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Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

  • 195 4  This is the best RPG I have played in awhile . The graphics are better than ant other dragon warrior game out there . The quest is very challenging and unique . Distributing the skill points in one of a hand full of categories , for each character is very interesting . The battle scenes finally show both the monsters and your characters , and show them actually attack . There are so many things about this game that I don't have enough time to describe everything . In one sentence , this game is the best . I recommend this game to all RPG gamers .
    • 085 4  This is a riviting , fun game . Challenging and hard to put down once you starts . Time just slips by . Thoroughly enjoy it . I wish they would make more of this type of games for the older systems .
    • 090 4  I have a short attention span , and my husband is constantly trying to find a game that will keep me entertained for more than one session . I was so obsessed with this game that I wanted to play almost everyday . The graphics are great-vibrant and fluid . The storyline was enough of a plot to keep me entertained , without feeling like I was being dragged through a boring story . There is definite humor in the dialogue , with varying ages of comprehension . Overall , for a girl who doesn't normally like video games , this was a keeper !
    • 134 4  I actually played this game several years ago , loved it finished it , the game disk was steped on and broken so I was unable to play it again . Throughout the years I have looked for an RPG that was as much fun with just as good of a story line . Couldn't find it , so I ended up just buying this game agin , and its just as much fun as i remember .
    • 140 4  for the price i bought it at the game is well worth it . its quite long and really fun . my dad seems to like it . i got it for him for his birthday in October and hes been playing it religiously since then .
    • 159 4  I only played for four hours , and I am very impressed with the game design . The characters in this RPG are so colorful and vivid . I have to say that I have longed to play a real turn based RPG for a long time . Nowadays , most RPGs are real time and not very interesting . I loved the fact this RPG sticks to the old RPG style . You will notice that it is easier to level than in the old dragon warrior series . I think I will recommend this game to all RPG fans .
    • 260 4  A great game . Traditional turn-based combat , Dragonball-ish feel , wonderful graphics , extraordinary voice acting , tons of content and replayability , creative bosses . Only one warning , don't play too much !
    • 312 4  This game is great . A credit to the series . Don't ask me though , read the hundreds of gaming reviews online .

  • 264 4  If you like Dragonball Z and RPGs , then take a look at this game . Be forewarned , from what I have done so far in the 11 or so hours I have played so far and from what I have read , this game will take a looonnnnggg time to beat . With me being a gamer since the atari , this game definitely has that old school rpg feel to it . . . meaning the time consuming leveling up process . But that's a good thing in my opinion . But since I work a full time job and am married , beating this game will pose a problem . . . or at least will take forever . You guys out there like me know what i'm talking about ! lol But a plus is that I actually caught my wife . . . who is also a gamer . . . listening to the game and watching occasionally as I played . So maybe I can get her to play too . . . she did say she liked the graphics very much . . . . cell-shaded cartoony looking and the humor as well as some of the cute monsters such as the candy cats and the jailcats . I love the graphics as well . The game's humor . . . from the dialog to some of the monsters you battle and to the expressions on boths faces at different times in the game . . . are a welcome addition . I found myself chuckling and grinning quite often . And the British voice accents in the game is a nice touch too . I am not sure whether to get the guide for item combination yet though or item location maps . . . you can make cool items by combining other items in the alchemy pot . That's fun to do . My characters are on level 11 and 12 right now and leveling up is starting to worry me . . . due to me working full time . . . about how long it will take to get them to max out and to acquire all their abilities and spells . . . but it is an RPG after all . But the game is refreshing due to the cartoony graphics and the humor in the game . So far it hasn't been too tough with the right strategy used at times . Make sure to take the time to level up enough and have enough supplies before tackling certain areas and bosses . A good sign is when the area monsters no longer pose a threat and you easily beat them every time . . . . then a boss should be no problem using a good strategy . But once a boss or certain enemies beat you once , you will know what to do . This is a very good pick-up-and-play game but will take a long time to beat . If you have the time and the patience , give this one a try .
    • 079 4  It is very fun . My husband loves it and plays it all the time . He really likes the strategy guide with it . It unlocks a lot of neat things .

  • Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) If you're the type of RPG gamer who grew up playing the original dragon warrior and final fantasy NES games , and who still thinks of them fondly , then this is the RPG for you . I mean it . If you're that guy who wets his pants with uncontrollable ecstasy when , and only when , a Final Fantasy game with a roman numeral greater than VII appended lands in his hands , then you should probably stop reading now , as I might not be able to convince you of this DQ8 ' s pure brilliance . Designed to be more of a traditional RPG and less like the japanese customiz-o-fest clones that modern RPGs have become , DQ8 does just about everything right . From the gorgeous andand vivid handdrawn graphics and detailed animations to the beautiful soundtrack and enjoyable sound effects and on to the stunning overworld and dungeon design , DQ8 is an absolute masterpiece . Let's break this behemoth down : - Story . Recall that this is a traditional RPG , and what tends to go along with that classification is a traditional storyline . There's some great evil brewing somewhere evil and evil people are doing evil things because of it . Not necessarily earth-shattering , but not boring either . In fact , it's pretty enjoyable if you just lay back and become a part of it , and the plot will take you all over the land through a large variety of interesting locations , which is always nice . In my opinion , so many RPGs have been made up to this point in history that it's almost impossible to come up with an original storyline . Think about it . RPG plots aren't really all that different . So , what makes a game's tired / cliched storyline worth playing ? Ah , the characters . - Characters . One of the many great things this game has going for it . Characters ( both playable and nonplayable ) are interesting and unique in personality , and are fun to interact with . You start out with only two playable characters , but that increases to a max of four as the story progresses . WHAT ? ! ? WHERE ARE MY 5,000 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS ? ! ? ! Sorry bubba , remember this is a traditional rpg . You control only a small number of characters so that you'll get to know them better and become more attached as a result . So again , what makes a cliched story worth playing through is the engaging characters that live it . And these characters are full of personality as well as different enough from one another to not seem like clones . - Voice Acting . Top-notch . Some have complained that most of the voices are British , which is definitely true , but is that really a bad thing ? Personally I'd rather hear some British guy grunt half-syllables all day long than have to listen to another high-pitch Japanese pre-teen squeak for even a few seconds . Yeah , that was a shot at quite a few voice actors who lend their talents to modern RPGs . Go back to anime porn . - Graphics . Absolutely gorgeous . If every game from here on out had graphics of this caliber , I'd quit my job , sell my couch , affix wheels to my toilet , roll it out in front of the tv , and spend the rest of my life there playing games . Why should I sit here and describe the visuals in words ? Go on grandpa , get on the internet and see for yourself ! - Music and sound . Beautiful and appropriate . From the opening title theme that most old-school RPGers will recognize to the ending track , all music is fully orchestrated and a delight to hear . Granted , there aren't many tracks overall , and many of them ( like the overworld and battle tunes ) will be played over and over and over and over again , but don't be too disappointed . Remember , even the common tracks are pleasant to the ears . - Battles . Just like the old days . Battles involve the good guys lined up on one side and the bad guys lined up on the other side , facing each other . Action is turn-based , with the player inputting commands for all the characters ( fight , magic , skill , run , defend , etc ) and each character's and monster's reaction statistic generally determines the order they take their turn . Battles are fast and fluid . Animations don't involve unnecessary crap like the player licking his fingers , massaging his scabbard , slowing pulling out his sword , taking a few test swings , zigzag running toward the target , screaming OOGA BOOGA , hitting the target , zigzag running back to the party , then saying something stupid like Feel the ultimate power ! . Characters jump toward the enemy , blast them , and hop back in line . Again , lightning fast . And this is a good thing . Animations are appropriate and fun to watch , and the business gets done . - Magic and skills . As you level up , you'll get skill points that you can assign to various types of skill categories such as sword , spell , sex appeal , etc . Which categories you see depend on which one of the four characters you're dealing with . Depending on where you allocate these points , the characters will learn particular skills when they level up . Some are useful , some are not , some are really friggin ' useful , and some are good to get your rocks off , at least partially ( take my word for it ) . In short , the system works well , with the magic casting characters getting the good spells and the offensive-minded characters getting the good attach stuff . It flows nicely too . Rarely ( if ever ) will you have to sit there and level up just to get some skill that will allow you beat a boss . In fact , I don't think this ever happened , even once . - Overworld and dungeons . One word : expansive . The world is designed to mimic a real , living place . When you travel from Town A , through the forest , across a rope bridge , through the valley , and up the hill to Town B , you actually get to do all that . It's not simply a case of pointing your character to the east , and holding down the run button until you bump into the next town . This was probably the most amazing part of the game for me . The lands you visit are enormous , and once you get other forms of transportation ( three more in addition to running around ) , you'll really get a feel for the size of the DQ8 world . And boy , have I mentioned the graphics are colorful , vivid , and downright beautiful ? I have ? Well it probably won't be the last time . - Load times . If there absolutely , positively MUST be a negative in this jewel of a game , it's the loading time that springs up and shows its ugly thank you , CD / DVD medium ) face everytime you enter or leave a battle , town , or form of transportation . Now , be careful . The load time is not horrendous by any means , but it is certainly noticeable . I'd say the battle loads are around a few seconds going into the battle and a few seconds leaving . Of course , this all depends on where the battle takes place . Out-of-battle loads take up to 5 seconds or so in the overworld , but are almost negligible in dungeons ( due to the fact that dungeons all much smaller than an entire continent ) . So , bottom line , the load times are noticeable , but they really shouldn't detract from the enjoyment of the game . If they do , you should really consider taking a big sip of lighten up . - Random encounters . Ah , what can often make or break an RPG . I've read reviews that have said that the encounter rate is too high . I think those people are on crack . That , or they need to consider trying the above-mentioned soft drink . The encounter rate is totally appropriate for this game . I'd say you'll get a fight about every 10 secs or so , which is actually a long time if you think about it . Don't worry , you won't get attacked once every 3 steps like some other games . And , if the encounters do get to you for some reason , or if you're backtracking and don't want to waste time , there are items and spells to use that turn off encounters temporarily . How's that ? Or , if you're a masochist , there's a skill that allows you to be attacked as soon as you use it on the overworld . This is great for raising levels . So whatever your flavor , the combat shouldn't disappoint on any level . - Extras and side quests . There's a reasonable amount of stuff to do once you finish the main game , including a cool battle arena where you pit monsters you've collected or tamed against ranks of computer controlled monster teams to win prizes and other cool things . Other things include hidden treasure chests , dungeons and bosses . There's plenty to do here , I promise . - Game length . Man , this is another thing about the game that shocked me . It's reaallllllllllllllllllllly LONG . My final game time clocked in around 90 hours , and I hadn't really completed all the extra stuff there is to do . If you take your time and enjoy the game , the average gamer will probably put in about 60 + hours before they beat the game , not including the extra side quests and stuff . Really , this game is long and fulfilling . And well worth even twice its retail price . Don't be one of those fools who misses out on the experience because they say the battles aren't 3D or the game's too cartoony or British dialects make my ears bleed . This game is pure gold ( or better , platinum ? ) and is an absolute masterpiece in the realm of video game design . Buy a copy for yourself , buy a copy for your friend , and buy one for your dog too . Let Square Enix know that we want more of this kind of quality in the USA .
    • 001 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest ( previously known as Dragon Warrior in the US ) has always been one of those games that I had to have . When I was a kid , I got the first through a subscription to a magazine , and I was in love ever since . Though as basic as a game can get , there was something addicting about the monotonous walking , fighting , and leveling up . In two , three , and four ( four in particular ) , they attempted to bring more detail to the story lines , and succeeded just enough not to ruin the normal , DW game play that RPG lovers have come to love . Then , we missed five and six , and had to wait for the ugliest PlayStation game ever released in Dragon Quest VII . It was fun , but it seemed dated from the release ; the graphics were only barely better than the old Super Nintendo . Then , Enix , the long-time publisher of Dragon Warrior , merged with Square , and thus Dragon Quest VIII was born . I worried , at first . Was Square going to dilute it with all those Final Fantasy cut-scenes , or were they going to take away the simple battle system that's in every DW game ? The answer : NO . Everything is there that was in every other Dragon Quest game ; dungeons , constant fighting and leveling up , struggling to buy all the new items , seeking out all those rare items , getting lost more often than not , a simple , point-a-to-point-b story , and that same battle system . It's all here , but with one major edition : extraordinary graphics . Akira Toriyama ( Dragon Ball creator , and long time designer for Dragon Quest ) was able to fully show his skill in this game . This game is excellent to play , as well . Not only for its nostalgia , but for the actual game play . It's still addictive , but even more so since the world itself is now rendered in 3D and huge , making it a lot to explore , and exploring it is worth it as it has numerous things for you to find all over the land-map . Finding these things are important , because they've added a new feature called the Alchemy Pot which requires you to use two or three items to make one are item . Also , its fun meeting some of the new characters , and hearing the interesting ways they are voiced . For anyone old enough to remember the first Dragon Warrior , and for anyone who actually understood it , I recommend this game . I also recommend this for anyone who loves RPGs but hasn't yet experienced one of the genre's roots . Dragon Quest VIII is a great edition to the Dragon Quest library , and an instant classic . ADDED NOTE : I've just recently finished this game , and I must now say that my impressions were vastly ignorant . This game , from start to finish , is pure excitement , never diluted by long , dramatic cut-scenes , with an emphasis on the game play . The ending , without spoiling , was surprisingly interactive and incomplete , though I have had a chance to complete it . It also isn't nearly as serious as those other RPG endings . It allows you to laugh at the characters despite enduring the nearly seventy hours of game play and storytelling involving the end of a world . And the replay-ability is decent , with an entire extra quest and area to explore after saving your game following the credits . Now , I'd recommend this game because it is clearly the top choice in its genre ( RPG ) . It's a great prologue to the up-coming Final Fantasy XII or Kingdom Hearts 2 .
    • 002 4  Dragon Quest ( previously known as Dragon Warrior in the US ) has always been one of those games that I had to have . When I was a kid , I got the first through a subscription to a magazine , and I was in love ever since . Though as basic as a game can get , there was something addicting about the monotonous walking , fighting , and leveling up . In two , three , and four ( four in particular ) , they attempted to bring more detail to the story lines , and succeeded just enough not to ruin the normal , DW game play that RPG lovers have come to love . Then , we missed five and six , and had to wait for the ugliest PlayStation game ever released in Dragon Quest VII . It was fun , but it seemed dated from the release ; the graphics were only barely better than the old Super Nintendo . Then , Enix , the long-time publisher of Dragon Warrior , merged with Square , and thus Dragon Quest VIII was born . I worried , at first . Was Square going to dilute it with all those Final Fantasy cut-scenes , or were they going to take away the simple battle system that's in every DW game ? The answer : NO . Everything is there that was in every other Dragon Quest game ; dungeons , constant fighting and leveling up , struggling to buy all the new items , seeking out all those rare items , getting lost more often than not , a simple , point-a-to-point-b story , and that same battle system . It's all here , but with one major edition : extraordinary graphics . Akira Toriyama ( Dragon Ball creator , and long time designer for Dragon Quest ) was able to fully show his skill in this game . This game is excellent to play , as well . Not only for its nostalgia , but for the actual game play . It's still addictive , but even more so since the world itself is now rendered in 3D and huge , making it a lot to explore , and exploring it is worth it as it has numerous things for you to find all over the land-map . Finding these things are important , because they've added a new feature called the Alchemy Pot which requires you to use two or three items to make one are item . Also , its fun meeting some of the new characters , and hearing the interesting ways they are voiced . For anyone old enough to remember the first Dragon Warrior , and for anyone who actually understood it , I recommend this game . I also recommend this for anyone who loves RPGs but hasn't yet experienced one of the genre's roots . Dragon Quest VIII is a great edition to the Dragon Quest library , and an instant classic . ADDED NOTE : I've just recently finished this game , and I must now say that my impressions were vastly ignorant . This game , from start to finish , is pure excitement , never diluted by long , dramatic cut-scenes , with an emphasis on the game play . The ending , without spoiling , was surprisingly interactive and incomplete , though I have had a chance to complete it . It also isn't nearly as serious as those other RPG endings . It allows you to laugh at the characters despite enduring the nearly seventy hours of game play and storytelling involving the end of a world . And the replay-ability is decent , with an entire extra quest and area to explore after saving your game following the credits . Now , I'd recommend this game because it is clearly the top choice in its genre ( RPG ) . It's a great prologue to the up-coming Final Fantasy XII or Kingdom Hearts 2 .
    • 003 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Many of the RPG's I know have suffered immensely in their transition from 2 - D to 3 - D ( the Suikoden series immediately comes to mind , as well as Breath of Fire ) . The colors become washed out , the gameplay becomes much more boring , and in many ways , they just plain svck . . . Enter Dragon Quest VIII from Enix , the 6th game of the series to be released over here . I have only played for a couple of days , but I must confess that I am quite pleased at the result of adding a new dimension to the gameplay . For starters , the environment ( including the overworld is now fully interactive . There are set roads the player may travel , but one may also branch off of these roads to find new caves , treasure chests and secrets galore . Hence , it trumps FFX in this regard ( although the playable demo of FFXII included in the game already has me salivating ! ) . Furthermore , some walls contain secret passages , etc . , and in general the game offers full movement in the world and secrets which are only made possible in the 3 - D setting . As for the gameplay ( and here may be a bit of fanboy-itis , I'll admit ) , the game is much more fun than its predecessor . Gone is the cumbersome class system of DWVII ( which I personally liked , but many hated ) , and in its place is a very easy to learn skill system . Each party member has five skills which they can raise any way they like . Skill points are awarded at level ups , and as skills gain more points ( and the point distribution is entirely up to the player ) , the party member will gain battle spells and traits , which are essentially bonuses to attack , defense , etc . The game is quite linear at the front , but I know of a few sidequests later in the game which will give the player more freedom to choose his path . As for the graphics , well , they don't stand up next to the might of the FFXII demo packaged alongside , but the cel-shading seems perfect to bring out the charm of Akira Toriyama's character and monster designs . However , I am surprised that the female character can manage to keep her incredibly-revealing top on ! In any case , this is a worthy addition to the Dragon Warrior legacy , and a fine game in its own right . And I particularly like the translators ' decision to use British persons for the voices of the characters - it just comes off better , it seems to me . . .
    • 004 4  Many of the RPG's I know have suffered immensely in their transition from 2 - D to 3 - D ( the Suikoden series immediately comes to mind , as well as Breath of Fire ) . The colors become washed out , the gameplay becomes much more boring , and in many ways , they just plain svck . . . Enter Dragon Quest VIII from Enix , the 6th game of the series to be released over here . I have only played for a couple of days , but I must confess that I am quite pleased at the result of adding a new dimension to the gameplay . For starters , the environment ( including the overworld is now fully interactive . There are set roads the player may travel , but one may also branch off of these roads to find new caves , treasure chests and secrets galore . Hence , it trumps FFX in this regard ( although the playable demo of FFXII included in the game already has me salivating ! ) . Furthermore , some walls contain secret passages , etc . , and in general the game offers full movement in the world and secrets which are only made possible in the 3 - D setting . As for the gameplay ( and here may be a bit of fanboy-itis , I'll admit ) , the game is much more fun than its predecessor . Gone is the cumbersome class system of DWVII ( which I personally liked , but many hated ) , and in its place is a very easy to learn skill system . Each party member has five skills which they can raise any way they like . Skill points are awarded at level ups , and as skills gain more points ( and the point distribution is entirely up to the player ) , the party member will gain battle spells and traits , which are essentially bonuses to attack , defense , etc . The game is quite linear at the front , but I know of a few sidequests later in the game which will give the player more freedom to choose his path . As for the graphics , well , they don't stand up next to the might of the FFXII demo packaged alongside , but the cel-shading seems perfect to bring out the charm of Akira Toriyama's character and monster designs . However , I am surprised that the female character can manage to keep her incredibly-revealing top on ! In any case , this is a worthy addition to the Dragon Warrior legacy , and a fine game in its own right . And I particularly like the translators ' decision to use British persons for the voices of the characters - it just comes off better , it seems to me . . .
    • 005 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I have to start out saying that for me , this game was exactly what I needed . With a great amount of RPG's out there and all their attempts to continually evolve the console RPG , they often seem to over embellish upon such evolutions and leave out some of the common staples I personally enjoy in my rpg , ( Final Fantasy X - 2 losing weapons and armor upgrades in place of the whole Garment system for example or card battle sytems ) . While I respect the attempt to evolve on the standard rpg formula , they often leave out some of the classic elements in order to allow such changes . On two different occasions I attempted to play FF X - 2 and found myself missing the more classic elements that had been left out , and end up losing interest . Dragon Quest VIII however pulled me in and kept me going till the end . Now some will feel that the classic elements are dated and may become bored with it . The combat in DQ8 is the simple turn based system that gives you the standard options such as fight , item , flee , etc . . , as well as a few new ones , you have the all too common random battles while you walk around with your basic 4 character team , each with their own look and style , supplemented with their own slew of weapons and abilities that you must improve upon or find throughout your quest . You merely gain levels with the hopes of entering a new area or dungeon without dying , you simply try to get the money to buy that next weapon , and have to explore outside world one step at a time . For some that will be all to tiresome . But honestly thats why I fell in love with console RPG's . So I may be a little biased in this review . Dragon Quest had everything I personally missed from most of the modern rpg's . You see my very first console rpg experience was Phantasy Star for the Sega Master System , and in fact was really my first rpg experience period , in any format . It was actually the first console rpg that had been released in the U.S . at that time . At least as far as I know . Neither Dragon Warrior or Final Fantasy had been released in America yet . And well . . . . . playing Dragon Quest VIII actually brought back what I experienced when I first played Phantasy Star and later Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy . These games were where those those classic rpg elements derived from . Dragon Quest VIII is the full and classic console role playing experience , but with all the modern technical enhancements , ( graphics , sound , voice ) , as well as a few of the more recent game elements incorporated to modernize it a bit . ( monster teams , item creation , ability building options ) If you ever enjoyed the older rpg's from the 8 and 16 bit era , and you still love to play RPG's , you will most likely enjoy this game even more . There's nothing really fancy about DQ8 , and I personally love it . The game plays simply , yet allows for a good deal of depth in character building , development , personality , and story . The story itself is quite standard and expectedly typical of most rpg's , but it moves along rather tightly and refrains from bogging down of an over imposing storyline or a bunch of long drawn out dialogue . It has many of the common rpg cliches when it comes to the characters and story , but the voice acting to me is superb , and found that it keeps those cliches from being so cliche . Admittedly my bias shows a little more here as I am no fan of the long video game storyline . I like mine simple with a few twists and turns , and the rest is left for you to look into or not . I seem to enjoy the idea of creating and guiding the story with the characters and the actual game playing itself , and not just being guided through a novel , or a movie . Dragon Quest feels more like a choose you own adventure experience . There are a great many recent RPG's out there , but I find most of them to be quite linear , ( Final Fantasy X comes to mind , one of the best battle systems in any rpg , but nothing more than a pre-set adventure ) or they contain very repetitive maps and dungeons ( . Hack / / , Dark Cloud ) . Dragon Quest avoids both of these issues . The most important thing that Dragon Quest 8 does for me , and what seems to have disappeared from the majority of RPG's today , is it created the wonderful illusion of an open world with no permanent boundaries . It never sets you on an strict storied path , but never leaves you guessing what to do next . There are side quests that allow you to focus on something other than the main path of the story . Exploring the countryside for secluded treasure chests or special monsters who join your monster team give you reasons to explore the vast world map . There are often times when you can go to areas and towns ahead of schedule , simply because you can walk , sail , or fly , to multiple places on the map . There are many hidden items to find in cupboards , barrels , pots or water-wells , as well as searching bookshelves for recipes to create useful items with your alchemy pot . So you can actually interact a bit with your environment . Another thing lacking in many modern rpg's . Most just lay a few treasure chests while you travel your linear path . And finally with this illusionary sense of openness , you also find yourself traveling back to older areas to find other surprises that had previously been unattainable or that you simply missed . Again giving me the appearance or the illusion of a game world without borders . Many recent popular action-adventure games such as Grand Theft Auto and all their clones have seemed to reintroduced this aspect to console games , with a few other games like Zelda having kept it up . For me this was what I always preferred from the games I played . Whether it was a standard rpg ( Phantasy Star , Final Fantasy III ) , an action / adventure ( Metroid , Casltvania - Simon's Quest & Symphony of the Night ) , or adventure / rpg ( Zelda , Secret of Mana , Kingdom Hearts ) , the illusion of boundless exploration , hidden surprises , field interaction , back tracking , and the ability to build your character's strength through item's and / or leveling was always preferable to the common straight forward gaming . It makes me feel as though I control my characters on a much more organic level . Dragon Quest VIII has all of that . It is the best of the classic console rpg formula . Unfortunately , that will turn a few people off completely . Many people need a more modernized battle system , with a faster paced play through . If you need your rpg to have a consistently active battle system as opposed to turned based , or need grand visuals in battles , if you hate having to back track , prefer linear pre-set paths and story lines and abhor an open world with optional exploration , you may not enjoy this game . Dragon Quest VIII is a wonderfully nostalgic gaming experience with all the modern goodness of the PS2 ' s standard capabilities . If you have been playing console rpg's for the last 10 - 20 years , get this game and enjoy .
    • 006 4  I have to start out saying that for me , this game was exactly what I needed . With a great amount of RPG's out there and all their attempts to continually evolve the console RPG , they often seem to over embellish upon such evolutions and leave out some of the common staples I personally enjoy in my rpg , ( Final Fantasy X - 2 losing weapons and armor upgrades in place of the whole Garment system for example or card battle sytems ) . While I respect the attempt to evolve on the standard rpg formula , they often leave out some of the classic elements in order to allow such changes . On two different occasions I attempted to play FF X - 2 and found myself missing the more classic elements that had been left out , and end up losing interest . Dragon Quest VIII however pulled me in and kept me going till the end . Now some will feel that the classic elements are dated and may become bored with it . The combat in DQ8 is the simple turn based system that gives you the standard options such as fight , item , flee , etc . . , as well as a few new ones , you have the all too common random battles while you walk around with your basic 4 character team , each with their own look and style , supplemented with their own slew of weapons and abilities that you must improve upon or find throughout your quest . You merely gain levels with the hopes of entering a new area or dungeon without dying , you simply try to get the money to buy that next weapon , and have to explore outside world one step at a time . For some that will be all to tiresome . But honestly thats why I fell in love with console RPG's . So I may be a little biased in this review . Dragon Quest had everything I personally missed from most of the modern rpg's . You see my very first console rpg experience was Phantasy Star for the Sega Master System , and in fact was really my first rpg experience period , in any format . It was actually the first console rpg that had been released in the U.S . at that time . At least as far as I know . Neither Dragon Warrior or Final Fantasy had been released in America yet . And well . . . . . playing Dragon Quest VIII actually brought back what I experienced when I first played Phantasy Star and later Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy . These games were where those those classic rpg elements derived from . Dragon Quest VIII is the full and classic console role playing experience , but with all the modern technical enhancements , ( graphics , sound , voice ) , as well as a few of the more recent game elements incorporated to modernize it a bit . ( monster teams , item creation , ability building options ) If you ever enjoyed the older rpg's from the 8 and 16 bit era , and you still love to play RPG's , you will most likely enjoy this game even more . There's nothing really fancy about DQ8 , and I personally love it . The game plays simply , yet allows for a good deal of depth in character building , development , personality , and story . The story itself is quite standard and expectedly typical of most rpg's , but it moves along rather tightly and refrains from bogging down of an over imposing storyline or a bunch of long drawn out dialogue . It has many of the common rpg cliches when it comes to the characters and story , but the voice acting to me is superb , and found that it keeps those cliches from being so cliche . Admittedly my bias shows a little more here as I am no fan of the long video game storyline . I like mine simple with a few twists and turns , and the rest is left for you to look into or not . I seem to enjoy the idea of creating and guiding the story with the characters and the actual game playing itself , and not just being guided through a novel , or a movie . Dragon Quest feels more like a choose you own adventure experience . There are a great many recent RPG's out there , but I find most of them to be quite linear , ( Final Fantasy X comes to mind , one of the best battle systems in any rpg , but nothing more than a pre-set adventure ) or they contain very repetitive maps and dungeons ( . Hack / / , Dark Cloud ) . Dragon Quest avoids both of these issues . The most important thing that Dragon Quest 8 does for me , and what seems to have disappeared from the majority of RPG's today , is it created the wonderful illusion of an open world with no permanent boundaries . It never sets you on an strict storied path , but never leaves you guessing what to do next . There are side quests that allow you to focus on something other than the main path of the story . Exploring the countryside for secluded treasure chests or special monsters who join your monster team give you reasons to explore the vast world map . There are often times when you can go to areas and towns ahead of schedule , simply because you can walk , sail , or fly , to multiple places on the map . There are many hidden items to find in cupboards , barrels , pots or water-wells , as well as searching bookshelves for recipes to create useful items with your alchemy pot . So you can actually interact a bit with your environment . Another thing lacking in many modern rpg's . Most just lay a few treasure chests while you travel your linear path . And finally with this illusionary sense of openness , you also find yourself traveling back to older areas to find other surprises that had previously been unattainable or that you simply missed . Again giving me the appearance or the illusion of a game world without borders . Many recent popular action-adventure games such as Grand Theft Auto and all their clones have seemed to reintroduced this aspect to console games , with a few other games like Zelda having kept it up . For me this was what I always preferred from the games I played . Whether it was a standard rpg ( Phantasy Star , Final Fantasy III ) , an action / adventure ( Metroid , Casltvania - Simon's Quest & Symphony of the Night ) , or adventure / rpg ( Zelda , Secret of Mana , Kingdom Hearts ) , the illusion of boundless exploration , hidden surprises , field interaction , back tracking , and the ability to build your character's strength through item's and / or leveling was always preferable to the common straight forward gaming . It makes me feel as though I control my characters on a much more organic level . Dragon Quest VIII has all of that . It is the best of the classic console rpg formula . Unfortunately , that will turn a few people off completely . Many people need a more modernized battle system , with a faster paced play through . If you need your rpg to have a consistently active battle system as opposed to turned based , or need grand visuals in battles , if you hate having to back track , prefer linear pre-set paths and story lines and abhor an open world with optional exploration , you may not enjoy this game . Dragon Quest VIII is a wonderfully nostalgic gaming experience with all the modern goodness of the PS2 ' s standard capabilities . If you have been playing console rpg's for the last 10 - 20 years , get this game and enjoy .
    • 007 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest 8 is a good , solid RPG that any fans of the genre should be playing . This review is just to let potential players know what they are in for . I won't go into the story , but to help you decide , I'll just list the features that my be the make-or-break factors for your enjoyment . Battle style : Traditional turn-based , although you enter all character commands at once and then see the results . Depending on abilities , the turns may not come out on screen in the order you enter them , and monsters will take their turns dotted between those of your team . This can be a problem if you cast a attack-building spell on your strongest character , only to see his turn come up before the person casting the spell ! Also , some reviews of the game mention that there is an AI setting for your team members so that you can let them fight by themselves and only control the team leader character directly . Well , there is but it's entirely optional , and for me that is not what an RPG is about , so I never used this setting once . Total manual control all the way , thank you . Random battles : Yes , frequent . The world is large and getting from one place to another can take a while , so expect a lot of fighting . It's also very sprawling and confusing and you don't even get a world map for the first few hours of the game ( arghh ! ) , so expect much roaming , searching and getting lost . You'll want to kiss the character who finally gives you the world map after the hours of wandering before then ( don't worry it happens at a set point in the story , and can't be missed ! ) Transport : Yes , after you reach a certain point you gain access to a ship to cross the seas , and later on you are even able to fly . Plus , instead of all that running , you also become able to ride sabretooth tigers , which makes land exploration far less tiresome ( you still encounter monsters but can cover ground much faster if you're just searching for treasure chests ) . Saving : In a word - Argghh ! ! Which is because you can only save ( and rest ) in towns . So all the dungeons ending in a boss have to be completed in one sitting , with every recovery item you need taken along with you . This sounds like a harsh feature , but in return , you are given skills that allow you to do two important thing : you can instantly warp to the dungeon entrance at any time , and when on the world map , you can instantly warp to any town . So if you play deep into a dungeon and want a rest or are too beaten-down to face the boss , you can always warp out and recover , then come back to the front door and make your way through again - hopefully more swiftly this time , as any solved puzzles or unlocked doors will stay solved if you've done them once . And you can even cast a spell to cut out random battle encounters for a few minutes at a time , which makes these repeat trips through the same dungeon less irritating . So that's not so bad , then . I wouldn't cut out random battles too often though , because the levelling up system in this game is sloo-oow . After a brisk start , the required experience to gain levels starts becoming larger and larger , and you may be forced to do many loops of monster hunting to gain points before facing the more difficult bosses . Items : Phew ! There are hundreds of weapons , shields , clothes and accessories , plus the game features an Alchemy Pot which will allow you to combine items and turn them into new ones . This echoes the Inventions scheme of Dark Chronicle , and the Item Refining of Star Ocean . It's deliberately vague , presumably to encourage experimentation , and can turn into a huge side-game by itself . For those that like distractions , this could be a very large one , as many of the advanced recipies for alchemy are cryptic or just plain secrets . I guess it all helps towards the sale of strategy guides . . . good luck ! Which leads me on to . . . side-quests . Yes , we have plenty of those , one of which does not appear until you have beaten the game once . My favourite is the entirely optional Monster Arena . . . extra-strong enemies , a bit like mini-bosses , can be seen roaming around the world , and they can be recruited once beaten in battle , to make up a monster team that you can enter into tournaments for big prizes . Of course if you can find the really strong ones ( along with actually defeating them ) in the far-flung corners of the world , you can form a real killer team and earm some great rare items . Plus your team also become available as a summon in battle , and this turned out to be a life saver for me in some tough fights , as your monster team can really come to your rescue and dish out the damage - and withstand it - in some of the harder battles of the main game storyline . Plus it's very satisfying to see a monster that took so much effort to beat go out there and use those powerful offensive moves for your benefit - I almost found myself cheering when my top team won some of the arena battles ! They are real characters to watch too , because they act of their own accord in battle . When you let them fight ( in the Monster Arena and as your support summon ) , you can only start the fight and then cross your fingers as the team make their own decisions on how to proceed . . . hopefully they will make mincemeat out of your enemies , but some of the more dopey monsters will choose comedy actions like doodling on the floor ( Squiggles ) , or staring into space and scratching himself ( Klub Kong ) . This can be hysterical to watch , but it's hardly a winning battle stategy ! That aspect leads me to the sense of humour present in this game . There's a lot more fun in the random battles in this game that I expected . Whoever wrote the script for them has a great sense of the absurd . First of all , the magic spells have been given comic book names like Thwack , Kaboom Squelch , and my favourite , Oomph ! Plus the monster enemies are pretty daft too , and you'll be up against things like purple apes called Pink Pongos , or Puppet Masters whose attack is to put on a little puppet show for you . Then there's the Tap Devil can perform an attack called Underpants Dance in which he does a kind of disco shimmy , and then pokes his backside at you . The first time I saw this , my male characters were unaffected , but Jessica fell to the floor in shock . . . and I was laughing my head off . Other comedy came from some sexy witches who do a bewitching attack called Puff-Puff . . . which is basically some fluttering of eyelashes and bust-jiggling while a cheeky parp-parp noise plays on the soundtrack . . . it can entrance the male characters , but if tried on Jessica it will fail , and the caption says Jessica has won the battle of the bulges . . . And in addition to all this madness , the voice acting is British ! People talk in a wide range of comical accents ranging from broad cockney to the overly affected , they call each other dearie or old bean , and talk about tea and say things like posh and cor blimey . . . it was all very accurate and authentic ! The above examples should let you know that Dragon Quest can be a very entertaining game as well as a challenging one . But don't let all this fun fool you - some parts of it can be tough and there are times when you may think the enemies being thrown at you are unfairly difficult . So be prepared for a challenge . Interestingly , the game never ends after a party defeat , you will automatically be resurrected at the last place you saved - but minus half your total money holding , which is harsh indeed if you have saved up a small fortune to spend on expensive weapons and items , only to see it completely halved by one defeat . But again , the game is not really unfair , as I already mentioned that if the going gets tough , simply take a break from your current quest ( flee current battle , call Monster team , etc ) , by immediately warping to a town to recover and save . There's no need to risk the next random fight if you are near death with no magic or healing items ! However , you may be well prepared but still fall in the face of a particularly unfair match ( I've seen battles with up to TEN opponents squaring up to my team of four ! ! ) , but to ensure your finances , the game has banks in certain towns for you to deposit money in , rather than carry it around , and this is NOT lost by a party defeat . So be sure to drop off large sums regularly - its free ! Plus defeat and ressurrection does not rob you of any experience gained up to that point . . . so put that together and I hope it all sounds like a fair trade for the harsh save system . I appreciate the thought put into these settings , as I feel they are fair enough to stop unexpected death being a total waste of 3 hours play without saving , but strict enought to make you cautious , and learn when to retire and re-group . It only took me two cash-draining downfalls to never forget it ! Take all this in , and the game becomes totally addictive . It looks good , plays smoothly , and it's a long one too . Be ready to give up a lot of your social life !
    • 008 4  Dragon Quest 8 is a good , solid RPG that any fans of the genre should be playing . This review is just to let potential players know what they are in for . I won't go into the story , but to help you decide , I'll just list the features that my be the make-or-break factors for your enjoyment . Battle style : Traditional turn-based , although you enter all character commands at once and then see the results . Depending on abilities , the turns may not come out on screen in the order you enter them , and monsters will take their turns dotted between those of your team . This can be a problem if you cast a attack-building spell on your strongest character , only to see his turn come up before the person casting the spell ! Also , some reviews of the game mention that there is an AI setting for your team members so that you can let them fight by themselves and only control the team leader character directly . Well , there is but it's entirely optional , and for me that is not what an RPG is about , so I never used this setting once . Total manual control all the way , thank you . Random battles : Yes , frequent . The world is large and getting from one place to another can take a while , so expect a lot of fighting . It's also very sprawling and confusing and you don't even get a world map for the first few hours of the game ( arghh ! ) , so expect much roaming , searching and getting lost . You'll want to kiss the character who finally gives you the world map after the hours of wandering before then ( don't worry it happens at a set point in the story , and can't be missed ! ) Transport : Yes , after you reach a certain point you gain access to a ship to cross the seas , and later on you are even able to fly . Plus , instead of all that running , you also become able to ride sabretooth tigers , which makes land exploration far less tiresome ( you still encounter monsters but can cover ground much faster if you're just searching for treasure chests ) . Saving : In a word - Argghh ! ! Which is because you can only save ( and rest ) in towns . So all the dungeons ending in a boss have to be completed in one sitting , with every recovery item you need taken along with you . This sounds like a harsh feature , but in return , you are given skills that allow you to do two important thing : you can instantly warp to the dungeon entrance at any time , and when on the world map , you can instantly warp to any town . So if you play deep into a dungeon and want a rest or are too beaten-down to face the boss , you can always warp out and recover , then come back to the front door and make your way through again - hopefully more swiftly this time , as any solved puzzles or unlocked doors will stay solved if you've done them once . And you can even cast a spell to cut out random battle encounters for a few minutes at a time , which makes these repeat trips through the same dungeon less irritating . So that's not so bad , then . I wouldn't cut out random battles too often though , because the levelling up system in this game is sloo-oow . After a brisk start , the required experience to gain levels starts becoming larger and larger , and you may be forced to do many loops of monster hunting to gain points before facing the more difficult bosses . Items : Phew ! There are hundreds of weapons , shields , clothes and accessories , plus the game features an Alchemy Pot which will allow you to combine items and turn them into new ones . This echoes the Inventions scheme of Dark Chronicle , and the Item Refining of Star Ocean . It's deliberately vague , presumably to encourage experimentation , and can turn into a huge side-game by itself . For those that like distractions , this could be a very large one , as many of the advanced recipies for alchemy are cryptic or just plain secrets . I guess it all helps towards the sale of strategy guides . . . good luck ! Which leads me on to . . . side-quests . Yes , we have plenty of those , one of which does not appear until you have beaten the game once . My favourite is the entirely optional Monster Arena . . . extra-strong enemies , a bit like mini-bosses , can be seen roaming around the world , and they can be recruited once beaten in battle , to make up a monster team that you can enter into tournaments for big prizes . Of course if you can find the really strong ones ( along with actually defeating them ) in the far-flung corners of the world , you can form a real killer team and earm some great rare items . Plus your team also become available as a summon in battle , and this turned out to be a life saver for me in some tough fights , as your monster team can really come to your rescue and dish out the damage - and withstand it - in some of the harder battles of the main game storyline . Plus it's very satisfying to see a monster that took so much effort to beat go out there and use those powerful offensive moves for your benefit - I almost found myself cheering when my top team won some of the arena battles ! They are real characters to watch too , because they act of their own accord in battle . When you let them fight ( in the Monster Arena and as your support summon ) , you can only start the fight and then cross your fingers as the team make their own decisions on how to proceed . . . hopefully they will make mincemeat out of your enemies , but some of the more dopey monsters will choose comedy actions like doodling on the floor ( Squiggles ) , or staring into space and scratching himself ( Klub Kong ) . This can be hysterical to watch , but it's hardly a winning battle stategy ! That aspect leads me to the sense of humour present in this game . There's a lot more fun in the random battles in this game that I expected . Whoever wrote the script for them has a great sense of the absurd . First of all , the magic spells have been given comic book names like Thwack , Kaboom Squelch , and my favourite , Oomph ! Plus the monster enemies are pretty daft too , and you'll be up against things like purple apes called Pink Pongos , or Puppet Masters whose attack is to put on a little puppet show for you . Then there's the Tap Devil can perform an attack called Underpants Dance in which he does a kind of disco shimmy , and then pokes his backside at you . The first time I saw this , my male characters were unaffected , but Jessica fell to the floor in shock . . . and I was laughing my head off . Other comedy came from some sexy witches who do a bewitching attack called Puff-Puff . . . which is basically some fluttering of eyelashes and bust-jiggling while a cheeky parp-parp noise plays on the soundtrack . . . it can entrance the male characters , but if tried on Jessica it will fail , and the caption says Jessica has won the battle of the bulges . . . And in addition to all this madness , the voice acting is British ! People talk in a wide range of comical accents ranging from broad cockney to the overly affected , they call each other dearie or old bean , and talk about tea and say things like posh and cor blimey . . . it was all very accurate and authentic ! The above examples should let you know that Dragon Quest can be a very entertaining game as well as a challenging one . But don't let all this fun fool you - some parts of it can be tough and there are times when you may think the enemies being thrown at you are unfairly difficult . So be prepared for a challenge . Interestingly , the game never ends after a party defeat , you will automatically be resurrected at the last place you saved - but minus half your total money holding , which is harsh indeed if you have saved up a small fortune to spend on expensive weapons and items , only to see it completely halved by one defeat . But again , the game is not really unfair , as I already mentioned that if the going gets tough , simply take a break from your current quest ( flee current battle , call Monster team , etc ) , by immediately warping to a town to recover and save . There's no need to risk the next random fight if you are near death with no magic or healing items ! However , you may be well prepared but still fall in the face of a particularly unfair match ( I've seen battles with up to TEN opponents squaring up to my team of four ! ! ) , but to ensure your finances , the game has banks in certain towns for you to deposit money in , rather than carry it around , and this is NOT lost by a party defeat . So be sure to drop off large sums regularly - its free ! Plus defeat and ressurrection does not rob you of any experience gained up to that point . . . so put that together and I hope it all sounds like a fair trade for the harsh save system . I appreciate the thought put into these settings , as I feel they are fair enough to stop unexpected death being a total waste of 3 hours play without saving , but strict enought to make you cautious , and learn when to retire and re-group . It only took me two cash-draining downfalls to never forget it ! Take all this in , and the game becomes totally addictive . It looks good , plays smoothly , and it's a long one too . Be ready to give up a lot of your social life !
    • 009 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) After the decent , but behind-the-times Dragon Warrior VII , it's understandable to come into Dragon Quest VIII thinking that it will be another ho-hum entry into the series . But while the game may be chock-ful of RPG cliches and elements mostly taken from previous Dragon Quests and Final Fantasies , this game carries itself like the king of RPGs , to which the crown it rightly deserves . We start out mid-journey with lovable characters Yangus ( a former thief skilled with heavy weapons ) and King Trode ( royalty transformed into a green-skinned Yoda-type by evil magic ) as well as our nameless , mute hero ( a soldier under King Trode ) . As the story unfolds , we begin to understand how these characters met and what their true quest is . It turns out , an evil jester named Dhoulmagus has stolen the scepter from Castle Trodain , which in turn has left the castle in ruins and King Trode and his daughter , Princess Medea , transformed into a troll and a horse , respectively . It's up to our heroes to track down Dhoulmagus , defeat him , and claim back the magical scepter and reverse the curse . Along the way , we'll also meet other party members , skilled in various forms of magic and weapons , all with their own unique abilities . The battle system is practically a replica of the previous Dragon Quests . The random battles consist of your standard turn-based commands . However , the system is smooth and quick and allows for a good deal of strategy ( especially during boss fights ) . The battle animations of the heroes and enemies are spectacular and keep things constantly entertaining . The soundtrack is majestic and immersive . Performed by the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra , the quality never falters . Of course , the classic Dragon Quest theme is here as well as a few throwback ditties from previous titles . However , most of the tunes are new and positively beautiful . This is how RPG music should be . The graphics are fantastic . Cel-shading over polygon frames , the characters in the game look like incredibly detailed cartoons . These are definitely some of best graphics to date on the Playstation 2 . Character and monster animations are plentiful and incredibly charming . Though at first glance , Akira Toriyama's designs will bring up thoughts of Dragon Ball Z in your head , those thoughts quickly dissipate after the first few minutes . Each town in the game has it's own unique layout and building theme . The interior of the buildings themselves are always interesting and you might even find yourself wishing that you lived in one of them . There are sidequests galore in the game , including a casino , monster arena , and an alchemy pot to create new items , to name a few . The sidequests are very traditional for RPGs , but never get boring and are always worth your while . Though it may seem like Dragon Quest VIII is just more of the same-old , same-old fare , this quest is truly the epitome of the classic RPG style . If you're a fan or RPGs , this game is an absolute must-play .
    • 010 4  After the decent , but behind-the-times Dragon Warrior VII , it's understandable to come into Dragon Quest VIII thinking that it will be another ho-hum entry into the series . But while the game may be chock-ful of RPG cliches and elements mostly taken from previous Dragon Quests and Final Fantasies , this game carries itself like the king of RPGs , to which the crown it rightly deserves . We start out mid-journey with lovable characters Yangus ( a former thief skilled with heavy weapons ) and King Trode ( royalty transformed into a green-skinned Yoda-type by evil magic ) as well as our nameless , mute hero ( a soldier under King Trode ) . As the story unfolds , we begin to understand how these characters met and what their true quest is . It turns out , an evil jester named Dhoulmagus has stolen the scepter from Castle Trodain , which in turn has left the castle in ruins and King Trode and his daughter , Princess Medea , transformed into a troll and a horse , respectively . It's up to our heroes to track down Dhoulmagus , defeat him , and claim back the magical scepter and reverse the curse . Along the way , we'll also meet other party members , skilled in various forms of magic and weapons , all with their own unique abilities . The battle system is practically a replica of the previous Dragon Quests . The random battles consist of your standard turn-based commands . However , the system is smooth and quick and allows for a good deal of strategy ( especially during boss fights ) . The battle animations of the heroes and enemies are spectacular and keep things constantly entertaining . The soundtrack is majestic and immersive . Performed by the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra , the quality never falters . Of course , the classic Dragon Quest theme is here as well as a few throwback ditties from previous titles . However , most of the tunes are new and positively beautiful . This is how RPG music should be . The graphics are fantastic . Cel-shading over polygon frames , the characters in the game look like incredibly detailed cartoons . These are definitely some of best graphics to date on the Playstation 2 . Character and monster animations are plentiful and incredibly charming . Though at first glance , Akira Toriyama's designs will bring up thoughts of Dragon Ball Z in your head , those thoughts quickly dissipate after the first few minutes . Each town in the game has it's own unique layout and building theme . The interior of the buildings themselves are always interesting and you might even find yourself wishing that you lived in one of them . There are sidequests galore in the game , including a casino , monster arena , and an alchemy pot to create new items , to name a few . The sidequests are very traditional for RPGs , but never get boring and are always worth your while . Though it may seem like Dragon Quest VIII is just more of the same-old , same-old fare , this quest is truly the epitome of the classic RPG style . If you're a fan or RPGs , this game is an absolute must-play .
    • 011 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest games are a phenomenon in Japan so much so that they have to release the game on weekends because children would be absent from school and people would not show up for work if it was released during weekdays . The newest game Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed king is no exception . Now that it has arrived in North America people here unfortunatly don't share the same enthusiasim as the Japanese , children will remain in school and people will go to work on this side of the Pacific . Dragon Quest VIII is a superb RPG that put's you the player in the role of the hero on a quest to find a jester called Dhoulmagas that has found an ancient sceptre and transforming the people of Trodain into thorns and changing the king and the princess into hideous beasts . The Hero finds himself going from town to town picking up new characters to join his party along the way that all have their own reasons for finding and stopping Dhoulmagas from continuing to be a menace to the kingdom . These characters each have a unique fighting style . Yangus is good with an axe or club , Angelo with a sword or bow , the hero with a sword or boomorang , or Jessica with a whip or sex appeal yes sex appeal . These are only a few fighting styles listed for each character there are more and with each level up you get skill points that you can allocate to each fighting style to increase your skill and give you better techniques in each fighting style . it's a very unique way to level up your character because each time you play the game you can change the way your characters can fight . for an example pehaps the first time you play you want Yangus to be a master with the club , you beat the game replay and this time choose for him to become a master with an axe . Of course you can spread around the skill point to be equally good with each weapon skill . Graphics : The graphics are 3D cell shaded and some of the best graphics I've seen.The enviroments are beautifully designed and very large . Every areais bright and highly detailed . Level 5 truly knows how to make you feel as though you are playing a japanese anime . The expressions on the characters faces when they are suprised or trying to intimidate are very realistic , all done in true Toriyama style . Sound : Dragon Quest VIII boasts a fully Orcestrated musical score that is jsut beautiful to say the least . The sound effects and voice acting are excellent addition as well and do not dissapoint . Gameplay : A great level up system the addition of skill points that are allocated to different weapon and humanity slots for each character that creates new battle techniques is a cool addition . Lasting Appeal : The huge 3d enviroments to explore , side quests , and the treasures that are scaterred throught the land will have you searching for hours This is a great game even if your not familier with the series as I am . If your an RPG lover or just a sucker for pretty games you will enjoy this game . Perhaps some day North American shores will have the same reaction and anticipation for the Dragon Quest games as Japan does exspecially if they continue to create games like this one . This should easily take the title of Game of the Year . Posted by nofriendo
    • 012 4  Dragon Quest games are a phenomenon in Japan so much so that they have to release the game on weekends because children would be absent from school and people would not show up for work if it was released during weekdays . The newest game Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed king is no exception . Now that it has arrived in North America people here unfortunatly don't share the same enthusiasim as the Japanese , children will remain in school and people will go to work on this side of the Pacific . Dragon Quest VIII is a superb RPG that put's you the player in the role of the hero on a quest to find a jester called Dhoulmagas that has found an ancient sceptre and transforming the people of Trodain into thorns and changing the king and the princess into hideous beasts . The Hero finds himself going from town to town picking up new characters to join his party along the way that all have their own reasons for finding and stopping Dhoulmagas from continuing to be a menace to the kingdom . These characters each have a unique fighting style . Yangus is good with an axe or club , Angelo with a sword or bow , the hero with a sword or boomorang , or Jessica with a whip or sex appeal yes sex appeal . These are only a few fighting styles listed for each character there are more and with each level up you get skill points that you can allocate to each fighting style to increase your skill and give you better techniques in each fighting style . it's a very unique way to level up your character because each time you play the game you can change the way your characters can fight . for an example pehaps the first time you play you want Yangus to be a master with the club , you beat the game replay and this time choose for him to become a master with an axe . Of course you can spread around the skill point to be equally good with each weapon skill . Graphics : The graphics are 3D cell shaded and some of the best graphics I've seen.The enviroments are beautifully designed and very large . Every areais bright and highly detailed . Level 5 truly knows how to make you feel as though you are playing a japanese anime . The expressions on the characters faces when they are suprised or trying to intimidate are very realistic , all done in true Toriyama style . Sound : Dragon Quest VIII boasts a fully Orcestrated musical score that is jsut beautiful to say the least . The sound effects and voice acting are excellent addition as well and do not dissapoint . Gameplay : A great level up system the addition of skill points that are allocated to different weapon and humanity slots for each character that creates new battle techniques is a cool addition . Lasting Appeal : The huge 3d enviroments to explore , side quests , and the treasures that are scaterred throught the land will have you searching for hours This is a great game even if your not familier with the series as I am . If your an RPG lover or just a sucker for pretty games you will enjoy this game . Perhaps some day North American shores will have the same reaction and anticipation for the Dragon Quest games as Japan does exspecially if they continue to create games like this one . This should easily take the title of Game of the Year . Posted by nofriendo
    • 013 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon quest 8 has the distinction of comming with a demo of Final Fantasy 12 , but don't buy / rent it just because of that , for DQ8 is a great game by itself . This has been well recieved by critics and rightly so . GRAPHICS The graphics are great and use cell shading ( dark cloud 2 , wild arms 3 ) to excellent effect . The character designs are superb and fit perfectly with the personalities of all the people / creatures in the game such as the sexy redhead Jessica . Also all weapons and some armour will actually show up on the characters which is a nice touch . All the environments are good as well and there is a real feeling of it being a living breathing world . 9 / 10 SOUND One of the strongest aspects of the game is the superb music and voice acting . The music is done by a highly skilled orchestra and it sounds great , and fits the mood of a particular scene very well . The voice acting is brilliant and the use of British voice actors was a stroke of genius . All the voice acting is great , nothing sounds forced and there is real emotion behind the words . As such the atmosphere is never lost or diminished . 9 / 10 GAMEPLAY The game is set in a third person perspective and plays much like a cross between wild arms and dark cloud . The battles are random ( but the encounter rate is balanced ) , and the fighting is traditional turn based style . It's decent and you can learn many skills and wield a number of weapons . It's also quite hard , as enemies can often wipe you out in one or two rounds , and much of your time will be spent levelling up and getting better skills and equipment . You have to visit a church to find out how far to the next level up and to save the game ( Like the classic phantasy star ) . This can be irritating at first as it means backtracking , although you can quickly get the skills that allow you to teleport instantly . If someone in your party is reduced to 0HP then they die , the vast majority of RPGs have you simply falling unconcious . This is not a good aspect of the game , as you cannot lose , because even if your party is all killed you wake up at the church , albeit with half your gold taken away . It seems foolish to have dead companions in your party when it would have made more sense to have them fall unconsious like 99% of rpg's . It's also nice how you can vist the battle status screen and check how many battle have been fought , max damage etc , and your travelling party leader gives you comments and criticism . There is also a large number of monsters and a good library to look at . Especially impressive is the variety of monsters and their atacks , some will try to defeat you with brute force , some will use only spells , others will have many different techniques needed to beat them , and others still will use their good looks to prevent you from attacking them ! The interaction between you and the party members is good , and you can talk to them at any time and their conversations always change depending on where you speak to them . Although this is another rpg that has a silent hero , which isn't that good as he should have a voice , because he clearly speaks to people . Also you name the character , which in an rpg with spoken dialogue has no point , because people should call you by one name only . There are a number of mini games such as the Casino , the monster collecting / arena etc . You can also make alot of custom items with the alchemy pot which is a great addition to the game . There is plenty to do besides the main quest . 9 / 10 OVERALL This is a solid rpg with a traditional combat style , and great music / voice acting . Given the number of disappointing rpg's released recently this is a welcome change . Certainly worth buying and a great experience . Best RPG of the year 2005 . There's a reason this sold over 3 million copies in Japan alone , people know quality when they see it ! 9 / 10
    • 014 4  Dragon quest 8 has the distinction of comming with a demo of Final Fantasy 12 , but don't buy / rent it just because of that , for DQ8 is a great game by itself . This has been well recieved by critics and rightly so . GRAPHICS The graphics are great and use cell shading ( dark cloud 2 , wild arms 3 ) to excellent effect . The character designs are superb and fit perfectly with the personalities of all the people / creatures in the game such as the sexy redhead Jessica . Also all weapons and some armour will actually show up on the characters which is a nice touch . All the environments are good as well and there is a real feeling of it being a living breathing world . 9 / 10 SOUND One of the strongest aspects of the game is the superb music and voice acting . The music is done by a highly skilled orchestra and it sounds great , and fits the mood of a particular scene very well . The voice acting is brilliant and the use of British voice actors was a stroke of genius . All the voice acting is great , nothing sounds forced and there is real emotion behind the words . As such the atmosphere is never lost or diminished . 9 / 10 GAMEPLAY The game is set in a third person perspective and plays much like a cross between wild arms and dark cloud . The battles are random ( but the encounter rate is balanced ) , and the fighting is traditional turn based style . It's decent and you can learn many skills and wield a number of weapons . It's also quite hard , as enemies can often wipe you out in one or two rounds , and much of your time will be spent levelling up and getting better skills and equipment . You have to visit a church to find out how far to the next level up and to save the game ( Like the classic phantasy star ) . This can be irritating at first as it means backtracking , although you can quickly get the skills that allow you to teleport instantly . If someone in your party is reduced to 0HP then they die , the vast majority of RPGs have you simply falling unconcious . This is not a good aspect of the game , as you cannot lose , because even if your party is all killed you wake up at the church , albeit with half your gold taken away . It seems foolish to have dead companions in your party when it would have made more sense to have them fall unconsious like 99% of rpg's . It's also nice how you can vist the battle status screen and check how many battle have been fought , max damage etc , and your travelling party leader gives you comments and criticism . There is also a large number of monsters and a good library to look at . Especially impressive is the variety of monsters and their atacks , some will try to defeat you with brute force , some will use only spells , others will have many different techniques needed to beat them , and others still will use their good looks to prevent you from attacking them ! The interaction between you and the party members is good , and you can talk to them at any time and their conversations always change depending on where you speak to them . Although this is another rpg that has a silent hero , which isn't that good as he should have a voice , because he clearly speaks to people . Also you name the character , which in an rpg with spoken dialogue has no point , because people should call you by one name only . There are a number of mini games such as the Casino , the monster collecting / arena etc . You can also make alot of custom items with the alchemy pot which is a great addition to the game . There is plenty to do besides the main quest . 9 / 10 OVERALL This is a solid rpg with a traditional combat style , and great music / voice acting . Given the number of disappointing rpg's released recently this is a welcome change . Certainly worth buying and a great experience . Best RPG of the year 2005 . There's a reason this sold over 3 million copies in Japan alone , people know quality when they see it ! 9 / 10
    • 015 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Wow , this game is excellent ! I won't say much about the graphics , music , and voice acting , because it's all been said before . . . it's just gorgeous , and you feel like you're in a living cartoon . As for the gameplay , it's incredibly fun . I enjoy RPG's , but I often get frustrated because I find them too difficult . So I was worried about this game before I played it , because I'd read that it's fairly hard . And I was a bit overwhelmed when I first started playing it . But I soon found that all I needed to do was roam around a bit leveling up . Also , life becomes much easier as soon as your hero can afford a boomerang ! Now the battles are much more manageable , as long as I'm strategic . My only minor complaints so far are with the amount of random battles you need to fight ( but I guess that's fairly standard in this type of game ) , and the number of button clicks it takes every time you want to save a game in a church . But the latter is a small complaint , and the former isn't so bad because of the fun variety of enemies the game provides . Where else can you fight cute blue gumdrops , evil bell peppers on skewers , and a giant squid named Khalamari who uses his tentacles as hand-puppets to voice his multiple personalities ? ? I love the marriage of cute characters , serious and challenging gameplay , and beautiful scenery . I recommend this game highly to anyone with an interest in RPG's , even if you're intimidated by them like I am . I can see some people being turned off by the cutesiness of the game , but I happen to love it myself . This has immediately become one of my favorite games , and it will consume all of my free time until I've played it to the end !
