Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions
045 4 Too long have I waited , merely hoping for the square team to realize that the original game needed to be redone with improved graphics . Nothing beats being able to choose your team's classes . I never had the patience to try the 4 white mage thing . Maybe I'll do that this time around . Why not ? Since it is on PS we can fill a memory card with different team files . Ever try 2 thieves and 2 black mages ? My favorite is Warrior Thief Black Mage White Mage . If you never played this game now is the time to try it out . This game is why most RPG fans plug into their systems for days on end . It really was the first RPG high , and every game since then has been an attempt to reclaim that feeling . Enjoy .
081 4 This is the game that got me hooked on RPG video games . Decades later it's still one of the best games ever . Jody Bissoon
106 4 This game is a classic . A must have for any oldschool RPG player .
054 4 The mechanics are a little different than the original . I prefer the original , but the special skills are interesting . It's excellent that they're portable now .
096 4 We finaly got to see where it all began and we're not disapointed . This is so cool .
102 4 i went in the store thinking that if the ff1 on this disc was the same as the one on the nes that i remember from when i was a kid . it was that and then some . the wizards at square made this classic better . the new memo save feature is great , no more having to use a tent before a hard dungeon . with revamped graphics and a much better soundtrack that goes quite well with a sourround sound system . there's only slight changes . the temple of fiends is now the temple of chaos and the blackbelt class is now a monk . other than that this is the meaning of gaming nostalgia . oh and by the way all the attacks DO get redirected ! ! !
067 4 Its a great game for new people who are just starting to play the game
098 4 well i loved the game and the graphics were good . the stragery was good also .
113 4 It was really nice to be able to once again be able to play the one game where all the new ff age was started . By all means much less hiped up like the newer versions , but still holds the player to the end .
147 4 Back in the day games were difficult and these are no exception . Without some sort of guide to walk you through it , you could spend hours racking your head against the wall because the game is so vague about things that you don't know where to go or what to do . Not the best story , either .
099 4 I personally think that the first one is a bit over rated , but number two really is the best.With the blood swords to the numerous amount of characters and magic.I recommend this to any true ff gamer .
144 4 In the beginning of the game it is hard to get into , u fight , u die , u get lost , the standard beginning for any game , but i would still have to say that this game is worth the money .
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
It pains me . Only when all nine planets are in perfect alignment is it possible for me to hate a Square-Enix game . For the game to come from the much-loved Final Fantasy franchise , there has to be a lunar and solar eclipse at the same time . Anyone's heard the story right ? Square was a struggling developer back in the eighties facing bankrupty . They made a RPG styled after Dragon Quest , Japan's top-selling RPG , which turned into a mega-hit , saving the company and launching one of the most revered videogame series ever .
It's strange that I never played Final Fantasy when it first came out on NES . I know that my family owned the cartridge , but I'd never played it . I figured that the first game would be something special . Final Fantasy to me has always been the epic stories , the memorable characters , and the solid gameplay mechanics . Those were the qualities that just enthralled me when I became hooked on Final Fantasy II ( the 4th one really ) for the SNES . Unfortunately , the story is barely there and the characterization is nil . You are a band of heroes that is plopped down in a medival fantasy world and given the task of restoring the four crystals which will save the world . That's it . Most of the time you are wandering about aimlessly , trying to figure out where you are supposed to go . The method of exploration is go into cave , if monsters kill you in one hit , leave cave and find another . There are some towns you can visit and be treated to wonderful dialogue like Bless the Crystal ! only thing half the idiots in this world say .
If that weren't frustrating enough , this is a really hard game . Unfortunately , the difficulty feels like it comes from poor game design than actually being meant to challenge you . Perpare to spend tons of time leveling up . You'll be attacked often , after one or two steps sometimes , the monsters appear in droves , and your attacks will miss as much as they hit . In dungeons , there are no save points for you to save and restore your health with a tent . The healing items and magic is woefully inadequate most of the time . The magic system is also messed up . Instead of having magic points to use as you please , Magic is divided into 8 levels and you can buy 3 spells from each level . You can only use magic from each level a certain number of time . This annoying because by the time you reach level ten most of the low level spells are practically obsolete but you'll have tons of them and few higher level spells . There are also no items to revive fallen party members , so you have to leave the dungeon , track back to town , and get a priest to revive you . This is really annoying when the town doesn't have a priest and you have to go halfway around the world to find one .
I managed to play for 10 hours before I could stand no more . Final Fantasy II is a little better . You play as a group of youths fighting for a rebel resistance movement . The characters have personalities and the game actually gives you missions to accomplish . However , I didn't like the leveling system . Depending on how you fight , your stats increase and decrease accordingly . You'd think that would have the characters highly customizable ? Wrong ! The characters are still inclined towards certain jobs and weapon types . Maria has low HP and can't hit the broad side of a barn , so she has to be a mage . Give her a javeline instead of her bow and arrow and some animals will have gone extinct before she lands another hit . It takes forever to get the stats to increase .
The presentation of the games are pretty good . The graphics and spell effects are bright and attractive . The music is still exceptional . If you loved Final Fantasy I when it first came out and have been itching to play it again , ignore this review and buy this right away . These games have never looked better and they come will a host of unlockable extras . For everyone else looking to play the RPGs are yesteryear , get Final Fantasy Chronicles or Anthology , as Square has perfected the formula for RPGs by then .
Final Fantasy Origins is a relic of a long-ago era in gaming that has aged like Buddy Hackette . It's a definitely a historic benchmark for the industry , but for me it's only novelty is that it shows that You've come along way , Baby !
002 4 As the PS1 releases get more and more shallow , it's good to see that this new compilation of early Final Fantasy games made it here from overseas . Final Fantasy Origins collects the original 8 bit NES Final Fantasy game , and Final Fantasy 2 , both of which are brought to the PS1 as Wonderswan ( an obscure handheld Japanese system ) remakes of the original games . Older RPG players who loved the challenging gameplay of these games will instantly play for a nostalgia trip , but younger RPG players who are more used to Final Fantasy VII or easier and flashier RPG's won't find much to like here . The first game is a basic by the numbers RPG that is quite challenging and long on gameplay , but the second game is much much better and features great character development and storyline depth . The graphics are nicely drawn and colorful , reminiscent of early Super Nintendo-esque graphic quality , but the sound and audio really aren't anything special . As with any RPG the controls take getting used to , but are easy to handle after a while . Origins also plays more smoothly than the earlier released Final Fantasy Anthology and Final Fantasy Chronicles ; it has much faster loading times and no slowdown whatsoever like the aforementioned games . All in all , I strongly suggest picking up Final Fantasy Origins , especially if your an older RPG player .
004 4 Certainly , even if this game was remaked , the reality of CG and sound etc will be inferior to Final Fantasy7 ~ 10etc . But in Japan , the purpose that the game was remaked isn't just reality demanded to PS2 XBOX etc . . . many Japanese geme fans know about them very much . In Japanese , new age geme fan will deny this game , because they do not know the Final Fantasy1 ~ 2 .
The reality do not dare to be needed in this game , that is to say , the things demanded in the game will be the things that the game is made faithfully like the Family computer Final Fantasy1 / 2 about 20 years ago .
Japanese old fans of Final1 ~ 2 wanted to feel the sweet memories again when I felt in child age . That is to say , I wantede to feel Nosatalgia . That is the most importanct thing in this game . That is like as if I go back to my hometown after an interval of many years .
In Japan or USA , if there are people that deny this game , maybe you will be teenagers .
When I listened to the music of a secret base of operations or field of this game , I was very moved so that I had gooseflesh .
Because this game was great historical game of Japanese games , I exprienced such moving again .
Thank you for reading poor English .
007 4 I wasnt going to write a review at first . After all , with 60 + reviews , I figured that pretty much everything has aleady been said . But then I started reading some of them . . .
The fact that so MANY people compare the graphics of this game to that of FF VII appalls me . Come on , people , we are talking about a difference of about 10 years in release dates ( and in the video game world , that may as well be a century ! ) and a system difference of 3 + generations , depending on what you include . Comparing 8 bit games to 128 bit games is like comparing apples . . . and cats . This game was not released because of it's new and innovating approach to video games and it's impressive graphics . It was re-released because it is a part of Final Fantasy , and RPG , history . For those who complain that Square didn't update the graphics enough for the PS1 release . . . what would be the point of re-releasing the classic if didn't look the same ? Gamecube made few changes to the Zelda's they released on the promo disc , and nobody bashed them for it ( when in fact , I personally hated playing that version . . . the controls didn't work very well for me on the GC ) . In fact , the discs instantaneously became a collector's item ( hype has died down by now ) where they were selling for over $100 on Ebay !
Ok . I am done with my mini tirade . The truth is though , I loved this game . I loved this original game when it came out on NES , I bought a new ( refurbished ) NES system just to play the game again about 10 years later , and I played through it again when it was released in the Origins collection . The fact that FF II was included was just a bonus . In just those few years , it made leaps and bounds in the way of graphics and story-telling . It , too , has it's flaws , but the important thing is that the game hooks you regardless . And the fact that these two games can still stand the test of time after the pile of systems , and hordes of games that have come out over the years . . . well in my opinion , that makes them worlds beyond anything that is out there today .
009 4 Final Fantasy Origins contains the first two Final Fantasy games on one disk . Although graphics have been updated significantly , they still retain their old look , so unless you don't mind bad graphics , you might want to leave this page now . If the bad graphics don't bother you , then this compilation is a great addition to your collection , since , if you have bought every Final Fantasy game released for PS2 and PS1 , you will have all but three , which tells us what will be next in all likelyhood . Anyway , in addition to improved graphics , there are also new features , such as an ingame monster guide , updated with every battle , an item guide , updated with every found item , and an art gallery , updated when you get a certain amount of monsters and / or items . I have completed Final Fantasy I and am working on Final Fantasy II off and on , and find them both fun . Although Final Fantasy I doesn't have much of a system , just EXP and purchaseable spells , it is somehow addictive , and Final Fantasy II is interesting due to its plot and system similar to that in Chrono Cross . While the games aren't the best in the series , not even close in fact , Square has dusted them off and improved them so that they are the best they can be , while still fitting on one disc , of course . Also the release price was wonderfully reasonable . I think if you want to buy a greatest hits Final Fantasy title , go for Final Fantasy VIII , VII , or just about any of the others ( they're all in the greatest hits collection ) , but if you have those , and want to see where everything started , get Final Fantasy Origins , it's worth the money .
An additional note : Final Fantasy was to be Squaresoft's last game . It was supposed to be a goodbye present to the company's few fans . Squaresoft was going bankrupt , or something like that at the time , so they decided to put everything into Final Fantasy . On the days following its release , it sold so well that the dying company came back to life , continuing to make Final Fantasy sequals , along with other RPGs , always keeping that which revived them alive , with the title that was supposed to tell which of their games it was , the last ( it has been a while since I heard that story , so some facts may be off , but if you are interested , you can always look online for the story )
025 4 As I said , this game is a classic , it's the foundation of all RPG today and it's the first game in the legendary serie of Final Fantasy . I will seperate this review in two .
1 : Final Fantasy one , is a legendary game , it has all the elements a fantasy should have , elves , wizards , dwars , witches , humans , trolls , giants , goblins and so on .
This is a new updated version of the original game , I've played them both and I liked this one the most . You can choose your own party , from Warriors to Mages , Ninjas to Thiefs . It also have many remarkable locations , and in this section you can clearly see the difference between the old version and the new version , as well as in battles where everything just looks better and more polised , there's also some cool FMV in it .
2 : And then there's Final Fantasy 2 , neverbefore released outside Japan , but now available in this special pakcage .
Although it's quite more difficult than it's predessesor it's a good way to spend your late evenings when it's cold outside .
There's introduced a new way of leveling up , and gaining strenght , abilities , Hit Points and Mana pool .
It's a classic that no Final Fantasy fan should be without , watch the beautiful FMV and travel back to the start of the Final Fantasy legend .
Reno ,
026 4 Final Fantasy Origins is a gem for collectors , considering it has the first 2 games in the most successful RPG franchise ever . While most people will buy it for nastalgic purposes , I highly recommend it to new school gamers , so they can see where modern RPGs have evolved from .
I remember beating the first Final Fantasy back in 1990 , and was surprised to find that I remember very little of it . It is a great game , and the 16 - bit upgrade suits it well ( I doubt it would fare so well in 128 - bit ) . The story is linear and simple , and the characters are a bit wooden , but considering how old the game is , I didn't mind too much . Final Fantasy 2 is also a decent , garden variety RPG , but not as good as the first one . I imagine that this will be like the Final Fantasy Anthology , where people buy it for pary VI , than complain to no end about how part V is not as good . They are both good , quality games that can please both casual and hardcore games alike .
The Playstation version comes with breif CGI movies at the beginning of the games , which are nice but do not make it worth the cost alone . The games are what make the package . What I particularly like about the Origins package is that it doesn't contain the excruciating load times that the Anthology and Chronicles packages had . That is a plus .
Any re-release of an older game is hit and miss ( like the Resident Evil series on Gamecube ) , but this package hits the bullseye . Younger gamers might be turned off by the graphics , but to anyone who can look beyond that , a great time is assured .
030 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
I played this from my 60GB PS3 . I absolutely loved Final Fantasy I . I had never played it before and was totally immersed in the final fantasy world I had loved as a kid . Hands down , I think it's one of the best games ever made and I believe that everyone should play at least one final fantasy game . I tend to recommend VII first , but Final Fantasy I comes next . Personally , I have grown tired of the constant fighting and some of the features added to the later games . I was not able to play much of Final Fantasy II as it froze on me in the ice cavern which was necessary to complete in order to progress in the game . I had downloaded the latest update , but have noticed others with the 60 gig PS3 have had similar problems . This is the only reason I give the collection 4 stars instead of 5 . Still , though , the little bit of the second installment I was able to play was very fun as well . I would just suggest playing it on a different PS3 ( 20GB or 80GB should be fine but do a Google check first ) or playing it on PS . I think you'll quickly see why this is such a well-liked and classic game .
031 4 I played this from my 60GB PS3 . I absolutely loved Final Fantasy I . I had never played it before and was totally immersed in the final fantasy world I had loved as a kid . Hands down , I think it's one of the best games ever made and I believe that everyone should play at least one final fantasy game . I tend to recommend VII first , but Final Fantasy I comes next . Personally , I have grown tired of the constant fighting and some of the features added to the later games . I was not able to play much of Final Fantasy II as it froze on me in the ice cavern which was necessary to complete in order to progress in the game . I had downloaded the latest update , but have noticed others with the 60 gig PS3 have had similar problems . This is the only reason I give the collection 4 stars instead of 5 . Still , though , the little bit of the second installment I was able to play was very fun as well . I would just suggest playing it on a different PS3 ( 20GB or 80GB should be fine but do a Google check first ) or playing it on PS . I think you'll quickly see why this is such a well-liked and classic game .
032 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
A collection of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II .
Final Fantasy
A solid rpg . Sweet and simple . It's a bit challenging because it's a couple decades old . The story here is not much but if you like classic rpg's than this game has great game-play . Its got classes to choose from , class evolution , random turn-based battles , multileveled dungeons , world map , all the basic spells , and towns to gather information in but interestingly the bosses are all really easy . You're biggest struggle will just be getting through all the random battles . This was my first time playing both of these games and Final Fantasy is a definitely a solid classic . It's stood the test of time . You can't enjoy it for the story but it is a fun game so in that sense it's very nontraditional Final Fantasy . There's also some fanservice : a bestiary , some extra artwork , and a item collection counter . The bestiary and item collection features are actually extremely useful . You can use the bestiary to see the weakness of enemies you defeated and the item collection will show you how many chests you have left to open in a dungeion .
Final Fantasy II
I'm not done with game yet but I have to say I'm not enjoying this game as much as Final Fantasy . The story is light years ahead of the first game but the leveling system is horrible . It's not unplayable . It's actually pretty easy because you can level up what ever stats or spells you want to be strong but it is still very time consuming and broken . The story is good though for an old game like this . I'm having fun with the game but I would actually think this is an amazing game if it just had a regular leveling system . Might as well play it though . If you're buying this you probably are a Final Fantasy fan so you've got to play this .
033 4 A collection of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II .
Final Fantasy
A solid rpg . Sweet and simple . It's a bit challenging because it's a couple decades old . The story here is not much but if you like classic rpg's than this game has great game-play . Its got classes to choose from , class evolution , random turn-based battles , multileveled dungeons , world map , all the basic spells , and towns to gather information in but interestingly the bosses are all really easy . You're biggest struggle will just be getting through all the random battles . This was my first time playing both of these games and Final Fantasy is a definitely a solid classic . It's stood the test of time . You can't enjoy it for the story but it is a fun game so in that sense it's very nontraditional Final Fantasy . There's also some fanservice : a bestiary , some extra artwork , and a item collection counter . The bestiary and item collection features are actually extremely useful . You can use the bestiary to see the weakness of enemies you defeated and the item collection will show you how many chests you have left to open in a dungeion .
Final Fantasy II
I'm not done with game yet but I have to say I'm not enjoying this game as much as Final Fantasy . The story is light years ahead of the first game but the leveling system is horrible . It's not unplayable . It's actually pretty easy because you can level up what ever stats or spells you want to be strong but it is still very time consuming and broken . The story is good though for an old game like this . I'm having fun with the game but I would actually think this is an amazing game if it just had a regular leveling system . Might as well play it though . If you're buying this you probably are a Final Fantasy fan so you've got to play this .
