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Demon's Souls

  • 020 4  The beauty of this game is that it doesn't give you ANYTHING . You have to fight for every inch . That's including beating a level , obtaining an objective or simply figuring out the story . They don't even give you the full story ! This game spoon feeds you NOTHING and a lot of people will hate it for that . You die , you start the level over with all the enemies respawned , all the souls you'd earned gone ( in game currency ) and you're in Soul Form with half your Body Form health ( but you do increased damage ) . You die again before reaching the spot you died originally and getting your souls back and you lose ALL of the souls . There are no save points , there is no pause and the game doesn't care that you're crying like a little girl ( the game does auto-saves , so you won't lose your progress or your items ) . I've read reviews with people talking about the need to research Demon's Souls to figure out things like upgrading weapons , boss strategies as well as Character and World Tendencies . Because , honestly , if you try to figure it all out on your own , it's going to take quite a bit of personal time investment . For me , I really enjoyed that aspect of the game . When you begin , it's rather pretty straightforward after playing the tutorial . You know the basic controls and how to get the job done essentially . After the first boss , though , you really don't get any further guidance from the game . You get a short bit of information and that's it . There's no real linear progression , you go to whatever stone you want next , there's no definitive point where you get the rest of the story , it's all up to you . If you want to piece the story together , you literally have to speak with each character , including hidden and unlockables , give certain ones specific items , read all the captions and read the item histories . It's a tough process and it's actually more akin to piecing together a puzzle or figuring out a mystery . To me , I LOVED that sort of open world feeling , the vagueness and the reliance on the player to figure things out . If you've ever watched the film The Third Man , this game seems to play on that sort of feeling on alienation for the viewer . In that film , practically everyone speaks Italian EXCEPT the protagonist and there's NO SUBTITLES . He and you have NO idea what's going on and you have to pay attention if you're going to get anywhere . Demon's Souls is similar in that it throws you into this mess and says , Figure it out , win the battle . The best part is , you don't have to figure it out if you don't want to . You can just play the game and not care at all about the story or the history of the land you're involved in . You just have to kill , collect and get stronger if that's all you want to do . Further , the whole game is simply much more difficult on your own . The thing I enjoy about this is that it sometimes makes you dip into the community surrounding Demon's Souls ( what game isn't better with some company ? ) . Basically , as mentioned in another review , if you're connected to the internet , it automatically goes to Online Mode . What this means is you can read messages other players have left behind as clues to hidden items , hidden characters , hidden creatures , traps , strategies etc . It's an excellent system that has short , preset messages anyone can leave on the path . You can't write your own message , you have to use the preset ones due to the designer's desire to not bog down the experience and it's excellent . Beyond that , you have the option to Summon in 2 other players who've left their Blue Stone marks on the ground , who could be complete strangers , to help you . It's a great system if you're having trouble and it's excellent in that even if you don't know anyone who plays the game , you will nearly ALWAYS have help if you want it ( assuming you're in Body Form that is ) . If you die and lose your Body , you can place down your own Blue Stone that allows players to Summon you into their world so you can help them and if you achieve your objective , you'll receive your body back and be sent back to your own world ready to Summon your own help . I really can't stress enough how much fun the online system is , both in receiving help and in helping others . You also have the option to infiltrate another player's game by using a Black Stone if you're in Soul Form . The creatures of that level will work beside you rather than against you in killing the player you've invaded and , should you succeed , you'll be revived and gain your Body Form back . Should you fail , you simply walk away with a bruised pride . As far as customization goes , this game is excellent . Like others have stated , you begin with a general class , but this really only starts you off with specific weapons , armor , items and stats that are generally associated with that class . It does not limit you . You pave your way in this game in basically all regards and define your character . If you want to be a Mage that wears plate armor and carries a massive sword or hide behind a giant tower shield , you can do that . If you want to be a Priest that casts Magic too , you can do that . You simply build your stats however you wish as all the items in game are determined on stats , not class . You build your stats however you want , so you determine your play style and methods of destruction . What's more , is you can customize your weapons to take on specific attributes . What's important about this is that , say you're a Mage , you want your sword to do a lot of damage , but in most RPG fantasy games you need Strength or Dexterity to increase weapon damage . In Demon's Souls , you can upgrade your weapon to do damage based off your Magic , or you can upgrade it to give you Mana back , etc . What's nice about that is you don't need to level up Str and Dex to have a weapon that does a lot of damage . You can be a Mage and still wield a sword that does massive damage based on the stats you want rather than need . They do a great job in making the whole process highly personalized . Will you need to look up sources from time to time ? Most likely , unless you want to go through trial and error . Is that necessarily a bad thing ? For me , I feel it makes a good game great . If anyone remembers old school gaming on the NES , you may remember having to dial their hotline a few times to get past some pretty crazy puzzles or game mechanics that you had to basically get blind sloppy lucky on without getting outside info . Now ? You've got Google and masses of other nerds playing the same game where everything about the game is at your fingertips , seconds away . They even have their own forums where people help each other out constantly . So , if you don't want to figure it all out , it's right there for you and the game encourages a community type feel , a game where people work together and swap information . Because , in reality , if you're waging a war , you're probably not doing it alone , right ? Beyond that , the difficulty being as brutal as it is is really the true winning point of Demon's Souls . Like I said , you have to fight for EVERY inch , for everything . Even the lowest of enemies can take you out in one or two hits if you aren't careful . While some find this frustrating , I find it exceedingly rewarding . Even the most minor achievements and successes in this game can make you feel more accomplished than beating most current games . Every step keeps you perched on the edge of your seat anticipating what might be behind the next corner . When you have so much at risk and so little room for error , you make absolute sure you're playing at your best , thinking on your feet , becoming your own personal master strategist . When you turn Demon's Souls on , you're invested . At the start , you'll feel like breaking your controller , but after you gain some levels and make some progress , your moves in game become second nature , you won't want to put your new controller down . Even after you've beat the game , you can start New Game + , making the game progressively more difficult each time . If you want to upgrade all your gear and be the biggest , baddest player , you'll want to keep going to collect more items and more materials . Long after you beat it , you'll be sitting around looking for people to PvP against or to help some poor sap out with that crazy , difficult boss . But , honestly , if you want a game that's great for your money , this is it . You can look at a boss that takes you hours to kill as a frustrating roadblock that's driving you insane , or you can see it as money well spent by how much time you're getting out of it . I'll be honest , I come from playing MMOs where bosses could take a week or two to learn and kill , so when I was playing a PS3 game and having to take a few hours to learn a boss , I was pretty happy with whoever designed the encounters . Trust me , the bosses are MASSIVE and they are brutal , unforgiving challenges . Sure , they are tough as nails , but they are fair and once you figure them out , the fight is yours and you'll feel like an absolute champion . You need to move quick and find the weakness fast or you're on your way back to the very beginning . So , if you're looking for a challenge , a game that has infinite replay value or a great RPG that has you working for everything but let's you take nearly total control of your character , this is the game for you . It will be a love hate relationship , but in the end , you will definitely be satisfied .
    • 002 4  I had imported Demon's Souls in April , and finished it 3 times since then . I have a long review below but if you want a few sentences here it is : The game has an excellent atmosphere , great character customization , enjoyable combat , some unique online elements , but very little story and minimal npc interaction . It is also very unforgiving , but it is strangely addictive if you don't get frustrated easily . It takes about 40 hours in your first play through . It's not because the game is huge . . . It's because you'll die a lot and repeat a lot , which results in playing very cautiously ( which also adds to the atmosphere ) . * * * Review * * * Demon's Souls is an action RPG game with some unique online elements . I loved the game but I can also see why some people ( even RPG lovers ) might hate it . Although I gave it 5 stars , I cannot say the game is for everyone . Just read the paragraph at the end where I explain some game mechanics , and if it sounds frustrating to you then might want to try the game first before buying . For me 3 things are very important for an RPG . A good story and well-developed characters , deep character customization , tactical and fun combat . Story In DS , the people in different realms / worlds are possessed by demonic souls and you are to get rid of them . When you kill them you collect their souls and get more powerful and eventually fight against the final demon . That's basically it . The game has very little story and minimal amount of non player characters ( NPCs ) . There are about 15 - 20 NPCs in total ( including the merchants and blacksmiths ) , and most of them are located in a hub called Nexus . Furthermore , you can talk to them but there are no dialogue trees . They'll say 2 - 3 new sentences after each time you kill a demon boss , giving you some background about the setting . Sometimes they'll initiate a sidequest , by asking you to find / do something . That's all . If you are expecting something like Mass Effect or JRPGs in terms of story or dialogue this is not it . However , the game has a very dark and immersive atmosphere . It just sucks you in and makes up for its lack of story . Also , sometimes new characters / enemies appear depending on World Tendency ( world tendency is something like an alignment that can change toward black or white ) , which provides replay value . In sum , unlike most other RPGs , this is not a game that you play for the story . There is minimal story and dialogue , but the game has an excellent atmosphere which gives you the feeling of being alone and overwhelmed . Character Customization Character customization is probably the most important aspect of an RPG and this is where the game shines . You start the game with a certain class you picked , but it doesn't restrict you . You can develop your stats in anyway you like and completely turn it into something else ( kind of like Oblivion ) . For example , weapons / armors have different stats requirements , but they are not restricted to classes . As long as your character meets the stats requirement you can use it . So you can mix and mash classes anyway you like . There are 8 different attributes , and when you level up you can raise one of those attributes by one point ( there is room for up to 99 for each attribute ) . Weapon upgrades are done by using the ores you find . You can do regular upgrades ( e.g . long sword + 2 ) or you can change it into a different weapon ( e.g . dragon long sword ) depending on the ores you found . There are several different types of ores that opens a different upgrade branch . There are also some special upgrades , if you choose to use a demon's soul that you obtained from a boss , which will give you a unique weapon . Combat The customization also affects your gameplay . For instance , you can wield double swords , sword and shield , sword and crossbow , sword and a wand , two shields ( if you want to be fancy ) etc . Moreover , any sword can be wielded two handed or one handed . Of course , if you choose to wield a two handed sword with one hand , you character becomes clumsy . If you choose to wield a one handed sword with two hands , then you make stronger attacks with different animations . The combat is in real time and it is like an action game . In the controller , L1 - L2 is assigned to the left hand , and R1 - R2 is assigned to the right hand . L1 is used for guarding , L2 is either for parry ( when wielding a shield ) or attacking ( weapon on left hand ) ) . On the other hand , R1 is regular attack , and R2 is strong attack . You can also roll , run , but you cannot jump . So you end up having different combat gameplay and tactics depending on what you choose to equip . Online Gameplay If your PS3 is connected to the internet , you'll automatically play the game online . That lets you do different things . First , you'll see some messages left by other players . They can provide some clues , warnings etc . You can also leave messages but you can only create them by combining preset words and phrases . You cannot type whatever you want . And if someone finds your message helpful and rates it , then your health replenishes . Second , you'll see pools of blood and if you touch them it will show you a ghost of some other player and how he / she died . It's just another clue to help you in the game . Third , and the most important one , is playing with / against others . If you are in body form , you'll see blue signs on the ground left by other players . By touching those signs you can summon up to two more people to your game and they'll fight along with you in your game helping you out . On the other hand , when you are in body form some other player can invade your game and try to kill you . If you are in soul form , then you can put a blue sign on the ground in order to be summoned by others or you can use an item to invade another player's game . However , you cannot just invite your friends to your game . If you and your friends are on different servers ( which you have no control over ) you won't see the signs they left and will not be able to summon them . If you happen to be on the same server , you can arrange a location in the game to put the sign ( via XMB message ) and then summon the other person . Conclusion In sum , Demon's Souls is one of the best games on PS3 . It has a great atmosphere and addictive gameplay that makes you come back , even after you died for the tenth time in the same boss battle . Unfortunately it is not a game for the impatient . Just take a look at the cover art ( the regular cover art which happens to be the Deluxe Edition cover in US release ) of the game . You see a lone , battered knight , who is about to give up . That's Demon's Souls for you . If you are willing to take the challenge , victory will be very satisfying . * * * About the difficulty and potential frustration * * * First of all , the game is very unforgiving . Even regular enemies can kill you with 1 - 2 blows , and they will kill you many times . However that's not the main issue . The real difficulty comes from not being able to save in the middle of a stage / map . The stages don't have checkpoints either . Also dying is very costly . When you die , first you will drop your souls at the location you died ( You gain souls by killing enemies , and souls are used as both experience points to improve your stats and also as money ) . Then you will lose your body ( which means losing half of your life bar , making the game even harder ) and you will respawn in soul form at the start of the stage . However all the enemies will also respawn . Furthermore , if you die again before reaching the location you died , you will lose all the souls you have dropped previously for good . That means no experience / no money from all that playing . Also reaching your corpse does not give your body back , it only gives back your collected souls . You can gain your body ( half of your life bar ) if you beat a boss , or invade another player's game and kill him / her , or use a special item . In brief , you will be playing the same stage from the beginning over and over again , until you beat the boss at the end of the stage . In a lot of cases , you will not gain any experience / level during this process , because you'll die a second time before reaching your corpse . However , the stages are not very big . It generally takes about 5 to 10 minutes to get to the boss if you know the way and IF you don't die . A new respawn point appears at the end of the stage , after a boss is defeated . ( The game has 5 worlds and each world has 4 stages / bosses ) . So , after you beat a boss you can spawn from that location if you want . Still , a lot of people would probably hate this no save / checkpoint mechanic combined with the games unforgiving difficulty . It's like 80s arcade games which takes you back to the beginning of the stage when you die .
    • 004 4  Having spent just several hours with this game , it is already difficult to describe . It's difficult . Actually , no , it's punishing . No . . . in fact , it can be maddeningly infuriating at times . It is also a complete blast . I don't want to write an essay . In short , though , Demon's Souls is an action / RPG which is a bit like a combination of a 3rd-person adventure like Uncharted , a hack-n-slash action / RPG like Diablo , with the required thoughtfulness in swordplay of the original 2D Prince of Persia ( you have to be an old-schooler to remember that one ) . The game is difficult , but veterans of the 8 - bit days will find the difficulty somewhat nostalgic . The game does not simply restart you unscathed 15 seconds from where you kicked the bucket . Rather , you have to start the level from scratch , and to regain your earned currency ( which you earn by killing enemies , and use to buy improvements for your character ) , you must fight your way back to your corpse in spirit form with half of your health . Die before you get there ? Kiss that currency good bye . The game is FAIR , though . You have the option of running , at your liberty , to the beginning of the level and exiting to the starting area to spend your winnings , so that you can return all-the-more powerful . When you feel like you are pushing your luck and the level is outgrowing your character skills , it's time to heed that advice . Of course , this IS a dungeon crawl game , so when you come back the enemies will have returned . Think of it as more souls ( i.e . money ) to be made . It helps to go into this game EXPECTING to be in spirit form more often than not . The game assumes you will die a lot . In that sense , one should avoid frustration over death . It's a natural part of the game . Battle must be approached carefully . Running in and hacking mindlessly will only tire out your character , and likely result in an unceremoniously awkward death to even the most bottom-rungs of the enemy food chain . You must work with your shield , your footwork , and given the right character your magic and ranged weapons to succeed . All of this alone makes for a fantastic experience beyond any action RPG offered in this generation of games . What makes it a slam-dunk are the online aspects . The single player game takes advantage of your internet connection ( though you can opt out by signing out of your PSN account ) . You will see occasional apparitions of other players fighting through the same level you are . Further , before long you will obtain an item that will allow players to invite you into their games to assist them . Later , a more sociopathic ability is obtained : the ability to break into another player's game , without their consent , hunt them down , and kill them . Either provides a bit of a shortcut to regaining your body , with the further effect of easing / intensifying the difficulty of the world around you . . . helping people lightens the world , harming them darkens it . On top of this , the ability to examine bloodstains to view apparitional replays of other players ' deaths is fantastic and adds to the feeling that you're not dealing with this alone . The game punishes EVERYONE , and they are struggling with you , and it will prove it via these replays . This is no quick game . Reports from those who have played the imported non-US version claim play times of 80 + hours to conquer the game for the first time . . . nevermind 2nd and 3rd playthroughs , which supposedly come at a higher difficulty . All that said , it is not impossible . In my very first shot at it , I actually survived for a good half hour in the first non-tutorial realm without dying , and when I realized this , I quickly found my way back out and spent my winnings to upgrade before I went and got myself annihilated ( and make no mistake . . . I did shortly thereafter ) . That is what is fantastic about this game ( so far for me at least ) : if you respect it , play conservatively , and don't do anything you wouldn't try in real life , you CAN have a reasonable chance at survival . Stay on your toes , don't push your luck , and survival IS possible . Often death is simply a result of a lapse in attention or a reckless decision . If , on the other hand , you approach it like you would , say , God of War or just about any other action game from this generation , you WILL pay a price for your stupidity . And it's wonderful . Just to wrap up : the graphics are nothing short of what you'd expect in a top flight PS3 game . The sound is amazing . . . I have never wanted surround speakers so badly . And , as I mentioned , the gameplay is phenomenal . My only warning : casual gamers need not apply . Do NOT approach this game unless you like a challenge . Looks like I wrote an essay , after all . It could use some editing , but I have some playing to do .
    • 007 4  I just got the game yesterday . After about 4 hours , the only progress I made so far is just past the tutorial . And I beat Ninja Gaiden Sigma on Normal difficulty for crying out loud ! ! ! This is the game that tutorial stage could kill you ! ! ! This game is very unforgiving , so casual player be warned . There's no checkpoint and save point . When you die , you start at Nexus ( the hub ) , you dropped all your souls at the place you died and reborn in soul-form , and if you die again , all the souls you dropped are lost . So , you'll most likely go through you first hours getting nowhere . But , oddly enough , the game keeps you coming back . It's strangely and highly addictive in nature for those who prepared to accept frequent deaths and be patient with it . You'll learn little by little , use less and less time in each fight , and lose less and less health each time . It's like those NES games ( Ninja Gaiden , Megaman , Castlevania , etc . ) that you keep dying and dying and dying and dying . . . and dying until you learn the patterns of enemies and traps by heart . It's frustrating , but satisfying as hell when you finally rise above the challenge . Even so , I still prefer the game to have difficulty settings or save options for single player . People pay the same money , so they should be able to enjoy the game as they feel comfortable . Developers could reward them differently rather than leaving the casual players out of the circle entirely . And it'd be better for marketing too . One flaw that I don't see the point why should this happen is that you can't pause the game in single-player . Why ! ? ! ? I know that adds realism to the game , but hey . . . players have to pee sometimes : P Combat feels responsive and highly TACTICAL . This is by no means a hack-and-slash game , so bashing frenzy won't do you any good here . I'd call the melee combat in this game a fencing simulation . You're no God of War . You're just a person with a sword . You stab them , they die . They stab you , you die . So , be very cautious . Graphics looks decent enough , not exactly PS3 , but more like a PS2.5 game . The game looks better with low brightness , but that makes it harder to see enemies and traps . Though it's understandable that this game is not from a giant team like Square-Enix , but still , I believe they could do better with normal maps and texture details . Also , the character face looks hideous . Making the game looks Western doesn't mean they have to give up the pretty-face trend of the JRPGs . People still love looking at pretty people . Also , the physics engine is a bit weird here . Pieces are flying around low-gravity-like when props are broken . Enemy corpses are rolling along when you walk over them , and their heads are twitching as if they're listening to iPod while lying dead XD In conclusion : I took one star off for the extreme unforgiving nature of the saving system , the lack of choice in difficulty , the no-restroom-break policy , and the less-than-impressive graphics . Other than that , the game is great . Casual player who doesn't want any frustration should avoid this game at all cost . The game has gained its reputation for being very unforgiving since its first Asian release . You've been warned , and I'm warning you again . If you can't take it easy when you die once and lose almost all your hours of progress , then DON'T listen to the hype of hardcore players . There's nothing wrong with liking easy games . Because even the greatest game of all eternity doesn't serve its purpose if it doesn't entertain you . But if you feel up to the challenge , go for it . The game WILL forge you into a real warrior . I'm not there yet . But I'm having a lot of fun dying on the way there . I'm still halfway through Uncharted 2 , but all I'm wanting to play now is this game .
    • 009 4  Never before did I expect this to be a smash hit . Never . I had seen tidbits of gameplay and a few interviews pre-launch , but never did I see this as a game to spend $60 on . Now ? I happily shelled out 60 smackers , and I have not once regretted my decision . If you can brave the harsh curve , and truly attest to your shortcomings , you will find one of the greatest RPGs ever made . And I am being dead serious . Demon's Souls is the acclaimed title developed by From Software and published by ATLUS games . Now , like I said earlier , I had no interest in this whatsoever , partly due to the fact that I had never heard of From Software . However , I had heard of ATLUS , who had created the Persona series - another smash hit . I figured that if they were backing this , then it was truly something to take note of . Boy was it ever . The guys , gals , and sadistic people at From Software have truly outdone themselves ( See : My rating of 5 stars ) and if you are even remotely interest in Role Playing Games , you owe it to yourself to check this out . The story is as followed - The kingdom of Boletaria comes under an infestation of demons . You , the protagonist , journey through the newly enveloped thick fog to attempt to stop them from the destruction they are causing . Right off the bat , this is not a pretty tale . You're told , in the intro , that many before you have died . And the best part ? There is no certainty that you won't as well . It's great to be the underdog , especially when the game isn't really rooting for you . And boy , is this game sadistic . I should probably make note of this really quick - but this game is challenging . Not hard , but challenging . For you naysayers who claim that old school challenge is dead , I invite you to take one look at Demon's Souls . Let me get this out of the way before you even think about buying this game : You are going to die . You will die A LOT . The game simply challenges your mind and reflexes in ways that I have never seen , and it pulls it off beautifully . While you will die , you will never feel as if it is a cheap death ( Atleast , not ALL the time . ) You die because of your own faults , and there is no other way around it . This is one of the few games where people will just , for lack of a better word , suck . But , do not be discouraged ! As Demon's Souls is also incredibly fair . Heck , if the developers intended you to play perfect , you wouldn't have the multitude of healing items and your hub , the Nexus ( More on that later , ) there to back you up . And of course , with your ( inevitable ) death , you're going to need a way to continue playing . This ties the Soul Form into the story , as you will likely be spending quite a bit of time as a soul . If you die - Sorry . WHEN you die , you will spawn at the start of the same level you were currently playing . Only this time - you're dead . But fear not , as you are still able to fight . You see , when bloodstains are dropped by other players ( See : Next paragraph for more details on bloodstains ) coincidentally , you drop them as well . Your goal , as a spirit , is to reach your blood stain . Why would you want to do that , you ask ? Well , so you can re-obtain your Demon's Souls , which act as the currency of the land of Boletaria . But be warned : If you die as a spirit , they're gone for good . No chance to get them back , better luck next time . And believe it or not - this system is incredibly fair . It punishes you for making mistakes , and if you do , you have a second chance to rethink your actions . Refusing to do so will result in your loss a second time . However , if you're wanting to actually return your body to normal , you will have to tackle one of the many boss demons . These are incredibly varied , each with their own tactics , moveset , and weaknesses . When you tackle one , the feeling of glee washes away all traces of anger or frustration . Which leads me to the multiplayer , which just happens to be synonymous with the word genius . You see , when you log into your PSN account , you are playing Demon's Souls online . You will see ghostly apparitions of players as they are solving the same challenges as you . Likewise , there are red blood stains littered through out the world . Of course , this also has a purpose - in the sense that you'll be able to watch the last few seconds of a person's life , before their untimely death . This is a great way to rethink your strategy and plan ahead , something the game rewards greatly . And yes , it gets deeper than that . You are able to call in up to two souls to help aid you in fights . The three of you are then able to tackle the aforementioned bosses , and if you succeed , they reclaim their lives . But , however , there is another way to reclaim your life . You will be able to invade a world as a black phantom and reap the life of it's inhabitant . Being invaded is the most terrifying feeling that you will ever encounter while playing a video game . You'll think it won't happen , and BAM ! you're scared out of your mind as you pray the phantom doesn't round the corner to finish you off . Still with me ? Good . Because Demon's Souls is dark . And I mean REALLY dark . It's gritty , atmospheric , and at times - it's just plain gothic . You would never believe me if I told you that From Software is a Japanese company , because this aptly mimics the medieval ages in ways that confound the mind . Quite a bit of your time is spent running through dark and claustrophobic environments as you tackle hordes of enemies . When you arrive outside , it's usually over a sweeping landscape of ruin and destruction , with the sun barely shining through the specks of kicked up dirt and gray clouds . And let me tell you - having to venture past the sanctity of the light , the feeling of a safe haven , and battle your way into the unknown once more , unsure of whether or not you will emerge alive , is a frightening feeling that hits you where it hurts , and it never truly lets go . I would be lying if I didn't tell you that , while venturing through 1 - 2 , I heard the growls of what seemed to be wolves , and I stopped in my tracks . Heart racing , shield drawn . The sound design is perfect . That's all there is to it . Rarely do I regard something as perfect , but the sound design is nothing but . I invite you all to stop in 1 - 2 and listen to the ear-splitting roar of the dragon , as he swoops down onto the bridge , incinerating all in it's path . Your mind will be blown . But it doesn't stop there , oh no . Some of the greatest orchestral scores in the game are heard during the massive boss fights . As if comparing to a total of 1 / 25th of the demon's size , and having to tackle it as a result , your ears will be treated to a fiesta of strings and haunting choral melodies . So , if you've sifted through this rambling even a little bit , you can tell that I LOVE THIS GAME . You owe it to yourself to check this one out . It's not for everyone , and even if you hate Demon's Souls , you cannot help but acknowledge that it does so much right , it makes up for the very few flaws that permeate it . Two thumbs way up .