    • 016 4  Wow , this game is excellent ! I won't say much about the graphics , music , and voice acting , because it's all been said before . . . it's just gorgeous , and you feel like you're in a living cartoon . As for the gameplay , it's incredibly fun . I enjoy RPG's , but I often get frustrated because I find them too difficult . So I was worried about this game before I played it , because I'd read that it's fairly hard . And I was a bit overwhelmed when I first started playing it . But I soon found that all I needed to do was roam around a bit leveling up . Also , life becomes much easier as soon as your hero can afford a boomerang ! Now the battles are much more manageable , as long as I'm strategic . My only minor complaints so far are with the amount of random battles you need to fight ( but I guess that's fairly standard in this type of game ) , and the number of button clicks it takes every time you want to save a game in a church . But the latter is a small complaint , and the former isn't so bad because of the fun variety of enemies the game provides . Where else can you fight cute blue gumdrops , evil bell peppers on skewers , and a giant squid named Khalamari who uses his tentacles as hand-puppets to voice his multiple personalities ? ? I love the marriage of cute characters , serious and challenging gameplay , and beautiful scenery . I recommend this game highly to anyone with an interest in RPG's , even if you're intimidated by them like I am . I can see some people being turned off by the cutesiness of the game , but I happen to love it myself . This has immediately become one of my favorite games , and it will consume all of my free time until I've played it to the end !
    • 017 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Amir0x here . I've always been on and off with the DQ series ; sometimes I'm into it , and other times - - well . But that doesn't matter . Dragon Quest VIII is a game I'm sure will appeal to any true RPG fan , regardless of your previous opinion of the series . Here's a game that has the beating heart of the old-school , super traditional RPG . Being true to this core is especially admirable considering the increasing emphasis on next generation visuals and gameplay ( with the impending 360 , PS3 and Revolution ) . And yet , it's not without irony . While it is true that it retains that sort of hardcore appeal , this is a title that can proudly stand alongside the most beautiful games this generation . It's an odd convergence that you don't expect to see in such a day and age , but every little aspect drips with polish . The first thing that catches your eye is the remarkable visuals , which combines Akira Toriyama's legendary artistic talents with Level - 5 ' s ( Dark Cloud 2 ) attention to detail and magnificent cel-shaded engine . Here is a world where you can't help but stop to stare at the sights , because there's such a excrutiating attention to detail . Every mountain you see can be climbed , every bridge crossed . The sense of distance is pretty intense even early on , when you can frequently find yourself getting lost in the huge world if you're not careful . But your exploration sense may get the best of you - this is world WORTH the trouble . US audiences received a special treat in the form of orchestrated music . And it cannot be said enough just what this does for the final product , as someone who experienced the original compositions . This is a brilliant piece of work , and any fan of game music would do well to have it in their collection . But inside Dragon Quest VIII , where it's intended , where it has its most potent effect . . . it's quite the package . Although at times it can have a rather odd echoe ( this is apparently due to the fact that the orchestrations were recorded in an auditorium with no audience , and only 7 microphones ) , it is such a great improvement . Definitely shows SquareEnix went above and beyond the call for this release . As a suppliment to this , the US localization team gave DQ8 voice acting too . This is a hit or miss affair , but generally comes off much better than most RPGs with voice acting . Yangus especially is charming , with spot on delivery and a chuckle-worthy accent . In fact , the entire game was done with European accents for the voices . . . giving it a sort of odd , British melodrama feel that as I read was the intention . And it works , what can I say . It never allows you to take the story too seriously , and sets the tone perfectly . So back to the hardcore , traditional aspect . The battle system is the staple of the Dragon Quest / Warrior series , with stat-crunching , difficult , ultra addicting gameplay . You select your commands from the menu as in the old school RPGs , and you set your character into action and he performs it . The turn-based battle system is honed to perfection in here , and I don't think there's anyway to remain this traditional and still be as enjoyable . DQ8 has pretty much nailed it shut , it doesn't get better for this type of old-school game . Random battles are weighed well , and never get too annoying or impossibly inbalanced . Generally , it's a good mix . At the end of the day , whether you like DQ8 still depends entirely on your perspective of the genre back when gaming was young . But this is by far the ultimate expression of traditional role playing games , and the slick coat of paint and phenomenal music just helps make the transition back to this period even easier . If you love RPGs , don't miss it . I doubt you'll be disappointed .
    • 018 4  Amir0x here . I've always been on and off with the DQ series ; sometimes I'm into it , and other times - - well . But that doesn't matter . Dragon Quest VIII is a game I'm sure will appeal to any true RPG fan , regardless of your previous opinion of the series . Here's a game that has the beating heart of the old-school , super traditional RPG . Being true to this core is especially admirable considering the increasing emphasis on next generation visuals and gameplay ( with the impending 360 , PS3 and Revolution ) . And yet , it's not without irony . While it is true that it retains that sort of hardcore appeal , this is a title that can proudly stand alongside the most beautiful games this generation . It's an odd convergence that you don't expect to see in such a day and age , but every little aspect drips with polish . The first thing that catches your eye is the remarkable visuals , which combines Akira Toriyama's legendary artistic talents with Level - 5 ' s ( Dark Cloud 2 ) attention to detail and magnificent cel-shaded engine . Here is a world where you can't help but stop to stare at the sights , because there's such a excrutiating attention to detail . Every mountain you see can be climbed , every bridge crossed . The sense of distance is pretty intense even early on , when you can frequently find yourself getting lost in the huge world if you're not careful . But your exploration sense may get the best of you - this is world WORTH the trouble . US audiences received a special treat in the form of orchestrated music . And it cannot be said enough just what this does for the final product , as someone who experienced the original compositions . This is a brilliant piece of work , and any fan of game music would do well to have it in their collection . But inside Dragon Quest VIII , where it's intended , where it has its most potent effect . . . it's quite the package . Although at times it can have a rather odd echoe ( this is apparently due to the fact that the orchestrations were recorded in an auditorium with no audience , and only 7 microphones ) , it is such a great improvement . Definitely shows SquareEnix went above and beyond the call for this release . As a suppliment to this , the US localization team gave DQ8 voice acting too . This is a hit or miss affair , but generally comes off much better than most RPGs with voice acting . Yangus especially is charming , with spot on delivery and a chuckle-worthy accent . In fact , the entire game was done with European accents for the voices . . . giving it a sort of odd , British melodrama feel that as I read was the intention . And it works , what can I say . It never allows you to take the story too seriously , and sets the tone perfectly . So back to the hardcore , traditional aspect . The battle system is the staple of the Dragon Quest / Warrior series , with stat-crunching , difficult , ultra addicting gameplay . You select your commands from the menu as in the old school RPGs , and you set your character into action and he performs it . The turn-based battle system is honed to perfection in here , and I don't think there's anyway to remain this traditional and still be as enjoyable . DQ8 has pretty much nailed it shut , it doesn't get better for this type of old-school game . Random battles are weighed well , and never get too annoying or impossibly inbalanced . Generally , it's a good mix . At the end of the day , whether you like DQ8 still depends entirely on your perspective of the genre back when gaming was young . But this is by far the ultimate expression of traditional role playing games , and the slick coat of paint and phenomenal music just helps make the transition back to this period even easier . If you love RPGs , don't miss it . I doubt you'll be disappointed .
    • 019 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII not only marks the first Dragon Quest game on the PS2 ( in the states they were previously known as Dragon Warrior ) but also marks the first fully three-dimensional one in the series , and I must say it looks aboslutely stunning ! Former fans and new fans can rejoice at the sheer brilliance of Dragon Quest VIII ! An evil wizard named Dhoulmagus has gotten hold of a legendary scepter and has placed a curse on the castle which he got it from . He has turned the King into a frog , and the Princess into a horse . You , a lonely knight , are one of few to survive the attack . Now you and a set of friends , King Trote and Yagnus , will set off on a quest to find this evil wizard and break the spell . In addition , you'll meet up with two other characters named Jessica and Angelo , who will join you in your quest . There aren't a whole lot of characters in Dragon Quest VIII , but at least each one is unique . Each character also has their own strengths in battle that'll prove useful to you either way . Battling is a simple turn-based battle system . You select commands and then watch your characters tear the enemy to shreds . The battles occur at random , but they don't pop up too often , and they're often fun . Battles are also quick . You can select attacks and use magic spells . Some spells attack the enemy , some raise stats . No different than your usual turn based RPG . In addition to the battle system , you've also got skill points . You gain skill points by gaining levels . Each character has four weapon skills you can spend skill points on . Weapons like your swords , axes . . . so on and so forth . Each character also has something unique for them that you can spend ability points on . The more you spend , the better the skill . Battling is now always easy , though . Most Dragon Quest veterans know this . When you could be thrust into a battle with eight enemies ( and there are only four of you ) things can get hectic with enemies constantly healing each other , calling for back up , and even reviving dead allies ! This seems annoying , but it makes for a much more unique RPG . One where you don't have to hold down the attack button . You can't just go into a battle thinking that attacking is all you'll do . Battling in Dragon Quest VIII actually calls for strategy . If you lose a battle , though , have no fear . Unlike most RPGs , Dragon Quest doesn't have the dreaded Game Over screen . You simply are reverted back to the church where you last saved . You lose half your money , a small price to pay in the long run ( or a hefty price , depending on how you look at it ) . If you do find yourself getting into lots of trouble , you'll more than likely be well prepared for the worst . You learn a spell that helps you escape from dungeons fairly early in the game , and most of your healing assets don't cost too much money . The game is a challenge , but not impossible . The graphics of this game are absolutely spectacular ! Fans of Dragon Ball Z or Chrono Trigger will be happy to know Akira Toriyama was brought on board to shape the world in which you're playing . The character movements are smooth , the frame rate is consistent . And if you're an old school gamer , the enemy designs haven't changed much . I think some will appreciate that . If you're not an old school gamer , fear not ; the monsters aren't the same old cardboard cutouts they used to be , either . I can't express enough how gorgeous these in-battle graphics are ! They're fast , and you'll be instantly stunned by it's beauty . The music is just as stunning as the visuals ! From the music made in dungeons and the overworld map to the voice acting . It all shines with nothing but sheer brilliance . The game is long , and full of side quests as well . You'll easily be playing for more than fifty hours . The only downside to how long it'll take you is the same one that plagues most Dragon Quest games . You'll probably spend a lot of that time leveling up . Overall , Dragon Quest VIII is worth your hard-earned cash . Fixing the problems that once plagued the series , it deserves your gratitude . An engaging tale , gorgeous graphics and sound , great characters - - what's not to like ? Grab it , you won't be sorry . The Good + An Engaging Storyline + GORGEOUS GRAPHICS + Excellent Voice Acting + Excellent Sound + Battling is fun , fast , and simple + Wonderful character development + It includes a demo of Final Fantasy XII ! The Bad - Random Battles Are Tough - Some may feel there are not enough characters - The game is long , but most of it you'll no doubt spend leveling up . I assure you those small qualms won't turn you away from this instant classic .
    • 020 4  Dragon Quest VIII not only marks the first Dragon Quest game on the PS2 ( in the states they were previously known as Dragon Warrior ) but also marks the first fully three-dimensional one in the series , and I must say it looks aboslutely stunning ! Former fans and new fans can rejoice at the sheer brilliance of Dragon Quest VIII ! An evil wizard named Dhoulmagus has gotten hold of a legendary scepter and has placed a curse on the castle which he got it from . He has turned the King into a frog , and the Princess into a horse . You , a lonely knight , are one of few to survive the attack . Now you and a set of friends , King Trote and Yagnus , will set off on a quest to find this evil wizard and break the spell . In addition , you'll meet up with two other characters named Jessica and Angelo , who will join you in your quest . There aren't a whole lot of characters in Dragon Quest VIII , but at least each one is unique . Each character also has their own strengths in battle that'll prove useful to you either way . Battling is a simple turn-based battle system . You select commands and then watch your characters tear the enemy to shreds . The battles occur at random , but they don't pop up too often , and they're often fun . Battles are also quick . You can select attacks and use magic spells . Some spells attack the enemy , some raise stats . No different than your usual turn based RPG . In addition to the battle system , you've also got skill points . You gain skill points by gaining levels . Each character has four weapon skills you can spend skill points on . Weapons like your swords , axes . . . so on and so forth . Each character also has something unique for them that you can spend ability points on . The more you spend , the better the skill . Battling is now always easy , though . Most Dragon Quest veterans know this . When you could be thrust into a battle with eight enemies ( and there are only four of you ) things can get hectic with enemies constantly healing each other , calling for back up , and even reviving dead allies ! This seems annoying , but it makes for a much more unique RPG . One where you don't have to hold down the attack button . You can't just go into a battle thinking that attacking is all you'll do . Battling in Dragon Quest VIII actually calls for strategy . If you lose a battle , though , have no fear . Unlike most RPGs , Dragon Quest doesn't have the dreaded Game Over screen . You simply are reverted back to the church where you last saved . You lose half your money , a small price to pay in the long run ( or a hefty price , depending on how you look at it ) . If you do find yourself getting into lots of trouble , you'll more than likely be well prepared for the worst . You learn a spell that helps you escape from dungeons fairly early in the game , and most of your healing assets don't cost too much money . The game is a challenge , but not impossible . The graphics of this game are absolutely spectacular ! Fans of Dragon Ball Z or Chrono Trigger will be happy to know Akira Toriyama was brought on board to shape the world in which you're playing . The character movements are smooth , the frame rate is consistent . And if you're an old school gamer , the enemy designs haven't changed much . I think some will appreciate that . If you're not an old school gamer , fear not ; the monsters aren't the same old cardboard cutouts they used to be , either . I can't express enough how gorgeous these in-battle graphics are ! They're fast , and you'll be instantly stunned by it's beauty . The music is just as stunning as the visuals ! From the music made in dungeons and the overworld map to the voice acting . It all shines with nothing but sheer brilliance . The game is long , and full of side quests as well . You'll easily be playing for more than fifty hours . The only downside to how long it'll take you is the same one that plagues most Dragon Quest games . You'll probably spend a lot of that time leveling up . Overall , Dragon Quest VIII is worth your hard-earned cash . Fixing the problems that once plagued the series , it deserves your gratitude . An engaging tale , gorgeous graphics and sound , great characters - - what's not to like ? Grab it , you won't be sorry . The Good + An Engaging Storyline + GORGEOUS GRAPHICS + Excellent Voice Acting + Excellent Sound + Battling is fun , fast , and simple + Wonderful character development + It includes a demo of Final Fantasy XII ! The Bad - Random Battles Are Tough - Some may feel there are not enough characters - The game is long , but most of it you'll no doubt spend leveling up . I assure you those small qualms won't turn you away from this instant classic .
    • 021 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Next to the Final Fantasy series , the Dragon Quest series is probably the best known RPG series in the video game world . Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King not only proves this statement even more so , but makes a true , worthy debut on the PS2 with a revamped look , and an engrossing and engaging story . Without giving too much in the latter department away , Dragon Quest VIII manages to keep the gamer enthralled while you take on hordes of enemies in the tried but true random and turn based battle system . While a majority of these battles are difficult and even borderline on annoying , Dragon Quest VIII still manages to pack in enough originality to a tired genre and presentation thanks to some brilliantly designed monsters , landscapes , and characters in your party . While they may seem like cardboard cutout copies of atypical RPG characters , each person you meet and engage has their own unique personality . The game also boasts some gorgeous graphics for a PS2 game , not to mention some wonderful music and voice acting to boot . The game's unique charm and humor combined with a lengthy quest all helo make Dragon Quest VIII even more of a slam dunk . RPG's rarely get any better than this . If you missed out on Dragon Quest VIII when it first came out , you have no reason to miss out on it now . This isn't only one of the best RPG's you'll ever play , it's one of the best games ever for PS2 regardless of the genre .
    • 022 4  Next to the Final Fantasy series , the Dragon Quest series is probably the best known RPG series in the video game world . Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King not only proves this statement even more so , but makes a true , worthy debut on the PS2 with a revamped look , and an engrossing and engaging story . Without giving too much in the latter department away , Dragon Quest VIII manages to keep the gamer enthralled while you take on hordes of enemies in the tried but true random and turn based battle system . While a majority of these battles are difficult and even borderline on annoying , Dragon Quest VIII still manages to pack in enough originality to a tired genre and presentation thanks to some brilliantly designed monsters , landscapes , and characters in your party . While they may seem like cardboard cutout copies of atypical RPG characters , each person you meet and engage has their own unique personality . The game also boasts some gorgeous graphics for a PS2 game , not to mention some wonderful music and voice acting to boot . The game's unique charm and humor combined with a lengthy quest all helo make Dragon Quest VIII even more of a slam dunk . RPG's rarely get any better than this . If you missed out on Dragon Quest VIII when it first came out , you have no reason to miss out on it now . This isn't only one of the best RPG's you'll ever play , it's one of the best games ever for PS2 regardless of the genre .
    • 023 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) There are those of us RPG players who like old-school and Dragon Quest VIII is definitely old-school . The game can be confusing at first ( where in the hell is my MP was my first puzzler ) but once you start playing , you literally cannot put it down . It's a classic , party and turn based RPG with gorgeous color , eye-popping graphics , difficult bosses , and lots of room to explore and build your party . The soundtrack and music are pretty good and change with each new world that you explore . There are lots of hidden extras and you could literally spend hours just trying to hunt those down because the game is nearly completely interactive . . . you can pretty much go anywhere you like . It's not so open-wide , however , that you get completely lost and don't know what you're supposed to be doing . There is a clear linear storyline ( it doesn't make you feel overwhelmed with thousands of choices , which I like . . . I don't care how great the graphics are . . . Elder Scrolls ) . The voice-overs are fantastic and the dialogue has a lot of wit and humor . You can completely customize your party and each member has several different options on how you build them because skills are based on points and it's up to you how to allot them . Even though it's turn based , the party deploys spells and attacks with a lot of 3D action , which enhances the graphical appeal of the game . One word of caution , however , for those who are looking for Elder Scrolls or FF type of graphics . . . you're not going to get that here . This is pretty traditional , almost cell-like animation so it doesn't have the fluidity that some of the newer titles have . But it's still a really pretty game to look at . The controls are fairly easy as is the battle interface ; you can pick and choose who does what . The one thing I will say negative about the battle interface is that you couldn't pick who went first or in what order . That would have been a nice addition but the game might have been too easy that way . The randomness of the attacks from your own party certainly keeps you on your toes . Overall , this is a fantastic game for those who enjoy traditional , turn-based RPGs . It's not super duper difficult , it's fun to play and will provide hours and hours of enjoyment . To say that I am addicted to this game would be an understatement .
    • 024 4  There are those of us RPG players who like old-school and Dragon Quest VIII is definitely old-school . The game can be confusing at first ( where in the hell is my MP was my first puzzler ) but once you start playing , you literally cannot put it down . It's a classic , party and turn based RPG with gorgeous color , eye-popping graphics , difficult bosses , and lots of room to explore and build your party . The soundtrack and music are pretty good and change with each new world that you explore . There are lots of hidden extras and you could literally spend hours just trying to hunt those down because the game is nearly completely interactive . . . you can pretty much go anywhere you like . It's not so open-wide , however , that you get completely lost and don't know what you're supposed to be doing . There is a clear linear storyline ( it doesn't make you feel overwhelmed with thousands of choices , which I like . . . I don't care how great the graphics are . . . Elder Scrolls ) . The voice-overs are fantastic and the dialogue has a lot of wit and humor . You can completely customize your party and each member has several different options on how you build them because skills are based on points and it's up to you how to allot them . Even though it's turn based , the party deploys spells and attacks with a lot of 3D action , which enhances the graphical appeal of the game . One word of caution , however , for those who are looking for Elder Scrolls or FF type of graphics . . . you're not going to get that here . This is pretty traditional , almost cell-like animation so it doesn't have the fluidity that some of the newer titles have . But it's still a really pretty game to look at . The controls are fairly easy as is the battle interface ; you can pick and choose who does what . The one thing I will say negative about the battle interface is that you couldn't pick who went first or in what order . That would have been a nice addition but the game might have been too easy that way . The randomness of the attacks from your own party certainly keeps you on your toes . Overall , this is a fantastic game for those who enjoy traditional , turn-based RPGs . It's not super duper difficult , it's fun to play and will provide hours and hours of enjoyment . To say that I am addicted to this game would be an understatement .
    • 025 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I have been losing a lot of interest in RPGs as of late , because of the overemphasis on stories . Don't get me wrong , the story is crucial to an RPG , but I don't need 20 minute movies to flesh it out , with almost no gameplay in between mammoth cutscenes . That's why I lost my interest in FF ( X totally lost me since I felt like I was in a movie , not even really playing it ) . I know that most modern gamers don't mind , but to those of us who are pretty much sick of that , this one's for you . The game is really old-school , to say the least . From the story , to the fighting , it's pretty classic stuff . The graphics , however , are drop dead gorgeous . You'll see numerous comments on the graphics here , and they are well deserved . Probably the best looking PS2 game that I own . This is definitely a LONG RPG . It took me about 72 hours to defeat , and I didn't do much at all with the side quests . Like I said previously , this is really old school , so expect a lot of gameplay ( fights ) to level up your characters . I enjoy this in RPGs , but some do not . The sound is really good too . The music is ( mostly ) played by a real symphony . That really adds a lot to the feel of the game . I can't see how anyone would have problem with the voices , since the British actors all do a fine job , and isn't like a lot of lame American translation jobs . Really top notch . Also , no squeaky Anime porn voices ! The only negatives that I can really say about the game , is that the story is a bit light , although it does get darker as the game progresses . Also , the combat system could be just a touch more complex , and i've never been a big fan of random battles . Other than that , the game is one of the best I have played in years . I had a blast with it , and if you're more into old-school RPGing , you should too . Of course , if you want to watch a movie , there's a ton of other games to choose from . . . Sam M .
    • 026 4  I have been losing a lot of interest in RPGs as of late , because of the overemphasis on stories . Don't get me wrong , the story is crucial to an RPG , but I don't need 20 minute movies to flesh it out , with almost no gameplay in between mammoth cutscenes . That's why I lost my interest in FF ( X totally lost me since I felt like I was in a movie , not even really playing it ) . I know that most modern gamers don't mind , but to those of us who are pretty much sick of that , this one's for you . The game is really old-school , to say the least . From the story , to the fighting , it's pretty classic stuff . The graphics , however , are drop dead gorgeous . You'll see numerous comments on the graphics here , and they are well deserved . Probably the best looking PS2 game that I own . This is definitely a LONG RPG . It took me about 72 hours to defeat , and I didn't do much at all with the side quests . Like I said previously , this is really old school , so expect a lot of gameplay ( fights ) to level up your characters . I enjoy this in RPGs , but some do not . The sound is really good too . The music is ( mostly ) played by a real symphony . That really adds a lot to the feel of the game . I can't see how anyone would have problem with the voices , since the British actors all do a fine job , and isn't like a lot of lame American translation jobs . Really top notch . Also , no squeaky Anime porn voices ! The only negatives that I can really say about the game , is that the story is a bit light , although it does get darker as the game progresses . Also , the combat system could be just a touch more complex , and i've never been a big fan of random battles . Other than that , the game is one of the best I have played in years . I had a blast with it , and if you're more into old-school RPGing , you should too . Of course , if you want to watch a movie , there's a ton of other games to choose from . . . Sam M .
    • 027 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) It is difficult to know where to begin when describing this wonderful game . I have been playing RPGs since the original Dragon Warrior was released for NES , and I have rarely played a game that held my interest quite as well as Dragon Quest VIII . Having played the other premiere RPGs of 2005 ( Shin Megami Tensei : Nocturne , Atelier Iris : Eternal Mana , etc . ) , I can honestly say that Dragon Quest VIII is by far the best of all . While I am typically drawn to games with mature , serious , and deep plotlines , Dragon Quest VIII's immersive , yet playful story kept me interested because I never quite knew what to expect . The monster and character designs are innovative throughout the game . Monster models are rarely re-colored and re-used as they are in so many other titles . Additionally , the voice acting ( which is all done by exceptional British voice talent ) , created a truly unique experience for an American gamer like me because I am so unfamiliar with all of the different phrasings and dialects that are encountered throughout the game . All in all , DQ VIII's gameplay can be described as fun , yet rich and diverse . You cannot allow this title to pass you by .
    • 028 4  It is difficult to know where to begin when describing this wonderful game . I have been playing RPGs since the original Dragon Warrior was released for NES , and I have rarely played a game that held my interest quite as well as Dragon Quest VIII . Having played the other premiere RPGs of 2005 ( Shin Megami Tensei : Nocturne , Atelier Iris : Eternal Mana , etc . ) , I can honestly say that Dragon Quest VIII is by far the best of all . While I am typically drawn to games with mature , serious , and deep plotlines , Dragon Quest VIII's immersive , yet playful story kept me interested because I never quite knew what to expect . The monster and character designs are innovative throughout the game . Monster models are rarely re-colored and re-used as they are in so many other titles . Additionally , the voice acting ( which is all done by exceptional British voice talent ) , created a truly unique experience for an American gamer like me because I am so unfamiliar with all of the different phrasings and dialects that are encountered throughout the game . All in all , DQ VIII's gameplay can be described as fun , yet rich and diverse . You cannot allow this title to pass you by .
    • 029 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) A mute , a fat guy , and a mouse walk into a bar . This is not the start of yet another tired , old joke but , the beginning of Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King , the latest game in the popular RPG series that didn't want to grow up from Square-Enix . The sequel comes four years after the Dragon Warrior VII , the game that caused many a gamer to quit their jobs and left their families to complete before the coming apocalypse , was released . Its evolution , baby . The series finally sees many noticeable upgrades in many areas while still retaining the simple charm that made Japan's gamers sell their souls and devote their lives to getting one more level up and maybe finding one more treasure chest around the corner . It with these new improvements , plus others added specifically for the American release , that Square-Enix hopes to capture some of that insanity here in the US . My eyes ! The goggles . . . hey , wait a minute . The first thing you will notice , aside from the fact that we are now playing Dragon Quest instead of Dragon Warrior ( Enix finally got the rights to the Quest name ) , and probably the most talked about upgrade for this game are the graphics . They are without a doubt , some of the finest , beautiful , most detailed , oh my god I just creamed my pants graphics ever in a Dragon Quest game , and quite possibly for the PS2 . Everything is bright and colorful . The world is alive and moving with many little things going on in the background . Speaking of the background , almost everything in the background is part of the world . See that mountain off in the distance ? Walk on over and climb it . As far as I can tell , every piece of the world is accessible and not static . The characters look as if they were ripped straight out of an anime . Akira Toriyama's artwork is represented accurately , making you wonder if everyone in the DQVIII world has a receding hairline or if they all just have very large foreheads . Pump up the volume . All of the familiar themes are back but this time fully orchestrated . For the US release Square-Enix removed the PS2 synth music and inserted arranged music from the Dragon Quest VIII Symphonic Suite , conducted by Koichi Sugiyama ( the man behind every DQ game's music ) and played by the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra . The resulting effect is incredible and will probably make you weep tears of joy when you hear the Overture March . It will make you run to the dresser drawer for new underpants upon hearing the battle theme for the first time . It is very dramatic and makes the hours you will spend leveling up a joy . Hearing the over world music for the first time will make traveling and exploring one of the most serene and calming experiences you have ever had in a video game . It is something that I hope sets the standard for RPGs and that more companies follow suit . All of these beautiful melodies are accompanied by sound effects ripped straight from the NES games , and that is perfectly fine . If this were any other game , it'd probably lose points for combing really beautiful music with old , substandard sound effects , but with Dragon Quest I think it is necessary to have these sound the same as the first time you heard them in 1989 . There is also voice acting , another addition to the US release , which doesn't fit the game at all and really was only added to appeal to gamers who can't stand to read a few paragraphs of text . Thankfully , they can be turned off . Time to party like its 1989 . Even with graphical and aural upgrades , you would think the one thing that would not change is the game play . In Dragon Quest's nineteen years of existence , the game play as remained exactly the same as it appeared in the first one with only minor tweaks and changes . Now comes the biggest , most significant change to the series ' core game play since the ability to fight multiple enemies at once and that is . . . wait for it . . . THE ABILITY TO SELECT INDIVIDUAL TARGETS FROM WITHIN A GROUP . Yes , I am totally shocked . But it doesn't stop there , no it does not ! After seven games in the main series , several remakes , and quite a few spin-offs you can now SEE your party members in combat . Oh my god , jaw hit the floor , dubba-yu tee eff , barbeque . After the initial shock of seeing this it can be good or bad . To some of you it will be a welcome change , especially for Jessica fan boys , and to the rest of you , you will probably be bothered by how the animation can slow down the pace of battles but you will get used to it . Also , depending on how you like your gaming , is how the skill point system will affect you . Gone are job classes and making one character sport several different jobs . Now each character has a specific set of skills you can raise at level up with skill points acquired along side your experience points . Definitely a step back but , its simplicity may turn someone away who enjoyed spending three hundred hours leveling every job possible in previous games . The last big change to the game play is that all the classic menus you know and love are gone , replaced with graphical menus full of icons . Movement around them is rather cumbersome but isn't much of an issue considering that the original menus were never the most streamlined to begin with . Still , it's a piece of nostalgia that has been lost for players that have played the series since the beginning . Little Draque has grown up . Developer Level 5 took the little boy and molded him into a man . That is the best way I can describe Dragon Quest VIII . While still clinging onto certain aspects of his childhood , he finally grew up and became more refined and distinguished yet still a kid at heart . While he may have done some things we really don't care for , they can be forgiven because of his charm and charisma just makes him too lovable to hate and all of his faults can be ignored . Folks , this is a true coming of age . Dragon Quest VIII has so much good going for it that the few bad things it has going for it are totally overshadowed by it . I truly do believe this is RPG of the year right here , if not game of the year . Go out and buy , rent , borrow , whatever you have to do to play it . Those of you who grew up playing Dragon Quest will have little to complain about and those of you new to the series should be intrigued and compelled enough to seek out the older games in the series to see what you missed or weren't alive to see them . I guarantee it .
    • 030 4  A mute , a fat guy , and a mouse walk into a bar . This is not the start of yet another tired , old joke but , the beginning of Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King , the latest game in the popular RPG series that didn't want to grow up from Square-Enix . The sequel comes four years after the Dragon Warrior VII , the game that caused many a gamer to quit their jobs and left their families to complete before the coming apocalypse , was released . Its evolution , baby . The series finally sees many noticeable upgrades in many areas while still retaining the simple charm that made Japan's gamers sell their souls and devote their lives to getting one more level up and maybe finding one more treasure chest around the corner . It with these new improvements , plus others added specifically for the American release , that Square-Enix hopes to capture some of that insanity here in the US . My eyes ! The goggles . . . hey , wait a minute . The first thing you will notice , aside from the fact that we are now playing Dragon Quest instead of Dragon Warrior ( Enix finally got the rights to the Quest name ) , and probably the most talked about upgrade for this game are the graphics . They are without a doubt , some of the finest , beautiful , most detailed , oh my god I just creamed my pants graphics ever in a Dragon Quest game , and quite possibly for the PS2 . Everything is bright and colorful . The world is alive and moving with many little things going on in the background . Speaking of the background , almost everything in the background is part of the world . See that mountain off in the distance ? Walk on over and climb it . As far as I can tell , every piece of the world is accessible and not static . The characters look as if they were ripped straight out of an anime . Akira Toriyama's artwork is represented accurately , making you wonder if everyone in the DQVIII world has a receding hairline or if they all just have very large foreheads . Pump up the volume . All of the familiar themes are back but this time fully orchestrated . For the US release Square-Enix removed the PS2 synth music and inserted arranged music from the Dragon Quest VIII Symphonic Suite , conducted by Koichi Sugiyama ( the man behind every DQ game's music ) and played by the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra . The resulting effect is incredible and will probably make you weep tears of joy when you hear the Overture March . It will make you run to the dresser drawer for new underpants upon hearing the battle theme for the first time . It is very dramatic and makes the hours you will spend leveling up a joy . Hearing the over world music for the first time will make traveling and exploring one of the most serene and calming experiences you have ever had in a video game . It is something that I hope sets the standard for RPGs and that more companies follow suit . All of these beautiful melodies are accompanied by sound effects ripped straight from the NES games , and that is perfectly fine . If this were any other game , it'd probably lose points for combing really beautiful music with old , substandard sound effects , but with Dragon Quest I think it is necessary to have these sound the same as the first time you heard them in 1989 . There is also voice acting , another addition to the US release , which doesn't fit the game at all and really was only added to appeal to gamers who can't stand to read a few paragraphs of text . Thankfully , they can be turned off . Time to party like its 1989 . Even with graphical and aural upgrades , you would think the one thing that would not change is the game play . In Dragon Quest's nineteen years of existence , the game play as remained exactly the same as it appeared in the first one with only minor tweaks and changes . Now comes the biggest , most significant change to the series ' core game play since the ability to fight multiple enemies at once and that is . . . wait for it . . . THE ABILITY TO SELECT INDIVIDUAL TARGETS FROM WITHIN A GROUP . Yes , I am totally shocked . But it doesn't stop there , no it does not ! After seven games in the main series , several remakes , and quite a few spin-offs you can now SEE your party members in combat . Oh my god , jaw hit the floor , dubba-yu tee eff , barbeque . After the initial shock of seeing this it can be good or bad . To some of you it will be a welcome change , especially for Jessica fan boys , and to the rest of you , you will probably be bothered by how the animation can slow down the pace of battles but you will get used to it . Also , depending on how you like your gaming , is how the skill point system will affect you . Gone are job classes and making one character sport several different jobs . Now each character has a specific set of skills you can raise at level up with skill points acquired along side your experience points . Definitely a step back but , its simplicity may turn someone away who enjoyed spending three hundred hours leveling every job possible in previous games . The last big change to the game play is that all the classic menus you know and love are gone , replaced with graphical menus full of icons . Movement around them is rather cumbersome but isn't much of an issue considering that the original menus were never the most streamlined to begin with . Still , it's a piece of nostalgia that has been lost for players that have played the series since the beginning . Little Draque has grown up . Developer Level 5 took the little boy and molded him into a man . That is the best way I can describe Dragon Quest VIII . While still clinging onto certain aspects of his childhood , he finally grew up and became more refined and distinguished yet still a kid at heart . While he may have done some things we really don't care for , they can be forgiven because of his charm and charisma just makes him too lovable to hate and all of his faults can be ignored . Folks , this is a true coming of age . Dragon Quest VIII has so much good going for it that the few bad things it has going for it are totally overshadowed by it . I truly do believe this is RPG of the year right here , if not game of the year . Go out and buy , rent , borrow , whatever you have to do to play it . Those of you who grew up playing Dragon Quest will have little to complain about and those of you new to the series should be intrigued and compelled enough to seek out the older games in the series to see what you missed or weren't alive to see them . I guarantee it .
    • 031 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) - Slime Knight Falion's Review of Dragon Quest VIII - Many years ago , I was enthralled with a new video game titled Dragon Warrior for the Nintendo Entertainment System . At the time , a game like The Legend of Zelda seemed like it was pushing the boundaries of gaming to the extreme , so I was shocked when I first saw a friend playing Dragon Warrior . A static picture of an enemy slime was on the screen , and commands were chosen to fight the creature . Where was the jumping ? Where was the animation ? I was so confused ! After spending some time with the game , I quickly became an addict , and have been a faithful RPG fan ever since . Several years later , I purchased Dragon Warrior IV , which became my favorite game of all time . Fast forward to 2005 and Dragon Quest VIII ( finally being referred to in the US by its original name ) has arrived . It was my most anticipated game of the year , but was it worth the wait ? Let's begin with the game's superficial qualities . DQ8 has the best presentation that I have ever seen in an RPG , and that is NOT hyperbole . What we are given is an unparalleled amount of charm and emotion combined with very high production values . Heck , the English version of the game even has ( superb ) voice acting that is not found in the Japanese version ! The graphics are vibrant , colorful , and wonderfully cel-shaded , perfectly matching the mood of the story . The music is the best yet in the DQ series , ranging from light-hearted , adventurous town music to haunting , melancholy tragic music . The aesthetic qualities will suck you into this game like no other , and you'll be hooked from the first scene . DQ8 has a rather simple story , but the game is more about the characters anyways . You play as a group of travelers searching for a maniacal , homicidal court jester ( sound familiar , Final Fantasy VI fans ? ) for , well . . . revenge for the most part . Simple enough , but along the way , you will encounter many of characters who are in dire need of a hero's help . These characters provide for myriad side-quests that will make an entire week of your gaming time vanish into thin air . Once you are given the opportunity to collect monsters for arena fighting , you might as well kiss your life goodbye . DQ8 is a very challenging RPG , but it is never completely overwhelming . Today's RPG fans no doubt are not used to leveling up before tackling a challenging dungeon , so there might be a bit of a learning curve before RPG novices become comfortable with the challenge level . However , considering that most of the challenge is easily overcome by fighting monsters outside a dungeon for a while , it is really nothing that anyone need worry about . If I were to choose the finest game of 2005 , I would have to decide between Dragon Quest VIII , Shadow of the Colossus , and Resident Evil 4 . In the end , though , I would choose DQ8 , if only for the fact that it takes about ten times longer to complete than either of the other games . If you are a fan of RPGs even in the slightest , be sure to buy this gem immediately !
    • 032 4  - Slime Knight Falion's Review of Dragon Quest VIII - Many years ago , I was enthralled with a new video game titled Dragon Warrior for the Nintendo Entertainment System . At the time , a game like The Legend of Zelda seemed like it was pushing the boundaries of gaming to the extreme , so I was shocked when I first saw a friend playing Dragon Warrior . A static picture of an enemy slime was on the screen , and commands were chosen to fight the creature . Where was the jumping ? Where was the animation ? I was so confused ! After spending some time with the game , I quickly became an addict , and have been a faithful RPG fan ever since . Several years later , I purchased Dragon Warrior IV , which became my favorite game of all time . Fast forward to 2005 and Dragon Quest VIII ( finally being referred to in the US by its original name ) has arrived . It was my most anticipated game of the year , but was it worth the wait ? Let's begin with the game's superficial qualities . DQ8 has the best presentation that I have ever seen in an RPG , and that is NOT hyperbole . What we are given is an unparalleled amount of charm and emotion combined with very high production values . Heck , the English version of the game even has ( superb ) voice acting that is not found in the Japanese version ! The graphics are vibrant , colorful , and wonderfully cel-shaded , perfectly matching the mood of the story . The music is the best yet in the DQ series , ranging from light-hearted , adventurous town music to haunting , melancholy tragic music . The aesthetic qualities will suck you into this game like no other , and you'll be hooked from the first scene . DQ8 has a rather simple story , but the game is more about the characters anyways . You play as a group of travelers searching for a maniacal , homicidal court jester ( sound familiar , Final Fantasy VI fans ? ) for , well . . . revenge for the most part . Simple enough , but along the way , you will encounter many of characters who are in dire need of a hero's help . These characters provide for myriad side-quests that will make an entire week of your gaming time vanish into thin air . Once you are given the opportunity to collect monsters for arena fighting , you might as well kiss your life goodbye . DQ8 is a very challenging RPG , but it is never completely overwhelming . Today's RPG fans no doubt are not used to leveling up before tackling a challenging dungeon , so there might be a bit of a learning curve before RPG novices become comfortable with the challenge level . However , considering that most of the challenge is easily overcome by fighting monsters outside a dungeon for a while , it is really nothing that anyone need worry about . If I were to choose the finest game of 2005 , I would have to decide between Dragon Quest VIII , Shadow of the Colossus , and Resident Evil 4 . In the end , though , I would choose DQ8 , if only for the fact that it takes about ten times longer to complete than either of the other games . If you are a fan of RPGs even in the slightest , be sure to buy this gem immediately !
    • 033 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) If you're the type of RPG gamer who grew up playing the original dragon warrior and final fantasy NES games , and who still thinks of them fondly , then this is the RPG for you . I mean it . If you're that guy who wets his pants with uncontrollable ecstasy when , and only when , a Final Fantasy game with a roman numeral greater than VII appended lands in his hands , then you should probably stop reading now , as I might not be able to convince you of this DQ8 ' s pure brilliance . Designed to be more of a traditional RPG and less like the japanese customiz-o-fest clones that modern RPGs have become , DQ8 does just about everything right . From the gorgeous andand vivid handdrawn graphics and detailed animations to the beautiful soundtrack and enjoyable sound effects and on to the stunning overworld and dungeon design , DQ8 is an absolute masterpiece . Let's break this behemoth down : - Story . Recall that this is a traditional RPG , and what tends to go along with that classification is a traditional storyline . There's some great evil brewing somewhere evil and evil people are doing evil things because of it . Not necessarily earth-shattering , but not boring either . In fact , it's pretty enjoyable if you just lay back and become a part of it , and the plot will take you all over the land through a large variety of interesting locations , which is always nice . In my opinion , so many RPGs have been made up to this point in history that it's almost impossible to come up with an original storyline . Think about it . RPG plots aren't really all that different . So , what makes a game's tired / cliched storyline worth playing ? Ah , the characters . - Characters . One of the many great things this game has going for it . Characters ( both playable and nonplayable ) are interesting and unique in personality , and are fun to interact with . You start out with only two playable characters , but that increases to a max of four as the story progresses . WHAT ? ! ? WHERE ARE MY 5,000 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS ? ! ? ! Sorry bubba , remember this is a traditional rpg . You control only a small number of characters so that you'll get to know them better and become more attached as a result . So again , what makes a cliched story worth playing through is the engaging characters that live it . And these characters are full of personality as well as different enough from one another to not seem like clones . - Voice Acting . Top-notch . Some have complained that most of the voices are British , which is definitely true , but is that really a bad thing ? Personally I'd rather hear some British guy grunt half-syllables all day long than have to listen to another high-pitch Japanese pre-teen squeak for even a few seconds . Yeah , that was a shot at quite a few voice actors who lend their talents to modern RPGs . Go back to anime porn . - Graphics . Absolutely gorgeous . If every game from here on out had graphics of this caliber , I'd quit my job , sell my couch , affix wheels to my toilet , roll it out in front of the tv , and spend the rest of my life there playing games . Why should I sit here and describe the visuals in words ? Go on grandpa , get on the internet and see for yourself ! - Music and sound . Beautiful and appropriate . From the opening title theme that most old-school RPGers will recognize to the ending track , all music is fully orchestrated and a delight to hear . Granted , there aren't many tracks overall , and many of them ( like the overworld and battle tunes ) will be played over and over and over and over again , but don't be too disappointed . Remember , even the common tracks are pleasant to the ears . - Battles . Just like the old days . Battles involve the good guys lined up on one side and the bad guys lined up on the other side , facing each other . Action is turn-based , with the player inputting commands for all the characters ( fight , magic , skill , run , defend , etc ) and each character's and monster's reaction statistic generally determines the order they take their turn . Battles are fast and fluid . Animations don't involve unnecessary crap like the player licking his fingers , massaging his scabbard , slowing pulling out his sword , taking a few test swings , zigzag running toward the target , screaming OOGA BOOGA , hitting the target , zigzag running back to the party , then saying something stupid like Feel the ultimate power ! . Characters jump toward the enemy , blast them , and hop back in line . Again , lightning fast . And this is a good thing . Animations are appropriate and fun to watch , and the business gets done . - Magic and skills . As you level up , you'll get skill points that you can assign to various types of skill categories such as sword , spell , sex appeal , etc . Which categories you see depend on which one of the four characters you're dealing with . Depending on where you allocate these points , the characters will learn particular skills when they level up . Some are useful , some are not , some are really friggin ' useful , and some are good to get your rocks off , at least partially ( take my word for it ) . In short , the system works well , with the magic casting characters getting the good spells and the offensive-minded characters getting the good attach stuff . It flows nicely too . Rarely ( if ever ) will you have to sit there and level up just to get some skill that will allow you beat a boss . In fact , I don't think this ever happened , even once . - Overworld and dungeons . One word : expansive . The world is designed to mimic a real , living place . When you travel from Town A , through the forest , across a rope bridge , through the valley , and up the hill to Town B , you actually get to do all that . It's not simply a case of pointing your character to the east , and holding down the run button until you bump into the next town . This was probably the most amazing part of the game for me . The lands you visit are enormous , and once you get other forms of transportation ( three more in addition to running around ) , you'll really get a feel for the size of the DQ8 world . And boy , have I mentioned the graphics are colorful , vivid , and downright beautiful ? I have ? Well it probably won't be the last time . - Load times . If there absolutely , positively MUST be a negative in this jewel of a game , it's the loading time that springs up and shows its ugly thank you , CD / DVD medium ) face everytime you enter or leave a battle , town , or form of transportation . Now , be careful . The load time is not horrendous by any means , but it is certainly noticeable . I'd say the battle loads are around a few seconds going into the battle and a few seconds leaving . Of course , this all depends on where the battle takes place . Out-of-battle loads take up to 5 seconds or so in the overworld , but are almost negligible in dungeons ( due to the fact that dungeons all much smaller than an entire continent ) . So , bottom line , the load times are noticeable , but they really shouldn't detract from the enjoyment of the game . If they do , you should really consider taking a big sip of lighten up . - Random encounters . Ah , what can often make or break an RPG . I've read reviews that have said that the encounter rate is too high . I think those people are on crack . That , or they need to consider trying the above-mentioned soft drink . The encounter rate is totally appropriate for this game . I'd say you'll get a fight about every 10 secs or so , which is actually a long time if you think about it . Don't worry , you won't get attacked once every 3 steps like some other games . And , if the encounters do get to you for some reason , or if you're backtracking and don't want to waste time , there are items and spells to use that turn off encounters temporarily . How's that ? Or , if you're a masochist , there's a skill that allows you to be attacked as soon as you use it on the overworld . This is great for raising levels . So whatever your flavor , the combat shouldn't disappoint on any level . - Extras and side quests . There's a reasonable amount of stuff to do once you finish the main game , including a cool battle arena where you pit monsters you've collected or tamed against ranks of computer controlled monster teams to win prizes and other cool things . Other things include hidden treasure chests , dungeons and bosses . There's plenty to do here , I promise . - Game length . Man , this is another thing about the game that shocked me . It's reaallllllllllllllllllllly LONG . My final game time clocked in around 90 hours , and I hadn't really completed all the extra stuff there is to do . If you take your time and enjoy the game , the average gamer will probably put in about 60 + hours before they beat the game , not including the extra side quests and stuff . Really , this game is long and fulfilling . And well worth even twice its retail price . Don't be one of those fools who misses out on the experience because they say the battles aren't 3D or the game's too cartoony or British dialects make my ears bleed . This game is pure gold ( or better , platinum ? ) and is an absolute masterpiece in the realm of video game design . Buy a copy for yourself , buy a copy for your friend , and buy one for your dog too . Let Square Enix know that we want more of this kind of quality in the USA .
    • 034 4  If you're the type of RPG gamer who grew up playing the original dragon warrior and final fantasy NES games , and who still thinks of them fondly , then this is the RPG for you . I mean it . If you're that guy who wets his pants with uncontrollable ecstasy when , and only when , a Final Fantasy game with a roman numeral greater than VII appended lands in his hands , then you should probably stop reading now , as I might not be able to convince you of this DQ8 ' s pure brilliance . Designed to be more of a traditional RPG and less like the japanese customiz-o-fest clones that modern RPGs have become , DQ8 does just about everything right . From the gorgeous andand vivid handdrawn graphics and detailed animations to the beautiful soundtrack and enjoyable sound effects and on to the stunning overworld and dungeon design , DQ8 is an absolute masterpiece . Let's break this behemoth down : - Story . Recall that this is a traditional RPG , and what tends to go along with that classification is a traditional storyline . There's some great evil brewing somewhere evil and evil people are doing evil things because of it . Not necessarily earth-shattering , but not boring either . In fact , it's pretty enjoyable if you just lay back and become a part of it , and the plot will take you all over the land through a large variety of interesting locations , which is always nice . In my opinion , so many RPGs have been made up to this point in history that it's almost impossible to come up with an original storyline . Think about it . RPG plots aren't really all that different . So , what makes a game's tired / cliched storyline worth playing ? Ah , the characters . - Characters . One of the many great things this game has going for it . Characters ( both playable and nonplayable ) are interesting and unique in personality , and are fun to interact with . You start out with only two playable characters , but that increases to a max of four as the story progresses . WHAT ? ! ? WHERE ARE MY 5,000 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS ? ! ? ! Sorry bubba , remember this is a traditional rpg . You control only a small number of characters so that you'll get to know them better and become more attached as a result . So again , what makes a cliched story worth playing through is the engaging characters that live it . And these characters are full of personality as well as different enough from one another to not seem like clones . - Voice Acting . Top-notch . Some have complained that most of the voices are British , which is definitely true , but is that really a bad thing ? Personally I'd rather hear some British guy grunt half-syllables all day long than have to listen to another high-pitch Japanese pre-teen squeak for even a few seconds . Yeah , that was a shot at quite a few voice actors who lend their talents to modern RPGs . Go back to anime porn . - Graphics . Absolutely gorgeous . If every game from here on out had graphics of this caliber , I'd quit my job , sell my couch , affix wheels to my toilet , roll it out in front of the tv , and spend the rest of my life there playing games . Why should I sit here and describe the visuals in words ? Go on grandpa , get on the internet and see for yourself ! - Music and sound . Beautiful and appropriate . From the opening title theme that most old-school RPGers will recognize to the ending track , all music is fully orchestrated and a delight to hear . Granted , there aren't many tracks overall , and many of them ( like the overworld and battle tunes ) will be played over and over and over and over again , but don't be too disappointed . Remember , even the common tracks are pleasant to the ears . - Battles . Just like the old days . Battles involve the good guys lined up on one side and the bad guys lined up on the other side , facing each other . Action is turn-based , with the player inputting commands for all the characters ( fight , magic , skill , run , defend , etc ) and each character's and monster's reaction statistic generally determines the order they take their turn . Battles are fast and fluid . Animations don't involve unnecessary crap like the player licking his fingers , massaging his scabbard , slowing pulling out his sword , taking a few test swings , zigzag running toward the target , screaming OOGA BOOGA , hitting the target , zigzag running back to the party , then saying something stupid like Feel the ultimate power ! . Characters jump toward the enemy , blast them , and hop back in line . Again , lightning fast . And this is a good thing . Animations are appropriate and fun to watch , and the business gets done . - Magic and skills . As you level up , you'll get skill points that you can assign to various types of skill categories such as sword , spell , sex appeal , etc . Which categories you see depend on which one of the four characters you're dealing with . Depending on where you allocate these points , the characters will learn particular skills when they level up . Some are useful , some are not , some are really friggin ' useful , and some are good to get your rocks off , at least partially ( take my word for it ) . In short , the system works well , with the magic casting characters getting the good spells and the offensive-minded characters getting the good attach stuff . It flows nicely too . Rarely ( if ever ) will you have to sit there and level up just to get some skill that will allow you beat a boss . In fact , I don't think this ever happened , even once . - Overworld and dungeons . One word : expansive . The world is designed to mimic a real , living place . When you travel from Town A , through the forest , across a rope bridge , through the valley , and up the hill to Town B , you actually get to do all that . It's not simply a case of pointing your character to the east , and holding down the run button until you bump into the next town . This was probably the most amazing part of the game for me . The lands you visit are enormous , and once you get other forms of transportation ( three more in addition to running around ) , you'll really get a feel for the size of the DQ8 world . And boy , have I mentioned the graphics are colorful , vivid , and downright beautiful ? I have ? Well it probably won't be the last time . - Load times . If there absolutely , positively MUST be a negative in this jewel of a game , it's the loading time that springs up and shows its ugly thank you , CD / DVD medium ) face everytime you enter or leave a battle , town , or form of transportation . Now , be careful . The load time is not horrendous by any means , but it is certainly noticeable . I'd say the battle loads are around a few seconds going into the battle and a few seconds leaving . Of course , this all depends on where the battle takes place . Out-of-battle loads take up to 5 seconds or so in the overworld , but are almost negligible in dungeons ( due to the fact that dungeons all much smaller than an entire continent ) . So , bottom line , the load times are noticeable , but they really shouldn't detract from the enjoyment of the game . If they do , you should really consider taking a big sip of lighten up . - Random encounters . Ah , what can often make or break an RPG . I've read reviews that have said that the encounter rate is too high . I think those people are on crack . That , or they need to consider trying the above-mentioned soft drink . The encounter rate is totally appropriate for this game . I'd say you'll get a fight about every 10 secs or so , which is actually a long time if you think about it . Don't worry , you won't get attacked once every 3 steps like some other games . And , if the encounters do get to you for some reason , or if you're backtracking and don't want to waste time , there are items and spells to use that turn off encounters temporarily . How's that ? Or , if you're a masochist , there's a skill that allows you to be attacked as soon as you use it on the overworld . This is great for raising levels . So whatever your flavor , the combat shouldn't disappoint on any level . - Extras and side quests . There's a reasonable amount of stuff to do once you finish the main game , including a cool battle arena where you pit monsters you've collected or tamed against ranks of computer controlled monster teams to win prizes and other cool things . Other things include hidden treasure chests , dungeons and bosses . There's plenty to do here , I promise . - Game length . Man , this is another thing about the game that shocked me . It's reaallllllllllllllllllllly LONG . My final game time clocked in around 90 hours , and I hadn't really completed all the extra stuff there is to do . If you take your time and enjoy the game , the average gamer will probably put in about 60 + hours before they beat the game , not including the extra side quests and stuff . Really , this game is long and fulfilling . And well worth even twice its retail price . Don't be one of those fools who misses out on the experience because they say the battles aren't 3D or the game's too cartoony or British dialects make my ears bleed . This game is pure gold ( or better , platinum ? ) and is an absolute masterpiece in the realm of video game design . Buy a copy for yourself , buy a copy for your friend , and buy one for your dog too . Let Square Enix know that we want more of this kind of quality in the USA .
    • 035 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) It is odd for me to write a review of a video game , because first of all , I am not a gamer , secondly , I have hardly touched a game since except for Magna Carta , which is visually arresting , and the occasional Shadowhearts from The New World . Allow me to say that it is no exaggeration that Dragonquest VIII is probably the best game ever made , and in my personal opinion , nothing will ever come close to it . I loved this game so much I wish I could be in the game , as sick as that sounds . I mean , who wouldn't want to live in a world as beautiful and interesting as Dragonquest's ? I highly recommend this game and cannot say enough how much I loved playing it .
    • 036 4  It is odd for me to write a review of a video game , because first of all , I am not a gamer , secondly , I have hardly touched a game since except for Magna Carta , which is visually arresting , and the occasional Shadowhearts from The New World . Allow me to say that it is no exaggeration that Dragonquest VIII is probably the best game ever made , and in my personal opinion , nothing will ever come close to it . I loved this game so much I wish I could be in the game , as sick as that sounds . I mean , who wouldn't want to live in a world as beautiful and interesting as Dragonquest's ? I highly recommend this game and cannot say enough how much I loved playing it .
