001 4 One of the best Godzilla films ever was made in 1985 . Ten years transpired after the last Godzila film , Terror of Mechagodzilla , which pitted Godzilla quite unfairly against one of his most hated foes , Mechagodzilla , and a gigantic dinosaur creature , Titanosaurus , which joined forces with Mechagodzilla and his alien creators . I , myself , am a tremendous G-Fan , and when I saw this movie at the end I started to cry . Since no Blockbuster Video stores or Suncoast Video stores in my area had Godzilla vs . Biollante in stock ( or even heard of it ) , I didn't know there was a whole new series after this film . I was a little kid , and had seen every Godzilla movie there was - - - from the original 1957 movie to the 1975 movie . I loved each and every one of them , and my family had also grown an interest in Godzilla and kaiju ( Japanese giant monster ) . Well , Godzilla basically returns , because this film strangely takes place after the original , in which Godzilla is allegdly destroyed by Dr . Seragawa and his Oxygen Destroyer machine . However , he returns , and after killing sailors on a ship out at sea , the Japanese press and public at large find out about his existence and immediately evacuate and panic . Public chaos erupts , and the Japanese military force combined with the goverment and the United Nations joins together to create an aerial foe for Godzilla - - a ship called Super-X . Godzilla comes ashore after destroying the Japanese Air Force's jets at sea , then destroying the bayside squad of the army . A professor who's parents perished at the hands of Godzilla uses a special device to lure Godzilla to a volcano across the sea , after Godzilla lays wreck to most of Tokyo and kills a drunken man who is one of the main protagonists in the film , along with a woman who almost lost her brother to Godzilla if it wasn't for her new boyfriend who befriended the professor . Altogether they cheaply lure poor Godzilla to the volcano and he falls in upon dentonation of lots of dynamite placed around the volcano . Godzilla falls in the volcano , and melancholy music plays . . . . . and Raymond Burr , as Steve Martin from the original Godzilla , tells viewers the moral of the story . This was a great film , I just think it could've had a better story than Godzilla being reawakened after being attacked by Super-X in downtown Tokyo , and then woken up by a Russian nuclear missile that was stopped and caused lightning to re-energize the 328 - foot tall King of all Monsters .
003 4 Have some patience and wait until the original Japanese version makes it to the States like has been happening for Godzilla's 50th anniversary . The American version was edited to death and the movie makes a lot less sense than it does in the original ( yeah , even for a G-flick ) . The scenes with Burr are ridiculous and only further complicate the plot with his useless mystical ( re : vague and poorly-written ) commentary .
A new American release will also likely feature the original Japanese language soundtrack with English subtitles and remixed sound on DVD .
Hang in there and wait for a better release than this .
004 4 Thirty years later and it's still about radiation and models .
Godzilla 1985 is a slightly updated version of the classic Godzilla movie : it's still a guy in a big rubber suit stomping around detailed models , and he's still embroiled in a plot with heavy-handed doses of the Japanese skepticism of radiation . ( Given their history , I don't blame them . )
Here Godzilla once again emerges from the sea , and poses a peril to mankind . The Soviets defy the wishes of the Japanese government and launch a nuclear weapon at Godzilla despite the fact that he happens to be in Tokyo at the time . Collateral damage , anyone ? The US military fortunately dispatches the Soviet missile with a missile of their own , while consulting with Raymond Burr who is reprising his role as Steve Martin . Burr advises that firepower is not the answer , and that a deeper understanding of Godzilla's motives are key to defeating him . With that in mind they immediately plan to lure Godzilla into a volcano .
Along the way we get to see some special effect typical of the genre . My personal favorite is the Super-X secret levitating craft , although Godzilla's encounters with the model boats , helicopters , planes , and buildings are still fun to watch . The best laugh of the movie comes from the drunk guy running from Godzilla after mistaking him for a restaurant waiter repeatedly . ( I'm not making that up . ) There is another customary device in this movie , namely , everyone in Japan seems to know everybody else . True to form , plot contrivances abound here .
The movie ends with Godzilla in the volcano , although we aren't totally sure whether or not lava can destroy him , as there is always another sequel right around the corner . Please note the sanctimonious voiceover work from Burr during the volcano-luring : it really wants to be deep , but it just doesn't work given the ridiculous onscreen image .
This is a great resurrection of the Godzilla franchise after a decade-long break . It is enjoyable if you like the giant-monster-attacks-models genre , which I do . For those fans I recommend the film wholeheartedly .
005 4 This has always been my favorite out of all the Godzilla movies . This one always seems to be one of the more serious movies out of the series . Godzilla himself looks great in this film . When I was a kid , it had a scary tone to the movie , and now it still has a scary side to it . The scene when Godzilla starts to go towards the city at night always was creepy to me . I don't recall there ever being a scene of Godzilla in daylight on this film .