042 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Final Fantasy Origins is a new release for the Playstation that lets you enjoy the fun of the original NES Final Fantasy game ( 8 - bit ) plus Final Fantasy 2 , which was only released in Japan .
To begin with , the original Final Fantasy , which has spawned an empire and MMORPG . Its roots were pretty basic , but many gamers remember fondly their first adventures in Final Fantasy with those cute 8 bit graphics .
Your classic group of fighter , thief , black mage and white mage are out to rescue a princess and save the world . Each character in your group has his ( or her ) own skills and grows in experience and levels as the game progresses .
The graphics have been revamped up to a level that appears to fall between 16 - bit and 32 - bit on the classic scales . Some find this an improvement , but some miss that old-style look . The sound's improvements are generally loved , giving a reasonably good background to the game .
Final Fantasy 2 was only released in Japan . This game doesn't set you up with four set character types - instead , you get four ' teammates ' and then can choose to specialize to match your gameplay . If you're a magic lover , have most of them cast spells , and that's what they'll get good at . Fighter-types can build up a formidable combat team !
Newly created videos help get you into each game , giving new faces and realism to each adventure .
A must-have for any Final Fantasy fan that wants to enjoy each stage of this fantastic game's development .
043 4 Final Fantasy Origins is a new release for the Playstation that lets you enjoy the fun of the original NES Final Fantasy game ( 8 - bit ) plus Final Fantasy 2 , which was only released in Japan .
To begin with , the original Final Fantasy , which has spawned an empire and MMORPG . Its roots were pretty basic , but many gamers remember fondly their first adventures in Final Fantasy with those cute 8 bit graphics .
Your classic group of fighter , thief , black mage and white mage are out to rescue a princess and save the world . Each character in your group has his ( or her ) own skills and grows in experience and levels as the game progresses .
The graphics have been revamped up to a level that appears to fall between 16 - bit and 32 - bit on the classic scales . Some find this an improvement , but some miss that old-style look . The sound's improvements are generally loved , giving a reasonably good background to the game .
Final Fantasy 2 was only released in Japan . This game doesn't set you up with four set character types - instead , you get four ' teammates ' and then can choose to specialize to match your gameplay . If you're a magic lover , have most of them cast spells , and that's what they'll get good at . Fighter-types can build up a formidable combat team !
Newly created videos help get you into each game , giving new faces and realism to each adventure .
A must-have for any Final Fantasy fan that wants to enjoy each stage of this fantastic game's development .
046 4 Kudos to Squaresoft for the re-release of these titles . I remember playing the first Final Fantasy many years ago and being blown away by it . Now , an entirely new generation of gamers have a chance to experience the birth of the story driven RPG . It may not have the look of Final Fantasy X , or the drive and emotion of Final Fantasy VII . . . but the original game still ranks as the first and best of the series . Highly recommended .
047 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Fun classic 2D games . They aren't very complicated . Level up and save the world ! there's even a little bit of story to them . Anywho , they are classic fun games , remastered to look a little less pixelated than their original release .
048 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Fun classic 2D games . They aren't very complicated . Level up and save the world ! there's even a little bit of story to them . Anywho , they are classic fun games , remastered to look a little less pixelated than their original release .
050 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
I have not gotten extremely far into the game as it isn't quite as engaging as the other entries into the series .
051 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
I have not gotten extremely far into the game as it isn't quite as engaging as the other entries into the series .
052 4 I have not gotten extremely far into the game as it isn't quite as engaging as the other entries into the series .
053 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
The mechanics are a little different than the original . I prefer the original , but the special skills are interesting . It's excellent that they're portable now .
057 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Great game including two legends of the RPG genre from the Nintendo era with upgraded graphics . The bad : bought from ( not a vendor ) and still sent a re-sealed copy ( read : not factory sealed ) . Sent for a replacement but thought I should warn potential collectors out there . Once I get a replacement I hope to enjoy the old times once again .
058 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Great game including two legends of the RPG genre from the Nintendo era with upgraded graphics . The bad : bought from ( not a vendor ) and still sent a re-sealed copy ( read : not factory sealed ) . Sent for a replacement but thought I should warn potential collectors out there . Once I get a replacement I hope to enjoy the old times once again .
059 4 Great game including two legends of the RPG genre from the Nintendo era with upgraded graphics . The bad : bought from ( not a vendor ) and still sent a re-sealed copy ( read : not factory sealed ) . Sent for a replacement but thought I should warn potential collectors out there . Once I get a replacement I hope to enjoy the old times once again .
060 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
After playing Final Fantasy I for NES back in the early 90 ' s , I decided it would be fun to revisit this classic .
Pros : The new intro movie is great . The menu interface is now very similar to the way that Final Fantasy VII is set up . The remake makes it easier to choose the best equipment for your characters including an optimize option . The new collections menu is also nice because it includes a list of every monster after you defeat it , and keeps track of how many of each monster you defeat . The memo feature is a life saver , especially when going though longer dungeons and right before big bosses . While anywhere except for the world map , you now have the option of running instead of just walking , which speeds up game play .
Cons : The monsters are different from the monsters of the original Final Fantasy for NES . This may not seem like a big deal , but it can make it difficult in deciding which battles to run from and which battles to fight . Also the music has been updated . This may not seem like a big deal but I prefer the classic music to the remastered music .
Overall , this is a great game for anybody who loves the Final Fantasy series .
061 4 After playing Final Fantasy I for NES back in the early 90 ' s , I decided it would be fun to revisit this classic .
Pros : The new intro movie is great . The menu interface is now very similar to the way that Final Fantasy VII is set up . The remake makes it easier to choose the best equipment for your characters including an optimize option . The new collections menu is also nice because it includes a list of every monster after you defeat it , and keeps track of how many of each monster you defeat . The memo feature is a life saver , especially when going though longer dungeons and right before big bosses . While anywhere except for the world map , you now have the option of running instead of just walking , which speeds up game play .
Cons : The monsters are different from the monsters of the original Final Fantasy for NES . This may not seem like a big deal , but it can make it difficult in deciding which battles to run from and which battles to fight . Also the music has been updated . This may not seem like a big deal but I prefer the classic music to the remastered music .
Overall , this is a great game for anybody who loves the Final Fantasy series .
062 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
I don't know any self-respecting gamer who hasn't spent time with the Final Fantasy series . This disk is a real treat : the first 2 games in the Final Fantasy series . This disk WILL work with both Playstation 1 and Playstation 2 , I am not sure about the PS 3 as I don't own one to test it in . The game is rated Teen for violence , seems silly to me as you are just beating up monsters and there is NO blood or gore . I would rate it Teen because it's more complex than your average pre-teen may be able to handle .
If you have not tried the Final Fantasy series before , treat yourself to this one . It still holds up very well after all these years , unlike so many other games from this era out there . You will find fun game-play , a good story , and many hours of game-play to finish both games . This classic belongs in every gamer's library of games .
063 4 I don't know any self-respecting gamer who hasn't spent time with the Final Fantasy series . This disk is a real treat : the first 2 games in the Final Fantasy series . This disk WILL work with both Playstation 1 and Playstation 2 , I am not sure about the PS 3 as I don't own one to test it in . The game is rated Teen for violence , seems silly to me as you are just beating up monsters and there is NO blood or gore . I would rate it Teen because it's more complex than your average pre-teen may be able to handle .
If you have not tried the Final Fantasy series before , treat yourself to this one . It still holds up very well after all these years , unlike so many other games from this era out there . You will find fun game-play , a good story , and many hours of game-play to finish both games . This classic belongs in every gamer's library of games .
064 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
The game worked great and , for a very old game , it was extremely fun . Unfortunately , the cd case for the game was broken when I received it . That was disappointing but I am not too upset about it .
065 4 The game worked great and , for a very old game , it was extremely fun . Unfortunately , the cd case for the game was broken when I received it . That was disappointing but I am not too upset about it .
066 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Its a great game for new people who are just starting to play the game
072 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
This is , obviously , the first of the 3 different remakes of the original Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II , but is still pretty good nonetheless . The games remain true to the originals , for better or worse , and are very challenging because of that fact . Battles are still difficult in both games ( for very different reasons though as you'll see ) and the method for saving the game ( by sleeping at Inns ) SUCKS . If you can get past these two major shortcomings , then you'll definitely have fun . If not , then try the GBA or PSP remakes . They're definitely a LOT easier and they've remedied the shortcomings of this version and the NES version to boot .
073 4 This is , obviously , the first of the 3 different remakes of the original Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II , but is still pretty good nonetheless . The games remain true to the originals , for better or worse , and are very challenging because of that fact . Battles are still difficult in both games ( for very different reasons though as you'll see ) and the method for saving the game ( by sleeping at Inns ) SUCKS . If you can get past these two major shortcomings , then you'll definitely have fun . If not , then try the GBA or PSP remakes . They're definitely a LOT easier and they've remedied the shortcomings of this version and the NES version to boot .
074 4 When you look at the screen shots for the first two Final Fantasy remastered edition versions of these games , it looks exactly the same as the Game boy Adavnce port over . I find this to be very interesting , because the Game Boy version looks as if it was the port over version of this Playstation game . If you played the Game Boy Advance version of the first two Final Fantasies , you will be able to tell .
079 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
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Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
This is the game that got me hooked on RPG video games . Decades later it's still one of the best games ever . Jody Bissoon
080 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
This is the game that got me hooked on RPG video games . Decades later it's still one of the best games ever . Jody Bissoon
084 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
I am a fan of Final Fantasy and this was just as good
as the originals .
085 4 I am a fan of Final Fantasy and this was just as good
as the originals .
086 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
This game is great . It's an excellent chance to play through Final Fantasy 1 and 2 in the same package for a good price . However , amazon makes it seem like it is the original packaging everywhere the product is shown but when I got my copy , it's the greatest hits packaging . The case that the game was in was cracked in multiple places too . I'm still happy with the game itself but usually amazon is better than that .
087 4 This game is great . It's an excellent chance to play through Final Fantasy 1 and 2 in the same package for a good price . However , amazon makes it seem like it is the original packaging everywhere the product is shown but when I got my copy , it's the greatest hits packaging . The case that the game was in was cracked in multiple places too . I'm still happy with the game itself but usually amazon is better than that .
088 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Not as good as the original Final Fantasy for NES , but is comparable . Definitely will provide hours of fun . The graphics are sharper and cleaner , which doesn't give it the NES feel , but definitely a Playstation type of game . Great game overall , can't beat the original Final Fantasy .
093 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Love seeing where the game started . It also amazes me to see how far graphics have come along .
095 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
We finaly got to see where it all began and we're not disapointed . This is so cool .
097 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
well i loved the game and the graphics were good . the stragery was good also .
103 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
A great collection of the games that started THE greatest video game series of all time . The first chapter in the series is a great game but still not as great as the second which is a lot more story involved . I loved them both they show that they are the games that defined the roll playing genre . Loaded with special fetures , there really is no reason not to buy this collection of RPG greatness .
104 4 A great collection of the games that started THE greatest video game series of all time . The first chapter in the series is a great game but still not as great as the second which is a lot more story involved . I loved them both they show that they are the games that defined the roll playing genre . Loaded with special fetures , there really is no reason not to buy this collection of RPG greatness .
105 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
This game is a classic . A must have for any oldschool RPG player .
111 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
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Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
It was really nice to be able to once again be able to play the one game where all the new ff age was started . By all means much less hiped up like the newer versions , but still holds the player to the end .
112 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
It was really nice to be able to once again be able to play the one game where all the new ff age was started . By all means much less hiped up like the newer versions , but still holds the player to the end .
116 4 I thinck that the older final fantasys are better than all the other new games like Matrix Reloaded and stuff uuugh ! ! . . .
119 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
These games are probably great when they came out but more has come out recently . Final Fantasy 1 and 2 are hard games that are hard to play without a strategy guide . The story line are good however . Play this final fantasy
Final Fantasy X
120 4 These games are probably great when they came out but more has come out recently . Final Fantasy 1 and 2 are hard games that are hard to play without a strategy guide . The story line are good however . Play this final fantasy
Final Fantasy X
123 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Fun for all the original Final Fantasy fans . I played the original when I was a kid and now the remake has improved upon the original while still sticking to the original story plan . If you enjoyed th eoriginal as much as did you will love this with its remade video sequences and enhanced playability .
124 4 Fun for all the original Final Fantasy fans . I played the original when I was a kid and now the remake has improved upon the original while still sticking to the original story plan . If you enjoyed th eoriginal as much as did you will love this with its remade video sequences and enhanced playability .
125 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
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This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
the game is super fun , if you like to explore and find the different cities and places in this world .
126 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
the game is super fun , if you like to explore and find the different cities and places in this world .
127 4 the game is super fun , if you like to explore and find the different cities and places in this world .
128 4 I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan and I'm proud to say that this game is a great beginning to the entire series ! Though it is enhanced for the gamers of today who can't go without better graphics or enhancements , it is at the very least a must-play . I think it is better than Anthology because it is faster . Anthology was slow in going in the menu and saving , whereas Origins is very fast . I also like the difficulty settings ( easy normal ) . It enhances the challenge of the game . Overall , this is a game everyone should play at least once and a must for RPG and adventure fans !
130 4 Final Fantasy Origins not only changed graphics and gameplay , but made the games more enjoyable . Both games ; Final Fantasy Final Fantasy II are even better recreated . Kudos to Squaresoft .
131 4 I remember playing Final Fantasy I when I was younger . I later acquired Final Fantasy II for my Famicom . I adore both games , and I am blown away by the remake of these classics ! This fine package is a must buy for RPGers and Final Fantasy fans alike . Way to go Squaresoft !
134 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
It pains me . Only when all nine planets are in perfect alignment is it possible for me to hate a Square-Enix game . For the game to come from the much-loved Final Fantasy franchise , there has to be a lunar and solar eclipse at the same time . Anyone's heard the story right ? Square was a struggling developer back in the eighties facing bankrupty . They made a RPG styled after Dragon Quest , Japan's top-selling RPG , which turned into a mega-hit , saving the company and launching one of the most revered videogame series ever .
It's strange that I never played Final Fantasy when it first came out on NES . I know that my family owned the cartridge , but I'd never played it . I figured that the first game would be something special . Final Fantasy to me has always been the epic stories , the memorable characters , and the solid gameplay mechanics . Those were the qualities that just enthralled me when I became hooked on Final Fantasy II ( the 4th one really ) for the SNES . Unfortunately , the story is barely there and the characterization is nil . You are a band of heroes that is plopped down in a medival fantasy world and given the task of restoring the four crystals which will save the world . That's it . Most of the time you are wandering about aimlessly , trying to figure out where you are supposed to go . The method of exploration is go into cave , if monsters kill you in one hit , leave cave and find another . There are some towns you can visit and be treated to wonderful dialogue like Bless the Crystal ! only thing half the idiots in this world say .
If that weren't frustrating enough , this is a really hard game . Unfortunately , the difficulty feels like it comes from poor game design than actually being meant to challenge you . Perpare to spend tons of time leveling up . You'll be attacked often , after one or two steps sometimes , the monsters appear in droves , and your attacks will miss as much as they hit . In dungeons , there are no save points for you to save and restore your health with a tent . The healing items and magic is woefully inadequate most of the time . The magic system is also messed up . Instead of having magic points to use as you please , Magic is divided into 8 levels and you can buy 3 spells from each level . You can only use magic from each level a certain number of time . This annoying because by the time you reach level ten most of the low level spells are practically obsolete but you'll have tons of them and few higher level spells . There are also no items to revive fallen party members , so you have to leave the dungeon , track back to town , and get a priest to revive you . This is really annoying when the town doesn't have a priest and you have to go halfway around the world to find one .
I managed to play for 10 hours before I could stand no more . Final Fantasy II is a little better . You play as a group of youths fighting for a rebel resistance movement . The characters have personalities and the game actually gives you missions to accomplish . However , I didn't like the leveling system . Depending on how you fight , your stats increase and decrease accordingly . You'd think that would have the characters highly customizable ? Wrong ! The characters are still inclined towards certain jobs and weapon types . Maria has low HP and can't hit the broad side of a barn , so she has to be a mage . Give her a javeline instead of her bow and arrow and some animals will have gone extinct before she lands another hit . It takes forever to get the stats to increase .
The presentation of the games are pretty good . The graphics and spell effects are bright and attractive . The music is still exceptional . If you loved Final Fantasy I when it first came out and have been itching to play it again , ignore this review and buy this right away . These games have never looked better and they come will a host of unlockable extras . For everyone else looking to play the RPGs are yesteryear , get Final Fantasy Chronicles or Anthology , as Square has perfected the formula for RPGs by then .
Final Fantasy Origins is a relic of a long-ago era in gaming that has aged like Buddy Hackette . It's a definitely a historic benchmark for the industry , but for me it's only novelty is that it shows that You've come along way , Baby !
135 4 It pains me . Only when all nine planets are in perfect alignment is it possible for me to hate a Square-Enix game . For the game to come from the much-loved Final Fantasy franchise , there has to be a lunar and solar eclipse at the same time . Anyone's heard the story right ? Square was a struggling developer back in the eighties facing bankrupty . They made a RPG styled after Dragon Quest , Japan's top-selling RPG , which turned into a mega-hit , saving the company and launching one of the most revered videogame series ever .