    • 037 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) The series of Dragon Quest games are immensely popular in Japan . In fact , this series is the best selling of all time ; yes , that's right , it has Final Fantasy beaten by a long shot . In America ? Not so much . For whatever reason , American gamers haven't caught on to the craze as much as their Japanese friends have . After playing the first ten hours of this game , I'm left wondering why . Unlike Final Fantasy , DQ , as I'll refer to it from now on , hasn't changed up the formula too much . Sure , Dragon Warrior ( as it's known here in the States ) sold pretty well way back in the late 1980 ' s , but I think its thought of as novelty nowadays . Hell , it's a great game , even today , and so is JOURNEY OF THE CURSED KING . The art is all too familiar for most of its target audience ; Akira Toriyama , of Dragonball Z fame , took the Art Direction helm , as is obvious . And he does a fantastic job . One hundred percent perfection in all three dimensions ! Take a look at a few screen shots and you may not be impressed ; take five minutes to walk around in this large and epic world , and I'm sure you'll be sold . Not being a fan of the Dragonball series any longer , this game reminded me how worthy of our respect Mr . Toriyama is . There's no complaint in the art compartment - - this game is astoundingly beautiful to look at , and feels just as wonderful as it looks . I must now admit that I'm not a fan of RPGs . I usually find random battles tedious , uninspired and interruptive in the overall pacing of a game . Here ? No . Well , at least not as much . Some complain that the random battles are too frequent , but I think this game actually has a lower ratio . That aside , the battles in this game are a treat . There are no major summons ; there is no huge cutscene before a boss ; there is very little magic as well ( compared to other games ; Final Fantasy , et al . ) - - what there is a lot of is wonderfully characteristic and humorous battle scenes , in the same vein as their elder brothers . Like I said , not much has changed in this department , but strategy is still needed and some battles are rather hard . I've not made it very far in this game ( I hear its more than 60 hours ? ! ) but I'm blown away so far . I've never been more content with a turn-based battle system . Concerning my 4 star fun rating : there's a reason . I've talked to those who've said that this game is too difficult ; I've also seen those who've said it does not give an accurate representation of the Dragon Quest world - - a minor quibble with the art , it seems - - and that they were let down . So why no 5 star fun rating ? The game can be difficult , and randomly ( and this happens rarely , but it does happen ) you'll be completely dominated by lower-level enemies , usually in a situation that is seemingly against all odds . For instance , you'll enter a battle , an enemy will have ' first strike ' and will unleash their most powerful attack , occasionally killing every character in your party with one blow . And the ability to save ONLY at the churches is somewhat annoying ; yes , I know its part of what makes this game , and I don't really have much of a problem with it , but it seems unfair and can be frustrating . Otherwise , this game is fantastic ! I rarely come upon an RPG that gives me enough feeling in so many departments ; wonderfully complex , yet interesting story-archs ; sepia-toned nostalgia ; wonderful characters , and so much more . Oh ? The voice acting ? Top notch ! I've never , ever heard better , in any game to date . It's truly the Oscar Wilde of JRPGs - - the English accents are wonderfully done . This game franchise is obsessed about for a reason - - can't recommend it enough !
    • 038 4  The series of Dragon Quest games are immensely popular in Japan . In fact , this series is the best selling of all time ; yes , that's right , it has Final Fantasy beaten by a long shot . In America ? Not so much . For whatever reason , American gamers haven't caught on to the craze as much as their Japanese friends have . After playing the first ten hours of this game , I'm left wondering why . Unlike Final Fantasy , DQ , as I'll refer to it from now on , hasn't changed up the formula too much . Sure , Dragon Warrior ( as it's known here in the States ) sold pretty well way back in the late 1980 ' s , but I think its thought of as novelty nowadays . Hell , it's a great game , even today , and so is JOURNEY OF THE CURSED KING . The art is all too familiar for most of its target audience ; Akira Toriyama , of Dragonball Z fame , took the Art Direction helm , as is obvious . And he does a fantastic job . One hundred percent perfection in all three dimensions ! Take a look at a few screen shots and you may not be impressed ; take five minutes to walk around in this large and epic world , and I'm sure you'll be sold . Not being a fan of the Dragonball series any longer , this game reminded me how worthy of our respect Mr . Toriyama is . There's no complaint in the art compartment - - this game is astoundingly beautiful to look at , and feels just as wonderful as it looks . I must now admit that I'm not a fan of RPGs . I usually find random battles tedious , uninspired and interruptive in the overall pacing of a game . Here ? No . Well , at least not as much . Some complain that the random battles are too frequent , but I think this game actually has a lower ratio . That aside , the battles in this game are a treat . There are no major summons ; there is no huge cutscene before a boss ; there is very little magic as well ( compared to other games ; Final Fantasy , et al . ) - - what there is a lot of is wonderfully characteristic and humorous battle scenes , in the same vein as their elder brothers . Like I said , not much has changed in this department , but strategy is still needed and some battles are rather hard . I've not made it very far in this game ( I hear its more than 60 hours ? ! ) but I'm blown away so far . I've never been more content with a turn-based battle system . Concerning my 4 star fun rating : there's a reason . I've talked to those who've said that this game is too difficult ; I've also seen those who've said it does not give an accurate representation of the Dragon Quest world - - a minor quibble with the art , it seems - - and that they were let down . So why no 5 star fun rating ? The game can be difficult , and randomly ( and this happens rarely , but it does happen ) you'll be completely dominated by lower-level enemies , usually in a situation that is seemingly against all odds . For instance , you'll enter a battle , an enemy will have ' first strike ' and will unleash their most powerful attack , occasionally killing every character in your party with one blow . And the ability to save ONLY at the churches is somewhat annoying ; yes , I know its part of what makes this game , and I don't really have much of a problem with it , but it seems unfair and can be frustrating . Otherwise , this game is fantastic ! I rarely come upon an RPG that gives me enough feeling in so many departments ; wonderfully complex , yet interesting story-archs ; sepia-toned nostalgia ; wonderful characters , and so much more . Oh ? The voice acting ? Top notch ! I've never , ever heard better , in any game to date . It's truly the Oscar Wilde of JRPGs - - the English accents are wonderfully done . This game franchise is obsessed about for a reason - - can't recommend it enough !
    • 039 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) In all honesty , the only reason why I picked up this game was because I heard that the character designs were made by Akira Toriyama ( who's the artist behind Dragonball Z ) and I'm certainly glad that I did . This game is about as old school as you can get but , even so , it's a lengthy one and a very enjoyable one that shouldn't be missed by RPG fans . An evil wizard named Dhoulmagus has taken a legendary scepter , cursing the castle from which it was taken and turning the king into a toadlike creature and the princess into a horse . You , the hero of this tale , were the only other inhabitant of the castle to survive the events , and you set off with King Trode , the equine Medea , and Yangus to track down the foul magician . That's where you start off on your adventure , and soon you're out tracing Dhoulmagus ' sinister trail . This marks the first fully 3 - D Dragon Quest ever in the series as well as the first time it's been released by its ' original namesake here in the states . Although it's a simple classical style RPG , it's a meaty one that clocks in at well over 50 hours so you'll definitely get your money's worth . If you're into RPGs , you need to check Dragon Quest VIII out .
    • 040 4  In all honesty , the only reason why I picked up this game was because I heard that the character designs were made by Akira Toriyama ( who's the artist behind Dragonball Z ) and I'm certainly glad that I did . This game is about as old school as you can get but , even so , it's a lengthy one and a very enjoyable one that shouldn't be missed by RPG fans . An evil wizard named Dhoulmagus has taken a legendary scepter , cursing the castle from which it was taken and turning the king into a toadlike creature and the princess into a horse . You , the hero of this tale , were the only other inhabitant of the castle to survive the events , and you set off with King Trode , the equine Medea , and Yangus to track down the foul magician . That's where you start off on your adventure , and soon you're out tracing Dhoulmagus ' sinister trail . This marks the first fully 3 - D Dragon Quest ever in the series as well as the first time it's been released by its ' original namesake here in the states . Although it's a simple classical style RPG , it's a meaty one that clocks in at well over 50 hours so you'll definitely get your money's worth . If you're into RPGs , you need to check Dragon Quest VIII out .
    • 041 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII - The Journey of the Cursed King Platform - PS2 Rating - 13 + This game I purchased recently , and I have to say it's one of the best rpg's I've played in a long , long time . This game is also our first taste , I believe , of a Dragon Quest title outside of Japan . It has a mix of interesting characters , gorgeous fully 3d graphics , and a wide variety of items , of which you can make your own ( more will be explained later on ) . Sound / Music - 9 / 10 This is one of the biggest highlights of the game for me . I'm a fan of background music , and this game did not disappoint me . The music suits the locations and battles quite nicely . Tracks such as ' Strange World ~ Marching through the Fields ' suit the wide sprawling world you have to explore , whilst my personal favourite , ' War Cry ~ Defeat the Enemy ' , is well suited to the battle scenes it accompanies and got me jazzed so much it now has a place on my ipod . Story - 8 / 10 The basic premise is the fact that King Trode and his daughter , Princess Medea , were cursed by an evil magician called Dhoulmagus , who they seek to track down and force him to return them to their original forms . Cursed to be a small monster and a horse respectively , this is the main premise of the story and does not really change . HOWEVER , there are far more details revealed about the characters themselves . Angelo , who you meet later on , is a good example - or rather his brother is . Character development and showings are good , though there is no ' end of the world ' plot . That suits this game , in a way . After all , lots of RPGs today have heavy and dark subject matter and this game can shine over that due to the fact it is happy . Not everything has to have DEATH . Plus it has Marcello , who is simply b-a-d-a-s-s . He pwns . If hate clowns so much , you may want to get this game due to the fact the main villain looks like / IS one and you have the chance to beat him up later xd . HOWEVER , it must be noted that the game continues FAAAARRRR after what happens in the Dark Ruins , which means the plot takes a nice twist . There's also some truly heartbreaking moments later on , too . Graphics - 9 / 10 The graphics are GORGEOUS . The world is fully 3d and realised in an anime style , whilst the characters and monsters themselves were designed by a well known author , the creator of Dragonball Z - Akira Toriyama . The character's designs well suit their personalities . Secondly , whenever you equip a character with armour or a weapon , the details change to show your new equipment . Little details like that are a nice touch . Such as Jessica's dancing costume - equip her with it , and she no longer wears a dress but is parading around in that costume instead ! Grass blows and water ripples , whilst all the time there is an anime ' feel ' to the game . Gameplay - 10 / 10 Easy to pick up - hard to put down . Controls are easy to learn , and the world has many different elements for you to go back and explore . Missed that locked trasure chest and feel it holds something good ? Get a key , and then you can go back and unlock it . Secondly , there is the chance to make new items with an alchemy pot . Plus there are casinos ! You can GAMBLE ! xd . Slime Bingo is oddly addictive . It looks , feels , handles and plays like an anime itself . The added bonus is the fact it contains PLENTY of humour . Don Mole , an enemy you face later on , is a giant mole version of Barry White , complete with soul music . The voiceovers are not for everyone , but they kept me entertained and IMO suit the characters . Replay Value - 9 / 10 Like the good old Final Fantasies , this game holds a LOT more than what's on the surface . Unlike FF10 , the world is , thankfully , non linear . If you rush through it the first time , you can go through it again and see if there's anything you missed . The entertainment factor also helps here , since the humour will make replaying it much more enjoyable . Final score : 45 / 50 That's my review sorted - nya ^ ^
    • 042 4  Dragon Quest VIII - The Journey of the Cursed King Platform - PS2 Rating - 13 + This game I purchased recently , and I have to say it's one of the best rpg's I've played in a long , long time . This game is also our first taste , I believe , of a Dragon Quest title outside of Japan . It has a mix of interesting characters , gorgeous fully 3d graphics , and a wide variety of items , of which you can make your own ( more will be explained later on ) . Sound / Music - 9 / 10 This is one of the biggest highlights of the game for me . I'm a fan of background music , and this game did not disappoint me . The music suits the locations and battles quite nicely . Tracks such as ' Strange World ~ Marching through the Fields ' suit the wide sprawling world you have to explore , whilst my personal favourite , ' War Cry ~ Defeat the Enemy ' , is well suited to the battle scenes it accompanies and got me jazzed so much it now has a place on my ipod . Story - 8 / 10 The basic premise is the fact that King Trode and his daughter , Princess Medea , were cursed by an evil magician called Dhoulmagus , who they seek to track down and force him to return them to their original forms . Cursed to be a small monster and a horse respectively , this is the main premise of the story and does not really change . HOWEVER , there are far more details revealed about the characters themselves . Angelo , who you meet later on , is a good example - or rather his brother is . Character development and showings are good , though there is no ' end of the world ' plot . That suits this game , in a way . After all , lots of RPGs today have heavy and dark subject matter and this game can shine over that due to the fact it is happy . Not everything has to have DEATH . Plus it has Marcello , who is simply b-a-d-a-s-s . He pwns . If hate clowns so much , you may want to get this game due to the fact the main villain looks like / IS one and you have the chance to beat him up later xd . HOWEVER , it must be noted that the game continues FAAAARRRR after what happens in the Dark Ruins , which means the plot takes a nice twist . There's also some truly heartbreaking moments later on , too . Graphics - 9 / 10 The graphics are GORGEOUS . The world is fully 3d and realised in an anime style , whilst the characters and monsters themselves were designed by a well known author , the creator of Dragonball Z - Akira Toriyama . The character's designs well suit their personalities . Secondly , whenever you equip a character with armour or a weapon , the details change to show your new equipment . Little details like that are a nice touch . Such as Jessica's dancing costume - equip her with it , and she no longer wears a dress but is parading around in that costume instead ! Grass blows and water ripples , whilst all the time there is an anime ' feel ' to the game . Gameplay - 10 / 10 Easy to pick up - hard to put down . Controls are easy to learn , and the world has many different elements for you to go back and explore . Missed that locked trasure chest and feel it holds something good ? Get a key , and then you can go back and unlock it . Secondly , there is the chance to make new items with an alchemy pot . Plus there are casinos ! You can GAMBLE ! xd . Slime Bingo is oddly addictive . It looks , feels , handles and plays like an anime itself . The added bonus is the fact it contains PLENTY of humour . Don Mole , an enemy you face later on , is a giant mole version of Barry White , complete with soul music . The voiceovers are not for everyone , but they kept me entertained and IMO suit the characters . Replay Value - 9 / 10 Like the good old Final Fantasies , this game holds a LOT more than what's on the surface . Unlike FF10 , the world is , thankfully , non linear . If you rush through it the first time , you can go through it again and see if there's anything you missed . The entertainment factor also helps here , since the humour will make replaying it much more enjoyable . Final score : 45 / 50 That's my review sorted - nya ^ ^
    • 043 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest 8 is an ode to old school RPGs . It takes the best elements from earlier takes in the series but then adds gorgeous cell shaded graphics , voice overs and a fully orchestrated soundtrack . The result is a game of epic proportions . The story covers no new ground however . The King and his daughter have been placed under a curse by an evil jester and you are bound to search for this culprit while battling monsters , finding team mates and developing your skills . I find that the story and scope of this Dragon Quest is smaller than with previous Dragon Quests , although to be fair the world is probably larger and even more attractive to explore . The cosmetic uplifting couldn't come sooner . We have awesome animations for the enemies , full 3D environments that completely immerse you in the adventure , and several ways to travel the world , including a ship and a sabrecat . Like all other Dragon Quests , battles are turn-based and combat occurs thanks to random monster encounters . New to the series is the addition of infamous monsters , which are visible on the map and have typically humorous names . While fighting you can attack , defend , cast a spell or use an ability or an item . Another nice addition is the tension system , which increments your attack power . It is the perfect addition for Boss fights or especially difficult encounters . You allocate the skill points you earn on several categories that differ from character to character . You can gain new skills with swords , staves , spears and other weapons . There is also a fairly large amount of items to discover or even create , thanks to the inclusion of an alchemist pot . This is one of the most entertaining aspects of the game . You find a recipe in a bookshelf in an inn , gather the ingredients and put them in the pot . Wait a while and Bang ! You now have an exclusive item you can't buy anywhere in the world . The adventure is epic in tradition with the series , and a lengthy one , easily clocking over 60 hours . Between side quests , hunting infamous monsters or even wasting time in the casino this game has a lot of extra spark to add to the leveling and dungeon exploration . When you combine the cell shaded graphics with the humorous dialogue and wonderful character design you have a classic tale of pure role-playing heaven . This is a salute to old school console role-playing , and while it doesn't immerse you in an endless wave of cut scenes and cinematics , it manages to grab you by the collar for hours at a time . I recommend this game to any one who even slightly likes rpg's and for fans this will be the Dragon Quest you have been waiting for . - Klingsor
    • 044 4  Dragon Quest 8 is an ode to old school RPGs . It takes the best elements from earlier takes in the series but then adds gorgeous cell shaded graphics , voice overs and a fully orchestrated soundtrack . The result is a game of epic proportions . The story covers no new ground however . The King and his daughter have been placed under a curse by an evil jester and you are bound to search for this culprit while battling monsters , finding team mates and developing your skills . I find that the story and scope of this Dragon Quest is smaller than with previous Dragon Quests , although to be fair the world is probably larger and even more attractive to explore . The cosmetic uplifting couldn't come sooner . We have awesome animations for the enemies , full 3D environments that completely immerse you in the adventure , and several ways to travel the world , including a ship and a sabrecat . Like all other Dragon Quests , battles are turn-based and combat occurs thanks to random monster encounters . New to the series is the addition of infamous monsters , which are visible on the map and have typically humorous names . While fighting you can attack , defend , cast a spell or use an ability or an item . Another nice addition is the tension system , which increments your attack power . It is the perfect addition for Boss fights or especially difficult encounters . You allocate the skill points you earn on several categories that differ from character to character . You can gain new skills with swords , staves , spears and other weapons . There is also a fairly large amount of items to discover or even create , thanks to the inclusion of an alchemist pot . This is one of the most entertaining aspects of the game . You find a recipe in a bookshelf in an inn , gather the ingredients and put them in the pot . Wait a while and Bang ! You now have an exclusive item you can't buy anywhere in the world . The adventure is epic in tradition with the series , and a lengthy one , easily clocking over 60 hours . Between side quests , hunting infamous monsters or even wasting time in the casino this game has a lot of extra spark to add to the leveling and dungeon exploration . When you combine the cell shaded graphics with the humorous dialogue and wonderful character design you have a classic tale of pure role-playing heaven . This is a salute to old school console role-playing , and while it doesn't immerse you in an endless wave of cut scenes and cinematics , it manages to grab you by the collar for hours at a time . I recommend this game to any one who even slightly likes rpg's and for fans this will be the Dragon Quest you have been waiting for . - Klingsor
    • 045 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Having played Dragon Warrior I-IV for NES , I remember being very hyped-up about Dragon Quest V . Buying all the magazines that had even a mention of Dragon Quest V for Super Famicom , I was very much looking forward to its North American release . However , after hearing that Dragon Quest will no longer be released in North America , my love for Dragon Quest slowly diminished . Over time , I have forgotten about this series . When Dragon Warrior VII was released in North America years later , I purchased the game . Perhaps it was partially because of the character design , perhaps it was the incomplete transition to 3D , or perhaps it was the loss of the old-school feel , I could not bring myself to finishing it . I thought that my love for Dragon Quest was gone . With the advent of numerous RPGs each bringing more eye-candy , but each with less immersion than the one before , I began to play video games less and less . When I purchased Dragon Quest VIII , I was skeptical of how much I would enjoy it . Did my affection for Dragon Quest fade to nothingness ? Am I too old to be enjoying video games ? These two questions were constantly on my mind before I made the purchase As I put a few hours into the game , my skepticism slowly diminished . I wasn't forcing myself to play to justify the cost I had put down for the game . I wasn't playing the game because of nostalgia . I was thoroughly enjoying Dragon Quest VIII . It has been a long time since the last time I played an RPG as good as this . What makes Dragon Quest VIII so good ? Immersion . The combination of a beautifully rendered world and a melodious soundtrack , the majestic world of Dragon Quest VIII comes to life each time the game is turned on . Adding more believable elements to the world , each party member are not faceless pawns that just happen to tag along , each member have a distinct and likable personality . Additionally , the use of voice acting added more character to the main cast of playable and non-playable characters that you encounter on your journey . Because a lot of the original Japanese puns and jokes were lost in the translation , the player would likely experience a different character relationships in the North American version . Having said that , the translation of the game is very well-done . The names and jokes are customized especially for the North American audience containing a lot of puns and parodies stemming from the western culture . The turn-based battles are very strategic such that in order to minimize the damage taken by your party members , you have to plan your attacks carefully and adapt to changing battle conditions . As the player progresses along the game , new weapons , new spells , and new monsters continuously change how the battles play out , keeping the strategies and combat fresh and interesting . Aside from the battle system , at certain intervals during the game , Dragon Quest VIII introduces new features to the player , such as the Alchemy Pot , Casino , etc . These non-mandatory features provide a constant fun distraction for players to enjoy . Aside from minor technical problems such as loading times that had been introduced in the North American version due to the new menu system , as well as the loss of some traditional Dragon Quest concepts ( classes and monster party members ) , Dragon Quest VIII more than lives up to the Dragon Quest name . Having finally introduced a beautiful and functional 3D world into the series , Dragon Quest is taking a step into the right direction in utilizing current generation hardware . ~ KageMonkey
    • 046 4  Having played Dragon Warrior I-IV for NES , I remember being very hyped-up about Dragon Quest V . Buying all the magazines that had even a mention of Dragon Quest V for Super Famicom , I was very much looking forward to its North American release . However , after hearing that Dragon Quest will no longer be released in North America , my love for Dragon Quest slowly diminished . Over time , I have forgotten about this series . When Dragon Warrior VII was released in North America years later , I purchased the game . Perhaps it was partially because of the character design , perhaps it was the incomplete transition to 3D , or perhaps it was the loss of the old-school feel , I could not bring myself to finishing it . I thought that my love for Dragon Quest was gone . With the advent of numerous RPGs each bringing more eye-candy , but each with less immersion than the one before , I began to play video games less and less . When I purchased Dragon Quest VIII , I was skeptical of how much I would enjoy it . Did my affection for Dragon Quest fade to nothingness ? Am I too old to be enjoying video games ? These two questions were constantly on my mind before I made the purchase As I put a few hours into the game , my skepticism slowly diminished . I wasn't forcing myself to play to justify the cost I had put down for the game . I wasn't playing the game because of nostalgia . I was thoroughly enjoying Dragon Quest VIII . It has been a long time since the last time I played an RPG as good as this . What makes Dragon Quest VIII so good ? Immersion . The combination of a beautifully rendered world and a melodious soundtrack , the majestic world of Dragon Quest VIII comes to life each time the game is turned on . Adding more believable elements to the world , each party member are not faceless pawns that just happen to tag along , each member have a distinct and likable personality . Additionally , the use of voice acting added more character to the main cast of playable and non-playable characters that you encounter on your journey . Because a lot of the original Japanese puns and jokes were lost in the translation , the player would likely experience a different character relationships in the North American version . Having said that , the translation of the game is very well-done . The names and jokes are customized especially for the North American audience containing a lot of puns and parodies stemming from the western culture . The turn-based battles are very strategic such that in order to minimize the damage taken by your party members , you have to plan your attacks carefully and adapt to changing battle conditions . As the player progresses along the game , new weapons , new spells , and new monsters continuously change how the battles play out , keeping the strategies and combat fresh and interesting . Aside from the battle system , at certain intervals during the game , Dragon Quest VIII introduces new features to the player , such as the Alchemy Pot , Casino , etc . These non-mandatory features provide a constant fun distraction for players to enjoy . Aside from minor technical problems such as loading times that had been introduced in the North American version due to the new menu system , as well as the loss of some traditional Dragon Quest concepts ( classes and monster party members ) , Dragon Quest VIII more than lives up to the Dragon Quest name . Having finally introduced a beautiful and functional 3D world into the series , Dragon Quest is taking a step into the right direction in utilizing current generation hardware . ~ KageMonkey
    • 047 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I have been a fan of this series since . . . . well , since the series was called Dragon Warrior Monsters and was hard to find anywhere.I am thrilled that this masterpiece of gaming has come back with one of the most enjoyable and compelling RPGs to come out since Final Fantasy . Dragon Quest has everything you want in an RPG . . . lots of fights , old school style leveling up , weapon upgrades galore , and skill points you can award to your party , giving them a customized feel.It's up to you to decide how you will use the points . . . . will you make your hero a swordfighter , a boomerang user or a spear fighter ? will he have high courage ? like I said , it's up to you to customize your party , which is very cool in an RPG.I can't think of many that do this . The graphics are pretty and vibrant . . . . . while not in the class of Final Fantasy ( and to be fair , very few games can compete with Final Fantasy in the graphics arena ) Dragon Quest uses cel shading to create a beautiful land of castles , caves , forests and oceans.Stand on any hilltop and let your character look around , the attention to detail is great . This is a HUGE game.Aside from the central story ( which is going to take you a long time to finish ) there are several side quests you can undertake as well.You could continue playing this even after you beat the game.There is that much to do . If you like an old fashioned RPG with a great story , interesting characters and loads of side quests , then give Dragon Quest a try.It is magnificent .
    • 048 4  I have been a fan of this series since . . . . well , since the series was called Dragon Warrior Monsters and was hard to find anywhere.I am thrilled that this masterpiece of gaming has come back with one of the most enjoyable and compelling RPGs to come out since Final Fantasy . Dragon Quest has everything you want in an RPG . . . lots of fights , old school style leveling up , weapon upgrades galore , and skill points you can award to your party , giving them a customized feel.It's up to you to decide how you will use the points . . . . will you make your hero a swordfighter , a boomerang user or a spear fighter ? will he have high courage ? like I said , it's up to you to customize your party , which is very cool in an RPG.I can't think of many that do this . The graphics are pretty and vibrant . . . . . while not in the class of Final Fantasy ( and to be fair , very few games can compete with Final Fantasy in the graphics arena ) Dragon Quest uses cel shading to create a beautiful land of castles , caves , forests and oceans.Stand on any hilltop and let your character look around , the attention to detail is great . This is a HUGE game.Aside from the central story ( which is going to take you a long time to finish ) there are several side quests you can undertake as well.You could continue playing this even after you beat the game.There is that much to do . If you like an old fashioned RPG with a great story , interesting characters and loads of side quests , then give Dragon Quest a try.It is magnificent .
    • 049 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I'm known as Besu . I have my own Dragon Quest-related site and am a member of Slime Knights . However , this does not mean I automatically embrace games in the series . I found Dragon Warrior VII to be a major disappointment , and I was almost fearful of how DQVIII would turn out . Voice actors ? Full 3 - D environment ? Would the old nostalgia be lost ? I am relieved to say that Dragon Quest VIII has exceeded all my expectations . It may be a Playstation 2 game , but the pacing feels just like the NES games I loved in my childhood . The environment has completely been brought to life . The overworld is beautiful both day and night , and the animation is flawless . I was very concerned about the addition of voices , but Square-Enix chose an excellent voice cast . Everyone speaks in various British dialects - a throwback to the thous of Dragon Warrior 1 . So many contemporary games have horrendous voices , but S-E hit it right on the mark . The music is done , as always , by Koichi Sugiyama . His score is excellent . It's a relief to wander the overworld or a town for an extended period of time and not have the music become annoying . Akira Toriyama's artwork is used as a major selling point , and I think they did a good job of converting his characters to a cel-shaded environment . The characters have convincing reasons to join this quest and they have their own unique skills ; however , DQVIII has a new customizable skill system that enables you to unlock different abilities and spells dependent on the weapon choices you make . I believe that the skill system alone will be a reason to replay this game several times over . Are you new to the Dragon Quest / Dragon Warrior series ? Don't let that stop you from playing ! Yes , there are a lot of in-jokes that an old timer like me can chuckle over , but new players will discover just as much joy . This is the sort of game that makes you want to snuggle up with a blanket , take controller ( especially a slime controller ) in hand , and play for 5 hour stretches . It's not an RPG / movie where you sit through endless cut scenes and never really play the game . The brief plot points with voice acting do not detract from the game at all , and it all takes place in the exact same surroundings in which your hero travels . Be prepared to play , and level , and explore , and create hours of fond memories . Why ? Because thou must !
    • 050 4  I'm known as Besu . I have my own Dragon Quest-related site and am a member of Slime Knights . However , this does not mean I automatically embrace games in the series . I found Dragon Warrior VII to be a major disappointment , and I was almost fearful of how DQVIII would turn out . Voice actors ? Full 3 - D environment ? Would the old nostalgia be lost ? I am relieved to say that Dragon Quest VIII has exceeded all my expectations . It may be a Playstation 2 game , but the pacing feels just like the NES games I loved in my childhood . The environment has completely been brought to life . The overworld is beautiful both day and night , and the animation is flawless . I was very concerned about the addition of voices , but Square-Enix chose an excellent voice cast . Everyone speaks in various British dialects - a throwback to the thous of Dragon Warrior 1 . So many contemporary games have horrendous voices , but S-E hit it right on the mark . The music is done , as always , by Koichi Sugiyama . His score is excellent . It's a relief to wander the overworld or a town for an extended period of time and not have the music become annoying . Akira Toriyama's artwork is used as a major selling point , and I think they did a good job of converting his characters to a cel-shaded environment . The characters have convincing reasons to join this quest and they have their own unique skills ; however , DQVIII has a new customizable skill system that enables you to unlock different abilities and spells dependent on the weapon choices you make . I believe that the skill system alone will be a reason to replay this game several times over . Are you new to the Dragon Quest / Dragon Warrior series ? Don't let that stop you from playing ! Yes , there are a lot of in-jokes that an old timer like me can chuckle over , but new players will discover just as much joy . This is the sort of game that makes you want to snuggle up with a blanket , take controller ( especially a slime controller ) in hand , and play for 5 hour stretches . It's not an RPG / movie where you sit through endless cut scenes and never really play the game . The brief plot points with voice acting do not detract from the game at all , and it all takes place in the exact same surroundings in which your hero travels . Be prepared to play , and level , and explore , and create hours of fond memories . Why ? Because thou must !
    • 051 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King for the Playstation 2 is the first time that the Dragon Quest series has been made on the PS2 and it is easily the best role playing game to come out this year , if not the past few years . I have had a really good time with this game and have not been able to put it down since I bought it . The story of DQVIII is that the jester Doulmagus has stolen a sacred staff and transformed a kingdom and froze all of the residents in time , he also transformed the King and Princess into a little green man and a horse . The only one to survive this is you , our hero . You set out on an adventure with the King and a bandit that you pick up along the way , named Yangus , to return the kingdom and its residents back to normal . The gameplay of DQVIII is the best turn based style to come out in a long long time . You battle groups of enemies in a turn based style and you can change your weapons on a whim in the midst of battle . The world exploring portions of the game are fun and are really captivating in that it is such a beautiful world that you will find yourselves stopping to look out at a sunset . Towns are a big part of the game in that they are the hub of gameplay , if you die in battle you return to the church in town with half the gold pieces you had . The game puts all of these parts into a big alchemy pot and stirs them to perfection . The graphics are a joy to behold , Akira Toriyama really outdid himself with these characters and yet you can still tell his style , ala the Psyched Up form of our hero . Like I said earlier you will end up stopping to look at a sun setting or at a beautiful horizon , because this world is pretty darn pretty . The monster designs are really well done as well , I expeciall like the bosses which take on a life of their own , each has their own individuality and are very likable . The sound is one of my favorite parts of this game , from the outstanding music to the above par voice-overs this is some of the best noises to grace my ears in a long time . The voices are all Brittish , except for a few Russian accents , this is so the characters stay true to the setting ( which is medival Europe for thos who didn't know ) . The music in this game is so good that I would buy two soundtracks one for me and one for whoever else is interested because I want them to know how good this music is . The game is very well balanced and the only thing I can think of to gripe about is that there is some minor waiting when going to the character screen to the world screen , but hey it isn't as bad as XMEN LEGENDS character screen which took you to a loading screen if you wanted to apply your skills . So all in all that is a very little gripe compared to how great this game is . I give Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King for the Playstation 2 a 5 / 5
    • 052 4  Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King for the Playstation 2 is the first time that the Dragon Quest series has been made on the PS2 and it is easily the best role playing game to come out this year , if not the past few years . I have had a really good time with this game and have not been able to put it down since I bought it . The story of DQVIII is that the jester Doulmagus has stolen a sacred staff and transformed a kingdom and froze all of the residents in time , he also transformed the King and Princess into a little green man and a horse . The only one to survive this is you , our hero . You set out on an adventure with the King and a bandit that you pick up along the way , named Yangus , to return the kingdom and its residents back to normal . The gameplay of DQVIII is the best turn based style to come out in a long long time . You battle groups of enemies in a turn based style and you can change your weapons on a whim in the midst of battle . The world exploring portions of the game are fun and are really captivating in that it is such a beautiful world that you will find yourselves stopping to look out at a sunset . Towns are a big part of the game in that they are the hub of gameplay , if you die in battle you return to the church in town with half the gold pieces you had . The game puts all of these parts into a big alchemy pot and stirs them to perfection . The graphics are a joy to behold , Akira Toriyama really outdid himself with these characters and yet you can still tell his style , ala the Psyched Up form of our hero . Like I said earlier you will end up stopping to look at a sun setting or at a beautiful horizon , because this world is pretty darn pretty . The monster designs are really well done as well , I expeciall like the bosses which take on a life of their own , each has their own individuality and are very likable . The sound is one of my favorite parts of this game , from the outstanding music to the above par voice-overs this is some of the best noises to grace my ears in a long time . The voices are all Brittish , except for a few Russian accents , this is so the characters stay true to the setting ( which is medival Europe for thos who didn't know ) . The music in this game is so good that I would buy two soundtracks one for me and one for whoever else is interested because I want them to know how good this music is . The game is very well balanced and the only thing I can think of to gripe about is that there is some minor waiting when going to the character screen to the world screen , but hey it isn't as bad as XMEN LEGENDS character screen which took you to a loading screen if you wanted to apply your skills . So all in all that is a very little gripe compared to how great this game is . I give Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King for the Playstation 2 a 5 / 5
    • 053 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Like the title says . . . this game is just simply brilliant . Consistantly fun , funny and cute without being sappy or too cutesy , engaging and heartwarming . Brilliantly drawn characters and enemies ( I actually spent over an hour just looking through the beastiary - which is fully animated - to see character design again ) . . . easy to get into and quick moving . There is an absolute TON to do in this game . This is exactly what RPGs SHOULD be . It is fun , simple to get in to , and beautiful . It may not be the most revolutionary game , and some of the story is cliched or predictable , but it doesn't matter . This game is FUN . I have heard the game is 120 hours long , and I expect to be playing it for at least that long ( already at 30 + and I just got it . . . ) If you are an RPG fan , or even are interested in them , you will do yourself a great disservice by not buying this game .
    • 054 4  Like the title says . . . this game is just simply brilliant . Consistantly fun , funny and cute without being sappy or too cutesy , engaging and heartwarming . Brilliantly drawn characters and enemies ( I actually spent over an hour just looking through the beastiary - which is fully animated - to see character design again ) . . . easy to get into and quick moving . There is an absolute TON to do in this game . This is exactly what RPGs SHOULD be . It is fun , simple to get in to , and beautiful . It may not be the most revolutionary game , and some of the story is cliched or predictable , but it doesn't matter . This game is FUN . I have heard the game is 120 hours long , and I expect to be playing it for at least that long ( already at 30 + and I just got it . . . ) If you are an RPG fan , or even are interested in them , you will do yourself a great disservice by not buying this game .
    • 055 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I got this game as a present a couple years back , and I still go back to play it . The graphics are wonderful , the story is fun , with both sad moments and lots of humor . The battle system is the menu type , where you select your action from all the possible choices . The world you explore is huge , and very beautiful . There is also a nice little feature that allows you to combine some items into new ones ( which I loved playing with ) . The monsters are almost to cute and funny to kill , and the atmosphere of the different areas varies enough to keep you interested in exploring for a long time . Your party is essentially comprised of a fighter ( the main character . You name him ) , a fighter / thief ( yangus ) , a mage ( jessica ) , and a cleric ( Angelo , who also is the archer for the group ) . A great game , with no real weak points , in my opinion .
    • 056 4  I got this game as a present a couple years back , and I still go back to play it . The graphics are wonderful , the story is fun , with both sad moments and lots of humor . The battle system is the menu type , where you select your action from all the possible choices . The world you explore is huge , and very beautiful . There is also a nice little feature that allows you to combine some items into new ones ( which I loved playing with ) . The monsters are almost to cute and funny to kill , and the atmosphere of the different areas varies enough to keep you interested in exploring for a long time . Your party is essentially comprised of a fighter ( the main character . You name him ) , a fighter / thief ( yangus ) , a mage ( jessica ) , and a cleric ( Angelo , who also is the archer for the group ) . A great game , with no real weak points , in my opinion .
    • 057 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII is a massive RPG that takes tons of time to play through with beautiful graphics and wonderful game play . It's story is good , and the characters and fun to listen to and voice acting is present through a lot of the game for the main characters and some other characters . My main gripe against this game and having the fun factor be one lower than the total overall game experience is that at times you will have to grind . You will have to grind quite a bit , and this at times can be annoying depending on how you play through your games . If you can handle it , you'll be fine , but if not you'll want to play for an hour and then save / rest before you log back on the game again . overall it's a solid game , and worth the time , but be prepared for the grind .
    • 058 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII is a massive RPG that takes tons of time to play through with beautiful graphics and wonderful game play . It's story is good , and the characters and fun to listen to and voice acting is present through a lot of the game for the main characters and some other characters . My main gripe against this game and having the fun factor be one lower than the total overall game experience is that at times you will have to grind . You will have to grind quite a bit , and this at times can be annoying depending on how you play through your games . If you can handle it , you'll be fine , but if not you'll want to play for an hour and then save / rest before you log back on the game again . overall it's a solid game , and worth the time , but be prepared for the grind .
    • 059 4  Dragon Quest VIII is a massive RPG that takes tons of time to play through with beautiful graphics and wonderful game play . It's story is good , and the characters and fun to listen to and voice acting is present through a lot of the game for the main characters and some other characters . My main gripe against this game and having the fun factor be one lower than the total overall game experience is that at times you will have to grind . You will have to grind quite a bit , and this at times can be annoying depending on how you play through your games . If you can handle it , you'll be fine , but if not you'll want to play for an hour and then save / rest before you log back on the game again . overall it's a solid game , and worth the time , but be prepared for the grind .
    • 060 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Every other reviewer here has already outlined what's to like about this game : Charming graphical style , large world to explore , interesting storyline . Now I'm going to try to explain why it's not nearly so good as it's made out to be - - I'm going to assume you already know the pros and just give you the cons . ( NOTE : Before you click that this review isn't helpful because of its negativity [ as a number of you have done already ] , let me say this : Prospective buyers of this game deserve to know what they may find wrong with this game , as I did . I simply didn't find it to be very fun - - and in the following review I try to explain in detail why I thought so . Review after review here bestows glowing praise on this game ; me adding just another one of those wouldn't be helpful or valuable to someone seeking the full spectrum of honest opinion . Let's not forget that this game costs a hefty $50 - - to me it simply isn't worth that . I'll try to tell you why . ) First of all , the pace of the game is mind-numbingly slow . This is no fun , breezy romp through a magical land . Even if the storyline is intriguing , you'll likely forget most of it amid all the aimless wandering , random battling and endless backtracking . I've put about 60 excruciating hours into this game , and my highest level character is level 30 ( not a typo ) , and I'm no gaming slouch . The time it takes for a character to progress one level is laughably ridiculous . Leveling up is almost not an option because the enemies you fight , while still being challenging , will only give you a paltry amount of EXP per battle . So , you can waste an hour or more fighting enemies in an area and not even go up one level with any character . Also , this game features probably the lowest increments in HP , MP and gold I've ever seen in an RPG . For example , at level 29 Jessica only has 160 HP ( even a fairly weak enemy can carve out 60 HP with one attack ) . Are you kidding me ? Is this 1985 ? And you are ALWAYS almost broke ( even with extensive exploring and selling invented crap ) , since good items are hard to come by and defeated enemies cough up so little dough . According to the online walkthrough , a casino in the town of Baccarat is supposedly able to earn you a lot of extra cash . However , you're not able to use the casino until the game is almost over - - and you have to beat the toughest boss to get it ! This type of logic permeates this game . The random battles ( something I absolutely hate about RPGs ) wouldn't be so bad if there weren't so damn many of them . Even the weakest of enemy parties will take good chunks of damage out of your party because you have so little HP . The battle system in this game is outdated , repetitive and tedious - - lack of innovation doesn't qualify as a celebration of old-school gaming . And none of the character's attacks or spells even look cool ! Well , you could say , Hey , at least it's experience , right ? Again , not the case since you get such maddeningly little EXP per battle . When I started playing the game , I was pumped to see that each character can level up in any of five or six skill areas ( sword , boomerang , charisma , etc . ) . This seemed like a very diverse , open-ended concept . I thought at first , Hey , sweet - - I can have the Hero be good with swords AND boomerangs and even have a little courage too . However , since the game is SO STINGY with the amount of skill points it allots you , it is USELESS to put points in more than one category ( so don't do it if you plan on doing well in the game ) . It's important to note that the really good skills are learned at higher levels ( 80 + ) , and there's no way in hell you're going to achieve level 100 ( the highest ) in more than one skill area . And furthermore , the game does nothing to let you in on this little bit of critical info , so when you find your character level at 30 with 50 points dumped into two different skills , you're pretty much screwed - you have no hope of reaching level 100 ( and getting the really good skills ) in either of them . So this seemingly diverse and in-depth skill system really a sham . What's the point of the game offering five skill areas per character when you can only become proficient with one each ? Rather than reward you by slogging aimlessly through the bowels of this game , you seem to be punished for sticking with it . While eventually it takes thousands and thousands and thousands of EXP just to go up a level , the enemies never seem to reciprocate by offering incrementally more EXP . Also , Square-Enix set the game up in such a way that you are basically forced to spend another $15 to buy the strategy guide ( or you could go online for a walkthrough ) . There is NO WAY you're going to come up with the best recipes ( or even the mediocre ones ) or find your way through every area on your own . My mind is literally blown that this game has been a fanatical success in Japan and big hit here . Maybe people are just mesmerized by the colorful , stylized cel-shading . This game is a throwback to old gaming in the sense that it's boring , tedious , unfair and mediocre in almost every way . Almost every aspect of this game is so by-the-book it's insulting . So , in short , this game is everything we hated about old-school RPGS wrapped in a great-looking , modernized package . This one should have stayed in Japan , where they apparently have more patience and much more time on their hands .
    • 061 4  Every other reviewer here has already outlined what's to like about this game : Charming graphical style , large world to explore , interesting storyline . Now I'm going to try to explain why it's not nearly so good as it's made out to be - - I'm going to assume you already know the pros and just give you the cons . ( NOTE : Before you click that this review isn't helpful because of its negativity [ as a number of you have done already ] , let me say this : Prospective buyers of this game deserve to know what they may find wrong with this game , as I did . I simply didn't find it to be very fun - - and in the following review I try to explain in detail why I thought so . Review after review here bestows glowing praise on this game ; me adding just another one of those wouldn't be helpful or valuable to someone seeking the full spectrum of honest opinion . Let's not forget that this game costs a hefty $50 - - to me it simply isn't worth that . I'll try to tell you why . ) First of all , the pace of the game is mind-numbingly slow . This is no fun , breezy romp through a magical land . Even if the storyline is intriguing , you'll likely forget most of it amid all the aimless wandering , random battling and endless backtracking . I've put about 60 excruciating hours into this game , and my highest level character is level 30 ( not a typo ) , and I'm no gaming slouch . The time it takes for a character to progress one level is laughably ridiculous . Leveling up is almost not an option because the enemies you fight , while still being challenging , will only give you a paltry amount of EXP per battle . So , you can waste an hour or more fighting enemies in an area and not even go up one level with any character . Also , this game features probably the lowest increments in HP , MP and gold I've ever seen in an RPG . For example , at level 29 Jessica only has 160 HP ( even a fairly weak enemy can carve out 60 HP with one attack ) . Are you kidding me ? Is this 1985 ? And you are ALWAYS almost broke ( even with extensive exploring and selling invented crap ) , since good items are hard to come by and defeated enemies cough up so little dough . According to the online walkthrough , a casino in the town of Baccarat is supposedly able to earn you a lot of extra cash . However , you're not able to use the casino until the game is almost over - - and you have to beat the toughest boss to get it ! This type of logic permeates this game . The random battles ( something I absolutely hate about RPGs ) wouldn't be so bad if there weren't so damn many of them . Even the weakest of enemy parties will take good chunks of damage out of your party because you have so little HP . The battle system in this game is outdated , repetitive and tedious - - lack of innovation doesn't qualify as a celebration of old-school gaming . And none of the character's attacks or spells even look cool ! Well , you could say , Hey , at least it's experience , right ? Again , not the case since you get such maddeningly little EXP per battle . When I started playing the game , I was pumped to see that each character can level up in any of five or six skill areas ( sword , boomerang , charisma , etc . ) . This seemed like a very diverse , open-ended concept . I thought at first , Hey , sweet - - I can have the Hero be good with swords AND boomerangs and even have a little courage too . However , since the game is SO STINGY with the amount of skill points it allots you , it is USELESS to put points in more than one category ( so don't do it if you plan on doing well in the game ) . It's important to note that the really good skills are learned at higher levels ( 80 + ) , and there's no way in hell you're going to achieve level 100 ( the highest ) in more than one skill area . And furthermore , the game does nothing to let you in on this little bit of critical info , so when you find your character level at 30 with 50 points dumped into two different skills , you're pretty much screwed - you have no hope of reaching level 100 ( and getting the really good skills ) in either of them . So this seemingly diverse and in-depth skill system really a sham . What's the point of the game offering five skill areas per character when you can only become proficient with one each ? Rather than reward you by slogging aimlessly through the bowels of this game , you seem to be punished for sticking with it . While eventually it takes thousands and thousands and thousands of EXP just to go up a level , the enemies never seem to reciprocate by offering incrementally more EXP . Also , Square-Enix set the game up in such a way that you are basically forced to spend another $15 to buy the strategy guide ( or you could go online for a walkthrough ) . There is NO WAY you're going to come up with the best recipes ( or even the mediocre ones ) or find your way through every area on your own . My mind is literally blown that this game has been a fanatical success in Japan and big hit here . Maybe people are just mesmerized by the colorful , stylized cel-shading . This game is a throwback to old gaming in the sense that it's boring , tedious , unfair and mediocre in almost every way . Almost every aspect of this game is so by-the-book it's insulting . So , in short , this game is everything we hated about old-school RPGS wrapped in a great-looking , modernized package . This one should have stayed in Japan , where they apparently have more patience and much more time on their hands .
    • 062 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I am a * looooooong * time Dragon Quest fan ( previous installments were all called ' Dragon Warrior ' because of copyright problems ) , and I had high expectations for this game . I am happy to report that all of them were met , though there are one or two niggling problems I have . More on that later . First , the good . This game looks and sounds amazing ! Playing the former Dragon Quest games have always meant guiding 2d sprites around a flat world map and bumping into icons that represented towns and castles . Not anymore , though ! Dragon Quest 8 feels like playing the latest ' Legend of Zelda ' games , with fully animated characters walking about the landscape . Villages and castles are actual walled areas amidst the hills and trees , not just wimpy-looking map icons . Usually there are paths that lead the way between your destinations so you don't get lost , but you can step off the path at any time to explore your surroundings if you wish . This won't be much of a problem , thanks to the compass in the bottom corner that tells you which direction you're going at all times . And if , in spite of this , you still get lost , just climb a nearby hill and take a look around . You can see for * miles * . All of this combines to give the game the feeling of really living in an entire world , not just looking down at a map . But despite that feeling , this is an old-school Dragon Warrior game through and through . The dungeon exploration , the puzzle solving , the monster battles , all still have that same feeling as the rest of the series . The switch from 2d to 3d hasn't changed that at all . For the most part , this is definitely a good thing . Even with the upgraded graphics , the monster fights are fast-paced and actually challenging . This keeps the unending battles from becoming a chore , which is unlike many other console RPG series . That's a definite plus , because constantly getting sucked into random monster fights is the one thing that drags down most console RPGs and makes them tedious . On the other hand , this fully 3d graphical upgrade has also made load times an actual issue , which is a new and unwelcome facet to the game . No Dragon Quest game has ever had load times before , not even 8 ' s PS1 predecessor , Dragon Warrior 7 . Fortunately , 8 ' s load times are not horrendous , but they're still noticeable . The sound has also gotten an upgrade , and what a difference it makes ! The full stereo , orchestral sound track complements the 3d graphics nicely and easily absorbs the player into the game world . The overland map theme makes wandering around the world feel like a vacation , while the battle themes set the pace well . The sound effects have also gotten a slight upgrade , no longer relying on the old-school NES sound effects that were still used even in Dragon Warrior 7 . It's all so immersive , you'll never want to put down the controller . Which leads me to the story and game play . The plot is typical RPG material , but it is very well-paced and never feels forced . The nominal villain of the story is one of those creepy ' insane clown ' archetypes , but as cliche as that might be , he never feels like it . Unlike other members of the Insane Clown Posse ( FF6 Kefka , anyone ? ) , he really does come across as villainous and threatening . He's very well-done . The main hero , on the other hand , is a weak link for me . He follows the standard Dragon Warrior archetype of the nameless , personality-free warrior , which just doesn't work for me in a game like this . Considering that all his companions have fairly well-developed personalities of their own , his lack of same feels more frustrating than anything . The idea is to let the player build his or her own idea of what the hero is like , but considering how the other characters interact with him , the player's own feelings will often contradict with the material presented by the game as the story develops . Just give him his own personality already , Mr . Game Company ! I know you want to ! For the most part , the story is almost brutally linear , but it is entertaining enough that it doesn't feel that way . On the other hand , the false accusations of wrong doing start to get tedious after the fourth time . The plot depends a great deal on staple console RPG cliches , though for the most part they blend in well with the game world . As for the game play , this is thoroughly old-school Dragon Warrior . I've already touched on the random monster battles before . Another important fact to consider is the leveling-up system . As usual , your characters all gain levels as they earn experience points from the random monster battles . The big change is in the abilities system . The previous two games in the series had a fully customizable job system where you choose jobs , or classes , for all your characters , and they earned skills according to the classes you assigned them . In this game , however , all four of the playable characters have predetermined classes with predetermined abilities , and their special skills come from how you pass out skill points . Your characters earn a small pool of skill points each time they level up , and you assign those points to each of their five abilities as you see fit . You can pass out points evenly , or you can concentrate on one or two abilities exclusively and max them out first . It's up to you . And you need to really think about how to do this , because it is literally impossible to max out all five abilities for any of the characters . I like this system better than the old jobs system . There is still a fair amount of customization that lets you guide the characters ' development , but it is also much less open-ended . It keeps the characters from being clones of each other . Each is unique and has a definite place in the scheme of battle , which forces the player to actually think and use strategy in a fight . Whereas , the old jobs system lets you create identical characters with the exact same ultrapowerful skill set which lets you win any fight without even trying . That tended to get rather boring . Of course , this wouldn't be a console RPG without tons of side quests , mini games , and whatnot . Longtime fans of Dragon Warrior like me will recognize most of them , from the small medals to the casinos , and the return of the long-missing monster arena . There is also the alchemy pot , with which you can take two or three items and combine them to get a new item . Finding new recipes , either by trial-and-error , reading them in books , or hearing them from other people , is a great way to get powerful new equipment when your stockpile of gold pieces is looking a bit too small to get that new sword you're eyeing . But oddly enough , this game seems a bit short on the mini game front . As compared to Dragon Warrior 7 , which literally had hundreds of hours of side quests and games , there is very little to keep you occupied away from the main story in Dragon Quest 8 . It is rather strange just how much seems to be missing this time around . Then again , the lack of distractions from the main story line is a very minor problem , considering how immersive the game world is . Make no mistake , Dragon Quest 8 is a solid console RPG . It mixes old-school style at its finest with wonderfully upgraded graphics and sound . And , as an added bonus , it comes with a demo disc of Final Fantasy 12 . Given what I see on this demo , I am hopeful that the Final Fantasy series is about to break out of the painfully bad standard set by Final Fantasy 10 . If you are a fan of RPGs at all , and particularly if you are a fan of the Dragon Warrior series , you * need * Dragon Quest 8 . Get it . You won't regret it . Summary : Pros : - Terrific graphics and sound - Terrific old-school game play - Well-paced story - Strategic abilities system - Final Fantasy 12 demo disc included - Good mini games Cons : - Not enough mini games - Personality-free main character - Very linear story - Load times Final Score : Five stars of fun . Four stars over all .
    • 063 4  I am a * looooooong * time Dragon Quest fan ( previous installments were all called ' Dragon Warrior ' because of copyright problems ) , and I had high expectations for this game . I am happy to report that all of them were met , though there are one or two niggling problems I have . More on that later . First , the good . This game looks and sounds amazing ! Playing the former Dragon Quest games have always meant guiding 2d sprites around a flat world map and bumping into icons that represented towns and castles . Not anymore , though ! Dragon Quest 8 feels like playing the latest ' Legend of Zelda ' games , with fully animated characters walking about the landscape . Villages and castles are actual walled areas amidst the hills and trees , not just wimpy-looking map icons . Usually there are paths that lead the way between your destinations so you don't get lost , but you can step off the path at any time to explore your surroundings if you wish . This won't be much of a problem , thanks to the compass in the bottom corner that tells you which direction you're going at all times . And if , in spite of this , you still get lost , just climb a nearby hill and take a look around . You can see for * miles * . All of this combines to give the game the feeling of really living in an entire world , not just looking down at a map . But despite that feeling , this is an old-school Dragon Warrior game through and through . The dungeon exploration , the puzzle solving , the monster battles , all still have that same feeling as the rest of the series . The switch from 2d to 3d hasn't changed that at all . For the most part , this is definitely a good thing . Even with the upgraded graphics , the monster fights are fast-paced and actually challenging . This keeps the unending battles from becoming a chore , which is unlike many other console RPG series . That's a definite plus , because constantly getting sucked into random monster fights is the one thing that drags down most console RPGs and makes them tedious . On the other hand , this fully 3d graphical upgrade has also made load times an actual issue , which is a new and unwelcome facet to the game . No Dragon Quest game has ever had load times before , not even 8 ' s PS1 predecessor , Dragon Warrior 7 . Fortunately , 8 ' s load times are not horrendous , but they're still noticeable . The sound has also gotten an upgrade , and what a difference it makes ! The full stereo , orchestral sound track complements the 3d graphics nicely and easily absorbs the player into the game world . The overland map theme makes wandering around the world feel like a vacation , while the battle themes set the pace well . The sound effects have also gotten a slight upgrade , no longer relying on the old-school NES sound effects that were still used even in Dragon Warrior 7 . It's all so immersive , you'll never want to put down the controller . Which leads me to the story and game play . The plot is typical RPG material , but it is very well-paced and never feels forced . The nominal villain of the story is one of those creepy ' insane clown ' archetypes , but as cliche as that might be , he never feels like it . Unlike other members of the Insane Clown Posse ( FF6 Kefka , anyone ? ) , he really does come across as villainous and threatening . He's very well-done . The main hero , on the other hand , is a weak link for me . He follows the standard Dragon Warrior archetype of the nameless , personality-free warrior , which just doesn't work for me in a game like this . Considering that all his companions have fairly well-developed personalities of their own , his lack of same feels more frustrating than anything . The idea is to let the player build his or her own idea of what the hero is like , but considering how the other characters interact with him , the player's own feelings will often contradict with the material presented by the game as the story develops . Just give him his own personality already , Mr . Game Company ! I know you want to ! For the most part , the story is almost brutally linear , but it is entertaining enough that it doesn't feel that way . On the other hand , the false accusations of wrong doing start to get tedious after the fourth time . The plot depends a great deal on staple console RPG cliches , though for the most part they blend in well with the game world . As for the game play , this is thoroughly old-school Dragon Warrior . I've already touched on the random monster battles before . Another important fact to consider is the leveling-up system . As usual , your characters all gain levels as they earn experience points from the random monster battles . The big change is in the abilities system . The previous two games in the series had a fully customizable job system where you choose jobs , or classes , for all your characters , and they earned skills according to the classes you assigned them . In this game , however , all four of the playable characters have predetermined classes with predetermined abilities , and their special skills come from how you pass out skill points . Your characters earn a small pool of skill points each time they level up , and you assign those points to each of their five abilities as you see fit . You can pass out points evenly , or you can concentrate on one or two abilities exclusively and max them out first . It's up to you . And you need to really think about how to do this , because it is literally impossible to max out all five abilities for any of the characters . I like this system better than the old jobs system . There is still a fair amount of customization that lets you guide the characters ' development , but it is also much less open-ended . It keeps the characters from being clones of each other . Each is unique and has a definite place in the scheme of battle , which forces the player to actually think and use strategy in a fight . Whereas , the old jobs system lets you create identical characters with the exact same ultrapowerful skill set which lets you win any fight without even trying . That tended to get rather boring . Of course , this wouldn't be a console RPG without tons of side quests , mini games , and whatnot . Longtime fans of Dragon Warrior like me will recognize most of them , from the small medals to the casinos , and the return of the long-missing monster arena . There is also the alchemy pot , with which you can take two or three items and combine them to get a new item . Finding new recipes , either by trial-and-error , reading them in books , or hearing them from other people , is a great way to get powerful new equipment when your stockpile of gold pieces is looking a bit too small to get that new sword you're eyeing . But oddly enough , this game seems a bit short on the mini game front . As compared to Dragon Warrior 7 , which literally had hundreds of hours of side quests and games , there is very little to keep you occupied away from the main story in Dragon Quest 8 . It is rather strange just how much seems to be missing this time around . Then again , the lack of distractions from the main story line is a very minor problem , considering how immersive the game world is . Make no mistake , Dragon Quest 8 is a solid console RPG . It mixes old-school style at its finest with wonderfully upgraded graphics and sound . And , as an added bonus , it comes with a demo disc of Final Fantasy 12 . Given what I see on this demo , I am hopeful that the Final Fantasy series is about to break out of the painfully bad standard set by Final Fantasy 10 . If you are a fan of RPGs at all , and particularly if you are a fan of the Dragon Warrior series , you * need * Dragon Quest 8 . Get it . You won't regret it . Summary : Pros : - Terrific graphics and sound - Terrific old-school game play - Well-paced story - Strategic abilities system - Final Fantasy 12 demo disc included - Good mini games Cons : - Not enough mini games - Personality-free main character - Very linear story - Load times Final Score : Five stars of fun . Four stars over all .