    • 012 4  many people have covered the story , mechanics etc . having a * little * up-front knowledge about how to play the game dramatically drops the frustration factor : 1 ) almost always play in soul-form . when you're resurrected , suicide in the nexus . this avoids all frustration around altering world tendency when you don't intend to , and also eliminates invasions by black phantoms . 1a ) if you're afraid of doing a level , go into soul-form and volunteer to help someone with the blue stone , then explore the level as a blue phantom . 2 ) get a strong shield ( the purple flame shield ( grabable from 1 - 1 dragon's nest ) is one of the best ) and winged spear early . great thing about spears is you can attack while shielded ! makes the game dramatically easier . 3 ) farm souls from 4 - 1 ( shrine of storms ) in early game , 4 - 2 in mid-late game 4 ) unlock the shortcut / elevator in 2 - 1 ( stonefang tunnel ) asap to get access to the other blacksmith . ONLY use him . he can show you different upgrade paths at are only available when a weapon is + 0 , + 3 or + 6 ( e.g . compound long bow + 3 is your only path to sticky compound long bow . . . sticky + 5 is about the most powerful bow ) . 5 ) understand the key to making weapons do more damage : the weapons modify their damage according to different stats . e.g . an S / A / B / C weapon takes most of its extra dmg from strength , a bit from dexterity , a little from magic and even less from faith . an - / - / S / A takes most of the dmg modifier from magic and faith . so you don't have to rely on strength or base attack to do damage . these stat modifiers change as the weapon is upgraded , so even though something might start D / E / - / - it might end up S / A / - / - by the time it's fully upgraded .
    • 015 4  After playing this game for over 60 hours ( including several re-starts ) , I decided it's time for a review . Let's start off with the good . The graphics are relatively good , but nothing really wows you here . The worlds are varied , and it is a treat to explore these lands , however dangerous and deadly they are . The combat system is deep and the controls are pretty good . The lock-on feature while essential to the game can be problematic at times , and at least for me has caused an untimely death on more than one occasion . The atmosphere in this game is out of this world . There are places in this game that will really creep you out . Some enemies will be two feet in front of you and will not be visible because sometimes you'll be wandering around in virtually pure darkness . This game definitely excels in the freak you out department with it's atmosphere and host of deadly monsters . On that note , let's talk about the bosses . Some of the bosses you encounter here are ridiculously terrifying and tremendously ferocious . I have caught myself holding my breath and shaking with fear before these behemoths . . . you will feel like an ant in front of a lion . For me , this is the best part of the game ; to be able to fight bosses that are many times larger , faster , better equipped , and much more powerful than you are . It really does feel good to defeat such imposing enemies . Now for some bad , and there's plenty of it . Let's start with this no checkpoint , no save , no pause , die and start all the way from the beginning , lose all your souls business . The only reason to have a system like this in place is to torture and frustrate players . There is no excuse for a game of this difficulty level to force you to start a level over , and over , and over , and over , and then some more over again . I would have given this game four stars or more if it at least had checkpoints and pauses , but they do not exist . In order to really level up , you will need to replay levels dozens upon dozens of times , if not hundreds , and it really does get exceedingly repetative and just not fun . Let's not even talk about ' farming ' for items and hoping for an enemy to drop that special something you need . To be honest , my first couple of hours into this game , I didn't think it was that difficult . I had done some research and learned that the royalty class was an excellent one to start with and I was able to defeat the first three levels and bosses while only dying twice . I played extremely cautiously and treated every single enemy almost like a boss and it worked to my advantage . Everything was going great until the following . . . I recall fighting my way through and a tremendously difficult level and stayed alive long enough for the privilege of fighting an inconceivably difficult boss . I was somehow able to bring its life meter down to around 15% , and guess what happened next , I was annihilated . . . what this meant is that I was then forced to do this all over again from the very beginning of the stage . What's worse is all those thousands of souls I had accumulated now lay at the bosses lair . I lost my patience and attempted to rush my way through the level to get my souls back . By breaking my successful formula of caution and patience , I made the worst possible mistake one could make in this game . . . I began to die in a quick and consistent manner . This causes what's called your world tendency to turn black . What happens is the game becomes exponentially more difficult the more you die ( in body form ) . . . and this horrendously vicious system is never explained to you until it's too late . You will experience countless events that will make you want to yell expletives at the top of your lungs . Everyone who's played this game knows that souls are the everything of this game . You need it to buy equipment , items , level-up , upgrade weapons , and so on . I have lost over 29,000 souls at least twice now , and once I lost over 70,0000 souls cause I was in the middle of a boss fight and was trying to cast a spell to get me the h out of there and back to the nexus ( home base ) , and the boss would damage me before I could complete the spell meaning my doom and the loss of all those souls forever . No player should ever have to experience such a loss . I believe this game is in desperate need of a strategy guide . I've had to go on Demon's Souls wiki about a million times already for help with weapons upgrades , special-items , NPCs , world-tendency , character tendency , etc . etc . etc . There's just way too much information that a player needs to succeed that is not provided . Some semblance of a story is there , but no nearly enough to satisfy even the average RPG player . I thought I reached a turning point , when I defeated what's called an in-game black phantom of world 4 - 1 . In my book , these things are major demons actually worse than most bosses . I was so happy I thought nothing could stop me now . I began to level up like crazy and defeating everything in my path . I am currently a level 92 character and I unlocked this new area and gave it a try . After a couple of stupid mistakes , this new area is now in pure black condition , meaning it's now at the absolute pinnacle of difficulty . Now , I run into these two mini-bosses that INSTANTLY kill me in ONE blow with either a melee attack or magic . What kind of game has REGULAR enemies that can immediately kill you in one blow when you're almost a 100 level character and have defeated more than 8 bosses and levels and even killed three in-game black phantoms and one archdemon ( uber final boss ) . I mean , it doesn't make any sense to me at all and frustrates myself and so many others to no end . But wait , it gets worse . . . , when I switch to body form to try and get more hp and attempt to summon other players to help me to defeat this enemy , I get invaded by a black phantom ( another player ) who completely destroys all my equipment , kills me , and steals my souls . It cost me about 7,000 souls just to repair my equipment . I'm a life-long gamer and I do enjoy a challenge , but this is just one of the many examples I could list that keep me from loving this game .
    • 017 4  Like others , I was hesitant to buy this game based on its name ( Demon's Souls . . . do I really wanna spend money on a title like this ? ) and the reviews describing how difficult the game is ; however , the reviews were overwhelming positive so I had to see what the deal was with Demon's Souls . Overall , this is one of the best games I've ever played and I hope they make a sequel very soon . Reviewers that don't like DS usually criticize the game for being a ) too difficult , or b ) too creepy . The gameplay of the game is indeed tough because the enemies ' attacks do a lot of damage and if you die , you'll start from the beginning of the level . This reminds me of NES games like Megaman or Ninja Gaiden when recognizing patterns and avoiding strikes were priorities since dying meant starting over . In my opinion , DS is very fair and realistic in its gameplay - - if you get hit by a swinging halberd or blasted by a fireball , it will naturally hurt a lot and you might die . When this kind of gameplay is combined with the kind of surreal and grisly environment presented in DS , you will be very cautious in your approach , especially the first time . In my first go-round , there were levels that had the tension and dark feel of a Resident Evil game , where I had my shield ready at all times and manuevered very slowly around corners and ledges . It's really a testament to the superb graphics and sound of DS . This game rewards having patience , understanding patterns , and reacting properly . I have died embarrassingly from rolling away from an enemy only to fall off a cliff or spazzing out and button-mashing in panic only to have my attacks blocked , my guard exposed , and my chest impaled in return . But you learn from your deaths , and that's the beauty of the game . The game only becomes frustrating because you made it that way ; as you move forward you realize that DS isn't really that hard . When you clear a level though , you can breathe a sigh of relief and feel like you earned something . All those souls you managed to keep can be used to customize your character to any way you see fit . Throw in a unique multiplayer dynamic , and DS is even more fun . It's cool to help people beat levels and bosses as well as recruit 1 or 2 others to assist you . There is some sort of unspoken camaraderie to it all . Likewise , you can invade another player's realm or be invaded by another player , which exhilirating in its own right . The replay value of DS is big . If there is ever a sequel for DS , I am sure the multiplayer system will be expanded on . I'll give Uncharted 2 the credit it deserves as PS3 game of 2009 , but DS is the dark horse runner-up that could have taken the title .
    • 018 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls is a mess of wonderful contradictions . It is punishing but fun . It is simultaneously complex ( the depth of customization ) and simple ( there are only two attack buttons ) . It is refreshingly new , while borrowing features from many other games . Much has been said about the difficulty of Demon's Souls . This is certainly not a game made for the casual Wii or iPhone gamer . Hours of continuous play are recommended . Death ( and subsequent rebirth ) is absurdly common . There is no saving , and no pausing . This . Game . Does . Not . Love . You . But you will love it . Nevertheless , all things must be taken in context . The frequent death and dying is a part of the game . Your character is not the only person who is gaining experience - - you , the player , are also continuously developing skills . Even when the character dies , losing all his experience ( aka soul ) points , you are learning how to play the game better . Combat in Demon's Souls is surprisingly deep for a game that features only two attack buttons . It is also paced far more slowly than most games . There is no button smashing here . You have time to think about your attacks , and you better . It has been said elsewhere that when you die , you realize that it is your fault , and not the game being unfair . Rarely is it the case that there is nothing that you can do . The pacing always gives you time to think , and there is usually a good solution to any problem . Demon's Souls combat focuses on distance and timing , and managing your stamina and magic resources . All but the lowliest foes can kill your character in a few hits , and even the weaker ones can bring you down if you get sloppy . In combat , there are a lot of different things that you can do , and all the options seem well-balanced . There's no single move that you're going to end up spamming , and none that are utterly useless . As I've said , you die a lot . Much of this happens in combat , but it's easy enough to fall off ledges that I get nervous when there's no equivalent of a railing . When you die , you leave a bloodstain , lose all your unspent soul points , and start again at the beginning of the level , with all enemies restored to life . These soul points are used to buy equipment and to improve your character . Since you don't run into too many merchants mid-level , and cannot level up until you return to the home base , this loss can be quite painful . Fortunately , you can recover these lost points by returning to where you last died , and touching the bloodstain . Beware , however : if you die again before reaching your bloodstain , you leave a new bloodstain , and the old one is lost ! Thus , as you progress through a level , you will typically be careful the first time through , and positively nervous on the way back to picking up your bloodstain . It can be tremendously frustrating to lose points in this manner , and the tension one feels on the way to one's bloodstain can be overwhelming . That , coupled with the need to replay a section of the game over and over , will turn off many casual players . However , for more hardcore gamers , this will create a sense of challenge that is rare to experience in this day of quick autosaves . The graphics don't immediately impress , but they are actually very nice , with no inconsistencies like the odd jagged model or grainy texture . The longer you play , the more lifelike it seems . Sound design and music are effectively atmospheric . Dialog and characterization are very sparse , but effective and non-cheesy when encountered . There's plenty of game content - - I'm only about halfway through , and I've been playing it extensively since it came out in North America . The online features are quite interesting . You can occasionally see faint wisps of other players running through the same area . Other players ' bloodstains will appear in your game , and you can touch them to see the last moments of their owners ' lives . You can also leave each other messages selected from a large ( but by no means comprehensive ) set of templates . If other players ' favorite ' one of your messages , you regain health . A very nice incentivized system . In addition , it is possible to play with or against other players . You can leave a marker that will allow them to invite you into their game instance , or invade other players ' instances . Co-op play is fun but anonymous , with only a set of canned gestures to communicate . Adversarial play , where you invade another player's game to steal some experience , is very tense and fun . There's nothing like getting a message that another player has invaded your world . . . you'll feel the goosebumps , waiting to run into them around the next corner . There are a few aspects of Demon's Souls which are less than user-friendly . Some of the symbols used to describe weapon stats are bizarrely unexplained , as is the precise role of various statistics . It would be nice if I could play co-op with a specific friend , although this may be disallowed due to game balance issues . Being able to pause would be nice , although if you've cleared out the local enemies , it's usually pretty safe to walk away from the console indefinitely . But these are a few quibbles against an otherwise instant classic .
    • 019 4  Demon's Souls is a mess of wonderful contradictions . It is punishing but fun . It is simultaneously complex ( the depth of customization ) and simple ( there are only two attack buttons ) . It is refreshingly new , while borrowing features from many other games . Much has been said about the difficulty of Demon's Souls . This is certainly not a game made for the casual Wii or iPhone gamer . Hours of continuous play are recommended . Death ( and subsequent rebirth ) is absurdly common . There is no saving , and no pausing . This . Game . Does . Not . Love . You . But you will love it . Nevertheless , all things must be taken in context . The frequent death and dying is a part of the game . Your character is not the only person who is gaining experience - - you , the player , are also continuously developing skills . Even when the character dies , losing all his experience ( aka soul ) points , you are learning how to play the game better . Combat in Demon's Souls is surprisingly deep for a game that features only two attack buttons . It is also paced far more slowly than most games . There is no button smashing here . You have time to think about your attacks , and you better . It has been said elsewhere that when you die , you realize that it is your fault , and not the game being unfair . Rarely is it the case that there is nothing that you can do . The pacing always gives you time to think , and there is usually a good solution to any problem . Demon's Souls combat focuses on distance and timing , and managing your stamina and magic resources . All but the lowliest foes can kill your character in a few hits , and even the weaker ones can bring you down if you get sloppy . In combat , there are a lot of different things that you can do , and all the options seem well-balanced . There's no single move that you're going to end up spamming , and none that are utterly useless . As I've said , you die a lot . Much of this happens in combat , but it's easy enough to fall off ledges that I get nervous when there's no equivalent of a railing . When you die , you leave a bloodstain , lose all your unspent soul points , and start again at the beginning of the level , with all enemies restored to life . These soul points are used to buy equipment and to improve your character . Since you don't run into too many merchants mid-level , and cannot level up until you return to the home base , this loss can be quite painful . Fortunately , you can recover these lost points by returning to where you last died , and touching the bloodstain . Beware , however : if you die again before reaching your bloodstain , you leave a new bloodstain , and the old one is lost ! Thus , as you progress through a level , you will typically be careful the first time through , and positively nervous on the way back to picking up your bloodstain . It can be tremendously frustrating to lose points in this manner , and the tension one feels on the way to one's bloodstain can be overwhelming . That , coupled with the need to replay a section of the game over and over , will turn off many casual players . However , for more hardcore gamers , this will create a sense of challenge that is rare to experience in this day of quick autosaves . The graphics don't immediately impress , but they are actually very nice , with no inconsistencies like the odd jagged model or grainy texture . The longer you play , the more lifelike it seems . Sound design and music are effectively atmospheric . Dialog and characterization are very sparse , but effective and non-cheesy when encountered . There's plenty of game content - - I'm only about halfway through , and I've been playing it extensively since it came out in North America . The online features are quite interesting . You can occasionally see faint wisps of other players running through the same area . Other players ' bloodstains will appear in your game , and you can touch them to see the last moments of their owners ' lives . You can also leave each other messages selected from a large ( but by no means comprehensive ) set of templates . If other players ' favorite ' one of your messages , you regain health . A very nice incentivized system . In addition , it is possible to play with or against other players . You can leave a marker that will allow them to invite you into their game instance , or invade other players ' instances . Co-op play is fun but anonymous , with only a set of canned gestures to communicate . Adversarial play , where you invade another player's game to steal some experience , is very tense and fun . There's nothing like getting a message that another player has invaded your world . . . you'll feel the goosebumps , waiting to run into them around the next corner . There are a few aspects of Demon's Souls which are less than user-friendly . Some of the symbols used to describe weapon stats are bizarrely unexplained , as is the precise role of various statistics . It would be nice if I could play co-op with a specific friend , although this may be disallowed due to game balance issues . Being able to pause would be nice , although if you've cleared out the local enemies , it's usually pretty safe to walk away from the console indefinitely . But these are a few quibbles against an otherwise instant classic .
    • 021 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) So many negative reviews on here do not understand the personality of this game . Too often nowadays , we see games that give so much to the player , to the point where the game just doesn't feel satisfying , but merely an experience ; nothing but a moving story book with some user input . This game gives that point of challenge and mystique , and grand sense of scale . So many people compare this to old school gaming nostalgia , but what is the reasoning behind it ? Back in the 80 ' s , playing a game like super mario bros . was difficult . To beat the game was a challenge . You had to have the skill to manipulate your character onscreen to do exactly what you wanted at the precise time . You had to know where the enemies spawned . You had to know the strategies to kill them . Secrets were always fantastic knowledge to have . The boss fights ( while it was just Bowser , granted ) were difficult , some requiring different strategies . The penalty of death was harsh ; lose a life and redo all progress . But the rewards were great ; the bragging rights gained after beating the game were fantastic . You have triumphed where so many have failed . You earned it . The biggest issue with gamers today is that they are IMPATIENT and believe they are ENTITLED to beating any game . Demon's Souls returns you to the basics , where you earn the prestige of beating this game . What it did right : - Difficulty : While brutal at times , the gameplay is a very simple risk / reward system . Do you dare wander deeper into the dungeon to make progress , or do you return with your ample amount of souls to hopefully level ? - Exploration : Each of the worlds you travel to have their own personality , with their own unique enemies and perils . In this game , no one world will prepare you for the next . - Leveling : The game allows you a very simple yet complex approach to your character and how you want to treat them . While you select a class at the beginning , it merely selects your starting equipment . Any character can evolve to any path . Want your knight to cast magic ? It can happen . Want your magician to be proficient with a polearm ? It can happen . - Equipment : It has its own persona . Walking around wearing a particular set of armor to your tastes engrosses you and your energy into your character . Each weapon itself feels unique , and most have a specific attack animation , adding to the characteristics of that weapon . - Combat : The game shines in this department . Some of the best fighting I've done in an actiony sort of RPG . Each enemy and weapon has a strategy . What may work for one weapon may not work for another . - Boss fights : Essentially the crown jewel of every level , almost every single boss has a unique strategy to bring them down . These are possibly the only reason to play this game . The boss fights are true in every sense of the word . Never have I fought against such gruesome beasts . They are truly the endcap to such a fantastic game . Death : It is inevitable . You WILL die in this game . A lot . You will lose souls . A lot . You will be frustrated . A lot . However , death should not always be considered a punishment . Instead of saying how stupid and hard the game is and firmly lodge the controller in the wall , consider this : You are not the only one having a difficult time . Every enemy has its weakness . You may have to die more in order to find this weakness , exploring certain points of attack . Death is , in this game , a learning experience of what you did wrong , similar to your parents letting you touch a hot stove : Won't do that again , will ya ? - Accomplishment : What I mean here is that sensation . To enter a boss fight , and knowing one wrong move means certain death adds to the intensity of the fight . To pick up that one specific piece of equipment to round your character out . As explained above , it gives satisfaction to beating it , not just any normal experience . What it did wrong : - Multiplayer : While truly innovative and a different twist on it , the game makes it absolutely frustrating to find a buddy on your friends list in game . The inability to summon via the friends list and really no good system in place to find him makes co-op with a friend extremely difficult . The invasion of other players into your world is also a questionable practice , when there is such an extreme amount of lag . Many times I've found myself swinging at someone , and the hits register close to a minute later ! - Took my soul : Seriously , I'm supposed to take Demon's Souls , not the other way around ! Overall , for those that are looking for a really nice , in-depth RPG that's severely lacking right now on the PS3 , you should pick this up . I will repeat that the game indeed has its frustrating difficulty at times , but the ability to triumph over this masterpiece of torture is to truly be considered a master over it . I will not lie , you will have to grow as a player to know and understand that death is unfortunate , but will help you grow as a player . If you choose this game , I first will congratulate your attempt to try this game out , and suggest you understand this : Many have taken the challenge , and many have failed at the awe-inspiring difficulty . Will you attempt to master the untamed Demon's Souls ?
    • 022 4  So many negative reviews on here do not understand the personality of this game . Too often nowadays , we see games that give so much to the player , to the point where the game just doesn't feel satisfying , but merely an experience ; nothing but a moving story book with some user input . This game gives that point of challenge and mystique , and grand sense of scale . So many people compare this to old school gaming nostalgia , but what is the reasoning behind it ? Back in the 80 ' s , playing a game like super mario bros . was difficult . To beat the game was a challenge . You had to have the skill to manipulate your character onscreen to do exactly what you wanted at the precise time . You had to know where the enemies spawned . You had to know the strategies to kill them . Secrets were always fantastic knowledge to have . The boss fights ( while it was just Bowser , granted ) were difficult , some requiring different strategies . The penalty of death was harsh ; lose a life and redo all progress . But the rewards were great ; the bragging rights gained after beating the game were fantastic . You have triumphed where so many have failed . You earned it . The biggest issue with gamers today is that they are IMPATIENT and believe they are ENTITLED to beating any game . Demon's Souls returns you to the basics , where you earn the prestige of beating this game . What it did right : - Difficulty : While brutal at times , the gameplay is a very simple risk / reward system . Do you dare wander deeper into the dungeon to make progress , or do you return with your ample amount of souls to hopefully level ? - Exploration : Each of the worlds you travel to have their own personality , with their own unique enemies and perils . In this game , no one world will prepare you for the next . - Leveling : The game allows you a very simple yet complex approach to your character and how you want to treat them . While you select a class at the beginning , it merely selects your starting equipment . Any character can evolve to any path . Want your knight to cast magic ? It can happen . Want your magician to be proficient with a polearm ? It can happen . - Equipment : It has its own persona . Walking around wearing a particular set of armor to your tastes engrosses you and your energy into your character . Each weapon itself feels unique , and most have a specific attack animation , adding to the characteristics of that weapon . - Combat : The game shines in this department . Some of the best fighting I've done in an actiony sort of RPG . Each enemy and weapon has a strategy . What may work for one weapon may not work for another . - Boss fights : Essentially the crown jewel of every level , almost every single boss has a unique strategy to bring them down . These are possibly the only reason to play this game . The boss fights are true in every sense of the word . Never have I fought against such gruesome beasts . They are truly the endcap to such a fantastic game . Death : It is inevitable . You WILL die in this game . A lot . You will lose souls . A lot . You will be frustrated . A lot . However , death should not always be considered a punishment . Instead of saying how stupid and hard the game is and firmly lodge the controller in the wall , consider this : You are not the only one having a difficult time . Every enemy has its weakness . You may have to die more in order to find this weakness , exploring certain points of attack . Death is , in this game , a learning experience of what you did wrong , similar to your parents letting you touch a hot stove : Won't do that again , will ya ? - Accomplishment : What I mean here is that sensation . To enter a boss fight , and knowing one wrong move means certain death adds to the intensity of the fight . To pick up that one specific piece of equipment to round your character out . As explained above , it gives satisfaction to beating it , not just any normal experience . What it did wrong : - Multiplayer : While truly innovative and a different twist on it , the game makes it absolutely frustrating to find a buddy on your friends list in game . The inability to summon via the friends list and really no good system in place to find him makes co-op with a friend extremely difficult . The invasion of other players into your world is also a questionable practice , when there is such an extreme amount of lag . Many times I've found myself swinging at someone , and the hits register close to a minute later ! - Took my soul : Seriously , I'm supposed to take Demon's Souls , not the other way around ! Overall , for those that are looking for a really nice , in-depth RPG that's severely lacking right now on the PS3 , you should pick this up . I will repeat that the game indeed has its frustrating difficulty at times , but the ability to triumph over this masterpiece of torture is to truly be considered a master over it . I will not lie , you will have to grow as a player to know and understand that death is unfortunate , but will help you grow as a player . If you choose this game , I first will congratulate your attempt to try this game out , and suggest you understand this : Many have taken the challenge , and many have failed at the awe-inspiring difficulty . Will you attempt to master the untamed Demon's Souls ?
    • 024 4  I'll start off that I've beaten the first boss only . I picked maybe a hard class to play Royalty . On the first level , you can basically one shot anything at range . However , once NPCs are in range you are a 1 - 2 shot from death which makes learning some of the advanced hand-to-hand skills difficult . A couple of tips that I did not understand at first . You will be dead after the tutorial , which I suppose teaches you the death mechanic . You will be sitting at 50% hp the entire time you are in soul form ( dead anytime that level ) . You will get a ring on the first level that makes this more like 70 - 75% of your total hit points . If you die getting back to your body , you lose all of your souls which is basically the only thing that allows you to enhance your character . I lost all my work to a couple slip ups costing me 2hours of work . You will become very frustrated playing this game . So if you have little patience , I'd find something a little more tame like Oblivion or Fallout .