008 4 This is one of my favorite Godzilla movies . It takes place in the mid 1980 ' s , about 30 years after Godzilla's original rampage . According to the plot , the events of all other Godzilla sequels never happened , and it is the direct sequel to the original 1956 movie Godzilla : King Of The Monsters . The movie begins with a search of a boat mysteriously destroyed . Oddly enough , Godzilla is not the only monster in this movie , as this really weird creature ( but not threatening to the majority of civilization ) , possibly the result of Godzilla's radiation , appears at the beggining of the movie , reminding me of the aliens in Half Life . However , it is quickly killed and never seen again . Soon , Godzilla follows up to this by destroying a soviet sub that fires on him . The Japenese do not reveal that it was Godzilla , though they know it was him who was responsible for the ship disaster and subs destruction . The Soviets think it a American attack , and the Soviet and American militaries begin gearing up for war . Soon , however , the Japenese reveal that it was Godzilla , and the two countries abandon their plans for war , instead turning their attention towards Godzilla . Soon , big G sucks power out of a nuclear plant and turns his attention towards Tokyo . He attacks the city , and despite the Japenese Defence Forces vast arsenal , he quickly breaks through the fighter planes , tanks , and missile launchers defending against him . Now the world goverments have three options to destroy him . Some Japenese men have discovered that he follows the sounds of birds , and decide to duplicate the sound to luer him into a volcano . The military also has their latest plane , the Super X , and the Americans and Russians are considering a nuclear attack . Meanwhile , the american reporter in the original version released in the US makes a return and gives his thoughts on Godzilla based on his experiences . Will they kill Godzilla ? And if they do , which way wil get him ? You must see the movie to find out . Its a great movie . The only bad thing is the way Godzilla looks . There's also a funny hobo guy who goes around looting when Godzilla comes to town . Interestingly , there is a similar charecter in a year numbered Godzilla movie , Godzilla 2000 . It was funny at some moments , but serious at others . And it had plenty of action .
009 4 Some people rate this movie bad but which it was not.It didn't do well in the U.S . theaters ' ' NO DUH ' ' people in u.s . doesn't find Godzilla all that amusing.Sure they heard of him but not really that apealling.This is 30th annv . of Godzilla and return with a mean look and the suit look very cool.This movie is kinda like a remake of the original you could say.It has good music and full of suspence and man does his footsteps and growl sounds
mean as hell in this Flick.The only downfall is the Raymond Burr ( why U.S . put this idiot in here ) and the ending which we all know
he comes back to face Biollante.But overal this is a must have Godzilla Film
010 4 Godzilla doesn't do much but breath fire . Also , what's with the bugs ? They don't do much . The plot is Godzilla returns and raids Japan after 30 years , thats good , but listen to this , most of the time , he's following BIRDS ! mostly he just walks . The plot also is the biggest drag-on in the series . I gave it two stars because of the amazing ending , Ramond Burr returns and Godzilla looks great .
014 4 First , an elaboration on the rating : * 1 / 2 for the Americanversion and * * * * * for the Japanese version .
Once again , a seriousJapanese sci-fi film is transformed into laughable trash by its American distributor . The Japanese players have been reduced to basically cameo roles to make way for goofy jokes and shameless product placement ( the end of civilization brought to you by your friendly neighborhood soft drink company ) . The film's themes , fear of nuclear apocalypse , trigger-happy Superpowers desperate to rush to the brink , and the awesome burden placed on the Japanese people by the atomic age , are all either dumbed down or thrown out all-together . No wonder The Big G can't get any respect from the general American populace . All they have to go on is dreck like this . See this film for the spfx , which are excellent . Ignore everything else !
015 4 Godzilla is back and is bigger and better than ever ! This had the most realistic Godzilla suit in the entire series ! It may have been cheesy , but compared to all other movies , it was the greatest movie ever !
016 4 I am a really big Die Hard Godzilla fan ( I've seen all 22 of the Japanese films and the American movie , and I can't wait to see Godzilla 2000 this summer ) . Godzilla 1985 , originally titled Godzilla or The Return of Godzilla , is one of the best . However , the film didn't go to well in American theaters , but it is well known on video . This Godzilla film carries a strong musical score that fits every scene of the action . If you like Godzilla , then this is a must-see !
017 4 Okay , the idea of bringing back Godzilla was a good idea but this was an awful attempt to do it . Godzilla looked better than ever as the new and improved King of the Monsters , but the story line needed alot of work . Then they went and did the worst thing . They added Ramond Burr again ! I thought that was the worst part of the 1956 movie . The dubbing is worse than ever and it takes forever for Godzilla to show up . They did a good job introducing him though . Godzilla seems to grow and then shrink and then grow again , he appears to have changed size when he was put to sleep . He lookes like he's sleepy during the whole film , well who wouln't be seeing how his last film ( Terror of Mechagodzilla ( 1975 ) ) was about 10 years prior to this film . Sleeping under water seemed to turn him against Tokyo and make him threating again . Making Godzilla fall into a valcano ? This monster has fought King Kong , Ghidorah , and burned Tokyo for more than 40 years , so what do they do . Lead him to a valcano with a flock of birds . The sequals were much better . Heak , Godzilla vs . Megalon was better !
