Attack Of The Monsters ( aka Gamera vs . Guiron ) ( DVD )
First of all , let me say that I HIGHLY recommend you hold off purchasing this DVD until the re-release is offered by Shout Factory in the spring of 2010 . The current product is basically just a transfer of the VHS copy with no extras and no care has been taken to restore the image or soundtrack . Shout Factory is going to release a disk which will contain the original Japanese version of the film as well as the American dubbed version , plus the picture and sound will both be cleaned up , and the disk will feature some nice extras .
That said , I really enjoy this 4th Gamera movie . Sure , it's a kiddie movie , but it's still enjoyable to watch as an adult . I grew up on these films , and it's great to now introduce my kids to all these fantastic flicks ; Godzilla , Mothra , King Ghidorah , Rodan and Gamera never fail to entertain .
In this entry Gamera sets out to rescue two young boys who have been kidnapped by two evil sister aliens who want to eat the children's brains and by doing so , they will somehow conquer Earth . Not quite sure how that plan would work for them ? ? ? ? Anyway Gamera flies to this distant world only to meet up with one of his fiercest rivals . . . Guiron . Guiron is a pretty nasty beastie , walking on all fours , with a huge Ginsu knife for a head , and the ability to launch razor sharp throwing stars at his enemies , he poses quite a threat to our heroic turtle .
This is a fun movie , the monster costumes seem to have been done on rather quickly on a small budget , and the micro-models of the alien world and the spaceship are pretty cheezy . . . . . but that is half the fun . This film was also used as an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 ( twice . . . actually if you count the shows public access season ) .
001 4 Gamera is the most charming of all the suitmation monsters . The bozo's who can't appreciate the effects in this movies are really missing the point . A + + +
002 4 Gamera vs Guillon , is the fifth film of the original Gamera series . This film is mainly aimed for children . This is a monster film from the worst period of the Kaju films ; Shoe string budget , silly story , silly monsters - But a lot of charm !
Story ; Did you know that there's a kind of anti Earth , a planet orbiting the sun on the same distance as Earth ? Now you know ! This planet called Terra , mirrors Earth's orbit and is invincible to us , because it's on the opposite side of the sun . But Terra is a haunted and a dying planet ; Space Gyaos roams its surface !
2 boys , investigate a strange landed spacecraft - Suddenly , the spacecraft takes off !
But the trip seem to be cut short ; A huge interstellar rock is on collision course to their space ship . . .
Suddenly Gamera appears , and saves them ! But something doesn't seem to be right ; Gamera don't like the way , where they are heading . . .
At Terra they discover a horrible world of monsters , and Guillon seems to be the worst brute of them all . . .
They also meet two beautiful women ; Barbella and Flobella - They seem to be nice , but there's more than meet the eye . . .
I've given this film 3 stars - Mainly because of its charm . The film has also very few reused monster scenes from earlier films . ( Which was a very common in the end of the 1960s )
Technically this film is bad ; Small budget , bad miniatures , bad monstersuits and some silly monsters designs .
This edition is a quality one ; Hard video box , trailers and theatrical stills after the film , and a lot of info on the two sided cover sleeve . It's also is subtitled , not dubbed - Which me , from a non-English speaking country , without tradition of dubbing - Appreciates a lot !
Thanks , Neptune media !
004 4 This has got to be one of the silliest of all the Japanese rubber monster movies . Two Japanese boys discover a flying saucer , fly it to a planet inhabited by Guiron , a ridiculous monster with a knife-snout and throwing stars in his nostrils ( watch and learn , ) and two space babes dubbed very poorly . They uncover a plot that involves both head shaving ( a theme introduced early in the film by helpful policeman and Jerry Lewis impersonator , Detective Cornjob . . . don't miss the practice with the disemboweling cutlass ) and brain eating . Somehow Gamera ( a friend to all children if you'll recall your Gamera history ) learns of the kid's distress , comes to the planet , defeats Guiron with a missile through his nostril ( really ) , and takes the boys back to Earth in his mouth .
If this sounds muddled , it is : it is one of the more ludicrous plots of the genre , and is definitely worth a few laughs for the unadulterated cheese factor . My favorite scene in the film hands down is the gymnastics routine Gamera performs in mid-fight ( followed by the daintiest dance you have ever seen a giant turtle monster do . ) This is all , of course , utterly ridiculous , but therein resides the appeal .