    • 064 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I've always been a Final Fantasy Fan but I decided to try Dragon Quest and I was blown away . This game has amazing graphics , catchy music , and they story line is awsome . I can't believe its taken me this long to get into the Dragon Quest series . I you want a game that is outstanding and will last you a while this is the game to get .
    • 065 4  I've always been a Final Fantasy Fan but I decided to try Dragon Quest and I was blown away . This game has amazing graphics , catchy music , and they story line is awsome . I can't believe its taken me this long to get into the Dragon Quest series . I you want a game that is outstanding and will last you a while this is the game to get .
    • 066 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Well first let me say , Wow ! . After 3 + hours into the game this is shaping up to be one of the most thrilling games I have played in a while . Where does one begin when reviewing a game of this magnitude ? Let's start of with the controls ! Also let me warn you that I am in no way a pro with writing reviews and I am just a hardcore RPG player and wanth to share my thoughts on the game with everyone ! Having played DW games since the NES days I had a fair idea as to how the controls would handle . Being the game is the first fully 3 - D game and with the addition of the Cel-shading I was wondering how this game would handle . The character movement is sharp and the response time for the commands is just right . I found that the controls have a fluid feel and the menu and such is well laid out . The Menu has been redefined and it takes some getting used to but after a half hour it was like second nature to me . Controls Rating = B + Next up Visuals . The game looks beautiful . This is some of the best cel-shading I have ever seen in a game . The look and feel of the world is breathtaking . One of the neat features is the ability to go into first person viewing and take a look at your surroundings . I highly recommend running around the lush environment and taking peeks at all there is to see . Visual Rating = A + Voice Acting . Superb from what I have seen so far . This is also the First Dragon Quest game to have voice acting and it is spot on . Pleasant voices seem to capture the emotion of the characters speaking . Voice Acting = A Interest value . This game has set the stage for a mystery or two . The opening intro leaves a lot of question to be answered and during the first mission to the waterfall cavern still much is left out in the open . After a couple hours the game still has not really explained the relationship to the other members in your party . I believe these relationships will be slowly introduced as time goes on though . Interest Value = B - Overall rating . So far this game is an exceptional addition to the Dragon Quest series . With the beautiful visuals , brilliant voice acting , and the growing interest value I think we have a game for the ages here . I am willing to bet this will be trumpeted as one of the best games in the series . Square-Enix has put together a exceptional game and it should attract fans young and old . I highly recommend picking this game up ! Bravo Square-Enix ! Overall Rating for Dragon Quest 8 = A -
    • 067 4  Well first let me say , Wow ! . After 3 + hours into the game this is shaping up to be one of the most thrilling games I have played in a while . Where does one begin when reviewing a game of this magnitude ? Let's start of with the controls ! Also let me warn you that I am in no way a pro with writing reviews and I am just a hardcore RPG player and wanth to share my thoughts on the game with everyone ! Having played DW games since the NES days I had a fair idea as to how the controls would handle . Being the game is the first fully 3 - D game and with the addition of the Cel-shading I was wondering how this game would handle . The character movement is sharp and the response time for the commands is just right . I found that the controls have a fluid feel and the menu and such is well laid out . The Menu has been redefined and it takes some getting used to but after a half hour it was like second nature to me . Controls Rating = B + Next up Visuals . The game looks beautiful . This is some of the best cel-shading I have ever seen in a game . The look and feel of the world is breathtaking . One of the neat features is the ability to go into first person viewing and take a look at your surroundings . I highly recommend running around the lush environment and taking peeks at all there is to see . Visual Rating = A + Voice Acting . Superb from what I have seen so far . This is also the First Dragon Quest game to have voice acting and it is spot on . Pleasant voices seem to capture the emotion of the characters speaking . Voice Acting = A Interest value . This game has set the stage for a mystery or two . The opening intro leaves a lot of question to be answered and during the first mission to the waterfall cavern still much is left out in the open . After a couple hours the game still has not really explained the relationship to the other members in your party . I believe these relationships will be slowly introduced as time goes on though . Interest Value = B - Overall rating . So far this game is an exceptional addition to the Dragon Quest series . With the beautiful visuals , brilliant voice acting , and the growing interest value I think we have a game for the ages here . I am willing to bet this will be trumpeted as one of the best games in the series . Square-Enix has put together a exceptional game and it should attract fans young and old . I highly recommend picking this game up ! Bravo Square-Enix ! Overall Rating for Dragon Quest 8 = A -
    • 068 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Final Fantasy XII was too big for its britches , this game is how RPG's should be ! ! !
    • 069 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Final Fantasy XII was too big for its britches , this game is how RPG's should be ! ! !
    • 070 4  Final Fantasy XII was too big for its britches , this game is how RPG's should be ! ! !
    • 071 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I bought this game for my 13 year old son . he loves it . He actually feels challenged !
    • 072 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I bought this game for my 13 year old son . he loves it . He actually feels challenged !
    • 073 4  I bought this game for my 13 year old son . he loves it . He actually feels challenged !
    • 074 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I always like to read detailed gamer reviews before purchasing a game and I did for this one too . Fun game ; challenging battles ( noted in reviews as they are more challenging than most rpgs ) ; a solid plot line ; superb english voice acting cast ( which can be hit and miss . There was one unnamed baddie that had one line and he sucked . I mean bad . Like reading Shakespeare without knowing how . . . yeck . . . anyways , I digress . ) ; and a nice customization of character powers . One thing I will say . I love the PS2 since games are so much cheaper these days . But I was disappointed in the graphics ; what can you do though . . . would have to get a ps3 . Anyways , they put notable effort into making boobs ridiculously bouncy in this game . I kid you not . Don't believe me ? Look up a video on youtube of someone playing . Most people will put the magician in the front of the party even though she has some of the worst melee defense . Why ? Because whoever is in the front is your avatar when you're walking around . And you can put her in some anime level skimpy outfits . I mean ANIME level . and boing boing boing . Yesh . It's a kids game ! Of course . . . there are some adult aimed jokes in it like any self respecting anime story line . I remember the days when kids films actually kept that crap out of it . . . and I'm only 23 ! * ahem * anyways . Like I said . If you like RPGs you'll like this game . One thing I will say . . . lvl up boomerang on Hero . It will save you hours of time !
    • 075 4  I always like to read detailed gamer reviews before purchasing a game and I did for this one too . Fun game ; challenging battles ( noted in reviews as they are more challenging than most rpgs ) ; a solid plot line ; superb english voice acting cast ( which can be hit and miss . There was one unnamed baddie that had one line and he sucked . I mean bad . Like reading Shakespeare without knowing how . . . yeck . . . anyways , I digress . ) ; and a nice customization of character powers . One thing I will say . I love the PS2 since games are so much cheaper these days . But I was disappointed in the graphics ; what can you do though . . . would have to get a ps3 . Anyways , they put notable effort into making boobs ridiculously bouncy in this game . I kid you not . Don't believe me ? Look up a video on youtube of someone playing . Most people will put the magician in the front of the party even though she has some of the worst melee defense . Why ? Because whoever is in the front is your avatar when you're walking around . And you can put her in some anime level skimpy outfits . I mean ANIME level . and boing boing boing . Yesh . It's a kids game ! Of course . . . there are some adult aimed jokes in it like any self respecting anime story line . I remember the days when kids films actually kept that crap out of it . . . and I'm only 23 ! * ahem * anyways . Like I said . If you like RPGs you'll like this game . One thing I will say . . . lvl up boomerang on Hero . It will save you hours of time !
    • 076 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) The creators of Dragon Quest actually remembered to allow the gamer to take a breath and enjoy a little exploration . It's a joy to walk around towns and villages in search of a challenge or hidden treasure instead of just moving from one blood-pressure-raising fight to another . Collecting , training and later fighting with my Monster Team is a hoot ! Best of all , it has lasted many , many hours . . . in fact I haven't finished it yet and I've had it for over a month . I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a lot of adventure intertwined with the usual level-building fights included within most role-playing formats .
    • 077 4  The creators of Dragon Quest actually remembered to allow the gamer to take a breath and enjoy a little exploration . It's a joy to walk around towns and villages in search of a challenge or hidden treasure instead of just moving from one blood-pressure-raising fight to another . Collecting , training and later fighting with my Monster Team is a hoot ! Best of all , it has lasted many , many hours . . . in fact I haven't finished it yet and I've had it for over a month . I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a lot of adventure intertwined with the usual level-building fights included within most role-playing formats .
    • 078 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) It is very fun . My husband loves it and plays it all the time . He really likes the strategy guide with it . It unlocks a lot of neat things .
    • 080 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I beat DQ a few months ago and I am still mourning the loss . I loved this game . It is by far my favorite video game period . Completely enjoyable with enough variety in the gameplay through leveling up , new weapons , the alchemy pot , side quests , that it never gets boring . The characters are 3 dimensional and believable . THe game is HUGE . I love the freedom you have to go where ever you want . I have been spoiled by that and now games like Odin Sphere that don't let you do that are almost intolerable to me now . When you wander off the beaten path to explore and / or level up you always seem to find something whether it is a treasure , a monster you have been looking for , a character you haven't met , the game designers have really outdone themselves . The battle system is awesome . I love the old school style done in a modern way that doesn't make it seem outdated but instead it seems revolutionary because it is done so well . I have never played the previous games but I am anxiously waiting for DQ VIIII to come out . If it comes out on XBOX then I will buy an XBOX to play it . Even after over 100 + hours of play I kept stalling knowing I was close to the end because I didn't want it to be over . My boyfriend and I were constantly haggling over who got to play . This time I will buy another system so we can both play whenever we want . Get this game . I cannot imagine you will be disappointed .
    • 081 4  I beat DQ a few months ago and I am still mourning the loss . I loved this game . It is by far my favorite video game period . Completely enjoyable with enough variety in the gameplay through leveling up , new weapons , the alchemy pot , side quests , that it never gets boring . The characters are 3 dimensional and believable . THe game is HUGE . I love the freedom you have to go where ever you want . I have been spoiled by that and now games like Odin Sphere that don't let you do that are almost intolerable to me now . When you wander off the beaten path to explore and / or level up you always seem to find something whether it is a treasure , a monster you have been looking for , a character you haven't met , the game designers have really outdone themselves . The battle system is awesome . I love the old school style done in a modern way that doesn't make it seem outdated but instead it seems revolutionary because it is done so well . I have never played the previous games but I am anxiously waiting for DQ VIIII to come out . If it comes out on XBOX then I will buy an XBOX to play it . Even after over 100 + hours of play I kept stalling knowing I was close to the end because I didn't want it to be over . My boyfriend and I were constantly haggling over who got to play . This time I will buy another system so we can both play whenever we want . Get this game . I cannot imagine you will be disappointed .
    • 082 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I haven't been able to stop playing Dragon Quest VIII . I'm a big RPG fan , but over the last years , all japanese RPGs have been invaded by whiny androgynous spike-haired prettyboys with amnesia and a knack for giant swords , roaming around a techno-magical world , and never seeming to get a grip about the feelings of the lovely but klutzy female party member who was also a childhood friend . . . . Mind you , I loved Final Fantasy VII , but I'm getting tired of playin the same story with the same stereotypes over and over again . DQ VIII is a throwback to the good sword and sorcery RPG games of the NES / SNES era , with colorful and likable characters , and decidely evil antagonists . It makes for a prety straightforward plot sometimes , but is a refreshing change among hundreds of games filled with convoluted plots and non-sequitur filled conversations . Plus , the dialogue with the NPCs and specially the interacions among the party members ( a feature often overlooked and sorely missed since the Grandia series ) is often funny and even hilarious , but is also very endearing and touching when it needs to . Graphically , the game is totally gorgeous , and the expressive and cartoon-like graphics will likely age very well overtime , unlike many other games ( RPG or not ) that tried to be realistic in their time , but look like total crap nowadays . I was never a big fan of DragonBall , so it's not a fanboy statement when I say that the character designs from Toriyama fit the game atmosphere so well , and while the enemies are sometimes too cute to look truly menancing , it gives the game a distinct look and feel among the gritty gray-and-brown-only palette of so many current-gen games . It certainly has some flaws , some of them related to the retro-feel of the game , such as the savegame spots being scarce ( although you can teleport with a spell you learn pretty early in the game , solving this issue ) , and the inventory system feeling pretty clunky and unfriendly sometimes . . . but most of those problems don't ruin the overall experience , and may even feel like a reminder of how things were in the old days of gaming , so count them as a plus if you are a retrogamer . I'm liking it pretty much . I almost never play my RPGs from start to finish , usually leaving them to play something else for some time before jumping back and finishing them . But this may be one of the few games that I'll play throughly without distractions , because it just keeps pulling me in .
    • 083 4  I haven't been able to stop playing Dragon Quest VIII . I'm a big RPG fan , but over the last years , all japanese RPGs have been invaded by whiny androgynous spike-haired prettyboys with amnesia and a knack for giant swords , roaming around a techno-magical world , and never seeming to get a grip about the feelings of the lovely but klutzy female party member who was also a childhood friend . . . . Mind you , I loved Final Fantasy VII , but I'm getting tired of playin the same story with the same stereotypes over and over again . DQ VIII is a throwback to the good sword and sorcery RPG games of the NES / SNES era , with colorful and likable characters , and decidely evil antagonists . It makes for a prety straightforward plot sometimes , but is a refreshing change among hundreds of games filled with convoluted plots and non-sequitur filled conversations . Plus , the dialogue with the NPCs and specially the interacions among the party members ( a feature often overlooked and sorely missed since the Grandia series ) is often funny and even hilarious , but is also very endearing and touching when it needs to . Graphically , the game is totally gorgeous , and the expressive and cartoon-like graphics will likely age very well overtime , unlike many other games ( RPG or not ) that tried to be realistic in their time , but look like total crap nowadays . I was never a big fan of DragonBall , so it's not a fanboy statement when I say that the character designs from Toriyama fit the game atmosphere so well , and while the enemies are sometimes too cute to look truly menancing , it gives the game a distinct look and feel among the gritty gray-and-brown-only palette of so many current-gen games . It certainly has some flaws , some of them related to the retro-feel of the game , such as the savegame spots being scarce ( although you can teleport with a spell you learn pretty early in the game , solving this issue ) , and the inventory system feeling pretty clunky and unfriendly sometimes . . . but most of those problems don't ruin the overall experience , and may even feel like a reminder of how things were in the old days of gaming , so count them as a plus if you are a retrogamer . I'm liking it pretty much . I almost never play my RPGs from start to finish , usually leaving them to play something else for some time before jumping back and finishing them . But this may be one of the few games that I'll play throughly without distractions , because it just keeps pulling me in .
    • 084 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This is a riviting , fun game . Challenging and hard to put down once you starts . Time just slips by . Thoroughly enjoy it . I wish they would make more of this type of games for the older systems .
    • 086 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I made sure I played this game thouroughly before I did this review . With RPGs a gamer has to at least invest 10 - 15 hours into it before they can grasp the overall merits and flaws of the game . First let me say if you judge fantasy role-playing games solely by flashy graphics and a real time in-your-face combat engine this may not be the game you are looking for . Once again you'll be treated to random battles and a turn based battle system . Furthermore to add to your angst this is a whimsical 3D cel shaded anime styled world with designs done by none other than the same artist responsible for Dragon Ball . To be frank these things would normally make me disdain an RPG . I've long said I'm not a fan of stereotypcal cutesy cliches or tired old plots of kingdoms in peril and the hero running off to save the world . Yet despite my inner rpg scrooge this game made me smile . It was subtle at first and I tried glowering through each humorous wacked out boss monster and each predictable plot twist and yet regardless my reservations I couldn't put my controller down . It was the strangest thing in gaming I ever experienced . The point is like a 2D fighter Dragon Quest 8 is not trying to revolutionize its genre when it comes to mind blowing meta physics , fights in real time , or a dystopian dark reality filled with seedy adult themes . Rather it appeals to the crowd that can appreciate when RPGs had an innocence about them . That golden age when characters were all lovable , believable , and didn't try to be metrosexaul pretty boys with angst problems or girls decked out in lingerie and black lip stick trying to look like hot topic vampires . To start you of you are the silent protagonist . An evil Jester wizard enveloped your home town in thorns , killed all your friends , turned the king into a pitiful monster , and turned the princess into a horse . Being an all around nice guy you set off to free the King and daughter from their cuse and stop the evil Dhoulmagus . Along the way a ruffian bandit Yangus tries to accquire your purse of coin but in a turn of events he is left hanging from a thread and you save him . He swears his undying loyalty to you and off you go ! You'll also be joined by the spirited aristocratic sorceress Jessica who is having family troubles and the charismatic Templar Angelo that is into gambling and women despite constant reprimands from the holy order he serves . I say all this because it is unveiled quickly . I'm not giving you spoilers because the truth of it is the plot is straight forward , at least in the very beginning . As you would suspect every character has their own skill sets to raise . Some of these are common such as boosting different weapon proficencies but some have a humorous or social slant to them like Yangus's humanity and Jessica's upgradable sex appeal . To add to the nostalgic cheese the enemies are usaully wacked out , creatively portrayed , and often enough can make you split your sides with laughter . Their are dancing devils that give you the urge to gyrate around like a disco super star . There are fuzzy one eyed little beasties in a boot that slow your agility . There are bunicorns ( a mix of rabbits and unicorns ) and even those adorable non intimidating looking blue slimes . If you are a Dragon Quest veteran you'll definetly recognize your favorite monsters from the franchise . To top this all off King Trode eventually reveals his alchemy pot . You can mix rare components in it to create rare weapons and armor . Found recipes in towns tell you what you need so at least it is not an aimless goose chase most of the time . The Alchemy system in this game is simplistic . If you were overwhelmed by Star Ocean 3 ' s unnecessarilly complicated creation system you will be delightfully content with this one by comparison . Despite the games deliberate simplicity do not expect it to be lacking challenge especially if you go into battles unprepared . This was a first time an earliar boss handed my rear to me due to my flawed over confidence . You need to go into scraps with good equipment and alot of healing herbs . Furthermore you need to plan your strategies carefully . Besides that the voice acting is wonderful , the orchestral tracks in the game are beautiful , and there are alot of side quests and places to explore off the beaten path . In conclusion if you are completly smitten by dark edgy RPGS or those that are live action you might want to pass on Dragon Quest 8 . However if you an RPG fan tired of doom and gloom who would like to have your inner child emerge again definetly pick up this gem ! You can now get it for around $20.00 and I assure you it is worth every penny . Pros + Sprawling 100% explorable landscapes . If you can see it you can go there ! + Characters are cliche but in a quirky lovable way that endears you to them immediatly . + A hidden series of boss trials and another ending will keep you curious long after you have beaten it the first time . + Despites its simple menus and battling sequences the game is challenging and encourages you to be smart . + Random modes of transportation make even the toughest of trials alot more easy on you . + The game prides itself on substance as opposed to image . Trust me it is easy to drop 100 + hours into Dragon Quest 8 without having seen every secret it has to offer . Cons - For those obcessed with originality and the cutting edge Dragon Quest 8 will look like a horse that has been beaten many times . - The turn based battles are a bit too generic and with the exclusion of the better 3D cel shaded graphics this really is like playing any other outdated Dragon quest game . - At some points you are forced to level grind . _ The story while very charming is still very predictable for the most part . - You can only save if a priest is present . That is however a minor gripe considering certain spells and items can teleport you to towns very quickly and mostly whisk you back close to where you left off .
    • 087 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I made sure I played this game thouroughly before I did this review . With RPGs a gamer has to at least invest 10 - 15 hours into it before they can grasp the overall merits and flaws of the game . First let me say if you judge fantasy role-playing games solely by flashy graphics and a real time in-your-face combat engine this may not be the game you are looking for . Once again you'll be treated to random battles and a turn based battle system . Furthermore to add to your angst this is a whimsical 3D cel shaded anime styled world with designs done by none other than the same artist responsible for Dragon Ball . To be frank these things would normally make me disdain an RPG . I've long said I'm not a fan of stereotypcal cutesy cliches or tired old plots of kingdoms in peril and the hero running off to save the world . Yet despite my inner rpg scrooge this game made me smile . It was subtle at first and I tried glowering through each humorous wacked out boss monster and each predictable plot twist and yet regardless my reservations I couldn't put my controller down . It was the strangest thing in gaming I ever experienced . The point is like a 2D fighter Dragon Quest 8 is not trying to revolutionize its genre when it comes to mind blowing meta physics , fights in real time , or a dystopian dark reality filled with seedy adult themes . Rather it appeals to the crowd that can appreciate when RPGs had an innocence about them . That golden age when characters were all lovable , believable , and didn't try to be metrosexaul pretty boys with angst problems or girls decked out in lingerie and black lip stick trying to look like hot topic vampires . To start you of you are the silent protagonist . An evil Jester wizard enveloped your home town in thorns , killed all your friends , turned the king into a pitiful monster , and turned the princess into a horse . Being an all around nice guy you set off to free the King and daughter from their cuse and stop the evil Dhoulmagus . Along the way a ruffian bandit Yangus tries to accquire your purse of coin but in a turn of events he is left hanging from a thread and you save him . He swears his undying loyalty to you and off you go ! You'll also be joined by the spirited aristocratic sorceress Jessica who is having family troubles and the charismatic Templar Angelo that is into gambling and women despite constant reprimands from the holy order he serves . I say all this because it is unveiled quickly . I'm not giving you spoilers because the truth of it is the plot is straight forward , at least in the very beginning . As you would suspect every character has their own skill sets to raise . Some of these are common such as boosting different weapon proficencies but some have a humorous or social slant to them like Yangus's humanity and Jessica's upgradable sex appeal . To add to the nostalgic cheese the enemies are usaully wacked out , creatively portrayed , and often enough can make you split your sides with laughter . Their are dancing devils that give you the urge to gyrate around like a disco super star . There are fuzzy one eyed little beasties in a boot that slow your agility . There are bunicorns ( a mix of rabbits and unicorns ) and even those adorable non intimidating looking blue slimes . If you are a Dragon Quest veteran you'll definetly recognize your favorite monsters from the franchise . To top this all off King Trode eventually reveals his alchemy pot . You can mix rare components in it to create rare weapons and armor . Found recipes in towns tell you what you need so at least it is not an aimless goose chase most of the time . The Alchemy system in this game is simplistic . If you were overwhelmed by Star Ocean 3 ' s unnecessarilly complicated creation system you will be delightfully content with this one by comparison . Despite the games deliberate simplicity do not expect it to be lacking challenge especially if you go into battles unprepared . This was a first time an earliar boss handed my rear to me due to my flawed over confidence . You need to go into scraps with good equipment and alot of healing herbs . Furthermore you need to plan your strategies carefully . Besides that the voice acting is wonderful , the orchestral tracks in the game are beautiful , and there are alot of side quests and places to explore off the beaten path . In conclusion if you are completly smitten by dark edgy RPGS or those that are live action you might want to pass on Dragon Quest 8 . However if you an RPG fan tired of doom and gloom who would like to have your inner child emerge again definetly pick up this gem ! You can now get it for around $20.00 and I assure you it is worth every penny . Pros + Sprawling 100% explorable landscapes . If you can see it you can go there ! + Characters are cliche but in a quirky lovable way that endears you to them immediatly . + A hidden series of boss trials and another ending will keep you curious long after you have beaten it the first time . + Despites its simple menus and battling sequences the game is challenging and encourages you to be smart . + Random modes of transportation make even the toughest of trials alot more easy on you . + The game prides itself on substance as opposed to image . Trust me it is easy to drop 100 + hours into Dragon Quest 8 without having seen every secret it has to offer . Cons - For those obcessed with originality and the cutting edge Dragon Quest 8 will look like a horse that has been beaten many times . - The turn based battles are a bit too generic and with the exclusion of the better 3D cel shaded graphics this really is like playing any other outdated Dragon quest game . - At some points you are forced to level grind . _ The story while very charming is still very predictable for the most part . - You can only save if a priest is present . That is however a minor gripe considering certain spells and items can teleport you to towns very quickly and mostly whisk you back close to where you left off .
    • 088 4  I made sure I played this game thouroughly before I did this review . With RPGs a gamer has to at least invest 10 - 15 hours into it before they can grasp the overall merits and flaws of the game . First let me say if you judge fantasy role-playing games solely by flashy graphics and a real time in-your-face combat engine this may not be the game you are looking for . Once again you'll be treated to random battles and a turn based battle system . Furthermore to add to your angst this is a whimsical 3D cel shaded anime styled world with designs done by none other than the same artist responsible for Dragon Ball . To be frank these things would normally make me disdain an RPG . I've long said I'm not a fan of stereotypcal cutesy cliches or tired old plots of kingdoms in peril and the hero running off to save the world . Yet despite my inner rpg scrooge this game made me smile . It was subtle at first and I tried glowering through each humorous wacked out boss monster and each predictable plot twist and yet regardless my reservations I couldn't put my controller down . It was the strangest thing in gaming I ever experienced . The point is like a 2D fighter Dragon Quest 8 is not trying to revolutionize its genre when it comes to mind blowing meta physics , fights in real time , or a dystopian dark reality filled with seedy adult themes . Rather it appeals to the crowd that can appreciate when RPGs had an innocence about them . That golden age when characters were all lovable , believable , and didn't try to be metrosexaul pretty boys with angst problems or girls decked out in lingerie and black lip stick trying to look like hot topic vampires . To start you of you are the silent protagonist . An evil Jester wizard enveloped your home town in thorns , killed all your friends , turned the king into a pitiful monster , and turned the princess into a horse . Being an all around nice guy you set off to free the King and daughter from their cuse and stop the evil Dhoulmagus . Along the way a ruffian bandit Yangus tries to accquire your purse of coin but in a turn of events he is left hanging from a thread and you save him . He swears his undying loyalty to you and off you go ! You'll also be joined by the spirited aristocratic sorceress Jessica who is having family troubles and the charismatic Templar Angelo that is into gambling and women despite constant reprimands from the holy order he serves . I say all this because it is unveiled quickly . I'm not giving you spoilers because the truth of it is the plot is straight forward , at least in the very beginning . As you would suspect every character has their own skill sets to raise . Some of these are common such as boosting different weapon proficencies but some have a humorous or social slant to them like Yangus's humanity and Jessica's upgradable sex appeal . To add to the nostalgic cheese the enemies are usaully wacked out , creatively portrayed , and often enough can make you split your sides with laughter . Their are dancing devils that give you the urge to gyrate around like a disco super star . There are fuzzy one eyed little beasties in a boot that slow your agility . There are bunicorns ( a mix of rabbits and unicorns ) and even those adorable non intimidating looking blue slimes . If you are a Dragon Quest veteran you'll definetly recognize your favorite monsters from the franchise . To top this all off King Trode eventually reveals his alchemy pot . You can mix rare components in it to create rare weapons and armor . Found recipes in towns tell you what you need so at least it is not an aimless goose chase most of the time . The Alchemy system in this game is simplistic . If you were overwhelmed by Star Ocean 3 ' s unnecessarilly complicated creation system you will be delightfully content with this one by comparison . Despite the games deliberate simplicity do not expect it to be lacking challenge especially if you go into battles unprepared . This was a first time an earliar boss handed my rear to me due to my flawed over confidence . You need to go into scraps with good equipment and alot of healing herbs . Furthermore you need to plan your strategies carefully . Besides that the voice acting is wonderful , the orchestral tracks in the game are beautiful , and there are alot of side quests and places to explore off the beaten path . In conclusion if you are completly smitten by dark edgy RPGS or those that are live action you might want to pass on Dragon Quest 8 . However if you an RPG fan tired of doom and gloom who would like to have your inner child emerge again definetly pick up this gem ! You can now get it for around $20.00 and I assure you it is worth every penny . Pros + Sprawling 100% explorable landscapes . If you can see it you can go there ! + Characters are cliche but in a quirky lovable way that endears you to them immediatly . + A hidden series of boss trials and another ending will keep you curious long after you have beaten it the first time . + Despites its simple menus and battling sequences the game is challenging and encourages you to be smart . + Random modes of transportation make even the toughest of trials alot more easy on you . + The game prides itself on substance as opposed to image . Trust me it is easy to drop 100 + hours into Dragon Quest 8 without having seen every secret it has to offer . Cons - For those obcessed with originality and the cutting edge Dragon Quest 8 will look like a horse that has been beaten many times . - The turn based battles are a bit too generic and with the exclusion of the better 3D cel shaded graphics this really is like playing any other outdated Dragon quest game . - At some points you are forced to level grind . _ The story while very charming is still very predictable for the most part . - You can only save if a priest is present . That is however a minor gripe considering certain spells and items can teleport you to towns very quickly and mostly whisk you back close to where you left off .
    • 089 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I have a short attention span , and my husband is constantly trying to find a game that will keep me entertained for more than one session . I was so obsessed with this game that I wanted to play almost everyday . The graphics are great-vibrant and fluid . The storyline was enough of a plot to keep me entertained , without feeling like I was being dragged through a boring story . There is definite humor in the dialogue , with varying ages of comprehension . Overall , for a girl who doesn't normally like video games , this was a keeper !
    • 091 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I'm not finished with the game yet , but I can't put it down . That says a lot . I have two young kids , so at night when the kids go to bed , my husband and I start our Dragon Quest Adventure . : ) The only reason we went to bed last night at 11 PM is because we knew if we didn't , we'd pay for it the next day . If I had a choice , though , and if I had no kids , I'd take a week off work and play this game 24 - 7 ! ! That's how fun it is . Enough said .
    • 092 4  I'm not finished with the game yet , but I can't put it down . That says a lot . I have two young kids , so at night when the kids go to bed , my husband and I start our Dragon Quest Adventure . : ) The only reason we went to bed last night at 11 PM is because we knew if we didn't , we'd pay for it the next day . If I had a choice , though , and if I had no kids , I'd take a week off work and play this game 24 - 7 ! ! That's how fun it is . Enough said .
    • 093 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) this is a great game , dont listen to the reviewers who complain about the harsh save points . yes , you can only save in churches but guess what ? the churches are all over the place and you can warp to them anytime you want with a simple spell they give you early in the game . i never once had a problem with this . leveling up didnt give me much of a problem either as i beat this game on level 39 surprisingly . BUT , i did have a problem with the gold factor . guys at the end of the game some of the toughest ones are giving you 120 gold and so on . talk about stingy . so when you want to buy a weapon or armour that costs 25000 + ( no joke ) that can be tough when your whole party needs something expensive like that . so there were a few times when i was fighting random battles just for the gold and not progressing in the game . the game is long , i clocked in at just over 85 hours to beat . a long game for a cheap price with an overall great rating i would recommend this .
    • 094 4  this is a great game , dont listen to the reviewers who complain about the harsh save points . yes , you can only save in churches but guess what ? the churches are all over the place and you can warp to them anytime you want with a simple spell they give you early in the game . i never once had a problem with this . leveling up didnt give me much of a problem either as i beat this game on level 39 surprisingly . BUT , i did have a problem with the gold factor . guys at the end of the game some of the toughest ones are giving you 120 gold and so on . talk about stingy . so when you want to buy a weapon or armour that costs 25000 + ( no joke ) that can be tough when your whole party needs something expensive like that . so there were a few times when i was fighting random battles just for the gold and not progressing in the game . the game is long , i clocked in at just over 85 hours to beat . a long game for a cheap price with an overall great rating i would recommend this .
    • 095 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Hands down one of the best RPG's out there . Great story and gameplay . Will keep you glued to that controller for weeks .
    • 097 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This is a really amazing game in practically every way . The graphics are incredible ; without a doubt the best demonstration of cell shading that I've ever seen . The story is nothing deep or complex , but this is the Dragon Quest / Warrior series , and by now ( if you've been following them at all ) you've realized that that's hardly the mood or intention . There's a comic book feel and humorous attitude to the Dragon Quest series , and the atmosphere is immersive and great . You'll find yourself playing this for hours and hours on end , and it never gets old . There's a personality to this game , and it's entirely unique and believable in a way that video games have rarely achieved . There's the basic tried and true battle system , and apart from the incredible graphics ( and they truly are incredible ) there's really nothing new here . But that's the way I like it . I've become a bit frustrated with newer RPGs that keep trying to reinvent the wheel when it comes to the battles . It's hardly the point . Keep it simple and direct . There's a great customization system for developing your characters , and there's where the innovation counts . Granted , it's not quite as developed or complex as some of the job systems in the earlier Dragon Quest games , but I didn't feel that anything was missing . I'm not even sure how it managed it , but ( unlike practically every other turn based RPG out there ) the random battles didn't get tiresome . This entirely makes up for the lackluster Dragon Quest VII , which was an overlong and meandering mess of a game . It basically had no plot whatsoever ( you don't even get introduced to the villain until you're about 200 hours into the game ) and the entire presentation came across as incredibly dated . Thankfully , part VIII is leaps and bounds ahead of it's time , and it's a great work of art . As long as the game is , you still wish it would keep going after you finish it . This is without a doubt one of the best RPG's I've ever played . . . certainly one of the best on the Playstation 2 . It's amazing that these games have gone relatively unnoticed in the US ( with the exception of the original NES game ) , and hopefully this one will turn things around a bit . I guess it's worth noting that it comes packaged with a truly unimpressive demo for Final Fantasy XII . Oh well . . . Dragon Quest VIII has sold over 4 million copies in Japan alone , and for good reason . My only gripe would be the voice acting , which is like nails on a chalkboard . The guy who does the voice of the cursed King is maddeningly bad . He overacts in this wildly squeaky and melodramatic tone that just made me cringe . It was enough to make me finally just turn the voice acting all the way down , which is really no loss ; especially considering that there was no voice acting in the original Japanese version ( apparently ) . Still , this is one of the most engrossing adventures you'll ever play . If you're a fan of turn based RPGs , this game is required .
    • 098 4  This is a really amazing game in practically every way . The graphics are incredible ; without a doubt the best demonstration of cell shading that I've ever seen . The story is nothing deep or complex , but this is the Dragon Quest / Warrior series , and by now ( if you've been following them at all ) you've realized that that's hardly the mood or intention . There's a comic book feel and humorous attitude to the Dragon Quest series , and the atmosphere is immersive and great . You'll find yourself playing this for hours and hours on end , and it never gets old . There's a personality to this game , and it's entirely unique and believable in a way that video games have rarely achieved . There's the basic tried and true battle system , and apart from the incredible graphics ( and they truly are incredible ) there's really nothing new here . But that's the way I like it . I've become a bit frustrated with newer RPGs that keep trying to reinvent the wheel when it comes to the battles . It's hardly the point . Keep it simple and direct . There's a great customization system for developing your characters , and there's where the innovation counts . Granted , it's not quite as developed or complex as some of the job systems in the earlier Dragon Quest games , but I didn't feel that anything was missing . I'm not even sure how it managed it , but ( unlike practically every other turn based RPG out there ) the random battles didn't get tiresome . This entirely makes up for the lackluster Dragon Quest VII , which was an overlong and meandering mess of a game . It basically had no plot whatsoever ( you don't even get introduced to the villain until you're about 200 hours into the game ) and the entire presentation came across as incredibly dated . Thankfully , part VIII is leaps and bounds ahead of it's time , and it's a great work of art . As long as the game is , you still wish it would keep going after you finish it . This is without a doubt one of the best RPG's I've ever played . . . certainly one of the best on the Playstation 2 . It's amazing that these games have gone relatively unnoticed in the US ( with the exception of the original NES game ) , and hopefully this one will turn things around a bit . I guess it's worth noting that it comes packaged with a truly unimpressive demo for Final Fantasy XII . Oh well . . . Dragon Quest VIII has sold over 4 million copies in Japan alone , and for good reason . My only gripe would be the voice acting , which is like nails on a chalkboard . The guy who does the voice of the cursed King is maddeningly bad . He overacts in this wildly squeaky and melodramatic tone that just made me cringe . It was enough to make me finally just turn the voice acting all the way down , which is really no loss ; especially considering that there was no voice acting in the original Japanese version ( apparently ) . Still , this is one of the most engrossing adventures you'll ever play . If you're a fan of turn based RPGs , this game is required .
    • 099 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) ain't one to be missed . Pros : - Nice cel-shaded graphics ( Level 5 surpassed their previous epic Dark Cloud 2 ' s graphics ) - Excellent voice acting - A Battle system turned based RPG lovers can easily relate to - A great story - 106 hours ! ? Cor Bliemy ! People who love games with lots of hours with things to do are gonna have a ball ( Well , it might be shorter for people , I spent like 32 hours finding mini-Medals , looking for monsters , and leveling up . - When you have trouble it's cool to have you crew tell you stuff you might be able to use - The monster arena is nice while it lasts - Side quests can be really helpful ( One can give you the abiliy to ride a sabercat , and it's about 4x the walking speed ) - Nice set of fighting characters : - - Hero ( Nothing really interesting ) - - Yangus ( The oversised bandit who can put out a bit of laughs ) - - Jessica ( well , Va , Va , Voom , is how someone mentioned her as , meaning she's just plain out hot , and she can change costumes ) - - Angelo ( The pimp , just like Jessicas beauty is needed in RPGs , every RPG needs a ladies man ) - Setting skills and stuff is pretty cool - Everyone has their own personal skills , I like hero's because Omniheal is freakin ' sweet , and Jessica's because he can charm an enemy . - Phsycing up is very handy on boss fights ( Cept fpr the ones who use waves of Ice ) - I love zoom ( It helps out with traveling to previous place a whole lot ) - The alchemy pot is nice after grabbing some recipies - After completing the game you can enter new dungouns with your completed game data ( Ah , just like Radiata Stories ) - This game is a must for any RPG fan Cons : - I can't stand that the best way to level up to to fight slimey piles of metal , who are hard to penetrate , and most likely rin off during the first turn ( The huge ones give away more EXP than 2 bosses would , and I mean near final bosses ) - When you need weapons that cost around over 20,000 gold , and regular enemies offer around 100 - 200 gold , it can be a mojor drag ( Unless you fight gold golems , but they aren't always promised to show up ) - I hate going to a church everytime to save ( No more save points in front of bosses , that sucks ) - I hate going back to a previous dungen , and Yangus says there's one piece of treausre left , and it happens to be a map - The casino sux mad bootie crack ! ( What casino doesn't have blackjack or poker . That really blows ) - I wish there was more interaction with the characters ( Too much of random other people talking , random fights , and not enough voices from your party talking ) Neutral : - balancing weapons is cool , but after finding all 110 mini medals and finding out flails of destruction is a good weapon , it makes me a little mad that I didn't upgrade fistcuffs for Yanghus - If only Red could be a member ( She's hot , sexy , bad additude , but she pissed me off on one or 2 ocasions , and fighting isn't her cup of tea . Sad - Hero is sort of a blend of Jak from the first Jak and Daxter , and Tidus from Final Fantasy X : He can't talk , and his name isn't mentioned at all througout the game . A veeeeery intersting guy , don't you think ? Dragon Quest VIII is a good ol ' traditonal style RPG that definitly has a story to tell , and places to explore . It is the first Dragon Quest to make it over to America , and it has gave me and other gamers a great ride to remember : an epic full of wonders and exeitment to journey through as you play it . Any fan of RPGs should definitly give Dragon Quest VIII a shot . peace
    • 100 4  ain't one to be missed . Pros : - Nice cel-shaded graphics ( Level 5 surpassed their previous epic Dark Cloud 2 ' s graphics ) - Excellent voice acting - A Battle system turned based RPG lovers can easily relate to - A great story - 106 hours ! ? Cor Bliemy ! People who love games with lots of hours with things to do are gonna have a ball ( Well , it might be shorter for people , I spent like 32 hours finding mini-Medals , looking for monsters , and leveling up . - When you have trouble it's cool to have you crew tell you stuff you might be able to use - The monster arena is nice while it lasts - Side quests can be really helpful ( One can give you the abiliy to ride a sabercat , and it's about 4x the walking speed ) - Nice set of fighting characters : - - Hero ( Nothing really interesting ) - - Yangus ( The oversised bandit who can put out a bit of laughs ) - - Jessica ( well , Va , Va , Voom , is how someone mentioned her as , meaning she's just plain out hot , and she can change costumes ) - - Angelo ( The pimp , just like Jessicas beauty is needed in RPGs , every RPG needs a ladies man ) - Setting skills and stuff is pretty cool - Everyone has their own personal skills , I like hero's because Omniheal is freakin ' sweet , and Jessica's because he can charm an enemy . - Phsycing up is very handy on boss fights ( Cept fpr the ones who use waves of Ice ) - I love zoom ( It helps out with traveling to previous place a whole lot ) - The alchemy pot is nice after grabbing some recipies - After completing the game you can enter new dungouns with your completed game data ( Ah , just like Radiata Stories ) - This game is a must for any RPG fan Cons : - I can't stand that the best way to level up to to fight slimey piles of metal , who are hard to penetrate , and most likely rin off during the first turn ( The huge ones give away more EXP than 2 bosses would , and I mean near final bosses ) - When you need weapons that cost around over 20,000 gold , and regular enemies offer around 100 - 200 gold , it can be a mojor drag ( Unless you fight gold golems , but they aren't always promised to show up ) - I hate going to a church everytime to save ( No more save points in front of bosses , that sucks ) - I hate going back to a previous dungen , and Yangus says there's one piece of treausre left , and it happens to be a map - The casino sux mad bootie crack ! ( What casino doesn't have blackjack or poker . That really blows ) - I wish there was more interaction with the characters ( Too much of random other people talking , random fights , and not enough voices from your party talking ) Neutral : - balancing weapons is cool , but after finding all 110 mini medals and finding out flails of destruction is a good weapon , it makes me a little mad that I didn't upgrade fistcuffs for Yanghus - If only Red could be a member ( She's hot , sexy , bad additude , but she pissed me off on one or 2 ocasions , and fighting isn't her cup of tea . Sad - Hero is sort of a blend of Jak from the first Jak and Daxter , and Tidus from Final Fantasy X : He can't talk , and his name isn't mentioned at all througout the game . A veeeeery intersting guy , don't you think ? Dragon Quest VIII is a good ol ' traditonal style RPG that definitly has a story to tell , and places to explore . It is the first Dragon Quest to make it over to America , and it has gave me and other gamers a great ride to remember : an epic full of wonders and exeitment to journey through as you play it . Any fan of RPGs should definitly give Dragon Quest VIII a shot . peace
    • 101 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I am used to the old NES DRagon Warrior games where there are no 3 - d graphics and any kind of fighting is done against a 2 - D image of a monster . This game exceeded my expectations . The graphics are not like those in the FF demo - in that they are tight but the graphics are pretty cool . It is almost as though I am in an anime world ! The fighting and battle scenes are really cool , giving you a 360 - degree look sometimes , so it doesn't get boring . There are also many side-quests and hidden treasures all over the world so even if you are off the ' beaten path ' , that's okay ! You might find a chest with a special prize . You can also gather special monsters for the Monster Arena . . . Monsters are located all over the place and they can be recruited once they are defeated by you and your posse . This game also allows the Hero to create new and improved equipment and items as well , via an Alchemy Pot . What's great is you can build better things this way . All in all , this game really does give you a lot to do . . it is not a strictly hack n'slash game where you fight , fight , fight , but you also have to use your head , follow the clues , and go from one quest to the next , all the while going towards the grander goal , defeating the evil darkness dude . . I must admit that I really missed the old Dragon Warrior games , but this makes up for it and then some . .
    • 102 4  I am used to the old NES DRagon Warrior games where there are no 3 - d graphics and any kind of fighting is done against a 2 - D image of a monster . This game exceeded my expectations . The graphics are not like those in the FF demo - in that they are tight but the graphics are pretty cool . It is almost as though I am in an anime world ! The fighting and battle scenes are really cool , giving you a 360 - degree look sometimes , so it doesn't get boring . There are also many side-quests and hidden treasures all over the world so even if you are off the ' beaten path ' , that's okay ! You might find a chest with a special prize . You can also gather special monsters for the Monster Arena . . . Monsters are located all over the place and they can be recruited once they are defeated by you and your posse . This game also allows the Hero to create new and improved equipment and items as well , via an Alchemy Pot . What's great is you can build better things this way . All in all , this game really does give you a lot to do . . it is not a strictly hack n'slash game where you fight , fight , fight , but you also have to use your head , follow the clues , and go from one quest to the next , all the while going towards the grander goal , defeating the evil darkness dude . . I must admit that I really missed the old Dragon Warrior games , but this makes up for it and then some . .
    • 103 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This being the first Dragon Quest game in a long while , I must say I was eager to experience what the series was up to . Well , I am pleasantly surprised , as well as a little puzzled . Here , I'll explain . What we have on our hands here is , for better or worse , an SNES game wrapped in PS2 clothing . It looks amazing , is well produced and voice acted , and has one of the most expansive worlds I've yet experienced in an RPG . The story isn't half bad , either , though those who have latched onto FF and other RPGs since the PSone era began may be a little turned off by it's light-heartedness and seeming lack of drama , at least , initially . I must say , while endearing to be sure , the characters and villain just don't seem to resonate quite like those in more recent RPGs . The main villain , Dhoulmagus , is a wicked guy , to be sure , but he just doesn't seem that threatening . maybe it's the voice , maybe it's the cel-shading , but I'm just not feeling it . That brings up another point . While it most certainly brings Toriyama-san's designs and feel to life , the decision to use cel-shading detracts from that games attempt at serious , dramatic moments . Dhoulmagus can kill whomever he likes , it's just so . . . cartoony that I just don't care . HOWEVER , and I want to make this clear , when this game does do what it does best ( light-hearted , often humorous , whimsical adventure-type stuff ) , it does it better than anyone else . You really get the feeling that you're on an adventure . You don't really care where you're going , but you're enjoying the journey . Character animations are also top notch , with facial expressions to match the dialogue and no trace of boxed or looped animations . None of that wierd recycled animation stuff . The mouth movements don't match the dialogue , but that's likely because the voice over was added for the US release , so the game wasn't created with VO in mind . As for the world in which this adventure takes place , it is beautiful , if lacking in variety . Expect to see a lot of grass and trees . . . cuz that's pretty much it for quite a stretch . Once you get to the dungeons , things see a little more variety , but I was expecting more . The Medieval-European setting could be exploited further for more structures emphasising greater size and beautiful architechture . Oh , and you'll be walking . A lot . The battle system is a pretty straightforward , turn-based affair . You've played this before . No Active Time Battle or anything like that . You can skip a turn and Psych Up , which increases your attack power . You can do this a few times , and you also have a chance to reach High Tension , where your power increases dramically ( and you look all Super Saiyan ) , which can make the difference in winning or losing boss battles . Each character can learn different spells and skills depending on the type of weapon used and where you allocate your Skill Points , which you earn at each level-up . Each character has up to three weapon types , hand-to-hand fighting options , and each has one other attribute for allocation , like Courage or Charisma . Some have weapons that can hit multiple enemies at once . It's completely up to you how you want to progress each one . While it may seem as though I am coming off overly negative about the game , that's not really my intention . It's a very competent and polished game , and it really appears that the developers more than accomplished what they were trying to achieve . It's just that it doesn't seem they were wanting to accomplish that much . The desire to innovate or do something truly different just isn't here . Undoubtedly it's the most advanced Dragon Quest game to date , and the story is very entertaining and refreshing , but the fact remains that DQ has been behind the curve in the genre . RPGs have come a long way since DQ VII ( hell , since DQ VI ) , and there just hasn't been a big evolution in the series . They've pretty much perfected the old formula , now it's time to move ahead . Final verdict ? It's a great traditional RPG , but it is a VERY traditional RPG . Other than the visuals , it would be right at home on the SNES . If old-school's your thing ( and it is mine , to an extent ) , by all means , jump right into this game . If you lean more in the direction of Final Fantasy , Star Ocean , or Radiata Stories , and don't wish to relive the past with a fresh coat of paint , then you may want to pass on this one .
    • 104 4  This being the first Dragon Quest game in a long while , I must say I was eager to experience what the series was up to . Well , I am pleasantly surprised , as well as a little puzzled . Here , I'll explain . What we have on our hands here is , for better or worse , an SNES game wrapped in PS2 clothing . It looks amazing , is well produced and voice acted , and has one of the most expansive worlds I've yet experienced in an RPG . The story isn't half bad , either , though those who have latched onto FF and other RPGs since the PSone era began may be a little turned off by it's light-heartedness and seeming lack of drama , at least , initially . I must say , while endearing to be sure , the characters and villain just don't seem to resonate quite like those in more recent RPGs . The main villain , Dhoulmagus , is a wicked guy , to be sure , but he just doesn't seem that threatening . maybe it's the voice , maybe it's the cel-shading , but I'm just not feeling it . That brings up another point . While it most certainly brings Toriyama-san's designs and feel to life , the decision to use cel-shading detracts from that games attempt at serious , dramatic moments . Dhoulmagus can kill whomever he likes , it's just so . . . cartoony that I just don't care . HOWEVER , and I want to make this clear , when this game does do what it does best ( light-hearted , often humorous , whimsical adventure-type stuff ) , it does it better than anyone else . You really get the feeling that you're on an adventure . You don't really care where you're going , but you're enjoying the journey . Character animations are also top notch , with facial expressions to match the dialogue and no trace of boxed or looped animations . None of that wierd recycled animation stuff . The mouth movements don't match the dialogue , but that's likely because the voice over was added for the US release , so the game wasn't created with VO in mind . As for the world in which this adventure takes place , it is beautiful , if lacking in variety . Expect to see a lot of grass and trees . . . cuz that's pretty much it for quite a stretch . Once you get to the dungeons , things see a little more variety , but I was expecting more . The Medieval-European setting could be exploited further for more structures emphasising greater size and beautiful architechture . Oh , and you'll be walking . A lot . The battle system is a pretty straightforward , turn-based affair . You've played this before . No Active Time Battle or anything like that . You can skip a turn and Psych Up , which increases your attack power . You can do this a few times , and you also have a chance to reach High Tension , where your power increases dramically ( and you look all Super Saiyan ) , which can make the difference in winning or losing boss battles . Each character can learn different spells and skills depending on the type of weapon used and where you allocate your Skill Points , which you earn at each level-up . Each character has up to three weapon types , hand-to-hand fighting options , and each has one other attribute for allocation , like Courage or Charisma . Some have weapons that can hit multiple enemies at once . It's completely up to you how you want to progress each one . While it may seem as though I am coming off overly negative about the game , that's not really my intention . It's a very competent and polished game , and it really appears that the developers more than accomplished what they were trying to achieve . It's just that it doesn't seem they were wanting to accomplish that much . The desire to innovate or do something truly different just isn't here . Undoubtedly it's the most advanced Dragon Quest game to date , and the story is very entertaining and refreshing , but the fact remains that DQ has been behind the curve in the genre . RPGs have come a long way since DQ VII ( hell , since DQ VI ) , and there just hasn't been a big evolution in the series . They've pretty much perfected the old formula , now it's time to move ahead . Final verdict ? It's a great traditional RPG , but it is a VERY traditional RPG . Other than the visuals , it would be right at home on the SNES . If old-school's your thing ( and it is mine , to an extent ) , by all means , jump right into this game . If you lean more in the direction of Final Fantasy , Star Ocean , or Radiata Stories , and don't wish to relive the past with a fresh coat of paint , then you may want to pass on this one .
    • 105 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) One quickly learns to be grateful for any long fantasy adventure game . Even if the story is a bit lacking , or play is unimaginative or repetitious . Or worse , game play is so complicated that you spend 60 hours acclimatizing to the system for twenty hours of play . So it is with some pleasure that what is probably the only major release in this genre in 2005 also happens to be an excellent game . Not because it is blindingly original , but because it is a good story in a large and interesting world with a solid play system . A scepter is stolen from a castle vault and the evil creature within it overwhelms the thief and pursues it's own agenda - the destruction of the heirs of those sages who originally bound it in the scepter and its return to this world as god and ruler . The only survivors of this theft are you as a member of the guard , and King Trode and Princess Medea , who have been changed into an ugly troll and a not so ugly horse . This ménage a trios sets out to track down Dhoulmagus and get him to release the curse . But , as time goes by , and the rest of the companions are recruited it becomes obvious that the story is much more complex and more is at stake than undoing a curse . None of the characters is especially heroic in demeanor . The hero is low key , since he is supposed to be you ; Yangus is a disreputable ex-thief who has become attached to the hero . Jessica is a good girl trying to avenge her brother and go bad at the same time , and Angelo is a reject from the Knights Templar . Trode is pompous to a fault , although one can sympathize with someone who is green with warts in a world where monsters are experience fodder . Medea , of course , is perfect - just what you would expect from the primary love interest who happens to also pull carts . This naturalness in the characters lends the story it light , humorous touch . Dragon Quest VIII is not one of those dire and woeful fantasies that have become fashionable . Game play is a relief after trying to cope with something like Xenosaga . You can even preset character battle behavior if you want to , but you are rarely more than three clicks from getting each character in order , and battles don't offer insane challenges . If you are sensible and mind your character building you will have little reason to become frustrated or fail . There is a large selection of monsters and bosses and fighting only becomes tedious late in the game where you have to remember to sprinkle holy water to avoid wasting time with the pushovers . Graphics are three-dimensional cartoonish - fairly well detailed and interesting . The music is probably the weakest part of the mix . In fact , if they hadn't included the Final Fantasy XII preview in the same box thing would be just wonderful . Unfortunately , even 15 minutes of playing FF XII makes any other game pale by comparison . The solution , of course is to not play the demo until you have finished Dragon Quest VIII . I liked DQ8 enough to go hunting to some of the earlier games in this series , and that's about the best recommendation I can give any game .
    • 106 4  One quickly learns to be grateful for any long fantasy adventure game . Even if the story is a bit lacking , or play is unimaginative or repetitious . Or worse , game play is so complicated that you spend 60 hours acclimatizing to the system for twenty hours of play . So it is with some pleasure that what is probably the only major release in this genre in 2005 also happens to be an excellent game . Not because it is blindingly original , but because it is a good story in a large and interesting world with a solid play system . A scepter is stolen from a castle vault and the evil creature within it overwhelms the thief and pursues it's own agenda - the destruction of the heirs of those sages who originally bound it in the scepter and its return to this world as god and ruler . The only survivors of this theft are you as a member of the guard , and King Trode and Princess Medea , who have been changed into an ugly troll and a not so ugly horse . This ménage a trios sets out to track down Dhoulmagus and get him to release the curse . But , as time goes by , and the rest of the companions are recruited it becomes obvious that the story is much more complex and more is at stake than undoing a curse . None of the characters is especially heroic in demeanor . The hero is low key , since he is supposed to be you ; Yangus is a disreputable ex-thief who has become attached to the hero . Jessica is a good girl trying to avenge her brother and go bad at the same time , and Angelo is a reject from the Knights Templar . Trode is pompous to a fault , although one can sympathize with someone who is green with warts in a world where monsters are experience fodder . Medea , of course , is perfect - just what you would expect from the primary love interest who happens to also pull carts . This naturalness in the characters lends the story it light , humorous touch . Dragon Quest VIII is not one of those dire and woeful fantasies that have become fashionable . Game play is a relief after trying to cope with something like Xenosaga . You can even preset character battle behavior if you want to , but you are rarely more than three clicks from getting each character in order , and battles don't offer insane challenges . If you are sensible and mind your character building you will have little reason to become frustrated or fail . There is a large selection of monsters and bosses and fighting only becomes tedious late in the game where you have to remember to sprinkle holy water to avoid wasting time with the pushovers . Graphics are three-dimensional cartoonish - fairly well detailed and interesting . The music is probably the weakest part of the mix . In fact , if they hadn't included the Final Fantasy XII preview in the same box thing would be just wonderful . Unfortunately , even 15 minutes of playing FF XII makes any other game pale by comparison . The solution , of course is to not play the demo until you have finished Dragon Quest VIII . I liked DQ8 enough to go hunting to some of the earlier games in this series , and that's about the best recommendation I can give any game .
    • 107 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I guess that's what Squaresoft was thinking when they acquired Enix . I'm an old school console rpg'er . I was really into the Final Fantasy series and Dragon Warrior series on old Nintendo console systems so I was excited when I heard Dragon Quest VIII was released for the PS2 and decided to buy it . I wasn't disappointed at all . It has amazing graphics , but still has that 8 - bit console feel to it still . And if you've played any of the Dragon Warrior games on the old 8 - bit Nintendo console , you'll immediately recognize some of the monsters , sounds , and music when you play the game . It brought a smile to my face since it was nostalgic for me . The storyline is pretty good too and the dialog between the characters in the game can be humorous at times . Overall I give this game 6 stars out of 5 . It's really that good .
    • 108 4  I guess that's what Squaresoft was thinking when they acquired Enix . I'm an old school console rpg'er . I was really into the Final Fantasy series and Dragon Warrior series on old Nintendo console systems so I was excited when I heard Dragon Quest VIII was released for the PS2 and decided to buy it . I wasn't disappointed at all . It has amazing graphics , but still has that 8 - bit console feel to it still . And if you've played any of the Dragon Warrior games on the old 8 - bit Nintendo console , you'll immediately recognize some of the monsters , sounds , and music when you play the game . It brought a smile to my face since it was nostalgic for me . The storyline is pretty good too and the dialog between the characters in the game can be humorous at times . Overall I give this game 6 stars out of 5 . It's really that good .