    • 026 4  First of all , I'm probably not going to add to the discussion about Demon's Souls from the other 99 reviewers . However , this is my first review , and I figured that a ) being the 100th reviewer would be cool , and b ) reviewing such a great game would be fun . Here is my review : I rate this game 4 / 5 stars , period . Where does the missing star go ? It's blown up by the invisible black phantom you have no way of knowing is there ; and sadly , you're killed again before you can recover it . Sorry Demon's souls . To be more specific : - - The game is not overall cheap by any means ; however , it IS cheap in some areas . This cheapness keeps Demon's Souls from being the perfect game . Here are some examples : > The game booklet , NOR the game , gives you adequate explanation of how vastly important in-game elements work . Does not knowing how the game works make it more challenging or more fun ? No . You'll have to refer to Demon's Souls Wiki ( just like EVERYONE else ) to find out just what this game is getting at . ( World Tedency , Character Tendency , and Upgrade Trees are just some of the many examples . ) Demon's Souls should pay some royalties to the Wiki site for keeping them in business . > The target lock mechanism : when it works , it works - - when it doesn't work , it's a F * * * * * * * PAIN IN THE * * * ! Sorry , I'm just illustrating the frustration you will be experiencing when YOU play the game . I know there have been many who swear that those who complain about the target lock mechanism are just experiencing user error , but when YOU click the R3 button a million f * * * * * * * times when you're three feet away from a magical enemy who one-hit kills you , you'll think Ahh , that reviewer . . . I shoulda known ! > You can upgrade your spells to have longer range : but wait ! You'll still have to get three feet close ( see above bullet point ) to lock on to them before you can cast the spell . It is NOT possible to manually target the enemy using an aiming button . There will be that inevitable person who will retort : but wait , this is an elite challenging game ! Do you want the game to SPOON feed you into being able to cast the spells halfway across the map ? Well no , fanboy , I don't . But why the hell give the option to have increased range when it doesn't factor into the game ? And how the hell does being intelligent enough to be able to tap into arcane magical abilities coincide with your character's inability to cast the magic two feet in front of his / her face ? That is cheap , my friend , cheap ! > The inevitable lame death will have you throwing your controller and cussing your wife ( sorry babe ! ) . What do I mean by lame death ? I mean LITERALLY an invisible ( - - as in can't see the bastard - - no magic goggles for this one ) enemy one-shot killing you with a bow . 3 - 1 anyone ? ( Don't know what 3 - 1 means ? You will , courtesy of Demon's Souls Wiki . You'll refer to this website . A lot . ) At least with the boulder traps , you can actually SEE the boulder if you're careful enough . These other lame deaths are just a way for the nerds who got picked on in high school to get back at the cool kids . And after ALL that , I still demerit only one star . If you've made it through the bad ( and are still interested ) , then you're now ready for the good . I'll do this part a little differently . I'm going to raise some points that other people find bad about this game and tell you why they're wrong . Here goes : - - Waaaaaaaaah , I die too much ! > These people never likely got passed 1 - 1 ( Again , refer to Wiki - - it will be your friend [ notice a theme here ? ] ) . Besides the cheap deaths mentioned in my previous point , deaths in this game are primarily YOUR fault . And that's the beauty of it . Each time you die , you'll be saying , Ah , you silly Red-eyed knight : I'll poke your eye out next time ! ( Well , you don't , but that's not the point ) . The point is , this game demands strategy , and for those who enjoy the feeling of accomplishment , killing that Red-eyed Knight will be a LOT more rewarding than stomping on the Goombas face in recent Mario games . - - Waaaaaaaah , there's no story line ! > This game is badass enough that it doesn't need some convoluted story line that takes up half your playtime to make it better . The fact is , you become so engrossed in what you're doing in the game ( because you have to concentrate on not dying ) that you create your own story for the game . For me personally , I had to quit playing Fallout 3 four or five hours into the game because I was like , OKAY ! Enough already ! I get that I have five thousand options on how to answer this question , but I DON'T GIVE A * * * * ! Basically , I want a game that I can play , not watch . And this is exactly what Demon's Souls offers . - - Waaaaaaaaaah , the online mode is gimmicky ! > Do the red messages on the floor get annoying as hell ? Absolutely . But did that person ever summon someone to help them with a boss or rape an invading black phantom ( literally raped , I bent him over one of the in-game wooden tables ) ? No , they didn't . Because if they did , they wouldn't be bitching . - - Waaaaaaaaaah , there aren't any save points ! > I'm sorry : I know a new Mario game just came out on the Wii - - maybe you should consider flapping that controller around in the air ? I'm sure it'll suit your gaming needs a lot better . The point is , this game isn't NEARLY as brutal as some have made it out to be . Will you die and have to do it all over again ? Yes . But since you've already played through it one , it'll take you a maximum of 3 - 5 minutes to get back to where you were , and besides that , the game allows you to unlock shortcuts and gateways along the way , so you don't have to literally play the game over and over again . Eh , those are some of the major points . The main thing is that this game is a lot of fun , and there are millions of other things that are cool about this game that aren't mentioned here ( such as great customization option , depth of skill points , great pace , etc . ) You can fill in the blanks with the other reviews written on Amazon . I hope you find this review helpful ! Buy the game - - it's great !
    • 029 4  I think many of the reviews here have done and excellent job of discussing Demon Souls . I am surprised by all the five star reviews . This game is unforgiving . It is more frustrating than fun . If you are looking for a challenge this game is it . However , if you are looking for a casual RPG steer clear . Everything in the game is driven by souls . Souls are the coin of the realm . If you die you lose all your souls , and they are left back at the point where you died . If you die again trying to get back to the last spot where you last died , all your souls from the previous death are gone for good . Also , the online play options are fairly non-standard and leave you with little control as far as choosing when and where you will play . I think the online elements are useful from a helpful hint standpoint and utterly useless in all other aspects . I actually find watching other player's ghost a distraction and annoyance . I think this game will have a fairly die hard following , and offers up many challenges . If you are looking for a game to make you suffer , this is it . The game play is hack and slash with RPG character development elements . But , you have to be careful as you'll lose your life quickly unless you plan out your attacks carefully . This game is not anything like the type of hack and slash action offered up by Dynasty Warriors ( which in my mind is a good thing ) . There is a depth to the combat system that is missing from many hack and slash games , although Demon Souls roots can probably be located in the hack and slash genre . Often the controls are not as smooth as they should be given how punitive this game is , but overall they are suited for the style of game . It is a good game , but not perfect . This game will probably lead to a few broken controllers and more than a few popped blood vessels . I would recommend it , but with reservations . I am finding myself both loving it , and hating it all at the same time .
    • 031 4  I would probably appreciate this game alot more . As an adult with a job and time being a precious commodity , I unfortunately dont have the time anymore to memorize every aspect of this game's maps / enemies , but I would love to . And I sure as * @ # $ dont have time to re-do an entire map from the very beginning every time I die . I give this 4 stars for its hardcore difficulty . . . ( actually the game isnt ' difficult ' it's more like it doesnt hold your hand and give off that ' everybody wins ' feel like most games do these days . But fun factor gets a 1 - There's no polish to this game ( as is blatantly obvious at char creation ) and if for a split second you stop moving forward , you ( I ) lose interest real fast .
    • 033 4  This game is amazing ! Not since final fantasy 10 has a game compelled me to play it for over 100 hours . It's also the first PS3 game of the 20 or so that I own that I felt would be an insult to not get the platinum trophy . I'm going to start off by saying that this game wasn't as hard as everyone said it was . I mean yes your going to die at least 4 or 5 times per satge the first time you play it but those deaths are learning experiences and if you PAY ATTENTION you will learn and get better . Also it's impossible to beat it without a guide in my oppinion . I used a wiki guide that I found and its a favorite on my tool bar now . Theres really no story to get involved with just kill demons and take their souls and stuff . But that also means that you can play it over and over without getting sick of it . Like the 3 times you have to beat it to get the platinum trophy . the world tendency and character tendency adds an extra level of depth as does the online which is think is what makes this game so fun . Also I think that is should be noted that even though this game is an rpg is not in the sence that you will never be uber powerfull no matter how much you level up . Even normal enemies can kill you in like 2 hits in new game + + + . TIPS FOR NEW PLAYERS . . . 1 . Start out as a royal class . they are balenced and start out with soul arrow which is the BEST spell in your first playthrough . I used it to kill about half of the bosses . 2 . Play the game in soul form ALWAYS . This means you dont have to worry about black phantoms invading ( other players ) . You will need to equip the cling ring which is easily obtained in level 1 - 1 . This also means your footsteps are silent so enemies can't see you as soon . 3 . Playing the game in soul form also means that world tendency doesn't change when you die . So all those things you heard about the gaming getting harder the more you die doesn't apply to you ! 4 . Whenever you kill a demon and regain your body suicide in the nexus by jumping off the stairs . Make sure you don't land on any npc though , they could attack you ! 5 . As said in 3 if you upset an npc enough they will attack you so don't swing your weapon around in the nexus . If they attack you they won't help you anymore for the rest of the game cycle . 6 . Once you beat level 1 - 1 go to level 4 - 1 . It's got the best bow to level up and at the begining of 4 - 2 theres a great soul farming spot . 7 . Use the wiki guide it will save your SOUL ! ! ! ! ! ! !
    • 038 4  I just picked up a PS3 this year , and got 3 PS3 exclusives to start with : God of War ( Collection ) , Uncharted 2 , and Demon's Souls . I played God of War for about 1 hour , Uncharted 2 for 2 hours , and Demon's Souls for 3 days and counting ( not finished with it yet ) . This game is almost indescribably amazing . It's beautiful , yes , it's innovative , yes , but there just doesn't seem to be any other phrase more appropriate to describe this game than ' addictively phenomenal ' . ( And bear in mind , I played World of Warcraft for about 2 hours total before getting bored with the game mechanics and other players . ) Yes , you die a lot ( a LOT ! ) , yes , you have to start over from the beginning of sections repeatedly , yes , there are no save points . The game creators took a lot of risk by removing these game mechanics which a lot of modern gamers take for granted . However , in return , you get a game where the emphasis isn't on staying alive at all cost , but instead is placed upon the actual experience of the ( gasp ) * game play * . In short , this game will not hold your hand or make it obvious which way to go . However , what you get from the game as a reward is far better than any game you thought you wanted . My husband says he has never heard me yell at a game so much , or play one with such dedication for so long . Highly recommended .
    • 041 4  Demon's Souls is a title reserved for those in the gaming community who relish the idea of enemies being your enemy . What I mean is that the game is criticized and praised universally for being difficult , when it merely wants to show you that you are a human . When you see that gigantic dragon whipping its tail back and forth , tantalizing loot underneath its swings , you don't say hey , I'll just go pick it up , no problem ! The game makes you feel as if you are your character , as if bad decisions have consequences instead of a few taps of X ( or in this case , R1 ) to get out of . What's important to note about this game is that it really isn't that tough until New Game + , when enemies suddenly have 3 times the health that they did , because it's just fair . If you want the game to be hard , you can make it hard in 3 steps : 1 ) Forget your shield . Who needs it ? You're invincible , you play GAMES ! 2 ) Take on all comers . Remember those scenes in Chinese martial arts movies when the good guy is surrounded by 8 guys ? It works superbly . 3 ) Run headlong all the time into everything , slashing wildly . This is no time for metered attack and defense , you should use up all your stamina instantly regardless of your environs . If you approach the game with patience and planning , you will find it is not as challenging as you've heard . It's really quite easy for the most part , you just have to respect your enemies . However , there are some fine points about the game that I really hate . The first is the camera . Usually the camera is great , but in a game like this where you can be brutally slaughtered in a few moments of not being able to see yourself , it becomes a real onus . Secondly , the farming for ore via crystal geckos is a fine idea , but sometimes shoddily executed . Making a pure Darkmoonstone drop from 2 sets of geckos on a % chance to drop is the worst idea they didn't cut . Requiring what could be near-infinite playthroughs of the entire game to acquire one item is just lazy game design . The final problem I have with the game is the way the weapons never feel that different from one another . You have your heavy weapons , requiring most of your stamina per swing ; your medium weapons , allowing 3 - 6 swings on moderate stamina ; and your daggers , the only weapon that has any speed whatsoever . This makes for an evolution of combat that is dull and ponderous rather than exciting and fast-paced , because you're limited by what weapon type you prefer so drastically . The game alludes to switching various weapons out to be more effective against certain enemies or in certain environments , but really you can just take your dagger out and slash your way through the game with no difficulty . Aside from these relatively minor setbacks , Demon's Souls is a fine outing for a new IP and one I hope can be polished and returned to in some sequels . I'll be preordering the next one for sure .
    • 044 4  Sad to say some people will never experience this game . It is one of the best I have ever played and I have played a bunch , from Oblivion , DAO , RFOM to R2 to COD4 , 5 , MW2 to Killzone2 to Uncharted 1 and 2 to Halo to LBP and the Ratchet and Clank games and many many more . It is unlike any you will ever play should you decide to try it and yes it is hard , but to say that simply doesn't explain why this is important to the game . One only has to look at the wikidot wiki on it to see how deep the game is . It's good to address complaints a very few people have had with the game : No checkpoints No saves Lots of dying Ok , the game doesn't have a menu that allows you to save anywhere you want , but that means menus don't interfere with the game-the game is about immersion . It does save after you kill enemies , when you reach certain points ( it autosaves a lot ) , and when you die . It also saves when you quit the game and any baddies killed where you quit will be dead when you reload . Certain traps will reset , though . The other thing to note is there's no pause in the game , so if you have to run off to do something , you probably want to quit so as to avoid having some other player invade and kill you-because one innovative feature in the game is that other players can enter your game ( at certain times ) to help or to hurt you . The online feature is amazing . The game does involve a lot of dying on your part , some of it is even required , because certain situations are only created due to you dying . As well there are certain ones that only come up if you are fairly perfect in an area . The fact that the game is rather harsh due to the dying a lot part , and the fact that you lose all the souls ( the form of currency in the game ) you've accumulated and have to start the level you died in all over again with all foes having re-spawned and made harder to kill helps to create a certain edge of your seat experience . When you are up on some extremely high ledge with very little room for error or when you've gotten the message that some player has invaded your game when you have just fought some tough foes and have to replenish health and mana , you will feel the game and some sense of fear and anxiety . No other game today can do that for you . In most games if you die , at worst you start the area over again , no real penalties other than having to go through some small part again and try not to die at it . Demon's Souls creates real consequences for dying in the game and really makes you sweat everything . To say it isn't fun is only true for those who want a game that coddles them . This is a game that will bring out true fear and sense of accomplishment like no other . Yes , foes can one hit kill you , even some of the lesser foes , but I find this refreshing after playing games where multiple shots from a shotgun only slows an opponent down . Games today usually allow you to go hide and wait for your health to replenish after being shot by a machine gun . Demon's Souls causes you to be more tactical in your thinking . What works for one opponent will not for another . Watching , listening , walking and evading , and ultimately thinking , not charging in blindly are paramount . Character creation allows you to choose a certain class ( each one has its benefits with unique abilities and / or items that you begin with ) , but you can change your mind throughout the game and choose level ups that turn your mage into a melee specialist if you choose . Spells , miracles , special weapons , world and character tendencies , as well as online hints , bloodstain replays , PVP and coop play make this one very special game . I , like many others thought it was way too hard at first-hated it , but a few hours into it and I can't put it down , months later .
    • 046 4  If you believe Demon's Souls plays dirty , you should be aware that you are able to play dirty right back , if you choose to do so . Just hit the power button on your PS3 right when your character dies , or the playstation button on your controller to quit the game right when you die . After 2 or 3 minutes of reloading , you will start almost exactly right back where you were . No harm , no foul . BOOOOOOOO ! ! ! HISSSSSSS ! ! ! I AM A HARDCORE GAMER ! ! ! NERDS OF THE WORLD UNITE ! ! ! My opinion is that if many of the so-called hardcore gamers raving about Demon's Souls were to be 100% honest in their reviews , they would admit that they did this very action on more than one occasion during their successful completion of the game . I have no problem whatsoever with it , just admit that you did so please . On the other hand , if you are the most hardcore of all us video game nerds , and you enjoy slaying the same identical hoards of enemies time after time on level after level , only to be killed by one of the many tricks / traps / bosses which require trial and error to defeat , then by all means , go ahead an spend the extra 20 to 50 hours of your life doing so . Demon's Souls is an incredible experience , and by far the scariest video game I have played to date : Graphics , Animations , Characters = 10 Level Design , Bosses , Atmosphere = 10 Sound , Voice Acting , Music = 10 Story ( requires your imagination ) = 7 Gameplay ( cheating allowed ) = 10 Gameplay ( hardcore , no cheating allowed ) = 5 Online Interaction and Innovation = 10 Overall = 9.5
    • 047 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I love this game . It reminds me of why I still play video games . It's been years since I've owned a game I like so much that I get excited thinking about playing it when I get home from work . But I digress . . . The numerous reviews about this game's difficulty are , in my opinion , a bit extreme . I was worried about getting this game . I wondered if I would be throwing the controller out of frustration . So far , that has not happened in the 60 hours I have put into it . Honestly , this game is only a little harder than your average games of this console generation . What makes the game difficult is the lack of save points throughout the levels . Not having a save point every 5 minutes forces you to take your time while navigating the levels . Having enemies that can kill you with one or two swipes of their weapon keeps you from charging into a large group of them . It forces you to use varying strategies , such as the ol ' Divide and Conquer . Some people may not like this , but there are clearly many that do . Keep in mind that it's not always difficult . The game allows you to level up your character , upgrade weapons and learn magic . This will help your character become stronger and allow you to go through the earlier levels again with more ease than when you first started . And while the AI in the game is not ' cheap ' by any means , there will be times in the game where you will find ' cheap ' ways to defeat some of the enemies more easily . While normally I don't care for cheap or broken elements in video games , figuring out these types of methods in Demon's Souls give you a sense of accomplishment . And it's just one of the many areas of the game where you will feel this sense of accomplishment . As for some of the complaints , I will agree with others that the lack of a pause button can be frustrating . However , if you need to stop the game , just go to an area where you have already defeated the enemies and you can stand there for as long as you like and nothing will hurt you . These areas are plentiful , since most enemies can't detect you from very far away . Furthermore , you don't need to set aside 2 - 3 hours every time you play this in order to get through a level . You can use the game's Quit Game feature in the middle of a level ( pending that there are no enemies close by ) and it will quit your game , allowing you to load your game in the very spot you left off . The only other complaint I have is the online system in terms of World Tendency . If you want to get into the more detailed aspects of the game , you will need to change your World Tendency . It can be difficult to keep your game at a pure white or pure black tendency without having to play in offline mode . This can be a pain because you have to remember to not log into the Demon's Souls servers every time you play . It's not a huge deal , but sort of a pain . Overall , this is the best game I've played in a long time . It has a high level of challenge with enough secrets in it to keep you interested . I'm also looking forward to the amount of replay value this game has provided by the New Game + model .
    • 048 4  I love this game . It reminds me of why I still play video games . It's been years since I've owned a game I like so much that I get excited thinking about playing it when I get home from work . But I digress . . . The numerous reviews about this game's difficulty are , in my opinion , a bit extreme . I was worried about getting this game . I wondered if I would be throwing the controller out of frustration . So far , that has not happened in the 60 hours I have put into it . Honestly , this game is only a little harder than your average games of this console generation . What makes the game difficult is the lack of save points throughout the levels . Not having a save point every 5 minutes forces you to take your time while navigating the levels . Having enemies that can kill you with one or two swipes of their weapon keeps you from charging into a large group of them . It forces you to use varying strategies , such as the ol ' Divide and Conquer . Some people may not like this , but there are clearly many that do . Keep in mind that it's not always difficult . The game allows you to level up your character , upgrade weapons and learn magic . This will help your character become stronger and allow you to go through the earlier levels again with more ease than when you first started . And while the AI in the game is not ' cheap ' by any means , there will be times in the game where you will find ' cheap ' ways to defeat some of the enemies more easily . While normally I don't care for cheap or broken elements in video games , figuring out these types of methods in Demon's Souls give you a sense of accomplishment . And it's just one of the many areas of the game where you will feel this sense of accomplishment . As for some of the complaints , I will agree with others that the lack of a pause button can be frustrating . However , if you need to stop the game , just go to an area where you have already defeated the enemies and you can stand there for as long as you like and nothing will hurt you . These areas are plentiful , since most enemies can't detect you from very far away . Furthermore , you don't need to set aside 2 - 3 hours every time you play this in order to get through a level . You can use the game's Quit Game feature in the middle of a level ( pending that there are no enemies close by ) and it will quit your game , allowing you to load your game in the very spot you left off . The only other complaint I have is the online system in terms of World Tendency . If you want to get into the more detailed aspects of the game , you will need to change your World Tendency . It can be difficult to keep your game at a pure white or pure black tendency without having to play in offline mode . This can be a pain because you have to remember to not log into the Demon's Souls servers every time you play . It's not a huge deal , but sort of a pain . Overall , this is the best game I've played in a long time . It has a high level of challenge with enough secrets in it to keep you interested . I'm also looking forward to the amount of replay value this game has provided by the New Game + model .
    • 049 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) You know those games that with enough skill , time , and determination you can get through them without dying even once ? Well , Demon's Souls is not that kind of game . If you don't want to read a long review , then I can leave you with this : You will die ; you will die often , and you still won't be able to stop playing it . For those of you still interested enough to listen to the rest , please continue reading . It's a long one , though , so I'll wait while you use the bathroom and get a snack . Ready ? Good . First , a small description of the plot ( which I still don't really understand at this point ) . This is paraphrased from the Wikipedia article for the game . King Allant XII used the power of souls to guarantee the prosperity of his kingdom : Boletaria . However , King Allant had unleashed the Old One ( I am in awe of their creativity ) , an ancient beast who had been slumbering beneath the Nexus . The Old One brought with it a fog that covered Boletaria , and infested it with demons who are after your soul . Many heroes have tried to free Boletaria from its curse , but none so far have succeeded . Now to the good stuff . Automatic plus for the game : customizable character creation . The character's basic stats are chosen by class ; you can choose from : Knight , Priest , Thief , Magician , Temple Knight , Soldier , Wanderer , Barbarian , Royalty , and Hunter . Different classes have different starting equipment ; some will start with a spell or a bow , while some ( i.e . the Barbarian ) will start with no armor.In addition to basics such as age , gender , etc . , you can make your character look anyway you want in a character creator that uses sliding scales to change pretty much every detail of your character's face . One odd thing in the character creation is a sliding scale for their gender where you can make them more masculine or feminine separate from their actual gender . . . well . . . I guess if that's what works for you . . . anyway . . . You start off in a basic tutorial where you go around finding out how to attack , use your shield , and use items . However , you end this tutorial by dying at the hands of a giant demon that kills you in one hit ( two if you're lucky ) . Now , it's obviously not game over when you die , because this is the first of many deaths , but a few things happen . You are sent to a place called the Nexus , a place for souls where you can also buy items , or deposit items that you've picked up for later use . It is here that you find that you have lost your physical body . Regaining your body only requires you to obtain a Demon's Soul , but your HP has been halved while in spirit form . The Demon's Soul can only be acquired from a boss-level demon , but you have to battle your way through lesser demons first . The souls you collect from them are used as currency throughout the game . You can then use one of the Archstones to be teleported to a place within Boletaria . One of the most important things to remember is that you cannot pause while you're in the middle of a level . The only completely safe place in the game is the Nexus , but the game also auto-saves pretty much constantly . So before you start playing make sure you have a good amount of time , or someone to hand the controller off to . The aforementioned soul-craving demons like hiding around corners , behind things , and in dark rooms . They're armed with swords , bows , firebombs , and spears ; some are wearing full armor , while others are wicked fast . No matter how quickly you can kill them , they can kill you just as fast . Even in the beginning stage you will die several times , and at least one path is blocked by a foe we have yet to beat . Every time you die , you lose all the souls you've earned , but if you can make it back to where you died you can pick those souls back up . In addition to using souls to buy items , repair weapons , or upgrade weapons you also use them to upgrade your character , which replaces a traditional level system . You choose one of your basic stats to upgrade , which then upgrades things like your physical / magic defense , HP , spell memory , etc . You have to know what your character needs to really make the most of this system . Really , the only bad thing I can about this game is that sometimes playing the same level for the eleventh time gets a little frustrating , but for some reason you just keep playing . Most games try to coddle you by giving you lots of items , and easy enemies . This game all but tells you that you suck , and I think that's what makes you want to keep playing it . You're going to die , maybe at the hands of a basic , firebomb wielding demon ; maybe at the hands of a boss that will kill you by looking at you . However , the bottom line is you're going to keep playing it . You're going to play it and beat it just to prove that you can .
    • 050 4  You know those games that with enough skill , time , and determination you can get through them without dying even once ? Well , Demon's Souls is not that kind of game . If you don't want to read a long review , then I can leave you with this : You will die ; you will die often , and you still won't be able to stop playing it . For those of you still interested enough to listen to the rest , please continue reading . It's a long one , though , so I'll wait while you use the bathroom and get a snack . Ready ? Good . First , a small description of the plot ( which I still don't really understand at this point ) . This is paraphrased from the Wikipedia article for the game . King Allant XII used the power of souls to guarantee the prosperity of his kingdom : Boletaria . However , King Allant had unleashed the Old One ( I am in awe of their creativity ) , an ancient beast who had been slumbering beneath the Nexus . The Old One brought with it a fog that covered Boletaria , and infested it with demons who are after your soul . Many heroes have tried to free Boletaria from its curse , but none so far have succeeded . Now to the good stuff . Automatic plus for the game : customizable character creation . The character's basic stats are chosen by class ; you can choose from : Knight , Priest , Thief , Magician , Temple Knight , Soldier , Wanderer , Barbarian , Royalty , and Hunter . Different classes have different starting equipment ; some will start with a spell or a bow , while some ( i.e . the Barbarian ) will start with no armor.In addition to basics such as age , gender , etc . , you can make your character look anyway you want in a character creator that uses sliding scales to change pretty much every detail of your character's face . One odd thing in the character creation is a sliding scale for their gender where you can make them more masculine or feminine separate from their actual gender . . . well . . . I guess if that's what works for you . . . anyway . . . You start off in a basic tutorial where you go around finding out how to attack , use your shield , and use items . However , you end this tutorial by dying at the hands of a giant demon that kills you in one hit ( two if you're lucky ) . Now , it's obviously not game over when you die , because this is the first of many deaths , but a few things happen . You are sent to a place called the Nexus , a place for souls where you can also buy items , or deposit items that you've picked up for later use . It is here that you find that you have lost your physical body . Regaining your body only requires you to obtain a Demon's Soul , but your HP has been halved while in spirit form . The Demon's Soul can only be acquired from a boss-level demon , but you have to battle your way through lesser demons first . The souls you collect from them are used as currency throughout the game . You can then use one of the Archstones to be teleported to a place within Boletaria . One of the most important things to remember is that you cannot pause while you're in the middle of a level . The only completely safe place in the game is the Nexus , but the game also auto-saves pretty much constantly . So before you start playing make sure you have a good amount of time , or someone to hand the controller off to . The aforementioned soul-craving demons like hiding around corners , behind things , and in dark rooms . They're armed with swords , bows , firebombs , and spears ; some are wearing full armor , while others are wicked fast . No matter how quickly you can kill them , they can kill you just as fast . Even in the beginning stage you will die several times , and at least one path is blocked by a foe we have yet to beat . Every time you die , you lose all the souls you've earned , but if you can make it back to where you died you can pick those souls back up . In addition to using souls to buy items , repair weapons , or upgrade weapons you also use them to upgrade your character , which replaces a traditional level system . You choose one of your basic stats to upgrade , which then upgrades things like your physical / magic defense , HP , spell memory , etc . You have to know what your character needs to really make the most of this system . Really , the only bad thing I can about this game is that sometimes playing the same level for the eleventh time gets a little frustrating , but for some reason you just keep playing . Most games try to coddle you by giving you lots of items , and easy enemies . This game all but tells you that you suck , and I think that's what makes you want to keep playing it . You're going to die , maybe at the hands of a basic , firebomb wielding demon ; maybe at the hands of a boss that will kill you by looking at you . However , the bottom line is you're going to keep playing it . You're going to play it and beat it just to prove that you can .