It's strange that I never played Final Fantasy when it first came out on NES . I know that my family owned the cartridge , but I'd never played it . I figured that the first game would be something special . Final Fantasy to me has always been the epic stories , the memorable characters , and the solid gameplay mechanics . Those were the qualities that just enthralled me when I became hooked on Final Fantasy II ( the 4th one really ) for the SNES . Unfortunately , the story is barely there and the characterization is nil . You are a band of heroes that is plopped down in a medival fantasy world and given the task of restoring the four crystals which will save the world . That's it . Most of the time you are wandering about aimlessly , trying to figure out where you are supposed to go . The method of exploration is go into cave , if monsters kill you in one hit , leave cave and find another . There are some towns you can visit and be treated to wonderful dialogue like Bless the Crystal ! only thing half the idiots in this world say .
If that weren't frustrating enough , this is a really hard game . Unfortunately , the difficulty feels like it comes from poor game design than actually being meant to challenge you . Perpare to spend tons of time leveling up . You'll be attacked often , after one or two steps sometimes , the monsters appear in droves , and your attacks will miss as much as they hit . In dungeons , there are no save points for you to save and restore your health with a tent . The healing items and magic is woefully inadequate most of the time . The magic system is also messed up . Instead of having magic points to use as you please , Magic is divided into 8 levels and you can buy 3 spells from each level . You can only use magic from each level a certain number of time . This annoying because by the time you reach level ten most of the low level spells are practically obsolete but you'll have tons of them and few higher level spells . There are also no items to revive fallen party members , so you have to leave the dungeon , track back to town , and get a priest to revive you . This is really annoying when the town doesn't have a priest and you have to go halfway around the world to find one .
I managed to play for 10 hours before I could stand no more . Final Fantasy II is a little better . You play as a group of youths fighting for a rebel resistance movement . The characters have personalities and the game actually gives you missions to accomplish . However , I didn't like the leveling system . Depending on how you fight , your stats increase and decrease accordingly . You'd think that would have the characters highly customizable ? Wrong ! The characters are still inclined towards certain jobs and weapon types . Maria has low HP and can't hit the broad side of a barn , so she has to be a mage . Give her a javeline instead of her bow and arrow and some animals will have gone extinct before she lands another hit . It takes forever to get the stats to increase .
The presentation of the games are pretty good . The graphics and spell effects are bright and attractive . The music is still exceptional . If you loved Final Fantasy I when it first came out and have been itching to play it again , ignore this review and buy this right away . These games have never looked better and they come will a host of unlockable extras . For everyone else looking to play the RPGs are yesteryear , get Final Fantasy Chronicles or Anthology , as Square has perfected the formula for RPGs by then .
Final Fantasy Origins is a relic of a long-ago era in gaming that has aged like Buddy Hackette . It's a definitely a historic benchmark for the industry , but for me it's only novelty is that it shows that You've come along way , Baby !
137 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Great game ! My 14 year old is just now getting into the Final Fantasy games . He enjoys them a great deal ! They are now priced at a resonable cost for families on a budget .
138 4 Great game ! My 14 year old is just now getting into the Final Fantasy games . He enjoys them a great deal ! They are now priced at a resonable cost for families on a budget .
140 4 I know a lot of people harken fondly back to the days of 8 bit graphics , and pointless leveling up to visit places that all look exactly the same . I was drawn in by the promise of new CGI sequences . I was disappointed because the CGI was about the level of VIII and it was released in the US a lot closer to X . I guess if I get nostalgic , I'll keep playing , but I'd rather play something visually interesting .
146 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Back in the day games were difficult and these are no exception . Without some sort of guide to walk you through it , you could spend hours racking your head against the wall because the game is so vague about things that you don't know where to go or what to do . Not the best story , either .
149 4 This game is so good . when i got it i was so exicted . When i put it in my ps2 i picked to play ff1 . I was very angry ! the cg intro . . . it was only 2 min long . The game play was ok . The next day i played ff2 . I was amazed . the intro cg movie was one of the best other then ff8 . which is alot better . When the game begins i was hooked . i played for 30mins.It got boring so i tuned it off to play zone of the enders 2 . At school i wanted to go play ff2 so badly . so i played for 2 hours . what am saying is that this game will get you hooked . I love the intro theme song.I recomended it for any Rpg fan .
Pro -
addicteve game
good ff2 intro
music is exelent
cons -
ff1 is boring
bad ff1 intro
thats it !
Some players like ff1 but i don't . What got me upset is there are only 2 cg movies one for each game . If this game had alot more cg's like ff8 these two ff will be the best ever made
PS - ff tactics . . . !
153 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Final Fantasy I & Final Fantasy II are nothing special to me . They are very primative , made in 2D . Final Fantasy II is a lot better in it's origanal form on Super Nintendo . Also the story lines are different in those two versions . It , s for little kids .
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Once upon a time , a little company called Square was about to just plain DIE . At the end of it's rope , they looked at the somewhat confusing popularity of a game called Dragon Quest , and said , ' ' Well , let's see if we can do this one better . No , wait , let's see if we can do this four or five better . What have we got to lose ? ' '
The rest is history , as the single most enduring franchise in gaming history was born .
Final Fantasy . So named because if it hadn't taken the gaming world - - at least the gaming world in Japan - - by storm , there would be no more Square
Graphics 9
For both games the graphics had a major upgrade , compared to the Nintendo . Each of the characters are shown with great detail , they even have art work you can get while going through the game , along with the monsters you come across . The towns have a new look to them also , with each of the npc's with great detail too . The detail they put into the background was really amazing compared to the older one . Being able to tell where the towns are and the game not freezing up on you is a great upgrade . The magic has been well designed too . Some of the stronger magic's glint the entire screen and even some of the older Final Fantasies have better magic than most of the newer ones . Why you ask , because I said so and that's all there is to it .
The monsters are more of a wide variety also , even though you will run into the same enemy just different colors its good to be able to tell which a stronger version is . The land seems to be detailed well too , because they are true colors instead of just random colors the system can handle . They even have really great videos in the beginning of each game , with the characters talking in the FF II beginning that was something even I wasn't ready for . It is just amazing seeing how much the graphics have improved since 87 makes me feel like an old person watching these amazing games grow up too .
Game play 10
A ten you say , well it shouldn't surprise you , because not only do these games have great stories , graphics , all of those good things , without game play it would just seem like a book . For Final Fantasy the battles are like they used to be , you go , they go , you go again , but it is nowhere near as slow as it use to be . But unlike Final Fantasy II , FF has the leveling system , which you should be used to . On the older version you could only get to level 50 , but on this one you can reach higher , not that its necessary or anything . Instead of learning magic , or having a weapon to learn magic , in both games you have to buy it from stores they have in each town . They have two different kinds of magic's white , which is the curative magic , and black which is more of an elemental damage magic . While having those stores the magic goes with two different characters , the white and black mage . But wait there is more , there is an additional mage that can learn both magic's , and that mage is titled the red mage . Not only do you have these wonderful magic's to buy but , they have levels too , so as you increase your level in the game you can increase your magic level , to do more damage to enemies you encounter .
Another set of characters is the monk , whom goes against everything , unlike a warrior this type of character can have better attack and defense without having any items equipped to them . The warrior is one of the most basic characters which are one of the best . He can equip any item and still be strong . Along with these is a thief , whom you can have run from enemies . But they have nowhere near the attack of the warrior , all they seem good for is luck and their speed , but with that luck and speed they can help you escape from battles easier . When you advance farther in the game you can have these characters upgrade , which will make there stats go up a large amount . There is a little mini game you can play on a boat which you get later , where you try to get the numbers to go in order they are all mismatched . The name of it is the tile game , and if you are short on money all you have to do is beat the records they have on their little hall of fame thingy and you can get a lot of money in return for beating a simple time limit .
In the beginning of FF II you notice there are four different characters running from their town which has been set on fire , they are the four main characters you see . The first one I will mention is Firion he was orphaned at a young age , he was adopted by the parents of Maria and Leon , and he grew up with them and considers them his real family . Maria is Leon's sister , Leon goes a separate path at the beginning of the game and you are to track him down . The last one is Gus , he was a childhood friend of the three and he tends to use his muscles more than he does his brain , he is one of the strongest of the group , but he isn't very bright . Unlike FF this game has actual characters to fit a story line , which can be a good thing but , if you have a game with no names you get to change it to what you see fit , unlike some of the other FF's that have names for the characters so there is no reason to change there given name .
In FF II as I mentioned earlier there are no levels you just kind of gain more status as you move on with the game . But like FF there is the same kind of magic , you buy it and you can equip it to anybody in this game really . But there are not separate classes in this game so it goes with who gets it first keeps it . They all have their own sort of weapons though . The battling isn't much different than any other FF except you don't get any experience at the end of the battle . But your characters attributes also increase like they would , even though there are no visible mastery points . There are links between the actions taken and the stats raised aren't quite as clear . One thing that both games do share in common and I think should be in most Final Fantasies is that there are memo files you can save , which is like saving the actual game except you can save it wherever you want and you can start your game over from there , but it only stays on your game while it is on . If you reset your Playstation the memo file will be erased which can be a bummer , but oh well .
Sound 10
The sound is really great in this game , it's mostly all the soundtrack but hey as long as you got good music who needs noises from the characters right ? The soundtrack on FF is better than of FF II in my opinion , but that is because I have played through FF more than FF II . The best thing about these soundtracks is when you own them and you just listen to them , it reminds you of the areas you where at in the game , and that just shows you how powerful music can be . The voice acting on the FF II video was really good , their voices seemed to match the movement of their lips pretty well , but other than that the rest of the noises where ok . Except for the magic , some of the noises definitely let you know something cool is going to happen . Other than that you just need to go buy the soundtrack it's worth it .
Graphics 9
Game play 10
Sound 10
Overall 10
This is a really great game and if you don't have it I highly suggest that you go out and buy it . It is released for the Playstation so it shouldn't be too hard to find . If you can go and buy the soundtrack along with the game . The game play is one of the key factors to this game and should keep you occupied for a while . So enjoy the game and I hope you enjoyed reading .
001 4 Typical of me , I've been playing the Final Fantasy series backwards , starting with FFX , then FF7 - 9 , and now the two games in cluded in this set , Final Fantasy I and II . The effect is , that as I move backwards , I get to see the beginnings of the ideas that later come to fruition . Since this series is noted for the originality of each issue , it is the little common themes , like Chocobos and wizard hats that make the entirety something magical . And here is where they all began .
Of course , Final Fantasy I itself is derivative . All long time PC and Atari gamers remember the beginnings of Origin Systems ' Avater series with starry eyes . Little characters dancing about a world map , asking questions , falling into dungeons , and saving the world . When FFI first booted up I had a massive nostagia moment - the structural similarities are unmistakeable . Even so , FFI is unique in world concept and plot , improving on the formula enough to be an instant success and rescue a game vendor from impending bankruptcy . While it is primitive in many ways , it started an RPG revolution for the game console world .
From a production viewpoint , FFII is head and shoulders above FFI . The artwork is much more detailed . To the point that some of the monsters and background scenes are quite remarkable , and several of the characters actually have something that resembles a personality . The downside of ths is that the world is a bit smaller , and the story a bit shorter - but not in any harmful sense . While I think the FFI is probably the better game , FFII is really the first clear hint of what was to come as the series developed . And it helped to create the momentum behind one of the most successful franchises in gaming .
What Squaresoft did in repackaging these games is revise the graphic , especially the CGI cut scenes , and rework the music . In addition several new freatures - a bestiary and a collection of Amano Yoshitaka's original are for the series . This is one of the best jobs of resurrecting something old and making it as much fun as it was originally that I have ever seen . For the price , this is one of the best game sets one can buy .
003 4 The original Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II are the games that are in this new collection of Squaresoft classics . If you missed your chance to play Final Fantasy on the Nintendo , you now have another chance to experience the game that started the saga . Not only that , but you also get Final Fantasy II , the second of the Final Fantasy series .
( The FFII in Final Fantasy Origins is not the FFII released for the Super Nintendo . The FFII that was released for the Super Nintendo is actually known as Final Fantasy IV . Final Fantasy IV , along with Chrono Trigger , is part of Final Fantasy Chronicles , another collection of original Squaresoft games . )
Final Fantasy is the game that made history in the field of RPG games . In this game , you start by getting to choose four characters to use for the rest of the game . The characters in this game are not unique characters , but job classes that include Fighter , Thief , and Red Mage .
Final Fantasy II makes its first appearance in the U.S . in Final Fantasy Origins . In FFII , you take control of a group of people that are trying to stop the evil Empire of Baramekia from taking over the world . From what I have seen , in this game , in order to get stronger versions of a spell , you need to cast the spell often , opposed to separate spells to measure spell strength . This concept does not exist in any other Final Fantasy .
Simply , this game is a must-buy for anyone who would like to experience the first two of the great RPGs with Final Fantasy in their titles .
005 4 Square , over the past five years or so , has done many remakes . The PSX remakes have been sloppy , to say the least . Terrible load times in Chrono Trigger , laggy battles and semi-slow loading times in FFVI , and no major upgrades added . FF Origins is a different story . The graphics have been updated and look great . It's not upgraded enough to lose that old school appeal ( that's a very good thing ) , but it gets rid of those sloppy old NES graphics and bring them up to more of an SNES-quality . Also , as usual , Square included the neat Collections bonus ' , just like they have with all of their PSX remakes . There's a Bestiary , to view detailed information on each monster in the game , an Item list , to view information on the items in the game , an Art Gallery , to view original artwork by Yoshitaka Amano , and a secret bonus collection once you beat the game . The collections definitely add some replay value and fun to the game . There's also a few small gameplay upgrades that improve the game .
The gameplay in this game is top-notch . It's what Final Fantasy relied on back in the day to sell their games . The newer ones still have great gameplay , but definitely focus more on characters and story than the past games . The battle system has recieved a complete overhaul as far as graphics are concerned . It has the typical SNES style battles , and there's an option to turn on auto-target , so no more trying to attack an enemy that has already been defeated . Those that want the original experience , though , can leave this off . As far as equipment is done in this game , it's pretty simple . You can equip one weapon , one shield , a Helmet , Armor , and Gloves . This old style of equipping items is my favorite used through out the series .
The world is massive , not only for it's time , but for todays RPG's . Not the biggest , but big . This game is pure fantasy when it comes to level design . Caves , Castles , Small Villages , Big Towns , etc . It's all very nicely done , and even though it's an NES port , the world pulls you in and it gives you that sense of adventure that the series is known for . The Caves and other levels that are filled with nasty enemies are pretty different from the newer games in the series . Some of them can get down right nasty , with many confusing maze-like sections and quite a few floors . And as you probably have heard , the random battles are pretty common . That's the biggest reason this is only for the hardcore RPG'ers out there . You need to have patience , or this game will eat you alive . If you can handle that , the game is a lot of fun . At times the battles annoyed me , but I enjoyed the levels for the most part . The villages , and it's NPC's , all give you the feeling of a living world . They're not as complex as Lindblum from FFIX or Midgar from FFVII , but they are cool in their own way .
One thing that sets this game apart from most of the series is it's difficulty . There's an easy mode included for those that want it , but the normal mode is what the game should be played on . It's not really THAT hard , but it's perfect . In my opinion , most of the series is too simple , with the occasional tough part , but I is a good solid challenge through each level . The bosses aren't tough , even though the last one will give you a nice challenge . That's the way it is , though . If you make it through the level with enough life and items to heal , you will be fine . The bosses aren't meant to be tough , it's the levels , unlike the newer games in the series , which are basically the opposite .
The last thing I will touch on is the music . It's brilliant for it's time , and when you listen to it today ( in it's new updated sound for this game ) , you will love it . It's simple , shorter songs , but the talent of Nobuo Uematsu is apparent in each song . Many classics here .
Gameplay : 9.5 / 10
Graphics : 9 / 10
Music : 9 / 10
Lasting Appeal : 8.5 / 10
Overall : 9.5 / 10
Unreleased in the US ; it's the official #2 in the series . This is the first chance for us Final Fantasy fans outside of Japan to give this one a shot . This one had quite a few firsts for the series : 1 . ) Actual characters . Unlike the class characters of FFI , this one actually focuses on real characters with real personalities . 2 . ) A unique ability system . The one used in this game is the more times a character uses an ability in battle , the more it develops . Character attributes change according to how they're used in battle , so if you use magic a lot for one character , he will become more like a mage . ( Weak attack power , high MP , and high Magic skills ) . It's a decent but flawed system , and it sometimes becomes tedious and annoying trying to give a character a certain ability . And 3 . ) A unique story . Instead of the now cliche Light vs Dark battle , it has an interesting story this time around . Here's the excerpt from the manual :
In a distant land . . .
The peace long enjoyed by the people came to a crashing end .
The emperor of Palamecia summoned fiends from another dimension . . .
And the empire launched it's campaign for world conquest .
In response , a rebel force arose in the Kingdom of Fynn .
In the ensuing clash between the rebel and empire , Castle Fynn was taken . The rebels were forced to retreat to the remote town of Altair .
Amidst the chaos , four youths also fled the occupied Fynn . They were childhood friends , now orphaned and homeless . . .
And they suddenly found themselves fighting for their lives .
Definitely an upgrade from FFI in that area . FFII is definitely worthy of atleast one play through , but the guy behind this one has been behind some horrible games ( recently it was Unlimited Saga ) , so don't expect a perfect game . The ability system is tedious and rediculous at times , but overall , a decent addition to the series .