    • 109 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII is a game that does what others should have done long ago . Rather then taking the tried and true formula that many know and love and that made the Dragon Quest series the success that it is today and make something new and innovative that would only turn away the hardcore fans , Hori took his beautiful series to a group of people who know and respect the series for its roots . Level 5 was able to take everything that was great about the series from the beginning and use their graphical tallents to make the game something that is able to appeal to the average gamer who cant stand the graphics of DQVIII . DQVIII manages to pull off an 80 + hour quest that doesnt get boring or slow for any second of that time . The story is epic in proportion with many battles and deaths . Those who have enjoyed rpgs from the snes and have grown tired of the games that we have seen in recent years from square enix and others will find a refreshing change of pace and a game that they will remember for years to come . To help with the games success in the US , Square Enix has created the Slime Knights fan forums of which i am a member as Sirusjr .
    • 110 4  Dragon Quest VIII is a game that does what others should have done long ago . Rather then taking the tried and true formula that many know and love and that made the Dragon Quest series the success that it is today and make something new and innovative that would only turn away the hardcore fans , Hori took his beautiful series to a group of people who know and respect the series for its roots . Level 5 was able to take everything that was great about the series from the beginning and use their graphical tallents to make the game something that is able to appeal to the average gamer who cant stand the graphics of DQVIII . DQVIII manages to pull off an 80 + hour quest that doesnt get boring or slow for any second of that time . The story is epic in proportion with many battles and deaths . Those who have enjoyed rpgs from the snes and have grown tired of the games that we have seen in recent years from square enix and others will find a refreshing change of pace and a game that they will remember for years to come . To help with the games success in the US , Square Enix has created the Slime Knights fan forums of which i am a member as Sirusjr .
    • 111 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII is an incredibly in depth game to play . The story , though lighthearted , reaches the very core of every gamer . All throughout the games the characters come to life , expressing their emotions through excellent British voice acting that is nigh flawless . The localization is almost perfect with very few grammatical errors . The battle system , of course , follows the tried and true methods of all Dragon Quest games but adds a few bonus features to it . The tension skill is pivotal to getting through some of the tighter spots in the game and looks cool to boot . The character and enemy animations are beautiful and masterfully done because of the artistic skill of Akira Toriyama . Then there is the music . . . hands down the most enjoyable fully orchestrated soundtrack ever . Very few complaints can be made about this game though a few do pop into the mind . The alchemy pot , though ingenious , takes a little too long to work sometimes and you find yourself circling mindlessly through the field just trying to get some better items so you are ready for the next dungeon . There is also the lack of save points since you must talk to a priest to save , thus making you rerun through dungeons when you die which can sometimes take hours with the high enemy encounter rate . If each character had access to the group item bag during battle , so much the better . With the exception of a few other minor flaws like save / load times , this game is one of the best to date and I truly recommend any RPG fan to play it immediately !
    • 112 4  Dragon Quest VIII is an incredibly in depth game to play . The story , though lighthearted , reaches the very core of every gamer . All throughout the games the characters come to life , expressing their emotions through excellent British voice acting that is nigh flawless . The localization is almost perfect with very few grammatical errors . The battle system , of course , follows the tried and true methods of all Dragon Quest games but adds a few bonus features to it . The tension skill is pivotal to getting through some of the tighter spots in the game and looks cool to boot . The character and enemy animations are beautiful and masterfully done because of the artistic skill of Akira Toriyama . Then there is the music . . . hands down the most enjoyable fully orchestrated soundtrack ever . Very few complaints can be made about this game though a few do pop into the mind . The alchemy pot , though ingenious , takes a little too long to work sometimes and you find yourself circling mindlessly through the field just trying to get some better items so you are ready for the next dungeon . There is also the lack of save points since you must talk to a priest to save , thus making you rerun through dungeons when you die which can sometimes take hours with the high enemy encounter rate . If each character had access to the group item bag during battle , so much the better . With the exception of a few other minor flaws like save / load times , this game is one of the best to date and I truly recommend any RPG fan to play it immediately !
    • 113 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I was skeptical at first . . . I admit . But I wanted to give it a try not for JUST the final fantasy 12 demo , but for the amazing graphics . And being an RPG fan , I was itching to judge it for myself . So I rented it . And played for hours and hours straight . I loved it . The story is epic , yet has it's comical moments . It also has a splash of whimsicality that japanese games are famous for creating ; And in turn making the game experience endearing and full of heart . If only more RPG's were this simple without loosing complexity and depth and this comical without loosing it's drama . And with it's easy to learn game mechanics and yet no loss in customability and also commands replayablity ? What's not to love about this game ? This game is a must have ! So , I guess this goes without saying , but after I returned the rental , I went straight to my local gaming store and bought it : ) And I encourage you all to do so as well .
    • 114 4  I was skeptical at first . . . I admit . But I wanted to give it a try not for JUST the final fantasy 12 demo , but for the amazing graphics . And being an RPG fan , I was itching to judge it for myself . So I rented it . And played for hours and hours straight . I loved it . The story is epic , yet has it's comical moments . It also has a splash of whimsicality that japanese games are famous for creating ; And in turn making the game experience endearing and full of heart . If only more RPG's were this simple without loosing complexity and depth and this comical without loosing it's drama . And with it's easy to learn game mechanics and yet no loss in customability and also commands replayablity ? What's not to love about this game ? This game is a must have ! So , I guess this goes without saying , but after I returned the rental , I went straight to my local gaming store and bought it : ) And I encourage you all to do so as well .
    • 115 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) The Dragon Quest / Warrior series does it again . A huge adventure driven story which , almost suprisingly , doesn't skip on the ' story ' part of it ! Seriously a fun game after the first half hour . . . which is somewhat painful . Great sound , and great voices . Plus , the town and house sizes are proportionate ! How cool is that ? If you're a fan of old Final Fantasy , Dragon Quest , or CRPGs in general , this is an absolute necessity . However , if you're new to RPGs , I might suggest Final Fantasy VII or VIII .
    • 116 4  The Dragon Quest / Warrior series does it again . A huge adventure driven story which , almost suprisingly , doesn't skip on the ' story ' part of it ! Seriously a fun game after the first half hour . . . which is somewhat painful . Great sound , and great voices . Plus , the town and house sizes are proportionate ! How cool is that ? If you're a fan of old Final Fantasy , Dragon Quest , or CRPGs in general , this is an absolute necessity . However , if you're new to RPGs , I might suggest Final Fantasy VII or VIII .
    • 117 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) SK - Kidgoku After a year in Japan , Square Enix finally brought it to NA and how does it stack up ? let me tell you , This has to be without a doubt the Best Role playing game i have ever played on ps2 . This game uses Cel-shaded Graphics , But don't be turned off because of the Graphics , The game looks and plays excellent . The Music / Sound is awesome , It has a classic feel to it just like from the past DQ games . The Voice actors do an amazing Job . The battle system is the classic turn-based Overall : This is a Buy Buy Buy Now .
    • 118 4  SK - Kidgoku After a year in Japan , Square Enix finally brought it to NA and how does it stack up ? let me tell you , This has to be without a doubt the Best Role playing game i have ever played on ps2 . This game uses Cel-shaded Graphics , But don't be turned off because of the Graphics , The game looks and plays excellent . The Music / Sound is awesome , It has a classic feel to it just like from the past DQ games . The Voice actors do an amazing Job . The battle system is the classic turn-based Overall : This is a Buy Buy Buy Now .
    • 119 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII retains many of the conventions shared by previous games in the series ( called Dragon Warrior in the US , until now ) . Like Final Fantasy , Dragon Warrior features a number of recognizable sound effects and bits of melody that crop up in each game and enhance the nostalgia factor for veteran players . At times it is clear that the game makers are deliberately going for a low-fi , old school feel . New fully orchestrated songs are a welcome addition , and help maintain the epic feel that the graphics evoke . The visuals are satisfying while one journeys through the many towns and expansive wilds of the game . It is easy to get lost while journeying to distant sites glimpsed on the horizon from miles away . The many rivers , cliffs , hollows , and gulches make the landscape interesting to traverse . Seldom is there a flat boring field to overcome . Characters are well rendered , and succeed in imparting the proper emotions when necessary . The gameplay is much the same as its always been . Enemies attack randomly , and are arrayed before the party when the battle sequence begins . Dragon Quest VIII builds upon this tried and true base by offering a diverse range of spells and unique skills that will keep players finding new combinations and tactics . The battles are fast-paced , eschewing framing shots before characters act ; the first thing you see when it is a character's turn , is the action taking place , not a 2 second shot of how cool the character looks . Spells and creatures look great during the action sequences . A final note about gameplay : it can be difficult to survive the battles if you don't devote some time to leveling up . Dragon Warrior games are noted for the fact that you can't breeze through each area and expect to survive . You have to gain more experience against weaker creatures before tackling stronger ones . Or you will die . The storyline is deliberately simple . The game designers definitely wanted a streamlined , heroic quest of good vs . evil , as with the older Dragon Warrior titles . There are some twists to the main plot , and many side quests to undertake . But by and large , you are pursuing the bad guy through a gorgeous , if dangerous , world . And the thing is , it works . It's done so well that you want to keep playing and exploring . DQVIII is definitely one of the best RPGs to come out for the PS2 .
    • 120 4  Dragon Quest VIII retains many of the conventions shared by previous games in the series ( called Dragon Warrior in the US , until now ) . Like Final Fantasy , Dragon Warrior features a number of recognizable sound effects and bits of melody that crop up in each game and enhance the nostalgia factor for veteran players . At times it is clear that the game makers are deliberately going for a low-fi , old school feel . New fully orchestrated songs are a welcome addition , and help maintain the epic feel that the graphics evoke . The visuals are satisfying while one journeys through the many towns and expansive wilds of the game . It is easy to get lost while journeying to distant sites glimpsed on the horizon from miles away . The many rivers , cliffs , hollows , and gulches make the landscape interesting to traverse . Seldom is there a flat boring field to overcome . Characters are well rendered , and succeed in imparting the proper emotions when necessary . The gameplay is much the same as its always been . Enemies attack randomly , and are arrayed before the party when the battle sequence begins . Dragon Quest VIII builds upon this tried and true base by offering a diverse range of spells and unique skills that will keep players finding new combinations and tactics . The battles are fast-paced , eschewing framing shots before characters act ; the first thing you see when it is a character's turn , is the action taking place , not a 2 second shot of how cool the character looks . Spells and creatures look great during the action sequences . A final note about gameplay : it can be difficult to survive the battles if you don't devote some time to leveling up . Dragon Warrior games are noted for the fact that you can't breeze through each area and expect to survive . You have to gain more experience against weaker creatures before tackling stronger ones . Or you will die . The storyline is deliberately simple . The game designers definitely wanted a streamlined , heroic quest of good vs . evil , as with the older Dragon Warrior titles . There are some twists to the main plot , and many side quests to undertake . But by and large , you are pursuing the bad guy through a gorgeous , if dangerous , world . And the thing is , it works . It's done so well that you want to keep playing and exploring . DQVIII is definitely one of the best RPGs to come out for the PS2 .
    • 123 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII Follows up on Dragon Warrior VII immediately resolving the issue most had with the seventh installment : graphics . The first thing you will notice about DQVIII is that the character models are highly detailed and expressive , and that the world is enormous and lush . Of course you can't build a game on graphics alone . Dragon Quest is a very old school feeling RPG , and you will notice this right away , but it also offers some fresh innovations . The battle system is a typical turn based battle system but in traditional DQ fare , various weapons attack in different ways such as the boomerang which will attack all enemies on screen , or the whip which will attack all enemies in a group . Level ups will bring you new attributes and al skill points which will be used towards your various weapon skills as well as a personal attribute specific to each character . Leveling up these attributes is how you earn your skills this time around and offers a deeper level of strategy than seen before in the series . The story in the game follows the course of a hero who is a retainer for a cursed king ( the curse turning him into a hideous monster ) , and his daughter as they journey forth in an attempt to stop the evil jester Dhoulmagus who cursed the king in the first place . You will explore towns and castles , caves and towers in your quest to find Dhoulmagus , making friends and aiding those in need along the way . Sound wise , the game offers a mix of old school Dragon Quest sounds , to new themes and sounds . It creates a blend that will appeal to fans of the previous seven titles , meanwhile still appealing to those who may never have played the series before . Oh and of course the orchestrated theme is here too . Overall , Dragon Quest VIII is looking to be the best RPG this generation , and in my eyes , quite possibly the best RPG of all time . Needless to say , those who are even remotely interested in the RPG genre need to own this game .
    • 124 4  Dragon Quest VIII Follows up on Dragon Warrior VII immediately resolving the issue most had with the seventh installment : graphics . The first thing you will notice about DQVIII is that the character models are highly detailed and expressive , and that the world is enormous and lush . Of course you can't build a game on graphics alone . Dragon Quest is a very old school feeling RPG , and you will notice this right away , but it also offers some fresh innovations . The battle system is a typical turn based battle system but in traditional DQ fare , various weapons attack in different ways such as the boomerang which will attack all enemies on screen , or the whip which will attack all enemies in a group . Level ups will bring you new attributes and al skill points which will be used towards your various weapon skills as well as a personal attribute specific to each character . Leveling up these attributes is how you earn your skills this time around and offers a deeper level of strategy than seen before in the series . The story in the game follows the course of a hero who is a retainer for a cursed king ( the curse turning him into a hideous monster ) , and his daughter as they journey forth in an attempt to stop the evil jester Dhoulmagus who cursed the king in the first place . You will explore towns and castles , caves and towers in your quest to find Dhoulmagus , making friends and aiding those in need along the way . Sound wise , the game offers a mix of old school Dragon Quest sounds , to new themes and sounds . It creates a blend that will appeal to fans of the previous seven titles , meanwhile still appealing to those who may never have played the series before . Oh and of course the orchestrated theme is here too . Overall , Dragon Quest VIII is looking to be the best RPG this generation , and in my eyes , quite possibly the best RPG of all time . Needless to say , those who are even remotely interested in the RPG genre need to own this game .
    • 125 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) It's been a while since DQ7 hit the US shores and it didn't do too well here , which made me very sad . People don't appreciate a good game when it comes along ! I've been waiting and waiting for DQ8 and I must say , it's been WELL worth the wait . I was a little worried about it being in 3d but this game has the same outstanding feel of a classic DQ game . No new gimmicks have been added that take away from gameplay . This is a game that will be enjoyed by classic fans and those new to the series as well ! ~ Ubernyasu ~
    • 126 4  It's been a while since DQ7 hit the US shores and it didn't do too well here , which made me very sad . People don't appreciate a good game when it comes along ! I've been waiting and waiting for DQ8 and I must say , it's been WELL worth the wait . I was a little worried about it being in 3d but this game has the same outstanding feel of a classic DQ game . No new gimmicks have been added that take away from gameplay . This is a game that will be enjoyed by classic fans and those new to the series as well ! ~ Ubernyasu ~
    • 127 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This is the best console role playing game ever made ( well at least on planet earth ) . Better than all of the final fantasies ( even VI ) . Better than Persona 3 and 4 . I bought this game in 2009 and dusted off my ps2 to get a decent RPG ( because there still isn't much for ps3 ) . I put easily 100 hours into this game and I didn't mind at all that I was playing a last generation game . BUY . The game is so cheap right now , there is no excuse not to buy it if you still have a ps2 and don't have this game . Not only is this the best ps2 rpg , it's the best RPG evar ! seriously : )
    • 128 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This is the best console role playing game ever made ( well at least on planet earth ) . Better than all of the final fantasies ( even VI ) . Better than Persona 3 and 4 . I bought this game in 2009 and dusted off my ps2 to get a decent RPG ( because there still isn't much for ps3 ) . I put easily 100 hours into this game and I didn't mind at all that I was playing a last generation game . BUY . The game is so cheap right now , there is no excuse not to buy it if you still have a ps2 and don't have this game . Not only is this the best ps2 rpg , it's the best RPG evar ! seriously : )
    • 129 4  This is the best console role playing game ever made ( well at least on planet earth ) . Better than all of the final fantasies ( even VI ) . Better than Persona 3 and 4 . I bought this game in 2009 and dusted off my ps2 to get a decent RPG ( because there still isn't much for ps3 ) . I put easily 100 hours into this game and I didn't mind at all that I was playing a last generation game . BUY . The game is so cheap right now , there is no excuse not to buy it if you still have a ps2 and don't have this game . Not only is this the best ps2 rpg , it's the best RPG evar ! seriously : )
    • 130 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I decided to pop over here and read some reviews of this great game , but after reading the first page of the most helpful reviews I was disgusted . . . no mention of one of the most important aspects of the JRPG : the music . I have to wonder if it is that most Americans would rather play modern music in the background rather than listen to the classical pieces that lend real atmosphere to the game . The music in Dragon Quest VIII is pure orchestral heaven . It is STUNNING , and top to bottom is one of the best I have ever heard in an RPG . Yes , it even gives FF VI a run for its money . The compositions run the gamut : inspiring , nostalgic , whimsical , mysterious , enchanting , intense . Each piece lends a huge hand in the enjoyment of this epic . Not only that , but the American version has the symphonic master of the original PCM . . . the entire thing is played by a real orchestra , lending even more emotion to the compositions . I have the entire soundtrack on my iPod . Get the game to play it , obviously , as it is a true masterpiece of an RPG . However , give some credit to the composer for completing the world beyond the visuals .
    • 131 4  I decided to pop over here and read some reviews of this great game , but after reading the first page of the most helpful reviews I was disgusted . . . no mention of one of the most important aspects of the JRPG : the music . I have to wonder if it is that most Americans would rather play modern music in the background rather than listen to the classical pieces that lend real atmosphere to the game . The music in Dragon Quest VIII is pure orchestral heaven . It is STUNNING , and top to bottom is one of the best I have ever heard in an RPG . Yes , it even gives FF VI a run for its money . The compositions run the gamut : inspiring , nostalgic , whimsical , mysterious , enchanting , intense . Each piece lends a huge hand in the enjoyment of this epic . Not only that , but the American version has the symphonic master of the original PCM . . . the entire thing is played by a real orchestra , lending even more emotion to the compositions . I have the entire soundtrack on my iPod . Get the game to play it , obviously , as it is a true masterpiece of an RPG . However , give some credit to the composer for completing the world beyond the visuals .
    • 132 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I actually played this game several years ago , loved it finished it , the game disk was steped on and broken so I was unable to play it again . Throughout the years I have looked for an RPG that was as much fun with just as good of a story line . Couldn't find it , so I ended up just buying this game agin , and its just as much fun as i remember .
    • 133 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I actually played this game several years ago , loved it finished it , the game disk was steped on and broken so I was unable to play it again . Throughout the years I have looked for an RPG that was as much fun with just as good of a story line . Couldn't find it , so I ended up just buying this game agin , and its just as much fun as i remember .
    • 135 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Game is awesome , I find the genre to be still interesting even after being released a while back . This issue will be fun to play with your kids and I recommend it
    • 136 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Game is awesome , I find the genre to be still interesting even after being released a while back . This issue will be fun to play with your kids and I recommend it
    • 137 4  Game is awesome , I find the genre to be still interesting even after being released a while back . This issue will be fun to play with your kids and I recommend it
    • 138 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) for the price i bought it at the game is well worth it . its quite long and really fun . my dad seems to like it . i got it for him for his birthday in October and hes been playing it religiously since then .
    • 139 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) for the price i bought it at the game is well worth it . its quite long and really fun . my dad seems to like it . i got it for him for his birthday in October and hes been playing it religiously since then .
    • 141 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) The mechanics are very simple and very old-fashioned . You decide all of your characters attacks / whatever at the start of the round , and then then round plays out . Unlike older game though , this game is ( usually ) very finely tuned . Enemies throughout the game provide a consistent challenge , but not are not overwhelmingly difficult ( as long as you plan your rounds intelligently ) . This turns the relatively simple battle mechanics into genuine strategy because the choices you make actually matter ; there isn't usually a best-for-all situations attack setup . Unlike final fantasy games , you won't just be pressing the X-button a bunch to get you through the random encounters . The game does have some nagging old-school mechanics that weren't finely tuned though . The aforementioned random encounters are * extremely * frequent ; get ready to fight a lot . Combine this with random encounters that aren't pushovers , and its hard to play this game in less than 2 - hour chunks and expect to make progress ( unless you're just running through a city and managing gear / inventory ) . Additionally , it has the old JRPG standby of enemies having numerous attacks ( some very weak , some very powerful ) that they perform at random . This means the same battle can be very easy or very very hard depending on whether they do a sort of average of their moves , or if they hammer you with multiple power attacks . This rarely happens with random encounters , but is a big problem with boss enemies . There have been multiple bosses that wiped my entire party out from full health to dead without me getting a turn in between . Fortunately , death is not a gameover in this game ; you go back to the last place you saved and have everything you've accumulated so far ( items , xp , etc ) except your gold total is halved . Early in the game you're so broke from buying items its not a big penalty , and later in the game you can find banks to store your excess cash and protect it from this ( you have to go and withdraw the money before you can use it though ) . Also , its not possible to play this game without noting on how beautiful the graphics are for the PS2 . Even after being used to HD graphics , this game still looks great for what it is . I'm usually not a fan of the artist's style ( Dragon Ball Z ) , but I can't deny that the art direction in this game is top notch . One final issue : the game is too long by about 20% . Its rare that I complain about a game's length , but the main motivation for playing this game ( finely tuned encounters / strategy ; not the story ) wears thin past the 60 hour mark . So , to sum up , this is a game with old-school sensibilities ( and problems ) that is very finely tuned , challenging and beautiful to look at .
    • 142 4  The mechanics are very simple and very old-fashioned . You decide all of your characters attacks / whatever at the start of the round , and then then round plays out . Unlike older game though , this game is ( usually ) very finely tuned . Enemies throughout the game provide a consistent challenge , but not are not overwhelmingly difficult ( as long as you plan your rounds intelligently ) . This turns the relatively simple battle mechanics into genuine strategy because the choices you make actually matter ; there isn't usually a best-for-all situations attack setup . Unlike final fantasy games , you won't just be pressing the X-button a bunch to get you through the random encounters . The game does have some nagging old-school mechanics that weren't finely tuned though . The aforementioned random encounters are * extremely * frequent ; get ready to fight a lot . Combine this with random encounters that aren't pushovers , and its hard to play this game in less than 2 - hour chunks and expect to make progress ( unless you're just running through a city and managing gear / inventory ) . Additionally , it has the old JRPG standby of enemies having numerous attacks ( some very weak , some very powerful ) that they perform at random . This means the same battle can be very easy or very very hard depending on whether they do a sort of average of their moves , or if they hammer you with multiple power attacks . This rarely happens with random encounters , but is a big problem with boss enemies . There have been multiple bosses that wiped my entire party out from full health to dead without me getting a turn in between . Fortunately , death is not a gameover in this game ; you go back to the last place you saved and have everything you've accumulated so far ( items , xp , etc ) except your gold total is halved . Early in the game you're so broke from buying items its not a big penalty , and later in the game you can find banks to store your excess cash and protect it from this ( you have to go and withdraw the money before you can use it though ) . Also , its not possible to play this game without noting on how beautiful the graphics are for the PS2 . Even after being used to HD graphics , this game still looks great for what it is . I'm usually not a fan of the artist's style ( Dragon Ball Z ) , but I can't deny that the art direction in this game is top notch . One final issue : the game is too long by about 20% . Its rare that I complain about a game's length , but the main motivation for playing this game ( finely tuned encounters / strategy ; not the story ) wears thin past the 60 hour mark . So , to sum up , this is a game with old-school sensibilities ( and problems ) that is very finely tuned , challenging and beautiful to look at .
    • 143 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon's Quest 8 was initially annoying at first because it is a 3D RPG which takes getting used to if you are nauseas . It took me a couple of days to get used to the controls and adventuring . But play on , because this game will surprise you at the amount of graphics detail and depth you get on this dvd . I have recently finished the game and now onto the post game ( there is unfortunately no harder difficulty level BUT you get a post end mini dungeon unlocked ) . It took me about 100 + hours because I just wondered around sometimes to explore . I still am trying to finish the game ( you get a second ending if you complete the post game quest ) . This is a game which is addictive and fun at the same time . Just remember not to spend too long on it because it has an interesting storyline which leaves you curious for more . Also , the characters are well played out throughout the game and you can engage in different conversations depending on where you are and what you are up to . It really helps create the feel of the game and story .
    • 144 4  Dragon's Quest 8 was initially annoying at first because it is a 3D RPG which takes getting used to if you are nauseas . It took me a couple of days to get used to the controls and adventuring . But play on , because this game will surprise you at the amount of graphics detail and depth you get on this dvd . I have recently finished the game and now onto the post game ( there is unfortunately no harder difficulty level BUT you get a post end mini dungeon unlocked ) . It took me about 100 + hours because I just wondered around sometimes to explore . I still am trying to finish the game ( you get a second ending if you complete the post game quest ) . This is a game which is addictive and fun at the same time . Just remember not to spend too long on it because it has an interesting storyline which leaves you curious for more . Also , the characters are well played out throughout the game and you can engage in different conversations depending on where you are and what you are up to . It really helps create the feel of the game and story .
    • 145 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Arrived quickly , and the game was in good shape . I really enjoy the game .
    • 147 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I have played many rpg's but never played a Dragon Quest game in all these years . This game was excellent . Ive decided to hold off on next gen consoles for another year or more due to the fact that the ps2 still has so many quality titles that i havent experienced yet . This is one of those titles that is well worth your time , i recommend it very much !
    • 148 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I have played many rpg's but never played a Dragon Quest game in all these years . This game was excellent . Ive decided to hold off on next gen consoles for another year or more due to the fact that the ps2 still has so many quality titles that i havent experienced yet . This is one of those titles that is well worth your time , i recommend it very much !
    • 149 4  I have played many rpg's but never played a Dragon Quest game in all these years . This game was excellent . Ive decided to hold off on next gen consoles for another year or more due to the fact that the ps2 still has so many quality titles that i havent experienced yet . This is one of those titles that is well worth your time , i recommend it very much !
    • 150 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I love Dragon Quest VIII . It is a great RPG . It a game one can lost track of time playing because it is so much fun . I heartily recommend this product !
    • 151 4  I love Dragon Quest VIII . It is a great RPG . It a game one can lost track of time playing because it is so much fun . I heartily recommend this product !
    • 152 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I eagerly awaited the release of DQ8 over 3 years ago , bought it , and haven't stopped playing it . After completing the game many times , I always return to the world of King Trode and start it all over again . It is that charming , and that beautiful . Like reading a good book where you know the ending , but you read again and again to savor the characterizations that the author has brought to life . I bought the original Dragon Warrior for my kids when it first came out at the same time as Legend of Zelda , and I still remember my daughter laughing at me because I hadn't grasped the concept of turn-based gaming and was frantically clicking the attack button during battles . She , like a lot of you out there , favors real-time battles where quick reflexes and manual dexterity are everything . DQ8 remains turn-based , and it works well because in these battles , strategy is everything , and you are given the opportunity to plan your strategy . But the battle scenes aren't why I keep returning to the game . The graphics are quite astonishingly beautiful , and your ability to move at will through this glowing , colorful , three-dimensional world will provide a pleasure all its own . The world is alive - - trees sway in the breeze ; townspeople stroll about their business ; cats , dogs , sheep , horses , cows and birds roam freely through the countryside ( seemingly immune to the monsters that continually attack your party . ) Watch the individual characters closely and you can see them breathing . Birds cheep and crickets chirp . Fleecy clouds drift across the blue sky . The sun moves overhead and sets in a brilliance of scarlet and amber . The moon rises in its turn ( always a full moon ! ) and sets , and a new day begins . The characters are a hoot , and the different conversations you have with them are seemingly endless . I've played the game maybe 20 times , and each time learn something new . Another charming feature is the way musical themes from previous Dragon Warrior games are used here and there , just to add a nostalgic touch . Not to say that the game is easy . But if you fight each random battle you encounter as you move from one destination to the next , you will have accumulated enough gold ( to buy better weapons and armor ) and enough experience to fight the next boss . Exploring the beautiful countryside is fun , and treasure chests are lurking everywhere . I played the entire game without the benefit of a strategy guide the first time , but bought a guide anyway to find out what I missed . Like entire sidequests . I would also recommend getting a strategy guide because some of the alchemy recipe hints are just too frustrating . Once you complete the game , a satisfying ending is provided , and an opportunity to find out the alternate ( true ) ending . I highly recommend this game . It is your passport to a new world - - one you will return to again and again .
    • 153 4  I eagerly awaited the release of DQ8 over 3 years ago , bought it , and haven't stopped playing it . After completing the game many times , I always return to the world of King Trode and start it all over again . It is that charming , and that beautiful . Like reading a good book where you know the ending , but you read again and again to savor the characterizations that the author has brought to life . I bought the original Dragon Warrior for my kids when it first came out at the same time as Legend of Zelda , and I still remember my daughter laughing at me because I hadn't grasped the concept of turn-based gaming and was frantically clicking the attack button during battles . She , like a lot of you out there , favors real-time battles where quick reflexes and manual dexterity are everything . DQ8 remains turn-based , and it works well because in these battles , strategy is everything , and you are given the opportunity to plan your strategy . But the battle scenes aren't why I keep returning to the game . The graphics are quite astonishingly beautiful , and your ability to move at will through this glowing , colorful , three-dimensional world will provide a pleasure all its own . The world is alive - - trees sway in the breeze ; townspeople stroll about their business ; cats , dogs , sheep , horses , cows and birds roam freely through the countryside ( seemingly immune to the monsters that continually attack your party . ) Watch the individual characters closely and you can see them breathing . Birds cheep and crickets chirp . Fleecy clouds drift across the blue sky . The sun moves overhead and sets in a brilliance of scarlet and amber . The moon rises in its turn ( always a full moon ! ) and sets , and a new day begins . The characters are a hoot , and the different conversations you have with them are seemingly endless . I've played the game maybe 20 times , and each time learn something new . Another charming feature is the way musical themes from previous Dragon Warrior games are used here and there , just to add a nostalgic touch . Not to say that the game is easy . But if you fight each random battle you encounter as you move from one destination to the next , you will have accumulated enough gold ( to buy better weapons and armor ) and enough experience to fight the next boss . Exploring the beautiful countryside is fun , and treasure chests are lurking everywhere . I played the entire game without the benefit of a strategy guide the first time , but bought a guide anyway to find out what I missed . Like entire sidequests . I would also recommend getting a strategy guide because some of the alchemy recipe hints are just too frustrating . Once you complete the game , a satisfying ending is provided , and an opportunity to find out the alternate ( true ) ending . I highly recommend this game . It is your passport to a new world - - one you will return to again and again .
    • 154 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) For starters , I don't write game reviews , or many product reviews for that matter . I was utterly compelled to share what a wonderful experience playing this game has been . I played Dragon Warrior I and III on the old school NES incessantly when I was younger . Since then I have always had this longing , as far as gaming is concerned , that no game could really satisfy . I've tried them all , Fable , the new Zelda ( Wind Waker / Twilight Princess ) , Tales of Symphonia , the Final Fantasy franchise , you name it . I even dusted off the old NES and tried my favorite Dragon Warrior games again , but could not recreate the magic of the past . Don't get me wrong , I had fun , but was always aware that gaming hasn't been what it used to be to me , for quite some time . I attributed this to getting older , getting responsibilities , and losing my imagination . I couldn't have been more mistaken . . . When I saw Dragon Quest VIII I ordered it without any expectations and even believed that the franchise wouldn't make the transition to 3D . I was blown away . . . seriously . It's been so long since I can remember ` loving ' gaming , or ` loving ' a game . I look forward to playing this game , and thank the good people at ENIX for doing such a wonderful job with such a beloved franchise . When I play I feel like part of the world . If you climb a large hill and see a faint object off in the distance , you can navigate to that point to further investigate . It's just amazing . I highly recommend this game . There is plenty of nostalgia lost for those who are familiar with the series , and more than enough to interest first time players . This is what has been missing from gaming . I'll put it one final way . . . I like this slightly more than I like Chrono Trigger , and says a lot .
    • 155 4  For starters , I don't write game reviews , or many product reviews for that matter . I was utterly compelled to share what a wonderful experience playing this game has been . I played Dragon Warrior I and III on the old school NES incessantly when I was younger . Since then I have always had this longing , as far as gaming is concerned , that no game could really satisfy . I've tried them all , Fable , the new Zelda ( Wind Waker / Twilight Princess ) , Tales of Symphonia , the Final Fantasy franchise , you name it . I even dusted off the old NES and tried my favorite Dragon Warrior games again , but could not recreate the magic of the past . Don't get me wrong , I had fun , but was always aware that gaming hasn't been what it used to be to me , for quite some time . I attributed this to getting older , getting responsibilities , and losing my imagination . I couldn't have been more mistaken . . . When I saw Dragon Quest VIII I ordered it without any expectations and even believed that the franchise wouldn't make the transition to 3D . I was blown away . . . seriously . It's been so long since I can remember ` loving ' gaming , or ` loving ' a game . I look forward to playing this game , and thank the good people at ENIX for doing such a wonderful job with such a beloved franchise . When I play I feel like part of the world . If you climb a large hill and see a faint object off in the distance , you can navigate to that point to further investigate . It's just amazing . I highly recommend this game . There is plenty of nostalgia lost for those who are familiar with the series , and more than enough to interest first time players . This is what has been missing from gaming . I'll put it one final way . . . I like this slightly more than I like Chrono Trigger , and says a lot .
    • 156 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Quite simply the best traditional turn-based RPG ever created . It also has the added benefits of laugh-out-loud humor , a secret alternate ending , and the constant joy of playing in a vibrant cell-shaded cartoon world . A masterpiece .
    • 157 4  Quite simply the best traditional turn-based RPG ever created . It also has the added benefits of laugh-out-loud humor , a secret alternate ending , and the constant joy of playing in a vibrant cell-shaded cartoon world . A masterpiece .
    • 158 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I only played for four hours , and I am very impressed with the game design . The characters in this RPG are so colorful and vivid . I have to say that I have longed to play a real turn based RPG for a long time . Nowadays , most RPGs are real time and not very interesting . I loved the fact this RPG sticks to the old RPG style . You will notice that it is easier to level than in the old dragon warrior series . I think I will recommend this game to all RPG fans .
    • 160 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I don't usually like RPG's . The closest thing to a traditional RPG I play usually is the Legend of Zelda series . But occasionally I come across a game that peaks my interest and actually looks like fun . Dragon Quest 8 is a great example of an RPG done right . Your characters level up independently from most of the monsters in the game , which I like . You have alchemy to make new weapons / armor / items from combining old items . The artwork is phenomenal ( Dragon Ball Z like art because the characters were drawn by some of the same artists . ) I like this games battle system , and it's not over complex like some of the final fantasy games have become . ( who wants to mess with sphere grids to level up your characters ? I mean really ! I want to play games not marbles ! ) The difficulty is just right for me , this isn't the hardest RPG I have played but it's not dumbed down or boring either . It is rated T and I believe that is an appropriate rating for this title , because some of the themes are a little mature , and there is a lot of violence and some sexual themes , but keep in mind it's all animated and cartoonish . The movies in the game are great , one thing I noticed in Dragon Quest 8 is that in the movies the characters are wielding the same weapons they are equipped with at the time , that is a nice touch IMO . Some armor and clothing changes your characters appearance as well . The voice acting is good and with the exception of a couple of characters none are very irritating . I have put 40 hours of gameplay in so far and am probably only half way through the game . ( I do all the side quests and item hunts though so your mileage may vary . ) I would say this is at least a 60 hour game for anyone even if you blasted through and did it as fast as you could . Dragon Quest and Dragon Warrior are the same game series by the way , Dragon Quest is just the American version of the titles and I hadn't played a game in this series since Dragon Warrior 1 for the NES back in the day . This game is excellent check it out if your a fan of Square / Enix RPG's or if your just looking for a game that will keep you playing for a long time !
    • 161 4  I don't usually like RPG's . The closest thing to a traditional RPG I play usually is the Legend of Zelda series . But occasionally I come across a game that peaks my interest and actually looks like fun . Dragon Quest 8 is a great example of an RPG done right . Your characters level up independently from most of the monsters in the game , which I like . You have alchemy to make new weapons / armor / items from combining old items . The artwork is phenomenal ( Dragon Ball Z like art because the characters were drawn by some of the same artists . ) I like this games battle system , and it's not over complex like some of the final fantasy games have become . ( who wants to mess with sphere grids to level up your characters ? I mean really ! I want to play games not marbles ! ) The difficulty is just right for me , this isn't the hardest RPG I have played but it's not dumbed down or boring either . It is rated T and I believe that is an appropriate rating for this title , because some of the themes are a little mature , and there is a lot of violence and some sexual themes , but keep in mind it's all animated and cartoonish . The movies in the game are great , one thing I noticed in Dragon Quest 8 is that in the movies the characters are wielding the same weapons they are equipped with at the time , that is a nice touch IMO . Some armor and clothing changes your characters appearance as well . The voice acting is good and with the exception of a couple of characters none are very irritating . I have put 40 hours of gameplay in so far and am probably only half way through the game . ( I do all the side quests and item hunts though so your mileage may vary . ) I would say this is at least a 60 hour game for anyone even if you blasted through and did it as fast as you could . Dragon Quest and Dragon Warrior are the same game series by the way , Dragon Quest is just the American version of the titles and I hadn't played a game in this series since Dragon Warrior 1 for the NES back in the day . This game is excellent check it out if your a fan of Square / Enix RPG's or if your just looking for a game that will keep you playing for a long time !
    • 162 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I had such a great time playing this game ! The graphics are a bit cartoonish but very funny ! The storyline is great , the map to explore is really big , the characters have some really kewl skills and the mini games are addicting as hell ! I could literally not put down my controller . Every aspect in this game was so fulfilling . And the game secrets to uncover make the game even better . If you like RPG's , you gotta have this game ! I rank this game just a notch above Final Fintasy X because it was nice to play a completely unique RPG for a change . Overall , no complaints here ! Buy OR Rent the game already !
    • 163 4  I had such a great time playing this game ! The graphics are a bit cartoonish but very funny ! The storyline is great , the map to explore is really big , the characters have some really kewl skills and the mini games are addicting as hell ! I could literally not put down my controller . Every aspect in this game was so fulfilling . And the game secrets to uncover make the game even better . If you like RPG's , you gotta have this game ! I rank this game just a notch above Final Fintasy X because it was nice to play a completely unique RPG for a change . Overall , no complaints here ! Buy OR Rent the game already !
    • 164 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I ain't gonna lie . . . . I'm not a fan of final fantasy ( Shock , horror ) . I appreciated part VII , but besides that I have no desire to play those games . I like simple rpgs , where weapons and armor , and leveling up make your characters stronger . This game is funny , aestethically beautiful , deep , but simple at the same time . I love the dragon warrior series , been playing since I got the first one free with my subscription to nintendo power . I loved VII , but the way this game was made , it knocks all the other Dragon Warriors to the ground . The combat system is the same , even though now you see the enemies attacking , and your guys attacking . The alchemy pot , was a great idea , allowing you to create very powerful weapons and armor at an early stage in the game , ( With the right recipes of course ) . There's plenty of searching and hidden chests around the dragon quest world to get , and nice side quests for the party to do to stay off the beaten path . And replayability ? I could play this game over and over again .
    • 165 4  I ain't gonna lie . . . . I'm not a fan of final fantasy ( Shock , horror ) . I appreciated part VII , but besides that I have no desire to play those games . I like simple rpgs , where weapons and armor , and leveling up make your characters stronger . This game is funny , aestethically beautiful , deep , but simple at the same time . I love the dragon warrior series , been playing since I got the first one free with my subscription to nintendo power . I loved VII , but the way this game was made , it knocks all the other Dragon Warriors to the ground . The combat system is the same , even though now you see the enemies attacking , and your guys attacking . The alchemy pot , was a great idea , allowing you to create very powerful weapons and armor at an early stage in the game , ( With the right recipes of course ) . There's plenty of searching and hidden chests around the dragon quest world to get , and nice side quests for the party to do to stay off the beaten path . And replayability ? I could play this game over and over again .
    • 166 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This is an excelent game ! The story is not tha complicated , the graphics and dialogs are impecable . If you have enjoyed Dragon Warrior back on the early 90 ' s you certainly will love this wonderful game .
    • 167 4  This is an excelent game ! The story is not tha complicated , the graphics and dialogs are impecable . If you have enjoyed Dragon Warrior back on the early 90 ' s you certainly will love this wonderful game .
    • 168 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This was my first time playing a game from the DQ series , and let me say that I was quite impressed . Upon first glance , Akira Toriyama's cel-shaded characters and enemies are amazing , and the overworld map is rather large . The whole environment is just remarkable , allowing you to freely roam about the different continents . The orchestral music is wonderful , my only complaint being that I would've liked more songs . The gameplay in this lengthy and engaging quest is some of the best that I've seen in an RPG . Right from the beginning , the fights are fairly difficult , and you're forced to actually strategize about your battles instead of mindlessly selecting the attack button every turn . This can make random encounters ( particularly further in the game ) a bit tedious , but it makes the game more challenging , and overall I like the difficulty of it . Also , you are only able to save your progress in towns with a church , so it forces you to be well prepared for dungeons and ration your supplies and magic . This is unlike other RPGs such as FFX where you can find save points all over the map . Understandably annoying at times , but again , it makes you think a lot more than you would in other games . The story itself is straightforward enough , with some interesting characters and a few twists and turns along the way . Each character has his / her own unique personality , and their interactions are well animated and believable . The added dubs are creative and entertaining , if not a bit over the top . The leveling system allows you to allot skill points into different abilities , building up your four main characters as you see fit . There is a healthy variety of attacks , magic spells , weaponry , armor , and other items to acquire throughout your journey . The alchemy pot spices things up further , allowing you to experiment with different items and create new objects . All in all , DQ8 is a really fun and long game . If you're a fan of RPGs , pick up this title - - you won't be disappointed !
    • 169 4  This was my first time playing a game from the DQ series , and let me say that I was quite impressed . Upon first glance , Akira Toriyama's cel-shaded characters and enemies are amazing , and the overworld map is rather large . The whole environment is just remarkable , allowing you to freely roam about the different continents . The orchestral music is wonderful , my only complaint being that I would've liked more songs . The gameplay in this lengthy and engaging quest is some of the best that I've seen in an RPG . Right from the beginning , the fights are fairly difficult , and you're forced to actually strategize about your battles instead of mindlessly selecting the attack button every turn . This can make random encounters ( particularly further in the game ) a bit tedious , but it makes the game more challenging , and overall I like the difficulty of it . Also , you are only able to save your progress in towns with a church , so it forces you to be well prepared for dungeons and ration your supplies and magic . This is unlike other RPGs such as FFX where you can find save points all over the map . Understandably annoying at times , but again , it makes you think a lot more than you would in other games . The story itself is straightforward enough , with some interesting characters and a few twists and turns along the way . Each character has his / her own unique personality , and their interactions are well animated and believable . The added dubs are creative and entertaining , if not a bit over the top . The leveling system allows you to allot skill points into different abilities , building up your four main characters as you see fit . There is a healthy variety of attacks , magic spells , weaponry , armor , and other items to acquire throughout your journey . The alchemy pot spices things up further , allowing you to experiment with different items and create new objects . All in all , DQ8 is a really fun and long game . If you're a fan of RPGs , pick up this title - - you won't be disappointed !
    • 170 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest is huge in Japan and now , Square Enix is making the title global and with great effort , it pays off . The graphics are based on cell-shading ; the characters look like they jumped out of an Akira Toriyama manga . Whether you're a fan of his work or not , the characters for the most part , are very well done . The facial expressions are meticulous and the voice acting is top notch . In fact , likable characters are what usually draw me into a game and this game has done that . The game doesn't employ any mechanics that would suggest anything experimental from the traditional Japanese RPG genre . However , that doesn't mean that the gameplay is bad ; in fact it's solid . The game blends modern RPGs with tradition and that will surely please fans of old school RPG's such as myself . One thing that I really like about the game is the expansive overworld . It's in 3D and you can literally lose yourself exploring every inch for a hidden treasure chest or unique enemy . The night and day system adds a nice graphical touch as well since certain enemies only appear during the day or at night . The story , while not overly elaborate , is gripping enough to keep you interested . The characters , as mentioned previously , also carry the story quite well . The game can be appreciated by many and if you're a fan of RPGs then this game surely should not be missed .
    • 171 4  Dragon Quest is huge in Japan and now , Square Enix is making the title global and with great effort , it pays off . The graphics are based on cell-shading ; the characters look like they jumped out of an Akira Toriyama manga . Whether you're a fan of his work or not , the characters for the most part , are very well done . The facial expressions are meticulous and the voice acting is top notch . In fact , likable characters are what usually draw me into a game and this game has done that . The game doesn't employ any mechanics that would suggest anything experimental from the traditional Japanese RPG genre . However , that doesn't mean that the gameplay is bad ; in fact it's solid . The game blends modern RPGs with tradition and that will surely please fans of old school RPG's such as myself . One thing that I really like about the game is the expansive overworld . It's in 3D and you can literally lose yourself exploring every inch for a hidden treasure chest or unique enemy . The night and day system adds a nice graphical touch as well since certain enemies only appear during the day or at night . The story , while not overly elaborate , is gripping enough to keep you interested . The characters , as mentioned previously , also carry the story quite well . The game can be appreciated by many and if you're a fan of RPGs then this game surely should not be missed .
    • 172 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Like many people who owned an NES back in the old days , the Dragon Quest / Warrior games I'm familiar with are the originals . As highly rated as they were , they really didn't age well . Many people regard the games as being repetative and un-fun . Many modern RPG players are used to games that feature 10 hour long cinematic attack sequences and FMVs that cost the value of the whole economy of a small country . To say that Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King isn't exactly mainstream is certainly true , but that shouldn't deter you . You won't have to do anywhere near as much levelling or money farming as you did in the originals , and the story is wonderful to watch as it unravels . The reason this needs to be said is that the very first mission in the game won't give you any indication of this at all . Once you can get past the first dungeon the game really takes off . People have criticized the game for various things that are a bit of a tradition in DQ games . However , none of these really detract from the game to the extent that they're made out to by some . The game is NOT all grinding and farming . Far from it . Furthermore , the oft criticized church based saving system is nowhere near as annoying as some claim it is . Probably my biggest problem with the game is that it eats up a lot of my time . By this I mean I can easily spend 3 hours playing it because of how addictive and how compelling it is . The sheer scope of this game is definitely on the big side . If you don't like massive worlds with hours worth of sidequests , this is not the game for you . However , even given this , I still love this game a lot and don't for one second regret buying it new . I'd even say it's a better game overall than Square-Enix's other new release Kingdom Hearts 2 . If you like old-school RPGs or the Dragon Quest series , you owe it to yourself to get ahold of this game . It is so much better than its detractors make it out to be , and is a great game that you can easily find at a good price .
    • 173 4  Like many people who owned an NES back in the old days , the Dragon Quest / Warrior games I'm familiar with are the originals . As highly rated as they were , they really didn't age well . Many people regard the games as being repetative and un-fun . Many modern RPG players are used to games that feature 10 hour long cinematic attack sequences and FMVs that cost the value of the whole economy of a small country . To say that Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King isn't exactly mainstream is certainly true , but that shouldn't deter you . You won't have to do anywhere near as much levelling or money farming as you did in the originals , and the story is wonderful to watch as it unravels . The reason this needs to be said is that the very first mission in the game won't give you any indication of this at all . Once you can get past the first dungeon the game really takes off . People have criticized the game for various things that are a bit of a tradition in DQ games . However , none of these really detract from the game to the extent that they're made out to by some . The game is NOT all grinding and farming . Far from it . Furthermore , the oft criticized church based saving system is nowhere near as annoying as some claim it is . Probably my biggest problem with the game is that it eats up a lot of my time . By this I mean I can easily spend 3 hours playing it because of how addictive and how compelling it is . The sheer scope of this game is definitely on the big side . If you don't like massive worlds with hours worth of sidequests , this is not the game for you . However , even given this , I still love this game a lot and don't for one second regret buying it new . I'd even say it's a better game overall than Square-Enix's other new release Kingdom Hearts 2 . If you like old-school RPGs or the Dragon Quest series , you owe it to yourself to get ahold of this game . It is so much better than its detractors make it out to be , and is a great game that you can easily find at a good price .
    • 174 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) To be honest I originally bought this game out of boredom . I am a big fan of RPGs and I was getting bored of sitting around relpaying all my old final fantasys and stuff so I decided to go on and see if I could find a good RPG . I ended up ordering Dragon Quest and I couldn ' b happier with that decision . At first I was a little disappointed . The cell animation and ccomical characters in the beginning of the game seemed childish and it took a while to get into the actual storyline of the game , but before long everthing changed and I found that I was pulled into the game like I haven't ben in a long time . After you get past the first couple towns the stroyline becomes a lot more enthralling and the characters seems more real in a way . The battle system is different than a lot of the newer Playstation 2 RPGs , and some people might not like it but I for one loved it , maybe I'm a little old school . One thing that I really liked about this game was the exploring aspect . Usually I am a little too impatient to explore the landscape and the towns in games but I found that it was actally fun and rewarding in Dragon Quest . You won't have to worry about coming up empty handed after searching all the buildings in town or going out of your way to explore a lone house on the world map , and the alchemy pot you get in the game allows you to craft new weapons and items . I personally give Dragon Quest VIII a five out of five because overall it is a fun , challenging , interesting , and entertaining game . I haighly recomend it . Just make sure you give it a couple hours of play before judging it too harshly .
    • 175 4  To be honest I originally bought this game out of boredom . I am a big fan of RPGs and I was getting bored of sitting around relpaying all my old final fantasys and stuff so I decided to go on and see if I could find a good RPG . I ended up ordering Dragon Quest and I couldn ' b happier with that decision . At first I was a little disappointed . The cell animation and ccomical characters in the beginning of the game seemed childish and it took a while to get into the actual storyline of the game , but before long everthing changed and I found that I was pulled into the game like I haven't ben in a long time . After you get past the first couple towns the stroyline becomes a lot more enthralling and the characters seems more real in a way . The battle system is different than a lot of the newer Playstation 2 RPGs , and some people might not like it but I for one loved it , maybe I'm a little old school . One thing that I really liked about this game was the exploring aspect . Usually I am a little too impatient to explore the landscape and the towns in games but I found that it was actally fun and rewarding in Dragon Quest . You won't have to worry about coming up empty handed after searching all the buildings in town or going out of your way to explore a lone house on the world map , and the alchemy pot you get in the game allows you to craft new weapons and items . I personally give Dragon Quest VIII a five out of five because overall it is a fun , challenging , interesting , and entertaining game . I haighly recomend it . Just make sure you give it a couple hours of play before judging it too harshly .
    • 176 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This game is fantastic . There is so much to do . . . follow the main storyline , or venture off to do your own thing . Challenge yourself by collecting mini-medals and upgrading your weapons . Create your own weapons and armour in the alchemy pot ! I highly reccommend this game to anyone . If you are a fan of RPG's you will love it ! !
    • 177 4  This game is fantastic . There is so much to do . . . follow the main storyline , or venture off to do your own thing . Challenge yourself by collecting mini-medals and upgrading your weapons . Create your own weapons and armour in the alchemy pot ! I highly reccommend this game to anyone . If you are a fan of RPG's you will love it ! !
    • 178 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I never thought that I would enjoy this game so much ! From the interesting graphics to the amazing interactions between characters . Not to mention the ability to create items with the alchemy pot ! This has the aspects of almost every game I love . The epic storyline and RPG flavor of a Final Fantasy game , the finding of recipes for cooking / items of a Tales game , and the feel of a Dark Cloud game . I am having so much fun with this game ! If you like RPG's at all , I urge you to give this game a chance . It is truly enjoyable .
    • 179 4  I never thought that I would enjoy this game so much ! From the interesting graphics to the amazing interactions between characters . Not to mention the ability to create items with the alchemy pot ! This has the aspects of almost every game I love . The epic storyline and RPG flavor of a Final Fantasy game , the finding of recipes for cooking / items of a Tales game , and the feel of a Dark Cloud game . I am having so much fun with this game ! If you like RPG's at all , I urge you to give this game a chance . It is truly enjoyable .
    • 180 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest 8 is the best RPG game I have ever played . I am totally speechless . The graphics are excellent . The music is enchanting and the story is in depth . Dragon Quest 8 is very irrestible to walk away from and the player will never get bored . For example , there are these endless sidequests to play . Plus , when a player thought they mastered the game . The plot changes and you will find yourself in a bigger quest than anyone would have imagined .
    • 181 4  Dragon Quest 8 is the best RPG game I have ever played . I am totally speechless . The graphics are excellent . The music is enchanting and the story is in depth . Dragon Quest 8 is very irrestible to walk away from and the player will never get bored . For example , there are these endless sidequests to play . Plus , when a player thought they mastered the game . The plot changes and you will find yourself in a bigger quest than anyone would have imagined .
    • 182 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest was one of the first console RPGs . I got this game because I am a loyal fan of the Dragon Warrior series . Due to trademark restrictions , this series has been known as Dragon Warrior in the past , but Square Enix acquired the trademark during recent years . This game series uses menus to manipulate battles , and the hero earns experience points to level up , gaining higher stats , and he ( or she ) earns gold to purchase better weapons & armor . Battles are turn-based and allow the player to take time when deciding commands , which makes the game easy for people lacking hand-eye coordination . Throughout the series , the core game play has never changed , which is a good thing . Whatever changes that did occur were typically subtle . The latest incarnation , Dragon Quest , adds a major visual and audio facelift . Gone are the 2D field maps . Everything is fully 3D , and the player can look up , down , and all around . In addition , the North American release includes orchestrated music and voice acting . These changes set Dragon Quest VIII apart for including major changes in making the game feel more modern and up to today's technological standards . With the changes were some that could use more perfecting . The localization team changed the names of some monsters , items , and spells . This is inconvenient to loyal fans that are more familiar with the past names . In addition , the team added full color menus for checking stats , items , spells , and purchasing supplies from stores . These menus are less than perfect , having tiny text that is hard to read . When pressing the menu button , there is an unpleasant delay before the menu screen opens . In addition , some bugs emerge when using the menu while playing the game . When riding on the tiger , if a player switches the lead character , once the menu closes , the lead character will be riding on an invisible tiger . Better programming could fix such problems , and it would be nice to see these things fixed in future Dragon Quest games . One game play feature that adds replay value is the skills system for leveling up characters . Each character has different attributes or weapons with which to distribute skill points . As a character adds skill points to an attribute or weapon , he or she can use different techniques in battle or have better stats . With a limit of 250 skill points , each character can master two skills in one game file , with it being up to luck to master other skills . One drawback to this is that such abilities tend to be limited to whichever weapon the character currently has equipped . It seems best to focus on one or two of the available attributes & weapons . In other plays through the game , the player could focus on different weapons for the characters to master . This adds replay value . Choosing the right weapons / attributes to master is very important for late in the game . After completing Dragon Quest VIII , a bonus dungeon opens up , and the save continues at the last file before battling the final boss in the game . The monsters in the bonus dungeon are harder than anything ever encountered in the game , and it includes the toughest bosses of the whole game . After completing the bonus dungeon , the player is rewarded with a different ending upon finishing the game . The bonus dungeon is so hard that I decided to play the game over from the beginning , this time distributing my skills points differently . I consider Dragon Quest VIII one of the better Dragon Quest games in the series , but not the best . It does have its flaws , but the changes to the graphics and sound set it apart from the rest as a stepping stone for setting it to today's standards .
    • 183 4  Dragon Quest was one of the first console RPGs . I got this game because I am a loyal fan of the Dragon Warrior series . Due to trademark restrictions , this series has been known as Dragon Warrior in the past , but Square Enix acquired the trademark during recent years . This game series uses menus to manipulate battles , and the hero earns experience points to level up , gaining higher stats , and he ( or she ) earns gold to purchase better weapons & armor . Battles are turn-based and allow the player to take time when deciding commands , which makes the game easy for people lacking hand-eye coordination . Throughout the series , the core game play has never changed , which is a good thing . Whatever changes that did occur were typically subtle . The latest incarnation , Dragon Quest , adds a major visual and audio facelift . Gone are the 2D field maps . Everything is fully 3D , and the player can look up , down , and all around . In addition , the North American release includes orchestrated music and voice acting . These changes set Dragon Quest VIII apart for including major changes in making the game feel more modern and up to today's technological standards . With the changes were some that could use more perfecting . The localization team changed the names of some monsters , items , and spells . This is inconvenient to loyal fans that are more familiar with the past names . In addition , the team added full color menus for checking stats , items , spells , and purchasing supplies from stores . These menus are less than perfect , having tiny text that is hard to read . When pressing the menu button , there is an unpleasant delay before the menu screen opens . In addition , some bugs emerge when using the menu while playing the game . When riding on the tiger , if a player switches the lead character , once the menu closes , the lead character will be riding on an invisible tiger . Better programming could fix such problems , and it would be nice to see these things fixed in future Dragon Quest games . One game play feature that adds replay value is the skills system for leveling up characters . Each character has different attributes or weapons with which to distribute skill points . As a character adds skill points to an attribute or weapon , he or she can use different techniques in battle or have better stats . With a limit of 250 skill points , each character can master two skills in one game file , with it being up to luck to master other skills . One drawback to this is that such abilities tend to be limited to whichever weapon the character currently has equipped . It seems best to focus on one or two of the available attributes & weapons . In other plays through the game , the player could focus on different weapons for the characters to master . This adds replay value . Choosing the right weapons / attributes to master is very important for late in the game . After completing Dragon Quest VIII , a bonus dungeon opens up , and the save continues at the last file before battling the final boss in the game . The monsters in the bonus dungeon are harder than anything ever encountered in the game , and it includes the toughest bosses of the whole game . After completing the bonus dungeon , the player is rewarded with a different ending upon finishing the game . The bonus dungeon is so hard that I decided to play the game over from the beginning , this time distributing my skills points differently . I consider Dragon Quest VIII one of the better Dragon Quest games in the series , but not the best . It does have its flaws , but the changes to the graphics and sound set it apart from the rest as a stepping stone for setting it to today's standards .
