey meeting some mean ol ' nasties along the way . Battles aren't of your usual Final Fantasy Variety as they are fought in real-time but they are awesome just the same as you can summon several Disney characters to help you out ( mine favorite being Simba ) .
If you're into RPGs , even if you're not , try out Kingdom Hearts . It's definitely worth your time . Square did this game justice .
Hope there is a part two .
008 4 Kingdom Hearts is an exceptional RPG , that ends all too quickly .
The gist of the story : 14 year-old Sora is separated from his friends , Riku and Kairi , when the Heartless ( enemies with no hearts ) take over their island . Sora joins forces with Donald and Goofy , and becomes the Keyblade Master , the Keyblade being a sacred weapon that can defeat the Heartless , and save the world .
The game contains about 10 different Disney worlds from different Disney movies , and you must travel to them in your Gummi Ship ( More on that later ) .
The sound and voice acting are fantastic , and Kingdom Hearts holds a record as the game where the developer has spent the most money on voice acting , by hiring Haley Joel Osment ( Sora ) , Mandy Moore ( Aerith ) , David Gallagher ( Riku ) , and Billy Zane ( Ansem ) , Lance Bass , and others . All of the Disney characters have their original voices , including Donald Duck's classic helium voice .
The gameplay is also great , but not perfect . You must travel to each of the worlds to seal off the keyhole to that world with the Keyblade , to get rid of the Heartless in that world . The battle system is simple and well-designed . The command menu at the bottom left of the screen is also very easy to use , where you can select to attack , cast magic , use an item , or perform an action . The magic shortcuts are also a nice touch , and comes in very handy during difficult boss fights .
A lot of characters from the Final Fantasy series make cameos , from Final Fantasy VII to Final Fantasy X .
But the one major flaw with Kingdom Hearts is the replay value . Once you finish the game , there is almost nothing left to do , except finish the Coliseum Tournaments , round up any remaining Dalmatians , and find any remaining Trinity Marks , which may seem like a lot , but really isn't .
The best solution to this problem would be to make a Kingdom Hearts 2 , and make the game harder , and last a lot longer .
Even still , Kingdom Hearts is a great RPG , and is a blast to play .
009 4 First of all I would like to say that this is the greatest game I have ever played . Many people hear the words Disney Characters and they say , No way , I'm not even going to try that game . Kingdom Hearts goes way past Disney into something that RPG and many other types of gamers have never seen before . They have taken Final Fantasy , the greatest RPG of our time , combined that with Walt Disney's greatest ideas and have come up with something spectacular . The story begins with Sora , voiced by Haley Joel Osment , on a small island called Destiny Islands . Sora is taken to a place in which the person playing gets to choose his / her style , what I mean by this is that you choose your strength and weakness . After a series of questions by past Final Fantasy characters ( Which I recommend that you answer them on how you feel ) you start off on your journey so to speak . Throughout the game you will be able to have various Disney characters along side you such as Aladdin , Beast , Tarzan , Ariel , etc . , but Goofy and Donald are always with you . The storyline is so deep and complex , you are pulled right in . Sora's world is attacked and consumed by the Heartless , and his friends Riku and Kairi are no where to be found when Sora finds himself in Traverse Town . The ending , which I will not give away , is great looking and amazing . It is also a very sad way to end the game . Here are some ratings that I have come up with myself .
Graphics : 9.5
The graphics are truly amazing . Everything fits and is not at all out of place .
Audio : 9.0
The music is excellent , which is expected as with all games by Squaresoft . The vocals are great , Haley Joel Osment has done an excellent job with giving Sora his own personality . The background music fits so well . . .
Lasting Appeal : 9.5
I have played this game myself 3 times already and plan to start it again when I receive enough free time . There is so much to do with this game its unbelievable .
Controls / Gameplay : 8.5
The controls are confusing until you get use to using them . The Gameplay is smooth but can be confusing at times . . .
Storyline : 10.0
The storyline is very complex and very good . Everything ties together . Even though Mickey is the King of Donald and Goofy's world , just seeing in the end how Donald and Goofy have searched just to find him is great . Storyline is amazing . You have to get it to understand .
And so , this game is a keeper and is the best game that I have played . If you are wondering what it is that I have played , here are a few . LOTR : The Two Towers , GTA : 3 and Vice City , Mark of Kri , Devil May Cry , Final Fantasy 7 - 10 , etc . . .
014 4 With the combo of Squaresoft and Disney putting together an action RPG I sort of expected a whimsical gaming romp through a cotton-candy , brightly hued world full of laughs and amusements galore . Was I ever surprised to discover that the finished product was mostly set in a dark , evil environment with difficult / challenging gameplay and a steep learning curve . I'm guessing that a lot of 1st time RPG'ers probablly took a stab at this game with the belief that if it's a Disneyesque game how hard can it be ? - only to quit the game midway through in frustration .
In a nutshell this game is no leisurely stroll through the Magic Kingdom . While Disney afficionados will no doubt be thrilled to explore worlds ranging from ' Aladdin , ' to ' Nightmare Before Christmas , ' they will just as well be shocked at the level of difficulty that players will be required to overcome . Because of this , I would certainly not recommend this title to small children along with inexperienced gamers - which is quite ironic considering that this is the very demographic you would think the game would've been targeted towards .
For the more hardcore gamer I would recommend the experience - 40 hour commitment notwithstanding . Aside from the degrees of frustration you will face - there are also nuggets of memorable gameplay scattered throughout . The summon spells utilizing Disney characters is one of them , and the gameplay set in the ' Winnie the Pooh ' world offers a nice respite from the more frenzied settings in most of the game . My chief complaint though is the awful game camera . Much to my dismay , I found myself on the brink of motion-sickness on more then several occassions . While the game falls short of the mark , i do have to give kudos to Squaresoft for attempting to take the risk of subverting the norms of the ' Disney ' genre somewhat . With that in mind I certainly look forward to seeing the sequel .
016 4 Squaresoft has been known for their excellent ability at making RPG's or Role Playing Games . Their venture into making a game with Disney has turned out to be much better than anyone could have hoped for .
For starters , if you enjoy RPG's , this should be looked into immediately . It's got everything one could want and I will now go into detail .
The story goes like this , you are a young boy , Sora , who gets mixed up in some weird business and end up teaming with Donald Duck and Goofy to find your lost friends Riku and Kairi as well as King > Mickey Mouse . Squaresoft was able to integrate many of the past FF characters , but you will only see characters from FF7 , 8 , 10 . There are plenty of Disney characters , as the game will have you going from one disney world to the next stopping whatever evil is at hand .
Kingdom Hearts is a great visual game , no , not quite as good as say FFX . Some places are well done , but others , like Halloween Town , are a tad bit too small , and will leave some people disappointed . Voice acting is superb , plenty of the original actors return , and a few are different . The Genie for example is not done by Robin Williams , but they were able to have the person who plays the voice of Homer Simpson do it . The main characters are great , and a few are done by major actors and singers . Mandy Moore , Haley Joel Osment , Lance Bass . ( who plays Sephiroth , no comment there as I have yet to hear him speak )
The battle system runs alot like Threads of Fate , or for those of you unaccustomed to that , picture Zelda games with battle commands . The AI for your party members is pretty poor , you can set what they will do sure , but it's very limited , and they are not smart enough to know when to run and when to fight . Most of the time , they'll just attack head on , which is great since it enables you to go around behind and get a sneak attack in .
The music is great , typical Squaresoft quality . Disney songs , like Under the Sea are present , but each environment has its own battle theme . The boss music , main theme , and One Winged Angel remix are superb .
The difficulty ranges , for the most part players will breeze through the normal encounters , but some boss fights are pretty tough . Towards the end it will get frustrating , however you only need to be at level 50 to beat the game . Anything over level 70 and you will massacre this game . The mini games present are fun , and doing everything will take a good 50 hours at least . Don't forget to try out Expert mode if you think Normal was too easy .
Well , that's about it . Camera angels are still an issue , though not as bad as some games I've seen , and some old school FF characters would have really helped , like Sabin or Kefka , but it more than deserves the full 5 stars . By doing a few requirements , and then beating the game , you will be prompted with a teaser FMV , that will lead into the Kingdom Hearts sequel . It's worth the cash and then some .
017 4 All Final Fantasy people out there im sorry but this is one great game , it can get confusing at times , and at first controls are a little awkward , but once you get into its alot of fun . Its a very addictive game and can be played to get everything and become as powerful as possiblwe or you can play through the game and not take extra time to get the secrets . You can beat the final boss even if your under powered . I was under level 50 and beat the game ( but now im going back and getting stuff ) or you can wait until nothing stands in your way . Its all up to you and your playing style
Overall its a great game
018 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Yes . . It took me a long time to write a reveiw for this game . I got it about three months after it came out . XP
Anyways . This game is amazing , and ranks up as one of the top sellers in it's time that it was released to now . The game is amazing with a great plot , Final Fantasy characters , and disney worlds . In short , a wonderful blend of Final Fantasy meets Disney .
Plot , Sora was an average kid . He wanted to escape to other worlds alongside his friends . Of course , something happens that always messes up those dreams . The night before they were about to leave the island , mysterious beings attacked their island , seperating Kairi and Riku ( his two best friends ) , Sora then had a mysterious weapon called ' The Keyblade ' in his hands . Meanwhile , King Mickey had noticed that stars were blinking out , and ordered Donald and Goofy to go find the key , the key to their salvation . . . . Then you need to play to figure out the rest .
Graphics , the graphics are wonderful . Music , the hit song in this game is ' Simple and Clean ' it's very awesome for the introduction , and ( SPOILER ! ) with the video they play at the end , and the slower version of the song brought many people to tears .
Characters , the voices they got were wonderful . They got a number of disney stars such as Christy Carlson Romono ( Sorry , I spelt her name wrong . ) from Even Stevens and Kim Possible to play Yuffie , and then other famous people to play other voices in the game .
In this game , you go to a number of different worlds in which there are more disney characters to fight along side with . In this game ( SPOILER WARNING ) there is : Tarzan , Alice in Wonderland , Hercules , Aladin , Monstro the giant whale of DOOOM ! , Nightmare Before Christmas ( AKA Holloween Town ) , Atlantica , and Peter Pan . There there are another four words called : Traverse Town , Hollow Bation ( Which you get to have beast in your party ) , Destiny Island ( Sora's home world ) , and the End World .
Each world is different , and each one get's harder and harder . It's a fun game , because you never really do know what to expect next .
Pros .
Lots of Disney and FF mixture
the worlds are amazing .
Cons .
Atlantica's music get's annoying really fast .
019 4 Yes . . It took me a long time to write a reveiw for this game . I got it about three months after it came out . XP
Anyways . This game is amazing , and ranks up as one of the top sellers in it's time that it was released to now . The game is amazing with a great plot , Final Fantasy characters , and disney worlds . In short , a wonderful blend of Final Fantasy meets Disney .
Plot , Sora was an average kid . He wanted to escape to other worlds alongside his friends . Of course , something happens that always messes up those dreams . The night before they were about to leave the island , mysterious beings attacked their island , seperating Kairi and Riku ( his two best friends ) , Sora then had a mysterious weapon called ' The Keyblade ' in his hands . Meanwhile , King Mickey had noticed that stars were blinking out , and ordered Donald and Goofy to go find the key , the key to their salvation . . . . Then you need to play to figure out the rest .
Graphics , the graphics are wonderful . Music , the hit song in this game is ' Simple and Clean ' it's very awesome for the introduction , and ( SPOILER ! ) with the video they play at the end , and the slower version of the song brought many people to tears .
Characters , the voices they got were wonderful . They got a number of disney stars such as Christy Carlson Romono ( Sorry , I spelt her name wrong . ) from Even Stevens and Kim Possible to play Yuffie , and then other famous people to play other voices in the game .
In this game , you go to a number of different worlds in which there are more disney characters to fight along side with . In this game ( SPOILER WARNING ) there is : Tarzan , Alice in Wonderland , Hercules , Aladin , Monstro the giant whale of DOOOM ! , Nightmare Before Christmas ( AKA Holloween Town ) , Atlantica , and Peter Pan . There there are another four words called : Traverse Town , Hollow Bation ( Which you get to have beast in your party ) , Destiny Island ( Sora's home world ) , and the End World .
Each world is different , and each one get's harder and harder . It's a fun game , because you never really do know what to expect next .
Pros .
Lots of Disney and FF mixture
the worlds are amazing .
Cons .
Atlantica's music get's annoying really fast .
020 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I must preface this review with two facts : I am legally blind and three of the fingers on my right hand are unresponsive / partially paralyzed . With these things being said , it likely comes as no surprise that I do not play action RPGs very often . They are usually too difficult for me to get interested in . This is what I thought would be the case with Kingdom Hearts , and it accounts for the key reason it took me this long to get it .
But my little brother wanted to get KH2 and couldn't afford it , so I offered to go halves with him on it . Since I play games for their story , I took a chance and picked up KH1 for $30 canadian , expecting to get off of Destiny Island and become hopefully stuck . Yet the moment of frustration has yet to come . . . and I am on my way to Hallow Bastion ( sp ? ) , which is apparently Maleficent's location . I am actually in shock .
The controls for Kingdom Hearts are extremely easy to use and the options that are presented , such as using buttons as hotkeys for magic and the game remembering the last spell you used manually , makes accessing things ' on the fly ' a breeze , rather then a death sentance . Combat , physically , relies on using the B button to smash your opponents to bits , and killing them rewards you with HP balls , MP Balls or Munny ( the game's currancy ) assuring you won't be desperately grabbing a potion every 3 seconds .
There is an R1 lock-on feature which is great for bosses , large enemies and locking onto hard to spot items ( the fish on Destiny Island , for instance ) . R2 and L2 allow you to rotate the camera , which automatically ( unless you switch to manual ) follows behind Sora as you wander through the game . I have heard a lot of horror stories about the Kingdom Hearts camera , but I really haven't had a lot of trouble with it . I have noticed during the 35 hours I have played so far that whenever there is super tough platforming , such as the Hippos Lagoon in Deep Jungle , that you are not bombarded by enemies , allowing you the chance to set the camera so you can figure out your jumps . Plus , Sora's jump ability has a nice ' glide ' to it , allowing you some control over where he is going .
Each world is very beautiful , with rich vivid colors , excellent voice acting for each character and a decent amount of places to explore without getting hopefully lost . There are tons of disney characters and a fair number of Final Fantasy characters to meet and interact with . Each character is nicely designed and fun to get to ' meet ' rather then ' watch ' ( in the case of the disney characters ) .
Why do so many people hate the Gummi ship ? I Love the Gummi ship ! ! ! I was so scared that it was going to be this impossible thing that was going to destroy the game for me . In reality , it is a spacing shooter mini game . As the game progresses , you can even set up ' warp ' options so that you don't have to go through a Gummi level every time you want to go anywhere .
In short , if I can play this then pretty much anyone can . It is definately Worth playing and it has an excellent storyline and very fun gameplay to keep you interested . I would highly recommend this game to anyone who loves Disney , Final Fantasy or a good action RPG .
021 4 I must preface this review with two facts : I am legally blind and three of the fingers on my right hand are unresponsive / partially paralyzed . With these things being said , it likely comes as no surprise that I do not play action RPGs very often . They are usually too difficult for me to get interested in . This is what I thought would be the case with Kingdom Hearts , and it accounts for the key reason it took me this long to get it .
But my little brother wanted to get KH2 and couldn't afford it , so I offered to go halves with him on it . Since I play games for their story , I took a chance and picked up KH1 for $30 canadian , expecting to get off of Destiny Island and become hopefully stuck . Yet the moment of frustration has yet to come . . . and I am on my way to Hallow Bastion ( sp ? ) , which is apparently Maleficent's location . I am actually in shock .
The controls for Kingdom Hearts are extremely easy to use and the options that are presented , such as using buttons as hotkeys for magic and the game remembering the last spell you used manually , makes accessing things ' on the fly ' a breeze , rather then a death sentance . Combat , physically , relies on using the B button to smash your opponents to bits , and killing them rewards you with HP balls , MP Balls or Munny ( the game's currancy ) assuring you won't be desperately grabbing a potion every 3 seconds .
There is an R1 lock-on feature which is great for bosses , large enemies and locking onto hard to spot items ( the fish on Destiny Island , for instance ) . R2 and L2 allow you to rotate the camera , which automatically ( unless you switch to manual ) follows behind Sora as you wander through the game . I have heard a lot of horror stories about the Kingdom Hearts camera , but I really haven't had a lot of trouble with it . I have noticed during the 35 hours I have played so far that whenever there is super tough platforming , such as the Hippos Lagoon in Deep Jungle , that you are not bombarded by enemies , allowing you the chance to set the camera so you can figure out your jumps . Plus , Sora's jump ability has a nice ' glide ' to it , allowing you some control over where he is going .
Each world is very beautiful , with rich vivid colors , excellent voice acting for each character and a decent amount of places to explore without getting hopefully lost . There are tons of disney characters and a fair number of Final Fantasy characters to meet and interact with . Each character is nicely designed and fun to get to ' meet ' rather then ' watch ' ( in the case of the disney characters ) .
Why do so many people hate the Gummi ship ? I Love the Gummi ship ! ! ! I was so scared that it was going to be this impossible thing that was going to destroy the game for me . In reality , it is a spacing shooter mini game . As the game progresses , you can even set up ' warp ' options so that you don't have to go through a Gummi level every time you want to go anywhere .
In short , if I can play this then pretty much anyone can . It is definately Worth playing and it has an excellent storyline and very fun gameplay to keep you interested . I would highly recommend this game to anyone who loves Disney , Final Fantasy or a good action RPG .
022 4 . . . This game contains some of the best graphics and gameplay of any game on the market . It was completely developed by Squaresoft , by the creators of Final Fantasy . There are only a few camera issues . This game is not kiddy , it flows very nicely , and a good relief from the typical RPG . Characters from Final Fantasy games return , as well as all the famous Disney Characters . This title is a very imaginative and fun game , and i would recommend it to anyone with a brain .
023 4 First I must admit that I had never played a Final Fantasy game until I became obsessed over Kingdom Hearts . Furthermore , the only reason I stated obsessing is because it had Disney characters . I don't have a ps2 , but I decided I must play this game . Finally , I borrowed a friend's ps2 and began playing Kingdom Hearts , and I was not disappointed . It is a superduper GREAT game .
You play as Sora , and only Sora . You begin by learning the controls and deciding what type of power Sora will excel in . ( I chose defense and gave up strength , by the way . ) You fight a great shadowy figure , and after it is done , you begin the game . A movie begins , you appear on an island , start collecting items , challenging friends for experience ( some of which are from previous FF games ) , and time passes . The game doesn't seem too interesting at this point , but after about 45 minutes of playing ( depending on how long it takes you to find all the items you need , and how many times you decide to challenge your friends and play the mini games ) , the story begins . Sora's home , Destiny Islands , becomes infested with tiny shadow creatures . Sora runs past them and receives the keyblade , opens a door , and his quest begins . He soon meets Donald the mage and Goofy the guardian , who are from another world . Sora tries to find his best friends from Destiny Islands , Riku and Kairi , and Donald and Goofy look for the source of the darkness and their king , Mickey Mouse . Together , they travel to different worlds ( containing different characters from different Disney movies ) . Sora learns of the evil that threatens to take over worlds and destroy his friends . He is the one who wields the keyblade , and who must save the universe from the evil Heartless .
That is just a quick idea of the story . Sora goes to different worlds , like Wonderland ( Alice in Wonderland ) and Atlantica ( The Little Mermaid ) , and the story unfolds . Lots of things are in store for the young Sora .
Why did I like this game so much ? First of all , it gave me something to do over my winter break . You must be warned that this game does take up a bunch of time . In fact , it catalogues the hours you spend playing it . This game cannot be completed in a weekend ( unless you don't sleep and don't collect everything ) . People have told me that they were able to beat the game in 40 hours ( a full time job ) , but it took me close to 60 - something hours to complete it . So , I put a lot of time into the game .
Secondly , it is a fun story that reuses our favorite Disney characters , and you are part of it . You can fight with Tarzan or Aladdin , converse with princesses , fly on the magic carpet , help Pooh out of a tight ( and sticky ) situation . But there is a quest that you cannot lose sight of . You begin with a few conceptions about what your quest is , but then it's changed . You learn more . You lose trust in some people . You gain trust in others .
The graphics are terrific . They are not the same type of graphics that I've seen in FFX . Since we're dealing with Disney cartoons , the graphics look more cartoon-y . The game play is also different than what I've recently seen in FFX . You only play Sora . Donald and Goofy or whoever you have in your party act independently . They cast their own spells and have control over whatever is in their inventory . You can assign them certain skills , choose which weapons they use and which accessories they wear , and give them potions for their inventory , but that's about it . Also , Sora continually fights . He does not only strike one hit per turn , but can run to his enemies and strike as many hits as it takes to destroy his enemy . Also , if some of the voices of the characters seem familiar , it's probably because they are . Many of the original voices of the characters voice the characters for Kingdom Hearts . Also , celebrity voices , like Haley Joel Osment and Billy Zane , lend their voices to certain characters .
Are their faults ? Perhaps . Although Sora receives certain magic spells called summons ( he can summon Dumbo , Bambi , Simba , Mushu , Tinkerbell , and the Genie ) , I found it hard to find a use for these summons , since you can't use them when you play the coliseum . There were also times where I wandered around for a long time trying to find what was next , even though I had the strategy guide as a reference . It also took me a VERY long time to realize that you need to equip your skills to use them . And it took me FOREVER to find a silly white mushroom that motioned for the stop spells . Eventually I figured all of that out . Finally , the mini-games . . . hmm . Some were fun . Some were annoying . The Hundred Acre Wood level was a little slow .
One last word of advice : I think that anyone who plays this game should try to find as much as they can . You are rewarded by a special movie for completing certain things before you end the game .
Like I said at the beginning , this game is awesome . Definitely worth playing . A pity that it's only released on the ps2 , but it is definitely a game that would make me want to buy a ps2 system .
Huzzah for Kingdom Hearts !
024 4 When I heard of the game for the first time , it sounded like a really really bad idea . I mean , Disney and FF ? Then I played for a few minutes at a friend's house and was HOOKED ! The storyline is great , the gameplay is well-balanced , the graphics are fun and there are little Disney FF in-jokes everywhere . It's not too hard for younger ones because of the two difficulty levels . Seasoned gamers will feel comfortable with the Final Fantasy style commands . This is a must-have game ! I'm sure that most PS2 owners would love to receive this one as a gift .
025 4 Being a mature gamer I am a big fan of Squaresoft , but not a big fan of Disney . When I heard of the seemingly unholy marriage of these two mega corporations , I was terrified yet intrigued . But when I rented this game , it was good - - surpisingly good . In fact , I ended up buying the game . The game has its flaws however , minor ones that in my view cause it to lose only 1 star . The game has tons of pros going for it .
This game has some stunning graphics , although not on par with Final Fantasy X . Animation is smooth and nice , but lacks the overall detail found in most of Square's other games . The 3D cartoon look is good for this game , but it's also a problem . Disney characters look good at first glance , but lack detail . Everything in the world seems to be bland . There are not many textured effects .
Also , I must say the Final Fantasy characters look much better then the Disney characters , because as stated before , the FF characters have insane amounts of detail . Example : hair . Compare Tarzan's hair with Cloud's hair , and you'll see what I mean . Good graphics , but lacking in detail .
As far as gameplay and sound goes , they are top notch . Sword slashing , spell casting , assisting - - all are a breeze to do . The action flows fast and smooth , kinda like the game Shinobi . An effective lock on target makes the combat focused so you don't get overwhelmed by enemies . A good part about this game is that you not only have to think out strategies and attacks , but you have to keep up with the fast pace . I love this type of challenge , as will many older gamers . The game isn't hard at all when it comes to normal battles , however the boss battles are TOUGH ! ( I lost count of how many times I died while fighting Cerebus . ) You'll think this game is easy and simple , until you get slapped in the face with a larger-than-life boss . Then , you might need to go back for training to get stronger . . .
Now , let's talk about sound and music . They are both great , aside from the opening song ( which is sung by one of Disney's mass produced Pop singers , I might add ) . But don't get me wrong about the opening song : it isn't bad . I wouldn't download or buy it , however it doesn't force me to hit the mute button . Songs for the towns and environments are good , everything from walking in town , to the battle music theme ( which WILL get stuck in your head ) . The sword slashes and magic sounds are ear candy - - everything sounds so real ! I like it when I defeat one of the shadow monsters , and the hunny ( ie , the game currency ) makes a light clank sound as it hits the floor . Other little sounds consistently surprise and please your ears . Voice acting is VERY well done , of course , featuring all of the original Disney voices and the well-done voices for the Final Fantasy characters .
Now , this game is unusual in storyline . One minute you're on an island with Final Fantasy X and VIII characters , trying to build a raft to depart . Before you know it , you're teamed up with Goofy and Donald Duck fighting little shadow monsters . I'm not a big Disney fan , in fact I would have preferred to see more Final Fantasy characters then Disney ( Shadow , Edgar , Sabin , Kain , Edge , Kefka , etc . ) . I REALLY wanted to see Shadow in this game ! Plus , they seem to combine Square characters . For example , it's awkard to see two opposites come together in one character , such as Cloud who appears to wear Vincent's clothes , as well as his style and occupation .
I liked the beginning storyline , but then it dropped off after the Disney characters appeared . Still a good storyline , but it could have been better .
Overall , this is a good buy and is well worth your money . If you're a Disney fan of course it's a must buy . If you're a Squaresoft fan , check it out first to see if you like it before buying it . Believe me , the idea of Disney and Square together in one game scared me ! But after playing it , I ended up loving the game . It's unusual , and it may not be for all older gamers . . . but it pleasantly surprised me , and I would suggest this game to many people . It may not be the best game out there , but it's definitely ONE of the best !
028 4 Any gamer with an open mind will simply enjoy Kingdom Hearts . Disney or Square fans will absolutely fall in love with it !
The game oozes quality everywhere . Beautiful artwork and animation abounds . I loved the music ! The sound effects are flawless and most of the voice overs are extremely authentic . It was a real treat to hear beloved Final Fantasy characters speak for the first time .
The battles were never repetitive for me . Unlike most players I didn't have a problem with the controls at all . . . once I got a turbo-fire controller , that is . The camera was the only thing that needed improvement , I thought .
Like most Squaresoft games there was a significant amount of tedious item-gathering , but it wasn't as frustrating as in Final Fantasies 7 - 10 . This is only a problem for those gamers who are perfectionists and have to utilize EVERY SINGLE THING in the game . . . like me .
My personal favorite moment in Kingdom Hearts was finding Sephiroth for the first time and hearing his One Winged Angel theme music . It was too cool for words .
Kingdom Hearts is another Squaresoft masterpiece . It's also something for Disney to be happy about .
030 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I haven't played such a light hearted game with such originality for a while . Kingdom Hearts is just one of those games that catch you off guard and make you believe that there are still games out there that can make every age happy . Truthfully , after I bought this game I never relieze how tired I was of the increasing intense and dark implications that have been showing up in the newer games lately on the Playstation 2 .
However , my whole family loved this one . It was fun , looked good and was challenging . The story was a bit confusing , but I didn't care and nether did the kids . They loved the disney characters ( which I never really understood , I'm not a big fan of disney and we only took a trip to disney world once ) and I got to recognize some of the final fantasy characters ( Yes , I've played Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 10 , who hasn't ? ) .
I highly recommend this game to any parents . Expecially those parents who like to play as much as their kids .
031 4 I haven't played such a light hearted game with such originality for a while . Kingdom Hearts is just one of those games that catch you off guard and make you believe that there are still games out there that can make every age happy . Truthfully , after I bought this game I never relieze how tired I was of the increasing intense and dark implications that have been showing up in the newer games lately on the Playstation 2 .
However , my whole family loved this one . It was fun , looked good and was challenging . The story was a bit confusing , but I didn't care and nether did the kids . They loved the disney characters ( which I never really understood , I'm not a big fan of disney and we only took a trip to disney world once ) and I got to recognize some of the final fantasy characters ( Yes , I've played Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 10 , who hasn't ? ) .
I highly recommend this game to any parents . Expecially those parents who like to play as much as their kids .
032 4 I have only begun my chances in RPGs , although I roleplay in chatrooms - this is diferent . I was on the third disc ( and still on the third disc ) of Final Fantasy IX ( 9 for all you illiterates ) when I recieved this game for Christmas . I saw two commercials , one with the slow version of Simple and Clean and the fast one . Both songs are sung by JPop ( Japanese pop ) sensation Hikaru Utada ( yes , she is an idol so you pronounce her name the American way ) . I was intrigued by the various Disney characters , and even more when I discovered it had Final Fantasy cameos ! Well , this game is definately one of the ages , and although I haven't played Final Fantasy X , I believe it can go farther than FFX could ever go .
The story revolves around the most purest of hearts and how a spill of darkness can overflow it . Sora , Kairi and Riku are kids ( 14 , 14 and 15 ) who want to explore all of the worlds . When their world is invaded by a force known as the Heartless , Sora is transported to Traverse Town ( literally a town of traversities for the worlds ) where he meets up with Donald and Goofey , who set off to find their King Mickey ( who went exploring to fight the Heartless ) . It turns out that from Leon / Squall , Yuffie and Aerith from various Final Fantasies ( VIII and VII , I believe ) , Sora is the Keyblade master , chosen to save the worlds from the Heartless .
But there is so much more to this game than going to the Disney worlds and meeting up with characters from Final Fantasy . It seems as if Kingdom Hearts was the original idea , and Disney and Final Fantasy were created to be fillers . It all goes together ! Seven Princesses of Heart , Maleficent as the main villain ( or so you think . . . ) , etc .
This game also has authentic voice-overs for over one hundred Disney characters and a variety of Final Fantasy characters . I recommend you buy it if you especially like Disney and Final Fantasy , but even if you only like one or the other , Kingdom Hearts is the game for you because although it's a combination , it has the Final Fantasy feel / characters and Disney worlds / characters .
List of all Disney characters in KH :
King Mickey
Queen Minnie
Lady Daisy
Queen of Hearts
White Rabbit ( I'm late , I'm late . . . )
Card Soldiers
Cheshire Cat
The Doorknob
Various Nameless Gorrillas / Kerchak ?
Various Nameless Hippoes
Rock Titan
Ice Titan
Jafar / Genie Jafar
Cave of Wonders Entity
Tinker Bell
Jimminy Cricket
King Triton
The Shark
The Dolphin
Captain Hook
Peter Pan
Ticking Alligator
Jack Skellington
Dr . Frankelstein ( ? ? ? )
The Mayor
Oogie Boogie
Snow White
Princess Aurora
The Beast
Fairy Godmother
All 99 Puppies
Maleficent / Dragon Maleficent
Winnie the Pooh
Characters from Final Fantasy appearing in KH :
Squall / Leon
I consider Riku , Kairi , Ansem and Sora original characters made only for KH ( and maybe a cameo on other games ? ? ? ) . Therefore , I do not consider them either FF or Disney characters - but SIMPLY KH CHARACTERS !
Sorry . . . I'm not a real FF expert ! ^ ^ ; I only played 9 so far . . . I wish Garnet or Zidane or even Vivi ( Donald's hat . . . yay ! ) could make an appearence .
033 4 This is by far one of the best games I have ever played ! ! ! ! I have actually played this game , it was an import of the the Japanese version . All of your favorite Final Fantasy , VII , VIII , X , characters are back though they are only cameos .
A lot of people are bashing this game and they have never even played it . . . Everyone I know who has played this game have not complained about it except for the minor annoyances . The only thing that screws with the gameplay is the camera . Though it should not stop from buying this game .
You play as a 14 year old boy named Sora who is swept away from his island into a totally new world . In the American version Sora is played by Haley Joel Osment . His two best friends Riku and Kairi are played by David Gallagher and Hayden Panettiere . There is a lot of other stars and celebrities playing the characters . I should add one of the big surprises was Lance Bass as Sephiroth . Do not worry because Lance mostly does Battle grunts . Another thing , for you mandy moore fans , Aerith is played by Mandy Moore .
Overall this is a great RPG . . . Ever get tired of summoning Shiva or Ifrit well why don't you summon Mushu from Mulan or Dumbo himself . The magic is back and better then ever . It really adds realism because you have to cast a spell in a real time environment so make sure the Heartless does not stop your spell .
Graphically based the graphics are average but on the FMV the graphics par up to even the Final Fantasy X FMVs . When you finish all the secrets and sidequests you will get a 1 minute long FMV that is by far the best FMV that Square has ever made .
In Conclusion this game is a must buy . The Disney World and your partners Goofy and Donald add Diversity to something ORIGINAL . . . Not the same old Final Fantasy ! ! ! So if you do not buy this new and interesting game it will be your loss not mine .
034 4 This is a game that captures all the great elements of the Final Fantasy series and the great stories and characters featured in Disney's most popular animated films . The important lesson we learn is , no matter what world we come from or how diverse our backgrounds are , we must work together to defeat the forces of evil that threaten our world and our very existence . Even when the battle is won and we are now worlds apart , the memories of our friends and experiences will keep them alive in our hearts , even in the all-consuming darkness .
Wonderful voice acting here from some of our favorite stars like Haley Joel Osment , Lance Bass , and Mandy Moore and superb soundtrack composed by Yoko Shimomura , even I found quite a few tunes catchy . Also beautifully-rendered 3 - D models of our favorite disney characters , which doesn't stop them from making us laugh .
On the downside , the camera angles in battle mode make it difficult to keep up with the mobiles you're trying to kill . Often it whirls around too quickly and close-ups are too close . Low replay value since you can't reuse the stats you had at the end of the game and there isn't anything to explore further other than what you missed the first time around . Personally , it would've been great to feature some of Square's worlds instead of entirely disney worlds with only a few characters from Final Fantasy VII and VIII .
I give this game a 4 stars out of 5 . Still a wonderful piece of work from the combined efforts of Square and Disney . It is definitely worth playing . Now that it's listed in the Greatest Hits catagory , it is now available for $19.99 , so definitely worth buying too .
035 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Nothing compares . Kingdom Hearts , developed by Square Enix , is simply phenomenal . I first came across this game when I was in second grade , and ( amazingly ) still love it today .
The story follows a young boy named Sora ( voiced by acting veteran Haley Joel Osment ) . He lives on a tranquil island with his friends Riku and Kairi , but dreams of visiting other worlds and embarking on new adventures . One day , he gets his wish , and is whisked away to the homely Traverse Town . There , he meets two new friends ( Disney's Donald Duck and Goofy ) . And so , their journey together begins . But it won't be smooth sailing . Can Sora , with the help of his friends , stop the evil beasts known as Heartless , and find the missing Riku and Kairi ? With the strength of Sora's newfound Keyblade , it just might be possible . In the game , there is an interesting combination of Final Fantasy , ( Cloud , Leon , Tidus , and others make appearances ) and the colorful characters of Disney ( Donald , Goofy , KIng Mickey Mouse , and many others ) .
