009 4 Smell that ? That's the smell of a once great television show going straight down the crapper . Thanks to an unbelievably awful season 3 - there's really little point left in following the once brilliant Heroes . Over the course of this extremely disappointing season , Heroes devolved from a well written , exciting , must see television show into a frustrating exercise in viewer patience . Despite the hope that things would improve after a sub-par Season 2 , the exploits of the so called Heroes ( who really do nothing that even remotely resembles anything heroic ) yielded nothing but disappointment weak after excruciating weak .
The first volume of Season 3 - Villains was excessively convoluted and drawn out-sans anything of any real substance happening . Characters also seemed to completely change personalities and flip flop their allegiances on a dime for no other reason than to suit the writer's purposes .
Despite my hopes for an improved second volume with Fugitives things only got worse . With a premise that smacked of the completely ridiculous ( Nathan's wildly out of left field decision to betray all of his peers and condemn them all to imprisonment for starters ) Fugitives became a hard pill to swallow in every way imaginable . Despite a noticeable attempt to improve the show and right the ship in the last few episodes , the silly and hard to accept premise kept getting in the way . With the exception of the episode set in the Coyote Sands desert ( which was one of the few watchable episodes of the season ) Fugitives like Villains was a total wash .
What I found most disappointing about Season 3 of Heroes however wasn't its silly and laughably-bad writing , or even its complete lack of direction-instead it was how the writers took some of most iconic and likable characters in television history ( Noah Bennet , Mohinder Suresh , Peter Patrelli , Matt Parkman ) and rendered them completely unlikable . Noah was consistently a two-faced jerk for the majority of the season and Suresh a whiney b * tch determined to work for the bad guy . Peter , the show's anchor went from being the most morally grounded hero on the show to a selfish allegiance-swapping loser with no honor at all and Matt finally revealed himself as a totally useless waste of a character . Even Claire was not immune with her character's all-talk , no-action stance on things . Outside of Hiro and Ando-by season's end there were no character's left who's stories I really cared about . And even the dynamic duo's story itself seemed to grow more silly and weak by the episode . ( Aren't they running out of ideas by now how to keep Hiro from having powers ? ) And it absolutely blows my mind that the show insists on bringing Ali Larter's characters ( all five hundred of them ) back to the show time and time again . I know ( or knew rather ) a lot of Heroes viewers who absolutely hate Nikki / Jessica / Tracy / etc . - this one included . Why on earth do they keep bringing her back when she has yet to serve any real purpose but to annoy so completely ?
I find it interesting that the next volume in the series is called Redemption . With ratings plummeting and stories getting more silly , ridiculous & repetitious each season , and faithful viewers dropping off right and left , I hope there's truly some deeper meaning in that title . . . .
002 4 Many people have decided that Heroes is nothing ike the first season , and therefore , is a bad show . Some of the reviews constantly compare the show to the first season stating that the show will never , or has not , reached the potential of that season . While I agree , I would also like to give an unbiased review of Season 3 .
Season three had two volumes : Volume 3 : Villains and Volume 4 : Fugitives . First , let's take a look at Vol . 3 . The volume took off from the ill-fated Season 2 ( Volume 2 ) ending and tried to make due with . It started off promising with Angela Petrelli manipulating Sylar into thinking he was her son , watching Arthur Petrelli rise to power , and even additions like Daphne made for some interesting story arcs . I liked the idea of the formula , just not how it was executed . And , I even liked the story arc for Hiro . However , my main gripe with this volume was the ret conning of well developed characters as well as the break in mythology . When they ret conned Elle's sociopathic character to be a good girl turned bad by the Company , I was devastated because Elle was a well developed character by the end of Season 2 . I also did not like how they tried to weasel her into Sylar's storyline by messing up the main impetus for Sylar's evilness that was developed in Season 1 . Then , the whole idea of the catalyst being Claire but no one taking note of it until Volume 3 was a little farfetched . That being said , I did not feel like the show was just so horrible it couldn't be redeemed .
Thus , Volume 4 starts and gives us loyal fans , who understand that sci-fi shows take a few detours in trying to flesh out its mythology , we given some nice story arcs to love . I liked how the show began to go towards the Five Years Gone S1 episode future that many fans loved . I also was intrigued with the character of Danko and how he fit right in with the show . I like the flashback episode 1961 because it gave us some insight into the previous generation of Heroes , and I enjoyed Sylar's whole arc - - from the journey to find his father to finally getting the shape-shifting ability - - I thought they set his character up well . My gripes with this volume is that they took away Peter's ability and never gave it back . I am not sure why they did that , but it was a major thorn in my side . Also , they kind of acted like Vol 3 didn't happen . No mention of Arthur or Pinehearst , no mention of the formula or the catalyst , and they kind of didn't know what to do with Mohinder once he got an ability .
Overall , the show was trying to find its footing again after the second season was cut short and they had to scrap together a season . I believe that the show is just as good as it was in S1 . The only thing is that the characters need motivation ( similar to the NYC explosion in S1 ) . However , I would not say that the show isn't as good as S1 because each season since has had it's own pitfalls , but it's triumphs as well .
Thanks !
005 4 Season 3 started slowly but most of us heroes fans were so desperate after a 9 month vacation ( due to the writer's strike ) , that we took what we could get . the writers have not been able to recapture the magic of season 1 . they keep bringing in too many new characters that just takes away from the harmony of the original cast . one of the plueses of this season is that sylar has a bigger role and they finally figured out that angela petrelli could be a major player . i love the show as a whole and will be around for season 4 , 5 and 6 hopefully .
006 4 Some Spoilers : Heroes season 3 stuffs so much in one season that it felt like 2 seasons in one . The first half was better though . How Sylar was used in the first half was brilliant . While the season could have used more of Robert Forster ( Jackie Brown ) in the 2nd half and he should have been in the series longer . He was fantastic as the Petrali father who wasn't really dead . He's evil and can steal powers by just touching people with abilities . He has a plan to give humans powers and is trying to have a drug created that can do that .
I didn't like how key characters lost their powers though . The season would have been better if Hiro and Peter had there's for example . I like Peter more when he's just as powerful as Sylar . The 2nd half was good and had it's moments but even the season finale wasn't as good as it could have been . It was a brain twister but not even one that made sense , since Claire's blood could have just been used or Sylar's . That's all I'll say about that . But it does make you at least interested in seeing what will happen next .
007 4 Season 3 of this once great show continues the decline . And instead of one story arc , it contains two distinct stories .
In Villains , there is a mass escape of villains from Level 5 , a detention facility used by The Company to house evil people with superpowers . Noah Bennett ( Jack Coleman ) gets to work trying to track them down . He's surprised to see his new partner is Sylar ( Zachary Quinto ) who is trying to give up his murderous ways and get back on the straight and narrow . Can they catch these bad men ? Will Sylar remain a hero ?