005 4 To paraphrase Shakespeare , the gods look down on this uncertain event and laugh . For anyone who thought that the lesser Godzilla movies were the bottom of the Japanese sci-fi barrel , this movie is a reality check . Gamera wars against Guiron , a knife-headed giant lizard that crawls around on hands and knees . Guiron also slices through Gaos earlier in the film . ( Who comes up with these names , anyway ) ? Two reckless pre-teens , Akio and Tom , journey to a counter-Earth planet inhabited by warring monsters and two space babes in svelte togs . For some viewers , the girls are the best part of the movie . Especially when the Japanese Thelma and Louise get the idea they need to eat the kids ' brains . Akio's preparatory haircut adds a definite style statement . It does nothing to diminish his concern that road accidents are one of the great banes of life . He asserts this theory at least three times in the film . Great dialogue is evident when Space Babe #1 says , Let's fix the ship first and then eat their brains . The dubbing and technical qualities of the DVD transfer meet low rent expectations . The FX are clumsy and rubberized , as usual . This juvenile sci-fi flck is strictly for indiscriminate kiddies , and steadfast fans of cheesy movies . It's fun in a reverse sort of way . ; - )
006 4 The scene where Guiron chops off Gaos's wings and head is completely missing ! The best fight scene in the movie and it's not in there . Buy the VHS instead , at least that doesn't have a missing scene .
007 4 I found this movie to be a lot of fun . Gamera , the giant turtle who walks upright vs . a giant talking shark from another planet . How can you possibly go wrong with that ? Throw in a way cool soundtrack , one of the hottest looking women I've ever seen in a giant monster flick ( Zigra's earthling female servant ) , cool monster action , and funny , cheesy dubbed dialogue and you have a movie that ranks right up there with Destroy All Monsters and Godzilla vs . Monster Zero as one of my all-time favorite Japanese monster flicks . Personally , I would stay away from the MST3K version . If you need someone else to tell you what to find amusing about this movie , go buy the new lame-assed American Godzilla movie and leave the classics to those of us who really appreciate them .
008 4 First off , let me say , that I love the Gamera films . As others have said before it mystifies you that these films are geared toward children audiences and yet , the violence and violent themes abound .
The deliciously wicked and attractive female aliens in this film want to eat our young heroes brains . In a wonderful cameo , a silver Space Gaos gets sliced and diced by Guiron , thus showing his powerful might . This film rocks !
Yes , we laugh at the comical fight between Gamera and Guiron as he spins round and round on the metal building support like a kaiju athletic star . Yes , we love it when Guiron materializes metal shurikens in his head from no where and fires them at Gamera's eyes . Gruesome yet hilariously fun at the same time .
If you want to have some brews with the boys and watch a TOTALLY entertaining Japanese monster flick - you should check out this poorly dubbed wonder . It is as fun as Godzilla Vs . Megalon and is a great double feature with Gamera Vs . Viras ( aka : Destroy All Planets ) and / or Gamera Vs . Jiger ( aka : Gamera Vs . Monster X ) .
009 4 For anybody out there looking for a good night of uninentional hilarity , you could do worse than check out Attack of the Monsters ( originally titled Gamera vs . Gaos ) . It's the story of several creepy schoolboys who board an alien spaceship with two spacebabes who want to eat their brains . Gamera , everyone's favourite flying , rubber turtle , comes along to fight a knife-headed monster named Gaos and save the kids from certain death . The special effects are particularly below average this time around , and the dubbed dialogue is so full of hilariously bad lines that it's amazing the voice actors could say any of it with a straight face . Overall , very entertaining .
The DVD from Alpha video is in the pan and scan 1.33 : 1 aspect ratio , severely cropped from its original 2.35 : 1 image . Billed as an American International Television Release at the very end , an old and battered print has obviously been used . There are numerous scratches , with smeary , faded colour and an overall soft look . Unsurprisingly , the English dub is the only audio available . A gallery of publicity stills and posters have been included as an extra feature , and they're mildly diverting . A catalogue is also included , but I don't consider that a very special feature .
010 4 It should be noted that this is the original American International version
of this film and not the horribly dubbed Sandy Frank produced version from
the 80 ' s . The dubbing here is far superior .
