002 4 If their are two reviews by me sorry about that I wasn't sure if the other was posted .
Anyway , I believe this is the best Final Fantasy guide I've ever seen . It has detailed maps , great walkthrough , boss strategies , and bestiary , plus much more where that came from .
The best part about this guide is that there is no referall to playonline every paragraph , and boss strategy . The guide is actually concerned with helping you get through the game rather than trying to get you to explore a new website .
The walkthrough is very detailed . Again , they tell you all the objectives and then explain it all . The maps are detailed showing you the location of every item in an area , and if it doesn't than it tells you in the walkthrough . The guide also doesn't spoil the plot and there are no story spoilers in the guide . The walkthrough also has crystal clear screenshots . Also , enemies in an area are listed so you don't have to flip back through to the bestiary all those 100 + pages . Also the maps are right there in the walkthrough rather than in the back of the book .
The boss strategies actually help you . They display the HP and AP the boss haves , the amount of damage needed to trigger an overkill , and the weakness , half damage , immunity , absorbtion listing .
The bestiary is quite possibly the best I've seen . They list the number of HP it has , they list how much damage you need to do in parenthasis to get an overkill and they list the number of AP the enemy gives . They also list status effects you can do to the boss , and the sensor reading below . Not to mention the items they drop and how much gil it takes to bribe them , and what you can steal . The only problem is that the bestiary doesn't tell you where you can find the enemy to fight him .
The guide has a sphere chart and a listing of all the overdrives and what it takes to make each character learn them . The sphere grid pin-points out everything ( Ability nodes , HP nodes etc . ) so that you may decide what route they take .
Every secret is revealed and all the side quest are fully exploited in the guide . Airship passwords revealed , coordnates also revealed .
A poster also comes with the guide and shows you the sphere grid on one side , and the Rikku's overdrive Mix chart on the other . Being that the sphere grid is in the guide you should probably put it up on the mixing chart .
Secret Aeons and legendary weapons are revealed , and in the back of the book are exclusive interviews with the creators of Final Fantasy X . If you want to learn of the development of FFX look at these interviews .
Lastly , the guide completely covers Blitzball ! It covers the teams , free agents , and gives you a stats chart for everysingle player of the sport . Letting you know who to hire and you may want to pass up . It tells you of all the Blitzball Basics .
Have I left anything out ? Well , aside from character bios and overdrive listings this guide is pretty much all you need for FFX . I can't find too many errors in the guide so I'd say that this is the best FFX guide you can buy .
006 4 This guide has everything you could possibly want to know about Final Fantasy X . Maps for every area , detailed walkthrough , shop lists for every area , each character's sphere grid , a whole picture of the entire sphere grid , how to get every ultimate weapon . There is a two page list of how to obtain every single ablility for weapons and armor including the No Encounters ability . It really goes into detail about every sidequest and mini-game including Blizball that has pages of Blizball player data for every single player and team . There is an interview with the Squaresoft team about the development and a two-sided poster of Rikku's Overdrive Mix on one side and the entire Sphere Grid on the other side which is also included in the actual guide . I love the pictures and illustrations , it's a very beautiful guide . There are pictures and details about every Aeon and all the abilities that every Aeon can have .
There's only one minor flaw with this guide : in the Bestiary section , they don't tell where you see the enemies in the game . And I know that they list all the enemies in the beginning of each section throughout the walkthrough but those lists are a shorter version of the real lists in the back of the guide . For instance , if I just want to know an enemies ' HP , it will tell me in that section of the guide , but if I want to know what I will get for Bribing , how much Gil is needed to Bribe , if I want to know if an enemy is immune to Poison or something like that , I have to turn to the back of the guide . That's the only downfall but other than that , the guide is perfect .
010 4 This guide book is very very useful . It pretty much outlines the hows , wheres , whens , and whys of everything without giving the storyline away . Everything is organized , accurate , and detailed into lists and sections . With the help of this book I found everything and every secret . It also comes with a huge poster of the sphere gride and Rikku's mix combinations , with in itself was worth the price of the book .
Buy it with the game , and keep it handy .
015 4 This book offer tips on how to defeat enemies and provides a detailed list of all enemies's HP / MP amount , what their weakness and strengths , and even mentions the items you'll if succsfully defeat , steal , or bribe them successfully . The maps are accurate , so you never get lost . But the book is most helpful when you're at the temples trying to place the orbs into the correct pedstals in order to unlock a secret passage .
The guide also gives information on where to obtain secret items to power up your party members to their fullest potential . In addition , they're also secret locations you can go to and fight extrenely powerful monsters so you can level your party members faster .
Looking throughly into the enitre book , there's no misspelled words or incorrect grammar , and the information is accurate . As far as credability goes , this book is a winner !
020 4 As far as strategy guides go , I'd say this is definately one of the bluest that I own . . . . I enjoyed looking at the pictures and the several scetches of the characters . In all honesty , there's nothing wrong with the looks of this thing . The maps are pretty easy to follow , as well , and the poster thing of Rikku's Overdrive mixes was just a gem . Plus , the advice in here is really handy , and you'll find out convenient little things that make the game a little more towards your liking . Everything isn't in the most accessable order , but if you don't mind flipping around here and there , then it's great .
However , the author of this guide doesn't always spell everything out for you plain and simple . There are a few things that you have to watch for yourself ; he won't mention them in the walkthrough - - such as the item you get towards the beginning of the game in Besaid for Valefor's second Overdrive . He slips that information in while he's describing the aeon in the introductory pages , but not in the walkthrough . But if you pay attention , you should be able to catch little things like that and have no problems .
052 4 There is no getting lost in the game with this by your side . You'll always know what you need to do next .
055 4 This guide book is well written at certain points , but terribly hole-filled at others . It's a great walk-through of the straight through and giving you an idea of what to do . However , if you're like me and like to completely dominate the final fantasy games , then this book won't help much more than any online walk-through guide . Now begins my rant . . . The original , area and species creations are merely mentioned ; there is no info about the actual fiends and considering almost all of them are insanely harder than even the final boss it would have been nice to know what to expect or at least know how much hit points each one has . The guides to getting the legendary weapons are vague and not very helpful except stating where each one is on the map . There are no helpful hints on the hard events that you need to do in order to get the parts for the weapons ( anyone who has done the chocobo trainer race or the lightning dodger knows what I'm talking about ) . In my opinion he could included tons more information and made a really good strategy guide , but it seems like he rushed the whole thing and included just what was needed to get through the game . By now there are many many guides on the internet that are as good if not better , don't bother with this when you can get the same thing for free .