The only minor gripe I have about this game is the graphics . They're good , but could be better . A lot of the characters look rather robotic , and not truly lifelike . On the other hand , the music is terrific , especially the original melodies composed solely for the game . They are very excellent , very moving .
The gameplay , also , is easy to learn , and fun once you do . Rather than using the X button to jump , ( such is common in video games ) you use the O button , which is a refreshing change . X is used to attack . In addition , you have an array of magic spells that you can make Sora cast , which will definitely kill some Heartless . This continues the Final Fantasy tradition .
Tournaments are a Kingdom Hearts pro as well . There are four of them , all held at Olympus Coliseum : the Phil Cup , Pegasus Cup , Hercules Cup , and ( the most challenging ) Hades Cup . Once you start one of those tournaments , you'll find yourself hooked on battling Heartless , round after exciting round .
But the game's true high point is the story . Some of the voice acting is not entirely realistic , but that actually enhances the engaging power of Kingdom Hearts's overall plot . It just gives the game this light , but powerful , feeling , like it's unsurpassed . It's really hard to explain . But , no matter how you look at it , you'll no doubt find that Kingdom Hearts is a truly great game . You won't find quality quite like this anywhere else .
Graphics : 4 / 5
Music : 5 / 5
Story : 5 / 5
Fun : 5 / 5
Overall : 5 / 5
CONCLUSION : A phenomenal game , well worth even the shy gamer's time . And since Kingdom Hearts II is already out , and a third game could possibly be released , the brilliant saga can continue .
NOTES : To unlock a special scene after the game's end credits , just do three things :
- Seal the Keyhole to every world ( including Olympus Coliseum and 100 Acre Wood )
- Win the Hades Cup
- Recover all 99 dalmatian puppies ( you can find them in various treasure chests scattered across worlds )
Trust me , the special scene is really cool ( and it's not the one that shows Sora , Donald , and Goofy chasing Pluto down that pathway ) .
036 4 Nothing compares . Kingdom Hearts , developed by Square Enix , is simply phenomenal . I first came across this game when I was in second grade , and ( amazingly ) still love it today .
The story follows a young boy named Sora ( voiced by acting veteran Haley Joel Osment ) . He lives on a tranquil island with his friends Riku and Kairi , but dreams of visiting other worlds and embarking on new adventures . One day , he gets his wish , and is whisked away to the homely Traverse Town . There , he meets two new friends ( Disney's Donald Duck and Goofy ) . And so , their journey together begins . But it won't be smooth sailing . Can Sora , with the help of his friends , stop the evil beasts known as Heartless , and find the missing Riku and Kairi ? With the strength of Sora's newfound Keyblade , it just might be possible . In the game , there is an interesting combination of Final Fantasy , ( Cloud , Leon , Tidus , and others make appearances ) and the colorful characters of Disney ( Donald , Goofy , KIng Mickey Mouse , and many others ) .
The only minor gripe I have about this game is the graphics . They're good , but could be better . A lot of the characters look rather robotic , and not truly lifelike . On the other hand , the music is terrific , especially the original melodies composed solely for the game . They are very excellent , very moving .
The gameplay , also , is easy to learn , and fun once you do . Rather than using the X button to jump , ( such is common in video games ) you use the O button , which is a refreshing change . X is used to attack . In addition , you have an array of magic spells that you can make Sora cast , which will definitely kill some Heartless . This continues the Final Fantasy tradition .
Tournaments are a Kingdom Hearts pro as well . There are four of them , all held at Olympus Coliseum : the Phil Cup , Pegasus Cup , Hercules Cup , and ( the most challenging ) Hades Cup . Once you start one of those tournaments , you'll find yourself hooked on battling Heartless , round after exciting round .
But the game's true high point is the story . Some of the voice acting is not entirely realistic , but that actually enhances the engaging power of Kingdom Hearts's overall plot . It just gives the game this light , but powerful , feeling , like it's unsurpassed . It's really hard to explain . But , no matter how you look at it , you'll no doubt find that Kingdom Hearts is a truly great game . You won't find quality quite like this anywhere else .
Graphics : 4 / 5
Music : 5 / 5
Story : 5 / 5
Fun : 5 / 5
Overall : 5 / 5
CONCLUSION : A phenomenal game , well worth even the shy gamer's time . And since Kingdom Hearts II is already out , and a third game could possibly be released , the brilliant saga can continue .
NOTES : To unlock a special scene after the game's end credits , just do three things :
- Seal the Keyhole to every world ( including Olympus Coliseum and 100 Acre Wood )
- Win the Hades Cup
- Recover all 99 dalmatian puppies ( you can find them in various treasure chests scattered across worlds )
Trust me , the special scene is really cool ( and it's not the one that shows Sora , Donald , and Goofy chasing Pluto down that pathway ) .
037 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Growing up , I loved Disney , which I still do , and I became a fan of FF after I watched my now-ex-friend play FF7 . One day in 2003 I was really bored and decided to browse through amazon . I saw the title Kingdom Hearts and thought it sounded kind of interesting . I clicked the link and started reading the description . To be honest , I thought the idea sounded stupid to blend Disney and FF together . However , as skeptical as I was , I started reading the reviews and the game started to interest me . I found myself wanting it more and more , review after review .
I believe I got this game in late 2003 . I started playing it and wasn't quite sure how I felt about it . This was the game that I had been anticipating to receive , quickly opened and popped it in the PS2 , but it didn't seem to be all that it was made to be . Then an hour or so into the game , I realized how much fun , yet challenging this game was . Of course it isn't as hard as other RPG's , but it is challenging . You have to control Sora , move him around , attack the enemy , all the while trying to make sure your HP gauge doesn't run out . To me , that was harder than having your characters stand in a row , choosing whether to attack or use magic ( if magic , what magic to cast ) , and then waiting for all of your characters to attack and repeat .
Even though I started the game back in Dec . 2003 , I didn't finish it until last night . It wasn't because I'm that terrible of a gamer , but because of certain circumstances , such as moving and losing the game . lol . Obviously , I foucn it and fianlly finished it . I can't wait to get the second one once it comes out in December and continue Sora's journey .
I know this review probably was pointless and useless , but the reason I started writing it . . . . . If you haven't played this game yet , go get it now . It's actually much better than it may seem and the second one , as shown at the end of the credits of the first * wink * * wink * , looks to be even better !
038 4 Growing up , I loved Disney , which I still do , and I became a fan of FF after I watched my now-ex-friend play FF7 . One day in 2003 I was really bored and decided to browse through amazon . I saw the title Kingdom Hearts and thought it sounded kind of interesting . I clicked the link and started reading the description . To be honest , I thought the idea sounded stupid to blend Disney and FF together . However , as skeptical as I was , I started reading the reviews and the game started to interest me . I found myself wanting it more and more , review after review .
I believe I got this game in late 2003 . I started playing it and wasn't quite sure how I felt about it . This was the game that I had been anticipating to receive , quickly opened and popped it in the PS2 , but it didn't seem to be all that it was made to be . Then an hour or so into the game , I realized how much fun , yet challenging this game was . Of course it isn't as hard as other RPG's , but it is challenging . You have to control Sora , move him around , attack the enemy , all the while trying to make sure your HP gauge doesn't run out . To me , that was harder than having your characters stand in a row , choosing whether to attack or use magic ( if magic , what magic to cast ) , and then waiting for all of your characters to attack and repeat .
Even though I started the game back in Dec . 2003 , I didn't finish it until last night . It wasn't because I'm that terrible of a gamer , but because of certain circumstances , such as moving and losing the game . lol . Obviously , I foucn it and fianlly finished it . I can't wait to get the second one once it comes out in December and continue Sora's journey .
I know this review probably was pointless and useless , but the reason I started writing it . . . . . If you haven't played this game yet , go get it now . It's actually much better than it may seem and the second one , as shown at the end of the credits of the first * wink * * wink * , looks to be even better !
042 4 Alright , when I first heard of this game some years back , I was pretty interested . Seeing as how Disney was involved , that meant that this game was free of all the mindless gore that seems to be becoming a large quantity of the market . So the Winter Holidays roll around , and I get this with the new PS2 . BAM ! Who would have thought ? ! The game itself starts out with an amazing movie , complete with its own song sung by the famous Hikaru Utada . Simple and Clean kicks it off , spinning you in a colorful 3 - D world that seems way too life-like . This is right up there with Pixar , but better with people , I gatta say , this blows my mind .
After that , the graphics mellow down , but are still up to par to be one of the best . No flat faces , and no cubic arms , all round and smooth . Not only are the characters themselves amazingly detailed , but so is the scenery around . Seriously , I could just play this game for the looks alone , but I'm kinda a fanatic . Alright , so I've played up the graphics , but that's not all this game has to offer . You can change the game from the very beginning . By choosing one of three things ( wand , shield , and sword ) and disregarding one of the other two , you change what your beginning stats are . I myself chose to pick the wand and leave the shield . That meant I had more magic , but a weak defense , pretty tight , huh ? Through a variety of other choices , you pick ( kinda unknowingly ) how fast you will level up , and other details . Did I mention before you play , you choose to play normal or advanced mode ? So in truth , there are a number of possibilities that you could take to create it as your own .
Once you've customized yourself , you become immersed in a amazingly detailed story . Spyro is a nice tale , but this one really gets closer to human emotion and reasoning . Now don't run yet , even if you aren't into that , don't worry about it . You have to spend most of the game fighting battles , solving puzzles , and figuring out what to do next ! If you want to get the guide book , go ahead , it'll help for the little side quests . But in reality , you don't need it , just look up on the internet when / if you get stuck . One of the better parts is , this is NOT a game you can finish in a weekend . And who wants that anyway ? This goes on and on without loosing its charm . Once you think its all over , you find out you're only half way through . Isn't that the coolest ?
All in all this is defiantly a game to get , because believe me , you won't be able to finish it if you rent . And don't worry about the sequels , Kingdom Hearts 2 the English edition promises sometime in 2005 . Enjoy !
043 4 I guess you could say I've had really good luck with RPGs . First , Golden Sun , the GBA game that became a classic in 2 weeks . Now , Kingdom Hearts . Okay so I don't have a PS2 but I rented one , and I rented Kingdom Hearts with it . I made it to Traverse Town ( I would have gone farther , but I didn't get a memory card ) . The game had to be the coolest thing I had EVER seen . The graffix totally blew me away , the battle system was cool , it had a lot of variety , and it was so easy to understand . Of the three places I managed to get to , I liked Denstiny Island the best . I was a very laid back place , and lots of time to train and get the feel of the game . I have to say , It's the best game that SquareSoft has brought out yet . And the Disney Characters ! They are so funky ! Its the coolest game on the PS2 for sure !
045 4 You are Sora , a young man who lives on an idyllic island with your friends . But the forces of evil in the shape of all your favorite Disney villains and their evil minions , the heartless , are disrupting various worlds , including yours . Off you go to track down your friends and save the universe .
I'm not done with the game yet , but I have devoted 30 very enjoyable hours so far . There are automatic camera issues with this game . Sometimes it's mildly annoying , but it's very annoying when it affects game play . Missing a jump because of camera angle issues definately takes you out of the game , if only to momentarily curse the programmers .
Other than that this game is flawless . It might seem silly to fight along side Goofy and Donald , but it really is fun . Each new world is a treat . You meet and sometimes fight with Hercules , Tarzan , Alice , the Little Mermaid , Pinnochio ( sp ? ) , Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas , Final Fantasy characters , the list goes on and on .
Minus :
- Camera angle issues that can affect game play
Plus :
- Great graphics
- Huge universe
- Variety of worlds
- Great use of Disney's huge arsenal of characters
- The gee whiz effect of each new world
New PS2 games are very expensive , Kingdom Hearts is worth every penny .
046 4 I have to admit that my first reaction to ` Kingdom Hearts ' was Oh no ! Donald Duck meets Final Fantasy ! ! And at a very basic level that is exactly what this game really is . For those of use who actually grew up with Walt Disney's films this combination is a bit jarring at first . Until the story engages the player and then you are trapped , doomed to play until the very last cut scene with great delight .
On an idyllic island Sora , Riku , and Kairi spend most of their time playing with friends and planning to leave and discover other worlds away across the sea . And on a world far away , Donald Duck and Goofy find that King Mickey has left and given them a final assignment - find the keyblade and its bearer . Darkness attacks , and the two groups of characters are drawn together , for good and ill . Sora , who is the key bearer , Donald , and Goofy start a quest to lock the hearts of the worlds safe from the encroaching dark and save their friends .
Game play is a combination of the comfortable and the unique . This is an action RPG where jumping and athletic skills play as much of a part as fighting power and problem solving . At first this irritated me , since even my controller enhanced reflexes often fall short of what is needed for graceful game play . But like everything else , one adjusts , and soon even I was hopping from platform to platform , walloping enemies on the fly and tripping over Goofy's size 99 feet .
The game owes its settings almost entirely to the creations of Walt Disney . Expect everything from ` Snow White ' to ` Tarzan , ' and you will still be surprised . But it owes the style of its story to the worlds of Final Fantasy and its relatives . This provides both the action component and a subtext of willingness to attach a spiritual message to what is really an entertainment game . And this is genuinely well done - less obtrusive , say , than FFX , but far from the occasional vacuous moments that haunt a Disney tale .
As such , ` Kingdom Hearts ' provides an enchantment unusual for what is really not that difficult a game . It is big enough for a guide to be worth consulting , but the normal quest for interesting ways to power up for the big bosses will turn up enough of the side quests to keep up interest for all but the most jaded . In retrospect , I find that I enjoyed this game far more than I expected , and now understand its lasting popularity .
047 4 Kingdom Hearts is , without a shadow of a doubt , one of the freshest ideas to hit the console gaming market in a very long time . Merging the expansive wolrds of Disney animated movies and Squaresoft's ' Final Fantasy ' series , as well as a handful of original elements , Kingdom Hearts is a huge game , with a scope as vast as I've ever seen in a single game . The characters , for the most part , are well-rendered , and the battle system is fluid and dynamic . The Heartless , the game's collective antagonist , ( aside from the Disney villains ) are a diverse lot , ranging from tiny , dog-sized creatures to huge jellyfish . Sora , the game's confident , pre-pubescent hero , is a well-rounded guy .
One of the game's shining features is the voice acting . Many of the voice actors themselves are the original Disney parts , or the ' official ' Disney actors . From Donald Duck and Goofy to Malificent and Oogie Boogie , voices are well-done . The plot , centering around the Heartless , is followable for children , but involved enough for adults . The whole game fits that description , too - breaking away from the current trend of more and more games pushing the MATURE content as much as they can . This is a game that truly anyone can play , regardless of age , without content issues .
Why the 4 / 5 ? In the middle of the game , while venturing from world to world in search of Mickey Mouse , the battles , quests , and cut-scenes can get rather repetative . But , for the patient gamers , this one's a hit .
049 4 The word comes out that Square is partnering up with Disney to make an RPG . You'd think that the world would come to a standstill . Or you would at least think that the world will change . And you're right , the world did change because of this game . It raised the bar for all games .
Even though I have not played the full version of this game , I'm not going to lie and say that I have , I already know that this game will be a huge hit with Disney and Anti-Disney fans alike . For the Disney fans , they can get a kick out of playing with Disney characters and for the Anti-Disney fans , they will get a kick out of beating up Disney characters .
This game raises the bar in almost every aspect . Everything except the camera .
Camera angles , camera angles , camera angles . Those darn camera angles . The camera will get stuck in the cliffs and all the scenery . Even with the terrible camera angles , this game is still highly enjoyable for kids and adults alike .
Pros : Play as and beat up Disney characters
Beautiful graphics
Engrossing gameplay
Good sound
Cons : Frustrating camera angles
I hope that you have found this review helpful in your exploration of this almost masterpiece of a videogame . I hope that this review has either encouraged or disencouraged you from buying this game .
050 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Kingdom Herts was one of the greatest games I ever played . It had so many different disney characters . You even get to play with Donald and Goofy . At first it's a little easy and boring but once you get a little far in it , it's so FUN . If your a big disney fan abd action fan buy this game !
052 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Life seems perfect for young boy Sora ( voiced by Haley Joel Osmont ) with his buddies Kairi and Riku on his island but when a freak storm mysteriously takes them away things go out of hand . The same weird thing has happened in the imaginary disney kingdom where King Mickey Mouse has mysteriously vanished without a trace with only Donald and Goofy on a mission to find him , Along the way they meet Sora and team up with him to travel to different worlds based on each disney movie like Aladdin , Little Mermaid , Hercules , Tarzan , Beauty and The Beast , The Nightmare Before Christmas and more as they battle the evil heartless and such bad guys like Ursula , Jafar , Hades , and more .
One of the most ingenius and unique video games i've ever played ! successfully combines disney with Final Fantasy to create one incredible game that will blow your mind . Fans of both Disney and FF will rejoice as this game puts together both things , the graphics are spectacular especially the music score . The controlling is good once you get use to it and you'll hear the voices of Billy Zane , James Woods , Tony Goldwyn , Sean Astin , Jodie Benson , Robbie Benson , Chris Surandon , and Gilbert Godfried here , this is one hell of a game you must have if you love RPG and disney with FF alike .
Get it today including it's even better sequel !
053 4 Life seems perfect for young boy Sora ( voiced by Haley Joel Osmont ) with his buddies Kairi and Riku on his island but when a freak storm mysteriously takes them away things go out of hand . The same weird thing has happened in the imaginary disney kingdom where King Mickey Mouse has mysteriously vanished without a trace with only Donald and Goofy on a mission to find him , Along the way they meet Sora and team up with him to travel to different worlds based on each disney movie like Aladdin , Little Mermaid , Hercules , Tarzan , Beauty and The Beast , The Nightmare Before Christmas and more as they battle the evil heartless and such bad guys like Ursula , Jafar , Hades , and more .
One of the most ingenius and unique video games i've ever played ! successfully combines disney with Final Fantasy to create one incredible game that will blow your mind . Fans of both Disney and FF will rejoice as this game puts together both things , the graphics are spectacular especially the music score . The controlling is good once you get use to it and you'll hear the voices of Billy Zane , James Woods , Tony Goldwyn , Sean Astin , Jodie Benson , Robbie Benson , Chris Surandon , and Gilbert Godfried here , this is one hell of a game you must have if you love RPG and disney with FF alike .
Get it today including it's even better sequel !
054 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I am a teenager , and I LOVE this game !
It has all of those old and new disney character that I just love .
And plus it has the most awsome Final Fantasy characters , and a story to die for .
You are instantly sucked into the story and feel compassion towards Sora , Kairi , and Riku .
The gameplay and fighting sequences are brilliant as well as excellent music , and animation .
For all of those Disney fans and Gamers out there this is a keeper !
055 4 I am a teenager , and I LOVE this game !
It has all of those old and new disney character that I just love .
And plus it has the most awsome Final Fantasy characters , and a story to die for .
You are instantly sucked into the story and feel compassion towards Sora , Kairi , and Riku .
The gameplay and fighting sequences are brilliant as well as excellent music , and animation .
For all of those Disney fans and Gamers out there this is a keeper !
058 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Kingdom Hearts is , in my opinion , the best game ever created . I just fell in love with the story , the characters , the worlds . . everything that made the game so creative and unique . Of course , I'm not going to just gush about how super-ultra-fantastic it is without giving details .
I know that when the game was first launched in the U.S ( back in 2002 or so ) , many people were skeptical about the whole Square Enix and Disney partnership thing , and many more refused to play the game because they either hated one of the two . I wasn't one of them . The two companies really succeded in making the two seperate themes ( Disney movies and Final Fantasy games ) really blend together in a way that makes you realize that it's not a sequel to FFVII or another franchise Disney movie game ; it's a totally different world - - an alternative universe , I suppose - - where they co-exist . And I know that sounds like a bunch of nonsense of a fangirl . . but it's true .
The game is about a boy named Sora who lives on Destiny Islands with his friends Kairi and Riku ; the trio plan to leave their home on a raft to find other worlds . But , their little adventure was never meant to be , for a bigger destiny awaited them . On the night before their scheduled departure , a storm hits the island , causing Sora to rush to the play island where the raft was being kept , the irony is that the raft being blown away was really , the least of his problems . Strange creatures invade the island , Riku is swallowed by the darkness , Kairi vanishes into thin air . . and he gets the Keyblade . He then battles one of the ( a big one ) creatures - - the Heartless - - and after the brunette defeats it , his world crumbles beneathe his feet . When he awakens , Sora finds himself in Traverse Town , where he meets Squ . . erm , Leon , Aerith , and Yuffie who explain to him about the Heartless . Also , he bumps into Goofy and Donald , who were searching the the Keyblade Master ( King Mickey told them to find the bearer of the Keyblade and sta - - follow him ) . The three begin their journey to seal the Keyholes , discover the secret of the Heartless and defeat them , and find King Mickey , Kairi , and Riku .
You go to many worlds where Disney and Final Fantasy characters make cameos . . honestly , there are only four orignal characters in the game ( Sora , Riku , Kairi , and Ansem ) . The voices are wonderful and the cutscenses are beautiful . I cried atleast twice during the game , maybe more . Simple and Clean ( the theme song by Hikaru Utada ) is one of the most beautiful songs I ever heard , and it fits the game so well . I promise you , whether you're a hardcore gamer or just a fan of Disney , you will love this game .
Or , you know , hate it . . but I really doubt it , but that's just my opinion .
059 4 Kingdom Hearts is , in my opinion , the best game ever created . I just fell in love with the story , the characters , the worlds . . everything that made the game so creative and unique . Of course , I'm not going to just gush about how super-ultra-fantastic it is without giving details .
I know that when the game was first launched in the U.S ( back in 2002 or so ) , many people were skeptical about the whole Square Enix and Disney partnership thing , and many more refused to play the game because they either hated one of the two . I wasn't one of them . The two companies really succeded in making the two seperate themes ( Disney movies and Final Fantasy games ) really blend together in a way that makes you realize that it's not a sequel to FFVII or another franchise Disney movie game ; it's a totally different world - - an alternative universe , I suppose - - where they co-exist . And I know that sounds like a bunch of nonsense of a fangirl . . but it's true .
The game is about a boy named Sora who lives on Destiny Islands with his friends Kairi and Riku ; the trio plan to leave their home on a raft to find other worlds . But , their little adventure was never meant to be , for a bigger destiny awaited them . On the night before their scheduled departure , a storm hits the island , causing Sora to rush to the play island where the raft was being kept , the irony is that the raft being blown away was really , the least of his problems . Strange creatures invade the island , Riku is swallowed by the darkness , Kairi vanishes into thin air . . and he gets the Keyblade . He then battles one of the ( a big one ) creatures - - the Heartless - - and after the brunette defeats it , his world crumbles beneathe his feet . When he awakens , Sora finds himself in Traverse Town , where he meets Squ . . erm , Leon , Aerith , and Yuffie who explain to him about the Heartless . Also , he bumps into Goofy and Donald , who were searching the the Keyblade Master ( King Mickey told them to find the bearer of the Keyblade and sta - - follow him ) . The three begin their journey to seal the Keyholes , discover the secret of the Heartless and defeat them , and find King Mickey , Kairi , and Riku .
You go to many worlds where Disney and Final Fantasy characters make cameos . . honestly , there are only four orignal characters in the game ( Sora , Riku , Kairi , and Ansem ) . The voices are wonderful and the cutscenses are beautiful . I cried atleast twice during the game , maybe more . Simple and Clean ( the theme song by Hikaru Utada ) is one of the most beautiful songs I ever heard , and it fits the game so well . I promise you , whether you're a hardcore gamer or just a fan of Disney , you will love this game .
Or , you know , hate it . . but I really doubt it , but that's just my opinion .
060 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
This game is sooo much fun . If you love Disney and Final Fantasy you would love this game . It's about a boy named Sora and he lives on an island called Destiny Islands with his parents and friends like Riku , Kairi , Tidus , Wakka , and Selphie . Him and Riku and Kairi want to see other worlds so they build a raft to leave the next morning . But , there was a storm and the raft got destroyed in the rain so Sora goes outside to save it but he sees these creatures named the Heartless . He runs away and finds a weapon called the Keyblade and kills all the Heartless and gets sucked up into this vortex thing and fights an enormous creature . He somehow ends up in a town called Traverse Town and meets people like Leon , Yuffie , Cid , Aerith , Donald , and Goofy . Donald and Goofy end up on your team and you fight a soldier dude in the third corridor and win . Donald and Goofy take you to other worlds in the Gummi ShipTM . You visit places like Alice and Wonderland , Hercules , Tarzan , Aladdin , Halloween Town , Monstro , The Little Mermaid , Peter Pan , and Hollow Bastion . Here's a list of the worlds and who you meet and fight .
Alice and Wonderland :
No one on your team ( besides Donald and Goofy )
Fight Queen of Hearts , Trickmaster
Meet Alice , Queen of Hearts , White Rabbit , Chesire Cat , The Queen's Cards .
Hercules :
No one on team
Fight Cerberus , Hades ( later )
Meet Hercules , Phil , Cloud , Hades ,
After you clear the world , you can fight in tournaments .
Tarzan :
Tarzan on team
Fight Sabor , Clayton
Meet Tarzan , Jane , Clayton , Gorillas
Aladdin :
Al on team
Fight Pot Spider , Jafar , Jafar Genie
Meet Aladdin , Abu , Jasmine , Genie , Magic Carpet , Jafar
Halloween Town :
Jack Skellington on team
Fight Oogie Boodie , Shock Lock and Barrel
Meet Jack , Sally , The Mayor , Dr . Franknstien
Monstro :
No one on team
Fight Jiggly Guy
Meet Pinnochio , Jiminy Cricket , Geppeto
The Little Mermaid :
Ariel on team
Fight Ursula , Shark , Big Ursula
Meet Ariel , Flounder , Sebastion , King Triton , Ursula
Around Here , Riku gets turned into a Heartless and Kairi gets captured by Maleficent
Peter Pan
Peter Pan on team
Fight Captain Hook , Shadow
Meet Peter , Tinker Bell , Smee , Captain Hook
Hollow Bastion :
Beast on team
Fight Riku , Maleficent , Dragon , Ansem
Meet Beast , Maleficent , Belle
Here you lose your Keyblade by Riku and gets a toy sword .
After this , you go to the end of the world and fight lots of people and beat the game . Long Review huh ?
061 4 This game is sooo much fun . If you love Disney and Final Fantasy you would love this game . It's about a boy named Sora and he lives on an island called Destiny Islands with his parents and friends like Riku , Kairi , Tidus , Wakka , and Selphie . Him and Riku and Kairi want to see other worlds so they build a raft to leave the next morning . But , there was a storm and the raft got destroyed in the rain so Sora goes outside to save it but he sees these creatures named the Heartless . He runs away and finds a weapon called the Keyblade and kills all the Heartless and gets sucked up into this vortex thing and fights an enormous creature . He somehow ends up in a town called Traverse Town and meets people like Leon , Yuffie , Cid , Aerith , Donald , and Goofy . Donald and Goofy end up on your team and you fight a soldier dude in the third corridor and win . Donald and Goofy take you to other worlds in the Gummi ShipTM . You visit places like Alice and Wonderland , Hercules , Tarzan , Aladdin , Halloween Town , Monstro , The Little Mermaid , Peter Pan , and Hollow Bastion . Here's a list of the worlds and who you meet and fight .
Alice and Wonderland :
No one on your team ( besides Donald and Goofy )
Fight Queen of Hearts , Trickmaster
Meet Alice , Queen of Hearts , White Rabbit , Chesire Cat , The Queen's Cards .
Hercules :
No one on team
Fight Cerberus , Hades ( later )
Meet Hercules , Phil , Cloud , Hades ,
After you clear the world , you can fight in tournaments .
Tarzan :
Tarzan on team
Fight Sabor , Clayton
Meet Tarzan , Jane , Clayton , Gorillas
Aladdin :
Al on team
Fight Pot Spider , Jafar , Jafar Genie
Meet Aladdin , Abu , Jasmine , Genie , Magic Carpet , Jafar
Halloween Town :
Jack Skellington on team
Fight Oogie Boodie , Shock Lock and Barrel
Meet Jack , Sally , The Mayor , Dr . Franknstien
Monstro :
No one on team
Fight Jiggly Guy
Meet Pinnochio , Jiminy Cricket , Geppeto
The Little Mermaid :
Ariel on team
Fight Ursula , Shark , Big Ursula
Meet Ariel , Flounder , Sebastion , King Triton , Ursula
Around Here , Riku gets turned into a Heartless and Kairi gets captured by Maleficent
Peter Pan
Peter Pan on team
Fight Captain Hook , Shadow
Meet Peter , Tinker Bell , Smee , Captain Hook
Hollow Bastion :
Beast on team
Fight Riku , Maleficent , Dragon , Ansem
Meet Beast , Maleficent , Belle
Here you lose your Keyblade by Riku and gets a toy sword .
After this , you go to the end of the world and fight lots of people and beat the game . Long Review huh ?
062 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
This is one great game . Although it has some technical problems ( camera ) they are easy to overlook . The story is very good and the battle is also . I recommed this game to anyone who enjoys action-rpg's and doesn't mind disney characters .
064 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Kingdom Hearts is the bestt game ever . I can't wait to get the sequal . I bet this game would also make a great movie . If I could I'd rate this game a hundred stars !
066 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Have you ever spent a Saturday night watching old Disney movies or spending hours playing Final Fantasy games ? Well if you said yes to both questions ( or just one ) this is the perfect game for you . You play as a young boy named Sora living on Destiny Island . Even though he lives on an island most people dream of , he wants to leave his little home , along with his pals Riku and Kiari , and discover what mysteries are waiting for him . One day , while working on a raft that they hope will get them away from thier floating prison , Sora falls asleep on the beach and you step in and help discover the adventure that will keep you playing until the credits roll . That same day , there is great hubub at the Disney Castle . King Mickey left and left behind a note telling Donald to take the Gummie Ship and go to Traverse Town , find Leon , and get him to help find a KEY . The Gummie ship is the space ship you take from world to world . That night a storm hits Destiny Island and Sora goes out to find out what is going on . He finds Riku , but all he has to say is This is our chance Sora . We may never come back to this island but it's our only way . I'm not afraid of the darkness ! and he dissapears leaving Sora with some wierd sword called the KEYBLADE . His island is destroyed and Sora ends up in a place called Travese Town and meets up with Donald and Goofy . What starts out as a quest for three friends ( Mickey , Kiari , and Riku ) turns into somthing much more when Malifecent makes a plan to unleash all evil .
068 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Let's get it out of the way : yes , the camera control is terrible . Square has acknowledged the problem and it will be fixed in Kingdom Hearts 2 ( United States release Christmas 2005 ) . That's just about the only major problem in an otherwise dynamite game .
The style of Kingdom Hearts is familiar : it's a three-dimensional platformer with some RPG elements . Your party of adventurers travels through a fantasy landscape , making allies , righting wrongs , and pursuing the clues that will enable you to rescue or redeem the victims of dark forces .
This time , however , you're not walking through a characterless high fantasy cliche , but through the worlds of such Disney classics as Aladdin , Alice and Wonderland and Pinocchio . Instead of characters you've never seen before , you're fighting alongside Goofy and Donald Duck . The visuals , movies , and even the voice acting are all pure , authentic Disney ( you'll recognize the original or official voices of nearly all the Disney characters , including some major Hollywood talents ) .
Square's contribution shouldn't be overlooked either , though . Just as Square previously took the silly world of Super Mario and turned it into the clever Secret of the Seven Stars , the various Disney stories and characters have been linked together by an engrossing overarcing plot . Monsters called the Heartless threaten all the worlds ; the first Heartless you meet are almost cute , but as you proceed through the game they grow more and more menacing .
The gameplay itself is about what you'd expect . . . fight monsters , explore castles , cities , and caverns , solve both physical and mental puzzles , and manage your party's equipment and development . You have the usual complement of a fighter , a mage , and a fighter / mage , with additional characters of one type or the other who can be swapped in and out of your party . There are several minigames ranging from pointless to clever . and tons of optional treasures and secrets to find .
Why wouldn't you like Kingdom Hearts ? If your mind's closed to anything that seems kiddie , you might not be able to get past the opening sequence ; the storyline doesn't start turning dark until a couple of hours in . If you demand precision controls even in a brawling platformer , the camera may irritate you . While the game has variable difficulty levels and tons of tough optional bosses , the basic story is over in about 20 hours . And , like all Square games , the ending of the game isn't the end of the story . . . at least this time there's a definite sequel that promises to answer the remaining questions .
069 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Let's get it out of the way : yes , the camera control is terrible . Square has acknowledged the problem and it will be fixed in Kingdom Hearts 2 ( United States release Christmas 2005 ) . That's just about the only major problem in an otherwise dynamite game .
The style of Kingdom Hearts is familiar : it's a three-dimensional platformer with some RPG elements . Your party of adventurers travels through a fantasy landscape , making allies , righting wrongs , and pursuing the clues that will enable you to rescue or redeem the victims of dark forces .
This time , however , you're not walking through a characterless high fantasy cliche , but through the worlds of such Disney classics as Aladdin , Alice and Wonderland and Pinocchio . Instead of characters you've never seen before , you're fighting alongside Goofy and Donald Duck . The visuals , movies , and even the voice acting are all pure , authentic Disney ( you'll recognize the original or official voices of nearly all the Disney characters , including some major Hollywood talents ) .
Square's contribution shouldn't be overlooked either , though . Just as Square previously took the silly world of Super Mario and turned it into the clever Secret of the Seven Stars , the various Disney stories and characters have been linked together by an engrossing overarcing plot . Monsters called the Heartless threaten all the worlds ; the first Heartless you meet are almost cute , but as you proceed through the game they grow more and more menacing .
The gameplay itself is about what you'd expect . . . fight monsters , explore castles , cities , and caverns , solve both physical and mental puzzles , and manage your party's equipment and development . You have the usual complement of a fighter , a mage , and a fighter / mage , with additional characters of one type or the other who can be swapped in and out of your party . There are several minigames ranging from pointless to clever . and tons of optional treasures and secrets to find .
Why wouldn't you like Kingdom Hearts ? If your mind's closed to anything that seems kiddie , you might not be able to get past the opening sequence ; the storyline doesn't start turning dark until a couple of hours in . If you demand precision controls even in a brawling platformer , the camera may irritate you . While the game has variable difficulty levels and tons of tough optional bosses , the basic story is over in about 20 hours . And , like all Square games , the ending of the game isn't the end of the story . . . at least this time there's a definite sequel that promises to answer the remaining questions .
070 4 Let's get it out of the way : yes , the camera control is terrible . Square has acknowledged the problem and it will be fixed in Kingdom Hearts 2 ( United States release Christmas 2005 ) . That's just about the only major problem in an otherwise dynamite game .
The style of Kingdom Hearts is familiar : it's a three-dimensional platformer with some RPG elements . Your party of adventurers travels through a fantasy landscape , making allies , righting wrongs , and pursuing the clues that will enable you to rescue or redeem the victims of dark forces .
