009 4 Yes , this game was amazing and had gorgeous graphics and even a good storyline to boot ( no FFVII though . ) . The game sheds a lot to be desired such as plenty of side quests , secrets and mini games . The music is loveable , the characters memorable . The problem where this game falls short is replay value and gameplay .
The game's graphics are truly amazing and are by far some of the best we've seen on the PS2 . The textures and mapping is great , and this is the first Final Fantasy game to be in a completely 3 dimensinal world and I mean entirely !
The characters in the game are memorable with great developement and personality . You have characters with mystery and characters with intrigue . A small love story in there . I feel however that Square didn't focus enough on the love story as much as they did in Final Fantasy VIII . Not a bad thing , though when the kiss came it was just a couple of hours before the end of the game .
The games involement is much better than in ANY other previous FF game . Raising characters is entirely different from the series . Now you must make your characters obtain Sphere Levels . This was probably the best idea since the Job System introduced in FFIII or the Materia system in FFVII . Either way , instead of gaining EXP . like your traditional RPG , you gain ability points to help your sphere level go up . Once it does it starts over and keeps building up . Once you gain a sphere level you have to move on the Sphere Grid and actually use that sphere to learn an ability , increase your stats etc . Not a bad idea though this does bring the difficulty down by a whole lot and makes it successful to beat the game in 25 hours ( and there are some who don't even increase their stats they just learn the abilities . )
The battle system is different from previous FF games . Since Final Fantasy IV we've all grown used to the ATB battle system . Now you have the CTB system . This means , Control Turn Based . Basically its a turn based battle system with a twist . You can switch characters in and out of battle . You also have a CTB guage that appears in the upper right hand corner of the screen . This'll show you when enemies attack and when your characters attack . Should you select a spell like Slow or Haste you'll see what the adjustments do on the CTB guage . The problem with this is the same as the sphere grid , the game is too easy with this . The ability to switch characters in battle is also a good idea but again , too easy .
The game's downfall is the gameplay and replay value . The game moves at such a slow pace with cinematic scenes in which more than half you're unable to skip . They don't last long but they come every ten minutes or so and that time does add up . Thus , this makes the game lack for replay value . The game also has predictable plot twists , but none the less its a good storyline .
Also , while the music is lovely , the voice acting isn't too good . It'd have been much better if Square had let us choose whether we want subbed or dubbed . The voice acting is in deed nothing special .
The game cleary doesn't give off too much difficulty and while it is an amazing game , it is by far the most different Final Fantasy in the series . The classic blue background is gone ( some people actually DO care about that ) . The classic ATB battle system that we've all grown to love is also gone . Not to mention that as the Final Fantasy series goes on the games get easier and easier . This one is no exception . Its downright easy .
Overall the game is pretty good . It is better than VIII and IX but it isn't better than VII and the ones before . The series has lost some of its classic edge with this one but that by no means suggest you should degrade it .
On the positive side
+ Smooth lavish graphics
+ Nice music
+ Great storyline
+ New battle system that allows more strategy
+ The most unique way to raise characters ever
+ Square finally got some voices
+ Lots of mini-games and sidequests
But on the bad side
- Not enough replay
- Too many scenes of watching rather than playing
- VERY easy game
- Its actually short compared to today's standards
- The voice acting is not the best
- Some of the elements that made Final Fantasy Final Fantasy are gone . . .
Overall this is one of the better Final Fantasy games . Those who've ben there since FFI may not like this one quite as much but I assure you this is a great game .
002 4 I must say now , even though some amazing games have come out this year , such as Soul Reaver 2 , Devil May Cry and the spectacular Metal Gear Solid 2 , the defining game experience in the coming months will be , without a doubt , Final Fantasy X . No other RPG series has come close to the success and immense enjoyability that the Final Fantasy series has gained over the years . Although there have been some frustrating titles ( FF VIII ) and some sleeper hits ( FF Tactics ) , Square has established a track record of produce the most realistic and moving story-based games on the market . Final Fantasy X will be no exception .
One of the newest and truly amazing features of this game is the life-size adventure system . In previous RPGs , the adventurer would explore a large outside world , but when entering a specific town or dungeon , the player would often have to walk up to a small icon and confirm entrance . In FFX , your character will be walking in the world from his or her own perspective , and will see oncoming castles or mountains in the distance . When encountering them up close , the scale is life-size in preportion to the character , that is to say , the mountains aren't going to be head hight , they're going to span up into the clouds . As an additional note , fights will now take place on the screen you are in , and not transfer to a pre-rendered background . This takes an amazing amount of effort on the game designer's part , and I want to thank them for making this such a realistic experience .
Another change is the battle time system , previously known as Active Time Battle . The fights now take place in CTB , or Count Time Battle . Instead of constantly waiting for action meters to reach an end , you will be able to use a character immediately on his or her turn and see the list of the next 4 enemies or allies waiting to act . The turns will proceed in sequence , as opposed to the old system of racing the enemy to confirm an attack . This allows for more strategy and twists in battle ; a Stop spell could shake up the order of actions a great deal . ( As veteran FF fans may notice , this is very similar to the time system in FF Tactics , Square's small unit battle manuvers RPG . )
As not to worry the long-standing fans of the series , some classic FF features will be returning . The special limit attack feature ( limit break / trance ) has been dubbed Overdrive . It's nearly the same as FF VII's limit break system , each character having a meter that raises when the character is damaged . Chocobos once again live in the environment of the game , as do summons ( now called Aeons , and you even get to fight as them in battle ! ) A leveling up feature , the Sphere board , lets you custimoze characters nearly any way you want , almost like the Materia of FF VII and the Job System of FF V .
This game has so many virtues that it's hard to expound on all of them in a simple , one-page review . The beautiful graphics , amazing storyline , and wonderfully rendered characters ( who speak , smile , and scowl ) all combine to form one of the greatest RPG packages on any console to date . Kudos to the programmers at Square that spent years designing the most involved game I have ever played . If you only try one role-playing game in your entire life , make it this one .
021 4 I never realy liked turn based RPG . But when I bought Final fantasy 10 it changed my mind for ever . In the first place I did not enjoy TB ( rpg ) ' s is for the single reason that the gameplay was way to slow and never really kept my intrest . But what makes FF10 an exepction is it's simple but complex battle system almost never ruined the pace . And with the additon of voice acting and a story like no other made it better then the rest . Therefore , FF10 should be your game of choice when it comes to TB ( rpg ) .
035 4 The only people who don't like FFX are the people who dislike change in anything . They're the ones who hated FFVII and FFVIII because they were futuristic and different from the medieval setting in the past FF games , which caused Square create FFIX ( back into medieval times . . ) - - which they still hated . So , if you fit into that group , do not get this game . Final Fantasy X has a modern-futuristic and light Asian flavor to it .
Otherwise , if you enjoyed FFVII and FFVIII , you will most definately love this game entirely . Though there maybe some things you won't like , such as the battle system ( sphere system ) , it'll be the same as all of the other FF games you've played - - which aren't completely perfect either . In FFX , you get a different feeling from the other FF games you've played . It's a fresh , new feeling which you most likely get because it starts out as a narrorated game , which is from Tidus ' point of view . Yuna is as much of a leading main character as Tidus is in this game .
The things I did not enjoy in FFX was the : sphere system , sphere puzzles in the temples , lack of a world map , the lack of freedom in going where you want until you're near the end of the game , and the lack of having a real challenge in defeating the bosses ( especially the final bosses ) - - the only challenge in there is the monster arena . Other than that , I thoroughly enjoyed Final Fantasy X , and I hope that Final Fantasy X - 2 is even better .
036 4 I really enjoyed Final Fantasy X . The storyline is top-notch and the graphics are simply breathtaking , particularly during the cutscenes and summon animations . The new system of upgrading characters ( the Sphere Grid ) can be a bit confusing at first , but I really liked the way it allows you to develop your characters in any way you desire . The voice acting , something I was a bit worried about prior to playing the game , was very good , with a few exceptions ( such as Tromell ) . My only complaint about this game was the extreme difficulty of some of the side quests , especially the chocobo race ( I tried for five hours straight and still couldn't get a perfect time ) . I was ready to fling my controller through the TV screen in frustration . What I don't understand is why Square made these side quests so difficult when the rest of the game is relatively easy . Also , the ending is absolutely heartbreaking , I literally had tears in my eyes . Come on , Square , after playing this for so many hours , I think most people out there would like to see a happy ending for our heroes ! All in all , this was an outstanding game , a must for any RPG fans and FF fans . The best FF since 8 ( in my opinion , FFX was much better than FFIX ) . Buy it now .
055 4 This game blew my socks off.I've played a lot of RPG's most good but some bad . ( summoner ) . Very few have given me such an enjoyable time.The story I felt was top notch , I love stories with depth in my RPG's this has depth.An not as confusioning as some past RPG's.The characters flesh out pretty well over the course of the game.The ending I thought was great and pulled strongly at my emotion strings . The game play was good , pretty easy to learn.I loved being able to switch characters in and out during battle.I also loved being able to use my aeons as fighting characters , instead of summoning them for just one big hit.This new feature comes in handy in some of the later battles , when your aeon can stick around and take a big hit for the team . The new sphere grid also greatly impressed me.Though a little awkward at first , I soon got the hang of it.You can control how your characters develop , as opposed to just leveling up in a pre determind order . The voice acting I felt added a lot to the experiance.Though the voices don't always match up to the mouth movements . . . , The game took me about 53hrs to complete.There are side quests and a game called Blitz Ball.Blitz Ball I really didn't like , an only played when I had to.Though my friend loves it and plays it all the time on his system.I guess its different for everyone and you'll have to make your own decision.After a while you can recruit players an play at every save point.Also the random battles can get on your nerves at times when you just want to advance the story , but this is the same in all FF games.Maybe someday Square will do something about this , but if they don't I'll still play their games , because they are the best.In the end FFX left me satisfied on so many levels.Buy this game I think you will enjoy it .
118 4 I finally finished the game after 199 + hours . The ending was a complete surprise and I now feel let down because it's over ! I felt emotionally attached to the characters , and the game as a whole was completely engrossing . It never ceased to amaze me because of the enormous amount of talent , i.e . , coding , planning and execution that went into the making of the game .
I hope Square considers a sequel to FFX with all characters revived and a new story line . It would be a blow-out best seller . Thanks Square , for a really great time .
121 4 FFX is another great installment of the FF series . It is a great game for begginers who do not play Rpg's . It is simple and straightforward with an engrossing storyline and great game play . The whole batlle system has been revamped and now allows for character switching mid battle . Plus the addition of playable summoned creatures instead of using them for just one attack adds a new dimension to the game . The new level up sytem , the sphere grid , is like a small game in itself . Blitzball is an interesting mini-game that could have been better if it was not turn based , but was still a good diversion from the main game . Overall the gameplay is great , the sound is excellant , and all of the fmv visuals are stunning , it really takes advantage of the PS2 , but it lacks game lenghth . It only takes 45 to 50 hours on a straight play through with no side quests . The side quest are few an rather short . THe greatest downfall , however , is the last boss , he is a snooze . YOu can beat him without even trying . If you take the time to level up your guys and do a few sidequests he can be killed wiht one attack . But all in all its agreat game to play and its fun the whole way through .
147 4 Perhaps the most powerful feature of the Final Fantasy games is the story element ; somehow , Square always manages to make a story that not only throws and emotional punch , but also raises the questions of the philosophical and the metaphysical . Final Fantasy X is no different ; it has one of the most moving stories , perhaps since Final Fantasy VI [ released as Final Fantasy III here in the US ] , and combined with great gameplay , astounding graphics ( DUH , it's SQUARE ) , and wonderful music , and you have another masterpiece . After playing this , I played several PS2 games , and I could only appreciate Final Fantasy X more . Get this game !
158 4 I hadn't been too completely in thrilled with the games following FF7 ( I liked 8 better than 9 anyways ) . But now looking back on the past FF gaming time I spent over the years I have to say that game #10 is the one that I miss the most playing through as I sit and play FF13 now . The movie graphics blew my mind at the time as well as the high level of the oridinary gameplay graphics . I LOVED the soundtrack on 10 by far the most out of the lot . I'm really bummed at the moment because I really wanted to load up the game again after several years but realized my ps2 has also long been collecting dust in some spare room in storage for some time now . I'd love for a XBOX 360 release of the game ! If I had to give someone my advice on where to make sure and play in the long FF line I'd deffinately recommend 10 first and then7 out of old loyalties . haha
063 4 Though all games in this series seems to be a hit , the Final Fantasy series is Hit and Miss with me . This is one of the Hits for me . If you like traditional J-RPGs you will love this one . I found myself lost for many hours at a time in this universe . The main story arch is engrossing and there are also plenty of fun side quests along the journey .
069 4 I found this game to be very fun and entertaining for several hours . It has great graphics and a cool battle theme . If you are looking for a fun rpg to play for hours on end this is the game . The only complaint I have on the game is the mini-game it makes you play part way through . I found the mini-game extremely hard and boring .
115 4 the only thing is the graphics . but what sucks is the time . to get somewhere it takes time and the monsters are so annoying . But is a good game . The plot is good . But try Final Fantasy 7 it is the best .
164 4 i've had this game since it came out long ago but writin a review about it now seen some rude people writin bad about the game , i love this game even the blizball was a great side game if u want to take a break from the levelin up or side quest . it takes a bite to learn but like they say practice practice , thats how all games r u need to get use to it , the endin was sad but they made 10 - 2 which wasnt all that great to me i really didnt like that game but i got to see the happy endin i wanted in final fantasy 10 ^ _ ^ so they had some cool ablitys but i didnt need all them most of the time , final fantasy has some great graphics even now they r still beautiful and breath takin . people that give bad reviews on this game dont seem to be real RPG gamers if u was u would now its all about the levelin in a game on a scale 1 - 10 i give this a game a 10 it was extremely fun and i've played it over many times and i rarely do it i loved playin the blizball it was so fun ^ _ ^ well thats it really i love the story of this game it was beautiful
092 4 If you haven't played a Final Fantasy title before , now is the perfect time to start ! Even though it's a few years old , the graphics are still decent , the plot is still good , and the voice acting is impeccable . Not to mention you'll never get tired of blitzball , and random battles . Even leveling up is different with the Sphere Grid . This is the best RPG out there !
151 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Let's face it , Final Fantasy is not what it used to be . Obviously many others diasgree as we can see from the many rave reviews . This game reminds of something teenage girls would love . Annoying , goofy , naive characters with nails-across-the-blackboard voice acting . Linear gameplay with no room to explore , moving basically from one overlong boring cutscene to the next . This really isn't an RPG , it's just a CGI movie with some RPG elements thrown in on the side . Cut-scenes can be great in a videogame if done well , but that isn't the case here . Even Metal Gear Solid 2 , with it's outrageous cut-scenes was better . Graphics ? Yes , spectacular . Beautiful . But that's about it . Blitzball was terrible too . Oh well , time to move on to other games , for me Final Fantasy is done . Let teenage girls enjoy future installments and I'll mind my business .
3 stars for breakthrough graphics .
152 4 Let's face it , Final Fantasy is not what it used to be . Obviously many others diasgree as we can see from the many rave reviews . This game reminds of something teenage girls would love . Annoying , goofy , naive characters with nails-across-the-blackboard voice acting . Linear gameplay with no room to explore , moving basically from one overlong boring cutscene to the next . This really isn't an RPG , it's just a CGI movie with some RPG elements thrown in on the side . Cut-scenes can be great in a videogame if done well , but that isn't the case here . Even Metal Gear Solid 2 , with it's outrageous cut-scenes was better . Graphics ? Yes , spectacular . Beautiful . But that's about it . Blitzball was terrible too . Oh well , time to move on to other games , for me Final Fantasy is done . Let teenage girls enjoy future installments and I'll mind my business .
3 stars for breakthrough graphics .
224 4 Definately not the best in the series but it's still worthy . Pretty good story between Tidus and Luna . The graphics as expected are great . The story at times was laking but still decent . The only things I didn't care that much for was some of the dialogue and voices ( especially Wakka ) , blitzball was a pain and the final boss ( way to easy ) They could've done so much more with that . Overall this is still a good game , it's nowhere near as good as 7 but still enjoyable .
177 4 This game wasn't a horrific , disgusting waste of money , but compared with others in the series , I am a little put off by how many people think it is unquestionably the best .
As someone who plays RPGs primarily for their fantastic , better-than-Hollywood stories , I was left feeling devoid and empty after conquering FF9 , hands-down the most loose-end-resolving game I have EVER played , in any series , period . Not wanting to replay any others at the time , I decided , against someone close's advice , to pop in FF10 and give it a shot . And , after I passed the point where certain characters boarded a ship and left the first village , I was glad I did .
For one thing , the voice acting alone was particularly exciting - - I had always dreamed of the day when someone would convert treasures like FF6 and FF4 into full-blown movies , and this was the closest thing so far . I was a little concerned about the cheesiness in certain places ( mostly the beginning or involving Rikku , who I did find very useful in battle ) , and the fact that Yuna sounded completely bored about everything you talked to her about ; but for the most part the verbage and dialect of each character was consistent , and the cheesiness was allocated to the more light-hearted characters , who either became endearing , too powerful in battle to dislike , or both . Even Tidus's jocky character , which still gave impressions of cool shallowness rigbt through to the end , was anchored substantially by his intermittent pensive , almost nostalgic narrations . Complete with many musical tracks that blurred emotional lines at exactly the appropriate moments , and overlooking the fact that some of the music was mastered too loudly for the dialogue , I would give this game 5 stars if it were based only on the graphics and cinematic quality , which are just short of fantastic .
The fighting system , as well , is actually one of the most entertaining I've ever experienced in a FF . I'll admit it - - I'm the person who just attacks everything with physical weapons as fast as possible just to get through the random battles as fast as possible ( I almost never Escape because I end up leveling up a little ahead of where I should be when I just stick it out ) , but this game has probably broken me of that lazy , anti-strategist habit forever . The ability to switch out and use every character in battle not only ( for me , anyway ) kept the lead characters adequately leveled up ( they're never my favorites , for some reason ) , but also was a great exercise in strategy , even though some characters ended up with odd attributes in the Sphere Grid later on in the game ( Lulu was the last to learn Ultima , and Kimahri became a skilled white wizard ) . Even though the sphere grid was a little frustrating at times ( spending hours trying to get Lv . 4 spheres , for instance ) , it was exciting to see character's attributes going up when they were already kicking [ . . . ] . Customizing your own weapons , too , was probably one of the most satisfying features ever to be included in a linear RPG , and it was great , for example , to just buy up a bunch of Shimmering Blades and then make Auron one of everything ( I could just see him perusing his supplies and casually selecting how he wanted to kill something - - poison ? stone ? zombification ? ) . The possibilities are numerous , if not endless , though the process of obtaining the ingredients took about as many hours as all the other parts of the game put together ( I finally just gave up on getting 32 Hypello Potions for everyone , and Farplane Winds , forget it . ) .
So the fighting system , in sum , also gets a 5 .
The reason I absolutely had to give this game a 4 , and actually the reason why I had to say something after reading several negative comments by halfway-throughers , is the ending . Maybe it's because I had just come out of playing FF9 , where everyone and his dog has a complete , satisfying happy ( or not-so-happy ) ever after , but even compared with Young Merlin , where you have little characters jumping up and down and mumbling at each other and which is not even an RPG , this ending SUCKS . Not because of the main thing that happens , which everyone who has played through to the very end knows what I'm talking about and which probably inspired a lot of the FF10 AMVs on YouTube , but because they , to put it appropriately , completely dropped the blitzball on everything else . Not that the main thing was done very well either - - the male character involved was much too complacent with the truth when he found it out , and unfortunately this carried over to everything else - - but I'm sure I'm not alone in my absolute hatred of game endings where you've become completely attached to the characters and then after the big buildup and the final boss they say a maximum of two words and then the credits come . What the living * * * * is the point of creating interest in the characters ( and this can be applied to any medium - - books , movies , etc . - - it even happened with a certain series about a British boy wizard ) and then not taking two extra seconds to make up a satisfying , complete-feeling ending for them ? More pointedly , what is the point of creating non-lead characters at all when they're just going to be ignored later and given no future ? Barrett in FF7 , Setzer in FF6 , Rydia in FF4 - - I even liked Steiner as one of the best in FF9 - - what if they had all been blown by the wayside at the end of those games ? I would have thrown something , along with millions of other people , I'm sure . Fortunately my favorite guy in FF10 had a decent resolution , but even that was blown off by the other characters themselves , and there were four characters - - four , out of seven , who I don't think even got to speak after the final battle . The final battle itself wasn't too pretty either - - that handy limit-break on the Masamune led me to kill the final boss with one 99999 hit , after Seymour ( aka Sephiroth ) killed me at least 5 times on Mt . Gagazet , resulting in 5 of the 7 game overs I got during the whole game . Sorry , but when I got beat the [ . . . ] out of in the Omega Dungeon and barely escaped with my life , I expected the final battle to be a little more challenging . I must say , though , that the one salvation of the end ( something that happened before the final battle ) was absolutely beautiful , and I actually teared up at that point , where I didn't even have time to be sad about anything else later on because it was over so quickly . The whole father-son relationship , and the part of the story concerning everyone involved with the Jecht spheres , was the true heart of this story in my book , and its playing-out was a triumph .
All in all , my best advice would be to stick with this game . Even if it seems a bit cheesy from the offset , it gets better ; and even if the ending doesn't satisfy you either , the story itself before that is worth playing though , and you can always make up your own ending in your head if it bothers you enough .
001 4 Not having a lot of experience with the PS2 platform , I am less than jaded when it comes to comparing role-playing games on the PC to their platform-based cousins . Having only the PC version of Final Fantasy IX as a basis of comparison , I was amazed by the graphic richness of the new game . This is not just a matter of higher powered engines and CGI wizardry . It really springs from the artistic commitment of the staff designing and creating the game .
Character design still shows its heritage from Yoshitaro Amano , one of Japan's greatest graphic artists . In addition , the background and ' set ' design is equally imaginative . Massive use of CGI work simply makes all this magic spring to life with movement and gesture . No less an effort has been spent on the game's sound and music , making the experience of the game intense , and sometimes even spellbinding .
Tidus , a young blitzball professional , is thrust , mid-catastrophe , into the world of Spira , where an incredible monster ( Sin ) is gradually destroying the world as punishment for its ecological missteps . He meets Yuna , who is a Summoner , capable of calling up Aeons as battle weapons . Yuna has begun a voyage from temple to temple , a quest that must end in a confrontation with Sin to bring peace to Spira . In typical RPG style , they and their companions follow a path of ever escalating monsters and challenges , culminating in a prolonged , exhausting final struggle .
The story and dialog are fine , with a few twists to keep player interest , but for the most part it is predictable . Since people come to this game looking for different things , the creators have tried to manage a difficult balance between narrative and play , and , for the most part , are successful . The dialog is sometimes silly and sometimes touching , but it is never unbearable .
This is an incredibly large game . It is possible to stick to the basic story line , minimum leveling up and barely make it through the game in 50 to 60 hours . A quick perusal of a good walkthrough quickly reveals that nearly half of the game is hidden from view , and that diligent playing can be very rewarding . My time using the walkthrough was 90 hours , and there were still possibilities left unexplored . Obviously , the game will stand up to replay .
I have to give the game five stars . I can quibble about storyline and some predictable gameplay , but there is too much that is simply outstanding . This will be considered one of the peaks of RPG gaming for some time to come .
016 4 First let me start off by saying that this was the first game I played in the Final Fantasy series , so I can not compare it to any of the others . That is , however , not a bad thing . It means I'm not a fanboy and can give you an un-biased review , not that FF Fans can't but you see where I'm going with this .
I got X shortly after getting a PS2 ( I got my PS2 only a year and a half or two years ago ) and enjoyed it quite a bit , but somehow lost interest halfway through . Not sure why . I was stuck on a boss ( first Seymour ) and got irritated , but beat him and got to the next save point only to not pick up the game again . But then I realized What's my problem ? and started over recently .
From the start of the new file I couldn't help but wonder why I had ever stopped . The characters are captiviating and interesting , it's fun to watch them interact , the graphics are ( sometimes ) stunning and always at least above average . I love the music from Otherworld to Fight With Seymour . All the tunes are either emotional or fun or fast or get stuck in your head . Some of Mister Uematsu's finest . The storyline starts out simply enough , but eventually develops into more mature and adult themes like religion's conflict with tradition and the modern times , racism , war , etc . There are enough sidequests and sidebosses to keep you interested long past the main storyline , though not as many as I'd have imagined . All in all , though , it's really just wonderful . Some of the acting in the cutscenes is ludicrous ( see the infamous laughing scene ) but that's not too often . I also like the Sphere Grid ( the system for leveling ) and think it's a nice , non-linear alternative to projected paths of what the character turns out like . Blitzball , however , isn't fun . Good thing about that is you only HAVE to play it once .
Pros .
Great graphics , music , characters , storyline , battle system , weapon upgrade system , voice acting , leveling system .
Cons .
A tad short for an RPG ( tad meaning not very much , it's long enough ) , sometimes laughable acting ( you'll know what I'm talking about ) , and enigmatic ending .
When it all comes down to it , though , you're getting a five-star game for $10 used . And you really can't beat that . This is an A-grade RPG at a C + price and you just can't go wrong . The game is great and you have no excuse but to buy it with it being so cheap .
Happy Fantasying . . .
019 4 This game is enough to bring in not only RPG-adverse gamers but also those who've never liked games to begin with .
First , the storyline is phenomenal . I have never become so emotionally involved in a game , nor have I seen such round characters and beautiful character development as the story progesses . Within a story , if you are going to draw a reader into your world , you must convince your reader that the events are truly believeable . In fantasy and sci fi , this often involves a willing suspension of disbelief where the reader is so captivated as to ignore what may be implausable logically . This game is like a novel in that sense : I was so involved in the game that there were only a few places where I faltered and asked myself how does this make sense ? The storyline , while not without its bumps , is reason enough to play the game all the way through . And once you get to the very end , I think you will find , as I did , that you are moved in a way that borders on ridiculous coming from a video game .
Then you have side quests and Blitzball ! I spent hours playing this game , which you can play at any save point . It is a really fun game outside of everything , and while it's none too complicated , as an action game it's worth playing for its own sake .
As others have mentioned , the newest touch is the addition of voice acting . The American voices are sometimes unbelievably good ( Auron ) , and sometimes fall flat . Some are indeed laughable at first , but one quickly accepts and responds to those of the main characters .
Next comes the software engineering . I am still reeling , wondering how this was accomplished , in awe of how very long it must have taken to code . The achievement as a piece of software lies in facial expressions and graphics . The facial expressions are a wonderful touch , especially in the movies . But Sony's software developers obviously need more time to smooth things out with this new technology , as the characters sometimes look goofy . Finally , the graphics themselves are another reason , aside from everything else , to play the game . The CG movies are all breathtaking . Be sure to stop by Luca's sphere theater in this game , as if you have enough gil ( $ ) , you can purchase spheres that allow you to watch the CG movies whenever you visit Luca . A wonderful addition , as you will want to see these movies again .
As if Sqauresoft thought all this wasn't enough , they added a solid soundtrack alongside . Many of the songs will get stuck in your head , while others are forgetable . But when it counts , the music is perfectly chosen .
All in all , this is not only the greatest game I've ever played , but one of the more enjoyable things I've ever done with 80 + hours of my time . I never thought I'd feel such strong emotion from a video game , but leave that to the wizards at Square . Perhaps this is the world's newest artistic medium . What better than a great movie than a great movie you get to participate in .
022 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I was never really into RPG's before I decided to try Final Fantasy X . 306 hours of gameplay later , I'd say it was a pretty good purchase . No other game I've ever played , except for maybe the original Metal Gear Solid for PS1 , has captivated me to the point that this game did . I've played all the GTA games , Resident Evil 4 , KOTOR , all the Halo games , Gears of War , Bioshock , Oblivion , World of Warcraft , Call of Duty 4 , Ninja Gaiden , God of War , Final Fantasy VII , VIII , X - 2 , and XII , etc . Nothing I've ever played sucked my life away like this game . I don't usually write reviews for anything , but this game deserved special attention . Buy this game . Just don't flunk out of school , or lose your job , or get in a traffic accident by falling asleep at the wheel , because you've been up all night trying to get the sigil to Lulu's ultimate weapon . I have a PS3 , a 360 , and an Alienware pc . This game blows away every game I've ever played . Period .
025 4 . . . like I've said many a time . . . bad regional artwork . . .
The simplest word to explain this game is . . . wow ! For a Final Fantasy to have so much depth and great battles ( turn base beats FF12 ' s system any day ) this is the best FF on PS2 .
The characters work together so well and the summonings ( AKA aeons , GF's , Eidolons , Espers etc . . . ) are the best to be in a game because not only can you level them up , but you can actually choose what they do such as doing a regular attack instead of doing one massive attack and disappearing to there little summoning paradise . The levelling up system is also very good and is known as the sphere grid system . Although most characters have their own parameters and limited to learning specific abilities for masters you can teach one character every ability under the sun ( except summoning which is restricted to one character ) and you can switch between characters during battle . THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES ! ! !
Some people have said that the side quests are a down side to the game . I disagree completely , although there is no exact plot based storyline there are many things to do ( some of the secret bosses are so hard you'll spend hours training until you can take off 99,999 in every hit . . . I know that's 90,000 more than usual you can take off isn't that great ? ) as well as many secret collecting quests and one of the most addictive mini game ever ( ever heard of blitz ball ? ) where you buy and transfer players to great the ultimate underwater ball masters .
Now I know , I know these games aren't as great as the PSone titles , but this game is definetely worth getting if you have money and a weirdly large amount of spare time .
027 4 Having somehow missed out on the previous thrills and success of the final fantasy series , I must embarrassingly admit that this was my first FF game . That being said , my review of it is probably a little different than the hardcore FF players , for I don't have the same biases and / or expectations .
And I must say - this game is simply amazing !
The story starts out with the main character , Tidus , who gets thrown into the conflict as Sin approaches and destroys his city . We're transported into a world rich with life , drama , and danger . At first your goal seems simple enough , yet as you travel through the various regions and meet new companions , the story becomes far more involved and complicated . The members of your party all have different backgrounds and personalities . Tidus is our cheerful and jocklike hero . He's charismatic , yet sometimes he comes off as being whiney . Wakka is his gregarious friend , who also happens to be a fellow blitzball player ( this game happens to be the most popular sport in the FFX world ) . Yuna is the young summoner who is fated to fight the evil Sin like the summoners who have gone before her . Specializing in white magic , this character carries about her a certain sadness along with a strong determination to achieve her goal . Lulu is another sorceress that we meet , specializing in black magic . She is a bit harsh at times , preferring to keep her distance from the others . Kimahri is a silent , lionlike warrior creature who is sworn to protect Yuna . Rikku is an extroverted individual , her best attribute probably being her aptitude at theft . I wasn't particularly fond of her , for she often came off as being a bit too peppy and annoying . Finally , there's Auron , who is my favorite character from the game . He's a strong swordsman and very knowledgeable companion , obviously a guy with a complicated and tragic past .
Anyway , on to the gameplay ! There's a really great variety of material in this game - everything you would expect from an RPG and then a bit more . There are plenty of different moves , magic attacks , and items to collect . The leveling system allows you to gather experience points and then strategically spend them on an extensive sphere grid of general character advancements and special abilities . This allows you to build your characters following the skill path that you see fit , and it keeps the character-growth aspect of the game interesting . The battles are spectacular , particularly when Yuna summons her magical creatures called aeons . You're given complete control over the powerful aeons , and they come in handy for the major battles . In addition to fighting , there are puzzles to solve throughout the temple , special weapons to collect , and optional games to play ( blitzball and chocobo races ) .
As far as the graphics are concerned , everything in this game is visually appealing , to say the very least . From the backgrounds to the character designs to the battle animations to the cinematic cut-scenes , everything is just beautiful . Adding to the visual splendor is the game's excellent soundtrack . My only complaint about the sound is that some of the English voices are a bit irritating . Overall , considering its alluring and action-packed story , amazing graphics , and awesome music , FFX excels in all respects . It's one of the best RPGs for the PS2 - a definite must-have for any fan of the genre . Seriously , if there is one RGP that you need to play for this console , it's Final Fantasy X .
029 4 In sitting down trying to write a review for this game , I'm finding that it's hard to know where to start .
By all accounts , this is indeed a landmark RPG . The first Final Fantasy game for the PS2 , the graphics are phenomenal ( the FMVs are nothing short of gorgeous , plus there's an area in the game where you can purchase them and rewatch them in all their splendor ' til your heart's content ) . And the soundtrack is like that of a great film's , sweeping and stirring .
FFX also introduces voice acting to the series . This , however , I am at pains to describe . Some of it is great ( like Wakka / Kimahri's ) , while some of it is rather irritating ( Yuna , while having such a pleasant-sounding voice , is too halting , and some of the side characters sound really silly - - you can tell the actor is putting on a voice ) .
The story is epic . You journey through Spira in the shoes of a teenager named Tidus . As he is unfamiliar with Spira , being from an Otherworld , so the player is introduced to familiar FF series trademarks and learns about them through Tidus ' experiences . This makes FFX a very good game for people who are new to the series .
So does the simple level-up system , which is explained at the beginning of the game , and the linear storyline that'll keep you entertained and even emotionally moved , without confusing you with too many sidequests . By the end you'll feel you know everything about Spira , without having indulged in any of its extras . FFX is a very well-put-together game .
But for experienced gamers the linearity may be a downside . ( In fact , that people complained about that so much was the reason behind Square Enix's decision to make FFX - 2 so non-linear . )
The cast of characters are well-developed and very realistic . The love story between Tidus and Yuna is bit predictable , and a bit forced , but it has a sweetness about it , is down-to-earth , and progresses nicely . Only the most hard-hearted person could avoid being touched by its ending .
The ability to switch characters in and out of battles is also new to the FF series , and a long-overdue addition . And again , the simplicity here makes things easy for first-time FF players : Enemies ( called fiends ) are designed so that certain characters can take them out using their unique skills ( i.e . Wakka's blitzball hits flying enemies ; Tidus ' quickness is good for fast enemies like wolves ; Lulu's magic works well with flans , who are resistant to physical attacks ; etc . ) . This way you'll always know who to bring in for any given fight .
All in all , a highly recommended game , no matter what your skill or experience level with RPGs .
031 4 It has been a long while since I've played any console game , let alone a console RPG ( Role-Playing Game ) . I started out as a console gamer when I was younger , but for the past several years I've been a die hard PC gamer . However recently I decided to get a PS2 because of its now lower price and absolutely massive game library . As a fan of console RPGs in general , and Final Fantasy games in particular , I just had to play Final Fantasy X when I got my PS2 . Having played through Final Fantasy VI ( a.k.a . III in North America ) , VII , and VIII , I wondered how Final Fantasy X would stack up , especially now that I've had a lot of exposure to PC RPGs . Quite simply this game me glad to get a PS2 . It's one of the best RPGs I've played in some time for any platform .
Final Fantasy X revolves around a character named Tidus , a smart-aleck athlete who is sent 1000 years into the future to save the world of Spira from an evil creature known as Sin . Throughout this game you will encounter an interesting cast of characters such as Auron , a battle-scarred swordsman ; Lulu , an attractive and powerful magic user ; Kimahri , a humanoid-lion creature who likes to let his spear do the talking ; Wakka , a blitzball player who finds a kindred spirit in Tidus ; Rikku , a young Al Bhed girl ; and Yuna , a summoner who can call forth powerful creatures called Aeons , and will eventually become Tidus ' love interest . Final Fantasy X does a great job of fleshing out these characters ' personalities so that you feel more invested in the story's outcome .
The core gameplay of Final Fantasy X is similar to most other console RPGs . Battles consist of random encounters with monsters that your selected party of three must defeat . Each character in this game has their own distinctive attributes . Auron , for example , is a physically tough warrior who can take and dish out a lot of damage , while Lulu is physically weak but makes up for it with strong magic attacks . One of the more original , and admittedly oddest , features of this game is its character advancement system . Unlike pretty much every RPG ( both PC and console ) , Final Fantasy X does not use a simple level up system . Instead , when you win a battle against monsters you will gain spheres , which you use to activate abilities and stats on a character's sphere grid . It took a little time to get used to it , but this system soon became second nature .
Graphically the game looks phenomenal . The background environments are much richer in detail compared to previous Final Fantasy games . Also , the character models are themselves incredibly detailed , and this is especially noticeable during the in-game cutscenes when the characters talk to each other . And of course , Square's signature computer animated cutscenes look as amazing as ever . Through this I could tell that the makers of this game spent a great deal of time to ensure that Final Fantasy X would be visually stunning , which is a good thing in my books .
Where this game falters a little though is in the sound department . Music wise Final Fantasy X provides a decent selection of music when not engaged in combat , reflecting the different environments you encounter in the game . However , when in combat the game plays the same battle music over and over again , and it only really differs when you fight a boss creature . Eventually the battle music started to get annoying . The voice acting in Final Fantasy X is a first for the Final Fantasy series , and on the whole I thought it was okay , although it isn't going to win any awards . In my opinion the best voice acting job was done by Auron's voice actor who gave him a very strong and somber tone . On a related note , being a fan of Japanese animation and foreign cinema , I would have actually liked the option to choose between having the English audio language , and the Japanese audio language with English subtitles . Although I know this would not be possible due to memory constraints .
However , the main problem with Final Fantasy X ( although it's a small one ) is the fact that it is a very linear game . Unlike other RPGs such as the Baldur's Gate series ( for the PC ) , or Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic , Final Fantasy X allows little deviation from the main story of the game . Basically there is only one real way for you to go from the story's start to its finish . But you know what ? That's fine with me . One of the main reasons I liked playing the Final Fantasy series is that it always told a compelling story , which Final Fantasy X delivers in spades .
In the end , if you never liked console RPGs or the Final Fantasy series in the first place , Final Fantasy X doesn't really give you any reason to change your mind . But if you ARE a fan like I am , you owe it to yourself to pick this game up ! With some good music , fantastic graphics , and an enormously gripping tale , this game has a lot to offer . Final Fantasy X definitely lives up to the legacy of its predecessors , and is a game that shall be remembered for years to come .
My ratings are :
Graphics = 10 / 10
Sound = 7 / 10
Gameplay = 8 / 10
Overall = 9 / 10
043 4 I have to start off by saying this is the first FF game I played and didn't know quite what to expect . In fact when I first put this game in I turned it off after about 30 minutes or so of not getting anywhere . I didn't put it back in until several months later . I had to force myself to play through the beginning and when Tidus first meets Rikku simply because it was so boring . In fact , the game really didn't pick up until Tidus meets Wakka and then finally , the games gets good . No , not good , amazing .
The graphics on this game were awsome , along with the voice work , except for Tidus , he was kinda a goof . The game play is standard turn based which was new for me because this was only the second rpg game I played ( first one being x-men legends ) Soon I understood how to play and it was not difficult at all . In fact , it's almost boring choosing an attack and that person doing it ( unlike the Shadow Hearts series where the judgement ring determines the outcome of an attack )
The story is really interesting though . It's about a summoner and her guardians on a quest to stop Sin , which that has a surprising twist to it . I won't say too much , but Tidus is in for a suprise .
The cut scenes are beautiful and the voice acting as well . The only bad thing is you aren't able to skip a cut scene and some of them are rather lengthy . So if you aren't interested in the cut scenes , the only thing I can suggest is getting up and getting a snack and hopefully they will have ended when you get back .
There is this thing called the Sphere Grid and in order to move spaces and aquire new skills and what not , you have to participate in battle . Each character had to make at least one move during the combat or else they don't get any moves on the grid . That's alright because you can instantly change out any party member with some one else and them put that person back in ( unlike some other games where you can only change out party members at a save spot or by talking to a certain person ) You can also choose the path you want a certain character to go on the sphere grid , whether you want that person to use white magic , black magic , be a theif , whatever , you can decide .
I don't recall there being many side quests in this game but the ones I do recall were quite involved . Like Wakka and the Blitz Ball . I personally could not stand the Blitz Ball and never played it unless I was forced to do so . Then there was capturing the monsters you fought and the monster arena which was cool . It gave you some great rewards .
Each character was equipped with a certain weapon like a knife , a blitz ball , something unique to that character . You were also able to customize that weapon with different things such as petrify or slow , so long as you had the required items to make that weapon . My personal favorite was no encounters which allows you to go from point A to point B without engaging with the enemy . Why would anyone want that ? Well , when you get further into the game and go back to one of the early spots for something , the monsters there aren't even worth the time to stop and fight , unless you're trying to capture them , they don't give you much experience points or gil . Or , if you're simply trying to get to a save spot because your running low on health or magic , having the no encounters on your weapon is great . And of course you can always switch weapons when ever you're ready to fight again .
Each character is well defined and they have their own purpose for traveling and fighting against Sin . Even the NPC are awsome . Speak with all the NPC you can and you come to find out they are rather supportive of the Lady Summoner and often give her and her guardians nice surprises .
I have to admit I was some what dissappointed with the ending . I won't reveal it , but I will say it was bitter sweet .
Enough said , go play the game ! ! !
047 4 This review is for Final Fantasy X ( a.k.a . FFX ) , the first Final Fantasy game to beset the Sony PlayStation 2 and the fourth in the numbered series since Squaresoft ( now Square Enix ) began working on the Sony home consoles ( the PlayStation ) .
Final Fantasy X had the job of carrying on the legacy of the Nintendo Entertainment System ( a.k.a . NES or Famicom and Nintendo Family Computer in Japan ) , the Super Nintendo Entertainment System ( a.k.a . SNES ) , and the Sony PlayStation's Final Fantasy games specifically Final Fantasy VI , Final Fantasy VII , Final Fantasy VIII , Final Fantasy IX , which many fans of Squaresoft and Final Fantasy consider to be the best of the series . I believe it both disappointed and satisfied .