    • 184 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) When I first heard about DQ8 coming to the PS2 , I was ecstatic . As a fan of the Dragon Warrior series , as it's called in the U.S . , having played them all except 5 - 6 which were never released in the U.S . DQ8 exceeded my expectations . The graphicsare nicely done , the soundtrack will knock your socks off , and the English voice acting is top notch . So far , I haven't had much trouble getting through the game . I'd say the difficulty is moderate , but not too hard or too easy . There are many sidequests to complete in addition to the mainstory line . Some of the character interactions arehillarious . The only thing I didn't like about the game is it takes a long time to level up the characters . If you enjoyed the DW series , this gameis a must buy .
    • 185 4  When I first heard about DQ8 coming to the PS2 , I was ecstatic . As a fan of the Dragon Warrior series , as it's called in the U.S . , having played them all except 5 - 6 which were never released in the U.S . DQ8 exceeded my expectations . The graphicsare nicely done , the soundtrack will knock your socks off , and the English voice acting is top notch . So far , I haven't had much trouble getting through the game . I'd say the difficulty is moderate , but not too hard or too easy . There are many sidequests to complete in addition to the mainstory line . Some of the character interactions arehillarious . The only thing I didn't like about the game is it takes a long time to level up the characters . If you enjoyed the DW series , this gameis a must buy .
    • 186 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Have you ever played a game where you tought : Ah , they should have added this ! or This is painfull they why did they put this in ? ? Well Dragon Quest VIII is the exact opposite of those games . Everything in this game is perfect . . . really . . . They've refined the old-school RPG to create this perfect universe that will keep you hooked for a 100 if not more ! ! ! From game pacing to depth to animation to graphics . . . it's truly a master piece . Akira Toriyama's character design brings back all my love for Dragon Ball and makes this games an instant crush . The Hero even borrows some character traits from Goku . Overall if you love RPG this is a game to own , no doubt ! If you've never been into RPGs then run away from this title . If you were on the borderline of trying one , the learning curve might be steep because you'll be into deep RPG ground but you'll never regret investing your time and money in there !
    • 187 4  Have you ever played a game where you tought : Ah , they should have added this ! or This is painfull they why did they put this in ? ? Well Dragon Quest VIII is the exact opposite of those games . Everything in this game is perfect . . . really . . . They've refined the old-school RPG to create this perfect universe that will keep you hooked for a 100 if not more ! ! ! From game pacing to depth to animation to graphics . . . it's truly a master piece . Akira Toriyama's character design brings back all my love for Dragon Ball and makes this games an instant crush . The Hero even borrows some character traits from Goku . Overall if you love RPG this is a game to own , no doubt ! If you've never been into RPGs then run away from this title . If you were on the borderline of trying one , the learning curve might be steep because you'll be into deep RPG ground but you'll never regret investing your time and money in there !
    • 188 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) The latest installment of one of the most popular RPG series from the land of the red sun is finally hitting western coasts . This new installment has made some substantial changes to its old school formula , which many might love or hate . My impression for the game is nothing short of fantastic . For the first time in a long time , I can officially say that Dragon Quest 8 has quenched my thirst for a true RPG . Once you begin the game , you are instantly swallowed up into the world of Dragon Quest , and my love for the game deepens the more I play . Dragon Quest 8 starts off with quick opener and induction that reveals a little of the story . A jester by the name of Dhoulmagus has stolen an ancient scepter and has unleashed a curse on the Trodain Kingdom . You begin the adventure with the hero , the only to survive the affects of the curse , and a bandit by the name of Yangus . Together they set out to stop Dhoulmagus and break the curse on Trodain so King Trode and his daughter princess Medea are restored to there former selves . I have played this game for hours and hours on end now , and so far Dragon Quest 8 has been an enjoyable gaming experience . Everything in the game is beautifully done . Dragon Quest has an entertaining light-hearted story with enticing characters , a lush and detailed graphic engine with top notch cell-shading and an solid frame rate , orchestrated music that pleases the ears along with professional voice acting , vast environments to explore with a variety of enemies to fight , and gameplay that offers a mixed bag of new and old that is challenging and rewarding . The whole presentation hooks you and reels you in . The more you play , the more you want to play . Graphics are the most noticeable change to the series . The world of Dragon Quest 8 is in full 3D this time and everything is done beautifully with top notch cell-shading . Everything fits together very nicely and nothing seems out of place . I also should point how Toriyama Akira character designs all have variety to them . You don't notice clones like in his earlier work on the series . Frame rate stays pretty consistent through out the game while moving or fighting . All the effects and animations look so awesome . The detail that was put in to this world will change how Dragon Quest is looked at forever and will no doubt pull in more fans . No to say graphics mean everything ; it's just that this game shines in the department . My eyes were very pleased with the visuals of this game . The music and sound of the game is really good . The score is mostly orchestrated and it fits the game nicely , fans with also notice some of the old tunes along with the new ones . The sound effects are as good as sounds effect could be . Voice overs are an added feature to American version of the game and it brings life to the world of the game . I was skeptic at first about voice overs , but after playing for a while , you start to appreciate the quality of them . Many old fans might not like some of the changes made to the gameplay . A skill system has replaced the old job system . Some may complain the new skill system takes away customization and variety . I think the opposite ; the new system is more accessible and organized . You gain skill points and distribute them how you please . No more redundancy . I will say that battling is not as strategic as it once was . I really never had to think much while fighting . It was pretty much fight and heal . The game does have challenge , but nothing level gaining won't solve . This was never case the in the older Dragon Quest games . Strategy was always the focus , and Dragon Quest 8 lacks in this . Tension is another addition in the Dragon Quest 8 , in which you can psyche up your character and make you offensive attacks and defensive moves more powerful . This helps fill the gaps where the strategy is lacking . Still with all the slight changes , the gameplay holds up . All the magic of Dragon Quest we know and love is still intact . So far Dragon Quest 8 has been an awesome adventure . With hours and hours of fun gameplay , you will never experience a dull moment . If your hunger for a true RPG . Then look no longer , because Dragon Quest 8 will surely deliver and satisfy this hunger . I give this game a 9 out of 10 , hands down the best RPG of 2005 ! If the rest of the game is as good as the beginning , then prepare for a huge and unforgettable adventure . Dragon Quest 8 is a must have for any RPG gamer .
    • 189 4  The latest installment of one of the most popular RPG series from the land of the red sun is finally hitting western coasts . This new installment has made some substantial changes to its old school formula , which many might love or hate . My impression for the game is nothing short of fantastic . For the first time in a long time , I can officially say that Dragon Quest 8 has quenched my thirst for a true RPG . Once you begin the game , you are instantly swallowed up into the world of Dragon Quest , and my love for the game deepens the more I play . Dragon Quest 8 starts off with quick opener and induction that reveals a little of the story . A jester by the name of Dhoulmagus has stolen an ancient scepter and has unleashed a curse on the Trodain Kingdom . You begin the adventure with the hero , the only to survive the affects of the curse , and a bandit by the name of Yangus . Together they set out to stop Dhoulmagus and break the curse on Trodain so King Trode and his daughter princess Medea are restored to there former selves . I have played this game for hours and hours on end now , and so far Dragon Quest 8 has been an enjoyable gaming experience . Everything in the game is beautifully done . Dragon Quest has an entertaining light-hearted story with enticing characters , a lush and detailed graphic engine with top notch cell-shading and an solid frame rate , orchestrated music that pleases the ears along with professional voice acting , vast environments to explore with a variety of enemies to fight , and gameplay that offers a mixed bag of new and old that is challenging and rewarding . The whole presentation hooks you and reels you in . The more you play , the more you want to play . Graphics are the most noticeable change to the series . The world of Dragon Quest 8 is in full 3D this time and everything is done beautifully with top notch cell-shading . Everything fits together very nicely and nothing seems out of place . I also should point how Toriyama Akira character designs all have variety to them . You don't notice clones like in his earlier work on the series . Frame rate stays pretty consistent through out the game while moving or fighting . All the effects and animations look so awesome . The detail that was put in to this world will change how Dragon Quest is looked at forever and will no doubt pull in more fans . No to say graphics mean everything ; it's just that this game shines in the department . My eyes were very pleased with the visuals of this game . The music and sound of the game is really good . The score is mostly orchestrated and it fits the game nicely , fans with also notice some of the old tunes along with the new ones . The sound effects are as good as sounds effect could be . Voice overs are an added feature to American version of the game and it brings life to the world of the game . I was skeptic at first about voice overs , but after playing for a while , you start to appreciate the quality of them . Many old fans might not like some of the changes made to the gameplay . A skill system has replaced the old job system . Some may complain the new skill system takes away customization and variety . I think the opposite ; the new system is more accessible and organized . You gain skill points and distribute them how you please . No more redundancy . I will say that battling is not as strategic as it once was . I really never had to think much while fighting . It was pretty much fight and heal . The game does have challenge , but nothing level gaining won't solve . This was never case the in the older Dragon Quest games . Strategy was always the focus , and Dragon Quest 8 lacks in this . Tension is another addition in the Dragon Quest 8 , in which you can psyche up your character and make you offensive attacks and defensive moves more powerful . This helps fill the gaps where the strategy is lacking . Still with all the slight changes , the gameplay holds up . All the magic of Dragon Quest we know and love is still intact . So far Dragon Quest 8 has been an awesome adventure . With hours and hours of fun gameplay , you will never experience a dull moment . If your hunger for a true RPG . Then look no longer , because Dragon Quest 8 will surely deliver and satisfy this hunger . I give this game a 9 out of 10 , hands down the best RPG of 2005 ! If the rest of the game is as good as the beginning , then prepare for a huge and unforgettable adventure . Dragon Quest 8 is a must have for any RPG gamer .
    • 190 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Back a few years ago , Dragon Quest was known as Dragon Warrior to those of us in America . Now that Square-Enix has combined , the original title , Dragon Quest , stays intact . Now - Squenix takes a chance on us again and gives us Dragon Quest VIII , an amazing , and best ever , old-school RPG . The story is , I must admit , quite cliché . You have the nameless hero , then Yangus , a strong and overweight guy with the rememberable british accent , Angelo , the silent / cool type , and Jessica , the girl ( or eye candy to the guys ) , of the game . The journey starts out as a King and his queen becomes cursed into foul-looking monster / mutants . ( Hence the subtile , Journey of the Cursed King . ) The hero and Yangus travels with the king , revealing more of the story as the dungeons and boss battles are completed . The characters designs are very Akira-ish . It's easy to tell that the creator of DragonBall designed the monsters and people of this game . And now , the fun part , the gameplay . Much like other old-school RPGs , you have the four party members aganist a set of monsters , in turn based battles . You've got the option to run , fight , use item , charge , and use magic . There are hundreds of items and equipment to collect . Adventures take place on a HUGE island / area , which is full of recruitable monsters ( Yes , awesome ! ) treasure chests , and houses . To save the game , you must enter a church . Churches are also required for reviving your party members if one of them fall . Leveling up allows you to gain experience points in a certain caterogry ( Example , Axes , Swords , even Sex Appeal for Jessica ) There is also a cool night / day feature , which is a nice way to present games . The graphics . . . I personally could care less about graphics , but for a RPG , DQ8 has great cartoonish graphics , which suit the game's style . The towns and other sprites are designed expertly , I have no complaints . The music , is good , but you might not really notice it while rushing through dungeons and battling a party of monsters ( roughly every 7 steps ) . They could have souped the music up a bit , but for a RPG , it's nice . Replay value . . . there is LOADS of things to do in this game ! First of all , just doing the main storyline can take you 60 hours , doing the sidequests can last you over 100 hours . There are many secrets to find and discover . There is also a BONUS DUNGEON at the end of the game , which contains another boss and WICKEDLY DIFFICULT MONSTERS ! That should keep you entertained . ; ) In conclusion , buy this game , regardless if you are a RPG fan or not . Why ? You won't be disapointed , that's for sure . Worth a long rent , but I recommend you to buy it . ( If you rent it , you'll want to buy it anyway ) plus it comes with a free demo of Final Fantasy XII . What more could you want ? : ) By ShadowXIII
    • 191 4  Back a few years ago , Dragon Quest was known as Dragon Warrior to those of us in America . Now that Square-Enix has combined , the original title , Dragon Quest , stays intact . Now - Squenix takes a chance on us again and gives us Dragon Quest VIII , an amazing , and best ever , old-school RPG . The story is , I must admit , quite cliché . You have the nameless hero , then Yangus , a strong and overweight guy with the rememberable british accent , Angelo , the silent / cool type , and Jessica , the girl ( or eye candy to the guys ) , of the game . The journey starts out as a King and his queen becomes cursed into foul-looking monster / mutants . ( Hence the subtile , Journey of the Cursed King . ) The hero and Yangus travels with the king , revealing more of the story as the dungeons and boss battles are completed . The characters designs are very Akira-ish . It's easy to tell that the creator of DragonBall designed the monsters and people of this game . And now , the fun part , the gameplay . Much like other old-school RPGs , you have the four party members aganist a set of monsters , in turn based battles . You've got the option to run , fight , use item , charge , and use magic . There are hundreds of items and equipment to collect . Adventures take place on a HUGE island / area , which is full of recruitable monsters ( Yes , awesome ! ) treasure chests , and houses . To save the game , you must enter a church . Churches are also required for reviving your party members if one of them fall . Leveling up allows you to gain experience points in a certain caterogry ( Example , Axes , Swords , even Sex Appeal for Jessica ) There is also a cool night / day feature , which is a nice way to present games . The graphics . . . I personally could care less about graphics , but for a RPG , DQ8 has great cartoonish graphics , which suit the game's style . The towns and other sprites are designed expertly , I have no complaints . The music , is good , but you might not really notice it while rushing through dungeons and battling a party of monsters ( roughly every 7 steps ) . They could have souped the music up a bit , but for a RPG , it's nice . Replay value . . . there is LOADS of things to do in this game ! First of all , just doing the main storyline can take you 60 hours , doing the sidequests can last you over 100 hours . There are many secrets to find and discover . There is also a BONUS DUNGEON at the end of the game , which contains another boss and WICKEDLY DIFFICULT MONSTERS ! That should keep you entertained . ; ) In conclusion , buy this game , regardless if you are a RPG fan or not . Why ? You won't be disapointed , that's for sure . Worth a long rent , but I recommend you to buy it . ( If you rent it , you'll want to buy it anyway ) plus it comes with a free demo of Final Fantasy XII . What more could you want ? : ) By ShadowXIII
    • 192 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This is a wonderful installment to a wonderful series . Dragon Quest VIII is the epitome of the classic RPG . It now has , of course , some modern-day perks . Fans of the series should not be turned off by the sudden changes made in localization . Top-quality voices were added , orchestrated background music , a new menu , and the hero when reaching Super-Hi Tension will get Super Saiyan hair . THIS IS NOT BECAUSE IT'S RELATED TO DRAGON BALL Z ! The artist who made DBZ , Akira Toriyama , is the artist for all Dragon Quest games . This was added in localization to make DBZ fans buy the game . The contains FFXII demo is part of the coverart unfortunately , but it's just a case that you won't look at much . If you like animation , moreso if you like Akira Toriyama's work , you'll love this . All character models are in his animation style . The shading is wonderful for this type of design . It gives a heavy animated feel , which is great for a lighthearted RPG like this . The world map is HUGE ! If you find a high peak on the map , you can see so far away that you'll appreciate just how much work was put into the it . Generic NPCs only come in a limited number of forms though , sometimes with different colors , but not always . I think this is no big deal , I actually find it somewhat charming . The BG music is pretty well orchestrated , something that the North American version got over the JP one . It's somewhat repetetive , but that's not to say it's bad . Personally I enjoy the whole thing , it's quite fitting . The sound effects are pretty much a staple to the series , and while I like the old beeps and such , I recognize that sound enthusiasts likely won't like this . They just haven't changed since they were put in place . Voices as I said before are great . They're British voice actors I believe , and pretty much all of them are amazing . You won't be hearing voices that you've been listening to for years . As long as you appreciate and expect a classic , turn-based style of gameplay , you're golden . If you're a fan of the series , know that things have changed a bit . You can see all your characters now , something I think was a great move . The replayability however is a toss-up . Because of the length ( at LEAST 60 hours for the main story if you don't rush it . ) , it's likely that you won't want to beat the game twice in the near future . Probably the biggest dissapointment in this regard is no New Game + , something that should be a requirement in all RPGs today . Once you beat the last boss , there is an after-portion of the game providing insight into other aspects of the story not explained before . There is a pretty tough series of bosses as well and a dungeon / town . You're going to have to judge whether this part will affect your desire to own the game . Having a New Game + is a big deal for me , but I found it forgivable in this game . Overall , I think that this is a great RPG . Rent it first just to be sure it's your thing . At the very least , do some research into it . IGN / Gamespot has videos you can watch , and consult some reviews with lesser scores for a more varied opinion . - By Indrik
    • 193 4  This is a wonderful installment to a wonderful series . Dragon Quest VIII is the epitome of the classic RPG . It now has , of course , some modern-day perks . Fans of the series should not be turned off by the sudden changes made in localization . Top-quality voices were added , orchestrated background music , a new menu , and the hero when reaching Super-Hi Tension will get Super Saiyan hair . THIS IS NOT BECAUSE IT'S RELATED TO DRAGON BALL Z ! The artist who made DBZ , Akira Toriyama , is the artist for all Dragon Quest games . This was added in localization to make DBZ fans buy the game . The contains FFXII demo is part of the coverart unfortunately , but it's just a case that you won't look at much . If you like animation , moreso if you like Akira Toriyama's work , you'll love this . All character models are in his animation style . The shading is wonderful for this type of design . It gives a heavy animated feel , which is great for a lighthearted RPG like this . The world map is HUGE ! If you find a high peak on the map , you can see so far away that you'll appreciate just how much work was put into the it . Generic NPCs only come in a limited number of forms though , sometimes with different colors , but not always . I think this is no big deal , I actually find it somewhat charming . The BG music is pretty well orchestrated , something that the North American version got over the JP one . It's somewhat repetetive , but that's not to say it's bad . Personally I enjoy the whole thing , it's quite fitting . The sound effects are pretty much a staple to the series , and while I like the old beeps and such , I recognize that sound enthusiasts likely won't like this . They just haven't changed since they were put in place . Voices as I said before are great . They're British voice actors I believe , and pretty much all of them are amazing . You won't be hearing voices that you've been listening to for years . As long as you appreciate and expect a classic , turn-based style of gameplay , you're golden . If you're a fan of the series , know that things have changed a bit . You can see all your characters now , something I think was a great move . The replayability however is a toss-up . Because of the length ( at LEAST 60 hours for the main story if you don't rush it . ) , it's likely that you won't want to beat the game twice in the near future . Probably the biggest dissapointment in this regard is no New Game + , something that should be a requirement in all RPGs today . Once you beat the last boss , there is an after-portion of the game providing insight into other aspects of the story not explained before . There is a pretty tough series of bosses as well and a dungeon / town . You're going to have to judge whether this part will affect your desire to own the game . Having a New Game + is a big deal for me , but I found it forgivable in this game . Overall , I think that this is a great RPG . Rent it first just to be sure it's your thing . At the very least , do some research into it . IGN / Gamespot has videos you can watch , and consult some reviews with lesser scores for a more varied opinion . - By Indrik
    • 194 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This is the best RPG I have played in awhile . The graphics are better than ant other dragon warrior game out there . The quest is very challenging and unique . Distributing the skill points in one of a hand full of categories , for each character is very interesting . The battle scenes finally show both the monsters and your characters , and show them actually attack . There are so many things about this game that I don't have enough time to describe everything . In one sentence , this game is the best . I recommend this game to all RPG gamers .
    • 196 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) The game play is great and the 3d world is stunning . The storyline and many side quests give the game great re-play value . Anyone familiar with Dragon Quest ( Dragon Warrior in the U.S . ) will recognize many aspects of the game such as confessing your sins ( saving ) , collecting mini medals , and much more . You will also recognize a lot of the monsters from other Dragon Quest titles . New to this title is the stunning 3d world brought to life by an amazing cel-shading graphics engine . The characters were designed by Akira Toiyama , the creator of Dragon Ball . I have spent well over 50 hours playing and I have yet to get bored . I recommend this game to anyone looking for a turn-based game with a great storyline , excellent re-play value , and a vivid 3D world to explore .
    • 197 4  The game play is great and the 3d world is stunning . The storyline and many side quests give the game great re-play value . Anyone familiar with Dragon Quest ( Dragon Warrior in the U.S . ) will recognize many aspects of the game such as confessing your sins ( saving ) , collecting mini medals , and much more . You will also recognize a lot of the monsters from other Dragon Quest titles . New to this title is the stunning 3d world brought to life by an amazing cel-shading graphics engine . The characters were designed by Akira Toiyama , the creator of Dragon Ball . I have spent well over 50 hours playing and I have yet to get bored . I recommend this game to anyone looking for a turn-based game with a great storyline , excellent re-play value , and a vivid 3D world to explore .
    • 198 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) With the worries of another dud , many fans of the Classic Enix Franchise , Dragon Warrior / Quest , have eagerly anticipated this title to arrive in the United States . And an epic RPG has finally been received by RPG-goers everywhere , thanks in part to the companionship of Square and Enix , the outstanding artwork of Akira Toriyama , and the genre that we have come to love ; Role Playing Games . This instant classic is a much needed addition to the Enix Lineup for the rest of the year and the year forthcoming . In my opinion , Squaresoft has ultimately given Enix a helping hand here in the ' States ' but it is the opposite in the East . Enix has always ruled the distant east while Squaresoft has dominated the ' States ' . Their partnership has created an epic duo that will most likely gradually rule the RPG Genre as we know it . And Dragon Quest VIII proves that this is quite a possibility with its stunning visuals , user-freindly battle system , and powerful musical score . Hopefully , this entry in the Dragon Warrior / Quest series will serve to redeem it's long-awaited popularity here in the U.S . and reestablish Enix as it was once known .
    • 199 4  With the worries of another dud , many fans of the Classic Enix Franchise , Dragon Warrior / Quest , have eagerly anticipated this title to arrive in the United States . And an epic RPG has finally been received by RPG-goers everywhere , thanks in part to the companionship of Square and Enix , the outstanding artwork of Akira Toriyama , and the genre that we have come to love ; Role Playing Games . This instant classic is a much needed addition to the Enix Lineup for the rest of the year and the year forthcoming . In my opinion , Squaresoft has ultimately given Enix a helping hand here in the ' States ' but it is the opposite in the East . Enix has always ruled the distant east while Squaresoft has dominated the ' States ' . Their partnership has created an epic duo that will most likely gradually rule the RPG Genre as we know it . And Dragon Quest VIII proves that this is quite a possibility with its stunning visuals , user-freindly battle system , and powerful musical score . Hopefully , this entry in the Dragon Warrior / Quest series will serve to redeem it's long-awaited popularity here in the U.S . and reestablish Enix as it was once known .
    • 200 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I've been a fan since Dragon Warrior for Nintendo , and I ve played every one released over here ( including the ones rereleased for GBC ) . So far the story is great , and the combat really hasn't changed much ( aside from the obvious in animation / seeing your characters ) . I was rather impressed with the voice acting and the humor scattered throughout . The first boss battle was surprisingly tough ( I think I was lvl 6 or so . . . you really need to upgrade your equipment before moving into the first cave ) . This one is also by far the most impressive with graphics and sound . The cell-shaded animations are very fluid , and the controls are also very nice . I've had no problems getting used to it so far ( it kinda felt like FFXI as far as moving around and camera work ) . All in all , it's a wonderful game , and a must for any RPG / Dragon Quest fan !
    • 201 4  I've been a fan since Dragon Warrior for Nintendo , and I ve played every one released over here ( including the ones rereleased for GBC ) . So far the story is great , and the combat really hasn't changed much ( aside from the obvious in animation / seeing your characters ) . I was rather impressed with the voice acting and the humor scattered throughout . The first boss battle was surprisingly tough ( I think I was lvl 6 or so . . . you really need to upgrade your equipment before moving into the first cave ) . This one is also by far the most impressive with graphics and sound . The cell-shaded animations are very fluid , and the controls are also very nice . I've had no problems getting used to it so far ( it kinda felt like FFXI as far as moving around and camera work ) . All in all , it's a wonderful game , and a must for any RPG / Dragon Quest fan !
    • 202 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I was surprised at how fun this game actually is . I was thinking it would be awful because they seem to be trying to sell the game by releasing it with an FF12 demo . But I didn't even bother playing that demo yet because the game is good . The cell shading is perfect . If you like Dragonball Z you will probably recognize Akira Toriyama's style immediately . The game looks great , and it feels good too as all the characters and environments work well together . The story of the game is okay . It's nothing groundbreaking , but I like it . It feels old school and that's a good thing . It's about a group of adventurers tracking down an evil wizard . Nothing spectacular , but you'll grow to like the characters as they aren't annoying . The voice acting is an essential part of the game . Although they do not voice act for everything , alot of the cut scenes are voice acted . What's more important is the fact that the voices actually fit the characters . The hero doesn't talk , but that's okay . The fighting is standard . In boss fights you will always be using this technique of high tension in order to do massive damage . That can be boring . Still , the fights don't feel wasted as each level up allows you to put skill points into making your fighter better . Each character can hold certain weapons . The main character can hold a spear , sword , boomerang , and fists . Each character has their own specialities , and it's fun to mix things up once and a while . The game isn't too difficult , but you better buy a lot of herbs before going to your first dungeon . Bosses do massive damage each turn , and you'll have to choose who lives and who dies . If your entire party dies you lose half your gold and revive back at the inn . This sucks as it will take you around 20 minutes to get back to the boss and kill him . Other than that , I think any noviced rpg gamer should figure it out . The only visible problem with the game occurs when you get stuck doing the same battles over and over because you can't quite find your destination . The overworld is beautiful , but big . If you go looking for treasure , you usually won't be rewarded with anything good as you'll spend too much time battling . One last point , I think the most important thing to remember about this game was that it feels like a lot of effort was put into it . It has it's own musical score which is great . And the art will make any DBZ fan nostalgic .
    • 203 4  I was surprised at how fun this game actually is . I was thinking it would be awful because they seem to be trying to sell the game by releasing it with an FF12 demo . But I didn't even bother playing that demo yet because the game is good . The cell shading is perfect . If you like Dragonball Z you will probably recognize Akira Toriyama's style immediately . The game looks great , and it feels good too as all the characters and environments work well together . The story of the game is okay . It's nothing groundbreaking , but I like it . It feels old school and that's a good thing . It's about a group of adventurers tracking down an evil wizard . Nothing spectacular , but you'll grow to like the characters as they aren't annoying . The voice acting is an essential part of the game . Although they do not voice act for everything , alot of the cut scenes are voice acted . What's more important is the fact that the voices actually fit the characters . The hero doesn't talk , but that's okay . The fighting is standard . In boss fights you will always be using this technique of high tension in order to do massive damage . That can be boring . Still , the fights don't feel wasted as each level up allows you to put skill points into making your fighter better . Each character can hold certain weapons . The main character can hold a spear , sword , boomerang , and fists . Each character has their own specialities , and it's fun to mix things up once and a while . The game isn't too difficult , but you better buy a lot of herbs before going to your first dungeon . Bosses do massive damage each turn , and you'll have to choose who lives and who dies . If your entire party dies you lose half your gold and revive back at the inn . This sucks as it will take you around 20 minutes to get back to the boss and kill him . Other than that , I think any noviced rpg gamer should figure it out . The only visible problem with the game occurs when you get stuck doing the same battles over and over because you can't quite find your destination . The overworld is beautiful , but big . If you go looking for treasure , you usually won't be rewarded with anything good as you'll spend too much time battling . One last point , I think the most important thing to remember about this game was that it feels like a lot of effort was put into it . It has it's own musical score which is great . And the art will make any DBZ fan nostalgic .
    • 204 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) You definitely get your money's worth with this one - I am many hours in , and not done . Just got turned into the bird , and soaring around the world is exhilarating !
    • 205 4  You definitely get your money's worth with this one - I am many hours in , and not done . Just got turned into the bird , and soaring around the world is exhilarating !
    • 206 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Prominently featuring the retro gameplay and storytelling styles of the 8 - bit era and the fantastic graphics and sound of the current generation of game systems , Dragon Quest VIII might sound like an idea that is just too simple to be effective . However , that assumption on a casual glance would be wrong . This game gets everything right , making it the obvious choice for RPG of the Year . I highly recommend this game . Dragon Quest VIII is more than worth the money , clocking in at 60 or more hours of challenging play , with even more things to do after The End .
    • 207 4  Prominently featuring the retro gameplay and storytelling styles of the 8 - bit era and the fantastic graphics and sound of the current generation of game systems , Dragon Quest VIII might sound like an idea that is just too simple to be effective . However , that assumption on a casual glance would be wrong . This game gets everything right , making it the obvious choice for RPG of the Year . I highly recommend this game . Dragon Quest VIII is more than worth the money , clocking in at 60 or more hours of challenging play , with even more things to do after The End .
    • 208 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) When I picked up this game just over a week ago , I knew I was going to spending some serious time on it . Dragon Quest ( formerly Dragon Warrior in North America ) has always been known as one of those series that you can't whip through quickly . But last night I logged my 60th hour into it , I'm still not done - - and I'm not bored of it ! Let's start with graphics . Unlike in previous DQ games , where the visuals took back burner to the rest of the game , Level 5 has taken over and made a game that looks as good as it plays . The cel-shading really does look great , not to mention the world is gigantic and when I'm exploring the towns , fields and dungeons , every tree , flower , rock , and torch looks like it just belongs there . Musically , Koichi Sugiyama has given me a few tunes that'll be sticking in my head for quite some time . The music has been fully orchestrated for the NA version and it's just beautiful . And , of course , many of the tunes from previous DQ games are back , such as the Overture and the Level Up theme , as well as a couple surprise remixes . Storywise , the game has turned out to be a bit better than I expected . The main story has a couple of twists in it , but the sub-stories I've encountered in each town ( and every town has a problem , typical DQ ! ) have kept me occupied nicely . The characters have also grown on me throughout the game , and the voice-acting that was added to the NA version is , with very few exceptions , simply superb . As far as gameplay goes , well , that's the best part ! Before you're done you'll have easily over a thousand battles under your belt . The great thing is , most of them take less than a minute , so you won't find yourself bored out of your skull . That's because DQ is , and has always been , about building your characters . If you try to let the story carry you along without stopping frequently to build levels and earn gold for better equipment , you will pay for it dearly . Heck , even the first boss in the game will mop the floor with you if you go straight to him ! I also like the new skill system ( every character gets five skills , which you place points into with each level gain ) , but I miss the old job system where you could become a Teen Idol , Sage , or of course , Hero . Finally , the side quests in this game are a great little getaway from battling ( which does get a bit tiring at times ) . I won't mention what they are but they're the type of thing you can find yourself spending hours on . Just buy the game and see for yourself ; ) In short , this game is FUN , as a game should be . It's got the graphics that DQ lacked , and kept or improved everything ( including the far-out monster designs ) that made this series so great . And , of course , it spaces things out nicely enough that , more than 60 hours into the game and the end just * possibly * in sight , I'm not wishing the game was over . I can't recommend it enough !
    • 209 4  When I picked up this game just over a week ago , I knew I was going to spending some serious time on it . Dragon Quest ( formerly Dragon Warrior in North America ) has always been known as one of those series that you can't whip through quickly . But last night I logged my 60th hour into it , I'm still not done - - and I'm not bored of it ! Let's start with graphics . Unlike in previous DQ games , where the visuals took back burner to the rest of the game , Level 5 has taken over and made a game that looks as good as it plays . The cel-shading really does look great , not to mention the world is gigantic and when I'm exploring the towns , fields and dungeons , every tree , flower , rock , and torch looks like it just belongs there . Musically , Koichi Sugiyama has given me a few tunes that'll be sticking in my head for quite some time . The music has been fully orchestrated for the NA version and it's just beautiful . And , of course , many of the tunes from previous DQ games are back , such as the Overture and the Level Up theme , as well as a couple surprise remixes . Storywise , the game has turned out to be a bit better than I expected . The main story has a couple of twists in it , but the sub-stories I've encountered in each town ( and every town has a problem , typical DQ ! ) have kept me occupied nicely . The characters have also grown on me throughout the game , and the voice-acting that was added to the NA version is , with very few exceptions , simply superb . As far as gameplay goes , well , that's the best part ! Before you're done you'll have easily over a thousand battles under your belt . The great thing is , most of them take less than a minute , so you won't find yourself bored out of your skull . That's because DQ is , and has always been , about building your characters . If you try to let the story carry you along without stopping frequently to build levels and earn gold for better equipment , you will pay for it dearly . Heck , even the first boss in the game will mop the floor with you if you go straight to him ! I also like the new skill system ( every character gets five skills , which you place points into with each level gain ) , but I miss the old job system where you could become a Teen Idol , Sage , or of course , Hero . Finally , the side quests in this game are a great little getaway from battling ( which does get a bit tiring at times ) . I won't mention what they are but they're the type of thing you can find yourself spending hours on . Just buy the game and see for yourself ; ) In short , this game is FUN , as a game should be . It's got the graphics that DQ lacked , and kept or improved everything ( including the far-out monster designs ) that made this series so great . And , of course , it spaces things out nicely enough that , more than 60 hours into the game and the end just * possibly * in sight , I'm not wishing the game was over . I can't recommend it enough !
    • 210 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) * These graphics are GORGOUS . Everything is fully realtime 3 - D , which is something even the FF games haven't pulled off yet-you can move the camera around at any time except in battle , and they seem to have gone to a lot of trouble to render the overworld in full 3 - D . So rather than picking spots on a map ( Shadow Hearts , FFX - 2 ) or running chibis around a huge , simplisticly rendered space ( 90% of all RPG's ever ) or having no overworld at all ( FFX ) in DQ8 you really feel like the overworld is part of the adventure , and not just the filler you endure as you travel from town to town . And it looks like they're going to great trouble to make this huge world not only beautiful , but distinct-it's much harder to render a full world in 3 - D without it getting repetative , but Enix seems up to the challenge . Towns and dungeons feature cool animations and effects , and it all really serves to make you feel like a part of the gameworld , more so than almost any other RPG I could name . Outstandingly cool . * Battles succeed in reminding you of the old battles from previous DQ games ( even after all these years , the basic battle screen is the same , with monsters lined up horizontally and no view of your characters ) and have a huge amount of personality . For the first time in a DQ game , you actually get to see your heroes attack the enemy , and they get a wide variety of animations . There is a TON of personality in these fights . Some monsters get mad at you when you kill their buddies , which makes them power up . Some call in friends in the middle of the fight to help them . One monster , who has puppets on each hand , can perform a comedy sketch with the puppets , which can make your party members laugh so hard that they lose a turn ! You can also make faces at the monsters in an attempt to scare them away , but this doesn't seem to work too well . * The battle system itself is fairly simple but has a lot of strategy hidden beneath the surface . You set options for your entire party all in one turn , and then watch them play out . You can have them fight , cast spells , use special attacks , or Psyche Up , where they do nothing for one turn in exchange for increased power in the next turn ( they can Psyche Up up to three times in a row , which leads to a huge power boost , but the extra power only lasts for one attack . ) The battles in DQ8 are tough , and rarely can you just sit back and hit X until the monsters are dead like in other RPG's . You have fairly limited resources here , and you have to learn when and where to use them best if you want to survive . * Actually , that's part of DQ8 ' s appeal-it feels like a game from 1995 , only with much , much , much , much better graphics . That's not a bad thing at all-it seems to be harkening back to the old school world of pre-FF7 RPG's , where the battles were tough , heroes were heroic and free of horrible mental problems , the plot was fun and adventurey , the setting was strictly medievil fantasy , your party consisted of the same four people for the entire game , and the hero never spoke and you named him at the begining of the game . That's not to say I don't like modern RPG's-I like them a lot . But it's great to see that the old ways of FF's I-VI , Breath of Fire , pre-online Phantasy Star , etc . are still around and still a lot of fun . I'm willing to bet you'll enjoy this game a lot more if you were playing RPG's during the 16 - bit days , in fact . * The music is awesome , and seems to have been recorded by a live orchestra . When your game sells three million copies in three days , I guess you can afford to spring for the Tokyo philharmonic or whoever . The tune that plays over the title screen is the exact same tune that greeted me whenever I started up Dragon Warrior on the old NES . Thou hast done well in making Warky nostalgic . Command ? * The voice acting was recorded in England , because everyone knows that no matter how far from reality your medievil fantasy universe is , everyone must have an English accent OR ELSE ( see also : Middle Earth . ) Well , actually , everyone has an accent but it's not always English . The fortune teller ( who looks like Mr . Satan ) and his cute daughter have eastern Europeon accents , while Yangus , your party's fat little bandit guy , sounds like a cockney British fellow , a blue-collar type ( blimey ! ) who fancies a pint or two , guv'nor . The King , by contrast , also sounds British , but being royalty and all , his accent is far more regal and snooty-or as regal and snooty as a little green guy with a frog in his throat who looks like Yoda can sound ( not very . ) They're funny and memorable , and listening to Yangus and the King argue is hilarious . * Fantastic Gameplay , make this game an almost perfect 10 on my list . This is just one of the best games of the year , . and I'm personally proud of it . Buy it now , or else . ^ _ ^ Special thanks to Wyvern for his input . You rock ! ^ _ ^
    • 211 4  * These graphics are GORGOUS . Everything is fully realtime 3 - D , which is something even the FF games haven't pulled off yet-you can move the camera around at any time except in battle , and they seem to have gone to a lot of trouble to render the overworld in full 3 - D . So rather than picking spots on a map ( Shadow Hearts , FFX - 2 ) or running chibis around a huge , simplisticly rendered space ( 90% of all RPG's ever ) or having no overworld at all ( FFX ) in DQ8 you really feel like the overworld is part of the adventure , and not just the filler you endure as you travel from town to town . And it looks like they're going to great trouble to make this huge world not only beautiful , but distinct-it's much harder to render a full world in 3 - D without it getting repetative , but Enix seems up to the challenge . Towns and dungeons feature cool animations and effects , and it all really serves to make you feel like a part of the gameworld , more so than almost any other RPG I could name . Outstandingly cool . * Battles succeed in reminding you of the old battles from previous DQ games ( even after all these years , the basic battle screen is the same , with monsters lined up horizontally and no view of your characters ) and have a huge amount of personality . For the first time in a DQ game , you actually get to see your heroes attack the enemy , and they get a wide variety of animations . There is a TON of personality in these fights . Some monsters get mad at you when you kill their buddies , which makes them power up . Some call in friends in the middle of the fight to help them . One monster , who has puppets on each hand , can perform a comedy sketch with the puppets , which can make your party members laugh so hard that they lose a turn ! You can also make faces at the monsters in an attempt to scare them away , but this doesn't seem to work too well . * The battle system itself is fairly simple but has a lot of strategy hidden beneath the surface . You set options for your entire party all in one turn , and then watch them play out . You can have them fight , cast spells , use special attacks , or Psyche Up , where they do nothing for one turn in exchange for increased power in the next turn ( they can Psyche Up up to three times in a row , which leads to a huge power boost , but the extra power only lasts for one attack . ) The battles in DQ8 are tough , and rarely can you just sit back and hit X until the monsters are dead like in other RPG's . You have fairly limited resources here , and you have to learn when and where to use them best if you want to survive . * Actually , that's part of DQ8 ' s appeal-it feels like a game from 1995 , only with much , much , much , much better graphics . That's not a bad thing at all-it seems to be harkening back to the old school world of pre-FF7 RPG's , where the battles were tough , heroes were heroic and free of horrible mental problems , the plot was fun and adventurey , the setting was strictly medievil fantasy , your party consisted of the same four people for the entire game , and the hero never spoke and you named him at the begining of the game . That's not to say I don't like modern RPG's-I like them a lot . But it's great to see that the old ways of FF's I-VI , Breath of Fire , pre-online Phantasy Star , etc . are still around and still a lot of fun . I'm willing to bet you'll enjoy this game a lot more if you were playing RPG's during the 16 - bit days , in fact . * The music is awesome , and seems to have been recorded by a live orchestra . When your game sells three million copies in three days , I guess you can afford to spring for the Tokyo philharmonic or whoever . The tune that plays over the title screen is the exact same tune that greeted me whenever I started up Dragon Warrior on the old NES . Thou hast done well in making Warky nostalgic . Command ? * The voice acting was recorded in England , because everyone knows that no matter how far from reality your medievil fantasy universe is , everyone must have an English accent OR ELSE ( see also : Middle Earth . ) Well , actually , everyone has an accent but it's not always English . The fortune teller ( who looks like Mr . Satan ) and his cute daughter have eastern Europeon accents , while Yangus , your party's fat little bandit guy , sounds like a cockney British fellow , a blue-collar type ( blimey ! ) who fancies a pint or two , guv'nor . The King , by contrast , also sounds British , but being royalty and all , his accent is far more regal and snooty-or as regal and snooty as a little green guy with a frog in his throat who looks like Yoda can sound ( not very . ) They're funny and memorable , and listening to Yangus and the King argue is hilarious . * Fantastic Gameplay , make this game an almost perfect 10 on my list . This is just one of the best games of the year , . and I'm personally proud of it . Buy it now , or else . ^ _ ^ Special thanks to Wyvern for his input . You rock ! ^ _ ^
    • 212 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Let's get something straight here . Many people think this is such a hard game to play . Then they either sell it or just quit playing . Those fools who think this game is stupid just because its hard are complete idiots . I am a HUGE Dragon warrior / quest fan . I have already beaten DW / DQ 1 & 2 . Two is supposed to be the hardest in the series . I beat it in one week , played it until sunrise , and I LOVED IT . I beat one of the hardest NES games in one week . And Im only 13 years old ! Seriously , I hear so many bad things about this great , amazing masterpiece that is dragon quest 8 ! ! It's so hard ! I'll never play this game again ! Is what i hear most people say . Anyway , if you are a noob to the series , this one might turn you off . But if you want to start playing this legendary series , then buy Dragon warrior 1 . If you are a vet , then no problems here .
    • 213 4  Let's get something straight here . Many people think this is such a hard game to play . Then they either sell it or just quit playing . Those fools who think this game is stupid just because its hard are complete idiots . I am a HUGE Dragon warrior / quest fan . I have already beaten DW / DQ 1 & 2 . Two is supposed to be the hardest in the series . I beat it in one week , played it until sunrise , and I LOVED IT . I beat one of the hardest NES games in one week . And Im only 13 years old ! Seriously , I hear so many bad things about this great , amazing masterpiece that is dragon quest 8 ! ! It's so hard ! I'll never play this game again ! Is what i hear most people say . Anyway , if you are a noob to the series , this one might turn you off . But if you want to start playing this legendary series , then buy Dragon warrior 1 . If you are a vet , then no problems here .
    • 214 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Truthfully , I don't even know where to begin , as I've seen and played many other RPGs before this one , and few have managed to wow me like this one has . Who would've thought that we'd finally end up getting Dragon Quest VIII a year after the Japanese release ? And to top it all off , with a better transition and some bonus things added to the mix ? Gone is the old interface , replaced in turn with a new one that somehow still manages to keep the Dragon Quest / Warrior feel , though I kinda wish they would've changed the name from Dragon Quest to Dragon Warrior in the transition to the States for old times sake , I can't complain much about that whatsoever . We not only got voice-overs , and surprisingly good ones at that , we also got a sweeping , fully orchestrated soundtrack done by the Tokyo Metropolitan Philharmonic . To say it sounds amazing is an understatement , it truly is magnificant . First time I heard the battle theme in it's redone fully orchestrated glory , I was amazed at how much better it sounded when compared to the demo . If there is ever a soundtrack to come out for this game , I will be getting it in a heartbeat . Aside from that , the game manages to seemlessly make a transition from 2 - D to 3 - D and STILL keep it's old-school flavor to it . The battles take place in the exact same way that previous iterations of the series have done , using a simple , intuitive menu . But it's when you're finished with putting in your commands for the characters that you get to see some full-on animated action . The monsters also look amazing as well , you could actually envision fighting them in older Dragon Quest / Warrior games , and this is a good thing , apparently they wanted to broaden the horizons of Dragon Quest by introducing new elements , and new spell names , but at the same time , still keep it's old-school flavor , and remember the fans from the days of yore . I don't know how they did it , but they did it , and it works ! The only thing that irks me is that they changed The House of God into The House of the Goddess , why oh why did they do that ? It is not only stupid and mundane , but it also ruined a great tradition of pride in somehow being one of the few games to use God as their God's name . Other than that , however , I can't complain much at all , it looks and feels like Dragon Quest to the very core , and manages to bring back feelings of nostalgia for the games of yesteryear . And yet it also pushes the PS2 to it's limits in my books , what with the huge , and expansive world that makes Final Fantasy 10 look like child's play , and some great draw distance as well , in spite of there being some slowdown here and there , and seeing blades of grass being drawn , it still looks fantastic and is truly a sight to behold . Trust me on this one folks , this game looks , and plays like a dream . It's one of the Playstation 2 ' s finest hours , and will remain so for a long time coming . Hats off to Square-Enix for finally releasing this masterpiece over here , and doing it with features added to the game . If you're a Playstation 2 owner who loves RPGs , you'd be doing yourself a favor by picking this one up immediately .
    • 215 4  Truthfully , I don't even know where to begin , as I've seen and played many other RPGs before this one , and few have managed to wow me like this one has . Who would've thought that we'd finally end up getting Dragon Quest VIII a year after the Japanese release ? And to top it all off , with a better transition and some bonus things added to the mix ? Gone is the old interface , replaced in turn with a new one that somehow still manages to keep the Dragon Quest / Warrior feel , though I kinda wish they would've changed the name from Dragon Quest to Dragon Warrior in the transition to the States for old times sake , I can't complain much about that whatsoever . We not only got voice-overs , and surprisingly good ones at that , we also got a sweeping , fully orchestrated soundtrack done by the Tokyo Metropolitan Philharmonic . To say it sounds amazing is an understatement , it truly is magnificant . First time I heard the battle theme in it's redone fully orchestrated glory , I was amazed at how much better it sounded when compared to the demo . If there is ever a soundtrack to come out for this game , I will be getting it in a heartbeat . Aside from that , the game manages to seemlessly make a transition from 2 - D to 3 - D and STILL keep it's old-school flavor to it . The battles take place in the exact same way that previous iterations of the series have done , using a simple , intuitive menu . But it's when you're finished with putting in your commands for the characters that you get to see some full-on animated action . The monsters also look amazing as well , you could actually envision fighting them in older Dragon Quest / Warrior games , and this is a good thing , apparently they wanted to broaden the horizons of Dragon Quest by introducing new elements , and new spell names , but at the same time , still keep it's old-school flavor , and remember the fans from the days of yore . I don't know how they did it , but they did it , and it works ! The only thing that irks me is that they changed The House of God into The House of the Goddess , why oh why did they do that ? It is not only stupid and mundane , but it also ruined a great tradition of pride in somehow being one of the few games to use God as their God's name . Other than that , however , I can't complain much at all , it looks and feels like Dragon Quest to the very core , and manages to bring back feelings of nostalgia for the games of yesteryear . And yet it also pushes the PS2 to it's limits in my books , what with the huge , and expansive world that makes Final Fantasy 10 look like child's play , and some great draw distance as well , in spite of there being some slowdown here and there , and seeing blades of grass being drawn , it still looks fantastic and is truly a sight to behold . Trust me on this one folks , this game looks , and plays like a dream . It's one of the Playstation 2 ' s finest hours , and will remain so for a long time coming . Hats off to Square-Enix for finally releasing this masterpiece over here , and doing it with features added to the game . If you're a Playstation 2 owner who loves RPGs , you'd be doing yourself a favor by picking this one up immediately .
    • 216 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This is easily the best game I've ever played in my entire gaming career . The storyline might seem basic to some , but it is such a good plot that it affect the quality of the game at all . Just playing this game is like playing a game made from God . The music , characters , and settings all set the stage for a perfect environment for anyone looking to play a great RPG game . However , the only thing that needs work is the leveling system because it seems that you need to train ALOT to get at a certain level to be any type of match for the bosses . But , training in itself is one of those fun experiences . Overall , GREAT GAME !
    • 218 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I was a bit hesitant of picking this title up . It didnt seem to have the flair of some of the more recent rpgs on the PS2 . But after seeing this game in a bargain bin , i decided to snatch it up . I couldnt stop playing it for the 120 hours it took to finish . This game has a certain ' charm ' to it that makes it so simple yet enjoyable . Its easy to pick up and learn yet incredibly deep to master . And everything in this game is seemless and flawless . The dialogue is great and engaging , the graphics are beyond stunning , and the characters are all extremely likable . After a while you will fall in love with King Trode , Medea , Yangus , Jessica , and Angelo . Every single character is memorable in this game . I havent played a game this good in a while . Its right up there with the best rpgs in the business , such as Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7 . Pick this game up as soon as you can because you are in for a tremendous treat of role playing greatness .
    • 219 4  I was a bit hesitant of picking this title up . It didnt seem to have the flair of some of the more recent rpgs on the PS2 . But after seeing this game in a bargain bin , i decided to snatch it up . I couldnt stop playing it for the 120 hours it took to finish . This game has a certain ' charm ' to it that makes it so simple yet enjoyable . Its easy to pick up and learn yet incredibly deep to master . And everything in this game is seemless and flawless . The dialogue is great and engaging , the graphics are beyond stunning , and the characters are all extremely likable . After a while you will fall in love with King Trode , Medea , Yangus , Jessica , and Angelo . Every single character is memorable in this game . I havent played a game this good in a while . Its right up there with the best rpgs in the business , such as Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7 . Pick this game up as soon as you can because you are in for a tremendous treat of role playing greatness .
    • 220 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I know I'm not going to get a lot of agreements with this review , but I felt the need to write it anyway . Let me start off by saying that this game ( the version I purchased ) included a playable demo to Final Fantasy XII . I hated it , but fans of FFXI should love it . Yes , both of you should enjoy it very much . Not that it has a lot to do with Dragon Quest , but it was a nice touch of SquareEnix to include it in the package . I think Akira Toriyama's work itself is pretty good . I grew up watching DragonBall and I've been a leisurely fan of Crono Cross's artistic work . The character designs were good , with the exception of the townsfolk . I don't blame Akira Toriyama for this though , it was the fault of whomever decided to only include 10 - 15 background character designs in the entire game . The same people in every single town got a little boring , after a while . The main characters , however , were done well . The music was great . It's a little repetitive , but one would expect that with an RPG . The only bad mark I would give the score is for the battle theme . It's a little too jazzy for a score that normally sounds baroque / classical . The brass sounds are a little out of place . The battle system is pretty easy to figure out . I've played a lot of the Final Fantasy series , so I had a pretty good feel for it . The main problem I had with this game was the skill system . I normally love skill systems ( such as in FFX ) because it allows you to customize your characters . However , 85% of the skills here are worthless . For example , I recently aquired a skill of Jessica's that allows her to drain HP from an enemy when you attack them . My HP for her is around 120 . . . the average enemy can inflict around 20HP worth of damage per attack . Whenever I use this ability it gives me 1 - 3HP worth of healing and doesn't grant me any more strength . It would take a lot of hits with that ability before I made up for even one of the enemy's turns . The level system is kind of odd . It takes more than a level to aquire skill points that enable you to learn more skills . When the enemies in a certain area get to the point where you can beat most of them in one attack , one would assume it's safe to go ahead and advance the story . However , if you try to beat a boss , they can be difficult unless you've over leveled . ( Which can be very tedious . ) The official strategy guide says you can beat the game at level 40 , but I wouldn't put a whole lot of faith in that . I haven't beat the game , so my oppinion is incomplete . I am enjoying it to a point , but it's not nearly as addicting or intriguing as the Final Fantasy series . It has the makings of a classic and it's not bad , but it just doesn't grab me and suck me in like a lot of RPGs . I will give it a full run , like it deserves , but my expectations are sort of low for the rest of it .
    • 221 4  I know I'm not going to get a lot of agreements with this review , but I felt the need to write it anyway . Let me start off by saying that this game ( the version I purchased ) included a playable demo to Final Fantasy XII . I hated it , but fans of FFXI should love it . Yes , both of you should enjoy it very much . Not that it has a lot to do with Dragon Quest , but it was a nice touch of SquareEnix to include it in the package . I think Akira Toriyama's work itself is pretty good . I grew up watching DragonBall and I've been a leisurely fan of Crono Cross's artistic work . The character designs were good , with the exception of the townsfolk . I don't blame Akira Toriyama for this though , it was the fault of whomever decided to only include 10 - 15 background character designs in the entire game . The same people in every single town got a little boring , after a while . The main characters , however , were done well . The music was great . It's a little repetitive , but one would expect that with an RPG . The only bad mark I would give the score is for the battle theme . It's a little too jazzy for a score that normally sounds baroque / classical . The brass sounds are a little out of place . The battle system is pretty easy to figure out . I've played a lot of the Final Fantasy series , so I had a pretty good feel for it . The main problem I had with this game was the skill system . I normally love skill systems ( such as in FFX ) because it allows you to customize your characters . However , 85% of the skills here are worthless . For example , I recently aquired a skill of Jessica's that allows her to drain HP from an enemy when you attack them . My HP for her is around 120 . . . the average enemy can inflict around 20HP worth of damage per attack . Whenever I use this ability it gives me 1 - 3HP worth of healing and doesn't grant me any more strength . It would take a lot of hits with that ability before I made up for even one of the enemy's turns . The level system is kind of odd . It takes more than a level to aquire skill points that enable you to learn more skills . When the enemies in a certain area get to the point where you can beat most of them in one attack , one would assume it's safe to go ahead and advance the story . However , if you try to beat a boss , they can be difficult unless you've over leveled . ( Which can be very tedious . ) The official strategy guide says you can beat the game at level 40 , but I wouldn't put a whole lot of faith in that . I haven't beat the game , so my oppinion is incomplete . I am enjoying it to a point , but it's not nearly as addicting or intriguing as the Final Fantasy series . It has the makings of a classic and it's not bad , but it just doesn't grab me and suck me in like a lot of RPGs . I will give it a full run , like it deserves , but my expectations are sort of low for the rest of it .
    • 222 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Warrior VIII for the PS2 is a wonderful game . It's Japanese , so it's done in a cutesy anime style , which might put some people off . ( Personally , I found it a refreshing change . ) This game has the most creative monsters I've ever seen . An example of a low-level monster is a Bunnycorn . It's a rabbit with a unicorn's horn growing out of its head , and if you look closely , you see that the horn is a spiral . . . carrot . : - ) Another monster is a puppeteer ( not the Larry Niven kind ) . It attacks you with various different puppets , and the damage you take depends on which puppet it uses . Most role-playing games have a very predictable hierarchy of foes , where you start out killing rats , progress to skeletons , then fight orcs and trolls and various other Tolkeinia . In this game , most of the monsters are nothing you've ever seen before , created from scratch just for this game . Strangely enough , all of the monsters have adorable little smiling faces ( that cutesy Japanese anime thing I mentioned earlier ) , while they try to blow you off the map . Don't let the cutesy drawings fool you ; these monsters are just as challenging as grimer-looking ones , even if they are smiling all the while . : - ) Dragon Warrior 8 has a story that starts off seeming small , but as you go more and more places and gather more and more information , the story becomes ever deeper and more complex . What starts out seeming like one crazy bad guy turns out to be a centuries-old struggle between . . . no , I won't spoil it . : - ) By the end , I found it to be the best in-game story I'd ever played . The gameplay is wonderfully addictive , the voice acting is intentionally over-the-top in a way that I found quite fun , and in general , this is just the most CREATIVE RPG that I've played in a very long while . The guy who makes these games makes one roughly every five years , and it shows . This game was not thrown together in six months to make a buck . I recommend it highly ! I would pay $50 for a game this good , and it sells for $19.99 . Incredible !
    • 223 4  Dragon Warrior VIII for the PS2 is a wonderful game . It's Japanese , so it's done in a cutesy anime style , which might put some people off . ( Personally , I found it a refreshing change . ) This game has the most creative monsters I've ever seen . An example of a low-level monster is a Bunnycorn . It's a rabbit with a unicorn's horn growing out of its head , and if you look closely , you see that the horn is a spiral . . . carrot . : - ) Another monster is a puppeteer ( not the Larry Niven kind ) . It attacks you with various different puppets , and the damage you take depends on which puppet it uses . Most role-playing games have a very predictable hierarchy of foes , where you start out killing rats , progress to skeletons , then fight orcs and trolls and various other Tolkeinia . In this game , most of the monsters are nothing you've ever seen before , created from scratch just for this game . Strangely enough , all of the monsters have adorable little smiling faces ( that cutesy Japanese anime thing I mentioned earlier ) , while they try to blow you off the map . Don't let the cutesy drawings fool you ; these monsters are just as challenging as grimer-looking ones , even if they are smiling all the while . : - ) Dragon Warrior 8 has a story that starts off seeming small , but as you go more and more places and gather more and more information , the story becomes ever deeper and more complex . What starts out seeming like one crazy bad guy turns out to be a centuries-old struggle between . . . no , I won't spoil it . : - ) By the end , I found it to be the best in-game story I'd ever played . The gameplay is wonderfully addictive , the voice acting is intentionally over-the-top in a way that I found quite fun , and in general , this is just the most CREATIVE RPG that I've played in a very long while . The guy who makes these games makes one roughly every five years , and it shows . This game was not thrown together in six months to make a buck . I recommend it highly ! I would pay $50 for a game this good , and it sells for $19.99 . Incredible !