018 4 Godzilla returns from the ocean depths to wreak havoc on Tokyo . This movie has the coolest music of the 22 movies and reestablishes Godzilla as a destructive force of nature . I was surprised when I saw this because after seeing a bunch of cheap ( but okay ) sequels to the 1954 original , this movie just bowled me over ! Godzilla's suit is the coolest . I liked when you first see Godzilla in the movie ( he's trampling a secuirity guard ) . Raymond Burr's talents are somewhat wasted in this one , although his presence adds auhority and dignity . Very impressive SFX , and a fast paced and nonstop excitement plot contribute to the entertaining story . This is my personal favorite of the movie . Possibly because the scenes regarded to be bad are brief . I loved that title theme ! All Godzilla fans can't be without this classic !
020 4 Godzilla 1985 ( Gojira 1985 ) is the beginning the Heisei series of Godzilla movies , referred to as the verses series in Japan . A direct sequel to the original 1954 Godzilla ( Gojira ) , it showcases new special effects technology and modern writing while maintaining the classic Man in a suit feel of the original G-Films .
The story is very basic , involving a new Godzilla emerging from the ocean , 30 years after the original was destroyed . This new Godzilla quickly snacks on a Soviet nuclear submarine , launching a full-fledged 80 ' s Cold War paranoia epic , as the US and the USSR stand toe-to-toe with nuclear missiles ready to fly . Japan manages to get their attention off of each other and onto Godzilla , as the beast marches for a nuclear reactor looking for more sustenance .
Unfortunately , the US release of Godzilla 1985 is one of the most heavily edited G-Films around , with intercuts of Raymond Burr that serve absolutely no purpose , and much of the Soviet / American rivalry toned down to make the US look more reasonable . If fact , the final button sequence of missile launching has been changed to make it appear to be a Soviet missile strike instead of a US strike as originally written .
The special effects are decent , with Godzilla looking better and more menacing than he has for years , but nowhere near what was achieved in the Millennium Series . The film is definitely dated , mostly by the Cold War rivalry and some cheesy effects . This is one of three solo Godzilla movies , where he doesn't battle another monster , all of which are the beginning of their respective series .
Unless you can get ahold of the original Japanese version , this one is probably OK to miss . Hopefully someday it will get a decent DVD release , with the Japanese language tract intact and the complete unedited film .
022 4 This movie is a peculiar entry in the Godzilla series . Back in 1985 , it played to empty theaters , which may not surprise many people . The demeanor is serious . There is some camp humor , but that does not drive the movie . As Godzilla flicks go , this is an oddly pensive entry . Genre fans and movie critics alike typically dismiss this flick as a dud . As a vehicle that restores some of the grim dread and terror of the Godzilla image , it has merit . In some ways , it is a re-make of the first Godzilla film , and tries to bring everything back to square one . The special effects are an upgrade . Not great , but better than usual . Godzilla again attacks Tokyo . Explosive destruction ensues . Godzilla's great size and power is a source of awe and wonder to the puny humans . The Japanese fight back with advanced military technology . The story seems to be groping toward some vaguely realized ecology message . The script compares Godzilla to a force of naure , lacking evil intent . Much as a hurricane . The ending is brooding and enigmatic . True to tradition , there are spliced in scenes of Raymond Burr . The American military ask him to draw on his experience as a Godzilla survivor to advise them in combating the current menace . This movie isn't everybody's choice , but give it credit for trying to be different from the typical wacky monster fest . ; - )
023 4 After a 10 - year break from the big screen , Godzilla stormed back in to theaters in this 1984 revamp , bringing with it a much more serious tone and the human touch that had been missing in the years since Ishiro Honda's departure from the series . Raymond Burr returns for the first time since the original GODZILLA as an American reporter that must assist the military in stopping the radioactive menace Godzilla after it resurfaces off the coast of Japan . Where GODZILLA delivered a powerful message against the horrors of atomic warfare in the fallout of World War II , 1985 ' s film transposes the issue against the Cold War fears troubling the US , Japan , and Russia . Hashimoto revisits many familiar character arcs and plot points popularized in Honda's version , with the scientists and military leaders of each of the major world powers working alongside one another to put an end to the unstoppable force of nature . Godzilla is a far cry from the kid-friendly anti-hero of the 1970s as it returns to its destructive and menacing roots . Its costume shows marked improvements as well , though the extended shots are far more convincing than the puppets used in closeup . While Godzilla benefits from his vicious new look , the scale miniatures and special FX pale in comparison to Eiji Tsuburaya's intricate designs from the early Showa era films . GODZILLA 1985 made tremendous progress in resurrecting the fading monster series , and while it was easily surpassed by later entries , it is a solid effort that will get fans cheering once more !
- Carl Manes
I Like Horror Movies
024 4 OMG , you have to get to the last scene and the closing theme . Man , I haven't laughed so hard in a long time . This is , clearly , not so much the legend reborn reinventing of the Godzilla myth that we'll see in the later series so much is it is the final say in the Godzilla we'd known and loved through the 60 ' s and 70 ' s ; this film owes far more to the Kaiju of Mosura or Smog Monster than to the later epics . For one thing , this is probably the last time when SCIENCE is the hero , triumphing over beasts of men and monsters despite the lack of government funding ; )
True , the special effects in this film are a departure from the 70 ' s fare , but that's what makes this film so special in the Godzilla cannon : It has the FEEL of a modern film but it has the ETHOS of the classical era . It is at once very modern and also quite at home with even the Godzilla's Revenge entries . I waited a long time to see this one ( 20 years ! ) and I was not disappointed . This film is , in many respects , the missing link .