    • 054 4  I left this as a response to the 1 star review of the game and figured I might as well leave it as a review too . This game takes skill , patience , and a love for overcoming obstacles previously too big to take on . This is one of the only games I've ever played where being alive is a perk ! I actually play better in soul form for some reason . I'm too nervous about dying when I have my body . This game is incredibly fun . Sure there are no save points , but the game automatically saves so you can quit whenever you want and you'll be right where you left off . Also , even though the enemies respawn if you die all of the progress that you've made in the levels remain like opened gates for shortcuts . Once you start to level up the game becomes easier because you can use miracles like evacuate to take you to the Nexus with all of your souls intact relieving a lot of pressure about dying and losing them . The multiplayer is really fun too even though you can't unfortunately play with friends ( you can , but it requires uneccesary planning ) . The bosses are huge and really give you a sense of accomplishment once defeated . Leveling up takes time and planning , but it is hugely rewarding when you go back and defeat a foe that was too difficult to beat before . This game isn't for everyone , but it's also not as hard as others would have you believe . Yes it's difficult . . . and yes you will die often ( I myself have been in soul form over 75% of my playthrough ) , but that's all part of the game and it doesn't feel cheap at all . There's a lot of information online to help you make choices and make the experience smooth and rewarding . It's tough , but it's not insurmountable . If reading about how tough it is makes you interested as I was you should buy it . . . if it makes you leary then rent it and find out that you should have bought it ! It's a great game and I'm very happy to have it in my collection . Also , there's a lot of replayability with New Game + that allows you to keep all your weapons , spells , and miracles and makes the enemies tougher . It's not without it's downsides , but they're so few and far between that it doesn't hinder the experience of the game . . . the biggest being for me that you can't easily join with friends online and no co-op offline . I highly recommend it !
    • 056 4  If you were like me when looking at the other reviews for Demon's Souls , you might be a little scared and hesitant to click that add to cart button because of all the reviews talking about how difficult it is . I too was scared to commit to a game I wasn't sure I would be able to enjoy since I am not what you might call a pro gamer . I never had the quick reflexes to master fighting games and FPS . Well let me tell you that you should not be afraid . Yes this game is difficult , but not in a way that it can't be beaten . Yes it will punish you for failure , but when you succeed you will feel extremely satisfied . Yes you will die and yes you will throw controllers . This game is not hack n ' slash . I repeat , NOT HACK N ' SLASH . Those of you expecting a game like Diablo 2 or God of War will probably be a little confused when you are getting destroyed by every little puny enemy in game . But you will also keep coming back . Why ? Because you realize that you didn't die because the game cheated or treated you unfairly . You died because you did something dumb like rush into a group of enemies or attempt to take on a large powerful foe in a position that left you at a disadvantage . What do you do ? You come back again and try a different approach . You learn from your mistakes and you press on . When you do get past it you will feel satisfaction like you've never felt in a game before . This isn't cheap thrills like Halo . Hard mode isn't just adding a ton of HP to monsters and making every attack one shot you . This is strategic hard mode . Use your brain and you will succeed . Think logically and you will triumph over the demons . Most of all , be patient . You won't regret it . Graphics : 4.5 / 5 . You would be hard pressed to find a blemish in this game . Everything is beautiful . Everything from your armor to the scrubby zombie creatures in 1 - 1 are beautifully rendered and highly detailed . My only complaints are the wonky camera in certain areas like 5 - 2 where structures tend to make it difficult for you to see and the way that no matter what you do you can't seem to get your character to not look hideous . Mostly its covered by a helmet so you don't see it though . Story : 3.5 / 5 . Well I guess there was a story . It's not a story you are going to remember but honestly you don't really care either since the gameplay is so good . Gameplay : 5 / 5 . It doesn't get much better than this folks . The controls are simple and easy to get used to . The targeting system could use a little work specifically on world 4 - 2 but its nothing you don't learn to manipulate on your own . It's constantly fun . Never a dull moment . You'll be shocked by enemy sneak attacks and mystified by the epic scale of some of the bosses . Great fun all around . Online : 5 / 5 I thought this deserved a separate section . The online play in this game is very intuitive and I wish other games would make clever use of the internet like DS did . You can summon other players to assist you as phantoms in your world , invade OTHER worlds to hunt and fight the host , you can leave helpful or not so helpful messages on the ground for other players and you can even see bloodstains where other players died . By touching the bloodstains you get to see a phantom image of their final moments which can offer some helpful insight into challenges coming . For example , if you see a doorway with several bloodstains outside of it chances are there is a trap or an enemy waiting in ambush so you know to proceed with caution . Also throughout the game you will see phantom images of other players who are playing the same area as you . Their image will fade in for a few seconds as a translucent ghost and then fade away . It's cool because sometimes you can see them fighting which lets you know that enemies are near but it also has a different effect of reminding you that you aren't alone on your quest and it kind of makes you feel nice . Sound : 4.5 / 5 The soundtrack is good . You know it's there but it isn't intrusive , the way a soundtrack should be . Fun / Replay : 5 / 5 . Between new game + mode ( you replay the game with all your stuff and levels from the previous game it's just harder ) and just trying out new styles of playing you will be dedicating many hours to this game . A first run will probably take you about 40 or more hours depending on how much soul and upgrading you can do . Runs after that seem to last between 20 - 30 hours . It's a lot of fun and you really shouldn't miss out .
    • 057 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Let me preface this review by saying this game took me completely by surprise . It had a very quiet release and virtually no marketing or hype . I bought it based on the recommendation of a friend ( who had played an imported version months ago ) , and after reading glowing reviews of the game . With so many great games coming out soon I was going to pass on this one , but ultimately decided to fork over the cash and give it a try . What a great decision ! I think the first thing people will notice about this game is the difficulty . There's really no way to sugar coat this ; Demon's Souls is a very difficult game . However , I think the reason for the game's difficulty is that we are too used to having games where death has little consequence . In most other games you can run into a room wildly swinging your weapon , die , and then respawn not far behind with full health and experience . There's very little incentive in most other games to go through a level carefully and slowly . In Demon's Souls it's an absolute must . Even low level enemies can drop you within seconds if you take on too many of them at once . The game forces you to strategize and progress through a level methodically . At the end of each level you face a boss . More often than not you will die the first time you fight one of these hulking brutes . My suggestion is to take note of the attack patterns and actions of the boss . Almost all of them have a pattern of attack that you can exploit . Once you learn it , your second fight with the boss will be much easier . This is one of the most rewarding parts of the game . Defeating the bosses takes true skill and effort , and when you succeed you feel a great sense of accomplishment ( saying that for a video game does sound kind of strange , but oh well ! ) If you have your PS3 connected to the internet you can take part in the game's unique online mode . As you progress through the levels you can see notes left by other players on the ground ( and you can leave your own , too ) . Personally I found these to be a great assistance , since many other players leave helpful tips and hints for progressing through the game . Even more useful are the bloodstains you find scattered all over the place . These allow you to view the last seconds of someone's life in that section , and to see how they died . For example , near the beginning of the game there is a pit you can potentially jump into . After viewing the bloodstain nearby I saw that it was a trap , and the unfortunate player died by going into it . Having his bloodstain nearby helped me avoid some aggravation ( to whoever that was , you have my thanks ! ) Having said all that , there are a few minor niggles about the game . When you first choose your character class you are given virtually no information about each class . You can see their stats , but you can't see which classes can heal , which ones have higher luck stats ( and thus a better chance of finding quality loot ) , how much damage they do , etc . You can find this information in the game manual , but it would have been far more convenient to have it available as you as you choose your character . Also , the game has some very annoying physics effects . Your player's feet consistently get tangled up in enemy corpses , to the point where you're dragging along a body while walking ( I know how strange that sounds , but you have to play the game to understand what I mean ) . It may not sound like a big deal , but if you're going around a corner you may not see a pitfall on the ground . Also , I've died numerous times simply due to character animations . I swing my weapon and the character animation makes my player walk off a cliff to his death . It can get very frustrating at times . Despite the criticism I still feel this game is a rare gem . I have a feeling that it won't see great sales because it's tailored to a very specific market , and that's really unfortunate . I'd certainly like more developers to take a chance once in a while to try to come up with something original and refreshing . Having said that , whether you want to purchase it or not depends largely on what type of gamer you are . If you enjoy a good challenge then you will love this game . If you are easily frustrated ( the throwing your controller against a wall type ) then I'd probably avoid this game , as it may aggravate you quite a bit .
    • 058 4  Let me preface this review by saying this game took me completely by surprise . It had a very quiet release and virtually no marketing or hype . I bought it based on the recommendation of a friend ( who had played an imported version months ago ) , and after reading glowing reviews of the game . With so many great games coming out soon I was going to pass on this one , but ultimately decided to fork over the cash and give it a try . What a great decision ! I think the first thing people will notice about this game is the difficulty . There's really no way to sugar coat this ; Demon's Souls is a very difficult game . However , I think the reason for the game's difficulty is that we are too used to having games where death has little consequence . In most other games you can run into a room wildly swinging your weapon , die , and then respawn not far behind with full health and experience . There's very little incentive in most other games to go through a level carefully and slowly . In Demon's Souls it's an absolute must . Even low level enemies can drop you within seconds if you take on too many of them at once . The game forces you to strategize and progress through a level methodically . At the end of each level you face a boss . More often than not you will die the first time you fight one of these hulking brutes . My suggestion is to take note of the attack patterns and actions of the boss . Almost all of them have a pattern of attack that you can exploit . Once you learn it , your second fight with the boss will be much easier . This is one of the most rewarding parts of the game . Defeating the bosses takes true skill and effort , and when you succeed you feel a great sense of accomplishment ( saying that for a video game does sound kind of strange , but oh well ! ) If you have your PS3 connected to the internet you can take part in the game's unique online mode . As you progress through the levels you can see notes left by other players on the ground ( and you can leave your own , too ) . Personally I found these to be a great assistance , since many other players leave helpful tips and hints for progressing through the game . Even more useful are the bloodstains you find scattered all over the place . These allow you to view the last seconds of someone's life in that section , and to see how they died . For example , near the beginning of the game there is a pit you can potentially jump into . After viewing the bloodstain nearby I saw that it was a trap , and the unfortunate player died by going into it . Having his bloodstain nearby helped me avoid some aggravation ( to whoever that was , you have my thanks ! ) Having said all that , there are a few minor niggles about the game . When you first choose your character class you are given virtually no information about each class . You can see their stats , but you can't see which classes can heal , which ones have higher luck stats ( and thus a better chance of finding quality loot ) , how much damage they do , etc . You can find this information in the game manual , but it would have been far more convenient to have it available as you as you choose your character . Also , the game has some very annoying physics effects . Your player's feet consistently get tangled up in enemy corpses , to the point where you're dragging along a body while walking ( I know how strange that sounds , but you have to play the game to understand what I mean ) . It may not sound like a big deal , but if you're going around a corner you may not see a pitfall on the ground . Also , I've died numerous times simply due to character animations . I swing my weapon and the character animation makes my player walk off a cliff to his death . It can get very frustrating at times . Despite the criticism I still feel this game is a rare gem . I have a feeling that it won't see great sales because it's tailored to a very specific market , and that's really unfortunate . I'd certainly like more developers to take a chance once in a while to try to come up with something original and refreshing . Having said that , whether you want to purchase it or not depends largely on what type of gamer you are . If you enjoy a good challenge then you will love this game . If you are easily frustrated ( the throwing your controller against a wall type ) then I'd probably avoid this game , as it may aggravate you quite a bit .
    • 065 4  First off , I really love this game . Second , steer clear if you're not into hardcore RPGs . This game will push you to your limit . If you stick with this game you will get amazing amounts of enjoyment out of it . Once you figure out how to survive , what strategies to use for certain enemies , etc . you will have no problem progressing onward . That said , the first boss I killed on my first attempt . Second boss required maybe 6 or 7 attempts . The third boss I killed on my first attempt . It's not impossible , people . You just can't run in like a fool and expect to survive . I would recommend anyone that can commit to a hardcore game purchase this title ! You will NOT regret it !
    • 070 4  No wonder this was one of the most imported games ever , Demon's Souls is nothing short of amazing . Amazing combat , gameplay , weapons ( you can dual wield shields ! ) and totally addictive . Even if you don't usually play action RPGs , try this one . You'll be hooked .
    • 076 4  An action-RPG that prides itself on its difficulty , Demon's Souls is not a game for the faint-hearted . However , for a player willing to overcome a few hardships , Demon's Souls is a well-made , well-executed , highly enjoyable game . Demon's Souls ' basic gameplay is hack-and-slash similar to The Legend of Zelda or Kingdom Hearts , i.e . you swing your sword , block with your shield , roll , dodge , and so on . However , Demon's Souls has much higher stakes - your character can die in 2 or 3 hits , for one . Enemies telegraph attacks well enough , and are generally as weak as you are in health terms , so it's at least fair in that regard . It's less that the game is hard directly , and more that the game is unforgiving of carelessness ; charging at an enemy as though they can be easily dispatched , like you would in most action games , usually ends up with your death . There's a fairly wide level of customization available in terms of gameplay choices , though . Souls are the game's currency , and are obtained from every enemy defeated . They are used to buy stat upgrades , spells , weapons , armor , and items . In essence , you have a fairly wide set of choices available in terms of how you play the game - as a direct fighter , as a lightly-equipped archer , or as a supporting magic-user . Your class influences your starting stats , but there are very few class-based limitations in terms of equipment and spells . As long as you've upgraded your stats to the right level , you can use almost anything . There is some difference in terms of what weapons are used , so there's at least a lot of diversity in terms of your character's development . In addition to enemy weaknesses , the weapons in the game also take how the weapon is used into account . Most directly , walls and corridors will make it impossible to swing a weapon - a problem if you're using a giant sword and can't get the room necessary to swing it . Generally , stabbing weapons like spears and rapiers are useful in close-range areas , while the giant swings of greatswords and polearms are useful in wide-open areas . It's possible to wield weapons one-handed or two-handed ; it's also possible to dual wield weapons , to varying levels of effectiveness . The two kinds of ranged weapon are bows and crossbows : the former can be aimed manually , but requires two hands , while the latter must be locked on automatically , but can be used with a shield . Death in Demon's Souls is frequent , and comes with a few penalties . Upon death you become a ghost , with only 50% of your normal HP ( though this is raised to 75% by an item found early on , which is much more tolerable ) . When you die , you lose all your current souls ( but not items or abilities ) , but if you can get back to the spot you died in and touch your body , you can at least recover it . There are a few ways to recover your body , the most common of which is beating a boss while in spirit form . However , it's often not worth it - you can only beat a given boss once , and it's fairly easy to die afterwards to some simple trap or surprise attack . And given the number of things that are trying to kill you - soldiers , monsters , dragons , rolling balls , pit traps , and the occasional explosion - care should be taken at basically every opportunity . The game's multiplayer is probably its most innovative feature ; rather than a direct sort of join someone else's game feature , Demon's Souls is more like a persistent online world where you can only occasionally interact with other people . The most common online interaction is messages . These messages are assembled from premade parts ( look out for the _ _ _ _ ahead , etc . ) and left on the ground near whatever they're talking about . Any player can put down a message , regardless of content , so it can be used to help people ( there's a trap ahead , don't trust this guy ) or to hinder them ( if you jump down into this bottomless pit you'll get some treasure ) . Trustworthy messages can be recommended ; recommending a message provides the player who put it down with an instant full-heal - something that's not to be sneezed at , especially during boss fights . Therefore , it's to the player's advantage to put down helpful notes , and the game is certainly hard enough to warrant them . In one case , for example , an otherwise innocuous NPC was marked with many runes nearby indicating that said NPC was a liar and I should attack him . As it turned out , the NPC was powering a ritual that made the level's boss immortal , and without killing him I never would have been able to beat said boss . The other way that the game presents a passively online universe is through player ghosts and bloodstains . The former is just a glimpse of other people playing the game - i.e . , their characters running around in the same level you are in . These are mostly just there for show , though seeing a ghost pull a lever or break down a wall can provide a helpful hint . When another player dies , their bloodstain is left in the location where they died . If you touch a bloodstain , a ghost pops up and runs through the last few seconds of that player's life . This basically shows you where traps are in a lot of circumstances - you just have to watch for the part where the ghost dies when you go forward . In some cases , the presence of a great deal of bloodstains serves as warning enough . There are more direct ways of interacting , as well . When you're a ghost , you can offer your services as a Blue Phantom and enter another player's world as a cooperative helper . Beating the level's boss transports you back to your own game and gives you your body back . You can also take the darker path of the Black Phantom and invade another player's world ; if you manage to kill them , you get your body back . Overall , there's not a lot of communication possible in-game . The messages serve as the only actual communication ; blue phantoms must communicate with gestures and emotes , and there are only a few of these . There's no friend lists or anything along those lines , so you're really just grabbing any random player either as an enemy or a friend . The graphics in the game are excellent - the designs and effects are detailed and well-executed , there are plenty of incredible panoramic views ( many of which can be noted with messages ) and the characters all move with realistic weight and effort . On the other hand , the Havok physics used in the game are completely ridiculous . Bodies , for one , can be easily kicked around by a player walking slowly into them , which causes them to go into humongous spasms and flail around . The sound is great , being distinctly atmospheric while also serving as a warning . The music is good , but only shows up for boss fights ( in a manner similar to Shadow of the Colossus ) , while the rest of the game is music-less to let you focus on approaching footsteps or flapping dragon wings . As a whole , Demon's Souls is a great game with solid gameplay and fun online multiplayer . However , it's also a very unique game - casual gamers , people who dislike losing repeatedly , and people who want to play with people they know in real life are probably better staying away . The game's difficulty will drive away most gamers ; even gamers who stick with it will likely find it frustrating when they die for the hundredth time . The online mode , while interesting and fun , is limited in its long-term applications due to the short pick up game nature of coop play . In conclusion , the game is a 9 / 10 for hardcore gamers , and a 6 / 10 for casual gamers .
    • 083 4  It's refreshing to see a difficult game for a change . Demon's Souls looks and feels great . The controls are very well done , and touches such as weight varying strength of blows from different enemies really do a good job making the combat enjoyable . This game really reminds me of Phantasy Star Online 1 and 2 for the Dreamcast , only less rewarding and a much worse interface . You'll have to rely on the manual and online resources to figure out exactly what's going on with all the numbers and symbols , much like PSO , since the introductory level only explains combat and one or two items . Honestly , switching armor , weapons and spells should take two seconds at most in an action RPG , and that was something PSO did brilliantly . Instead , you have to go into a menu that wrests control from you as it completely fills the screen , doesn't pause the game at all , and is two or three layers deep to switch ( thankfully you can assign a few weapons to the left and right D-pad buttons ) . What gives with the lack of a pause option ? I understand the persistent online play , but this isn't an MMO - the servers should simply hold off on letting someone join my session if they can see I've suspended playing for whatever reason . The combat itself is fun , but casters really get shafted . Spellcasting isn't the same system as melee combat at all , and feels stiff even if it does become fairly powerful later . You simply push a button ( whose function you must change manually every time if you want to use different kinds of spells ) and your character stops , spends a second or two waving a wand around , and out comes your fireball or what have you , as opposed to your friend with a sword who is dancing around having all kinds of fun . The multiplayer is an interesting concept , and the hints and bloodstains that show how players meet their demise are great additions to the genre . Going toe to toe with other players is fun since there is actually something at stake ( your increased health bar and souls ) . Much like PSO , you will also feel disconnected from the story and even the world around you . Quests feel very uncertain , and there is no hint at all about rare items that you might be able to find in a given section of the game . The upgrades you find are generally bland through most of the game , with the more powerful weapons near the end making the once difficult combat a joke , even against some of the harder enemies . Bows are different beast altogether - you can practically skip boss fights if you bring enough arrows by standing in a corner and shooting if you so choose , and the boss will be helpless to fight back . The characters don't say much , and what they do say isn't particularly useful at all . The worlds themselves are often repetitive and confusing , with some more memorable ones sprinkled in between . Ultimately , if you came from a game like PSO looking for something similar , you'll find it here , but in a barely polished and more frustrating package . The poor interface , disconnection from the game world , and bland itemization isn't enough for me to accept the pumped up difficulty and interesting combat . I'd give it a C overall . Fun for a while , but enough for me to bother replaying much more . Buy used if possible , the regular retail price would've made me feel like I wasted some money .
    • 085 4  I am not much of an RPG fan , but I enjoy good action based RPGs like Mass Effect and Oblivion . I was skeptical of Demons Souls at first so I rented it . After playing for 20 hours of so , I almost gave up . The bosses were too hard to beat , it was like my character was made of paper compared to them . But then I persisted and decided to look up the Wiki and some other excellent guides online . Yes , I had to do that to get the right equipment , complete the levels in certain order , understand world tendency ( note to the novice , play the game in offline mode at first to control the difficulty in the game ) . Even then , this game forced me to get better at my combat skills before I could advance . If you don't , you will die , many times , and frustratingly so . If you try to cheat or find an easy way out , you will pay for it . . . eventually . But the game gives you the ability to get better at it , and I don't mean leveling up or getting better weapons . I mean you will have to learn to play better . If you think the combat in this game is about button mashing , you might as well give up . You have to think and act accordingly in combat , and sometimes in a split second . And if you persist and do get better , you will feel a sense of accomplishment like in no other game . The game is so deep - you can always get better , the level of difficulty can be controlled ( using world tendencies , read up on it ) , different weapons have their own purpose and handle very differently , different abilities gives you new ways you can beat your enemies . I have never felt more fearful of dying in a GAME or being more anxious about what is around the corner . This game is more of a survival horror , than an action adventure / RPG the first time around . I ended up spending 100 hours on it on only one play-through ( kiss your social life goodbye ) . You can restart a new game with your level and equipment when you finish . And . . . you guessed it . . . it is harder , a lot harder . I returned the rental but now I wish I had bought it , because I want to play it again . I might just do that when I have another 3 + weekends available . If you haven't played it , I envy you , games like this do not come around too often .
    • 088 4  This has got to be one of the most rewarding and challenging games that I know . It has consumed my soul , and I will always remember this game . Ever since I got this game , I have Played NOTHING on my PS3 except this game . The graphics and gameplay are amazing , but I really don't think this game should be rated M . Just an opinion though . If you buy this game , please please please , don't give up on the first or second level , there is always a way to win .
    • 091 4  Demon's Souls is not a game for everybody . That being said , if you're up to the challenge , it's one of the best games of its kind to be released in recent memory . Most game review sites gave it high marks , and Gamespot recently awarded Demon's Souls its 2009 Game of the Year award , so it's clear that this game is doing something right . Demon's Souls is basically a combat RPG . You run around and kill all sorts of different monsters with lots of different weapons and spells , get currency called demon's souls ( hence the title of the game ) , and use that currency to level up , upgrade your weapons , buy items , learn spells , etc . The game takes place in five different worlds , each of which has its own style , both artistically and in terms of gameplay . The game world is one of the most atmospheric in any game I've ever played . There isn't really much of a story ( don't expect anything like Dragon Age or Final Fantasy ) , but you really do feel like you're in a kingdom being overrun by chaos and evil . The gameplay in Demon's Souls is spot on . There's a great sense of progression , since you slowly but surely become more and more powerful throughout the course of the game . A huge amount of the progression doesn't actually come from any statistical boosts , but from simply going through the game , dying a lot , and learning from your errors . As you learn how to beat different monsters and bosses , you really do feel like you're accomplishing something nontrivial . There aren't a huge number of weapons ( maybe a few dozen ? ) , but they each have a distinct role in combat , and the game really forces you to think about which weapons and armor you want to use . You'll find that there isn't one best answer ; rather , the best equipment and spells to use will depend on your playstyle and the monsters you need to fight . One of the great things about Demon's Souls is that there are all sorts of different ways to progress through the game . The boss fights in this game are fantastic - they involve lots of different sorts of crazy , mostly huge , monsters , some of which seem overwhelmingly powerful at first , but which upon closer inspection have their weak spots . Perhaps the most innovative aspect of Demon's Souls is the multiplayer system . It's kind of hard to describe , but it involves you either helping or fighting other players by invading their worlds as a phantom , or by leaving notes on the ground . You can also touch other players ' bloodstains to see how they died , which might serve as a warning for you . You can't chat with other players , but this really adds to the atmosphere of the game . One of the most frequent complaints about this game is the difficulty . It's true , this game is hard , but not unfair hard . There are ways to beat every monster in the game using the tools available to you , and if you take the time to be patient and learn from your errors , you'll find that the game isn't unreasonably difficult . That being said , Demon's Souls is more demanding than almost any other game out there , and probably isn't appropriate for more casual gamers . If you're unsure if your skills are up to the task , try playing the game at a friends or renting it first . The first few levels are pretty indicative of the difficulty of the rest of the game . Demon's Souls isn't a perfect game , but the flaws are all minor . I don't know if this is the best game I've ever played on the PS3 , but it certainly is one of the best games currently available for the system . If you're unsure about whether this game is for you , rent it first , but I'm sure that many people will be pleasantly surprised with Demon's Souls .