This time , however , you're not walking through a characterless high fantasy cliche , but through the worlds of such Disney classics as Aladdin , Alice and Wonderland and Pinocchio . Instead of characters you've never seen before , you're fighting alongside Goofy and Donald Duck . The visuals , movies , and even the voice acting are all pure , authentic Disney ( you'll recognize the original or official voices of nearly all the Disney characters , including some major Hollywood talents ) .
Square's contribution shouldn't be overlooked either , though . Just as Square previously took the silly world of Super Mario and turned it into the clever Secret of the Seven Stars , the various Disney stories and characters have been linked together by an engrossing overarcing plot . Monsters called the Heartless threaten all the worlds ; the first Heartless you meet are almost cute , but as you proceed through the game they grow more and more menacing .
The gameplay itself is about what you'd expect . . . fight monsters , explore castles , cities , and caverns , solve both physical and mental puzzles , and manage your party's equipment and development . You have the usual complement of a fighter , a mage , and a fighter / mage , with additional characters of one type or the other who can be swapped in and out of your party . There are several minigames ranging from pointless to clever . and tons of optional treasures and secrets to find .
Why wouldn't you like Kingdom Hearts ? If your mind's closed to anything that seems kiddie , you might not be able to get past the opening sequence ; the storyline doesn't start turning dark until a couple of hours in . If you demand precision controls even in a brawling platformer , the camera may irritate you . While the game has variable difficulty levels and tons of tough optional bosses , the basic story is over in about 20 hours . And , like all Square games , the ending of the game isn't the end of the story . . . at least this time there's a definite sequel that promises to answer the remaining questions .
071 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
There is no doubt about it , this game purely rules . All the reviews saying it is bad or in all caps are from one silly person . Most of the reviews say A Kid's Review . And when have any but the intelligent kids understood how much work is put in a game and how the combat system and graphics and AI all make the true game . People think that when making games , all you do is type in make this and that . No , my friend , ALOT more work is put into it . I bought this game the month in came out , and here I am , still playing it after that many years .
This game is a standard that all other games should aim for . the combat system is unique , realistic , and you can easily grasp it . You can even set how your AI buddies act . How they should use potions , powerups , strategic attacks , all from a simple options menu , 3 minutes tops to set it to your liking . The graphics blow you away . I cannot imagine a better cutscene from a game or movie than the beggining and ending ones . It must have taken them months to get it polished .
The game also has such rich and unique characters . Riku , the one who wishes to go on adventures , giving up the most important things for it . ( I won't spoil the plot ) . Sora , you , the kid who also wants to see other worlds , but instead is caught in a battle between light and darkness and has to save the world . Many other charactes have been developed for this game , but most are guest stars from Final Fantasy games or Disney .
But because it features Disney charactes does not mean that it is for young people . This game is for both people with great interest in rich plots and for people who want to simply hack , slash , beat monsters into oblivion .
You'll be hooked in 5 minutes , guaranteed .
072 4 There is no doubt about it , this game purely rules . All the reviews saying it is bad or in all caps are from one silly person . Most of the reviews say A Kid's Review . And when have any but the intelligent kids understood how much work is put in a game and how the combat system and graphics and AI all make the true game . People think that when making games , all you do is type in make this and that . No , my friend , ALOT more work is put into it . I bought this game the month in came out , and here I am , still playing it after that many years .
This game is a standard that all other games should aim for . the combat system is unique , realistic , and you can easily grasp it . You can even set how your AI buddies act . How they should use potions , powerups , strategic attacks , all from a simple options menu , 3 minutes tops to set it to your liking . The graphics blow you away . I cannot imagine a better cutscene from a game or movie than the beggining and ending ones . It must have taken them months to get it polished .
The game also has such rich and unique characters . Riku , the one who wishes to go on adventures , giving up the most important things for it . ( I won't spoil the plot ) . Sora , you , the kid who also wants to see other worlds , but instead is caught in a battle between light and darkness and has to save the world . Many other charactes have been developed for this game , but most are guest stars from Final Fantasy games or Disney .
But because it features Disney charactes does not mean that it is for young people . This game is for both people with great interest in rich plots and for people who want to simply hack , slash , beat monsters into oblivion .
You'll be hooked in 5 minutes , guaranteed .
073 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
When I first heard of a mix between Disney and Square-Enix , I was a little confused about the outcome . Then , I bought and played the game , and it's THE best I've ever played ! It has an awesome storyline and great graphics ( especially for a game released in 2002 ! ) . The worlds included are fascinating down to every last detail and the gameplay is simply amazing ! This game has never been a disappointment to me and anybody I've spoken to . If you're looking for a perfect game of your money's worth , it's right here !
074 4 When I first heard of a mix between Disney and Square-Enix , I was a little confused about the outcome . Then , I bought and played the game , and it's THE best I've ever played ! It has an awesome storyline and great graphics ( especially for a game released in 2002 ! ) . The worlds included are fascinating down to every last detail and the gameplay is simply amazing ! This game has never been a disappointment to me and anybody I've spoken to . If you're looking for a perfect game of your money's worth , it's right here !
075 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
At 15 yrs . of age , Kingdom Hearts is one of the best video games I have ever played . It is challenging enough that you can't possibly finish it in a full day of play , but easy enough that you won't get frustrated trying to slog through the endless battles .
I highly recommend it for ages 10 and up , for the sake of the strategy and reflexes involved in gameplay . Even as a teenage girl , I love to play this game as well as the boys ! The story itself is a very uplifting , traditional good-versus-evil plotline characteristic of Disney , while adding in Final Fantasy twists and obstacles . Almost all the classic Disney characters are featured , along with some additions : namely , Sora .
I have yet to finish the final world . This game has been incredible . Now , on to The End of the World !
077 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I thought this game was truly satisfying . The gameplay was fun , although the magic spells could have been a tad more complicated . The graphics were great for this kind of game , and the music was a bit cutsey at first , but overall fits in with the games theme . The story is very refreshing and you end up caring about the characters . Besides the magic , the only other thing I had a small problem with was the gummi ships . That whole section could have looked so much better , but it being like a little mimi-game , it's fine for now . Hopefully in two , they'll make it more detailed . : )
I DONT like the fact that they are making two versions of each game . . . I think it takes away from the charm of the originals ! I don't even want to look ! at the other version just because I'm happy with what I've experienced in the original and I don't want that to be tainted with an added story plot . I guess even squarenix sells out every once in a while . . . : P
* stares at the spears sisters *
Anyhoo , I think anyone playing this game would enjoy it very much . If your looking for blood and gore , chill out and play something else . If you just want to have some fun with a cool game , then go ahead and buy this . It wont let you down .
078 4 I thought this game was truly satisfying . The gameplay was fun , although the magic spells could have been a tad more complicated . The graphics were great for this kind of game , and the music was a bit cutsey at first , but overall fits in with the games theme . The story is very refreshing and you end up caring about the characters . Besides the magic , the only other thing I had a small problem with was the gummi ships . That whole section could have looked so much better , but it being like a little mimi-game , it's fine for now . Hopefully in two , they'll make it more detailed . : )
I DONT like the fact that they are making two versions of each game . . . I think it takes away from the charm of the originals ! I don't even want to look ! at the other version just because I'm happy with what I've experienced in the original and I don't want that to be tainted with an added story plot . I guess even squarenix sells out every once in a while . . . : P
* stares at the spears sisters *
Anyhoo , I think anyone playing this game would enjoy it very much . If your looking for blood and gore , chill out and play something else . If you just want to have some fun with a cool game , then go ahead and buy this . It wont let you down .
079 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Squaresoft and Disney , two completly diffrent companies collid together and bring us Kingdom Hearts . The game is simply outstanding and graphic wise its beautiful , espically when it came to the FM。's and movie scenes . What makes this game so uniqe from other games out there , is the crossover . The amazing part about the crossover is that its sort of funny seeing disney fight against or join Final Fantasy characters ( espically seeing Donald and Goofy fight Cloud ) Not only that but you can also travel to diffrent disney worlds ( beside detiny island , hollow bastion , and traverse town ) although there are many diffrent disney world , it would have been awesome to see some FF worlds ( like midgar , or spira , or even balamb garden ) but other then that it's fun to walk around halloween town or swim in atlantica . Battle wise it was very uniqe , but it can get a bit frusterating at time . Lets say that your in need of cure or something but a badguy is charging at you and Donald is knocked out along with Goofy , your pretty screwed but it makes you want to practice a lot more . It's fun running into familur characters and to know you can fight them , or they can be your ally ( Jack in halloween town , Aladdin in Agrahba , Ariel in Atlantica etc . . . ) the story twist and turn a lot but in a good way and it always keeps you at the edge of your seat . The other great thing about the game is the music , each song in each Disney world always fit the theme , and example is Atlantica , the theme song is Under the Sea and the battle song is tropical like in a way but it manages to stay in theme , same goes for Halloween Town , the theme song is This is Halloween but the battle song fits just as good . Places like Agrahba is not the theme song ( not that i think it has only one ) but it has the desert like theme . Usually , games based on cartoon characters usually end up in complete disaster ( take Fairly Odd Parents , that game grapihc was clean ) but KH manages to avoid that so the graphic is simply beautiful , and now comes the best of them all . Voices . Bill Farmer , Tony Anslemo , and Haley Joel Osment are only ( in order from the way I typed it ) Goofy , Donald , and Sora , Chris Sarandon , who did the voice for the move , does the voice of Jack ( yes the same exact person not the singing though ) does a cameo apperience , and for the first time we get to hear the ff characters that we didn't hear before ! Overall the game is simply amazing , and lets all give a round of applauds for Tetsuya Nomura ! ! ( the father of Cloud , Squall , and Tidus ) I hope this review is good for you cause I simply loved the game , I even cried to the ending ! ! ( yes the ending was that sad )
080 4 Squaresoft and Disney , two completly diffrent companies collid together and bring us Kingdom Hearts . The game is simply outstanding and graphic wise its beautiful , espically when it came to the FM。's and movie scenes . What makes this game so uniqe from other games out there , is the crossover . The amazing part about the crossover is that its sort of funny seeing disney fight against or join Final Fantasy characters ( espically seeing Donald and Goofy fight Cloud ) Not only that but you can also travel to diffrent disney worlds ( beside detiny island , hollow bastion , and traverse town ) although there are many diffrent disney world , it would have been awesome to see some FF worlds ( like midgar , or spira , or even balamb garden ) but other then that it's fun to walk around halloween town or swim in atlantica . Battle wise it was very uniqe , but it can get a bit frusterating at time . Lets say that your in need of cure or something but a badguy is charging at you and Donald is knocked out along with Goofy , your pretty screwed but it makes you want to practice a lot more . It's fun running into familur characters and to know you can fight them , or they can be your ally ( Jack in halloween town , Aladdin in Agrahba , Ariel in Atlantica etc . . . ) the story twist and turn a lot but in a good way and it always keeps you at the edge of your seat . The other great thing about the game is the music , each song in each Disney world always fit the theme , and example is Atlantica , the theme song is Under the Sea and the battle song is tropical like in a way but it manages to stay in theme , same goes for Halloween Town , the theme song is This is Halloween but the battle song fits just as good . Places like Agrahba is not the theme song ( not that i think it has only one ) but it has the desert like theme . Usually , games based on cartoon characters usually end up in complete disaster ( take Fairly Odd Parents , that game grapihc was clean ) but KH manages to avoid that so the graphic is simply beautiful , and now comes the best of them all . Voices . Bill Farmer , Tony Anslemo , and Haley Joel Osment are only ( in order from the way I typed it ) Goofy , Donald , and Sora , Chris Sarandon , who did the voice for the move , does the voice of Jack ( yes the same exact person not the singing though ) does a cameo apperience , and for the first time we get to hear the ff characters that we didn't hear before ! Overall the game is simply amazing , and lets all give a round of applauds for Tetsuya Nomura ! ! ( the father of Cloud , Squall , and Tidus ) I hope this review is good for you cause I simply loved the game , I even cried to the ending ! ! ( yes the ending was that sad )
083 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I originally bought this game for my girlfriend because I already knew this was a good game from the start . . . I just hadn't had the chance to play it yet . So I lent her my Playstation 2 and a few games alongside Kingdom Hearts . While she tries to play everything equally , she almost always leaned towards Kingdom Hearts . Eventually I bought a new PS2 just for her , and I got another copy of Kingdom Hearts . I was amazed how well everything flowed . Sure , it had a strange introduction and voice-overs needed a little motivation at first . But that didn't last . Before I knew it the voices were top-notch , world designs were mostly accurate to known places in their respective Disney movies ( with few exceptions ) , and the plot was simple to understand , but surprisingly deep . I'm really happy with the way this game came along . Despite how much you may loathe a normal Disney game or not , it's well worth the effort of at least renting to see if you can find some sort of pleasure out of the experience . The Disney cast works ridiculously well . . . much better than I thought . Also , battling enemies is mostly straight-foward , but that's a good thing in my case . No turn-based battles , a common ingredient to most Role Playing Games nowadays . It'll keep you on your toes on tougher battles . Well . . . I'm one door away from fighting the last boss in the game at the moment . . . I've fought all the optional bosses and completed everything else . . . so . . . I guess it's almost time to put this game to rest . That is , until I decide to play through again to hold out for the next installments in the series .
085 4 Okay , with recent Disney movies like Home on the Range , its little wonder the company is currently hitting rock bottom . Enter KH , a game that reminds us of the good years of Disney ( the dawn to about 1996 - 1997 ) . The game puts you in the role of a youth named Sora set out for adventure , and winds up being one of the 3 survivors of the destruction of his own home world , by beings called the Heartless . Not only that , he's also the apparent chosen one , and none other than Donald Duck and Dippy Dog . . . er , Goofy , are the ones who ally with him upon orders of their king , who has set out by himself to resolve the matter . In the process , you travel to Disney worlds past and present , even at times teaming up with the main hero or heroine of movie the world represents , such as pure-hearted thief Aladdin , mermaid Ariel , and even Pumpkin King Jack Skellington .
The gameplay itself is a lot like Nintendo's Zelda series , with two major differences : One , you can jump , and two , up to 2 AI allies ( disney characters ) follow you around and aid you in battle . But like Zelda , there's also a ton of mini-games and sidequests to do when you're not involved in the main quest , such as visiting the 101 Acre Wood to put the Winnie the Pooh book back together . Graphics are , well , excellent . At times it actually feels like you're watching a Disney toon , and that's not all . Square has been known for having detailed eye-candy , and KH excels at this . If you're a faithful Disney fan , you're going to spend a ton of time just looking for all the little touches that Square and Disney put in , including Ariel's grotto , filled with all the stuff she's found from the surface , Pooh's Pooh-co clock , the name of Saunders on his house , Aladdin's view of the Sultan's palace , and everything from the camp Jane and Clayton set up in Tarzan . Heck , even the AI mannerisms of the characters are true to the characters even if they're not in a cutscene , such as Donald's brawling stance . Speaking of cutscenes , they feature most of the regular cast from the Disney flicks , movies , and games , including Wayne Allwine , Tony Anselmo , Bill Farmer , Russi Taylor , Tress MacNeille , Tony Goldwyn , Chris Sarandon , James Woods , Jim Cummings , John Fielder , Gilbert Gottfried , Dan Castellaneta , and Corey Burton , just to name a few , so expect some great voice acting . Actual celebrity talent was used for the new characters of Sora , Riku , and Kairi , as well as . . . the FF cast . Yes , characters like Squall . . . er , Leon , Cloud Strife , Yuffie Kisaragi , Tidus , and Cid Highwind are all in the game , and they actually speak ( well , not Cid ) ! Plus , the plot is also real deep , hopefully reminding some people that Disney does have a dark edge ( c'mon , some of those movies probably caused us nightmares as a kid ) . Best of all , even if you beat the game , it's fun to upload your save file to see just what you missed , as it still has tons of secrets to find . Hopefully the sequel will be at least as good , if not better .
And to think , this was all the result of an elevator meeting .
086 4 ' Kingdom Hearts ' rocks ! There's no other word for it . It was my first RPG for the PS2 and is still one of the two best for the console , in my opinion .
The idea of mixing Disney and SquareEnix left many people scratching their heads , but it comes off beautifully ! Neither established SquareEnix nor Disney characters are the main focus of the game ; that role goes to the newcomers Sora ( the hero ) , and his friends Riku and Kairi . The story follows their separation from each other and their home the Destiny Islands , and Sora's quest to save all the worlds and find King Mickey , missing on the same quest , along the way . He learns that he is ' the one who will open the door to the light , ' a role that remains unexplained , but is sure to be developed more fully in Kingdom Hearts 2 . Another sequel , taking place between KH & KH2 , KH : Chain of Memories , is coming to GBA fall 2004 .
Back to Kingdom Hearts . Disney favorites Donald and Goofy round out Sora's party , with other Disney characters lending a hand depending on which world you travel to . Final Fantasy characters , while non-playing , make cameos of varying length , and it's great to see people like Cloud , Sephiroth and Leon ( better known as Squall in FF8 ) animated for the PS2 . You can even fight Sephiroth , which is awesome , but terribly difficult . If you ever wondered what Tidus and Wakka looked like as kids , rest assured , your curiosity will be satisfied .
The gameplay in KH differs from most SquareEnix games in that the camera is not fixed , a wonderful innovation I miss a lot in other games . Also , the battle is real-time and free-for-all , comparable to FFX2 but withot the active / wait mode difference . Many monsters and baddies from other FF games return in this one , as well as totally new foes . As you draw closer to the mystery of who is behind the shadows engulfing all the worlds , the Disney / FF elements are integrated seamlessly in an engrossing plot with great conceptuals . I can't wait to see more of the metaphysics in KH2 .
KH is probably one of the two best RPGs ever simply because it appeals to the little kids in all of us with its Disney elements as well as to the hard-core gamers with its basis in FF action . It's rated E , which some people hold against it , but truly , it's awesome .
Side note : Licensing issues prevented SquareEnix from featuring Mickey in more than one scene , so when you do finally meet the big cheese , it's a knockout ! Hopefully , since KH has gone on to become one of the best-selling titles for PS2 , and the series itself is set to become another of SquareEnix ' flagship lines of games , we'll be seeing more of Mickey in KH2 . The bonus ending to KH , ' Another Side , Another Story , ' promises this at least , and ' Deep Dive , ' the Japanese bonus , confirms it . Play this game now ; you won't be disappointed .
087 4 Do not be turned off that this game revolves around Disney characters . Right away you'll probably think that sounds cheesy . ( And it does . That's why I bought this for my 11 year old sister ) But this is just one of those games were you just have to take everyone's word for it .
Kingdom Hearts is a game that mixes practically every Disney movie with Final Fantasy Characters and elements . This is all about Sora , a 14 - year old boy who lives on Destiny Island with his friends , Riku and Kairai . But one night dark forces known as the Heartless destroy their world and the friends are separated . Sora is given the Keyblade and the search for his friends begins .
Let me start off by saying I am not a video game player and I know zip about role playing games or final fantasy . I became immediately interested when my little sister was playing it and wanted to try it myself . Since that day I've been hooked . KH does an excellent job of appealing to every age . The Disney characters and cute jokes / antics will appeal to a younger audience while the deep plot and strategic game play will appeal to an older audience . There is something for everyone here and the fact that in revolves around Disney character does not in anyway make this game corny . While playing I thought it was cool to see all my favorite characters from movies I grew up on .
What makes this game awesome are the details . In the very beginning there is a very cool ( but kinda dark and creepy ) tutorial . You also meet a few FF characters ( Wakka , Selphie , and Tidus ) and by talking to them and answering a few of their questions you can create your character's personality and the destiny of the game . And then there's the Build-a-Gummi-Ship thing ( this is the ship the characters use to travel through space to the different worlds ) which I personally found annoying . You have to use Gummi blocks to build your ship and find rare and valuable blocks to build a better ship if you don't want to continue to use the default ship they've already given you . But it really makes no difference what ship you use . Then there's a lot of mini missions like finding all 99 lost puppies , coliseum games , the secret book , etc . You are definitely kept busy in KH .
Then there's the Final Fantasy thing , which I know nothing about but I'm sure that fans of FF will love to see their favorite characters from the various FF games . the characters you run into are Squall Leonheart , Yuffie , Aeris , Wakka , Selphie , Tidus , Cloud , Cid , the Moogles , and Sephiroth . You run into a few of the FF elements too like you can get a powerful Keyblade upgrade called The Chocobo and you can hear FF music if you go into Ariel's Grotto in the Atlantica world .
The game play is interesting and easy to learn . When in battle you fight live-action style and you can do whatever you want . You can create a short-cut magic menu so you can use magic quickly in battle or heal yourself and your companions . And every time you defeat a heartless they sometimes drop money , items , HP , or MP and you can collect those . The only downside is using a item because if you try and do this during a battle you will be vulnerable to attacks and will if be defeated by the enemy .
I think a con would be how short the levels are . There are 9 worlds and although they get increasingly difficult they are pretty short . I wish they were longer because it's like your playing inside your favorite movie . But there are so many positives that it doesn't really matter . To tell you the truth , you will probably finish this game fast because you're not gonna want to stop playing . There's a little extra something in this game that makes it super fun and addicting . If you haven't figured it out yet , I highly recommend this game ! !
* * Quick breakdown of the game * *
GRAPHICS - 10 / 10 . . . Absolutely stunning
MUSIC - 10 / 10 . . . Most of the background music is very catchy ( Halloween Town comes to mind ! )
STORY - 7 / 10 . . . The storyline is a little vague , but do you really need something deep and philosophical to confuse you ? Nah
DIFFICULTY - 8 / 10 . . . Use a lot of strategy when playing this and it shouldn't be too difficult . If played right you'll have the right weapons and items to do just fine .
FUN - 10 / 10 . . . Oh my God it's addicting
OVERALL - 10 / 10 . . . Take everyone's word for it and BUY this game . Don't rent it because your gonna want it for yourself . I mean , come on , it's only 20 bucks .
090 4 A lot of people say Kingdom Hearts pretty much was good except for the fact that Disney characters were featured in it . I'd say the Disney characters were basically the support for the entire game . Take that away and the whole game falls apart . I really think that this game has got a definite punch as to impact on gamers . When I first saw the opening movie in the beginning of the game , I thought that Squaresoft and Disney really did a spectacular job on the game . I've played Okage : Shadow King , and the turn-based battles just really tick me off . I think that the good thing about the battles is that they are in real time , and that you can level up during battles , which is a really good thing when trying to finish off a tough enemy . If you beat enough of the less powerful Heartless , while chipping away at the tougher ones , you might get a strength boost out of leveling up , which can really come in handy . The camera is okay , it doesn't bug me as much as it does some other people , apparently . If I'm having problems with the camera , I just set the camera to manual and I'm fine . The story is really deep , I wouldn't recommend the game for gamers that are too young , they just wouldn't understand the story and their entire gaming experience would be spoiled . The game is probably more attractive to pre-teens and up . It's really easy to level up , which is nice but not entirely necessary until you get to Hollow Bastion the first and second time . Then , with the End of the World coming up , you might want to level up like crazy . If you plan to go after any optional bosses , you'd better be about level fifty or so ( this is an estimate , I never beat any of the optional bosses ) , because they are tough ! In Neverland , there is an optional boss that shows up at the clock tower after you leave Hollow Bastion the first time . It looks a little like the Grim Reaper , only that it flies and that it has no scythe . However , you're sort of on your own because it casts this nasty time spell on your party ( except for you ) that counts down the time on the clock tower and then steals the hearts of your party . Ansem is also really tough , the particularly the second time . You're on your own because Donald and Goofy get blocked from entering the fighting area . You get to deal with the Darkside again , but I suggest that you stock up on lots of Elixirs for later , because while the Darkside is pie , Ansem is tough , very tough . As a tip , try using Aeroga to keep Ansem from flying at you with that force field . Also , if that wierd heartless grabs you , try using Ragnarok to pierce Ansem's force field . Ansem is tough but beatable . In between all the knock-down drag-out battling ( maybe that's a little inaccurate ) when you complete key events there are all these really sweet scenes that come on , maybe not in story , but certainly in graphics quality . It's a breathtaking game , with lots of finely detailed background . The sequence at the beginning was incredible . The characters are also quite realistic concerning attitude . At one point the Moogle walking around the World Exit in Traverse Town will talk about wanting to know what the deal was with people wanting to touch its pom pom . You also get a variety of different Keyblades which vary in power and effects . Some are long range weapons , some will raise your MP , and some will reduce it . My personal favorite is the Oblivion Keyblade . It is the most powerful one that I have so far . Due to that Keyblade , ny strength is currently 49 . If you want the most powerful , you should get the Ultima Weapon , which can be made at the Item Workshop . I haven't yet finished the game , but I know that it is a masterpiece , and that it is worth every penny and more of whatever you paid for yours .
093 4 I received this game for Christmas , and wasn't quite sure how to react . I love Squaresoft ; their RPGs are nearly always well worth the time and money , but I'm not fond of Disney , to put it mildly . Still , I gamely put it in the PS2 and gave it a whirl .
I was glued to the PS2 for the next three weeks . The story is in a way standard save-the-world RPG fare , but with unique twists that keep it entertaining .
The three best things about the game , in my opinion :
a ) The battle system . It was refreshing to have a non-turn-based system .
b ) The characters . Aside from Donald ( who grated on my nerves ) , I loved the characters , old and new ; even most of the Disney chumps .
c ) The voices . Finally hearing voices for all those wonderful Square characters made my year . Best voices : Sora , Riku , Cloud , Squall , and Yuffie .
The three worst points :
a ) The auto camera angles . They tend to switch at just the wrong moment .
b ) Occasional jerky movement / camera . Most noticeable on certain characters / NPCs .
c ) There is no c .
All in all , I would very much recommend this game to anyone who doesn't mind their controller becoming a permanent part of their hands .
094 4 Hi , Shiek , videogame master here . A couple of months ago I picked up Kingdom Hearts , a game all of my friends thought would be the lamest gaming experience EVER . Yeah , uh , by the way , after about two minutes of gameplay I started laughing like a maniac at how profusely wrong my friends were . I was so immersed in the gameplay that I got every item , all the dalmations ( a feat worth it , trust me you get a set of the max . number of all of the gummi parts for your ship building delight ) and all three character's ultimate weapons ( VERY hard to do I might add ) . So , then I got to the end and practically cried at how great an ending it was ( Okay , so I was on the other end of the emotional spectrum , and was laughing like a completely insane person at the final boss dying at my feet , then I stopped and listened for the twenty-ish minutes to get by the ending / sequel teaser / credits / secret srqual teaser ) and then I played through the end about fifteen thousand billion times to memorize every movement and line . So , I know the game's dialouge very well . Anyway , to wrap up , it's a great experience that every game fan should expeerience . Really .
Now onto the cons of the game . I will prove to you that there are none . The one con of the game is that every macho-man gamer will say That's a game for sissies . Kinda like the movies . Which , I may add , I've never seen . Now , if you'll excuse me , I'm gonna go play Mortal Combat : Deadly Alliance . Yeah , that's what they say . Poor poor insolent fools . While the game has ( mostly , in fact ) characters from Disney films . The thing is , it's just a colorful chocolate shell . You'll find a deepness , in every character , intended for moe mature ( not like can see violent blood spatter and not run away or try it at home , like people with a depth of understanding ) that most kiddies can't understand . Also , the characters may act like themselves but that's just an add in to keep their pristine porcelain images intact . You'll find scenes like this : Goofy and Donald ditched the main character , Sora , for his friend because of an ancient prophecy . The man they went with fires a huge beam at Sora . Goofy can't take it anymore , and jumps in front of the beam with his shield , blocks it and saves Sora's life . He and Donald then decide , to heck with prophecies , we'll just stay with our friend . That's only a small sample of the action . Later , Sora will find his best friend posessed , his girlfriend losing her heart and regaining it in one of the least ( or possibly most ) obvious ways , and much much more .
That's about all I can say . I hope you'll consider this review . So , for now at leat , it's time fr me to say goodbye . From the depths of forever : Shiek , out .
095 4 I admit that this game have a lot of things in common with the Final Fantasy series but DON'T confuse gameplay from graphics , Im my opinion this gameplay is very similar to Zelda 64 and Secret of Mana .
Because of this :
1 - You are walking in first person fighting , talking and swiming ect . ( like in Zelda 64 ) .
2 - Your two friends are always behind you and attacking the enemy by themselfs with their own powers ( like in Secret of Mana ) .
3 - The more you fight the more you will improve your skills . ( like in the two games ) .
4 - You can see the enemy before you fight him and you will not fight him in a particullar battlefield like FF , you will fight him moving your character ( like in the two games ) .
5 - You will use specials methods for move to another stages .
Now for the unique ideas of the game :
1 - The game have thousands of cinematics .
2 - It have tons of dialog ( voice acting ) .
3 - You can summon your power in the middle of the battles .
Another thing : Im not saying that this game is better than Zelda 64 or Secret of Mana , Im just saying that this game is a must buy for those who like COOL action-RPGs .
P.S : I really like the voice of Aeris , Kaori and most of the Disney's characters but I didn't like the voice of Rikku .
Sayonara , adios , goodbye and please write me if you have questions because I like to answer them .
096 4 This game is really awsome ! I've already beat it 5 times ( 3 on Normal level and 2 on Expert level ) I've gotten every trinity , all pups , and even managed to make that . . . Ultima Weapon . . . . I even have a poster hanging up in my room of this game . Okay , enough about my obsestion ! Reasons for getting this game : You can see many Disney and FF characters , the graphics are awsome , it's fun to go to Neverland and just fly around , plus you get to beat up stuff with a wicked Keyblade ! ! If you like Disney , Squaresoft , RPG's , or just beating the . . . . out of stuff , then you'll like this game !
097 4 Kingdom Hearts is by far my favorite game of all time . Keeping this in mind while I write the review , I while do my best not to be overly biased , and will try to point out as many of the game's pros and cons as I can .
Story :
In my opinion , Kingdom Hearts has a great plot . One moment , the mood can be light and funny , as Donald Duck or Goofy provide comic relief . The next moment , it can become dark and ominous as more is revealed about the heartless . The game is able to succesfully create different moods at the appropriate times , which is a major plus for the overal plot . The main characters are , for the most part , realistic and likable , and greatly develope over the span of the game . Sora is much more human than past Squaresoft protagonists ( : : cough , cough : : Tidus ) , and is actually likable . Riku , who forms a complicated relationship with Sora , is one of the most interesting characters to come along in recent history , while Kairi breaks the weak-female protagonist curse that has claimed many female leads . There is even an attempt to give as much character as possible to Donald Duck and Goofy , who were only two dimensional characters to begin with . Though the attempt to humanize Donald and Goofy doesn't always work , you can see that some serious effort was put into their characters . As for the villains : They are predictable ( considering we have seen them all in their respective Disney films ) , but end up being as fun to hate as villains can get . The game also does a good job of mixing Disney and FF characters into the game environments , without given off an akward feel . Overal , the game can make you laugh , cry , and gasp in shock . I feel the plot deserves a grade of : 9 / 10
Graphics :
Kingdom Hearts provides gorgeous and three dimensional graphics that look like a Disney film come to life . The characters all look amazing , and have the same stride and body language as their movie counterparts . Donald , Goofy , and all of the villains look especially striking , and are all very detailed . Past FF characters that pop-up during the course of the game look better than ever , though at times , slightly different ( Squal has different hair , while Selphie , Tidus , and Wakka all look younger ) . Most of the original characters look great , especially Riku and Kairi , while Sora looks rather stereotypical . The monsters that you fight in the game ( Heartless ) look amazing as well , and fit right into the Disney theme of the game . The world / backround graphics look very cartoony , which fits the game nicely . Though at times , the environments can get a little undetailed as a result of the cartoon look of the game . The CG cut scenes are very rare , but look wonderful all the same . Overal , the graphics fit the mood of the game , and the characters look gorgeous and detailed . I feel the graphics deserve a grade of : 9 / 10
Sound :
Kingdom Hearts has relatively good music , and excellent voice-overs . Each new world features its set of new music , providing some variaty to the music you hear throughout the game . Occasionaly , you will hear a familier Disney tune , which always proves to be a pleasant surprise during gameplay . The original music is decent , and catchy , but fails to ever greatly impress the gamer . The voice-acting , on the other hand , is the best I have ever heard in a video game . Unlike FFX , the voices match the mouth-movement , a fault that often made serious scenes in FFX seem dumb . The acting itself , is brilliant , and gamers will hear many familier voices throughout the game , such as Haley Joel Osment ( Sora ) , David Gallagher ( Riku ) , Billy Zane ( Ansem ) , David Boreanaz ( Squal ) , and Mandy Moore ( Aerith ) . Some notable actors also return to revive their past Disney roles , such as James Woods ( Hades ) and Gilbert Gottfried ( Iaago ) . Overal , the music does its job , and the voice acting is wonderful . I feel the music deserves a grade of : 7.5 / 10 and the voice-acting deserves a grade of : 10 / 10
Gameplay :
Kingdom Hearts features incredibley fun gameplay , that will keep the gamer occupied for hours at a time . The best way to decribe the gameplay overal would be : Zelda 64 + The Legend of Mana + Final Fantasy VII . The game environments are all 3 - D , and the player uses the left analog control to navagate them . There is a real sense of exploration to each new world , which I greatly enjoyed . On the lower left side of the screen is the player's options . The options allow you to attack , talk , use items , and cast magic spells at the appropriate times in the game . The player also has a set amount of HP and MP that increases as the player gains levels . The game is like in RPG in the sense that you buy items at shops , talk to villagers , gain levels , cast magic and summon spells , equip weapons and armor , and progress along a detailed plot . The battles themselves , on the other hand , can be very different from traditional RPG battles . You fight the enemies right in the game environments ( no more morphing into a battle ) , and you can escape from them simply by running away . You fight the enemies like you would in most adventure games : Lock onto the enemy , get close to it , and hit it with your weapon . You can attack as much or as little as you want , for there or no AT bars , and no taking turns inbetween attacks . You defend by moving away from the attack of the enemy , and can also cast magic or summon spells from a certain distance away . The only character you have control of in the battle is Sora , while the other characters act on their own , using the weapons and spells that you assigned to them . When an enemy is defeated , they burst into a bunch of little balls . Each ball may count as a small amount of HP , MP , money , or items , and are collected by walking into them . There are many mini-games during gameplay to keep the player occupied as well , including a Starfox-ish piloting game , and tree swinging .
There is only one major fault in gameplay , though I personally feel that it does very little to take away from the game as a whole . It is the games infamous camera angles , that often move into poorly positioned places . The player can alter the angles by pressing the L and R buttons , but the automatic angles still remain annoying at times . Overal , the gameplay is fun and addicting , and will leave you wanting more . I feel the gamplay deserves a grade of : 9 / 10
Final Grade ( not an average ) : 9 / 10
Kingdom Hearts is a fun game that no one should miss out on . I highly recomend buying it ( it is a rather long game to rent , running at about 35 - 60 hours , depending on the player ) , and hope my review inspired someone to go out and try this amazing game .