The graphical quality in Final Fantasy X was obviously better than that of the prior games considering the Sony PlayStation was only a 32 - bit system and the Sony PlayStation 2 is a 128 - bit system . The graphics in Final Fantasy X leave nothing to be desired . They are almost flawless looking next to the graphics of past Final Fantasy titles . Many of the characters look so well done that they could jump right out of the screen at you . Gone are the days when the background looked wrong behind the characters . The character designs no longer look cut up and pixelly but look much more realistic even next even to the improved background .
The graphics have a smooth blend of lighting and texture to create some of the most realistic characters and settings ever in a game . Few jagged angles and warped designs make it definitely the most visually appealing Final Fantasy to date . Few load times and smooth transitions between different scenes are also a plus .
Final Fantasy X kind of failed a bit here . It had such a high polygon count that at some points the characters appeared to be some what plastic . They look to smooth and have no realness . But it is rare and usually unnoticed .
Full Motion Videos
Full Motion Videos or FMVs ( a.k.a CGI [ Computer Generated Image ] or even just plain CG ) are a given in recent Final Fantasy games , and the ones in Final Fantasy X are as amazing as ever . Many of the FMVs almost seem to come to life on your screen even more than the real time . Pushing the limits of a system as always , Square made it so we will very likely never see much better graphics than these on the PlayStation 2 . Though many complain about the excess of them , totaling over 50 , I find them well done and smoothly transitioned to the real-time graphics . And really you're either watching a cut scene or FMV , which would you rather watch ?
There is also an option in Final Fantasy X for you to buy [ for the price of 5,000 gil each ] the FMVs you have watched throughout the game in the form of Spheres , the main power / energy / video in the world of Final Fantasy X .
In Game and Cut-Scene
This is another problem with Final Fantasy X . Final Fantasy X uses three separate models for the in game / real-time , cut-scene , and FMVs so the characters look nothing like there counterparts in the different forms of video . But other than that it is still breathtaking and well done . The new emotion engine is really well implemented .
Total -
9 / 10
Game Play
The most important part of any RPG , the game play . Final Fantasy X completely redoes the old game play systems of the recent Final Fantasys : a whole new battle system , a new way of leveling up , no world map , etc . For some this may seem horrible and make them think Square Enix ruined the series , but I find the innovation is what the series really needed .
Game Play - General
Gone is the day of the world map . Final Fantasy X offers a full environment with no points where you have to press X to enter , no areas on a map smaller than you , nothing like that . The game is quite linear but it in no detracts from the story , quite the opposite it adds to the story . And most Final Fantasys are linear . At certain points of the game Chocobos are ride able but no more ranches , and it costs to ride but not much .
Game Play - Story
The story follows a young Blitzball [ the sport / mini-game of Final Fantasy X ] player in his journey through a new world , as he accompanies a summoner on her pilgrimage . Simple , right ? Wrong , but you'll have to play the game to find out the rest .
Game Play - Characters
The characters are very well done ; you can really feel their struggles . They don't seem false in any way and have very good back stories . You can come to really almost know why they do the things they do and it rarely feels out of character for them .
Game Play - Battles
A totally new battle system called CTB , or Command Time Battle , is used in Final Fantasy X . Although not totally turn based just like ATB , it is a step in that direction . Each character has a turn but how many they have and how often is dependent on their speed , unlike in turn based where each character has one turn the everyone else has one then the first character has another one . You have as much or little time as you want to choose what attack or action you want to use , which makes for a very good system .
The level up system is basically scraped for the Sphere Grid . The Sphere Grid is made up of nods which raise your abilities and attributes . With certain spheres you can unlock nods like HP + 200 or Strength + 2 . It leaves very little room for customization early on but later becomes on of the most customizable systems ever as you move into other characters grids .
In this game weapons and armor are customizable , and this is a double-edged sword . It is hard to decide which way to make your weapon with all the decisions and it also uses items , but customization can make you immensely stronger and the game immensely easier .
Characters are now switch able whenever even during battle [ think Pokemon ] and the switched in character has the attack . Nice , huh ? Summons are now , also , controllable and are your greatest ally in tough battles . Even better is that they have Limit Breaks , now called Overdrive , and it can be saved , the same as the characters .
Total -
9 / 10
Two words for you : Voice Acting . That is right . The first Final Fantasy with Voice Actors [ and Actresses ] ( a.k.a . VAs ) is on the Sony PlayStation 2 . And they do a brilliant job . And the music is not bad either .
The voice actors do a wonderful job and you can really feel them portray the characters emotions . The script is well written and also helps to portray the characters . The actors were well chosen for there roles ad fit quite well though many complain about some of them having high-pitched voices but that has yet to bother me .
Matching with Mouth Movements
Square really could have done a better job on this . Many of the scenes look like bad , BAD , BAD foreign Kung-fu movies . The words and the moths do not match at all unlike other Square Enix games with voices like Kingdom Hearts . Though you can press the X button during speech to cause them to stop talking altogether , but the game script will not go any faster .
This may seem like a weird section to put under the sound category but not so . During battle the characters will say certain catch phrases like while fleeing you might say , Catch you later . This really adds to the over all quality of the game and is a definite plus . And the battle music is no let down either thought it is similar to past titles .
Music / Original Score
The music of Final Fantasy X is amazingly well done . It is probably some of the best music of the series . The sweeping music really fits with the scenes and can make the difference between just another scene or just another place and a spectacularly done area . Final Fantasy X's music is really awe inspiring and
amazingly well done .
Music can also be bought in the form of Spheres .
Total -
7 / 10
Controls & Camera
The controls are petty similar to Final Fantasy IX in many respects and are quite easy to pick up on right away .
The camera , like in previous Final Fantasies is uncontrollable , but it very rarely causes a problem for the player . The only problem I've had is sometimes when it is to far zoomed out it is hard to see sometimes , which is normal in most recent Final Fantasys .
Total -
8 / 10
Final Fantasy X has very little immediate replay value due to it either being a very long game or the plot being slow to pick up , but it is always a good game that is easy the sit down and play with a medium challenge .
Buy or Rent
Definitely a buy , you can not really experience the full game without a much longer time then a simple rent would allow . Though if you are unsure it is a good idea to rent it first but make sure to play through a good part of the game or you will miss out on a lot .
- Amazing graphics
- Pretty good character development
- Great story
- Great music
- Good controls
- Good camera
- Short on the real story part
- Character model differences
- Some overused music
- Overused enemy designs
- Voices do not match up with mouth movements
Total -
Graphics : 9 / 10
Game Play : 9 / 10
Sound : 7 / 10
Controls & Camera : 8 / 10
overall : 9 / 10
050 4 Final Fantasy X is possibly the greatest RPG video game ever released , which automatically also locks it in as a contender for best game ever , period . It'd probably be impossible to ever choose a single video game for that title , but I think I'd put this in the top half-dozen or so of games I've ever played , on any console .
Although I was , in the very beginning of the game , a bit disappointed in the lack of ability to choose character names ( except for the ' Tidus ' character , who can be renamed , as can Aeons ) or characteristics ( this was among the first of the ' current generation console ' RPG games I played ) , that disappointment was rapidly blown away by what a great array of characters - including enemies and ' supporting ' characters , not just the party members you play - the gamemakers had developed . They're fully realized , helped by great animation including facial expressions ; first-rate voice acting that ranks as among the best in video games and shows that their performers are just as talented as those in other fields of acting ; and believable personalities and character histories that are slowly revealed , while never spelling every last thing out and letting you draw your own inferrences . And , in a difficult feat to attain , the complex storyline doesn't overshadow the gameplay , nor the gameplay possibilities limit the range of the story . It's instead a perfect blending of story and game , much like the equally great ( but very different ) Clock Tower 3 .
A number of the enemies are truly challenging , in that it's not just a case of making sure you have enough hit points and the most powerful weapons available when you face them , but you really have to strategize and figure out how to beat them . The general look of the monsters is detailed and very impressive . A number of creatures also have high ' cute appeal ' , which I suppose may be a minus to some gamers but which I found a refreshing change whenever they'd appear . As the game unfolds , new revelations and angles really increase the characters's ( and player's ) motivations ; you can get totally immersed in this .
The basic story - or at least the beginning of it - has the Tidus character ( the game's main point-of-view character ) apparantly brought forward in time a thousand years to a world much less technologically advanced from the one he's from but higher in magic and beset by monsters , as well as the eternal scourge of the mega-monster Sin , the creature that attacks Tidus's home city of Zanarkand in the incredible opening . Tidus winds up on the aisle of Besaid , befriended by a ' blitzball ' player named Wakka , and meeting Yuna , a Summoner-In-Training preparing to embark on the quest many Summoners undertake but never complete , the quest of gathering enough Aeons to defeat Sin . The true curse of the world of Spira though , is that Sin is never truly defeated , never has been over the past thousand years , and always rises again within a few years of its defeat to terrorize the planet again . That's the situation Spira is in at the time the game's quest really gets underway . As Tidus ( or whatever you choose to rename him ) everything about the world is new , and the player learns about it along with the character . There's a full compliment of other characters who will eventually make up the full team .
Epic , wonderfully imagined , at times hilarious , fearsome and touching , even tearful at times , Final Fantasy X runs the full gamut . Even after you've played the game through to its conclusion , you'll likely want to go back and see what secrets there are that you Haven't unlocked yet . Just how many Aeons are there in addition to the ones listed in the book ? How many secret cities , ruins , etc . can you really discover given enough exploration of the world map and of seemingly uninhabited deserts ? All the characters , as in all the Final Fantasy games , have a little victory dance or celebration when they win , and here each character's is unique : will Lulu ever lean forward just a little too much in the bow that constitues her ' victory dance ' ? ( sorry , sorry , I couldn't resist . The female characters in this game are Hot ! And it's not just Lulu's celebration that's cool to watch , it's just the only one that , uh , presents the potential . . uh , never mind . ) How many different ways can the Cloudy Mirror be utilized once it's powered up ? So there's great possibilities for followup gameplay , because it's hard to find Everything the first trip around .
Super story , super playability , wonderful characters that you really care about and function as fully engaging as the best characters in movies , books , etc . A must-own .
054 4 I am a fan of all Final Fantasy games out there ( been one since the days of Nintendo ) , and yet I was completely blown away by this . . . and after @ 80 hours of game play I'm still blown away . Take my advise on this , however , prepare for a lot of yelling by loved ones for hogging the TV , lol ! The story line is detailed throughout the game , and of course it never wavers . . . you know what you have to do , just sometimes not where you have to go . . . but hey , when that happens . . . it's level up time right ? The ending to this game is a tear jerker . . . espescially since you're riveted to the screen as it is . . . and don't shut off the game when you see the credits . . . heh heh , that's all I'll say on that . The level up system is frustrating at first , but soon you get the hang of everything . . . a caracter can at one time be a warrior , and you decide in the middle ' maybe I need another magic user ' . . . no problem . The sphere grid allows you to decide whether or not to advance certain aspects of the characters . . . speed , defense , HP , MP , Magic strength , etc .
The cinama plays are esquisite and the voice over comments make things even better . . . psst ! for those times when you need to mute the TV , subtitles are still there ! hee hee .
061 4 Final Fantasy X is third on my final fantasy favourites list . To this day I will pick this game back up and play through to the end . Great game overall . The story is what makes this game one of the best . There are a few too many cut scenes , but the overall game is worth the intrusion . Trust me , at the end of the game you will be ready to sit back and watch the rest of the story unfold . One small problem is the hoops you have to jump through to get everyone's ultimate weapons . If I wasn't an avid gamer , I would have burned the game and stomped the ashes into the ground . Most of the sidequests were entertaining . I especially liked blitzball , although I know most people played it the bare minimum .
Overall a great game that will be remembered for a long time .
064 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
For years now Final Fantasy games have been providing the gaming world with countless hours of gaming with the remarkable series . And with the exception of Final Fantasy VII , this may be the best one yet .
This game introduces voice actors to the game , which provides a very pleasant change . The graphics are also far beyond any game created to that point . The movie scenes in particular are simply brilliant as demonstrated by the scene of Tidus and Yuna in the water which may be the most stunning display of digital art that has ever been seen .
But once you get past the look of the game you'll find yourself immersed in an intricate story line . It centers around the journey to defeat a monster named Sin and restore peace to the world of Spira . Each character has a distinct personality and early on creates a feeling of care for each one . Underneath the main plot lies a beautiful love story centered around the main character , Tidus , and the summoner , Yuna .
This game introduces a different way of getting stronger in battle with the Sphere Grid . The characters gain experience in battle to get sphere levels which allow the characters to move around the grid . Also various spheres are found in battle which activate the different nodes on the grid .
The Limit Break or Overdrive is also different in this game . a characters Overdriva gauge is charged by whichever mode the character is set in , whether it be by taking damage , dealing damage , defeating a monster , and many others .
Overall , this game is magnificent and will have you hooked from the first time you play it . This game easily stretches into 50 hours of gameplay , and will have wanting to replay it again and again .
065 4 For years now Final Fantasy games have been providing the gaming world with countless hours of gaming with the remarkable series . And with the exception of Final Fantasy VII , this may be the best one yet .
This game introduces voice actors to the game , which provides a very pleasant change . The graphics are also far beyond any game created to that point . The movie scenes in particular are simply brilliant as demonstrated by the scene of Tidus and Yuna in the water which may be the most stunning display of digital art that has ever been seen .
But once you get past the look of the game you'll find yourself immersed in an intricate story line . It centers around the journey to defeat a monster named Sin and restore peace to the world of Spira . Each character has a distinct personality and early on creates a feeling of care for each one . Underneath the main plot lies a beautiful love story centered around the main character , Tidus , and the summoner , Yuna .
This game introduces a different way of getting stronger in battle with the Sphere Grid . The characters gain experience in battle to get sphere levels which allow the characters to move around the grid . Also various spheres are found in battle which activate the different nodes on the grid .
The Limit Break or Overdrive is also different in this game . a characters Overdriva gauge is charged by whichever mode the character is set in , whether it be by taking damage , dealing damage , defeating a monster , and many others .
Overall , this game is magnificent and will have you hooked from the first time you play it . This game easily stretches into 50 hours of gameplay , and will have wanting to replay it again and again .
076 4 Final Fantasy X was a great game . . . so long as you can ignore Tidus's continual whining and his obsession with his ' story . '
It sets you into an interesting plot and puts faction against faction in an exciting story which rivals many of the stories of previous Final Fantasy's . It was also the first Final Fantasy to include talking so it added something new to the whole series .
The character models were beautiful as well along with the music and the story was filled with a large selection of mini games to choose from . Generally it was a solid game and still would be fun to engage in today .
Definitely worth playing if you haven't already .
081 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This was the first game I bought for PS2 . The graphics are better than ever . The motion scenes were also excellent . The drama between the characters were great and naturally realistic . Especially between Tidus and Yuna .
The only down side of the game is the music . The only music I liked thoughout the game was when you are in battle fighting the fiends .
I was really looking forward to hearing that same Final Fantasy theme song from all the previous final fantasy games .
082 4 This was the first game I bought for PS2 . The graphics are better than ever . The motion scenes were also excellent . The drama between the characters were great and naturally realistic . Especially between Tidus and Yuna .
The only down side of the game is the music . The only music I liked thoughout the game was when you are in battle fighting the fiends .
I was really looking forward to hearing that same Final Fantasy theme song from all the previous final fantasy games .
096 4 Like the title of my review suggests , this is probably the best rpg that I've ever played . I'm at the final boss , so I have seen enough of this game to say that even if leveling up can get boring , it is well made up for with many other features .
First of all , it has one of the best plots that I have ever seen . The cutscenes by themselves were above average ( not exactly the best ) but ffx also includes movie-like portions at key places in the game . The fact that you can hear the characters talk instead of reading what they say allows you to relax during the cutscenes instead of spending too much time reading and scrolling . Npcs are also wonderfully made , as many of them occur frequently throughout the game and play key roles in the plot .
As expected in a ff game , it has it's mini-games , but ffx's play key roles in getting the key weapons in the game . One of my favorite is blitz ball , which is quoted in the back of the stategy guide as a game within a game . FFX also includes too great ideas : the ability to make you own weapons with certain skills , and a new method of leveling up called the sphere grid . When certain enimies are defeated , they drop spheres . Some spheres are used to unlock certain attributes ( such as + 3 strength with a power sphere ) . When you gain a level , you move further along the sphere grid . Defeating some bosses and tough enemies can give you key spheres , which open up paths into other characters ' portions of the grid or to powerful abilities , such as ultima , doublecast , and full-life . There is also a special language that some characters speak called al behd . There are twenty six primers scattered across the world that you can find to help you decipher their language , which is vitally important for locating several important things , such as the game's hardest dungeon .
Finally , I'll adress what I have perceived through reading other reviews ( as this is the only final fantasy game I have played so far ) : the tedious task of leveling up . Virtually until you get to the final boss , who does require some training time , many of the other bossess can be defeated with minimal training time if your strategy is good enough . The game subtly helps you at this , as a recurring boss uses strategies besides physical superiority ( though they have that too ) . Such ideas include inflicting zombie status on your characters ( which for those who don't know makes you vunurable to curitive magic ) and then casting full-life ! Thanks for reading this review . Before it ends , here are my pros and cons -
Pros :
1 . Great plot .
2 . Innovative item custimization and leveling up systems .
3 . Large , interactive world .
4 . Well thought out and hugely developed minigame , blitzball .
5 . Beautiful music , landscapes , and cutscenes .
Cons :
1 . Voice acting makes cutscenes look like a foreign film
2 . Many hidden aeons , primers , and legendary items difficult and hard to obtain without a guide .
129 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This game was literally the first time I actually started to become emotional in playing a video game . The storytelling is absolutely brilliant - the conclusion so well done and wondrous , it clearly outshines anything a live action movie could ever hope to do .
The game's pacing and character development allow you to empathize with all of the characters , particularly Yuna and Tidus . All the characters are brilliantly woven and serve their purpose .
However , the endless battles can get annoying , along with the constant item hunting / searching .
You will not forget this game . It will stick in your mind and you will remember the ending for quite some time .
130 4 This game was literally the first time I actually started to become emotional in playing a video game . The storytelling is absolutely brilliant - the conclusion so well done and wondrous , it clearly outshines anything a live action movie could ever hope to do .
The game's pacing and character development allow you to empathize with all of the characters , particularly Yuna and Tidus . All the characters are brilliantly woven and serve their purpose .
However , the endless battles can get annoying , along with the constant item hunting / searching .
You will not forget this game . It will stick in your mind and you will remember the ending for quite some time .
135 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I know that the feelings about this game are very mixed , and I can understand that that completely ; this , however , is a very positive review . This game kept me busy for a few weeks . . . it's one of those games that's hard to walk away from . I always wanted to go back to my PS2 and keep playing , to find out what would happen next in the story and to see what creative boss fights were coming up .
The story is sensational . I rather like Tidus , even with the somewhat overzealous voice acting done at times . The relationship he formed with all the characters , especially Yuna , is fantastic , though that is something to be expected in any Final Fantasy game . Lulu happens to be my favorite character . It's not hard to find a favorite , and I'm sure there are a lot of different favorites amongst everyone . I didn't find it all that hard to follow along with , even though the ending was a bit abrupt . Follow along to what is going on , think about it , figure out the truth about Tidus and Yuna and Auron and Zanarkand ; you'll be in awe when you piece everything together . There are loads of places on the internet that can help you if you're stuck on some part of the plot as well .
The graphics are brilliant . It's the tiny details that I really like . When you're just walking around in the Zanarkand Ruins or Macalania the colors always go perfectly with the location . The cutscenes are undoubtedly some of the best out there , especially that opening and a certain scene involving Tidus , Yuna , and a lake . I don't think they last too long ; the story draws you in so they almost seem too short instead of super long .
As for the actual gameplay , it's great . I enjoy the sphere grid , even if it did take me a while to get used to it . And it's not as hard to level up as some people make it out to be . My characters were all overlapping each other multiple times by the end of my game . The bosses all have different strategies , so none of them are impossible as long as you get a hang of the pattern and are leveling up correctly . I found that I actually WANTED to run around more and get super leveled up to get all the different equipment and abilities . There are a lot of random battles you have to do when all you want is to get from place to place , but there is also equipment to get that lets you cut back on those . Aeons are one of my favorite things about this game . I really like Shiva , she's probably my favorite , and the three extra aeons you can get are simply awesome . So much stuff is customizable , too , things like armor , equipment , aeon attributes , overdrive attributes , and the actual skills of the characters , of course .
Overall , anyone who enjoys getting lost in a great adventure , likes turn-based games , or is just looking for something new to try should give this game a go . The opening scene will have you hooked !
136 4 I know that the feelings about this game are very mixed , and I can understand that that completely ; this , however , is a very positive review . This game kept me busy for a few weeks . . . it's one of those games that's hard to walk away from . I always wanted to go back to my PS2 and keep playing , to find out what would happen next in the story and to see what creative boss fights were coming up .
The story is sensational . I rather like Tidus , even with the somewhat overzealous voice acting done at times . The relationship he formed with all the characters , especially Yuna , is fantastic , though that is something to be expected in any Final Fantasy game . Lulu happens to be my favorite character . It's not hard to find a favorite , and I'm sure there are a lot of different favorites amongst everyone . I didn't find it all that hard to follow along with , even though the ending was a bit abrupt . Follow along to what is going on , think about it , figure out the truth about Tidus and Yuna and Auron and Zanarkand ; you'll be in awe when you piece everything together . There are loads of places on the internet that can help you if you're stuck on some part of the plot as well .
The graphics are brilliant . It's the tiny details that I really like . When you're just walking around in the Zanarkand Ruins or Macalania the colors always go perfectly with the location . The cutscenes are undoubtedly some of the best out there , especially that opening and a certain scene involving Tidus , Yuna , and a lake . I don't think they last too long ; the story draws you in so they almost seem too short instead of super long .
As for the actual gameplay , it's great . I enjoy the sphere grid , even if it did take me a while to get used to it . And it's not as hard to level up as some people make it out to be . My characters were all overlapping each other multiple times by the end of my game . The bosses all have different strategies , so none of them are impossible as long as you get a hang of the pattern and are leveling up correctly . I found that I actually WANTED to run around more and get super leveled up to get all the different equipment and abilities . There are a lot of random battles you have to do when all you want is to get from place to place , but there is also equipment to get that lets you cut back on those . Aeons are one of my favorite things about this game . I really like Shiva , she's probably my favorite , and the three extra aeons you can get are simply awesome . So much stuff is customizable , too , things like armor , equipment , aeon attributes , overdrive attributes , and the actual skills of the characters , of course .
Overall , anyone who enjoys getting lost in a great adventure , likes turn-based games , or is just looking for something new to try should give this game a go . The opening scene will have you hooked !
140 4 This game has a very enjoyable battle system which requires some strategy to use - - the characters are , for most of the game , well-balanced and fighting truly feels like a team effort . The characters themselves are generally interesting , and although the story is told through the eyes of Tidus , the real stars are other characters , which makes for an interesting change of pace . Certain puzzle elements of the game can be frustrating , but like any puzzle , some thought and experimentation will usually get one through . Some may find the lack of a world map annoying , and I must confess I did as well , but it also makes the game easier to access for younger players , and thus a good introduction to RPGs with minimal frustration via option overload . The game system is also set up so that it can be played at a variety of levels of depth ; one can just use what weapons and armor one finds , or one can customize to one's heart's content . The Sphere Grid leveling system allows a good balance between quasi-jobs and total customization - - it's harder to make , say , Auron ( the guy with the obligatory FF giant sword of doom ) into a powerful magic user , but it is possible with some time and effort . I play it at a reasonable depth of customization , while my nephew plays shallow - - but he still enjoys it .
The story is well-done and just complex enough to take some thought to sort out , while not being so convoluted that it is almost impossible to grasp without multiple play-throughs ( although those never hurt ! ) Some of the plot twists are quite original and interesting . The voice acting is sometimes fantastic and sometimes laughable , but rarely cringe-worthy ( there are a few notable exceptions ) . The FMV is top-notch , and with the exception of two of the characters suddenly having different facial features , the FMV models , battle models , and cutscene models are all so close that the transitions aren't jarring at all .
Although my rating doesn't reflect it ( because they aren't actually necessary to play the game ) , the minigames required to gain each character's ultimate weapons are nothing short of hair-tearing , controller-tossing , PS2 defrenestrating madness . Please keep this in mind ! The Blitzball minigame isn't so bad , and can be enjoyable ( some people will likely find it a high-point ) , but I found it got a bit tedious after awhile . At least it didn't make me want to scream . . . Also , the monster capturing minigame is acceptable , since a walking tour of every part of the game already visited often leads to new discoveries , added richness for the plot , and , of course , leveling up .
162 4 The Final Fantasy series completely reinvented the RPG genre , turning it into something that can cause the player to gain an emotional attachment to the characters . With Final Fantasy X , the first game in the series with voice acting , that familiar sense of attachment has been wholly translated to a simple yet beautiful and emotional story .
The CGI scenes are beautifully rendered , the backgrounds - especially those of Besaid Island and Macalania - lush and colorful , the story simple , yet at the same time , wonderfully complex . One of the biggest complaints about the game is the voice acting . Personally , I believed that the voice actors worked with what they were given , and that dubs are notorious for being very bad . James Arnold Taylor gives an effective , if occasionally obnoxious ( but I don't believe it's his fault : he voiced Ratchet perfectly ) , reading for the main protagonist Tidus , and at times it feels as though you're right there with him . Every voice actor chosen for the English dub was , I believe , very well chosen .
The storyline begins very simply : Tidus lives in a machina ( machine ) city known as Zanarkand and is the local star of the Zanarkand Abes Blitzball team ( a form of underwater soccer ) . An attack by an entity known as Sin , however , launches him into another world , 1000 years into the future , known as Spira . He begins a quest with a young summoner , Yuna , and a cast of colorful characters to vanguish Sin and find a way to return home .
The depth of the story as it goes on , however , can be amazing . Subplots are uncovered ; new , vast areas for exploration ( a temple off the Calm Lands , accessable only by chocobo , and especially the Omega Ruins ) are discovered via the airship , unlocked later in the game . Fiends can be captured to create awesome new creatures that give worthwhile prizes once defeated . Character depth and development , while not particularly noteworthy , is still enough to be engaging . The most painful thing will be early in the game , when random battles pop up while going from place to place , and of course the frequency of cutscenes and the inability to skip them . Still , it isn't enough to take away from the story and the journey , and can have you playing ( if you go for every hidden area and secret ) for well over seventy hours .
All in all , the game is an excellent buy and still looks beautiful , even alongside newer games for the powerhouse PlayStation 3 and its Blu-ray-based games . No matter what price you pay for it , it will be worth your time and money .
167 4 I know its been years since this game has been out , but not everyone has bought it , so here it goes . When i played the game , for some reason i had my skeptics about it . I had rented it one time and felt in love with it so bad that i got it for christmas . I would daydream about this game sometimes when i was at school , now that i look back i must have been one weird girl in love with a video game character .
It's bascially about this Famous blitzball player ( he'll narrate the whole game for you ) who's performing that night . A mysterious monster comes and tears his home , Zanarkand , taking him 1000 years into the future where his world no longer exists but only in the state of ruins . You get to meet and explore this new world called Spira , plus their strict religion . Painfully , Tidus , the character you control has to watch what he says around people or he may get punched in the face and be chased down . He'll meet a summoner who feels its her destiny to follow in her father's footsteps and protect spira from the same mosnter , Sin who attacked Tidus ' home . You will travel with her and her guardians by foot to Zanarkand
What I like about the game is that there are many intelligent races such as the Ronso , Albhed , Hypello , Guado etc . And at some points you will be pulled into the middle of some of their personal wars against each other . bascially drama . The Albhed has a language you can try and learn . You can pick up Albhed Primers i believe and it'll help you understand what they are saying .
The battle system is smart , because to the right of the screen i believe is a little window showing who's turn it will be next , plus it will also show you what would happen or how many turns you'll be ahead or away depending on what option you do . like for example , if you want to cast fire , it may knock up or down your next character's turn . it just depends on what you do .
Another reason why it's smart is becuase all of your characters can earn credit at once . i believe you have 7 people . so instead of taking 3 and leveling them up 3 at a time , every single one of your characters can be in a single battle at once . so this really saves time . however only three can fight but the rest of the members stand in the back , all you have to do is call them and they will come .
Instead of playing Cards like you would in the past Final fantasy games , you'll get to play Blitzball . sometimes i would play 4 to 5 games a day . You can easily get hooked onto it .
the music in this game is above average
the graphics are gorgeous
the dialouge is great
Worth buying
What I liked about the
169 4 This game was wonderful .
The story is a bit lacking in the beginning , but gets much better later .
It was a great and really sweet underlying love story . . Two really .
All the places you can go . . They are just beautiful .
The voice acting is kinda strange here and there . . But other times it's great and filled with emotion .
Pros :
Great Story Line .
Great Places .
Great Music .
Interesting Puzzles .
Cons :
Takes To Long To Get Everything You Can Out Of Puzzles .
Voice Acting Is Off Here And There .
171 4 Before I begin on FFX , I just have to say the PS2 is NOT dead . Users like you and me are proving it , especially in these harsh economic times . This past month , the old machine outsold its newer , slicker counterpart : the PS3 . What that tells me is that there are plenty of people out there that are willing to opt for value over shiny graphics . I purchased my PS2 Slim a few months ago and I don't regret it . If you're willing to compromise on the graphics , there's a plethora of great games out there in the $10 - range . Plus , the graphics aren't too shabby on some games . Some would argue they're pretty close to the Wii . Just had to get that rant off my chest .
Ok , on to Final Fantasy X . This is one of those games that I purchased along with the machine . While not a rabid fan of the franchise , I did play one of the earlier games on the Super Nintendo and I played halfway through FF VII on the PC . I remembered good things , so I opted to make this one of my first purchases for the PS2 . Overall it didn't disappoint , but it did have a few annoyances that are worth mentioning . However , let's start with the good . . .
- Epic storyline , believable world
- Engaging combat system
- Blitball mini game
Quite simply FFX will transport you from your world and suck you in . Effectively crafted games will do this . The world is absolutely massive and while the path is primarily linear , it doesn't feel that way .
You play as Tidus . A blitzball player from Zanarkand , who unwittingly gets pulled into another dimension to help save the populace from a monster dubbed Sin . While it starts as a fairly straightforward save the world story , a vast conspiracy starts to unravel as the quest unfolds . With all the different cultures , histories , and geography that are introduced it definitely adds more meaning to your actions as the player .
The gameplay is where the game really shines . The turn-based combat system makes for a riveting experience . It seems to hit that perfect balance of being easy to learn but deep enough to continue refinement . Each character you acquire comes with special abilities that can mature and change throughout the game , making strategy a crucial part of the conflicts that occur . The turned-based battles are the bread and butter of FFX and though they can be drawn out and difficult , they feel epic in scale and can be very satisfying .
Like previous installments , FFX has its fair share of mini games . This is nothing new , but I've never seen a mini game as deep as the sport of Blitzball . This is essentially a water-based soccer game that is hugely popular in the world of FFX . Since the central character is a professional blitzball player , players will have the opportunity to manage their own teams and compete in the local league . While a little difficult to learn , it's great fun once you get the hang of the controls . It almost feels like Blitzball could've been it's own game , but it makes for a great break whenever you grow tired of the usual romp around the countryside .
- Weak central character
- Some pointlessly difficult side-quests
Sometimes a good story can have an unlikeable protagonist . It doesn't happen often , but it does occur . Just look at Star Wars , they've gotten away with doing it twice with the two Skywalker kids ( though it's debatable whether the prequel episodes can be classified as a good story ) . Bottom-line : I had a difficult time liking Tidus . There are a variety of reasons , but it chiefly comes down to his voice . He sounds like his balls haven't dropped . Because he sounds so squeaky everything he says just comes off wrong and it's very difficult to take him seriously .
Ok , now comes my biggest pet peeve : Lightning dodging and Chocobo racing . These are two mini games where you have to literally spend hours of your time doing some pointlessly repetitive action in order to earn ultimate weapons for some of the characters . While some people have time to do these over and over again , I feel like these hurt the overall gameplay . I don't mind being challenged , but don't insult my intelligence and waste my time by giving me these stupid games where you have to dodge a lighting bolt 200 times in a row . It's simply not worth it . Fortunately as side-quests , these aren't required to beat the game .
Overall , I really enjoyed this game and highly recommend it to anyone into role-playing games . You'd be hard pressed to find a better RPG on the PS2 . Is it as good as Baldur's Gate II ( on the PC ) ? No , but I have yet to find a RPG that comes close that masterpiece .
One last word of advice : If you want to play near 100% of the game the first time around , I'd look into securing a strategy guide . There are plenty of free options online , but I opted to buy the official guide used from Amazon . It was nice to have on-hand in case I needed it .
173 4 As someone who has played most of the FF series ( except for III and V , and I hope to pick those up soon ) , I was excited to pick this game up and add it to my Final Fantasy collection . I had heard mixed reviews , some claiming that it was the best EVAR and others claiming that it was seriously flawed , but I wanted to play it for myself before making any judgments . Currently , I have played the game about 50 hours and am just before the final boss , have completed most of the sidequests , and am working on celestial weapons ( because I am a masoch - . . . er . . . perfectionist ) . Unlike the authors of most of the reviews I've read , I found that the game seemed lukewarm at first but got better as it progressed . Below , I have rated the game on different categories and explained the reasons behind my ratings .
Story ( 6 / 10 ) - Ok , so it's not exactly what you'd call an original story . The main character gets pulled into another world by an entity called Sin . In this world , Sin is a monster that appears every ten years and must be defeated in order to bring about a period of calm . The only people who can bring about the calm are summoners and their Aeons ( think summons , GFs , Eidolons , etc . ) . So , of course , our arrogant main character finds himself accompanying a summoner on her journey . Most of the plot twists are entirely predictable if you are paying attention , although there is one later in the game that I did not see coming at all , and I applaud the game designers for that . Now , for my huge problem with this game . . . the scenes , and the DIALOGUE . Some of the dialogue , especially in the first half of the game , was so horrible that I couldn't stop laughing even at scenes which were supposed to be serious . Of course , part of that might have been because of the voice actors . . .
Characters ( 7 / 10 ) - Even though the characters of FFX make up quite a colorful and fun cast , this was another one of my issues with the game . Many of the characters , such as Auron and Lulu , are wonderfully developed and remain favorites throughout the game . Unfortunately , there is also Tidus . Now , some people may have liked Tidus with his upbeat personality , but I am not one of them . I found him extremely whiny , arrogant , and immature , even at the end of the game when he was supposed to have changed . Yuna , on the other hand , was a great character who was ruined by a poor voice actress and bad script writing .
Graphics ( 10 / 10 ) - The graphics are amazing , even for a game that has been out for several years . Everything about the characters from facial expressions to clothing just screams attention to detail . And just look at the level of detail on some of the bosses !
Sound ( 8 / 10 ) - This is the last Final Fantasy game that Uematsu wrote music for , and it's wonderful as usual . There aren't as many memorable tracks as there were in VIII or IX , but X still has a great soundtrack to enjoy , especially To Zanarkand and variations thereof . Now , my problem with the sound in this game resides with the voice acting . Some of the voice actors were great selections , but others put the emphasis on the wrong words and this at times ruined cutscenes . The finest example of this is Yuna . I felt that it was the right voice , but the wrong actor , if you know what I mean .
Gameplay ( 9 / 10 ) - Aside from my sidequest griefs ( listed in the next criterion ) , what a game as far as gameplay goes ! This is my favorite turn-based battle system so far . Turn frequency is based on character speed ( just like the ATB system ) , but it's not real-time . To the right of the screen , you can see the next ten or so turns so you can plan your moves accordingly . You can also switch out one character for another any time you please . This also helps you spread battle experience around a little more easily . That's right , no more characters stuck at level 15 because you didn't put them in your party . However , it annoyed me a bit that you couldn't walk 2 steps without fighting a random battle in some areas .
Miscellaneous / Extras ( 5 / 10 ) - I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed with the sidequests in this game . There are few to do outside of the celestial weapon sidequests , and on top of this , many of these sidequests are frustrating at best . FFX's chocobo racing has to be the worst minigame ever invented . The butterfly catching game is hair-rippingly irritating as well , but at least it's possible . Other than the weapons , there are spheres to find which enhance the story and a couple more aeons to collect , but I found that this game fell very short in the enjoyable sidequest department . On another note , I have mixed feelings on the sphere grid . It's creative , but it complicates leveling up a lot . In order to keep this score from being abysmally low , I'll add in something I liked - Weapon / armor customization .
Overall - 7.5 / 10 . Solid FF title , but it was missing something . An important something .
183 4 Final Fantasy X is a must-have for anyone , not just rpg lovers . With its intense storyline and innovative gameplay , FFX is definitely worth the twenty dollars ( or however much it costs ) .
Very innovative battles
So many different skills and magics to learn
7 playable teammates , each with their very own unique personalities
Amazing graphics ( for it's time )
Over 80 hours of gameplay
Very high replay value
Many unique fiends to fight
Very many secrets to discover
Beautiful soundtrack
Real voice acting
( Can't think of any )
Overall , if you have a PS2 , buy this game . You won't regret it .
186 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This is one of the most engaging RPGs I've ever encountered . To be fair , I've more or less stopped gaming since I played it a few years ago , but I have tried subsequent Final Fantasy titles and none of them have interested me at all . I'm also not somebody who cares about online play .
The story , the battle system , the side quests and the graphics ( for a PS2 title ) are all supreme . One of those titles I wish I could forget and experience all over again .
I was overjoyed when X2 came out , but that was before I played it of course . Once again , they've completely failed to come out with a sequel that's either worthy of or really connected to the previous title ( see Final Fantasy Tactics , another standalone work of genius ) .
187 4 This is one of the most engaging RPGs I've ever encountered . To be fair , I've more or less stopped gaming since I played it a few years ago , but I have tried subsequent Final Fantasy titles and none of them have interested me at all . I'm also not somebody who cares about online play .
The story , the battle system , the side quests and the graphics ( for a PS2 title ) are all supreme . One of those titles I wish I could forget and experience all over again .
I was overjoyed when X2 came out , but that was before I played it of course . Once again , they've completely failed to come out with a sequel that's either worthy of or really connected to the previous title ( see Final Fantasy Tactics , another standalone work of genius ) .
191 4 This is a fun game , where the main characters actually stay in character . Coming from someone who ownes a greater portion of the Final Fantasy series on varies ( recent ) platforms , take my word for it , its nice that they stay in character . Tidus is bright and esentially optimistic , Lulu is kinda creepy goth ( in a good way ) , Waka is mildly bigoted but esentially good hearted , Kimari is silent and thoughtful , and Riku is a bundle of kinetic energy looking for an outlet . The fact that they stay in character the entire game is one of the things I LIKE about this , compared to earlier games in the series * coughsevenandeight * where the main character is supposed to be silent and broody but ends up chatting away with everyone . Just a tip for squaresoft , silent and broody is fun , but talkative and reasonable Stay fun longer .
As for the graphics and voice acting , they were wonderful ! Not quite what I actually wanted when the game came out , but wonderful ! I was and still am rather fond of the silent games , the ones that can be played late into the night without disturbing the daytime dwelling denizens of a household , but the voice acting does add certain elements to the game . For one thing you don't have to guess what inflections their using to guage mood or seriousness of a given coment . Sometimes when playing a silent game , its hard to decide whether a comment is supposed to be said seriously , or whether the character is being sarcastic .
Now , for the level system . I'm NOT fond of the sphere grid in this game , buying the abilities with the spheres and moving around by spending levels . Sure , its a great way to customize your character , but you never , ever have enough spheres and that just sux . Not only do you have to spend them on the characters , but to get the sumon monsters to be any good you have to spend a ton of spheres on them too . Not my favorite way of doing things to be honest , but its a bit better than the ff8 system .
One last thing , this game definitely has re play potential . For one thing , there are many early scenes with the al bhed language that cant be understood till you get the primers , and you can only get the primers by playing through the game . For another , there are many side things that can and should be done but can take a bit of time to ferret out .
All in all , a pretty good game , highly worth it to any fan of the series , or any rpg fan looking for something new .
193 4 I've owned this game for many years and still can say I , on occasion , love to just resart the whole thing over again just to experience it all again . Everytime I reminesce about the game all I imagine is pure magic .
I love the characters and how complex each personality is . I know some people who have personalities just like these people ( Albeit they dont say ya all the time ) . They all can also teach you moral lessons in life . Like Wakka learning not to be racist ( technically that's pretty much what he was ) and Tidus discovering deep down , he really does love his father .
When it came to graphics , this game was a cut above the previous . The colors and textures.So much detail in the ememies you fight as well as the allies you fight alongside . I remember walking through Macalania forest for hours just to look at the shiny crystals bounce colors off themselves and thinking Why isn't there a real forest as lovely as this one ? The cut scenes , i love ! Especially the one where Yuna sends the sprits of the dead off to the Farplane .
The music , oh , the music ! Nobuo Umetatsu proves he is a large piece of what is the final fantasy series and I love that I can buy the songs and the cutscences and watch them whenever . Who can beat the Hymn of the Faith ? ( Note : Did you know each summon has their own version of the song ? ) You will also love songs with lyrics and without . Suteki da Ne is a lovely song and Otherworld will leave your neck sore from headbanging to it's crazy guitar riffs .