    • 096 4  I didn't learn about Demon's Souls until shortly before launch & was intrigued by the reviews of how tough it is . I lean toward games that are engaging , difficult ( not unfairly so ) and rewarding when you do accomplish something . This game covers all three . After starting the game , you find yourself without too much story or instruction , but don't worry . Be sure to realize this is a steep initial learning curve and once you've played , I'd say about 5 - 10 hours , you'll really have the hang of things . You die often & sometimes suddenly and will have to start over from the beginning of a stage , but each time you do die you learn something and , with dedication & adjustment to the way you approach that death , can generally get past that point without too much difficulty the next time . Boss battles are epic and sometimes take a decent amount of time , so give yourself plenty of time to play through since there is no pause function . Some people don't like this ; I personally do since I find that it helps you immerse yourself in the game ( or Boletaria , the name given to this fictional land ) . In closing don't expect to breeze through this game . If you are a casual gamer or don't prefer some of the nuances I mentioned , pass it up . But if you enjoy some of the same things I do , I doubt you'll find a more enjoyable or rewarding game ! : )
    • 097 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Though the challenge is frustrating and sometimes time consuming , this game is probably one of the best ever for the PS3 . My reference is as if this were Diablo III , carrying the same dungeon / medieval like atmosphere and a strong notion of accountability and learning curve . You miss and the lesser enemy might kill you ; you learn , and you ` ll be able to overcome any challenge . For me this is the best RPG for PS3 this far , and one of the best ever - deeply addictive , charmingly melancholic , this will keep you entertained for weeks ! Frank
    • 098 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Though the challenge is frustrating and sometimes time consuming , this game is probably one of the best ever for the PS3 . My reference is as if this were Diablo III , carrying the same dungeon / medieval like atmosphere and a strong notion of accountability and learning curve . You miss and the lesser enemy might kill you ; you learn , and you ` ll be able to overcome any challenge . For me this is the best RPG for PS3 this far , and one of the best ever - deeply addictive , charmingly melancholic , this will keep you entertained for weeks ! Frank
    • 099 4  Though the challenge is frustrating and sometimes time consuming , this game is probably one of the best ever for the PS3 . My reference is as if this were Diablo III , carrying the same dungeon / medieval like atmosphere and a strong notion of accountability and learning curve . You miss and the lesser enemy might kill you ; you learn , and you ` ll be able to overcome any challenge . For me this is the best RPG for PS3 this far , and one of the best ever - deeply addictive , charmingly melancholic , this will keep you entertained for weeks ! Frank
    • 101 4  I have been playing games for most of my life starting with Atari . There has been very few games that captured the correct way to make it a very hard & challenging game & yet not impossible . This Demons Souls has definately redefined a HARD game . Reminds me of the game ICO , yet makes me feel that Im actually there . You may die alot , but each time you do , it is always your fault . I mean this in the literal sense . No more button mashing . Every action you take costs stamina . So when faced with many different things you must act accordingly or you can and will pay , mostly you will die . I would say even at the very high level my character is at this moment , doesnt say that I should relax at all because when you let your gaurd down is when you curse yourself for being so stupid for not paying attention . I always catch myself & say I deserve that , I should know better . The replay is top notch . I never was into replaying a game after Ive beaten it . So many games out there to stay on the same one , Not this game . I cannot put it down . I have never been into online play . I am a Full single player type of gamer . This online play is most certainly different . You dont chat with other players . If you need help you can call upto two players to assist you . or you can Invade other players game to hunt them down . I must say both ways are very rewarding , especially the fear you get knowing some Phantom has come to your world to kill you . I tell you no matter how powerful you are you will still die if not careful . Theres way to much to say about this game other than if quality is what you desire This is definately it .
    • 104 4  I won't get into much detail , you can check any gamers web page and check the reviews and they will probably do a better job than I would trying to describe the game . So , I will only talk for myself here . I love the game , It's really hard , but its extremely rewarding once you kill the boss or foe that was making your life hell . The multilayer is fun an simple , the story is weak but honestly you wont mind . If you like a changeling game , than this is for you . For me , its a must have game .
    • 105 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) It's been a long time since I've encountered a demanding game like Demon's Souls , a fantasy action-RPG by From Software . It seems an increasing number of games are shying away from engaging the player through challenge , but the seemingly ruthless and demanding challenge of Demon's Souls is like a breath of fresh air . . . . or perhaps a cold bucket of water waking your slumbering skills from hibernation . The story of Demon's Souls is unremarkable . Demons have destroyed the kingdom of Boletaria , and you must rid the land of the invaders . How you go about that is up to you , thanks to wonderfully flexible combat , characterization , and game structure . Graphics are good but not outstanding , relying on art direction and mood to create a compelling environment . . . . and it is compelling indeed . Demon's Souls is dark , gloomy , oppressive , and each world has its own set of unique enemies and dangers , and each world feels strangely organic . The game's technology might not have the majesty of From Software's two Otogi games on the first Xbox , but similarly , Demon's Souls is full of subtle , remarkable audio and visual detail . It must be stated that Demon's Souls is not for the impatient gamer . Button mashing will get you killed quickly during the tutorial ; it's actually impossible to survive the tutorial ! The game causes you to think about each and every combat situation , but gives you plenty of tools to work with . Do I have enough room to swing my weapon ? Am I in danger of falling off a ledge ? What type of weapon or spell is best suited for a particular enemy ? The player becomes increasingly engaged as Demon's Souls unfolds , reminding me a lot of the complexity of my much-beloved Vagrant Story on the PS1 . The RPG system of Demon's Souls is quite reminiscent of Vagrant Story's , allowing players to increase stats and equipment as they like , without following a set path . You must choose a particular class to begin , but you can then develop however you like . It is entirely possible to start as a barbarian and become a mage , or choose to spread your stats equally . The path you choose will , however , have a drastic effect on how the game is played . Much has been made of the difficulty of Demon's Souls . However , it is not as unforgiving as many have stated . Combat is demanding , but the player must remember that any enemy in the game is deadly and must be approached with caution . Despite proceeding with care , you will still die , especially when you are adapting to the game's unique feel and circumstances . Dying sends you back to the beginning of the level and enemies respawn , yes , but you get to keep all the items you discover , and many levels contain shortcuts that can reduce retracing your steps . If you have the time , are ready to embrace a challenge , and are prepared for slow but constant progress , look no further . And if you enjoyed either Otogi game or Vagrant Story , Demon's Souls is the unofficial sequel . I've just touched on the features and secrets the game contains . Those who give Demon's Souls a chance may just discover one of the most compelling and rewarding games in the current console cycle .
    • 106 4  It's been a long time since I've encountered a demanding game like Demon's Souls , a fantasy action-RPG by From Software . It seems an increasing number of games are shying away from engaging the player through challenge , but the seemingly ruthless and demanding challenge of Demon's Souls is like a breath of fresh air . . . . or perhaps a cold bucket of water waking your slumbering skills from hibernation . The story of Demon's Souls is unremarkable . Demons have destroyed the kingdom of Boletaria , and you must rid the land of the invaders . How you go about that is up to you , thanks to wonderfully flexible combat , characterization , and game structure . Graphics are good but not outstanding , relying on art direction and mood to create a compelling environment . . . . and it is compelling indeed . Demon's Souls is dark , gloomy , oppressive , and each world has its own set of unique enemies and dangers , and each world feels strangely organic . The game's technology might not have the majesty of From Software's two Otogi games on the first Xbox , but similarly , Demon's Souls is full of subtle , remarkable audio and visual detail . It must be stated that Demon's Souls is not for the impatient gamer . Button mashing will get you killed quickly during the tutorial ; it's actually impossible to survive the tutorial ! The game causes you to think about each and every combat situation , but gives you plenty of tools to work with . Do I have enough room to swing my weapon ? Am I in danger of falling off a ledge ? What type of weapon or spell is best suited for a particular enemy ? The player becomes increasingly engaged as Demon's Souls unfolds , reminding me a lot of the complexity of my much-beloved Vagrant Story on the PS1 . The RPG system of Demon's Souls is quite reminiscent of Vagrant Story's , allowing players to increase stats and equipment as they like , without following a set path . You must choose a particular class to begin , but you can then develop however you like . It is entirely possible to start as a barbarian and become a mage , or choose to spread your stats equally . The path you choose will , however , have a drastic effect on how the game is played . Much has been made of the difficulty of Demon's Souls . However , it is not as unforgiving as many have stated . Combat is demanding , but the player must remember that any enemy in the game is deadly and must be approached with caution . Despite proceeding with care , you will still die , especially when you are adapting to the game's unique feel and circumstances . Dying sends you back to the beginning of the level and enemies respawn , yes , but you get to keep all the items you discover , and many levels contain shortcuts that can reduce retracing your steps . If you have the time , are ready to embrace a challenge , and are prepared for slow but constant progress , look no further . And if you enjoyed either Otogi game or Vagrant Story , Demon's Souls is the unofficial sequel . I've just touched on the features and secrets the game contains . Those who give Demon's Souls a chance may just discover one of the most compelling and rewarding games in the current console cycle .
    • 110 4  Pros : Fully customizable character design Unique hint system Upgradeable weapons LARGE replay value Online gamers can offer their help against tough bosses Cons : Online gamers can also invade your game and kill your player Instruction manual is not descriptive enough No pause option No voice chat option PS3 exclusive Well folks , here it is . After completing the game with 112 hours of accumulated playtime and 108 soul levels earned , I'm finally ready to review Demon's Souls . This game is very enjoyable , and sometimes very patience-testing , and I will say with no hesitation , it is DEFINITELY a worthwhile investment of your hard-earned money . PLOT : The plot is simple enough - the far away kingdom of Boletaria has been enveloped by a strange fog . From this fog come demons who desire nothing more than to kill humans and claim their souls . Many warriors have gone to try and lift the curse , but none have returned . Now it's up to you , brave warrior . Will you be the savior of the land , or will the demons claim another victim ? GAMEPLAY : Once you start playing , you'll discover that this is no ordinary role playing game . If you play in human form , your strikes and magic do less damage . If you play the game in soul form , your strikes and magic are more powerful , but your life bar is cut in half . As you play through the game , you can gather demon's souls for currency - weapons , spells , miracles , healing herbs , armor , it's all the same currency in Boletaria . If you are playing in a world and get killed , all your demon's souls are now at the bloodstain where you died . If you make it back there and touch your bloodstain , all those sweet souls are yours . If you die on the way , those souls are gone forever and your wallet is empty . There are some online features here that I've never seen before . After playing for a little while , I saw writing on the ground and when my character passed over it , it said Beware of the dangerous foe ahead . I was very cautious from this point and eventually I saw a bloodstain on the ground . When I touched it , I saw a blood-red visage of another character rolling backward through a doorway , swinging their sword a few times , and then dying . From this , I figured out an ambush was waiting for me in the next room . Wow - talk about helpful , I was given two ways to avoid a premature death : a written message and a blood-smeared warning . Awesome ! You can also leave messages for other players to warn them of danger - if they find your message helpful ; you earn a healing boost . This can help out BIG TIME during a boss battle , let me tell you ! COMBAT : One thing Demon's Souls will teach you is variety . Monsters will not attack the same way in all worlds . They will exhaust your stamina , or poison you , or simply try to cleave you from neck to navel . You will have to keep on your toes to survive . You can dodge by rolling , or time a perfect riposte , but you can't button-mash your way to victory . Now we've all been there - we planned accordingly , brought enough healing items , even watched online videos to train up , but somehow we just can't beat the next boss . This is where the help option comes into play . Instead of throwing your controller across the room , look for a blue stone on the ground - you can summon up to two other players to defeat that boss . Rock on ! Now if you're one of those gamers with a lot of confidence , there is one boss battle with a delicious twist : if you play online , YOU WILL BE FIGHTING ANOTHER PLAYER . . . THEY _ ARE _ THE BOSS . Yep , you read that correctly . WEAPONS / SPELLS / MIRACLES : Your weaponry is virtually limitless in Demon's Souls . Knives , rapiers , broadswords , clubs , spears , crossbows , maces , and many more . You can create more powerful weapons by collecting various ores from the 5 worlds you explore . Your options also cross over into the magical - you can learn protection spells for your character , or conjure clouds of poison to slowly turn your enemies into worm's food . There are miracles to flee back to The Nexus , or summon God's Wrath to lay waste to your foes . Some upgradeable weapons / miracles / spells are not available unless you have the right demon's soul , so this means you'll have to play through the game a few times to get all those sweet , tasty goodies . WORLD TENDENCIES : While playing Demon's Souls , the worlds you inhabit can change from your actions . For example : If you kill a demon boss , that pushes your world tendency toward white . If you are in human form and die , that pushes the world tendency towards black . There are some enemies and game events that are only accessible during certain world tendencies . Sometimes the game's server throws events for us . Atlus threw all 5 worlds into pure black ( the hardest difficulty ) for Halloween of 2009 and before Christmas they changed all 5 worlds to pure white ( easiest difficulty ) . While these events helped some gamers , I'm sure others found this relaxing . . . like swimming in a shark tank with chum-flavored swimming trunks . CHARACTER TENDENCIES : In addition to the worlds changing , your character can become good or evil with certain actions . For example : If you kill other online players that invade your game , your character tendency goes toward white and your attack power will increase . If you kill other players by invading their game , your character tendency goes toward black and your hit points will decrease . There are certain events that only occur if your character tendency is at full white / black . TROPHIES : The trophies in Demon's Souls cover the full spectrum of difficulty . Some are given for creating the best weapon with rare ores , others are given for defeating bosses , and others are given for learning all the spells / miracles . A regular game from start to finish will usually net you about 17 trophies , but there are 38 total - and this vastly increases the replay value for the trophy-hungry crowd ( like me ! ) . CONS : Even with a game this amazing , innovative and addictive , it does have a few faults . It's very annoying to finish fighting a boss and be returned to human form when all of a sudden , you're thrust into battle with another player with better weapons and spells that mops the floor with you . Of course , if you play in offline mode , this won't happen . The game's instruction manual doesn't go into NEARLY enough detail , but fear not , it references the official website which has wiki entries on every subject imaginable . Like many gamers , I am used to taking bio-breaks during my gaming sessions , but Demon's Souls doesn't let you drop your guard that easily . The best option is to clear an area of enemies and then do your business . Don't try this in human form while online ; you never know when your game could be invaded ! The lack of a voice chat option is really the only gripe I have . Inviting players with the blue stone is a fantastic feature , but without a voice chat option , you're forced to send messages to each other - and let me tell you , you can't be doing strategy planning while the False King is trying to separate your head from your body ! Finally , I have to say it . . . while this is one of the great PS3 exclusives , I feel the very large gaming demographic of Xbox and PC gamers are truly missing out . I hope that Demon's Souls 2 will be available on other platforms , because everyone deserves the chance to play a game this fun , this frustrating and this rewarding . FINAL VERDICT : If you're only a casual RPG gamer , you can take your time and enjoy Demon's Souls to the fullest . If you're a hardcore gamer or a trophy nut , you'll love , love , LOVE this game and find yourself playing it over and over . Special thanks to Adam , AJ , JEQ92 for helping me get the Monk's Collar ( with a 5 - hour time difference ! ) and other gamers who left online messages which saved my butt a thousand times over !
    • 111 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) There is only a handful of titles that motivates the player to keep trying after numerous defeats . The loss of interest can be due to ridiculous challenges ( unfair ) or lack of interest in the gameplay / story . Demons Souls is the type of game in which you are dying most of the time and the gaming sesions are basically the same areas while going to the point where you were killed , only to die again , and again . As tedious as this may sound to some , its the complete opposite . The game mechanics are so well balanced that the difficult challenges are fair . If you dont pay attention every second , you get killed , if you get sloppy in combat , you get killed ( therefore is your mistakes that kill you , not an unfair event ) . Once you beat a demon boss you feel like you just aced an important issue in your day ( while i consider gaming an important part of my life , it really is not , get it ? ) . When you see the boss for the first time your heart starts pumping , you know you are about to die , but how ? how can i prevent it ? all this thoughts racing through your mind as the game over screen appears , and the great thing is that as soon as you are killed , you can't wait to get back in the action and find out how to beat this boss . After playing Demons Souls , you will play other games with more skill and patience . Demons Souls is a game that can take gamers to the next level ( casual - - > core - - > hardcore ) and no matter in which level you are , Demons Souls is something special . Highly reccomended , top quality game , unique gaming experience that will keep you asking for more titles like this one . Hope it was helpful , any comments i will check periodically , Enjoy the game !
    • 112 4  There is only a handful of titles that motivates the player to keep trying after numerous defeats . The loss of interest can be due to ridiculous challenges ( unfair ) or lack of interest in the gameplay / story . Demons Souls is the type of game in which you are dying most of the time and the gaming sesions are basically the same areas while going to the point where you were killed , only to die again , and again . As tedious as this may sound to some , its the complete opposite . The game mechanics are so well balanced that the difficult challenges are fair . If you dont pay attention every second , you get killed , if you get sloppy in combat , you get killed ( therefore is your mistakes that kill you , not an unfair event ) . Once you beat a demon boss you feel like you just aced an important issue in your day ( while i consider gaming an important part of my life , it really is not , get it ? ) . When you see the boss for the first time your heart starts pumping , you know you are about to die , but how ? how can i prevent it ? all this thoughts racing through your mind as the game over screen appears , and the great thing is that as soon as you are killed , you can't wait to get back in the action and find out how to beat this boss . After playing Demons Souls , you will play other games with more skill and patience . Demons Souls is a game that can take gamers to the next level ( casual - - > core - - > hardcore ) and no matter in which level you are , Demons Souls is something special . Highly reccomended , top quality game , unique gaming experience that will keep you asking for more titles like this one . Hope it was helpful , any comments i will check periodically , Enjoy the game !
    • 119 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I was intimidated upon playing Demon's Souls . I kept it in its shrink wrap for a week because I was afraid I'd play for 30 minutes and immediately regret my purchase . Needless to say , I gave it a go , and ended up loving it . It is now one of my favorite games of all time . Contrary to what's claimed , I don't believe Demon's Souls is that hard or unforgiving of a game . Don't get me wrong , you will die . A lot . But the game never feels unfair . It simply requires a different mindset from your average game that allows aggressively blowing stuff up . Caution and patience are well rewarded in Demon's Souls , and rash behavior will become your undoing . The gameplay is complemented by its dark atmosphere . The visuals are grim and do a great job towards portraying a hopeless world . Although there is no background music while dungeon crawling , the melodies played during boss fights are nothing short of beautiful and enhance the level of tension perfectly . Do yourself a favor and look into this game . Due to its very nature , it is one of the most uninviting games at a glance , but give it a chance and your soul will be sucked into the world of Boletaria .
    • 120 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I was intimidated upon playing Demon's Souls . I kept it in its shrink wrap for a week because I was afraid I'd play for 30 minutes and immediately regret my purchase . Needless to say , I gave it a go , and ended up loving it . It is now one of my favorite games of all time . Contrary to what's claimed , I don't believe Demon's Souls is that hard or unforgiving of a game . Don't get me wrong , you will die . A lot . But the game never feels unfair . It simply requires a different mindset from your average game that allows aggressively blowing stuff up . Caution and patience are well rewarded in Demon's Souls , and rash behavior will become your undoing . The gameplay is complemented by its dark atmosphere . The visuals are grim and do a great job towards portraying a hopeless world . Although there is no background music while dungeon crawling , the melodies played during boss fights are nothing short of beautiful and enhance the level of tension perfectly . Do yourself a favor and look into this game . Due to its very nature , it is one of the most uninviting games at a glance , but give it a chance and your soul will be sucked into the world of Boletaria .
    • 121 4  I was intimidated upon playing Demon's Souls . I kept it in its shrink wrap for a week because I was afraid I'd play for 30 minutes and immediately regret my purchase . Needless to say , I gave it a go , and ended up loving it . It is now one of my favorite games of all time . Contrary to what's claimed , I don't believe Demon's Souls is that hard or unforgiving of a game . Don't get me wrong , you will die . A lot . But the game never feels unfair . It simply requires a different mindset from your average game that allows aggressively blowing stuff up . Caution and patience are well rewarded in Demon's Souls , and rash behavior will become your undoing . The gameplay is complemented by its dark atmosphere . The visuals are grim and do a great job towards portraying a hopeless world . Although there is no background music while dungeon crawling , the melodies played during boss fights are nothing short of beautiful and enhance the level of tension perfectly . Do yourself a favor and look into this game . Due to its very nature , it is one of the most uninviting games at a glance , but give it a chance and your soul will be sucked into the world of Boletaria .
    • 127 4  My brother bought this game quit a while back and I watched him play , and I thought it looked cool so I made my own character and started playing it . Addicting . This game is addicting . Hardcore and addicting . Did I mention this game's addicting ? Anyways . . . I got to about level 76 on my first character before I started websurfing and reading forums and learning about the colorless demon souls , the various white and black worlds , and realized : I messed up . I made my character on the basis of getting the Dragon Smasher Sword I saw my brother get and I appearantly didn't have pure white world tend . when I beat the guy u need to to get this sword so I'd have to finish the game and start a new one , which I did but wow it's so much harder on second play through . I rerolled a royal because I figured I'd level much faster and now that I know what stats I want etc . I'd do better . On my newbie I collected colorless demon souls , enhanced my items of choice , unleashed the spells of my choosing , and started Black Phantom raiding and using Emph . Eyes so I would get invaded . I love 1v1 fights so I'd never summon a blue spirit for assistance w / a phantom . Awesome addicting game play that I wish would be on an epic mmorpg scale level . I'd gladly pay 20 $ a month for a mmorpg with the battle system this game has , not to mention some amusing spells and weapons . I love Meat Cleaver and Flamestrike , Blind ( weapon ) is pretty funny too if u keep on a caster with it . Nothing like scaring someone off a ledge . 5 Stars for addiction and castle setting . That's one epic sized castle , like I imagined growing up . No other game has a castle on this level . Please please please make ' Demon's Souls Online ' ! ! !