But that last bit , as soon as the techobeat started , I knew it was 1985 all over again , and when the lyrics hit ? . . . I'm still giggling . First class Godzilla , five thumbs up if I had them .
025 4 Well , as my title says , this movie is the start of the Heisei series . This ignores all of the Showa series except the classic first Godzilla ( see my review ) . Godzilla battles no one but humans in this one movie . Don't worry , he battles another monster in the sequel . Anyway , this is supposed to take place thirty years after the original . Godzilla wants to feed on a nuclear plant . He gets trapped in a volcano and that's where the movie leaves off . It's an okay movie . I like the costume alot .
027 4 This review is from :
Godzilla 1985 [ VHS ] ( VHS Tape )
This movie is the first of the revamped Godzilla movies . Raymond Burr picks up 30 yrs later where he left off as American reporter Steve Martin in Godzilla King of the Monsters . The FX in this movie are very good and the new Godzilla looks great . This is a breath of fresh air for Godzilla fans . Russia , the U.S . and of course Japan join forces to try and stop the destruction of . . . you guessed it Tokyo . Great movie .
028 4 This movie is the first of the revamped Godzilla movies . Raymond Burr picks up 30 yrs later where he left off as American reporter Steve Martin in Godzilla King of the Monsters . The FX in this movie are very good and the new Godzilla looks great . This is a breath of fresh air for Godzilla fans . Russia , the U.S . and of course Japan join forces to try and stop the destruction of . . . you guessed it Tokyo . Great movie .
029 4 For some reason , Toho decided that they were going to start anew by saying that everything that happened after Godzilla never happened . So here is Godzilla : 1985 , which is supposed to be the real sequel instead of Gigantis the Fire Monster . In doing this , Toho not only confused fans , but they also messed up the continuity of the films pretty well . They manage to make up for this later , though , with much better acting and new storylines which flow together pretty well . The American scenes are crap , but Raymond Burr is excellent !
030 4 Cheers
The mutated lobster aboard the ghost ship .
Godzilla , giving us a new meaning to the phrase Bird-Brain .
Godzilla developing a taste for fast food .
Raymond Burr's final speech about the cost of war , the consequences we must pay , and the fact that we brought Godzilla upon ourselves .
The poor acting on behalf of the Americans .
Raymond Burr's line that they never found Godzilla's body after the events in the first film . The audience certainly did see the body , and they even watched it disintegrate .
Rating out of 5
For some reason , Toho decided that they were going to start anew by saying that everything that happened after Godzilla never happened . So here is Godzilla : 1985 , which is supposed to be the real sequel instead of Gigantis the
Fire Monster . In doing this , Toho not only confused fans , but they also messed up the continuity of the films pretty good . They manage to make up for this later , though , with much better acting and new storylines which flow together pretty good . The Americans ( ' cept Raymond Burr ) [ are bad ] , but Bambi Meets Godzilla is hilarious ! Be sure to return for Godzilla vs . Biollante !
031 4 Truly , this is the best Godzilla film of all time . No cheesy lines , no childish stuff , all just fun , fun , FUN !
032 4 This Godzilla movie had some of the best special Effects of them all . The Godzilla suite is just as realistic as the original Godzilla . If you buy the original Godzilla also i reccomend people to buy this one also . This is more like Godzilla 2 , because it takes place 30 yrs after King of the Monsters . When this Godzilla movie came out , they said , that all previous Godzilla films before this one beside Godzilla King of the Monsters , they never took place . This one is like a 2nd classic . It is not the best , but almost
Who can stop this monster from destroying Tokyo ? Can Brilliant Scientist learn the secret ? What is the connection between Gozilla and birds ? And what of the Super X ? Only one man , the last known survivor from the first attack can give us the answers . Only one man , and he alone , can tell the Dr . Pepper drinking Pentagon how to stop the giant wonder . Tell us , Raymond Burr . Tell us soon ! Or we'll all die under his great feet . Godzilla . . . King of the Monsters .
037 4 I wasn't happy with this movie . It lacked what Biolante had . The movie was basically boring . Godzilla wasn't shown that much in the movie and the special effects were bad . Even Godzilla's suit looked terrible . Toho tried to make it similar to the original Godzilla , but they couldn't . Even with Raymond Burr in the movie didn't do much for it . If you haven't seen this movie yet , don't bother renting it . You'll get bored pretty quickly .
038 4 In making Godzilla 1985 , the production team took on the significant challenge of overcoming what had become a too campy series of sequels to the 1954 original . The efforts to return to the darker tone and more suspenseful nature of Godzilla , King of the Monsters are not entirely successful , but generate both a creature and a film which are fascinating in their own right .