081 4 Normally strategy guides are for those ones that get stuck and need some help but just to get through it and leave it alone , others will follow the book by the letter and make sure not to miss a thing . I'm the latter . It will frustrate you when you don't know how to beat this boss , not realizing you got the wrong equipment or the wrong strategy against him . The guide is quite helpful in figuring out where to go next . There was one minor problem is that they do show the weapon list but they've got it alphabetically so that you aren't sure whether this new weapon for your character is the best one . But other than that , it's a great guide to get you out of those rough situations .
083 4 Could be more complete , but certainly a indespensable piece of the wonderous game put together for us by Square !
091 4 This is what I hate . After I bought the book , I found a really great website that gave me most of the information from the book.I thought Why didn't I just go on the internet and get a few cheats ! , since I only needed it for one part of the game . You shouldn't waste your money on this if you have the internet . But one question , do you really want to spend money on a book that you're going to only use once , then throw it out , or do you want to get to the end knowing that you beat it all on your own ? That's what being an avid RPGer is all about ! Also they left a certain part out that I despratly needed.The book and the internet did not supply me with this info . But don't worry , even a person who isn't very great in RPGs can beat it with ease .
096 4 Great Buy Books took three and a half weeks to send me my book , when it got here it was the wrong book and when I asked for the right one they said they never had it to begin with . . . . . truly terrible experience
099 4 This book is a great resource if you only consult it when you need to . However , I was very dissapointed with the Squaresoft interview included . Depending on what point in the game you've reached ( or how good your memory is ) , certain parts of the interview can totally ruin the ending , spoiler-wise . Since the book seems so set on avoiding spoilers when possible , even ommiting the name of the last boss , it seems odd that they would allow this in another section of the guide .
Additionally , there were flat out errors in the guide to the Cloister of Trials for Bevelle Temple . The whole sequence is vauge , but in at least one instance , the wrong direction is given . This is picky , but one assumes that if you have to use a strategy guide , a puzzle is already frustrating you , and there's no call for the guide to add to this frustration .
103 4 If your're looking for a superior strategy guide that tells you the story - - get a load of this . It was made by Square Soft and the Brad Bradly Company . It starts out with a star player of a game who is a teenager named Tidus . His city gets attacked by a big huge giant ball killing machine monster detroying anything in it path . Auron and tidus get sucked up in it body it take them 1000 year . He meets a new friend that helps him out and some that are not human . The enemy that is very powerful than you imagine . He goes on a quest to find out what happens to the city , friend , Auron and the monster that took him 1000 year in the future .
I would recmmend Dynasty Warrior 4 , Grand theft Auto : vice City
And Yu-gi-ho : duelist of the roses for the PS2 based on the information in this book .
007 4 When I first bought this book , I was stuck in Mushroom Rock Road at the sinspawn fight . After I bought this book , I have gotten about halfway through the game after starting over again . This is really a good book if you don't mind stuff like For more information about loaning money to O'aka , turn to the Shops section of this guide . That can get kind of annoying after a while . Also , it does not explain the training arena in the Calm Lands very well ; an FAQ online at gamefaqs.com really helps on that , though . And the directions to solve the Cloister of Trials are rather vague , and very confusing for the one where you get Bahamut . But overall , this is a very good guide for a very good PS2 game . The Blitzball character section at the back is especially helpful .
Ryja y kuut tyo , yht ihdem haqd desa , rybbo kysehk !
( Just in case you're wondering , that's the in-game language , Al Bhed , for have a good day , and until next time , happy gaming ! )
003 4 An excellent guide book features 2 page charecter info for all 6 main charecters tells you how to find the 3 hidden aeons and tells you how to use the sphere grid tells you all 64 mix combonations Rikus overdrive can make ! Comes with awsome two sided poster 1 side with the sphere grid and one with the mix combonations riku can make !
Has an EXCELLENT walk through for every area !
Defenitaly buy this book ! Don not be hesitant to buy this cause of the authors horrible guide book he made for IX this one is much better !
023 4 two words - Love it
this guide , if you have any trouble with the game , is EXCELLENT . it has everything , from all of Rikku's OverDrive combinations to detailed walk-throughs . if you are stuck anywhere , this guide will help you out . Can't delete the boss ? no problem . just check the guide
108 4 guide books by brady games are a complete joke .
they are woefully incomplete and sometimes the information is inaccurate , though that's what you get when you compile a book like this thru trial and error .
the ultimania series in japan are books released in conjunction with square , which means that not only are they disturbingly complete ( upwards of 1000 pages ) , all the info is verified by the game's program .
it's too bad american gamers don't have any decent resources , though gamefaqs is not bad ( albeit less handy since you have to scroll around for stuff )
012 4 I've heard that stores dont sell the Final Fantasy 10 Strategy Guide . So I thought how about if I get this right on Amazon.com ! So I ordered it and then when I opened it , it was full with colorful pages , boss strategys , characters , items , weapons , walkthrough , 2 sided poster , sphere grid , secrets , and etc ! LOL . This is the strategy guide that you will need for the game Final Fantasy 10 . If your stuck on a part on Final Fantasy 10 , this is the strategy guide for you , if you need to learn more about what the game is about this guide is for you , if you need to know where the hidden aeons are or any weapons or items this is . . . you know . Get this strategy guide , you will need it cause later in the game , you will need to know how to kill Sin and all . Well , if you want to see a couple of example pages , click on the picture of it . This has 272 pages ! Also , it shows some of the graphic pictures on it . Anyways , good luck !
021 4 Are you stuck on a part and cant beat it ? Well here it is . Final Fantasy 10 Strategy Guide . This is a awsome strategy guide ! When I was stuck on the part where I tried to defeat Jechet on the end , I wanted to give up . But I thought hey I want to defeat this game and so I buyed this ! This shows how to defeat monsters , get weapons , Al Bed cheats and more ! You will love this strategy guide ! I guarentie it ! You should buy this ! Its worth your money . Also , you should get the game to . Well , enjoy !
026 4 This guide is very good in that it doesnt really spoil the storyline . The only thing I could say that's wrong with it is that the reminders to pick the Al Bhed Primers are really small and hardly noticable . They also could have gone a little more in depth with the weapon capabilites . Other than that , it's the perfect guide for any Final Fantasy diehard .
051 4 Helped in some complicated situation , very good quality for a book , in color , i received it very quickly with the other final fantasy book that i had ordered . very good product
059 4 Fantastic Game and the book had everything I needed to know . I loved playing this so much I am know playing Final Fantasy VIII and plan on playing all the Final Fantasy games . I went about half way through the game without the book , and missed some of the side quests . I could go back and do them but they would have been easier if I would have had the book and done them earlier in the game . I will probably play the game again from the beginning consulting the book as I go . The book does not give anything away , it enhances your play .