    • 131 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls is a game that I wasn't sure about at first , but after playing it for the first time I knew that it was something out of the ordinary . This is a game that can keep you up late and keep you alert until the wee hours of the morning . I'm currently on my third playthrough - for me , most games get pretty boring after a while , and I'm lucky to finish them . Demon's Souls is simple enough yet complex enough to allow a lot of progression and feeling of accomplishment . For example , finally beating a tough boss brings a great feeling of triumph , and it's fun to see what comes next . The great thing is that you don't need to fret as a player about your equipment and weapons much , as you can make them effective against just about anyone . Just pick a character that you like and don't worry about branching out until you find yourself at a disadvantage , then work at it . Yes , the game is hard , but you can try as many times as you like at a level , and if you are smart , you can minimize the blow when you get killed . Have I slapped the couch in rage after dying , multiple times ? Yes , I have . Have I raised my arms in triumph after beating some bosses or getting a great weapon / armor ? Yes . Demon's Souls just has a great balance and the best of everything . Online mode is great - you get hints from other players , can get help from other players , help other players , or get invaded by punks and laugh as you trounce them and watch them run away , jumping off a cliff to get away for you . This is a game that I will be playing for years to come . Hope everyone else will be too . Can't wait for an expansion ( maybe the 6th broken Archstone will be repaired ? )
    • 132 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls is a game that I wasn't sure about at first , but after playing it for the first time I knew that it was something out of the ordinary . This is a game that can keep you up late and keep you alert until the wee hours of the morning . I'm currently on my third playthrough - for me , most games get pretty boring after a while , and I'm lucky to finish them . Demon's Souls is simple enough yet complex enough to allow a lot of progression and feeling of accomplishment . For example , finally beating a tough boss brings a great feeling of triumph , and it's fun to see what comes next . The great thing is that you don't need to fret as a player about your equipment and weapons much , as you can make them effective against just about anyone . Just pick a character that you like and don't worry about branching out until you find yourself at a disadvantage , then work at it . Yes , the game is hard , but you can try as many times as you like at a level , and if you are smart , you can minimize the blow when you get killed . Have I slapped the couch in rage after dying , multiple times ? Yes , I have . Have I raised my arms in triumph after beating some bosses or getting a great weapon / armor ? Yes . Demon's Souls just has a great balance and the best of everything . Online mode is great - you get hints from other players , can get help from other players , help other players , or get invaded by punks and laugh as you trounce them and watch them run away , jumping off a cliff to get away for you . This is a game that I will be playing for years to come . Hope everyone else will be too . Can't wait for an expansion ( maybe the 6th broken Archstone will be repaired ? )
    • 133 4  Demon's Souls is a game that I wasn't sure about at first , but after playing it for the first time I knew that it was something out of the ordinary . This is a game that can keep you up late and keep you alert until the wee hours of the morning . I'm currently on my third playthrough - for me , most games get pretty boring after a while , and I'm lucky to finish them . Demon's Souls is simple enough yet complex enough to allow a lot of progression and feeling of accomplishment . For example , finally beating a tough boss brings a great feeling of triumph , and it's fun to see what comes next . The great thing is that you don't need to fret as a player about your equipment and weapons much , as you can make them effective against just about anyone . Just pick a character that you like and don't worry about branching out until you find yourself at a disadvantage , then work at it . Yes , the game is hard , but you can try as many times as you like at a level , and if you are smart , you can minimize the blow when you get killed . Have I slapped the couch in rage after dying , multiple times ? Yes , I have . Have I raised my arms in triumph after beating some bosses or getting a great weapon / armor ? Yes . Demon's Souls just has a great balance and the best of everything . Online mode is great - you get hints from other players , can get help from other players , help other players , or get invaded by punks and laugh as you trounce them and watch them run away , jumping off a cliff to get away for you . This is a game that I will be playing for years to come . Hope everyone else will be too . Can't wait for an expansion ( maybe the 6th broken Archstone will be repaired ? )
    • 139 4  From the reviews I read about this game , I was a little worried that I would find it frustrating . Once I finally played it , I was hooked . This game is challenging fun . This is a RPG in the sense that you create the character and the game puts you in the world . It has all of the archetypes you would expect in a standard fantasy RPG : Magician , Soldier , Priest , Thief , etc . However , your starting class just determines your starting equipment , spells , and stats . From that point on , your character's advancement is up to you . You could put points into your magician's strength and dexterity , give him armor , and make him a combination fighter-magician , or pour all your souls into magic and intelligence for a pure fireball-tossing archmage . There is not much of a story and no dialog trees , so if you desire a strong narrative in your RPGs , you might want to look elsewhere . As a pure dungeon crawl , though , it is nearly perfect . You are in constant fear for your life , yet , if you take your time , be careful , and pay attention to your surroundings , you can get through most everything unscathed . Familiarity with a level can help you get through quicker , but I never felt that memorizing a level was required to survive . Theoretically , it is possible to make it through the entire game without dying , but it is not very likely . However , I never felt like my deaths were cheap or unfair . The punishment for death is the need to reclaim your souls ( used as both experience and currency ) from where you died , and rarely do the challenges seem insurmountable . Due to the challenging nature of Demon's Souls , each completed level feels like an accomplishment . Nothing is handed to you on a silver platter . You can quit and save at any time , but you do start back at the beginning of the level if you die ( i.e . there are an infinite number of save points , just no checkpoints ) . However , many of the levels allow you to open shortcuts as you advance through the level . For example , in the first level , the end boss is very close to your starting point , so once you open the gate , it is easy to get back to the boss if you die . I was originally reluctant to buy Demon's Souls , but if they come out with a sequel , I'll be purchasing it on day one .
    • 141 4  There's no two ways about it , this game is the bees knees . This was the very first game I put into my PS3 when I first got it on the 11th of January . Having entirely foreign controls in my hands and a game as punishing as this to tackle was no easy feat . The game was simply harsh and brutal . Completely unforgiving and entirely frustrating . It was simply lovely . The first level took me about 6 hours of playing to best . I was ready to take a sledge hammer to my shiny new ps3 , but then it occurred to me that this game had FORCED me to become a better player , and to be more aware of my surroundings . Once you get over that first hump , and meet the learning curve in the middle the this game really starts to pay off . This is not God of War where you can just brute force your way through and be done with it ( took me ~ 7 hours total to beat GoW1 first playthrough no walkthroughs ) . I thouroughly enjoyed God of War don't get me wrong , but this game is all about patience and finesse . I can not comment on the graphics really , as I have a SD television . They look nice to me but I'm sure my set doesn't do the game justice . The text is somewhat difficult to read , it forced me to stand up and squint in front of the TV a few times , but that is my only complaint , and likely due to the television . The environment is very immersive , you can find yourself at times really tensing up or concerned about peeking around that next corner . It is very dark and appropriate overall . Some of the bosses are MASSIVE and very ominous looking , you really feel like a little insignificant amoeba by comparison . Think God of War only you have free roaming combat always , no minigames . The combat takes a little time to get used to , but once you get a grasp on it it can be very rewarding , especially the melee characters . The combat is rather technical at times where you need to dodge your enemy at a certain time and then quickly attack from their back or side for maximum impact , or lure single enemies out of a larger pack with arrows so you don't get overwhelmed . The game can be played in a somewhat linear manner if the player so chooses , or the worlds can be played in any order , save the very first stage 1 - 1 . The game is MASSIVE and there is a lot to learn and discover . I'm pretty comfortable with the game at this point , but also realize that I have just barely scratched the surface . This game is certainly not for everyone . It's definitely designed with a more hardcore gamer in mind . There is limited in game information to help you learn certain aspects of the game such as stat importance , detailed character and world tendency information , item upgrading information etc . There is , however a wealth of resources on the net to help guide you along . I would suggest that anyone and everyone at the very least rent this game . It is the best money I've ever spent on a game for console or PC , easily . I can see someone who finds themself really enjoying the game getting at least 500 hours of gaming out of it . If you like the online and pvp aspect , even more . With all of the soul farming for levels , upgrading materials and items , there is much more to be done than simply defeating the endboss . Not for the instant gratification crowd or the weak spirited , but if you want a very challenging and extremely rewarding game then buy Demon's Souls .
    • 145 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls is one of those games that comes around once in a great while . It's a perfect blend of action and RPG that has a perfect blend of hard difficulty and satisfaction . The game is dark , serious , with very intelligent AI , and realistic player movement . Graphically , the game is stunning . The sound effects and soundtrack are perfectly done and creepy . Demon's Souls is a must-have gave if you own a PS3 and enjoy RPGs and action games . Let me take a minute to explain the degree of difficulty here . The game is a smart-gamers game . If you just go wandering around in a running sprint and hack-and-slash enemies , your character will die over and over again . This game is not for you if you like to play this way . Think Metal Gear . . . with a midevil atmosphere . Players need to take their time , sneak around carefully , and smartly fight off enemies by taking a moment and use what's around you to your advantage . Regardless of how careful you are , your character will die ; and die many times - - that one of the points to this game . When you die , your character goes into soul form which has a few setbacks . Health is a fraction of what it is when in life-form , but being in soul form makes the game a multiplayer experience that can have you join in other's player's game . This is a single player game ; but yet , it's also multiplayer throughout . During the game , you sill see ( white ) souls running around the world . These figures are actually other players playing the game on the same map . Watch what they do and you get clues to what is about to happen . In adition , there are hints written on the ground left by other players ( in turn , you can leave tips of your own to assist other players ) to warn of traps , ambushes , or even treasure . There is also the ability to assist other players if you leave your soul tag ( again , you must be in soul form - - be killed ) on parts of the map . If another player sees your tag and requests assistance in that area , you will be summoned and you then join the other gamer in their quest for a short period of time ( i.e . : boss fights ) . The game is rather difficult , so the need to call for another players assistance at times is a must . The degree of difficulty is rather high , but in a rather good way . You must think before you act here . If you go out in a God of War style of hack-and-slash , you will die quickly . When you do die , you start off at the beginning of the level or at an extrelely rare check point after a major boss is defeated . If it takes you an hour to reach a boss and then you die , you go back to the beginning of the level . You lose all the souls you collected ( which you use to buy weapons , armour , healing items , character upgrades , etc ) , but keep all other items ( weapons , herbs , etc ) you found . When you do die , work your way back to where you met your doom and there will be a blood pool where you died . Here you can recollect all the souls you lost . However , if you get killed before you reach your blood pool ( which may very well happen ) , all those souls are lost . When you respawn , all enemies , with the exception of major and sub-bosses , also respawn ; thus givng you more chances to collect more souls and level up . The game is hard , frustrating , but yet so rewarding when you get someplace and defeat a boss , level up , and / or assist another player in their quest . Character movement has a perfect feel . The more armour you wear , the heavier you are , the slower you walk / run . The same goes for weapons . You can equip two weapons / shield for each hand ; but again , if what you equip becomes too heavy a burden , you won't able to use that weapon / shield as effectively as it can be used . You have a burden limit to the weight you can carry , so carry wisely . Demon's Souls is a classic role playing game that keeps you on your toes . From the graphics , sound , difficult gameplay , and the rewarding feeling of finishing off a boss / level , makes this a must-have game for PS3 owners . It's a single player game that gives you a multiplayer experience .
    • 146 4  Demon's Souls is one of those games that comes around once in a great while . It's a perfect blend of action and RPG that has a perfect blend of hard difficulty and satisfaction . The game is dark , serious , with very intelligent AI , and realistic player movement . Graphically , the game is stunning . The sound effects and soundtrack are perfectly done and creepy . Demon's Souls is a must-have gave if you own a PS3 and enjoy RPGs and action games . Let me take a minute to explain the degree of difficulty here . The game is a smart-gamers game . If you just go wandering around in a running sprint and hack-and-slash enemies , your character will die over and over again . This game is not for you if you like to play this way . Think Metal Gear . . . with a midevil atmosphere . Players need to take their time , sneak around carefully , and smartly fight off enemies by taking a moment and use what's around you to your advantage . Regardless of how careful you are , your character will die ; and die many times - - that one of the points to this game . When you die , your character goes into soul form which has a few setbacks . Health is a fraction of what it is when in life-form , but being in soul form makes the game a multiplayer experience that can have you join in other's player's game . This is a single player game ; but yet , it's also multiplayer throughout . During the game , you sill see ( white ) souls running around the world . These figures are actually other players playing the game on the same map . Watch what they do and you get clues to what is about to happen . In adition , there are hints written on the ground left by other players ( in turn , you can leave tips of your own to assist other players ) to warn of traps , ambushes , or even treasure . There is also the ability to assist other players if you leave your soul tag ( again , you must be in soul form - - be killed ) on parts of the map . If another player sees your tag and requests assistance in that area , you will be summoned and you then join the other gamer in their quest for a short period of time ( i.e . : boss fights ) . The game is rather difficult , so the need to call for another players assistance at times is a must . The degree of difficulty is rather high , but in a rather good way . You must think before you act here . If you go out in a God of War style of hack-and-slash , you will die quickly . When you do die , you start off at the beginning of the level or at an extrelely rare check point after a major boss is defeated . If it takes you an hour to reach a boss and then you die , you go back to the beginning of the level . You lose all the souls you collected ( which you use to buy weapons , armour , healing items , character upgrades , etc ) , but keep all other items ( weapons , herbs , etc ) you found . When you do die , work your way back to where you met your doom and there will be a blood pool where you died . Here you can recollect all the souls you lost . However , if you get killed before you reach your blood pool ( which may very well happen ) , all those souls are lost . When you respawn , all enemies , with the exception of major and sub-bosses , also respawn ; thus givng you more chances to collect more souls and level up . The game is hard , frustrating , but yet so rewarding when you get someplace and defeat a boss , level up , and / or assist another player in their quest . Character movement has a perfect feel . The more armour you wear , the heavier you are , the slower you walk / run . The same goes for weapons . You can equip two weapons / shield for each hand ; but again , if what you equip becomes too heavy a burden , you won't able to use that weapon / shield as effectively as it can be used . You have a burden limit to the weight you can carry , so carry wisely . Demon's Souls is a classic role playing game that keeps you on your toes . From the graphics , sound , difficult gameplay , and the rewarding feeling of finishing off a boss / level , makes this a must-have game for PS3 owners . It's a single player game that gives you a multiplayer experience .
    • 148 4  This game is graphically beutiful , the combat system is deep , and the world is moody . And has been said often , this game is no cakewalk . I won't rehash what has been said by the big online reviewers but I would like to add a few thoughts . 1st : this game is very much like a modernized old nintendo game , for better & worse . I would liken it even to Deadly Towers ( gasp ! ) , but I mean that in a good way . You're dropped in an extremely difficult gameworld with almost no introduction , you're character starts out very weak and you need to explore ( carefully ! ) to find some loot that will begin to make you stronger . Of that loot , there's plenty of it and like games like deadly towers , it's quite colorful . The customization is very flexible and for those who are willing to play this game A LOT you can get quite powerful . Still , there is limited story & npc interaction , almost no role playing in the Bioware / Bethesda sort of way , and almost zero hand holding . You're basically thrown to the wolves ( or in this case , demons ) and left to figure it out for yourself . For those that are up to the challenge , you're in for a treat . 2nd : This game reminds me a lot of a well polished mmorpg played almost entirely by soloing . The game is almost entirely about the grind - killing enemies , exploring the world , aquiring loot & upgrading your equipment . The multiplayer content is unique and interesting - much as been said about it elsewhere , but suffice it to say that it is enjoyable once you get your head wrapped around how it works . One last thing : I don't think this game is that hard , really , once you get the hang of it .
    • 150 4  I'm on my third play through of the game now , and have spent over 120 hours exploring , and trying the game from new angles . I played through the first time as an armor heavy melee class ( Knight ) with poor damage capabilities . The second time as a stealthy , and lightly armored thief . The third time , I'm playing through as a magic wielding magician . This game CAN be frustrating at times , so if you lack patience , stay away . While it's true there are no save points , there are gates and such which can be opened once you progress past a certain point , giving you a short cut to the area it previously took you 30 minutes to get at . If you pay close attention , there are short cuts ALL over the game that are hidden in plain sight . Great game . Here's hoping they make a sequel .
    • 157 4  Demon Souls is by far my favorite game of this year , it's also probably the most difficult . It's the one game that's actually taken me a month to beat and I'm still enjoying playing through it . The story of Demon Souls is simple enough though has a bit more depth than you'd think . NPC's are sparse but what few there are set the dark mood of the game perfectly . There aren't really any plot twists or anything like that but you won't care . Your character is there to defeat the big-bad and that's pretty much your entire motivation . Demon Souls is NOT a story heavy RPG . Demon Souls is an RPG with a heavy emphasis of action . Though instead of just simply hacking and slashing your way through a level , there's a tremendous amount of strategy involved . It may not seem so at first but every motion you make with the controller , every slash , dodge , roll , jump makes all the difference in the world . Even the weakest of enemies has the potential to kill you if you're not careful . You can switch to wielding any weapons two-handed style for wider archs ( which all look and control differently ) , you can block or bash guys with a shield , and fighting with two weapons means LITERALLY having to control both weapons at the same time . This is by far the best combat engine developed for an RPG video game and I hope great gaming developers take note . Oh yeah , if you haven't heard yet , you will die ALOT in this game . In the first stage I died at least 40 times ( I lost count after that ) , and if you die you lose your souls ( souls are your exp / money you use to level up and buy items ) and have to start over at the beginning . This is where the difficulty comes in . You CAN however fight your way back to where you died to regain your souls again which IS possible . You do also keep all your levels and stats though the game thankfully has you relying on SKILL instead of stats . What's even better is your souls STACK so that you gain everything you lost , plus keep everything you gathered so you're twice as powerful as what you were . Death is kind of your GRINDING aspect . Demon Souls is without a doubt the best and most satisying gaming experience I've had on the PS3 . It probably wont be everyone's gig , but if you're up to the challenge you won't be disappointed .
    • 158 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I was disappointed to find this game hasn't even got a potential European publisher yet , so I've imported into England from America . Pity us europeans for missing out on this game . So you might have read that this is a pretty tough game where you die a lot and don't really progress for hours . This can be very true depending entirely on how you play the game , and how others play it as well . In a way , this title feels like those old games / adventure books where you had two paths to choose from and one of them almost always lead to certain and instant death . This game is full of traps and overwhelming enemies , both in numbers and strength . However , this is where part of the online aspect comes into play . The game has an interesting feature that lets the player leave messages for the other players on the server . So for example , if a powerful enemy is just ahead or a deadly trap , someone may have been kind enough to leave a clue about this , giving you a fighting chance . If you take notice of these messages and people are willing to leave them around you hopefully shouldn't die so much . Some people may compare the toughness to games like the Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden series , but in my view , although it may be as tough , it's in a very different way . Whereas with DMC or NG you had to be wide awake and really on top of things to both enjoy it and actually get anywhere , I find it's actually possible to play Demon's Souls while half asleep . DS is more about being careful and not entering an area until you're absolutely sure your character is completely prepared . I have been playing for almost a week now . At this point I've probably died about 30 times and I haven't even completed the first stage . This may give you an idea of the amazing length and breadth of this game . Levels seem to be absolutely huge , with plenty to do in each area . Architectural graphics are incredible , allowing you to view huge areas in great detail for miles . One complaint is of the immense repetition that can occur , where dying puts you to the beginning of the level , complete with respawned enemies , forcing you to work your way through again . This of course relies on how much you may or may not die , but it can be a problem if you want to just rush through the level ( which perhaps is where the problem for some people lies , you really do need to set time aside for this game ) . The repetition complaint often couples with the fact that there are no checkpoints . Well , in truth there are no obvious checkpoints . However , on your travels you may come across doors / gates / bridges / etc . , that once activated will connect to areas you explored earlier , letting you basically skip an area once you begin again , saving a lot of time . But these are all nitty gritties , and I'm sure you may just want to know how fun this game is . In my opinion this game can be immensely enjoyable and rewarding for even the smallest achievements . There has only been one point where I got annoyed , being when I died and lost bucket loads of money . All the rest of my time spent on this game has been in absolute awe of it's design . I really do appreciate this purchase . I actually promised myself I wouldn't play World of Warcraft as I've heard that it's easy to get addicted to and it takes up all your time . But then Demon's Souls crept up on me and has had the same effect . By the way , if you're just looking for a game to rack up your trophy count , then don't bother with this one . Each trophy may just be tasks like ' Kill this boss ' and ' Kill that boss ' , but I have so far only taken two measly bronze trophies with all the time I've put in .
    • 159 4  I was disappointed to find this game hasn't even got a potential European publisher yet , so I've imported into England from America . Pity us europeans for missing out on this game . So you might have read that this is a pretty tough game where you die a lot and don't really progress for hours . This can be very true depending entirely on how you play the game , and how others play it as well . In a way , this title feels like those old games / adventure books where you had two paths to choose from and one of them almost always lead to certain and instant death . This game is full of traps and overwhelming enemies , both in numbers and strength . However , this is where part of the online aspect comes into play . The game has an interesting feature that lets the player leave messages for the other players on the server . So for example , if a powerful enemy is just ahead or a deadly trap , someone may have been kind enough to leave a clue about this , giving you a fighting chance . If you take notice of these messages and people are willing to leave them around you hopefully shouldn't die so much . Some people may compare the toughness to games like the Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden series , but in my view , although it may be as tough , it's in a very different way . Whereas with DMC or NG you had to be wide awake and really on top of things to both enjoy it and actually get anywhere , I find it's actually possible to play Demon's Souls while half asleep . DS is more about being careful and not entering an area until you're absolutely sure your character is completely prepared . I have been playing for almost a week now . At this point I've probably died about 30 times and I haven't even completed the first stage . This may give you an idea of the amazing length and breadth of this game . Levels seem to be absolutely huge , with plenty to do in each area . Architectural graphics are incredible , allowing you to view huge areas in great detail for miles . One complaint is of the immense repetition that can occur , where dying puts you to the beginning of the level , complete with respawned enemies , forcing you to work your way through again . This of course relies on how much you may or may not die , but it can be a problem if you want to just rush through the level ( which perhaps is where the problem for some people lies , you really do need to set time aside for this game ) . The repetition complaint often couples with the fact that there are no checkpoints . Well , in truth there are no obvious checkpoints . However , on your travels you may come across doors / gates / bridges / etc . , that once activated will connect to areas you explored earlier , letting you basically skip an area once you begin again , saving a lot of time . But these are all nitty gritties , and I'm sure you may just want to know how fun this game is . In my opinion this game can be immensely enjoyable and rewarding for even the smallest achievements . There has only been one point where I got annoyed , being when I died and lost bucket loads of money . All the rest of my time spent on this game has been in absolute awe of it's design . I really do appreciate this purchase . I actually promised myself I wouldn't play World of Warcraft as I've heard that it's easy to get addicted to and it takes up all your time . But then Demon's Souls crept up on me and has had the same effect . By the way , if you're just looking for a game to rack up your trophy count , then don't bother with this one . Each trophy may just be tasks like ' Kill this boss ' and ' Kill that boss ' , but I have so far only taken two measly bronze trophies with all the time I've put in .
    • 163 4  Story : From the moment I started Demon's Souls I lost interest in the story . Somehow I gathered that Boletaria was surrounded by a fog which managed to cut it off from the outside world . One soldier escaped and told the world of it's predicament . The king awakened the Old One beneath the Nexus ( for some reason I'm still not sure . . ) which released demons upon the world who get stronger with each soul they devour . Yup , that's what I was thinking too . Thus , I never really cared for the storyline . It was a bit far stretched and with no character background I couldn't understand why I was stuck in this situation attempting to save the world for no apparent reason . I believe that anyone who's played Demon's Souls will admit that the story feels non-existent . If you are one of those individuals who are solely interested in a storyline this game is not for you . Technical Stuff : This game is pretty . It really is that simple . The detail to the demons and worlds is incredible . You really need to see this game . Even if you just view a few screenshots you owe it to yourself to check out some of the bosses in this game . This type of quality can only be seen on the Playstation 3 . There were a few hiccups though . Sometimes the camera would not allow me to target an enemy or I would somehow manage to get turned around in the process only to have said enemy shoot me in the back . Very seldomly did I encounter framerate issues . There were a few times ( mostly when large enemies were on screen such as the Dragons in World 1 ) but it never caused an issue that would take away points from it's overall score . One thing I will say is that the music in this game really was excellent . It did a fantastic job setting the mood for whichever world I was in . Sometimes I would allow myself to get lost in the sounds of the world ( s ) which ( especially in World 3 ) would make the gameplay that much more enjoyable . Character Builds : When you choose to start a new game you enter a character building screen . This allows you to change what your character looks like ( I made the perfect replica of Johan from the Circle Trilogy ) and gives you a few preset classes to choose from . These classes do not determine much but your starting stats and equipment . I choose the cookie-cutter Royal class that can be found online . After you manage to kill the first boss you are allowed to go back to the town and level up . Choose so wisely . I would recommend knowing exactly what you plan on doing before taking this step . Levels in this game really determine how you will play and how well ( or not so well ) you will do while playing . At first it may seem that leveling is a breeze , as it was for the first 40 levels . However , soon you'll find that leveling isn't so easy . I believe at level 86 it required 43,502 souls to level up to 87 . Once again , choose how you want to play this game before leveling up . Giving your character an equal build may seem the right way . However , you'll soon find that whereas you may be able to do it all - you really can't do anything worthwhile . I choose a bow / magic build . Three plain Moments : I will say this this following section may contain spoilers . These are some of the moments where the game completely screwed me over . Enjoy . 1 . Upon entering World 2 - 2 I find out that there's a VITAL NPC that you must rescue if you choose to focus on a bow build . This particular NPC , once saved , resides in the Nexus and will offer you an unlimited supply of Hard Arrows . These arrows are the second best arrows in the game and the best arrow that you are able to purchase from an NPC . Now , whenever I finally managed to work my way to the NPC he offered me a quest to retrieve an item . I accepted eagerly . I crossed the certain path and retrieved the item only to have a gigantic monster spawn on top of me . This isn't too much of a big deal , I dispatch said enemy quite easily with my bow . However , upon doing so somehow , someway the NPC managed to step in front of me and take an arrow in the head which immediately killed him . I was forced to start the entire game over and work my way up to this point and do it all over again . Luckily the second time went well . 2 . In World 5 - 2 you'll find yourself in a Swamp . This swamp hosts the biggest poison spill ever . Poison in this game hurts . This should be enough for you to understand what happened next . Countless trial and errors attempts to find the right path led to 13 deaths . 9 were from poison and 4 were from a random elite monster that would kill me in one hit . 3 . Speaking of monsters who kill you in one hit . This game is full of them . Magic jesters who's fireballs will destroy anything in it's path . Elite Knights that will charge at you , break your guard , and then finish the job with a stab through your heart . Little guys who appear harmless but will cast poison that's so strong you can expect to be dead in less than two minutes unless you spam healing items until your poison is clear . Oh , and let's not forget the flame balls that blow up when you're near only to kill you in one hit . Difficulty : This is the section I'm sure you all are waiting for . As you can see from the above . . this game is not for the fainthearted . There's a fine line between being abusive and down-right impossible . Demon's Souls enjoys walking on that line . Knowing that this game would be difficult when I purchased it I knew that I was going into a game that would push myself to my limits . It did . It did without any sweat . Demon's Souls gives the player the feeling that one wrong turn or one delayed block will lead to your death and both are true . The majority of my deaths were one hit kills by bosses or random monsters that I didn't approach the right way . That's one thing I can say about Demon's Souls . Each monster is easy if you know the right way about approaching them . This is the best thing about Demon's Souls . It forces the player to learn from his or her mistakes . This game does not adapt to the player , the player adapts to the game . If you struggle doing so then you will face the consequences . The controls in this game will take a few hours to get use to . It has generic controls but the weight of your character only adds to the difficulty of the game . I promise you it will take you a few tries before you learn exactly how to roll out of danger or back up just in time to not get hit by a trap that was activated from triggering a switch . Is Demon's Souls hard ? Yes . It's very hard . This game is the most hardcore game I've played in several years . Is that a bad thing ? Not at all . This game takes me back to the good days when you were forced to play smart ( games now days just hold your hand while you enjoy watching the story unfold ) and use strategy guides to ensure you get it done . One that that kept me coming back for more is the feeling I had every time I would kill the end boss of a level . It's a feeling that hasn't been felt for quite some time . I can still feel my adrenaline rushing from the False King fight earlier today . Everything in this game has the right way and the wrong way of doing things . There's also the third option , the down right cheap way . If you invested points and time into making a good bow build you can pretty much kill the majority of monsters without breaking a sweat . A few arrows here and there and you'll do fine . In fact , one boss you can kill before entering the actual boss fight by shooting through the fog . This does make the game a little easier but it takes away the satisfaction you will get when you do things the right way . Closing Thoughts : Demon's Souls is a fantastic RPG ( with the exception of a good story ) . As one of the board's biggest fan prior to it's launch ( the Official Thread was posted by me ) Demon's Souls , simply , is one game that everyone needs to try . You will either do well or horrible . There's no gray area for mediocre play . Upon beating the game you will leave with one or two feelings . . One , the game is excellent and you cannot wait to fire up the next game + option and do it all over again . . or two , you have never been so happy to finish a game ( like me ) . This is one game that will force you to step outside of your comfort zone and do things you haven't had to do in quite some time . This game really hasn't received the praise it deserves . It's one of the top 10 exclusive games on the Playstation 3 and I will forever support Atlus ' future games and will continue to defend Demon's Souls . If you have yet to try Demon's Souls you owe it to yourself as a gamer to pick this one up and give it a try .