011 4 Yes , this is on of the worst of the Gamera films , and yes , it is incredibly poorly made . But it still shows effort and charm in the process of its unbelievability . The special effects are horrible , the acting is horrible , and the plot is horrible . But it is the charm of sitting there and seeing our favorite turtle in a film that makes it all worth while . I actually fin it a quite entertaining film , and it's still miles above the recent release of Pearl Harbor .
012 4 It's been a long time since I had watched any of the older Gamera movies except for Zigra - dubbed .
Watching this movie subtitled and letterboxed was great . I was a little surprised at how wide the original frame was . I definitely recommend watching it on a larger TV . The subtitles are in the bottom part of the screen , not covering any portion of the movie itself .
I liked the basic story . Yes , it might be considered a B-movie in many ways . Most ( if not all ) of the older Gamera movies had a limited budget , and I like seeing how creative a group can be when they can't be reckless with money like many American movies .
It does get annoying when almost no adult will believe the children . The policeman is the only one willing to at least listen even if he doesn't believe . He also seems to provide some comic element to the movie . He's just goofy in general . Kon Omura who plays the police office is a Japanese comedian whose work often focused on kids .
With all of the Neptune Media tapes I've seen so far , the backside of the insert has additional information on the movies . This one includes an interview with Omura and some comments from the director , Noriaki Yuasa .
One of the alien women is named Barbella which makes me think of a certain character Jane Fonda played . ( Barbarella which was released one year earlier )
Although these movies are often viewed as children's films , I think some parents might object to a few scenes - especially the fight between Guillon and Space Gyaos . I personally have no trouble with it , but I know some parents are strict about what their kids can see .
013 4 This has got to be one of the funniest movies that I have ever seen in my entire life ! I am a huge fan of old japanese monster movies and this one is one of my favorites ! Some of the best of the Gamera series , stars Guiron , who stands on 4 legs who also sprouts a huge knife on his head who he uses to slice apart other monsters , 2 alien women who are trying to eat two little kids and of course Gamera , who shows one of his skinniest and funniest costumes ever . Zigra also appears just briefly as he gets limbs sliced off by Guiron , obviously Zigra dies , but as he lies on the ground dying , Guiron slowly cuts him into smaller pieces ( really graphic for a kids movie ) ! Gamera and Guiron battle on land , sea , and air on the alien planet with the world hanging in the balance ! Many funny bits in the film such as . . . Gamera acting as a gymnest as he spins on parellel bars that connect 2 buildings , as Zigra tries to fly away from Guiron , he jumps up like 100 ft . in the air to cut Zigra in half , and more ! This is where Dieti Co . was running out of money and the series was reduced to this gem right here . If you like films like Godzilla vs . Megalon or Godzilla vs . Gigan . . . . this will be a real tresure for your video collection .
014 4 I'm not concerned about where Gamera vs . Guillon ( a.k.a . Gamera vs . Guiron , a.a.k.a . Attack of the Monsters ) falls in the pantheon of Gamera films , but I will tell you , this movie is a campy romp through space to the star Terra and back . The film features a goofy spaceship , wacky alien architecture , fighting monsters , a Japanese boy in short pants , and the real highlight of the film - - two fine vixens in orange and silver quilted space uniforms who want to eat our hero's brain who speak with strange mid-western American accents . ( I'm speaking for the dubbed version only , here . ) Not to mention a funky , campy music score - - the kind that represents the majesty and grandeur of space with blips and ping noises . If you love dumb space movies or have a thing Japanese cannibal space vixens , this film is a hot ticket !
015 4 Well , where else are you gonna see a Japanese monster movie where a space monster with a ginsu blade on his head slices up a silver winged gyaos like a big rubber bloodless sausage ? Or a movie where a 150 foot turtle does aerobic flips off two poles connecting some buildings ? No where ! 1 So buy this corny , badly dubbed Gamera classic NOW !
016 4 Its all here - the bad english dubbing , the cheapest effects , and some hilarious cheezy moments that make it a must see for fans of japanese monster flicks . I rented this tonight and it being my first ever experience of a Gamera movie . Gamera protects two kids who were kidnapped in a spaceship and taken to a planet where Guillon is the head honcho . When Guillon first appears , he uses his head to cut off the wings , a foot , and the head of a flying monster . Classic , but kid stuff ?