The new Godzilla is a bit bigger than the original . The attempt to give the Big Fella more realistic features and physical movements results in two darkly comical moments ; first , a distracted security officer walks into his foot and looks up to see an amused and somewhat curious megalizard looking down at him ; second , Big G pops out of the ocean directly in front of a searching helicopter , giving the pilot a close-up view of a beautiful sneer just before turning the chopper into an airborne marshmallow .
Perhaps the most interesting and surprisingly effective plot mechanism is the attempt to portray Godzilla as a much more sympathetic being , as lost and confused in a modern world as the humans trying to avoid his path of destruction . There is a very interesting and scientifically accurate assertion of the similarity in brain structure between dinosaurs and birds , cleverly worked in as the vehicle for achieving the film's climax .
Raymond Burr returns in an extended cameo as reporter Steve Martin , providing a bridge back to the original film and some sorely needed counterplay to a smart-mouthed Army Major lacking any conception of Godzilla's potential for wreacking havoc .
Overall , Godzilla 1985 is not as good as the original , although it holds its own against the many other sequels . It is a refreshingly intelligent , well-paced , well-directed film that fits in nicely with any Sci-Fi collection and is a must for fans of the Tokyo Stomp . Give it a try . You won't regret it .
042 4 The absolute best G-movie . I liked the bum who got stepped on . Poor bum . I have seen it about 50 + times . The Super X rocked . If you haven't seen it just stop reading this and go order it , NOW ! ! !
043 4 I have a soft spot for this movie since I was fortunate enough to see it in the movie theater and have some fond memories . I thought this was a long overdue sequel to the first Godzilla and returned the series to its serious roots , not that some of the other films werent good , they just didnt have that same feel . Yes Raymond Burrs scenes were shot cheaply . HOWEVER , he adds depth , authority and drama to the movie , and his return was quite inspired . The effects are good and the plot has some neat twitsts . If you are new to Godzilla I suggest you watch the original King of The Monsters movie and then this sequel , lots of fun , buy it !
044 4 This is actually a sequel to the first Godzilla film ( which strangely is still unobtainable in the UK ) and starts off very well . Though there are some good visual fx , it just seems to run out of steam halfway through . There are extended scenes of Godzilla doing nothing but standing about . And the added-on scenes showing various troops drinking cans of Dr Pepper is the kind of tacky commercialisation films can do without . All too often the western distributors of these films seem to make a slapdash job of editing and dubbing them , and that's what has occured here .
Not one of the worst Godzillas I've seen by a long shot and certainly head and shoulders over that abominable US version , but it ought to have been better .
046 4 A real good movie with good special effects for 1985 . Raymond Burr's second appearance since ' 54 was good too .
047 4 GREAT ! The movie plays both a remake and a sequel to the original Godzilla : King of The Monsters ( 1954 ) . Toho made a Godzilla movie with modern special effects and still manages to capture the massage of the first film . And there's no Oxygen Destroyer , snow mountains , King Kong or Mothra that stopped Godzilla in the first films to save Japan now . Watch this film to find out how Godzilla's stooped . NOTE : Even though the name of the film is Godzilla 1985 the film was acutely released in 1984 in Japan as Gojira 1984 .
049 4 This Godzilla movie is truely one of my all time favorites . Godzilla does a huge attack on Moscow and Tokyo . Raymond Burr takes his role as Steve Martin again . The rest is for you to find out . All classic Godzilla fans should not miss this movie .
050 4 Godzilla Vs an armada of tanks and lasers . Sure it sounds like the original , but a whole lot more action . Good to Rent .
053 4 Do you remember all those Godzilla sequels in the 1960s and 1970s ? Well , forget all about them . The entire mythology of Godzilla is reborn in this disappointing sequel to the original movie . Yes , Godzilla has not been heard from in the 30 years since the de-oxygenator rather undeniably destroyed him ( but no body was ever found , as Steve Martin , played by the eternally stiff Raymond Burr , informs us ) . The Godzilla who awakes in 1985 is all about destruction , with no thought of becoming a quasi-defender of the human race against space aliens or other monsters . The movie does a pretty good job of leading up to Godzilla's main entrance ; when his time comes , he pops up out of the water flashing his menacing teeth and roaring as only he can . Godzilla loves nuclear energy , and the appetizer that was a Soviet nuclear submarine only makes him hungrier for good old-fashioned nuclear power plant cores . As he destroys Tokyo , the Japanese ( with the dubious help of the Americans and Soviets ) must come up with some way to defeat the seemingly indefensible monster . Steve Martin returns to pontificate philosophically on the monster , only this time American military leaders rather than Japanese scientists are forced to put up with his annoying speeches .
There are all sorts of ironies in this movie . Godzilla almost causes World War III because the Soviets blame the Americans for destroying their sub . When Japan admits it was Godzilla , nuclear war is averted , yet the Americans and Soviets all but demand that they be permitted to attack Godzilla with nuclear bombs , even inside Tokyo . Naturally , the Japanese balk at such a request , and a little soliloquy about the horror of nuclear weapons ensues ( complete with real images from Hiroshima and Nagasaki ) . When a nuclear weapon is launched from a Soviet space platform , the Japanese along with everyone else in the world beg the Americans to try to shoot it down before it hits Tokyo - - I found this quite interesting given the widespread opposition among our allies for America's SDI efforts .