098 4 It's strange really . When Kingdom Hearts was first announced , I really wasn't sure what to think . I watched Disney movies and shows when I was young , but I didn't see this game as having much appeal to older gamers . I decided to pick it up anyways if only because Square was the developer and Square's efforts to push beyond the Final Fantasy series have surprised me in the past .
I'm about 15 hours into Kingdom Hearts and already I can say that it is an excellent , if a little misguided game . The Disney characters for their part are a great part of the game and I found myself laughing at every new surprise in all of the various Disney themed worlds . I just can't put into words the joy of being able to wander around Wonderland with Donald and Goofy at my side - - what a concept !
Kingdom Hearts makes heavy use of voice acting which is technically excellent and a huge boost over the somewhat mediocre performances of Final Fantasy X . The rest of the audio is excellent as well with well written songs that sound like a combination between American and Japanese styles which fits the game perfectly .
The graphics , while extremely stylized , are not up to the level of FF X in polygon counts and tend to look a bit boxy at times . This doesn't really detract from the game ; it's just not the technological tour de force that FFX was . Still , the sheer variety of art is absolutely stunning as almost every major Disney character and world is recreated here .
The biggest disappointment of Kingdom Hearts for me is the gameplay . Don't get me wrong it's not terrible , but it is frustrating to think of how good it COULD have been . The battles are all conducted in a kind of Zelda meets Final Fantasy style with real time battles . The camera is the worst aspect of this as it constantly gets in the way , especially when you are near walls or surrounded by enemies . Also the menu system in battle is an absolute mess ; there should have been some kind of hotkey or combo system implemented . Actually , if the Square developers had shifted the gameplay to be a sort of . . . of Devil May Cry with level building they would have created something that fit the game perfectly . As it is , combat in Kingdom Hearts is more than a little frustrating .
Despite these flaws , I still recommend that everyone check Kingdom Hearts out be you young or old . This is the kind of game that can appeal to everyone and I think that adults will find it even more enjoyable then kids since they can re-experience the Disney characters from their youth . Plus the production values of this game are so high that you'll be astonished by how polished the visual design is . Give it a rental first if you want , but I think it was well worth the fifty bucks to get to see so many Disney characters in one game . Oh and the Square cameos aren't bad either !
099 4 At first glance Kingdom Hearts seems like a game that only a child would enjoy . But at second glance the game is an RPG masterpiece ! With a great storyline , great music , top notch voice acting and a Unique way to battle and move around , the game easily scores a five .
You control a young Boy named Sora ( voiced by Haley Joel Osment ) and he travels through the different realms of the Disney Kingdom trying to stop the heartless in an attempt to restore piece to the land and save the world . While not as good as previous RPGs , this gives RPGers a little something different to enjoy .
Battling is a little different . To sum it all up , its very similar to Secret of Mana and Legend of Mana . Thus meaning you can't control your two sub characters but you control the main one . For each enemy you defeat you get MP orbs and HP orbs to restore health ( like candy in Legend of Mana ) . This is also interesting because when running around in towns you can choose to pick up something or other events .
The characters present a more animated look . I know that by some of the people they'll say its a kids game becasue of the disney characters ( shame on you gamers for not even trying it first ) . The voice acting for these characters is top notch with Haley Joel Osment doing the voice of Sora . Characters from the Final Fantasy series are here too . From Aeris and Cloud , to Squall and Yuffie , to the legendary Sephiroth . The only problem is that Lance Bass is the voice of Sephiroth and while to some it doesn't seem like much , to those who've played FF7 they know that Lance Bass doesn't have the Sephiroth voice .
The graphics are amazing and they look very realistic . The music is great , and gameplay is too . But if you've seen the disney moves a lot then you'll note that you might know the outcome of some events being that its like playing through the disney movie itself .
This game also takes a new step in the RPG world . When you select a new game you can choose to select Expert mode or Normal mode . Not to mention that you can also answer the first series of question to decide how fast your characters level up ! So you could put it on expert and level up slowly for a hard experience .
Don't judge this so much on the characters , if your like me this game is good Nostalga for a Disney Lover like myself . The gameplay is unique and the game has several mini-games and side quest . It has a ton of secrets as well . The only other problem with this game is the annoying camera angles .
OVERALL the game desrves a five .
On the good side
+ Great Graphics
+ Stunning music
+ Great gameplay
+ For the Secret of Mana and Final Fantasy lovers
+ Difficulty settings in an RPG finally !
+ A HUGE cast of characters
+ Top Notch voice acting .
The Bad
- Lance Bass is the voice of Sephiroth
- Annoying Camera angles
- Seems short for an RPG compared to today
- Too many people are gonna overlook this game because of the Disney Characters
101 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
It was about four years ago when I first went over to a friend's house and I started playing Kingdom Hearts near the middle of the game , and I begged him to let me borrow it . He complied and I played through the whole game in a little less than a week . I was thrilled at how much the game had to offer : new and exciting plotline unlike anything I had ever seen , deep characters that were deceptively human , richly elaborate worlds and platform environments , and some of the best graphics of its day . The mix of Square Soft ( now called Square Enix ) , possibly one of Japans best gaming companies , and Disney , an American treasure trove of classic stories and characters , proved to be a huge win when Kingdom Hearts was born from years of hard work and persistence .
The controls are simple and easy to manage , although combat can get a bit hectic at times when so much is going on in the screen space you lose track of what's happening . I applaud the leveling up system , since I lean towards games where the more you battle and get more experience the stronger your character becomes . And in this game , when you fight , not only your character gets stronger , but so do your partners ! At times all of the items and key chains and abilities can seem to get out of hand , but if you take the time and learn their attributes they can prove quite useful in a tight spot .
What really got me going , however , was the unique plot and character development used to make Kingdom Hearts a truly one-of-a-kind gaming experience . It begins centered on the lives of three young children : Sora ( our main protagonist ) , Kairi ( the classic damsel in distress ) , and Riku ( a very dynamic character and side-switcher of our story ) . The game starts out on Destiny Islands , where our three friends begin their tale . The plot thickens as we learn that Sora is the one chosen by the Keyblade , the ultimate weapon against Darkness , and must use its power to rid the universe of its taint once and for all . Riku and Kairi mysteriously disappear from the Island one night when it is attacked by Heartless , creatures whose hearts have been lost to the Darkness and prey off the hearts of others . Sora is whisked away to the world of Traverse Town , and there our real adventure begins . . .
But I won't go spoiling the whole story for you , now ! There are a collection of worlds in this game , and Kingdom Hearts boasts one of the widest selections of levels and scenarios of any game of its day . You get to travel between worlds on your quest , of which many of are modeled after Disney movies . The animations are very good and with an interactive environment that stretches the limit of previous 2002 games , with thought-out level design that resembles their Disney counterparts with mirror precision , also keeping in mind the characters that inhabit these worlds . Square Enix even threw in some of the stars from the very successful Final Fantasy series , including Aerith , Cloud Strife , Squall Leonhart , Cid , Yuffie , and Sephiroth ( although some may not be able to see him in specific game play courses ) . Sora , Riku , and Kairi are some of Square Enix's finest creations , having personalities akin to that of real human beings and I became quite attached to them throughout the course of the game . Hats off to Tetsuya Nomura , a longtime Square Enix character designer who created them and the genius who directed the development of Kingdom Hearts .
Another point that I must make it that the music floored me . The incredible opening theme by Japanese-American artist Utada Hikaru with breath-taking animation had me hooked the moment I started and the music that accompanies the story line fits and flows beautifully with every passing moment . It sped up with the battle sequences , gave background and depth to the lush animations of game play , and provided perfect momentum for the well thought-out choreographies of the cut scenes . Yoko Shimomura is a credit to the small league of women composers with her captivating scores to one of the , in my opinion , greatest games I have ever played .
102 4 It was about four years ago when I first went over to a friend's house and I started playing Kingdom Hearts near the middle of the game , and I begged him to let me borrow it . He complied and I played through the whole game in a little less than a week . I was thrilled at how much the game had to offer : new and exciting plotline unlike anything I had ever seen , deep characters that were deceptively human , richly elaborate worlds and platform environments , and some of the best graphics of its day . The mix of Square Soft ( now called Square Enix ) , possibly one of Japans best gaming companies , and Disney , an American treasure trove of classic stories and characters , proved to be a huge win when Kingdom Hearts was born from years of hard work and persistence .
The controls are simple and easy to manage , although combat can get a bit hectic at times when so much is going on in the screen space you lose track of what's happening . I applaud the leveling up system , since I lean towards games where the more you battle and get more experience the stronger your character becomes . And in this game , when you fight , not only your character gets stronger , but so do your partners ! At times all of the items and key chains and abilities can seem to get out of hand , but if you take the time and learn their attributes they can prove quite useful in a tight spot .
What really got me going , however , was the unique plot and character development used to make Kingdom Hearts a truly one-of-a-kind gaming experience . It begins centered on the lives of three young children : Sora ( our main protagonist ) , Kairi ( the classic damsel in distress ) , and Riku ( a very dynamic character and side-switcher of our story ) . The game starts out on Destiny Islands , where our three friends begin their tale . The plot thickens as we learn that Sora is the one chosen by the Keyblade , the ultimate weapon against Darkness , and must use its power to rid the universe of its taint once and for all . Riku and Kairi mysteriously disappear from the Island one night when it is attacked by Heartless , creatures whose hearts have been lost to the Darkness and prey off the hearts of others . Sora is whisked away to the world of Traverse Town , and there our real adventure begins . . .
But I won't go spoiling the whole story for you , now ! There are a collection of worlds in this game , and Kingdom Hearts boasts one of the widest selections of levels and scenarios of any game of its day . You get to travel between worlds on your quest , of which many of are modeled after Disney movies . The animations are very good and with an interactive environment that stretches the limit of previous 2002 games , with thought-out level design that resembles their Disney counterparts with mirror precision , also keeping in mind the characters that inhabit these worlds . Square Enix even threw in some of the stars from the very successful Final Fantasy series , including Aerith , Cloud Strife , Squall Leonhart , Cid , Yuffie , and Sephiroth ( although some may not be able to see him in specific game play courses ) . Sora , Riku , and Kairi are some of Square Enix's finest creations , having personalities akin to that of real human beings and I became quite attached to them throughout the course of the game . Hats off to Tetsuya Nomura , a longtime Square Enix character designer who created them and the genius who directed the development of Kingdom Hearts .
Another point that I must make it that the music floored me . The incredible opening theme by Japanese-American artist Utada Hikaru with breath-taking animation had me hooked the moment I started and the music that accompanies the story line fits and flows beautifully with every passing moment . It sped up with the battle sequences , gave background and depth to the lush animations of game play , and provided perfect momentum for the well thought-out choreographies of the cut scenes . Yoko Shimomura is a credit to the small league of women composers with her captivating scores to one of the , in my opinion , greatest games I have ever played .
103 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
When people speak of video games they played for hours and hours , Kingdom Hearts comes to my mind . I love this game of rmany many reason's .
I am an RPG fan , its all I really enjoy , and this is one of the best ! The setting ; it is still very Disney , but child to adult and teens alike can enjoy this setting that brings back alot of memories ! And the battles are specatacular , however a dowside is that the camera on this game is a ltlle . . . messed up during battles ! By using a ' Lock On ' feature on your opponet , the camera does not fly around crazily as much , but stays onto the opponet you locked onto .
The battles require strategy , but the game isn't so difficult people will get stuck . You wont need to worry about dying in a non boss battle , it wont happen ! Some bosses are a challenge , and I have died a few times , but it is not hard to defeat any bosses . The game make sup for this by haveing the game be a nice 60 or 70 hours , and if you do everything ( there are quite a few sidequests ) , it can reach a cool 100 to maybe 120 . Howver , thos ehours are my experience , Im sure someone has something bigger or smaller .
The Story . This game has an amazing story that kepps you interested and engaged throughout the game , and continues on into an even better story in the second game .
I've been through this game 3 times on easy , 2 on hard , I love it , and you will enjoy it also . Its addicting , fun , and a darn good game !
104 4 When people speak of video games they played for hours and hours , Kingdom Hearts comes to my mind . I love this game of rmany many reason's .
I am an RPG fan , its all I really enjoy , and this is one of the best ! The setting ; it is still very Disney , but child to adult and teens alike can enjoy this setting that brings back alot of memories ! And the battles are specatacular , however a dowside is that the camera on this game is a ltlle . . . messed up during battles ! By using a ' Lock On ' feature on your opponet , the camera does not fly around crazily as much , but stays onto the opponet you locked onto .
The battles require strategy , but the game isn't so difficult people will get stuck . You wont need to worry about dying in a non boss battle , it wont happen ! Some bosses are a challenge , and I have died a few times , but it is not hard to defeat any bosses . The game make sup for this by haveing the game be a nice 60 or 70 hours , and if you do everything ( there are quite a few sidequests ) , it can reach a cool 100 to maybe 120 . Howver , thos ehours are my experience , Im sure someone has something bigger or smaller .
The Story . This game has an amazing story that kepps you interested and engaged throughout the game , and continues on into an even better story in the second game .
I've been through this game 3 times on easy , 2 on hard , I love it , and you will enjoy it also . Its addicting , fun , and a darn good game !
107 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Whew ! is what I said to myself after completing Kingdom Hearts in one week . This game's image ( Disney and Final Fantasy characters ? ) doesn't do justice of what it's actually like to play the game .
I'll admit that I wasn't interested in buying Kingdom Hearts when I first heard about it . I figured a game with Donald and Goofy , along with a host of other famous Disney and Final Fantasy characters , wouldn't be enjoyable . Well , I was wrong ! I ordered it in early April this year and beat it within a week . I was proved wrong by two companies that I never thought would join forces ! Disney and Squaresoft have really put together an amazing game . . . I'm really glad I played it .
First thing I'd like to mention is the fighting system . Enemies have pre-planned spawn points and will spawn if you get close enough . Sometimes enemies will keep spawning after you've killed one of the groups . Potions and items are hard to come by , but that is easily overcome by the amount of HP balls ( green colored , varied in size for how much they heal ) they will drop up their death . You can say good-bye to random battles in this game !
Second thing I like about Kingdom Hearts is its leveling system . You get a certain amount of EXP for each enemy you kill , and can gain Tech points for performing certain actions in battle . I am not too sure what Tech points are for , but I am assuming they are extra EXP added to the kill . They occur most when you and an enemy block eachother's attack . Anyway , each time you level up your characters get a certain stat or stats added . Sometimes a level up is worth Strength Up , Defense Up or HP Up . It really varies . But it doesn't detract from having to train , seeing that you get a random stat / stats added on each level . It's always worth a surprise . : )
Last but not least , I would like to talk about the skills system . At the start of the game you're asked to pick from a Sword ( skills of a Warrior ) , Wand ( skills of a Magician ) , or Shield ( skills of a Defender ) . After you pick that , you're then asked to give up one of the skills that you didn't pick . Doing this sets up your skill tree for when you level up in the game . Some skills can be acquired earlier with one pre-set than in another pre-set . You can look on GameFAQs for more information to see which skill trees are best . I advise not doing so until you've beat the game at least ONCE without help . : D
Overall Kingdom Hearts is a very good game . There's nothing about it that I don't like . I've fallen in love with the story , the characters and the game itself . I am looking forward to playing Kingdom Hearts II for the PS2 and Kingdom Hearts III for the PS3 ! Square and Disney make quite a team !
108 4 Whew ! is what I said to myself after completing Kingdom Hearts in one week . This game's image ( Disney and Final Fantasy characters ? ) doesn't do justice of what it's actually like to play the game .
I'll admit that I wasn't interested in buying Kingdom Hearts when I first heard about it . I figured a game with Donald and Goofy , along with a host of other famous Disney and Final Fantasy characters , wouldn't be enjoyable . Well , I was wrong ! I ordered it in early April this year and beat it within a week . I was proved wrong by two companies that I never thought would join forces ! Disney and Squaresoft have really put together an amazing game . . . I'm really glad I played it .
First thing I'd like to mention is the fighting system . Enemies have pre-planned spawn points and will spawn if you get close enough . Sometimes enemies will keep spawning after you've killed one of the groups . Potions and items are hard to come by , but that is easily overcome by the amount of HP balls ( green colored , varied in size for how much they heal ) they will drop up their death . You can say good-bye to random battles in this game !
Second thing I like about Kingdom Hearts is its leveling system . You get a certain amount of EXP for each enemy you kill , and can gain Tech points for performing certain actions in battle . I am not too sure what Tech points are for , but I am assuming they are extra EXP added to the kill . They occur most when you and an enemy block eachother's attack . Anyway , each time you level up your characters get a certain stat or stats added . Sometimes a level up is worth Strength Up , Defense Up or HP Up . It really varies . But it doesn't detract from having to train , seeing that you get a random stat / stats added on each level . It's always worth a surprise . : )
Last but not least , I would like to talk about the skills system . At the start of the game you're asked to pick from a Sword ( skills of a Warrior ) , Wand ( skills of a Magician ) , or Shield ( skills of a Defender ) . After you pick that , you're then asked to give up one of the skills that you didn't pick . Doing this sets up your skill tree for when you level up in the game . Some skills can be acquired earlier with one pre-set than in another pre-set . You can look on GameFAQs for more information to see which skill trees are best . I advise not doing so until you've beat the game at least ONCE without help . : D
Overall Kingdom Hearts is a very good game . There's nothing about it that I don't like . I've fallen in love with the story , the characters and the game itself . I am looking forward to playing Kingdom Hearts II for the PS2 and Kingdom Hearts III for the PS3 ! Square and Disney make quite a team !
109 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Beautiful graphics and interesting levels make this game a real gem . I'm a gameplayer that is very picky about the games she plays . I'm not very skilled and I like problem solving games . This game certainly has that . It provides challenging game play and puzzles a plenty . I really enjoy the beautiful graphics and interesting characters .
112 4 This is an AWESOME game ! ! ! It has a lot of Disney and Final Fantasy Characters in it , and the plot is actually pretty decent ! There is this 14 year old boy named Sora , and he is on an Island with his friends ( he doesn't actually live on the island , but he goes there a lot ) named Riku ( 15 ) and Kairi ( 14 ) . They are going to use a raft to leave the Island and visit others Worlds , but the night before they leave , the Island is attacked by the power of Darkness . Riku goes to the Darkness , and Sora recieves the Keyblade . The Darkness takes Sora to a different World , where he meets Donald and Goofy . Together they travel to different Worlds , looking for Riku , Kairi , and The King . It is somewhat challenging , and it is very fun . I REALLY recommend buying it , especially if you have or are a kid . You won't be disapointed !
BTW , could someone please tell me who Nainme is ? I know a Namine , but no Nainme ! Is she in Final Mix or something ? And what is it with her and Riku ?
113 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Kingdom Hearts is one of those games that just dares your dad to break down and rekindle those old Disney inspired , family filled , evenings . Some adults may feel that this game may be a bit out of their league , but you'll be amazed at how this game is capable of keeping even the most grown up of us around . First of all , the game isn't terribly difficult to get the hang of or to defeat ( even on the higher difficulty setting ) . And most of the action focuses on constant button mashing much in the vein of your typical Hack n'slasher . You play the as the young boy named Sora who lives on a far away island with his friends Riku and Kairi . The friends all share dreams of adventure and travel . The story takes off from their plunging our hero into a strange yet familiar series of worlds filled with all the Disney inspired goodness most of us have grown up to know . The story itself has it's intrigueing moments , and yet others where everything is completey predictable . Sora levels up as you gain experience which you'll recieve for hacking down enemies . And you'll obtain some pretty interesting combat combonations for reaching new levels . You will be utilizing magic spells as well , though given the relative ease of difficulty , you might be more inclined to simply attack most things . I have found personally that the true challenges in this title lie in mastering all the mini games and completing the colloseum and sub events . And there quite a number of extras to engage in when not busy following the story . As you move along you'll come face to face with a host of Disney characters both good and evil , and will even adventure with a handfull of them as your NPC sidekick ( who by the way levels up and gains combos like Sora ) . SquareEnix has even gone so far as placing it's flagship Final Fantasy series characters into the mix . Don't hold your breath FF fannies , the cast of character's you have come to know are somewhat dumbed down to fit the theme of this Disney inspired game . Of course that's just a bit disapointing , but it's a minor gripe . There is voice acting throughout most of the game's major storyline and it is generally done quite well , though it's a little strange hearing the character's speak and then go straight into dialogue in some small cases . The graphics and movie segments are of typical SquareEnix quality , and the many towns or areas , fields , and large landmasses you'll travel never get dull or repetitive . You will be traveling to many worlds created by Disney and a few by SquareEnix themselves , via a gummi ship . Here's where the all the vivid environments and attention to detail kind of dip . Your ship resembles a leggo constructed model with wings . And the backdrop is a series of swirling psycodellic patterns littered with blockish obstacles . Even the enemy ships look like leggo toys ! It's nothing to write home about but nothing to worry over either , considering that you'll also be capable of constructing your own unique ships block for block or using blueprints found in game . These travel sequences are short and pan out to be like a space shooter arcade game . The soundtrack is very pleasing and filled with revamped or origonal Disney tunes , inlaid with some SquareEnix origonals for an epic classical feel . After it's all said and done , this is a good game with easy controls and difficulty , and is easy to get into and engrossed in . I feel there is always enough going on to keep up interests without getting repetitve . And there is enough good gameplay to get all age groups involved without having to negotiate with your inner child . I give it a 4 / 5 !
114 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Kingdom Hearts is one of those games that just dares your dad to break down and rekindle those old Disney inspired , family filled , evenings . Some adults may feel that this game may be a bit out of their league , but you'll be amazed at how this game is capable of keeping even the most grown up of us around . First of all , the game isn't terribly difficult to get the hang of or to defeat ( even on the higher difficulty setting ) . And most of the action focuses on constant button mashing much in the vein of your typical Hack n'slasher . You play the as the young boy named Sora who lives on a far away island with his friends Riku and Kairi . The friends all share dreams of adventure and travel . The story takes off from their plunging our hero into a strange yet familiar series of worlds filled with all the Disney inspired goodness most of us have grown up to know . The story itself has it's intrigueing moments , and yet others where everything is completey predictable . Sora levels up as you gain experience which you'll recieve for hacking down enemies . And you'll obtain some pretty interesting combat combonations for reaching new levels . You will be utilizing magic spells as well , though given the relative ease of difficulty , you might be more inclined to simply attack most things . I have found personally that the true challenges in this title lie in mastering all the mini games and completing the colloseum and sub events . And there quite a number of extras to engage in when not busy following the story . As you move along you'll come face to face with a host of Disney characters both good and evil , and will even adventure with a handfull of them as your NPC sidekick ( who by the way levels up and gains combos like Sora ) . SquareEnix has even gone so far as placing it's flagship Final Fantasy series characters into the mix . Don't hold your breath FF fannies , the cast of character's you have come to know are somewhat dumbed down to fit the theme of this Disney inspired game . Of course that's just a bit disapointing , but it's a minor gripe . There is voice acting throughout most of the game's major storyline and it is generally done quite well , though it's a little strange hearing the character's speak and then go straight into dialogue in some small cases . The graphics and movie segments are of typical SquareEnix quality , and the many towns or areas , fields , and large landmasses you'll travel never get dull or repetitive . You will be traveling to many worlds created by Disney and a few by SquareEnix themselves , via a gummi ship . Here's where the all the vivid environments and attention to detail kind of dip . Your ship resembles a leggo constructed model with wings . And the backdrop is a series of swirling psycodellic patterns littered with blockish obstacles . Even the enemy ships look like leggo toys ! It's nothing to write home about but nothing to worry over either , considering that you'll also be capable of constructing your own unique ships block for block or using blueprints found in game . These travel sequences are short and pan out to be like a space shooter arcade game . The soundtrack is very pleasing and filled with revamped or origonal Disney tunes , inlaid with some SquareEnix origonals for an epic classical feel . After it's all said and done , this is a good game with easy controls and difficulty , and is easy to get into and engrossed in . I feel there is always enough going on to keep up interests without getting repetitve . And there is enough good gameplay to get all age groups involved without having to negotiate with your inner child . I give it a 4 / 5 !
115 4 Kingdom Hearts is one of those games that just dares your dad to break down and rekindle those old Disney inspired , family filled , evenings . Some adults may feel that this game may be a bit out of their league , but you'll be amazed at how this game is capable of keeping even the most grown up of us around . First of all , the game isn't terribly difficult to get the hang of or to defeat ( even on the higher difficulty setting ) . And most of the action focuses on constant button mashing much in the vein of your typical Hack n'slasher . You play the as the young boy named Sora who lives on a far away island with his friends Riku and Kairi . The friends all share dreams of adventure and travel . The story takes off from their plunging our hero into a strange yet familiar series of worlds filled with all the Disney inspired goodness most of us have grown up to know . The story itself has it's intrigueing moments , and yet others where everything is completey predictable . Sora levels up as you gain experience which you'll recieve for hacking down enemies . And you'll obtain some pretty interesting combat combonations for reaching new levels . You will be utilizing magic spells as well , though given the relative ease of difficulty , you might be more inclined to simply attack most things . I have found personally that the true challenges in this title lie in mastering all the mini games and completing the colloseum and sub events . And there quite a number of extras to engage in when not busy following the story . As you move along you'll come face to face with a host of Disney characters both good and evil , and will even adventure with a handfull of them as your NPC sidekick ( who by the way levels up and gains combos like Sora ) . SquareEnix has even gone so far as placing it's flagship Final Fantasy series characters into the mix . Don't hold your breath FF fannies , the cast of character's you have come to know are somewhat dumbed down to fit the theme of this Disney inspired game . Of course that's just a bit disapointing , but it's a minor gripe . There is voice acting throughout most of the game's major storyline and it is generally done quite well , though it's a little strange hearing the character's speak and then go straight into dialogue in some small cases . The graphics and movie segments are of typical SquareEnix quality , and the many towns or areas , fields , and large landmasses you'll travel never get dull or repetitive . You will be traveling to many worlds created by Disney and a few by SquareEnix themselves , via a gummi ship . Here's where the all the vivid environments and attention to detail kind of dip . Your ship resembles a leggo constructed model with wings . And the backdrop is a series of swirling psycodellic patterns littered with blockish obstacles . Even the enemy ships look like leggo toys ! It's nothing to write home about but nothing to worry over either , considering that you'll also be capable of constructing your own unique ships block for block or using blueprints found in game . These travel sequences are short and pan out to be like a space shooter arcade game . The soundtrack is very pleasing and filled with revamped or origonal Disney tunes , inlaid with some SquareEnix origonals for an epic classical feel . After it's all said and done , this is a good game with easy controls and difficulty , and is easy to get into and engrossed in . I feel there is always enough going on to keep up interests without getting repetitve . And there is enough good gameplay to get all age groups involved without having to negotiate with your inner child . I give it a 4 / 5 !
116 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I Love The PS2 Game , Kingdom Hearts . I Just Love Exploring Traverse Town With Donald Duck And Goofy Goof At My Side . My Favorite Characters Counting Down From 6 To 1 Are : 6 . Yuffie , 5 . Shadow Heartless , 4 . Guard Armor , 3 . Darkside , 2 . Sora , 1 . Kairi ( My Most Favorite . ) Anyways , I Have This Game And I Really Enjoyed It .
118 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
it is very confusing and I had to find some hints for playing the game , too much going back and forth hunting for things and if you miss something you sometimes can't go back to get it .
Overall I like it because it is not overly difficult so far . . I hate games that are so difficult that only experienced gamers can play .
We are to the 3 headed dog and can't get past this portion , I have to see if this can be skipped to go onto the remainder of the game play . Game is Not for beginners ! ! ! like us . .
119 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
it is very confusing and I had to find some hints for playing the game , too much going back and forth hunting for things and if you miss something you sometimes can't go back to get it .
Overall I like it because it is not overly difficult so far . . I hate games that are so difficult that only experienced gamers can play .
We are to the 3 headed dog and can't get past this portion , I have to see if this can be skipped to go onto the remainder of the game play . Game is Not for beginners ! ! ! like us . .
120 4 it is very confusing and I had to find some hints for playing the game , too much going back and forth hunting for things and if you miss something you sometimes can't go back to get it .
Overall I like it because it is not overly difficult so far . . I hate games that are so difficult that only experienced gamers can play .
We are to the 3 headed dog and can't get past this portion , I have to see if this can be skipped to go onto the remainder of the game play . Game is Not for beginners ! ! ! like us . .
121 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Kingdom Hearts is a game made by Square-Enix that combines the Final Fantasy license and the Disney license . Before the game came out , people thought that Square has finnaly lost it . But this is now one of my favorite titles .
Graphics - 4 out of 5
Sound - 5 out of 5
Gameplay - 5 out of 5
At times the game can be difficult so you will need a strategy guide from Bradygames written by Dan Birlew.This is a great title and will keep you busy for a while . Do yourself a huge favor and pick this game up .
122 4 Kingdom Hearts is a game made by Square-Enix that combines the Final Fantasy license and the Disney license . Before the game came out , people thought that Square has finnaly lost it . But this is now one of my favorite titles .
Graphics - 4 out of 5
Sound - 5 out of 5
Gameplay - 5 out of 5
At times the game can be difficult so you will need a strategy guide from Bradygames written by Dan Birlew.This is a great title and will keep you busy for a while . Do yourself a huge favor and pick this game up .
123 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
This game will be in my top five forever . Disney and Final Fantasy characters merged perfectly . The music is phenomenal throughout the game and the bosses provide a good challenge . The battle system is really easy to get use to and I think all ages can have a good time with the storyline . This is the best game playstation has and it's definitely a classic that will be remembered for years !
125 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I first bought this game because I had played it at a friend's house and thought it was pretty cool . . . and cute the way that Squaresoft mixes Final Fantasy ( though I've never played those games ) and Disney . However , when I finally got to seriously playing this game , it was just amazing . The storyline is superbly explained ( a 14 year old boy named Sora lives on Destiny Island with Kairi , Riku , and a few characters from Final Fantasy . one day , there's a storm and everybody disappears , including Riku and Kairi . Sora sets out to find them , and along the way , makes new friends and discovers a ton of things ) , the graphics are really nice , the controls are easy to use , and the gameplay is hard but not impossible . Also , the cutscenes ( mostly the one at the end ) are really touching / moving , especially coupled with the music ( the music is really nice in the starting cutscene ) . This game is a must-buy and I really can't wait for the second one !
126 4 I first bought this game because I had played it at a friend's house and thought it was pretty cool . . . and cute the way that Squaresoft mixes Final Fantasy ( though I've never played those games ) and Disney . However , when I finally got to seriously playing this game , it was just amazing . The storyline is superbly explained ( a 14 year old boy named Sora lives on Destiny Island with Kairi , Riku , and a few characters from Final Fantasy . one day , there's a storm and everybody disappears , including Riku and Kairi . Sora sets out to find them , and along the way , makes new friends and discovers a ton of things ) , the graphics are really nice , the controls are easy to use , and the gameplay is hard but not impossible . Also , the cutscenes ( mostly the one at the end ) are really touching / moving , especially coupled with the music ( the music is really nice in the starting cutscene ) . This game is a must-buy and I really can't wait for the second one !
128 4 I love this video game ! ! You will love it too !
Sora is a 14 year old living on a island , with his friends Riku and Kairi . They have made a plan to bulid a raft and sail of to find other worlds . One cruel night , a storm rages . Sora , afraid that the raft will be broken , risks his life to save the raft . Upon running to save it cretures start appearing . Sora runs and finds his friend Riku . Riku says he is not afraid of the darkness and he is engulfed in darkness . Soon after that Sora is left with a weapon of mass power . . . . the KEYBLADE . A huge dark monster attacks Sora but he fights back . Sora is transported to a world . . . . no wait a . . . . town ? Will Sora find his friends ? What were those cretures ? ? And . . . why are Donald and Goofy searching for a man ? ? * Akward silence * Don't worry , this game is rated E for everyone . : )
The game is awesome ! ! When you deafet the game , and you start a new one , the first couple of hours are very boring . Mostly made boring with cutscenes you cannot escape . A bonus ending is acuired when you defeat all the cups in the Hercuales world , find all the Ansem's report , and find all the 99 dalmations . It gives a look at KH2 comeing out in March next year ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! : ) So hurry up and get this game before kh2 ! ! Even though Disney is in this and gives of signales of a kid game , it is very hard and it took me 3 years to win !
Some bad things about the game are charecters , only 4 charecters were orignal . This how ever is cleared up in kh2 . Music is great . Some songs make you cry , some are very eerie and haunting .
A note : After this game there is KINGDOM HEARTS CHAIN OF MEMORIES FOR GAME BOY ADVANCE . I bought a gba just so I could play this . this is after kh1 and ends right before kh2 . If oyu do not have a GBA , go online and you can read the script . Just go on Gamestop .
Good bye ! ! Please play this game you will not be sorry ! ! !
Songstress Lenne
131 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
This is the best freakin ' game anyone has ever made ! ! ! Not only were the graphics and sound above standard , It had the best story line of any RPG I've ever played . This is a nonstop action game that can get you hooked from the first minute . Leaves all Final Fantasy games in the dust ! I highly recomend this game to any of long game lovers . It took me over 40 hours to finish even with the game guide . The game literally never ends . There are so many side games that you can play this game for many years and still have things to do . If fighting is your style , You can always boost up levels for as long as you like . The enemies always keep comin ' back for more . I never regreted buying the game .
133 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
In Kingdom Hearts , you play as a 14 - year-old named Sora who lives on the Destiny Islands along with his pals , Riku and Kairi . However they dream of new worlds and are anxious to go and explore them - they're wish becomes true but not in the way they imagined . . .
A storm is cast on the Destiny Islands , tearing them apart and leaving Sora unconscious . He finds himself alone in Traverse Town when he wakes and soon meets Donald and Goofy who were ordered by the King ( Mickey ) to accompany him on a journey to defeat an evil force known as the Heartless for Sora is the master of a weapon known as the Keyblade . . .
The gameplay is similar to Final Fantasy except you use the left analog stick to move freely around and use the directional buttons to select commands of which you execute using ' X ' .
Oh , and there's no flashy screen when you enter battle - your command list simply turns red and you enter battle mode whereas you can only attack , magic and use a special move and can't open chests and examine things . The Disney characters are voiced by their original actors and from time to time you team up with such heroes as Peter Pan , Aladdin and Tarzan .
There are even Final Fantasy characters like Cloud , Squall , Selphie , Tidus , and Wakka . You don't team up with them but you do get to meet and talk to them ( and even fight some of them ! ) . Oh and a welcome appearance of moogles ! These little guys sythense items for you if you bring them the right stuff like in Final Fantasy IX .
If you love Disney's movies and Square's Final Fantasy games then you're gonna love Kingdom Hearts . What are you sitting around for , you buffoon ! Buy this now !
134 4 In Kingdom Hearts , you play as a 14 - year-old named Sora who lives on the Destiny Islands along with his pals , Riku and Kairi . However they dream of new worlds and are anxious to go and explore them - they're wish becomes true but not in the way they imagined . . .