    • 224 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon quest eight is one of the newest dragon quest games out on the market . It is also my first DQ game and has called me to fall in love with the series . Since having come out in late 05 the game has sold thousands of copies . The game also comes with a demo of final fantasy 12 . The game follows the story of a young hero named eight who must help his king retrieve a stolen scepter from an evil jester . The king has been cursed to look like a troll and his beautiful daughter Medea has been turned into a horse . Along you way you will meet Yangus a lovable thief , Jessica a full figured mage , and Angelo a ladies man . The game has stunning graphics and a completely 3D world . The story is well developed and has many twists some which are unseen and some that are easy to point out . The game has many side quests like battling monsters or collecting mini-medals . The voice acting is amazing and the game takes awhile to beat and some commitment . Even after the end of the game there is still plenty of things for you to do . I would recommend this game to any hardcore RPG fans as well as any one who is a fan of the series or just wants a challenging game to play . I would not recommend this game for anyone who is not into long games or people who do not like somewhat cartoonish graphics If you would like to know more feel free to email me at robzombiex180 @
    • 225 4  Dragon quest eight is one of the newest dragon quest games out on the market . It is also my first DQ game and has called me to fall in love with the series . Since having come out in late 05 the game has sold thousands of copies . The game also comes with a demo of final fantasy 12 . The game follows the story of a young hero named eight who must help his king retrieve a stolen scepter from an evil jester . The king has been cursed to look like a troll and his beautiful daughter Medea has been turned into a horse . Along you way you will meet Yangus a lovable thief , Jessica a full figured mage , and Angelo a ladies man . The game has stunning graphics and a completely 3D world . The story is well developed and has many twists some which are unseen and some that are easy to point out . The game has many side quests like battling monsters or collecting mini-medals . The voice acting is amazing and the game takes awhile to beat and some commitment . Even after the end of the game there is still plenty of things for you to do . I would recommend this game to any hardcore RPG fans as well as any one who is a fan of the series or just wants a challenging game to play . I would not recommend this game for anyone who is not into long games or people who do not like somewhat cartoonish graphics If you would like to know more feel free to email me at robzombiex180 @
    • 226 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I haven't played a Dragon Quest game before , but I am familiar with FF on both PSI and PSII , and a variety of other role playing games . Generally , I enjoyed DQ . It's fast moving , pretty to look at and nigh-addictive in the hunt for items that make bigger / better items . However , I do agree with the reviewer who said that this game makes the player work WAY too hard . For instance , the final whip for Jessica is unobtainable without spending hours in the casino . In the end , I lost patience and went into the final battle without it and , um , didn't really need it after all . Also , the small amount of skill points obtainable , particularly as the characters advanced , was pathetic . At level 40 - something , Yangus's level up gave me a measly 3 or 4 skill points . C'mon guys - give us a break ! I also got fed up with how hard it was to find strong enough monsters to beat the level s monsters at the monster arena . I really wanted Jessica's outfit from level s before the final battle but , the monsters I needed to get to win level s , couldn't be gotten until * after * the final battle . Grrrrrrr . Now that's mean ! In general , though , it's an awesome , good looking game . Oh , but I did have to get the guide to DQ because otherwise I would have had no clue on what to mix with what in the cooking pot , because there was no way to guess . Again . . time consuming . At least , on my second run through , I won the final battle in under 100 hours , whereas the first time I was over 130 hours and didn't complete the battle . The second time , because I had the guide , I didn't even bother looking in the bookshelves . That helped ! If you have many , many hours to spend in playing a game that is frustrating and delightful in turns , this is the game for you . I mean , the many items you can make , the gambling for more items , the battles . . it goes on forEVER . And it is intriguing . I just think that the next DQ might be a little . . kinder , y'know , guys ? Take away the casino and make things more achievable . Don't make us wait so long for items to get finished in the cooking pot ( I know it's not a cooking pot but I have forgotten what it is called and don't have the game anywhere near me ) . Also . . I'm British . . but the British accents - what's all that about ? Some of that was appalling . I can't recall the last time I heard someone refer to another as guv'nor . Perhaps the makers researched English phrases / accents via a copy of Mary Poppins and thought that Dick Van Dyke was an archetypal Englishman ! ; - )
    • 227 4  I haven't played a Dragon Quest game before , but I am familiar with FF on both PSI and PSII , and a variety of other role playing games . Generally , I enjoyed DQ . It's fast moving , pretty to look at and nigh-addictive in the hunt for items that make bigger / better items . However , I do agree with the reviewer who said that this game makes the player work WAY too hard . For instance , the final whip for Jessica is unobtainable without spending hours in the casino . In the end , I lost patience and went into the final battle without it and , um , didn't really need it after all . Also , the small amount of skill points obtainable , particularly as the characters advanced , was pathetic . At level 40 - something , Yangus's level up gave me a measly 3 or 4 skill points . C'mon guys - give us a break ! I also got fed up with how hard it was to find strong enough monsters to beat the level s monsters at the monster arena . I really wanted Jessica's outfit from level s before the final battle but , the monsters I needed to get to win level s , couldn't be gotten until * after * the final battle . Grrrrrrr . Now that's mean ! In general , though , it's an awesome , good looking game . Oh , but I did have to get the guide to DQ because otherwise I would have had no clue on what to mix with what in the cooking pot , because there was no way to guess . Again . . time consuming . At least , on my second run through , I won the final battle in under 100 hours , whereas the first time I was over 130 hours and didn't complete the battle . The second time , because I had the guide , I didn't even bother looking in the bookshelves . That helped ! If you have many , many hours to spend in playing a game that is frustrating and delightful in turns , this is the game for you . I mean , the many items you can make , the gambling for more items , the battles . . it goes on forEVER . And it is intriguing . I just think that the next DQ might be a little . . kinder , y'know , guys ? Take away the casino and make things more achievable . Don't make us wait so long for items to get finished in the cooking pot ( I know it's not a cooking pot but I have forgotten what it is called and don't have the game anywhere near me ) . Also . . I'm British . . but the British accents - what's all that about ? Some of that was appalling . I can't recall the last time I heard someone refer to another as guv'nor . Perhaps the makers researched English phrases / accents via a copy of Mary Poppins and thought that Dick Van Dyke was an archetypal Englishman ! ; - )
    • 228 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This may seem like a strange title for a positive review , but it is probably the most accurate I could come up with . Dragon Quest VIII is one of the most graphically beautiful games I've ever seen , the story line is engaging , and the combat system is classic yet never boring . It is a major graphical update of the classic RPG style of game . That being said , if you don't like RPG's , thought Dragonball Z animation was goofy , are impatient ( I'm at 60 hours and haven't finished it yet ) , or don't like classic turnbased battles with highly involved leveling systems , just walk away . This game will not interest you in the least . However , to me , this is one of the best RPGs to come out in a long time , and should not be missed if you are a classic RPG fanatic . Highly recommended ! ! !
    • 229 4  This may seem like a strange title for a positive review , but it is probably the most accurate I could come up with . Dragon Quest VIII is one of the most graphically beautiful games I've ever seen , the story line is engaging , and the combat system is classic yet never boring . It is a major graphical update of the classic RPG style of game . That being said , if you don't like RPG's , thought Dragonball Z animation was goofy , are impatient ( I'm at 60 hours and haven't finished it yet ) , or don't like classic turnbased battles with highly involved leveling systems , just walk away . This game will not interest you in the least . However , to me , this is one of the best RPGs to come out in a long time , and should not be missed if you are a classic RPG fanatic . Highly recommended ! ! !
    • 230 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII is a great rpg for anybody who love dragon quest . It is also a great rpg for the casual rpg gamer . The story is grand , and pulls you in quite quickly . The visuals are excellent and lend a lot to the game . The sound is excellent and the battles are well executed . The loading times are at a minimum and the characters are easy to full in love with . If you love classic stories of knights and sorcerers then go out and buy this game now
    • 231 4  Dragon Quest VIII is a great rpg for anybody who love dragon quest . It is also a great rpg for the casual rpg gamer . The story is grand , and pulls you in quite quickly . The visuals are excellent and lend a lot to the game . The sound is excellent and the battles are well executed . The loading times are at a minimum and the characters are easy to full in love with . If you love classic stories of knights and sorcerers then go out and buy this game now
    • 232 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) RPGers have got to get this game . It has the elements of a really good RPG ( remember how the first FF played when it was new ? ) Truly a return to the fundamentals . Hopefully the graphics-heavy , play-quality weakening designers have had their turn , so more playable things like RE4 and this can be made . Keep the good games coming . It's been too long . . . .
    • 233 4  RPGers have got to get this game . It has the elements of a really good RPG ( remember how the first FF played when it was new ? ) Truly a return to the fundamentals . Hopefully the graphics-heavy , play-quality weakening designers have had their turn , so more playable things like RE4 and this can be made . Keep the good games coming . It's been too long . . . .
    • 234 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Where to begin ? I bought DRAGON QUEST VIII on a whim - - something to keep myself amused in what precious little free time I have . Boy did I make a mistake - - DRAGON QUEST VIII is as fun as it is addictive and as brilliantly well-designed as it is beautiful to look at . In summary , DQ8 is a truly * superb * game in every aspect . STORY : The story here , that of the Cursed King Trode and his posse of protectors ( you , the Hero + Yangus + Jessica + Angelo ) makes for a classic RPG . Don't be fooled - - the story may seem simple on the surface , but it's well-thought out and well played-out , making for a quality plot ! GAMEPLAY : The interface in the field and in battles is sleek and simple . Even if you're new to RPGs , it won't take you long at all to get a feel for how things work in this vast land . If you're veteran RPG'er , it'll take you a matter of seconds before you're roaming freely . The battle interface is simple and intuitive , with an interesting twist - - you can actually program each of your characters to act in different manners . You can choose to control each of them yourself ( which is essential for boss battles , but arguably not for normal battles in the field ) or have the AI take over for you . I've found after countless hours of gameplay that , although the AI chooses a little differently than I would , it still does a fairly good job when all is said and done . And one interesting note - - DQ8 offers a one-handed interface . You can control movement in the field and in towns and interaction with objects and characters all with the left analog stick . TWO NOTES ON GAMEPLAY : 1 ) If you're looking for a simple RPG with no thought involved , look elsewhere . The battles in DQ8 - - while not impossible - - are very often challenging . This is * especially * true for boss battles - - boss monsters can stomp you into oblivion if you choose not to level up as you should or prepare yourself well for battle . 2 ) Saving CANNOT be done in the field in DQ8 - - you can ONLY save in churches , found in or near towns . This means there are no save points in dungeons , so you're forced to play the whole thing through and then trust that you're well-enough prepared to defeat the boss at the end . This introduces a lot of strategy to the game , since you're required to be more careful during your journey , lest you wind up facing a party wipe . CHARACTERS / VOICE ACTING : Each of the characters in DQ8 brings a unique addition to your team and to the game as a whole . While some overlap exists , each character has a set of weapon skills that he / she can learn and a special set of skills that only he / she can learn . For example , you can choose to level up the Hero in boomerangs , swords , spears , or bare-handed combat or choose to level up his Courage skillset as well . This system , while simple , allows each party member to become very proficient in one particular weapon while developing supporting skills that help make your party more well-rounded and combat worthy . With few exceptions , I found the voice acting ( British accents and all ) very pleasing . Interaction between the characters is very humorous and , at times , moving . GRAPHICS : With it's old-school 3D styling with a new-school twist , DQ8 boasts outstanding graphics . Characters and monsters are rendered with painstaking detail , and the world around you is beautifully rendered . SOUND : While nothing stands out to me , I've no complaints about the soundtrack that accompies DQ8 . OTHER NOTES : The Alchemy Pot adds much appreciated depth to the game by providing the player the chance to mix items together to create new , hopefully more powerful , items - - this includes usable items , armor , shields , and weapons . This feature is a lot of fun to play with , although the wait times for new items to be created is painfully long in many cases . When all is said and done , I hope you'll find DRAGON QUEST VIII as much fun as I have . Aside from a few minor frustrations ( the difficulty of battles is irritating at times ; only being able to save in a church makes things more challenging ) , I've no complaints about this game . Pick up a copy and enjoy the wonderful world of Dragon Quest today ! Very highly recommended !
    • 235 4  Where to begin ? I bought DRAGON QUEST VIII on a whim - - something to keep myself amused in what precious little free time I have . Boy did I make a mistake - - DRAGON QUEST VIII is as fun as it is addictive and as brilliantly well-designed as it is beautiful to look at . In summary , DQ8 is a truly * superb * game in every aspect . STORY : The story here , that of the Cursed King Trode and his posse of protectors ( you , the Hero + Yangus + Jessica + Angelo ) makes for a classic RPG . Don't be fooled - - the story may seem simple on the surface , but it's well-thought out and well played-out , making for a quality plot ! GAMEPLAY : The interface in the field and in battles is sleek and simple . Even if you're new to RPGs , it won't take you long at all to get a feel for how things work in this vast land . If you're veteran RPG'er , it'll take you a matter of seconds before you're roaming freely . The battle interface is simple and intuitive , with an interesting twist - - you can actually program each of your characters to act in different manners . You can choose to control each of them yourself ( which is essential for boss battles , but arguably not for normal battles in the field ) or have the AI take over for you . I've found after countless hours of gameplay that , although the AI chooses a little differently than I would , it still does a fairly good job when all is said and done . And one interesting note - - DQ8 offers a one-handed interface . You can control movement in the field and in towns and interaction with objects and characters all with the left analog stick . TWO NOTES ON GAMEPLAY : 1 ) If you're looking for a simple RPG with no thought involved , look elsewhere . The battles in DQ8 - - while not impossible - - are very often challenging . This is * especially * true for boss battles - - boss monsters can stomp you into oblivion if you choose not to level up as you should or prepare yourself well for battle . 2 ) Saving CANNOT be done in the field in DQ8 - - you can ONLY save in churches , found in or near towns . This means there are no save points in dungeons , so you're forced to play the whole thing through and then trust that you're well-enough prepared to defeat the boss at the end . This introduces a lot of strategy to the game , since you're required to be more careful during your journey , lest you wind up facing a party wipe . CHARACTERS / VOICE ACTING : Each of the characters in DQ8 brings a unique addition to your team and to the game as a whole . While some overlap exists , each character has a set of weapon skills that he / she can learn and a special set of skills that only he / she can learn . For example , you can choose to level up the Hero in boomerangs , swords , spears , or bare-handed combat or choose to level up his Courage skillset as well . This system , while simple , allows each party member to become very proficient in one particular weapon while developing supporting skills that help make your party more well-rounded and combat worthy . With few exceptions , I found the voice acting ( British accents and all ) very pleasing . Interaction between the characters is very humorous and , at times , moving . GRAPHICS : With it's old-school 3D styling with a new-school twist , DQ8 boasts outstanding graphics . Characters and monsters are rendered with painstaking detail , and the world around you is beautifully rendered . SOUND : While nothing stands out to me , I've no complaints about the soundtrack that accompies DQ8 . OTHER NOTES : The Alchemy Pot adds much appreciated depth to the game by providing the player the chance to mix items together to create new , hopefully more powerful , items - - this includes usable items , armor , shields , and weapons . This feature is a lot of fun to play with , although the wait times for new items to be created is painfully long in many cases . When all is said and done , I hope you'll find DRAGON QUEST VIII as much fun as I have . Aside from a few minor frustrations ( the difficulty of battles is irritating at times ; only being able to save in a church makes things more challenging ) , I've no complaints about this game . Pick up a copy and enjoy the wonderful world of Dragon Quest today ! Very highly recommended !
    • 236 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) While hardly the best RPG ever to be produced , Dragon Quest VIII is quite a fun game . But it's not going to be for everyone . Much of the game is pulled from classic , old school console RPGs . The battle system is very much the same basic system used since the days of Dragon Warrior 1 - entirely turn based , you choose every character's moves before a round of battle even occurs . This is a far cry from the more recent battle systems like Star Ocean's real-time system or Final Fantasy's Active Time Battle system . Storywise , the game manages to keep things entertaining . It's a standard save the princess type of story - you and your small party of heroes are tasked with defeating an evil jester who turned the princess and the king into a horse and a green monster , respectively . It's standard RPG fare , nothing new , but the voice acting and script manage to keep things interesting . Graphically , the game follows the more recent trend of using cel-shaded graphics . And it's used very well here . These graphics are hardly the best on the PS2 but they are still very good nonetheless . If you're more of the Final Fantasy type , you may not enjoy this game due to it's reliance on old school techniques . But it's still worth playing . Even the Final Fantasy XII demo makes this game a worthy addition to any RPGers collection .
    • 237 4  While hardly the best RPG ever to be produced , Dragon Quest VIII is quite a fun game . But it's not going to be for everyone . Much of the game is pulled from classic , old school console RPGs . The battle system is very much the same basic system used since the days of Dragon Warrior 1 - entirely turn based , you choose every character's moves before a round of battle even occurs . This is a far cry from the more recent battle systems like Star Ocean's real-time system or Final Fantasy's Active Time Battle system . Storywise , the game manages to keep things entertaining . It's a standard save the princess type of story - you and your small party of heroes are tasked with defeating an evil jester who turned the princess and the king into a horse and a green monster , respectively . It's standard RPG fare , nothing new , but the voice acting and script manage to keep things interesting . Graphically , the game follows the more recent trend of using cel-shaded graphics . And it's used very well here . These graphics are hardly the best on the PS2 but they are still very good nonetheless . If you're more of the Final Fantasy type , you may not enjoy this game due to it's reliance on old school techniques . But it's still worth playing . Even the Final Fantasy XII demo makes this game a worthy addition to any RPGers collection .
    • 238 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Role Playing gamers rejoice for Dragon Quest is finally here ! This classic series has a cult following here in America but is a cultural phenomenon over in Japan . Why is that and will Dragon Quest be as big here with this latest addition to the series ? For the American release , many things were spiced up in the game to appeal to a broader audenice . Voice acting was added , menus became decadent and the music was redone . Battle scenes were worked to be a mix of traditional Dragon Quest scenes with a mix of Final Fantasy style . I must admit it is very nice to be able to see your character actually hit the monster and see the results of status effects , especially when the characters catch the dancing bug . Dragon quest games actually deliever the amount of hours of gameplay they advertise . It takes at least 60 hours to complete everything including the bonus dungeon . Dragon quest games are actually fun . Now , yes games are fun but have you notice how most RPGs feature pity me / woe is me characters and have overly angsty and depressing storylines ? With this game , everything is balanced out in the story . Humour , sadness , romance and the like . The characters are enjoyable to watch as they interact and heck , you can even talk to some monsters that in other places you fight . Dragon Quest is a must have title for any RP gamer . Pros : Top notch voice acting adds to the depth of the characters . Animations are fluid Many side quests that add to the story . High replay value . Cons : There is some lag sometimes in the game You cannot customize the controls Menus for shops are too decadent While this is the easiest Dragon Quest in terms of difficulty , novice RP players and those used to Final Fantasy type games may find themselves dying very often
    • 239 4  Role Playing gamers rejoice for Dragon Quest is finally here ! This classic series has a cult following here in America but is a cultural phenomenon over in Japan . Why is that and will Dragon Quest be as big here with this latest addition to the series ? For the American release , many things were spiced up in the game to appeal to a broader audenice . Voice acting was added , menus became decadent and the music was redone . Battle scenes were worked to be a mix of traditional Dragon Quest scenes with a mix of Final Fantasy style . I must admit it is very nice to be able to see your character actually hit the monster and see the results of status effects , especially when the characters catch the dancing bug . Dragon quest games actually deliever the amount of hours of gameplay they advertise . It takes at least 60 hours to complete everything including the bonus dungeon . Dragon quest games are actually fun . Now , yes games are fun but have you notice how most RPGs feature pity me / woe is me characters and have overly angsty and depressing storylines ? With this game , everything is balanced out in the story . Humour , sadness , romance and the like . The characters are enjoyable to watch as they interact and heck , you can even talk to some monsters that in other places you fight . Dragon Quest is a must have title for any RP gamer . Pros : Top notch voice acting adds to the depth of the characters . Animations are fluid Many side quests that add to the story . High replay value . Cons : There is some lag sometimes in the game You cannot customize the controls Menus for shops are too decadent While this is the easiest Dragon Quest in terms of difficulty , novice RP players and those used to Final Fantasy type games may find themselves dying very often
    • 240 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Well , it's been a long wait , but it's finally here . After playing , loving , and re-playing every Dragon Quest game that's been released over here ( which adds up to four games ) , I have finally completed DQVIII , the first entry on the PS2 . And believe me , it was worth every second of waiting . The 3D transformation is a triumph . While familiar landmarks of the 2D entries are present and accounted for , they are now in glorious , colorful 3D , and look great . Also in the graphics department , the new full-motion cutscenes are amazing , and easily one of the game's highlights . Characters exhibit real emotion in their movement and facial expressions ; weapon and spell effects in battle look awesome ; and there are even great little touches , like equipment that has cosmetic effects . If you're one of the whiners who hated on DQVII because of it's dated look , well , you no longer have anything to whine about . The gameplay is classic Dragon Quest , but has been updated in a number of ways . While you still explore towns , travel the world , and hack through dungeons , and the battle system is as satisfyingly simple as ever , there's now a little more depth . Borrowing elements from this summer's phenomenal Atelier Iris , the game now has skill-point allocation and item combination . While not revoloutionary , it adds a healthy dose of fun and variety . The story , while pretty conventional , does have a number of surprising twists , tons of laugh-out-loud moments , and a lot of personality . Even minor characters are fleshed out well , and although the hero is still silent , the developers have found ways to give him substance for the first time . While I could go on and on about things that make this game fun , the real reason is actually very simple : Level 5 has taken a classic formula , and polished it until it gleams . The old pleasures of leveling up , finding new loot , and raiding the dressers of NPCs are back , only this time they've been brought to modern standards of presentation and style . If you're a fan , there is no question . Buy it .
    • 241 4  Well , it's been a long wait , but it's finally here . After playing , loving , and re-playing every Dragon Quest game that's been released over here ( which adds up to four games ) , I have finally completed DQVIII , the first entry on the PS2 . And believe me , it was worth every second of waiting . The 3D transformation is a triumph . While familiar landmarks of the 2D entries are present and accounted for , they are now in glorious , colorful 3D , and look great . Also in the graphics department , the new full-motion cutscenes are amazing , and easily one of the game's highlights . Characters exhibit real emotion in their movement and facial expressions ; weapon and spell effects in battle look awesome ; and there are even great little touches , like equipment that has cosmetic effects . If you're one of the whiners who hated on DQVII because of it's dated look , well , you no longer have anything to whine about . The gameplay is classic Dragon Quest , but has been updated in a number of ways . While you still explore towns , travel the world , and hack through dungeons , and the battle system is as satisfyingly simple as ever , there's now a little more depth . Borrowing elements from this summer's phenomenal Atelier Iris , the game now has skill-point allocation and item combination . While not revoloutionary , it adds a healthy dose of fun and variety . The story , while pretty conventional , does have a number of surprising twists , tons of laugh-out-loud moments , and a lot of personality . Even minor characters are fleshed out well , and although the hero is still silent , the developers have found ways to give him substance for the first time . While I could go on and on about things that make this game fun , the real reason is actually very simple : Level 5 has taken a classic formula , and polished it until it gleams . The old pleasures of leveling up , finding new loot , and raiding the dressers of NPCs are back , only this time they've been brought to modern standards of presentation and style . If you're a fan , there is no question . Buy it .
    • 242 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) There are words to describe the magnificence of Dragon Quest VIII , but only one I can use is : Excellent ! When I first started playing Dragon Quest VIII , I was awed by the combination of stunning 3D-graphics ( artwork courtesy of Akira Toriyama , whose credits include not only the Dragon Quest games , but the Dragonball series and Chrono Trigger for Square-Enix ) , the old-school feel of previous DQ games , and loads of familiar monster faces such as the onion-shaped Slimes , Golems , Drakees and much , much more , plus a load of newcomers as well . The game includes various tutorials from how to operate the various features of the game such as looking at an area map and searching in various places such as sacks , bookcases , and vases just to name a few . The addition of voice acting ( a first to the DQ franchise ) with a British flair is an additional plus . Even the text has a British flair ( i.e . , armour , flavour , etc . ) which is an added bonus to the NA-translated game . I highly recommend Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King to everyone , young and old , newcomers and novices , whether you're starting out or you're a big fan of the DQ franchise , this is the game for you .
    • 243 4  There are words to describe the magnificence of Dragon Quest VIII , but only one I can use is : Excellent ! When I first started playing Dragon Quest VIII , I was awed by the combination of stunning 3D-graphics ( artwork courtesy of Akira Toriyama , whose credits include not only the Dragon Quest games , but the Dragonball series and Chrono Trigger for Square-Enix ) , the old-school feel of previous DQ games , and loads of familiar monster faces such as the onion-shaped Slimes , Golems , Drakees and much , much more , plus a load of newcomers as well . The game includes various tutorials from how to operate the various features of the game such as looking at an area map and searching in various places such as sacks , bookcases , and vases just to name a few . The addition of voice acting ( a first to the DQ franchise ) with a British flair is an additional plus . Even the text has a British flair ( i.e . , armour , flavour , etc . ) which is an added bonus to the NA-translated game . I highly recommend Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King to everyone , young and old , newcomers and novices , whether you're starting out or you're a big fan of the DQ franchise , this is the game for you .
    • 244 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I'm not going to write a lengthy review for this game , because many have already said the same that I would ( plus I want to get back to playing this masterpeice of an RPG ! ) I just wanted to add my 5 stars and thumbs up to an outstanding job done by Square-Enix.Anyone who snubs the PS2 on it's graphics should check out this game ; absolutely beautiful ! But perhaps my favorite aspect , aside from the highly addicting gameplay , is the sound ! It's just like having a full symphony orchestrate right in your living room.The famous pub / casino music is now better than ever and the voice acting is simply top-notch : I love the British accents Guv ! On a side note , anyone who buys this game would do well to pick up the strategy guide also.It really comes in handy when you are having trouble deciding how you want to distribute your skill points.Although there is a bit of change , it is not so much as to turn away vets of the dragon warrior / quest gameplay . Well enough of my words.Stop reading reviews and go immerse yourself in an amazing RPG world like no other !
    • 245 4  I'm not going to write a lengthy review for this game , because many have already said the same that I would ( plus I want to get back to playing this masterpeice of an RPG ! ) I just wanted to add my 5 stars and thumbs up to an outstanding job done by Square-Enix.Anyone who snubs the PS2 on it's graphics should check out this game ; absolutely beautiful ! But perhaps my favorite aspect , aside from the highly addicting gameplay , is the sound ! It's just like having a full symphony orchestrate right in your living room.The famous pub / casino music is now better than ever and the voice acting is simply top-notch : I love the British accents Guv ! On a side note , anyone who buys this game would do well to pick up the strategy guide also.It really comes in handy when you are having trouble deciding how you want to distribute your skill points.Although there is a bit of change , it is not so much as to turn away vets of the dragon warrior / quest gameplay . Well enough of my words.Stop reading reviews and go immerse yourself in an amazing RPG world like no other !
    • 246 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest is an old franchise , but while it still has that classic feel , it's only gotten bigger , richer , more beautiful , and a lot more fun . Graphics Let's get some things out of the way right off the bat . This game is GORGEOUS . The colors are lush and beautiful , and the game world is very well rendered . It's a much more cartoony and colorful kind of beautiful than the lush realism of recent Final Fantasy offerings , but it's no less impressive in its own way . The only way to put it is it's as if you stepped into your television and started wandering around in one of Akira Dragonball Z Toriyama's illustrations and personally interacted with his iconic character designs . The game even gives you the ability to go into 1st person mode to just stand there and look around at the sights ( or at a female NPC's goodies , this IS Toriyama after all ) . Even the monsters , also designed by Toriyama , have tons of cartoonish personality not only in their design but their animations . Another thing I really can't over-hype is the size of this world you're allowed to explore . You can climb mountains , explore valleys , run through forests , and poke around just about everywhere looking for treasure or other surprises , all in a fully 3D world around you . In terms of size , the overworld is nothing compared to Elder Scrolls , but the in-game sun will rise and set several times if you try to cross even the main continent on foot and the world of Dragon Quest is rich with places to explore by land and sea . Thankfully you learn a teleport spell fairly early , and it can make backtracking a far less painful experience than most other games . BTW , as far as graphical ability goes , I have to hand it to this game for being the first RPG with realistic jiggle physics for a female character ( who in an incredible break from tradition isn't the de-facto healer and can be quite formidable ) . That in itself is as hysterical and awesome as it is pointless , and frankly , this game does a lot of wonderfully pointless things purely for the fun-factor . Gameplay The battle system is old . You know what though ? Sometimes it's best to know when NOT to fix something , and Enix made a wise move in keeping the classic battle-mechanic that has worked for over a decade and a half . With every RPG now trying to compete for most gimmicky battle mechanic , Dragon Quest can feel like coming home to an old friend . Oh , don't get me wrong . It's been sharpened , streamlined , added to , and perfected over the course of its eight games , but its still based on the classic battle system , and for the most part it works beautifully . Dragon Quest VIII is an old-school RPG with a very beautiful look . For those who need a gimmick to justify the time and cost of a new game , we do have a few neat features like the ALCHEMY POT , an ingeniously fun little item that lets you brew different items together to create new items . There are hundreds of combinations and you won't get tired of experimenting . Party customization , while limited to the four main characters , nevertheless allows you to distribute points when you level up to various SKILLS , ( mostly for a certain type of weapon ) gaining different special attacks and abilities with each . When leveled up , one of Yangus's abilities as a former thief , for instance , allows you to walk quietly , lowering the monster encounter rate , or sniff out nearby treasure . The pretty-boy Trunks lookalike , as befitting a roguish ladies man , can flash his eyes and make female monsters swoon . It runs the gamut from genius to ridiculous , but it's always fun . The CUT-SCENES , one of my biggest gripes in modern RPGs , also manage to be a lot more bearable by way of using in-game graphics ( as opposed to fully rendered videos ) so as not to yank you too far out of the action , and are brief and infrequent enough to not interrupt game-play . The game also has another holdover of the classic games , and this is the day / night cycle . An in-game sun will rise and fall , depending on what time it is , towns might close up shop , taverns might open , and different people and monsters will be about . Because certain events only happen at certain times , this adds a great deal to the exploration . There's also a fun little side-quest game that has you hunting down certain exceptionally powerful monsters , beating them , and if you let them , joining your team . The main point of this is to compete in a monster battling arena , but unlike most side-quest games this can really help you out of a tight spot in the regular game , as you can call your team in to back you up in a tough battle . Some monsters are absurdly powerful , and having a good team of them can add a new dimension to your strategy . Story Right off the bat you are dropped into the middle of the story as you , the mute hero ( a la Chrono Trigger ) , your buddy Yangus , and your king ( who is under a curse , hence the title ) make your way to a nearby town , fleeing the ruined castle . The story develops over the course of the game and you meet two others to join your party , each with their own back-story and reasons for pursuing the villain . Long-time RPG fans may be somewhat disappointed at the fact you only have four characters and can't adjust your party , but the characters present make up for it and there's a great deal of customization to be had with them . VOICE-ACTING is also well above-average . Though a lot of info is still conveyed via text boxes , the parts where the characters get to speak sound refreshingly well-done ( provided you have nothing against English accents ) . The story starts out simply enough , but as usual , things get bigger and more complicated , but thankfully not so much so that you are left scratching your head wondering what anyone is talking about . Things stay comparatively simple , but clever . If I have one complaint it's that the SHADOW WORLD you journey into in the second half of the game wasn't expanded upon . It would have been fascinating to explore a dark , shadowy version of the game world to see how things were different ( good monsters and bad humans ? ) , but alas , we only get to explore a small part of it . A bit of a wasted opportunity . In Short If this is the last traditional JRPG ever made for consoles , then it'll have been one heck of a swan song . Classic gameplay with a huge sandbox of a world to explore , beautiful anime-style graphics and scenery , crazy and imaginative monsters , interesting and well-defined characters , and a big old-fashioned adventure that never slows down , all add up to a game that remembers what games are supposed to be about . Having fun .
    • 247 4  Dragon Quest is an old franchise , but while it still has that classic feel , it's only gotten bigger , richer , more beautiful , and a lot more fun . Graphics Let's get some things out of the way right off the bat . This game is GORGEOUS . The colors are lush and beautiful , and the game world is very well rendered . It's a much more cartoony and colorful kind of beautiful than the lush realism of recent Final Fantasy offerings , but it's no less impressive in its own way . The only way to put it is it's as if you stepped into your television and started wandering around in one of Akira Dragonball Z Toriyama's illustrations and personally interacted with his iconic character designs . The game even gives you the ability to go into 1st person mode to just stand there and look around at the sights ( or at a female NPC's goodies , this IS Toriyama after all ) . Even the monsters , also designed by Toriyama , have tons of cartoonish personality not only in their design but their animations . Another thing I really can't over-hype is the size of this world you're allowed to explore . You can climb mountains , explore valleys , run through forests , and poke around just about everywhere looking for treasure or other surprises , all in a fully 3D world around you . In terms of size , the overworld is nothing compared to Elder Scrolls , but the in-game sun will rise and set several times if you try to cross even the main continent on foot and the world of Dragon Quest is rich with places to explore by land and sea . Thankfully you learn a teleport spell fairly early , and it can make backtracking a far less painful experience than most other games . BTW , as far as graphical ability goes , I have to hand it to this game for being the first RPG with realistic jiggle physics for a female character ( who in an incredible break from tradition isn't the de-facto healer and can be quite formidable ) . That in itself is as hysterical and awesome as it is pointless , and frankly , this game does a lot of wonderfully pointless things purely for the fun-factor . Gameplay The battle system is old . You know what though ? Sometimes it's best to know when NOT to fix something , and Enix made a wise move in keeping the classic battle-mechanic that has worked for over a decade and a half . With every RPG now trying to compete for most gimmicky battle mechanic , Dragon Quest can feel like coming home to an old friend . Oh , don't get me wrong . It's been sharpened , streamlined , added to , and perfected over the course of its eight games , but its still based on the classic battle system , and for the most part it works beautifully . Dragon Quest VIII is an old-school RPG with a very beautiful look . For those who need a gimmick to justify the time and cost of a new game , we do have a few neat features like the ALCHEMY POT , an ingeniously fun little item that lets you brew different items together to create new items . There are hundreds of combinations and you won't get tired of experimenting . Party customization , while limited to the four main characters , nevertheless allows you to distribute points when you level up to various SKILLS , ( mostly for a certain type of weapon ) gaining different special attacks and abilities with each . When leveled up , one of Yangus's abilities as a former thief , for instance , allows you to walk quietly , lowering the monster encounter rate , or sniff out nearby treasure . The pretty-boy Trunks lookalike , as befitting a roguish ladies man , can flash his eyes and make female monsters swoon . It runs the gamut from genius to ridiculous , but it's always fun . The CUT-SCENES , one of my biggest gripes in modern RPGs , also manage to be a lot more bearable by way of using in-game graphics ( as opposed to fully rendered videos ) so as not to yank you too far out of the action , and are brief and infrequent enough to not interrupt game-play . The game also has another holdover of the classic games , and this is the day / night cycle . An in-game sun will rise and fall , depending on what time it is , towns might close up shop , taverns might open , and different people and monsters will be about . Because certain events only happen at certain times , this adds a great deal to the exploration . There's also a fun little side-quest game that has you hunting down certain exceptionally powerful monsters , beating them , and if you let them , joining your team . The main point of this is to compete in a monster battling arena , but unlike most side-quest games this can really help you out of a tight spot in the regular game , as you can call your team in to back you up in a tough battle . Some monsters are absurdly powerful , and having a good team of them can add a new dimension to your strategy . Story Right off the bat you are dropped into the middle of the story as you , the mute hero ( a la Chrono Trigger ) , your buddy Yangus , and your king ( who is under a curse , hence the title ) make your way to a nearby town , fleeing the ruined castle . The story develops over the course of the game and you meet two others to join your party , each with their own back-story and reasons for pursuing the villain . Long-time RPG fans may be somewhat disappointed at the fact you only have four characters and can't adjust your party , but the characters present make up for it and there's a great deal of customization to be had with them . VOICE-ACTING is also well above-average . Though a lot of info is still conveyed via text boxes , the parts where the characters get to speak sound refreshingly well-done ( provided you have nothing against English accents ) . The story starts out simply enough , but as usual , things get bigger and more complicated , but thankfully not so much so that you are left scratching your head wondering what anyone is talking about . Things stay comparatively simple , but clever . If I have one complaint it's that the SHADOW WORLD you journey into in the second half of the game wasn't expanded upon . It would have been fascinating to explore a dark , shadowy version of the game world to see how things were different ( good monsters and bad humans ? ) , but alas , we only get to explore a small part of it . A bit of a wasted opportunity . In Short If this is the last traditional JRPG ever made for consoles , then it'll have been one heck of a swan song . Classic gameplay with a huge sandbox of a world to explore , beautiful anime-style graphics and scenery , crazy and imaginative monsters , interesting and well-defined characters , and a big old-fashioned adventure that never slows down , all add up to a game that remembers what games are supposed to be about . Having fun .
    • 248 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Playing this on my PS3 , 60 hours in and still having fun . Can't go wrong here , with Square-style RPG gameplay and character design by the creator of Dragon Ball .
    • 249 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Playing this on my PS3 , 60 hours in and still having fun . Can't go wrong here , with Square-style RPG gameplay and character design by the creator of Dragon Ball .
    • 250 4  Playing this on my PS3 , 60 hours in and still having fun . Can't go wrong here , with Square-style RPG gameplay and character design by the creator of Dragon Ball .
    • 251 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I've been a DQ fan for a long time , and this by far is the best . Good graphics , intriguing plot . . . I sat there for several hours straight just playing this game : ) I look forward to their next installment on the Wii : )
    • 252 4  I've been a DQ fan for a long time , and this by far is the best . Good graphics , intriguing plot . . . I sat there for several hours straight just playing this game : ) I look forward to their next installment on the Wii : )
    • 253 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) May make me sound like a fanboi but Square-Enix has yet another hit on their hands with this game . If you like the Dragon Warrior Series then this is a must have game .
    • 254 4  May make me sound like a fanboi but Square-Enix has yet another hit on their hands with this game . If you like the Dragon Warrior Series then this is a must have game .
    • 255 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This is without a doubt one of the richest RPGs I've played . 80 + hours of play time , and very rarely did I feel that I was just playing to level up - the story never stops moving except for the welcome distractions offered by the casinos and the monster arena . I bought this game for $20 , and at that price I ended up paying about 25 cents per hour of play time . Now THAT is money well spent !
    • 256 4  This is without a doubt one of the richest RPGs I've played . 80 + hours of play time , and very rarely did I feel that I was just playing to level up - the story never stops moving except for the welcome distractions offered by the casinos and the monster arena . I bought this game for $20 , and at that price I ended up paying about 25 cents per hour of play time . Now THAT is money well spent !
    • 257 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) What a beautiful game . The soundtrack , somewhat basic musically ( pleasant enough ) , is performed on real instruments - - you have to hear a real symphony playing the battle theme to realize what you've missed . The voice actors are talented ( nothing close to the laughably bad lines from Resident Evil ) ; the characters interesting and unique , comical and as fully-formed ( literally in Jessica's case ) as one expects supporting roles to be . The old still-life templates for Dragon Quest enemies are brought to life , flawlessly . The plot does what an RPG demands : 1 . gives you an excuse to visit every piece of land on the world map ; 2 . provides you with a steady upgrading of vehicles , ending with random-encounter-avoiding flight , and 3 . a final dark boss to end all bosses . Also , find a fun optional sidequest that unlocks a hidden ending . It engrosses , more than any previous installment of the series , probably due to the ease with which actually hearing realistic voices fleshes characters . It's just a pleasure to play , and that results from nothing more than the pure graphical beauty of it : the sound of a scythe , sword , bow hitting the enemies ; the impressive but not overly long ability graphics , the gorgeous and overwhelming Overworld . Clearly one of the best RPGs yet crafted . Took me 250 hours or so .
    • 258 4  What a beautiful game . The soundtrack , somewhat basic musically ( pleasant enough ) , is performed on real instruments - - you have to hear a real symphony playing the battle theme to realize what you've missed . The voice actors are talented ( nothing close to the laughably bad lines from Resident Evil ) ; the characters interesting and unique , comical and as fully-formed ( literally in Jessica's case ) as one expects supporting roles to be . The old still-life templates for Dragon Quest enemies are brought to life , flawlessly . The plot does what an RPG demands : 1 . gives you an excuse to visit every piece of land on the world map ; 2 . provides you with a steady upgrading of vehicles , ending with random-encounter-avoiding flight , and 3 . a final dark boss to end all bosses . Also , find a fun optional sidequest that unlocks a hidden ending . It engrosses , more than any previous installment of the series , probably due to the ease with which actually hearing realistic voices fleshes characters . It's just a pleasure to play , and that results from nothing more than the pure graphical beauty of it : the sound of a scythe , sword , bow hitting the enemies ; the impressive but not overly long ability graphics , the gorgeous and overwhelming Overworld . Clearly one of the best RPGs yet crafted . Took me 250 hours or so .
    • 259 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) A great game . Traditional turn-based combat , Dragonball-ish feel , wonderful graphics , extraordinary voice acting , tons of content and replayability , creative bosses . Only one warning , don't play too much !
    • 261 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I like RPG , and I played many of this , but Dragon Quest is one of the best of this genre you can find out there , it's classic rpg , it is true , but pretty much fun than another titles . Character's desing is cool ( by Akira Toriyama ) and the system battle is intuitive , the game is large and you have a lot to do in this Dragon Quest VIII world . I like so much this game
    • 262 4  I like RPG , and I played many of this , but Dragon Quest is one of the best of this genre you can find out there , it's classic rpg , it is true , but pretty much fun than another titles . Character's desing is cool ( by Akira Toriyama ) and the system battle is intuitive , the game is large and you have a lot to do in this Dragon Quest VIII world . I like so much this game
    • 263 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) If you like Dragonball Z and RPGs , then take a look at this game . Be forewarned , from what I have done so far in the 11 or so hours I have played so far and from what I have read , this game will take a looonnnnggg time to beat . With me being a gamer since the atari , this game definitely has that old school rpg feel to it . . . meaning the time consuming leveling up process . But that's a good thing in my opinion . But since I work a full time job and am married , beating this game will pose a problem . . . or at least will take forever . You guys out there like me know what i'm talking about ! lol But a plus is that I actually caught my wife . . . who is also a gamer . . . listening to the game and watching occasionally as I played . So maybe I can get her to play too . . . she did say she liked the graphics very much . . . . cell-shaded cartoony looking and the humor as well as some of the cute monsters such as the candy cats and the jailcats . I love the graphics as well . The game's humor . . . from the dialog to some of the monsters you battle and to the expressions on boths faces at different times in the game . . . are a welcome addition . I found myself chuckling and grinning quite often . And the British voice accents in the game is a nice touch too . I am not sure whether to get the guide for item combination yet though or item location maps . . . you can make cool items by combining other items in the alchemy pot . That's fun to do . My characters are on level 11 and 12 right now and leveling up is starting to worry me . . . due to me working full time . . . about how long it will take to get them to max out and to acquire all their abilities and spells . . . but it is an RPG after all . But the game is refreshing due to the cartoony graphics and the humor in the game . So far it hasn't been too tough with the right strategy used at times . Make sure to take the time to level up enough and have enough supplies before tackling certain areas and bosses . A good sign is when the area monsters no longer pose a threat and you easily beat them every time . . . . then a boss should be no problem using a good strategy . But once a boss or certain enemies beat you once , you will know what to do . This is a very good pick-up-and-play game but will take a long time to beat . If you have the time and the patience , give this one a try .
    • 265 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Ok this game is great . I have bought a lot of rpgs that I heard were so good and fun to play and they have sucked but this game wow . The characters are all made very well so much that you will in fact start to know each of there personalities . After watching the story you will strive to complete your mission and save everyone . I read this game has about 80 hours of gameplay . This only adding to how great it is and to how great you'll feel when you play and see the fun and great control of the game . This is a must have for any rpg fan and even if you have never played an rpg I would have to say give this game a try or if you ever watched Dragon Ball or Dragon ball Z you will like the characters because they are created by the same man .
    • 266 4  Ok this game is great . I have bought a lot of rpgs that I heard were so good and fun to play and they have sucked but this game wow . The characters are all made very well so much that you will in fact start to know each of there personalities . After watching the story you will strive to complete your mission and save everyone . I read this game has about 80 hours of gameplay . This only adding to how great it is and to how great you'll feel when you play and see the fun and great control of the game . This is a must have for any rpg fan and even if you have never played an rpg I would have to say give this game a try or if you ever watched Dragon Ball or Dragon ball Z you will like the characters because they are created by the same man .
    • 267 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) First I love the design of the game . The creative team at Square-Enix really put thought into the look of the game and the gameplay . I love how strategy is needed in battles . No two characters are alike . They all have special abilities and have to be used accordingly . The whole main story is search and destroy Dhoulmagus , but there are little side-stories and side-quests that develops the characters . For those who look to the storyline in a game , you might not be impressed . But if you like great gameplay and design definitely check it out !
    • 268 4  First I love the design of the game . The creative team at Square-Enix really put thought into the look of the game and the gameplay . I love how strategy is needed in battles . No two characters are alike . They all have special abilities and have to be used accordingly . The whole main story is search and destroy Dhoulmagus , but there are little side-stories and side-quests that develops the characters . For those who look to the storyline in a game , you might not be impressed . But if you like great gameplay and design definitely check it out !
    • 269 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Finally ! A straightforward turn-based RPG with all the qualities that count : * Great Storyline - you're a young castle guard who mysteriously survives a curse that wipes out the whole kingdom . You and your ' turned into a toad ' king begin a journey to get revenge on the magician the cursed your land - then things get worse ! * Great graphics - but this is a Squaresoft game - what would you expect * Straightforward character development - characters gain stats and hp from experience-point based levels . They can also allocated skill points gained each level up toward weapon skills or a ' soft-skill ' unique to each character ( Courage , for example ) * Unique item development - by combing up to 3 items in an ' alchemy pot ' , you can create new weapons , items , accessory and armor for your characters . Easy enough , but fun - your newly created items can of course be used immediately to combine with other items , allowing for a large number of combinations and some very interesting creations * Lots of side quests - monster arena competitions , finding medallions for cahs and prizes , or defeating the Lord of the Dragovians should keep you busy for a while . This game is big ! I played through to defeat the Dragovian Lord - it took about 85 hours of game time . This game doesn't try to take itself too seriously - the monsters have a good amount of cheese and even the bosses can be corny - your 2nd boss is a giant squid with a personality disorder named ( appropriately enough ) Kalamari . Kind of fun , but he'll kick your butt if you haven't taken the time to prepare . Overall , this is one of the best RPG's I've seen come out for ages - I wish Square would give up on the over-the-top eye candy like FF X - 2 and stick to the basics : great plot , fun game play , fair-yet-challenging fights and puzzles . Perfect !
    • 270 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Finally ! A straightforward turn-based RPG with all the qualities that count : * Great Storyline - you're a young castle guard who mysteriously survives a curse that wipes out the whole kingdom . You and your ' turned into a toad ' king begin a journey to get revenge on the magician the cursed your land - then things get worse ! * Great graphics - but this is a Squaresoft game - what would you expect * Straightforward character development - characters gain stats and hp from experience-point based levels . They can also allocated skill points gained each level up toward weapon skills or a ' soft-skill ' unique to each character ( Courage , for example ) * Unique item development - by combing up to 3 items in an ' alchemy pot ' , you can create new weapons , items , accessory and armor for your characters . Easy enough , but fun - your newly created items can of course be used immediately to combine with other items , allowing for a large number of combinations and some very interesting creations * Lots of side quests - monster arena competitions , finding medallions for cahs and prizes , or defeating the Lord of the Dragovians should keep you busy for a while . This game is big ! I played through to defeat the Dragovian Lord - it took about 85 hours of game time . This game doesn't try to take itself too seriously - the monsters have a good amount of cheese and even the bosses can be corny - your 2nd boss is a giant squid with a personality disorder named ( appropriately enough ) Kalamari . Kind of fun , but he'll kick your butt if you haven't taken the time to prepare . Overall , this is one of the best RPG's I've seen come out for ages - I wish Square would give up on the over-the-top eye candy like FF X - 2 and stick to the basics : great plot , fun game play , fair-yet-challenging fights and puzzles . Perfect !
    • 271 4  Finally ! A straightforward turn-based RPG with all the qualities that count : * Great Storyline - you're a young castle guard who mysteriously survives a curse that wipes out the whole kingdom . You and your ' turned into a toad ' king begin a journey to get revenge on the magician the cursed your land - then things get worse ! * Great graphics - but this is a Squaresoft game - what would you expect * Straightforward character development - characters gain stats and hp from experience-point based levels . They can also allocated skill points gained each level up toward weapon skills or a ' soft-skill ' unique to each character ( Courage , for example ) * Unique item development - by combing up to 3 items in an ' alchemy pot ' , you can create new weapons , items , accessory and armor for your characters . Easy enough , but fun - your newly created items can of course be used immediately to combine with other items , allowing for a large number of combinations and some very interesting creations * Lots of side quests - monster arena competitions , finding medallions for cahs and prizes , or defeating the Lord of the Dragovians should keep you busy for a while . This game is big ! I played through to defeat the Dragovian Lord - it took about 85 hours of game time . This game doesn't try to take itself too seriously - the monsters have a good amount of cheese and even the bosses can be corny - your 2nd boss is a giant squid with a personality disorder named ( appropriately enough ) Kalamari . Kind of fun , but he'll kick your butt if you haven't taken the time to prepare . Overall , this is one of the best RPG's I've seen come out for ages - I wish Square would give up on the over-the-top eye candy like FF X - 2 and stick to the basics : great plot , fun game play , fair-yet-challenging fights and puzzles . Perfect !
    • 272 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) The eighth Dragon Quest opens up with a beautiful shot featuring two birds flying through a forest , passing by the caravan and into a vast field . This is a brilliant start to the game , giving the player a feel of the huge environments waiting to be explored . After the Dragon Quest VIII logo appears , the game prompts the player to select a name for the hero . The story begins at a clearing in the forest with the hero , his friend Yangus , the odd-looking Trode and the hero's pet . A short moment later , a trio of Slimes , the Dragon Quest mascots , attack the same camp . Once the party dispatches the weak slimes , the Trode's daughter returns to the party , pulling a caravan with her . The small band of heroes then moves on to the first town with a beautiful sweeping camera , panning through the environment and onto the town gates . The controls are what you would expect from a typical Japanese console RPG . The left analog stick and the d-pad controls character movement . You interact with the world through the X button or the L3 button ( pressing into the left analog stick ) which allows you to explore and interact with only one hand on your controller . A nice feature for people that like to grab a snack while playing . The right analog stick and the shoulder buttons handle the camera . The Triangle button cancels while the Circle button opens the menu where you can arrange items , party members , check stats and abilities . The Square button displays the map of the area , the direction of the player and noteworthy locations and establishments . The L1 and R1 buttons rotates the camera and L2 shifts it behind the character . Pressing R2 or R3 ( pressing into the right analog stick ) toggles the stationary first-person view where you can look around the world with more detail using the analog sticks . It's too bad there isn't a zoom function because the world of Dragon Quest VIII is absolutely gorgeous . The textures on the environments are very detailed , from the lush , green gardens to the dancing fire that licks the torches . What catch the eyes are the cel-shaded characters . The strong lines in the detailed folds of cloth and the rich use of colors jump straight from Akira Toriyama's designs and into 3D polygons . The smooth animation and cute emotes really brings the world to life . Search shelves and bookcases , the character will physically pick up a book and flip through its pages . There are also jars and barrels laying around , waiting to be picked up . When thrown , the barrels and jars break into convincing little pieces , some of which may contain items . The town provides a good number of villagers that provide the usual banter . Most villagers usually have some sort of story-related things to say that may change depending on the current events . The story unfolds through in-game cut scenes . An exclusive for the North American version , some cut scenes are fully-voiced . The dialogue is well-written and it works very well with the humorous voice actors that add a lot of personality to characters they are playing . A lot of characters also have various accents that also flow through the text dialogue with a bit of charm . A boss monster in the game suffers from aphasias which causes it to mix up letters in words for some humorous dialogue . While the hero is the silent type , the other party members have great personalities . Through the menu , the player can also change the leading character during exploration . The night and day cycle adds another dimension to the world of Dragon Quest VIII . Time passes on the field and in towns , even when the character is not moving . Certain NPCs will change locations or say different things depending on the time of day . The stores may close while others open after the sun sets . The player may decide to retire at the inn , allowing the player to choose to wake up the next morning or rest till the evening . Monsters are generally more powerful at night and there are monsters that only appear during the day or at night . Time of travel is something the player has to consider when traveling outside of towns . After meeting with the townsfolk , the party will be directed towards quests that usually involves some dungeons crawling . When moving across the fields and forests , the party will fade into some random battles . A first for the Dragon Quest series , the screen not only displays monsters ( that look and animate just as well as the party ) , but also your characters . The team will trade hits with enemies , indicating the HP costs with colorful text and sparks . For the most part , enemy encounters are not difficult and pretty straight forward , but the fields are large so there are a lot of encounters to go through . For weaker enemies , the option for Intimidate will scare away weak monsters , but may provoke stronger monsters to attack . Outside of the hero , the other members of the party can be set to AI during battles to simply things a bit . Using the Tactics option will open up the AI to a number of strategies such as Fight Wisely , Don't Use Magic , etc . and manual control can also be switched on the next turn . Medical Herbs bought in stores or found in shelves will help the party recover lost hit points , but the party will gain a good deal of healing spells depending on the points the player invests on each character's ability . After the numerous random battles , it's always a good idea to keep your team fully healed . An option the menu has a Full Heal option that efficiently heals the party using magic and items , saving the player from shifting through various menu items and abilities . Characters that do die in battle are left in coffin during battles and during short cut scenes . If all members of the party die in battle , instead of getting a generic Game Over , the whole party is resurrected at the church for the cost of half the money the party currently holds . It's a good trade-off if the party had done some considerable exploration and levels , but the game also provides banks later on for players to save at increments of 1000 gold . The church found in town provides other services like Divination ( checking Exp until level-up ) , Benediction ( removing cursed items that are locked on a player ) , Purification ( cure poison ) and Confession ( saving ) . The game is also made easier with other items like the Chimaera wing , an item that teleports the player from the open fields to towns or other noteable areas the party has visited before . Other than the main quest , there's also a number of additional side-quests . The world field contains various hidden treasure chests and even stronger monsters that visibly roam the field . These infamous monsters are available for recruitment after the player completes a specific side-quest . The player can keep up to three monsters on a team which can be summoned in battle for a limited time or used in a special arena to battle other monster teams . These monsters are AI controlled , but there's a bit of strategy involved in order to find a good combination of monsters . Certain monsters are specialized for healing , buffs , attack , defense , special bonuses or even death moves . During the course of the game , the party gets an alchemy pot that merges items and equipment into something new . Alchemy is a good way of making money , acquiring equipment earlier than purchasable at shops and some things can't be found without mixing . Dragon Quest VIII continues series tradition by employing music composer Koichi Sugiyama for its soundtrack . The music continues his trend of upbeat melodies , soothing tunes and an epic atmosphere for the orchestrated tracks added for the North American version . Not all the music is orchestrated and some of the synth bit seems out of place . Square Enix has taken their highly successful Japanese game and streamlined it for the North American audience . The new changes will certainly open up the long-running series to new fans , while keeping to the traditional form of the series will keep long-time fans happy . The eighth Dragon Quest title finally brings the Dragon Quest series the recognition it deserves worldwide .