062 4 My son is 8 and is loving the Final Fantasy game , without this guide book he would have never gottten anywhere in the game . I set and help him out by letting him know how to defeat the big bad monsters . It leaves alot to find out by yourself also , but lets you know the key items that you need to look out for .
097 4 This guide was very detailed and I finished the game faster than it thought I would .
100 4 it had good detail , and went along with the story what esle can you ask for .
106 4 the strategy guide came in full contact quickly what more could I ask for
019 4 I had started this game twice , and both times got stuck because my characters were too wimpy for the boss's I ran in to . This guild has helped IMMENSELY . I feel much more confident this time around that I'm not missing important items and chances for experience .
It's size is perfect for dropping it into your lap and reading while gaming . Very easy to follow . Doesn't give away plot points , which I appreciate ( as much as I want to know what's going on ! ) . Highly , highly recommended .
056 4 Normally I am not one to BUY walkthrough or strategy guides but I noticed that this particular game is VERY complex and most information I found on-line just didn't seem to cut it . I was skeptical about buying this guide , but I read the more than stellar reviews on it , and I decided to get it when it went on sale .
BOY ! I sure didn't regret my purchase ! This is clearly one of the best reference guides I have bought in years ! Simply put , the book is beautiful . The colors chosen , the map drawings , and the amazing attention to detail cannot be understated . I would have easily paid double what I paid and still I would be satisfied with my purchase .
While I thought this book is a walkthrough and left it at that , I found out that is it's much more . First of all , the book is divided into sections . The walkthrough is actually one section of the book with all key locations are given as well as where all the secret treasures lie . There is also a section describing each of the characters in your party as well as detailed information on the summonable Aeons .
But where this book also shines is that it also gives you a wealth of information that is difficult to find .
All the beasts and foes are given their own section and their strengths and weaknesses are all given in addition to their hitpoints and other vital information .
Another thing that always bewildered me with Final Fantasy X is the whole meaning and gameplay behind Blitzball . Not only does the guide explain it very well it also gives you information ( again ) you just can't find elsewhere . I always wondered why my Blitzball team was always losing , but then I found out that you can HIRE Blitzball players and they can be pretty much scattered about Spira . All of the capabilities of all the hirable players are given in addition to ' regular ' players .
Finally , the book gives you a fold out that illustrates the entire sphere grid . There is a whole section in the book that explains the sphere grid and then gives suggestions on paths you can take each character .
Because the book is laid out in sections , you pretty much can look information up on Blitzball players , Weapons , and Beasts without giving away anything ' secret ' ( there is a whole section on that topic too ) .
The Walkthrough section is divided into a couple sections as well . One is the main or core walkthrough , then there is the walkthrough to access sidequests and also secret items .
Given the scope of Final Fantasy X AND the detail given to the creation of this book , I feel that you cannot have one without the other . Ok , if you have LOADS of time to figure out every element of the game yourself , then perhaps you can ' wing it ' . But for me , I see the Final Fantasy X Official Strategy Guide an extention of the game manual and instructions .
Simply put . . . it is a must get . You will not regret it .
001 4 Many published guides exist for games that simply do not need umpty dozen slick pages of fan information and a simple-minded walkthrough . These are simply marketing maneuvers to increase profitability . But occasionally , a game comes along that is so complicated and secretive that simply following the linear path may win you the game , but miss the real richness and effort put into it . Final Fantasy X ( FFX ) is one of those games that come along so rarely , and the possession of this strategy guide will greatly enhance play .
Technically , this guide is typical in format . It starts with an introduction to the game , its main characters , and the spiritual forces called Aeons . There is a discussion of the unique system for acquiring enhancing abilities , discussions of weapons and armor , key items , shops , etc . Following the walkthrough are sections on side quests , secrets of the game , how to play blitzball ( something I never mastered ) , an extensive bestiary and some interviews with the creative staff . This is a glossy , 270 - page dissertation on the game - an alarming amount of information .
The walkthrough itself is quite thorough , complete with the customary maps , illustrations , and directions . The discussion , however , is not always in the best order , creating the possibility that over reliance on the guide may lead the player to make some irritating , but not fatal mistakes . Some of the diagrams for the puzzles are also a bit hazy , perhaps deliberately . In any case , this is a complicated game , and even a guide like this will miss some details . I think this is for the best , actually . It keeps the player from simply connecting the dots .
There is a real danger that the extra quests , etc . , will lead the player to over-level the characters . It is possible to get to the point that the final series of battles is something of an anti-climax . Keep this in mind when using the guide . Some help is a blessing , but too much can spoil the show . Even so , this is the best resource for extending game play . If you want to squeeze the last few drops of value from the game , this is what you need .
004 4 This is a great guide that covers nearly everything in the game ; however there are a few things missing , but in an attempt to make up for that there are a few extras as well . This guide gives a comprehensive look into the game , and gives you great directions , but doesn't spoil every little surprise in the game . Sometimes a section will direct you to look up a chart , picture , hint , etc . in the back of the book , but it sure beats having to go online to get more information like in the Final Fantasy IX guide . Overall this is a great guide for someone who is stuck in a spot in the game , or for someone who just wants to play through the game again and get everything that they missed the previous time through the game .
005 4 Getting a perfect guide book is rare , Brady games usually gets it right though . After the horrid guide to Final Fantasy IX , which was virtually useless as it would merely referr the reader to the Play Online Website for the solutions , I was really hesitant to buy this book . The game is pretty staright forward and I found myself referring to the book on very few occasions , which is abnormal for an FF game . I used this guide for the not so obvious secrets , but not a lot . The guide does not hold your hand in it's walkthrough , but thankfully doesn't leave you hanging either . However , some of the secrets could have been , and should have been incorperated into the main walk through , having to bounce between sections of the book was aggrivating , and I think that Brady should reevaluate their format and consider throwing the secrets into the main walkthrough . Also , some of the secrets were vague and unclear . I opened the secret path in the frozen forrest , but couldn't get to the crystal to charge the clouudy mirror because some blockhead was standing in the way . The book says nothing about how to get that person to move . Also the Cactuar ghost side quest , Some of the rocks you have to touch would glow , but would stop glowing as I approached , and when they stop glowing it won't do anything . The book offers no remedy for this dillema as well . I did beat the game , but with many of the side quests unfinished , and for the first time in my long history of Final Fantasy with none of the ultimate weapons . The guide was efficent , but could have been a little more elaborate without guiding me by the hand .
008 4 You don't need this guide to finish the game because there's really nowhere you'll get stuck , but I recommend getting it anyway .