Gameplay : 8 / 10
Graphics : 9 / 10
Music : 8 / 10
Lasting Appeal : 7.5 / 10
Overall : 8 / 10
One last thing I'd like to mention . The case and artwork on the manual and disc are amazing . Probably one of the coolest looking cases ever . The art on the disc alone makes me want to play this game . Enjoy the games , everyone .
006 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
I wasnt going to write a review at first . After all , with 60 + reviews , I figured that pretty much everything has aleady been said . But then I started reading some of them . . .
The fact that so MANY people compare the graphics of this game to that of FF VII appalls me . Come on , people , we are talking about a difference of about 10 years in release dates ( and in the video game world , that may as well be a century ! ) and a system difference of 3 + generations , depending on what you include . Comparing 8 bit games to 128 bit games is like comparing apples . . . and cats . This game was not released because of it's new and innovating approach to video games and it's impressive graphics . It was re-released because it is a part of Final Fantasy , and RPG , history . For those who complain that Square didn't update the graphics enough for the PS1 release . . . what would be the point of re-releasing the classic if didn't look the same ? Gamecube made few changes to the Zelda's they released on the promo disc , and nobody bashed them for it ( when in fact , I personally hated playing that version . . . the controls didn't work very well for me on the GC ) . In fact , the discs instantaneously became a collector's item ( hype has died down by now ) where they were selling for over $100 on Ebay !
Ok . I am done with my mini tirade . The truth is though , I loved this game . I loved this original game when it came out on NES , I bought a new ( refurbished ) NES system just to play the game again about 10 years later , and I played through it again when it was released in the Origins collection . The fact that FF II was included was just a bonus . In just those few years , it made leaps and bounds in the way of graphics and story-telling . It , too , has it's flaws , but the important thing is that the game hooks you regardless . And the fact that these two games can still stand the test of time after the pile of systems , and hordes of games that have come out over the years . . . well in my opinion , that makes them worlds beyond anything that is out there today .
008 4 OK , I have been playing video games for 20 years , and I literally grew up on Final Fantasy 1 for the NES . For those among you , like me , who remember the golden age of gaming , this game was the Holy Grail of RPG's . It was so good , that due to popular demand , Squaresoft has revamped it and re-released it in this special package , with new music and new graphics . It was great to see all the old dungeons and monsters receive a facelift . This game will always hold a special place in the hearts of gamers everywhere . A DEFINITE must-buy for any RPG'er . This is where it all began . It's worth buying for just FF1 alone , but Squaresoft decided to pack in with it a never-before released in the US Final Fantasy . This is Final Fantasy 2 , and it is sports unique gameplay , as well as a different leveling up system . Buy this set NOW , you won't be disappointed .
010 4 I was so excited when Square announced a remake of the Final Fantasy game that started it all . In many ways , the first Final Fantasy set the standard for RPGs today . In this remake , the graphics are enhanced and there are some CG sequences as well . There are also two modes of play : easy and normal . Normal would be about the same difficulty level as the original . This was one of the harder Final Fantasy games , but it was enjoyable . I needed a strategy guide back then to finish it , and I like using strategy guides in general to make sure I cover everything . This is a personal choice though .
Final Fantasy 2 was never released in the US , and it's great that it is now . The only thing missing is the Japanese version of Final Fantasy 3 . If you're a fan of eye popping graphics , you're not going to get that here . These two games take a step back into the Nindendo and maybe Super Nintendo era . People always grow attached to the games they grow up with , so if you remember playing this when you were younger , you are bound to enjoy it since it brings back a lot of fond memories .
011 4 When Square emailed me telling me that they were re-releasing the first two FF's , it brought me back . I follow the school of Final Fantasy that believes the games were great before the media blowout that 7 was .
As far as quality , both games are just exactly as I remembered them . I found it interesting playing both games side by side and marveling how true to the originals the ports are . The enhanced graphics are a plus .
For those of you who joined the FF series only after the introduction of rendered graphics , and all you're looking for is eye candy with experience points , then these games aren't for you . If you want a challenge then play FF1 . If you want a real challenge play FF2 as it showcases the first and last time they used a skill based experience system in one of their games .
All in all , a very good buy , and worth the 16 year wait .
012 4 I purchased FF : Origins for Playstation 1 because I have been a big Final Fantasy fan for years . I thought it would only be right for me to see the origins of this greatly known and loved series . However , I found myself to be slightly disappointed . Two games are in the FF : Origins game disk . They include , Final Fantasy I and Final Fantasy II .
Final Fantasy I : Dungeons , random battles , finding items , and running aimlessly in circles trying to find your way around . That's about all I could say about Final Fantasy I . At the beginning you get to select a customized list of characters . You can have any combination you desire . This is a great feature I enjoyed . My party included : Warrior , ( originally called a Fighter ) , Black Mage , White Mage , and a Thief . If I wanted , I could've put a Monk in my party or even a Red Mage . Also , since you can pick four party members you could have 4 warriors or 2 black mages and 2 white mages . . . basically any combination you desire . The graphics from the original Final Fantasy to this Playstation version is quite improved . It is still in 2D , but the colors , sound , and graphics are much improved .
The reason I did not enjoy this game as much was because I was not compelled by any story or innovative battle system . You learn skills by buying them at a store . I hated getting lost in dungeons and there wasn't enough places where you could ` officially ' save your games . Memo file was introduced to this version of the game , but if I wanted to actually quit and shut off the Playstation , Memo File would be deleted . It seemed like a tedious game for me , but I wasn't brought up with the old school Final Fantasy , so I'm probably just a little spoiled with innovative battle systems and an in-depth story line .
Overall : A pretty short game , ( about 30 hours ) and a good remake of the roots of Final Fantasy . This is not my personal favorite by far , but I can't say it sucks .
Final Fantasy II : I seemed to like this one better . There was more of a story line , and this time characters in your party had a story and development . Skills were learned by not only purchasing them at a store , but then reusing them over and over . The only way they could level up or be useful in the game is by a repetitive act of use . This was how the rest of the game was done as well . To level up your HP , you have to get hit a lot and be in the critical at the end of battle . To level up your MP , use a lot of magic . This goes on and on . That's basically what you spend most of the time doing in the game is reusing skills and attacking your own character to raise your HP . Still , I liked this one better than the first .
For Both Games : As the game progresses there are Bonus Material to look at monster information , pictures , artwork , conceptual art , ect . There is a great feature that shows the percentage of monster defeated and items aquired .
Overall : A good game , but not my favorite of Final Fantasy series . If you've played the old version , I'd recommend trying out the improved version . And if you're interested in FF roots , here's the game for you . But for casual gamers , this may be too much of a bore as the battle system is not innovative .
013 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
For those who don't know too much info about this game , this is the remake of the first 2 NES games , not the originals . 2nd is that FF2 ( FF2 in japan ) was never released here in the US and finally that these 2 games are actually ports from the Wonderswan versions of the games . Wonderswan is a handheld gaming system ( like the gameboy ) that is in Japan only and has two ways to play the system ( horizontailly and Vertically ) .
Because I have been a fan of the FF games for a long time , I actually can say that this is my least favorite of all of the Final Fantasy games that came out on the Playstation 1 . FF1 doesn't really have any main character at all , but has a battle system similar to FF4 ( 2 in the US for the SNES ) . FF2 on the other hand has a main character but the way the game plays ( both on the field and in battle ) is a little strange . On the field , when you talk to somebody , when it comes to important events in the game or whatever , you have a menu of stuff to choose to say . However , as you progress through the game , you get more stuff to say . The point here is that it kind of sucks to have a limited amount of conversation subjects and have to actually find more as the game progresses . The battle system for this game is like FF10 ( only you don't get to choose what to raise up for your stats ) and you don't have any level system at all . it's like the first game . the reason why I give this game a overall rating of 4 stars is because RPGs that were made in the NES days are really difficult and don't have much storyline and subplots in the games ( like Dragon Warrior ) , and only have to do a few important things ( probably 10 or 15 all together ) before fighting the final boss . these games were mostly just to level your character up , got do some things , fight some bosses , level up some more , do other things , level up some more , fight the final boss . plus these games are way too short , because in those days , games didn't have a lot of juice ( memory ) to put in a long game so you can probably beat the game in 10 hours or more . I am so happy that I got to join in on the RPG train around the time of the Genesis / Super NES to the PSone era to a few from this era ( PS2 , GC , Xbox ) because you can do a lot more with these type of RPGs since they can take longer to beat . I am not saying that FF1 and 2 are horrible games , they just aren't as great as the 16 bit , 32 bit and 128 bit eras .
This game isn't that important to have in your Final Fantasy collection . however if you like the ancient old school RPGs from the NES era , this is recommended . If you are a starter on RPGs , this is definitly not a good start .
014 4 For those who don't know too much info about this game , this is the remake of the first 2 NES games , not the originals . 2nd is that FF2 ( FF2 in japan ) was never released here in the US and finally that these 2 games are actually ports from the Wonderswan versions of the games . Wonderswan is a handheld gaming system ( like the gameboy ) that is in Japan only and has two ways to play the system ( horizontailly and Vertically ) .
Because I have been a fan of the FF games for a long time , I actually can say that this is my least favorite of all of the Final Fantasy games that came out on the Playstation 1 . FF1 doesn't really have any main character at all , but has a battle system similar to FF4 ( 2 in the US for the SNES ) . FF2 on the other hand has a main character but the way the game plays ( both on the field and in battle ) is a little strange . On the field , when you talk to somebody , when it comes to important events in the game or whatever , you have a menu of stuff to choose to say . However , as you progress through the game , you get more stuff to say . The point here is that it kind of sucks to have a limited amount of conversation subjects and have to actually find more as the game progresses . The battle system for this game is like FF10 ( only you don't get to choose what to raise up for your stats ) and you don't have any level system at all . it's like the first game . the reason why I give this game a overall rating of 4 stars is because RPGs that were made in the NES days are really difficult and don't have much storyline and subplots in the games ( like Dragon Warrior ) , and only have to do a few important things ( probably 10 or 15 all together ) before fighting the final boss . these games were mostly just to level your character up , got do some things , fight some bosses , level up some more , do other things , level up some more , fight the final boss . plus these games are way too short , because in those days , games didn't have a lot of juice ( memory ) to put in a long game so you can probably beat the game in 10 hours or more . I am so happy that I got to join in on the RPG train around the time of the Genesis / Super NES to the PSone era to a few from this era ( PS2 , GC , Xbox ) because you can do a lot more with these type of RPGs since they can take longer to beat . I am not saying that FF1 and 2 are horrible games , they just aren't as great as the 16 bit , 32 bit and 128 bit eras .
This game isn't that important to have in your Final Fantasy collection . however if you like the ancient old school RPGs from the NES era , this is recommended . If you are a starter on RPGs , this is definitly not a good start .
015 4 The idea of reworking a previous release isn't exactly a novel one . Ever since Super Mario All-Stars brought Mario's extended history to the SNES , major game manufacturers have been attempting to capture their previous bolts of lightning in a new bottle . Tecmo released a fancier collection of its trademark Ninja Gaiden series , both on the SNES and the PC Engine / TurboGrafx - 16 . Capcom's original frontman , Mega Man , eventually saw his first three titles combined into one cartridge for release on the Sega Genesis . Even today , titles are reworked and re-released on new platforms , sometimes with frightening frequency . The legendary original Metal Gear Solid will soon find a new home on the Nintendo GameCube , while Sega's Shenmue II has already landed on Microsoft's Xbox with a whole bag full of new tricks . Obviously , some have been met with tremendous success , while others have failed pitifully .
What it all seems to come down to is the publishers themselves , and their understanding of what endeared the players to their characters in the first place . It's in this aspect that Square-Enix really shines through with FF : Origins . They know what their fans enjoy , and aren't afraid to deliver it . They also know what their fans have disliked about their earlier efforts , and have made appropriate amends in each subsequent release .
And , true to their names , these two titles are imbued with a great sense of nostalgia . They reek of origin tales , of the sense that something larger is only beginning to stir in the background . The gameplay remains fresh , even today , and merges flawlessly with the looks , feels and occasional functions of the 16 - bit era , regarded by many to be the greatest age in the history of the digital RPG . While it's easy to note the lack of polygons , the somewhat primitive attacks and magic effects , and the limited capabilities of such a system , it all functions so well that you'll forget such minor nuances within moments of beginning these familiar quests .
The two games in the collection play as differently as night and day . In FF1 , you'll find yourself in a familiar position , whether you've played the original or not ; you immediately select four characters from a short list of classes , customizing each with only a unique name to distinguish them from the others . Your characters may be any combination of Fighters , Thieves , Black Belts , White , Red or Black Mages , with each possessing various attributes unique to their class . From the selection screen , you're tossed almost immediately into the thick of things , arriving at the game's first castle , briefly retrieving your first quest , stocking up and heading out . Though significant efforts have gone into enhancing and bettering the story , everything still falls into place quite linearly and honestly needs very little explanation . Your characters are very black and white , each featuring strengths and weaknesses that are set firmly in stone . If you've recruited a party of four white mages , physical assaults will never be your strong suit . Likewise , if you've gone completely for brute strength , you'll want to stock up on healing potions .
On the other hand , Final Fantasy II introduced players to a pre-set roster of characters , sacrificing the distinct job system of the previous title for a much more realistic and well rounded usage-based functionality . You're still given the opportunity to name your initial four characters , but the roles themselves are far less pronounced and truly depend upon your tendencies for each . If you habitually begin using the female lead in a healing role , she'll gradually become more and more proficient in magic , yet less and less so with physical attacks . The more damage a character takes in battle , the faster his hit points rise . Experience points are completely thrown out of the world of FF2 , resulting in a system that was likely fifteen years before its time . If a next-gen game were released today utilizing this very same system , it would be hailed as a remarkable new direction for role playing games . At the time of Final Fantasy II's release , though , it was way too much to deal with .
Continuing that trend , FF2 also forged new ground by featuring the first rotating character slot in the series ' history . Much like in Final Fantasy IV , the first released for the Super NES , characters will join and leave your party when the storyline makes it appropriate . Three of your playable characters always remain constant , as any further departures would cause a serious clash with the character development system , but one slot is always reserved for a temporary ally . It adds a bit of suspense to the storyline , as the idea of a comrade falling in battle for good becomes much more possible and realistic .
In the end , both titles are enthralling and addicting , with FF2 running about three times as long as its predecessor . They're animals of a different color , sharing in many aspects but standing extremely far apart in others . And , though these are two completely different games , they remain strangely tied to one another , alike despite their variations . Elements of both were used in the molding of Square-Enix's legacy , and each remains an obvious inspiration even today .
These are faithful recreations , improving upon many of the old cartridges ' infamous flaws , yet strangely ignoring others . The elements of excitement , anticipation and exploration , the foundations of the entire series , have been retained without hesitation while the graphics and sound benefit greatly from the fine tuning . Even the originals ' lack of real sidequests and secrets have been accounted for , as both games are accompanied by hundreds of unlockable goodies . As I observed with my review of the very first game in the series , these titles carry with them an innocence that's rarely matched . There's a reason Chess and Checkers have been played for centuries without modification , and that same reasoning applies here . This is a steal at the introductory price , an inexpensive peek at the history of the industry through a pair of rose-colored glasses .
016 4 With the success of the Final Fantasy series over the years , Squaresoft decided to revisit some of the older games in the series . They had released Final Fantasy Anthology and Final Fantasy Chronicles , and brought Final Fantasies 4 , 5 , and 6 to the Playstation for the first time . Final Fantasy 4 and 6 were known on the SNES as FF 2 and 3 ( the Japanese 2 and 3 were never released in America ) , and 5 had not made it over here , either . These were some of my favorite games and I was glad to have them available for the Playstation . But now I was hoping to get the first three ported over . I started to lose hope and we are now several years into the life of the Playstation 2 , but Square released Final Fantasy Origins for the Playstation . Final Fantasy Origins is a compilation of the original Final Fantasy ( NES ) and Final Fantasy II . Final Fantasy II was never released in America until now .
Final Fantasy : This is the game that first got me interested in the RPG genre ( which is now my favorite genre for video games ) . I played it for the NES when I was a child and this is the game I was excited to play again and not have any problems with save files deleting ( a problem with my NES ) . This version of Final Fantasy has updated graphic , some enemies / items / spells with different names , and the option to turn on extra features that were not in the original version of the game . One feature is the ability to dash through towns and dungeons ( making some things go a bit quicker ) . The other feature of note is called auto-aim and takes care of the biggest problem I had with the original version of the game . Now , when an enemy is defeated any character targeting that enemy for attack will automatically attack a different enemy . This seems common sense , but this was not included in the original . You also have the option to turn auto-aim off , if you so choose .
There is also the option to play the game on Easy or Normal mode . Normal mode is just like the original game , only with the addition of dash and auto-aim . Everything else is the same . Easy is the same game , only spells / items / weapons cost less , you level up quicker ( and can surpass level 50 ) , and can use more spells per level ( You can use a maximum of 9 spells per spell level on Normal . . . . this can be quite limiting ) . Upon completion of the game , your stats are entered into a Collection . This records all the enemies you have beaten and all of the treasure chests you have opened in every area . The more you kill and the more you open , the game will unlock bonus artwork .
This is a very welcome upgrade to one of my favorite games of my childhood .
Final Fantasy II : For the first time , Final Fantasy II has been released in America . From what I have heard from people who got to play the game before the game was released , very few people actually liked it and they called it perhaps the worst game of the series . That very well may be , but the game wasn't that bad . This version of Final Fantasy II has the same updated graphics and auto-aim that we find in Final Fantasy . It has the same features and Collection Data as Final Fantasy .