The second half of the season found our characters on the run . Fugitives found now Senator Nathan Petrelli ( Adrian Pasdar ) heading a task force aimed at bringing all those with special powers in for their own protection . Of course , he's failed to mention his own unique powers . Leading the charge against him is his own brother Peter ( Milo Ventimiglia ) . Will Nathan see the error of his ways before everyone is captured or killed ?
The problem with this season lay in the story telling . When the show was actually good ( back in season 1 ) , the episodes spent time with the characters , letting us get to know them so we cared about what they were doing or why . That really drew me in . Here , we are forced plot points with cardboard characters . Heck , I had a hard time keeping track of who was doing what to whom it changed so often . And I just don't care about the characters the way I used to because there is no depth to them .
Then there's the case of Sylar . Don't get me wrong , I think Zachary Quinto is a great actor . But the way they keep including that character in events is forced and makes me wonder if we'll ever actually go somewhere with the story .
Yes , I am still intrigued to see where they are going next to keep watching , but just barely . They seriously need to make some tough decisions about how to best move the story forward and then stick to it , or they will continue to lose their audience .
008 4 Season 3 was a great season of a great show ! I completely loved it ! This season was full of all the twists and turns a viewer could want - not to mention superb acting and thrilling special fx . I thoroughly enjoyed this season , and cannot wait for season 4 . I honestly consider Heroes to be one of the best tv shows on the air .
010 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
While the first two seasons were reasonably good ( the first one was exceptional and the seocnd so-so ) , here the series is clearly losing focus . After having saved the world and having fought Sylar , the Heroes are having some difficulties doing something new . The ides here obviously is to at times turn everything upside down by giving most characters a dark side , except Hiro . Unfortunately this does not work at all since the whole idea of the show was to show regular characters being heroic ; and since they very often only have superpowers that they do not put to any great use , the fact that they develop a darker side does also not help at all . The acting is good and the episodes can be at times very entertaining but overall the series is really losing steam here . In order to renew it they even shortly thry to humanize Sylar . Also a major problem is these series were characters die and come back all the time . While it is supposed to be unrealistic this premise does not help at all to focus or give a clear line since anything can happen but in the wrong sense .
011 4 While the first two seasons were reasonably good ( the first one was exceptional and the seocnd so-so ) , here the series is clearly losing focus . After having saved the world and having fought Sylar , the Heroes are having some difficulties doing something new . The ides here obviously is to at times turn everything upside down by giving most characters a dark side , except Hiro . Unfortunately this does not work at all since the whole idea of the show was to show regular characters being heroic ; and since they very often only have superpowers that they do not put to any great use , the fact that they develop a darker side does also not help at all . The acting is good and the episodes can be at times very entertaining but overall the series is really losing steam here . In order to renew it they even shortly thry to humanize Sylar . Also a major problem is these series were characters die and come back all the time . While it is supposed to be unrealistic this premise does not help at all to focus or give a clear line since anything can happen but in the wrong sense .
012 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
This is closer to what the 2nd season should have been , with evil villains and a few questions answered . Is it as good as the first season ? No , not even that close . Is it much better then the 2nd ? Yes , and well worth watching again .
While I can not recommend this to everyone , if you could watch season two without grumbling ( much ) then season 3 will probably be a light at the end of the tunnel . If season two was complete garbage and turned you off the series completely , I'm not sure if this will bring you back .
013 4 This is closer to what the 2nd season should have been , with evil villains and a few questions answered . Is it as good as the first season ? No , not even that close . Is it much better then the 2nd ? Yes , and well worth watching again .
While I can not recommend this to everyone , if you could watch season two without grumbling ( much ) then season 3 will probably be a light at the end of the tunnel . If season two was complete garbage and turned you off the series completely , I'm not sure if this will bring you back .
016 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
Excellent condition , excellent price , excellent delivery , excellent quality . Will defenitely buy from this seller again !
018 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
I love Heroes - and this season did not disapoint . It's a bit convuluted at times , and the beginning is a little weird , but it gets really great by the end . I love the characters , the plotlines , the story - it's fantastic .
I'd definitely suggest you watch it if you're a fan of the series . And it's great to own .
The special features aren't that amazing , but they're pretty good . The deleted scenes can be interesting , since sometimes they explain things that they leave out of the show . So that's cool .
Amazon.com is great .
BUY THIS . 3 : )
019 4 I love Heroes - and this season did not disapoint . It's a bit convuluted at times , and the beginning is a little weird , but it gets really great by the end . I love the characters , the plotlines , the story - it's fantastic .
I'd definitely suggest you watch it if you're a fan of the series . And it's great to own .
The special features aren't that amazing , but they're pretty good . The deleted scenes can be interesting , since sometimes they explain things that they leave out of the show . So that's cool .
Amazon.com is great .
BUY THIS . 3 : )
020 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
All the episodes were great ! ! coudn't stop watching it ! A must see and can't wait for season 4
021 4 All the episodes were great ! ! coudn't stop watching it ! A must see and can't wait for season 4
026 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
It may have taken a few episodes to become hooked , but this family certainly did . Great entertainment .
027 4 It may have taken a few episodes to become hooked , but this family certainly did . Great entertainment .
028 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
I was quite impressed with the first season of Heroes , but a lot of what happens in the series makes you shake your head . . . and the shaking increases with each season .
Every time I've picked up the new season of Heroes , I've had to go back to the NBC recap site to find out what exactly happened at the end of the previous season . This sort of thing never happens with other shows , but after nine or twelve months between season viewings of Heroes , I've got to go back for a refresher . The way the show jumps around in time and space and with certain characters dying / coming back or gaining / losing powers , it's a little hard to keep track . And thus began season 3 .
The amount of disbelief that must be withheld in order to enjoy season 3 is astounding . One guy I won't identify pops through space and time stealing people's powers yet , for some reason , he also chooses to have an entourage of people with powers . Why not just take everyone's powers a la Sylar ?
And speaking of Sylar , he continues to be one of the more interesting ( albeit somewhat annoying ) characters on the show as , this season , he seeks out his real parents and some sort of identity while continuing to expand his powers .
Noah Bennett and Matt Parkman are , hands down , the best and most likeable characters on the show , with Hiro and Ando coming in second . That Petrelli family - - not to mention Ali Larter's character - - will bug the pants off you . There is , however , a new character named Danko introduced who is quite interesting . He's a powerless human enlisted by Nathan Petrelli to hunt down people with abilities .
There are some interesting and welcome developments with the Bennett family this season .
I won't spoil it for you , but let me say that the season finale just might cause you to stop watching the show . Massive head shake there . Despite that , I'll go on to watch season 4 , but some friends of mine have sworn off Heroes forever .