A storm is cast on the Destiny Islands , tearing them apart and leaving Sora unconscious . He finds himself alone in Traverse Town when he wakes and soon meets Donald and Goofy who were ordered by the King ( Mickey ) to accompany him on a journey to defeat an evil force known as the Heartless for Sora is the master of a weapon known as the Keyblade . . .
The gameplay is similar to Final Fantasy except you use the left analog stick to move freely around and use the directional buttons to select commands of which you execute using ' X ' .
Oh , and there's no flashy screen when you enter battle - your command list simply turns red and you enter battle mode whereas you can only attack , magic and use a special move and can't open chests and examine things . The Disney characters are voiced by their original actors and from time to time you team up with such heroes as Peter Pan , Aladdin and Tarzan .
There are even Final Fantasy characters like Cloud , Squall , Selphie , Tidus , and Wakka . You don't team up with them but you do get to meet and talk to them ( and even fight some of them ! ) . Oh and a welcome appearance of moogles ! These little guys sythense items for you if you bring them the right stuff like in Final Fantasy IX .
If you love Disney's movies and Square's Final Fantasy games then you're gonna love Kingdom Hearts . What are you sitting around for , you buffoon ! Buy this now !
135 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Squaresoft and Disney joined forces ? Yeah , unbelievable , and the result of the collaboration is a game titled ` Kingdom Hearts ' , featuring a 14 year old boy named Sora , Donald Duck and Goofy . Heck , I know this sound totally weird . One practically non-existent character , 1 wacky duck and a pretty dumb animal - fighting against the evil and darkness of the world . But in actual , it's a pretty fun game to play with , as an action-based RPG that requires more skill and strategy than the traditional ones .
Graphics - 9.0
Kingdom Hearts is brilliant in the graphics , bringing you to the worlds of Disney in a fully 3D world . . . compared to what you saw in the movies and televisions in animation form . The character models are nice , the magic effects are great , as well as the summoning sequences , which is pretty attractive .
The lighting effects is a neat thing to look at , what with the magic and all , added with the colourful background and environment which enhances the graphics of the entire game . Still , when compared to Final Fantasy X , the graphics in this game falls short a bit - but perhaps that's done on purpose , as Kingdom Hearts is rather ` cartoony ' .
Music , Voices and Sound Effects - 9.5
The background music in all the stages are okay , with some of the stages having an altered music theme to the particular stage ; for example , the 100 Acre Wood starring Winnie the Pooh and friends . The sound effects are done nicely , with the sounds of swimming , fire blazing , lightning , and the like done quite well .
Voices are one of the main important aspects , as it boosts the fact that this game is a Disney and Squaresoft game . It seems that ( presumably , because I'm not entirely sure ) that the original voice actors for most of the Disney characters are retained . It's a real joke to hear Donald squawking , Sora ! , together with the entire line of Disney's characters which include Tarzan , Jane , Winnie the Pooh , Tigger , Piglet , Rabbit , Hercules , Hades , Ariel , Peter Pan and a countless of others .
Squaresoft characters like Aeris ( joy ! ) , Squall ( called Leon in the game , maybe because of his full name Squall Leonheart ) , Yuffie , Tidus , Wakka and a few more have their own voices , even though they might sound slightly weird in comparison of their own personalities ( for those who didn't know , Squaresoft's Final Fantasy series didn't have voices until Final Fantasy X ) . And for Tidus and Wakka from Final Fantasy X , they didn't have their original voice actors , which a tad bit too sad , but perhaps it's so because they didn't really look like the original Tidus and Wakka . In fact , they look like they were in their teens . Just a bit more of information , Mandy Moore is Aeris ' voice actor , while Sephiroth ( who is an additional boss for the English version of Kingdom Hearts ) has Lance Bass from ` NSync doing the grunts and all for him ; it seems that the celebrities have contributed too in this game .
Gameplay - 9.2
Although this game does states that it is an RPG , it is a form of an action-RPG type , which is different than the traditional one - the Final Fantasy series are the best examples . This game basically allows you to choose weapons , armors , magic and summons , where you control your character ( Sora ) and attack enemies manually , instead of a choice of selections for you to pick .
Perhaps the thing that catches your eye is the summons , because normally , an action-RPG game wouldn't have that type of attack ( considering this is a Squaresoft game too , well . . . ) . There are various type of summons hidden across the many worlds of Kingdom Hearts , which you need to find ( other than your initial one during the early part of the game ) . You can summon Disney characters like Simba ( from Lion King ) , Bambi ( from well , Bambi ) , Genie ( from Aladdin ) , Tinkerbell ( from Peter Pan ) and many others .
And the enemies ? Well , most of them are from Disney , like Jafar from Aladdin , Hades from Hercules , the evil queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and even the evil pirate from Peter Pan !
In the beginning , you will be given a choice of three things , a sword , a wand and a shield , which you can choose only two and will affect your character's stats , although there aren't any difference really because the difference of the stats is quite minor .
Magic too is understandably from Squaresoft , with the usual range of magic like Fire , Blizzard , Aero , Gravity , Stop and more . They are upgradeable to a more powerful version , and some of the names are totally weird , like Stopra , while the usual ones you've heard before in the Final Fantasy games are like Fira , Blizzara and the like .
Other than magic , there is this special move called the ` Trinity ' , which have different colours . Whichever colour of Trinity that you have learned will allow you to perform a Trinity move on that particular Trinity sign ( which by the way , can only be performed by Sora , Donald and Goofy ) .
Kingdom Hearts has plenty of mini-games to play , the most notable one will be the 100 Acre Wood which involves Winnie the Pooh and friends , together with activities like tournaments to join , which will award you with items and new magic .
And heck , just like any other RPGs , there are ` munny ' which is equivalent to money , just like Gil in the Final Fantasy series . These can be spent on buying things from item shops and accessory shops , and those unusable items that you had collected on your travels can be combined to create new items in the synthesis shop , run by Mogs ( you know , those cute pink look-a-bit-like-pigs creatures in Final Fantasy IX .
There are some optional characters that you can use only on the particular world itself , like Tarzan in Deep Jungle , which means that you can throw away a useless one ( which for me , is the annoying , squawking bird who called himself Donald ) . And also , once you had acquired Donald and Goofy , the two of them will help you out as a party , and since they're being controlled by computers , their AI can be pretty dumb at times , but those could be adjustable by setting how often should they attack , use magic , use curative items , etc . - all in the convenience of the Configuration .
Story - 9.5
Although the storyline here is mostly linear ( unlike Final Fantasy VII ) , there are several interesting parts of the story that'll set you thinking ( play the game and you'll find out ) . Basically , it's about Sora , a 14 year old teenager , Riku , a 15 year old boy and Kairi , a 14 year old girl . The three of them are best of friends but got separated when an evil force attacked their island . The three of them are split into different worlds , and Sora is determined to find the other two . On the way , he bumped into Donald , the mage of the castle and Captain Goofy , who are on the search for King Mickey , who had mysteriously left the castle with a letter . So , as the norm of almost any story goes , the three of them set out in search of various people and battling the Heartless at the same time .
Replay Value - 8.0
This game doesn't have anything to offer once you have completed the game , but those mini-games and tough tournaments should bring you back to level yourself up often , since levelling up in this game is quite tough ( the amount of experience points you obtain is so . . . little to be of any use , especially battling the weaker enemies ) .
Overall - 10
Kingdom Hearts is a game about love and friendship , together with those lovable Disney characters ( at least , for most of them ) . If you've never played an action-RPG before , this game is a recommended one because it's not too tough and complicated to play , compared to Morrowind . . . All in all , this game is funny in its own ways , and the collaboration between Squaresoft and Disney resulting this game is something to praise .
( . . . )
136 4 Squaresoft and Disney joined forces ? Yeah , unbelievable , and the result of the collaboration is a game titled ` Kingdom Hearts ' , featuring a 14 year old boy named Sora , Donald Duck and Goofy . Heck , I know this sound totally weird . One practically non-existent character , 1 wacky duck and a pretty dumb animal - fighting against the evil and darkness of the world . But in actual , it's a pretty fun game to play with , as an action-based RPG that requires more skill and strategy than the traditional ones .
Graphics - 9.0
Kingdom Hearts is brilliant in the graphics , bringing you to the worlds of Disney in a fully 3D world . . . compared to what you saw in the movies and televisions in animation form . The character models are nice , the magic effects are great , as well as the summoning sequences , which is pretty attractive .
The lighting effects is a neat thing to look at , what with the magic and all , added with the colourful background and environment which enhances the graphics of the entire game . Still , when compared to Final Fantasy X , the graphics in this game falls short a bit - but perhaps that's done on purpose , as Kingdom Hearts is rather ` cartoony ' .
Music , Voices and Sound Effects - 9.5
The background music in all the stages are okay , with some of the stages having an altered music theme to the particular stage ; for example , the 100 Acre Wood starring Winnie the Pooh and friends . The sound effects are done nicely , with the sounds of swimming , fire blazing , lightning , and the like done quite well .
Voices are one of the main important aspects , as it boosts the fact that this game is a Disney and Squaresoft game . It seems that ( presumably , because I'm not entirely sure ) that the original voice actors for most of the Disney characters are retained . It's a real joke to hear Donald squawking , Sora ! , together with the entire line of Disney's characters which include Tarzan , Jane , Winnie the Pooh , Tigger , Piglet , Rabbit , Hercules , Hades , Ariel , Peter Pan and a countless of others .
Squaresoft characters like Aeris ( joy ! ) , Squall ( called Leon in the game , maybe because of his full name Squall Leonheart ) , Yuffie , Tidus , Wakka and a few more have their own voices , even though they might sound slightly weird in comparison of their own personalities ( for those who didn't know , Squaresoft's Final Fantasy series didn't have voices until Final Fantasy X ) . And for Tidus and Wakka from Final Fantasy X , they didn't have their original voice actors , which a tad bit too sad , but perhaps it's so because they didn't really look like the original Tidus and Wakka . In fact , they look like they were in their teens . Just a bit more of information , Mandy Moore is Aeris ' voice actor , while Sephiroth ( who is an additional boss for the English version of Kingdom Hearts ) has Lance Bass from ` NSync doing the grunts and all for him ; it seems that the celebrities have contributed too in this game .
Gameplay - 9.2
Although this game does states that it is an RPG , it is a form of an action-RPG type , which is different than the traditional one - the Final Fantasy series are the best examples . This game basically allows you to choose weapons , armors , magic and summons , where you control your character ( Sora ) and attack enemies manually , instead of a choice of selections for you to pick .
Perhaps the thing that catches your eye is the summons , because normally , an action-RPG game wouldn't have that type of attack ( considering this is a Squaresoft game too , well . . . ) . There are various type of summons hidden across the many worlds of Kingdom Hearts , which you need to find ( other than your initial one during the early part of the game ) . You can summon Disney characters like Simba ( from Lion King ) , Bambi ( from well , Bambi ) , Genie ( from Aladdin ) , Tinkerbell ( from Peter Pan ) and many others .
And the enemies ? Well , most of them are from Disney , like Jafar from Aladdin , Hades from Hercules , the evil queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and even the evil pirate from Peter Pan !
In the beginning , you will be given a choice of three things , a sword , a wand and a shield , which you can choose only two and will affect your character's stats , although there aren't any difference really because the difference of the stats is quite minor .
Magic too is understandably from Squaresoft , with the usual range of magic like Fire , Blizzard , Aero , Gravity , Stop and more . They are upgradeable to a more powerful version , and some of the names are totally weird , like Stopra , while the usual ones you've heard before in the Final Fantasy games are like Fira , Blizzara and the like .
Other than magic , there is this special move called the ` Trinity ' , which have different colours . Whichever colour of Trinity that you have learned will allow you to perform a Trinity move on that particular Trinity sign ( which by the way , can only be performed by Sora , Donald and Goofy ) .
Kingdom Hearts has plenty of mini-games to play , the most notable one will be the 100 Acre Wood which involves Winnie the Pooh and friends , together with activities like tournaments to join , which will award you with items and new magic .
And heck , just like any other RPGs , there are ` munny ' which is equivalent to money , just like Gil in the Final Fantasy series . These can be spent on buying things from item shops and accessory shops , and those unusable items that you had collected on your travels can be combined to create new items in the synthesis shop , run by Mogs ( you know , those cute pink look-a-bit-like-pigs creatures in Final Fantasy IX .
There are some optional characters that you can use only on the particular world itself , like Tarzan in Deep Jungle , which means that you can throw away a useless one ( which for me , is the annoying , squawking bird who called himself Donald ) . And also , once you had acquired Donald and Goofy , the two of them will help you out as a party , and since they're being controlled by computers , their AI can be pretty dumb at times , but those could be adjustable by setting how often should they attack , use magic , use curative items , etc . - all in the convenience of the Configuration .
Story - 9.5
Although the storyline here is mostly linear ( unlike Final Fantasy VII ) , there are several interesting parts of the story that'll set you thinking ( play the game and you'll find out ) . Basically , it's about Sora , a 14 year old teenager , Riku , a 15 year old boy and Kairi , a 14 year old girl . The three of them are best of friends but got separated when an evil force attacked their island . The three of them are split into different worlds , and Sora is determined to find the other two . On the way , he bumped into Donald , the mage of the castle and Captain Goofy , who are on the search for King Mickey , who had mysteriously left the castle with a letter . So , as the norm of almost any story goes , the three of them set out in search of various people and battling the Heartless at the same time .
Replay Value - 8.0
This game doesn't have anything to offer once you have completed the game , but those mini-games and tough tournaments should bring you back to level yourself up often , since levelling up in this game is quite tough ( the amount of experience points you obtain is so . . . little to be of any use , especially battling the weaker enemies ) .
Overall - 10
Kingdom Hearts is a game about love and friendship , together with those lovable Disney characters ( at least , for most of them ) . If you've never played an action-RPG before , this game is a recommended one because it's not too tough and complicated to play , compared to Morrowind . . . All in all , this game is funny in its own ways , and the collaboration between Squaresoft and Disney resulting this game is something to praise .
( . . . )
137 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
You take control of a young boy named Sora who has grown up on Destiny Islands with his friends Riku and Kairi . At this point in time , the gang attempts to build a raft to get off the islands and explore the worlds waiting for them . However , on the night when they are about to begin their expedition , strange creatures called Heartless appear on the island . Sora is granted a strange weapon known as the Keyblade , but he is also separated from both of his friends and thrown into a world completely different from his own . He eventually meets up with two of his future allies , Donald and Goofy , who are searching for their missing king . . . as well as a boy with a ` key ' . Henceforth , Sora , Donald and Goofy must save the universe from the Heartless while searching for their respective friends . The story is overall your typical ` save-the-world-from-evil ' genre , but Kingdom Hearts pulls it off well enough to make it manageable .
Kingdom Hearts allows you to directly use only one character in combat , and that character is Sora . Early battles are mostly button-mashing , which is familiar and easy to use but rather standard and unchallenging . Sora fights using his Keyblade which is obtained in the beginning of the game , and he never gains new weapons throughout the course of Kingdom Hearts . Kingdom Hearts combines an action style of fighting with RPG style level gaining to make Sora & Co . ' s health , magic , strength , defense and item slots increase . The best of both worlds are blended almost seamlessly so that it almost becomes its own genre of fighting . Sora's allies are normally Donald , who prioritizes magic , and Goofy , who has mastered defense . A well-balanced team can be the key to winning or losing . Additionally , in every world , there are allies who can be placed into your party , such as Jack Skellington or Simba . These allies come sporting their own equipment , items , and unique abilities . Sora , Donald and Goofy each have their own respective weapons . Sora's Keyblade is the only weapon he will receive throughout the entire game , but new Keychains to alter the appearance and stats of his Keyblade can be obtained through saving worlds or defeating certain enemies . Donald specializes in magical staffs , many of which can be purchased at item shops . Goofy's shields operate in much the same way . While most battles are enjoyable enough , the camera is a severe hindrance , often getting stuck behind objects , zooming around wildly or focusing on objects that are nowhere near Sora . While this may be unimportant to some players , it can be detrimental to your success when fighting tough enemies or bosses . A fair amount of strategy is involved in boss battles , and although the hack and slash system can become repetitive , the combat is fun enough to keep you hooked .
Sora's initial mission is to find and rescue Riku and Kairi , but on the way he gets sucked into the considerably larger mission of saving the world . . . er , worlds . Sora handles quite nicely when running around in his environments , and his movements look natural and in character . His skills are upgraded gradually throughout the story so that you gain invaluable abilities like High Jump , Glide , and Mermaid Kick ( a rather ironic name ) . In fact , there are few games where I have almost no qualms with the character controls . However , there is something that rains considerably on Sora's parade : the aforementioned dreaded camera . It is especially a bother when jumping from platform to platform , and must be controlled entirely with the R2 and L2 buttons . If they had shifted camera control to the right analog stick , I'm willing to bet that it would have been much smoother and more user friendly . Another feature that would have been nice was an auto-center button so that the camera would automatically shift to Sora . No such thing exists in this game . Other than that , Sora handles quite well . . . on land . So far all I've said has been true for when he's on ground . But when Sora is swimming or flying , there are a few problems with his movements . When swimming , he feels less like a hero and more like a tank . The controls are iffy at best and you have to keep pressing buttons to rise and sink . This can cause some major problems when surrounded by enemies that are on top and bottom . Once you receive and equip the Mermaid Kick ability , it becomes difficult to rise and fall in battle . Tap the circle button too quickly and you'll find yourself zooming away from your intended location . The same holds true for flying , with the exception of the Mermaid Kick . In other words , Sora's controls are fairly smooth while on land , but the exceedingly annoying camera as well as the clunky controls while swimming and flying take away some of Sora's sparkle .
To travel to new worlds and back , you must use something known as a Gummi ship . Disappointingly , this ship isn't made of candy and the sequences where it must be used are frustratingly repetitive . The similarity will become apparent after just a few levels , and you'll be snoring by the time you finish them . Luckily , the game gives you an option to warp to previous worlds without using the Gummi , although new frontiers still have to be explored with the ridiculously slow-moving , box-shaped ship . Customization is available using the Gummi blocks that destroyed enemy ships give you , but most people will find themselves not caring enough to build their own ship . Premade templates for enemy ships are also available .
The visual appeal of this game is amazing , beginning with the stunning cinematic opening sequence . Fans of Final Fantasy will feel right at home with this , while new players may be amazed with the detail . Cutscenes help to advance the story and give players some background stories or motivation to continue playing . These cutscenes are amazingly done as well . Characters expressions ( namely Sora's ) change all the time . This is all seen in sharp contrast with games in which characters never even move an eyebrow . Despite all the bright , sharply detailed art and characters in the game , the actual personality of these characters falls a little short of the mark . Sora is a happy kind of kid , and while this may be a welcome change from angsty heroes in other games , it can get on one's nerves after listening to him ramble about hearts and light and goodness for a while . The same goes for the game's villain , Ansem . A back and forth discussion conversation between can be summed up with these three words : light , darkness , and heart . Kairi , Sora's friend and potential love interest , doesn't exactly make herself a loveable character considering that she doesn't do anything the entire game . Other characters are a mix of Disney and Square Enix . You may see familiar allies from previous Final Fantasy games like Cloud , Squall ( a.k.a Leon ) and Tidus or Disney heroes such as Tarzan , Ariel and Peter Pan . While it's a nice bonus to spot all the previously seen characters , nobody seemed to bother to develop or change their personalities throughout the course of the story . In other words , it can seem at times that you're playing in a 3D world as a 2D cardboard cut-out . Sora may capture some players ' hearts , but may leave others with a sense of incredulity or skepticism .
Kingdom Hearts is , in general , a great game . Stunning visuals as well as an amazing original soundtrack and classic action-packed battles make this game a worthwhile buy . However , a clichéd story , flat characters and ridiculous Gummi ship segments may throw some players into a funk . I'd recommend buying this one but , as always , if you're not sure , rent it first .
138 4 STORY -
You take control of a young boy named Sora who has grown up on Destiny Islands with his friends Riku and Kairi . At this point in time , the gang attempts to build a raft to get off the islands and explore the worlds waiting for them . However , on the night when they are about to begin their expedition , strange creatures called Heartless appear on the island . Sora is granted a strange weapon known as the Keyblade , but he is also separated from both of his friends and thrown into a world completely different from his own . He eventually meets up with two of his future allies , Donald and Goofy , who are searching for their missing king . . . as well as a boy with a ` key ' . Henceforth , Sora , Donald and Goofy must save the universe from the Heartless while searching for their respective friends . The story is overall your typical ` save-the-world-from-evil ' genre , but Kingdom Hearts pulls it off well enough to make it manageable .
Kingdom Hearts allows you to directly use only one character in combat , and that character is Sora . Early battles are mostly button-mashing , which is familiar and easy to use but rather standard and unchallenging . Sora fights using his Keyblade which is obtained in the beginning of the game , and he never gains new weapons throughout the course of Kingdom Hearts . Kingdom Hearts combines an action style of fighting with RPG style level gaining to make Sora & Co . ' s health , magic , strength , defense and item slots increase . The best of both worlds are blended almost seamlessly so that it almost becomes its own genre of fighting . Sora's allies are normally Donald , who prioritizes magic , and Goofy , who has mastered defense . A well-balanced team can be the key to winning or losing . Additionally , in every world , there are allies who can be placed into your party , such as Jack Skellington or Simba . These allies come sporting their own equipment , items , and unique abilities . Sora , Donald and Goofy each have their own respective weapons . Sora's Keyblade is the only weapon he will receive throughout the entire game , but new Keychains to alter the appearance and stats of his Keyblade can be obtained through saving worlds or defeating certain enemies . Donald specializes in magical staffs , many of which can be purchased at item shops . Goofy's shields operate in much the same way . While most battles are enjoyable enough , the camera is a severe hindrance , often getting stuck behind objects , zooming around wildly or focusing on objects that are nowhere near Sora . While this may be unimportant to some players , it can be detrimental to your success when fighting tough enemies or bosses . A fair amount of strategy is involved in boss battles , and although the hack and slash system can become repetitive , the combat is fun enough to keep you hooked .
Sora's initial mission is to find and rescue Riku and Kairi , but on the way he gets sucked into the considerably larger mission of saving the world . . . er , worlds . Sora handles quite nicely when running around in his environments , and his movements look natural and in character . His skills are upgraded gradually throughout the story so that you gain invaluable abilities like High Jump , Glide , and Mermaid Kick ( a rather ironic name ) . In fact , there are few games where I have almost no qualms with the character controls . However , there is something that rains considerably on Sora's parade : the aforementioned dreaded camera . It is especially a bother when jumping from platform to platform , and must be controlled entirely with the R2 and L2 buttons . If they had shifted camera control to the right analog stick , I'm willing to bet that it would have been much smoother and more user friendly . Another feature that would have been nice was an auto-center button so that the camera would automatically shift to Sora . No such thing exists in this game . Other than that , Sora handles quite well . . . on land . So far all I've said has been true for when he's on ground . But when Sora is swimming or flying , there are a few problems with his movements . When swimming , he feels less like a hero and more like a tank . The controls are iffy at best and you have to keep pressing buttons to rise and sink . This can cause some major problems when surrounded by enemies that are on top and bottom . Once you receive and equip the Mermaid Kick ability , it becomes difficult to rise and fall in battle . Tap the circle button too quickly and you'll find yourself zooming away from your intended location . The same holds true for flying , with the exception of the Mermaid Kick . In other words , Sora's controls are fairly smooth while on land , but the exceedingly annoying camera as well as the clunky controls while swimming and flying take away some of Sora's sparkle .
To travel to new worlds and back , you must use something known as a Gummi ship . Disappointingly , this ship isn't made of candy and the sequences where it must be used are frustratingly repetitive . The similarity will become apparent after just a few levels , and you'll be snoring by the time you finish them . Luckily , the game gives you an option to warp to previous worlds without using the Gummi , although new frontiers still have to be explored with the ridiculously slow-moving , box-shaped ship . Customization is available using the Gummi blocks that destroyed enemy ships give you , but most people will find themselves not caring enough to build their own ship . Premade templates for enemy ships are also available .
The visual appeal of this game is amazing , beginning with the stunning cinematic opening sequence . Fans of Final Fantasy will feel right at home with this , while new players may be amazed with the detail . Cutscenes help to advance the story and give players some background stories or motivation to continue playing . These cutscenes are amazingly done as well . Characters expressions ( namely Sora's ) change all the time . This is all seen in sharp contrast with games in which characters never even move an eyebrow . Despite all the bright , sharply detailed art and characters in the game , the actual personality of these characters falls a little short of the mark . Sora is a happy kind of kid , and while this may be a welcome change from angsty heroes in other games , it can get on one's nerves after listening to him ramble about hearts and light and goodness for a while . The same goes for the game's villain , Ansem . A back and forth discussion conversation between can be summed up with these three words : light , darkness , and heart . Kairi , Sora's friend and potential love interest , doesn't exactly make herself a loveable character considering that she doesn't do anything the entire game . Other characters are a mix of Disney and Square Enix . You may see familiar allies from previous Final Fantasy games like Cloud , Squall ( a.k.a Leon ) and Tidus or Disney heroes such as Tarzan , Ariel and Peter Pan . While it's a nice bonus to spot all the previously seen characters , nobody seemed to bother to develop or change their personalities throughout the course of the story . In other words , it can seem at times that you're playing in a 3D world as a 2D cardboard cut-out . Sora may capture some players ' hearts , but may leave others with a sense of incredulity or skepticism .
Kingdom Hearts is , in general , a great game . Stunning visuals as well as an amazing original soundtrack and classic action-packed battles make this game a worthwhile buy . However , a clichéd story , flat characters and ridiculous Gummi ship segments may throw some players into a funk . I'd recommend buying this one but , as always , if you're not sure , rent it first .
139 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I just got done beating kingdom hearts and had to write a review .
This is one of the must own games for the PS2 . It has all the depth
of a deep squaresoft RPG , and yet the action is fast paced and
always fun . The story is interesting and touching . It has just enough melodrama to pull your heart strings , yet it does not get overly sappy . The soundtrack is excellent and this game has to many great characters to name . So pick up a copy of Kingdom Hearts and leave this Mundane World Behind !
140 4 I just got done beating kingdom hearts and had to write a review .
This is one of the must own games for the PS2 . It has all the depth
of a deep squaresoft RPG , and yet the action is fast paced and
always fun . The story is interesting and touching . It has just enough melodrama to pull your heart strings , yet it does not get overly sappy . The soundtrack is excellent and this game has to many great characters to name . So pick up a copy of Kingdom Hearts and leave this Mundane World Behind !
141 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I LOVE this game ( yes it's one that I could fall in love with ) and I'm sure you'd love it too ! It has AMAZING graphics and a plot you can easily sink into . With lovable new characters and some farmiliar ones , you can take a journey as the main character , Sora , with Donald and Goofy to different worlds where you can meet classic Disney and Final Fantasy characters and battle the Heartless to save the universe ! Being and obssessed player ( that's a girl no less ) I have some advice 1 . When playing on the island on the first day ( don't leave when you're done collecting stuff ) make sure you battle everyone and keep battling them ! it might take a while , but it's possible to leave the island at Level 16
2 . Don't depend on your pals to heal you in battle ! heal yourself !
3 . WARNING : May become obssessed ! ! !
142 4 I LOVE this game ( yes it's one that I could fall in love with ) and I'm sure you'd love it too ! It has AMAZING graphics and a plot you can easily sink into . With lovable new characters and some farmiliar ones , you can take a journey as the main character , Sora , with Donald and Goofy to different worlds where you can meet classic Disney and Final Fantasy characters and battle the Heartless to save the universe ! Being and obssessed player ( that's a girl no less ) I have some advice 1 . When playing on the island on the first day ( don't leave when you're done collecting stuff ) make sure you battle everyone and keep battling them ! it might take a while , but it's possible to leave the island at Level 16
2 . Don't depend on your pals to heal you in battle ! heal yourself !
3 . WARNING : May become obssessed ! ! !
143 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Kingdom Hearts shows a young boy named Sora { Voiced by the amazingly skilled Haley Joel Osmont } living on the Destiny Island with his two best friends Riku and Kairi . One day , Destiny Islands is attacked by the HeartLess : creatures that feed on peoples hearts . As things seem hopeless , Sora is given the Keyblade : A weapon to defeat the heartless and seal worlds from darkness . Sora suddenly finds himself against a huge heartless apparently seen in Sora's dream.A huge battle between Sora and Darkside : A reincarnation of Sora's darker side takes place . Sora defeats Darkside but is suddenly thrown into a giant ball of darkness .
At the same time at Disney Castle , King Mickey Mouse has mysteriously disappeared leaving a note with two important parts : Find the key and find Leon . Donald Duck who is the royal magician of Disney Castle finds the letter and informs Goofy who is the royal captain of the guard about this . Donald however is intercepted by Queen Minnie Mouse and Princess Daisy Duck and is forced to reveal his secret . After this , Minnie sends Donald and Goofy to find the key . Jiminy Cricket is sent with Goofy and Donald as the royal chronicler . They arrive at a place called Traverse Town with Pluto . Pluto leaves Goofy for a brief moment and finds Sora who has no clue what's going on . Sora then explores around Traverse Town until he encounter Leon who is the weilder of the gunblade and he challenges him to a battle . Sora puts up a fight and eventually defeats Leon only to collapse in exhaustion .
Meanwhile , Goofy and Donald are looking for the key and Leon . They meet Aerith who agrees to help them . The interesting part though is that the conversation with Sora and Leon is in a hotel with Aerith , Donald , and Goofy in the room next door ! Sora learns everything about the Keyblade while Donald and Goofy learn about the distant worlds . Out of nowhere , a heartless apears and attacks Yuffie : A close counterpart of Leon . Sora escapes along with Leon . It isn't until Goofy and Donald are intercepted with the heartless do they meet Sora . Before the introductions , walls appear out of nowhere and cage the area to make it look like an arena . Thus Sora is trapped with Goofy and Donald and are forced to survive a heartless ambush . Things seem safe until a giant suit of armour appears out of nowhere ! Sora , Goofy , and Donald work together and finally defeat the Guard Armour . There Leon tells them that distant worlds around the galaxy are being plagued with monsters . Having no means of transportation , Sora joins Goofy and Donald and together they must seal the worlds from the heartless and save the galaxy from total annialation .
144 4 Kingdom Hearts shows a young boy named Sora { Voiced by the amazingly skilled Haley Joel Osmont } living on the Destiny Island with his two best friends Riku and Kairi . One day , Destiny Islands is attacked by the HeartLess : creatures that feed on peoples hearts . As things seem hopeless , Sora is given the Keyblade : A weapon to defeat the heartless and seal worlds from darkness . Sora suddenly finds himself against a huge heartless apparently seen in Sora's dream.A huge battle between Sora and Darkside : A reincarnation of Sora's darker side takes place . Sora defeats Darkside but is suddenly thrown into a giant ball of darkness .
At the same time at Disney Castle , King Mickey Mouse has mysteriously disappeared leaving a note with two important parts : Find the key and find Leon . Donald Duck who is the royal magician of Disney Castle finds the letter and informs Goofy who is the royal captain of the guard about this . Donald however is intercepted by Queen Minnie Mouse and Princess Daisy Duck and is forced to reveal his secret . After this , Minnie sends Donald and Goofy to find the key . Jiminy Cricket is sent with Goofy and Donald as the royal chronicler . They arrive at a place called Traverse Town with Pluto . Pluto leaves Goofy for a brief moment and finds Sora who has no clue what's going on . Sora then explores around Traverse Town until he encounter Leon who is the weilder of the gunblade and he challenges him to a battle . Sora puts up a fight and eventually defeats Leon only to collapse in exhaustion .
Meanwhile , Goofy and Donald are looking for the key and Leon . They meet Aerith who agrees to help them . The interesting part though is that the conversation with Sora and Leon is in a hotel with Aerith , Donald , and Goofy in the room next door ! Sora learns everything about the Keyblade while Donald and Goofy learn about the distant worlds . Out of nowhere , a heartless apears and attacks Yuffie : A close counterpart of Leon . Sora escapes along with Leon . It isn't until Goofy and Donald are intercepted with the heartless do they meet Sora . Before the introductions , walls appear out of nowhere and cage the area to make it look like an arena . Thus Sora is trapped with Goofy and Donald and are forced to survive a heartless ambush . Things seem safe until a giant suit of armour appears out of nowhere ! Sora , Goofy , and Donald work together and finally defeat the Guard Armour . There Leon tells them that distant worlds around the galaxy are being plagued with monsters . Having no means of transportation , Sora joins Goofy and Donald and together they must seal the worlds from the heartless and save the galaxy from total annialation .
145 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
If you're thinking of getting this game , please do ! Buy it ! Rent it ! Borrow it ! Just get ahold of it somehow ( in a legal way would be best ) ! ! ! You really have an awesome time beating each different world and following the characters . I am a teenager ( a GIRL ) and for me , seeing the little crush between Sora and Kairi was heart-warming ! I haven't beaten it yet , but I can't wait to see the special ending ! Kingdom Hearts 2 ? ? No question that I'm buying it from what I've experienced from Kingdom Hearts ! ! ! I truly loved playing this game . In the words of my friend , and i quote , It rocks my socks apart .
146 4 If you're thinking of getting this game , please do ! Buy it ! Rent it ! Borrow it ! Just get ahold of it somehow ( in a legal way would be best ) ! ! ! You really have an awesome time beating each different world and following the characters . I am a teenager ( a GIRL ) and for me , seeing the little crush between Sora and Kairi was heart-warming ! I haven't beaten it yet , but I can't wait to see the special ending ! Kingdom Hearts 2 ? ? No question that I'm buying it from what I've experienced from Kingdom Hearts ! ! ! I truly loved playing this game . In the words of my friend , and i quote , It rocks my socks apart .
147 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
i never thought that a disney-based game could be so appealing to teenagers , like me . i love love love this game ! even though the graphics are good in the beginning , they're AWESOME in the end ! and , if you get all the special things , there's a cool sneak peek at KH2 ! if you like final fantasy , buy this game ! it has characters from FF like riku , cloud , sephiroth , etc .
149 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Okay , I played this Game a while back , but my lazy self is just now writing a review . . . Anyways , Let me start off saying that I love this game and that I can't wait for the next one . Well at first I truly thought I wouldn't like the game , for when someone tells you that they're about to play a game with Cloud , Squall , Donald , and Goofy , one wouldn't be to thrilled . Actually they would be a bit confused , which is just how I felt . Listen folks , this is a game where the saying , Don't judge a book by its cover , comes in handy . This is a really good game if you just sit down and play it .
By the way , this is my 1st review on Amazon ! Yay ! !
150 4 Okay , I played this Game a while back , but my lazy self is just now writing a review . . . Anyways , Let me start off saying that I love this game and that I can't wait for the next one . Well at first I truly thought I wouldn't like the game , for when someone tells you that they're about to play a game with Cloud , Squall , Donald , and Goofy , one wouldn't be to thrilled . Actually they would be a bit confused , which is just how I felt . Listen folks , this is a game where the saying , Don't judge a book by its cover , comes in handy . This is a really good game if you just sit down and play it .