This game is the first in the series to actually have a story and characters of note . You play as Firion , Gus , and Maria , three youths who escape from their town as it was being taken over by the Empire . They join a resistance group and from this point they do missions to slowly chip away at the Empire and to achieve certain goals . As you play , you have a different fourth member of the party which will move in and out as the game progresses . This game actually has individual characters with names and identities . The one thing to note about this is that the characters do not seem to have any noticeable personality . It was a step in the right direction for the characters , but to be honest , there wasn't much difference between your three as well as whomever was the fourth character .
In some senses this game sets the stage for the character building that you will find in Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy Tactics . You get to choose what kind of warriors each character is . If you want a strong fighter , then physically attack with him ( or her ) and the character will gain in strength and weapon proficiency . If you want a white mage , teach him white magic . The same with black magic . Here's the twist . Since there is no experience points in this game , you increases your stats through use . You won't gain in strength if you don't fight . You gain HP by being attacked and hurt . You gain magic points by casting a lot of spells in battle . When you learn a spell ( by purchasing a scroll or by finding one ) your spell is only on level one and you have increase the power of the spell by casting it a lot . Further , if you fight a lot your strength will increase but your intelligence will decrease , making you a stronger fighter but less able as a magician . I'll be honest , this is my least favorite experience / level system in any game , but it isn't horrible . If you attack yourself a little bit early on in the game it'll help for the beginning stages . Also , when you get the ship for the first time you can go to Mysidia and buy the Swap spell , and if you use this near Altair , you can increase your stats very quickly .
Overall , Final Fantasy II is probably the weakest of all the Final Fantasy games , but I would not ignore the game because of that . It is challenging , and it is definitely old school , but it was still worth playing , especially if someone wants to beat all the Final Fantasy games . I'm glad that Square did not stick with this experience system and it is interesting to see where the Final Fantasy series came from and how it got to where it is now .
017 4 I was excited when I discovered that the first two Final Fantasies were released . my older brother had played them years ago - his friend had the imported version of FFII - and he enjoyed them . I couldn't wait to play them , and guess what ? Thery're better than he said . I would definetly recommend these games if you are either collecting the Final Fantasy series , as I am , or if you just enjoy RPG games . A jewel .
018 4 I may be dating myself , but I remember actually PLAYING Final Fantasy on the 8 bit Nintendo ( THE OLD Nintendo , to you New School gamers who thing the Nintendo 64 is the OLD nintendo ) . People like me who have saw the fall of Video games in the early 80 ' s and are relieved to this day that games like this that saved the industry .
To those of you raised on the PS1 and N64 , the graphics are very 16 bit quality ( considering FF1 and FF2 were 8 BIT GAMES , they are an improvement . ) And another great thing is finally being able to play FF2 , a game that was , until now , only released in japan , is pure golden .
I guess younger gamers can't appreciate these masterpieces of gaming history , but if you grew up with games like these , Final Fantasy Origins will be a welcome part of your collection .
019 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
This is an excellent game . A must have for any rpg lovers , especially those fans since the beginning of the final Fantasy Series ! ! !
It features remasted editions in full 16 bit of the original nes ( Final Fantasy I y Final Fantasy II ) . Also it has a collection where you can view all the beast you had defeated so far and the ones left . All the item you have collected , and so much more . Also there are to level of dificulties ( Easy And Normal ) . If you want to have a good time with a game , This is a must have .
I myself had started the journey of beating every Final Fantasy game of the series . I had beated Final Fantasy I but there is still a long way to go ! ! ! ( FF2 , FF3 , FFIV , FFV , FFIV , FFVII , FFVIII , FFIX , FFX , FFXII ) . Long live FINAL FANTASY ! ! !
5 out of 5 in my opinion
9.0 IGN
9.0 GameSpot
What else you can think about ? hehehehe ! ! !
020 4 This is an excellent game . A must have for any rpg lovers , especially those fans since the beginning of the final Fantasy Series ! ! !
It features remasted editions in full 16 bit of the original nes ( Final Fantasy I y Final Fantasy II ) . Also it has a collection where you can view all the beast you had defeated so far and the ones left . All the item you have collected , and so much more . Also there are to level of dificulties ( Easy And Normal ) . If you want to have a good time with a game , This is a must have .
I myself had started the journey of beating every Final Fantasy game of the series . I had beated Final Fantasy I but there is still a long way to go ! ! ! ( FF2 , FF3 , FFIV , FFV , FFIV , FFVII , FFVIII , FFIX , FFX , FFXII ) . Long live FINAL FANTASY ! ! !
5 out of 5 in my opinion
9.0 IGN
9.0 GameSpot
What else you can think about ? hehehehe ! ! !
021 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Once upon a time , a little company called Square was about to just plain DIE . At the end of it's rope , they looked at the somewhat confusing popularity of a game called Dragon Quest , and said , ' ' Well , let's see if we can do this one better . No , wait , let's see if we can do this four or five better . What have we got to lose ? ' '
The rest is history , as the single most enduring franchise in gaming history was born .
Final Fantasy . So named because if it hadn't taken the gaming world - - at least the gaming world in Japan - - by storm , there would be no more Square
Graphics 9
For both games the graphics had a major upgrade , compared to the Nintendo . Each of the characters are shown with great detail , they even have art work you can get while going through the game , along with the monsters you come across . The towns have a new look to them also , with each of the npc's with great detail too . The detail they put into the background was really amazing compared to the older one . Being able to tell where the towns are and the game not freezing up on you is a great upgrade . The magic has been well designed too . Some of the stronger magic's glint the entire screen and even some of the older Final Fantasies have better magic than most of the newer ones . Why you ask , because I said so and that's all there is to it .
The monsters are more of a wide variety also , even though you will run into the same enemy just different colors its good to be able to tell which a stronger version is . The land seems to be detailed well too , because they are true colors instead of just random colors the system can handle . They even have really great videos in the beginning of each game , with the characters talking in the FF II beginning that was something even I wasn't ready for . It is just amazing seeing how much the graphics have improved since 87 makes me feel like an old person watching these amazing games grow up too .
Game play 10
A ten you say , well it shouldn't surprise you , because not only do these games have great stories , graphics , all of those good things , without game play it would just seem like a book . For Final Fantasy the battles are like they used to be , you go , they go , you go again , but it is nowhere near as slow as it use to be . But unlike Final Fantasy II , FF has the leveling system , which you should be used to . On the older version you could only get to level 50 , but on this one you can reach higher , not that its necessary or anything . Instead of learning magic , or having a weapon to learn magic , in both games you have to buy it from stores they have in each town . They have two different kinds of magic's white , which is the curative magic , and black which is more of an elemental damage magic . While having those stores the magic goes with two different characters , the white and black mage . But wait there is more , there is an additional mage that can learn both magic's , and that mage is titled the red mage . Not only do you have these wonderful magic's to buy but , they have levels too , so as you increase your level in the game you can increase your magic level , to do more damage to enemies you encounter .
Another set of characters is the monk , whom goes against everything , unlike a warrior this type of character can have better attack and defense without having any items equipped to them . The warrior is one of the most basic characters which are one of the best . He can equip any item and still be strong . Along with these is a thief , whom you can have run from enemies . But they have nowhere near the attack of the warrior , all they seem good for is luck and their speed , but with that luck and speed they can help you escape from battles easier . When you advance farther in the game you can have these characters upgrade , which will make there stats go up a large amount . There is a little mini game you can play on a boat which you get later , where you try to get the numbers to go in order they are all mismatched . The name of it is the tile game , and if you are short on money all you have to do is beat the records they have on their little hall of fame thingy and you can get a lot of money in return for beating a simple time limit .
In the beginning of FF II you notice there are four different characters running from their town which has been set on fire , they are the four main characters you see . The first one I will mention is Firion he was orphaned at a young age , he was adopted by the parents of Maria and Leon , and he grew up with them and considers them his real family . Maria is Leon's sister , Leon goes a separate path at the beginning of the game and you are to track him down . The last one is Gus , he was a childhood friend of the three and he tends to use his muscles more than he does his brain , he is one of the strongest of the group , but he isn't very bright . Unlike FF this game has actual characters to fit a story line , which can be a good thing but , if you have a game with no names you get to change it to what you see fit , unlike some of the other FF's that have names for the characters so there is no reason to change there given name .
In FF II as I mentioned earlier there are no levels you just kind of gain more status as you move on with the game . But like FF there is the same kind of magic , you buy it and you can equip it to anybody in this game really . But there are not separate classes in this game so it goes with who gets it first keeps it . They all have their own sort of weapons though . The battling isn't much different than any other FF except you don't get any experience at the end of the battle . But your characters attributes also increase like they would , even though there are no visible mastery points . There are links between the actions taken and the stats raised aren't quite as clear . One thing that both games do share in common and I think should be in most Final Fantasies is that there are memo files you can save , which is like saving the actual game except you can save it wherever you want and you can start your game over from there , but it only stays on your game while it is on . If you reset your Playstation the memo file will be erased which can be a bummer , but oh well .
Sound 10
The sound is really great in this game , it's mostly all the soundtrack but hey as long as you got good music who needs noises from the characters right ? The soundtrack on FF is better than of FF II in my opinion , but that is because I have played through FF more than FF II . The best thing about these soundtracks is when you own them and you just listen to them , it reminds you of the areas you where at in the game , and that just shows you how powerful music can be . The voice acting on the FF II video was really good , their voices seemed to match the movement of their lips pretty well , but other than that the rest of the noises where ok . Except for the magic , some of the noises definitely let you know something cool is going to happen . Other than that you just need to go buy the soundtrack it's worth it .
Graphics 9
Game play 10
Sound 10
Overall 10
This is a really great game and if you don't have it I highly suggest that you go out and buy it . It is released for the Playstation so it shouldn't be too hard to find . If you can go and buy the soundtrack along with the game . The game play is one of the key factors to this game and should keep you occupied for a while . So enjoy the game and I hope you enjoyed reading .
022 4 Once upon a time , a little company called Square was about to just plain DIE . At the end of it's rope , they looked at the somewhat confusing popularity of a game called Dragon Quest , and said , ' ' Well , let's see if we can do this one better . No , wait , let's see if we can do this four or five better . What have we got to lose ? ' '
The rest is history , as the single most enduring franchise in gaming history was born .
Final Fantasy . So named because if it hadn't taken the gaming world - - at least the gaming world in Japan - - by storm , there would be no more Square
Graphics 9
For both games the graphics had a major upgrade , compared to the Nintendo . Each of the characters are shown with great detail , they even have art work you can get while going through the game , along with the monsters you come across . The towns have a new look to them also , with each of the npc's with great detail too . The detail they put into the background was really amazing compared to the older one . Being able to tell where the towns are and the game not freezing up on you is a great upgrade . The magic has been well designed too . Some of the stronger magic's glint the entire screen and even some of the older Final Fantasies have better magic than most of the newer ones . Why you ask , because I said so and that's all there is to it .
The monsters are more of a wide variety also , even though you will run into the same enemy just different colors its good to be able to tell which a stronger version is . The land seems to be detailed well too , because they are true colors instead of just random colors the system can handle . They even have really great videos in the beginning of each game , with the characters talking in the FF II beginning that was something even I wasn't ready for . It is just amazing seeing how much the graphics have improved since 87 makes me feel like an old person watching these amazing games grow up too .
Game play 10
A ten you say , well it shouldn't surprise you , because not only do these games have great stories , graphics , all of those good things , without game play it would just seem like a book . For Final Fantasy the battles are like they used to be , you go , they go , you go again , but it is nowhere near as slow as it use to be . But unlike Final Fantasy II , FF has the leveling system , which you should be used to . On the older version you could only get to level 50 , but on this one you can reach higher , not that its necessary or anything . Instead of learning magic , or having a weapon to learn magic , in both games you have to buy it from stores they have in each town . They have two different kinds of magic's white , which is the curative magic , and black which is more of an elemental damage magic . While having those stores the magic goes with two different characters , the white and black mage . But wait there is more , there is an additional mage that can learn both magic's , and that mage is titled the red mage . Not only do you have these wonderful magic's to buy but , they have levels too , so as you increase your level in the game you can increase your magic level , to do more damage to enemies you encounter .
Another set of characters is the monk , whom goes against everything , unlike a warrior this type of character can have better attack and defense without having any items equipped to them . The warrior is one of the most basic characters which are one of the best . He can equip any item and still be strong . Along with these is a thief , whom you can have run from enemies . But they have nowhere near the attack of the warrior , all they seem good for is luck and their speed , but with that luck and speed they can help you escape from battles easier . When you advance farther in the game you can have these characters upgrade , which will make there stats go up a large amount . There is a little mini game you can play on a boat which you get later , where you try to get the numbers to go in order they are all mismatched . The name of it is the tile game , and if you are short on money all you have to do is beat the records they have on their little hall of fame thingy and you can get a lot of money in return for beating a simple time limit .
In the beginning of FF II you notice there are four different characters running from their town which has been set on fire , they are the four main characters you see . The first one I will mention is Firion he was orphaned at a young age , he was adopted by the parents of Maria and Leon , and he grew up with them and considers them his real family . Maria is Leon's sister , Leon goes a separate path at the beginning of the game and you are to track him down . The last one is Gus , he was a childhood friend of the three and he tends to use his muscles more than he does his brain , he is one of the strongest of the group , but he isn't very bright . Unlike FF this game has actual characters to fit a story line , which can be a good thing but , if you have a game with no names you get to change it to what you see fit , unlike some of the other FF's that have names for the characters so there is no reason to change there given name .
In FF II as I mentioned earlier there are no levels you just kind of gain more status as you move on with the game . But like FF there is the same kind of magic , you buy it and you can equip it to anybody in this game really . But there are not separate classes in this game so it goes with who gets it first keeps it . They all have their own sort of weapons though . The battling isn't much different than any other FF except you don't get any experience at the end of the battle . But your characters attributes also increase like they would , even though there are no visible mastery points . There are links between the actions taken and the stats raised aren't quite as clear . One thing that both games do share in common and I think should be in most Final Fantasies is that there are memo files you can save , which is like saving the actual game except you can save it wherever you want and you can start your game over from there , but it only stays on your game while it is on . If you reset your Playstation the memo file will be erased which can be a bummer , but oh well .
Sound 10
The sound is really great in this game , it's mostly all the soundtrack but hey as long as you got good music who needs noises from the characters right ? The soundtrack on FF is better than of FF II in my opinion , but that is because I have played through FF more than FF II . The best thing about these soundtracks is when you own them and you just listen to them , it reminds you of the areas you where at in the game , and that just shows you how powerful music can be . The voice acting on the FF II video was really good , their voices seemed to match the movement of their lips pretty well , but other than that the rest of the noises where ok . Except for the magic , some of the noises definitely let you know something cool is going to happen . Other than that you just need to go buy the soundtrack it's worth it .
Graphics 9
Game play 10
Sound 10
Overall 10
This is a really great game and if you don't have it I highly suggest that you go out and buy it . It is released for the Playstation so it shouldn't be too hard to find . If you can go and buy the soundtrack along with the game . The game play is one of the key factors to this game and should keep you occupied for a while . So enjoy the game and I hope you enjoyed reading .
023 4 I love all final fantasy games , with the exception now of final fantasy 2 . Both of these games are surely classics , they brought the biggest RPg saga into the world . Final fantasy 1 I always wanted to play , and my friend had it but he had no NES ! I finally got it and played it and it was a great game , even though it was missing a storyline . I loved the final boss . Then I started playing final fantasy 2 . That is the hardest frickin ' game I have ever played ! It utilizes a new battle system , where attacking yourself will make you gain HP , and there is no exp . Even so , I am stuck in this one dungeon called the dreadnought . I lose every time I go in there ! And sometimes , you get to the end of a dungeon , all your guys are almost dead , and they say , Wait , we need to go back and get the item or something ! And then you go back and you lose ! It really makes me mad ! And sometimes the last boss you fought is a random enemy in the next dungeon ! You would like this game if you like hard games , because this one was only previously released in japan . It is worth it for that . And if you can beat this game , I salute you . But at least get it for FF1 . You should not pass up this great offer , even if you can't beat one of the games ( Although I bet I just suck at it ) . If you like these games , get FF7 and FF8 . Those ones are great , too .
FF1 = 5 stars FF2 = 3 stars
024 4 OK , few people seem satisfied with my review of Final Fantasy Origins . Fair enough ; I reviewed the game before it came out , and said some things which weren't entirely correct . I'm still not changing my rating ( 4 stars ) , but perhaps I can defend it a bit .
If Final Fantasy 1 was the only game on the docket , I would give this 3 ( or maybe two ) stars . In fact , I played my old NES version concurrently , and found that I enjoyed it far more . Let me draw up a comparison .
Those things that are GOOD in Origins :
1 ) Enix decided to make a few tweaks in the battle system . In particular , your party no longer will swing at nothing should the enemy die before they have a crack at him . This was very stupid in the first version ( I mean , why would you go to the trouble to attack if there was nothing in your path ? ) .
2 ) The graphics have improved quite a bit , and while some may wax nostalgic for the old days , I think that the overhaul makes the whole enterprise easier on the eyes .
3 ) Many of the little secrets have returned , including the hordes of giants you can fight in the Terra cave to grow powerful and rich early on , and the little mini-game on the ship ( something about holding one button and pressing another 55 times , hmmmm ? ) .