    • 273 4  The eighth Dragon Quest opens up with a beautiful shot featuring two birds flying through a forest , passing by the caravan and into a vast field . This is a brilliant start to the game , giving the player a feel of the huge environments waiting to be explored . After the Dragon Quest VIII logo appears , the game prompts the player to select a name for the hero . The story begins at a clearing in the forest with the hero , his friend Yangus , the odd-looking Trode and the hero's pet . A short moment later , a trio of Slimes , the Dragon Quest mascots , attack the same camp . Once the party dispatches the weak slimes , the Trode's daughter returns to the party , pulling a caravan with her . The small band of heroes then moves on to the first town with a beautiful sweeping camera , panning through the environment and onto the town gates . The controls are what you would expect from a typical Japanese console RPG . The left analog stick and the d-pad controls character movement . You interact with the world through the X button or the L3 button ( pressing into the left analog stick ) which allows you to explore and interact with only one hand on your controller . A nice feature for people that like to grab a snack while playing . The right analog stick and the shoulder buttons handle the camera . The Triangle button cancels while the Circle button opens the menu where you can arrange items , party members , check stats and abilities . The Square button displays the map of the area , the direction of the player and noteworthy locations and establishments . The L1 and R1 buttons rotates the camera and L2 shifts it behind the character . Pressing R2 or R3 ( pressing into the right analog stick ) toggles the stationary first-person view where you can look around the world with more detail using the analog sticks . It's too bad there isn't a zoom function because the world of Dragon Quest VIII is absolutely gorgeous . The textures on the environments are very detailed , from the lush , green gardens to the dancing fire that licks the torches . What catch the eyes are the cel-shaded characters . The strong lines in the detailed folds of cloth and the rich use of colors jump straight from Akira Toriyama's designs and into 3D polygons . The smooth animation and cute emotes really brings the world to life . Search shelves and bookcases , the character will physically pick up a book and flip through its pages . There are also jars and barrels laying around , waiting to be picked up . When thrown , the barrels and jars break into convincing little pieces , some of which may contain items . The town provides a good number of villagers that provide the usual banter . Most villagers usually have some sort of story-related things to say that may change depending on the current events . The story unfolds through in-game cut scenes . An exclusive for the North American version , some cut scenes are fully-voiced . The dialogue is well-written and it works very well with the humorous voice actors that add a lot of personality to characters they are playing . A lot of characters also have various accents that also flow through the text dialogue with a bit of charm . A boss monster in the game suffers from aphasias which causes it to mix up letters in words for some humorous dialogue . While the hero is the silent type , the other party members have great personalities . Through the menu , the player can also change the leading character during exploration . The night and day cycle adds another dimension to the world of Dragon Quest VIII . Time passes on the field and in towns , even when the character is not moving . Certain NPCs will change locations or say different things depending on the time of day . The stores may close while others open after the sun sets . The player may decide to retire at the inn , allowing the player to choose to wake up the next morning or rest till the evening . Monsters are generally more powerful at night and there are monsters that only appear during the day or at night . Time of travel is something the player has to consider when traveling outside of towns . After meeting with the townsfolk , the party will be directed towards quests that usually involves some dungeons crawling . When moving across the fields and forests , the party will fade into some random battles . A first for the Dragon Quest series , the screen not only displays monsters ( that look and animate just as well as the party ) , but also your characters . The team will trade hits with enemies , indicating the HP costs with colorful text and sparks . For the most part , enemy encounters are not difficult and pretty straight forward , but the fields are large so there are a lot of encounters to go through . For weaker enemies , the option for Intimidate will scare away weak monsters , but may provoke stronger monsters to attack . Outside of the hero , the other members of the party can be set to AI during battles to simply things a bit . Using the Tactics option will open up the AI to a number of strategies such as Fight Wisely , Don't Use Magic , etc . and manual control can also be switched on the next turn . Medical Herbs bought in stores or found in shelves will help the party recover lost hit points , but the party will gain a good deal of healing spells depending on the points the player invests on each character's ability . After the numerous random battles , it's always a good idea to keep your team fully healed . An option the menu has a Full Heal option that efficiently heals the party using magic and items , saving the player from shifting through various menu items and abilities . Characters that do die in battle are left in coffin during battles and during short cut scenes . If all members of the party die in battle , instead of getting a generic Game Over , the whole party is resurrected at the church for the cost of half the money the party currently holds . It's a good trade-off if the party had done some considerable exploration and levels , but the game also provides banks later on for players to save at increments of 1000 gold . The church found in town provides other services like Divination ( checking Exp until level-up ) , Benediction ( removing cursed items that are locked on a player ) , Purification ( cure poison ) and Confession ( saving ) . The game is also made easier with other items like the Chimaera wing , an item that teleports the player from the open fields to towns or other noteable areas the party has visited before . Other than the main quest , there's also a number of additional side-quests . The world field contains various hidden treasure chests and even stronger monsters that visibly roam the field . These infamous monsters are available for recruitment after the player completes a specific side-quest . The player can keep up to three monsters on a team which can be summoned in battle for a limited time or used in a special arena to battle other monster teams . These monsters are AI controlled , but there's a bit of strategy involved in order to find a good combination of monsters . Certain monsters are specialized for healing , buffs , attack , defense , special bonuses or even death moves . During the course of the game , the party gets an alchemy pot that merges items and equipment into something new . Alchemy is a good way of making money , acquiring equipment earlier than purchasable at shops and some things can't be found without mixing . Dragon Quest VIII continues series tradition by employing music composer Koichi Sugiyama for its soundtrack . The music continues his trend of upbeat melodies , soothing tunes and an epic atmosphere for the orchestrated tracks added for the North American version . Not all the music is orchestrated and some of the synth bit seems out of place . Square Enix has taken their highly successful Japanese game and streamlined it for the North American audience . The new changes will certainly open up the long-running series to new fans , while keeping to the traditional form of the series will keep long-time fans happy . The eighth Dragon Quest title finally brings the Dragon Quest series the recognition it deserves worldwide .
    • 274 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King for PS2 has been one of the most highly hyped games for months and it certainly delivered when the product hit the shelves . It's a great addition to both the genre of role playing games and the Dragon Quest series itself . I haven't finished playing the game , but from what I've seen so far , it's something I'll be playing again and again . The music and characters hold your interest as you go through the world . It starts out like many other RPG , with an evil wizard . I like playing the hero who needs to hunt down the wizard and restore the kingdom . As an older gamer , I like that I can share the game with my children . They like the bright colors and easy to follow storyline . I like the time we can spend together playing in this wonderful fantasy world !
    • 275 4  Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King for PS2 has been one of the most highly hyped games for months and it certainly delivered when the product hit the shelves . It's a great addition to both the genre of role playing games and the Dragon Quest series itself . I haven't finished playing the game , but from what I've seen so far , it's something I'll be playing again and again . The music and characters hold your interest as you go through the world . It starts out like many other RPG , with an evil wizard . I like playing the hero who needs to hunt down the wizard and restore the kingdom . As an older gamer , I like that I can share the game with my children . They like the bright colors and easy to follow storyline . I like the time we can spend together playing in this wonderful fantasy world !
    • 276 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I just got this game it is a great game based off final fantasy.It is probably the best game i've ever played.The graphics rule and the gameplay is perfect.Its characters look like characters from dragon ball.But still I give this game 5 stars .
    • 278 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I've always been a faithful servant . . . er , I mean , fan of Final Fantasy . This is the first time I play a Dragon Quest game and I am more than bewildered . The characters , story , endings and graphics are just a few of the virtues that make this game one of the best RPG's of 2005 . Worth the money and the time . Two words for it : COR BLIMEY
    • 279 4  I've always been a faithful servant . . . er , I mean , fan of Final Fantasy . This is the first time I play a Dragon Quest game and I am more than bewildered . The characters , story , endings and graphics are just a few of the virtues that make this game one of the best RPG's of 2005 . Worth the money and the time . Two words for it : COR BLIMEY
    • 280 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) If you like old school RPG's , then you will love Dragon Quest 8 : Journey of the Cursed King . Gorgeous graphics , a wonderful soundtrack , great vocals , all tied up with wonderful old-school gameplay . Combat is simple but can be surprisingly difficult . A simple but serviceable story takes you through a quest that can last anywhere from 50 - 70 hours depending on how much you want to accomplish . A wonderful adventure !
    • 281 4  If you like old school RPG's , then you will love Dragon Quest 8 : Journey of the Cursed King . Gorgeous graphics , a wonderful soundtrack , great vocals , all tied up with wonderful old-school gameplay . Combat is simple but can be surprisingly difficult . A simple but serviceable story takes you through a quest that can last anywhere from 50 - 70 hours depending on how much you want to accomplish . A wonderful adventure !
    • 282 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Games coming from a 2D to 3D transition can be a hard one . But , when Mario and Zelda have done it , and have become successful , others will follow . Dragon Quest VIII is no different , and have become an overnight success in the US . Dragon Quest VII ( Dragon Warrior VII in the US ) , was the most sold game on the PS1 , and US gamers got back in the groove of RPGs ( excluding Final Fantasy ) . They saw how exciting it could be playing old school RPGs , but this is not a review for Dragon Warrior VII . Dragon Quest VIII ( name changed due to resolved disputes over the past fifteen years ) is the latest installment of the long-standing series from Japan . The game still includes the turn-based system which is very familiar to any gamer , but with a few new features to it . For one , you can clearly see the cel-shaded graphics are beautiful . They also include a point-system , which when you level up , you can distribute your points into 5 different categories for your four characters that you have . They have also kept the literal translations to all of the skills and spells that is included in the game , which I for one actually enjoyed to see . And the gameplay is simplistic and solid . I would definately recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a great game with a solid story to back it up . If graphics is your thing , still , get it . If you enjoy RPGs and want to play The Best RPG of 2005 , get Dragon Quest VIII !
    • 283 4  Games coming from a 2D to 3D transition can be a hard one . But , when Mario and Zelda have done it , and have become successful , others will follow . Dragon Quest VIII is no different , and have become an overnight success in the US . Dragon Quest VII ( Dragon Warrior VII in the US ) , was the most sold game on the PS1 , and US gamers got back in the groove of RPGs ( excluding Final Fantasy ) . They saw how exciting it could be playing old school RPGs , but this is not a review for Dragon Warrior VII . Dragon Quest VIII ( name changed due to resolved disputes over the past fifteen years ) is the latest installment of the long-standing series from Japan . The game still includes the turn-based system which is very familiar to any gamer , but with a few new features to it . For one , you can clearly see the cel-shaded graphics are beautiful . They also include a point-system , which when you level up , you can distribute your points into 5 different categories for your four characters that you have . They have also kept the literal translations to all of the skills and spells that is included in the game , which I for one actually enjoyed to see . And the gameplay is simplistic and solid . I would definately recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a great game with a solid story to back it up . If graphics is your thing , still , get it . If you enjoy RPGs and want to play The Best RPG of 2005 , get Dragon Quest VIII !
    • 284 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII the 3d graphics and an interesting storyline makes this a excellent game the chaaracters voices and the boss on level 6 is hard to beat this game is intriging and up there as far as one of games of this year , and rightly so . because this game is that good and everybod should play it highly reccomend it .
    • 285 4  Dragon Quest VIII the 3d graphics and an interesting storyline makes this a excellent game the chaaracters voices and the boss on level 6 is hard to beat this game is intriging and up there as far as one of games of this year , and rightly so . because this game is that good and everybod should play it highly reccomend it .
    • 286 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) What can I say ? I have to admit , I was somewhat warry about DQVII at first . Like a few other reviers around here I was greatly dissapointed by VII . However I am greatly surprised , and releaved to say that not only did DQVIII learn from it's predisseors , it surpased VII in many ways , and returned to it's roots . DQVIII Truly heads back to it's origins in terms of game feel and style . The story draws you in fast , and holds you there , always dropping just enough to keep you enticed by it , but never enough to give away everything . The graphics are great , a very nice transition from the 2d to the 3d world for monsters and heros alike . And the charicters have developed their own personaities and roots , something that has never been seen to this extent in other DQ games . OVerall , if you are an RPG fan , this is a game you MUST check out . It's one of the better RPGs released in a long time , and the best this year , in my oppinion .
    • 287 4  What can I say ? I have to admit , I was somewhat warry about DQVII at first . Like a few other reviers around here I was greatly dissapointed by VII . However I am greatly surprised , and releaved to say that not only did DQVIII learn from it's predisseors , it surpased VII in many ways , and returned to it's roots . DQVIII Truly heads back to it's origins in terms of game feel and style . The story draws you in fast , and holds you there , always dropping just enough to keep you enticed by it , but never enough to give away everything . The graphics are great , a very nice transition from the 2d to the 3d world for monsters and heros alike . And the charicters have developed their own personaities and roots , something that has never been seen to this extent in other DQ games . OVerall , if you are an RPG fan , this is a game you MUST check out . It's one of the better RPGs released in a long time , and the best this year , in my oppinion .
    • 288 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Ill cut to the chase Graphics : THe way the melded the games Cel shading and character animations was remarkable . It seemed like i was playing a cartoon . Many games have tryed to do ( killer .7 for example , but the way squenix has the game set out is just amazing . 10 - 10 Gamepaly : This isnt a game for the hardcore . Its a RPG that everyone can get into . Controls are very simplistic , and allow for even the most casual gamer to get into it . 9 - 10 Story : Story is what is expected from a company like squenix . As great of a story it is it does seem to get a bit cliche . Though i do love it . Though it only merits a 8 - 10 Overall : I had a really fun time with this game . Not as serious as say a Final Fantasy , but not as kiddy as say Tales of Symphonia . It fuses the best of the best , and comes out amazing . 9 - 10 .
    • 289 4  Ill cut to the chase Graphics : THe way the melded the games Cel shading and character animations was remarkable . It seemed like i was playing a cartoon . Many games have tryed to do ( killer .7 for example , but the way squenix has the game set out is just amazing . 10 - 10 Gamepaly : This isnt a game for the hardcore . Its a RPG that everyone can get into . Controls are very simplistic , and allow for even the most casual gamer to get into it . 9 - 10 Story : Story is what is expected from a company like squenix . As great of a story it is it does seem to get a bit cliche . Though i do love it . Though it only merits a 8 - 10 Overall : I had a really fun time with this game . Not as serious as say a Final Fantasy , but not as kiddy as say Tales of Symphonia . It fuses the best of the best , and comes out amazing . 9 - 10 .
    • 290 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) DQVIII the game just amde for u . This game is a tremendous game there so much fun that any game made this year . A excellent battle system , A wonderful voice-over , the stunning cel-shaded graphics made this game a dream . every character have they own beauty and they own personality . . . The game get everything in the right place , the sky is just the limits , enormous landscape filled with treasure hidden in every corner are waiting dor u . The game character designer is the same for the popular anime serie Dragon Ball Z . Every tone in this game is a orchestral re-made for the American version . With out of douth the game of the year with more 4 millions of copies sell in japan made this popular serie a sucess the japan and now u have it with more features that japanese version . u know what . . . if u like RPG and Turn RPG this game it was made for u so what u waiting for . . . there around hundreds of hours for explorations and dungeons waiting for to be explorer just for u .
    • 291 4  DQVIII the game just amde for u . This game is a tremendous game there so much fun that any game made this year . A excellent battle system , A wonderful voice-over , the stunning cel-shaded graphics made this game a dream . every character have they own beauty and they own personality . . . The game get everything in the right place , the sky is just the limits , enormous landscape filled with treasure hidden in every corner are waiting dor u . The game character designer is the same for the popular anime serie Dragon Ball Z . Every tone in this game is a orchestral re-made for the American version . With out of douth the game of the year with more 4 millions of copies sell in japan made this popular serie a sucess the japan and now u have it with more features that japanese version . u know what . . . if u like RPG and Turn RPG this game it was made for u so what u waiting for . . . there around hundreds of hours for explorations and dungeons waiting for to be explorer just for u .
    • 292 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This game just plain rocks ! ! ! The graphics are awsome . The game play is rediculiously cool . The characters are funny , and the voice acting is the best I have ever seen in a game . If you are a traditional RPG player you will greatly respect this game . It is turn based tradtional battle system to the core . The character and monsters design is drawn by Akira Toriyama who drew the manga for dragonball , dragonball z , and Dr . slump . Akira draws funny carttonny style so it is fun to look at . The story line is exciting , but can get sappy at times . But if you find something about the game that you don't like please tell me because over all I love this game more than any game , besides ff9 / ff7 / fft . This game makes me wanna read some more Dr . Slump I think I will . 10 / 10 music 10 / 10 graphics 10 / 10 gameplay 10 / 10 sound effects 10 / 10 voice acting
    • 293 4  This game just plain rocks ! ! ! The graphics are awsome . The game play is rediculiously cool . The characters are funny , and the voice acting is the best I have ever seen in a game . If you are a traditional RPG player you will greatly respect this game . It is turn based tradtional battle system to the core . The character and monsters design is drawn by Akira Toriyama who drew the manga for dragonball , dragonball z , and Dr . slump . Akira draws funny carttonny style so it is fun to look at . The story line is exciting , but can get sappy at times . But if you find something about the game that you don't like please tell me because over all I love this game more than any game , besides ff9 / ff7 / fft . This game makes me wanna read some more Dr . Slump I think I will . 10 / 10 music 10 / 10 graphics 10 / 10 gameplay 10 / 10 sound effects 10 / 10 voice acting
    • 294 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest 8 breaks the boundaries of past Dragon Quest games . You are able to explore a vast 3D world in a middle ages setting . Unlike past Dragon Quest games you are able to explore a large portion of the environment and meet special wild monsters while you explore it . Another unique feature which no other Dragon Quest game has had is seeing your character in combat , also shields and weapons change appearance on your characters depending on what you equip . And combat is easy to pickup and challenging to master . I highly recommend this game to everyone looking for a good role playing game . By dargondarkfire
    • 295 4  Dragon Quest 8 breaks the boundaries of past Dragon Quest games . You are able to explore a vast 3D world in a middle ages setting . Unlike past Dragon Quest games you are able to explore a large portion of the environment and meet special wild monsters while you explore it . Another unique feature which no other Dragon Quest game has had is seeing your character in combat , also shields and weapons change appearance on your characters depending on what you equip . And combat is easy to pickup and challenging to master . I highly recommend this game to everyone looking for a good role playing game . By dargondarkfire
    • 296 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Plattym3 says : Graphics : 10 out of 10 Easily the best gameplay graphics I've seen on the PS2 . Granted other games have CGI cut scenes , but props to DQVIII for not going that way with cut scenes ( at least what I've seen so far ) . The cell-shading technique makes me feel like I'm playing an amine comic . They're extremely bright and crisp . The monsters from the previous 7 DQ games looks absolutely beautiful in their 3D movements . Not since DW3 for the Gameboy Color have I been amazed with the movement of monsters , and this is obviously ten times better than any Gameboy Color moving pics . The world is beautifully designed and simple things like a bird on the ground just reinforce the masterpiece that is this game . Sound : 8 out of 10 Honestly , I never care much for the sound in most games ( yes , including DQ games ) . It's not that it's bad , it's just that I'd always rather listen to the radio or a good book on tape instead of the background of many games . I've had the music on for 3 and half hours tonight and that's about all I can stand for now . The radio is playing . What music and sounds there are are great . I'm disappointed in the lack of spell-casting sounds . Really ticks me off and lowers this score a notch . Also , I think there is something missing at the end of battles . They just seem to end and go back to overland music . Another point off . Gameplay : 10 out of 10 OK , it's a Dragon Quest game and every one going back to DWI gets a 10 out of 10 for me . I'm old-school . Give me a great turn-based battle any day . The choices to be made in battle are expanding the more I play ( more spells , more abilities ) and from what I see in the guide , they'll only get better . I like the fact I can still set my other main characters to an AI is great . I wish there was a total auto function like on some other RPGs . It would make the leveling up a little easier ( especially when I'm listening to my book-on-tapes ) . No deduction in points though for this oversight . The battles are just too much fun for that . Value : 10 out of 10 I took probably twice as long to complete the crystal ball quest in the game as I did in the demo , because I was trying to talk to everyone and find out each and every little secret . I've seen reviews where this game took the person about 50 hours . I estimate my time to be easily twice that . For approximately $0.50 / hour of fun , this game is the best value around . Compared to $8 for 45 - minute round of mini-golf or $2.79 for a 15 - minute game of bowling , how can this not be rated a 10 out of 10 ? Story : 10 out of 10 I'm hooked so far . Evil jester , killing people , gotta find him . What else do you need to know ? I'm no further than that , but side-quests and dozens of little tasks to do for random townspeople make an RPG in my opinion . If the game is too story-driven , it has no room for flexibility or fun . So far I've been very flexible in the time I've spent with DQVIII and it's all been fun . Overall : 10 out of 10 Great game all around . The sound cannot diminish the overall score for me . I'm just not someone who pays attention to sound in any game . I've never met a game whose sound kept my interest more than the radio . With that said , all other categories are a 10 out 10 and so is the game . This is the first brand new video game I've bought since sometime in 1994 - 96 , and it's well worth every single penny !
    • 297 4  Plattym3 says : Graphics : 10 out of 10 Easily the best gameplay graphics I've seen on the PS2 . Granted other games have CGI cut scenes , but props to DQVIII for not going that way with cut scenes ( at least what I've seen so far ) . The cell-shading technique makes me feel like I'm playing an amine comic . They're extremely bright and crisp . The monsters from the previous 7 DQ games looks absolutely beautiful in their 3D movements . Not since DW3 for the Gameboy Color have I been amazed with the movement of monsters , and this is obviously ten times better than any Gameboy Color moving pics . The world is beautifully designed and simple things like a bird on the ground just reinforce the masterpiece that is this game . Sound : 8 out of 10 Honestly , I never care much for the sound in most games ( yes , including DQ games ) . It's not that it's bad , it's just that I'd always rather listen to the radio or a good book on tape instead of the background of many games . I've had the music on for 3 and half hours tonight and that's about all I can stand for now . The radio is playing . What music and sounds there are are great . I'm disappointed in the lack of spell-casting sounds . Really ticks me off and lowers this score a notch . Also , I think there is something missing at the end of battles . They just seem to end and go back to overland music . Another point off . Gameplay : 10 out of 10 OK , it's a Dragon Quest game and every one going back to DWI gets a 10 out of 10 for me . I'm old-school . Give me a great turn-based battle any day . The choices to be made in battle are expanding the more I play ( more spells , more abilities ) and from what I see in the guide , they'll only get better . I like the fact I can still set my other main characters to an AI is great . I wish there was a total auto function like on some other RPGs . It would make the leveling up a little easier ( especially when I'm listening to my book-on-tapes ) . No deduction in points though for this oversight . The battles are just too much fun for that . Value : 10 out of 10 I took probably twice as long to complete the crystal ball quest in the game as I did in the demo , because I was trying to talk to everyone and find out each and every little secret . I've seen reviews where this game took the person about 50 hours . I estimate my time to be easily twice that . For approximately $0.50 / hour of fun , this game is the best value around . Compared to $8 for 45 - minute round of mini-golf or $2.79 for a 15 - minute game of bowling , how can this not be rated a 10 out of 10 ? Story : 10 out of 10 I'm hooked so far . Evil jester , killing people , gotta find him . What else do you need to know ? I'm no further than that , but side-quests and dozens of little tasks to do for random townspeople make an RPG in my opinion . If the game is too story-driven , it has no room for flexibility or fun . So far I've been very flexible in the time I've spent with DQVIII and it's all been fun . Overall : 10 out of 10 Great game all around . The sound cannot diminish the overall score for me . I'm just not someone who pays attention to sound in any game . I've never met a game whose sound kept my interest more than the radio . With that said , all other categories are a 10 out 10 and so is the game . This is the first brand new video game I've bought since sometime in 1994 - 96 , and it's well worth every single penny !
    • 298 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII is now available , but does it live up to the hype that was created by its Japanese counterpart ? Of course it does . If you are a true RPG fan you'd find it hard to dislike this game . It's a true RPG through and through . In this light hearted adventure you are cast as a seemingly ordinary man , of who will come to save the world . Of course this isn't the most original sentiment , but it is quite a nice way to start the game , considering most other games these days , not excluding the RPGs , take about 30 minutes to actually start playing . DQ8 was practically instant . The gameplay isn't unique , but it is very fine tuned . A classic adventure style is very welcome ands comes in the vein of its predecessors and The Legend of Zelda series , much more than Square Enix's prized money maker - Final Fantasy . You roam , search and talk your way through the game , and as typical and maybe even dull as that may seem , DQ8 seems to make it entertaining throughout your experience . The fighting in DQ8 is as classic as you will find and seems to still hold up . The combat system puts your group against whatever stands in your way in a turn-based , choose-and-see style of play . You are able to set the rest of your group to automatically fight and this is good when you are in an area where you don't have to worry about fatal blows to often , but the rest of the time it's better to play though and find new strategies to fight different monsters . The monsters seem to range from little and cute to obscenely ridiculous and all the way to huge and grotesque , but always in an easy to look at way thanks to the main character and monster designs by the beloved creator and series veteran Akira Toriyama ( creator of the famed Dragon Ball Z ) . The entire game seems to emit his style and that's a very good thing . The graphics , very beautiful 3D cell-shading , seem to pull you into the world . At some points you might wish that the real world looks like the game world . This is always a welcome style as opposed to trying to emulate the real world in a game . The world feels very cohesive . Wherever you go you truly feel like you have journeyed there on your own . The sound effects are simple and effective , but the music is wonderful and never gets old . The game isn't very difficult in any means , but with the length and vastness of your journey you will feel very accomplished at the end of the journey . If this game teaches anything , it's that a strong work ethic can always make up for the lack of skill . That's what the game is about , the journey . And it's a great journey at that . Check it ! - reviewed by sadisticsoldier
    • 299 4  Dragon Quest VIII is now available , but does it live up to the hype that was created by its Japanese counterpart ? Of course it does . If you are a true RPG fan you'd find it hard to dislike this game . It's a true RPG through and through . In this light hearted adventure you are cast as a seemingly ordinary man , of who will come to save the world . Of course this isn't the most original sentiment , but it is quite a nice way to start the game , considering most other games these days , not excluding the RPGs , take about 30 minutes to actually start playing . DQ8 was practically instant . The gameplay isn't unique , but it is very fine tuned . A classic adventure style is very welcome ands comes in the vein of its predecessors and The Legend of Zelda series , much more than Square Enix's prized money maker - Final Fantasy . You roam , search and talk your way through the game , and as typical and maybe even dull as that may seem , DQ8 seems to make it entertaining throughout your experience . The fighting in DQ8 is as classic as you will find and seems to still hold up . The combat system puts your group against whatever stands in your way in a turn-based , choose-and-see style of play . You are able to set the rest of your group to automatically fight and this is good when you are in an area where you don't have to worry about fatal blows to often , but the rest of the time it's better to play though and find new strategies to fight different monsters . The monsters seem to range from little and cute to obscenely ridiculous and all the way to huge and grotesque , but always in an easy to look at way thanks to the main character and monster designs by the beloved creator and series veteran Akira Toriyama ( creator of the famed Dragon Ball Z ) . The entire game seems to emit his style and that's a very good thing . The graphics , very beautiful 3D cell-shading , seem to pull you into the world . At some points you might wish that the real world looks like the game world . This is always a welcome style as opposed to trying to emulate the real world in a game . The world feels very cohesive . Wherever you go you truly feel like you have journeyed there on your own . The sound effects are simple and effective , but the music is wonderful and never gets old . The game isn't very difficult in any means , but with the length and vastness of your journey you will feel very accomplished at the end of the journey . If this game teaches anything , it's that a strong work ethic can always make up for the lack of skill . That's what the game is about , the journey . And it's a great journey at that . Check it ! - reviewed by sadisticsoldier
    • 300 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) Dragon Quest VIII is a blast from the past and jump to the future . Combine some of the most beautiful graphics and music to date with traditional RPG action and you have an instant classic - exactly what Dragon Quest VIII is ! You play the role of the unnamed Hero who is a faithful retainer to King Trode of Trodain . An evil Jester by the name of Dhoulmagus steals a magical scepter and puts a curse on Trode's kingdom while turning him into a monster and his daughter Princess Medea into a horse . You are the only person unaffected by the curse and head out with Trode to track down Dhoulmagus and reverse his curse . Simple , but that's what one expects from Dragon Quest games . The real beauty of the game is the traditional game play that's easy to learn , but difficult to master . Battles are turn based as all the Dragon Quest games before it , but this time skill points are introduced to the character development system . For the hero you can make the choice to build up a number of attributes such as swords , spears , boomerangs , fisticuffs and courage , allowing the player to customize their character to their liking . While not revolutionary , it's simple and gets the job done . What's really going to appeal to most North America players is the beautiful cell-shaded graphics used to present the world of Dragon Quest VIII . All characters are designed by Akira Toriyama who is responsible for the Dragon Ball and are animated wonderfully in the game . Movement is smooth and the view is always a pleasure while traveling the world going from point A to point B . The transition from day to night really immerses the player in the game unlike any game before . Koichi Sugiyama returns as the composer of all the music for the game and is probably some of his best work yet . To top it off , the North American version of the game contains the symphonic version of the soundtrack and is a pleasure to listen to . The music fits in very well with the game and has Dragon Quest written all over it . The sound effects are also done very well and a lot of traditional ones make a return such as when you dodge an attack . The world of Dragon Quest VIII is very large , so large it has been compared to MMORPG size . As you travel across the land you'll see mountains on the horizon slowly work their way into view . Walking from one place to another is not a simple half minute jog across the country side , but rather a journey of its own . The world is so large it's easy to get lost even with a map ! Thankfully the developers decided to add treasure chests and special on screen monsters throughout the land to encourage players to travel every inch of the world . Dragon Quest VIII stays true to its roots while going through a huge graphical overhaul . Die hard fans of the series will be please with this game and so will players who put graphics before game play . There's a little bit of something for everyone in Dragon Quest VIII . If you don't already own the game , drop whatever you're doing and go and buy it . You won't be disappointed . Cain
    • 301 4  Dragon Quest VIII is a blast from the past and jump to the future . Combine some of the most beautiful graphics and music to date with traditional RPG action and you have an instant classic - exactly what Dragon Quest VIII is ! You play the role of the unnamed Hero who is a faithful retainer to King Trode of Trodain . An evil Jester by the name of Dhoulmagus steals a magical scepter and puts a curse on Trode's kingdom while turning him into a monster and his daughter Princess Medea into a horse . You are the only person unaffected by the curse and head out with Trode to track down Dhoulmagus and reverse his curse . Simple , but that's what one expects from Dragon Quest games . The real beauty of the game is the traditional game play that's easy to learn , but difficult to master . Battles are turn based as all the Dragon Quest games before it , but this time skill points are introduced to the character development system . For the hero you can make the choice to build up a number of attributes such as swords , spears , boomerangs , fisticuffs and courage , allowing the player to customize their character to their liking . While not revolutionary , it's simple and gets the job done . What's really going to appeal to most North America players is the beautiful cell-shaded graphics used to present the world of Dragon Quest VIII . All characters are designed by Akira Toriyama who is responsible for the Dragon Ball and are animated wonderfully in the game . Movement is smooth and the view is always a pleasure while traveling the world going from point A to point B . The transition from day to night really immerses the player in the game unlike any game before . Koichi Sugiyama returns as the composer of all the music for the game and is probably some of his best work yet . To top it off , the North American version of the game contains the symphonic version of the soundtrack and is a pleasure to listen to . The music fits in very well with the game and has Dragon Quest written all over it . The sound effects are also done very well and a lot of traditional ones make a return such as when you dodge an attack . The world of Dragon Quest VIII is very large , so large it has been compared to MMORPG size . As you travel across the land you'll see mountains on the horizon slowly work their way into view . Walking from one place to another is not a simple half minute jog across the country side , but rather a journey of its own . The world is so large it's easy to get lost even with a map ! Thankfully the developers decided to add treasure chests and special on screen monsters throughout the land to encourage players to travel every inch of the world . Dragon Quest VIII stays true to its roots while going through a huge graphical overhaul . Die hard fans of the series will be please with this game and so will players who put graphics before game play . There's a little bit of something for everyone in Dragon Quest VIII . If you don't already own the game , drop whatever you're doing and go and buy it . You won't be disappointed . Cain
    • 302 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This is my review of my first 30 hours of Dragon Quest VIII . I have to preface by stating that my expectations for this game were quite mixed . Being a lifelong Dragon Quest / Dragon Warrior fan I have to admit Dragon Warrior VII was a quick punch to the gut . Its overtly convoluted job system , slow pacing and focus of running from town to town talking to people simply made it uninteresting and boring . Now , Dragon Quest VIII is here and has given the series a much-needed rebirth ! The graphics are done in the excellent cel-shading style which really brings Akira Toriyama's style to life like never before . The world , villages and dungeons are brought to a grand scale being the first game in the series to be truly 3D . Unfortuneatly , I'm not a big graphics guy so I can't offer much more than that I really , really like the look of the game . It's easily the second best-looking cel-shaded game I've seen ( and unless Nintendo has another go at it , Zelda : Wind Waker will probably hold the crown for a long time ) . Now , for the music and sound : The sound effects are mostly serviceable with the shining moments being the little effects that correspond with the monster animations . I'm a little ticked that they removed some of the classic sound effects from the American version , it just doesn't make sense to me , but as it doesn't alter the gameplay I'll live with it . The casting of British actors to voice the characters was a stroke of genius , giving a game already overflowing with pure character even more . The music in the game is beautiful . The American version of the game uses the orchestrated arrangements of the songs composed for the Symphonic Suite CD in Japan . What that means is that about half the game is in your typical video game synth style and half is orchestrated . The transistions between the two styles is sometimes a bit jarring but you can't deny the immensely epic feeling the symphonic music adds to the game ( especially when you're running around a dungeon or the world ) . It's almost a wonder why Sugiyama didn't compose the entire game in this style from the get-go since the DVD media of the PS2 would certainly allow it . The characters and story may be a detriment to current generation RPG fans . There's no government conspiracies , no poorly-written teen angst , no troubled pasts , no double and triple agents , no shameless plot-twists . . . just an evil guy hell-bent on becoming more powerful . The four characters in the game each have their back-story and grow a bit during the journey but the bottom line is they're simply four people banded together to save the world . The cut-scenes in the game are generally of an enjoyable length and are spread out rather evenly to keep the story going yet not stoping the game from flowing to dispense thirty minutes of needless exposistion . My favorite aspect thus far has been the flashback sequences . The game begins with your small group and an objective and you're off into the world rather quickly . Bit by bit the introduction of the game is played out by sequences colored entirely in sepia-tones and artistically choreographed . It's very well done . The gameplay is the real meat to this game . The key to Dragon Quest VIII's victory is beautifully polished simplicity . The skill system is simple yet customizable enough that your character could be totally different the next time you play and by keeping the cast to four characters each one is finely tuned to perfection . The battles are insanely fun and generally require more attention to strategy than other current-gen RPGs . The fact that I've spent so much time planning out how to handle each battle , whether it be from wondering the best method to keep my party alive to wondering how I can take out a group of eight monsters in a single turn , is a testament to how excellently developed the entire battle system is . Now , the world in this game is absolutely HUGE . So big , in fact , that I dare say it's a bit intimidating . With hidden treasures spread across the world to special monsters ( some only appearing at night or day ) it becomes a task wondering how you're going to cover all that ground ! The dungeons are well designed yet thus far haven't offered much in puzzle-solving elements . There are casinos to gamble for rare items and a monster arena where you can send monsters you've battled into a tournament . There's an alchemy pot that , without a guide , you could probably spend hours trying to concoct new items and weapons ( I'm personally building a fabulous cheese collection at the moment ) . And I'm sure I haven't discovered all the extra stuff the game has to offer . It's amazing , it really is . In conclusion , it's my opinion that Dragon Quest VIII is probably the best turn-based RPG to come out in the last generation ( or two ) . If you're looking for a game with a massive metaphorical and psycho-analytical plot , look elsewhere . If you're looking for something light-hearted and adventurous this may be the game for you . If you miss the days of SNES-era RPGs go directly to the store and buy this game now , do not pass Go , do not collect . . . well , you get the idea . DQ8 excels beyond anything I've seen in years in the gameplay department , from the exploration of the world and dungeons to its finely tuned battle engine . Overall , if you like RPGs for the gameplay you need this game .
    • 303 4  This is my review of my first 30 hours of Dragon Quest VIII . I have to preface by stating that my expectations for this game were quite mixed . Being a lifelong Dragon Quest / Dragon Warrior fan I have to admit Dragon Warrior VII was a quick punch to the gut . Its overtly convoluted job system , slow pacing and focus of running from town to town talking to people simply made it uninteresting and boring . Now , Dragon Quest VIII is here and has given the series a much-needed rebirth ! The graphics are done in the excellent cel-shading style which really brings Akira Toriyama's style to life like never before . The world , villages and dungeons are brought to a grand scale being the first game in the series to be truly 3D . Unfortuneatly , I'm not a big graphics guy so I can't offer much more than that I really , really like the look of the game . It's easily the second best-looking cel-shaded game I've seen ( and unless Nintendo has another go at it , Zelda : Wind Waker will probably hold the crown for a long time ) . Now , for the music and sound : The sound effects are mostly serviceable with the shining moments being the little effects that correspond with the monster animations . I'm a little ticked that they removed some of the classic sound effects from the American version , it just doesn't make sense to me , but as it doesn't alter the gameplay I'll live with it . The casting of British actors to voice the characters was a stroke of genius , giving a game already overflowing with pure character even more . The music in the game is beautiful . The American version of the game uses the orchestrated arrangements of the songs composed for the Symphonic Suite CD in Japan . What that means is that about half the game is in your typical video game synth style and half is orchestrated . The transistions between the two styles is sometimes a bit jarring but you can't deny the immensely epic feeling the symphonic music adds to the game ( especially when you're running around a dungeon or the world ) . It's almost a wonder why Sugiyama didn't compose the entire game in this style from the get-go since the DVD media of the PS2 would certainly allow it . The characters and story may be a detriment to current generation RPG fans . There's no government conspiracies , no poorly-written teen angst , no troubled pasts , no double and triple agents , no shameless plot-twists . . . just an evil guy hell-bent on becoming more powerful . The four characters in the game each have their back-story and grow a bit during the journey but the bottom line is they're simply four people banded together to save the world . The cut-scenes in the game are generally of an enjoyable length and are spread out rather evenly to keep the story going yet not stoping the game from flowing to dispense thirty minutes of needless exposistion . My favorite aspect thus far has been the flashback sequences . The game begins with your small group and an objective and you're off into the world rather quickly . Bit by bit the introduction of the game is played out by sequences colored entirely in sepia-tones and artistically choreographed . It's very well done . The gameplay is the real meat to this game . The key to Dragon Quest VIII's victory is beautifully polished simplicity . The skill system is simple yet customizable enough that your character could be totally different the next time you play and by keeping the cast to four characters each one is finely tuned to perfection . The battles are insanely fun and generally require more attention to strategy than other current-gen RPGs . The fact that I've spent so much time planning out how to handle each battle , whether it be from wondering the best method to keep my party alive to wondering how I can take out a group of eight monsters in a single turn , is a testament to how excellently developed the entire battle system is . Now , the world in this game is absolutely HUGE . So big , in fact , that I dare say it's a bit intimidating . With hidden treasures spread across the world to special monsters ( some only appearing at night or day ) it becomes a task wondering how you're going to cover all that ground ! The dungeons are well designed yet thus far haven't offered much in puzzle-solving elements . There are casinos to gamble for rare items and a monster arena where you can send monsters you've battled into a tournament . There's an alchemy pot that , without a guide , you could probably spend hours trying to concoct new items and weapons ( I'm personally building a fabulous cheese collection at the moment ) . And I'm sure I haven't discovered all the extra stuff the game has to offer . It's amazing , it really is . In conclusion , it's my opinion that Dragon Quest VIII is probably the best turn-based RPG to come out in the last generation ( or two ) . If you're looking for a game with a massive metaphorical and psycho-analytical plot , look elsewhere . If you're looking for something light-hearted and adventurous this may be the game for you . If you miss the days of SNES-era RPGs go directly to the store and buy this game now , do not pass Go , do not collect . . . well , you get the idea . DQ8 excels beyond anything I've seen in years in the gameplay department , from the exploration of the world and dungeons to its finely tuned battle engine . Overall , if you like RPGs for the gameplay you need this game .
    • 304 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) I have just picked up Dragon Quest VIII along with the Brady Games strategy guide and the official Slime Controller . ( Which I don't plan on removing from the package , I have a feeling this may be worth something . . someday . . . to someone . . . somewhere . . . on E-Bay ) I first played the FFXII demo and fell in love with it right away . It kind-of makes me want to pick up the FFXI habbit again . ( I hope I don't give in to the temptation , I really don't have the time ! ) But now back to the Dragon Quest VIII review . The voice acting is mostly well done , but I have a few quibbles about it . The dialogue spoken rather slowly , and there is sometimes a lack of proper emphasis and tone at certain moments of the story . I do not blame the actors themselves for their voices do sound like they would fit , but the voice direction staff instead . To me , it seems that the actors were not shown the events of the game . At times it sounds as if the actors are merely reading the script off of the page , the spoken line recorded once , and then commited to the game . Having said that , there are a few good voices in the game that continue to entertain me . For those that truely dispise the voices , there is an option to turn the voices off . There is no Japanese voice-track available because there weren't any in the original Japanese version of the game , so Japanophiles ( such as myself ) are not missing out . The script is full of cheesy over-used idioms , and bad puns that make me want to stab myself in the face . It has been heavily westernized , but I can understand why Square-Enix did this . That reason would be to try to direct the franchise towards westerners that shunned the DQ series previously . But some of the dialogue is really offending my intelligence . It can sound like a poorly written saturday morning cartoon at times . It makes me wonder how much this script differs from the original Japanese version . Another minor complaint is that the fights can be bit on the dull side . Though as the game progresses , there will be more options to choose from durring battle , such as swapping out weapons durring battle to utilize the appropriate weapon skills , the casting of spells , etc . All the decisions you make in battle can come down to a gamble on when your action might take place that turn . There is no gague for when characters and mosnters act in each turn . You could be trying to cast a healing spell on an ally with low HP and he / she gets killed off because , for some reason , the monster is a bit quicker this turn . This has nothing to do with skill , just the AGI score and chance . I find it a little frustrating , but for those that like gambling , I can see how this might be exciting . Those complaints aside , I am still enjoying Dragon Quest VIII . The graphics are some of the best cell-shaded stuff I've seen , and the animations are unbelievably fluid and detailed . Seeing the various monster and character animations do make the fights a bit more entertaining . The cut scenes are well animated and can be greatly entertaining . Just wait for the bar-fight scene ! Coupled with the great cell-shaded graphics it's almost like watching an anime . The musical score is some of the most beautiful and inspiring stuff I've ever heard . We Americans were given quite a treat with the fully-orchestrated versions of most of the BGM , and we should all be appreciative of it . The Japanese didn't have any spoken dialogue , or orchestrated music within the game . The new skill point system will help to personalize each character , and give you a greater feeling of self-involvement with the progress of each character . True , there are only 5 different skill sets for each character , but that helps to simplify your decision making . Some weapon skills may not be appropriate early in the game , only due to the fact that it's harder to find said weapons . The other way to help personalize the characters are through the various Seeds you find . These seeds permanantly boost your various Stats , HP , MP , and a rare seed that gives you extra skill points . Another great new gameplay feature is the Alchemy Pot . This allows you to mix various items , weapons , and armor together to produce newer and more improved items . At first you can only mix two ingredients , but eventually you'll be able to mix a maximum of 3 . Don't worry about mixing the wrong ingredients , you won't lose them . The alchemy pot will immediately reject your ingredients if they will not mix . The process of creating a new item is not instantaneous , it takes time . The time depends on how powerful or rare the item to be produced is . Taking a note from the spin-off series , Dragon Quest Monsters , your party can actually capture monsters , raise them , and use them to do battle . You cannot do this right way , you will gain the ability after a certain point , and you can only capture monsters that are infamous . Taking your monster party to the Monster Arena can yield some rather hearty rewards . And dont think you'll just be hoofing it around the game . Your characters will gain the ability to summon a large Saber Cat to ride around the map at increased speeds . There are other various modes of transportation waiting for you in the game . The game definitely feels like it is part of the Dragon Quest series , even given all of the upgrades . I am finding it quite addictive to play and I highly reccomend this for any and all Dragon Quest fans . If you are just a general RPG , and you have about 90 + hours to kill and don't plan on doing anything else for the rest of the remaining year , playing this game would be a fine investment of that time .
    • 305 4  I have just picked up Dragon Quest VIII along with the Brady Games strategy guide and the official Slime Controller . ( Which I don't plan on removing from the package , I have a feeling this may be worth something . . someday . . . to someone . . . somewhere . . . on E-Bay ) I first played the FFXII demo and fell in love with it right away . It kind-of makes me want to pick up the FFXI habbit again . ( I hope I don't give in to the temptation , I really don't have the time ! ) But now back to the Dragon Quest VIII review . The voice acting is mostly well done , but I have a few quibbles about it . The dialogue spoken rather slowly , and there is sometimes a lack of proper emphasis and tone at certain moments of the story . I do not blame the actors themselves for their voices do sound like they would fit , but the voice direction staff instead . To me , it seems that the actors were not shown the events of the game . At times it sounds as if the actors are merely reading the script off of the page , the spoken line recorded once , and then commited to the game . Having said that , there are a few good voices in the game that continue to entertain me . For those that truely dispise the voices , there is an option to turn the voices off . There is no Japanese voice-track available because there weren't any in the original Japanese version of the game , so Japanophiles ( such as myself ) are not missing out . The script is full of cheesy over-used idioms , and bad puns that make me want to stab myself in the face . It has been heavily westernized , but I can understand why Square-Enix did this . That reason would be to try to direct the franchise towards westerners that shunned the DQ series previously . But some of the dialogue is really offending my intelligence . It can sound like a poorly written saturday morning cartoon at times . It makes me wonder how much this script differs from the original Japanese version . Another minor complaint is that the fights can be bit on the dull side . Though as the game progresses , there will be more options to choose from durring battle , such as swapping out weapons durring battle to utilize the appropriate weapon skills , the casting of spells , etc . All the decisions you make in battle can come down to a gamble on when your action might take place that turn . There is no gague for when characters and mosnters act in each turn . You could be trying to cast a healing spell on an ally with low HP and he / she gets killed off because , for some reason , the monster is a bit quicker this turn . This has nothing to do with skill , just the AGI score and chance . I find it a little frustrating , but for those that like gambling , I can see how this might be exciting . Those complaints aside , I am still enjoying Dragon Quest VIII . The graphics are some of the best cell-shaded stuff I've seen , and the animations are unbelievably fluid and detailed . Seeing the various monster and character animations do make the fights a bit more entertaining . The cut scenes are well animated and can be greatly entertaining . Just wait for the bar-fight scene ! Coupled with the great cell-shaded graphics it's almost like watching an anime . The musical score is some of the most beautiful and inspiring stuff I've ever heard . We Americans were given quite a treat with the fully-orchestrated versions of most of the BGM , and we should all be appreciative of it . The Japanese didn't have any spoken dialogue , or orchestrated music within the game . The new skill point system will help to personalize each character , and give you a greater feeling of self-involvement with the progress of each character . True , there are only 5 different skill sets for each character , but that helps to simplify your decision making . Some weapon skills may not be appropriate early in the game , only due to the fact that it's harder to find said weapons . The other way to help personalize the characters are through the various Seeds you find . These seeds permanantly boost your various Stats , HP , MP , and a rare seed that gives you extra skill points . Another great new gameplay feature is the Alchemy Pot . This allows you to mix various items , weapons , and armor together to produce newer and more improved items . At first you can only mix two ingredients , but eventually you'll be able to mix a maximum of 3 . Don't worry about mixing the wrong ingredients , you won't lose them . The alchemy pot will immediately reject your ingredients if they will not mix . The process of creating a new item is not instantaneous , it takes time . The time depends on how powerful or rare the item to be produced is . Taking a note from the spin-off series , Dragon Quest Monsters , your party can actually capture monsters , raise them , and use them to do battle . You cannot do this right way , you will gain the ability after a certain point , and you can only capture monsters that are infamous . Taking your monster party to the Monster Arena can yield some rather hearty rewards . And dont think you'll just be hoofing it around the game . Your characters will gain the ability to summon a large Saber Cat to ride around the map at increased speeds . There are other various modes of transportation waiting for you in the game . The game definitely feels like it is part of the Dragon Quest series , even given all of the upgrades . I am finding it quite addictive to play and I highly reccomend this for any and all Dragon Quest fans . If you are just a general RPG , and you have about 90 + hours to kill and don't plan on doing anything else for the rest of the remaining year , playing this game would be a fine investment of that time .
    • 306 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This series is HUGE in Japan and always has been . When it first came to the US in the 80 ' s the sales of Dragon Warrior ( called Dragon Quest in Japan ) weren't too shabby . Enix ( before the merge with Square Soft ) Decided to port over quest 2 , 3 , and 4 . Each game sold less than the one before . That in mind , DQs 5 and 6 were never ported to the US . Luckily , for fans like me , 7 was ported over and again Americanized as Dragon Warrior VII . I loved this game and has happy to see it return . Now , the times have changed . Instead of porting the game and americanizing it , Square Enix took the high selling ( in Japan ) Dragon Quest VII and merely translated it and maybe fixed it up or added a few things and brought it over . This is our time ! ! ! I bought this game the day it came out and could not recommend it more . THIS GAME IS AWESOME ! ! ! ! IF you've never played a game in the Dragon Quest / Warrior series and you like RPGs , buy this game now . The graphics are amazing , the story is fun and involving , and the game play is addictive . This game should take at least 60 hours to complete and that level of entertainment is well worth the purchase . I love RPGS and have always liked the dragon quest series better than the Final Fantasy series . PLUS , if you are a true die hard Final Fantasy fan , you should know that Dragon Quest VIII comes with a playable demo of FFXII . As much of a fan of the fantasy series as I am , i havent even tried out FFXII because of how into DQ8 i am . My wife has even found herself watching me play because of how beautiful and fun the game is . . . . . Are you still reading this . . . . . BUY IT ! ! ! ! Help me increase its sales so that they keep making them for us . . . . Americans wanna play toooo ! ! ! I promise you will not be disappointed . Even if I am only some random video game junkie . . . . . : )
    • 307 4  This series is HUGE in Japan and always has been . When it first came to the US in the 80 ' s the sales of Dragon Warrior ( called Dragon Quest in Japan ) weren't too shabby . Enix ( before the merge with Square Soft ) Decided to port over quest 2 , 3 , and 4 . Each game sold less than the one before . That in mind , DQs 5 and 6 were never ported to the US . Luckily , for fans like me , 7 was ported over and again Americanized as Dragon Warrior VII . I loved this game and has happy to see it return . Now , the times have changed . Instead of porting the game and americanizing it , Square Enix took the high selling ( in Japan ) Dragon Quest VII and merely translated it and maybe fixed it up or added a few things and brought it over . This is our time ! ! ! I bought this game the day it came out and could not recommend it more . THIS GAME IS AWESOME ! ! ! ! IF you've never played a game in the Dragon Quest / Warrior series and you like RPGs , buy this game now . The graphics are amazing , the story is fun and involving , and the game play is addictive . This game should take at least 60 hours to complete and that level of entertainment is well worth the purchase . I love RPGS and have always liked the dragon quest series better than the Final Fantasy series . PLUS , if you are a true die hard Final Fantasy fan , you should know that Dragon Quest VIII comes with a playable demo of FFXII . As much of a fan of the fantasy series as I am , i havent even tried out FFXII because of how into DQ8 i am . My wife has even found herself watching me play because of how beautiful and fun the game is . . . . . Are you still reading this . . . . . BUY IT ! ! ! ! Help me increase its sales so that they keep making them for us . . . . Americans wanna play toooo ! ! ! I promise you will not be disappointed . Even if I am only some random video game junkie . . . . . : )
    • 308 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) When it comes to Dragon Quest VIII , all I should have to say is that the wait has been more then worth it ! Even though the title still holds onto many old-school aspects that have been with the games since it's debut in 1985 , the new touches are more then enough to skyrocket this game into probably the best title I've played all year long . Granted , I still have to play through the whole thing to be sure or not , but at this point I can clearly say it's at least the best RPG the year has to offer ! One of the reasons I love the game so much is that after seeing the last game stick too much to its roots ( to the point where it actually hurt the game ) , it's nice to see this one reduce the iron-clad grip enough to let more modern aspects to leak in . The vast 3D environments , characters and the addition of voice acting ( which the Japanese version does not have ) are the very things that separate this game from being just a good title and the awesome title it is now . Level - 5 ( the company Square-Enix nabbed to do the programming ) did a superb job creating a living and breathing world to run around in . Even though it is cel-shading , a style I grew quickly sick of after every company and their knock-offs had to use it back in 2001 , it gives the world a unique life that I think only Level - 5 can give their cel-shaded games . I've found myself many times spending just as much time looking at the scenery as I do playing the game and the last game that made me do that was Ico , which was released far too long ago . The level of detail that goes into how the world works , the rivers , waterfalls and so on are a wonder to look at and the world isn't just a place you walk across to get to the next stop . It also is populated with various animals that you can interact with ( birds , sheep , horses , cows , etc ) , whch gives it a more realistic feeling even with what some will consider cartoonish graphics . The music , though the traditional music that has always been around with a few additions , has also received a face lift as Koichi Suguyama worked together with the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra . Because of this beautiful union , the music has never sounded better and literally flows from my speakers in such a way that makes me want to turn up the volume . The story so far has been an interesting one . You play as enter name here ( or Eight , since he is the eighth hero of the series , but you get to name him anythign you want ) , who is the retainer of Lord Trode . Unfortuantely for Lord Trode and his lovely Princess Medea , a nasty Jester turned super-mage named Doulmagus has turned him into a toad like creature , her into a horse and his kingdom into a thorny-vine infestred wonderland . You are now traveling the land as a team , with the help of Yangus , following the trail of destruction left behind by Doulmagus to stop him and to reverse the effects of what he has done . Along the way , I have so far employed the help of Lady Jessica , who wishes to hunt down Doulmagus herself , as he killed her brother and will eventually get one other character named Angelo , who I do not know his reasons yet as I have not reached him . While at times the heroes get sidetracked , as they are forced to deal with other things to continue their progess , which I have seen some reviewers moan about as a downside to the game . I have found it all an amazing process that actually makes sense . After all , if I had not gotten back the Crystal Ball ( or Brystal Call as the poor creature called it ) , I would have never known where Doulmagus headed . These so-called , useless side-tracks are actually very useful to the story , while there are plenty side-quests , that have nothing to do with the story ( such as a early on quest where you find a woodsmans tool bag ) , but are great ways to get useful items and information ( same said quest teaches you how to use Munchie , Eight's pet , in battle ) . Besides , if it wasn't for these so-called useless sidetracks , it wouldn't be a real and truthful RPG . As I said before , I'm far from beating this title , but if the rest of the game is only a fraction as good as what I have seen so far , I'll have to find it a spot on the top 10 games I have ever played . Also , the game comes with the demo to Final Fantasy XII , which for some might be the only reason they buy this game . Sad really , the demo , while awesome , is a 30 minute romp while the game it comes with is a real game , 100 ' s of hours worth of enjoyment ! But , as for words for the demo , all I have to say is I want to see more , but I'm extremely impressed so far by what they have done with it . Yet , regardless if you are looking into this title for the demo or not , know now that you will own a true quality game that is a must have in your collection !
    • 309 4  When it comes to Dragon Quest VIII , all I should have to say is that the wait has been more then worth it ! Even though the title still holds onto many old-school aspects that have been with the games since it's debut in 1985 , the new touches are more then enough to skyrocket this game into probably the best title I've played all year long . Granted , I still have to play through the whole thing to be sure or not , but at this point I can clearly say it's at least the best RPG the year has to offer ! One of the reasons I love the game so much is that after seeing the last game stick too much to its roots ( to the point where it actually hurt the game ) , it's nice to see this one reduce the iron-clad grip enough to let more modern aspects to leak in . The vast 3D environments , characters and the addition of voice acting ( which the Japanese version does not have ) are the very things that separate this game from being just a good title and the awesome title it is now . Level - 5 ( the company Square-Enix nabbed to do the programming ) did a superb job creating a living and breathing world to run around in . Even though it is cel-shading , a style I grew quickly sick of after every company and their knock-offs had to use it back in 2001 , it gives the world a unique life that I think only Level - 5 can give their cel-shaded games . I've found myself many times spending just as much time looking at the scenery as I do playing the game and the last game that made me do that was Ico , which was released far too long ago . The level of detail that goes into how the world works , the rivers , waterfalls and so on are a wonder to look at and the world isn't just a place you walk across to get to the next stop . It also is populated with various animals that you can interact with ( birds , sheep , horses , cows , etc ) , whch gives it a more realistic feeling even with what some will consider cartoonish graphics . The music , though the traditional music that has always been around with a few additions , has also received a face lift as Koichi Suguyama worked together with the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra . Because of this beautiful union , the music has never sounded better and literally flows from my speakers in such a way that makes me want to turn up the volume . The story so far has been an interesting one . You play as enter name here ( or Eight , since he is the eighth hero of the series , but you get to name him anythign you want ) , who is the retainer of Lord Trode . Unfortuantely for Lord Trode and his lovely Princess Medea , a nasty Jester turned super-mage named Doulmagus has turned him into a toad like creature , her into a horse and his kingdom into a thorny-vine infestred wonderland . You are now traveling the land as a team , with the help of Yangus , following the trail of destruction left behind by Doulmagus to stop him and to reverse the effects of what he has done . Along the way , I have so far employed the help of Lady Jessica , who wishes to hunt down Doulmagus herself , as he killed her brother and will eventually get one other character named Angelo , who I do not know his reasons yet as I have not reached him . While at times the heroes get sidetracked , as they are forced to deal with other things to continue their progess , which I have seen some reviewers moan about as a downside to the game . I have found it all an amazing process that actually makes sense . After all , if I had not gotten back the Crystal Ball ( or Brystal Call as the poor creature called it ) , I would have never known where Doulmagus headed . These so-called , useless side-tracks are actually very useful to the story , while there are plenty side-quests , that have nothing to do with the story ( such as a early on quest where you find a woodsmans tool bag ) , but are great ways to get useful items and information ( same said quest teaches you how to use Munchie , Eight's pet , in battle ) . Besides , if it wasn't for these so-called useless sidetracks , it wouldn't be a real and truthful RPG . As I said before , I'm far from beating this title , but if the rest of the game is only a fraction as good as what I have seen so far , I'll have to find it a spot on the top 10 games I have ever played . Also , the game comes with the demo to Final Fantasy XII , which for some might be the only reason they buy this game . Sad really , the demo , while awesome , is a 30 minute romp while the game it comes with is a real game , 100 ' s of hours worth of enjoyment ! But , as for words for the demo , all I have to say is I want to see more , but I'm extremely impressed so far by what they have done with it . Yet , regardless if you are looking into this title for the demo or not , know now that you will own a true quality game that is a must have in your collection !
    • 310 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This game is great . A credit to the series . Don't ask me though , read the hundreds of gaming reviews online .
    • 311 4  This review is from : Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King ( Video Game ) This game is great . A credit to the series . Don't ask me though , read the hundreds of gaming reviews online .

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