Here's my FF tactic : I play the game a first time to the end , and then I buy the guide and play it a second time with the guide at hand .
I found this guide to be very helpful in figuring out the leveling up of characters correctly . You will end up wasting your characters abilities if you don't know what you're doing .
You'll also need it if you're interested in getting the ultimate weapons of your characters . You may be able to stumble upon most of the items you need , but unless you do this professionally , I can almost guarantee that you'll never figure them all out without help ( and even with help , I had to give up on a few . . . too frustrating to do ) .
009 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X Official Strategy Guide ( Paperback )
This guide book is very very useful . It pretty much outlines the hows , wheres , whens , and whys of everything without giving the storyline away . Everything is organized , accurate , and detailed into lists and sections . With the help of this book I found everything and every secret . It also comes with a huge poster of the sphere gride and Rikku's mix combinations , with in itself was worth the price of the book .
Buy it with the game , and keep it handy .
014 4 this game is the best ps or ps2 game ever . the guide is very helpful even if you want to find out the secrets on your own . this guide will help you with knowing about items or whart to use.i think it was the best guid i haave ever got .
016 4 I've gone through many Final Fantasy guides in my gaming lifetime and once again this is another fantastic guide that helped my through every step of the game . Great tips to beat the tough bosses and fantastic character and aeon insight as well as some extremely helpful secrets and a comprehesive walkthrough . A must buy .
018 4 This is a useful strategy guide . Much better than FFX2 . However , I do want to raise certain issues of this guide for most buyers out there .
This guide is oriented at US version not international version so you would expect some discrepancies in it .
The international versions :
1 . Dark aeons : This guide doesnt even mention dark aeons and penance
2 . They didnt mention that you can get pretty weapon of triple AP fighting one eye in species conquest , which level up you characters fast
3 . They didnt have strategy to fight the big bosses in monster arena
4 . They didnt mentioned that you need to defeat dark yojimbo 5 times consecutively .
However , i still like this guide . There's nothing wrong with it . So if you are wondering whether you should get it . If you dont have the money to buy the more expensive original guide . Then this guide is for you . Thanks
022 4 I just have to begin my review by saying that Final Fantasy X is the best game ever made following by such games as Metal Gear Solid 2 and Devil May Cry . No other game has such an amazing storyline with such an amazing cast of characters . Now that I've said that I can talk about the guide .
This is the best strategy guide that has been made thus far and the one that has got me into the Brady Games Signature Series Strategy Guides because they not only give such a great walkthrough but also include fantastic bonus items . For example , this guide has interviews with the creaters of the game and a poster . I recommend this guide to anyone who has this game and I strongly recommend the game to all PS2 owners because you won't be disappointed ( oh and it takes a few minutes to get into it , but once you do , you'll be hooked ) .
024 4 For one thing , this game was my first introduction to the world of Final Fantasy . I found this guide to be somewhat helpful in my travels through the game , ( although I am still stuck on one of the battles ) . Great pictures and will definately help with some of the foes . I gave it 4 stars though because it needs to be only a bit more detailed on helping fight the monster you are up against .
025 4 you should definitly buy this if you have FFX . It makes the game a lot more fun .
027 4 Great comprehensive guide to the in's and outs of FFX still lacking some of the more detailed secrets eg where to get and claim lots of key spheres for unlocking the sphere grid
barring that this guide has everything you would want to know about finding and moving through the world of spira
a definite must for all serious final fantasy fans and those who are having trouble with some of the basics of the game
029 4 Yeah , you can use GameFAQs for all of the guides and stuff . But this is really worth the money . I had some doubts here and there but i don't remember making a wrong move in the game ( the Cloister of Trials ) . So this guide was very helpful to me . . . I have a really strong Blitzball team ( for those of you who don't know what blitzball is , it's the game you play in Final Fantasy X ) . And this guide is really , truly , detailed . I was at the end of the game and finished . But after I bought the guide I realized how much I missed , the sidequests and secret items , also the strategies ( I knew some but not against bosses ) . And now I started over and I have all the good items , got all the aeons and am ready for Braska's Final Aeon ! BRING IT ON ! Damn , I'm being overconfident . Oh well , buy the guide it's good !
030 4 Great Strategy in depth directions with full side quest guide and everything you need to play Final Fantasy X .
031 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X Official Strategy Guide ( Paperback )
Never recieved this product and couldn't get in touch with anyone to clear it up
033 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X Official Strategy Guide ( Paperback )
For it's day , this was the best game ever made . Even now , many people are unable to get all of the legendary weapons . I alway find it a challenge and I hope that future FF games will be more personal . This game was great in that there was a defined story line .
034 4 For it's day , this was the best game ever made . Even now , many people are unable to get all of the legendary weapons . I alway find it a challenge and I hope that future FF games will be more personal . This game was great in that there was a defined story line .
035 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X Official Strategy Guide ( Paperback )
A must if you want to discover the entire game . It was great to have this help aide by your side when playing .
040 4 Summary
After Lost Odessey we get . . . Final Fantasy X !
The Good
Well , it's Final Fantasy X . After having some very great experience with other Final Fantasy titles , I wanted to play this too .
Final Fantasy X is very innovative . Battle are no longer ATB , but CTB - That mean turn per turn system . Each attack consumes time , depend of the attack itself and of the speed of the characters . So a quick character's turn will come more often , like in ATB , but you have all your time to set your commands , like in the original turn per turn system . This new system add a lot of strategy , and make the game more enjoyable . It works very great . Also , the level up system is kinda particular . It take places on a sphere gird , and your character can move from sphere to sphere and activate them to rise their stats and learn new attacks . Each characters have its default sphere range , but can also overpass it with key spheres and overflow in the whole sphere gird . This system , while not the best system ever seen in the series , is great , and make level up very addictive .
The overkill system was a particularly great innovation . When you kill a monster with a brutal hit ( I don't know the exact requirements , but you have to use a weapon or spell that is it's weakness or do a critical hit ) , the icon overkill will appear , and you'll got more EXP and items after the battle . So you see the extra challenge that is to overkill bosses , that often leave rare items . One flaw is that you'll get more EXP from weaker monster that are easier to overkill , but often easier monsters doesn't give enough AP even when over killed to compete again stronger monsters , so that doesn't ruin the game by allowing the player to rise its levels with weaker monsters .
Overall , the game is a lot about game play . It's not one of those RPGs with great story , great graphics and boring battles . It is FAR of it .