4 ) Instead of having booby trapped chests , now there are booby trapped floor tiles , which add an element of surprise .
Those things that are POOR in Origins :
1 ) The normal difficulty level really isn't that much more difficult than the easy level . In fact , what really changes is the encounter frequency , and the enemy's ambush possibility . Essentially , the normal difficulty guarantees a longer game , but only because you'll have to fight 50% more monsters .
2 ) The enemy ambush level is ridiculous . I mean , during my play-though , I gained a pre-emptive attack a total of fourteen times in the game , while the enemy ambushed me that many times as I was preparing to enter the Temple of Chaos ( or Fiends , in the NES version ) .
3 ) The Ice Cavern is ridiculous . Much of your chance of making it out alive relies on luck , hoping and praying that you don't get ambushed by four Dark Wizards , who will kill off your entire partyt before you can say guh ? .
4 ) The music , somehow , has gotten worse in Origins . Somehow , by sprucing up the tunes , the folks at Enix have made the mucic 100 times more annoying .
5 ) The collection menu is useless ; I would have hoped to get more for my efforts .
As I said , if it were only FF1 on this disc , the game would merit less stars . However , I was pleasantly surprised by the addition of Final Fantasy 2 . In fact , after playing this little game , I wonder what fools told Square not to release the game over here in the first place ! The storyline is pretty good , and the growth system is quite novel ( it resembles the Game Boy offering , Final Fantasy Legend pt . 2 which , as an aside , is probably the most difficult game ever conceived ) . Truth be told , I am sad that I left this game for last , and its addition really makes this new game worthwhile .
Well , there you have it . I feel I've justified my position now , and it is up to you ( the buyer ) to take or leave what I have offered .
027 4 Final Fantasy Origins gives you access to the first two Final Fantasy games ever made . Here are some of the highlights of the games and the changes made to them in the FFO versions :
Final Fantasy
In Final Fantasy , you start the game by choosing four characters you will use for the rest of the game . There are six different types of characters , each with their own strengths and weaknesses .
Major Points
( 1 ) Battle System : Enemies cannot attack you while you are choosing what attacks you will use . Instead , you choose what all four characters will do then their moves will be executed and after every character ( friend and foe ) has done something , the cycle will start over again .
( 2 ) Spells : In FF , spells are bought . Three spells can be equipped per magic level . Also , the concept of MP does not exist . Instead , there are certain amounts of times you can cast spells depending on what level you are and what level the spell is . At the start of the game , the spell casting characters are allowed to cast Level 1 spells 2 times before having to restore at an inn .
( 3 ) Building-up Characters : Collect a certain amount of EXP and your characters will get stronger .
Different from NES's Final Fantasy :
( 1 ) Difficulty Modes : You can play FF in easy or normal . Normal mode is the way the NES version of FF was set up . In easy mode :
a ) Items are 20% less than the normal mode prices
b ) Characters level up faster , and levels can reach 99 . In normal , levels reach 50 .
c ) Enemies are somewhat easier .
( 2 ) You are allowed to use life-recovering abilities to cure dead or petrified characters during battle . Also , if you direct an attack to an enemy and some other character kills the enemy before that character's turn comes up , the character's attack will be redirected to another enemy . If you do not want these settings , you can change them in the Config menu .
( 3 ) Characters ' names can be 6 letters long compared to NES's 4 .
Final Fantasy II
In Final Fantasy II , You start the game by naming the four major characters .
Major Points
( 1 ) Battle System : It's the same as FF's battle system discription . Also , if you want to use an item or reequip during battle , the character has to equip the item he / she will use during battle ( up to 2 items ) .
( 2 ) Spells : The concept of MP exists in FFII . Spells can be bought , and you can only carry a certain amount of spells . Spells get stronger ( and consume more MP ) as you use them more .
( 3 ) Building-up Characters : This is the only Final Fantasy in existance without the concept of levels : in FFII , a character's stats improve depending on what happens to the character during battle . Example : If a character loses a significant amount of HP , his / her max HP will increase , or if your character uses enough MP , his / her max MP will increase .
Additions and changes in Origins from the original versions
( 1 ) Many names have been changed from there NES / ROM versions . Two noticible differences found in FF are the character class Black Belt , now called Monk , and the monster called Imp , now called Goblin .
( 2 ) The graphics are better defined than their NES / ROM counterparts . Instead of simple dot graphics , the graphics are similar to the type of graphics found in FFIV & FFV .
( 3 ) In both games , there is a function that allows you to view enemy stats and original artwork depending on what you have accomplished in the game .
028 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
I love the older rpg's and have many of them . These are old but fun . Love the storylines and characters .
For FF II , you need to know that you only level up what is used - for example , to level up your defense , go around hitting your own characters ( be careful tho or you'll kill yourself ) . Also , in FF II , the more you use your spells , the higher they level up & more powerful they are . Using your spells on yourself not only levels the spells up , but increases your resistance to magic spells from enemies .
These older games have monstrous lengthy labyrinths that can be a nightmare . After the first playthru , I purchased the strategy guide for the maps and it makes the games much more enjoyable , less of a headache , to use these maps .
I would highly recommend these games if you like the older menu-type battle system rpg's .
029 4 I love the older rpg's and have many of them . These are old but fun . Love the storylines and characters .
For FF II , you need to know that you only level up what is used - for example , to level up your defense , go around hitting your own characters ( be careful tho or you'll kill yourself ) . Also , in FF II , the more you use your spells , the higher they level up & more powerful they are . Using your spells on yourself not only levels the spells up , but increases your resistance to magic spells from enemies .
These older games have monstrous lengthy labyrinths that can be a nightmare . After the first playthru , I purchased the strategy guide for the maps and it makes the games much more enjoyable , less of a headache , to use these maps .
I would highly recommend these games if you like the older menu-type battle system rpg's .
034 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
I was not a fan of Final Fantasy when it reached the market in 1987 . Until 1992 , I had never heard of it at all ! When I did at length try it , I thought it was excellent . Within a year , I had all 3 of the North American releases of FF . Years after , I was saying There ought to be a remake of the original Final Fantasy to match the new technology . That industry has proven so profitable and popular , a remake would be nothing short of excellent .
In Final Fantasy Origins , I was not one bit disappointed . The score is beautifully reorchestrated ( in some cases , it sounds entirely new ) . The graphics are first rate ( inevitable from Square ) , the battle system improved , and the dialogue much cleaner . You no longer spend time wandering about , wondering what you should do next , or where you should go . It is all spelled out for you . The only downside was the change of the names of locations and characters - Square might have , at least , left us these little things that all FF players became familiar with over the years . But all the good things it has make up for this little defect .
Then there's FF2 . Having never seen it before , it does not look any better than the first game ( that is , the remake of FF1 ) . The conceits of the plot are acceptable , but the primary complaint is how hard the game is to play . There are no levels to gain , money is scarce , side quests are few ( if at all ) , and the characters a little dull . This all got improved as the series progressed , so it's not at all bad . It gives an idea of what was done back then , and it was very popular .
Both great games . There is much to enjoy and discover , and these two games prove why .
035 4 I was not a fan of Final Fantasy when it reached the market in 1987 . Until 1992 , I had never heard of it at all ! When I did at length try it , I thought it was excellent . Within a year , I had all 3 of the North American releases of FF . Years after , I was saying There ought to be a remake of the original Final Fantasy to match the new technology . That industry has proven so profitable and popular , a remake would be nothing short of excellent .
In Final Fantasy Origins , I was not one bit disappointed . The score is beautifully reorchestrated ( in some cases , it sounds entirely new ) . The graphics are first rate ( inevitable from Square ) , the battle system improved , and the dialogue much cleaner . You no longer spend time wandering about , wondering what you should do next , or where you should go . It is all spelled out for you . The only downside was the change of the names of locations and characters - Square might have , at least , left us these little things that all FF players became familiar with over the years . But all the good things it has make up for this little defect .
Then there's FF2 . Having never seen it before , it does not look any better than the first game ( that is , the remake of FF1 ) . The conceits of the plot are acceptable , but the primary complaint is how hard the game is to play . There are no levels to gain , money is scarce , side quests are few ( if at all ) , and the characters a little dull . This all got improved as the series progressed , so it's not at all bad . It gives an idea of what was done back then , and it was very popular .
Both great games . There is much to enjoy and discover , and these two games prove why .
036 4 I am another of those who remembers when the original Final Fantasy was released for the original NES back in 1990 . I played it and thought that it was a great game , though there were a few aspects of the game mechanics that were annoying , such as the fact that you could only buy one item at a time from various shops , so if you wanted to buy , for example , 99 potions , you had to sit there and buy them one at a time . This has been fixed now to where you can specify the number of items you wish to purchase , so only one transaction is necessary . Other enhancements to the game include a bestiary , item list , an improved world map , an artwork gallery , and much improved graphics and music , with some fairly nice spell effects . The item storage system is also improved , allowing you to hold on to more items than could be previously carried . Anyone who has played the old version of Final Fantasy doubtless remembers having to dump some fairly good weapons and armor just to make room for other items found in dungeons . That is a thing of the past now , and the game is much better for it . The new version also does a good job of informing the player when a weapon or piece of armor has special properties , such as magic spells , allowing the player to make the best use of the weapons available to them .
Of course , all the graphical and mechanical improvements in the world won't save a boring game . The translation from the original Japanese is improved , so some of the things various characters say make more sense than they did before . Many of the place names in the game have been changed , and a lot of the monsters have been renamed .
The storyline of the game is passable , although certainly nowhere near as rich or complex as the later Final Fantasy installments . That's to be expected , considering that this was originally an 8 - bit cartridge game . You start out with four characters , and you assign them names and job classes at the start of the game , and that will be your party throughout the game . Again , it was fine for its time , though someone who has played the newer Final Fantasies and not this one may find this somewhat of a disappointment .
As for Final Fantasy 2 , I had never played this one before , since it was never domestically released in the USA . So , I really can't comment on its improvements from the original version . However , it is on a par graphically and soundwise with the updated Final Fantasy 1 , so I imagine that is is also much improved from the old NES version . The system for character improvement and magic improvement is much different from the first game . Essentially , it is a system whereby the more a character uses a certain weapon or magic type , the better that character gets at that action . So , your characters specialize over time . A very interesting system , and one which allows for a greater amount of freedom in character creation and growth than in the original Final Fantasy .
All in all , I would say that these games are very well-done remakes of some classic NES titles . If you have fond memories of the original versions , I guarantee you will enjoy these updates . If you are interested in seeing where the Final Fantasy series got its start , I highly recommend this collection . Happy gaming !
037 4 This is by far one of the best RPG's to come out in the past few years - the only one I've had more outright fun with was the American version of FFIII way back in ' 93 . This one captures the age-old feel of the series with the revamped look and tight storyline , without the over-the-top graphics . A bit random at ties , and a little tougher than one might expect ( especially if you pick a crappy lineup of characters in FF1 - you're in for a rough time ! ) A good time at a great price .
038 4 After a year and a half now , I have waited for this title to be released . FF-Origins includes both Final Fantasy I & Final Fantasy II ( never before released in North America . ) I've played both before actually on the regular NES , and the improvements for this just blew me away ! It's much better than it used to be . My fav is the original FF , but FF2 is still a treat for the average hardcore RPG-gamer . You get to choose from 6 - classed in part1 including : WARRIOR , THIEF , MONK , RED MAGE , WHITE MAGE , & BLACK MAGE who must save the planet from certain destruction with the help of these things called ORBS . In the sequel , you play as four individuals named , Firion , Maria , Gus , & Leon who must stop the evil Palamecian Empire from building a deadly secret weapon . The never before seen WORD MEMORY SYSTEM has also been added , allowing you to memorize important things that help you progress through the game . However , the gameplay is a bit harder to master compared to that of FF1 due to that rather earning levels , you get other experience depending on your actions during battle . Still , the two make a fine addition to your FF-collection , so don't miss it ! I hope FF3 ( not FF3 on Super-NES which is really FF6 . ) is also released on the Playstation . All three are golden classics !
039 4 I first played Final Fantasy back in 1990 when it came out for the NES . I have been hooked on the game series ever since , buying each Final Fantasy game since then as it is released . I have been waiting for both the remakes of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II to come out to the US for quite some time and after playing them both I am quite happy with the excellent job Squaresoft ( Or should I say Square Enix now ) did on this awesome package .
First of all I shall start with my gripes , which are small . My first , and major gripe is the exclusion of Final Fantasy III . Yes , I know the remake of Final Fantasy III ( Please note I am talking about the Japanese Famicom Final Fantasy III , not the ill named Final Fantasy III that was released here in 1994 for the Super Nintendo , which is actually the great Final Fantasy VI ) was abandoned in Japan but I am still a bit upset over this . Final Fantasy III is the ONLY Final Fantasy game NEVER to see a re-release . It was released once in Japan and that happened in 1990 . But perhaps we shall one day see this game completed and brought to the consoles ( No portables please ! ) Another gripe , and this is minor , is that both games are on the same CD . I would have preferred each game to have its own CD . After all , the past Final Fantasies games re-released in collections like this were given their own CDs . My final gripe is that I have been told that the original 8 - bit versions of the game are not included , which is a bummer as I would have loved to play the 8 - bit version of FFII ( This is the first time that game is being released outside of Japan . ) But enough about the bad lets go to the good !
I am nearly done with Final Fantasy and have not started a game on Final Fantasy II yet . Both games feature stunning FMV intros ( And I am sure they have FMV endings too . ) The games have been given a major graphic update . Many will find that the battles feature an FFVI graphic style , while town / world map graphics is on par with FFV . The music has also been enhanced as well and rivals that of some of the recent Final Fantasy games . Some of the annoying limitations of the original version of these games have been turned into options that you can turn on / off as well . There are also special features , including a monster list and art gallery , which you can unlock as you play through each game .
This game will be really enjoyed by all people who played RPGs before Final Fantasy VII , as this is what we were brought up on . For those who came with or after Final Fantasy VII then as long as you do not let the taboo of 16 - bit graphics get to you , then you too will be in for a grand treat .
040 4 I must admit . . . I was alittle afraid of this purchance . But as soon as I popped the single playstation disc into my PS2 and acually began the game ( after the intro movie ) My eyes almost filled with tears . It brought back so many memories . I love the updated graphics . . . . it reminds me of something in between FFIV and FFVI . . . . alittle better graphics then FFV . Very nice . I haven't gotten far at all in either game , seeing as I only got it yesterday . But I fell back in love with the Final Fantasy series and only the origins could've done that for me . Don't get me wrong I loved FFIV ( My personal favorite ) and I adored FFVI ( So very good ) But after having beaten them so many times and now having FF X - 2 coming out and FFXI ( Which I'm not going to bother to even get . . . ) It left me wondering . . ' why do I even like Final Fantasy ' then bam ! FF origins helped me to remember . Plus this was an unexpected release for me . . . . haven't really been paying attention to Square lately , so it was even better . So for all you people that started with FFVII , try some real games now and pick up where it all began . Who knows those that aren't too closed minded may be pleasantly surprised . Well I rambled on and on . . . . bye ! * * Note : I have Final Fantasy thru Final Fantasy X now . Excluding FF III ( Still only in Japan . . . oh well ) * *
044 4 I grew up with the NES and Final Fantasy I . If you are just like me , you will look at this classic and compare it to it's NES version .
Before buying it , I recommend taking your NES out of the closet and if you had Final Fantasy I , then look at it and play it a little while . Then buy Final Fantasy Origins . There is much better sound and quality of the game AND it includes Final Fanatsy II , which was never released in America .
Final Fantasy I :
Graphics 3.5 / 5
Classic NES graphics and 16 - bit makes the graphics look much better then the old .
Sound 3 / 5
The sound was cleaned up from the original . Don't expect the little strange sounds from the original because they were taken out . This is better and much less annoying .
Gameplay 4.5 / 5
Classic FF fighting and expierence points is just like any other FF . Good gameplay and easy to navigate .
Story 5 / 5
Very good story as the player is focused on rescuing a princess and saving the world from evil . Typical storyline for any other RPG or fantasy game .
Final Fantasy II :
Graphics 3.5 / 5
Same as Final Fantasy I . The graphics are still classic NES / SNES view .
Sound ?
I don't think anyone knows about the original that was never released so that cannot be judged .
Gameplay 2.5 / 5
Where the hell is the expierence . The points and expierence system is different , amiing it confusing if you have played FF for a long time .
Story 3.5 / 5
Different from FF 1 , which is not focused on saving the world but finding out about the evil that wrecked their town .
055 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
It was nice having I and II on one disk , you don't have to get up and change disks all the time . Some people don't care for FFII , but I thought it was just as good as the first . The music gets annoying after awhile ( puts me to sleep when my husband is playing ) , but otherwise great game play . Unfortunetly , the didn't put the added missions on the Playstation version like they did on some other game consoles . It was also hard to find cheats online , not many people seem to be sharing their info .
I would recommend it to any role playing game fanatic .
056 4 It was nice having I and II on one disk , you don't have to get up and change disks all the time . Some people don't care for FFII , but I thought it was just as good as the first . The music gets annoying after awhile ( puts me to sleep when my husband is playing ) , but otherwise great game play . Unfortunetly , the didn't put the added missions on the Playstation version like they did on some other game consoles . It was also hard to find cheats online , not many people seem to be sharing their info .
I would recommend it to any role playing game fanatic .