In all honesty , I found this movie to be pretty bad , which is a shame . I would love to see the true Japanese version because the Americans in this movie completely ruin the whole experience . Steve Martin once again has no reason to even be in the movie ; the military calls him in as an expert on the original Godzilla rampage , but they basically just exchange smug remarks back and forth . Dr . Pepper soda is unabashedly featured in the American scenes , and the big brass running the operation from D.C . ( who are really just spectators for the most part ) are goofy , incompetent , and crass . Worst of all is the fact that the general in charge has only two stars on his lapel - - I would think Godzilla warrants a four-star general . This movie is supposed to be a return to the original , dark vision of Godzilla as a monster of man's own creation , and it does succeed somewhat in doing this in the non-American scenes . The special effects are pretty good for the most part , but I could clearly see where the headpiece of the monster suit draped down over the chest of the man in the rubber suit at one point . The plan to trap Godzilla is almost ludicrous ; in the 10 years since the previous movie , someone should have had a much better idea . The movie ends very strangely , with everyone suddenly getting teary-eyed about poor , innocent Godzilla . I think this plays into the major theme of the whole Godzilla concept : Godzilla was created by nature and by man's mistakes and can thus be seen as innocent - - men are the only true monsters .
Godzilla fans will want to own this movie , but casual fans may want to skip ahead to the remakes of the 1990s . This movie's only real purpose is to set the stage for the new mythology , and the impressiveness of the subsequent films does much to make up for the disappointments of this one .
055 4 Intended as an alternative sequel to the original ' King of Monsters ' , this returned the Big G to the screen after ten years .
And what on earth have western distributors done to it ? The editing is just terrible - there are extended scenes of Godzilla just standing about , and the whole thing seems to run out of steam halfway through . Added into the movie are badly-inserted appearances by Raymond Burr , right-wing propaganda and some truly laughable scenes of military types swigging cans of Dr Pepper .
This film gets two stars as it is at least better than the dreadful 1998 so-called Godzilla film .
058 4 This the first entry of the new series and I was pretty disgusted . For the first time since the first movie , Godzilla destroyed Tokyo without fighting a enemy . The Japanese version was good and had a more serious tone to it . The cheap American version had scenes put in with Burr and a couple U.S . Generals and officers . Don't get me wrong , I like Raymond Burr , But those weird officers , drinking their Dr . Pepper , are what almost killed the American version . The new Godzilla looked good and I liked the added dorsal plates on his back . His face looked funny though , his top lip was gigantic and those fangs were too big . The only good thing about the American version is Burr's little speech at the end , something the Japanese didn't have . Overall a o.k . movie with good action scenes and a pretty creative ending . END
059 4 What a hatchet job ! ! Once again , the Big G suffers at the hands of his American distributor . A lot of material has been deleted to make room for goofy scenes of Raymond Burr and Dr . Pepper sipping military officers . These scenes are pointless , irritating , and detract from an otherwise serious film . The humor will invoke the nails-on-chalkboard principle for anyone over five-years-old and , of course , the dubbing is hideous ( Contrary to popular belief , this is NOT the fault of the Japanese filmmakers ! ! ! ! ! ) . An absolute travesty that deserves to be watched for the excellent Godzilla effects and nothing else ! You have been warned ! ! END
060 4 There's not a lot to say about this movie except that the music is bad , the Godzilla costume is sad , his roar is terrible , and the story stinks .
063 4 This VHS starts with a short 90 - second cartoon , Bambi Meets Godzilla by Marv Newland .
Most of us have not seen a Godzilla film since the 1960 ' s or on television in the 1970 ' s .
Having not seen a Godzilla film since then , I watched Godzilla 1985 thinking this film would be more up-to-date with special effects . The Godzilla films they made in the 1990 ' s were superb .
Godzilla 1985 is the first Godzilla film made in 10 years , since Terror of Mechagodzilla ( 1995 ) . As a special surprise Raymond Burr returns after 31 years as Mr . Steven Martin , a role he played in the very first Godzilla film in 1954 ( Gojira [ 1954 ] , Godzilla , King of the Monsters [ 1954 ] ) .
Not the best of all Godzilla films I've seen , but I do appreciate the American footage .
Justin Gocke played the grandson ( Kyle ) to Raymond Burr's character in the USA version . He is not seen in the Japanese version .
28 Godzilla films have bben made from 1954 - 2004 , the recent film being GODZILLA : FINAL WARS ( 2004 ) . The United Sates of America also made their CGI-effects version of Godzilla in 1998 , starring Matthew Broderick .
Update : Godzilla may return in 2012 . A deal has been made with TOHO , Inc . Warner Bros . will co-finance and co-produce .
064 4 I know I said in my review for Godzilla , King of the Monsters that I was going to write an individual review for all the Godzilla movies . Well , I changed my mind .