018 4 This is the one where Gamera fights a monster with a knife for a head and throwing stars shooting from its temple . There is a classic Gamera gymnastic scene thats worth the DVD alone .
The story is about two boys who take a UFO trip to a world on the opposite side of the sun . Funny looking space women try to eat the brians of the boys to absorb their knowledge of earth . Gamera comes to the rescue . Kills Guiron . Takes kids back to earth . The End .
Other Gamera treasures to hunt for are Gamera Vs Zigra and Gamera Vs Gaos .
Remember , these are Kaiju films ( Japanese giant monsters ) . throw believe-ability out the door and enjoy the childish monster fighting-otherwise , don't buy this movie .
019 4 This review is from :
Attack Of The Monsters ( aka Gamera vs . Guiron ) ( DVD )
First of all , let me say that I HIGHLY recommend you hold off purchasing this DVD until the re-release is offered by Shout Factory in the spring of 2010 . The current product is basically just a transfer of the VHS copy with no extras and no care has been taken to restore the image or soundtrack . Shout Factory is going to release a disk which will contain the original Japanese version of the film as well as the American dubbed version , plus the picture and sound will both be cleaned up , and the disk will feature some nice extras .
That said , I really enjoy this 4th Gamera movie . Sure , it's a kiddie movie , but it's still enjoyable to watch as an adult . I grew up on these films , and it's great to now introduce my kids to all these fantastic flicks ; Godzilla , Mothra , King Ghidorah , Rodan and Gamera never fail to entertain .
In this entry Gamera sets out to rescue two young boys who have been kidnapped by two evil sister aliens who want to eat the children's brains and by doing so , they will somehow conquer Earth . Not quite sure how that plan would work for them ? ? ? ? Anyway Gamera flies to this distant world only to meet up with one of his fiercest rivals . . . Guiron . Guiron is a pretty nasty beastie , walking on all fours , with a huge Ginsu knife for a head , and the ability to launch razor sharp throwing stars at his enemies , he poses quite a threat to our heroic turtle .
This is a fun movie , the monster costumes seem to have been done on rather quickly on a small budget , and the micro-models of the alien world and the spaceship are pretty cheezy . . . . . but that is half the fun . This film was also used as an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 ( twice . . . actually if you count the shows public access season ) .
020 4 First of all , let me say that I HIGHLY recommend you hold off purchasing this DVD until the re-release is offered by Shout Factory in the spring of 2010 . The current product is basically just a transfer of the VHS copy with no extras and no care has been taken to restore the image or soundtrack . Shout Factory is going to release a disk which will contain the original Japanese version of the film as well as the American dubbed version , plus the picture and sound will both be cleaned up , and the disk will feature some nice extras .
That said , I really enjoy this 4th Gamera movie . Sure , it's a kiddie movie , but it's still enjoyable to watch as an adult . I grew up on these films , and it's great to now introduce my kids to all these fantastic flicks ; Godzilla , Mothra , King Ghidorah , Rodan and Gamera never fail to entertain .
In this entry Gamera sets out to rescue two young boys who have been kidnapped by two evil sister aliens who want to eat the children's brains and by doing so , they will somehow conquer Earth . Not quite sure how that plan would work for them ? ? ? ? Anyway Gamera flies to this distant world only to meet up with one of his fiercest rivals . . . Guiron . Guiron is a pretty nasty beastie , walking on all fours , with a huge Ginsu knife for a head , and the ability to launch razor sharp throwing stars at his enemies , he poses quite a threat to our heroic turtle .
This is a fun movie , the monster costumes seem to have been done on rather quickly on a small budget , and the micro-models of the alien world and the spaceship are pretty cheezy . . . . . but that is half the fun . This film was also used as an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 ( twice . . . actually if you count the shows public access season ) .
021 4 In Attack of the Monsters Gamera goes into outer space to a small star to save two kids , Akio & Chris who were kidnapped by 2 Alien women . There are poison donuts , Akio gets his head shaved in an attempt for the ladies to eat his brain.The monster is literally a giant knife . The movie is bizarre , off the wall and silly .