    • 166 4  First off , let me say that this game is very , very different . Most reviews talk a whole lot about how hard the game is . While this may certainly be true , the game doesn't have the kind of frustration that I normally experience in a game that others would call ' hard ' . This is an amazing third person action game with heavy RPG elements added in . The initial character customization seems rather limited , but in a way that's what I love about the game . Everything is rather straightforward and simple . Items highlight in blue any features that are improved over your currently equipped gear , and leveling up just has you pick a category and gives specific explanations of exactly what will be changing and how it will change . The combat is , quite frankly , brilliant . Every weapon feels different , every spell seems to do what you want it to do , and generally when you die you don't feel like the game cheated you , but that you didn't follow the rules . The online integration is fantastic . Players can leave you messages that show up on the ground and give hints . You can leave markers to be summoned into the game of other people and help them fight demons , or if you're an evil character you can invade the games of others and wreak havoc . Leaving messages or helping others has good benefits for the person doing it , and I frankly love the fact that I don't have to talk to strangers online . It adds a layer of mystery to these strange folks that enter your game , and eliminates the annoyance of having a 13 year old child throw racial epithets at you . Not everything is perfect . You'll spend lots of time whittling down the life of a very tough boss by using really cheap tactics like staying just out of their awareness range and popping out every once and awhile to pop them with arrows or ranged magic attacks . With the games brutal tactic of sending you back to the beginning of a level ( upon death ) with all the baddies back you'll wish there was a checkpoint feature just before bosses . So typically you're so frightened of death when you get to a boss that you'll go the safe / cheap route in order to come out victorious . This is kind of fixed by the ability to be summoned into the games of others and help them fight bosses ( or to summon them into your game to get help . ) I found myself much more adventurous when I didn't have the threat of getting kicked back to the level entrance upon failure . The long and the short is that if you enjoy Action RPGs , this is one of the best games out there . You'll find yourself challenged yet hungry for more . There are more secrets and special things to find in the game then I've ever seen before with the game encouraging you to play it more then once and to take more then just a single tactic . It honestly amazes me that Sony contemplated not bringing this game to the US because they didn't think there would be interest . Of all the PS3 games I own this one easily stands out as one of the best and more innovative and creative games .
    • 169 4  In my quest to find good games , I end up with a lot of junk on my shelf that I get bored of for many reasons , and most of them are touted as AWESOMEST GAME EVER ! . . I'm so glad I believed the reviews on this one . It's everything I hoped it'd be and more . There's so much that I didn't know about when I first started playing this . I'll be honest , I very rarely read manuals . I like to learn about the game from playing the game . This game has a lot of unusual things about it , good unusual things . When I made it past the tutorial and started running around , I noticed these white ghosts running around that seemed a little too random to be NPCs so I looked them up and found out they're actually other players in the game with me . There's a couple unique and interesting ways to interact with these other players that I later found out about as well . It was a pretty cool revelation , so I won't spoil the rest if you're like me . I haven't found it extremely challenging so far like a lot of other people are saying . It's just like the older games where if you die , you start back at the beginning of the level , except it's easier than the old games . You get to keep any items ( excluding souls ) you collected , and doors / paths stay open for you to take shortcuts back to where you died . And it's important that you get back near your death location , especially if you had a lot of souls . If you made it to your death location once , you can do it again and as long as you don't do the same thing you did before , or try to rush it back , it's pretty easy to get back to your souls . I'm really glad that I got this game , and if you're into games that actually make you play them and figure them out rather than run from checkpoint to checkpoint or mash the buttons as fast as you can , this one will please you .
    • 170 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I've been playing games for 20 + years . And it has been a long time since a game captured my imagination . This game will grab you and not let you go . I am on my third play through , which should tell you how addictive this game is . Also this game plays differently depending on how you level up your character . I was a magic user the first time , melee user the second , and mix of both for my third play through . Oh , and did I mention the online play ? First time you are being invaded by another player , who wants to kill you and take your soul , you will experience a rush like never before . Unlike other games , you actually have a lot to loose by dying . There are no save points , you loose all the souls ( Currency ) , and most of all you will have to restart from the beginning of the level . So the tension you feel as you approach the end of the level is epic . When you beat this game , you know you just accomplished something that seemed impossible . So in short , go play this game !
    • 176 4  I love this game . It's hard as hell but worth every moment of agony . The visuals , sound , and gameplay are all top-notch , and although I've nearly thrown the controller across the room on more than one occasion , I always come back for more . Highly recommended . It's my favorite title of 2009 ( so far ) .
    • 182 4  To best describe this game , I would compare it to playing golf . You are on the tee , viewing the beautiful fairway , loving the atmosphere , the fun of the game . A few holes later , you are digging up dirt and reshaping trees ready to throw your club into a lake . This is Demon's Souls in a nutshell . Simply put , this is one of the best games I have ever played and I have played many . I would rank it above some of the recent high profile titles including Uncharted II , Batman , and Dragon Age . Yes , I have beat all three of them as well . This game makes you actually play the game instead of button push . It makes you assess your surroundings . It makes you understand your position on the map . It makes you learn your enemies weaknesses . It is so simple on the surface but after 12 hours into the game you realize that this is a VERY well though out game from inception to finality . Yes , to repeat every other review . You will die . There are no save points . You will go back to the beginning . Yes , and the game would not be the same if you didn't . It is part of the experience , thrill , sense of accomplishment . The five worlds have some of the most well made levels I have ever seen . Just because you go back to the beginning does not mean you need to do the whole map because you can open short cuts . Therefore , it is not as bad as you think . At the end of the day , you will be missing one of the great overall games if you do not pick this up and play it . If you do buy it , you will be so into this game that after you beat it ( 50 hours later ) , you will play it again because of the White and Black world tendencies . Like I stated earlier , this game was VERY WELL thought out . Enjoy and yes buy it already !
    • 184 4  I was nervous buying this game . I really enjoyed Diablo once upon a time . It sounded like that ( and is , kinda ) . But , all the talk of how hard this game was had me scared . I'm an adult , with kids , a job , a life . I can't devote hours and hours to a game . I can get about one day a week to play for several hours at a stretch . Otherwise , I might be lucky to find an hour or two in a given day . Lucky for me , I had Thanksgiving break to get into Demon's Souls . And , I'm really glad I did . Most of these reviews are right . The game is difficult , but not unfair . If you play well , you will be rewarded . If you get sloppy and impatient , the game will punish you . Every single time I've died I thought something along the lines of , I knew I shouldn't have done that . I deserved it . And , honestly , I enjoy that there is a consequence to dying . I loved God of War , but being honest , it never really mattered if you were going to die ( except for that one level in Hades with the bones and blades , oy ) . In this game , it matters . And , this leads to , for me , a pleasurable anxiety and tension as well as a sense of accomplishment and reward when you finally kill a boss . I want to address a few concerns raised in other reviews . I don't really think this game is too hard at all . And , I suggest that , if you buy it , that you visit some of the forums and wikis related to the game so you can learn more about how to play it . If you're like me , it's much more enjoyable to have some help with a game rather than spending hours trying to figure it out . Demon's Souls does not coming with a lot of explanations . For example , when you kill a boss , you get a unique Demon Soul . You can consume a soul and it's worth thousands of regular souls so you can level up or buy stuff . Don't do that . Those Demon Souls should be used to upgrade your weapons later in the game to unique , powerful weapons . The game doesn't tell you that until the 2nd world . Also , I found out it's better to use your souls to upgrade your weapons than your stats if you're a melee character , especially . A really high level sword and shield , for example , is worth more than a high strength and dexterity rating . That being said , I did spend a lot of souls leveling my strength up enough to use the Purple Flame Shield . Also , a magic user probably ought to level up their magic power and intelligence to become more powerful . This game is cool because you can choose to play different character classes and I think it changes the game too , to some degree . The Royal class seems to be the easiest initially , however . If it's your first time , a Royal gives you both magic and melee powers so you can decide what you like best . I'm tailoring my character more toward melee this time around . The majority of this was learned by looking at wikis and forums . So , do some research . Why buy this game ? It's really cool . The graphics are good and the gameplay is fun . I particularly like the online aspects . Messages and bloodstains are both useful and entertaining . I love a message that gives a good warning . To me , Demon's Souls is a breath of fresh air in these days when online play largely is about deathmatch and such . Personally , I don't really like getting fragged all the time . But , Demon's Souls has some of that if you want it . Mostly , though , the online play is cooperative . Messages that are helpful get recommended which in turn gives full health to the person who left the message . Also , I was a blue phantom last night for the first time and helped another player defeat a game boss . Now , that was cool ! I got to smoke that demon again and help a fellow player at the same time and then earned some souls and my body back in the process . Nice ! There is a lot to this game . If you enjoy sword and sorcery fantasy , medieval settings , and the sound of a spear impacting an enemy , then this game is for you . If you are easily frustrated and impatient you might not like this game . If you like a challenge , then it IS for you . I've yet to feel really pissed off or frustrated by the game . In fact , having to go back and kill the same monsters again is kinda good because I get their souls again and when I find my bloodstain ( where I died last ) and I can , potentially , double up . It means you don't have to grind as much . And , you get better at killing them so it's not a big deal . Plus , it's rare to find enemies where you can't come up with some strategy to make dispatching them easier . This is a thinking game , not a hack and slash . If you go running around trying to hack the hell out of everybody I guarantee you will get smoked . Even the lowliest of enemies will kill you if you don't pay attention . If you enjoy thinking , learning from your mistakes , strategizing and killing bad guys with a big piece of metal , then buy Demon's Souls because it has some very entertaining settings and graphics and the online play sets a new standard . I'm glad I bought it !
    • 186 4  Been playing this game for a week and thought would like to share the experience . Key things to share : 1 . Its not for players who think they can just go through the game without learning it first . 2 . learning curve for some players will vary depending on skill and patience . 3 . Do appropriate research before purchasing the game . Maybe rent it first to try it out . 4 . Totally great game if you take the time to learn the mechanics and strategy . For the review : Visuals : Very pleasing to the eyes . Character detail is high . Very nice areas to explore . Controls : This is probably the only thing I have a problem with . There is a enemy lock on feature which you will need to rely on from time to time , however its somewhat limited , there are times when lock on will not kick in when you think it should , if the lock on fails and you try to run away from a swinging enemy , your character will turn it's back on the enemy and will get hit , if it locked properly the character will run backwards facing the locked enemy and you can block attacks . Minor problem which can be worked around . All other controls works great . Challenge : Great ! ! ! Very rewarding for those who have patience . There are enemies that you simply cannot defeat if you are ill prepared . You will need to think of ways to defeat your enemies and you will need to probably try more than once to get it right . It's not really as hard as other people say it is , it's only hard if you don't use your head when playing . It's not the type of game where you mindlessly mash buttons and finish the game . Think old school megaman / castlevania games where if you don't know how to defeat an enemy you die , if you fall of a cliff , you die but once you know all these then you will succeed . You can also compare it with really old school RPGs where if you're not at the right level or don't have the right equipment then you would find it hard to defeat certain enemies . Think Diablo II when it comes to dying , you lose your main equipment , money and some experience , yes in Diablo II when you try to get your body back you will not face enemies you already defeated , but your body is located where you died which means right next to whatever killed you . At least in Demon's Souls you only lose your souls ( money ) , you get to keep your equipment and your level and your blood stain will be somewhere far from the enemy who killed you . Customization : Tops all other features ! This for me is the highlight of this game . Other games restrict character classes to a certain degree so if you make a mistake on the way you build your character then you're screwed . In this game you can essentially build your dream character without any restriction , each character attribute can be maxed . All weapons / equipment can be used by all Classes eventually . Class selection at the start of the game only makes it easy ( or hard ) to get through the first area / boss because the game does not allow you to level at that time . There are a lot of weapons and each can be customized as well . Each weapon is strong in a certain way but weak in another way which fits different styles of play . Fun : Tons of fun and very addictive . Challenge is not really a turn off and it actually adds to the fun . There's a certain satisfaction at beating an enemy who's much much more powerful than you by just using your head . But again you have to learn the mechanics to be able to enjoy this game . Online : I got to play with my bro who lives 7000 miles from me and play was smooth , no lag at all ( NA release version ) . Online co-op is fun but does not include voice chat . You will have to rely on in game messages or email each other using ps3 xmb . Restriction to play with another person online is you have to be in the same server , can only play co-op with max of 2 people and they have to be within 10 levels of you . You cannot simply play with a friend for this reason without planning ahead . Server is controlled by which version of game you have . Concept : Unique online concept where players can leave each other hints . ( you can also mislead other players so beware ) . Blood stains show you how other players died and can give clues on what not to do . You can summon for help or get invaded by phantoms . Dying is a concept , you can use it to your advantage instead of complaining that you died again like most people do . For example , you can actually commit suicide as a shortcut for repeating an area instead of having to backtrack . World tendency concept is totally new to me , don't know any game that has one . Essentially aside from playing through your game , you should also pay attention to the World tendency , depending on this , other areas will open up which unlocks new items and opponents , it also affects difficulty of the game and the rewards you get from killing enemies . Overall : Awesome game . Glad I bought it and glad the developers created it . Will recommend to others who enjoys a deep and engaging game . I did not purchase COD4 - 2 because I will be playing this game !
    • 188 4  Wow . I don't even know where to start . Demon's Souls is a masterpiece , plain and simple . And what's funny is that it lacks many of the elements that make RPG's epic to begin with . A story ? Yeah , it's there , but only barely . Cutscenes ? Maybe for around 3 minutes . Voice acting ? Only minimally . So what does this game offer , you ask ? Only the most engaging , atmospheric and challenging gameplay you've seen in years ! Demon's Souls is , without a doubt , the most difficult game to come out this gaming generation . Yes , it's even more difficult than the legendary Ninja Gaiden games . Consider yourself warned . Now you know what you're getting into before you buy . You will die several times in this game . Some enemies can kill you in one or two hits . And when you die , you lose all your souls ( in-game currency and only way to level up ) and must retrace your steps back to where you died to recover them . . . provided you don't die again . This kind of difficulty will keep some gamers away , but should you stick with it , I can promise that this is also the most rewarding game you'll ever play . Never have I felt more accomplished upon beating a boss , and the spoils of victory are well worth it . Yet with all this crushing difficulty , not one time do I feel this game is unfair , and never does this game take cheap shots at you . It's so perfectly balanced , and thus you can't help but come back for more . Each time you die , you learn from your mistake / oversight / rashness and feel motivated to try again . Someone made the analogy that it's like a drill sargeant . They yell at you and make you feel like crap , but in the end you're a stronger person . That is such a perfect analogy for this game . So about the game , you play a character that you create and are charged with defeating the demon bosses of the world . Your goal is to leave the Nexus , which is the game's hub world where you buy equipment , level up , and have access to all the game worlds . Pretty simple . Throughout , you'll meet several NPC's that help you or hurt you . You collect souls from the enemies you've defeated to increase your stats ( and thus , your soul level ) or buy / repair / enhance weapons and armor . If you're connected to the PSN , you'll see messages written on the ground from other players that'll warn of what's ahead ( ambushes , traps , etc . ) . You'll also see bloodstains that when touched , will show another player's untimely demise . Occasionally , you can enter another player's game and help them , or try to kill them ( and other players can also do this to you ) . It's a brilliant use of online functionality . Graphically , this game is beautiful . There's an occasional framerate drop , but not enough for you to notice . The sound effects are atmospheric , and totally envelop you in the game world . Surround sound is incredible , as you can hear when something is sneaking up behind you , etc . Any PlayStation 3 owners who love RPG's would be foolish not to give this a try . If the warnings of the difficulty make you hesitant , rent it first . More than likely you will end up purchasing it ! This is one of the finest PlayStation 3 games available , and a truly fresh and original sleeper hit that will be referred to for years to come . You simply cannot miss this game .
    • 192 4  Demon's Souls . That's a name I have been recommending a lot lately to my friends . At the same time , I have also been warning them . It's an epic game on a grand scale , I will say , but along with that you have to mention the painstakingly difficult task it is to get started , and even greater difficulty to finish . At its roots , it is a hack'n'slash set in a twisted medieval fantasy world , devoured by The Fog . The story sets out with your created hero stepping foot into the region ravaged by said Fog , and ultimately dying within the first ten minutes . The death is intentional though , and opens up the Nexus , a temple that will serve as your hub for the rest of the game . Although the story is setup well at the beginning , don't expect it to much more after that . In fact , only a few cut scenes will portray the story progressing throughout the game , but like Shadow of the Colossus , this is done artistically . It really gives you a sense of abandonment , and allows you to use your imagination when filling in the blank lines of the story . When creating your character , there are a plethora of classes to choose from . These are whittled down to Melee , Archery , and Spellcasting . These will be the foundation of how you approach the games many enemies , and while you can dabble in multiple areas , it really pays off to stick with one and level it all the way . You will be outfitted with the appropriate weapons and armor , and be thrust into the wild . Naturally , many will start with the first world , but Demon's Souls is unique in that it allows you to pick any of the five worlds , each with about 3 - 4 levels / bosses . One of the first things you will notice is the great amount detail put into the weapons and armor , depending on the class . The Knight's shield and starting armor have an enormous amount of detail packed in , and it's a good thing , because you will be seeing a lot of it . You will get new weapons more often than armor and the options available range from swords , to maces , to spears . . . all the way to cat-claws and dual wielding any of the above . Oh , and you can also choose to use two hands on any single handed weapon for an increase in power . None of this would matter if the controls sucked , but lucky , they are some of the best in the business for this genre of game . While not overly complicated , you quickly learn that you can do a variety of different moves with each style of weapon , and you will soon find exactly what fits your personality . But let's go back to the difficulty for a second . Don't underestimate this game , or you will be buying new controllers left and right . It is punishingly difficult , but not in a cheap way . When you die , you feel like you know exactly what you did wrong , or how you can improve it next time . While the first playthrough may last awhile , this will mainly be because you have to go through the same area again , new enemies and all . You can enlist up to two allies if you are in your corporeal self , and have them help your game out . . . or the other way around , and offer your assistance to others in need and in return collect souls , and experience of how to beat a level . You won't be able to talk to these allies , but a clear objective is always in mind , and you can follow them if you don't know what to do . There is also the ability to invade another person's game , giving you a chance to get your body back if you defeat said person . Just be cautious , because regaining your human form will recover you back to full health ( 50% when in soul form ) , but also put you at risk of being invaded . Overall , Demon's Souls is a AAA exclusive for Playstation 3 . It went under the radar for most , but has snuck up into this writer's top five favorite games list . Now if you'd excuse me , there are more demons to kill . 8.1 - Presentation : The story isn't presented in the best of ways , but not much of a negative when everything else is done awesomely . 9.3 - Graphics : Armor , weapons , enemies , and environments look great . Occasional frame rate issues aside , one of the best looking PS3 games . 9.0 - Sound : Roars from seven story beasts shake your surround sound , while screams will chill you to the bone . 9.5 - Gameplay : Controls work great , but maybe a little too hard for some people . 9.0 - Longevity : Will take you many hours for the first playthrough , but this is mainly due to replaying parts over again due to deaths . You will want to play again , though . - Overall : 9 / 10 Afterthoughts ( no effect on final score ) : Purchased for $64 , and worth every penny . . . seriously . The trophies aren't extremely varied , but who needs ` em in a game where every small victory feels like an achievement .
    • 195 4  This game is fantastic ! As an old school gamer , this takes me back to the days of not having the option to select a difficulty and just having a great time with a game . It is difficult , but not cheap difficult . The difficulty comes in , when you die and you have to restart a level from the beginning without the souls you have collected and some items . I personally don't mind going back through because this is what makes it enjoyable . It sounds tedious but the fact is , that's what makes it great . The online aspect is something that is unique to . I have only played online with someone once so I cant really comment on this topic to much . Also , two Gamestops are taking up space near my residence , and they fail to carry this item . They have this pre-order thing that I absolutely hate . Amazon is always stocked with new titles , and the shipments methods are fantastic . I ordered this game for next day delivery , and guess what ; it was here . Amazon is great . I don't here the line would you like to pre-order this game bull # $ ^ & that Gamestop does .
    • 197 4  Ok so first of all I had no clue what this game was or what it was about until a week ago . The only game that was on my radar was Uncharted 2 , and when I saw Demon's Souls pop up on the Amazon Ps3 top 10 I decided to look into it . Everyone keeps saying how hard it is and after playing it for 3 days I can certainly agree . However , the game is so rewarding if you stick with it . I am a big first person shooter fan ( dont ask how much time ive spent on Halo 2 and 3 ) but this game has definitely won me over . For example , the second level I spent almost an entire day just trying to get through and then kill the boss at the end . After beating him , I collected enough souls to power up my guy and now guys I had struggled with in that level die with just two hits . Pros : Very Hard so you will get your moneys worth Lots of things to upgrade Incredibly intense and satisfying Neat online incorporation Very cool graphics Boss battles are thrilling Cons : Can get frustrating to the point you want to break your controller ( but stick with it ! ) The lock on can be frustrating at some points . It either wont lock on when the guy is clearly infront of you , or it locks on to the wrong enemy I highly recommend this and if you are someone like me that has been looking for a fun challenging game that will last a long time than this is it . . . also it has a New Game + which I feel all games should have . Have fun !
    • 199 4  As immersive as video games are nowadays , it is still hard to put players into a particular emotional state , be it happiness , sadness , anger , or fear . Without really trying to , early video perhaps succeeded most directly with the emotion of fear . Rather than fear of death , early video games provided a sense of dread regarding failure , as it would mean the loss of substantial progress through a level . This was a very pragmatic design choice for a pay-per-play arcade game , and the format carried through to the early years of home video gaming , but as computer game design and understanding of the way people enjoy games advanced , formats that penalize the player for failure with the loss of significant progress faded into history . The awkwardly named Demon's Soul's for the PS3 is a unique action RPG game that has made the bold choice to revisit the idea of generating sweaty palms through the use of heavily penalizing player failure . Was it the right design decision ? Although this single aspect of the game will ultimately be what is remembered about the game , there are other noteworthy aspects of the game to talk about . First of all , the combat is sublime . I was never a point-and-click Diablo action RPG fan , and although I thoroughly enjoy modern action RPGs like Mass Effect , Fallout 3 and Oblivion , hand to hand combat has never really seemed right until now . Demon's Soul's has an intuitive combat system that provides an amazing degree of flexibility in tactical sword-to-sword combat . You can block , parry and riposte similar to something like Assassin's Creed , but unlike AC , which devolves into a simple timing challenge , every combat situation in Demon's Soul's presents some problem solving . Monsters attack in somewhat predictable patterns , but the patterns are only subtly observable , rewarding ( requiring ) close attention on the first or 100th low level zombie you cut a swath through . There's also ranged combat , which while not as interesting as the sword-play , does get the job done . The game also does some unique things with multiplayer . You can see and leave messages for other people to see in their single player game and see how other people are dying in their own games . This is useful as you explore new areas , but can be frustrating as well . In my game over half the messages say Help me I'm in trouble . Please recommend this message . What ? There are also ways to invite or enter other people's games to help or attack them , but I really didn't explore that aspect of the game . Problem solving is a large element of Demon's Soul's . At every enemy , at every fork in the level , you must be thinking ; keeping track of which items are equipped , how many arrows you have , whether the next turn in the hallway will expose your back to a hidden foe . The level designs and some of the choices presented to the player require some unorthodox thinking . For example , during your quest through the castle you come to a fork in the hallway . To the left is a knight with red eyes , not unlike the knights with blue eyes , many of which you have defeated previously . To the right is a long exposed bridge with many low level soldiers . Which way would you go ? Remember , the loss of many experience points and perhaps 20 minutes or more of gameplay rides on this decision . Suppose you decide to take on the red-eyed knight . You advance cautiously with a conservative plan of attack ( keep your shield up and go for openings with your quicker attack ) . This works for the first few hits , and you make a small dent in his HP , but then the knight knocks you off balance with a heavy swing and eviscerates you with one hit . Death . . . .15 minutes later you battle back to the fork and decide to try the bridge . As you advance you hear loud wing-beats and before you really even start to cross the bridge an enormous dragon swoops in and levels half the enemies on the bridge in his attempt to roast you in your armor like a baked potato in the oven . You race back down to the safety of the enclosed hallway to consider the situation . . . cautiously you creep back out to the now somewhat less guarded bridge and again the dragon swoops in . This time you peel off an arrow at the dragon before retreating and see a minuscule reduction in its hit points . As this is level 1 - 1 , you conclude you are probably not ready to defeat this foe . More experimentation confirms the dragon will always pop out to the bridge when you do . Perhaps the red-eyed knight isn't so tough after all . . . . After numerous wasted attempts to beat the knight , you finally realize ( maybe you are smarter than me , but I eventually just looked it up on Youtube ) that you can't beat EITHER of these foes and actually what you need to do is time a run PAST the dragon in order to continue through level 1 - 1 . . . . Of course . Oldest trick in the book . Learn the AI pattern and exploit it to continue past . And therein lies the problem . The game has wonderful combat and the levels are stimulating and fun to explore , but the merciless nature of dying and losing progress is ultimately a detriment to the game . Those that can handle the repetitive , high-stakes nature of progress in this game can get a lot of enjoyment out of it . As I read more about the intricacies of the game world and unique items to find , I thought I could too , but the soul-crushing frustration of dying on your way back to your previous death spot , simply because you were a little less patient in your fighting technique the 9th time through finally made me personally set the game down and say enough . I won't go so far as to say that only masochists will enjoy this game , as it does provide a lot of problem solving stimulation and elegant battle , but I certainly can't recommend it to most people .