Look for Clint Howard and William Katt in small roles .
Worth a watch , but leave a lot of disbelief at the door .
029 4 I was quite impressed with the first season of Heroes , but a lot of what happens in the series makes you shake your head . . . and the shaking increases with each season .
Every time I've picked up the new season of Heroes , I've had to go back to the NBC recap site to find out what exactly happened at the end of the previous season . This sort of thing never happens with other shows , but after nine or twelve months between season viewings of Heroes , I've got to go back for a refresher . The way the show jumps around in time and space and with certain characters dying / coming back or gaining / losing powers , it's a little hard to keep track . And thus began season 3 .
The amount of disbelief that must be withheld in order to enjoy season 3 is astounding . One guy I won't identify pops through space and time stealing people's powers yet , for some reason , he also chooses to have an entourage of people with powers . Why not just take everyone's powers a la Sylar ?
And speaking of Sylar , he continues to be one of the more interesting ( albeit somewhat annoying ) characters on the show as , this season , he seeks out his real parents and some sort of identity while continuing to expand his powers .
Noah Bennett and Matt Parkman are , hands down , the best and most likeable characters on the show , with Hiro and Ando coming in second . That Petrelli family - - not to mention Ali Larter's character - - will bug the pants off you . There is , however , a new character named Danko introduced who is quite interesting . He's a powerless human enlisted by Nathan Petrelli to hunt down people with abilities .
There are some interesting and welcome developments with the Bennett family this season .
I won't spoil it for you , but let me say that the season finale just might cause you to stop watching the show . Massive head shake there . Despite that , I'll go on to watch season 4 , but some friends of mine have sworn off Heroes forever .
Look for Clint Howard and William Katt in small roles .
Worth a watch , but leave a lot of disbelief at the door .
032 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
the dvds were great , not scratched or anything . they were brandnew , but all of them fell outta the box b / c i guess they forgot the glue ? the little plastic sides that are actually glued to the cardboard . . . . yeh , it was kinda of a pain , but i have a hot glue gun so itz not that bad , it was just unexpected so it annoyed me . lol .
034 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
So far it is the best season of Heroes . I was stuck from episode one all the way to the end . I hope season 4 is the same way .
035 4 So far it is the best season of Heroes . I was stuck from episode one all the way to the end . I hope season 4 is the same way .
036 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
I loved it , I have all of the seasons so far except Season 4 if their going to release it . I work so sometimes I can't stay awake to see it on television . So when I have time off that's when I watch it . I love the way it akes those little twist and turns your not expecting .
037 4 I loved it , I have all of the seasons so far except Season 4 if their going to release it . I work so sometimes I can't stay awake to see it on television . So when I have time off that's when I watch it . I love the way it akes those little twist and turns your not expecting .
038 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
Even if many people say that heroes jumped the shark there are still unanswered questions . I would like to see them answered before they just cut and end the story .
039 4 Even if many people say that heroes jumped the shark there are still unanswered questions . I would like to see them answered before they just cut and end the story .
040 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
DVD set arrived very quickly & in great shape ! I love Heroes & it's great that the DVD set has extra features !
041 4 DVD set arrived very quickly & in great shape ! I love Heroes & it's great that the DVD set has extra features !
042 4 ok show . but , only ok . not as good as the first year . the little girl who could find people - that the policeman adopted - was suddenly gone . boom ! and no one noticed ? not even her adopted father ? like chuck on Happy Days . a show like this needs better scripts [ than most shows ] to be as good as regular shows because of its si-fi super-hero story lines and characters . when a show like this makes blunders they show up more than they would in a more regular t.v . program . i could name more blunders but other reviewers already have . P.S . strangely , the acting seems to be really good in spite of the flaws .
043 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
Interesting twists - more new characters with super powers and the usual will the world survive themes - A must for fans .
044 4 Interesting twists - more new characters with super powers and the usual will the world survive themes - A must for fans .
045 4 if you like the idea of havin powers , ( even though it will never happen : p ) then you will love this
048 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
I don't think this show will ever be as well written as the first season。。 volume , but the third one wasn't bad , and much better than the second IMO . Sylar will forever be inconsistant and out of character since voted the best new villian with season one , but the Petrelli family does not disappoint with suspence and drama . Enjoy the show .
050 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
I bought this for my sister who loves the show and she watched the whole dvd in two days .
051 4 I bought this for my sister who loves the show and she watched the whole dvd in two days .
054 4 I am overseas , so this filles the void for me not being able to watch TV . I love this series .
055 4 This review is from :
Heroes : Season 3 [ Blu-ray ] ( Blu-ray )
The show is great .
The plastic holder for the discs are very cheap .
First set came all broken with lots of plastic pieces everywhere .
Second one send by Amazon was in good state . Although , the box is made with very cheap materials , so it will be very likely you will break the disc holder pieces while manipulating the discs .
Also the discs , you can see through them not even facing towards light . Seems like it is a bare disc without protective layer on the top . I'm afraid this discs wont last long . They look really really cheap material , even for a CD .
Reminds me of 10 cents CD-Rs . . . .
Good thing Amazon was kind enough to let me keep both sets ( live outside US , yay . . . had to pay 12 $ for the shipment the 1st time and 12 $ for the same set the 2nd time . . . . wish I lived in the US ) , hopefully if some of the discs go bad , I got a 2nd set there as backup . . .
056 4 The show is great .
The plastic holder for the discs are very cheap .
First set came all broken with lots of plastic pieces everywhere .
Second one send by Amazon was in good state . Although , the box is made with very cheap materials , so it will be very likely you will break the disc holder pieces while manipulating the discs .
Also the discs , you can see through them not even facing towards light . Seems like it is a bare disc without protective layer on the top . I'm afraid this discs wont last long . They look really really cheap material , even for a CD .
Reminds me of 10 cents CD-Rs . . . .
Good thing Amazon was kind enough to let me keep both sets ( live outside US , yay . . . had to pay 12 $ for the shipment the 1st time and 12 $ for the same set the 2nd time . . . . wish I lived in the US ) , hopefully if some of the discs go bad , I got a 2nd set there as backup . . .
057 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
The Heroes series has good casting and character development . I really enjoy being able to see the episodes on DVD's without the annoying commercial breaks that come with the weekly TV presenations . Money well spent for entertainment that you can enjoy at your leisure .
058 4 The Heroes series has good casting and character development . I really enjoy being able to see the episodes on DVD's without the annoying commercial breaks that come with the weekly TV presenations . Money well spent for entertainment that you can enjoy at your leisure .