There are many versions on DVD - Alpha , Retromedia and other releases . These are the AIP English dubbed versions under the Attack of the Monsters title which have cut scenes of Guiron slicing apart a Space Gyaos . The VHS tapes under celebrity video AKA Sandy Frank releases - really childish English dubbing but its uncut - these were used for the MST3K version Gamera vs Guiron
Another VHS , the best of the bunch has another English dubbing , but the movie is letterboxed , uncut and the print is pristine . This was from Neptune Media and under its original title Gamera vs Guillon . This to me is the best way to see this film . If youre going to own this film , this is the one to get .
022 4 MST3K fans will remember this film in it's horrible glory from the worst English dubbing company ever , Sandy Frank . This however is a different dub made by people who have a firmer grip on the English language .
It's still enjoyable for the background music track stayed the same . So your ears will be treated to the same music , but not the same stunted English .
I recommend this for someone who's seriously obsessed with the film and desperately needs it on DVD , for say , taking screen grabs , etc .
023 4 This movie is really fun to watch , the story is exciting and the monster Guiron is a really cool monster ! Nice touch to add the aliens having a different kind of eyes that is used in the movie Gamera vs . Viras .
024 4 Gamera tai daiakuju Giron ( 1969 )
Gamera vs . the Devil-Beast Giron
AKA Attack Of The Monsters
Mysterious messages from space . Soon two mischievous boys Akio and Tomoko checking out their telescope spot a space ship that looks like a tinker toy top . It conveniently land s in an empty lot and is undetected by anyone else . Naturedly they enter the ship and play with the interments . Yep they are being bratnaped . Fussy space beings change themselves into slick chicks . Soon they learn of Gamera from looking at reruns of previous movies in Akio's puny brain . His tasty puny brain .
Can Gamera save them or will it take Officer Kondo ?
Hopefully the kids will be dispatched before they can make the obligatory
We should all work together speech .
A Japanese film that is fourth in a series . It is dubbed in English . Really hockey graphics and while Giron makes a fair terradactyl but Gamera looks like a large space going turtle with a huge under-bite and file coming from behind .
Destroy All Planets
025 4 In this fith installment , Gamera battles a knife-headeed monster named Gurion on an alien planet called Tere . Meanwhile two sexy aliens have kidnapped two boys and are planning to destroy Earth ! Great special effects and campy humor . I say you buy this movie !
026 4 Gamera is back in the 5th installment gamera vs this knife monster they called guiron.I own all 8 gamera flicks and to say
this one was kinda bad.It seem cheesy in ever way.The dubbing of course is really bad and the whole Guiron monster was alright but instead of a knife head monster why they don't use a fork lol.I know gamera films were on a tight budget but they really made a mess on this one.Alright monster action but story lacks hard .
027 4 Gamera the friendly turtle is back ! This time out , he must help two kids who've been taken by remote control spacecraft to a distant planet . The kids have been captured by two cute alien babes in go-go boots , who want to eat their brains . They then want to invade the earth and get down to some serious dining ! Will the youngsters survive this hideous ordeal ? Gamera must battle a knife-headed monster named Guiron to the death . Can our be-shelled buddy save the day ? Watch and see . My 8yo son loves this movie . . .
028 4 Gamera vs Guillon , is the fourth film of the original Gamera series . This film is mainly aimed for children . This is a monster film from the worst period of the Kaju films ; Shoe string budget , silly story , silly monsters - But a lot of charm !
Story ; Did you know that there's a kind of anti Earth , a planet orbiting the sun on the same distance as Earth ? Now you know ! This planet called Terra , mirrors Earth's orbit and is invincible to us , because it's on the opposite side of the sun . But Terra is a haunted and a dying planet ; Space Gyaos roams its surface !
2 boys , investigate a strange landed spacecraft - Suddenly , the spacecraft takes off !
But the trip seem to be cut short ; A huge interstellar rock is on collision course to their space ship . . .
Suddenly Gamera appears , and saves them ! But something doesn't seem to be right ; Gamera don't like the way , where they are heading . . .
At Terra they discover a horrible world of monsters , and Guillon seems to be the worst brute of them all . . .
They also meet two beautiful women ; Barbella and Flobella - They seem to be nice , but there's more than meet the eye . . .