By the way , the story . It is definitely a bit below the average Final Fantasy plot , it is a bit too linear . But it is still interesting . Sin , an enormous monster , is attacking the town where Tidus lives . Then , he'll wake up at a totally different place . After a while , you'll be rescued by people that make you figure that you town was destroyed 1000 years ago , and that looks to have much more experiences with that Sin . They're all about praying a god called Yevon in the hope to banish Sin forever , but it doesn't really work . You have to travel to figure the truth out . Also , this is strongly related to aeons , the summons of FFX . I'll let you discover more in the game .
One thing that take a great place in FF10 is the graphics . Square did everything to use the PS2 are wisely as they could . While fighting , each character is so much detailed , they all have their own style , and so you'll never be bored to fight monsters again and again . The magical effects are also soo well done .
There isn't any longer difference between cutscenes and gameplay . Yes , there is a few pre-rendered cutscenes , but most cutscenes aren't prerendered , because they didn't need to , the graphics are detailed enough . Now there isn't only pre-rendered background like in FF7 - 9 , but a mix between real 3D environments ( large maps ) and pre-rendered background ( small maps ) . This works pretty well , and thank to the 2D plan on the upper right corner , you won't get lost .
The characters are all dressed up very strangely . But when you grow used to it , you'll eventually love them . They even talk while fighting ! This leads me to another stuff , the acting . It is welcome , while battling to have voice of the characters . Yuna and most NPC have horrible acting . Tidus and Rikku , while okay , could be a lot better . Auron , Wakka , Kimari and Lulu got perfect acting . I think the acting of characters is better in Japanese , so I don't really care to evaluate the game , that is from Japan .
Another thing I liked is seeing the spirit of the monster leaving its body when defeated through some light spheres . You'll see those spirit light spheres ( not sure it's their official name ) very often through the game . Overall , adding the fact that the save points are called save spheres , and among the sphere gird , the game seems all about spheres ( there is also spheres involved in puzzles you have to complete through the game ) . This is kind of strange .
FF10 have a wide choose of great music , especially the battle theme . I think it is one of the best battle theme over the whole FF series , it won't get on your nerves are battle themes did in older FFs . However , for the first time in the FF series , there is also a wide choose of horrible music . Not only Nobuo Uematsu ( the traditional FF composer ) did the music , but Junya Nakano and Masashi Hamauzu too ( these already worked on Front Mission - Gun Hazard ) . The last two did a couple of great songs and a lot of horrible song each , while the first tend to keep his good old traditional style ( well , he did some bad stuff too ) . The Song of Prayer ( aka Hum of the Fayth ) is quite amusing , it was a great idea to input a such song in a game , and let it take a place in the gameplay . ( in the case of you doesn't know , this is a song related to aeons ) .
The game is pretty challenging . It isn't too hard , while it can get hot on some bosses . At the beginning , it will see really really easy ( that is until you reach Mi'hen highroad ) . After that it will be hard , but not ridiculously . Any beginner in RPGs could beat the game without suffer its lack of overall experience . However , there is a lot of side-quests . I've heard half of the game is about side-quest , if you do them all . I completed the game with practically no side-quests myself , so don't be afraid , the game isn't that hard . But if you want challenge , you cannot miss this title . It has some optional bosses that looks really impossible to beat , killing your party in one single attack . You'll need a FAQ if you want to complete some of the side quests .
The Bad
While FFX has so called great graphics , I still have something to complain about . When fighting huge enemies in dark places , the camera will zoom in order to see the whole enemy , and you characters becomes so small , and adding to the fact that the screen is dark , you won't recognize them , and you'll mess up in your commands . That flaw is * annoying * .
The pseudo hardrock Otherworld steamed theme you'll hear at the beginning and during the final battle incredibly suck . The Big Boss theme is also a bunch of pseudo hardrock , but with no melody , only distortion guitar and bass chords , it also suck . And the normal boss theme isn't really bad , but too dramatic . While the music is great , the theme isn't really appropriated to a boss theme . Overall , there is some unforgivable things about the soundtrack , considering its from Square .
And yeah , the characters have real time facial sentiment when talking . It sure is enjoyable a lot to see the character look close to real when talking , but a simple small mistake and they look totally ridiculous , and this happen several times through the game , especially to Tidus . Look at the beginning when he first got his sword , or latter he's fed by Rikku . Doesn't he looks absolutely ridiculous ? ( those are just example I had in mind ) . Also , they will sometime move in a way that looks great , and then after repeating that exact movement 3 or 4 times , they'll appear ridiculous . Such things doesn't happen in battles , but on the field . I'll never repeat this enough , in battle , the characters looks perfect in all their movements , and also on most cutscenes on-field , that it is a shame that a little number of them are somewhat wrong .
Oh , yeah . It will sometimes happen to you to die after one hour of more of leveling up , and that is quite frustrating . Unlike in the Dragon Warrior games , you cannot keep your experience and items with half of money , and unlike Final Fantasy 4 - 9 , save points are quite rare ( because , if they weren't rare , it would allow you to always restore your health and mana , and then the game will become too much easy ) . If you played the 3 first FF on the NES , you'll be used to that , because it pretty much the same story . Fortunately , there is a save point right before almost every bosses , so you won't have to level up AND fight boss while not saving , as in the first 3 Final Fantasy games .
Finally , there is a last flaw . You'll way to often get weapons ( or armors ) after battle , and you'll have easily 30 weapons per characters , additionally you often got poor ones ( or strong , but not interesting enough ) . The game allow you to modify your weapons to get your own effects , that is great , but each random encounter will frequently give you useless new weapons . They better give * more * rare items allowing to improve items ( that would become less rare ) .
Those small flaws apart , there isn't really anything bad about FFX . And I could write much much more into the good , but that wouldn't be very useful , since other people already did it .
The Bottom Line
YES , it's great ! You won't found anything bad except the few lines above , and you'll found much more fun that what I can say in some lines in the good . It was one more great RPG experience to play this to me , and the game has all it has to be interesting : Originality , innovation , traditional stuff from older FFs , side-quests , challenge , great graphics , great music , nice storyline . . . What do you want better , after all ? Thank you , Square ! !
041 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X Official Strategy Guide ( Paperback )
This guide wasn't bad , but I thought it lacked a lot of the detail I would have preferred to see . It didn't give any specifics about types of weapons and armor - it just listed a bunch of names . I always wish there was some sort of alphabetical list of items with a description of where to find each one , but these guides never have one . There is an area in the game called the Monster Arena . The monsters in this area have to be earned by capturing other monsters in the game . It sure would have been nice to know the stats on ANY of the monsters in this arena , but the book doesn't list any of them . Overall , it was nice to have a book to follow along with the game , but I thought the strategy guides / faqs found on ign , gamefaqs , etc . were way more helpful .