The story line was better than I thought it would be . I really anticapated that the story would fall short . But it goes on just like a movie . Some parts of the story you might not comprehend but I had to play the game a second time to get a few of the tiny pieces of the story , especially surronding the other characters and their backgrounds .
The only thing I would change comes to parts of the voicing . Rikku and Auron where probably the two voices I liked . I know there is an option to put and take off subtitles . Possibly , they should have and option to take off the voice and only leave on subtitles . but I can live through voicing that arent the greatest .
195 4 I love this game . Hands down it's my favorite in the series . Back when I was in college this came out and my friend bough it . The next 140 hours of our free time was dedicated to this . ( I'll have to say that probably 60 was due to ultimate weapon getting and blitzballing ) ( we were really bad blitzball players ) And there was a bad obsession on my part for finding every single possible thing to be found .
The fighting style is turn based , so you can think about what you need to do and go through varies options ( like what do you want Rikku to mix to attack the enemy ) . It's not very quick paced , but the storyline is sweet . And yes , I mean sugar sappy sweet that an entire new game was created BASED off that sugar sappy sweetness ( X - 2 ) . But it's good , it wasn't unbearable .
Since it came out me and my friend have easily played it a dozen times . So it has replay value .
The story is linear , and the map is simple . I like easy maps because I get lost easily in real life ! The leveling up system is called a sphere grid which is actually super easy to use , so your character can take on whatever attributes you want , no one character is stuck in a role .
The only real down side is that you can't adjust the camera angles and you can't x through the cut scenes .
Overall , it's still a great game and I recommend it to anyone who likes the final fantasy legacy .
207 4 This game has everything , great story , fun , humor , action , adventure , drama , etc . One of the greatest Final Fantasy game ever .
This game is to be completed withing 40hrs of playtime , though , getting all the good stuff takes a lot of time and gets you bored , but it's worth the effort .
209 4 Although many people like to write complex reviews about every little detail , I'll keep this simple : it's a great game .
Final Fantasy X takes the series in a new direction with the use of speech and the outstanding graphics . It takes the best from all of the PSX Final Fantasy games and continues with an engaging story , interesting monsters , and a very unique level system .
In one sentence . . . Buy this game .
218 4 I have two words to discribe this game : Freakin . Awesome .
It is the next installment in the ever popluar Playstation series , Final Fantasy . It is a defining game for the PS2 and a must have for any PS2 owner . It has a little bit of everything , battles , romance , sports ( blitzball ) , and all sorts of interesting characters . This was my first Playstation videogame ever , and I think this is a great starter game . The graphics are beautiful and the plot is fascinating . Granted the voice-overs are somewhat . . . pathetic , it is still a 5 star game ! Also you deefinatly want to buy the direct sequel Final Fantasy X - 2 . Plus buying the ' BradyGames ' game guide is a worth while purchase if you want to beat the game .
220 4 Great Story line and action . The best part about this game is the action and control . I loved the fact that you can switch out chracters during battle .
The only problem that barely registers is the Grid to build your character attributes . You might want to get the manual and take a look at how to improve your character's attributes .
Great game .
222 4 Perhaps the most beautiful game in the Final Fantasy series . ( I have yet to play FF7 . The store is always sold out . Always . ) The storyline was mysterious and beautiful , and I kept playing , wanting to know what happens next . I had fun watching Yuna and Tidus's romance blossom , as well as untangle the knotted web of Spira's politics .
The game map is a bit linear , but I'm thankful for that because I'd be hopelessly lost otherwise . The side-quests are difficult to do without the strategy guide . In fact , without the guide , it's nearly impossible to obtain and power up the ultima weapons .
The graphics are beautiful , the music was awesome , ( but the song that they played during the last boss battle was so hard-rock harsh that I was forced to turn the volume all the way down and listen to the radio instead , but that's just one girl's opinion . )
226 4 The Final Fantasy series has always held a special place in my heart . I love a game that I can obsess upon , spending countless hours playing , internet searching for , and overall thinking about . This installment is no exception .
The game follows Tidus , a spunky teenager mysteriously transported to another land . He joins a group of varied allies in order to learn more about the land and find clues to how he got there in the first place .
The game uses a great battle system , and allows the player to switch characters in and out on-the-fly . Each character has unique abilities that are useful throughout the game . Battles are usually not hard , if you use the characters properly .
The storyline is what kept me playing the game . I always wanted to find out what happens next . Even when the game ended , I wanted to know what was going to happen . It's very original and avoids most of the RPG cliches from older games .
Yes , the voice acting is , at times , subpar . Yes , the sphere grid ( the method of advancing your characters ) gets repetitive and tedious . But overall , this game has very few of the flaws of RPGs of the past . There are no cheesy hour long tutorials at the beginning of the game , and it's quite simple to pick up the system .
You may hate a character throughout the game , but you will probably learn to love one of the others . The characters are all well developed and have clear motives for their actions .
Overall , this is a great game worthy of a few play throughs . It is a great addition to the Final Fantasy series .
234 4 First of all the graphics are turely amazing.I really like the battle setup and the sphere grid is great.The best thing is the story.Once you find out something you want to keep on playing forever.Overall it is just purely a great game and if you're are new to the gameing world I highly recomend this as the first game you pick up .
p.s . It cheap as dirt
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
About four years ago , I was growing as both an anime and a third grader , and seeing an ad for this game on TV absolutely blew me away . The graphics of the game were nothing like I'd ever seen in my life at that time , and the title ( this was before I knew that there were other Final Fantasies ) , FINAL FANTASY , seemed to leave an impression in my mind that THIS IS SO COOL . About a year later , recieving a PS2 for Christmas , I finally was able to rent the game . I wasn't impressed , but renting the game more and more and getting further and further pulled me into this vortex of mysteries . Another year later , I finally purchased Final Fantasy X and was addicted to it and still have been .
I have to admit , if you're looking for a hands-on , fast-paced action-RPG , you won't find it anywhere in the Final Fantasy series . This is a solid , strategically centered RPG that has one of the most addictive storylines ever . This is where I'll start :
Storyline ( 9.3 / 10 ) - at first , I thought that the story of Final Fantasy X was mundane , as in the main character being transported to this unknown time and has to find a way to get back , wow how original . Eventually , as I played more , it seemed to build more and turn into this deep story that strayed away a bit from the main character . I can compare it alot to FFVIII ( bought it after playing FFX ) , with the romance between main characters ( weak point in FFX's story , strong point in FFVIII's ) , the connection and mystery between heroes and foes , and back stories of the characters affecting the outcome of the story . The strongest point in the story was the relationship between the foe and hero , it was a great surprise and was like , What to do next ? and finding out that the hero never existed almost made me want to burst into millions of tears . Though that's when the story was strong , the story was weak when it involved romance between Tidus and Yuna , resembling a soap opera type setting , not very Final Fantasy-like if you ask me . Though romance is always intriguing , but the problem is that it's always stereotypical and instantaneous . The romance seemed to make it seem alittle , well , corny ( it's like , You've known the guy for [ I'm guessing ] a few days , and now you're ' eternally bonded ' to him ? ) . It was unique how heresy was a key word in the story , altogether a very intriguing story ; JUST NO MORE CORNY / INSTANTANEOUS ROMANCE , PLEASE !
Graphics ( 8.6 / 10 ) - the graphics at first glance are quite stunning , but the flaws become more visible near the conclusion of the game . The good qualities of the graphics are the environments , they don't make the characters stick out like a sore thumb like they did in the PSX installments . The CGI graphics are beautiful , but the problem is that the CGI graphics seemed to appear alot more different than the field screen graphics ( okay ) , battle graphics ( not very good ) , and conversation graphics ( ranged from good to absolutely horrid ) . The battle graphics contrasted to my comment on how the characters didn't stick out in the environment , well they really stuck out and looked blocky , plus movement wasn't very fluid . In coversations , the motion capture graphics were very good , considering that this game was one of the pioneers in using motion capture for facial expressions , but at times when it was not applied , the characters looked like their facial features / expressions were scribbled on with a blue Roseart crayon .
Gameplay ( 8 / 10 ) - the gameplay , as I said , is not fast-paced and action-packed ; it is very strategic and hard to understand if you don't pay attention to the tutorials , but that really goes for the whole FF series . The Sphere Grid is not very hard to understand , but if you forget ONE sphere , your next boss fight will most likely be a failure . Once you learn how to use the grid , it's really easy to level up and get better . The battles are linear , and they get really annoying after a while . The bosses are very hard , you have to depend on raw instinct at times of doubt , and other times , continuous loss will make you shed blood , sweat , and tears ( I had to battle Evrae about twenty times before I made it to Bevelle ) and sometimes will leave you in a corner where you can't figure out whether to start the game all over again or fight more battles and slowly level up . I highly suggest saving at EVERY savepoint , considering that savepoints are put in some of the oddest places and there aren't many in general . The minigames are something that I prefer to skip , I'd rather see what happens at the end of the story than play a monotonous game of Blitzball against world champion caliber AI or ride a chocobo for hours against the same person again and again . Altogether , the game is hard , but not as hard and fun as previous installments i played after this . The maps made it incredibly easy , and the airship feature made the game speed up near the end . The game excels in storyline more than gameplay , I WANT to find the end of the story , not play all of this extra crap that doesn't help , but still , you have to fight to level and progress to reach the end . . .
Sound ( 9 / 10 ) - one of the most mesmerizing facts about FFX was the music . The music had so many facets to it ; from ambient , to blissful , to strident , it was one of the most memorable parts of the game . The music had fit in so well with some parts , that it also wanted to make me burst into tears ( as you can see , I'm very emotional when it comes to videogames ) ; but if I were here to praise the music , I'd write a review on the OST . The voice acting ( English Dub ) was hillarious , every time Tidus yelled , he sounded like a little kid , Yuna sounded like a computer , Wakka sounded like one of the Baha Men as well as Kimahri ; Auron , Lulu and Seymour had very good voice actors , their personality seemed to be portrayed well . As for the NPCs , let's just say that too many famous actors were selected ( wow , the guy who voices Spongebob gets to be in Final Fantasy ) , but some were okay I guess . I highly reccomend buying the Japanese version , since it's the original voices .
Replay value ( 9.7 / 10 ) - Final Fantasy X has such an intriguing story , that you'll want to hear it over and over again ; the gameplay wasn't great , but just to be capable of holding all of those emotions makes you want to play again and again . I beat it five times and am still not bored with it !
Overall ( 9 / 10 ) - Final Fantasy X is a story charged game filled with twists and turns to keep you stimulated , but you have to play through the game to get through it , but the gameplay is very slow and complex . It's not as fun as other installments , but is beautiful and intriguing . If you want to go through a bunch of Kleenex boxes , BUY THIS ; if you want to have emotions once again , BUY THIS ; if you want to escape from the cruel world of reality ; BUY THIS , or if you just want to play Final Fantasy ; BUY THIS .
010 4 This game is really close to a ' 5 ' but it has some problems . first , to clarify , FFX isn't really a RPG but more like a dungeon crawl like a Diablo II with a very detailed storyline . your path is clearly mapped out on what to do next ( even has an actual arrow on the mini map to get you going to the next area / storyline ) and i think there will be hardcore RPGers who would object to this ' forced ' structure . you also cannot skip the cut scenes ( at least i couldn't ) and some of these are lengthy - - at times it seems like you're watching a video with some breaks for actual gaming rather than the other way around . the plot is also weaker than other FF's , although still well presented .
this game will completely floor you with just the graphics . it looks pretty good when you're exploring the world ( backgrounds are very detailed ) and during dialogue scenes BUT it will hit you every time you see a prerendered cut scene is played just how unbelievable this game looks ( especially using s-video or component out ) . there is a lot of dialogue and cut scenes ( so if you didn't care for it to start , you might not want to get this game ) - - i'm really impressed at how much work went into it . this game is big , easily 40 + hrs , but you'll find yourself trying to just get to the next stage .
the sound is very well done and the voice acting isn't bad . the combat system is phased turn based and pretty tactical when your characters ' gained a few more abilities . there is one member of you party , Rikku , who can actually customize weapons / armor / items and imbue them with additional properties ( btw , i would suggest adding poison to every weapon you have . . . if a creature is suspectable to poison it does a lot of damage each round the creature remains affected , this often does more damage than any one of your character's main attack ) .
any weapon equiped w / the ability ' sensor ' will instantly tell you the hp of the energy and any immunities or weaknesses it might have . although you can only fight at most w / three members of your party , you can swap the backup members in instantly to fight . this is important since each of your characters have specialities / abilities that would turn the battle for you . being able to re-equipt a character's weapons armor mid-battle is also useful .
then of course , even with a game as linear as FFX , there are mini games and some side quests ( just try and find all the books to translate the Al Bhed language ) . there is the blitzball game ( like water polo ) where you can actually recruit players and play a season , and the ubiqidous Chocobo games .
i think if you're a big fan of RPG , you may want to rent this game out first . otherwise , this is a must have game and a very worthy representative of the legendary Final Fantasy name ( FF7 is still the best , though - - that's a ' 5 ' in my book ) .
015 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
First let me start off by saying that this was the first game I played in the Final Fantasy series , so I can not compare it to any of the others . That is , however , not a bad thing . It means I'm not a fanboy and can give you an un-biased review , not that FF Fans can't but you see where I'm going with this .
I got X shortly after getting a PS2 ( I got my PS2 only a year and a half or two years ago ) and enjoyed it quite a bit , but somehow lost interest halfway through . Not sure why . I was stuck on a boss ( first Seymour ) and got irritated , but beat him and got to the next save point only to not pick up the game again . But then I realized What's my problem ? and started over recently .
From the start of the new file I couldn't help but wonder why I had ever stopped . The characters are captiviating and interesting , it's fun to watch them interact , the graphics are ( sometimes ) stunning and always at least above average . I love the music from Otherworld to Fight With Seymour . All the tunes are either emotional or fun or fast or get stuck in your head . Some of Mister Uematsu's finest . The storyline starts out simply enough , but eventually develops into more mature and adult themes like religion's conflict with tradition and the modern times , racism , war , etc . There are enough sidequests and sidebosses to keep you interested long past the main storyline , though not as many as I'd have imagined . All in all , though , it's really just wonderful . Some of the acting in the cutscenes is ludicrous ( see the infamous laughing scene ) but that's not too often . I also like the Sphere Grid ( the system for leveling ) and think it's a nice , non-linear alternative to projected paths of what the character turns out like . Blitzball , however , isn't fun . Good thing about that is you only HAVE to play it once .
Pros .
Great graphics , music , characters , storyline , battle system , weapon upgrade system , voice acting , leveling system .
Cons .
A tad short for an RPG ( tad meaning not very much , it's long enough ) , sometimes laughable acting ( you'll know what I'm talking about ) , and enigmatic ending .
When it all comes down to it , though , you're getting a five-star game for $10 used . And you really can't beat that . This is an A-grade RPG at a C + price and you just can't go wrong . The game is great and you have no excuse but to buy it with it being so cheap .
Happy Fantasying . . .
018 4 You can really tell that the developers of FFX knew what they were doing , and listened carefully to all criticism and kudos from the previous versions . This game does just about everything right , improving on the previous games and keeping the parts that make the game so incredibly enjoyable .
First , the storyline . This isn't just a hack-and-slash game - you really do start to get to know the various characters , each with their own personalities and personality quirks . None of the characters are perfect - Tidus is a little petulant , Wakka a bit closeminded . But as time goes on , they learn , grow , get from a disparate bunch of individuals to a really well integrated group .
The addition of voice dialogue is rather neat , although it does get a little strange in some scenes . In general it does add to the sense that this is a live movie - especially during the GORGEOUS cut-scenes . As an anime fan , this is the sort of stuff I used to go to art movie houses to watch !
Where in the last game ( FFIX ) they required you to play card games to move through the game , this time the game of choice isn't required . Blitzball is like water soccer , and the scenes of it are truly amazing . You can play if you want to get one of the characters better weapons , but if it's not your style , you can ignore it as well . The choice is yours !
The world is really well put together , with the various culture and their art styles and architectures . It's great fun moving from deserts to mountains to water worlds . The game moves smoothly , letting you learn as you go . It's pretty unidirectional so you don't get wildly lost while you're learning . Near the end , you gain the ability to go whereever you want , and explore at your leisure .
You easily stay entertained for weeks and weeks ( if not for months ) because there are so many side quests and mini-games that you can play right before the final battle . Just put off the end battle as long as you want , building up your characters and the world in which they live . Then , when you're ready , blast the enemy and relish the ending !
024 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
. . . like I've said many a time . . . bad regional artwork . . .
The simplest word to explain this game is . . . wow ! For a Final Fantasy to have so much depth and great battles ( turn base beats FF12 ' s system any day ) this is the best FF on PS2 .
The characters work together so well and the summonings ( AKA aeons , GF's , Eidolons , Espers etc . . . ) are the best to be in a game because not only can you level them up , but you can actually choose what they do such as doing a regular attack instead of doing one massive attack and disappearing to there little summoning paradise . The levelling up system is also very good and is known as the sphere grid system . Although most characters have their own parameters and limited to learning specific abilities for masters you can teach one character every ability under the sun ( except summoning which is restricted to one character ) and you can switch between characters during battle . THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES ! ! !
Some people have said that the side quests are a down side to the game . I disagree completely , although there is no exact plot based storyline there are many things to do ( some of the secret bosses are so hard you'll spend hours training until you can take off 99,999 in every hit . . . I know that's 90,000 more than usual you can take off isn't that great ? ) as well as many secret collecting quests and one of the most addictive mini game ever ( ever heard of blitz ball ? ) where you buy and transfer players to great the ultimate underwater ball masters .
Now I know , I know these games aren't as great as the PSone titles , but this game is definetely worth getting if you have money and a weirdly large amount of spare time .
026 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Having somehow missed out on the previous thrills and success of the final fantasy series , I must embarrassingly admit that this was my first FF game . That being said , my review of it is probably a little different than the hardcore FF players , for I don't have the same biases and / or expectations .
And I must say - this game is simply amazing !
The story starts out with the main character , Tidus , who gets thrown into the conflict as Sin approaches and destroys his city . We're transported into a world rich with life , drama , and danger . At first your goal seems simple enough , yet as you travel through the various regions and meet new companions , the story becomes far more involved and complicated . The members of your party all have different backgrounds and personalities . Tidus is our cheerful and jocklike hero . He's charismatic , yet sometimes he comes off as being whiney . Wakka is his gregarious friend , who also happens to be a fellow blitzball player ( this game happens to be the most popular sport in the FFX world ) . Yuna is the young summoner who is fated to fight the evil Sin like the summoners who have gone before her . Specializing in white magic , this character carries about her a certain sadness along with a strong determination to achieve her goal . Lulu is another sorceress that we meet , specializing in black magic . She is a bit harsh at times , preferring to keep her distance from the others . Kimahri is a silent , lionlike warrior creature who is sworn to protect Yuna . Rikku is an extroverted individual , her best attribute probably being her aptitude at theft . I wasn't particularly fond of her , for she often came off as being a bit too peppy and annoying . Finally , there's Auron , who is my favorite character from the game . He's a strong swordsman and very knowledgeable companion , obviously a guy with a complicated and tragic past .
Anyway , on to the gameplay ! There's a really great variety of material in this game - everything you would expect from an RPG and then a bit more . There are plenty of different moves , magic attacks , and items to collect . The leveling system allows you to gather experience points and then strategically spend them on an extensive sphere grid of general character advancements and special abilities . This allows you to build your characters following the skill path that you see fit , and it keeps the character-growth aspect of the game interesting . The battles are spectacular , particularly when Yuna summons her magical creatures called aeons . You're given complete control over the powerful aeons , and they come in handy for the major battles . In addition to fighting , there are puzzles to solve throughout the temple , special weapons to collect , and optional games to play ( blitzball and chocobo races ) .
As far as the graphics are concerned , everything in this game is visually appealing , to say the very least . From the backgrounds to the character designs to the battle animations to the cinematic cut-scenes , everything is just beautiful . Adding to the visual splendor is the game's excellent soundtrack . My only complaint about the sound is that some of the English voices are a bit irritating . Overall , considering its alluring and action-packed story , amazing graphics , and awesome music , FFX excels in all respects . It's one of the best RPGs for the PS2 - a definite must-have for any fan of the genre . Seriously , if there is one RGP that you need to play for this console , it's Final Fantasy X .
039 4 Final Fantasy X is the last TRUE FF that has been made . As much as I love FFX - 2 and really like so much of FFXII , to this day , I still feel Final Fantasy X is the last real Final Fantasy . I have played just about every single Final Fantasy . Not Final Fantasy XI since it's online and a couple off titles like Tactics Advance and Crystal Bearers for the WII . But I am a HUGE Final Fantasy fan and love FF's VI through X - 2 the most . I'm not going to go into a too long detailed review but I have to mention some very important things .
First , I have to completely disagree with what Amazon has in it's cons about little innovation . That's so not true . There's a lot of innovation and some things here I wish would return in future FF's . The whole battle system with the CTB is so unique and never used in a FF before . I love being able to use more strategy and use that CTB window to determine when the next enemy will attack and which character will go next depending on what I do in battle . And being able to switch out characters in battle . This was such a genius addition to the series after having the traditional turned based from FFI and the ATB from other FF's before FFX . I really love the CTB and it wasn't used in enough games . FFXII should have had the CTB as well . It really needs to return for at least another true FF . It's such a shame that it hasn't been used in FFXII or FFXIII .
Which brings me to another point : a lot of people are complaining about the random encounters and calling this boring which couldn't be further from the truth . People just don't understand what Final Fantasy is supposed to be . It's a RPG , NOT an action game series . As much as I like FFXII , the removal of the traditional turned based system is a great downfall . That's another thing that makes me love FFX and FFX - 2 and how they are the last TRUE FF's . They have that Final Fantasy feel that has been missing since when FFXI first appeared .
But another main thing is the storyline in this game . From the very opening credits , to the very last part with the Game Over screen , this game pulls you in and never lets up . You feel joy , excitement , amazement , sorrow , sadness and so much more and you actually care about the characters . It's more than just a game . It's an experience . It's like reading a book and watching a movie but it's not just that because mostly it's gameplay but you know what I mean . You get so engrossed that you end up playing this game for days without even realizing it . You want to know who Tidus is and where he came from . You want to know if Yuna can save the world from ' Sin . ' And who or what is ' Sin ' anyway ? That's for me to know and you to find out and much , much more . This game has so much to offer and I love it so much , I'm on my 6th playthrough and counting .
I'm just so amazed at the amazing graphics and voice acting too . The chocobos are so cute and adorable and I love dodging lightning in the Thunder Plains . Amazing caverns , swimming and battling underwater , riding chocobos , the gorgeous , GORGEOUS town of Guadosalem ( you'll see what I mean when you get there ) and the Farplane . The music is incredible . So many different emotions you feel in the music alone . I love this just as much as Final Fantasy VI through IX . Please , please , experience FFX . It's not just a game . It's a totally unique experience . HIGHLY , HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ! ! !
042 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I have to start off by saying this is the first FF game I played and didn't know quite what to expect . In fact when I first put this game in I turned it off after about 30 minutes or so of not getting anywhere . I didn't put it back in until several months later . I had to force myself to play through the beginning and when Tidus first meets Rikku simply because it was so boring . In fact , the game really didn't pick up until Tidus meets Wakka and then finally , the games gets good . No , not good , amazing .
The graphics on this game were awsome , along with the voice work , except for Tidus , he was kinda a goof . The game play is standard turn based which was new for me because this was only the second rpg game I played ( first one being x-men legends ) Soon I understood how to play and it was not difficult at all . In fact , it's almost boring choosing an attack and that person doing it ( unlike the Shadow Hearts series where the judgement ring determines the outcome of an attack )
The story is really interesting though . It's about a summoner and her guardians on a quest to stop Sin , which that has a surprising twist to it . I won't say too much , but Tidus is in for a suprise .
The cut scenes are beautiful and the voice acting as well . The only bad thing is you aren't able to skip a cut scene and some of them are rather lengthy . So if you aren't interested in the cut scenes , the only thing I can suggest is getting up and getting a snack and hopefully they will have ended when you get back .
There is this thing called the Sphere Grid and in order to move spaces and aquire new skills and what not , you have to participate in battle . Each character had to make at least one move during the combat or else they don't get any moves on the grid . That's alright because you can instantly change out any party member with some one else and them put that person back in ( unlike some other games where you can only change out party members at a save spot or by talking to a certain person ) You can also choose the path you want a certain character to go on the sphere grid , whether you want that person to use white magic , black magic , be a theif , whatever , you can decide .
I don't recall there being many side quests in this game but the ones I do recall were quite involved . Like Wakka and the Blitz Ball . I personally could not stand the Blitz Ball and never played it unless I was forced to do so . Then there was capturing the monsters you fought and the monster arena which was cool . It gave you some great rewards .
Each character was equipped with a certain weapon like a knife , a blitz ball , something unique to that character . You were also able to customize that weapon with different things such as petrify or slow , so long as you had the required items to make that weapon . My personal favorite was no encounters which allows you to go from point A to point B without engaging with the enemy . Why would anyone want that ? Well , when you get further into the game and go back to one of the early spots for something , the monsters there aren't even worth the time to stop and fight , unless you're trying to capture them , they don't give you much experience points or gil . Or , if you're simply trying to get to a save spot because your running low on health or magic , having the no encounters on your weapon is great . And of course you can always switch weapons when ever you're ready to fight again .
Each character is well defined and they have their own purpose for traveling and fighting against Sin . Even the NPC are awsome . Speak with all the NPC you can and you come to find out they are rather supportive of the Lady Summoner and often give her and her guardians nice surprises .
I have to admit I was some what dissappointed with the ending . I won't reveal it , but I will say it was bitter sweet .
Enough said , go play the game ! ! !
060 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Final Fantasy X is third on my final fantasy favourites list . To this day I will pick this game back up and play through to the end . Great game overall . The story is what makes this game one of the best . There are a few too many cut scenes , but the overall game is worth the intrusion . Trust me , at the end of the game you will be ready to sit back and watch the rest of the story unfold . One small problem is the hoops you have to jump through to get everyone's ultimate weapons . If I wasn't an avid gamer , I would have burned the game and stomped the ashes into the ground . Most of the sidequests were entertaining . I especially liked blitzball , although I know most people played it the bare minimum .
Overall a great game that will be remembered for a long time .
066 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This is yet another fantastic game created by squaresoft for our entertainment . As long as you are able to get around some of the main characters faults ie ) complaining and whining . The story and gameplay are a blast as well as the new skill . . . orb . . . thing is a lot of fun to learn to use . The cinematics are FINAL FANTASY amazing ofcourse . Otherwise it would not be FINAL FANTASY
068 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I found this game to be very fun and entertaining for several hours . It has great graphics and a cool battle theme . If you are looking for a fun rpg to play for hours on end this is the game . The only complaint I have on the game is the mini-game it makes you play part way through . I found the mini-game extremely hard and boring .
072 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This game is the first full-fledged RPG I've ever played ( and consequently first Final Fantasy played also ) , and it's AMAZING ! ! ! Everything , and I mean EVERYTHING , about this game , from the storyline , to the music , to the leveling up system , is awesome .
073 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This game is the first full-fledged RPG I've ever played ( and consequently first Final Fantasy played also ) , and it's AMAZING ! ! ! Everything , and I mean EVERYTHING , about this game , from the storyline , to the music , to the leveling up system , is awesome .
075 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Final Fantasy X was a great game . . . so long as you can ignore Tidus's continual whining and his obsession with his ' story . '
It sets you into an interesting plot and puts faction against faction in an exciting story which rivals many of the stories of previous Final Fantasy's . It was also the first Final Fantasy to include talking so it added something new to the whole series .
The character models were beautiful as well along with the music and the story was filled with a large selection of mini games to choose from . Generally it was a solid game and still would be fun to engage in today .
Definitely worth playing if you haven't already .
077 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This game was really cool ! I enjoyed playing it ! The storyline , artwork and music was very cool and creative !
079 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
THis is an awesome game . I just rented it , but it is so good I have to buy it . The storyline pulls you in like a movie , and the battles have enough action to satisfie most . The graphics are unbeleaveable , I would say some of the best for PS2 . I have not finished it ( LOL ) , but it feels like I've had it forever . The characters are very unique , they aren't like any others from any other games . I haven't tried the second game , but it is on my list to buy .
083 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I received this game as a gift last year , I played it . . . And I loved it ! It has some of Uematsu's best music and Nomura's best character designs . If you buy this game , you'll have just as much fun as I did .
085 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I'm going to start by saying that I'm a die-hard FF lover , BUT FFX is a difficult game to love . I love the story , the characters , the graphics and the music , but the gameplay is ridiculous ! Let's start with the random battles - there's one every 5 steps . I'm afraid to walk anywhere . I takes forever to get from one side of the field to the center . Also , a few of the bosses , like the Sanctuary Keeper , make you really want to rip your hair out . I get the boss down to 5000hp and it heals itself back up to 40,000 . This is a very pretty game to have on your collection shelf , but I recommend getting a gameshark and the guide . You should only get this if you are prepared to spend hours and hours beating your head against a wall , or if you are a die-hard FF fan like me .
P.S . The guide is beautiful !
086 4 I'm going to start by saying that I'm a die-hard FF lover , BUT FFX is a difficult game to love . I love the story , the characters , the graphics and the music , but the gameplay is ridiculous ! Let's start with the random battles - there's one every 5 steps . I'm afraid to walk anywhere . I takes forever to get from one side of the field to the center . Also , a few of the bosses , like the Sanctuary Keeper , make you really want to rip your hair out . I get the boss down to 5000hp and it heals itself back up to 40,000 . This is a very pretty game to have on your collection shelf , but I recommend getting a gameshark and the guide . You should only get this if you are prepared to spend hours and hours beating your head against a wall , or if you are a die-hard FF fan like me .
P.S . The guide is beautiful !
087 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
As usual , the Final Fantasy line lives up to the name . I have been a huge fan , all the way back to FF1 on the NES console . Surprisingly , for me though , as I'm not too big of a fan of linier gameplay , i'd much rather choose my own fate , and go my own way . Nonetheless , I was completely engrossed in this game , from day one . The stunning visual effects , the faces of old coming back for more , made me think to past FFs , and re-live that story again .
For me , the biggest thing about the FF series is the connection you almost have to feel with the characters . I'm not one to usually get too deep into a book , or a movie , or any other work where characters are portrayed , but in FF , I truly feel the characters , their struggles , the heart ache , and the joy when something happens for the good of the world , or should I say Spira ?
FF-X holds me in its grasps every time I run through the story . Every time I see our favorite summoner perform the sending for the first time , I get chills . The game , though laughable sometimes , has an outstanding story line , which always keeps me asking for more , even though I know what lies ahead .
I was a bit behind on this one though . It's been a few years since I last played a FF game , but catching up has been fun , re-learning the story line has been a blast . All in all , FF-x is great , I would recommend it to any fan of the series , or linier RPG game play .
088 4 As usual , the Final Fantasy line lives up to the name . I have been a huge fan , all the way back to FF1 on the NES console . Surprisingly , for me though , as I'm not too big of a fan of linier gameplay , i'd much rather choose my own fate , and go my own way . Nonetheless , I was completely engrossed in this game , from day one . The stunning visual effects , the faces of old coming back for more , made me think to past FFs , and re-live that story again .
For me , the biggest thing about the FF series is the connection you almost have to feel with the characters . I'm not one to usually get too deep into a book , or a movie , or any other work where characters are portrayed , but in FF , I truly feel the characters , their struggles , the heart ache , and the joy when something happens for the good of the world , or should I say Spira ?
FF-X holds me in its grasps every time I run through the story . Every time I see our favorite summoner perform the sending for the first time , I get chills . The game , though laughable sometimes , has an outstanding story line , which always keeps me asking for more , even though I know what lies ahead .
I was a bit behind on this one though . It's been a few years since I last played a FF game , but catching up has been fun , re-learning the story line has been a blast . All in all , FF-x is great , I would recommend it to any fan of the series , or linier RPG game play .
089 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
The best finalfantasy game I've ever come across ! Insane graphics , captivating landscapes , cutting-edge combat , and just the right amount of puzzles . This game is clearly head-and-shoulders above all others in its series and I have a hard time putting it down ! My absolute favorite things are the aeons you can customize and improve upon yourself and the blitzball matches , which can be difficult to grasp at first but once you understand the game and you get a killer-team together you wont wanna stop . The new sphere-grid feature is also a nice-touch since you don't have to stop improving your characters once they reach a certain level like in the previous versions . The only thing I would have liked to see more of was the awesome-graphic scenes that are few and far between in the game . Still a sensational game though , great job Squaresoft ! ! ! !
097 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This is one of the Best RPGs of all industry of the video games , if you havent played it , and you are a gamer , then YOULL HAVE TO PLAY IT ! ! ! The history its just amazing , the aeons , the characters , the magic , this game is a MUST HAVE for PS2 owners .
099 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
By the time I had finished FINAL FANTASY IX , I learned about FINAL FANTASY X.Being amazed by the ninth instalment , I was dissapointed seeing the tenth being so different.So , when I bought it , my expectations were very low .
Fortuently I was wrong .
The graphics are amazing , the gameplay is amazing ( having countless ways to defeat the enemies ) , the music is amazing , the FMVs are amazing , but what makes this game a work of art most of all , is the story .
The game begins in a techno style , a style which stands as a symbol for the evolution the franchise had with this instalment.Then , it continues with the epic style which all FINAL FANTASY games have.I just love how those styles work together .
Tidus , the main character , is the best character from the whole franchise.He is completely different from our gone-wrong society .
Tidus has his personal problems during the story , but this doesn't means he doesn't keep on smiling.He doesn't hold his feelings inside him , so they can eat him alive.He never wants any fights , he avoids them.He even lets characters like Kimahri talk bad to him , or even ' ' push him around ' ' , although in combat he is much superior then them.He is always friendly with everyone , always want to play.Tidus is the perfect example for all of us .
As for the rest characters , they all work together great.So , a story is made , which gives you many deep messages , and tries to make you a better person .
And yes , I know that I'm writing about a video-game.But you see , this is what the game succeds : To become even better then a book.All those things we say that the franchise's about ( love , self-sacrifice , choice , and everything else ) , all those are presented in this masterpiece at their ultimate form .
So , my answer to the question ' ' Is this game good ? ' ' :
Duh ! : )
100 4 By the time I had finished FINAL FANTASY IX , I learned about FINAL FANTASY X.Being amazed by the ninth instalment , I was dissapointed seeing the tenth being so different.So , when I bought it , my expectations were very low .
Fortuently I was wrong .
The graphics are amazing , the gameplay is amazing ( having countless ways to defeat the enemies ) , the music is amazing , the FMVs are amazing , but what makes this game a work of art most of all , is the story .
The game begins in a techno style , a style which stands as a symbol for the evolution the franchise had with this instalment.Then , it continues with the epic style which all FINAL FANTASY games have.I just love how those styles work together .
Tidus , the main character , is the best character from the whole franchise.He is completely different from our gone-wrong society .
Tidus has his personal problems during the story , but this doesn't means he doesn't keep on smiling.He doesn't hold his feelings inside him , so they can eat him alive.He never wants any fights , he avoids them.He even lets characters like Kimahri talk bad to him , or even ' ' push him around ' ' , although in combat he is much superior then them.He is always friendly with everyone , always want to play.Tidus is the perfect example for all of us .
As for the rest characters , they all work together great.So , a story is made , which gives you many deep messages , and tries to make you a better person .
And yes , I know that I'm writing about a video-game.But you see , this is what the game succeds : To become even better then a book.All those things we say that the franchise's about ( love , self-sacrifice , choice , and everything else ) , all those are presented in this masterpiece at their ultimate form .
So , my answer to the question ' ' Is this game good ? ' ' :
Duh ! : )
108 4 This is the type of game that will make you want to lock yourself up in a room for days and days until you can beat it , and then cry once it ends . I'm not talking about a tear-jerking ending , I mean that once you beat this game ( which'll take quite a while ) you will be very depressed at the fact that it's over , and then you will reflect over all the fun you had while playing . Every game should be this intriguing , this beautiful , this polished , this perfect .
The graphics are stunning , this game has an incredible amount of eye candy .
The sound and music are beautiful and crystal-clear .
The game is easy to control and the controls are very responsive , and the camera is usually right where you want it .
It's pretty long and has moderate replay value .
Of course , no game is worth playing wothout a good plot , right ? Well , FFX doesn't fall short in this department either , providing lots of twist and turns and great character development into what would seem like your basic ' save the world ' story . The battle system is loads of fun to play with , as are the Aeons and the sphere grid , which relpaces leveling up .
The game , however , does have it's imperfections . For example , its secrets are just that , nothing is hinted when it comes to unlocking certain items . On top of that , should you find out how to do any of the side quests , they're excessively challenging and can get very frustrating . Also , should you get all the ultimate weapons and aeons and all that , odds are that you have gained many , many sphere grid levels , and the final bosses are easiy overpowered .
But with the huge size and fun factor of this game , that can easily be put aside , as this game is truly enjoyable . Just be careful not to get too strong .
112 4 There are two types of RPG players : one who likes the interactive novel , plot-based game like this , and those who like the infinite choice games , that sadly often feature embarrassingly shallow characters and practically non-existent plots ( some were even by Squaresoft , some of them loved still - - like : Chrono Cross ! ) . The world of RPG's was introduced to me with the fourth entry of the Final Fantasy series , a game that featured what is still one of the greatest plots to grace an RPG , and as such , plot and character have been the reasons I play such games .
As such , Final Fantasy X fit perfectly with my personal tastes . More than just being plot and character for me to like , but being a film student , this game's almost overdone cinematic tone is , to me , an additional bonus to a game of already high merit .
To start off , while maybe not the most detailed of looking games , the visuals are brilliantly artistic and colorful , and flow usually at a constant framerate . The characters are really the aspects that one could say the least impressive aspect of the game , but they look real , their movement is often fluid , and their facial expressions are as good as in any game . With the modern flashy-type of cinematic tone , the lighting is often very stylish in nature , and the special effects ( in and out of battle ) are phenomenal , with my favorite being the pirefly effect when a fiend dies . And the FMV . . . don't even get me started on how amazing it is !
The sound is somewhat short of perfection , but overall rather nice . The music , while sounding rather fake often , is still nicely composed , and a nice step up from the lacking FFIX musical score . Some of the music however is just too shallow to get a liking for , but the more emotional music is easily as good as anything in the past , featuring what is the most beautiful central melody of the entire series . Along with the slightly improved sound quality of the music synth , the foley has taken a huge leap foreword in production value , with some explosive sound effects that rattle , well , my TV speaker when loud . That leaves the voice acting . All I can say is that it isn't perfect as the voices do occasionally flop , most often Yuna's , the casted voices match the faces perfectly ( voice wise - - not lip-sync ) , and feature rather solid performances overall . Tidus is whiney , but he is a character that does indeed evolve , with impressively presented moments of narration , and Auron's voice fits his infinitely mystique character perfectly .
The gameplay is slightly more old school than before , but with some nice modern alterations , mainly the sphere grid . The sphere grid changes something in the overall formula of addiction . Before , it was the plot that kept one playing , but for once the interface is actually as addicting as any story .
However , for the first time since FFVII , the story and characters were actually enough to get me through any tough spots . While following the conventional dramatic style of story ( which I personally wouldn't have it any other way ) , it seems to have been written with emotion to be involved even more than it's already deep . . . depth . There are countless character subplots , mainly involving the main character , which work incredibly , despite how some of them might sound when you first hear them . Final Fantasy has somehow often been able to take a conventional , cliche or silly plot device / subplot and make it truly an emotional experience . Once again , the story is insanely detailed and thought out , and like the better entries , is interesting enough to want to understand it all .
The characters are also my favorite since the sixth entry of the series , with finally some truly differing personalities . Tidus is a young man forced from his happy world into the harsh world of Spira , Wakka is an unimaginative yet friendly sort , Yuna is determined and strong willed yet sometimes unwise , and Auron is a man of few , yet powerful words , who seems to know everything in the world , and fears literally nothing . These four are easily the four most developed of the seven characters , and the final developmental result is quite impressive . I was shocked by the depth of the scenes between Yuna and Tidus , giving them a sense that they were very real ; their emotions too .
These are the reasons I liked this game . I guess I can understand how some people can like this game less than I , such as lack of freedom or that the story moves too slow ( welcome to the world of RPG's , mate ) , but how someone can say that this game is terrible . . . that's beyond me ! May Square continue their sometimes unstable , yet often incredible cinematic works in the videogame arena , forever !
113 4 A couple of nitpicky comments on an otherwise outstanding game . . . My only complaints are that towards the end of the game , random encounters occur at an irritatingly high frequency . In addition , it often seems that save spheres are nowhere to be found when they are most needed . Sometimes there will be two very close together , other times I have to play for an hour or hour and a half before coming across one . The Aeon animations are awesome . . . the first few times they are viewed . Coupled with the extreme overkill of random battles at the end , though , and the Aeon animations become frustratingly tedious and long .
That said , I think Final Fantasy X is one of the best in the series ( and I've played every one of them since FFIV ) and I enjoyed it tremendously . The story is interesting , though it suffers from the usual amount of Final Fantasy weirdness and convolution , particularly towards the end . The characters are colorful and mostly well-developed . FFX is the first in the series to use dialogue throughout and it works pretty well for the most part . The graphics and FMV cutscenes are absolutely stunning . The music is great . The sphere grid allows players to customize their characters to the extreme . Plenty of gameplay , sidequests , and secrets to keep players going for 50 + hours .
Even with my nitpicky remarks at the top , I still think Final Fantasy X is worthy of 5 stars . Probably one of the best PS2 games to date . Definitely worth $ $ $ .