I've given this film 3 stars - Mainly because of its charm . The film has also very few reused monster scenes from earlier films . ( Which was a very common in the end of the 1960s )
Technically this film is bad ; Small budget , bad miniatures , bad monstersuits and some silly monsters designs .
This edition is a quality one ; Hard video box , trailers and theatrical stills after the film , and a lot of info on the two sided cover sleeve . It's also is subtitled , not dubbed - Which me , from a non-English speaking country , without tradition of dubbing - Appreciates a lot !
Thanks , Neptune media !
029 4 Very campy classic . Still a lot of fun . Even though this was a later entry in the series the quality of the production is good . Back in 1969 , the steam was running out for the Kaiju genre . Even Toho studios began cutting budgets on thier Godzilla movies . At least this film has mostly original footage , where as the previous entry ( Gamera vs . Viras ) used lots of old scenes , and even tinted black and white footage from the first Gamera flick . The dubbing of the english language version is terrible . ( thanks Sandy ) If you ever get a chance to see any of these films with the original sound-track and english subtitles , you'll appreciate them more . It helps to see it widescreen as well . Good old-fashioned fun .
030 4 Gamera is the friend to all children . Two boys Tom and Akio get in a spaceship , fly to another star ( ? ) Return to the world of Gamera or for some of you for the first time . Gamera , the giant turtle , flies into adventure in this exciting film . The two best parts are the leotard clad aliens ( lmost as god as the alien from GvsZigra who ran around in a bikini for a while ) The monster is the strangest i have ever seen . Truly a classic if anything for the cheesy things to look for .
031 4 Two kids , an american and a japanese kid , were kiddnapped by aliens and taken to thier planet for experimentation . This was my favorite Gamera movie . I am a great fan of Gamera .
032 4 Darnit , this is just not as good as the video release . The dubbing is actually slightly better , but the unintentional humor factor is now less . Even more unforgivable is the apparent cutting of some of the best kaiju action sequences ! Get the Gamera Vs . Guiron video instead . . .
033 4 Ok first off I found this movie at wal mart for 99 cents so I knew what I was in for but HOLLY KRAP ! ! ! I was laughing my butt off threw this entire movie , first off 2 kids find a space ship take off on it and end up getting stuck on this planet full of really bad looking monsters REALLY BAD looking the Guiron monster as u can see from the cover has a knife for a head and shoots ninja stars from its nostrils . . . I let that little bit of info sink in before I go on . Then 2 lady aliens who are very pretty but badly dubbed come and help the kids out , u later find out they just really want to have the kids for dinner mean while back on earth the little sister of one of the boys is trying to tell the 2 moms wear the kids went off to but they are not beleiving a word she is saying , the only person that does believe her is a cop called cornjob thats a ringing endourcment if I ever saw one . . . plus one of the talks that the mothers have with each other I swear one of them is wearing a upside down crucifix I am not joking my girl friend pointed it out I paused the movie and yep there it is I was laughing so hard that I started to get light headed . Back on the planet with the bad looking monsters Gamera has come to save the little kids , who at this point I am really hoping they get stepped on , Gamera has a hillarious battle with the creature Guiron , the fight includes gymnastics , dancing , and nose peircings I am not joking I gave this movie 3 stars because it was so damn funny and the cheese factor is off the record : o )
This was my first Gamera movie I have seen and from what I understand from other reviews it was the last of the orignal series before the company went bankrupt .
Just know when u start to watch this movie it is not good by any measurement but it will make u laugh .
Please excuse my typing
034 4 I love zombie movies . Especially campy ones like Return of the Living Dead and Night of the Creeps . Imagine my pleasant surprise to find * brain lust * in a Japanese monster movie ! And they're two of the cutest brain eaters you'd ever want to meet ! So sad they never got to dine on Akio . Basically , a UFO lands lands on the outskirts of a Japanese village . . . two kids decide it would be an excellent idea to take a joyride while the alien's away . . . they race a giant space turtle . . . then land on a star ( ? ) inhabited by the aforementioned ladies . . . the girls have a monster with a head shaped like an exacto knife named Gurion . . . Gurion cuts off a pterodactyl's leg with a laser beam . . . he also fights Gamera the space turtle a few times . . . the alien babes die and the kids return to Earth to spread the message of world peace and . . . ending traffic accidents ! Boy is this film ridiculous . The science is so flawed you'd think one of Bush's cronys at NASA wrote the script . Landing on a star ! Stopping traffic accidents ! Come on guys . . but you really can't go wrong with hot brain craving japanese girls and giant rubber monsters smashing each other up , can you ? Recommended
035 4 Did you guys know that Daiei made this movie right before they went bankrupt . Yes , I said bankrupt . And that's no excuse ! This is just one BAD movie . Gamera even looks embarrassed to be in it . Zigra is okay , but check out the scene on the end where he falls on his face and the hatch on top of the rubber costume's head pops open ! Duh duh duh ! It's worse than Megalon !