This review is for the entire second , or heisei , Godzilla series as a whole . This second series of films starring the Big G , is pretty much a big mess . None of the 7 films in this series even aknowledges the existence of any films from the original , or showa , series with the exception of the original 1954 Godzilla film . Even though monsters from the original series do make appearances in some of the heisei films , their likenesses have had changes made to them and their origins have changed , too . I think the most apalling thing about this second ( or better yet , second rate ) series is the fact that Godzilla is always treated as being the bad guy while monsters like Ghidrah and Mechagodzilla , who were always villains in the original series , are made to be the good guys .
I think the heisei series as a whole is just a revamped pile of crap . So the effects and monsters may look more believable , so what , one thing that made the original series so enjoyable were the cheap special effects and costumes . I also think that the makers of this second series like to undermine the intelligence of the viewer by expecting him / her to just pretend that the first series never happened .
Anyway , that's my view point . For those of you who are still interested in watching the Godzilla films in the heisei series , the titles are as follows ( in order ) : Godzilla 1985 , Godzilla Vs . Biollante , Godzilla Vs . King Ghidorah , Godzilla and Mothra : The Battle for Earth , Godzilla Vs . Mechagodzilla II , Godzilla Vs . Spacegodzilla and Godzilla Vs . Destoroyah .
Next , after the heisei films , is Godzilla 2000 - the first movie in the third , and even more preposterous alternate reality Godzilla movie series .
065 4 Godzilla 1985 is one of those movies you watch just to make fun of . Before watching this movie , I was afraid that the 1985 copyright date might mean it had decent special effects . To my surprise , however , the effects in this movie are just as lousy and hilarious as any previous Godzilla movie ! The lackluster special effects are the best part of this movie . In one scene , there is a ship full of plastic dummies . You must pretend that these are dead men , who have been killed by a vicious plastic thingy that flies around on a piece of string . Later , when Godzilla is rampaging through the streets of the city , showing everyone that he is impervious to all weaponry , you notice that many of the buildings are made out of Lego , and the cars in the streets are Hot Wheels , or maybe Matchbox . Perhaps the most amazing show of special effects genius is when the military calls out their Super X Plane . It looks like a metal shoebox suspended by fishing wire ! Anyway , when this Super X comes zooming along at 5 mph , it launches some kind of thingamabob into Godzilla's mouth , causing his mouth to foam wildly . Maybe they launched toothpaste or Alkaseltzer or something into his mouth . At any rate , it knocks him to the ground somehow .
And let's not forget to give credit to the actors in this wonderful film , like the military commanders . One scene begins with a close-up of a Dr . Pepper machine . That's it ; it takes up the whole screen . Then they finally stop looking at the machine , and you see a military guy chugging a can . Later , when they defeat Godzilla , the guy celebrates by shouting , YES ! and waving his Dr . Pepper can triumphantly . Also , there is one scene in particular that puzzles me . A man is trying to escape a building , so , instead of going down , like a logical person would , he goes to the top floor of the building . Then he tries to break through a door using a drill , but his arm seems to explode . I was quite confused , but I was laughing too hard to care . GET THIS MOVIE .
066 4 The Godzilla franchise has made the Japanese a lot of money and will continue to with ` Godzilla 2000 ' . It's hard to explain the ` guilty pleasures ' the Godzilla movies offer us , we can't really say that ` they're so bad they're good ' because some of them are really not that bad and a lot of them really stink . This one in particular is a kind of sequel of the first ` Godzilla , King of Monsters ' film back in 1956 . This time he doesn't have a monster to do battle with and he doesn't save the earth like in other Godzilla films . The plot is almost the same as the original , ` Godzilla ' wakes up after a deep slumber to warn mankind about the dangers of nuclear war , ironically by destroying almost all of Tokyo ( ? ) . This is a message that has always been evident in the Godzilla flicks . This one in particular is better than it's predecessors , but it's still cheesy , cheap , campy and unintentionally funny . And it seems that no matter hos much of the city it destroys or how much it roars , Godzilla still seems like a man in a lizard suit stomping on incredibly detailed miniatures . As with the first Godzilla film , this one was slashed for American release adding scenes with Raymond Burr . These scenes are ludicrous but Burr is unintentionally hilarious delivering lines that are utterly ridiculous . One of the best and ` better produced ' ( ? ) of all the Godzilla films . From a scale of 1 - 10 I give this film a 4 !
034 4 This movie is the best thing to ever happen to the dying Godzilla franchise . At long last , they decide that they were headed WAY down the wrong direction and decided to start a new series of sequels to the original Godzilla . In this movie , the terrible beast from 1944 returns to teach mankind another lesson . He is somewhat disfigured from his death in 1944 . Mix in the fact that he's also really ticked off and . . . . . . . Oh no , there goes Tokyo ! I LOVE this movie . It reverts back to the original formula of man versus nature . Godzilla did not die . It has been lurking in its lair for all these year , nursing its wounds and planning its revenge . It finally shows its menacing , snarling , reptillian face once more and wreaks havoc on Tokyo . Eventually , he is sent home once again . . . . . . . but is he dead ? Of course not . Mankind hasn't learned its lesson yet ! Godzilla returns again and a whole new series starts . I can't wait for Godzilla 2000 to come out ! I only hope the new Godzilla is as mean as the old one . GODZILLA WILL NEVER DIE ! GO GODZILLA , GO !