By the way , this is my 1st review on Amazon ! Yay ! !
153 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
this is my favorite game . there are tons of levels and it will take about 30 - 40 hours before you beat the game , i deffinately recomend this game , and chain of memories
156 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Kingdom Hearts is the best game ever made ! It sure beats the crud out of Final Fantasy , and yeah . . . It's that good . It even has characters from Final Fantasy such as : Cloud , Squall ( Leon ) , Yuffie , Aerith , and Tidus , etc . It is hard but very fun , give it a try !
And for more fun , play Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories .
157 4 Kingdom Hearts is the best game ever made ! It sure beats the crud out of Final Fantasy , and yeah . . . It's that good . It even has characters from Final Fantasy such as : Cloud , Squall ( Leon ) , Yuffie , Aerith , and Tidus , etc . It is hard but very fun , give it a try !
And for more fun , play Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories .
158 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I bought this game as one of the first with my Playstation . I had heard that it was good , and being an RPG fan , I decided to give it a whirl . What I enjoyed it for was not the story itself , but for the way the game progressed and the joy of playing as Sora .
The gameplay , which really was what made me play the game all the way through , is fun keyblade-swinging action . It is in some ways simple action-RPG , but the seamless integration of a magic system and a variety of techniques that can be gained with leveling up make it all the more enjoyable . Even at times just watching Sora swing the blade and get rid of the Heartless - shawdow-like creatures that threaten the worlds-is entertaining .
The cutscenes in the story are just as beautiful , wonderfully animated and progressing the storyline . The whole game looks wonderful . Familiar characters from the Final Fantasy series appear upgraded ( love Cloud ! ) and the Disney characters look just as good in their jump from the movie screens to the video game .
However , with this game you have to remember it was originally intended for children . The storyline is often what attracts me to role-playing games , but in this case , at the end it degenerated into a long-trodden path about the power of friendship and purity of heart .
But this isn't enough to totally dampen the enjoyment of the game . In the beginning , the storyline is a joy , seamlessly jumping from Final Fantasy inspired worlds to well known territory in Disney inspired worlds . There isn't much of a learning curve to be had with the gameplay . Depending on your skill in puzzlesolving and combat , it could be a long game or a short game , but enjoyable nonetheless .
159 4 I bought this game as one of the first with my Playstation . I had heard that it was good , and being an RPG fan , I decided to give it a whirl . What I enjoyed it for was not the story itself , but for the way the game progressed and the joy of playing as Sora .
The gameplay , which really was what made me play the game all the way through , is fun keyblade-swinging action . It is in some ways simple action-RPG , but the seamless integration of a magic system and a variety of techniques that can be gained with leveling up make it all the more enjoyable . Even at times just watching Sora swing the blade and get rid of the Heartless - shawdow-like creatures that threaten the worlds-is entertaining .
The cutscenes in the story are just as beautiful , wonderfully animated and progressing the storyline . The whole game looks wonderful . Familiar characters from the Final Fantasy series appear upgraded ( love Cloud ! ) and the Disney characters look just as good in their jump from the movie screens to the video game .
However , with this game you have to remember it was originally intended for children . The storyline is often what attracts me to role-playing games , but in this case , at the end it degenerated into a long-trodden path about the power of friendship and purity of heart .
But this isn't enough to totally dampen the enjoyment of the game . In the beginning , the storyline is a joy , seamlessly jumping from Final Fantasy inspired worlds to well known territory in Disney inspired worlds . There isn't much of a learning curve to be had with the gameplay . Depending on your skill in puzzlesolving and combat , it could be a long game or a short game , but enjoyable nonetheless .
160 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Kingdom Hearts is one of those games that seems weird when you first here about it . Disney and Final Fantasy together ? Huh ? A very original and unique idea , I might add .
Graphics : 10 / 10 : Beautiful . Shadows , colors , backgrounds , clothes , it looks stunning ! That's all I have to say !
Gameplay : 10 / 10 : Travel around many worlds in your ship . You also get to fight lots of Heartless enimies with your Keyblade and magic . The battle system is kind of like 3D Zelda . You also can fight in tournaments , find secrets , hidden loot , and play mini-games . So much to do !
Music : 10 / 10 : Great music ! Gotta love Simple and Clean !
Sound / voices : 10 / 10 : Fine voice acting , and realistic sounds .
Story : 10 / 10 : A deep , complex story . Confusing at times , but beautiful .
Overall , this is a masterpice . And only 20 $ ! And don't forget about the GBA sequel , Chain of Memories . And KH2 is coming this September !
162 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Ah , yes . Kingdom Hearts . Best game in the world . Enough said .
164 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I'm a big fan of the Final Fantasy series and one of my friends let me borrow Kingdom Hearts . I had a lot of fun with this game because I felt like I was going back in time visiting all of Disney's classic characters and reliving the fun and excitement of each adventure . I highly recommend this game for anyone who can play a video game !
166 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
At first when I saw this video game on the Disney Channel ( little sister watches it not me ) I thought it would be one of those stupid old Disney games . I didn't think twice about even renting it .
Well the next Christmas we needed to find gifts for everyone . My cousins were getting a PS2 for Christmas , and my Aunt suggested we get them PS2 games . Since I had a PS2 as well I decided to read game information on the internet , and rent some games to see if they might like it .
For my youngest cousin , I found Kingdom Hearts . My cousin was only a year younger than me and I didn't know if she would like it or not . I took one look at the companies that made it , and saw Squaresoft on there . I am a big fan of the squaresoft games . All the Final Fantasys are great games . So I thought that this could not be a bad thing to try out .
I rented the game and started it . The game started in a regular Final Fantasy type introduction , only for kids . You start out on this island , and you're playing a boy named Sora . Sora is planing to go on this trip with his two best friends Kyrie and Riku . Sora has a crush on Kyrie . . . hehe they are cute to watch . But one night destruction hits , and Sora is seperated from his friends .
At the same time King Mickey disapears from the disney castle . He leaves a note to Donald that says to find Leon and the key in Traverse Town .
Sora is the one with the Key . They meet together , and you get to see three final fantasy characters . Leon , Yuffie , and Aireth . The explain about the Heartless , and the keyblade .
I won't spoil anymore of the story for you though !
But there are many worlds . . . .
Wonderland . . . . Alice in Wonderland , prove Alice's innosence to the Queen of Hearts . Meet characters such as the chesire cat , battle with the cards , and adventure through the rabbit hole and the lotus forest .
Here is where the five day rental was up . . . I said it was a good gift for my cousin . And then I added it to my own Christmas List . I got it from my Aunt for Christmas and yes the same one . And then I continued . Not that you care .
The Deep Jungle . . . . Tarzan , save the Gorillas from Clayton . Meet Jane , fight along side with Tarzan , fight Sabor ( the tiger ) go in the tree house , and see Jane's camp .
The Olympus Collusium . . Hercules . . . Meet Phil , this time its compitition . Compete against hades , hercules , cloud from ff , and the heartless .
Agrabah . . . . Aladin . Save Jasmin from Jafar . Meet jasmine , jafar , the magic carpet , and Genie ! Fight along side of Aladin , go into the desert , inside the cave of wonders , and defeat Jafar , to save Jasmine and the Genie .
Monstro the Whale . . . . Pinnochio . Jump around inside the whale , and save Pinnochio .
Atlantica . . . The Little Mermaid . Save Atlantica . Meet sebastion , King Triton , Flounder , and fight along side Ariel . Go inside Ariel's grotto , and the palace . The boss is Ursala .
Halloween Town . . . . . The Nightmare Before Christmas . Save the scientist's lastest creation . Meet the mayor , and sally . Fight along side of Jack . Go on Moonlight Hill , in the lab , and in the city . Fight Oogie Boogie !
Neverland . . . . Fly around with Peter Pan ! Save Wendy , fight Captain Hook . Meet Tinker Bell , Wendy , Captain Hook , and his pirate's . Meet that Crocidile , and learn to fly . Go around Captain Hook's ship , and go to the London Clock tower .
The Hollow Bastion . . . . Fight along side of the Beast . . . fight Malecifent . . and somebody else . Not based on a movie .
The End of The Worlds . . I cant spoil the end of the game !
I reccomend this game to anyone ! Its a bit difficult for a young child though . Thanx ~ ! ~
167 4 At first when I saw this video game on the Disney Channel ( little sister watches it not me ) I thought it would be one of those stupid old Disney games . I didn't think twice about even renting it .
Well the next Christmas we needed to find gifts for everyone . My cousins were getting a PS2 for Christmas , and my Aunt suggested we get them PS2 games . Since I had a PS2 as well I decided to read game information on the internet , and rent some games to see if they might like it .
For my youngest cousin , I found Kingdom Hearts . My cousin was only a year younger than me and I didn't know if she would like it or not . I took one look at the companies that made it , and saw Squaresoft on there . I am a big fan of the squaresoft games . All the Final Fantasys are great games . So I thought that this could not be a bad thing to try out .
I rented the game and started it . The game started in a regular Final Fantasy type introduction , only for kids . You start out on this island , and you're playing a boy named Sora . Sora is planing to go on this trip with his two best friends Kyrie and Riku . Sora has a crush on Kyrie . . . hehe they are cute to watch . But one night destruction hits , and Sora is seperated from his friends .
At the same time King Mickey disapears from the disney castle . He leaves a note to Donald that says to find Leon and the key in Traverse Town .
Sora is the one with the Key . They meet together , and you get to see three final fantasy characters . Leon , Yuffie , and Aireth . The explain about the Heartless , and the keyblade .
I won't spoil anymore of the story for you though !
But there are many worlds . . . .
Wonderland . . . . Alice in Wonderland , prove Alice's innosence to the Queen of Hearts . Meet characters such as the chesire cat , battle with the cards , and adventure through the rabbit hole and the lotus forest .
Here is where the five day rental was up . . . I said it was a good gift for my cousin . And then I added it to my own Christmas List . I got it from my Aunt for Christmas and yes the same one . And then I continued . Not that you care .
The Deep Jungle . . . . Tarzan , save the Gorillas from Clayton . Meet Jane , fight along side with Tarzan , fight Sabor ( the tiger ) go in the tree house , and see Jane's camp .
The Olympus Collusium . . Hercules . . . Meet Phil , this time its compitition . Compete against hades , hercules , cloud from ff , and the heartless .
Agrabah . . . . Aladin . Save Jasmin from Jafar . Meet jasmine , jafar , the magic carpet , and Genie ! Fight along side of Aladin , go into the desert , inside the cave of wonders , and defeat Jafar , to save Jasmine and the Genie .
Monstro the Whale . . . . Pinnochio . Jump around inside the whale , and save Pinnochio .
Atlantica . . . The Little Mermaid . Save Atlantica . Meet sebastion , King Triton , Flounder , and fight along side Ariel . Go inside Ariel's grotto , and the palace . The boss is Ursala .
Halloween Town . . . . . The Nightmare Before Christmas . Save the scientist's lastest creation . Meet the mayor , and sally . Fight along side of Jack . Go on Moonlight Hill , in the lab , and in the city . Fight Oogie Boogie !
Neverland . . . . Fly around with Peter Pan ! Save Wendy , fight Captain Hook . Meet Tinker Bell , Wendy , Captain Hook , and his pirate's . Meet that Crocidile , and learn to fly . Go around Captain Hook's ship , and go to the London Clock tower .
The Hollow Bastion . . . . Fight along side of the Beast . . . fight Malecifent . . and somebody else . Not based on a movie .
The End of The Worlds . . I cant spoil the end of the game !
I reccomend this game to anyone ! Its a bit difficult for a young child though . Thanx ~ ! ~
168 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
At first look , this game looks like your basic coming together of two genres . But , this game actually turns out to be the best RPG I've ever played . It's filled with all the essentials an RPG must have while contains much of the magic from the Disney movies . The graphics are great . They manage to look like a Pixar Disney movie . Also , the voice acting is astounding . It got to the point where I couldn't tell it wasn't done by the original cast . The story should be able to please anyone . It's easy to understand [ so kids can understand it ] but is deep and rewarding [ for the RPG fans ] . Gameplay feels new to the genre . It starts out easy to get into but takes alot of skill to master . Also , it is long . Basically , it has plenty of kid friendly humor for the Disney fans , has a good enough story and plenty of charater developement aspects for the RPG nut , and senseless action for just about everyone else . I can't find anything wronjg no matter how hard I try . I give it a 5 out of 5 .
170 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I loved this game so much . . . . im a pretty big gamer . . . so let me say . . . . THIS GAME IS AWESOME ! ! Soem may thinks . . . . what ? disney characters in a game ? ! ? . . . . relax . . . it's what makes the game fun . Some of your favorite disney characters and final fantasy characters are in the game . . . one after another as your playing you'll run into a character you know or have seen before and you'll be like . . . . hey ! that's Cloud from FF7 ! !
The plot line is awesome but i am dissapointed in how it all ended . . . . i guess they did what they did to leave it open for the next game . . . . but i would have liked a much happier end . Another thing i did not like was how easy the last boss was to fight . . . it was reddiculously easy for me and a let down . . . as i like a challenge . Even tho you fight him in like 5 sepearte battles before THE final battle . . . it's still no good . . . better luck next time guys .
Overall it is an entertaining game and will suck you into Sora's tale like a tornado . Play it . . . if you like final fantasy . . . you'll like Kingdom Hearts .
171 4 I loved this game so much . . . . im a pretty big gamer . . . so let me say . . . . THIS GAME IS AWESOME ! ! Soem may thinks . . . . what ? disney characters in a game ? ! ? . . . . relax . . . it's what makes the game fun . Some of your favorite disney characters and final fantasy characters are in the game . . . one after another as your playing you'll run into a character you know or have seen before and you'll be like . . . . hey ! that's Cloud from FF7 ! !
The plot line is awesome but i am dissapointed in how it all ended . . . . i guess they did what they did to leave it open for the next game . . . . but i would have liked a much happier end . Another thing i did not like was how easy the last boss was to fight . . . it was reddiculously easy for me and a let down . . . as i like a challenge . Even tho you fight him in like 5 sepearte battles before THE final battle . . . it's still no good . . . better luck next time guys .
Overall it is an entertaining game and will suck you into Sora's tale like a tornado . Play it . . . if you like final fantasy . . . you'll like Kingdom Hearts .
172 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I've been a die hard fan of RPG's ever since I was young playing games like Zelda , Dragon Warrior , King's Quest , and the like . This game was one of the most fun , entertaining , and amusing of them all . Zelda is still tops in my book , but this is a very close second . From the fighting system to the excellent visuals , from the incorporation of timeless Disney and FF characters to the brilliant plot , this one is all-around a joy to play . And for those worried it might be a kiddie-game or a short , one-night romp , think again . I've logged over 50 hours of play and still haven't done everything in the game . And , though it may have Disney characters , it plays much more like a final fantasy game then a game for little kids .
If you're looking for a quality game , don't hesitate picking this one up .
173 4 I've been a die hard fan of RPG's ever since I was young playing games like Zelda , Dragon Warrior , King's Quest , and the like . This game was one of the most fun , entertaining , and amusing of them all . Zelda is still tops in my book , but this is a very close second . From the fighting system to the excellent visuals , from the incorporation of timeless Disney and FF characters to the brilliant plot , this one is all-around a joy to play . And for those worried it might be a kiddie-game or a short , one-night romp , think again . I've logged over 50 hours of play and still haven't done everything in the game . And , though it may have Disney characters , it plays much more like a final fantasy game then a game for little kids .
If you're looking for a quality game , don't hesitate picking this one up .
174 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
This is a good game , with a captivating plot and engrossing action sequences . Graphically it's still great looking , though the environment is not perfectly dynamic ( eg . miss with a fireball and you won't scorch the wall ) .
The crossover is actually done very well , with the characters from Final Fantasy and multiple Disney features and cartoons blending well , if not perfectly seamlessly .
Plot and setting wise the game is more Disney then Final Fantasy , with a heartwarming , vaguely message and a more or less happy ending .
175 4 This is a good game , with a captivating plot and engrossing action sequences . Graphically it's still great looking , though the environment is not perfectly dynamic ( eg . miss with a fireball and you won't scorch the wall ) .
The crossover is actually done very well , with the characters from Final Fantasy and multiple Disney features and cartoons blending well , if not perfectly seamlessly .
Plot and setting wise the game is more Disney then Final Fantasy , with a heartwarming , vaguely message and a more or less happy ending .
178 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
This game is the best PS2 game I've ever played . The storyline is a young boy named Sora lives on the Destony Islands , but he wants to see more of the world . With the help of his two best friends , Riku and Kiari , they build a raft to go out and see the world . But an unknown source of darkness interferes and destroys the Destiny Islands . . . . So Sora teams up with Donald and Goofy from Disney to go and find his friends !
This game is definitely worth buying . There's a lot of Disney characters and stories to line up the fun , too . There are hundreds of storylines and characters , and they all intersect to create one great game . The graphics are nothing short of the BEST . You have to love this game !
179 4 This game is the best PS2 game I've ever played . The storyline is a young boy named Sora lives on the Destony Islands , but he wants to see more of the world . With the help of his two best friends , Riku and Kiari , they build a raft to go out and see the world . But an unknown source of darkness interferes and destroys the Destiny Islands . . . . So Sora teams up with Donald and Goofy from Disney to go and find his friends !
This game is definitely worth buying . There's a lot of Disney characters and stories to line up the fun , too . There are hundreds of storylines and characters , and they all intersect to create one great game . The graphics are nothing short of the BEST . You have to love this game !
180 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Kingdom Hearts , I'll admit , I had not expected to be that good . In fact , I thought It'd be terrible . I expected some sort of Alice In Wonderland-esque musical where it was all singing and partying , and worrying about waking from some stupid nightmare about nothing in particular . Instead , there's seamless gameplay and voiceovers , an amazing plot that I never tire of , and a score that I actually enjoy . I actually turn on the game at times , even though I've beaten it - six times - just to listen to the music and talk to people and slash up stuff in the Arena . You can't find a better exapmle of how two completely different worlds can collide . Then there's the big plus with cameo appearances from Cloud , Squall , Yuffie , Aeris , Sephiroth , and Cid ( the FFVII one - classic easter egg ) . I've probably missed a few , but those ones stand out . Plus the moogles . Gotta love them . If you're a longer term gamer it's a pretty good buy , and even if you're not it's good . If you're in doubt , just don't expect Disney overload , which is a minus for the tots , and a definite plus for the older people .
181 4 Kingdom Hearts , I'll admit , I had not expected to be that good . In fact , I thought It'd be terrible . I expected some sort of Alice In Wonderland-esque musical where it was all singing and partying , and worrying about waking from some stupid nightmare about nothing in particular . Instead , there's seamless gameplay and voiceovers , an amazing plot that I never tire of , and a score that I actually enjoy . I actually turn on the game at times , even though I've beaten it - six times - just to listen to the music and talk to people and slash up stuff in the Arena . You can't find a better exapmle of how two completely different worlds can collide . Then there's the big plus with cameo appearances from Cloud , Squall , Yuffie , Aeris , Sephiroth , and Cid ( the FFVII one - classic easter egg ) . I've probably missed a few , but those ones stand out . Plus the moogles . Gotta love them . If you're a longer term gamer it's a pretty good buy , and even if you're not it's good . If you're in doubt , just don't expect Disney overload , which is a minus for the tots , and a definite plus for the older people .
182 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Squaresoft has always produced great fantasy / rpg's ( role playing games ) , like final fantasy , and this is another great game .
The difference between other role playing games and this one is that in this game the battle mode is ACTIVE .
This means that the game doesn't stop and change setting or other things , this is more like onimusha , you run after the enemies and throw them magic spells .
In this game you have to go past different worlds and open secret sealed doors , to open these doors you obviously have to pass tasks and beat the final bosses .
The main characters of the game are
Sora-a teen boy ( which you will use all throughout the game )
Donald Duck - ( in this game he is a kind of wizard )
And Goofy - ( he is a kind of soldier with very strong abilities )
If you get bored with Donald and goofy throughout the game you can change them with other characters ( like the beast and Ariel , you can't change Sora because he is the main , main character ) but you better keep goofy and Donald because towards the end of the game you can only use them and if you haven't raised them ( level ) only a miracle can get you past levels .
Throughout the game there are many mini games like the battles in the Coliseum , or you can fight flying furnace at Merlins house .
The story of this game is very nice ; through out the game you raise your characters by level learn magic spells and even summon Walt Disney characters like Aladdin's genie which is awesome .
Don't think the game is dumb because it has Donald duck in it .
I highly recommend this game and its sequal , Kingdom Hearts 2 , which will be released soon .
183 4 Squaresoft has always produced great fantasy / rpg's ( role playing games ) , like final fantasy , and this is another great game .
The difference between other role playing games and this one is that in this game the battle mode is ACTIVE .
This means that the game doesn't stop and change setting or other things , this is more like onimusha , you run after the enemies and throw them magic spells .
In this game you have to go past different worlds and open secret sealed doors , to open these doors you obviously have to pass tasks and beat the final bosses .
The main characters of the game are
Sora-a teen boy ( which you will use all throughout the game )
Donald Duck - ( in this game he is a kind of wizard )
And Goofy - ( he is a kind of soldier with very strong abilities )
If you get bored with Donald and goofy throughout the game you can change them with other characters ( like the beast and Ariel , you can't change Sora because he is the main , main character ) but you better keep goofy and Donald because towards the end of the game you can only use them and if you haven't raised them ( level ) only a miracle can get you past levels .
Throughout the game there are many mini games like the battles in the Coliseum , or you can fight flying furnace at Merlins house .
The story of this game is very nice ; through out the game you raise your characters by level learn magic spells and even summon Walt Disney characters like Aladdin's genie which is awesome .
Don't think the game is dumb because it has Donald duck in it .
I highly recommend this game and its sequal , Kingdom Hearts 2 , which will be released soon .
184 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
This is the best game I've ever played so far . It has great graphics , stunning gameplay , and a wonderful storyline.I love how they mix final fantasy 7 and 8 characters in the game . it is a fairly long game and can be very challenging at times , but what's a game without challenge ? I think anybody who likes great RPG's should play this game ! ! ! ! ! ! !
186 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Great I bought this last year . It's fun ! Donald and Goofy are really funny . If you like disney characters and action . . . . you'll love this game ! ; )
188 4 To start , i'm not going to regurgitate the flattery that has been showered on this game , read the other 900 reviews to get that . I will address some of the 4 star ratings out there that dropped the final star for one or 2 reasons .
First , the camera angle . . . true it does shift and you can't keep track of donald and goofy all the time . . but that's what the manual camera rotation is for . . . you don't NEED to keep track of donald and goofy because it was designed so that they do NOT win the game for you . . . which is the second issue i've heard .
Donald and Goofy are support characters that do just that , support , not tear up every boss you encounter , what sort of game would it be if you just watched your enemies die ?
I'm surprised there were complaints about the difficulty . . . this is why the first part of the game asks you cryptic questions , to judge the difficulty of the game for you , most do now know the purpose of those questions .
Finally some say it's too kiddie . . . which couldn't be further from the truth . True it does have child like elements to it , but it has just as much teen elements in it as well , you just have to start this game with an open mind rather than damning it from the moment you heard about it because disney was involved .
In closing , a game of this intensity and revolution hasn't been released since Final Fantasy VII , it is truly a great step for the next level of gaming as it seamlessly combines 2 different worlds and gameplays to the point of perfection , i've beaten this game 3 times already and still do not get old of the music , the graphics , the stages , nor the characters . If you want a game worth your time and money this is it !
189 4 First time I heard about this game , my reaction was huh ! Disney FF crossovers . How lame .
Then , it turn out I got it in my free dvd games stash , and might as well try it then let it rot to the ground in my collections .
My verdict . . . OMG ! This game is addicting . As much as fighting off evil daemons with an optional Mickey Mouse Magic wand , its more or less as demanding as any other RPG games . Great wonderful storyline , Great colors , weird FF characters though . Although Squall ( FF ) was still as dreamy as he ever gets in the world of games ^ _ ^
Anyway , you have to jump through dimensions to get to another part of Disney's related movie to gain some points and strengthen yourself up , there boss are mostly familiar characters of Disney and FFs .
What I hate about this game is , your mates aren't that helpful , camera angles are killing me extremely ! But overall it's good to pass time with .
190 4 When I heard that Squaresoft and Disney were teaming up and making a RPG , i didnt know what to think . this game is amazing though ! it combines the fighting and action of final fantasy , the cute characters from disney movies , and it has a really good plot . the graphics are amazing and the game doesnt take long to load . The music is pretty good too . it had disney actors doing the disney character voices so you can definitely expect some authentic voice-overs . it has many worlds , some from Disney and some cool new ones .
Here are the worlds :
Destiny Islands ( new )
Traverse Town ( new )
Wonderland ( from Alice in Wonderland )
Deep Jungle ( from Tarzan )
Olympic Coliseum ( from Hercules )
Agrabah ( from Alladin )
Monstro ( from Pinocchio )
Halloweentown ( from The Nightmare Before Christmas )
Atlantica ( from Little Mermaid )
Neverland ( from Peter Pan )
Hallow Bastion ( new )
End of the World ( new )
Hundred Acre Wood ( miniworld - from Winnie the Pooh )
It includes tons of disney characters such as Alice , Queen of Hearts , Jane , Clayton , Kerchak , Tarzan , Hercules , Hades , Phil , Alladin , Princess Jasmine , Sultan , Abu , Genie , Pinocchio , Monstro , Jack Skellington , Dr . Finkelston , the mayor , Lock , Shock , Barrel , Zero , Oogie boogie , ariel , sebastian , flounder , ursula , king triton , jetsam , flotsam , peter pan , wendy , tinker bell , pooh , eeyore , piglet , tigger , and many more . It also includes characters from multiple final fantasies .
THis game is great because it is fun , has a great plot , and is a challenge . have fun ! ^ _ ^
192 4 This is one of the few games that you can play over and over again . It is very long so for the gamer who likes long , strategic games , this is for you . The graphics are very good along with the weapons detail . The fact that Disney and Squaresoft is joining together to make a game is automaticly saying , Buy me , I am the best game ever ! It's true . The storyline is awsome , except for the ending . If there is not a Kingdom Hearts 2 soon , that will become the worst ending a game could ever have . Simply put . . . I love this game .
193 4 When this game first came out in October of 2002 , I was so anxious to get a copy considering the awesome graphics RPG elements . Sadly , the price was pretty high at a total of fifty bucks , and I just knew that I didn't have enough . So , I decided to go to GAMESTOP and trade in some old games which I barely even played anymore in order to get this game . I must say that the effort was worth it BIG TIME ! KH delivers some of the BEST graphics / music to date on the PS2 since FFX , and the storyline is also captivating and spellbindingly good ! Although I thought it was kind of odd to mix BOTH Disney FF characters together at first , I found that it flowed quite nicely with the plot . Almost all my favorites were there , including Squall Leonheart ( a.k.a . Leon ) , Cloud Strife , and the big bad Sephiroth himself ! The main character , Sora and his friends Riku and Kairi are also brand new FF characters ! The worlds are very exotic and beautiful , while the Disney villain bosses make the adventure even more worthwhile and fun ( Jafar , Oogie Boogie , Ursula are only to name a few ) , and the gummi-ship customization feature is just awesome and fun to mess around with ! Another good thing about the gameplay itself , is this time it is an action-based RPG ( rather than menu / turn based like in most FF titles ) which is nice for a change , and leveling up has never been so easy ! You also get these neat weapons called Keyblades for Sora , which work like a real sword but are also used to unlock the many different worlds stretched out before you . It's also neat how you can customize your magic skills fighting abilities to your liking and advantage in order to make everything easier . Finally , there's the side-quests , including the Colessium tournaments where you get to actually duke it out with famous FF characters like Cloud and Yufie and even Disney's Hercules too ! ( the hardest of all here is the battle against Sephiroth ! )
OVERALL : I give it a COMPLETE 10 / 10 ! ! ! ! OH YEAH , Did I forget to mention that the replay value is very high on this ! Considering there is both a Normal and Expert mode , you can go back and start a new game later if you're looking for an even HARDER challenge . The plot is so simple and original that I really don't have to explain it here really . You should pick this piece of pure gold up today and see for yourself ! Believe me , it is worth it ! !
195 4 Kingdom Hearts is a game that is so well made that once you start playing , it's hard to stop . It has a GREAT storyline and the graphics are also great . Squaresoft and Disney did a tremendous job on the game . I loved the game and every single one of my friends loved it . Kingdom Hearts is and will always be a landmark in video game history .
196 4 Kingdom Hearts is an odd child from an odd marriage , there's no question . It's awkward in places , imperfect in others . Fragments of the legendary Disney magic peek out of corners here and there , met on occasion by pieces of the famed Final Fantasy atmosphere . The big names are there , the storyline is necessarily epic , even the voice acting is spot-on . This is one of the most beautiful games currently on the market , but there's something missing that's difficult to pinpoint . Perhaps it's a sense of motivation , as you'll often find yourself dropped into a confusing new area with no clue as to what's expected of you . Maybe it's sincerity , lost as you watch dozens of classic Disney tales blurred and distorted to accommodate the premise of a new storyline . It's really tough to say what it is , exactly , but the experience left me a bit let down in the end . I didn't feel as though I'd completed my work .
Without question , this product is polished to a beautiful finish . Everything from the opening cinemas to the brilliant user interface to the visual style of the entire game is extremely well done . There's no questioning the fact that both Square and Disney pulled out their big guns for this one , and it goes an extremely long way towards erasing any and all fears that may have lingered for fans of either brand .
This finely tuned attention to detail carries over to every graphical aspect of the game . Though the various worlds you'll visit in this one are much more cartoony and simplistic than the surroundings of , say Final Fantasy X , you'll find yourself just as easily dazzled as you were during your first few moments on the world of Tidus and Yuna . Bosses are legitimately intimidating , environments are detailed to the point of no return and non-playable characters are treated with just as much attention to detail as the central characters themselves . Visually , this is a masterwork . Worry not , that sweet tooth for eye candy you've developed will be satisfied by this one .
The audio is almost equally impressive , and the voice acting in particular stands out as a triumphant effort with very few exceptions . They didn't actually get Danny DeVito , Gilbert Gottfried or Eddy Murphy to reprise their roles as bona fide Disney sidekicks in this one , but they still managed a very good impersonation . I was a little worried about the possibilities when I first heard that the eternally silent heroes Squall and Cloud would be given speaking parts , but it really worked out for the best in the end , as their voices perfectly matched their personalities in previous installments .
Gameplay is exciting , despite a steep initial learning curve , and is handled well for the most part . Rather than controlling your entire party one at a time , as with the more traditional turn-based Final Fantasy games , you control Sora in a free-roaming live action environment . You're joined by two companions ( generally Donald and Goofy ) , who are controlled by a mildly retarded artificial intelligence program . Through the use of a special menu on the pause screen , you can give suggestions to the A.I . to better serve the kind of offense you'd like to build , but in the end the final decision is completely up to them .
One area that provides for endless hours of frustration is the camera's control . Rather than remaining directly behind Sora or using the right analog stick to provide a more user-friendly , customizable view , the screen swings wildly out of alignment with little or no notice , serving as an immediate point of confusion . When you've locked on to an enemy , the screen will vaguely follow that enemy's movements , even if that enemy leaps off the edge of the screen .
I also have a small bone to pick with the control scheme itself . While it's relatively easy to move Sora around the field , attack a nearby enemy or leap into the air , performing secondary actions such as casting advanced magic or using an item in the heat of battle are unnecessarily difficult and frustrating . Your character is maneuvered around the field by using the left analog stick , however the D-Pad is used to change your actions from an attack to a magic spell to an item and back again . This means that , if you're badly injured in a fight , you must frantically run away , switch your grip on the controller so that you're using the left analog stick with your right thumb , decide on an action with the D-Pad , activate it by pressing the X button and then hope to god you don't get hit in the process of casting the spell or using the item ( thus canceling the action and starting the process over again . )
Despite its multiple flaws , this is still a very fun game to sit down and play . As you progress through the story , you'll start to pick up various skills and techniques , preventing the game from reverting into a straightforward hack-and-slasher . You're never forced to try out a new style of attack , but it's something just about everyone will find themselves doing unconsciously after a couple hours of play anyway .
When you get down to it , Kingdom Hearts is about expectations , hype , anticipation and eventual disappointment . There were a few genuine moments when I was excited and happy with the end product , but for the most part I was mildly annoyed by the controls , frustrated by the cameras and let down by the end result . This is a story of what could have been , a few shining moments of legendary gameplay , a slightly vague yet entertaining storyline and an awkward association between Disney and Square's worlds . Above average , but not nearly to the level it could have reached .
197 4 the game was the best i have ever played . Great story , great new characters , cool abilities and weapons . all the different heartless are cool and there not easy to beat which is good cause most games i can finish in 2 or 3 days . i still cant beat it and i have had it for 2 months !
it was so good to see lots of disney characters all in one game . and all of the characters voices were awesome .
the only down side for me is that there were not enough save points . and that you cant go to the ( pause ) menu when your in battle , major downside . and the fact that you couldnt fast forward the video if you have seen it before ! ! !
The Journal menu was fantastic . was a big help wif the 101 dalmation search and the trinity search . the 3D image of the character was cool .
i loved the starting film clip and the theme song ! ! ! ! !
Kingdom Hearts was definatly worth the money ! ! !
I cant wait till christmas for Kingdom Hearts 2 to be released ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
WARNING : This game is highly addictive to any Disney or finay fantasy fan ! ! ! ! !
198 4 I was very excited when I first heard that a new Disney game was coming out last year . I am a huge Disney fan and I absolutely loved this game ! The 3D animation is incredible , and so are all of the beloved Disney characters . After playing the game a couple of times , it was very hard to put the controller down . I just could not stop playing this game ! The plot is great , and I also loved all of the cut scenes . The music is also very beautiful . If you're into film scores , I think you'll enjoy the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack .
I highly recommend this game to anyone who is a Disney fan . It is well worth the money ! Thanks .
199 4 This is my 1st ever review of a video game and I had to write it ! Buy this game and you will NOT be disappointed !
I am a 30 yr old mom of 3 small children . I play the game and the kids sit and are mesmerized by the story and cut scenes ! ! ! ! They could not WAIT to see what would happen next in the story ! It ends up being like a really long and interactive movie . The quality of the graphics is stunning ! My kids delighted at guessing which famous actors did the voices . They knew the voice of Sean Astin , David Boreanaz , Mandy Moore , Lance Bass and Haley Joel Osment , among others . The music is incredibly beautiful .
I bought a memory card just for this game and we saved each world at the start and at the end of each . This makes it simple for the kids to go back and play their favorite parts again & again without spending alot of time . Finding all of the 99 lost Dalmatian puppies was a big thrill for my youngest ( 7 yrs old ) and my twin girls ( age 9 ) delighted in talking to the Disney Princesses .