036 4 I found this last entry of the original Gamera series to be such a disappointment . One could easily see that is was rushed and only produced to compete against Toho's Godzilla series . I found the premise to be unoriginal and the spfx were horrible . I think more money went into Gamera's fire breath than the costumes or actors . I'd rather cut my finger on the Subway sandwich wraps than watch this movie again . ~ . ~ It made me laugh more than cover my eyes from the scary turtle and the rubber shark . . . BUT I will admit to liking Zigra's design . A 90 ' s version of him would be nice . I mean , they did update Gyaos . . . twice ! Heh . Well ja ne .
037 4 I never knew quite what to make of the Gamera movies . There's an inherent problem with them that nobody seems to be mentioning .
These films , more than any other giant monster movies , are obviously aimed at children - the fantastic plots , the shameless cheese , the child heroes , etc . However , the Gamera movies were also the most gruesome of the giant monster movies . Each film , it seemed , became more violent : Gamera gets his arm nearly cut off by a laser - spurts blood , Gamera gets impaled by a giant squid and bleeds , Gamera gets chopped by a knife-headed monster and spurts blood from every hole in his shell . The fact that it was usually blue monster blood made very little difference to me when I was 6 - 10 years old . What exactly were they thinking when they made these movies ?
I don't think of myself as an overprotective parent , but when it comes to my six-year-old son , I'll stick with Godzilla . As a kid , I watched every monster movie that ever came on TV , but I was always disturbed and a little nauseated by the Gamera movies .
Just thought I'd throw that out , for what it's worth .
038 4 Yes , Daeie made this pitiful attempt of a movie just before it went bankrupt , and it shows , oh BOY does it show ! This is quite possibly the worst of all the Gamera movies , Gamera vs . Zigra included . Not even little kids will be able to sit through this .
039 4 It seems like Japan is visited by more monsters and aliens than any other location on earth ; a sort of Bermuda triangle of monsters . I have to believe that someone has generated at least one college paper based on the incredible coincidence of monsters and Japan . This time we have three children looking through a low-power telescope when an alien spacecraft lands nearly in their backyard . The obvious choices for the children would seem to be , a ) tell their mother , b ) call the police , or c ) climb aboard the spacecraft and journey to another planet populated by brain-sucking babes . You can guess which answer wins .
On the way to the other planet Gamera shows up and , other than breathing nicely and making growly monster noises in the vacuum of outer space , tries to keep the spacecraft from landing on planet Terra ( do not be confused with our planet named Terra - I am sure you can see the immediate distinction between names ) .
Once on the planet , Tom and Akio ( Akio's little sister had to stay behind because she was too little ) immediately encounter Guiron and Gaos . Unfortunately , this early scene generates a huge laugh when Gaos's foot is lasered off . Seriously , this scene is unintentionally funny . The movie continues a downhill slide from here .
The boys soon encounter the only two inhabitants of planet Terra , two females hungry for boy brain . The movie never explains why boy brain is a delicacy on Terra . Through a variety of machinations and Gamera , who clearly was preparing for the summer Olympics ( in yet another hilarious scene ) the boys and Gamera are able to escape back to the earth and the end of this film , thereby ending their movie career .
It is usually at this point where I point out the redeeming values of this movie and explain how much you should watch it . The problem is that this movie is a cheesy monster movie with horrible costumes for the monsters . Gamera is too rubbery in some scenes . You can see one of Guiron's seams in one scene . Another problem is that it seems each version of the movie has been edited differently from the other versions , so there are different scenes in each one . I am guessing that someone was trying to keep this movie as oriented to children as possible , and so the edits were done to reduce different aspects of the violence . Sad to say , as bad as this movie is I will probably watch it again one of these days .