128 4 The story starts of much like any typical Final Fantasy game - gorgeously rendered graphics , eye-opening CGI scenes , moody lighting effects , etc . We start the story in a futuristic metropolis gilded by structural expressionist skyscrapers , elevated highways and walkways , and entertainment quirks that we could relate to in our own modern world . The plot immediately takes us into the life of a trendy-fashioned Blitzball player called Tidus who is gearing up for an important match-up . While playing , the city of Zanarkand falls under attack and is decimated within minutes . Tidus is then taken to a world that he is completely unfamiliar with and this is where everything goes wrong for Titus and consequently for the entire game . Much of the early story line revolves around the question of this world called Spira and its relation to Zanarkand . With the exeption of the beginning , we are not given any opportunity to explore any of Zanarkand and we certainly aren't given a formal introduction to it . Therefore , why should we care about why Tidus should get back there ? Of course , we find out that the one ultra-lame concept of the game , which is Blitzball , is what connects the two worlds - Give me a break .
But it really is worse than that . As soon as Tidus makes himself comfortable with the fact that he is in another world surrounded by strangers , we are introduced into this abstracted hokey religion called Yevon that everyone apparently follows devoutly . Great , so everyone is not only armed to their teeth with weapons , but also are religious zealots . The repetition of Praise be to Yevon etc , etc , is so abominable in its diction , and so jaw shattering that one can easily understand why religious extremism sucks . As if Blizball wasn't lame enough , we are eventually forced to play it . Basically , Blitzball is like soccer , except it's played with the hands while underwater . It's more like handball - a game I played in gym class in 7th grade . I have nothing against sports games , but if I wanted to play a sports game , I would have bough NFL Blitz 03 , not FFX . The controls to Blitzball are frustrating , and the game is simply boring . I would have preferred the card game from FFVIII .
Enter the Sphere Grid ( the magic / skill system ) : Every time I pick up a Final Fantasy game , a new conceptual battle engine bothers me . The sphere grid is no exception . Although a bit confusing at fist , I understood it eventually and not only that - realized it was a drawn out version of the Materia system from FF7 . At later stages in the game you are given more options with the grid , but you just realize how flawed the system is and how it would have been much more convenient - not only to the gamer but to the developers - - to just use another experience system much like that found in FF4 or FF6 . But overall , the Sphere grid is one of the least annoying problems in FFX , believe it or not .
Titus , what are we going to do with you ? Whiny , immature , and hopeless , it gave me great satisfaction to see him fall in battle so I didn't have to hear his whiny voice . He has no business being the leading character because he lacks leadership and personality . He reminds me of Bill and Ted in how corky his sense of humor is . I found myself just covering my eyes when he tried to flirt with Yuna . Although she was equally lame - - tying to fain innocence , it was just an eyesore to see the two of them flirt . Basically , a thirteen year old could have shown better emotion and class than Titus and still be cool at the same time . I just feel that it was the voice acting that ruined it for not only Tidus , but also the entire crew - well maybe not for Kimhari - Oh yeah ; he didn't say anything to begin with . I had no problem reading text and it just seemed like the voice acting just served the purpose of showing off rather than innovation .
Perhaps the most consistent failure in Final Fantasy X was the dismissal of the world map system . To me , that was one concept that tied all Final Fantasy games together in an unctuous way and as if FFX wasn't bad enough , the map system was gone just like that . What in the world were the folks at Square thinking ? There was no sense of worldliness at all since much of the game was on foot , or on Chocobos , or that elephant-Rhino thing . Has anyone ever seen River Rat ? Basically , that was the sense of travel you get from it . There is virtually no exploration of towns , cities , and villages and that was another important interest in the Final Fantasy series . Since Zanarkand and Bevelle were both important cities , one would think that we would get to explore them or know little more about them-naturally we don't . We basically only get to see Besaid , a tiny part of Kilika , some , but not enough of Lucca , and Guadosalaam for a brief period . And that is it , no sense of exploration , no depth , and no sense that Spira is a planet just like Earth . There were fourteen cities in Final Fantasy VI - - all of which you were able to explore thoroughly . I'm glad that there were different ethnic groups in Spira , but all they accomplished were psychological complexes and ethnocentric tendencies - like we really need that kind of rubbish . Did anyone else see the parallels drawn in the stereotyping of the Al Bhed and the Arabs ?
In closing , there were just too many inconsistencies in Final Fantasy X . The whole Zanarkand plot was interesting and kept me wondering , but I was disappointed in the end . There was too much religious jargon and explaining towards the end - it looked like the ending of a Twilight Zone rather than a Final Fantasy game . The characters were a great disappointment because they could have all been so much better , the concept of Sin was decent but flawed , and that Seymour person was just lame . Anytime there is glorification of a villain , the person is no villain . Kefka in Final Fantasy VI was the best example of a villain because he was not glorified at all . He was just a freeky degenerate that was even hated within his own contingency . No world map , an unimpressive battle engine , repetitive music ( I usually love the music to all FF games , but this one was lacking ) , asinine voice acting , and all in all flawed . The storyline was also much too drawn out for what it ended up saying , and much too short of considered thought , analysis , and interest . I understand why people give it great ratings ; for it is the price to pay when we live in an age of sullen creativity and instant position taking based on visual eye-candy .
139 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This game has a very enjoyable battle system which requires some strategy to use - - the characters are , for most of the game , well-balanced and fighting truly feels like a team effort . The characters themselves are generally interesting , and although the story is told through the eyes of Tidus , the real stars are other characters , which makes for an interesting change of pace . Certain puzzle elements of the game can be frustrating , but like any puzzle , some thought and experimentation will usually get one through . Some may find the lack of a world map annoying , and I must confess I did as well , but it also makes the game easier to access for younger players , and thus a good introduction to RPGs with minimal frustration via option overload . The game system is also set up so that it can be played at a variety of levels of depth ; one can just use what weapons and armor one finds , or one can customize to one's heart's content . The Sphere Grid leveling system allows a good balance between quasi-jobs and total customization - - it's harder to make , say , Auron ( the guy with the obligatory FF giant sword of doom ) into a powerful magic user , but it is possible with some time and effort . I play it at a reasonable depth of customization , while my nephew plays shallow - - but he still enjoys it .
The story is well-done and just complex enough to take some thought to sort out , while not being so convoluted that it is almost impossible to grasp without multiple play-throughs ( although those never hurt ! ) Some of the plot twists are quite original and interesting . The voice acting is sometimes fantastic and sometimes laughable , but rarely cringe-worthy ( there are a few notable exceptions ) . The FMV is top-notch , and with the exception of two of the characters suddenly having different facial features , the FMV models , battle models , and cutscene models are all so close that the transitions aren't jarring at all .
Although my rating doesn't reflect it ( because they aren't actually necessary to play the game ) , the minigames required to gain each character's ultimate weapons are nothing short of hair-tearing , controller-tossing , PS2 defrenestrating madness . Please keep this in mind ! The Blitzball minigame isn't so bad , and can be enjoyable ( some people will likely find it a high-point ) , but I found it got a bit tedious after awhile . At least it didn't make me want to scream . . . Also , the monster capturing minigame is acceptable , since a walking tour of every part of the game already visited often leads to new discoveries , added richness for the plot , and , of course , leveling up .
142 4 The last two FF titles before this one didn't reach the groundbreaking fame that FF VII had . After playing FF IX , which was the greatest waste of hours in a video-game ever , I tried FF-X with little anticipation . True enough , the first few hours explained it all ; the horribly linear exploration , cutscenes that are ridiculously long and UNSKIPPABLE and the FMVs no longer gave me the awe like previous FF titles . But then , I couldn't bear to quit the game just like that . And as hours goes by , I was in awe of this game .
Admittedly , the storyline is not for everyone , but definetely it is away from the love story cliches of previous two titles . Okay , our party still has to save the world from some incoming catastophre . Basically , the story of FF X is the most intellectual of all . It's metaphor behind it is a pro-secular theme and advocates rational thinking amidst blind faith and blind obedience towards authorities . Freethinkers can see that Yevon's teachings represent religion , and it's followers as church authorities . The Al-Bhed race were pretty much despised because basically they're more intellectual because they're creators of machina and also are race that did not adhere to Yevon's teachings . Later on in the game , players will discover deceptions unveiled , and characters will be immersed in rebellion and instability that hinders their quest to annilate Sin . Yes , Yuna and Tidus did fell in love , but thankfully , Square kept the romance from degenerating into a Bollywood love fest .
Another amazing thing about FF X are the numerous side-quests and secrets that're addictive since FF VII . Monster arena and Blitzball are the main attractions of FF X , along with chocobo training . By capturing monsters all around Spira for the Calm Land's Monster Arena , players can battle several new creations of monsters that're guaranteed tough to beat . Blitzball and chocobo training ( or chocobo racing ) stores essential items for creation of ultimate weapons and boosting stats . Apart from these mini-games , there is so much to do in FF X ; getting hidden aeons , customizing weapons , experimenting Rikku's Mix Overdrives and even boosting an Aeon's stat . All of these will involve at least hundreds of hours to fully maxing up your characters and aeons .
There are flaws that rendered this game from getting a 5 - star rating . Firstly , the cut-scenes are long and unskippable ( except occasionally , the text ) , and I can't bear the thought of replaying the game just because of the cut-scenes . Last but not least and most griping flaw ; controls . In battles , pin-pointing enemies and characters are cumbersome and annoying , and an easy task such as casting a spell becomes a chore . Some times , you couldn't pin-point a certain minor enemy because the controls keep highlighting you characters and bosses . The controls affects the mini-games and it becomes a nightmarish hell . Two quests ; butterfly catcher and Chocobo balloon catcher are hellishly hard and the controls are no relief at all . Even better , you will have to beat these mini-games in order to fully upgrade you character's ultimate weapon .
To end this review ; is this game worth it ? The story might not be everyone's cup of tea . But if the theme appeals to you , and you love a good gameplay , then FF X is for you .
144 4 I thought this series hit it's apex with FFVII . Make no mistake , however , this game is the absolute CROWN JEWEL of the FF series .
Anybody that enjoys role-playing games should be MANDATED to own FFX . I can't possibly say enough good things about it . It is unquestionably one of the top-five games available for the PS2 . It is going to take a LONG TIME for any publisher to top what Square has done right now . This is really something special . . .
157 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I hadn't been too completely in thrilled with the games following FF7 ( I liked 8 better than 9 anyways ) . But now looking back on the past FF gaming time I spent over the years I have to say that game #10 is the one that I miss the most playing through as I sit and play FF13 now . The movie graphics blew my mind at the time as well as the high level of the oridinary gameplay graphics . I LOVED the soundtrack on 10 by far the most out of the lot . I'm really bummed at the moment because I really wanted to load up the game again after several years but realized my ps2 has also long been collecting dust in some spare room in storage for some time now . I'd love for a XBOX 360 release of the game ! If I had to give someone my advice on where to make sure and play in the long FF line I'd deffinately recommend 10 first and then7 out of old loyalties . haha
168 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This game was wonderful .
The story is a bit lacking in the beginning , but gets much better later .
It was a great and really sweet underlying love story . . Two really .
All the places you can go . . They are just beautiful .
The voice acting is kinda strange here and there . . But other times it's great and filled with emotion .
Pros :
Great Story Line .
Great Places .
Great Music .
Interesting Puzzles .
Cons :
Takes To Long To Get Everything You Can Out Of Puzzles .
Voice Acting Is Off Here And There .
174 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Not the best of the Final Fantasy series , but definitely a fun play . The voice acting is irritating at first , but it gets better . The sphere grid system can be a bit slow , but is the most fun addition to the game . Also enjoyable is being able to swap your party members mid-battle , this leads to more strategic battles .
176 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This game wasn't a horrific , disgusting waste of money , but compared with others in the series , I am a little put off by how many people think it is unquestionably the best .
As someone who plays RPGs primarily for their fantastic , better-than-Hollywood stories , I was left feeling devoid and empty after conquering FF9 , hands-down the most loose-end-resolving game I have EVER played , in any series , period . Not wanting to replay any others at the time , I decided , against someone close's advice , to pop in FF10 and give it a shot . And , after I passed the point where certain characters boarded a ship and left the first village , I was glad I did .
For one thing , the voice acting alone was particularly exciting - - I had always dreamed of the day when someone would convert treasures like FF6 and FF4 into full-blown movies , and this was the closest thing so far . I was a little concerned about the cheesiness in certain places ( mostly the beginning or involving Rikku , who I did find very useful in battle ) , and the fact that Yuna sounded completely bored about everything you talked to her about ; but for the most part the verbage and dialect of each character was consistent , and the cheesiness was allocated to the more light-hearted characters , who either became endearing , too powerful in battle to dislike , or both . Even Tidus's jocky character , which still gave impressions of cool shallowness rigbt through to the end , was anchored substantially by his intermittent pensive , almost nostalgic narrations . Complete with many musical tracks that blurred emotional lines at exactly the appropriate moments , and overlooking the fact that some of the music was mastered too loudly for the dialogue , I would give this game 5 stars if it were based only on the graphics and cinematic quality , which are just short of fantastic .
The fighting system , as well , is actually one of the most entertaining I've ever experienced in a FF . I'll admit it - - I'm the person who just attacks everything with physical weapons as fast as possible just to get through the random battles as fast as possible ( I almost never Escape because I end up leveling up a little ahead of where I should be when I just stick it out ) , but this game has probably broken me of that lazy , anti-strategist habit forever . The ability to switch out and use every character in battle not only ( for me , anyway ) kept the lead characters adequately leveled up ( they're never my favorites , for some reason ) , but also was a great exercise in strategy , even though some characters ended up with odd attributes in the Sphere Grid later on in the game ( Lulu was the last to learn Ultima , and Kimahri became a skilled white wizard ) . Even though the sphere grid was a little frustrating at times ( spending hours trying to get Lv . 4 spheres , for instance ) , it was exciting to see character's attributes going up when they were already kicking [ . . . ] . Customizing your own weapons , too , was probably one of the most satisfying features ever to be included in a linear RPG , and it was great , for example , to just buy up a bunch of Shimmering Blades and then make Auron one of everything ( I could just see him perusing his supplies and casually selecting how he wanted to kill something - - poison ? stone ? zombification ? ) . The possibilities are numerous , if not endless , though the process of obtaining the ingredients took about as many hours as all the other parts of the game put together ( I finally just gave up on getting 32 Hypello Potions for everyone , and Farplane Winds , forget it . ) .
So the fighting system , in sum , also gets a 5 .
The reason I absolutely had to give this game a 4 , and actually the reason why I had to say something after reading several negative comments by halfway-throughers , is the ending . Maybe it's because I had just come out of playing FF9 , where everyone and his dog has a complete , satisfying happy ( or not-so-happy ) ever after , but even compared with Young Merlin , where you have little characters jumping up and down and mumbling at each other and which is not even an RPG , this ending SUCKS . Not because of the main thing that happens , which everyone who has played through to the very end knows what I'm talking about and which probably inspired a lot of the FF10 AMVs on YouTube , but because they , to put it appropriately , completely dropped the blitzball on everything else . Not that the main thing was done very well either - - the male character involved was much too complacent with the truth when he found it out , and unfortunately this carried over to everything else - - but I'm sure I'm not alone in my absolute hatred of game endings where you've become completely attached to the characters and then after the big buildup and the final boss they say a maximum of two words and then the credits come . What the living * * * * is the point of creating interest in the characters ( and this can be applied to any medium - - books , movies , etc . - - it even happened with a certain series about a British boy wizard ) and then not taking two extra seconds to make up a satisfying , complete-feeling ending for them ? More pointedly , what is the point of creating non-lead characters at all when they're just going to be ignored later and given no future ? Barrett in FF7 , Setzer in FF6 , Rydia in FF4 - - I even liked Steiner as one of the best in FF9 - - what if they had all been blown by the wayside at the end of those games ? I would have thrown something , along with millions of other people , I'm sure . Fortunately my favorite guy in FF10 had a decent resolution , but even that was blown off by the other characters themselves , and there were four characters - - four , out of seven , who I don't think even got to speak after the final battle . The final battle itself wasn't too pretty either - - that handy limit-break on the Masamune led me to kill the final boss with one 99999 hit , after Seymour ( aka Sephiroth ) killed me at least 5 times on Mt . Gagazet , resulting in 5 of the 7 game overs I got during the whole game . Sorry , but when I got beat the [ . . . ] out of in the Omega Dungeon and barely escaped with my life , I expected the final battle to be a little more challenging . I must say , though , that the one salvation of the end ( something that happened before the final battle ) was absolutely beautiful , and I actually teared up at that point , where I didn't even have time to be sad about anything else later on because it was over so quickly . The whole father-son relationship , and the part of the story concerning everyone involved with the Jecht spheres , was the true heart of this story in my book , and its playing-out was a triumph .
All in all , my best advice would be to stick with this game . Even if it seems a bit cheesy from the offset , it gets better ; and even if the ending doesn't satisfy you either , the story itself before that is worth playing though , and you can always make up your own ending in your head if it bothers you enough .
182 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Final Fantasy X is a must-have for anyone , not just rpg lovers . With its intense storyline and innovative gameplay , FFX is definitely worth the twenty dollars ( or however much it costs ) .
Very innovative battles
So many different skills and magics to learn
7 playable teammates , each with their very own unique personalities
Amazing graphics ( for it's time )
Over 80 hours of gameplay
Very high replay value
Many unique fiends to fight
Very many secrets to discover
Beautiful soundtrack
Real voice acting
( Can't think of any )
Overall , if you have a PS2 , buy this game . You won't regret it .
188 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
One of the best final fantasy's , not the best because that tittle belongs to FF VIII , but an excellent game with a nice story and characters . A must have if you are fan of the RPG's
196 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Final Fantasy X has got to be one of the greatest games in the FF series , and definitely one of the top titles on the PS2 ( assuming you are at least a casual fan of RPGs ) . In terms of graphics , story , playability and replay value , X easily ranks with the PS1 Final Fantasy games ( VII-IX ) . The addition of voice acting is really what elevates this game from its predecessors . Instead of wading through hours of text and watching silent-movie style cutscenes , you now actually have a chance to hear the characters express themselves . The voice acting is almost uniformly top-notch and is a real treat to listen to .
The main complaint about FFX seems to be how linear it is . Yes , it's true that there is no world map to explore , and you can't even revisit most areas until near the end of the game . Like every Final Fantasy , you do eventually get control of an airship , though it would have been nice if this occured sooner in the game . The role of Chocobos has also been downgraded somewhat , giving you control of the cute creatures in only very limited areas . But with these minor complaints aside , FFX is blissfully fun to play not only for the story and main quest , but also for the multitude of side areas and challenges . It took me 60 hours to beat the game with only about 5 - 10 hours dabbling in the sidequests . . . considering that this game retails for less than $20 , that's some pretty good value .
If you are new to the Final Fantasy series and RPGs in general , you might be better off starting out with FFIX or FFVII as they have simpler interfaces compared to FFX's sphere grid . But this is by no means a difficult game to get into , and should be an excellent and well-loved addition to your game collection .
197 4 Final Fantasy X has got to be one of the greatest games in the FF series , and definitely one of the top titles on the PS2 ( assuming you are at least a casual fan of RPGs ) . In terms of graphics , story , playability and replay value , X easily ranks with the PS1 Final Fantasy games ( VII-IX ) . The addition of voice acting is really what elevates this game from its predecessors . Instead of wading through hours of text and watching silent-movie style cutscenes , you now actually have a chance to hear the characters express themselves . The voice acting is almost uniformly top-notch and is a real treat to listen to .
The main complaint about FFX seems to be how linear it is . Yes , it's true that there is no world map to explore , and you can't even revisit most areas until near the end of the game . Like every Final Fantasy , you do eventually get control of an airship , though it would have been nice if this occured sooner in the game . The role of Chocobos has also been downgraded somewhat , giving you control of the cute creatures in only very limited areas . But with these minor complaints aside , FFX is blissfully fun to play not only for the story and main quest , but also for the multitude of side areas and challenges . It took me 60 hours to beat the game with only about 5 - 10 hours dabbling in the sidequests . . . considering that this game retails for less than $20 , that's some pretty good value .
If you are new to the Final Fantasy series and RPGs in general , you might be better off starting out with FFIX or FFVII as they have simpler interfaces compared to FFX's sphere grid . But this is by no means a difficult game to get into , and should be an excellent and well-loved addition to your game collection .
198 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
i really enjoyed this game . one of my favorites , i am a final fantasy fan and have all the games . this game really got me involved and i really found the charecters so very likeable that it made gameplay more enjoyable . i regret not having had the game book in the beginning as there are many areas that can be overlooked and still be able to complete the game . i was rather sad when i finished the game . beginning is rather tedious , but once past the starting it is about the best !
200 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
In my opinion , this is the best PS2 title ever . It is a very fun and a long game . The storyline deserves an award , and the battle sequences are awesome . It is also very addictive . I am an avid Final Fantasy fan , and this is the game that started it out . If you are smart you will buy this title .
203 4 Although which FF game has the mechanically-best battle system is heavily debatable , FFX has the best-implemented battle system of the entire series , except possibly for FF Tactics . The battle screen in FFX loads quickly , battles are bug-free ( remember the ' mblock stat ' and ' dark status ' bugs in FFVI ) , and the turn system in FFX takes into consideration character speed and execution time for moves , in order to determine when to give each character another turn , rather than working in battle rounds , like in FF 1 - 3 . The result is a battle system tactically similar to the ATB system , except which allows for easy character and equipment swapping , and features no delay between the selection and execution of a move , keeping the battles moving along at maximum speed . The quality of battle action animations are at a series high in this game , and overkill bonuses , plus the ability to fight using Aeons , give the player extra battle mechanics to consider , just when hacking and slashing start to get a little dull . Although originating in Lunar , the in-battle voices in this game add a lot to it , with what characters say in battle often determined by the opponent , or combination of characters in the party , rather than merely the move being executed .
The voice acting in FFX is generally high-quality , although the abundance of voice acting serves to disguise the fact that the characters have much less to talk about in FFX than in FFVII through FFIX . Like FFVII , FFX often features five-minute cutscenes filled with dialogue , although the actual amount of dialogue present in five minutes ' worth of voice acting is significantly less than in five minutes ' worth of text boxes , with the final result being that FFX features a shallower story with less character development . The game's story has an annoying pattern of explicitly emphasizing moral dilemmas which should already be obvious to the player ( ex : dialogue such as : Is it really okay to hate the Al-Bhed ? ) , overemphasizing the emotion of particular scenes ( Nobody could believe that Yuna was about to call the final Aeon , and that meant . . . ) , and allowing its characters to act too much like themselves ( Wakka's continued objections to disobedience towards Yevon's teachings , even after exposing Yevon's corruption ) . After the reasonably mature stories of FF7 - 9 , this game's story comes of as positively childish , despite featuring a good amount of philisophical content regarding the nature of death , because the dialogue is written with a constant degree of paranioa that the player won't understand the significance of certain scenes , and most of the time , the characters exist not to interact , but rather to be different from one another .
One particularly annoying flaw in FFX is the field exploration screen , where the edges of navigable areas do not in any way correspond with the position of walls and barriers , so the majority of the time , field avatar Tidus is exploring a dungeon or forest until he runs into a barricade of . . . absolutely nothing ! This causes the player to spend more time looking at the minimap for the position of the abstract walls than the field screen for the position of the illustrated ones , and actually discourages the player from enjoying the level of detail that the illustrators have put into the game's environments . The music in FFX , while not bad , is also unspectacular .
206 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This game has everything , great story , fun , humor , action , adventure , drama , etc . One of the greatest Final Fantasy game ever .
This game is to be completed withing 40hrs of playtime , though , getting all the good stuff takes a lot of time and gets you bored , but it's worth the effort .
210 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
About four years ago , I was growing as both an anime and a third grader , and seeing an ad for this game on TV absolutely blew me away . The graphics of the game were nothing like I'd ever seen in my life at that time , and the title ( this was before I knew that there were other Final Fantasies ) , FINAL FANTASY , seemed to leave an impression in my mind that THIS IS SO COOL . About a year later , recieving a PS2 for Christmas , I finally was able to rent the game . I wasn't impressed , but renting the game more and more and getting further and further pulled me into this vortex of mysteries . Another year later , I finally purchased Final Fantasy X and was addicted to it and still have been .
I have to admit , if you're looking for a hands-on , fast-paced action-RPG , you won't find it anywhere in the Final Fantasy series . This is a solid , strategically centered RPG that has one of the most addictive storylines ever . This is where I'll start :
Storyline ( 9.3 / 10 ) - at first , I thought that the story of Final Fantasy X was mundane , as in the main character being transported to this unknown time and has to find a way to get back , wow how original . Eventually , as I played more , it seemed to build more and turn into this deep story that strayed away a bit from the main character . I can compare it alot to FFVIII ( bought it after playing FFX ) , with the romance between main characters ( weak point in FFX's story , strong point in FFVIII's ) , the connection and mystery between heroes and foes , and back stories of the characters affecting the outcome of the story . The strongest point in the story was the relationship between the foe and hero , it was a great surprise and was like , What to do next ? and finding out that the hero never existed almost made me want to burst into millions of tears . Though that's when the story was strong , the story was weak when it involved romance between Tidus and Yuna , resembling a soap opera type setting , not very Final Fantasy-like if you ask me . Though romance is always intriguing , but the problem is that it's always stereotypical and instantaneous . The romance seemed to make it seem alittle , well , corny ( it's like , You've known the guy for [ I'm guessing ] a few days , and now you're ' eternally bonded ' to him ? ) . It was unique how heresy was a key word in the story , altogether a very intriguing story ; JUST NO MORE CORNY / INSTANTANEOUS ROMANCE , PLEASE !
Graphics ( 8.6 / 10 ) - the graphics at first glance are quite stunning , but the flaws become more visible near the conclusion of the game . The good qualities of the graphics are the environments , they don't make the characters stick out like a sore thumb like they did in the PSX installments . The CGI graphics are beautiful , but the problem is that the CGI graphics seemed to appear alot more different than the field screen graphics ( okay ) , battle graphics ( not very good ) , and conversation graphics ( ranged from good to absolutely horrid ) . The battle graphics contrasted to my comment on how the characters didn't stick out in the environment , well they really stuck out and looked blocky , plus movement wasn't very fluid . In coversations , the motion capture graphics were very good , considering that this game was one of the pioneers in using motion capture for facial expressions , but at times when it was not applied , the characters looked like their facial features / expressions were scribbled on with a blue Roseart crayon .
Gameplay ( 8 / 10 ) - the gameplay , as I said , is not fast-paced and action-packed ; it is very strategic and hard to understand if you don't pay attention to the tutorials , but that really goes for the whole FF series . The Sphere Grid is not very hard to understand , but if you forget ONE sphere , your next boss fight will most likely be a failure . Once you learn how to use the grid , it's really easy to level up and get better . The battles are linear , and they get really annoying after a while . The bosses are very hard , you have to depend on raw instinct at times of doubt , and other times , continuous loss will make you shed blood , sweat , and tears ( I had to battle Evrae about twenty times before I made it to Bevelle ) and sometimes will leave you in a corner where you can't figure out whether to start the game all over again or fight more battles and slowly level up . I highly suggest saving at EVERY savepoint , considering that savepoints are put in some of the oddest places and there aren't many in general . The minigames are something that I prefer to skip , I'd rather see what happens at the end of the story than play a monotonous game of Blitzball against world champion caliber AI or ride a chocobo for hours against the same person again and again . Altogether , the game is hard , but not as hard and fun as previous installments i played after this . The maps made it incredibly easy , and the airship feature made the game speed up near the end . The game excels in storyline more than gameplay , I WANT to find the end of the story , not play all of this extra crap that doesn't help , but still , you have to fight to level and progress to reach the end . . .
Sound ( 9 / 10 ) - one of the most mesmerizing facts about FFX was the music . The music had so many facets to it ; from ambient , to blissful , to strident , it was one of the most memorable parts of the game . The music had fit in so well with some parts , that it also wanted to make me burst into tears ( as you can see , I'm very emotional when it comes to videogames ) ; but if I were here to praise the music , I'd write a review on the OST . The voice acting ( English Dub ) was hillarious , every time Tidus yelled , he sounded like a little kid , Yuna sounded like a computer , Wakka sounded like one of the Baha Men as well as Kimahri ; Auron , Lulu and Seymour had very good voice actors , their personality seemed to be portrayed well . As for the NPCs , let's just say that too many famous actors were selected ( wow , the guy who voices Spongebob gets to be in Final Fantasy ) , but some were okay I guess . I highly reccomend buying the Japanese version , since it's the original voices .
Replay value ( 9.7 / 10 ) - Final Fantasy X has such an intriguing story , that you'll want to hear it over and over again ; the gameplay wasn't great , but just to be capable of holding all of those emotions makes you want to play again and again . I beat it five times and am still not bored with it !
Overall ( 9 / 10 ) - Final Fantasy X is a story charged game filled with twists and turns to keep you stimulated , but you have to play through the game to get through it , but the gameplay is very slow and complex . It's not as fun as other installments , but is beautiful and intriguing . If you want to go through a bunch of Kleenex boxes , BUY THIS ; if you want to have emotions once again , BUY THIS ; if you want to escape from the cruel world of reality ; BUY THIS , or if you just want to play Final Fantasy ; BUY THIS .
211 4 About four years ago , I was growing as both an anime and a third grader , and seeing an ad for this game on TV absolutely blew me away . The graphics of the game were nothing like I'd ever seen in my life at that time , and the title ( this was before I knew that there were other Final Fantasies ) , FINAL FANTASY , seemed to leave an impression in my mind that THIS IS SO COOL . About a year later , recieving a PS2 for Christmas , I finally was able to rent the game . I wasn't impressed , but renting the game more and more and getting further and further pulled me into this vortex of mysteries . Another year later , I finally purchased Final Fantasy X and was addicted to it and still have been .
I have to admit , if you're looking for a hands-on , fast-paced action-RPG , you won't find it anywhere in the Final Fantasy series . This is a solid , strategically centered RPG that has one of the most addictive storylines ever . This is where I'll start :
Storyline ( 9.3 / 10 ) - at first , I thought that the story of Final Fantasy X was mundane , as in the main character being transported to this unknown time and has to find a way to get back , wow how original . Eventually , as I played more , it seemed to build more and turn into this deep story that strayed away a bit from the main character . I can compare it alot to FFVIII ( bought it after playing FFX ) , with the romance between main characters ( weak point in FFX's story , strong point in FFVIII's ) , the connection and mystery between heroes and foes , and back stories of the characters affecting the outcome of the story . The strongest point in the story was the relationship between the foe and hero , it was a great surprise and was like , What to do next ? and finding out that the hero never existed almost made me want to burst into millions of tears . Though that's when the story was strong , the story was weak when it involved romance between Tidus and Yuna , resembling a soap opera type setting , not very Final Fantasy-like if you ask me . Though romance is always intriguing , but the problem is that it's always stereotypical and instantaneous . The romance seemed to make it seem alittle , well , corny ( it's like , You've known the guy for [ I'm guessing ] a few days , and now you're ' eternally bonded ' to him ? ) . It was unique how heresy was a key word in the story , altogether a very intriguing story ; JUST NO MORE CORNY / INSTANTANEOUS ROMANCE , PLEASE !
Graphics ( 8.6 / 10 ) - the graphics at first glance are quite stunning , but the flaws become more visible near the conclusion of the game . The good qualities of the graphics are the environments , they don't make the characters stick out like a sore thumb like they did in the PSX installments . The CGI graphics are beautiful , but the problem is that the CGI graphics seemed to appear alot more different than the field screen graphics ( okay ) , battle graphics ( not very good ) , and conversation graphics ( ranged from good to absolutely horrid ) . The battle graphics contrasted to my comment on how the characters didn't stick out in the environment , well they really stuck out and looked blocky , plus movement wasn't very fluid . In coversations , the motion capture graphics were very good , considering that this game was one of the pioneers in using motion capture for facial expressions , but at times when it was not applied , the characters looked like their facial features / expressions were scribbled on with a blue Roseart crayon .
Gameplay ( 8 / 10 ) - the gameplay , as I said , is not fast-paced and action-packed ; it is very strategic and hard to understand if you don't pay attention to the tutorials , but that really goes for the whole FF series . The Sphere Grid is not very hard to understand , but if you forget ONE sphere , your next boss fight will most likely be a failure . Once you learn how to use the grid , it's really easy to level up and get better . The battles are linear , and they get really annoying after a while . The bosses are very hard , you have to depend on raw instinct at times of doubt , and other times , continuous loss will make you shed blood , sweat , and tears ( I had to battle Evrae about twenty times before I made it to Bevelle ) and sometimes will leave you in a corner where you can't figure out whether to start the game all over again or fight more battles and slowly level up . I highly suggest saving at EVERY savepoint , considering that savepoints are put in some of the oddest places and there aren't many in general . The minigames are something that I prefer to skip , I'd rather see what happens at the end of the story than play a monotonous game of Blitzball against world champion caliber AI or ride a chocobo for hours against the same person again and again . Altogether , the game is hard , but not as hard and fun as previous installments i played after this . The maps made it incredibly easy , and the airship feature made the game speed up near the end . The game excels in storyline more than gameplay , I WANT to find the end of the story , not play all of this extra crap that doesn't help , but still , you have to fight to level and progress to reach the end . . .
Sound ( 9 / 10 ) - one of the most mesmerizing facts about FFX was the music . The music had so many facets to it ; from ambient , to blissful , to strident , it was one of the most memorable parts of the game . The music had fit in so well with some parts , that it also wanted to make me burst into tears ( as you can see , I'm very emotional when it comes to videogames ) ; but if I were here to praise the music , I'd write a review on the OST . The voice acting ( English Dub ) was hillarious , every time Tidus yelled , he sounded like a little kid , Yuna sounded like a computer , Wakka sounded like one of the Baha Men as well as Kimahri ; Auron , Lulu and Seymour had very good voice actors , their personality seemed to be portrayed well . As for the NPCs , let's just say that too many famous actors were selected ( wow , the guy who voices Spongebob gets to be in Final Fantasy ) , but some were okay I guess . I highly reccomend buying the Japanese version , since it's the original voices .
Replay value ( 9.7 / 10 ) - Final Fantasy X has such an intriguing story , that you'll want to hear it over and over again ; the gameplay wasn't great , but just to be capable of holding all of those emotions makes you want to play again and again . I beat it five times and am still not bored with it !
Overall ( 9 / 10 ) - Final Fantasy X is a story charged game filled with twists and turns to keep you stimulated , but you have to play through the game to get through it , but the gameplay is very slow and complex . It's not as fun as other installments , but is beautiful and intriguing . If you want to go through a bunch of Kleenex boxes , BUY THIS ; if you want to have emotions once again , BUY THIS ; if you want to escape from the cruel world of reality ; BUY THIS , or if you just want to play Final Fantasy ; BUY THIS .
212 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I can't say much more than that . I love my linear RPGs , and this provided great battle set-up , great story , great graphics and a fabulous way to develop your characters ( the sphere grid ) , so each time you play each character has different strengths and weaknesses . One of the best of the series , and worth every penny and more ! Great the first time around , and just as fun the second !
219 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Great Story line and action . The best part about this game is the action and control . I loved the fact that you can switch out chracters during battle .
The only problem that barely registers is the Grid to build your character attributes . You might want to get the manual and take a look at how to improve your character's attributes .
Great game .
223 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Definately not the best in the series but it's still worthy . Pretty good story between Tidus and Luna . The graphics as expected are great . The story at times was laking but still decent . The only things I didn't care that much for was some of the dialogue and voices ( especially Wakka ) , blitzball was a pain and the final boss ( way to easy ) They could've done so much more with that . Overall this is still a good game , it's nowhere near as good as 7 but still enjoyable .
225 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
The Final Fantasy series has always held a special place in my heart . I love a game that I can obsess upon , spending countless hours playing , internet searching for , and overall thinking about . This installment is no exception .
The game follows Tidus , a spunky teenager mysteriously transported to another land . He joins a group of varied allies in order to learn more about the land and find clues to how he got there in the first place .
The game uses a great battle system , and allows the player to switch characters in and out on-the-fly . Each character has unique abilities that are useful throughout the game . Battles are usually not hard , if you use the characters properly .
The storyline is what kept me playing the game . I always wanted to find out what happens next . Even when the game ended , I wanted to know what was going to happen . It's very original and avoids most of the RPG cliches from older games .
Yes , the voice acting is , at times , subpar . Yes , the sphere grid ( the method of advancing your characters ) gets repetitive and tedious . But overall , this game has very few of the flaws of RPGs of the past . There are no cheesy hour long tutorials at the beginning of the game , and it's quite simple to pick up the system .
You may hate a character throughout the game , but you will probably learn to love one of the others . The characters are all well developed and have clear motives for their actions .
Overall , this is a great game worthy of a few play throughs . It is a great addition to the Final Fantasy series .
230 4 You might be asking why I'm writing a 2001 game release review in 2004 - well I just now got a Playstation 2 ( it's about time , right ? ) and the first game I just had to get was this one . It's been two and a half weeks and I've finished it last night .
This game is incredible - absolutely astounding . From every aspect of it - the ( new ) dialogue voice-acting which seems better than every single Japanese dubbed-over anime , to the new and improved battle system , to leveling up your characters in the non-traditional sense . This game is even better than my favorite Final Fantasy , the eighth in the series . If you liked FFVIII , you will undoubtedly love this one . If you hated FFVIII , there is still a good chance you'll find something about this game that you'll like .
Fist , the music . Ahh , the music . Final Fantasy X opens with a melancholy piano solo , fully orchestrated , and you know as you listen that this soundtrack is different than any other of the series . I meann even battle music , or game over music , which is usually so corny , is even so blissful . It seems like you're watching a beautiful movie unfold , a movie with a score so wonderful and graphics that seem so realistic .
Next , I read other reviews saying it was too short . Ahem , it took me 54 hours and some-odd minutes . Sure , you don't have as many settings , no world map , but the game is very linear until the last stages where many sidequests turn up . I've always hated RPG's that dilly-dally and take you all over the place in any order . This game is great . There is no world map , but you do save at save spheres , much like save points , but - get this - you never have to use a tent , cottage , cabin , house , or anything - it automatically restores your health !
The battle system will allow you to use all seven of your characters ( once you get them all ) in any battle . There is no PHS , no splitting the groups up into two or three - you can change your group in and out of battle , so it is essential to level up everyone . The graphics in battles are amazing . The Sphere Grid is how you level up - no EXP points in this game . Towards the middle of your game , you can make another character learn another ability of one of the other characters . It's simply the most flexible way to level up your characters and easily the most fun . Unlike FFII ( for the NES ) which had a new way to level up , this one actually makes sense and isn't a pain in the butt . In fact , it's one of my favorite aspects of the game .
Each main character looks great . I mean , the last Final Fantasy release had someone like Quina be a main character , or ugly rat-kid Zidale , but here I think that every character has great screen presence . Their hair moves to the music of the winds , thier faces express their deepest feelings . Even Kimahri , the non-human of the group , in a typical Final Fantasy game , would've been the one that looks the worst , but even he looks great . Every character I actually cared about , which means a lot since hey , you're with them for 54 hours , you know ? My favorite was Yuna , the semi-main character . Every move of hers , every line was delivered to full satisfaction . Here in Final Fantasy X you have a story that you do care about , and even if some of the dialogue may be a little long-winded at times , it's all worth it .
Watching it I am reminded of FFVIII , where you had Guardian Forces . Here you have Aeons , which are Guardian Forces to the 10th power . They are central to the plot , and most of the boss battles . Every one of them looks great - they left out the dumb ones like Jumbo Cactaur but have some great secret ones that would kill off Eden and Knights of the Round Table from VII .
This game is great . I give it a perfect score , something I didn't even give to FFVII .
231 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
the reason i did not give it 5 stars was that there was too much talking in the game and some parts were like a hour long even longer which gets annyoing
233 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
First of all the graphics are turely amazing.I really like the battle setup and the sphere grid is great.The best thing is the story.Once you find out something you want to keep on playing forever.Overall it is just purely a great game and if you're are new to the gameing world I highly recomend this as the first game you pick up .
p.s . It cheap as dirt
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
As someone who has played most of the FF series ( except for III and V , and I hope to pick those up soon ) , I was excited to pick this game up and add it to my Final Fantasy collection . I had heard mixed reviews , some claiming that it was the best EVAR and others claiming that it was seriously flawed , but I wanted to play it for myself before making any judgments . Currently , I have played the game about 50 hours and am just before the final boss , have completed most of the sidequests , and am working on celestial weapons ( because I am a masoch - . . . er . . . perfectionist ) . Unlike the authors of most of the reviews I've read , I found that the game seemed lukewarm at first but got better as it progressed . Below , I have rated the game on different categories and explained the reasons behind my ratings .
Story ( 6 / 10 ) - Ok , so it's not exactly what you'd call an original story . The main character gets pulled into another world by an entity called Sin . In this world , Sin is a monster that appears every ten years and must be defeated in order to bring about a period of calm . The only people who can bring about the calm are summoners and their Aeons ( think summons , GFs , Eidolons , etc . ) . So , of course , our arrogant main character finds himself accompanying a summoner on her journey . Most of the plot twists are entirely predictable if you are paying attention , although there is one later in the game that I did not see coming at all , and I applaud the game designers for that . Now , for my huge problem with this game . . . the scenes , and the DIALOGUE . Some of the dialogue , especially in the first half of the game , was so horrible that I couldn't stop laughing even at scenes which were supposed to be serious . Of course , part of that might have been because of the voice actors . . .