059 4 This review is from :
Heroes : Season 3 [ Blu-ray ] ( Blu-ray )
I really didnt think that season 4 was going to be that good . Characters that I didnt like I started to like as the pot gets really deep . If you are into Heroes then you need to see this season , no ifs ands or buts about it . Plus its on blu-ray , picture is sharp and detailed .
060 4 I really didnt think that season 4 was going to be that good . Characters that I didnt like I started to like as the pot gets really deep . If you are into Heroes then you need to see this season , no ifs ands or buts about it . Plus its on blu-ray , picture is sharp and detailed .
061 4 The show in general ( all 4 seasons ) is very good . The characters are diverse and the show is action-packed . Every couple episodes you'll find your self questioning who really are the good guys and more importantly who are the bad ones . The only reasons it gets 4 stars and not 5 is
A . ) Plot lines start to get repetitive
B . ) It almost seems as if directors are running out of material and trying to stretch the show along .
But even that seems a little harsh . All in all its a good show worth watching .
062 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
Heroes season 3 was good but a bit confusion , If think they had not had so many characters it could have been even better then season 3 .
The i have purchased are in good condition , No problems whatsoever . I am an international customer and they delivered the item in time .
063 4 Heroes season 3 was good but a bit confusion , If think they had not had so many characters it could have been even better then season 3 .
The i have purchased are in good condition , No problems whatsoever . I am an international customer and they delivered the item in time .
064 4 In every viewing of any film or series you have to suspend belief to some degree . Especially where science fiction is involved . The what if approach is the appropriate one . What if some men could fly , stop time , have super strength or absorb such abilities etc . The combinations of possible situations are endless once you accept the premise and it is intriguing to do so , even if it is against common experience or common sense even . It helps if the special effects used are convincing , if the acting is good , if there is attention to detail , if the score is suitable ( in this case haunting even ) , if the production values are high . All these are present in the third season of Heroes . So is a constan oveturning of situations and a change of camps by the mostly unstable characters involved , to an extend and in a way that it is hard to swallow sometimes . . . This confuses matters it's true . But it also keeps things unpredictable and exciting ! Matrix was not suitable for Cannes festival , but it was ( is ) a highly enjoyable film and so is this . . . It does matter that the series suffers from an identity crisis , but the twists and turns are not enough to make me reject the premise as such or more importantly deprive me from the enormous fun i get when i watch it . In short i love the series and i prefer overall this season , to the rather slow season 2 . Do yourself a favor ant give it a chance ! You'll be hooked . . .
065 4 This review is from :
Heroes : Season 3 [ Blu-ray ] ( Blu-ray )
We searched for this locally and could not find it at this amazingly low price . What a bargain for blu-ray . And as always Amazon.com is great about getting your merchandise to you in a timely manner and exactly what you ordered . Why go to the store and buy it the same day when you can save twenty dollars and wait 5 days . You can't get through the whole series in one night anyway .
066 4 We searched for this locally and could not find it at this amazingly low price . What a bargain for blu-ray . And as always Amazon.com is great about getting your merchandise to you in a timely manner and exactly what you ordered . Why go to the store and buy it the same day when you can save twenty dollars and wait 5 days . You can't get through the whole series in one night anyway .
Heroes : Season 3 [ Blu-ray ] ( Blu-ray )
HEROES and LOST are the 2 more ambitious grand scale Sci-Fi series on today's TV . They both have in common stunning visuals spiked by well executed special effects , relentless action , a lot of it brutal and violent , intriguing story lines occasionally hinting critically at today's social and political realities ( government-sponsored torture , the erosion of liberties , the roles played by large and secretive transnational corporations ) , large casts of great actors and the promise of getting at some core secret that would explain ' everything ' but which is always elusive .
Of the two , HEROES seemed to be on the verge of self-dissolution last year , following a promising Season One . I am happy to see the series back on track with a vengeance on Season Three .
HEROES Third season easily tops the first two seasons as the core that survived the frantic struggles of Seasons One and Two understand that ' normal life ' is not possible for those blessed or cursed with super powers , not when a government that's jealously trying to maintain its own monopoly on violence is after them and not when there are so many opportunities to ' save the world ' . The plot slowly shifts focus from the first 2 seasons ' HEROES vs . the Company to their constant running and hiding from a secret branch of ' Homeland Security ' determined to wipe them out but not before doing a little torture and experimentation on them . Not that what we would politically correctly call ' people with abilities ' are all angels . Most of them are not and the struggle continues between the good and the evil ones where the good ones sometimes turn evil and some of the evil ones turn ' good ' , permanently or only for an episode or two but , interestingly , the old ' company ' staff seems to be taking sides between the government and the HEROES and a lot of the plot is driven by their shifting loyalties and what appear to be their own personal agendas .
I hope I will be forgiven but I really don't wish to give away any of the plot's twists and turns because . . . this season's HEROES is THAT good . It's also possible that most have already watched many or all the episodes on TV and already have an opinion on what HEROES 3 was about . It's probably a lot more productive to discuss the Blu-ray edition which I shall .
My conclusion on ' content ' - following the somewhat disappointed ' amputated ' Season Two , this Season is a true treat .
To my surprise , after being spoiled by some other very tightly packed seasons , this Blu-ray box is quite large . While the 25 episodes where squeezed on only 5 disks , the box is thicker than I expected . On the positive side , the disks seem to be held securely in place by a new and innovative locking mechanism .
There isn't anything other than the disks in the box but brief summaries for each of the 25 episodes can be found on both the back side and on the interior wall that does not hold disks . The folding carton that holds the disks slides inside a cardboard sleeve .
As expected , it's 1080p video , 16 : 9 or 1.78 : 1 - meaning ' full screen ' on an HD TV set , no top and bottom bands . Some of the extra features may be in lower resolutions .
The Sound is DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 with English Dolby Digital 2.0 on the features .
The episodes , about 42 minutes each , run for close to 18 hours .
The menu is relatively well designed but it's not perfect . The ' Play ' option will play all episodes on a specific disk but , at least on my PS3 , it could not resume play once interrupted . It was not possible to do a ' play all but start from the second episode ' . To do so , one would start with ' Play ' , then fast forward or press the chapter skip button to reach the desired start point . Or episodes could be played individually . Individual episodes are not broken into ' scenes ' in the menu .
During play , one can take advance of U-Control which can be turned on or off by pressing one of the colored buttons . During playback , Picture in Picture provides cast and crew commentaries . I found this distracting and I was glad to see that it's possible to play the same commentaries separately from the menu . The other U-Control enhancement is the availability of Hero Connections ' post it ' like notes that pop on the screen and provide some information about a specific character that's meaningful within the context of the scene that's playing at the time . Each disk allows for the viewing of the updated Connections network separately from playback .
BD-Live allows for the downloading of a Season 4 preview and , being ' live ' , it's possible that more features may become available in time .