068 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
I played the ORIGINAL Final Fantasy when I was young ( as did many old school gamers ) and loved the game . Over time , my NES died and the game faded as newer systems arrived . Finding this in a modern version has been a delight . Now currently my review focuses on FF1 only , I haven't tried the other game YET .
I like that the graphics are updated somewhat to take advantage of the greater abilities of it's new platform . Spell effect animations are a welcome addition ( particularly at the higher level spells ) . Longer spell and item names are another sign of not being confined in the old cartridge .
I'm minorly irked by how weapon / armour and spell names aren't the same . This can be disconcerting when using an old walkthrough and you find the game has different terms . But if this is my only complaint , I'll readily accept it to get back that piece of my youth .
069 4 I played the ORIGINAL Final Fantasy when I was young ( as did many old school gamers ) and loved the game . Over time , my NES died and the game faded as newer systems arrived . Finding this in a modern version has been a delight . Now currently my review focuses on FF1 only , I haven't tried the other game YET .
I like that the graphics are updated somewhat to take advantage of the greater abilities of it's new platform . Spell effect animations are a welcome addition ( particularly at the higher level spells ) . Longer spell and item names are another sign of not being confined in the old cartridge .
I'm minorly irked by how weapon / armour and spell names aren't the same . This can be disconcerting when using an old walkthrough and you find the game has different terms . But if this is my only complaint , I'll readily accept it to get back that piece of my youth .
070 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
I had the original FF on NES . Just as good as I remember it to be , if not better .
071 4 I had the original FF on NES . Just as good as I remember it to be , if not better .
075 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Final Fantasy 1 - I have played the original FF1 for NES and must say , this is a nice improvement . Unlike the later Final Fantasy games ( FF4 and on ) FF1 does not have a progressive story . The only story is in the first twenty min of the game when the player is finding out the state of the world and why it is like that . The only other place this game will offer the player a story is the end of the game when the story is finished ( end boss fight on ) . The enjoyment of this game comes from the game play and the interesting problems that each town has to offer . There is no main characters as the player must name them themselves and the team played with will be comprised of four characters each of which is picked from a choice of six classes ( WHM , RDM , BLM , MNK , THF , WAR ) .
Final Fantasy 2 - The absolute worst game in the series . Not completely worth avoiding , as it would be worth the play for any die-hard fan . A simple story with no real plot twists . What few plot twists there are will have been guessed by the player way in advance and not come as a surprise . The developers goal was to make the player feel for the main characters as all sorts of things happen to them . But the lack of character development makes this rather difficult to do . The game play is also a little rough and coupled with the poor story line can make this game a bit difficult to finish , as the player will find themselves losing interest in the game .
076 4 Final Fantasy 1 - I have played the original FF1 for NES and must say , this is a nice improvement . Unlike the later Final Fantasy games ( FF4 and on ) FF1 does not have a progressive story . The only story is in the first twenty min of the game when the player is finding out the state of the world and why it is like that . The only other place this game will offer the player a story is the end of the game when the story is finished ( end boss fight on ) . The enjoyment of this game comes from the game play and the interesting problems that each town has to offer . There is no main characters as the player must name them themselves and the team played with will be comprised of four characters each of which is picked from a choice of six classes ( WHM , RDM , BLM , MNK , THF , WAR ) .
Final Fantasy 2 - The absolute worst game in the series . Not completely worth avoiding , as it would be worth the play for any die-hard fan . A simple story with no real plot twists . What few plot twists there are will have been guessed by the player way in advance and not come as a surprise . The developers goal was to make the player feel for the main characters as all sorts of things happen to them . But the lack of character development makes this rather difficult to do . The game play is also a little rough and coupled with the poor story line can make this game a bit difficult to finish , as the player will find themselves losing interest in the game .
077 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Final Fantasy , the beginning of the greatest games in history , maybe thats just me , lol . But seriously it is quite interesting to play these originals . They are no where near what we are used to now but they are great for their time . I definitely recommend this to all who like FF like I do .
078 4 Final Fantasy , the beginning of the greatest games in history , maybe thats just me , lol . But seriously it is quite interesting to play these originals . They are no where near what we are used to now but they are great for their time . I definitely recommend this to all who like FF like I do .
082 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
I have been a fan of the Final Fantasy series since FF7 came out . I never got a chance to own or play Origins , so this was a treat for me . As long as you keep your expectations in line with the era that these games were produced , you will thoroughly enjoy this game . I kepp telling myself that thos was originally made for the SNES system , and it blows me away.It takes me back to the original days of Dungeons and Dragons of the late 70 ' s , early 80 ' s . Things were much simpler then , and this game is a refreshing piece of nostalgia . I recommend it to anyone with the right mindset .
083 4 I have been a fan of the Final Fantasy series since FF7 came out . I never got a chance to own or play Origins , so this was a treat for me . As long as you keep your expectations in line with the era that these games were produced , you will thoroughly enjoy this game . I kepp telling myself that thos was originally made for the SNES system , and it blows me away.It takes me back to the original days of Dungeons and Dragons of the late 70 ' s , early 80 ' s . Things were much simpler then , and this game is a refreshing piece of nostalgia . I recommend it to anyone with the right mindset .
089 4 Not as good as the original Final Fantasy for NES , but is comparable . Definitely will provide hours of fun . The graphics are sharper and cleaner , which doesn't give it the NES feel , but definitely a Playstation type of game . Great game overall , can't beat the original Final Fantasy .
090 4 Amazon Verified Purchase
What's this ?
This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
The game that started it all has been reissued ( FF1 ) along with its follow-up that has never before been released in the U.S . ( FF2 ) . These two SNES originals play wonderfully on the Playstation . I become enthralled just as much as I did when I was a child playing the originals . This is a great collector's set .
091 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
The game that started it all has been reissued ( FF1 ) along with its follow-up that has never before been released in the U.S . ( FF2 ) . These two SNES originals play wonderfully on the Playstation . I become enthralled just as much as I did when I was a child playing the originals . This is a great collector's set .
092 4 The game that started it all has been reissued ( FF1 ) along with its follow-up that has never before been released in the U.S . ( FF2 ) . These two SNES originals play wonderfully on the Playstation . I become enthralled just as much as I did when I was a child playing the originals . This is a great collector's set .
101 4 Final Fantasy was always fantastic , but had a few quirks that decreased the game's enjoyment level . Thankfully , Square has finally ironed out those problems . For example , you can now hold many items in your inventory , eliminating the need to sell off valuable equipment . In the NES version , I can remember selling key items such as the Sun sword , Were sword , Ice Armor and Flame Armor ; these are helpful throughout the game when fighting the appropriate enemies . In addition , you can now switch equipment in battle , which is great because you rarely know beforehand which enemies you will face , and consequently , which weapons or armor you will need .
The storyline is clearer , and you can see all of your characters during key dialogue sequences ( similar to every other Final Fantasy game ) . Square has upgraded the graphics a notch . The game auto-targets in the fashion of other FF games . There is a fantastic FMV scene at the beginning of the game . There are plot-advancing scenes interspersed with the action . These are a few of the changes , all of which connect you better with the story and gameplay .
Verdict : zero percent frustration , 100 percent fun . Five stars out of five .
107 4 I'll tell the truth - - I'm not sure why you're reading this right now . There are only a few kinds of people who are likely to even think about buying this game . The first are people who want everything from the Final Fantasy series , and no matter how bad I tell you this is , it won't stop you . The second are people who remember the games from the 8 - bit consoles ( well , one of them anyway ) and want to relive that , and they'll be buying this regardless of what I say . The last are people who , for some strange reason , like getting angry at people who disagree with them , and they won't buy this game , also regardless of what I say . Then again , I've always had an enthusiasm for pointless pursuits . . .
By any standard you can think of , these games are not going to compare favorably against a whole lot from the Playstation . If you can only buy one game for your Playstation for the rest of your life , this one shouldn't be it . That doesn't mean it's bad - - it's just the fact that it's only two 8 - bit games .
Here's the bad :
1 ) The graphics are terrible . While the FMV sequences are good , there aren't nearly enough of them to make this worth buying to look at .
2 ) I've seen pornographic movies with more ( and more intelligent ) dialogue . These games just aren't the story-driven romps that you'd be used to if you started from FF7 .
3 ) Each game suffers from some gameplay problems , which I'll discuss below .
The good :
There isn't any . They're 8 - bit games , for crying out loud . You buy them and play them because you want to complete the series , and they're good for that , but there are better games you COULD be playing .
Truth be told , I liked these games okay . The only thing that got me were the gameplay deficiencies . Final Fantasy is hideously easy on the basic difficulty , and it's disgustingly hard on the hard difficulty , and there's no middle ground . Final Fantasy 2 is worse - - without a doubt , that advancement system must be the absolute worst I have ever seen in the history of video games . There is absolutely no way for you to play the game competitively without cheating ( exploiting a painfully easy-to-correct deficiency in the experience award system ) . It took me perhaps twenty five hours to complete that game , and at least half of that consisted of ' Magic Spell - > Target - > Cancel . ' Fewer levels and a more intelligent advancement system would have saved it , but alas , those were not meant to be .
Final Fantasy 2 is still a decent game , though . I suppose I'm a little hard on it because I can see where adding dialogue would have made it better . There are some themes involved here that Square has totally left behind in their more recent titles ( namely the pointless loss involved in war ) which I wish had been explored better . Final Fantasy is still as you remember it - - hard on normal , and far too simple on easy , but the same game dynamic , and still a solid title if you don't want a big story getting in the way of your game .
Come on , people - - these are great 8 - bit games , but they're still 8 - bit games . That's going to limit their ratings . Four stars is the best they could possibly have done , and the fact that I'm awarding them that should tell you what I think of them . If you remember the days of 8 - bit gaming fondly , you won't be disappointed . If you're looking for Final Fantasy 7 with terrible ( well , even worse ) graphics , you probably will be .
108 4 Final Fantasy Origins is a re-release of Final Fantasy I and Final Fantasy II . I started my FF gaming with Final Fantasy VI and IV but this isn't a bad buy . It's great to see how the series began but I warn you that if you started with the PSX games you'll undoubtably hate this and loose interests and it's easy to see why .
Final Fantasy I I'll do first .
Graphics : N / A
I won't grade graphics . It isn't entirely fair to grade the game in this aspect . 8 - bit wise they were astounding ! 16 - bit they're pretty good too .
Sound : 2 / 5
But I don't let up on other areas . Sound is one of those things that I'll actually expect someone to work on a bit . It would have probably been nice maybe to just keep all the beeps and such in the game actually . The new tunes in Final Fantasy are nothing special .
Gameplay : 2.5 / 5
Final Fantasy I paces pretty slowly and you'll find yourself not to enthusiastic with the game at first . Until about halfway through it's pretty unexciting and has no real direction unless you talk to lots of characters .
Story : 3.5 / 5
For what it's worth , Final Fantasy has an excellent storyline considering it came out in a time where saving a princess was the theme in video games . It was one of the first games where you went and saved the WORLD ! It scores low because it moves at such a slow pace and has nothing to advance it . Your main characters don't say anything and if you began with FFVI like I did , you're used to direction which FFI doesn't have quite as much of . Also , the story is pretty boring at the start .
Now for Final Fantasy II . I'm sorry to say but this is probably the worst of the series and the way you raise characters was horrid !
Graphics : N / A
Again not going to grade but I was actually a little surprised at how much time Square spent updating graphics for FFI and then not updating nearly as much with FFII . In battle is great but outside of battle was ummm . . . not so great .
Sound : 4 / 5
Actually better than Final Fantasy I . BUT ! The sound was actually changed from the original ! It's good but I have to wonder what the original sounded like .
Story : 2 / 5
Easily the worst of the series as far as story goes . While the game get's off the a much better start than the first one it isn't really worth it . The story doesn't pace nearly as slow and the characters aren't as stale but the story didn't focus on saving the world as much as FFI did .
Gameplay : 2.5 / 5
VERY lacking here . Since FFII has no such thing as Experience points it's easy to say this is where the game lacks . Depending on the actions taken in battle determines stats . It's pretty bad because if a character attacks their strentgh goes up . It's easy to like this at first until you notice the flaws . Getting hit brings up your HP and defenese . Casting magic bring up intellegence , spirt and the like .
The problem with this is that unlike other Final Fantasy games it's impossible to have a balanced character . I assure you that if you have a strong character they can't cast a spell worth crap ! It sucks to see an Ultima spell only do 100 HP of damage and then a normal attack do 20 times as much damage .
Also , magic levels up slowly unless you perform a trick mentioned by a normal reviewer . Not only that but you need someone who purely casts magic in order to actually heal a satisfactory amount of HP . Plus , this quickly drains MP and the battle engine isn't designed to let you use normal itmes in battle , which was actually a step DOWN from FFI .
Replay ( both ) : 2.5 / 5
I'm not trying to be mean but when FFI moves at such a slow pace are you willing to actually sit through that . Not to mention that's hard to play FFII again . While the games have difficulty levels FFI is much too easy on easy mode and a little hard on hard mode ( which actually is how it should be . ) FFII can be pretty easy . FFII paces faster at least but the truth is , this is a collectors item after you're done with it .
OVERALL : The game as a whole deserves a four . It's great to see how the FF series got started but it's actually probably better to forget FFII and buy FFI on the NES . But there is one nice side to the re-release . Remember in FFI when you all selected to attack an enemy and then when it died before someone else got to attack they would swing at air ? That's been fixed . Not only that but the menu is easier and you can dash now ( which will actually make dungeons seem rather short ) .
You'll love these two games but not enough to really play them again .
109 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
I remember playing FFI when it first came out on the NES . I even had a subscription to Nintendo Power and the strategy guide . I unfortunately played it most of the summer instead of enjoying the nice weather . When this package came several years ago , I picked up a copy for nostalgia's sake , and a chance to play FFII .
these classics have not aged well , even with the updated graphics . With each iteration , they get a little better , but still don't age as well as some of the other Square RPGs . This is basically a port of the release of the GBA Dawn of Souls , with new CGI added . In addition to updated graphics , you get load times , controls that don't always feel spot on , and a largely derivative story in part one ( four heroes come together to save the world ) .
In part two , you get the first , and only time , Square tried a completely different exp system . It is notorious because in order to truly make you able to handle the higher level enemies , you have to attack your own people . You gain HP by being attacked . You gain attack power by using physical attacks , and so on . It sounds like a logical way to approach level building , but it is executed poorly .
If you have a strong desire to play every FF , please do yourself a favor and try the PSP versions of these . They are far surperior in both graphics and execution . There are much worse games out there , and even much worse that are produced every year , but the other compilations , and even other versions of these games , are much better .
110 4 I remember playing FFI when it first came out on the NES . I even had a subscription to Nintendo Power and the strategy guide . I unfortunately played it most of the summer instead of enjoying the nice weather . When this package came several years ago , I picked up a copy for nostalgia's sake , and a chance to play FFII .
these classics have not aged well , even with the updated graphics . With each iteration , they get a little better , but still don't age as well as some of the other Square RPGs . This is basically a port of the release of the GBA Dawn of Souls , with new CGI added . In addition to updated graphics , you get load times , controls that don't always feel spot on , and a largely derivative story in part one ( four heroes come together to save the world ) .
In part two , you get the first , and only time , Square tried a completely different exp system . It is notorious because in order to truly make you able to handle the higher level enemies , you have to attack your own people . You gain HP by being attacked . You gain attack power by using physical attacks , and so on . It sounds like a logical way to approach level building , but it is executed poorly .
If you have a strong desire to play every FF , please do yourself a favor and try the PSP versions of these . They are far surperior in both graphics and execution . There are much worse games out there , and even much worse that are produced every year , but the other compilations , and even other versions of these games , are much better .
114 4 The remake of Final Fantasy 1 is done very well , with new sound and graphics , and other extras , but the remake of FF2 wasn't so good . I had never previously played FF2 and after playing it here I realized I hadn't missed much at all . But the remake of FF1 is worth the whole package . . . plus you get an extra game to try out . Recommended for people who liked the original NES RPGs or anyone looking to try the original FF .
117 4 Do not let anyone tell you otherwise . This will be a great buy of a game . If you are foolish enough to think that you are buying this game ( one of the original RPG's that came out on consoles ) and expect the intensity and 50 hours of FMV like the new games , then truly you are not an RPG fan , and this as well as all RPG's are not for you . Think of this game as a timeline of the RPG . There are some upgrades , such as graphics , and a few FMVs , key word few , but to be able to play this without pulling out the 8 - bit NES is a blessing ( yes emulation is an option also ) . But the magic and intensity of this RPG are amazing , Just remember this was an 8 - bit game , and to totally facelift it and change the whole game , would be like taking anyone out and giving them a frontal labotamy and expecting them to think and act the same as they do now . To capture the essence of such an origin , it must be kept as close to the original as possible , but then there are people in the world , that don't understand this concept and think that something that was written when the NES first came out , is supposed to have the same graphics and intensity of a PS2 game . haha all i can say is listen to Axiom one People are stupid
118 4 First off , i like the fact on how good of a price they gave it . I liked the first version of both , so i wondered what changes they put in . ill give the graphics a 4 / 5 because they arent the greatest graphics , but the cg was added on . Gameplay i give 3.5 / 5 OK maybe the experience points may be a little high , but the FF1 for ya . Characters 5 / 5 you'll love the fact you get to choose your OWN party , and even NAME each character . Storyline ill give a 4.5 / 5 the reason i didn't give it a perfect score , was how the last boss came to be . I uh , couldn't get it . Either way it's still a good game . But an awesome fact is that you could switch from the remade mode , to the original mode in the config menu . I was like WOW that is like awesome ! but the I realized if that was put in I could switch it to remade mode before bosses , which was really sweet . And i really have to admit this : your character will look AWESOME when they get their class changed ( Warrrior to knight , thief to Ninja , Monk to Master , Red , white , black to red , white , black wizards . ) { edit } when your characters class changes , they can use different equipment . ( except for the monk because he doesnt equip ANYTHING , well , partially , but he can still die easily in boss battles like with the marlith ) Right now , my party is Knight , Ninja White , Black wizards . I still like the fact they have that time portal thing there . { edit
} FF2 :
I liked this more then the 1st one . I liked how it was a . . . bit similar to how the characters attributes are like the sphere grid from FFX , only automatically . Charcters i give a 5 / 5 becuase the fact you get different charcters in place of Leon is awesome , { EDIT } Storyline a 3 / 5 i hate the fact how they say the monsters are from another dimension , and . . . Graphics are the same as the 1st one . But i also have to add sumthin to gameplay { edit } I also liked how they added a bestiary for both . { EDIT }
121 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
First a disclamer : I have only played the first title in this two game set , namly Final Fantasy I . It will play on the PS II .