Characters ( 7 / 10 ) - Even though the characters of FFX make up quite a colorful and fun cast , this was another one of my issues with the game . Many of the characters , such as Auron and Lulu , are wonderfully developed and remain favorites throughout the game . Unfortunately , there is also Tidus . Now , some people may have liked Tidus with his upbeat personality , but I am not one of them . I found him extremely whiny , arrogant , and immature , even at the end of the game when he was supposed to have changed . Yuna , on the other hand , was a great character who was ruined by a poor voice actress and bad script writing .
Graphics ( 10 / 10 ) - The graphics are amazing , even for a game that has been out for several years . Everything about the characters from facial expressions to clothing just screams attention to detail . And just look at the level of detail on some of the bosses !
Sound ( 8 / 10 ) - This is the last Final Fantasy game that Uematsu wrote music for , and it's wonderful as usual . There aren't as many memorable tracks as there were in VIII or IX , but X still has a great soundtrack to enjoy , especially To Zanarkand and variations thereof . Now , my problem with the sound in this game resides with the voice acting . Some of the voice actors were great selections , but others put the emphasis on the wrong words and this at times ruined cutscenes . The finest example of this is Yuna . I felt that it was the right voice , but the wrong actor , if you know what I mean .
Gameplay ( 9 / 10 ) - Aside from my sidequest griefs ( listed in the next criterion ) , what a game as far as gameplay goes ! This is my favorite turn-based battle system so far . Turn frequency is based on character speed ( just like the ATB system ) , but it's not real-time . To the right of the screen , you can see the next ten or so turns so you can plan your moves accordingly . You can also switch out one character for another any time you please . This also helps you spread battle experience around a little more easily . That's right , no more characters stuck at level 15 because you didn't put them in your party . However , it annoyed me a bit that you couldn't walk 2 steps without fighting a random battle in some areas .
Miscellaneous / Extras ( 5 / 10 ) - I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed with the sidequests in this game . There are few to do outside of the celestial weapon sidequests , and on top of this , many of these sidequests are frustrating at best . FFX's chocobo racing has to be the worst minigame ever invented . The butterfly catching game is hair-rippingly irritating as well , but at least it's possible . Other than the weapons , there are spheres to find which enhance the story and a couple more aeons to collect , but I found that this game fell very short in the enjoyable sidequest department . On another note , I have mixed feelings on the sphere grid . It's creative , but it complicates leveling up a lot . In order to keep this score from being abysmally low , I'll add in something I liked - Weapon / armor customization .
Overall - 7.5 / 10 . Solid FF title , but it was missing something . An important something .
053 4 I have played all of the final fantasy games before this one had been released . Even the ones not previously released in the U.S . With the exception of Final Fantasy 8 ( which was a horrible disgrace to the name ) , i would say that X is the second worst one . Many are dazled by the awsome graphics and voices . I looked at it and compared it to the other masterpieces and found this game lacking in many areas .
There is no world map , you go where it makes you go . The only time you can explore is when you get an airship , which you get right before fighting the end guy .
Another thing , and this happens with many ps2 games , is that they put way too much cinema . It's as though they are trying to cover up the game by trying to dazzle you with cinema . Games now a days are like watching a movie with the occasional 20 minutes of game time .
I actually found myself getting bored with the game . I am really sad that they had to ruin a potentially great game . And they are going to ruin it further by releasing an ' X - 2 ' next fall . Final fantasy NEVER has a sequel .
For the good , the way you level up is indeed unique and is a good idea . ( Much better than the stupid ' junction ' of 8 ) .
Indeed , the graphics are great . The sound effects are good and the characters are great . It's a shame they couldn't take the time and do it right .
It's as though they ran through it quickly , thinking that any video game junky would buy this because of the label . ( like 8 ) I know i did . I would rate this game a 7 / 10 .
If you want to play better final fantasies , play : FF4 , ff5 , ff6 and ff7 .
080 4 THis is an awesome game . I just rented it , but it is so good I have to buy it . The storyline pulls you in like a movie , and the battles have enough action to satisfie most . The graphics are unbeleaveable , I would say some of the best for PS2 . I have not finished it ( LOL ) , but it feels like I've had it forever . The characters are very unique , they aren't like any others from any other games . I haven't tried the second game , but it is on my list to buy .
125 4 All right . Granted I have not gotten very far into the game yet , but here is my two cents ' worth on it . I think this game is flat out awesome overall . The graphics and sound effects are beautifully done in my view . From what I have seen of the story thusfar it is exciting and definitely intriguing enough to hold my interest . The musical score TRULY shines , moving wonderfully from the lovely and tender to the tense and exciting and back . Many times I would just close my eyes in awe and listen .
I hear a lot of complaints about the voice acting here . I know everyone has a right to their opinion , but for me this is a GOOD thing and the actors did well . I LIKE the fact that the characters talk . It is as if I am being TOLD a story rather than reading it . I found EVERY voice well done and the emotion shown by each actor was very much appropriate for whatever situation the character was in . You may disagree , and that is your right , but this is MY review . : )
Two things that will take getting used to are the blitzball mini-game and the spere-grid character advancement system . These are refreshing changes in my view and anybody that plays any Final Fantasy game for any length of time knows there are things that while intimidating at first , they will grow on you . That is the case here in my view .
In short , this is an experience that any Final Fantasy fan or RPG fan in general owes it to himself or herself to have . Plug in your PS2 , pop in the FF X disk , and enjoy the experience . Peace .
172 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
As someone who has played most of the FF series ( except for III and V , and I hope to pick those up soon ) , I was excited to pick this game up and add it to my Final Fantasy collection . I had heard mixed reviews , some claiming that it was the best EVAR and others claiming that it was seriously flawed , but I wanted to play it for myself before making any judgments . Currently , I have played the game about 50 hours and am just before the final boss , have completed most of the sidequests , and am working on celestial weapons ( because I am a masoch - . . . er . . . perfectionist ) . Unlike the authors of most of the reviews I've read , I found that the game seemed lukewarm at first but got better as it progressed . Below , I have rated the game on different categories and explained the reasons behind my ratings .
Story ( 6 / 10 ) - Ok , so it's not exactly what you'd call an original story . The main character gets pulled into another world by an entity called Sin . In this world , Sin is a monster that appears every ten years and must be defeated in order to bring about a period of calm . The only people who can bring about the calm are summoners and their Aeons ( think summons , GFs , Eidolons , etc . ) . So , of course , our arrogant main character finds himself accompanying a summoner on her journey . Most of the plot twists are entirely predictable if you are paying attention , although there is one later in the game that I did not see coming at all , and I applaud the game designers for that . Now , for my huge problem with this game . . . the scenes , and the DIALOGUE . Some of the dialogue , especially in the first half of the game , was so horrible that I couldn't stop laughing even at scenes which were supposed to be serious . Of course , part of that might have been because of the voice actors . . .
Characters ( 7 / 10 ) - Even though the characters of FFX make up quite a colorful and fun cast , this was another one of my issues with the game . Many of the characters , such as Auron and Lulu , are wonderfully developed and remain favorites throughout the game . Unfortunately , there is also Tidus . Now , some people may have liked Tidus with his upbeat personality , but I am not one of them . I found him extremely whiny , arrogant , and immature , even at the end of the game when he was supposed to have changed . Yuna , on the other hand , was a great character who was ruined by a poor voice actress and bad script writing .
Graphics ( 10 / 10 ) - The graphics are amazing , even for a game that has been out for several years . Everything about the characters from facial expressions to clothing just screams attention to detail . And just look at the level of detail on some of the bosses !
Sound ( 8 / 10 ) - This is the last Final Fantasy game that Uematsu wrote music for , and it's wonderful as usual . There aren't as many memorable tracks as there were in VIII or IX , but X still has a great soundtrack to enjoy , especially To Zanarkand and variations thereof . Now , my problem with the sound in this game resides with the voice acting . Some of the voice actors were great selections , but others put the emphasis on the wrong words and this at times ruined cutscenes . The finest example of this is Yuna . I felt that it was the right voice , but the wrong actor , if you know what I mean .
Gameplay ( 9 / 10 ) - Aside from my sidequest griefs ( listed in the next criterion ) , what a game as far as gameplay goes ! This is my favorite turn-based battle system so far . Turn frequency is based on character speed ( just like the ATB system ) , but it's not real-time . To the right of the screen , you can see the next ten or so turns so you can plan your moves accordingly . You can also switch out one character for another any time you please . This also helps you spread battle experience around a little more easily . That's right , no more characters stuck at level 15 because you didn't put them in your party . However , it annoyed me a bit that you couldn't walk 2 steps without fighting a random battle in some areas .
Miscellaneous / Extras ( 5 / 10 ) - I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed with the sidequests in this game . There are few to do outside of the celestial weapon sidequests , and on top of this , many of these sidequests are frustrating at best . FFX's chocobo racing has to be the worst minigame ever invented . The butterfly catching game is hair-rippingly irritating as well , but at least it's possible . Other than the weapons , there are spheres to find which enhance the story and a couple more aeons to collect , but I found that this game fell very short in the enjoyable sidequest department . On another note , I have mixed feelings on the sphere grid . It's creative , but it complicates leveling up a lot . In order to keep this score from being abysmally low , I'll add in something I liked - Weapon / armor customization .
Overall - 7.5 / 10 . Solid FF title , but it was missing something . An important something .
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Before I begin on FFX , I just have to say the PS2 is NOT dead . Users like you and me are proving it , especially in these harsh economic times . This past month , the old machine outsold its newer , slicker counterpart : the PS3 . What that tells me is that there are plenty of people out there that are willing to opt for value over shiny graphics . I purchased my PS2 Slim a few months ago and I don't regret it . If you're willing to compromise on the graphics , there's a plethora of great games out there in the $10 - range . Plus , the graphics aren't too shabby on some games . Some would argue they're pretty close to the Wii . Just had to get that rant off my chest .
Ok , on to Final Fantasy X . This is one of those games that I purchased along with the machine . While not a rabid fan of the franchise , I did play one of the earlier games on the Super Nintendo and I played halfway through FF VII on the PC . I remembered good things , so I opted to make this one of my first purchases for the PS2 . Overall it didn't disappoint , but it did have a few annoyances that are worth mentioning . However , let's start with the good . . .
- Epic storyline , believable world
- Engaging combat system
- Blitball mini game
Quite simply FFX will transport you from your world and suck you in . Effectively crafted games will do this . The world is absolutely massive and while the path is primarily linear , it doesn't feel that way .
You play as Tidus . A blitzball player from Zanarkand , who unwittingly gets pulled into another dimension to help save the populace from a monster dubbed Sin . While it starts as a fairly straightforward save the world story , a vast conspiracy starts to unravel as the quest unfolds . With all the different cultures , histories , and geography that are introduced it definitely adds more meaning to your actions as the player .
The gameplay is where the game really shines . The turn-based combat system makes for a riveting experience . It seems to hit that perfect balance of being easy to learn but deep enough to continue refinement . Each character you acquire comes with special abilities that can mature and change throughout the game , making strategy a crucial part of the conflicts that occur . The turned-based battles are the bread and butter of FFX and though they can be drawn out and difficult , they feel epic in scale and can be very satisfying .
Like previous installments , FFX has its fair share of mini games . This is nothing new , but I've never seen a mini game as deep as the sport of Blitzball . This is essentially a water-based soccer game that is hugely popular in the world of FFX . Since the central character is a professional blitzball player , players will have the opportunity to manage their own teams and compete in the local league . While a little difficult to learn , it's great fun once you get the hang of the controls . It almost feels like Blitzball could've been it's own game , but it makes for a great break whenever you grow tired of the usual romp around the countryside .
- Weak central character
- Some pointlessly difficult side-quests
Sometimes a good story can have an unlikeable protagonist . It doesn't happen often , but it does occur . Just look at Star Wars , they've gotten away with doing it twice with the two Skywalker kids ( though it's debatable whether the prequel episodes can be classified as a good story ) . Bottom-line : I had a difficult time liking Tidus . There are a variety of reasons , but it chiefly comes down to his voice . He sounds like his balls haven't dropped . Because he sounds so squeaky everything he says just comes off wrong and it's very difficult to take him seriously .
Ok , now comes my biggest pet peeve : Lightning dodging and Chocobo racing . These are two mini games where you have to literally spend hours of your time doing some pointlessly repetitive action in order to earn ultimate weapons for some of the characters . While some people have time to do these over and over again , I feel like these hurt the overall gameplay . I don't mind being challenged , but don't insult my intelligence and waste my time by giving me these stupid games where you have to dodge a lighting bolt 200 times in a row . It's simply not worth it . Fortunately as side-quests , these aren't required to beat the game .
Overall , I really enjoyed this game and highly recommend it to anyone into role-playing games . You'd be hard pressed to find a better RPG on the PS2 . Is it as good as Baldur's Gate II ( on the PC ) ? No , but I have yet to find a RPG that comes close that masterpiece .
One last word of advice : If you want to play near 100% of the game the first time around , I'd look into securing a strategy guide . There are plenty of free options online , but I opted to buy the official guide used from Amazon . It was nice to have on-hand in case I needed it .
040 4 I've picked this game up as an alternative to a game I've really wanted , which was Lunar 2 . Apparently , I didn't expect the game to be very impressive , however , when I started it , I was dazzled by the true graphics of the PS2 and the stunning effects and voices .
If you've played the previous Final Fantasy Series before , you'll definately enjoy this game . At first , it is a little strange , due to the uncompared graphics , and a little bit of a difference in the battle system , but once you get used to it , you're off .
The leveling up system is a little different in this game however . If you're a patient and a good Role Play Gamer , you should be over enjoyed with the Sphere Grid system . It allows you to teach , level , and adjust your character in the way you want them to .
For instance , if you would like to teach your black mage some skill ablities , or non elemental properties , you can ; if you'd like to teach the main character healing magic from the Summoner , you can ; it's just so wonderful how the game is based .
The cinematic sequences are very great , although only one downside to this game is that the voiceacting sometimes didn't fit very well to the original Japanese Version . Alot of times , when a character would say Okay they had to word it for Hai ! which means okay in Jap . So there's a little problem with wording , but everything else , you'll enjoy the awesome storyline .
Expect to be impressed .
170 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Before I begin on FFX , I just have to say the PS2 is NOT dead . Users like you and me are proving it , especially in these harsh economic times . This past month , the old machine outsold its newer , slicker counterpart : the PS3 . What that tells me is that there are plenty of people out there that are willing to opt for value over shiny graphics . I purchased my PS2 Slim a few months ago and I don't regret it . If you're willing to compromise on the graphics , there's a plethora of great games out there in the $10 - range . Plus , the graphics aren't too shabby on some games . Some would argue they're pretty close to the Wii . Just had to get that rant off my chest .
Ok , on to Final Fantasy X . This is one of those games that I purchased along with the machine . While not a rabid fan of the franchise , I did play one of the earlier games on the Super Nintendo and I played halfway through FF VII on the PC . I remembered good things , so I opted to make this one of my first purchases for the PS2 . Overall it didn't disappoint , but it did have a few annoyances that are worth mentioning . However , let's start with the good . . .
- Epic storyline , believable world
- Engaging combat system
- Blitball mini game
Quite simply FFX will transport you from your world and suck you in . Effectively crafted games will do this . The world is absolutely massive and while the path is primarily linear , it doesn't feel that way .
You play as Tidus . A blitzball player from Zanarkand , who unwittingly gets pulled into another dimension to help save the populace from a monster dubbed Sin . While it starts as a fairly straightforward save the world story , a vast conspiracy starts to unravel as the quest unfolds . With all the different cultures , histories , and geography that are introduced it definitely adds more meaning to your actions as the player .
The gameplay is where the game really shines . The turn-based combat system makes for a riveting experience . It seems to hit that perfect balance of being easy to learn but deep enough to continue refinement . Each character you acquire comes with special abilities that can mature and change throughout the game , making strategy a crucial part of the conflicts that occur . The turned-based battles are the bread and butter of FFX and though they can be drawn out and difficult , they feel epic in scale and can be very satisfying .
Like previous installments , FFX has its fair share of mini games . This is nothing new , but I've never seen a mini game as deep as the sport of Blitzball . This is essentially a water-based soccer game that is hugely popular in the world of FFX . Since the central character is a professional blitzball player , players will have the opportunity to manage their own teams and compete in the local league . While a little difficult to learn , it's great fun once you get the hang of the controls . It almost feels like Blitzball could've been it's own game , but it makes for a great break whenever you grow tired of the usual romp around the countryside .
- Weak central character
- Some pointlessly difficult side-quests
Sometimes a good story can have an unlikeable protagonist . It doesn't happen often , but it does occur . Just look at Star Wars , they've gotten away with doing it twice with the two Skywalker kids ( though it's debatable whether the prequel episodes can be classified as a good story ) . Bottom-line : I had a difficult time liking Tidus . There are a variety of reasons , but it chiefly comes down to his voice . He sounds like his balls haven't dropped . Because he sounds so squeaky everything he says just comes off wrong and it's very difficult to take him seriously .
Ok , now comes my biggest pet peeve : Lightning dodging and Chocobo racing . These are two mini games where you have to literally spend hours of your time doing some pointlessly repetitive action in order to earn ultimate weapons for some of the characters . While some people have time to do these over and over again , I feel like these hurt the overall gameplay . I don't mind being challenged , but don't insult my intelligence and waste my time by giving me these stupid games where you have to dodge a lighting bolt 200 times in a row . It's simply not worth it . Fortunately as side-quests , these aren't required to beat the game .
Overall , I really enjoyed this game and highly recommend it to anyone into role-playing games . You'd be hard pressed to find a better RPG on the PS2 . Is it as good as Baldur's Gate II ( on the PC ) ? No , but I have yet to find a RPG that comes close that masterpiece .
One last word of advice : If you want to play near 100% of the game the first time around , I'd look into securing a strategy guide . There are plenty of free options online , but I opted to buy the official guide used from Amazon . It was nice to have on-hand in case I needed it .
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Final Fantasy X is the last TRUE FF that has been made . As much as I love FFX - 2 and really like so much of FFXII , to this day , I still feel Final Fantasy X is the last real Final Fantasy . I have played just about every single Final Fantasy . Not Final Fantasy XI since it's online and a couple off titles like Tactics Advance and Crystal Bearers for the WII . But I am a HUGE Final Fantasy fan and love FF's VI through X - 2 the most . I'm not going to go into a too long detailed review but I have to mention some very important things .
First , I have to completely disagree with what Amazon has in it's cons about little innovation . That's so not true . There's a lot of innovation and some things here I wish would return in future FF's . The whole battle system with the CTB is so unique and never used in a FF before . I love being able to use more strategy and use that CTB window to determine when the next enemy will attack and which character will go next depending on what I do in battle . And being able to switch out characters in battle . This was such a genius addition to the series after having the traditional turned based from FFI and the ATB from other FF's before FFX . I really love the CTB and it wasn't used in enough games . FFXII should have had the CTB as well . It really needs to return for at least another true FF . It's such a shame that it hasn't been used in FFXII or FFXIII .
Which brings me to another point : a lot of people are complaining about the random encounters and calling this boring which couldn't be further from the truth . People just don't understand what Final Fantasy is supposed to be . It's a RPG , NOT an action game series . As much as I like FFXII , the removal of the traditional turned based system is a great downfall . That's another thing that makes me love FFX and FFX - 2 and how they are the last TRUE FF's . They have that Final Fantasy feel that has been missing since when FFXI first appeared .
But another main thing is the storyline in this game . From the very opening credits , to the very last part with the Game Over screen , this game pulls you in and never lets up . You feel joy , excitement , amazement , sorrow , sadness and so much more and you actually care about the characters . It's more than just a game . It's an experience . It's like reading a book and watching a movie but it's not just that because mostly it's gameplay but you know what I mean . You get so engrossed that you end up playing this game for days without even realizing it . You want to know who Tidus is and where he came from . You want to know if Yuna can save the world from ' Sin . ' And who or what is ' Sin ' anyway ? That's for me to know and you to find out and much , much more . This game has so much to offer and I love it so much , I'm on my 6th playthrough and counting .
I'm just so amazed at the amazing graphics and voice acting too . The chocobos are so cute and adorable and I love dodging lightning in the Thunder Plains . Amazing caverns , swimming and battling underwater , riding chocobos , the gorgeous , GORGEOUS town of Guadosalem ( you'll see what I mean when you get there ) and the Farplane . The music is incredible . So many different emotions you feel in the music alone . I love this just as much as Final Fantasy VI through IX . Please , please , experience FFX . It's not just a game . It's a totally unique experience . HIGHLY , HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ! ! !
038 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Final Fantasy X is the last TRUE FF that has been made . As much as I love FFX - 2 and really like so much of FFXII , to this day , I still feel Final Fantasy X is the last real Final Fantasy . I have played just about every single Final Fantasy . Not Final Fantasy XI since it's online and a couple off titles like Tactics Advance and Crystal Bearers for the WII . But I am a HUGE Final Fantasy fan and love FF's VI through X - 2 the most . I'm not going to go into a too long detailed review but I have to mention some very important things .
First , I have to completely disagree with what Amazon has in it's cons about little innovation . That's so not true . There's a lot of innovation and some things here I wish would return in future FF's . The whole battle system with the CTB is so unique and never used in a FF before . I love being able to use more strategy and use that CTB window to determine when the next enemy will attack and which character will go next depending on what I do in battle . And being able to switch out characters in battle . This was such a genius addition to the series after having the traditional turned based from FFI and the ATB from other FF's before FFX . I really love the CTB and it wasn't used in enough games . FFXII should have had the CTB as well . It really needs to return for at least another true FF . It's such a shame that it hasn't been used in FFXII or FFXIII .
Which brings me to another point : a lot of people are complaining about the random encounters and calling this boring which couldn't be further from the truth . People just don't understand what Final Fantasy is supposed to be . It's a RPG , NOT an action game series . As much as I like FFXII , the removal of the traditional turned based system is a great downfall . That's another thing that makes me love FFX and FFX - 2 and how they are the last TRUE FF's . They have that Final Fantasy feel that has been missing since when FFXI first appeared .
But another main thing is the storyline in this game . From the very opening credits , to the very last part with the Game Over screen , this game pulls you in and never lets up . You feel joy , excitement , amazement , sorrow , sadness and so much more and you actually care about the characters . It's more than just a game . It's an experience . It's like reading a book and watching a movie but it's not just that because mostly it's gameplay but you know what I mean . You get so engrossed that you end up playing this game for days without even realizing it . You want to know who Tidus is and where he came from . You want to know if Yuna can save the world from ' Sin . ' And who or what is ' Sin ' anyway ? That's for me to know and you to find out and much , much more . This game has so much to offer and I love it so much , I'm on my 6th playthrough and counting .
I'm just so amazed at the amazing graphics and voice acting too . The chocobos are so cute and adorable and I love dodging lightning in the Thunder Plains . Amazing caverns , swimming and battling underwater , riding chocobos , the gorgeous , GORGEOUS town of Guadosalem ( you'll see what I mean when you get there ) and the Farplane . The music is incredible . So many different emotions you feel in the music alone . I love this just as much as Final Fantasy VI through IX . Please , please , experience FFX . It's not just a game . It's a totally unique experience . HIGHLY , HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ! ! !
056 4 I'm going to be crisp and clean to the point in this review , I played and completed it a few times .
STORY : This is possibly one of the best RPG storylines I have ever encountered . In the beginning , it leaves you wondering , it may be confusing to a few . However , as the game progresses , everything starts to get clearer , yet it still leaves you wondering what will happen next . Everything in this game is so very detailed , including the storyline . It's the little things that get you captivated . I highly recommend this game , because of the storyline alone .
CHARACTERS : In FF9 , some of the characters were never developed . They entered , and didn't go anywhere . In this game , it's not the case . Characters get more interesting the more you play , don't judge by first impressions . Their dialogue matches up to what you would expect the character to say in that situation . Some people complain about the game being short , but it is far from that . With the characters each having a history , each having a future , and each having a different personality , this game lasts very long .
GRAPHICS : Have you seen screenshots ? Unlike anything I've ever seen ; amazing .
GAMEPLAY : FUN . Isn't that what games are all about ? The fun factor ? I enjoyed playing this , the battle system is great . There are no annoying levels , you can customise your characters ' actions , weapons , armors , and a few other options . Add on Aeons ( summoned beasts ) that you can customise , and this whole game is at your conrol . By far , this is the best RPG ( or game ) on Playstation 2 currently .
I really suggest that you buy this . I wouldn't be writing all this if I thought it wasn't worth your time and money .
150 4 final fantasy x was the first final fantasy game i ever played . it's amazing . i wasn't too interested in the series until i played this one . the graphics are amazing ! plus the story , the enviroments , the characters are all amazing as well . it's very well done & really fun to play . it's a long game i think & that's a good thing in my opinion . it makes everything & all the time it takes to play it worth it in the end . i have yet to play x - 2 but i've already got it & i'm about to start playing it . i can't wait . i'm glad they made a sequel to this game . it's one of the best games i've ever played ! i give it 5 stars & i reccomend it to anyone of any age that enjoy playing fun rpg games .
185 4 I first purchased this game in 2002 when it came out . I paid around $49 for the thing . And I don't regret one dime I spent !
This was not my first Final Fantasy , but I had had a hard time getting into some of the PS1 installments of the series for the simple fact that . . . you had to READ TONS AND TONS OF DIALOGUE ! ( ugh ! )
So the first cool thing about this game is the fact that . . . yay ! They talk !
While a few reviews have said that it is laughable at times . . . and it is true , but It's more of how the audio was placed into the game and the timing of what is said . Not the actually acting itself .
I read another review that said that the FM。's are SOOO LOONNNGGGG and take up SOOO MUCH time . Yeah . . . if all you do is follow the story line scene after scene ! The WHOLE POINT of ALL the Final Fantasy series is to go beyond the story and level up , do the side quests , and find special items and what not . Which can be difficult and annoying . . . and CHALLENGING . ( But isn't that why we play video games in the first place ? )
Anyway , this game is incredibly detailed . Can last forever with literally thousands of secrets to unveil , items & weapons to find , and new creatures to see !
The characters and story line are engaging and by the time you've finished the game . . . . you've spent a good amount of time with those guys and find yourself crying at the end when it's over !
This is such an enjoyable game and I'm not sure how many times I've taken it out to replay certain parts or the whole thing over again .
The FMV scenes are beautiful , but regular gameplay is still incredible detailed !
As far as the soundtrack goes there are only two songs that I absolutely despise in the and that's the Chocobo song and ' Victorious ' song they play at the end of a battle . ( they use higher notes so it drives me nuts ! ) But I love the game and often find myself humming along to the beats as I'm going along . . . haha .
I LOVE this game and I'm so happy that they made a sequel to it ( a more lighthearted , but just as fun sequel ! )
I highly recommend you try it out , and now that it's a Greatest Hit and less than half the price I paid for . . . . it's well worth it .
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
First off , this game certainly has it's own cons . THe most disturbing of these are :
* linear , very linear - however , I believe that this game is best presented as linear because having a lot of option leaves too much room to miss major plot points ; this would lead to the complaint that the plot makes no sense and has holes
* voice acting - while some of the voices remain strong , others falter frequently ; it was a pretty good try though , considering this is the first time voice acting has been present in a FF game
* not overly challenging - if your characters are weak , then this game will certainly be challenging , but any level of excessive leveling up will put you leagues ahead of the bad guys , taking the need to strategize completely out of the picture
* sidequesting - practically all of the sidequesting is made available all at once just few boss battles from the end of the game , this became very time consuming ans annoying and would have been better if quests had been offered periodically throughout the game
Now for the pros :
* storyline - I believe many people complain about the story line of X because it is very mature and some people don't fully understand its meaning ; the constant themes of political and religious corruption , the desire to do whatever one can to help loved ones ( even at the cost of life ) , and the unavoidable fact that not everyone comes through in the end are just a few of the strong points that the game is trying to get across
* gameplay - I absolutely loved the Sphere Gride and found it to be a refreshing change from the regular level up system , it offers endless possiblites for your charcaters ; the battles are turn based , offering plenty of time to strategize and a slower pace than active time battles
* music - FF has become famous for it's gorgeous music and many will easily agree that the opening piano piece , To Zanarkand , is one of the saddest songs they've ever heard , this added to the love ballad Suteki da ne and it's intrsumental renditions heard throughout the game adds a kind of forelorn yet hopeful feel to a glittering and dying world
* graphics - this being the first FF on the PS2 , naturally Square wanted it to be gorgeous , and once you see the beautiful full motion videos you'll easily be able to comprehend just why it to four odd years to produce this game , not mention there are somewhere around 52 individual FM。 's throughout the game ( that has to be a record . . . ) ; The real time and gameplay graphics are top notch , especially with the use of new techniques for facial expressions
Overall , this is one of my favorite games on the PS2 . The story is engaging and addictive . It's especially fun to have a few friends around to yell at the screen things aren't going as you please and , if needed , to vry with all through the end . I highly reccomend this to everyone , if only to try once .
052 4 First off , this game certainly has it's own cons . THe most disturbing of these are :
* linear , very linear - however , I believe that this game is best presented as linear because having a lot of option leaves too much room to miss major plot points ; this would lead to the complaint that the plot makes no sense and has holes
* voice acting - while some of the voices remain strong , others falter frequently ; it was a pretty good try though , considering this is the first time voice acting has been present in a FF game
* not overly challenging - if your characters are weak , then this game will certainly be challenging , but any level of excessive leveling up will put you leagues ahead of the bad guys , taking the need to strategize completely out of the picture
* sidequesting - practically all of the sidequesting is made available all at once just few boss battles from the end of the game , this became very time consuming ans annoying and would have been better if quests had been offered periodically throughout the game
Now for the pros :
* storyline - I believe many people complain about the story line of X because it is very mature and some people don't fully understand its meaning ; the constant themes of political and religious corruption , the desire to do whatever one can to help loved ones ( even at the cost of life ) , and the unavoidable fact that not everyone comes through in the end are just a few of the strong points that the game is trying to get across
* gameplay - I absolutely loved the Sphere Gride and found it to be a refreshing change from the regular level up system , it offers endless possiblites for your charcaters ; the battles are turn based , offering plenty of time to strategize and a slower pace than active time battles
* music - FF has become famous for it's gorgeous music and many will easily agree that the opening piano piece , To Zanarkand , is one of the saddest songs they've ever heard , this added to the love ballad Suteki da ne and it's intrsumental renditions heard throughout the game adds a kind of forelorn yet hopeful feel to a glittering and dying world
* graphics - this being the first FF on the PS2 , naturally Square wanted it to be gorgeous , and once you see the beautiful full motion videos you'll easily be able to comprehend just why it to four odd years to produce this game , not mention there are somewhere around 52 individual FM。's throughout the game ( that has to be a record . . . ) ; The real time and gameplay graphics are top notch , especially with the use of new techniques for facial expressions
Overall , this is one of my favorite games on the PS2 . The story is engaging and addictive . It's especially fun to have a few friends around to yell at the screen things aren't going as you please and , if needed , to vry with all through the end . I highly reccomend this to everyone , if only to try once .
059 4 I got the demo for FFX the other day and I just keep playing it over and over . The battle system with the ability to be the Aeons is awesome and if you have a hard time against an enemy just switch characters to someone who can deal with it . You can also swim in the water and under it . Blitzball just looks incredibly awesome . And the voices are really darn good . The only thing I didn't like was how much Tidus whined but that's only a minor thing in my case . The graphics are flawless and the music is great . Overall I think this is definately going to be the best final fantasy yet . But I guess you already figured that .
107 4 Alright , I thought this game wasn't THE best . I mean yeah I thought the game was awesome , but for some reason , it just wasn't as fun as the some of the other Final Fantasies . I already accomplished everything in the game , with everyones special weapon and all the magic and monsters to capture which was cool to add . The graphics are definitly an improvement , the spells and techniques are great , and the story line is nicely done . Once I beat this game , I wouldn't do it over again . I recommend this game definitly , but I would rather stick with Final Fantasy VII . FFVII just seems more fun and interseting to play and I could play the game over and over again . The only main reason I think people bought this game was because of the graphics because if you think about it , ever since this came out , people have just been talking and talking about it and it just got kind of old . The only real problem I thought with this game was the voice acting and thats not even that important . All in all though , I do recommend this game and it's worth buying only if your a FF fan and you could play through it again .
111 4 The best thing about FFX is probably the graphics . Some parts in the game look so realistic that you mistake it for a real picture . The characters in this game also speak out loud so you dont always have to read it , and you can press the button if you dont want to hear it . The story line is also great . If you get irritated with mazes easily , be prepared because even though there are few mazes , some can be difficult . The game is almost like a 65 hour long movie , you can think of someone or something as one thing , but then it turns out way different . There is a lot of action in it and it has the best graphics i have ever seen . The cheapest I have seen a new game is 15 dollars at a mall . ^ _ ^
138 4 Squaresoft brings us a brand new adventure , Final Fantasy X . The story basically talks about Tidus , a blitzball player of the Zanrakand Abes living in , well , Zanrakand . As he plays an unknown force known as Sin comes by and destroys Tidus's home . He wakes up afterwards to figure out he's in the future , 1,000 years to be more correct , and is in the land known as Spira . From there you play as Tidus and run into a summoner named Yuna , shes on a pilgrimiged to save Spira from Sin with her guardians and like everyone notices , Tidus decided to join the quest . graphic wise , the games graphic was great , but mostly the FM。's that was just simply breath taking ( it looked extremely real ) the battle was new , it actually gave you time to think on what you were going to do which I bet everyone needs ( trust me , I really needed it hehe ) so there are nothing to be frusterated about , the story line is amazing , and the great part about it , is that at first it feels like a video game but later on it feels more like a movie so thats good , and the are so many things that tend to get you at the edge of you seat which is perfect if you like solving mysteries and such then this is perfect . The newest feature to the FF series is the voice acting ! Yup the characters finally talk so forget all that annoying reading crap when you can simply listen but wait ! You STILL have to read ! Why you ask ? Al-bhed , the langage of the machina people ( machina is machine in ffx ) so you have side quests ha ! In Final Fantasy X there are diffrent tribes in Spira , the al-bhed , machina using people who speak in their own language and are accused of Sin's being , theres the religious people , they pray for a g-d called Yevon . . . yes the religion is called Yevon , they are the people that pray nonstop and believe in the final summoning is the only way to stop Sin forever and wish for the calm , a time where there is no Sin , then there are the humans . . . basically says it all , there are the ronsos , big , hairy like creatures that live in the mountine area , then there are the guados , long arm , fast running creatures . . . they're weird hehe . In the previous Final Fantasies , you traveled across flat lands , but in FFX , you actually travel not flat , real time land ! And you want sports ? Screw the cards go into a big tank like thing and play Blitzball ! The game that relaxes the people of Spira and it's fun ! It's a mix of football and soccer so expect alot of tackles . Overall this game is simply breathtaking although there is a downside , there is a villian that looks gay ( no offense to anyone out there ) and Tidus can tend to be annoying when he whines ( what do you expect from a 17 year old ? ) but if you pass that then your in for a real treat .
Mental Note : if you hate sluts , bad plot , and a billion mini games that you don't even know where the story line is , do NOT get Final Fantasy X - 2 ! !
I hope this review will help you out ^ _ ^
155 4 I'm not entirely sure of this game yet , which is why I gave it a middle of the road 3 stars . To those of you who want a honest review , I would strongly suggest steering yourself away from the reviews written by the various 12 year olds that seem to ran rampant here , because the majority of them grew up with the PSOne and the N64 and have little or no real idea what the true spirit of an RPG is . RPG's are quite possibly the oldest video game genre to exist because they can be played simply with text flashing on a screen . Now as for FFX , I won't credit my 3 stars to voice acting , as some have , as that's rather superfical in my mind , or to the fact that Tidus is a pretty boy , or that Lulu is scantly clad . . . I'm crediting my rating to strictly the fact that it feels much more like an action adventure game then an RPG . The lack of the world map or overworld was what I found most distressing of all . There is no such thing as a linear RPG . . . PERIOD . And FFX is just about as linear as they come . You run along a path , get attacked a few times , and reach your destination by and by . While yes , the graphics are amazing and the characters are well developed and engading there is little to no actual exploration in this game . Considering that very few of my favorite games are non-RPGs , in my eyes while FFX is indeed an excellent demonstration of modern day computer graphics , old titles like Dragon Warrior , Earthbound , Chrono Trigger , FF4 , FF6 and FF7 all make for much better games . Graphics don't make gameplay and story , except in the eyes of todays preteen population perhaps who seem to equate game value to how pretty the polygons are . Sorry Square , but nice try . . . next time don't forget the fundementals of what you've built your entire legacy on .
216 4 Involved and entertaining like the other FF games . This one stands out in that it draws you into the characters at a higher level . My older boys loved it but they didn't undersatnd how a vidoe game could make Mom cry . I did . This game sucked me in hard ! I would recommend FF X - 2 if you want a continuation ending of the one you get with this game . It is a continuation of story but game play is totally different .
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I have two words to discribe this game : Freakin . Awesome .
It is the next installment in the ever popluar Playstation series , Final Fantasy . It is a defining game for the PS2 and a must have for any PS2 owner . It has a little bit of everything , battles , romance , sports ( blitzball ) , and all sorts of interesting characters . This was my first Playstation videogame ever , and I think this is a great starter game . The graphics are beautiful and the plot is fascinating . Granted the voice-overs are somewhat . . . pathetic , it is still a 5 star game ! Also you deefinatly want to buy the direct sequel Final Fantasy X - 2 . Plus buying the ' BradyGames ' game guide is a worth while purchase if you want to beat the game .
117 4 I've had Final Fanatsy X for about 4 months now . This game isn't worth buying . This game could have been better in many ways . The storyline was incredibly boring , you seem to watch the game more than you actually play , the chracters could have been better , and the sphere grid used to level up your characters is hard to use . On a positive note the voice acting is incredible and brings a unique feature to the game . The graphics are excellent in all areas of the game . After examining these aspects of the game I could only give it 3 stars . Save your cash for something else .
199 4 i really enjoyed this game . one of my favorites , i am a final fantasy fan and have all the games . this game really got me involved and i really found the charecters so very likeable that it made gameplay more enjoyable . i regret not having had the game book in the beginning as there are many areas that can be overlooked and still be able to complete the game . i was rather sad when i finished the game . beginning is rather tedious , but once past the starting it is about the best !
217 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I have two words to discribe this game : Freakin . Awesome .
It is the next installment in the ever popluar Playstation series , Final Fantasy . It is a defining game for the PS2 and a must have for any PS2 owner . It has a little bit of everything , battles , romance , sports ( blitzball ) , and all sorts of interesting characters . This was my first Playstation videogame ever , and I think this is a great starter game . The graphics are beautiful and the plot is fascinating . Granted the voice-overs are somewhat . . . pathetic , it is still a 5 star game ! Also you deefinatly want to buy the direct sequel Final Fantasy X - 2 . Plus buying the ' BradyGames ' game guide is a worth while purchase if you want to beat the game .
232 4 the reason i did not give it 5 stars was that there was too much talking in the game and some parts were like a hour long even longer which gets annyoing
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I know its been years since this game has been out , but not everyone has bought it , so here it goes . When i played the game , for some reason i had my skeptics about it . I had rented it one time and felt in love with it so bad that i got it for christmas . I would daydream about this game sometimes when i was at school , now that i look back i must have been one weird girl in love with a video game character .
It's bascially about this Famous blitzball player ( he'll narrate the whole game for you ) who's performing that night . A mysterious monster comes and tears his home , Zanarkand , taking him 1000 years into the future where his world no longer exists but only in the state of ruins . You get to meet and explore this new world called Spira , plus their strict religion . Painfully , Tidus , the character you control has to watch what he says around people or he may get punched in the face and be chased down . He'll meet a summoner who feels its her destiny to follow in her father's footsteps and protect spira from the same mosnter , Sin who attacked Tidus ' home . You will travel with her and her guardians by foot to Zanarkand
What I like about the game is that there are many intelligent races such as the Ronso , Albhed , Hypello , Guado etc . And at some points you will be pulled into the middle of some of their personal wars against each other . bascially drama . The Albhed has a language you can try and learn . You can pick up Albhed Primers i believe and it'll help you understand what they are saying .
The battle system is smart , because to the right of the screen i believe is a little window showing who's turn it will be next , plus it will also show you what would happen or how many turns you'll be ahead or away depending on what option you do . like for example , if you want to cast fire , it may knock up or down your next character's turn . it just depends on what you do .
Another reason why it's smart is becuase all of your characters can earn credit at once . i believe you have 7 people . so instead of taking 3 and leveling them up 3 at a time , every single one of your characters can be in a single battle at once . so this really saves time . however only three can fight but the rest of the members stand in the back , all you have to do is call them and they will come .
Instead of playing Cards like you would in the past Final fantasy games , you'll get to play Blitzball . sometimes i would play 4 to 5 games a day . You can easily get hooked onto it .
the music in this game is above average
the graphics are gorgeous
the dialouge is great
Worth buying
What I liked about the
161 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
The Final Fantasy series completely reinvented the RPG genre , turning it into something that can cause the player to gain an emotional attachment to the characters . With Final Fantasy X , the first game in the series with voice acting , that familiar sense of attachment has been wholly translated to a simple yet beautiful and emotional story .
The CGI scenes are beautifully rendered , the backgrounds - especially those of Besaid Island and Macalania - lush and colorful , the story simple , yet at the same time , wonderfully complex . One of the biggest complaints about the game is the voice acting . Personally , I believed that the voice actors worked with what they were given , and that dubs are notorious for being very bad . James Arnold Taylor gives an effective , if occasionally obnoxious ( but I don't believe it's his fault : he voiced Ratchet perfectly ) , reading for the main protagonist Tidus , and at times it feels as though you're right there with him . Every voice actor chosen for the English dub was , I believe , very well chosen .