One annoying defect , at least on a PS3 is the playback becoming unresponsive once the Universal screen saver kicks in . After that , it's impossible to resume watching - pressing play / pause / fast-forward would return ' this feature is not available at this time ' and pressing STOP would get me out of the movie and force me to reload the disk .
They are quite few and thin for this season and many are bad enough to almost cross into the ' unwatchable ' territory . After being spoiled with treats such as the story / legend of Takezo Kensei on Season 2 , this season's disappoint . There are the obligatory ' behind the scenes ' interviews but there is very little as far as ' creative content ' is concerned . The short Pinehearst Commercial reminded me of the similar feature we watched while waiting to enter the Terminator 3 - D show at the Universal Studios park in Florida and the Alternate Stories features are so bad , one wonders how they made it even as ' extra ' features . Same for the Deleted Scenes - clearly , they were deleted for a good reason and watching them proves the director's wisdom not to include them .
CONTENT - 5 Stars
PACKAGING - 4 Stars ( could have been thinner )
PICTURE - 5 Stars
SOUND - 5 Stars
SPECIAL FEATURES - 2 Stars ( big disappointment )
OVERALL ( subjectively weighted average ) - 4 Stars
001 4 There is no way around it : the first half of Season Three of HEROES was as bad as Season Two had been . And there was little hope that it was going to get better . But then it did . Much of the improvement might have been the result of one of the greatest tragedies of the 2008 - 2009 season , ABC's cancellation of one of the best shows in the history of television , PUSHING DAISIES . But one show's tragedy is another's great fortune . Bryan Fuller , who had been a consulting producer for HEROES in its first and promising season ( he was given writing credits on what is to this day by far the greatest HEROES episode ever , the brilliant Season One episode Company Man , was suddenly freed from PUSHING DAISIES , and was made the new show runner for HEROES after several producers and writers were released from the show . The improvement in the show was not instantaneous , but it was close . By the end of the season the show was as interesting as it had been in flashes in Season One .
Whether it was Fuller or not , the show had by the end of Season Three begun to have a direction once again . Both Season Two and the first half of Three had seen the show go down a series of confusing and generally unpleasant directions . One story arc had minimal connection with what had gone before and all indications were that they were just making things up as they went along . And what they were making up simply wasn't very good . Has the show finally turned around ? If the difference has indeed been Bryan Fuller's involvement , it is entirely possible . I just know that by the end of Season Three I was actually looking forward to each episode again . For ages it was simply something I watched because I had been watching CHUCK .
There has been a lot of debate about what went wrong with HEROES , about why it failed to fulfill the potential it displayed in its first season . My own opinion is that the show never took its own name seriously . The truth is that despite its title there were very , very few heroic characters . Having superpowers does not make someone a hero . Being heroic does . But most of the characters were not heroic and most of them struggled more with their own pettiness . And the writers kept taking characters down the most outrageous paths . Like the nerfing of Peter Petrelli , leaving him a defanged puppy . Or making a mess of every character that Ali Larter has played .
But I have much higher hopes for Season Four . Almost all the high points of Seasons Two and Three took place in the second half of this season , after the time when Bryan Fuller took over as show runner . The show now seems to be moving in more interesting directions , and there were dramatically fewer oh , no ! moments . And in the struggle in the season finale , there was some genuine excitement and true heartfelt tragedy . My confidence in the show hasn't recovered entirely , but for the first time since Season One , I find that I care once again about what happens next .
003 4 This review is from :
Heroes : Season 3 [ Blu-ray ] ( Blu-ray )
HEROES and LOST are the 2 more ambitious grand scale Sci-Fi series on today's TV . They both have in common stunning visuals spiked by well executed special effects , relentless action , a lot of it brutal and violent , intriguing story lines occasionally hinting critically at today's social and political realities ( government-sponsored torture , the erosion of liberties , the roles played by large and secretive transnational corporations ) , large casts of great actors and the promise of getting at some core secret that would explain ' everything ' but which is always elusive .
Of the two , HEROES seemed to be on the verge of self-dissolution last year , following a promising Season One . I am happy to see the series back on track with a vengeance on Season Three .
HEROES Third season easily tops the first two seasons as the core that survived the frantic struggles of Seasons One and Two understand that ' normal life ' is not possible for those blessed or cursed with super powers , not when a government that's jealously trying to maintain its own monopoly on violence is after them and not when there are so many opportunities to ' save the world ' . The plot slowly shifts focus from the first 2 seasons ' HEROES vs . the Company to their constant running and hiding from a secret branch of ' Homeland Security ' determined to wipe them out but not before doing a little torture and experimentation on them . Not that what we would politically correctly call ' people with abilities ' are all angels . Most of them are not and the struggle continues between the good and the evil ones where the good ones sometimes turn evil and some of the evil ones turn ' good ' , permanently or only for an episode or two but , interestingly , the old ' company ' staff seems to be taking sides between the government and the HEROES and a lot of the plot is driven by their shifting loyalties and what appear to be their own personal agendas .
I hope I will be forgiven but I really don't wish to give away any of the plot's twists and turns because . . . this season's HEROES is THAT good . It's also possible that most have already watched many or all the episodes on TV and already have an opinion on what HEROES 3 was about . It's probably a lot more productive to discuss the Blu-ray edition which I shall .
My conclusion on ' content ' - following the somewhat disappointed ' amputated ' Season Two , this Season is a true treat .
To my surprise , after being spoiled by some other very tightly packed seasons , this Blu-ray box is quite large . While the 25 episodes where squeezed on only 5 disks , the box is thicker than I expected . On the positive side , the disks seem to be held securely in place by a new and innovative locking mechanism .
There isn't anything other than the disks in the box but brief summaries for each of the 25 episodes can be found on both the back side and on the interior wall that does not hold disks . The folding carton that holds the disks slides inside a cardboard sleeve .
As expected , it's 1080p video , 16 : 9 or 1.78 : 1 - meaning ' full screen ' on an HD TV set , no top and bottom bands . Some of the extra features may be in lower resolutions .
The Sound is DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 with English Dolby Digital 2.0 on the features .
The episodes , about 42 minutes each , run for close to 18 hours .
The menu is relatively well designed but it's not perfect . The ' Play ' option will play all episodes on a specific disk but , at least on my PS3 , it could not resume play once interrupted . It was not possible to do a ' play all but start from the second episode ' . To do so , one would start with ' Play ' , then fast forward or press the chapter skip button to reach the desired start point . Or episodes could be played individually . Individual episodes are not broken into ' scenes ' in the menu .