047 4 This guide goes completely in-depth with Final Fantasy X . The information is set out well in an easy-to-read manner , and is accompanied by detailed maps and information on all the side quests , including : Blitzball , the optional aeons Anima & the Magus Sisters , characters ' ultimate weapons , and so on .
All I'd have to say is that you'd only really want to use this if you are repeating the game to finish it 100% , or you have finished the main storyline and are looking for more quests to do . This guide can over-prepare you for bosses and make the game a lot less difficult , so if you're looking for a challenge , I recommend finishing the major storyline first before relying on this guide .
All in all , I'm glad I purchased this !
049 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X Official Strategy Guide ( Paperback )
This guide works great for me . Easy to find the more obscure quests and items .
053 4 It would be impossible to accomplish all of things you can accomplish in this game without some help . There are simply too many secret places , special weapons , hidden aeons , etc . than one person could unlock on their own . The book is easy to use , easy to understand , and put together in a helpful , comprehensive manner . You will enjoy this game even more with this valuable resource .
057 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X Official Strategy Guide ( Paperback )
This book definitely doesn't have everything in it but it has most . I would recommend you use online walkthroughs for the more trickier things like the bestiary or getting the best characters out of the grid system .
060 4 I bought this books and the FFX - 2 strategy guide ,
and there are helpful tips in the book . it will bring you through the whole game and various situations step by step , what otherwise had cost you a long time .
the lay out is beautiful , and there is a poster folded on the inside too , with dresspheres and stuff extra . if you want to have your game complete and acquire every item , I would recommend this book . It really helps you completing this game ! ! I'll wish you all a great time playing final fantasy X .
I sure had .
061 4 Good guide , a lot of detailed description for all the FF fans . the plus of this guide is the photo set , a large aount of images that all the fans can't miss !
064 4 This book is not only very helpful but it is also beautifully drawn up . The descriptions are useful . The game is classic and the book is a worthy investment !
066 4 This guide consists of six main categories that cover 100% of the game . The first section is the RPG basics , which tells about game play . The second section focus ' more on character information , unlockable aeons and skills this beasts can learn , as well as tips for leveling up your characters on the sphere grid . Special abilities are also featured .
All items in the game are listed as well as the effects each has in the game . There is a weapons listing , but not very much information on how to get the weapon , or the stats of each weapon .
The walkthrough section of this guide is extremely detailed , and a must need if anybody hopes to complete this game 100% . The guide helps solve puzzles , boss strategy , and hidden items , as well as the main game play .
There is also a seperate side quest section to help plaers with the countless mini-games and monster area information ! The secrets section reveals special locations where you can find more powerful items and new abilities and aeons . There is a seperate section to locate the Al Bhed Primer books , and decipher the Al Bhed language . This section also goes over hidden legendary weapon locations .
There is also a Blitzball section , where all of the possible blitzball players are listed with detailed stats and techniques , so one can pick the best possible team to dominate ! Lastly is the Bestary , where all monster and boss stats and abilities are located . The guide also comes with i giant sphere grid replica and Rikku's overdrive table !
Overall , this guide is not neccesary to play the main story of Final Fantasy X . However , it's highly reccomended to any and all people who want to complete the game completely or in the easiest possible way ! It helped me a bunch ! 4 stars !
071 4 Sheesh ! Sin ! I had not intended to write a review on this guide . I enjoy the Final Fantasy games . . . But , at least I don't consider myself a fanboy . . . . I mean I only attended the two conventions . Ha ! However , looking back at the experiencce of playing this game , Final Fantasy X was great fun . Addictive , even ? ! Anyway , I could not have survived life in Spira without this guide ! ( Nevermind having any fun at all ) . I must have died a million times , before I bought this guide ! Mighty helpful and as accurate as I'd hoped . A Godsend for any Final Fantasy X player ! Definitely . . . definitely . Cheers !
072 4 for those small little tips and tricks i missed , was very helpful , very pleased , thats all i gotta say
073 4 The Final Fantasy X Strategy Guide is , simply put : awesome . The guide leads the player through the game ( spoiler-free ! ) all the way to the final battle . It has a detailed section on side quests and mini games , which I found very helpful . The layout of the guide is visually appealing and very thoughtful . I enjoyed flipping through the guide , looking at the pictures . To fully experience Final Fantasy X , I highly recommend buying this guide . Although it is relatively easy to reach the end of the game , this guide enriches and enhances the experience . Another excellent guide from Brady Games that is well worth the money .
074 4 Talk about leaving no stone unturned . This strategy guide covers absolutely everything about Final Fantasy X , from the various enemies you come across through the game to the battle skills that can be learned by your characters .
Beautiful illustration and layout are the norm for this book . There really is no substitution .
075 4 This strategy guide seems better organized than the previous FF strategy guides but it's accuracy isn't quite as good . There were many things I found in the game not listed . More so than previous games . All in all , it is a good guide and flows well from the main story to side quests .
078 4 While not perfect , this is a very good guide to Final Fantasy X . The guide gives an excellent walkthrough for the main story of the game without spoiling the story . There is a lot of detail in finding the items in sidequests and getting all of the Al Bhed primer . My lone gripe is that while all of the Primers are listed , they missed a couple during the walkthrough and i missed my chance ( one of them permanently ) to get them . Normally , any boss strategy is just to whomp them until they die , but this gives fairly detailed strategies . . . some of which are very helpful .
If FFX is giving you any trouble , this guide is worth getting .
079 4 I found this guide to be extremely helpful . . . especially when recruiting Blitzball players . I would have missed so much had I not been able to refer to the guide .
080 4 I didnt know if I wanted to get this guide , mainly because the guides for Final Fantasy 9 and Chronicles . . . . But im glad that I did . This guide is up to par with the guides for parts 7 and 8 which were very helpful . Another plus is that the author doesnt give away the final boss ( which is a shock ) . I would definetly get this guide to help you complete this great complex game . You will love the game and love the book .
084 4 As a big fan of the FF series I am rarely without my trusty stategy guide while plowing through the game . Most people enjoy playng the game and discovering things on there own and I generally do that but the FF series and Square create such a massive game that it is so tough to find everything . And when I play these games I wat to do EVERYTHING . So if you are like that then you gotta have the guide . It isn't quite as extensive as some of the previous versions guides as in it doesn't give very detailed walkthroughs but overall it is thourough enough to aid you in your quest .
085 4 I didnt mind the FF9 strategy guide , i actually thought it was pretty good . It did a good job of taking you through the game . But this strategy guide improves so much upon the last strategy guide . Its one of the nicest , longest , most informative strategy guides to possibly ever come out . Everythings in color , theres a poster in the back of the book , and it has 200 plus pages of information . There's no more annoying playonline stuff like there was in FF9 . . . while other strategy guides make you feel like youve been [ taken ] by their poor quality , and non descriptive information , this one you can be satisfied about . It has a complete , detailed walkthrough with battle tactics , long character descriptions , enemy list , and more . If there is one strategy guide to be worthy of the game , this is it .