The storyline begins very simply : Tidus lives in a machina ( machine ) city known as Zanarkand and is the local star of the Zanarkand Abes Blitzball team ( a form of underwater soccer ) . An attack by an entity known as Sin , however , launches him into another world , 1000 years into the future , known as Spira . He begins a quest with a young summoner , Yuna , and a cast of colorful characters to vanguish Sin and find a way to return home .
The depth of the story as it goes on , however , can be amazing . Subplots are uncovered ; new , vast areas for exploration ( a temple off the Calm Lands , accessable only by chocobo , and especially the Omega Ruins ) are discovered via the airship , unlocked later in the game . Fiends can be captured to create awesome new creatures that give worthwhile prizes once defeated . Character depth and development , while not particularly noteworthy , is still enough to be engaging . The most painful thing will be early in the game , when random battles pop up while going from place to place , and of course the frequency of cutscenes and the inability to skip them . Still , it isn't enough to take away from the story and the journey , and can have you playing ( if you go for every hidden area and secret ) for well over seventy hours .
All in all , the game is an excellent buy and still looks beautiful , even alongside newer games for the powerhouse PlayStation 3 and its Blu-ray-based games . No matter what price you pay for it , it will be worth your time and money .
165 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I know its been years since this game has been out , but not everyone has bought it , so here it goes . When i played the game , for some reason i had my skeptics about it . I had rented it one time and felt in love with it so bad that i got it for christmas . I would daydream about this game sometimes when i was at school , now that i look back i must have been one weird girl in love with a video game character .
It's bascially about this Famous blitzball player ( he'll narrate the whole game for you ) who's performing that night . A mysterious monster comes and tears his home , Zanarkand , taking him 1000 years into the future where his world no longer exists but only in the state of ruins . You get to meet and explore this new world called Spira , plus their strict religion . Painfully , Tidus , the character you control has to watch what he says around people or he may get punched in the face and be chased down . He'll meet a summoner who feels its her destiny to follow in her father's footsteps and protect spira from the same mosnter , Sin who attacked Tidus ' home . You will travel with her and her guardians by foot to Zanarkand
What I like about the game is that there are many intelligent races such as the Ronso , Albhed , Hypello , Guado etc . And at some points you will be pulled into the middle of some of their personal wars against each other . bascially drama . The Albhed has a language you can try and learn . You can pick up Albhed Primers i believe and it'll help you understand what they are saying .
The battle system is smart , because to the right of the screen i believe is a little window showing who's turn it will be next , plus it will also show you what would happen or how many turns you'll be ahead or away depending on what option you do . like for example , if you want to cast fire , it may knock up or down your next character's turn . it just depends on what you do .
Another reason why it's smart is becuase all of your characters can earn credit at once . i believe you have 7 people . so instead of taking 3 and leveling them up 3 at a time , every single one of your characters can be in a single battle at once . so this really saves time . however only three can fight but the rest of the members stand in the back , all you have to do is call them and they will come .
Instead of playing Cards like you would in the past Final fantasy games , you'll get to play Blitzball . sometimes i would play 4 to 5 games a day . You can easily get hooked onto it .
the music in this game is above average
the graphics are gorgeous
the dialouge is great
Worth buying
What I liked about the
166 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I know its been years since this game has been out , but not everyone has bought it , so here it goes . When i played the game , for some reason i had my skeptics about it . I had rented it one time and felt in love with it so bad that i got it for christmas . I would daydream about this game sometimes when i was at school , now that i look back i must have been one weird girl in love with a video game character .
It's bascially about this Famous blitzball player ( he'll narrate the whole game for you ) who's performing that night . A mysterious monster comes and tears his home , Zanarkand , taking him 1000 years into the future where his world no longer exists but only in the state of ruins . You get to meet and explore this new world called Spira , plus their strict religion . Painfully , Tidus , the character you control has to watch what he says around people or he may get punched in the face and be chased down . He'll meet a summoner who feels its her destiny to follow in her father's footsteps and protect spira from the same mosnter , Sin who attacked Tidus ' home . You will travel with her and her guardians by foot to Zanarkand
What I like about the game is that there are many intelligent races such as the Ronso , Albhed , Hypello , Guado etc . And at some points you will be pulled into the middle of some of their personal wars against each other . bascially drama . The Albhed has a language you can try and learn . You can pick up Albhed Primers i believe and it'll help you understand what they are saying .
The battle system is smart , because to the right of the screen i believe is a little window showing who's turn it will be next , plus it will also show you what would happen or how many turns you'll be ahead or away depending on what option you do . like for example , if you want to cast fire , it may knock up or down your next character's turn . it just depends on what you do .
Another reason why it's smart is becuase all of your characters can earn credit at once . i believe you have 7 people . so instead of taking 3 and leveling them up 3 at a time , every single one of your characters can be in a single battle at once . so this really saves time . however only three can fight but the rest of the members stand in the back , all you have to do is call them and they will come .
Instead of playing Cards like you would in the past Final fantasy games , you'll get to play Blitzball . sometimes i would play 4 to 5 games a day . You can easily get hooked onto it .
the music in this game is above average
the graphics are gorgeous
the dialouge is great
Worth buying
What I liked about the
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I love this game . Hands down it's my favorite in the series . Back when I was in college this came out and my friend bough it . The next 140 hours of our free time was dedicated to this . ( I'll have to say that probably 60 was due to ultimate weapon getting and blitzballing ) ( we were really bad blitzball players ) And there was a bad obsession on my part for finding every single possible thing to be found .
The fighting style is turn based , so you can think about what you need to do and go through varies options ( like what do you want Rikku to mix to attack the enemy ) . It's not very quick paced , but the storyline is sweet . And yes , I mean sugar sappy sweet that an entire new game was created BASED off that sugar sappy sweetness ( X - 2 ) . But it's good , it wasn't unbearable .
Since it came out me and my friend have easily played it a dozen times . So it has replay value .
The story is linear , and the map is simple . I like easy maps because I get lost easily in real life ! The leveling up system is called a sphere grid which is actually super easy to use , so your character can take on whatever attributes you want , no one character is stuck in a role .
The only real down side is that you can't adjust the camera angles and you can't x through the cut scenes .
Overall , it's still a great game and I recommend it to anyone who likes the final fantasy legacy .
023 4 I was never really into RPG's before I decided to try Final Fantasy X . 306 hours of gameplay later , I'd say it was a pretty good purchase . No other game I've ever played , except for maybe the original Metal Gear Solid for PS1 , has captivated me to the point that this game did . I've played all the GTA games , Resident Evil 4 , KOTOR , all the Halo games , Gears of War , Bioshock , Oblivion , World of Warcraft , Call of Duty 4 , Ninja Gaiden , God of War , Final Fantasy VII , VIII , X - 2 , and XII , etc . Nothing I've ever played sucked my life away like this game . I don't usually write reviews for anything , but this game deserved special attention . Buy this game . Just don't flunk out of school , or lose your job , or get in a traffic accident by falling asleep at the wheel , because you've been up all night trying to get the sigil to Lulu's ultimate weapon . I have a PS3 , a 360 , and an Alienware pc . This game blows away every game I've ever played . Period .
070 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
One of the best Final Fantasy games out there ( there are more bad ones than good ) . I still like VIII more , though . X is good if you've got lots of time to kill completing this 100% .
071 4 One of the best Final Fantasy games out there ( there are more bad ones than good ) . I still like VIII more , though . X is good if you've got lots of time to kill completing this 100% .
133 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
One of the better Final Fantasy's I've played . Game play is great , though for the most part it is very linear till you get close to the end . The battle system has been crafted beautifully . During battle characters can be switched in and out without taking up a turn . Even if you accidentally switch in the wrong character , just switch to the one you want without losing a turn . And speaking of turns that is how the battle goes , it is turn based . the battles are also random encounters . on to the characters : they actually talk in this one.Each character has their own personality which I grew to love . They make you laugh , cry , and even dare i say hate ( the villains ) . several twists and turns makes this game unpredictable and addicting . ( don't get me wrong but i think one day i played 13 hours . i know , i know , but that's just how good it is ) . Overall i rate this game very high of my all time favorite games . I highly recommend buying this if you don't have it . and if you are thinking about buying it or are unsure , I'm telling you that you wont be sorry for getting this one . . .
134 4 One of the better Final Fantasy's I've played . Game play is great , though for the most part it is very linear till you get close to the end . The battle system has been crafted beautifully . During battle characters can be switched in and out without taking up a turn . Even if you accidentally switch in the wrong character , just switch to the one you want without losing a turn . And speaking of turns that is how the battle goes , it is turn based . the battles are also random encounters . on to the characters : they actually talk in this one.Each character has their own personality which I grew to love . They make you laugh , cry , and even dare i say hate ( the villains ) . several twists and turns makes this game unpredictable and addicting . ( don't get me wrong but i think one day i played 13 hours . i know , i know , but that's just how good it is ) . Overall i rate this game very high of my all time favorite games . I highly recommend buying this if you don't have it . and if you are thinking about buying it or are unsure , I'm telling you that you wont be sorry for getting this one . . .
149 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
final fantasy x was the first final fantasy game i ever played . it's amazing . i wasn't too interested in the series until i played this one . the graphics are amazing ! plus the story , the enviroments , the characters are all amazing as well . it's very well done & really fun to play . it's a long game i think & that's a good thing in my opinion . it makes everything & all the time it takes to play it worth it in the end . i have yet to play x - 2 but i've already got it & i'm about to start playing it . i can't wait . i'm glad they made a sequel to this game . it's one of the best games i've ever played ! i give it 5 stars & i reccomend it to anyone of any age that enjoy playing fun rpg games .
163 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
i've had this game since it came out long ago but writin a review about it now seen some rude people writin bad about the game , i love this game even the blizball was a great side game if u want to take a break from the levelin up or side quest . it takes a bite to learn but like they say practice practice , thats how all games r u need to get use to it , the endin was sad but they made 10 - 2 which wasnt all that great to me i really didnt like that game but i got to see the happy endin i wanted in final fantasy 10 ^ _ ^ so they had some cool ablitys but i didnt need all them most of the time , final fantasy has some great graphics even now they r still beautiful and breath takin . people that give bad reviews on this game dont seem to be real RPG gamers if u was u would now its all about the levelin in a game on a scale 1 - 10 i give this a game a 10 it was extremely fun and i've played it over many times and i rarely do it i loved playin the blizball it was so fun ^ _ ^ well thats it really i love the story of this game it was beautiful
194 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I love this game . Hands down it's my favorite in the series . Back when I was in college this came out and my friend bough it . The next 140 hours of our free time was dedicated to this . ( I'll have to say that probably 60 was due to ultimate weapon getting and blitzballing ) ( we were really bad blitzball players ) And there was a bad obsession on my part for finding every single possible thing to be found .
The fighting style is turn based , so you can think about what you need to do and go through varies options ( like what do you want Rikku to mix to attack the enemy ) . It's not very quick paced , but the storyline is sweet . And yes , I mean sugar sappy sweet that an entire new game was created BASED off that sugar sappy sweetness ( X - 2 ) . But it's good , it wasn't unbearable .
Since it came out me and my friend have easily played it a dozen times . So it has replay value .
The story is linear , and the map is simple . I like easy maps because I get lost easily in real life ! The leveling up system is called a sphere grid which is actually super easy to use , so your character can take on whatever attributes you want , no one character is stuck in a role .
The only real down side is that you can't adjust the camera angles and you can't x through the cut scenes .
Overall , it's still a great game and I recommend it to anyone who likes the final fantasy legacy .
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
It has been a long while since I've played any console game , let alone a console RPG ( Role-Playing Game ) . I started out as a console gamer when I was younger , but for the past several years I've been a die hard PC gamer . However recently I decided to get a PS2 because of its now lower price and absolutely massive game library . As a fan of console RPGs in general , and Final Fantasy games in particular , I just had to play Final Fantasy X when I got my PS2 . Having played through Final Fantasy VI ( a.k.a . III in North America ) , VII , and VIII , I wondered how Final Fantasy X would stack up , especially now that I've had a lot of exposure to PC RPGs . Quite simply this game me glad to get a PS2 . It's one of the best RPGs I've played in some time for any platform .
Final Fantasy X revolves around a character named Tidus , a smart-aleck athlete who is sent 1000 years into the future to save the world of Spira from an evil creature known as Sin . Throughout this game you will encounter an interesting cast of characters such as Auron , a battle-scarred swordsman ; Lulu , an attractive and powerful magic user ; Kimahri , a humanoid-lion creature who likes to let his spear do the talking ; Wakka , a blitzball player who finds a kindred spirit in Tidus ; Rikku , a young Al Bhed girl ; and Yuna , a summoner who can call forth powerful creatures called Aeons , and will eventually become Tidus ' love interest . Final Fantasy X does a great job of fleshing out these characters ' personalities so that you feel more invested in the story's outcome .
The core gameplay of Final Fantasy X is similar to most other console RPGs . Battles consist of random encounters with monsters that your selected party of three must defeat . Each character in this game has their own distinctive attributes . Auron , for example , is a physically tough warrior who can take and dish out a lot of damage , while Lulu is physically weak but makes up for it with strong magic attacks . One of the more original , and admittedly oddest , features of this game is its character advancement system . Unlike pretty much every RPG ( both PC and console ) , Final Fantasy X does not use a simple level up system . Instead , when you win a battle against monsters you will gain spheres , which you use to activate abilities and stats on a character's sphere grid . It took a little time to get used to it , but this system soon became second nature .
Graphically the game looks phenomenal . The background environments are much richer in detail compared to previous Final Fantasy games . Also , the character models are themselves incredibly detailed , and this is especially noticeable during the in-game cutscenes when the characters talk to each other . And of course , Square's signature computer animated cutscenes look as amazing as ever . Through this I could tell that the makers of this game spent a great deal of time to ensure that Final Fantasy X would be visually stunning , which is a good thing in my books .
Where this game falters a little though is in the sound department . Music wise Final Fantasy X provides a decent selection of music when not engaged in combat , reflecting the different environments you encounter in the game . However , when in combat the game plays the same battle music over and over again , and it only really differs when you fight a boss creature . Eventually the battle music started to get annoying . The voice acting in Final Fantasy X is a first for the Final Fantasy series , and on the whole I thought it was okay , although it isn't going to win any awards . In my opinion the best voice acting job was done by Auron's voice actor who gave him a very strong and somber tone . On a related note , being a fan of Japanese animation and foreign cinema , I would have actually liked the option to choose between having the English audio language , and the Japanese audio language with English subtitles . Although I know this would not be possible due to memory constraints .
However , the main problem with Final Fantasy X ( although it's a small one ) is the fact that it is a very linear game . Unlike other RPGs such as the Baldur's Gate series ( for the PC ) , or Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic , Final Fantasy X allows little deviation from the main story of the game . Basically there is only one real way for you to go from the story's start to its finish . But you know what ? That's fine with me . One of the main reasons I liked playing the Final Fantasy series is that it always told a compelling story , which Final Fantasy X delivers in spades .
In the end , if you never liked console RPGs or the Final Fantasy series in the first place , Final Fantasy X doesn't really give you any reason to change your mind . But if you ARE a fan like I am , you owe it to yourself to pick this game up ! With some good music , fantastic graphics , and an enormously gripping tale , this game has a lot to offer . Final Fantasy X definitely lives up to the legacy of its predecessors , and is a game that shall be remembered for years to come .
My ratings are :
Graphics = 10 / 10
Sound = 7 / 10
Gameplay = 8 / 10
Overall = 9 / 10
003 4 My first impression of the game was that it would have a summoner type feel ( which isn't bad , but not usual FF to me . ) However , the game has a very well done story line . Good voice acting and it flushes out the characters so well that they talk to each other and goof on each other in battle . The graphics are very good , though a little jittering and jagged edges on the vector at times . The cutscenes however are superb , and almost movie like in quality .
The game has a great combat interface , though I am not sure yet if I like the sphere system for gaining skills and abilities .
The storyline seems good so far and I am approximately 10 hours in . The music is very good , but I still think the FF3 soundtrack is the best one ever . Overall this is turning out to be my favorite in all the FF series that I have played .
011 4 Man first expressed himself visually by scrawling blood on cavern walls , depicting the important motifs of that era : food , fire , and nature . Eventually language was set down on hide , on clay , on parchment scrolls , adding depth and resonance to recorded experience . Then light and shadow and sound were captured and made immortal via mirror-reflection recording , fashioning stories anyone could watch , learn , and emote in turn . Visual entertainment has progressed by leaps and bounds over the last few thousand years , the potency of the message expressed growing astronomically by each new innovation . And so it continues : twenty-five years ago , the epitome of interactive entertainment was Pong , table tennis with 0 ' s and 1 ' s . Now pathos , bathos , high comedy and farce , tragedy and tension and archetypical myth are solidly represented in the latest , ` truest ' hybrid of the novel and of film : entertainment has taken yet another step forward on its evolutionary scale . Welcome to the Final Fantasy , version 10.0 .
It is inevitable that sequels invite comparison to their predecessors , the natural method in which to judge quality control and advancement , or the lack thereof . For video game producers / programmers , I imagine this is a difficult paradox to wrestle with : innovate enough to prevent stagnation , yet retain the same features and qualities that helped establish its fan base and profit margin . With Final Fantasy X , Squaresoft has succeeded admirably in the task , keeping mainstays of the series ( Airships , Chocobos , rich exotic locals , RPG elements ) while vastly improving on certain foundation elements ( leveling up , combat , graphic story transitions ) . Square haven't so much ` innovated ' as ` streamlined ' its core product , resulting in their closest equivalent ( so far ) of interactive storytelling .
Final Fantasy 10 resembles volume 7 in the series . Both were the first issue on a new gaming platform . Both feature groundbreaking graphics and dramatics . Both have complex plots interwoven with intricate themes and marvelous character building .
The details :
Graphics : Almost pointless to judge , as Square has always pushed the limits for visual flair design . Final Fantasy 10 breaks the mold , however , in eliminating the rather jarring contrast between FMV ( Full Motion Video ) and in-game graphics , something that hurt previous versions , FF8 being the most prominent example . The transitions between cut-scenes , world-map wandering , combat and FMV are well textured and the closest yet toward a ` seamless ' experience .
Sound : The addition of Voice Acting to Final Fantasy seemed a dubious choice , at first : previous installments read like books , featuring large amounts of exposition dialogue . By trimming the story into a mean , lean beast of a tension-ride , however , Square eliminated the plot thread congestion of FF8 and FF9 , giving us the most coherent and urgent Final Fantasy yet . Plus , the Voice Acting helps greatly to establish the characters and subsequent conflicts . Some of the VA is unbelievable good ( Auron , Wakka ) , some merely adequate ( Tidas ) ; but none of it descends below an acceptable level , an impressive feat given there is more that 5 hours of recorded text in the game . The one-liners the characters quip during battle ( This won't hurt . . . much . Pray-NOW ! I'm good , ya ? ) is an unexpected and extremely enjoyable addition .
Gameplay : Important innovations here . The re-vamped battle engine and the malleable sphere grid make leveling up an enjoyable ( rather than tedious ) process . Actual strategy is now necessary is order to defeat the monsters and melodramatic bosses . The range of development for each character is incredibly vast ; simply completing the sphere-grid for all the characters is a 40 - hour endeavor in itself . The mini-games are as frustrating as ever , unfortunately , but thankfully they are optional .
Music : Nobuo Uematsu is a genius . Though not quite on the thematic level of FF 7 or FF8 , the soundtrack for FFX fulfills its purpose to perfection : it establishes the mood , underscores the voluptuous drama , and adds subtle emphasis to locals .
Plot / Theme etc . : Though often clothed in archetypical garb , Square's storylines usually feature realistic character development ; multiple themes ; subtle symbolism ; dramatic arcs of impressive intensity ; metaphysical motifs ; along with comedic episodes to break the tension . Final Fantasy 10 is no exception , and the VA and improved graphics augment the overall impact of the presentation .
The evolution of entertainment continues ; we are just a few short years away from the mainstream advent of virtual reality . And though the basic tools of entertainment remain the same , the quality of the presentation continues to advance at an ever-accelerating rate . Final Fantasy X is an important step to the future , and one of the most satisfying experiences I've had to date . _ Well worth _ the time and money spent .
020 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I never realy liked turn based RPG . But when I bought Final fantasy 10 it changed my mind for ever . In the first place I did not enjoy TB ( rpg ) ' s is for the single reason that the gameplay was way to slow and never really kept my intrest . But what makes FF10 an exepction is it's simple but complex battle system almost never ruined the pace . And with the additon of voice acting and a story like no other made it better then the rest . Therefore , FF10 should be your game of choice when it comes to TB ( rpg ) .
030 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
It has been a long while since I've played any console game , let alone a console RPG ( Role-Playing Game ) . I started out as a console gamer when I was younger , but for the past several years I've been a die hard PC gamer . However recently I decided to get a PS2 because of its now lower price and absolutely massive game library . As a fan of console RPGs in general , and Final Fantasy games in particular , I just had to play Final Fantasy X when I got my PS2 . Having played through Final Fantasy VI ( a.k.a . III in North America ) , VII , and VIII , I wondered how Final Fantasy X would stack up , especially now that I've had a lot of exposure to PC RPGs . Quite simply this game me glad to get a PS2 . It's one of the best RPGs I've played in some time for any platform .
Final Fantasy X revolves around a character named Tidus , a smart-aleck athlete who is sent 1000 years into the future to save the world of Spira from an evil creature known as Sin . Throughout this game you will encounter an interesting cast of characters such as Auron , a battle-scarred swordsman ; Lulu , an attractive and powerful magic user ; Kimahri , a humanoid-lion creature who likes to let his spear do the talking ; Wakka , a blitzball player who finds a kindred spirit in Tidus ; Rikku , a young Al Bhed girl ; and Yuna , a summoner who can call forth powerful creatures called Aeons , and will eventually become Tidus ' love interest . Final Fantasy X does a great job of fleshing out these characters ' personalities so that you feel more invested in the story's outcome .
The core gameplay of Final Fantasy X is similar to most other console RPGs . Battles consist of random encounters with monsters that your selected party of three must defeat . Each character in this game has their own distinctive attributes . Auron , for example , is a physically tough warrior who can take and dish out a lot of damage , while Lulu is physically weak but makes up for it with strong magic attacks . One of the more original , and admittedly oddest , features of this game is its character advancement system . Unlike pretty much every RPG ( both PC and console ) , Final Fantasy X does not use a simple level up system . Instead , when you win a battle against monsters you will gain spheres , which you use to activate abilities and stats on a character's sphere grid . It took a little time to get used to it , but this system soon became second nature .
Graphically the game looks phenomenal . The background environments are much richer in detail compared to previous Final Fantasy games . Also , the character models are themselves incredibly detailed , and this is especially noticeable during the in-game cutscenes when the characters talk to each other . And of course , Square's signature computer animated cutscenes look as amazing as ever . Through this I could tell that the makers of this game spent a great deal of time to ensure that Final Fantasy X would be visually stunning , which is a good thing in my books .
Where this game falters a little though is in the sound department . Music wise Final Fantasy X provides a decent selection of music when not engaged in combat , reflecting the different environments you encounter in the game . However , when in combat the game plays the same battle music over and over again , and it only really differs when you fight a boss creature . Eventually the battle music started to get annoying . The voice acting in Final Fantasy X is a first for the Final Fantasy series , and on the whole I thought it was okay , although it isn't going to win any awards . In my opinion the best voice acting job was done by Auron's voice actor who gave him a very strong and somber tone . On a related note , being a fan of Japanese animation and foreign cinema , I would have actually liked the option to choose between having the English audio language , and the Japanese audio language with English subtitles . Although I know this would not be possible due to memory constraints .
However , the main problem with Final Fantasy X ( although it's a small one ) is the fact that it is a very linear game . Unlike other RPGs such as the Baldur's Gate series ( for the PC ) , or Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic , Final Fantasy X allows little deviation from the main story of the game . Basically there is only one real way for you to go from the story's start to its finish . But you know what ? That's fine with me . One of the main reasons I liked playing the Final Fantasy series is that it always told a compelling story , which Final Fantasy X delivers in spades .
In the end , if you never liked console RPGs or the Final Fantasy series in the first place , Final Fantasy X doesn't really give you any reason to change your mind . But if you ARE a fan like I am , you owe it to yourself to pick this game up ! With some good music , fantastic graphics , and an enormously gripping tale , this game has a lot to offer . Final Fantasy X definitely lives up to the legacy of its predecessors , and is a game that shall be remembered for years to come .
My ratings are :
Graphics = 10 / 10
Sound = 7 / 10
Gameplay = 8 / 10
Overall = 9 / 10
049 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Final Fantasy X is possibly the greatest RPG video game ever released , which automatically also locks it in as a contender for best game ever , period . It'd probably be impossible to ever choose a single video game for that title , but I think I'd put this in the top half-dozen or so of games I've ever played , on any console .
Although I was , in the very beginning of the game , a bit disappointed in the lack of ability to choose character names ( except for the ' Tidus ' character , who can be renamed , as can Aeons ) or characteristics ( this was among the first of the ' current generation console ' RPG games I played ) , that disappointment was rapidly blown away by what a great array of characters - including enemies and ' supporting ' characters , not just the party members you play - the gamemakers had developed . They're fully realized , helped by great animation including facial expressions ; first-rate voice acting that ranks as among the best in video games and shows that their performers are just as talented as those in other fields of acting ; and believable personalities and character histories that are slowly revealed , while never spelling every last thing out and letting you draw your own inferrences . And , in a difficult feat to attain , the complex storyline doesn't overshadow the gameplay , nor the gameplay possibilities limit the range of the story . It's instead a perfect blending of story and game , much like the equally great ( but very different ) Clock Tower 3 .
A number of the enemies are truly challenging , in that it's not just a case of making sure you have enough hit points and the most powerful weapons available when you face them , but you really have to strategize and figure out how to beat them . The general look of the monsters is detailed and very impressive . A number of creatures also have high ' cute appeal ' , which I suppose may be a minus to some gamers but which I found a refreshing change whenever they'd appear . As the game unfolds , new revelations and angles really increase the characters's ( and player's ) motivations ; you can get totally immersed in this .
The basic story - or at least the beginning of it - has the Tidus character ( the game's main point-of-view character ) apparantly brought forward in time a thousand years to a world much less technologically advanced from the one he's from but higher in magic and beset by monsters , as well as the eternal scourge of the mega-monster Sin , the creature that attacks Tidus's home city of Zanarkand in the incredible opening . Tidus winds up on the aisle of Besaid , befriended by a ' blitzball ' player named Wakka , and meeting Yuna , a Summoner-In-Training preparing to embark on the quest many Summoners undertake but never complete , the quest of gathering enough Aeons to defeat Sin . The true curse of the world of Spira though , is that Sin is never truly defeated , never has been over the past thousand years , and always rises again within a few years of its defeat to terrorize the planet again . That's the situation Spira is in at the time the game's quest really gets underway . As Tidus ( or whatever you choose to rename him ) everything about the world is new , and the player learns about it along with the character . There's a full compliment of other characters who will eventually make up the full team .
Epic , wonderfully imagined , at times hilarious , fearsome and touching , even tearful at times , Final Fantasy X runs the full gamut . Even after you've played the game through to its conclusion , you'll likely want to go back and see what secrets there are that you Haven't unlocked yet . Just how many Aeons are there in addition to the ones listed in the book ? How many secret cities , ruins , etc . can you really discover given enough exploration of the world map and of seemingly uninhabited deserts ? All the characters , as in all the Final Fantasy games , have a little victory dance or celebration when they win , and here each character's is unique : will Lulu ever lean forward just a little too much in the bow that constitues her ' victory dance ' ? ( sorry , sorry , I couldn't resist . The female characters in this game are Hot ! And it's not just Lulu's celebration that's cool to watch , it's just the only one that , uh , presents the potential . . uh , never mind . ) How many different ways can the Cloudy Mirror be utilized once it's powered up ? So there's great possibilities for followup gameplay , because it's hard to find Everything the first trip around .
Super story , super playability , wonderful characters that you really care about and function as fully engaging as the best characters in movies , books , etc . A must-own .
109 4 Final Fantasy X . What can I say ? Truly a milestone in the series , and Square outdid themselves with it .
The graphics are among the best displayed on the PS2 , yet don't quite manage to exceed Metal Gear Solid 2 ' s . That's saying a lot . Somehow Squaresoft still managed to include hours of motion capturing , real-time facial expressions and dynamic camera angles for nearly every cut-scene . Each area has a different mood and setting to it that really gets you involved in the game .
The voiceacting , while not the best ( again I point you to Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 for the best examples of this ) , are better than most . James Arnold Taylor was perfect for the role of Tidus , and Hedy Burress gets the job done as Yuna . One major complaint is the fact that the mouths are never in synch with the voices . C'mon Squaresoft , if you could do it for The Bouncer , you can do it for Final Fantasy X . I would have preferred another few months delay for this . However you get used to it , and it's never TOO bothersome .
The music is great , as Uematsu incorporates other talented composers in this project . The result is a classic Final Fantasy musical bonanza , with songs including Suteki da Ne , the love theme for FFX , as well as some modernized songs too , including Otherworld , which departs from Uematsu's classic orchestrated themes . It fits well , however , with the amazing opening cinematics .
The gameplay is one area where Final Fantasy X shines the most , including one of the best battle systems since Grandia . Characters are changeable during battle , and the time bars are gone , letting you take as much time as you need to strategize your moves during battle . Each character has a class ( black mage , summoner , thief , etc ) , and most monsters have a weakness to a character's moves , making the character zapping technique very handy for when you don't have the right party setup . The Sphere grid replaces Leveling Up , so that you control the areas your party will excel at ( like more Hit Points , more Magic Points , more Strength , Agility , anything is possible ) .
The story is the other of its strongest points , and where it beats Metal Gear Solid 2 to a bloody pulp . Like any Final Fantasy , it has so many twists and turns that you'll never want to put the controller down . Character development is at its strongest , you feel for the characters . . . you even start to care for the non-playable characters ( NPC's ) . And the ending is superb , however don't expect it to wrap things up . . . as another 40 hours of gripping story and amazing action is awaiting you with the inevitable release of Final Fantasy X - 2 , a seperate game which will include many of FFX's characters , and ( hopefully ) tie up many loose ends .
Final Fantasy X is among the best . If you're an RPG fan , get it now , you have no excuse for not playing it yet .
119 4 Odds are that if you're actually reading this review you don't know whether or not to buy this games . To start off with , I am a huge fan of RPG's , Baldur's Gate Trilogy was the best I'd ever played ( on the PC ) untill I got FFX . One more thing to say , AS SOMEONE WHO HAS PLAYED DOZENS OF TITLES FOR THE PS2 , AND HAS NEVER PLAYED ANY OTHER FF TITLE this game rocks . before i even bought it I had rented something like six times . As a console game , it kicks . As an RPG , it kicks , We're talking amazing character designs , stunning musical score , unimaginable graphics , challenging , - but fun game play , and most of all , a good solid story . If they had used this as the basis for The Spirit within ( I did see that ! then it might have ousted STAR WARS out of its place as No . 1 box office sucess of all time . To wrap everything up , If God ( or the gods / prophets / whatever ) has a Playstation 2 , then the only game that God ( etc . ) has , is , you gat it , Final Fantasy X ! ! ! !
On an incredibly cool side note : Squaresoft has already announced two sequels ( standalone expansions ) to FFX , tentatively entitled Yuna and Rikku . Buy FFX , then the 2 exp . packs after you beat , should only take a bit over 60 well spent hours !
123 4 Final Fantasy 10 is hailed as a milestone for , obviously , Final fantasy . : )
I agree , though to a certain degree . The graphics really _ are _ beautiful , especially the FMVs . The voice acting certainly added to the mood , but sometimes it was so badly done that I couldn't help but laugh . I've honestly heard online radioplays for past Final Fantasy ( s ) better than this .
The new battle system makes it easier for all of us , since we're enabled to switch characters anytime in the battle .
The plot is nothing amazing , but it's not bad either .
The music - - well . We can just say I'd adivse you to buy past FF soundtracks before this one .
But what really made me give this a 4 ( I would have given it a 3 1 / 2 ) was the lack of character development . Compared to past Final fantasy characters like Seifer Almasy , Sephiroth , and Celes , the characters here are shamefully underdeveloped ( with the exception of Auron , IMO ) .
Overall , it's still a game to get , but I advise other Final Fantasy games before I would this one .
145 4 I traded away Grand Theft Auto III for Final Fantasy X . I did so because I've loved the series since I played FFIII ( nee VI ) on my old SNES back in ' 95 or so . I thought it could do no wrong . I thought FFXIII was a fluke . I thought , with voice acting and a totally new experience point system , X would be among the most entertaining of the series . I suppose I was right .
Right about the entertainment part , I mean , because the whole bloody game plays like a bloody movie with laughable acting . You don't really control your character ( a blonde jock . . . who's most frequent line is Huh ? ) ; you guide him from scripted scene to scripted battle to scripted scene as if he's really in a scripted movie . Extreme linearity ( and no overworld ! ) is the rule as necessitated by scripted voices .
The singular path of the game is made more obvious by the rather non-innovative story-line . Sure , it's what we've come to expect from Final Fantasy : rag-tag band of enigmatic young heroes must save the world from diabolical magic force ( a force that's gotten consistently larger since the old days of Chaos in FFI ; jeez , Sin's huge ! ) . But this time , there are almost no mini-games or side quests ( unless you count the butterfly game , which is most useful only hours later ) until the Calm Lands ( twenty-plus hours into the game ! ) to distract you from the apocalyptic melodrama . The story weighs on you , though I suppose you get a break through laughably bad voice acting ( Seymour will make you giggle ) . Of course , after Tidus has said Wha ? for the hundredth time , it starts to get a little irritating .
Eventually , I through the controller down and stalked out , furious . I gave up GTAIII for this ? I miss the old ATB system ! I miss the overworld ! I miss direct control of my Airship ! I even miss Cloud ! I was immensely disappointed in this pretty but irritating release . My faith was shaken in Square and Sony . I went off and played Nintendo .
Just a few weeks ago , however , I tried again . I made it to the Calm Lands , and with all my characters reaching the ends of their sphere grids and side-quests with cool prizes like Caladbolg and Anima appearing ( not to mention having Bahamut in my arsenal ) I began to realize how flexible and entertaining the game really is on a single-character level . And it only took 20 hours !
The sphere grid is very , very interesting as you may actually customize your characters to an astonishing degree . Granted , you'd better have some Teleport Spheres and Friend Spheres and a lot of Key Spheres to really take advantage of this , but just as an example , Kimhari is now a decent fighter with several of Lulu's spells ( Firaga , anyone ? ) and Auron's Zombie Attack .
The ability to switch characters in and out of battles is a massive plus , and is the only aspect of the game I liked right from the beginning . It goes like this : Well , shoot , I'm up against a physically tough monster with low magic resistance and I've only got Tidus , Wakka , and Auron . Wait a minute ! Lulu , get in here and shoot some Flare . . . , would ya ? Thanks , you're a peach . It's that simple , and it's great not only for keeping you ( and your enemies ) on your toes , but it lets you switch out a character who's managed to get him / herself poisoned / silenced / cursed and reduced to 1 / 4 of their max HP ( this really happened with the Sanctuary Keeper on Mt . Gagazet ) . All this single-character flexiblity ( make Lulu bash with her Moogle ! get a fuzzy feeling by throwing Tidus out when he's no longer tactically useful ! ) is what saves the game .
So , final synopsis :
Really flexible characters ( late in the game ) .
Cool , rewarding side-quests ( late in the game ) .
Very pretty graphics .
Great combat system .
Way , way too linear .
Actually kinda short ( only 30 hours or so to Zanarkand ) .
Unimaginative story .
Silly acting .
It's a fun game , and worth playing , but really only after you've such a full day's worth ( 24 hours ) into it . I'm still kinda sad I gave away GTAIII for it , though .
153 4 There are a lot of good points to this game . The training structure is beautiful , the CG is jaw-dropping , and the mini-quests are enjoyable as with any Square RPG . However , with all these good points there is something about this game that made it not fun . At some point it started being a chore to get all the necessary items . How many hours to the expect you to have to devote to a single video game ? It would take well over 100 hours to collect everything in this game , and while that is not a bad thing , it becomes tedious around hour 50 . Who in their right mind wants to play 40 hours of blitzball to get Wakka's overdrives ? There are a lot of excellent additions to the game that are too time consuming to make worth while .
The CG sequences , while jaw-dropping as I said earlier , are prolific throughout the game . Every time gameplay actually becomes a factor another CG is dropped in . It detracts from the gameplay ( what little there is ? ) . Graphics are a wonderful tool to bring these fictitious characters to life , but to be forced to sit there in graphics overshock is not what I personally had in mind . Many of the scenes were anti-climactic and the ending ( while attempts were made to make it less so ) was just not fun to watch .
If you are looking for a solid RPG with a lot of character building ( attributes and skills , not personalities ) and CG elements , this is a GREAT title for you . If , however , the thing you find most interesting is exploring a new and interesting world , or immersing yourself in a fantastic setting , then put your time and money elsewhere , because this title simply does not live up to the FF name .
159 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I don't want to take too long here , so I'll just touch on the game's good things and bad things .
The gameplay in FFX is well done , battles usually don't drag on too long and aren't ridiculously hard . Occasionally , an enemy will make you think and use actual strategy , which I personally found quite nice . The only real problems with the gameplay are the random encounter battles which can make fighting a chore , and some of the occasional puzzles may not make a lot of sense . Gameplay score : 9 / 10
Final Fantasy X has an engrossing story that will really have you wondering what will happen next . By the time you are halfway through the game , you will really like some of your characters and really hate some of the villains . The flaw in the story is that it does take a few hours of play to get interesting . Story score : 9.5 / 10
Graphics / Sound
The graphics in FFX are very good , they are solid during normal gameplay and are gorgeous in important cinematics . During the less important cinematics , the characters do sometimes shake around a little bit . The sound is very nice , great music and sound effects help this . The voice acting and dialogue are usually solid , but sometimes a line isn't well executed or just sounds dumb . Graphics / Sound score : 9 / 10
Overall Score : 9.5 / 10
Tips : Don't skip too many battles , or boss encounters may be really hard . If you're stuck on a puzzle or boss fight , take a break from the game but don't stop playing for too long , or the story may be less interesting for a little while .
221 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Perhaps the most beautiful game in the Final Fantasy series . ( I have yet to play FF7 . The store is always sold out . Always . ) The storyline was mysterious and beautiful , and I kept playing , wanting to know what happens next . I had fun watching Yuna and Tidus's romance blossom , as well as untangle the knotted web of Spira's politics .
The game map is a bit linear , but I'm thankful for that because I'd be hopelessly lost otherwise . The side-quests are difficult to do without the strategy guide . In fact , without the guide , it's nearly impossible to obtain and power up the ultima weapons .
The graphics are beautiful , the music was awesome , ( but the song that they played during the last boss battle was so hard-rock harsh that I was forced to turn the volume all the way down and listen to the radio instead , but that's just one girl's opinion . )
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Like the title of my review suggests , this is probably the best rpg that I've ever played . I'm at the final boss , so I have seen enough of this game to say that even if leveling up can get boring , it is well made up for with many other features .
First of all , it has one of the best plots that I have ever seen . The cutscenes by themselves were above average ( not exactly the best ) but ffx also includes movie-like portions at key places in the game . The fact that you can hear the characters talk instead of reading what they say allows you to relax during the cutscenes instead of spending too much time reading and scrolling . Npcs are also wonderfully made , as many of them occur frequently throughout the game and play key roles in the plot .
As expected in a ff game , it has it's mini-games , but ffx's play key roles in getting the key weapons in the game . One of my favorite is blitz ball , which is quoted in the back of the stategy guide as a game within a game . FFX also includes too great ideas : the ability to make you own weapons with certain skills , and a new method of leveling up called the sphere grid . When certain enimies are defeated , they drop spheres . Some spheres are used to unlock certain attributes ( such as + 3 strength with a power sphere ) . When you gain a level , you move further along the sphere grid . Defeating some bosses and tough enemies can give you key spheres , which open up paths into other characters ' portions of the grid or to powerful abilities , such as ultima , doublecast , and full-life . There is also a special language that some characters speak called al behd . There are twenty six primers scattered across the world that you can find to help you decipher their language , which is vitally important for locating several important things , such as the game's hardest dungeon .
Finally , I'll adress what I have perceived through reading other reviews ( as this is the only final fantasy game I have played so far ) : the tedious task of leveling up . Virtually until you get to the final boss , who does require some training time , many of the other bossess can be defeated with minimal training time if your strategy is good enough . The game subtly helps you at this , as a recurring boss uses strategies besides physical superiority ( though they have that too ) . Such ideas include inflicting zombie status on your characters ( which for those who don't know makes you vunurable to curitive magic ) and then casting full-life ! Thanks for reading this review . Before it ends , here are my pros and cons -
Pros :
1 . Great plot .
2 . Innovative item custimization and leveling up systems .
3 . Large , interactive world .
4 . Well thought out and hugely developed minigame , blitzball .
5 . Beautiful music , landscapes , and cutscenes .
Cons :
1 . Voice acting makes cutscenes look like a foreign film
2 . Many hidden aeons , primers , and legendary items difficult and hard to obtain without a guide .
028 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
In sitting down trying to write a review for this game , I'm finding that it's hard to know where to start .
By all accounts , this is indeed a landmark RPG . The first Final Fantasy game for the PS2 , the graphics are phenomenal ( the FMVs are nothing short of gorgeous , plus there's an area in the game where you can purchase them and rewatch them in all their splendor ' til your heart's content ) . And the soundtrack is like that of a great film's , sweeping and stirring .