During play , one can take advance of U-Control which can be turned on or off by pressing one of the colored buttons . During playback , Picture in Picture provides cast and crew commentaries . I found this distracting and I was glad to see that it's possible to play the same commentaries separately from the menu . The other U-Control enhancement is the availability of Hero Connections ' post it ' like notes that pop on the screen and provide some information about a specific character that's meaningful within the context of the scene that's playing at the time . Each disk allows for the viewing of the updated Connections network separately from playback .
BD-Live allows for the downloading of a Season 4 preview and , being ' live ' , it's possible that more features may become available in time .
One annoying defect , at least on a PS3 is the playback becoming unresponsive once the Universal screen saver kicks in . After that , it's impossible to resume watching - pressing play / pause / fast-forward would return ' this feature is not available at this time ' and pressing STOP would get me out of the movie and force me to reload the disk .
They are quite few and thin for this season and many are bad enough to almost cross into the ' unwatchable ' territory . After being spoiled with treats such as the story / legend of Takezo Kensei on Season 2 , this season's disappoint . There are the obligatory ' behind the scenes ' interviews but there is very little as far as ' creative content ' is concerned . The short Pinehearst Commercial reminded me of the similar feature we watched while waiting to enter the Terminator 3 - D show at the Universal Studios park in Florida and the Alternate Stories features are so bad , one wonders how they made it even as ' extra ' features . Same for the Deleted Scenes - clearly , they were deleted for a good reason and watching them proves the director's wisdom not to include them .
CONTENT - 5 Stars
PACKAGING - 4 Stars ( could have been thinner )
PICTURE - 5 Stars
SOUND - 5 Stars
SPECIAL FEATURES - 2 Stars ( big disappointment )
OVERALL ( subjectively weighted average ) - 4 Stars
004 4 HEROES and LOST are the 2 more ambitious grand scale Sci-Fi series on today's TV . They both have in common stunning visuals spiked by well executed special effects , relentless action , a lot of it brutal and violent , intriguing story lines occasionally hinting critically at today's social and political realities ( government-sponsored torture , the erosion of liberties , the roles played by large and secretive transnational corporations ) , large casts of great actors and the promise of getting at some core secret that would explain ' everything ' but which is always elusive .
Of the two , HEROES seemed to be on the verge of self-dissolution last year , following a promising Season One . I am happy to see the series back on track with a vengeance on Season Three .
HEROES Third season easily tops the first two seasons as the core that survived the frantic struggles of Seasons One and Two understand that ' normal life ' is not possible for those blessed or cursed with super powers , not when a government that's jealously trying to maintain its own monopoly on violence is after them and not when there are so many opportunities to ' save the world ' . The plot slowly shifts focus from the first 2 seasons ' HEROES vs . the Company to their constant running and hiding from a secret branch of ' Homeland Security ' determined to wipe them out but not before doing a little torture and experimentation on them . Not that what we would politically correctly call ' people with abilities ' are all angels . Most of them are not and the struggle continues between the good and the evil ones where the good ones sometimes turn evil and some of the evil ones turn ' good ' , permanently or only for an episode or two but , interestingly , the old ' company ' staff seems to be taking sides between the government and the HEROES and a lot of the plot is driven by their shifting loyalties and what appear to be their own personal agendas .
I hope I will be forgiven but I really don't wish to give away any of the plot's twists and turns because . . . this season's HEROES is THAT good . It's also possible that most have already watched many or all the episodes on TV and already have an opinion on what HEROES 3 was about . It's probably a lot more productive to discuss the Blu-ray edition which I shall .
My conclusion on ' content ' - following the somewhat disappointed ' amputated ' Season Two , this Season is a true treat .
To my surprise , after being spoiled by some other very tightly packed seasons , this Blu-ray box is quite large . While the 25 episodes where squeezed on only 5 disks , the box is thicker than I expected . On the positive side , the disks seem to be held securely in place by a new and innovative locking mechanism .
There isn't anything other than the disks in the box but brief summaries for each of the 25 episodes can be found on both the back side and on the interior wall that does not hold disks . The folding carton that holds the disks slides inside a cardboard sleeve .
As expected , it's 1080p video , 16 : 9 or 1.78 : 1 - meaning ' full screen ' on an HD TV set , no top and bottom bands . Some of the extra features may be in lower resolutions .
The Sound is DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 with English Dolby Digital 2.0 on the features .
The episodes , about 42 minutes each , run for close to 18 hours .
The menu is relatively well designed but it's not perfect . The ' Play ' option will play all episodes on a specific disk but , at least on my PS3 , it could not resume play once interrupted . It was not possible to do a ' play all but start from the second episode ' . To do so , one would start with ' Play ' , then fast forward or press the chapter skip button to reach the desired start point . Or episodes could be played individually . Individual episodes are not broken into ' scenes ' in the menu .
During play , one can take advance of U-Control which can be turned on or off by pressing one of the colored buttons . During playback , Picture in Picture provides cast and crew commentaries . I found this distracting and I was glad to see that it's possible to play the same commentaries separately from the menu . The other U-Control enhancement is the availability of Hero Connections ' post it ' like notes that pop on the screen and provide some information about a specific character that's meaningful within the context of the scene that's playing at the time . Each disk allows for the viewing of the updated Connections network separately from playback .
BD-Live allows for the downloading of a Season 4 preview and , being ' live ' , it's possible that more features may become available in time .
One annoying defect , at least on a PS3 is the playback becoming unresponsive once the Universal screen saver kicks in . After that , it's impossible to resume watching - pressing play / pause / fast-forward would return ' this feature is not available at this time ' and pressing STOP would get me out of the movie and force me to reload the disk .
They are quite few and thin for this season and many are bad enough to almost cross into the ' unwatchable ' territory . After being spoiled with treats such as the story / legend of Takezo Kensei on Season 2 , this season's disappoint . There are the obligatory ' behind the scenes ' interviews but there is very little as far as ' creative content ' is concerned . The short Pinehearst Commercial reminded me of the similar feature we watched while waiting to enter the Terminator 3 - D show at the Universal Studios park in Florida and the Alternate Stories features are so bad , one wonders how they made it even as ' extra ' features . Same for the Deleted Scenes - clearly , they were deleted for a good reason and watching them proves the director's wisdom not to include them .
CONTENT - 5 Stars
PACKAGING - 4 Stars ( could have been thinner )
PICTURE - 5 Stars
SOUND - 5 Stars
SPECIAL FEATURES - 2 Stars ( big disappointment )
OVERALL ( subjectively weighted average ) - 4 Stars
014 4 This is really two mini-seasons . There are two separate story arcs in this season ; when one ends , the next part begins . I think you can actually skip the entire first story arc , pick up where the second one begins ( episode 14 ) , and not feel like you missed much .