088 4 How anyone could deny the awsomeness of this game is beyond me . This was the first FF game that could keep me playing for hours . The storyline is amaing . Full of twists and turns , you finally think you have it figured out , then BOOM . . . it changes . The voiceovers we beautifully , the graphics were cutting edge , and the villian was terrible . . . but in a fantastic way . If you havent like any other of the Final Fantasy Games , give this one a chance !
089 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X Official Strategy Guide ( Paperback )
It presents all the material you want in a beautiful manner .
092 4 Ok , I owned , I played , and I loved it . First off . . . I'm a big RPG addict . . . seriously . I played many games and this was one of the best there . The Story line is not one of the best Final Fantasy story , but if it made me cry in the end . . . Two thumbs up ! ! ! The graphics and music are excellent for a game . Their voice were magnifit . . . but one thing to add . . . learn how to lipsync programers . It would of been better if their voices moved with the words . The last thing I loved about it is the length ( very long ) , battle and walking style , and last but not least . . . the characters , e.g . Yuna ( hehe ) .
095 4 This review is from :
Final Fantasy X Official Strategy Guide ( Paperback )
Great Buy Books took three and a half weeks to send me my book , when it got here it was the wrong book and when I asked for the right one they said they never had it to begin with . . . . . truly terrible experience
102 4 easy to follow and very cool . i would tell everyone to use it for the game .
104 4 I have Bradygames FFX OSG and Digicube's Scenerio and Battle Ultimanias for FFX . After reading through Digicube's and Bradygames ' guides , I recommend Digicube's vastly superior guides for die hard FF fans who want to know everything there is to FFX .
Here are some instances that exemplify the contrasting differences .
Affection levels , and how they trigger certain scenes are not clearly explained . Scenerio Ultimania has covered this whereas FFX OSG only tells you it can happen , but not how . Criteria and condtitons to be met are simply left out in FFX OSG .
Customisation of weapons and armour do not have lists that shows their names after the process .
The maps are confusing in comparison to Ulitmania . Furthermore , maps from Bradygames only show direction , treasure chests and save points . Ultimania's maps shows all the above , and where events take place as well as location of recruitable Blitzball players .
Lulu's Overdrive is not clearly explained . Battle Ultimania has a graph chart showing how many times you need to turn the right analogue stick to trigger x amount of spells . Certain spells have limits of 7 ( Ultima ) , even though you turn the analogue stick 25 - 29 times . Brady Games ' guide only tell you to turn the right analogue stick and not how many times is needed , how stats affect the number of turns on your right analouge stick ( higher stats = lesser number of turns for same amount of mulitiple casting ) , nor which spells have limits to mulitiple castings .
Kimahri's Ronso Rage and its blue monster magic also lacks details . Ultimania shows a list of all the blue magics and which monsters allow Kimahri to learn from . Bradygames ' tells you ocassionally which monsters you can draw skills from in its walkthrough section .
Digicube released two books to cover FFX . In the past for FF VIII , Vagrant Story , and Chrono Cross Digicube released one book . This shows that this time for FFX the amount of information needed to be passed on to gamers is too large for a single guide to handle . Bradygames is too ambitious to try and cover everything they can in one volume .
It is good for beginners and intermediate players of the Final Fantasy series who wants to complete the game for leisure but for serious hardcore fans who want to see everything , find every secret and understand the underlying mechanics of FFX , try Ultimania . . . or go www.gamefaqs.com to download the missing information in Bradygames ' guide .
In the final analysis , FFX OSG is good but Ultimania surpasses it in nearly every regard . What FFX OSG has , Ultimania has in its two volume guide . In addition , trememdous amount of relevent , important information can be found in Ultimania whereas sadly , the same can't be said for FFX OSG .
058 4 This book definitely doesn't have everything in it but it has most . I would recommend you use online walkthroughs for the more trickier things like the bestiary or getting the best characters out of the grid system .
045 4 Item arrived in good condition . As it was a gift . I can not comment its quality . Thank you
068 4 This guide is very and i mean very useful but if you do not want to buy it go to www.square-enix.com register for free click online guides and go to final fantasy x also the guide is the same thing on the website .
050 4 This guide works great for me . Easy to find the more obscure quests and items .
077 4 This was pretty good though all I am saying is YOU MUST HAVE [ THIS ! ! ! ] okay now again YOU MUST HAVE [ THIS ! ! ! ] without it youll be stuck especially on the mind twisting chamber puzzles a great buy you wont miss out !
043 4 This product was an extremely useful asset to completing this game , it was invaluavle for the Bevelle temple . Covers MOST items in the game , and only leaves out a very small amount of sidequest info .
093 4 BradyGames is an OK guide company but not NEARLY as good as PrimaGames or VersusBooks . . . It has an average walkthrough but a really good blitzball section and ok sidequest part . if either of the other 2 books were for FFX they would probably be a little more perfect . Anyway if your really stuck on something just get it because it still can help alot .
067 4 The FFX Official Straegy Guide for PS2 systems lets the player guide very involved in the game . I have played for over 140 hours and still haven't accomplished everything in the book . The strategy guide keeps you informed without revealing the storyline . I would buy other Bradygame guides based on my exerience with this one .
087 4 FFX is the best game I have ever played ! Don't get me wrong but this is the top notch game for RPG lovers.Final Fantasy has come a long way since their 2 - D games . This is by far THE ultimate video-game .
101 4 The reason why you would need this book for the game is because , usually , it was pretty hard for me to get through the temples easyly.But this guide book also shows interviews , a full fiend atiminder , and blitzball players.But , in other words this book is really handy , but make sure you buy the game too !
017 4 Excellent book , very few omissions / mistakes . Worth the money if you want to master the game .
036 4 A must if you want to discover the entire game . It was great to have this help aide by your side when playing .
037 4 Strategy guide was in great condition . Shipping was fast . Would do business with again ! Thanks ! !
046 4 Well its a strategy guide so it does what it is suppose to do . It tells you everything you need to know about the greatest game .
048 4 The item is exactly as described . It shows everthing needed to beat the game easily . Great on showing all bonus features too .
054 4 Well organized & absolutely essential !
This guide lends even more playability to an already great game !
063 4 Pick this up for my daughter for a christmas present . It was one of the things on her ' high-priority ' list . It was a last minute present & Amazon was one of the few places that could get it to me in time for christmas .
065 4 Well written , jammed packed with information .