FFX also introduces voice acting to the series . This , however , I am at pains to describe . Some of it is great ( like Wakka / Kimahri's ) , while some of it is rather irritating ( Yuna , while having such a pleasant-sounding voice , is too halting , and some of the side characters sound really silly - - you can tell the actor is putting on a voice ) .
The story is epic . You journey through Spira in the shoes of a teenager named Tidus . As he is unfamiliar with Spira , being from an Otherworld , so the player is introduced to familiar FF series trademarks and learns about them through Tidus ' experiences . This makes FFX a very good game for people who are new to the series .
So does the simple level-up system , which is explained at the beginning of the game , and the linear storyline that'll keep you entertained and even emotionally moved , without confusing you with too many sidequests . By the end you'll feel you know everything about Spira , without having indulged in any of its extras . FFX is a very well-put-together game .
But for experienced gamers the linearity may be a downside . ( In fact , that people complained about that so much was the reason behind Square Enix's decision to make FFX - 2 so non-linear . )
The cast of characters are well-developed and very realistic . The love story between Tidus and Yuna is bit predictable , and a bit forced , but it has a sweetness about it , is down-to-earth , and progresses nicely . Only the most hard-hearted person could avoid being touched by its ending .
The ability to switch characters in and out of battles is also new to the FF series , and a long-overdue addition . And again , the simplicity here makes things easy for first-time FF players : Enemies ( called fiends ) are designed so that certain characters can take them out using their unique skills ( i.e . Wakka's blitzball hits flying enemies ; Tidus ' quickness is good for fast enemies like wolves ; Lulu's magic works well with flans , who are resistant to physical attacks ; etc . ) . This way you'll always know who to bring in for any given fight .
All in all , a highly recommended game , no matter what your skill or experience level with RPGs .
032 4 For some reason I selected 5 stars and Amazon recorded none . I'm editing the review to fix that because this game is awesome !
I just finished FFX after playing over 100 hours on and off over the last 2 years . I have to say that so far this is probably the best Final Fantasy game since FFVII came out on the Playstation . While the game sticks to the series ' usual plot of a diverse group working to save the planet from a dangerous threat , there are some interesting areas where it makes some drastic changes .
To start with , Final Fantasy has never looked this good . The in game graphics , fight sequenc graphics , and cut scenes are all stunning . From there we get voice overs for the first time in the series . It's a nice touch , adding more character to the team members , though it can be annoying at times . Some of the voice actors and dialoge leave a bit to be desired , but overall it works . FFX has probably the single best level up system I've ever seen on a video game : The Sphere Grid . Characters increase attributes and learn new skills via the Sphere Grid by activating the character's spheres in his path with spheres that are earned , found in chests , stolen , or picked up in battle . The great thing about this is that you can have each of the team run through their section of the Sphere Grid , and then move them to another area of the grid to learn another characters set attributes . Technically , every character on the team can learn every ability on the sphere grid , provided you have enough sphere to activate the points on the grid . I ran one character , Waka , through his path and then the paths of Auron and Tidus before I finished the game . When it came time for the final fights , Waka was able to defeat the final bosses with ease by himself in 2 hits of less with his legendary weapon fully powered up .
If for some reason you do not already have this game , or the RPG player on your shopping list has not , buy this game now ! As a Greatest Hits title , it can be had for $19.99 and is worth every penny . The game can be completed in aproximately 40 hours , but some people like myself can spend over 100 hours exploring all the areas and participating in all the mini-games .
My wife and kids even enjoyed watching me play this on the big screen , which says a lot .
095 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Like the title of my review suggests , this is probably the best rpg that I've ever played . I'm at the final boss , so I have seen enough of this game to say that even if leveling up can get boring , it is well made up for with many other features .
First of all , it has one of the best plots that I have ever seen . The cutscenes by themselves were above average ( not exactly the best ) but ffx also includes movie-like portions at key places in the game . The fact that you can hear the characters talk instead of reading what they say allows you to relax during the cutscenes instead of spending too much time reading and scrolling . Npcs are also wonderfully made , as many of them occur frequently throughout the game and play key roles in the plot .
As expected in a ff game , it has it's mini-games , but ffx's play key roles in getting the key weapons in the game . One of my favorite is blitz ball , which is quoted in the back of the stategy guide as a game within a game . FFX also includes too great ideas : the ability to make you own weapons with certain skills , and a new method of leveling up called the sphere grid . When certain enimies are defeated , they drop spheres . Some spheres are used to unlock certain attributes ( such as + 3 strength with a power sphere ) . When you gain a level , you move further along the sphere grid . Defeating some bosses and tough enemies can give you key spheres , which open up paths into other characters ' portions of the grid or to powerful abilities , such as ultima , doublecast , and full-life . There is also a special language that some characters speak called al behd . There are twenty six primers scattered across the world that you can find to help you decipher their language , which is vitally important for locating several important things , such as the game's hardest dungeon .
Finally , I'll adress what I have perceived through reading other reviews ( as this is the only final fantasy game I have played so far ) : the tedious task of leveling up . Virtually until you get to the final boss , who does require some training time , many of the other bossess can be defeated with minimal training time if your strategy is good enough . The game subtly helps you at this , as a recurring boss uses strategies besides physical superiority ( though they have that too ) . Such ideas include inflicting zombie status on your characters ( which for those who don't know makes you vunurable to curitive magic ) and then casting full-life ! Thanks for reading this review . Before it ends , here are my pros and cons -
Pros :
1 . Great plot .
2 . Innovative item custimization and leveling up systems .
3 . Large , interactive world .
4 . Well thought out and hugely developed minigame , blitzball .
5 . Beautiful music , landscapes , and cutscenes .
Cons :
1 . Voice acting makes cutscenes look like a foreign film
2 . Many hidden aeons , primers , and legendary items difficult and hard to obtain without a guide .
101 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I enjoy role-playing games , and have for well over a decade . That being said , I'm not the kind of person who likes to have to learn entire new sports games or languages to figure out a game .
FFX does not require that you learn all of its minutia to complete the game , but its amazing graphics and captivating storyline make you want to learn more and more about Tidus , Yuna , Wakka , and the other main characters . With the upcoming FFX - 2 , learning about Yuna in her first game will become all the more important .
As much as I enjoy the lush graphics and amazing storyline , it seems that FFX is continuing a trend that began with FFVII and continued . The trend to which I refer is the gradual decline in fighting and increase in short dialog sequences that are not possible to skip . In FFX the first 2 hours seem more like the FF movie than a video game . This is great in terms of graphics , but bad for those of us who like to tear into the battle schemes and destroy some baddies !
All in all , another great game that raises the graphical and plot bar for all other RPGs .
102 4 I enjoy role-playing games , and have for well over a decade . That being said , I'm not the kind of person who likes to have to learn entire new sports games or languages to figure out a game .
FFX does not require that you learn all of its minutia to complete the game , but its amazing graphics and captivating storyline make you want to learn more and more about Tidus , Yuna , Wakka , and the other main characters . With the upcoming FFX - 2 , learning about Yuna in her first game will become all the more important .
As much as I enjoy the lush graphics and amazing storyline , it seems that FFX is continuing a trend that began with FFVII and continued . The trend to which I refer is the gradual decline in fighting and increase in short dialog sequences that are not possible to skip . In FFX the first 2 hours seem more like the FF movie than a video game . This is great in terms of graphics , but bad for those of us who like to tear into the battle schemes and destroy some baddies !
All in all , another great game that raises the graphical and plot bar for all other RPGs .
105 4 I bought Final Fantasy X . Since FF7 , the series had seemed to be going on a downhill slope . I actually skipped purchasing FF9 because I heard so many criticisms of it . I bought this mostly on a whim , in the used bin of a local game store . I took it home and it waited patiently while I finished out FF8 , played through Kingdom Hearts and attempted to master Tekken .
From the first opening movies of the game , I was hooked . This is a gorgeous game with great , streaming video , and it also has innovative character development , a no-mess combat system and decent voiceover work . Unfortunately , the first few hours are part of the reason that I can't give this game five stars : It's too narrative .
I don't mind a completely linear game , where you go from point A to point B to point C on until you get to point Z , the end of the game , provided that those intervening points are interesting , diverse and , most of all , entertaining . In the beginning , FFX tries to tell us a story . This story is complicated by the fact that it can't ruin future events , it can't tell us about some past events and it can't even let us know just what's happening right now . Rather than short snippets of story , though , we get long , tedious narrative , characters talking about the same things over and over and over again .
Towards the end of the game , once all the history has been hashed out and the course of the characters ' destiny seems set , the narrative dies down to just the occasional snippet of conversation , which is fair more pleasant .
Don't get me wrong , though , the plot's great , it's just has a little too much . . . presence .
The Sphere Grid that motivates character progression is an inspired idea . Different spheres increase your attributes , like Strength , Magic , Hit Points , while others give you special abilities or teach you spells . You can also pick up special spheres that enable you to teleport around the map , learn spheres on the far side of the grid , or add spheres where none existed before . As a result , while each character has his or her own set of spheres to start out , in the latter levels of the game you can go just about everywhere . Send already-speedy Tidus through Rikku's grid to make a speed demon . Send Wakka through Auron's grid to make a super-strong ranged attacker , or send him through Lulu's area to pick up a back-up spellcaster .
All in all , an excellent game .
110 4 Final Fantasy X is the best RPG out there and the best FF RPG to date . The game is packed full of beautiful graphics / CGI cutscenes , sound , gameplay , and great story line . I played the game for about 80 hours , and thats about how long it took me to get everything . Now when I say everything , thats talking about a whole lot . The game it self is ( to complete ) about 40 hours long . The story line is so important in RPG's and this one does it perfectly . All the character are unique in their own way , they walk , talk , and act different . The world in which it takes place is extremely believable and immense . The graphics are truly amazing both in game and in the CGI sequences . The enviroments are highly detalied , colorful , and vibrant . The character models are sharp , crisp , clear , and overall great looking . The women , of course , look more appealing ( not to say that I have crushes on video game characters ) with the high polygon count . The monsters you fight in this game are all very unique and clever . The summons ( some new some old ) are exhilhirating to watch when they make their grand entrance . After the long sequence of their entrance is shown you can reduce it so its not so long . Now in battles you can switch out characters , using each one's abilities effectivley . Voice acting is very good , and somtimes not so great at times and the scripts are well written . The music is very deep , affecting and soothing to listen too . Unlike the other games ( where you can play cards as the maine mini game ) you get to play blitzball . An underwater sport in a giant water sphere where some very excting scenes in the game take place . All in all this game is the best RPG expirience you will ever have . The entire presentation is wonderful in every aspect . Heck , I'd even buy this game if cost $100 !
124 4 Wow . . . this was so much better than I had imagined . This is the first Final Fantasy game I've ever purchased , and I have to say I was impressed . The graphics . . . whoo . Absolutely amazing . I loved the water effects , and just . . . everything . Incredible . The music was great as well - especially the battle music . It all fit in together . The voice acting . . . it was alright as far as I could tell . The voices didn't quite match the original Japanese mouth movements , but that's expected - the Japanese phrases take longer to say , I believe . The plot - I'm not sure about the other FF games , but I thought the story was great . One surprise after another , pretty much .
I think it's great that you can control each of the main characters during battle as well . While it was difficult keeping track , you could obviously defeat enemies a lot quicker .
One thing I disliked was the sphere grid . It was incredibly confusing , and I couldn't quite understand it . The tutorial was utterly long , and there was a bit to remember there . After awhile , though , I finally understood it , and I suppose it helped improve my characters in the long run .
Overall , this is a fantastic came , in my opinion . A few minor setbacks , but that's all that's keeping it from perfection . I really did enjoy the game , and I'd highly recommend it .
127 4 i have been to japan & e3 many times before but this game , along with others such as MGS2 & GTA3 are the crem de la crem of gaming today.i urge any RPG fan to absolutly reserve & play this till your eyes explode because this is the best rpg sience FF7 & legend of dragoon & vagrant story . the graphics are phenominal , the story is fantasic & the gameplay is flawless . the thing i think is the most eye-candy worthy thing is the animations of the summons , like the Bahamut or Ifrit . to see movies of these & other worthy pics of delight , ( . . . ) get it ASAP ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
160 4 I don't want to take too long here , so I'll just touch on the game's good things and bad things .
The gameplay in FFX is well done , battles usually don't drag on too long and aren't ridiculously hard . Occasionally , an enemy will make you think and use actual strategy , which I personally found quite nice . The only real problems with the gameplay are the random encounter battles which can make fighting a chore , and some of the occasional puzzles may not make a lot of sense . Gameplay score : 9 / 10
Final Fantasy X has an engrossing story that will really have you wondering what will happen next . By the time you are halfway through the game , you will really like some of your characters and really hate some of the villains . The flaw in the story is that it does take a few hours of play to get interesting . Story score : 9.5 / 10
Graphics / Sound
The graphics in FFX are very good , they are solid during normal gameplay and are gorgeous in important cinematics . During the less important cinematics , the characters do sometimes shake around a little bit . The sound is very nice , great music and sound effects help this . The voice acting and dialogue are usually solid , but sometimes a line isn't well executed or just sounds dumb . Graphics / Sound score : 9 / 10
Overall Score : 9.5 / 10
Tips : Don't skip too many battles , or boss encounters may be really hard . If you're stuck on a puzzle or boss fight , take a break from the game but don't stop playing for too long , or the story may be less interesting for a little while .
204 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This game is an excellent addition to the ongoing line of Final Fantasy games . The magic and fighting systems are top notch . The cinematography is breathtaking . The story , as always , isn't the best but pretty good , and they have very good voice actors this time .
Like most final fantasy games , this game allows you to play the main game quickly , or proceed on miniquests and games that will take you hours and hours passed the normal gameplay .
I recommend this game for any and all who like RPGs . Don't go for FFX - 2 , though - trust me .
205 4 This game is an excellent addition to the ongoing line of Final Fantasy games . The magic and fighting systems are top notch . The cinematography is breathtaking . The story , as always , isn't the best but pretty good , and they have very good voice actors this time .
Like most final fantasy games , this game allows you to play the main game quickly , or proceed on miniquests and games that will take you hours and hours passed the normal gameplay .
I recommend this game for any and all who like RPGs . Don't go for FFX - 2 , though - trust me .
214 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Involved and entertaining like the other FF games . This one stands out in that it draws you into the characters at a higher level . My older boys loved it but they didn't undersatnd how a vidoe game could make Mom cry . I did . This game sucked me in hard ! I would recommend FF X - 2 if you want a continuation ending of the one you get with this game . It is a continuation of story but game play is totally different .
215 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Involved and entertaining like the other FF games . This one stands out in that it draws you into the characters at a higher level . My older boys loved it but they didn't undersatnd how a vidoe game could make Mom cry . I did . This game sucked me in hard ! I would recommend FF X - 2 if you want a continuation ending of the one you get with this game . It is a continuation of story but game play is totally different .
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Squaresoft brings us a brand new adventure , Final Fantasy X . The story basically talks about Tidus , a blitzball player of the Zanrakand Abes living in , well , Zanrakand . As he plays an unknown force known as Sin comes by and destroys Tidus's home . He wakes up afterwards to figure out he's in the future , 1,000 years to be more correct , and is in the land known as Spira . From there you play as Tidus and run into a summoner named Yuna , shes on a pilgrimiged to save Spira from Sin with her guardians and like everyone notices , Tidus decided to join the quest . graphic wise , the games graphic was great , but mostly the FM。 's that was just simply breath taking ( it looked extremely real ) the battle was new , it actually gave you time to think on what you were going to do which I bet everyone needs ( trust me , I really needed it hehe ) so there are nothing to be frusterated about , the story line is amazing , and the great part about it , is that at first it feels like a video game but later on it feels more like a movie so thats good , and the are so many things that tend to get you at the edge of you seat which is perfect if you like solving mysteries and such then this is perfect . The newest feature to the FF series is the voice acting ! Yup the characters finally talk so forget all that annoying reading crap when you can simply listen but wait ! You STILL have to read ! Why you ask ? Al-bhed , the langage of the machina people ( machina is machine in ffx ) so you have side quests ha ! In Final Fantasy X there are diffrent tribes in Spira , the al-bhed , machina using people who speak in their own language and are accused of Sin's being , theres the religious people , they pray for a g-d called Yevon . . . yes the religion is called Yevon , they are the people that pray nonstop and believe in the final summoning is the only way to stop Sin forever and wish for the calm , a time where there is no Sin , then there are the humans . . . basically says it all , there are the ronsos , big , hairy like creatures that live in the mountine area , then there are the guados , long arm , fast running creatures . . . they're weird hehe . In the previous Final Fantasies , you traveled across flat lands , but in FFX , you actually travel not flat , real time land ! And you want sports ? Screw the cards go into a big tank like thing and play Blitzball ! The game that relaxes the people of Spira and it's fun ! It's a mix of football and soccer so expect alot of tackles . Overall this game is simply breathtaking although there is a downside , there is a villian that looks gay ( no offense to anyone out there ) and Tidus can tend to be annoying when he whines ( what do you expect from a 17 year old ? ) but if you pass that then your in for a real treat .
Mental Note : if you hate sluts , bad plot , and a billion mini games that you don't even know where the story line is , do NOT get Final Fantasy X - 2 ! !
I hope this review will help you out ^ _ ^
090 4 The best finalfantasy game I've ever come across ! Insane graphics , captivating landscapes , cutting-edge combat , and just the right amount of puzzles . This game is clearly head-and-shoulders above all others in its series and I have a hard time putting it down ! My absolute favorite things are the aeons you can customize and improve upon yourself and the blitzball matches , which can be difficult to grasp at first but once you understand the game and you get a killer-team together you wont wanna stop . The new sphere-grid feature is also a nice-touch since you don't have to stop improving your characters once they reach a certain level like in the previous versions . The only thing I would have liked to see more of was the awesome-graphic scenes that are few and far between in the game . Still a sensational game though , great job Squaresoft ! ! ! !
143 4 As a 27 year old gamer , I have grown up playing every final fantasy game . I must say I am a well experienced fantasy gamer . Final Fantasy X is not a very exciting game . I hate to admit it , but it is the truth . I would never speak it if I wasn't so completely disappointed with this game . I read some of these reviews and all these people keep saying that one of the best additions to this series is the voice-over , where the characters actually talk , so you no longer have to read . I am at the point where I want to turn the volume off so I don't have to hear these people talk . Their voices are SO ANNOYING . It really makes me feel old when I listen to these characters , with their slang . Are kids enjoying this ? Would I still enjoy this if I was still a kid ? Is this game going to be a classic to the younger generation ? I used to get ' attached ' to the characters , instead I am resisting to play the game altogether . But there is more . So much more . The length of dialogue , the stupid blitz game , and hardly any fighting compared to older versions of fantasy . I'm old school . I enjoy reading the dialogue , unless they speak really fast like Gabe in Syphon Filter . I can handle that . I also enjoy walking about in the game . Some independence to where I feel like I am actually playing the game , not sitting through a movie scene sighing after one movie goes on to the next . I have patience , but I also have a life . I can't get attached to a game for an extended period of time . When I need to go , I need to go . The waiting during these movie scenes last quite awile at times , with no way to save it . So if one starts , you are stuck watching it , or else you'll have to quit and do it over next time . SquareSoft , what ever happened to the classic Final Fantasys ? Simple yet so intriguing . All they have done to the Final Fantasy series is turn it into a graphics display . Graphics are awesome , but the play is always greatly decreased with each new series . The most exciting part of all Fantasy games for me is the battle scenes . When I get stuck being able to run free once in awhile , I just fight monsters after monsters . I want to get my fun time in before the movie starts back up again . That is what Final Fantasy has become . A movie , with hardly any interaction . And when you get interaction it is brief , so you better enjoy it while you can . At one time I was one-sided when it came to Final Fantasy . I liked the game so much , that if the game sucked I would still find something I liked about it . But that is all over . This game is a disappointment to the series and a disgrace to us experienced Final Fantasy gamers .
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This is a fun game , where the main characters actually stay in character . Coming from someone who ownes a greater portion of the Final Fantasy series on varies ( recent ) platforms , take my word for it , its nice that they stay in character . Tidus is bright and esentially optimistic , Lulu is kinda creepy goth ( in a good way ) , Waka is mildly bigoted but esentially good hearted , Kimari is silent and thoughtful , and Riku is a bundle of kinetic energy looking for an outlet . The fact that they stay in character the entire game is one of the things I LIKE about this , compared to earlier games in the series * coughsevenandeight * where the main character is supposed to be silent and broody but ends up chatting away with everyone . Just a tip for squaresoft , silent and broody is fun , but talkative and reasonable Stay fun longer .
As for the graphics and voice acting , they were wonderful ! Not quite what I actually wanted when the game came out , but wonderful ! I was and still am rather fond of the silent games , the ones that can be played late into the night without disturbing the daytime dwelling denizens of a household , but the voice acting does add certain elements to the game . For one thing you don't have to guess what inflections their using to guage mood or seriousness of a given coment . Sometimes when playing a silent game , its hard to decide whether a comment is supposed to be said seriously , or whether the character is being sarcastic .
Now , for the level system . I'm NOT fond of the sphere grid in this game , buying the abilities with the spheres and moving around by spending levels . Sure , its a great way to customize your character , but you never , ever have enough spheres and that just sux . Not only do you have to spend them on the characters , but to get the sumon monsters to be any good you have to spend a ton of spheres on them too . Not my favorite way of doing things to be honest , but its a bit better than the ff8 system .
One last thing , this game definitely has re play potential . For one thing , there are many early scenes with the al bhed language that cant be understood till you get the primers , and you can only get the primers by playing through the game . For another , there are many side things that can and should be done but can take a bit of time to ferret out .
All in all , a pretty good game , highly worth it to any fan of the series , or any rpg fan looking for something new .
008 4 When I heard that Final Fantasy X was coming out in December rather than February , I was ecstatic . I had long awaited the next chapter in the Final Fantasy series , and the wait was worth it . This game is beyond belief . The graphics in regular gameplay are incredible , and those of the FMVs / CGs excel the rank of phenomenal , and the cinemas no longer have that feeling of slow motion as in final fantasies 7 - 9 . Also , the character's speech is another plus , and the voices fit perfectly with the characters they come from ( though the lip-synching is a bit off ) . Another pro is that there is a new enhanced battle system , which you will see in the tutorial b / c it is quite difficult to explain . There are many more things that make this game awesome , but I dont want to spoil them for you ! I highly reccommend purchasing this game , which is filled with fun , action , adventure , romance , and puzzles ( just wait until the Cloisters of Trials ! ) . This could quite possibly be the greatest game ever made , at least I think so .
044 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Playing the role of star player of the Zanarkand Abes , you as Tidus are thrown into a completely different reality . As Sin destroys the world of Spira and incorporates the spiral of death , you must find a way to stop this , hoping you will find a way back to your time , 1,000 years in the past .
The people you meet along the way will make this journey unforgettable . Being accompanied by an Al-Bhed , a black mage , another Blitz-Ball player , a legendary gaurdian who you knew from your time , a ronso , and that special summoner , you will endure a pilgrimage to stop the misery of Spira .
Learning the secrets and mystery of this game was probably my favorite part . I was shocked at how surprising and twisted this story had become . While Tidus is a bit too quirky and upbeat for my tastes , he was a loveable character . I felt this one had a very sad love story behind it . Again though , Final Fantasy has upheld its amazing quality with not only the graphics and the sound , but also the gripping story line . Truly an amazing buy .
062 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Though all games in this series seems to be a hit , the Final Fantasy series is Hit and Miss with me . This is one of the Hits for me . If you like traditional J-RPGs you will love this one . I found myself lost for many hours at a time in this universe . The main story arch is engrossing and there are also plenty of fun side quests along the journey .
091 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
If you haven't played a Final Fantasy title before , now is the perfect time to start ! Even though it's a few years old , the graphics are still decent , the plot is still good , and the voice acting is impeccable . Not to mention you'll never get tired of blitzball , and random battles . Even leveling up is different with the Sphere Grid . This is the best RPG out there !
093 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This is one of the best games i have ever played . I have played it 3 times and i never get tired of it . I like the original cast of characters and their lively moods . THIS GAME ROCKS
126 4 The many RPG's that have came out in the many years of video games , nothing even comes close to Final Fantasy X . The Characters are so detailed and and look so real it's breathtaking . If you want a game with GREAT character development and the best story I have ever seen , buy this game .
131 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I have enjoyed playing this game . I haven't played many games on the Playstation 2 because of work but this game is fun . The characters have such interesting personalities . The graphics are great . I recommend highly .
178 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This game is worth ever penny . It has everything an rpg lover likes , great story , charcters with thier own personalities , and fun attacks and enemies . With that said , does anyone know where I can purchase an international version of this game ?
180 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This game is the best game that I have personally ever played and I still play it now 7 years after release , and im not a Final Fantasy fanboy , this is the only Final Fantasy game that I have liked ( only played 4 of them ) . The story is the best I have seen in a game , and there are plenty of extra things for you to do throughout the game . The level-up system is very original and adds a ton of replayability to it .
181 4 This game is the best game that I have personally ever played and I still play it now 7 years after release , and im not a Final Fantasy fanboy , this is the only Final Fantasy game that I have liked ( only played 4 of them ) . The story is the best I have seen in a game , and there are plenty of extra things for you to do throughout the game . The level-up system is very original and adds a ton of replayability to it .
190 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This is a fun game , where the main characters actually stay in character . Coming from someone who ownes a greater portion of the Final Fantasy series on varies ( recent ) platforms , take my word for it , its nice that they stay in character . Tidus is bright and esentially optimistic , Lulu is kinda creepy goth ( in a good way ) , Waka is mildly bigoted but esentially good hearted , Kimari is silent and thoughtful , and Riku is a bundle of kinetic energy looking for an outlet . The fact that they stay in character the entire game is one of the things I LIKE about this , compared to earlier games in the series * coughsevenandeight * where the main character is supposed to be silent and broody but ends up chatting away with everyone . Just a tip for squaresoft , silent and broody is fun , but talkative and reasonable Stay fun longer .
As for the graphics and voice acting , they were wonderful ! Not quite what I actually wanted when the game came out , but wonderful ! I was and still am rather fond of the silent games , the ones that can be played late into the night without disturbing the daytime dwelling denizens of a household , but the voice acting does add certain elements to the game . For one thing you don't have to guess what inflections their using to guage mood or seriousness of a given coment . Sometimes when playing a silent game , its hard to decide whether a comment is supposed to be said seriously , or whether the character is being sarcastic .
Now , for the level system . I'm NOT fond of the sphere grid in this game , buying the abilities with the spheres and moving around by spending levels . Sure , its a great way to customize your character , but you never , ever have enough spheres and that just sux . Not only do you have to spend them on the characters , but to get the sumon monsters to be any good you have to spend a ton of spheres on them too . Not my favorite way of doing things to be honest , but its a bit better than the ff8 system .
One last thing , this game definitely has re play potential . For one thing , there are many early scenes with the al bhed language that cant be understood till you get the primers , and you can only get the primers by playing through the game . For another , there are many side things that can and should be done but can take a bit of time to ferret out .
All in all , a pretty good game , highly worth it to any fan of the series , or any rpg fan looking for something new .
201 4 In my opinion , this is the best PS2 title ever . It is a very fun and a long game . The storyline deserves an award , and the battle sequences are awesome . It is also very addictive . I am an avid Final Fantasy fan , and this is the game that started it out . If you are smart you will buy this title .
208 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Although many people like to write complex reviews about every little detail , I'll keep this simple : it's a great game .
Final Fantasy X takes the series in a new direction with the use of speech and the outstanding graphics . It takes the best from all of the PSX Final Fantasy games and continues with an engaging story , interesting monsters , and a very unique level system .
In one sentence . . . Buy this game .
227 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
I got this game over 2 years ago and still have not beat all the super bosses and finding all items . The graphics are great and the music is good . Some bosses are extremly hard but the final boss is ( / % / ) ) ) ( / & % % easy .
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This review is for Final Fantasy X ( a.k.a . FFX ) , the first Final Fantasy game to beset the Sony PlayStation 2 and the fourth in the numbered series since Squaresoft ( now Square Enix ) began working on the Sony home consoles ( the PlayStation ) .
Final Fantasy X had the job of carrying on the legacy of the Nintendo Entertainment System ( a.k.a . NES or Famicom and Nintendo Family Computer in Japan ) , the Super Nintendo Entertainment System ( a.k.a . SNES ) , and the Sony PlayStation's Final Fantasy games specifically Final Fantasy VI , Final Fantasy VII , Final Fantasy VIII , Final Fantasy IX , which many fans of Squaresoft and Final Fantasy consider to be the best of the series . I believe it both disappointed and satisfied .
The graphical quality in Final Fantasy X was obviously better than that of the prior games considering the Sony PlayStation was only a 32 - bit system and the Sony PlayStation 2 is a 128 - bit system . The graphics in Final Fantasy X leave nothing to be desired . They are almost flawless looking next to the graphics of past Final Fantasy titles . Many of the characters look so well done that they could jump right out of the screen at you . Gone are the days when the background looked wrong behind the characters . The character designs no longer look cut up and pixelly but look much more realistic even next even to the improved background .
The graphics have a smooth blend of lighting and texture to create some of the most realistic characters and settings ever in a game . Few jagged angles and warped designs make it definitely the most visually appealing Final Fantasy to date . Few load times and smooth transitions between different scenes are also a plus .
Final Fantasy X kind of failed a bit here . It had such a high polygon count that at some points the characters appeared to be some what plastic . They look to smooth and have no realness . But it is rare and usually unnoticed .
Full Motion Videos
Full Motion Videos or FMVs ( a.k.a CGI [ Computer Generated Image ] or even just plain CG ) are a given in recent Final Fantasy games , and the ones in Final Fantasy X are as amazing as ever . Many of the FMVs almost seem to come to life on your screen even more than the real time . Pushing the limits of a system as always , Square made it so we will very likely never see much better graphics than these on the PlayStation 2 . Though many complain about the excess of them , totaling over 50 , I find them well done and smoothly transitioned to the real-time graphics . And really you're either watching a cut scene or FMV , which would you rather watch ?
There is also an option in Final Fantasy X for you to buy [ for the price of 5,000 gil each ] the FMVs you have watched throughout the game in the form of Spheres , the main power / energy / video in the world of Final Fantasy X .
In Game and Cut-Scene
This is another problem with Final Fantasy X . Final Fantasy X uses three separate models for the in game / real-time , cut-scene , and FMVs so the characters look nothing like there counterparts in the different forms of video . But other than that it is still breathtaking and well done . The new emotion engine is really well implemented .
Total -
9 / 10
Game Play
The most important part of any RPG , the game play . Final Fantasy X completely redoes the old game play systems of the recent Final Fantasys : a whole new battle system , a new way of leveling up , no world map , etc . For some this may seem horrible and make them think Square Enix ruined the series , but I find the innovation is what the series really needed .
Game Play - General
Gone is the day of the world map . Final Fantasy X offers a full environment with no points where you have to press X to enter , no areas on a map smaller than you , nothing like that . The game is quite linear but it in no detracts from the story , quite the opposite it adds to the story . And most Final Fantasys are linear . At certain points of the game Chocobos are ride able but no more ranches , and it costs to ride but not much .
Game Play - Story
The story follows a young Blitzball [ the sport / mini-game of Final Fantasy X ] player in his journey through a new world , as he accompanies a summoner on her pilgrimage . Simple , right ? Wrong , but you'll have to play the game to find out the rest .
Game Play - Characters
The characters are very well done ; you can really feel their struggles . They don't seem false in any way and have very good back stories . You can come to really almost know why they do the things they do and it rarely feels out of character for them .
Game Play - Battles
A totally new battle system called CTB , or Command Time Battle , is used in Final Fantasy X . Although not totally turn based just like ATB , it is a step in that direction . Each character has a turn but how many they have and how often is dependent on their speed , unlike in turn based where each character has one turn the everyone else has one then the first character has another one . You have as much or little time as you want to choose what attack or action you want to use , which makes for a very good system .
The level up system is basically scraped for the Sphere Grid . The Sphere Grid is made up of nods which raise your abilities and attributes . With certain spheres you can unlock nods like HP + 200 or Strength + 2 . It leaves very little room for customization early on but later becomes on of the most customizable systems ever as you move into other characters grids .
In this game weapons and armor are customizable , and this is a double-edged sword . It is hard to decide which way to make your weapon with all the decisions and it also uses items , but customization can make you immensely stronger and the game immensely easier .
Characters are now switch able whenever even during battle [ think Pokemon ] and the switched in character has the attack . Nice , huh ? Summons are now , also , controllable and are your greatest ally in tough battles . Even better is that they have Limit Breaks , now called Overdrive , and it can be saved , the same as the characters .
Total -
9 / 10
Two words for you : Voice Acting . That is right . The first Final Fantasy with Voice Actors [ and Actresses ] ( a.k.a . VAs ) is on the Sony PlayStation 2 . And they do a brilliant job . And the music is not bad either .
The voice actors do a wonderful job and you can really feel them portray the characters emotions . The script is well written and also helps to portray the characters . The actors were well chosen for there roles ad fit quite well though many complain about some of them having high-pitched voices but that has yet to bother me .
Matching with Mouth Movements
Square really could have done a better job on this . Many of the scenes look like bad , BAD , BAD foreign Kung-fu movies . The words and the moths do not match at all unlike other Square Enix games with voices like Kingdom Hearts . Though you can press the X button during speech to cause them to stop talking altogether , but the game script will not go any faster .
This may seem like a weird section to put under the sound category but not so . During battle the characters will say certain catch phrases like while fleeing you might say , Catch you later . This really adds to the over all quality of the game and is a definite plus . And the battle music is no let down either thought it is similar to past titles .
Music / Original Score
The music of Final Fantasy X is amazingly well done . It is probably some of the best music of the series . The sweeping music really fits with the scenes and can make the difference between just another scene or just another place and a spectacularly done area . Final Fantasy X's music is really awe inspiring and
amazingly well done .
Music can also be bought in the form of Spheres .
Total -
7 / 10
Controls & Camera
The controls are petty similar to Final Fantasy IX in many respects and are quite easy to pick up on right away .
The camera , like in previous Final Fantasies is uncontrollable , but it very rarely causes a problem for the player . The only problem I've had is sometimes when it is to far zoomed out it is hard to see sometimes , which is normal in most recent Final Fantasys .
Total -
8 / 10
Final Fantasy X has very little immediate replay value due to it either being a very long game or the plot being slow to pick up , but it is always a good game that is easy the sit down and play with a medium challenge .
Buy or Rent
Definitely a buy , you can not really experience the full game without a much longer time then a simple rent would allow . Though if you are unsure it is a good idea to rent it first but make sure to play through a good part of the game or you will miss out on a lot .
- Amazing graphics
- Pretty good character development
- Great story
- Great music
- Good controls
- Good camera
- Short on the real story part
- Character model differences
- Some overused music
- Overused enemy designs
- Voices do not match up with mouth movements
Total -
Graphics : 9 / 10
Game Play : 9 / 10
Sound : 7 / 10
Controls & Camera : 8 / 10
overall : 9 / 10
006 4 I broke my neck off this get this fantastic rpg , and it was worth all the money I payed for it . . .
Well anyways . . . Final Fantasy X gives a new indepth feel in battles and also in a new way to gain up HP , MP , and stats . . . I definetly was wow-ed by the game in the very beginning , when Tidus plays a game of Blizk Ball . . . ( I hope I spelled it right . . . . ) but gets interrupted with an enemy ( who shall remain nameless . . . . as of this point . . . ) who totally levels a whole town within seconds . . .
But as the game progresses on the scenes get way better . . . ( * As also another note . . . you happen to arrive into your very first battle within maybe 10mins top into the game ) more characters arises and battles get even sweeter than before the last . . .
This ( I truly admit . . . ) is a MUST-BUY rpg . . . and I hope that you fanficts of rpgs will enjoy this game as much as I did .
Sayoonara !
046 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
This review is for Final Fantasy X ( a.k.a . FFX ) , the first Final Fantasy game to beset the Sony PlayStation 2 and the fourth in the numbered series since Squaresoft ( now Square Enix ) began working on the Sony home consoles ( the PlayStation ) .
Final Fantasy X had the job of carrying on the legacy of the Nintendo Entertainment System ( a.k.a . NES or Famicom and Nintendo Family Computer in Japan ) , the Super Nintendo Entertainment System ( a.k.a . SNES ) , and the Sony PlayStation's Final Fantasy games specifically Final Fantasy VI , Final Fantasy VII , Final Fantasy VIII , Final Fantasy IX , which many fans of Squaresoft and Final Fantasy consider to be the best of the series . I believe it both disappointed and satisfied .
The graphical quality in Final Fantasy X was obviously better than that of the prior games considering the Sony PlayStation was only a 32 - bit system and the Sony PlayStation 2 is a 128 - bit system . The graphics in Final Fantasy X leave nothing to be desired . They are almost flawless looking next to the graphics of past Final Fantasy titles . Many of the characters look so well done that they could jump right out of the screen at you . Gone are the days when the background looked wrong behind the characters . The character designs no longer look cut up and pixelly but look much more realistic even next even to the improved background .
The graphics have a smooth blend of lighting and texture to create some of the most realistic characters and settings ever in a game . Few jagged angles and warped designs make it definitely the most visually appealing Final Fantasy to date . Few load times and smooth transitions between different scenes are also a plus .
Final Fantasy X kind of failed a bit here . It had such a high polygon count that at some points the characters appeared to be some what plastic . They look to smooth and have no realness . But it is rare and usually unnoticed .
Full Motion Videos
Full Motion Videos or FMVs ( a.k.a CGI [ Computer Generated Image ] or even just plain CG ) are a given in recent Final Fantasy games , and the ones in Final Fantasy X are as amazing as ever . Many of the FMVs almost seem to come to life on your screen even more than the real time . Pushing the limits of a system as always , Square made it so we will very likely never see much better graphics than these on the PlayStation 2 . Though many complain about the excess of them , totaling over 50 , I find them well done and smoothly transitioned to the real-time graphics . And really you're either watching a cut scene or FMV , which would you rather watch ?
There is also an option in Final Fantasy X for you to buy [ for the price of 5,000 gil each ] the FMVs you have watched throughout the game in the form of Spheres , the main power / energy / video in the world of Final Fantasy X .
In Game and Cut-Scene
This is another problem with Final Fantasy X . Final Fantasy X uses three separate models for the in game / real-time , cut-scene , and FMVs so the characters look nothing like there counterparts in the different forms of video . But other than that it is still breathtaking and well done . The new emotion engine is really well implemented .
Total -
9 / 10
Game Play
The most important part of any RPG , the game play . Final Fantasy X completely redoes the old game play systems of the recent Final Fantasys : a whole new battle system , a new way of leveling up , no world map , etc . For some this may seem horrible and make them think Square Enix ruined the series , but I find the innovation is what the series really needed .
Game Play - General
Gone is the day of the world map . Final Fantasy X offers a full environment with no points where you have to press X to enter , no areas on a map smaller than you , nothing like that . The game is quite linear but it in no detracts from the story , quite the opposite it adds to the story . And most Final Fantasys are linear . At certain points of the game Chocobos are ride able but no more ranches , and it costs to ride but not much .
Game Play - Story
The story follows a young Blitzball [ the sport / mini-game of Final Fantasy X ] player in his journey through a new world , as he accompanies a summoner on her pilgrimage . Simple , right ? Wrong , but you'll have to play the game to find out the rest .
Game Play - Characters
The characters are very well done ; you can really feel their struggles . They don't seem false in any way and have very good back stories . You can come to really almost know why they do the things they do and it rarely feels out of character for them .
Game Play - Battles
A totally new battle system called CTB , or Command Time Battle , is used in Final Fantasy X . Although not totally turn based just like ATB , it is a step in that direction . Each character has a turn but how many they have and how often is dependent on their speed , unlike in turn based where each character has one turn the everyone else has one then the first character has another one . You have as much or little time as you want to choose what attack or action you want to use , which makes for a very good system .
The level up system is basically scraped for the Sphere Grid . The Sphere Grid is made up of nods which raise your abilities and attributes . With certain spheres you can unlock nods like HP + 200 or Strength + 2 . It leaves very little room for customization early on but later becomes on of the most customizable systems ever as you move into other characters grids .
In this game weapons and armor are customizable , and this is a double-edged sword . It is hard to decide which way to make your weapon with all the decisions and it also uses items , but customization can make you immensely stronger and the game immensely easier .
Characters are now switch able whenever even during battle [ think Pokemon ] and the switched in character has the attack . Nice , huh ? Summons are now , also , controllable and are your greatest ally in tough battles . Even better is that they have Limit Breaks , now called Overdrive , and it can be saved , the same as the characters .
Total -
9 / 10
Two words for you : Voice Acting . That is right . The first Final Fantasy with Voice Actors [ and Actresses ] ( a.k.a . VAs ) is on the Sony PlayStation 2 . And they do a brilliant job . And the music is not bad either .
The voice actors do a wonderful job and you can really feel them portray the characters emotions . The script is well written and also helps to portray the characters . The actors were well chosen for there roles ad fit quite well though many complain about some of them having high-pitched voices but that has yet to bother me .
Matching with Mouth Movements
Square really could have done a better job on this . Many of the scenes look like bad , BAD , BAD foreign Kung-fu movies . The words and the moths do not match at all unlike other Square Enix games with voices like Kingdom Hearts . Though you can press the X button during speech to cause them to stop talking altogether , but the game script will not go any faster .
This may seem like a weird section to put under the sound category but not so . During battle the characters will say certain catch phrases like while fleeing you might say , Catch you later . This really adds to the over all quality of the game and is a definite plus . And the battle music is no let down either thought it is similar to past titles .