Which is good , because the first story arc , quite frankly , sucked . A lot . The theme of the first story arc is , in every hero , there could be a villain . This is true , and to try to show us this in a story is a laudable goal . That said , there is a good way to do this , and a bad way to do this . The good way is to have one or two heroes go through something that causes them emotional turmoil , and either pushes them to compromise their values , or pushes a hero's existing character trait to an extreme , until what was a good or neutral character trait becomes evil . Then make them live with the consequences . The bad way is to just randomly change * everybody's * values and motivations for no apparent reason whatsoever , until we no longer know , or care , who anybody is or what happens to them .
Two guesses which way the powers that be decided to go with .
My parents mentioned that they got so far into this season , and realized that it was actually a chore , watching Heroes . They no longer cared about any of the characters . So they stopped watching .
I stuck it out , even though I agreed with my parents that watching the show had become a chore . I'm quite glad I did . The second story arc was much better . Kind of on par with the second season ( which I didn't think was that bad ) . Not as good as S1 , of course , but as good as S1 is a really high standard to hold . I was satisfied with it being a major , major improvement over the first story arc of the season .
In the second story arc , the characters returned to being recognizably themselves . That is , Peter once again acted like Peter , Hiro was Hiro , Ando was Ando , Claire had grown up , but was still Claire , etc . Of my needs when I'm watching a series , this is the most important - that I be able to know the characters and feel for them . For that to happen , they ( the characters ) need to be themselves , not whoever the writers decide they need to be that week . They can change over time , IF IT MAKES SENSE . But even then , the characters still , fundamentally , need to be themselves . They need to be real . This is especially true in a fantasy story , where suspension of disbelief depends entirely on our ability to believe in , and identify with , the characters as people . The writers seemed to forget this in the first half of the season , then remember it again during the second half . And so , I have high hopes for next season again .
015 4 As far as I'm concerned season one was still the best , particularly the episode Five Years Gone . I have yet to see the action or actor's performances surpass that . Season 2 at least had an actual plot , and the character of Adam Monroe was pretty cool , but I agree that seasons 2 & 3 took the plot and the characters off in too many directions . And please , enough with the goofy adventures of Hiro & Ando ! Let's get serious already .
I'm starting to see that one of the common threads throughout the show is the question of whether or not the future is really written in stone , because they keep coming back to themes from season one and I like that - that the existence of people with abilities become public knowledge , Sylar posing as Nathan , trying to become president , people like Peter and Hiro becoming fugitives . But I thought that we would see the most powerful and important characters inevitably move towards what we saw in Five Years Gone - that Hiro and Peter would advance in their skills and become more serious . One of the few things I liked about season 2 was that Hiro was a man on a mission and stopped acting like a kid , because it was only entertaining for one season . I think we all wanted to see him get more serious and advance in his martial arts . He had a good duel with Adam Monroe in season 2 , but then it was like that never happened . He went back to being a goof and in season 3 both Daphne and Tracy Strauss made a fool out of him . He doesn't even use the Kensei sword anymore ! And on top of that they keep screwing with Peter's powers too . You can put them through temporary problems , but don't have them powerless for an entire Volume or season . That's just retarted .
The whole buildup for season 3 was that the villans from level 5 escaped , and that lasted for what , 3 or 4 episodes ? After that standoff at the bank half of them were dead , and they had good powers too ! Cmon ! ! ! And therein lies the #1 problem with this show - STOP KILLING OFF THE GOOD ONES ! Isaac Mendes , Tracy Strauss , Elle Bishop , Nathan Petrelli . . . good actors , interesting characters with useful powers , and you can't stop killing them off . Even Ali Larter has to be getting pissed by now . I think Tracy is a better character than Nikki , and her power is more useful , but then you screw that up too . And speaking of powers , please take them from Mohinder ! We need to keep some normal guys around , and he's better as the good doctor trying to help everyone , which he started to get back to towards the end of Volume 4 . He turned into some freak out of Marvel comics in Season 3 and was trying for the longest to reverse it , then at the end the same goop he's been standing next to in the lab the whole time spills on him and his problems are over , but he's left with super strength . Umm , hello ? ? ?
The only things I liked about Volume 4 were the character of Neil Danko , and the fact that Sylar stopped all the soul-searching and was resolved to be a villan . Danko of course is reminiscent of Colonel Striker in X2 : X-Men United , a prejudiced human villan hunting down people with powers . He was an interesting character , I liked how he and Nathan played against each other , and his unlikely partenership with Sylar was a good plot twist . You can definitely see a significant change from the script writing in Volume 3 going into Volume 4 . Hopefully the Heroes will be getting back to their roots and bring some simplicity to the plot for Volume 5 , the actors will step their game up again , and the characters will get their freakiin ' acts together , powers and all .
022 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
My husband and I just love the Heroes show . We got hooked on the show late . This is why I have purchased the second and third season just now . We love this show and the Secion three disc arrived in a timely manner and the product was new and unopened in good quality .
023 4 My husband and I just love the Heroes show . We got hooked on the show late . This is why I have purchased the second and third season just now . We love this show and the Secion three disc arrived in a timely manner and the product was new and unopened in good quality .
024 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
This season even surpassed the special effects of season 1 . Season 1 was good , Season 2 was sub par , but if you spaced it out into weekly episodes I'd say that season 2 would be boring as hell . Season 3 more than made up for it IMO . But the absolute worst thing I think they did was kill off the character Adam Monroe . I mean he had 4 centuries of life experience , and along with his ability of cellular regeneration , was probably the most interesting character . After the first volume of season 3 , the only character left with multiple abilities was Sylar , and it was all consisting of the government rounding all of them up . It could've been called , The Sylar Show , as Sylar was the main focal point . In the middle of the season , I think the writers ' came to the conclusion that with Peter having god-like abilities , would write themselves into a corner , I mean , how can you write a logical-sounding story around a guy like that ? I mean basically they had to de-power Peter as the bad guys wouldn't get to do their thing before Peter would barge in and give them the smack down . Season 2 was pushing the envelope of believability with godly Peter . #1 . Why didn't he read Adam's mind and then he'd find out that Adam's using him ? #2 . Why did he exert so much energy getting the safe door open , why not just teleport inside ? And there's more issues I can take with that . My point is the writers ' had to take Peter's abilities away totally , or in this case , greatly reduce them so that opposing character's have a chance . I think they did it in a brilliant way , with Arthur his father stealing them . Overall , excellent season to a superb series . It's just a shame this stellar series will probably get the axe . But in order to understand what is going on , you would have to see the entire series from the start .