Would like to have seen more information on the sphere grid and suggestions on how to handle alternative spheres , but all in all a great guide .
082 4 This guide is very useful it has stradagies for fighting bosses , blitzball players status , And infomation about every character , Their weapons and the aeons and how to get them . The game is pretty hard to beat without this stradagy guide . So i think you should get it .
090 4 It presents all the material you want in a beautiful manner .
094 4 This guide is good for finding all the secret weapons and aeons . It has a very detailed bestiary . It is definitely a buyer .
Skill Map .
That's right ; a full-sized ( and smaller sized ones in the book ) of the skill map for your characters is included as a poster , along with ALL of Rikku's attacks .
Nuff said .
The book is an excellent example of what a hint book should be . It's nothing you can't get if you aren't internet savy , however , the convience of having a full-color guide in your lap while playing is invaluable . And for the skill map which you can uh , mark your progress on with a post it note . So you don't study any erroneous paths accidently . Not that I would do that myself , heh .
If you're heavy into the weapon-customization track as well , this is handy for assisting you in getting the blade / staff / whatever of your dreams if the Ultimate Weapons don't quite cut it for you .
Downsides : some of the area diagrams are off . The items listed that you can find in a few cases are incorrect as well . Other than that , it's pretty decent .
013 4 This book is worth it . Why ? Two words for you :
Skill Map .
That's right ; a full-sized ( and smaller sized ones in the book ) of the skill map for your characters is included as a poster , along with ALL of Rikku's attacks .
Nuff said .
The book is an excellent example of what a hint book should be . It's nothing you can't get if you aren't internet savy , however , the convience of having a full-color guide in your lap while playing is invaluable . And for the skill map which you can uh , mark your progress on with a post it note . So you don't study any erroneous paths accidently . Not that I would do that myself , heh .
If you're heavy into the weapon-customization track as well , this is handy for assisting you in getting the blade / staff / whatever of your dreams if the Ultimate Weapons don't quite cut it for you .
Downsides : some of the area diagrams are off . The items listed that you can find in a few cases are incorrect as well . Other than that , it's pretty decent .
042 4 This guide wasn't bad , but I thought it lacked a lot of the detail I would have preferred to see . It didn't give any specifics about types of weapons and armor - it just listed a bunch of names . I always wish there was some sort of alphabetical list of items with a description of where to find each one , but these guides never have one . There is an area in the game called the Monster Arena . The monsters in this area have to be earned by capturing other monsters in the game . It sure would have been nice to know the stats on ANY of the monsters in this arena , but the book doesn't list any of them . Overall , it was nice to have a book to follow along with the game , but I thought the strategy guides / faqs found on ign , gamefaqs , etc . were way more helpful .
044 4 when I seen this online I had to try it and well I am now half way throught the game in less then a month of course with a full time job , but yes it shows you whare all the al bhed primers are , all the sphers are and prity mucheverything that you would like to know . and what the guild don not tell you the game will at some point when you may need to know
070 4 This is a REALLY good book . It tells you about everything ( just how detailed is a different story ) , but if you're a competent RPG player you should have no problems getting 100% completion with this book provided you have a month or so to spare with no social life : - P .
I haven't been able to find a better walkthrough via book / website / other and I really think this is the best you're going to find . There are a few errors , mis-prints , and other very minor things but that's NO REASON to turn this book down .
This is an AWESOME book and so is the game ! : - ) Have FUN ! ! !
107 4 don't buy this guide . It's the worst guide i ever read . For example , how do I get the ability of No Encounter ? The author did even bother to tell us how to get it , he just mentioned : equip it . And he tried to spoil the plot ! ! ! He made tons of unnecssary statements about how to get or do the stuff that you don't need . Those of people who mentioned this is the best guide ever didn't know what they missed . Don't buy the guide ! Go to www.gamefaqs.com or buy Ultimania final fantasy x guide found elsewhere fo doing a google search .
want to know more about x ? go to playonline.com . ) apparently Birlew and company learned from that experience that a guide can't consist of a series of links to a website , because this guide is more forthcoming than that one . As you would expect from an official guide , it contains information about who you're going to fight , what you can find , and where you can find it ( though the maps aren't always terribly clear ) . What it doesn't contain is anything resembling STRATEGIES for anything except the boss battles . Want tips about the confusing weapon customization system ? you're on your own . blitzball tips ? sorry . an intelligible walkthrough for the temples where you aquire the aeons ? well , you get the idea . guidbooks didn't used to be this bad . the unofficial guide to ff7 was the best ever . it was written from the point of view of the gamer . now it seems that the game makers suppress unofficial guides and control the kind of information that's released in the official guides . but the result is that there's literally no advantage to having the official guide , as opposed to downloading the tips that are freely available on the internet . please , please save your money .
011 4 Ok , I have to let my nerdy side show a little for this one . I own several games with accompanying strategy guides , and for the record , Dan Birlew is one of my LEAST favorite guide authors . Now I don't want to be too harsh on old Dan here , perhaps the versions of his games were different than mine . But it seems too consistent to be coincedence that his strategy guides always have omissions and errors that can affect your experience . On this particular guide , certain elements of the guide are confusing and generally not well layed-out . Of main concern is the bestiary . ( It sounds dirty , but it's not , pervert . ) It's a bit cluttered and quite eyeball intensive . The walkthrough and other elements are ok , but not quite what I would like to see for such a deep , engrossing game . This guide will help , but be prepared to go online in search of the deepest , darkest and best kept secrets to this game .
028 4 I hate to be contrary , since most people seem happy with this guide , and since there's no alternative on the market , but I'd also hate for bradygames and playonline to think that most of their customers are satisfied . Dan Birlew seems to be the author of a great deal of official guides . He authored the notorious guide to ff9 . ( here's a summary of that guide : want to know more about x ? go to playonline.com . ) apparently Birlew and company learned from that experience that a guide can't consist of a series of links to a website , because this guide is more forthcoming than that one . As you would expect from an official guide , it contains information about who you're going to fight , what you can find , and where you can find it ( though the maps aren't always terribly clear ) . What it doesn't contain is anything resembling STRATEGIES for anything except the boss battles . Want tips about the confusing weapon customization system ? you're on your own . blitzball tips ? sorry . an intelligible walkthrough for the temples where you aquire the aeons ? well , you get the idea . guidbooks didn't used to be this bad . the unofficial guide to ff7 was the best ever . it was written from the point of view of the gamer . now it seems that the game makers suppress unofficial guides and control the kind of information that's released in the official guides . but the result is that there's literally no advantage to having the official guide , as opposed to downloading the tips that are freely available on the internet . please , please save your money .