The game , by todays standards , isn't the best as far as graphics , sound or even story goes , but for 1988 , it was groundbreaking at least for the NES which was the first game system it was released on . This is an updated version of the original NES Final Fantasy I game , complete with nicely rendered CGI openings and endings . The graphics have even been updated to 16 bit quality . The playability is much better with options you can turn on and off such as auto re-targeting , etc than the original NES version . It is one of the more challenging titles from Square and I've played every final Fantasy they have come out with except for II and III . I will admit , there is a bit of tedium in this game especially in certain parts of certain dungeons where the random attacks happen after each and every step . Even with the quirkiness of this very retro game , it is still a MUST for a Final Fantasy collector , such as myself , who likes to have 12 FF titles on their shelf ready to play in a PS2 at a moments notice . Now if Square would only release FF III as an updated version . Maybe they could include Illusion of Gaia . . . heres hoping ! : )
122 4 First a disclamer : I have only played the first title in this two game set , namly Final Fantasy I . It will play on the PS II .
The game , by todays standards , isn't the best as far as graphics , sound or even story goes , but for 1988 , it was groundbreaking at least for the NES which was the first game system it was released on . This is an updated version of the original NES Final Fantasy I game , complete with nicely rendered CGI openings and endings . The graphics have even been updated to 16 bit quality . The playability is much better with options you can turn on and off such as auto re-targeting , etc than the original NES version . It is one of the more challenging titles from Square and I've played every final Fantasy they have come out with except for II and III . I will admit , there is a bit of tedium in this game especially in certain parts of certain dungeons where the random attacks happen after each and every step . Even with the quirkiness of this very retro game , it is still a MUST for a Final Fantasy collector , such as myself , who likes to have 12 FF titles on their shelf ready to play in a PS2 at a moments notice . Now if Square would only release FF III as an updated version . Maybe they could include Illusion of Gaia . . . heres hoping ! : )
129 4 If you don't have either FF1 or FF2 , now is your chance to get them , and both on the same disc . It's more of a collectors item , because you might think it's boring and think the graphics are awful , but remember that these games were made more than ten years ago . However , if you like the Pokemon games , you might not find a problem with Origins , cause they're basically the same . These games are really a challenge .
132 4 I remember playing Final Fantasy 1 then moving away to a secluded place where Nintendo didn't exist yet ( Somewhere in Nevada ) I went through FF withdrawls ! I'd force my sisters to play make believe that we were searching for the legendary rat's tail . Anyway , that's getting off of the subject at hand ! FF1 is a classic and gives all would be rpg gamers the basics on what a FF game is . There are alot of Square haters out there who would disagree , but it's the truth . Also , FF2 is cool . I've played it Via ROM and I haven't gotten that far ( 3 is amazing , what's up with Sqaure leaving that one overseas ? ) Anyway , FF2 is the FF to use closeups in the menu . It plays alot like FF1 , but has more in it , such as you learn certain words that if you say to people at certain times , you will reveal a secret or a part of the story . I'm very anxious to get these both in one package . Supposedly Square beefed up the graphics for PSX , but I haven't seen any screenshots . If so , it'll be a whole new fF ! !
- T
133 4 Final Fantasy Origins is a nice game really . . . but not for the playstation , and not because the PSX doesn't receive any new games . . . but this agme is all 16 - bit and everything . Which means it would've been better served as a GBA port rather than a PSX port .
The graphics , as I said are 16 - bit . I like that they're not 8 - bit graphics anymore , which is a big plus really . I don't mind 16 bit on a 32 bit console , but the GBA is already receiving several 16 - bit ports as it is . The PSX is also last generation . If this had been ported to the PS2 I suppose people would've been expecting more of an upgrade .
The sound has been changed for the worst it seems . It isn't bad in FFII but in FFI it doesn't sound great . The original NES version had much better sound . FFII has great music and tunes even if it was changed from the original .
The gameplay is another thing that strikes me . I'm sure that for the time of these two games release they were exciting and fun . But in this common era they don't exactly stand the test of time like other classics would . The gameplay is kind of boring , with FFI's slow paced story and FFII's annoying character raising system . It's just hard to get into these two games . FFI you get ambushed too much and FFII doesn't use the ' level up system ' . Instead FFII has a sort of ' whatever you do is what increases . ' So if you use a lot of physical attacks your attack goes up . If you take a lot of damage your defense and HP go up . Sound good right ? Not exactly . For each time stats go up , other stats go down . If your character has a lot of strentgh then they won't be able to use much magic . It's annoying to play an RPG where you can't balance a characters stats .
The story of both games can be enticing . FFI has an interesting story and all but it paces to slow . FFII has a fast paced story but it doesn't hook you . Also , these are first generation RPG's . They're great for the early days of the late 80 ' s and early 90 ' s but its surprising that a game like Super Mario Bros . 3 can stand the test of time and these can't .
FFI has been ruined considerably . The sound has changed and while a few small tweaks have been fixed ( you can now dash and it auto-targets ) Square didn't do enough to revamp it for this new era .
So I say these could've faired better on the GBA . I'm sure that they could've made better use of the hardware that way . FFOrigins also doesn't have many extras like Anthology and Chronicles did . This isn't a bad buy but it suffers from its bad replay value , slow story pacing and the fact that it just can't stand the test of time as well as other remakes have .
136 4 Fans of the original 2 FFs might be angry to find that these true classics have been changed sooo much that you can barely see the similarities . Some are good and some are very bad . The good :
- Improved graphics
- Ability to play FF2 for the first time if you are unfamiliar with emulators or don't have the Japanese version
- umm , that's it unless you want to count some small things such as added dialouge , ability to buy multiple items at once , and introductory movie scenes . The movie scenes are pretty cool , I must admit , but there are too few of them .
The bad :
- Music ! Square usually does good music with its games , but this enhanced music really stinks ! I'd rather listen to the bips and beeps of the originals .
- Monster stats and names have been changed , not staying true to the originals . This is a big problem with me . Normal mode on FF1 , in Origins , should really be the easy mode it has on it .
- The improved graphics I mentioned should really be down here . Why ? They are sub-snes quality . I didn't expect 3d anything , but the graphics are horrible for a playstation . Both games also look like FF5 [ imitations ] .
- Should have included FF3 if they were going to charge 30 bucks for it . I'll tell you why they probably didn't in a sec .
Well , as the title goes , is Square selling out ? I'd say so . This is a truly mediocre title for Square and that's being nice . If I weren't such a big fan of the series I'd call up Squaresoft myself and demand my money back . The only reason I won't is because , as a FF fan , I think it should remain in the FF collection I have amassed .
I'm guessing Square released this title either prematurely or incomplete for 3 reasons . 1 for the money , 2 for the show ( jk ) - to hold us over until the next FF comes out and 3 for the money . I expect that they will re-release FF3 just as soon as they translate it . I hope they learn from their mistakes , make a quality game , and not just sell us the name recognition .
You want to buy this game only if you have never played FF1 , FF2 or both . You shouldn't be too disappointed if thats the case . Even then , expect to be sent back a couple generations graphically . And don't get me started on the music again . . . Grrr . . .
139 4 * First of all I'm not going to tell you what the game is about because there's already a ton of review here that have that . *
When I rented this game I was really excited , but once I played FFI I was really disappointed . I didn't care for FF2 either , but it was a little better than FFI . FFI's story was pretty boring . The characters had no personality , or good dialogue .
The bad graphics didn't bother me too much , because it's the story line of a game that I'm interested in . And both of these games failed in having a good one . The story for FF2 was a little better , but it was still boring .
I liked the CG movies ( I think that's what they're called ) in the beginning of the games ( especially FF1 ' s ) . I guess that it was a good idea for squaresoft to come out with FF Origins . I'm sure it brings back good memories to the older gamers ( I wouldn't know they came out with it when i was a year old ) . And if you enjoy having the whole seres to complete , then it would probably be good for only those reasons .
I don't recommend you purchase this game though . If you really do want to play it , rent it first . I always rent a game before I buy it .
141 4 I played FFI when i was around 5 years old . I am now 20 and was very excited to hear that they were re-releasing FF1 with FF2 . I had played the japanese version of FF2 , but never got anywhere .
The only unfortunate thing about this release , is that FF2 is just plain boring . The leveling system they have has too many holes in it , and leaves for extremely stale game play . You have to cast a spell a total of 50 times just to get it leveled up once . Very tedious . The enemies are extremely easy to kill , and the graphics were not even up to par with Final Fantasy 4 and 6 .
But FF1 makes up for all of these mistakes . The remake is immaculate . The only thing i dont like is some renaming of enemies , but you'll get over it . The graphics are MUCH better than FF2 , showing that FF2 was more of an add on than something they really put their heart into .
FF1 also has great gameplay that can only be compared to final fantasy 4 and 6 . I feel these are the three greatest games in the series , although i do enjoy 8 - 10 quite a bit , but they just dont have that special place in my heart . If you haven't played FF1 then spend the 30 dollars on this re-release , it is perfect . If you are just expecting to play FF2 like i did . . . then forget it . . . really dissapointed in that .
5 stars for FF1 , 2 For FF2 . . . i gave it all a 3 .
142 4 I haven't played FF 2 , so this review will concentrate solely on FF1 . To begin , this is the hardest game of the series . The enemies are strong , relenting , and varied . The infamous Warmech is unbelieveably tough . Wizards take out mages with precision . Poison monsters are frequent . Many spells exist that take out the whole party .
In this remake , your hits target the next available enemy if your original target is killed by one your fighters . The original game was the opposite . It was very frustrating . Some of the spells , weapons and armor are named differently . These are just a few of many new features .
The spells are purchased . The armor and weapons are purchased . You recieve a canoe , ship , and airship . And you have to find many weapons and special items . There are several mini-bosses . 4 big bosses . 1 very big boss .
There is a difficulty setting ( not available on the NES version ) . The dungeons are spread out and difficult . The Underwater Shrine , Mirage Tower , Space Station , and Gurgu Volcano are just a few areas to search and destroy .
This is a very enjoyable game . The replay factor is high for me due to the fun and difficulty . There are many other features that you will need to explore and learn . Do not rely on a strategy guide . If you want the game to be fun , cause mass hysteria , create lines of foul language , do not , as I said , use a strategy guide . There is replay value for this game due to the variety of fighter combinations you are able to utilize .
This is an awesome game . I can't wait to get my hands on it . Enjoy it and be prepared to die many many times , if it is your first time playing .
148 4 FMV sequences don't do much for me any more , and as impressive as they can be sometimes having FMVs just does not warrant a port of a remake of the classic Final Fantasy on the Playstation ( or PS2 in my case ) when it is obvious that even using enhanced graphics the game still does not fully utilize the PS1 ' s sprite power . The games are still great , especially for nostalgia , but they would have been better off being brought to GameBoy Advance . The enhancements made to FF 1 , and the never domestically released FF 2 were appreciated , but not drastic enough considering the types of enhancements that could have been made , but were not . Animation is still stiff , the music is improved but still not to the level of FF VIII , or X , and at this point if they are going to keep doing remakes of older FF titles they need to either fully realize the game's potential for the system the game is being made for ( PS2 , I mean does anybody still have or even use a PS 1 anymore ? ) or bring it to a system where less is expected of the game , GameBoy Advance is screaming for a game like this . Not that I don't appreciate that Square has been so dedicated to getting us updated versions of their classic games , its just that I'd like to see some 32 - bit looking remakes out of them for PS1 or some 128 bit remakes for PS2 , rather than low end 16 - bit looking RPGs with a couple FMVs thrown in to justify the decision to put it on the Playstation .
And in all honesty I'd much rather see updated versions of FF VII , VIII , and IX on Xbox or GameCube at this point , or even PS 2 as long as it is able to fully realize the game's artistic potential . Love the games as I do , FF 1 and 2 are simply not upgraded enough to warrant their appearance on the Playstation . GameBoy Advance would have been a much better platform for these games .
151 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy I & II Remastered Editions ( Video Game )
Overall the game is a tad boring , and it takes a long time for stuff to really happen in FF1 .
. . .
152 4 Overall the game is a tad boring , and it takes a long time for stuff to really happen in FF1 .
. . .
155 4 Okay , let me start by saying I'm the biggest FF fan in the world . No question . But this game was like all old and { edited } and stuff . Nothing near the greatness that is FINAL FANTASY 7 . The graphics are all terrible , nothing like FF7 ' s . Did they think us super fans wouldn't notice how terrible this was if they just put two terrible games in the package ? Shame on you Square . I don't know how I'm ever going to forgive you . . .
If you grew up playing ff1 on the 8 - bit nintendo ; then you will love this game.The remake of ff1 is amazing ; beautiful musical soundtrack ( enhanced with string instruments and such ) , wonderful 16 - bit super nintendo enhanced graphics , and of course the classic
gameplay.You have the option of playing this version with easier improvements ( auto targeting , instead of just attacking nothing when the enemey dies ) , or you can play the original game format ;
which I forgot how CHALLENGING that can be ! There is also alot of nice bonuses like the movie cinematics , and of course unlocking goodies for beating the game .
Now for the bad :
Well , in my opinion ff2 leaves alot to be desired.I was kinda disapointed ; in fact I can now understand why it was only released in Japan.If you are expecting ff2 to be like ff1 only with a diffrent story and characters , then you will be sorely mistaken.The gameplay is VERY diffrent with it's rpg format ! To start with , no one has any numerical levels nor will they ever . Also , anyone can use any type of magic ; but there are limitations .
Depending on what actions you take , certain stats will always go up or down.In other words , if you fight alot , then you will be a lousy spell caster and vice versa . Basically you just have to decide who's going to be doing what ; don't think that you'll be able to create a character who can do a little bit of everything . Also another very bizarre feature is that you gain more hp soley depending on how often you get attacked . ( Hint : Just keep attacking yourself to gain more hp ! ) Yeah I know , weird . . . .
This is all kind of a let down after getting two great classic games in final fantasy anthology and final fantasy chronicles .
In the end though , if you were a fan of ff1 and are curious to see the new makeover , then that's more than enough reason to buy this title.Also , I was suprised to learn that this game is alot cheaper to buy new then I thought it would be ( maybe cause both games are on 1 disc ? ) So just think of it as you are paying for a great remake of ff1 , and ff2 is more of an added gimick.A page of the ff history to own , rather than play.Well , what are you waiting for ? Go play ff1 !
041 4 Just to start out , this rating is more like 3 and half stars ; borderline on 4 . Well , first let me talk about the good stuff :
If you grew up playing ff1 on the 8 - bit nintendo ; then you will love this game.The remake of ff1 is amazing ; beautiful musical soundtrack ( enhanced with string instruments and such ) , wonderful 16 - bit super nintendo enhanced graphics , and of course the classic
gameplay.You have the option of playing this version with easier improvements ( auto targeting , instead of just attacking nothing when the enemey dies ) , or you can play the original game format ;
which I forgot how CHALLENGING that can be ! There is also alot of nice bonuses like the movie cinematics , and of course unlocking goodies for beating the game .
Now for the bad :
Well , in my opinion ff2 leaves alot to be desired.I was kinda disapointed ; in fact I can now understand why it was only released in Japan.If you are expecting ff2 to be like ff1 only with a diffrent story and characters , then you will be sorely mistaken.The gameplay is VERY diffrent with it's rpg format ! To start with , no one has any numerical levels nor will they ever . Also , anyone can use any type of magic ; but there are limitations .
Depending on what actions you take , certain stats will always go up or down.In other words , if you fight alot , then you will be a lousy spell caster and vice versa . Basically you just have to decide who's going to be doing what ; don't think that you'll be able to create a character who can do a little bit of everything . Also another very bizarre feature is that you gain more hp soley depending on how often you get attacked . ( Hint : Just keep attacking yourself to gain more hp ! ) Yeah I know , weird . . . .
This is all kind of a let down after getting two great classic games in final fantasy anthology and final fantasy chronicles .
In the end though , if you were a fan of ff1 and are curious to see the new makeover , then that's more than enough reason to buy this title.Also , I was suprised to learn that this game is alot cheaper to buy new then I thought it would be ( maybe cause both games are on 1 disc ? ) So just think of it as you are paying for a great remake of ff1 , and ff2 is more of an added gimick.A page of the ff history to own , rather than play.Well , what are you waiting for ? Go play ff1 !