Wonderland , Neverland , Agrabah , Monstro the Whale , Hollow Bastion , Halloween Town ( a blast for a Nightmare Before Christmas fanatic like me ) , Hundred-Acre Wood , Olympus & Tarzan's Jungle are the movie-themed lands you visit and they are all loaded with things to do . There are also a few non-Disney themed areas to visit . You travel to different lands in a Gummi Ship and you can use the one the game is loaded with , or you can build your own ultimate ship to fly in .
Mini-quests add an extra twist to the storyline . You can slide through the jungles with Tarzan , frolic with Winnie the Pooh and friends in the Hundred-Acre Wood , search for missing Dalmatian puppies and more .
The game has a Normal mode and an Advanced mode and the harder level is different .
You play the main character , Sora the Keyblade Master and your quest is to seal a Keyhole in each of the lands . Goofy and Donald Duck aid you on your quest . In each land , you can choose to trade Donald or Goofy for the main character for that land . Characters include Peter Pan , Tarzan , Beast , and Jack Skellington . You interact throughout the game with many beloved characters .
Good luck finding everything ! There are so many hidden items to find . You have a journal which helps you keep track of what you have found and what is still missing . This is especially helpful in the Dalmatian quest . You will spend hours on end playing this game . Oh yah , it has very easy to use and understand controls and starts off with a short tutorial which is a huge help .
Buy this game . . . it is well worth your money
200 4 I'm not going to take the time to say how much of a surprise this game was , because the last 700 reviews or so have already said that.I am a huge Final Fantasy fan , and not that big of a Disney fan . I'll say that much . and I'll say , Disney got the liscense of the characters and the voice acting ( which is easily the best English VA in any English RPG , ) that is about all they've done , Square made this game .
Pros of the game -
Story - This was something that truly surprised me . I expected a childish story , and they came up with something actually meaningful .
Graphics - It was beautiful . Square has been a master when it comes to graphics , and they proved why in this .
Characters - Come on , Goofy and Sephiroth in the same game ? Yeah , it's actually a plus .
Every game has it's cons , however .
Gummi Ship - What needs to be said about this that hasn't already been said ? It was one of the worst ideas in video game history , but fortunately it's not too long .
Camera angles - They are annoying . Let's leave it at that .
Battle system - Constant mashing . I didn't have a problem with it , but I could see where it gets annoying .
Overall , this is worth a shot . I have tons of friends that still mock me to this day for playing this game ( They never played and still hate the idea of Disney making a game . ) On Kingdom Hearts 2 , it will not be out in Japan until at least mid 2004 , so expect it here , oh mid 2005 ( I'm very dissapointed in this , too . ) Also expect it to be darker ( See the Another Side , Another Story Deep Dive . From the Kingdom Hearts : Final Mix , the Japanese game that added on many things . )
Anyways , if you are mixed on whether or not you want this game , RENT IT first . You can beat it within a week , I beat it in four days . Just make sure you have lots of time to play it . But please , don't stay away from this game just because of the Disney name , you'll miss a decent game .
202 4 Kingdom Hearts is another square masterpiece . This game will draw you in quickly and never let go . Squaresoft and Disney joined forces on this game and it really shows the best of both worlds . Square brings its traditional rpg style , involving gameplay , and brillant character designs and Disney brings its loveable cast of charcters that you grew up with . If your an older gamer like me don't be fooled by the Disney side of it and trick yourself into beleiving this is a kids game . Kingdom Hearts gives you control of Sora , a young boy living on a small island with his friends . He soon becomes aware of his role as the keyblade master and goes on a quest traveling to different worlds and liberating them from an evil group known as the heartless . The battles take place in real time , so you'll have to move around during battles , use potions , magic , etc . You will battle against Disney Villians as well as some from the final fantasy series ( SEPHIROTH ! ! ) . In the end you'll get a satisfied feeling from this amazing game . Don't forget to find all the hidden dalmations in the game to reveal the special secret in the end and earn a preview of the second kingdom hearts which is in development . Happy Gaming ! ^ _ ^
203 4 I admit it : I am writing a review for a game that I haven't finished . I simply couldn't help myself ! Here are my grades :
Graphics : 9.5 / 10
Although the cut-scenes are not quite Squaresoft quality , the regular graphics are top-of-the-line , and fully enhance the game .
Sound : 10 / 10
Excellent voices-including most of the past Disney cast ! The battle sounds are also exceptional .
Gameplay : 9 / 10
The gameplay here is quite good . The only thing is when you venture into the smaller nooks and crannies , the camera easily gets stuck . You often rely on the R2 and L2 buttons .
Storyline : 10 / 10
I too was skeptical when I heard the story here . The more mature characters of Squaresoft mixing with the careless little golden-children of Walt Disney ? Well , when you play the game , you'll see .
Best World for MUSIC : Monstro ( very mesmerizing melody )
Best World for CREATIVITY : Deep Jungle ( incredible layout )
Best World OVERALL : Halloween Town ( great theme )
Play this game , or miss out on one of Squaresoft's-and Playstation's-best ever !
ALSO SUGGESTED : The Final Fantasies
204 4 Okay , the word Disney on the cover scared a lot of people , we all know it's history with kiddy games . However , this mesmerizing team-up with Squaresoft has produced an amazing Action / RPG title .
The characters , Disney and Square alike , come together to perform a striking drama , humorous at times , that tells the story of a young man and his will to live and protect those who he cares about .
The gameplay is surprisingly fast-paced and challenging at times , making it very , very addicting . This is one of those rare gems that you can sit down and play for 4 hours straight , wondering where the time went afterwards .
Truly a memorable experience , for Final Fantasy fans , or fans of the genre . With a sequel in the works already , Kingdom Hearts is a game that you should definitely buy .
206 4 Most people will judge a game soley on its looks and presentation . The thing is , the truly good games go far beyond that , and Kingdom Hearts is one of those games . In the case of this game , as should be with any RPG , the real heart lies in the story and characters , and KH delivers .
The story centers around the heart and its desires to go out and experience new things . What better way to drive this theme than through a young boy , Sora , and the journey he and his two friends , Riku and Kairi , go on . It's not a game about going through the different Disney worlds and meeting familiar characters ; that's just how things take place within the overall story . Each of our three aforementioned friends represents - - I think - - the different characteristics of the heart . Kairi : the pure good . Riku : the good lost to darkness . And Sora : stuck between the two . Along the way , characters who happen to be from Final Fantasy games and Disney movies further develop the three main characters and teach them lessons in courage , honesty , and loyalty .
And that , my friends , is what Kingdom Hearts is truly about . The blending of Squaresoft and Disney , though , is a wonderful vehicle for the story . And the game's graphics and character designs ( by Tetsuya Nomura , who also headed the project ) are well done . And where would a Squaresoft game be without a great music score ! Yoko Shimomura brings each world and each event to full life , and Utada Hikaru's Simple and Clean theme accents the story well .
I would definately recommend this game to anyone . Do not be fooled . The inclusion of Disney does not make this a kiddy game , as the story - - with its rather deep subtexts on the essence of the heart ( ie : Is it innately good or evil ? ) - - and gameplay could easily bumfuzzle a young'un . There is plenty challenge for anyone , and even a little extra for those hard core RPGers . So what are you waiting for , get this game now ! You will not regret it !
207 4 Anyone who has grown up watching Disney movies will not be able to resist Kingdom Hearts . Square has brought these great characters to life before our eyes - they exist on the TV screen as if they stepped right out of a movie . Each looks * exactly * as they do in the films , and most have the same voice actors as well . Mickey , Donald , Goofy , and all of that gang , plus the players from most classic Disney movies - Little Mermaid , Alice in Wonderland , Tarzan , Lion King , Peter Pan , Sleeping Beauty , 101 Dalmations , on and on . You name it , its in there .
Weaved into this is a classic Final Fantasy RPG , which is itself a huge reunion of Square characters . Most major heroes from the Final Fantasy games making an appearance , including Cloud , Squall , and Titus . Add to this the brillant archenemies as played by a union of Disney villians , and you've got another wonderful Square story .
Playing the game underneath all this was actually frustrating at times . Basically , Kingdom Hearts is a Zelda-like action-adventure done Square-style . You fight monsters in real time , with traditional Final Fantasy touches like Ethers and Firaga and all that Final Fantasy goodness . The combat is very fun , but I was frustrated with the camera , which usually fails to inform you that you are in fact surrounded by enemies and in great danger . Also , the player seems to stumble onto critical plot events too chaotically , and I often found myself endlessly roaming a level hoping to find that obscure plot trigger . Otherwise , a fine game , great for Disney and / or Square fans .
208 4 A commercial flashes across the screen , Hikaru Utada's Hikari plays in the back round . You see a young boy , girl , and teen . Then , you see Donald Duck , Goofy , and you think . Uh-huh , bad game .
No-no , This is a great game , sure , Disney may have gone a bit too far , but great .
Characters : 8 / 10 - okay , I'll correct myself , I know that it's a great game , but I didn't have to see so many Disney characters . Sora , Riku , and Kairi were of course great , and I liked Donald Duck and Goofy , but I found no need for Tarzan , Alice , or the bunny . They were each in their own world , but it got a little corny after a while , although ingeniously used . There is a good side , Squaresoft contributed not only Sora , Riku , and Kairi , but characters from past Final Fantasy games as well . Squall , Yuffie , Tidus , Wakka , and Cloud all come back for a go at Kingdom Hearts .
Storyline : 6 / 10 - I honestly thought this had a terrible storyline , but the way it was helped along was great . It's a bit on the fairy tale side , with many bumps which makes it all the more enjoyable !
Graphics : 10 / 10 - PERFECT graphics , they're detailed , and beautiful . Not much more to say
Sound : 10.10 - GREAT soundtrack and sound effects . Hikaru Utada's Hikari provided a great theme for this game , and if you listen closely , you can hear the water falling , the grass rustling . Then , the voice actors are great , especially those representing Disney characters ( Donald Duck lol ) and old Final Fantasy characters .
GREAT game ! A bit down on the storyline , but fun to play .
209 4 When you hear of Square most likely you're gonna think of it's huge releases like Chrono Trigger , Chrono Cross , Xenogears and obviously all 10 , yes count them 10 Final Fantasies ( unless you include side story ones like Tactics . ) And when you think Disney , you're gonna think kids stuff , first and foremost . So what was the reception when Square announced they paired with Disney to make a RPG ? [ . . . ] But I seriously recommend you play it regardless of your feelings for Goofy and Donald .
Story : The story starts off with Sora and a lot of his friends ( including 3 from Final Fantasy ) stranded on an island . One day , beings known as the Heartless descend and the group is seperated . In the Disney universe , King Mickey has disappeared and tells Donald and Goofy to search for the one with the key and Sora and the Disney characters get tangled up in a big plot . Great story that has a dark tone even with Disney and Square characters .
Graphics : What great graphics and even capturing the worlds of Disney such as 100 Acre Woods ( Winnie the Pooh ) Halloween Town ( Nightmare Before Christmas ) and the jungle ( Tarzan ) . And it's so nice to see you interact with Final Fantasy characters and Disney in the same screen .
Sound : With Disney they always had memorable voices play their characters and hear they are authentic too ( save for a couple ) . The music is great and fits each scene great . The only thing you might complain about is that most voices from the really old movies like Peter Pan and Sleeping Beauty don't have their original voices but it's no big deal .
Gameplay : Hm . . . well playing the game is quite fun there's just one problem : the battle system . Basically you move the character with the Analog stick and the D-Pad for the menu . And it's all real-time too so if you're running out of health and need a potion fast , you can't just stop and take it or they'll get you . And that annoying camera . It often gets obstructed .
Even if this includes Disney characters you should play it anyway cause it's a really fun game with one of the best pairings in gaming .
211 4 This is a cross between a fighting game and a Disney game . See you get to play as Sora and after you beat like 3 bosses you'll be able to have Goofy and Donald for sidekicks . The bigest enemey in this game is called Ansem , but he only appears at the end of the game and have to fight about 5 times to beat him . Trust me it's not easy ! There are lots of Disney charecters like
Micky ( you'll see him at the end of the game too )
King Triton
Oggie Boogie
Jack Skelington
Peter Pan
Tinker Bell
Queen of Hearts
Fairy Godmother
Well I hope this review helped you and take care of your disks ( I scratched mine up 2 times and had to get a new one both times ) !
212 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I know that most people think that this is a little kids game because it is by Disney . Every time that I meet one of these people all that I can tell them is how stupid they have been . This game is more of a FF game than a Disney game by far . The game is mostly fighting complex mosters , fave FF characters , and going through maze versions of many differant Disney films . ( these Disney mazes are difficult and not some silly kid thing )
I love this game and you will too . Even if you aren't an RPG fan you will be unable to leave the awe-inspiring Disney world of FF as you scrutinize every wall to see if there is a secret passage .
213 4 I know that most people think that this is a little kids game because it is by Disney . Every time that I meet one of these people all that I can tell them is how stupid they have been . This game is more of a FF game than a Disney game by far . The game is mostly fighting complex mosters , fave FF characters , and going through maze versions of many differant Disney films . ( these Disney mazes are difficult and not some silly kid thing )
I love this game and you will too . Even if you aren't an RPG fan you will be unable to leave the awe-inspiring Disney world of FF as you scrutinize every wall to see if there is a secret passage .
216 4 Five minutes ago , I completed Kingdom Hearts , and I must say that I was very impressed by this join venture between Squaresoft and Disney . What could have been a terrible failure ended up , quite luckily , with a thoughtful storyline and revolutionary ( for Square at least ) battle system .
Although the characters are Disney , there is a definite , solid mark left by the Squaresoft team . The storyline , about being who lose their hearts and turn evil , and the original settings , such as Traverse Town and The End of the World , are heavily reminiscent of the Final Fantasy series . The clear world-creating expertise which shines through creates a gloss for the game . Eye candy has always been one of Square's selling points .
In terms of gameplay , I'd give Square an A - . I really liked the battle system , but the camera angles could sometimes make gameplay a little difficult . The item and ability systems were near perfect , with the possible exception of the somewhat tedious task of filling up Donald and Goofy , your supporting characters , with enough items to help you during battles .
To summarize this review :
- Good story
- Good graphics
- Great battle system
- Good ability system
- Fairly good gameplay
- Camera can be annoying
- Minor item system flaws
Overall : A -
Well done Square and Disney ! Let's hope for a sequel .
217 4 Well , this game is fun and entertaining , and that's what it's made for . The RPG elements in this game arent the best , but it's fun . The battles aren't turn-based , so it's a lot easier for younger kids to play . The game doesn't have much depth , but it is made for a younger audience . The characters are great ! Sora is one of the first positive thinking Squaresoft MAIN characters I know of . Also , Kairi is a good hero for the girls . And of course the addition of Donald , King Mickey , Simba , Genie , Peter Pan , Goofy , Minnie , Daisy , Chip ' n Dale , Beast , Belle , Pluto . . . well you get the point ; they all go together to make a great game . Not very hard to beat , so if you want a game for your 7 to 14 year old ( yes , some 14 year olds like it ; ) this is a great christmas gift which doesn't encourage negative behaviour . Good game for begging RPGers , but not the best RPG in the world , but still a barrel ' o fun ! The moral of Kingdom Hearts is that there is good in every heart .
218 4 If you think that Kingdom Hearts is stupid just because it has Disney characters in it , you are seriously mistaken my friend . THIS GAME RULES ! The fighting system is pretty new for a square game , it takes RPG elements and combines them with a Zelda 64 style battle system . And I'm lovin it .
One of the coolest things about this game is that you get to see returning Final Fantasy characters such as Squall , Cloud , Tidus , Wakka , Selphie , Yuffie , Aeris , Cid , moogles and non other than Sephiroth ( who is exclusive to the American version ! ) .
The characters have had cool costume changes for the game and have been fitted with great voice actors . Yes even Sephiroth's voice is awesome ( Lance Bass plays him , and did a good job ) .
If you are into RPG games , buy this . If you are into adventure games , buy this . No matter what , you will have fun . It takes a good chunk out of your time too . ( About 25 + hours if you get every secret and stuff ) And your gonna wanna take yo.ur time to get every secret . Because if you do , after the credits you are treated to a teaser trailer for Kingdom Hearts 2 .
Dont wait . Get this today .
220 4 At first , this game may seem childish because of the 100 or more disney characters that apear in it and the look of the bright grapics and the fact that it is made disney . . . . The games grapics are great . Somtimes it feels like you are wathing a Disney movie . Gameplay isnt perfect , but it is close to it . With easy to use controls for people who [ are not good ] at pressing lots of buttons at onece . For the Square fans , there will be a variety of final fantasy characters making apperances . Including Cloud , Cid , Aeris ( thought she was dead . . . maby they finally figured to use a pheonix down on her ) , Yuffie , Squall ( doesnt look like him though ) and lots of others ( how very exiting ! ) . The storyline is good and will keep even older gamers glued to the TV . Dont pass this game up no matter what your friends tell you , or what your sick little mind thinks .
221 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
This game was so much fun I had to force myself off it just to get some sleep .
My only problem with it was near the end when your about to beat
this game you have to beat like 15 boss's or so back to back . I only had a hard time on a few of the boss's though so it really wasn't that hard .
As soon as I beat this game I wanted part two , which so far I haven't done . I did get Kingdom Hearts Re : Chain Of Memories , but I don't think I'm going to like that one so much . I would recommend this game to anyone that's in to Final Fanticy type game's . I'd say that Kingdom Hearts is better then Zelda and for me that's saying a lot . .
: : : SAM : : :
222 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
This game was so much fun I had to force myself off it just to get some sleep .
My only problem with it was near the end when your about to beat
this game you have to beat like 15 boss's or so back to back . I only had a hard time on a few of the boss's though so it really wasn't that hard .
As soon as I beat this game I wanted part two , which so far I haven't done . I did get Kingdom Hearts Re : Chain Of Memories , but I don't think I'm going to like that one so much . I would recommend this game to anyone that's in to Final Fanticy type game's . I'd say that Kingdom Hearts is better then Zelda and for me that's saying a lot . .
: : : SAM : : :
163 4 Ah , yes . Kingdom Hearts . Best game in the world . Enough said .
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Alright , when I first heard of this game some years back , I was pretty interested . Seeing as how Disney was involved , that meant that this game was free of all the mindless gore that seems to be becoming a large quantity of the market . So the Winter Holidays roll around , and I get this with the new PS2 . BAM ! Who would have thought ? ! The game itself starts out with an amazing movie , complete with its own song sung by the famous Hikaru Utada . Simple and Clean kicks it off , spinning you in a colorful 3 - D world that seems way too life-like . This is right up there with Pixar , but better with people , I gatta say , this blows my mind .
After that , the graphics mellow down , but are still up to par to be one of the best . No flat faces , and no cubic arms , all round and smooth . Not only are the characters themselves amazingly detailed , but so is the scenery around . Seriously , I could just play this game for the looks alone , but I'm kinda a fanatic . Alright , so I've played up the graphics , but that's not all this game has to offer . You can change the game from the very beginning . By choosing one of three things ( wand , shield , and sword ) and disregarding one of the other two , you change what your beginning stats are . I myself chose to pick the wand and leave the shield . That meant I had more magic , but a weak defense , pretty tight , huh ? Through a variety of other choices , you pick ( kinda unknowingly ) how fast you will level up , and other details . Did I mention before you play , you choose to play normal or advanced mode ? So in truth , there are a number of possibilities that you could take to create it as your own .
Once you've customized yourself , you become immersed in a amazingly detailed story . Spyro is a nice tale , but this one really gets closer to human emotion and reasoning . Now don't run yet , even if you aren't into that , don't worry about it . You have to spend most of the game fighting battles , solving puzzles , and figuring out what to do next ! If you want to get the guide book , go ahead , it'll help for the little side quests . But in reality , you don't need it , just look up on the internet when / if you get stuck . One of the better parts is , this is NOT a game you can finish in a weekend . And who wants that anyway ? This goes on and on without loosing its charm . Once you think its all over , you find out you're only half way through . Isn't that the coolest ?
All in all this is defiantly a game to get , because believe me , you won't be able to finish it if you rent . And don't worry about the sequels , Kingdom Hearts 2 the English edition promises sometime in 2005 . Enjoy !
002 4 If your just now purchasing a PS2 this is the game to turn you on ! I would personally buy a PS2 just to play this game .
The incretible graphics in this game are mind-boggling , this game is the first of it's kind and is the most fun I've ever had playing a video game .
You play the lead character Sora who is living on Destiny Islands , longing to see far off worlds he and his friends Karai and Riku build a raft to see travle to new worlds on . But you get [ pulled ] into a new world on your own one stormy night . There you meet up with Goofy and Donald who will be your companions for the rest of the entire game . There are ten different worlds and within most of these worlds you have the advantage to select new characters to your party - such as Aladin , Peter Pan , Ariel - ect . There are 10 worlds and over 100 disney characters to meet , I finished the game in 5 days . That's called dedication , but it's impossible to put down the controller once you've started playing . You are able to obtain new items , abilities , weapons , as you battle through it - you are able to design and build your own Gummi Ships which are what you use to get from one world to another . The more Munny you collect in each world / battle the more you can buy ! You can even buy news weapons for Donald and Goofy along with posions to heal yourself and much more .
I gave the game 5 stars because there is NOTHING wrong with this game , aside from not being able to open treasure chests during battle , you'll come to think like me the minute you start playing .
Better quality than ANY Final Fantasy game I have ever played , and I recommend that you DONT buy the Strategy Guide - I played through the entire game without . All you really need to do is look up a Walkthrough to the game on the net whenever you need help .
After the game you'll be begging for more - and if your able able to obtain the Special Secret at the end of the game . . well my friend the suspence will eat you alive !
Kingdom Hearts . . the ultimate Disney Game .
026 4 Kingdom Hearts is a fabulous game . The graphics are beautiful , and the sound ( music and voice acting ) is among the best ever created . The story is entertaining and fun , and involves literally dozens of favorite Disney heroes , villians , and other characters . People who assume that this is a kiddy or cute game just because it features Disney characters will probably be pleasantly surprised if they give this game a chance . I had a wonderful time playing all the way through it and I still go back to explore even more . I'm 23 and I enjoyed exploring everything , finding all the secrets and hidden items , and figuring out the puzzles without a strategy guide ( it took me about 33 hours in total to complete the game ) . But this is also a game I feel comfortable sharing with my nephew ( age 6 ) and letting him play ( he does need quite a bit of assistance with reading , etc . in this one ) . I would recommend this game to anyone of any age .
027 4 Sora , Riku and Kairi all live on Destiny Islands . While in the secret place , Sora meets an unknown hooded figure who wanted to see the door of Sora's world . Soon after that , Sora's world is swallowed up by a race of evil beings known as the Heartless ! Sora ends up in Treverse Town , where he is awaken by . . . Pluto ? !
Yeah , that's right . Disney and Final Fantasy characters roam about in this game . You team up with Donald Duck and Goofy to fight the evil Heartless . Donald and Goofy are looking for a key and Sora has the keyblade . Donald and Goofy are also controlled by the computer . The two will fight enemies on thier own and heal each other if they need it . The battle system is inspired , allowing you to move around the fight in full 3D , as opposed to the stationary battle systems in Final Fanasty VII .
The game has two modes : Normal and Expert . I suggest you play on Normal . Just 5 stars ? I give this game a 10 !
029 4 I am very sceptical of Role Playing Games ( RPGs ) . I only own one , that being Final Fantasy X . RPGs just take up too much time and are very boring , however I really liked this game . Kingdom Hearts isn't like any other RPG . It is a combination of a platformer like Spyro , Jack and Daxter , and an RPG . Together they produce a perfect game . The game is easily worth the money , because you can get over 50 hours of gameplay out of it . It's characters are a combination of Disney and Final Fantasy characters . All of the Disny characters have real voice acting done by the same people that did the voices in the game . Overall this is a must buy game with excellent graphics . Show your X-box friends what a real PS2 game is like .
041 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
Alright , when I first heard of this game some years back , I was pretty interested . Seeing as how Disney was involved , that meant that this game was free of all the mindless gore that seems to be becoming a large quantity of the market . So the Winter Holidays roll around , and I get this with the new PS2 . BAM ! Who would have thought ? ! The game itself starts out with an amazing movie , complete with its own song sung by the famous Hikaru Utada . Simple and Clean kicks it off , spinning you in a colorful 3 - D world that seems way too life-like . This is right up there with Pixar , but better with people , I gatta say , this blows my mind .
After that , the graphics mellow down , but are still up to par to be one of the best . No flat faces , and no cubic arms , all round and smooth . Not only are the characters themselves amazingly detailed , but so is the scenery around . Seriously , I could just play this game for the looks alone , but I'm kinda a fanatic . Alright , so I've played up the graphics , but that's not all this game has to offer . You can change the game from the very beginning . By choosing one of three things ( wand , shield , and sword ) and disregarding one of the other two , you change what your beginning stats are . I myself chose to pick the wand and leave the shield . That meant I had more magic , but a weak defense , pretty tight , huh ? Through a variety of other choices , you pick ( kinda unknowingly ) how fast you will level up , and other details . Did I mention before you play , you choose to play normal or advanced mode ? So in truth , there are a number of possibilities that you could take to create it as your own .
Once you've customized yourself , you become immersed in a amazingly detailed story . Spyro is a nice tale , but this one really gets closer to human emotion and reasoning . Now don't run yet , even if you aren't into that , don't worry about it . You have to spend most of the game fighting battles , solving puzzles , and figuring out what to do next ! If you want to get the guide book , go ahead , it'll help for the little side quests . But in reality , you don't need it , just look up on the internet when / if you get stuck . One of the better parts is , this is NOT a game you can finish in a weekend . And who wants that anyway ? This goes on and on without loosing its charm . Once you think its all over , you find out you're only half way through . Isn't that the coolest ?
All in all this is defiantly a game to get , because believe me , you won't be able to finish it if you rent . And don't worry about the sequels , Kingdom Hearts 2 the English edition promises sometime in 2005 . Enjoy !
044 4 I was instantly taken in by this game . Combine the magic of Disney with the action of Final Fantasy , and you have Kingdom Hearts .
The lives of three teens from the Destiny Islands are changed forever when the Darkness destroys their world . Sora , the main character , must not only seek out his friends , Riku and Kairi , but is named the Keyblade Master and is charged with saving the universe !
Teaming up with Donald , Goofy , and numerous Disney and Final Fantasy characters , Sora must travel through a plethora of worlds to seal them off from the Darkness and rescue the Princesses of Heart . What's a 14 - year-old boy to do ? !
048 4 I played this game at the E3 convention in Los Angeles , and it is truly one of the best Disney games I've played . Visually beautiful , and equally fun to play . The fight sequences remind me of Zelda . The Halloweentown level ROCKS ! ! In the past Disney has tried very hard to come up with a game that tries to please kids as well as adults , and I often found myself dissapointed . Not with this one though . It's amazing .
051 4 Kingdom Herts was one of the greatest games I ever played . It had so many different disney characters . You even get to play with Donald and Goofy . At first it's a little easy and boring but once you get a little far in it , it's so FUN . If your a big disney fan abd action fan buy this game !
063 4 This is one great game . Although it has some technical problems ( camera ) they are easy to overlook . The story is very good and the battle is also . I recommed this game to anyone who enjoys action-rpg's and doesn't mind disney characters .
065 4 Kingdom Hearts is the bestt game ever . I can't wait to get the sequal . I bet this game would also make a great movie . If I could I'd rate this game a hundred stars !
067 4 Have you ever spent a Saturday night watching old Disney movies or spending hours playing Final Fantasy games ? Well if you said yes to both questions ( or just one ) this is the perfect game for you . You play as a young boy named Sora living on Destiny Island . Even though he lives on an island most people dream of , he wants to leave his little home , along with his pals Riku and Kiari , and discover what mysteries are waiting for him . One day , while working on a raft that they hope will get them away from thier floating prison , Sora falls asleep on the beach and you step in and help discover the adventure that will keep you playing until the credits roll . That same day , there is great hubub at the Disney Castle . King Mickey left and left behind a note telling Donald to take the Gummie Ship and go to Traverse Town , find Leon , and get him to help find a KEY . The Gummie ship is the space ship you take from world to world . That night a storm hits Destiny Island and Sora goes out to find out what is going on . He finds Riku , but all he has to say is This is our chance Sora . We may never come back to this island but it's our only way . I'm not afraid of the darkness ! and he dissapears leaving Sora with some wierd sword called the KEYBLADE . His island is destroyed and Sora ends up in a place called Travese Town and meets up with Donald and Goofy . What starts out as a quest for three friends ( Mickey , Kiari , and Riku ) turns into somthing much more when Malifecent makes a plan to unleash all evil .
076 4 At 15 yrs . of age , Kingdom Hearts is one of the best video games I have ever played . It is challenging enough that you can't possibly finish it in a full day of play , but easy enough that you won't get frustrated trying to slog through the endless battles .
I highly recommend it for ages 10 and up , for the sake of the strategy and reflexes involved in gameplay . Even as a teenage girl , I love to play this game as well as the boys ! The story itself is a very uplifting , traditional good-versus-evil plotline characteristic of Disney , while adding in Final Fantasy twists and obstacles . Almost all the classic Disney characters are featured , along with some additions : namely , Sora .
I have yet to finish the final world . This game has been incredible . Now , on to The End of the World !
084 4 I originally bought this game for my girlfriend because I already knew this was a good game from the start . . . I just hadn't had the chance to play it yet . So I lent her my Playstation 2 and a few games alongside Kingdom Hearts . While she tries to play everything equally , she almost always leaned towards Kingdom Hearts . Eventually I bought a new PS2 just for her , and I got another copy of Kingdom Hearts . I was amazed how well everything flowed . Sure , it had a strange introduction and voice-overs needed a little motivation at first . But that didn't last . Before I knew it the voices were top-notch , world designs were mostly accurate to known places in their respective Disney movies ( with few exceptions ) , and the plot was simple to understand , but surprisingly deep . I'm really happy with the way this game came along . Despite how much you may loathe a normal Disney game or not , it's well worth the effort of at least renting to see if you can find some sort of pleasure out of the experience . The Disney cast works ridiculously well . . . much better than I thought . Also , battling enemies is mostly straight-foward , but that's a good thing in my case . No turn-based battles , a common ingredient to most Role Playing Games nowadays . It'll keep you on your toes on tougher battles . Well . . . I'm one door away from fighting the last boss in the game at the moment . . . I've fought all the optional bosses and completed everything else . . . so . . . I guess it's almost time to put this game to rest . That is , until I decide to play through again to hold out for the next installments in the series .
089 4 Hi Kingdom Hearts is the best game ever ! I own the game , and ive beaten it also.Its easy to play it depends what level you are on i suggest you should choose the magic staff in the beginning of the game because you can learn scan at level 9 scan is an abilitly to see the monsters health bar.I enjoyed this game so much.Its not like Final Fantasy when you do nothing but just walk around and go into batle scenes.But Kingdom Hearts theres no scenes when battling , you can jump , glide , swim on top of water , run , dogde roll , high jump , swim in Alantica , superglide , an more . . . . I so so recomend this game ! It's worth the price trust me.Sora is so so cool in the game hes my fav character : ) . When i play the game i almost feel like i'm there.The graphics are cool , The game play is awsome , I like the part that Disney things and characters are in it , And i aslo reccomend the stragey guide it helps you alot though i never really needed help.I would never would use cheats on Kingdom Hearts it just spoils the hole part of the game.But i would use a cheat to beat Septherioth he is dang hard.Well ihope you like my reveiew bye !
091 4 Kingdom Hearts is a great game . Some may think that it is a kid's game due to the heavy Disney influence and the use of Disney characters , but this only adds to the game's greatness . This is not a traditional RPG , where you take turns in battle . This battles in this game are all action , with some RPG elements fused into it . The battles are fun , but can become a little tedious . The music is ok , nothing compared to Final Fantasy . The one thing that really brings down the experience is the bad camera . While some say it is horrible , it isn't that bad , but it definitely could be a lot better . Kingdom Hearts is an awesome game . If you like Final Fantasy but you don't like those annoying random battles , this is for you .
100 4 First off , id like to say i own the game and have played it till the end ( which was very good and blatently set up for kingdom hearts 2 ) . The game focuses on the life of a 14 year old boy sora , his slightly mysterious best friend riku , his other friend , a 14 year old girl , kairi , and a grab bag of final fantasy characters . Yes , unfortunatly zidane was the only main ff character that was left out . . . but that was the only bad remark i could make about this game sure to be a timeless classic . The story makes you laugh , cry , and love and hate different characters . You travel through 10 disney worlds , a residential town , and the final new level . Ive put 50 hours into the game and still havent discovered all it has to offer.The sound of the disney characters are right on , and , surprisingly , haley joel osment was great as sora , while the rest of the voice acting was right on . Note : download the theme song , its awesome . Graphics are the best the PS2 can muster , while there is only a minor slowdown in framerate during large scale battles . Control is fast , responsive , and you dont even notice them . Some magic is hard to select quickly , and the magic shortcut only holds three different magic choices . Overall , this is a great game , best rpg adventure sice zelda .
110 4 Beautiful graphics and interesting levels make this game a real gem . I'm a gameplayer that is very picky about the games she plays . I'm not very skilled and I like problem solving games . This game certainly has that . It provides challenging game play and puzzles a plenty . I really enjoy the beautiful graphics and interesting characters .
117 4 I Love The PS2 Game , Kingdom Hearts . I Just Love Exploring Traverse Town With Donald Duck And Goofy Goof At My Side . My Favorite Characters Counting Down From 6 To 1 Are : 6 . Yuffie , 5 . Shadow Heartless , 4 . Guard Armor , 3 . Darkside , 2 . Sora , 1 . Kairi ( My Most Favorite . ) Anyways , I Have This Game And I Really Enjoyed It .
124 4 This game will be in my top five forever . Disney and Final Fantasy characters merged perfectly . The music is phenomenal throughout the game and the bosses provide a good challenge . The battle system is really easy to get use to and I think all ages can have a good time with the storyline . This is the best game playstation has and it's definitely a classic that will be remembered for years !
132 4 This is the best freakin ' game anyone has ever made ! ! ! Not only were the graphics and sound above standard , It had the best story line of any RPG I've ever played . This is a nonstop action game that can get you hooked from the first minute . Leaves all Final Fantasy games in the dust ! I highly recomend this game to any of long game lovers . It took me over 40 hours to finish even with the game guide . The game literally never ends . There are so many side games that you can play this game for many years and still have things to do . If fighting is your style , You can always boost up levels for as long as you like . The enemies always keep comin ' back for more . I never regreted buying the game .
155 4 This game is so good . The graphics are totaly out of this world . The games includes all of the Disney stories that I grew up with . This game is so cute you just can't help but love it . This is a total must have ! ! ! ! ! ! !
161 4 Kingdom Hearts is one of those games that seems weird when you first here about it . Disney and Final Fantasy together ? Huh ? A very original and unique idea , I might add .
Graphics : 10 / 10 : Beautiful . Shadows , colors , backgrounds , clothes , it looks stunning ! That's all I have to say !