Music / Original Score
The music of Final Fantasy X is amazingly well done . It is probably some of the best music of the series . The sweeping music really fits with the scenes and can make the difference between just another scene or just another place and a spectacularly done area . Final Fantasy X's music is really awe inspiring and
amazingly well done .
Music can also be bought in the form of Spheres .
Total -
7 / 10
Controls & Camera
The controls are petty similar to Final Fantasy IX in many respects and are quite easy to pick up on right away .
The camera , like in previous Final Fantasies is uncontrollable , but it very rarely causes a problem for the player . The only problem I've had is sometimes when it is to far zoomed out it is hard to see sometimes , which is normal in most recent Final Fantasys .
Total -
8 / 10
Final Fantasy X has very little immediate replay value due to it either being a very long game or the plot being slow to pick up , but it is always a good game that is easy the sit down and play with a medium challenge .
Buy or Rent
Definitely a buy , you can not really experience the full game without a much longer time then a simple rent would allow . Though if you are unsure it is a good idea to rent it first but make sure to play through a good part of the game or you will miss out on a lot .
- Amazing graphics
- Pretty good character development
- Great story
- Great music
- Good controls
- Good camera
- Short on the real story part
- Character model differences
- Some overused music
- Overused enemy designs
- Voices do not match up with mouth movements
Total -
Graphics : 9 / 10
Game Play : 9 / 10
Sound : 7 / 10
Controls & Camera : 8 / 10
overall : 9 / 10
122 4 This is the most amazing video game I've ever played and would have got 5 stars except for a few annoying elements .
It really pushes the boundary of what is technically possible in gaming . It is worth every penny of the asking price . The graphics are incredible and are great for showing off your Playstation 2 ' s capabilities .
FFX is a huge world with an incredible amount of depth and detail . Some of the scenes are just breathtaking . There are great human interactions including love interests . You can actually change affection levels between characters depending on your actions and responses . You can develop your characters in different ways . Although , they all start with certain skills and attributes you can build them up with different skills and attributes to suit your taste . Their weapons / armor can be customized with thousands of combinations of abilities . You can also see how the characters personalities mature and change as the storyline unfolds . The characters are incredibly detailed and lifelike . ( the screen pictures shown are the same high quality throughout ) There is probably a favorite for everyones taste , Yuna demure but mentally tough , Lulu sensual & sarcastic , Rikku cute and sweet , Auron the cool tough guy , Tidus the blonde Blitzball star player ( the guy you control ) , Wakka the island guy , Kimahri a half beast character .
It is a turn based RPG game which means that during battles real-time stops and you take turns sending various attacks at the enemy . I personally prefer this because it allows time to think and strategize without the stress of banging away at the controls as fast as you can .
I would definitely recommend buying the FFX Guide together with the game . You could finish the game without it but there are probably several enjoyable side quests , items , weapons , treasures etc . you would miss without it .
I have heard of people finishing the game within 40 hours but you can easily spend much more if you indulge in the side quests which could more than double the time . I took 95 hours to finish the game but had built my characters up so much that the final bosses were almost too easy .
There is also a Monster Arena within the game where you can fight insanely tough monsters for fun . Imagine a monsters that are 10 times tougher than the bosses at the end of the game !
So what are the annoying elements ? There are some side quests that admittedly aren't critical to finishing the game , but in order to complete them you have to spend hours and hours doing mind numbingly repetitive and tedious racing or deterity type tasks .
Despite this , I would say this is a must buy for everyone except those who hate RPG games .
141 4 After a few years and a few releases of Final Fantasy , Square has once again shown the greatness of their company by releasing Final Fantasy X . I have mostly been an old-school RPG gamer , playing games like Final Fantasy 2 and 3 , Chrono trigger , Earthbound , and so on , and I knew that i would not like the Playstation and Playstation 2 releases of Final Fantasy . FFVII was pretty darn good , FFVIII had the worst gameplay available , but a great story , FFIX had pretty boring gameplay and a weak plot , and now , Final Fantasy X has regained the glory of Final Fantasy : Fun Gameplay , Phenominal Story , and a new addition : voices . now , at first they take some time to get used to , but they turn out to be quite a nice effect on sorrowful scene . anyhow . . . . . on to the review
STORY 9.5 / 10
This Story is really grand . your mission turns out to be to protect yuna , the lady summoner on a mission to destroy sin , a monster who wreaks havoc every 10 years . later on , your mission is to destroy sin completely , instead of temporarily . Now at the beginning , I did not like how there were machines , as the whole city was JUST machines . But to my extreme surprise and delight , Sin came and destroyed it all , sending the main Character , Tidus , 1000 years into the future where Machines are not allowed . A Very nice touch . . . . .
The Battle theme music is extremely catchy . . . beware . It WILL get stuck in your head the rest of the day , and the boss theme is even Better ! As you have probably heard of the intro theme song , Otherworld , I think Even though it is a really good song , it does not belong on a final fantasy Game , but that is just a small opinion .
Im sure you know how great the sound is gonna be , so I'm not going to comment much here . Tidus's ( the main character ) sword sounds like a slicing sword , but the other sword weilder ( Auron ) makes a much more aggressive noise when striking enemies . Very nice touch
GAMEPLAY 10 / 10
This Game is Really fun . I swear . . . . I could not put it down for hours at a time . This game is the third game to ever have me actually enjoy leveling up characters ! ( the other two were FF 2 and 3 ) Instead of the usual ATB ( Active Time-battle ) system , they now included the CTB ( Conditional-Turn Based ) system , A nice system that allows you to think and strategize , making the game 10 times more fun than mindless hold-down-the-x-button-and-you-win games . The boss battles are tough , but not so tough it makes you want to throw your controller . They are very fun and challenging , and adding on to the CTB , you can strategize what to do , and a little bar on the right shows the next turns for about 20 turns , so you can , for instance , see if it is wise to have Yuna Cast Slow on this monster , and you can forsee that it will greatly help you .
For the first time ever , square has introduced the ability to switch characters during Battle , causing even MORE strategizing , as well as making it easier to level up all of your characters . Gameplay has improved quite a bit from the previous two final fantasies .
As You probably have heard of , the Experience-gaining ability has been lost . Now , they have come out with the new Sphere-grid ability , which i will not explain due to the time it will take to write , and im sure some other reviews have it explained : ) . This Sphere-grid ability is a very nice touch , though insanely confusing at first , it proves to be quite useful . If you have ever wondered why your Black mage could not learn holy , well , now you can have her learn holy . What I am trying to say is that with this new system , you can upgrade and customize your characters the way you want , whether it is boosting their HP , strength , learning many new abilities , and so on . This really took a lot of thought to make . Adding on to that , the loading time is very short , which is very nice
GRAPHICS 10 / 10
For an early playstation 2 release , Square sure did a great job on mastering the equipment . The graphics are insanely real looking , and the voice acting makes it seem even more real . Not much else to say here .
Each character has their own voice , fighting skill , and personality . Of course , Knowing Square , I knew they would throw in a useless character , which in this case , none of them were completely useless , but thanks to the sphere grid system , The Theif known as Rikku Was not very useful , the fact being because after a short while , There is a small path on the sphere grid that can allow Yuna to learn all of Rikku's Main Stealing , using , pilfer Gil , etc abilities without straying off of the trail too much . but otherwise , Tidus is determined and caring , while Kimahri does not speak much , but when he does , it means something . All of the characters seem so much different than the rest , Making this world even more realistic .
Now , you probably have heard that once they finished off This game , they felt no need to play it ever again . But if you played Final Fantasy 2 , then I am almost positive you will want to play it again .
You have also probably heard that this game is quite short , but I beg to differ . I spent about 40 hours on this game , and I did not get a lot of items and celestial weapons ( I completed the game with the first sword you get ) . This game is worth your while , and The ending is Really good , and will make you watch it again . . . . and again . I must warn you though , FFX - 2 is NOTHING like X , so you might want to check out reviews before getting FFX - 2 .
I definately recommend this game , as it is worthy of your game collection . After the psx final fantasy games , which turned out to be not-so-great , The introductary Ps2 Final Fantasy turned out to be quite amazing . A MUST GET
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
You might be asking why I'm writing a 2001 game release review in 2004 - well I just now got a Playstation 2 ( it's about time , right ? ) and the first game I just had to get was this one . It's been two and a half weeks and I've finished it last night .
This game is incredible - absolutely astounding . From every aspect of it - the ( new ) dialogue voice-acting which seems better than every single Japanese dubbed-over anime , to the new and improved battle system , to leveling up your characters in the non-traditional sense . This game is even better than my favorite Final Fantasy , the eighth in the series . If you liked FFVIII , you will undoubtedly love this one . If you hated FFVIII , there is still a good chance you'll find something about this game that you'll like .
Fist , the music . Ahh , the music . Final Fantasy X opens with a melancholy piano solo , fully orchestrated , and you know as you listen that this soundtrack is different than any other of the series . I meann even battle music , or game over music , which is usually so corny , is even so blissful . It seems like you're watching a beautiful movie unfold , a movie with a score so wonderful and graphics that seem so realistic .
Next , I read other reviews saying it was too short . Ahem , it took me 54 hours and some-odd minutes . Sure , you don't have as many settings , no world map , but the game is very linear until the last stages where many sidequests turn up . I've always hated RPG's that dilly-dally and take you all over the place in any order . This game is great . There is no world map , but you do save at save spheres , much like save points , but - get this - you never have to use a tent , cottage , cabin , house , or anything - it automatically restores your health !
The battle system will allow you to use all seven of your characters ( once you get them all ) in any battle . There is no PHS , no splitting the groups up into two or three - you can change your group in and out of battle , so it is essential to level up everyone . The graphics in battles are amazing . The Sphere Grid is how you level up - no EXP points in this game . Towards the middle of your game , you can make another character learn another ability of one of the other characters . It's simply the most flexible way to level up your characters and easily the most fun . Unlike FFII ( for the NES ) which had a new way to level up , this one actually makes sense and isn't a pain in the butt . In fact , it's one of my favorite aspects of the game .
Each main character looks great . I mean , the last Final Fantasy release had someone like Quina be a main character , or ugly rat-kid Zidale , but here I think that every character has great screen presence . Their hair moves to the music of the winds , thier faces express their deepest feelings . Even Kimahri , the non-human of the group , in a typical Final Fantasy game , would've been the one that looks the worst , but even he looks great . Every character I actually cared about , which means a lot since hey , you're with them for 54 hours , you know ? My favorite was Yuna , the semi-main character . Every move of hers , every line was delivered to full satisfaction . Here in Final Fantasy X you have a story that you do care about , and even if some of the dialogue may be a little long-winded at times , it's all worth it .
Watching it I am reminded of FFVIII , where you had Guardian Forces . Here you have Aeons , which are Guardian Forces to the 10th power . They are central to the plot , and most of the boss battles . Every one of them looks great - they left out the dumb ones like Jumbo Cactaur but have some great secret ones that would kill off Eden and Knights of the Round Table from VII .
This game is great . I give it a perfect score , something I didn't even give to FFVII .
004 4 I just bought this game yesterday ( Dec . 19th ) and its very impressive . I haven't made it into the game very far but from what I've seen so far this game won't disappoint . Everything about this game is good . The new battle system is AWESOME ! The only thing I'm not really into is the Sphere Grid system . Its kinda weird but , like I said before , I haven't made it very far in the game so I'll eventually end up getting used to it . This is a great game . Coo bay .
005 4 Final Fantasy is the ultimate Role Playing experience . From the first NES game to this Tenth Edition , every game has offered a new world to explore , new characters to fall in love with , and new enemies to hate . The Final Fantasy Series is what video games are about , and it is very rare to find such a series of games that offer something for every gamer that exists . Final Fantasy X continues this trend ! It offers fresh ideas to the old format we have all come to know , and shockingly they are all for the best . With Final Fantasy IX , the gameplay was beginning to get rather stale , however Final Fantasy X , literally rejuvenated my love for the series . This game has everything , Voices ! ! ! , Amazing Graphics ( thanks to the Power of the PS2 ) , and a new Battle and Leveling System ; which are truly supurb ! Final Fantasy X also has an outstanding game called Bliztball , which is basically the best parts of Soccer , Basketball , and Water Polo all mixed in one ! This is the must own game for the Playstation 2 . Every system has is own special franchise themes , Nintendo has Mario , X-Box has Munch , Sega had Sonic , Well the PS2 doesn't have one character , it has an epic ! Final Fantasy ! Final Fantasy X is the must own game of the holidays and the year !
007 4 Final Fantasy Ten is the greatest game for the Playstation 2 . The graphics are almost better than what most high-end personal computers can display , and the music is richly composed and is always geared to the different situations ( battle music , tavern music , etc . . ) . The game's essence is similar to previous Final Fantasy titles , with turn-based combat and world exploration . I will say that the voice acting is sometimes childish and over dramatic , but you can pass through the cut scenes by tapping the x button . Essentially , the game is a full-blown RPG , which will probably bore and confuse those unfamiliar with the genre . Final Fantasy one was first released for the 8 - bit NES ( Nintendo Entertainment System ) in the late 1980 ' s , and I became a fan instantly with the game when I purchased it . FFX is not as short as some people would make you think . To build up your characters you must fight literally thousands of battles , which means you must quit your job and your personal life if you wish to invest the proper time to fully appreciate this RPG . If you like RPG's and science-fiction / fantasy epics , you will be very happy with this title .
106 4 I may be 16 years old but I know a good RPG when I see it and I can say that this is no good of an RPG . I'm not as easily taken in by pointless eye-candy like some of the others around here . Except Final Fantasy III , I've played all of them . Its easy enough to say that Final Fantasy VI or Final Fantasy VII are the best ones . I remember when this game first came out and it was a milestone . People were excited that Square finally had voices and all that stuff . But Final Fantasy X is NO Final Fantasy . Compared to the earlier ones in the series , Final Fantasy X is a completely new RPG ! It doesn't even deserve the title Final Fantasy because its so different .
Sure the voices are a nice touch , but with a movie scene every ten minutes is it worth it ? Especially when you can't skip them and you read faster than the characters talk ? I liked it when you had to read all the dialogue on your own ( you lazy gamers ) . Now we don't have to read the dialouge and it makes for less replay value . I only played through FFX once and now its rotting somewhere on my shelf ( soon to be a trade in ) .
The graphics are probably the only thing the game has going for it . This is sad that we're so easily taken in by graphics that we can't see what a true Final Fantasy should be . The music is lovely but the voice acting is downright terrible ! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who turned down the volume so I wouldn't hear the speeches they made . The dialogue is also corny compared to the previous installments . The Final Fantasy games on the SNES were RPGs to remember , now Square only seems to be about the graphics .
The storyline in this game is pretty weak , tiring and predictable . The story moves at such a slow pace its boring . Not only that but it seems as if Square diliberately took out everything that made the series popular in the first place . No more limit breaks , no more job system or materia system , no in-depth characters , all of the elements that made Final Fantasy what it is have disappeared from this one . Rather than calling this a Final Fantasy it should be given a different name
But there are its good points . The battle system is unique and makes for strategy ( though I'd much prefer the original ATB that the SNES and PSX versions had ) . But if you exploit the battle system its a very easy RPG . The way you level up is interesting but takes away that old-school flavor . But because it was such a unique and interesting way to raise characters I found that enjoyable .
The other really bad thing about this that makes it different from other Final Fantasy games is that you can't explore the world , and you can't fly around in the airship the same way . Every FF game before this was all about exploring . This element is lost in this . You go only where the game instructs you to go and then sidequests have to be found with the aid of a strategy guide and that's no fun ! It's also disappointing that you don't get your airship until the very end of the game and even when you get it you can't fly around in it at all .
To be truthful as an RPG this is pretty good , but as a Final Fantasy this is dull . Sure if you want lots of voices ( as many have said its like watching a movie ) and nice graphics go out and get it . But if you want to experience a true Final Fantasy you'll go out and buy FFVI or FFVII .
120 4 Final Fantasy X is the newest entry in the classic series of console role-playing games . While it keeps many of the series traditions - such as Chocobo birds and airship owner Cid - it also dispenses with quite a few of the more antiquated ones . This is the first Final Fantasy game since the series moved to the Super NES ( Final Fantasy IV , to give a sense of the elapsed time ) to eschew the Active Time Battle system . With a new director fresh from the Front Mission games ( tactical mecha combat ) , combat plays out much more strategically . Characters can be swapped in or out at any time as needed ; helpful , since each character is especially good against different kinds of enemies .
The graphics have been drastically updated with the move to PlayStation 2 ; the slick and gorgeous graphics are everything you'd expect from a Square game on the PS2 . Most of the in-game story scenes are beautifully rendered in real-time , and even include real-time facial expressions ; you may think it's full-motion video at first , it's so smooth and glossy . That is , of course , until you actually see the FMV ; the frames per second of the FMV has been doubled , bringing it up to digital video standards , and it shows . The beautiful CGI is flawlessly rendered and outshines any I've ever seen .
The music , composed by Nobuo Uematsu , is the best since Final Fantasy VII . While the music in the last two Final Fantasies has been subpar , Uematsu is back up to form in this latest installment . Especially good is In Zanarkand , the delicate piano solo played during the opening scene , and Sight of Spira , the tropical-feeling theme played in Besaid Village . The now-requisite Final Fantasy pop song , Suteki Da Ne ( Isn't It Beautiful ? ) by Japanese folksinger Rikki , is merely all right when sung by her . In its various instrumental forms that pop up at various places in the games , however , it's an elegant , touching melody that you won't get tired of hearing .
The story is typical of your Final Fantasy games ; mostly unoriginal , but with a few brilliant twists that keep the story interesting enough to keep you playing . But the true draw of Final Fantasy X , like its predecessors , is its characters . Boyish Tidus , dutiful Yuna , cheerful Wakka , mature Lulu , taciturn Kimahri , world-weary Auron , and perky Rikku each have their own goals , hopes and fears . Each characters is likable and well-written . The addition of voice acting and the aforementioned facial expressions as humanizing factors should not be ignored ; they're the reason I feel closer to these characters than I have to any Final Fantasy cast to date . ( Don't be surprised if you shed a tear or two at the poignant ending . )
Final Fantasy X is the best entry in the Final Fantasy series to date , and one of the best games on the PlayStation 2 . If you're even remotely interested , give this one a try .
229 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
You might be asking why I'm writing a 2001 game release review in 2004 - well I just now got a Playstation 2 ( it's about time , right ? ) and the first game I just had to get was this one . It's been two and a half weeks and I've finished it last night .
This game is incredible - absolutely astounding . From every aspect of it - the ( new ) dialogue voice-acting which seems better than every single Japanese dubbed-over anime , to the new and improved battle system , to leveling up your characters in the non-traditional sense . This game is even better than my favorite Final Fantasy , the eighth in the series . If you liked FFVIII , you will undoubtedly love this one . If you hated FFVIII , there is still a good chance you'll find something about this game that you'll like .
Fist , the music . Ahh , the music . Final Fantasy X opens with a melancholy piano solo , fully orchestrated , and you know as you listen that this soundtrack is different than any other of the series . I meann even battle music , or game over music , which is usually so corny , is even so blissful . It seems like you're watching a beautiful movie unfold , a movie with a score so wonderful and graphics that seem so realistic .
Next , I read other reviews saying it was too short . Ahem , it took me 54 hours and some-odd minutes . Sure , you don't have as many settings , no world map , but the game is very linear until the last stages where many sidequests turn up . I've always hated RPG's that dilly-dally and take you all over the place in any order . This game is great . There is no world map , but you do save at save spheres , much like save points , but - get this - you never have to use a tent , cottage , cabin , house , or anything - it automatically restores your health !
The battle system will allow you to use all seven of your characters ( once you get them all ) in any battle . There is no PHS , no splitting the groups up into two or three - you can change your group in and out of battle , so it is essential to level up everyone . The graphics in battles are amazing . The Sphere Grid is how you level up - no EXP points in this game . Towards the middle of your game , you can make another character learn another ability of one of the other characters . It's simply the most flexible way to level up your characters and easily the most fun . Unlike FFII ( for the NES ) which had a new way to level up , this one actually makes sense and isn't a pain in the butt . In fact , it's one of my favorite aspects of the game .
Each main character looks great . I mean , the last Final Fantasy release had someone like Quina be a main character , or ugly rat-kid Zidale , but here I think that every character has great screen presence . Their hair moves to the music of the winds , thier faces express their deepest feelings . Even Kimahri , the non-human of the group , in a typical Final Fantasy game , would've been the one that looks the worst , but even he looks great . Every character I actually cared about , which means a lot since hey , you're with them for 54 hours , you know ? My favorite was Yuna , the semi-main character . Every move of hers , every line was delivered to full satisfaction . Here in Final Fantasy X you have a story that you do care about , and even if some of the dialogue may be a little long-winded at times , it's all worth it .
Watching it I am reminded of FFVIII , where you had Guardian Forces . Here you have Aeons , which are Guardian Forces to the 10th power . They are central to the plot , and most of the boss battles . Every one of them looks great - they left out the dumb ones like Jumbo Cactaur but have some great secret ones that would kill off Eden and Knights of the Round Table from VII .
This game is great . I give it a perfect score , something I didn't even give to FFVII .
Graphic . I'm sure people wouldn't hesitate to pick grphic as the strong point of FF10 . Yes , indeed , it is excellent , just excellent . However , I thought the graphic wasn't THAT great . What I'm trying to say is that obviously the graphic does stand out , however , it doesn't standout , pulling out Ahhh or Oohh . Those movie scenes were excellent , but other than that it was just ' average ' .
If you want to witness to the one of the best graphic game , try Ico , it will put FF10 to shame . To put it in detail , it seemed to me that either they didn't integrate ' suitable ' graphic for the story or didn't make it ' smooth ' enough for gamers to feel comfortable with graphic . I always got this ' uneasy ' feeling about graphic , of course , it was really minor thing , but felt like something wasn't match wholeheartedly .
I couldn't help myself from wanting to play FF7 as I was playing FF10 . Of course , graphic texture-wise , FF10 is better than FF7 , but hey , FF7 was on PSOne . Whenever I summoned Aeons , I couldn't help myself from thinking about summoning from FF7 . Just simple presentation of summoning in FF7 was way better than FF10 . For instance , Behemoth ( I probably spelled it wrong ) in FF10 . . the execution and presentation were so messy . . it didn't give me that same feeling I had from summoning Behemoth from FF7 , I still remember clearly how it used to be SO Awesome and So cool . . I didn't get bored watching same scene again and again , not only because the Behemoth evoloved in FF7 , but also the summoning scene was simple yet just beautiful , just beautiful .
Story line is probably the strong asset of FF series , and I was just disappointed . Of course , trying to evolve the story around the relationship between father and son was a fresh idea , however , it wasn't good enough to really convey the full effect . I didn't think voice acting for Tidus was good enough , in fact , destroying the story line with sort of ' childish ' , ' immature ' voice . Of course , Tidus acts immaturally time to time , but it was just way out of line . I thought the other voice actings were pretty good .
Story line of FF series has been the main reason for me to play FF series , and I have to admit that FF has lost its magic , the magic it once used to enchant people to be immersed into story . . not there anymore .
I would say music was what people would've expected from FF series . I mean , it does an excellent job on creating suitable atmosphere , however , it doesn't live up to the legacy the FF series used to have . FF10 contains excellent music time to time , ( ex : the scene where Tidus and Yuna plays at the lake ) but didn't mesmerized me with it .
May be the only thing I liked about FF10 is the incorporating strategy element to the game , that was fresh enough , THE element for me to finish the game . Not only they succeed in creating some fresh concept for battle system , but also they made it much more difficult , so you wouldn't just do button-smashing to get the battle over with .
I read an interview of the either producer or the director of the game , and he mentioned about Sphere , where you can customize your character , according to his / her needs and ability . Personally , the sphere wasn't something , which it does let you customize your character EASILY . Of course , it does give you control to level up your character , however , the Sphere system was with its own flaws as well . Of course , I know , creating this kind of game , especially when the title of the game you are about to produce is Final Fantasy , I'm sure tremendous pressure is there .
Alrite , I better stop typing , almost sensing flying stones here and there . . To sum of the review , Final Fantasy is overdue for . . I don't know , you tell me . I hope they make FINAL Final Fantasy , where it really contains every wonderful element of the FF series , and make it really long and into a masterpiece . I just can't imagine Final Fantasy 24 or even Final Fantasy 14 .
I would've given this game at least 4 Stars , but had no choice but to make comparision with previous FF games , and thus there's 3 Stars .
Ok . . now you can throw your stones -
014 4 I rented this for a somewhat lame reason - - I liked the box since it features water , and I really like water ( ! ) . Also , FF has a really good reputation , and I know tons o'people like it , so I thought it was a pretty good bet .
I was not prepared WHATsoever for what ensued . I was held in thrall by spectacular graphics and opening movies , and then got to witness the annihilation of a neon-clad , waterfront city .
I have played for many hours since that moment ( more than I care to mention . . . ) , and here is what I've noticed .
- - It may just be me , but I don't really like that the characters ' features change during the switch from gameplay mode to the super high-resolution scenes . It throws off my mental perception of the characters , and some of their features are distinctly different ( Tidus ' eyes , Yuna's mouth and face shape , most noticeably ) . I'd have preferred if they looked Japanese 100% of the time , or not at all , as long as it was consistent .
- - Yuna's voice-acting is too clipped , even when it doesn't need to be . She speaks in a rush sometimes , even when we can't see her mouth .
- - I wish there was limitless inventory for equipment . I have to toss stuff all the time now because I've run out of room .
- - Tidus doesn't seem traumatized at ALL by the fact that his home of Zanarkand was blasted by the equivalent of a nuclear bomb . He's just his happy-go-lucky , idealistic self , unfazed by the destruction of his home and probably thousands of lives .
- - The graphics and music , obviously .
- - The story is very interesting , even if it suffers a little from the Japanese plague of vague , hazy anime-storytelling ( I would know . I watch lots of anime . )
- - I love all the characters .
- - The sphere grid is fun in itself , but it's a little cheap that even after you defeat a behemoth like Yunalesca , you get one measly move on the grid . : P
- - I like Blitzball . It takes some getting used to , but it's an entertaining diversion . Same complaint as with the sphere grid , however ; even after Tidus scores a goal , he gets NO increase in experience ! My other players are at level 13 , and Tidus is at 7 . Star player my shoopuf . . . I don't understand why he's not racking up the points .
- - The aeons are awesome looking , have awesome attacks , and have awesome entries . Therefore , they are awesome .
Some help :
Before major bosses like Spectral Keeper , Seymour Flux , Yunalesca , et al . . . just get all your aeons in overdrive , then unleash their fury on your unsuspecting foes . I beat all the bosses the very first time this way . It may seem cheap , but I dislike frustration ( ! ) .
Try to get fireproof armor before going to Bevelle or Zanarkand . The guards with flamethrowers will be harmless , and you can steal purifying salt and candles of life from the ones at Zanarkand with impunity .
I equipped Rikku with Deathstrike . She's now a formidable opponent AND mugger . This is a very useful combination .
017 4 Final Fantasy 10 . . . I just finished the game and left with this emptiness , which I do get time to time from finishing typical / average games . . .
First of all , the highest quality of FF10 : Graphic . I'm sure people wouldn't hesitate to pick grphic as the strong point of FF10 . Yes , indeed , it is excellent , just excellent . However , I thought the graphic wasn't THAT great . What I'm trying to say is that obviously the graphic does stand out , however , it doesn't standout , pulling out Ahhh or Oohh . Those movie scenes were excellent , but other than that it was just ' average ' .
If you want to witness to the one of the best graphic game , try Ico , it will put FF10 to shame . To put it in detail , it seemed to me that either they didn't integrate ' suitable ' graphic for the story or didn't make it ' smooth ' enough for gamers to feel comfortable with graphic . I always got this ' uneasy ' feeling about graphic , of course , it was really minor thing , but felt like something wasn't match wholeheartedly .
I couldn't help myself from wanting to play FF7 as I was playing FF10 . Of course , graphic texture-wise , FF10 is better than FF7 , but hey , FF7 was on PSOne . Whenever I summoned Aeons , I couldn't help myself from thinking about summoning from FF7 . Just simple presentation of summoning in FF7 was way better than FF10 . For instance , Behemoth ( I probably spelled it wrong ) in FF10 . . the execution and presentation were so messy . . it didn't give me that same feeling I had from summoning Behemoth from FF7 , I still remember clearly how it used to be SO Awesome and So cool . . I didn't get bored watching same scene again and again , not only because the Behemoth evoloved in FF7 , but also the summoning scene was simple yet just beautiful , just beautiful .
Story line is probably the strong asset of FF series , and I was just disappointed . Of course , trying to evolve the story around the relationship between father and son was a fresh idea , however , it wasn't good enough to really convey the full effect . I didn't think voice acting for Tidus was good enough , in fact , destroying the story line with sort of ' childish ' , ' immature ' voice . Of course , Tidus acts immaturally time to time , but it was just way out of line . I thought the other voice actings were pretty good .
Story line of FF series has been the main reason for me to play FF series , and I have to admit that FF has lost its magic , the magic it once used to enchant people to be immersed into story . . not there anymore .
I would say music was what people would've expected from FF series . I mean , it does an excellent job on creating suitable atmosphere , however , it doesn't live up to the legacy the FF series used to have . FF10 contains excellent music time to time , ( ex : the scene where Tidus and Yuna plays at the lake ) but didn't mesmerized me with it .
May be the only thing I liked about FF10 is the incorporating strategy element to the game , that was fresh enough , THE element for me to finish the game . Not only they succeed in creating some fresh concept for battle system , but also they made it much more difficult , so you wouldn't just do button-smashing to get the battle over with .
I read an interview of the either producer or the director of the game , and he mentioned about Sphere , where you can customize your character , according to his / her needs and ability . Personally , the sphere wasn't something , which it does let you customize your character EASILY . Of course , it does give you control to level up your character , however , the Sphere system was with its own flaws as well . Of course , I know , creating this kind of game , especially when the title of the game you are about to produce is Final Fantasy , I'm sure tremendous pressure is there .
Alrite , I better stop typing , almost sensing flying stones here and there . . To sum of the review , Final Fantasy is overdue for . . I don't know , you tell me . I hope they make FINAL Final Fantasy , where it really contains every wonderful element of the FF series , and make it really long and into a masterpiece . I just can't imagine Final Fantasy 24 or even Final Fantasy 14 .
I would've given this game at least 4 Stars , but had no choice but to make comparision with previous FF games , and thus there's 3 Stars .
Ok . . now you can throw your stones -
103 4 Final Fantasy X is easily the most overrated game I have ever played . With the publicity its gotten in magazines and on television , I had believed that this would be the game to end all games . But it proves that just because a game gets a lot of advertising , doesn't necessarily mean it is great . Let me break it down for you .
Graphics : 5 / 5
Obviously , the graphics are among the best of any ps2 game currently out ( Cant expect anything less from a FF game ) . However , FFX proves that a game can look good and still not BE good .
Storyline : 3 / 5
The story is extremely linear and predictable . Tidus gets sucked into a wormhole into the world of Spira . There he meets Yuna and her guardians to adventure on a pilgrimage to different lands to gain the power of different aeons , eventually to head to Zanarkand to get the last aeon to defeat the evil monster called Sin and save the world . The story stays like this throughout the course of the game and this aspect of the storyline is needlessly thrown at you again and again . The story completely lacks the Final Fantasy touch that made most of its predecessors so great . The story is simple , linear , and weighed down with SO many cinematics that it gets really aggravating .
Characters : 3 / 5
The characters are more cliche than traditional . Tidus is the worst main character ever in a FF game - - a blitzball player who acts like the underdog of the group for the entire game . Hes a loser . Rikku is a hyperactive , immature moron , not even funny like most lively , hyper girl characters in RPGs . Kimahri is the silent beast , also uninteresting . Auron is mysterious swordsman dude , but he fails to do his role in an appealing way , too . Wakka's okay , having that hatred of the Al Bhed and the machina because he is a firm believer in Yevon . Yuna is probably the only REALLY good character in the game . Seeing her so depressed through the course of the journey , because she is on a dangerous pilgrimage where supposedly she would die upon summoning the last aeon . Her part in the quest is quite touching . Lulu is the other good character . Even-tempered , and kinda sexy , sharing quite a past with Wakka and his brother Chappu . Overall , the characters are average - - below standard for a FF game .
Gameplay : 2 / 5
Any gamer knows that gameplay is the backbone of any game . You have zero freedom in this game . You are constantly lead from event to event by way of cinematics , having with little control over what you do , especially in the beginning of the game . You cant even backtrack to old places and go do things totally on your own until you get your airship ( right before the FINAL BOSS ) . Fortunately thats when the game might redeem itself as you are given a load of sidequests . The sphere grid was a sad attempt at giving you some degree of freedom in the game . However , you cant SUCCESSFULLY diversify your characters ' skills until the late portion of the game so you have no freedom there .
Overall FFX is proof of the coming of games that work primarily on appealing to gamers visually without having any real substance to go with it . FFX2 is an improvement over FFX , but still doesn't quite redeem the series . FFX is clearly for those getting INTRODUCED to the rpg genre and not for veterans who have played games of the genre since its beginning .
202 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X ( Video Game )
Although which FF game has the mechanically-best battle system is heavily debatable , FFX has the best-implemented battle system of the entire series , except possibly for FF Tactics . The battle screen in FFX loads quickly , battles are bug-free ( remember the ' mblock stat ' and ' dark status ' bugs in FFVI ) , and the turn system in FFX takes into consideration character speed and execution time for moves , in order to determine when to give each character another turn , rather than working in battle rounds , like in FF 1 - 3 . The result is a battle system tactically similar to the ATB system , except which allows for easy character and equipment swapping , and features no delay between the selection and execution of a move , keeping the battles moving along at maximum speed . The quality of battle action animations are at a series high in this game , and overkill bonuses , plus the ability to fight using Aeons , give the player extra battle mechanics to consider , just when hacking and slashing start to get a little dull . Although originating in Lunar , the in-battle voices in this game add a lot to it , with what characters say in battle often determined by the opponent , or combination of characters in the party , rather than merely the move being executed .
The voice acting in FFX is generally high-quality , although the abundance of voice acting serves to disguise the fact that the characters have much less to talk about in FFX than in FFVII through FFIX . Like FFVII , FFX often features five-minute cutscenes filled with dialogue , although the actual amount of dialogue present in five minutes ' worth of voice acting is significantly less than in five minutes ' worth of text boxes , with the final result being that FFX features a shallower story with less character development . The game's story has an annoying pattern of explicitly emphasizing moral dilemmas which should already be obvious to the player ( ex : dialogue such as : Is it really okay to hate the Al-Bhed ? ) , overemphasizing the emotion of particular scenes ( Nobody could believe that Yuna was about to call the final Aeon , and that meant . . . ) , and allowing its characters to act too much like themselves ( Wakka's continued objections to disobedience towards Yevon's teachings , even after exposing Yevon's corruption ) . After the reasonably mature stories of FF7 - 9 , this game's story comes of as positively childish , despite featuring a good amount of philisophical content regarding the nature of death , because the dialogue is written with a constant degree of paranioa that the player won't understand the significance of certain scenes , and most of the time , the characters exist not to interact , but rather to be different from one another .
One particularly annoying flaw in FFX is the field exploration screen , where the edges of navigable areas do not in any way correspond with the position of walls and barriers , so the majority of the time , field avatar Tidus is exploring a dungeon or forest until he runs into a barricade of . . . absolutely nothing ! This causes the player to spend more time looking at the minimap for the position of the abstract walls than the field screen for the position of the illustrated ones , and actually discourages the player from enjoying the level of detail that the illustrators have put into the game's environments . The music in FFX , while not bad , is also unspectacular .
The graphic looks great . Although the areas aren't as detailed as MGS , the characters all look great .
Sound : Great
Music and such is good . The sound works really well , especially when the characters attack enemies . I wouldn't buy the game just for the sound though . . .
Fun : Really Great
This is where the game shines . The game has really fun fights becuase mostly the tag team . You can tag in other members of your party . You don't even have to play with Tidus . I have basically used 4 characters over the course of the game .
Innovation : Really Great
The new orb thingy system lets you move your characters across little tables . By moving across the tables with circles on them , characters power up themselves and learn new abilities . This works really well for those who don't care about some abilities and just want the good stuff . Me ? I made tidus more agile then strong , but you can do it either way . The Summons can be upgraded also . Aeons don't have to be useless once you get farther in the game . I still use ifrit and he still rocks .
Replay Value : Good
The game is short , but that is fine . I stopped playing the game at Sin , and I plan to go beat that today . The problem is extras . To fight the dark aeons or something , you need to get the 3 sisters , and blah blah blah . I really don't want to spend the rest of my day looking for some mirror . That being said , Once you get the more powerful Aeons , the games basically a joke . Honestly , I spent two days building up my party ( for about 3 hours each day ) for Omega Weapon . I got to him and I used Shiva , Ifrit , and Bahamut and crushed him . He killed Ifrit and Shiva , but Bahamut just beat him in the last minute . He was way to easy and really offered no challenge what-so-ever .
Pretty good game , I would buy it . It isn't extremely long , and by Final Fantasy standards it is pretty short . But have fun with it because it does have , in my opinion , the funnest battles in any final fantasy game .
033 4 I remember playing this game . After final fantasy 9 I wasn't really expecting much . This game however was tremendously good .
Graphics : Great
The graphic looks great . Although the areas aren't as detailed as MGS , the characters all look great .
Sound : Great
Music and such is good . The sound works really well , especially when the characters attack enemies . I wouldn't buy the game just for the sound though . . .
Fun : Really Great
This is where the game shines . The game has really fun fights becuase mostly the tag team . You can tag in other members of your party . You don't even have to play with Tidus . I have basically used 4 characters over the course of the game .
Innovation : Really Great
The new orb thingy system lets you move your characters across little tables . By moving across the tables with circles on them , characters power up themselves and learn new abilities . This works really well for those who don't care about some abilities and just want the good stuff . Me ? I made tidus more agile then strong , but you can do it either way . The Summons can be upgraded also . Aeons don't have to be useless once you get farther in the game . I still use ifrit and he still rocks .
Replay Value : Good
The game is short , but that is fine . I stopped playing the game at Sin , and I plan to go beat that today . The problem is extras . To fight the dark aeons or something , you need to get the 3 sisters , and blah blah blah . I really don't want to spend the rest of my day looking for some mirror . That being said , Once you get the more powerful Aeons , the games basically a joke . Honestly , I spent two days building up my party ( for about 3 hours each day ) for Omega Weapon . I got to him and I used Shiva , Ifrit , and Bahamut and crushed him . He killed Ifrit and Shiva , but Bahamut just beat him in the last minute . He was way to easy and really offered no challenge what-so-ever .
Pretty good game , I would buy it . It isn't extremely long , and by Final Fantasy standards it is pretty short . But have fun with it because it does have , in my opinion , the funnest battles in any final fantasy game .
034 4 Honestly , I don't know what to make of this game . The story idea is a good premise , but I found Tidus the most annoying main character yet . Rikku , Lulu , Yuna and Auron were excellent , well-done characters , and while I found Wakka and Kimahri under-developed , they were still good .
Musically , this game doesn't live up to it's predecessors , unfortunately . The music is nice , but the tracks are mostly very short and annoyingly repeptitive . The music didn't seemto suit the mood it was played in , either .
Graphically , it's brilliant . No-one can deny that . The FMVs ( Full Motion Videos ) look life-like and there are a few where you could be excused for thinking they'd brought in actors and filmed it .
The voice acting is similarly brilliant . The voices suit the characters perfectly , and they all seemed to be very experienced .
The difficulty , however , is the game's lowest point , in that there IS no difficulty . Even for new users , I'd recommend using the Expert Sphere Grid . Battles aren't as fast-paced and challenging as in previous days , and the whole experience feels more controlled , but not in a good way . The bosses are simple , the only boss coming close to a hard battle the Dark Aeons . Maxing out the sphere grid is an easy task , providing you have 10 or so hours to fill in and don't mind training , and even the hardest bosses are painfully easy when a Mug from Yuna does 99999 . The customizing system provided a bit of variety to the mix , but the armlet regulations were irritating .
Overall , I'd recommend this game to an RPG fan , but someone who enjoys a gripping story and beautiful graphics more than a challenge . It's more of a movie than a game .
116 4 I haven't played a game this good in a long time , hears a little yes and no
Yes :
- The gameplay graphics r great
- The cut-sceenes r ohh my goodness , mindblowin
- The story is well written
- Some of the voice acting is quite good ( Like Auron , Lulu , Rikku , and Wakka )
- Side-quests
- The new use of summons ( how they fight , instead of a 1 hit goodbye
- The ability to break the damage meter
- The gameplay is always great
- The replay value is if u luv da story so much u wanna play it again
- U don't have to use tents to git ur health at save points
- U can sitch in the middle of a battle , so ever1 can level up
- Maxed out to 60 hours
- 1 Uv da best out so far
- Overdrives
No :
- The Sphere grid can get frustrating
- Tidus voice is very annoying . . . .
- I was hopeing for a better ending . . . . .
- Someone , as always lacks one status or the other
- The side-quests can be the most frustratiing part of the game
- Ultima and Omega lack a good challange , unlike the past games
- Marlbros always ambush you
- The sound doesn't bring the experience of past Final Fantasys
- Sometimes battles pick who u use at first
- Takes away experince past Final Fantasys had
The game has it's share of goods and bads , but the good is alot better than the bad , so this is a definite must but
213 4 I can't say much more than that . I love my linear RPGs , and this provided great battle set-up , great story , great graphics and a fabulous way to develop your characters ( the sphere grid ) , so each time you play each character has different strengths and weaknesses . One of the best of the series , and worth every penny and more ! Great the first time around , and just as fun the second !