025 4 This season even surpassed the special effects of season 1 . Season 1 was good , Season 2 was sub par , but if you spaced it out into weekly episodes I'd say that season 2 would be boring as hell . Season 3 more than made up for it IMO . But the absolute worst thing I think they did was kill off the character Adam Monroe . I mean he had 4 centuries of life experience , and along with his ability of cellular regeneration , was probably the most interesting character . After the first volume of season 3 , the only character left with multiple abilities was Sylar , and it was all consisting of the government rounding all of them up . It could've been called , The Sylar Show , as Sylar was the main focal point . In the middle of the season , I think the writers ' came to the conclusion that with Peter having god-like abilities , would write themselves into a corner , I mean , how can you write a logical-sounding story around a guy like that ? I mean basically they had to de-power Peter as the bad guys wouldn't get to do their thing before Peter would barge in and give them the smack down . Season 2 was pushing the envelope of believability with godly Peter . #1 . Why didn't he read Adam's mind and then he'd find out that Adam's using him ? #2 . Why did he exert so much energy getting the safe door open , why not just teleport inside ? And there's more issues I can take with that . My point is the writers ' had to take Peter's abilities away totally , or in this case , greatly reduce them so that opposing character's have a chance . I think they did it in a brilliant way , with Arthur his father stealing them . Overall , excellent season to a superb series . It's just a shame this stellar series will probably get the axe . But in order to understand what is going on , you would have to see the entire series from the start .
030 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
So , after a short 2nd season due to a writers strike , I think the writers sat down and tried to kick the pace back up and try to get the show back on course . The first half of the season was , I thought , a bit weak . It wasn't really bad , just not very strong story-wise . The second half I thought was good . I think had season two been longer , we would have gotten volume 3 then and it may have been written a bit different . But , I thought volume 4 was well done and strongly written . I wasn't too big on the Sylar finding daddy storyline . I flip-flop on the Arthur Petrelli storyline ; I like it , but I don't think it was executed as well as it could have . I don't know , overall this season isn't as strong as it should have been , but I thought it was pretty well done . My biggest complaint of the season is probably a bit petty , but when Peter lost his powers and got them back , I thought it was pretty stupid that he can only use one . I mean , he touches someone , gets their power , but loses it once he touches someone else . I just thought that was the dumbest thing they could do . But , I don't create the storylines , I just watch the show .
033 4 the dvds were great , not scratched or anything . they were brandnew , but all of them fell outta the box b / c i guess they forgot the glue ? the little plastic sides that are actually glued to the cardboard . . . . yeh , it was kinda of a pain , but i have a hot glue gun so itz not that bad , it was just unexpected so it annoyed me . lol .
046 4 This review is from :
Heroes - Season Three ( DVD )
I really enjoy the series and will collect them all . I tried watching this series half way through the second season , and could not stand it . My son had the first season and had me go back and watch from the start . NOw I try to never miss an episode .
047 4 I really enjoy the series and will collect them all . I tried watching this series half way through the second season , and could not stand it . My son had the first season and had me go back and watch from the start . NOw I try to never miss an episode .
052 4 This review is from :
Heroes : Season 3 [ Blu-ray ] ( Blu-ray )
I reviewed this season months ago before it was released and now that i have it on blu-ray i'd like to review the actual season 3 blu-ray set . The season itself was awesome dark gripping inventive and action and drama-filled storytelling not to mention constant epic battles between good and evil and seeing new and unqiue sides to some of our favorite characters like Peter sylar and clarie . THis season consists of two volumes one the much-awaited and stunning volume Villians which actually picked up pretty well from S2 ' s ending episode powerless . I enjoyed this volume very much me being a dedicated and loyal HEROES fan i found plenty of wothy material in it . Villians held many great new story arcs like the return of Arthur petrelli the pinehearst orginization trying to unleash the formula sylar's redemptive quest after being manipulated by the petrellis to think he was their son . Peter and Nathan's rivalry Matt and Daphne connecting with one another the introduction of Tracy Strauss and finding out where Nathan's powers really came from . Also there were many new villians like Eric Doyle played wonderfully by David H lawerence XVII and the sinsister Knox and dim-witted pyro-manaic flint . Overall this volume consisted of many fantastic action sequences thrills mystery drama revelations shocks and humor and a fantastic battle of good and evil . Fugitives was also good at bringing back some of the S1 storytelling and giving us plenty of great new storytelling and action and drama and suspense and the characters of Matt Nathan and Sylar were greatly affected and Bryan fuller returned with a great tracy-centric episode Cold snap ' prehaps the best episode of volume 4 . Fugitives also provided lots of excellent story action twists and surprises as well and some great new characters like Alex woolsy and stone-cold killer Danko . The ending to fugitives was awesome a great twist ending which led perfectly into Redemption the current volume which is great too . the blu-ray quality looks great and there are excellent bouns features like some of the webisodes deleted scenes behind the scenes looks at the making of the show and how the writers developed season 3 . Overall this was a great blu-ray and if your a HEROES fan you should definitely check this out great video and picture quality and not to mention some cool features . I can't wait til the next one .
053 4 I reviewed this season months ago before it was released and now that i have it on blu-ray i'd like to review the actual season 3 blu-ray set . The season itself was awesome dark gripping inventive and action and drama-filled storytelling not to mention constant epic battles between good and evil and seeing new and unqiue sides to some of our favorite characters like Peter sylar and clarie . THis season consists of two volumes one the much-awaited and stunning volume Villians which actually picked up pretty well from S2 ' s ending episode powerless . I enjoyed this volume very much me being a dedicated and loyal HEROES fan i found plenty of wothy material in it . Villians held many great new story arcs like the return of Arthur petrelli the pinehearst orginization trying to unleash the formula sylar's redemptive quest after being manipulated by the petrellis to think he was their son . Peter and Nathan's rivalry Matt and Daphne connecting with one another the introduction of Tracy Strauss and finding out where Nathan's powers really came from . Also there were many new villians like Eric Doyle played wonderfully by David H lawerence XVII and the sinsister Knox and dim-witted pyro-manaic flint . Overall this volume consisted of many fantastic action sequences thrills mystery drama revelations shocks and humor and a fantastic battle of good and evil . Fugitives was also good at bringing back some of the S1 storytelling and giving us plenty of great new storytelling and action and drama and suspense and the characters of Matt Nathan and Sylar were greatly affected and Bryan fuller returned with a great tracy-centric episode Cold snap ' prehaps the best episode of volume 4 . Fugitives also provided lots of excellent story action twists and surprises as well and some great new characters like Alex woolsy and stone-cold killer Danko . The ending to fugitives was awesome a great twist ending which led perfectly into Redemption the current volume which is great too . the blu-ray quality looks great and there are excellent bouns features like some of the webisodes deleted scenes behind the scenes looks at the making of the show and how the writers developed season 3 . Overall this was a great blu-ray and if your a HEROES fan you should definitely check this out great video and picture quality and not to mention some cool features . I can't wait til the next one .