Gameplay : 10 / 10 : Travel around many worlds in your ship . You also get to fight lots of Heartless enimies with your Keyblade and magic . The battle system is kind of like 3D Zelda . You also can fight in tournaments , find secrets , hidden loot , and play mini-games . So much to do !
Music : 10 / 10 : Great music ! Gotta love Simple and Clean !
Sound / voices : 10 / 10 : Fine voice acting , and realistic sounds .
Story : 10 / 10 : A deep , complex story . Confusing at times , but beautiful .
Overall , this is a masterpice . And only 20 $ ! And don't forget about the GBA sequel , Chain of Memories . And KH2 is coming this September !
165 4 I'm a big fan of the Final Fantasy series and one of my friends let me borrow Kingdom Hearts . I had a lot of fun with this game because I felt like I was going back in time visiting all of Disney's classic characters and reliving the fun and excitement of each adventure . I highly recommend this game for anyone who can play a video game !
169 4 At first look , this game looks like your basic coming together of two genres . But , this game actually turns out to be the best RPG I've ever played . It's filled with all the essentials an RPG must have while contains much of the magic from the Disney movies . The graphics are great . They manage to look like a Pixar Disney movie . Also , the voice acting is astounding . It got to the point where I couldn't tell it wasn't done by the original cast . The story should be able to please anyone . It's easy to understand [ so kids can understand it ] but is deep and rewarding [ for the RPG fans ] . Gameplay feels new to the genre . It starts out easy to get into but takes alot of skill to master . Also , it is long . Basically , it has plenty of kid friendly humor for the Disney fans , has a good enough story and plenty of charater developement aspects for the RPG nut , and senseless action for just about everyone else . I can't find anything wronjg no matter how hard I try . I give it a 5 out of 5 .
176 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I absolutely loved this game . Once I started it , I could not stop playing . The only annoying thing is how long it takes in the beginning to start , but once it does it's so much fun . One of my friends told me about it and since I love Disney , I thought I would try it . And now I am impatiently waiting Kingdom Hearts 2 . So all of you out there , even though you may be skeptical , try it , its a GREAT game ! ! ! !
177 4 I absolutely loved this game . Once I started it , I could not stop playing . The only annoying thing is how long it takes in the beginning to start , but once it does it's so much fun . One of my friends told me about it and since I love Disney , I thought I would try it . And now I am impatiently waiting Kingdom Hearts 2 . So all of you out there , even though you may be skeptical , try it , its a GREAT game ! ! ! !
185 4 This is the best game I've ever played so far . It has great graphics , stunning gameplay , and a wonderful storyline.I love how they mix final fantasy 7 and 8 characters in the game . it is a fairly long game and can be very challenging at times , but what's a game without challenge ? I think anybody who likes great RPG's should play this game ! ! ! ! ! ! !
187 4 Great I bought this last year . It's fun ! Donald and Goofy are really funny . If you like disney characters and action . . . . you'll love this game ! ; )
191 4 Most games have a major letdown at some point . Some have cliché stories or characters , some have a boring battle system that makes me cry , and some are just too hard for me , and I can't beat the final boss no matter how many times I try . But this game was great in almost all aspects . I guess it's surprising having Disney thrown in with Final Fantasy ( although that didn't deter me when I saw the commercial ) , but it all goes together pretty well . The story is unique , with some new and old stuff thrown in . The fights are fun ; you can use a variety of techniques , spells , and summons . The quick spell system and dodging are helpful . I loved the music , especially Simple and Clean . The graphics are awesome ; it's all smooth and I think it looks as good as the newer Final Fantasy games . I got through the game alright , not too hard , not too easy . I had to try a few bosses multiple times , but it wasn't overwhelming . You can choose how difficult the game will be , so you can set it easier or harder depending on preference or ability . There are a few flaws , though . You can't skip cutscenes , so if you've played multiple times , you'll have to amuse yourself for a few minutes during the clips . Also , some of the things people say or how their mouths match what they are saying are imperfect . That is a minor problem , though . Lastly , flying between worlds in the gummi ship is boring , and it's difficult to build a new one . I just ignored the whole thing . Still , I can't wait for KH2 to come out . Maybe they'll fix the few problems . I recommend that you buy this or at least rent it if in doubt .
194 4 Kingdom Hearts is the best game ever . i am completely obsessed with it because its so much fun and it makes you not want to put the controller down . i dont even like video games but this is a big exeption . right now i have every thing : the stradegy guide the cd and the game of course . im also getting the action figures but i having trouble finding them . this game roxx ! you can play as sora and you get the lovable donald and goofy on your side . dont worry , the last bosses ( ansem ) isnt hard if you at level 70
201 4 To start things off kudos to 11 year old girl's opinion . You rock ! ! ! We tottaly see eye to eye . Anyway everything about this game is awesome . Graphics , voices , plot , and the actual playing are all awesome . Did you guys know that Sean Astin ( from LOTR ) is the voice of Peter Pan ? Well he is . And if you are trying to beat the game i strongly reccomend the guidebook . I couldn't live without it . If you are a guy and you think this game is sissy cuz us girls play it then DON'T buy it sothen the prices will go down and people who appriceate all this effort can buy it .
210 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
This is a cross between a fighting game and a Disney game . See you get to play as Sora and after you beat like 3 bosses you'll be able to have Goofy and Donald for sidekicks . The bigest enemey in this game is called Ansem , but he only appears at the end of the game and have to fight about 5 times to beat him . Trust me it's not easy ! There are lots of Disney charecters like
Micky ( you'll see him at the end of the game too )
King Triton
Oggie Boogie
Jack Skelington
Peter Pan
Tinker Bell
Queen of Hearts
Fairy Godmother
Well I hope this review helped you and take care of your disks ( I scratched mine up 2 times and had to get a new one both times ) !
215 4 This is one of the best games I have ever played . All of those people who don't like it cause it's Disney find a real reason not to like the game . Only problem I had was that sometimes Donald and Goofy got more in the way than they helped , most of the time they were just good for taking damage away from Sora .
219 4 This game may look stupid but it's one of the best games i've EVER played . It's not the longest game ( took me about 27 hours to beat ) but im still trying to get all of the secrets ! It also has a expert version which I plan to play . This game is great , it has all of your disney memories and its ( partly ) made by one of my favorite game creators , square soft . I love all the final fantasy to the max , and this is just as good as any of them . The graphics are also great , and the battle system is good as well ( accept for the fact that your team mates never heal you till the last second but thats another story . . . ) . Like in final fantasy games , you get to cast magic and summon characters from disney movies . In every world you get a new person to fight with , but once you leave that world they go away . You can use donald and goofy anytime you want . The only downside is that you never KEEP any other characters to fight with besides donald and goofy . But besides that any one should by this game because its one of my favorite games and could possibly be one of yours as well !
223 4 This game was so much fun I had to force myself off it just to get some sleep .
My only problem with it was near the end when your about to beat
this game you have to beat like 15 boss's or so back to back . I only had a hard time on a few of the boss's though so it really wasn't that hard .
As soon as I beat this game I wanted part two , which so far I haven't done . I did get Kingdom Hearts Re : Chain Of Memories , but I don't think I'm going to like that one so much . I would recommend this game to anyone that's in to Final Fanticy type game's . I'd say that Kingdom Hearts is better then Zelda and for me that's saying a lot . .
: : : SAM : : :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
OK , I played this game when it came out a little after my birthday . I beat the game in like 30 hours ( Over a long period of time , like 4 months ) . I was thinking about this game a couple of months ago , and I decided to try and beat it again . I'm fighting Hades in the Hades Cup right now , and I am at level 56 , so it is a little bit difficult . Last time I played I was at level 56 when I was fighting Ansem at Hollow Bansion . Anyways an overview of the game .
You start off the game with a dream sequence by Sora where crazy things are happening and you are flying from the sky and falling into darkness . The graphics are awesome and the music is H * * * a Sick . when the sword , shield , and mickey staff come out of nowhere , pick the sword first , and next pick the staff . ( IT WILL TRY AND TRICK YOU BY SAYING SOMETHING LIKE DO YOU WANT TO GIVE UP THE MYSTIC POWER ? just do what i told you , go to the sword , pick it , then go to the staff and pick it . After the dream you wake up next to the girl you like , Kairi , who later you find likes you . You guys talk for a bit then you get to wander around . I recommmend that you start battling everyone a lot until you level up a little bit ( LV . 6 is a good start . Hit Wakka's Blitzball back at him for more EXPERIENCE which helps you level up . Time Tidus and the girls attacks also and hit at the right time to deflect them . When you level up talk to Kairi and get all the supplies . ( NO FIRST FIGHT SORA A COUPLE TIMES ON THE TOP OF THAT HILL IN THE WATER , YOU GET A LOT OF EXPERIENCE . Then the rest of the level you are pretty much finding stuff . When You face that big Heartless monster that you fought in the dream , do not worry , he is totally easy . He has a little more health , but with your new experience and the help of the Keyblade , he is an easy defeat . After the battle you will level up and end up in Traverse Town after you see a clip of Donald finding out the King ( MICKEY MOUSE ) has ventured off and Donald starts his journey to find you with the help of Goofy . In Traverse Town first take a look around , go in all the districts , and go in the Accesory shop a couple times to start a fight with Leon . Leon is totally hard ! If you lose , that sucks , but if you do , it doesn't change the stiry at all , you just fall down and he takes you away , either way , win or lose , you still move on . When you awake from battle you find Yuffie and you learn the story of the Heartless and about ANSEM ( who is the final boss ) . And eventually you meet Goofy and Donald . You face your First REAL BOSS in the third District when you find Donald and Goofy . The Boss is easy enough if you have been leveling up , but you may want to take some POTIONS with you to the battle . After you win you learn fire , Dodge Roll ( Equip that fast ) and blue trinity .
Go to Wondeerland next and meet Alice as you tumble down the Rabbit Hole . You find the old Wonderland People , but Alice gets taken by Riku who has joined the Heartless ( he did look kind of evil ) . The boss is easy enough , heal donald and Goofy everyonce in a while ( if you need to ) but you shouldn't because whenever you beat a layer of this guy he drops health . Get on the table to hit the boss because it is kind of hard with out doing that .
Next venture over to Cid in Traverse Town who will do all this stuff and then go to the colliseum in the next level which is south of Traverse Town . You will enter competitions there and learn all kinds of cool things . I'm not sure ( can't remember , ) but I think you can enter the Pegasus cup if you beat Wonderland , if not go to the next level , which is Tarzan .
( WHEN YOU CAN BEAT ALL OF THE CHALLENGES IN THE TOURNAMENTS I MEAN BEAT IT WITH DONALD AND GOOFY , THEN BEAT IT ALONE AND THEN BEAT IT WITH A TIME LIMIT . if you do that with evry tournament , then you will get Donald or Goofy's best weapon , but don't worry , that is far away . )
Tarza , pretty much beat the level , easy enough , and that will make the plot of the story go further . you seal the keyhole and all of that , and you are set . bosses are easy , all you have to do is hit Clayton and ignore the overgrown Iguana .
check the stadium
after that go to TRAVERSE TOWN and make your ship be able to warp . then get out of there , check the stadium to see if you can enter any tournaments , then go to AGRABAH .
This is my favorite level almost . You meet Jasmine and Alladin ( oh i forgot , always equip the extra character you get like alladin , or Jack ) then you fight in the cave of Wonders and you find the Genie . When you fight Jafar ( you should of leveled up a lot ) but bring a lot of HI-POTIONS and attach them to everyone . Destroy Jafar the first time , fall down the hole , and then just keep hitting Iago ( the bird with the lamp ) because you can't hit anything else . Seal the Keyhoe find out Jasmine was taken , then get the H * * l out of there on a magic carpet ride .
leave that level and go to see anymore tournaments popping up ( you can now warp there ) if not go to Monstro , or in other words , go to Alladins level , but don't depart , go to the right of Agrabah and you will be swallowed by a whale of a whale . rpetty much get to pinochio find Riku ( now totally a bad guy ) and chase him until you find the boss . the boss is easy to kill , but hard to keep your partners alive . you can summmon genie to fight a bit , and Riku will fight as well . after that go back to pinnochio's home with Geppeto and learn high jump . you start jumping around and then you go to the top layer ( the throat ) and beat all of these brand new bad-guys and jump into the hole in the top of the room . there you find Riku and Pinnochio , and that nice little boss who seems to have grown stronger . you fight him and you may die a couple of times but thats OK because you can just keep on fighting him .
After your victory , once again check the colliseum to see if any tournament pops up , is so beat it , if not go to the next level which is the little mermaids .
I won't go into depth because it is a long level and i am in class right now so i shouldn't even be doing this , but pretty mnuch master swimming and then go to king triton ) beat all of the guys because you will get a lot of experience ) and then find the grotto , find the sunken ship , beat the whale , beat Ursula which is hard because i don't know how i beat her , i just cast spells at the pot when it turned different colors . then get faster with the new swimming and then beat ursula again whiach i think is easy enough if you leveled up , just keep on curing .
once again check the colliseum .
Go to Neverland where you will learn to fly with Peter Pan . by beating this level you will continue the plot further with Riku's plunge into darkness . you beat the level by hitting captain hook a lot , that's all i did , just hit him . hit the clock tower a couple times ( the clock that is different , and you will find the keyhole .
check the tournaments .
Hollow Bansion you will find vaguely familiar when you enter the library . your friends abandon you , you have no keyblade , all you know how to do is jump like MJ and fly . what are you going to do ? well with the Beasts help there is a lot . you can knock a couple walls down , you cant kill guys , but he can , and you can get the experience . wander around , get exp , and then find riku , get the keyblade back , get your friends back , summon tinkerbell . then kick riku's ass . gather up all of the things that go in the door , fight new bad guys then meet Maleficent . fight Maleficent when she is human , then when she is a dragon . hit her whenever you can and then go away and heal . thats it . Riku is easy no problem he is in the bag .
Go to Traverse town , update your Gummi ship with new gear from CID . go back to Hollow Bansion and seal the keyhole . you beat the game ! yeah right . after that leave and beat all the tournaments in all the catagories . there will be a tournament that looks like ? ? ? ? ? ? . Don't even THINK about trying that , you need to be at level 100 to win , I know i'v tried without being that high and it is impossible . now you probably are wonderin about the book in the wizard's house . that is winnie the pooh , you probably have a couple of pages by now , so go to that level .
get your level hella high and then attempt the last level , i won't say anything cuz the end is too good to spoil , but keep trying the last boss and think . Good Luck .
oh i didn't rate this game . 1000000% out of 100%
015 4 I got this game for Christmas 2002 and it rules ! It literally has all of the classic Disney characters in it such as Donald Duck , Aladin , Goofy , Tarzan , Alice , Dumbo , and HUNDREDS more . And to make the game extra cool , you get a lot of the good guys to help you beat the bad guys , but you're in control of their health , so if they die , it's your fault ( you can give them potions to heal them though ) . What happens in this game is Mickey Mouse goes missing and Donald Duck and Goofy go looking for him . At that same time , Sora ( you ) and his buddies want to get off there little island and see if there are other worlds are out there , but unfortunately you lose those buddies on your way . Eventually , you , Donald Duck , and Goofy meet . Together you explore other worlds and try to find your buddies and Mickey Mouse . The game has AWESOME graphics and an interesting story . Another cool part is that you and your buddies are Final Fantasy characters . I LOVE their hair . I really recomend this game for ANYONE , not just kids . Kingdom Hearts rules !
039 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
ROCKS , AWESOME , SWEET ? no words to describe how friggin awesome this game is . i love this game to a point where if it were a person i would hav . . . nevermind . the game is so * INSERT WORD HERE * that you could lock yourself up in your room and play for hours without getting bored . a total of about 12 - 13 worlds will ensure hours of sleepless gameplay ( i myself have played for 3 days i think altogether ) . The story is awesome and will leave you questioning . this game will not make you smart but it will not make your mind war polluted like almost every other game . so in short buy this game . ! )
040 4 ROCKS , AWESOME , SWEET ? no words to describe how friggin awesome this game is . i love this game to a point where if it were a person i would hav . . . nevermind . the game is so * INSERT WORD HERE * that you could lock yourself up in your room and play for hours without getting bored . a total of about 12 - 13 worlds will ensure hours of sleepless gameplay ( i myself have played for 3 days i think altogether ) . The story is awesome and will leave you questioning . this game will not make you smart but it will not make your mind war polluted like almost every other game . so in short buy this game . ! )
056 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
i'll keep this short and sweet . i'm not a big rpg gamer , but a friend of mine persuaded me to get KH . he warned me about the start , and honestly i wanted to go crazy trying to follow the first 20 min . i kept screamin , WHY AM I FALLING AGAIN ? ! ? ! but , after a quick call back to my buddy , and some reconvincing , he assured me that i'd love the game after the start .
after i got off the island , it was like opening up pandora's box . all of a sudden , there were new weapons , moves , spells , worlds , enemies to conquer ! the game gave you places to lvl up , but gameplay never got stale or stagnant . there were constantly new enemies or worlds just waiting for an ass-whoopin from this kid .
the only thing i do have to say about this i didn't absolutely love was the ending . the last boss was so easy , but the trailer to KH2 made it all worthwhile
057 4 i'll keep this short and sweet . i'm not a big rpg gamer , but a friend of mine persuaded me to get KH . he warned me about the start , and honestly i wanted to go crazy trying to follow the first 20 min . i kept screamin , WHY AM I FALLING AGAIN ? ! ? ! but , after a quick call back to my buddy , and some reconvincing , he assured me that i'd love the game after the start .
after i got off the island , it was like opening up pandora's box . all of a sudden , there were new weapons , moves , spells , worlds , enemies to conquer ! the game gave you places to lvl up , but gameplay never got stale or stagnant . there were constantly new enemies or worlds just waiting for an ass-whoopin from this kid .
the only thing i do have to say about this i didn't absolutely love was the ending . the last boss was so easy , but the trailer to KH2 made it all worthwhile
081 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
This game is the BEST GAME EVER ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! The storyline is good in the beginning , but by the end it gets so intense you don't want to leave . My 8 year old little brother started crying after he beat the game , THATS HOW GREAT THE STORYLINE IS . Well buy this game and you wont regret it , trust me .
Oh wait . . . . .
Just to let you know there is a Kingdom Hearts 2 coming out . It takes place one year after the first one and don't forget to buy Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories cause it takes place in between Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 . Well they will be released :
Kingdom Hearts 2 - September 2005
Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories - December 14 , 2004
Well go buy KH : COM for Christmas and you wont regret it . . . I think .
082 4 This game is the BEST GAME EVER ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! The storyline is good in the beginning , but by the end it gets so intense you don't want to leave . My 8 year old little brother started crying after he beat the game , THATS HOW GREAT THE STORYLINE IS . Well buy this game and you wont regret it , trust me .
Oh wait . . . . .
Just to let you know there is a Kingdom Hearts 2 coming out . It takes place one year after the first one and don't forget to buy Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories cause it takes place in between Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 . Well they will be released :
Kingdom Hearts 2 - September 2005
Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories - December 14 , 2004
Well go buy KH : COM for Christmas and you wont regret it . . . I think .
088 4 I HIGHLY reccomend this game for anyone who enjoys Final Fantasy or The Legend of Zelda . The fighting style is more like Zelda but everything else reminds you of Final Fantasy . It's really fun to go into all the different places , like the Queen of Hearts ' castle . The game is really , really cool and fun !
105 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
My dad first got me KH , and I thought , Why are Donald and Goofy sitting next to that spiky-haired Japanese Anime dude ? I didn't think it would be any good . I started playing and got stuck for two days trying to find a rope . I'm not kidding . My dad tried it , and immediately got stuck on the second boss . I finished it in about three months , because I also got stuck on the fifth to last boss , but got a better weapon ( with the advice of a friend ) , and finished the game . I was elated , for my dad said he'd buy me KH2 when I finished the first . I worked the entire rest of the day so that he would buy it immediately . After I got stuck on the eighth to last boss , and wrote a walkthrough , and the dialouge and storyline of KH , which are now 101 pages long . I am in the middle of writing my adaptation of KH2 . The two games are my favorite of all videogames . BUY THEM ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
106 4 My dad first got me KH , and I thought , Why are Donald and Goofy sitting next to that spiky-haired Japanese Anime dude ? I didn't think it would be any good . I started playing and got stuck for two days trying to find a rope . I'm not kidding . My dad tried it , and immediately got stuck on the second boss . I finished it in about three months , because I also got stuck on the fifth to last boss , but got a better weapon ( with the advice of a friend ) , and finished the game . I was elated , for my dad said he'd buy me KH2 when I finished the first . I worked the entire rest of the day so that he would buy it immediately . After I got stuck on the eighth to last boss , and wrote a walkthrough , and the dialouge and storyline of KH , which are now 101 pages long . I am in the middle of writing my adaptation of KH2 . The two games are my favorite of all videogames . BUY THEM ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
111 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
This is an AWESOME game ! ! ! It has a lot of Disney and Final Fantasy Characters in it , and the plot is actually pretty decent ! There is this 14 year old boy named Sora , and he is on an Island with his friends ( he doesn't actually live on the island , but he goes there a lot ) named Riku ( 15 ) and Kairi ( 14 ) . They are going to use a raft to leave the Island and visit others Worlds , but the night before they leave , the Island is attacked by the power of Darkness . Riku goes to the Darkness , and Sora recieves the Keyblade . The Darkness takes Sora to a different World , where he meets Donald and Goofy . Together they travel to different Worlds , looking for Riku , Kairi , and The King . It is somewhat challenging , and it is very fun . I REALLY recommend buying it , especially if you have or are a kid . You won't be disapointed !
BTW , could someone please tell me who Nainme is ? I know a Namine , but no Nainme ! Is she in Final Mix or something ? And what is it with her and Riku ?
127 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
I love this video game ! ! You will love it too !
Sora is a 14 year old living on a island , with his friends Riku and Kairi . They have made a plan to bulid a raft and sail of to find other worlds . One cruel night , a storm rages . Sora , afraid that the raft will be broken , risks his life to save the raft . Upon running to save it cretures start appearing . Sora runs and finds his friend Riku . Riku says he is not afraid of the darkness and he is engulfed in darkness . Soon after that Sora is left with a weapon of mass power . . . . the KEYBLADE . A huge dark monster attacks Sora but he fights back . Sora is transported to a world . . . . no wait a . . . . town ? Will Sora find his friends ? What were those cretures ? ? And . . . why are Donald and Goofy searching for a man ? ? * Akward silence * Don't worry , this game is rated E for everyone . : )
The game is awesome ! ! When you deafet the game , and you start a new one , the first couple of hours are very boring . Mostly made boring with cutscenes you cannot escape . A bonus ending is acuired when you defeat all the cups in the Hercuales world , find all the Ansem's report , and find all the 99 dalmations . It gives a look at KH2 comeing out in March next year ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! : ) So hurry up and get this game before kh2 ! ! Even though Disney is in this and gives of signales of a kid game , it is very hard and it took me 3 years to win !
Some bad things about the game are charecters , only 4 charecters were orignal . This how ever is cleared up in kh2 . Music is great . Some songs make you cry , some are very eerie and haunting .
A note : After this game there is KINGDOM HEARTS CHAIN OF MEMORIES FOR GAME BOY ADVANCE . I bought a gba just so I could play this . this is after kh1 and ends right before kh2 . If oyu do not have a GBA , go online and you can read the script . Just go on Gamestop .
Good bye ! ! Please play this game you will not be sorry ! ! !
Songstress Lenne
129 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
THIS is the game of the year ! Overall , this game has lots of ups and ups and barely any downs ! The ONLY part i hate is the storyline is veeery long ! But thats what makes it long ! Basically , this game's graphics , music , gameplay , and story line are all VERY very understandable ! This game i would recommend over the new PSP or the DS ! Not only is the game very long , you really would not get bored of it fast ! This game with Disney charecters really add 10 stars to it alot ! But the thing i liked the most was the story ! The story makes you want to play more ! In the beginning , everyone gets split up . It makes you want to play more to find the charecters . Very good cliffhangers , i have to say . I would recommend this game over than any other ps2 game , well either get Kingdom Hearts or if you can wait , get Kingdom Hearts II when it comes out ! I want to get it immediatly , but ill have to wait until next April . Not only is the game itself perfect , i find that the charecters in the story all have to relate with Disney . Knowing them , Disney's second film / game is always worst than the first one . But still , you should get Kingdom Hearts II if your child you get it for becomes addicted to the game , like me . The Age group for this game , is also quite large . I would say get it for any child in the age of 7 - 21 ! This game isn't real good for beginning game players , but once you start playing this game , you CANNOT stop ! CANNOT STOP !
130 4 THIS is the game of the year ! Overall , this game has lots of ups and ups and barely any downs ! The ONLY part i hate is the storyline is veeery long ! But thats what makes it long ! Basically , this game's graphics , music , gameplay , and story line are all VERY very understandable ! This game i would recommend over the new PSP or the DS ! Not only is the game very long , you really would not get bored of it fast ! This game with Disney charecters really add 10 stars to it alot ! But the thing i liked the most was the story ! The story makes you want to play more ! In the beginning , everyone gets split up . It makes you want to play more to find the charecters . Very good cliffhangers , i have to say . I would recommend this game over than any other ps2 game , well either get Kingdom Hearts or if you can wait , get Kingdom Hearts II when it comes out ! I want to get it immediatly , but ill have to wait until next April . Not only is the game itself perfect , i find that the charecters in the story all have to relate with Disney . Knowing them , Disney's second film / game is always worst than the first one . But still , you should get Kingdom Hearts II if your child you get it for becomes addicted to the game , like me . The Age group for this game , is also quite large . I would say get it for any child in the age of 7 - 21 ! This game isn't real good for beginning game players , but once you start playing this game , you CANNOT stop ! CANNOT STOP !
148 4 i never thought that a disney-based game could be so appealing to teenagers , like me . i love love love this game ! even though the graphics are good in the beginning , they're AWESOME in the end ! and , if you get all the special things , there's a cool sneak peek at KH2 ! if you like final fantasy , buy this game ! it has characters from FF like riku , cloud , sephiroth , etc .
151 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
OK , I played this game when it came out a little after my birthday . I beat the game in like 30 hours ( Over a long period of time , like 4 months ) . I was thinking about this game a couple of months ago , and I decided to try and beat it again . I'm fighting Hades in the Hades Cup right now , and I am at level 56 , so it is a little bit difficult . Last time I played I was at level 56 when I was fighting Ansem at Hollow Bansion . Anyways an overview of the game .
You start off the game with a dream sequence by Sora where crazy things are happening and you are flying from the sky and falling into darkness . The graphics are awesome and the music is H * * * a Sick . when the sword , shield , and mickey staff come out of nowhere , pick the sword first , and next pick the staff . ( IT WILL TRY AND TRICK YOU BY SAYING SOMETHING LIKE DO YOU WANT TO GIVE UP THE MYSTIC POWER ? just do what i told you , go to the sword , pick it , then go to the staff and pick it . After the dream you wake up next to the girl you like , Kairi , who later you find likes you . You guys talk for a bit then you get to wander around . I recommmend that you start battling everyone a lot until you level up a little bit ( LV . 6 is a good start . Hit Wakka's Blitzball back at him for more EXPERIENCE which helps you level up . Time Tidus and the girls attacks also and hit at the right time to deflect them . When you level up talk to Kairi and get all the supplies . ( NO FIRST FIGHT SORA A COUPLE TIMES ON THE TOP OF THAT HILL IN THE WATER , YOU GET A LOT OF EXPERIENCE . Then the rest of the level you are pretty much finding stuff . When You face that big Heartless monster that you fought in the dream , do not worry , he is totally easy . He has a little more health , but with your new experience and the help of the Keyblade , he is an easy defeat . After the battle you will level up and end up in Traverse Town after you see a clip of Donald finding out the King ( MICKEY MOUSE ) has ventured off and Donald starts his journey to find you with the help of Goofy . In Traverse Town first take a look around , go in all the districts , and go in the Accesory shop a couple times to start a fight with Leon . Leon is totally hard ! If you lose , that sucks , but if you do , it doesn't change the stiry at all , you just fall down and he takes you away , either way , win or lose , you still move on . When you awake from battle you find Yuffie and you learn the story of the Heartless and about ANSEM ( who is the final boss ) . And eventually you meet Goofy and Donald . You face your First REAL BOSS in the third District when you find Donald and Goofy . The Boss is easy enough if you have been leveling up , but you may want to take some POTIONS with you to the battle . After you win you learn fire , Dodge Roll ( Equip that fast ) and blue trinity .
Go to Wondeerland next and meet Alice as you tumble down the Rabbit Hole . You find the old Wonderland People , but Alice gets taken by Riku who has joined the Heartless ( he did look kind of evil ) . The boss is easy enough , heal donald and Goofy everyonce in a while ( if you need to ) but you shouldn't because whenever you beat a layer of this guy he drops health . Get on the table to hit the boss because it is kind of hard with out doing that .
Next venture over to Cid in Traverse Town who will do all this stuff and then go to the colliseum in the next level which is south of Traverse Town . You will enter competitions there and learn all kinds of cool things . I'm not sure ( can't remember , ) but I think you can enter the Pegasus cup if you beat Wonderland , if not go to the next level , which is Tarzan .
( WHEN YOU CAN BEAT ALL OF THE CHALLENGES IN THE TOURNAMENTS I MEAN BEAT IT WITH DONALD AND GOOFY , THEN BEAT IT ALONE AND THEN BEAT IT WITH A TIME LIMIT . if you do that with evry tournament , then you will get Donald or Goofy's best weapon , but don't worry , that is far away . )
Tarza , pretty much beat the level , easy enough , and that will make the plot of the story go further . you seal the keyhole and all of that , and you are set . bosses are easy , all you have to do is hit Clayton and ignore the overgrown Iguana .
check the stadium
after that go to TRAVERSE TOWN and make your ship be able to warp . then get out of there , check the stadium to see if you can enter any tournaments , then go to AGRABAH .
This is my favorite level almost . You meet Jasmine and Alladin ( oh i forgot , always equip the extra character you get like alladin , or Jack ) then you fight in the cave of Wonders and you find the Genie . When you fight Jafar ( you should of leveled up a lot ) but bring a lot of HI-POTIONS and attach them to everyone . Destroy Jafar the first time , fall down the hole , and then just keep hitting Iago ( the bird with the lamp ) because you can't hit anything else . Seal the Keyhoe find out Jasmine was taken , then get the H * * l out of there on a magic carpet ride .
leave that level and go to see anymore tournaments popping up ( you can now warp there ) if not go to Monstro , or in other words , go to Alladins level , but don't depart , go to the right of Agrabah and you will be swallowed by a whale of a whale . rpetty much get to pinochio find Riku ( now totally a bad guy ) and chase him until you find the boss . the boss is easy to kill , but hard to keep your partners alive . you can summmon genie to fight a bit , and Riku will fight as well . after that go back to pinnochio's home with Geppeto and learn high jump . you start jumping around and then you go to the top layer ( the throat ) and beat all of these brand new bad-guys and jump into the hole in the top of the room . there you find Riku and Pinnochio , and that nice little boss who seems to have grown stronger . you fight him and you may die a couple of times but thats OK because you can just keep on fighting him .
After your victory , once again check the colliseum to see if any tournament pops up , is so beat it , if not go to the next level which is the little mermaids .
I won't go into depth because it is a long level and i am in class right now so i shouldn't even be doing this , but pretty mnuch master swimming and then go to king triton ) beat all of the guys because you will get a lot of experience ) and then find the grotto , find the sunken ship , beat the whale , beat Ursula which is hard because i don't know how i beat her , i just cast spells at the pot when it turned different colors . then get faster with the new swimming and then beat ursula again whiach i think is easy enough if you leveled up , just keep on curing .
once again check the colliseum .
Go to Neverland where you will learn to fly with Peter Pan . by beating this level you will continue the plot further with Riku's plunge into darkness . you beat the level by hitting captain hook a lot , that's all i did , just hit him . hit the clock tower a couple times ( the clock that is different , and you will find the keyhole .
check the tournaments .
Hollow Bansion you will find vaguely familiar when you enter the library . your friends abandon you , you have no keyblade , all you know how to do is jump like MJ and fly . what are you going to do ? well with the Beasts help there is a lot . you can knock a couple walls down , you cant kill guys , but he can , and you can get the experience . wander around , get exp , and then find riku , get the keyblade back , get your friends back , summon tinkerbell . then kick riku's ass . gather up all of the things that go in the door , fight new bad guys then meet Maleficent . fight Maleficent when she is human , then when she is a dragon . hit her whenever you can and then go away and heal . thats it . Riku is easy no problem he is in the bag .
Go to Traverse town , update your Gummi ship with new gear from CID . go back to Hollow Bansion and seal the keyhole . you beat the game ! yeah right . after that leave and beat all the tournaments in all the catagories . there will be a tournament that looks like ? ? ? ? ? ? . Don't even THINK about trying that , you need to be at level 100 to win , I know i'v tried without being that high and it is impossible . now you probably are wonderin about the book in the wizard's house . that is winnie the pooh , you probably have a couple of pages by now , so go to that level .
get your level hella high and then attempt the last level , i won't say anything cuz the end is too good to spoil , but keep trying the last boss and think . Good Luck .
oh i didn't rate this game . 1000000% out of 100%
154 4 this is my favorite game . there are tons of levels and it will take about 30 - 40 hours before you beat the game , i deffinately recomend this game , and chain of memories
214 4 OMFG ! I love this game . It's fun and you get to see some disney characters ! ! ! ! ! There are many things to do in this game that is just fun ! ! ! ! The characters are great as are the villans ! I know you will have much fun meeting Final fanstasy characters along with some from A nightmare before Christmas ! ! ! ! Hope I helped instead of Rambel . . . BYE !
224 4 This review is from :
Kingdom Hearts ( Video Game )
This maybe an exaggeration for those who have NEVER played this game ! And to those people I have to feel sorry for not having experience the magic of this game ! OK . So I admit Disney being in the mix makes one hesitate but GIVE IT A CHANCE ! I for one have never played a FF game EVER ! And if its any good as Kingdom Hearts I will be playing them . The game shows Disney characters like Donald Duck and Goofy among with many others help Sora in the search for his friend Riku and Kairi who end up missing after their island is destroyed . Sore along with his two Disney companions go world from world in search for his two friends . The game play is excellent ! The game has excellent movie scenes that advance the story line . I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS 4 ALL AGES ! ! ! You will not regret purchasing KH ! ! !
225 4 This maybe an exaggeration for those who have NEVER played this game ! And to those people I have to feel sorry for not having experience the magic of this game ! OK . So I admit Disney being in the mix makes one hesitate but GIVE IT A CHANCE ! I for one have never played a FF game EVER ! And if its any good as Kingdom Hearts I will be playing them . The game shows Disney characters like Donald Duck and Goofy among with many others help Sora in the search for his friend Riku and Kairi who end up missing after their island is destroyed . Sore along with his two Disney companions go world from world in search for his two friends . The game play is excellent ! The game has excellent movie scenes that advance the story line . I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS 4 ALL AGES ! ! ! You will not regret purchasing KH ! ! !