For those into trivia , according to imdb this movie has been known by a bunch of other titles :
Attack of the Monsters
Gamera VS the Giant Evil Beast Guiron
Gamera Vs . Guillon
Gamera vs . Guiron
Gamera vs . the Devil-Beast Giron
I am guessing that similar cheese can come in different titles .
040 4 It is a good movie but I noticed that it was more kid realated than adult . The movie is good but I would not go higher than good , I found my mind and intreasts going elsware , it dosn't keep you intreasted , but it is classic old Godzilla made and because of that it is defonitly worth the get , for collectors , just be prapared for a long movie without alot of action and don't be surpprised of the costums wich are easy to tell that full grown men are inside , but it is a fun movie .
041 4 Gamera is really neat , he is made of turtle meat , we are eating gamera . . . . .
042 4 i wave seen three gamera movies so far this is my favourite one because it has the most monsters . the story has gamera a prehitoric monster fithg a huge dinosaur on a distant planet here aliens have kidnaptte two kids . this films have the monsters gamera the giant turtle gyaos a pteratactyle from space and of course guiron the intergalactic reptile monster .
044 4 This was a rather sad entry into the Gamera series of movies . The plot , such as it is , is two young boys , Akio and Tom find a spaceship and go inside to explore . The ship takes off and lands on a planet that is in our solar system but is directly on the other side of Earth so we never saw it . The only inhabitants left are two attractive women and their monster , Guiron . Guiron is basically a lizard with a knife for a head . The women read Akio's mind to find out information and then plan to eat the boy's brains before flying to earth . But of course , Gamera , the friend of all children , comes to the rescue . He defeats Guiron and takes the boys back to Earth safely .
The dubbing in this movie is absolutely horrible . The monster fight scenes were comical . In fact , Guiron's whole look is ridiculous . Akio , one of the young boys , is obsessed with living in a world without traffic accidents and keeps calling planets stars . Back on Earth the adults won't believe Akio's sister that he took off in a spaceship , except for one policeman , Cornjob .
These Japanese monster movies are always fun to watch , but some of them also had at least a semblance of quality . This one has none . A very strangely written script , beyond terrible dubbing and lower than low-budget effects .
045 4 gamera returns to fight a shark from outter space in another pitiful entry in the horrorable gamera seris . i enjoyed this more when i saw this on mystery science theater 3000 !
046 4 Oh yea , this is a winner . gamera travels to an alien planet to battle a monster shaped like a knife , the fight scenes are so bad , there bad . that's it . You thought you've seen bad dubbing ? wait till you see it here . liked the alien women though ! ! !
047 4 Guiron is the worst creature ever invented by humankind ! At first i thought , O maybe , Gamera will duke it out in a city or island Wrong ! Instead he fights on some planet inhabited with green pigmen and they wnat to eat these two little boys named Matt and Joe . The pigmen actually almost eat the kids and there is almost nudity . The pigmen ask Matt to take off his clothes ! Ew ! That's disgusting ! Gamera comes and fights this big rhino looking joke named Guiron who cuts monster's heads off with a knife shaped head . Guiron is only in five minutes of the movie . The rest of the movie has Gamera and the kids and the pigmen.The ending is horrible ! Gamera pees in a resvoir ! What the ? Gamera also feasts on Guiron and the pigmen die in a horrible way . The pigmen fall into the resvoir , which i guess is where Gamera took his whiz . The pigmen get washed away and gamera eats the dead bodies . the kids nearly escape when a comet comes to the planet . Gamera of course destroys the comet . Gamera brings kids home and then whats wierd is that , he destroys Osaka for no reason ! Gamera then eats people . . . What the ? Then he flies away when the military comes . Obvious in lame terms the movie is laid out like this : Kids go in a horrible looking ship . Kids find the pigmen and get imprisoned . Gamera comes and burns the city of Pijaska . Pijaska of the pigmen is destroyed and somekind of gorilla appears . Gamera kills and burns the gorilla . Pigmen almost strip the clothes off of kids . Gamera kills Guiron and eats him . Gamera pees in the resvior / river . Pigmen fall in resvior / river and Gamera eats their flesh . Gamera destroys comet . Saves the kids . Burns Osaka . Kills military . Flys Away . The End with an H Bomb going off .