006 4 though a shame for the heavy editing this movie got in the American release the fire power and special effects makes this one of the best of the old school Godzilla films . It is still this godzilla fan hope that a uncut version of this movie will some day see the light of a dvd release .
007 4 ' probably the best godzilla movie i have ever seen , the music was just exellent espiecely for this kind of movie and godzilla is evil again and if watch the burr parts many times you might get a little aditicd to his , great movie ! of course some of us like or hate it but it's still good to see the big guy back , that's the best part !
011 4 Godzilla 1985 is a classic in the true sense
012 4 This was the first Godzilla movie I ever saw , I liked it so much it turned me into a Godzilla fan . 6 years later I still like this movie , and consider it to be one of the best Godzilla films . The Godzilla design is SPECTACULAR ! ! ! it is the best suit in the entire Heisei series , it's big , and the face is very detailed and scary . The music is AWESOME ! ! ! it is best music of any Godzilla movie , its dark , exciting , and mysterious . This is a great movie , anyone would enjoy .
019 4 This godzilla movie was one of the best movies ever this is the godzilla that should have attacked tokyo in 1954 because he is more powerful then the original godzilla and bigger also they should have made taller then 80 meters they should have atleast made him 2100 meters tall and capable of changing his nuclear beam into more powerful rays . the
021 4 How can you say this movie is bad ? It is just like the orginal ! HELLO ! ITS GOOD ! BUY IT ! IF you like Godzilla and are a huge fan and put down this film , you deserve to be put in prison . Its the ORGINAL ! JACKASSES ! How can you put this film down the toliet ! Especially Lenard Maulton and Roger Ebert , them two have to be idiots to dislike htis Godzilla movie .
026 4 THIS IS THE BEST godzilla movie the music was the best part i thought great ending i bet the japenease version is better though !
033 4 i grew up watching this movie yeah it had cheese cut ins with raymond burr but you have to remeber this was going to be the last godzilla movie the first movie i every cried at if you only see one godzilla movie see this or the orginal one
035 4 O.K . first things first . This is not a remake of Godzilla 1954 it is a seqaule . Also the reason Godzilla is bad again is that HE NEVER WAS GOOD , this movie ignors any toho movie made between 1955 and 1984 , not just all the godzilla movies after Godzilla 1954 but all the other monster movies toho made as well as all of Toho's SI-FI ! All and all a good movie but you'll have to understand the COLD WAR .
039 4 godzilla becomes evil once again in this updated version of the 1954 classic . godzilla is bigger since his last appearnce , although only the first film is mentioned . the movies that followed are ignored . colorful special effects but godzilla didn't excite too much this time around , he wasn't as destructive here as in the origanal , but still okay . best parts are godzilla going against the super x .
041 4 This was one of the best films ever better then the original godzilla because this new godzilla was bigger and stronger then the original godzilla and he caused more destruction to tokyo then the first one i still like the first movie you see not even the SUPER-X build by mankind can stop godzilla and the only way they manage to get of him was to lure him into the volcano at the end of the film and the volcano still failed to destroy him because molten lava would not affect godzilla I WOULD GIVE THIS MOVIE A DOUBLE THUMBS UP AND 10 STARS . BETTER THEN IT's PREQUEL
048 4 This movie is great , the Super-x is looks great . Godzilla is more bigger looking in this movie than in any of the ones made before it .
056 4 Godzilla's costume stinks , he barely attacks , and the actors stink . The movie was a failure , but nice effects for its time .
057 4 This movie is just plain bad.Raymond Burr's performance , unlike his 1956 one , is horrible and takes alot away from the US filmed scenes at the Pentagon.And what's with launching a srategic nuke at another one ? It just can't be that accurate.Godzilla vs . Biollante , the sequel , is even better than this bad film .
061 4 this movie was o.k . but the special effects aren't that good and the dudding is terrible and ther were some plot holes i think this movie should be better off without the anmerican parts . but the music in hear was great very dramatic and evil music for a g-film , so i bought the sountrack with other hesisi g-movies.so good music in a dissappointing movie if you want a really good godzilla movie check out godzilla vs . destroyer . by the way the name is j.d .
062 4 DC here . The original Godzilla is back and ready to kick some tail . Literally . Anyway , the year is 1985 and Godzilla has been reborn by recent nuclear testing and their's no stoping him . Raymond Burr is back to reprise his role as reporter Steve Martin . The dubbing wasn't bad but not great either and the movie was rather scary . This is an excellent movie for a G fan . Pure Excitment all the way ! ! !
054 4 this movie is awesome.there is no lame crappy parts in this movie.well first of all its the sequel to the 1954 godzilla and he fights some plant . here is a long summery . ok godzilla goes into the town and he fights the army . he does not hane any crazy enimies and they sucseed ( or do they ) . i will not tell u who wins . i know that u will probabaly say this isn't helpful onthe thingy down there ( look down and you will see it ) but O WELL-BEN KUHLMAN