    • 200 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This may be the best title yet to be released for the PS3 . The combat is smooth and straight forward . The sound is top notch , as is the minimal score . The game's design goes against the popular trend of button mashers which place visual stylization over challenge . Although there is little dialogue , many of the lines are memorable , especially those of the Maiden in Black . Best of all may be the unique multi player system . Each player logged in to the server plays their own adventure in their own universe , but their paths criss-cross with others who are going through the same levels , generating clues as to how to go about each dungeon crawl . Players can be voluntarily summoned into other players ' worlds to assist , or they may invade as Black Phantoms whose objective is to defeat the hero in the opposing game world . The combat is slick , intuitive and challenging . Should you die , a quick review of your prior actions will always let you know your mistake . In this sense , the game is at its best since it rewards focus . As you progress , stat allotments make a big difference . There is a wide range of play styles available , through weapons and magic . Definitely a mature title in terms of content and design . Edit : I just want to add a recent quote from a Eurogamer re-review in lieu of the upcoming European release of this game : Demon's Souls was born out of a desire to return gaming to its fundamentals - that is , to re-embrace the trial and error and difficulty that we used to take for granted , and leave the player to work things out for themselves .
    • 201 4  This may be the best title yet to be released for the PS3 . The combat is smooth and straight forward . The sound is top notch , as is the minimal score . The game's design goes against the popular trend of button mashers which place visual stylization over challenge . Although there is little dialogue , many of the lines are memorable , especially those of the Maiden in Black . Best of all may be the unique multi player system . Each player logged in to the server plays their own adventure in their own universe , but their paths criss-cross with others who are going through the same levels , generating clues as to how to go about each dungeon crawl . Players can be voluntarily summoned into other players ' worlds to assist , or they may invade as Black Phantoms whose objective is to defeat the hero in the opposing game world . The combat is slick , intuitive and challenging . Should you die , a quick review of your prior actions will always let you know your mistake . In this sense , the game is at its best since it rewards focus . As you progress , stat allotments make a big difference . There is a wide range of play styles available , through weapons and magic . Definitely a mature title in terms of content and design . Edit : I just want to add a recent quote from a Eurogamer re-review in lieu of the upcoming European release of this game : Demon's Souls was born out of a desire to return gaming to its fundamentals - that is , to re-embrace the trial and error and difficulty that we used to take for granted , and leave the player to work things out for themselves .
    • 204 4  By far the depth found in Demon's Souls is in its gameplay . Never has playing a game felt more rewarding , giving the player a real sense of fulfillment for accomplishing even the most mundane tasks . Death serves the function as both a lesson and hurdle for the player to overcome . You will die a lot while playing this game , but unlike many other games , death serves a deeper purpose . If you are the type of person who sees dying in a game as always a horrible ( or frustrating ) experience , then consider avoiding this game . Death will come to even the most veteran players , but this usually occurs when your strategy needs to be adjusted . Here is where the game gains its power , there is no single strategy to defeat an enemy , but a multitude of strategies . Each situation must be approached with a different strategy in mind , and when it works the player really feels they have triumphed ( or risen to the occasion ) . This feeling may not manifest in every individual who plays this game , but is why I feel the game has gained its devout audience . If you have ever been playing a game and felt like its challenges did nothing to motivate you to the end , then you should consider this game . Again though , this game is not for everyone . If you are still on the fence , at least consider renting this amazing gem , if only to experience a truly innovative game with a captivating atmosphere .
    • 207 4  Action RPGs come and go . Some offer innovative ideas while others are nothing more than a clone of previous titles . Demon's Souls is a rare game in that it not only offers innovative ideas that work , but it also makes you want to continue playing again and again . Demon's Souls addictive qualities comes from it's excellent gameplay and character development . From the get go you can choose form a variety of starting classes . However , these choices are just ways to help start the kind of character you want to make since the game gives you full liberty to make your character exactly how you want , regardless of what class you chose . The combat is outstanding and it is most definately one of the game's strongest points . It may very well be the best combat in any action-RPG to date . Demon's Souls allows you to attack and defend in very relalistic ways . You can defend with your shield and then counter attack . You can dodge an incoming attack and then counter attack from the side . This may seem the norm , but Demon's Souls does this with a unique and exciting flair . Each enemy has different styles of attack requiring you to change your strategy for each enemy . Some enemies may use one strong attack over and over allowing for easy counterattacks . Other enemies may have a trick attack where they strike and look weak if they missed and immediately strike if you attempt to counter attack . This forces the player to learn how to overcome their enemy , so each new encounter is an exciting one . In combat you can use various melee weapons , ranged weapons and spells . You can also upgrade your weapons and shields making them more powerful using the currency of the game called souls . You receive souls for each time you kill an enemy . If you die you lose all your souls and start at the beginning of the level , but you can reclaim your souls in full if you return to where you die . This can be difficult at times because when you die , all the enemies in the level will respawn . You can take your souls back to a place called the nexus which is basically the game's safe area and main town . Here you can buy items , upgrade equipment and raise your level . Leveling is nothing more than adding a point to one of your existing stats . There are stats for the damage hungry fighter , the quick ranged fighter and the smart magician . Stats for the most part govern what weapons and armor you can use , so you literally can make your character however you want . If you want a heavily armored caster , go for it . If you want a warrior good at both melee and ranged weaponry , then it's yours . After you are finished at the nexus you can return to any of the currently accessible areas in the game . Each area has a boss at the end , and once you reach the boss you cant run back to the beginning of the level . You have to fight or die . This makes it a wise choice to run back to the beginning of the lvl and use your souls at the nexus before you take on the next boss . There is nothing worse than accumulating a ton of souls and then finding yourself unable to defeat the boss . After each boss is defeated a new area opens up and a portal to the nexus appears where the boss died . The boss fights are incredible and fun . The bosses at times are huge and always difficult , leaving you with many attempts to study how to beat them death after death after death . As horrible as dieing a lot sounds , the addictive qualities makes up for it . You will find yourself wanting to continue trying , despite the fact that you will probably die all over again . It is just that fun . Take my word for it . Buy it . . . . . now .
    • 210 4  I liken Demon's Souls to an artsy indie film . It's not for the mainstream video game audience at all . It's long , tough , and stressful . But , the challenge makes it that much better . Every time you beat a demon you feel like you've actually achieved something . It's really one of the most rewarding games for the effort you put in . Most games you just go along and don't really feel all that bad if your character dies or you make a mistake . Demon's Souls crushes you when you die , but when you make it through you feel like a hero . Also , it's worth noting that the fan base for Demon's Souls is devote and pretty amazing . You can find countless walkthroughs , videos , and wiki pages online . Because of this you will never feel like you are alone with Demon's Souls . It's a great game for anyone looking for a challenge with very rewarding feeling . I'm In Trouble . . . Please Recommend This Message .
    • 211 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) The game is heck sick at first its a little hard to get used to but once into it it has got to be one of the best games for PS3 so far . . . Lots of fun I would Definetly recommend
    • 215 4  Demon's souls is one of the best games for the PS3 right now . Everyone's main concern I've talked to is the difficulty ; it's tough , and that will not be disputed . But it's not that tough . With a little persistence this game is quite managable . One thing that was comforting to me is that this is an rpg where your character will continually get stronger while the enemies remain at the same level . You will eventually overcome . The action is good , especially considering how many types of weapons your character can potentially wield . The character animations are very good ; this isn't a game where you find a new sword that does a bit more damage but looks the same , feels the same , etc . Heavier weapons make your character strike differently , sometimes changing his posture or requiring you to put your shield on your back and hack away with both hands . Your character is completely customizable . The wizard and the theif are both good options ; the game did not spend all of its time developing the warrior class and then tack on a couple more as an afterthought . I thought the game looked kind of bleak and depressing . I also thought that there would be almost no interaction with other people ; more of a one man versus hell scenario , this isn't the case . The characters are quite limited at the beginning , but as you progress you will find more and more . Important people you rescue provide services that you actually need and answer questions you might have about the story . The online component is awesome , but you don't need it . If you don't have an internet connection or simply prefer single player games this game will deliver . There are some definite perks to not playing online , but for your first time through I would recommend doing it online for the community messages . This game should keep you busy for at least 40 hours . I have been playing for about 70 and am still going strong . Without spoiling anything there is definitely incentive to continue playing the game after the first time you beat it . This is a game like MGS where levels don't necessarily go on and on and take days to get through , but they are expertly crafted until they can be enjoyed repeatedly because of the attention to detail they have been given . Bottom line : Graphics are very impressive , awesome looking enemies , atmospheric environments , solid level design . Gameplay is great , makes Oblivion ( which I love ) look really crappy , fast paced , strategic , rewarding combat . Story is very cool , but less accessible than some other games , a bit more like Ico or SOTC ( but not so obscure as these ) . Game length is more than adequate . Content is pretty tame . There is no language or sex . Violence is pretty standard for a game like this , I'd say 15 year olds and up would be fine with the content , it might be a little scary though . We need more games like Demon's Souls ; go vote for it with your wallets .
    • 216 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I bought this game because the reviews said it was hard , and it looked very cool , very dark . When I received this game and played for about 3 hours and kept getting my butt kicked , which it was a little annoying , but then I started learning what means what in the game , and how to LOCK on your target ( it took me a little while ) how to use your shield and fight well . what things meant in weapons , etc . The only reason that I didn't give 5 stars is because the game does not explain to you what it all means , or the booklet at all , very vague . But once you learn is awesome , it's really not that hard if your patient , make sure you collect souls gain skill so you don't get your butt kicked , on the second level everything starts getting easier , where you can farm some souls . Graphics are beautiful , the DEPTH and IMMENSE castles are the best i've seen in a game . if you like a challenge , get this game you will love it , and DONT feel bad by going online and finding out how to kill something because it'll make your life much easier ! ! Great game , I finished it and I'm playing again , it is even funner the second time . definitely worth $60 bucks ! ! !
    • 218 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) If you're a PS3 owner , chances are that you've already heard various things about Demon's Souls . No matter what you may have heard though , the one thing that you need to believe first and foremost before you even consider popping this game in is the fact that it is unbelievably difficult , incredibly challenging , and just plain unforgiving . No mid-level save points , getting sent back to the beginning of a level after you die , re-spawning firerce enemies ; yes , Demon's Souls is probably one of the hardest games you'll ever play , regardless of the genre . That being said however , Demon's Souls is also one of the absolute best action / RPG's you'll ever play as well . Technically speaking , Demon's Souls is simply a gorgeous sight to behold . The level designs are foreboding , dark , and varied from one another , while the game's creature designs are brilliant as well . The game's combat mechanics are intricate and deep , with boss battles being nothing short of epic as well . Along with some great online features , Demon's Souls has all the makings of being a great game , and indeed it is , but it definitely isn't something for everybody . As said before , the game's difficulty will frustrate you to almost no end , yet you'll keep coming back regardless . If anything , Demon's Souls is reminiscent of the arcade / action games of yesteryear in these terms , and the game is all the better for it . All in all , if you're looking for something spectacularly challenging and unbelievably difficult , Demon's Souls is just what the doctor ordered . Don't say that you weren't warned though .
    • 222 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This game is the most in depth game I have ever played that wasn't on the computer . You are forced to figure everything out yourself , there is very small tutorial and the end of it will leave you thinking , What the hell just happened ? ! since they have a monster kill you on purpose . After playing this a few hours I was completely addicted and found myself reading the Demon's Souls Wiki when I wasn't playing it . I just got it the other day and I already have over 40 hours into it ( I'm unemployed obviously ) . One of the most groundbreaking things about this game is the online play . You can leave messages on the ground for other players and touch bloodstains to see how others died . Also if you lose your body and are playing in soul form you can invade someone else's game as a black phantom and kill them , regaining your soul . You can also go as a blue phantom and help someone kill a demon to get your soul back which isn't as fun . The sense of danger in this game is intense because there is no pause button . Every time a black phantom invades or you invade as a black phantom your heart will start racing . Bottom line : buy this game if you are a hardcore gamer looking for a challenge . The game is not easy at all and requires patience and careful observation . [ . . . ]
    • 234 4  This has got to be one of the most addictive games I've played in a long time . Seriously , I'm on my second playthrough as my character , Suuntu Dai , has hacked his way through countless demons and died many times on his quest to unite the world . The premise is simple : hack and slash ( or spell or shoot ) , go back to town ( known as The Nexus ) , repair , replace , upgrade , and so on , and resume your carnage in five very distinct worlds . Lather , rinse , repeat . I've only had a couple irksome thoughts about the game . First , for those who wish to remain alive , you will either be invaded by a griefer Black Phantom ( especially in a couple certain areas ) . . . or if you play offline , you will get killed by enemy AI that can foten be very A but still pack a good amount of I to keep you knocked on your butt when it desires to do so . Spotty targeting leading to bad camera angles or sudden falls can also ruin an otherwise good time . I can't tell you how many times I've been walking on a narrow ledge only to target something that's out of reach in the air , causing me to fall as I continued to move forward . . . There's also a matter of not being able to jump . Sure you can roll , hop backward , fall , slice , dice , julienne . . . but you can't actually jump . . . not even a little bit . Keep that in mind when plotting your path in this game . If you are alive , you can summon up to two people to help you out . . . but a lot of times , things can go wrong : either they've moved away from an area to be summoned before it's complete , they have died in their own world , someone else has summoned them . . . and even then , you can only be summoned if you're dead . Still , all in all , it's a robust game of massive carnage in a nice package . With the world tendancy map , there appears to be a possible 6th world planned for DLC , but that's just a guess on my part . Don't pass this one up if you have the opportunity .
    • 237 4  Gameplay : The sword play makes you feel every hit , block every shot , and think on your toes . The simple buttons i.e . L1 / 2 are your left arm and the opposite for your right arm makes for intuitive action . The biggest issue that made me want to review this game is the question of the difficulty . While I will agree that this game has its challenging parts , I DO NOT agree that it is as hard as everyone has made it out to be . Okay , yes , you lose your money when you die . But it was your fault . Pretty much every time I die in this game was due to me resorting to spamming attacks or something that burns stamina , not cheapness , not the all to commonly said impossible difficulty that has so many people shying away from this game . In reality it's not THAT hard , it just take patience . When I die , it was because at one point I decided I'm going to keep going and push the limits instead of return to the Nexus and cash in on my hard fought souls . The other thing that is seldom mentioned is that you do have the ability to get your lost souls back . All you have to do is get back to your spot of death and voila . Yeah you have to re-fight all the monsters , but you did that before and you can do it again . Seriously people , man-up . As for being an RPG , it's definitely got the parts that I like . You can upgrade your weapons to superbly powerful weapons , though I would've liked to be able to combine damage types , say a sword with physical , fire and magic damage . Also , while I've only had experience in my first play through , the armor seems to be next to pointless . The fact that most bosses can kill or severely injure you in single hit made me value speed and agility over heavy armor . I did really appreciate how every piece of armor , and every weapon actually makes your character look physically different . This as opposed to other games where you may change your armor from something like leather armor to Godly armor of supreme awesomeness and your avatar still appears the same . Nice touch . Graphics : Compared to some , it's not the BEST , but they are excellent in my opinion . What this game does do well is detail of the environment and the worlds you encounter . Boletaria Palace is hugely immense in passageways and rooftops . . . someone with an architecture degree in castle design must have been on Atlus ' development team . The level of detail and the use of color makes for some very bleak , dark and gloomy environments all to give you the urgency that you're the last person available to do the job . The environments are very rich and deserve huge props . Secondly in graphics , the character models are very very impressive . Each character , NPC enemy type and boss have their own unique details , animations and patterns that make the game all the better . I actually sort of enjoy the loading screens when traveling between worlds because you're shown a larger character model of the various NPCs . Finally in graphics , the cut scenes are exquisite . They really help you to grasp the extreme scale of what you're about to get killed by . No seriously . I pretty much entered the fog of a boss with the intention of getting totally slaughtered ; one could only hope to learn of a weak spot before death . Sound : The sound is a love hate thing for me . Sound , in my opinion , can make or break a game . I loved how the sound effects in this game are pretty much exactly what I would have imagined a sword hitting a shield , or a crossbow bolt being fired would sound like . However , the music is a bit repetitive for my taste , it's really not noticeable . While I wouldn't advocate they use some high energy rock or techno ( reference the film Knights Tale if you don't believe me ) , it seemed a bit forgettable in terms of style . At the same time , the music does help to draw attention to the loneliness that one must feel trying to save EVERYONE from a horde of demons . This is a source of my lower than perfect score . Replay Value : In short , I will be playing this through numerous times before my PS3 decides to die . It allows you to continue with your character into a harder mode called NewGame + where you start over with all your gear , soul levels etc . and try to become even more of a champion . In fact , to get the platinum trophy , you must go into NewGame + + + ( I believe ) which may qualify some to borderline obsession . Multiplayer : While I personally don't play games for their MP modes , this one was nice in that I don't have to own a PS3 keyboard to enjoy it and I don't REALLY have to put up with all the sub - 12 - yearolds that only know four-letter words , and racial slurs . The multiplayer mode is simple : you see others in ghost form fighting in their own version of the world you're in . While you may be standing still enjoying a breather , they may be getting their shield handed to them by something lurking up ahead . You'll know if their blood spot appears at your feet . When you see blood spots , ( and they're everywhere ) you can watch and see them in action before their inevitable death . Some can be a bit humorous in fact . Additionally , you have the option to invade others worlds as a demon , or be invaded by others for a bit of PVP . Be on your toes . All-in-All : I would have liked to give this a 4.5 stars , because it's certainly not perfect , but as truly enjoy the game , I will give it 5 stars . This is because of the innovative gameplay , the excellent graphics and the RPG aspects . Multiplayer is a nice touch and it's nice to see a game that doesn't revolve solely around a forced multiplayer mode . The difficulty is high , but not nearly as hard as made out to be . What's better is you will actually feel that long lost sense of gamer's accomplishment while removing your weapon from the chest of a boss that's handed it to you a few times before . It's a game that will drag you in and frankly save you money because you probably won't be able to take your eyes off it until you're done . . . many many hours later . Here's to hoping for a sequel !
    • 240 4  To begin with I am new to the RPG genre the first game to grab my interest in terms of RPG games was Fallout 3 but ever since that game I am now loving this genre . I read most of the reviews for Demon's Souls from most of the reputable game review sites . I have to be honest I was worried that I wouldn't like Demon's Souls and I know what you are thinking why not go and rent a copy yeah right not a copy in sight at the video store . So I took a leap of faith just as I did when I bought Fallout 3 and I have to say . I love this game ! It is tough but extremely addicting . Fallout 3 had me playing at any given moment that I had chance to and this is the case with Demon's Souls as well . The game would have been better if a few things were actually explained in detail such as how to do magic and miracles etc but IGN has helped with that . You will die quite a number of times but you will learn what you did wrong if you pay attention and try other strategies . Go out and buy this game you will not be disappointed . To begin with I am new to the RPG genre the first game to grab my interest in terms of RPG games was Fallout 3 but ever since that game I am now loving this genre . I read most of the reviews for Demon's Souls from most of the reputable game review sites . I have to be honest I was worried that I wouldn't like Demon's Souls and I know what you are thinking why not go and rent a copy yeah right not a copy in sight at the video store . So I took a leap of faith just as I did when I bought Fallout 3 and I have to say . I love this game ! It is tough but extremely addicting . Fallout 3 had me playing at any given moment that I had chance to and this is the case with Demon's Souls as well . The game would have been better if a few things were actually explained in detail such as how to do magic and miracles etc but IGN has helped with that . You will die quite a number of times but you will learn what you did wrong if you pay attention and try other strategies . Go out and buy this game you will not be disappointed . Demon's Souls
    • 247 4  I'll keep this short and to the point , as obviously many before me did a great job reviewing the game . This game is not particularly hard . What do I consider hard ? Something like certain modes of Wipeout HD with which patience and persistence are not sufficient , but you've got to have skill . However , it is incredibly frustrating if you're not patient or not use to this kind of games . In other words , it is rather unforgiving , but also balanced . I'll show both sides . In short , if you screw up , you pay for it , and remember autosave is forced on all the time . All sorts of button mashing are readily punished ( e.g . by stamina ) . Made a mistake involving an NPC ? Too bad , because the consequences will last for the remainder of the entire game ( until you beat the final boss and move on to a new game cycle ) . With minor exceptions , if you die you lose all souls ( viz . exp & currency ) in your posession , but not the items , and you have to repeat the entire level . Oh , you just died because that monster was hard ? Tough luck , because by dying the world tendency shifts toward black , and all monsters in that world become even more powerful with each failure and during each subsequent try ! We're not finished : if you died as a body form , the next try you will end up not only with much harder enemies , but also up to 60% LESS HP . It is , dare I say , more unforgiving than even a game like FFXI ? I almost forgot , pause does not exist in this game's dictionary . That does not mean it is unbalanced or tedious or anything of that sort . Hopefully I'm not making too many assumptions by saying we're not masochists , and I doubt people would play the game and rate it so highly if it was just about torturing the player . For example , once you advance far enough in levels , you can typically unlock a shortcut to near the boss area that remains open for good . A level that is harder than average tends to get an easy boss . When well equipped , a Magician character has the defense of a paper sheet , and even less magic defense than pretty much all other classes , but on the bright side , magic using foes are very rare and predictable , and during my entire playthrough I haven't encountered a single enemy that resists magic attacks problematically . There are certain solutions for the HP penalty with death . . . etc . So as you can see , it is very balanced . With very few exceptions , most items are easy to collect . There isn't much to get compared to other RPGs , and the tutorial is more than enough to get up to speed . The online system is almost perfect : You get free advices left by other players almost everywhere ; you see bloodstains where others died , which upon clicking show you exactly how they did it so you don't make the same mistake ; and finally , you can summon and be summoned to help with bosses , and even the level if needed . Finally , the first actual level ( 1 - 1 ) is the hardest IMO , so if pass it it's almost guaranteed you do have the skills to finish the game . I'll leave the conclusion to the reader . I think anyone can easily deduce if this game is for them from the above . . .
    • 248 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This game is definitely tougher than your standard RPG . You're not going to be able to run through dungeons and mash the X button for 50 hours and win . You need to proceed carefully , and expect to get killed . A lot . I know a lot of people are put off by the game's learning curve and quit before finishing the first world - but it gets much easier after that . And instead of the difficulty making you angry so you throw your controller across the room , it really adds to the experience . You feel a sense of accomplishment after beating every boss that you just don't get from most other RPG's . The envionment is really cool as well . Darkly lit areas , very spooky ambient sounds without obnoxious music throughout , very impressive graphics . After playing Star Ocean 4 and spending hours on dull , repetetive cutscenes and painful gameplay , this was a most welcome change . You won't set your game to auto-battle and wait for the stupid thing to be over with - the game forces you to really get into it , paying constant attention to your surroundings and what's around the corner . I strongly recommend this for any RPG fan that isn't afraid of a little challenge . No , you can't save anywhere you want , and you can't pause the game - - but this really just adds to the experience .
    • 249 4  This game is definitely tougher than your standard RPG . You're not going to be able to run through dungeons and mash the X button for 50 hours and win . You need to proceed carefully , and expect to get killed . A lot . I know a lot of people are put off by the game's learning curve and quit before finishing the first world - but it gets much easier after that . And instead of the difficulty making you angry so you throw your controller across the room , it really adds to the experience . You feel a sense of accomplishment after beating every boss that you just don't get from most other RPG's . The envionment is really cool as well . Darkly lit areas , very spooky ambient sounds without obnoxious music throughout , very impressive graphics . After playing Star Ocean 4 and spending hours on dull , repetetive cutscenes and painful gameplay , this was a most welcome change . You won't set your game to auto-battle and wait for the stupid thing to be over with - the game forces you to really get into it , paying constant attention to your surroundings and what's around the corner . I strongly recommend this for any RPG fan that isn't afraid of a little challenge . No , you can't save anywhere you want , and you can't pause the game - - but this really just adds to the experience .
    • 252 4  I want to start off by saying this game isn't for everyone - - however I think that everyone should at least give it a try . If you own a PS3 , you now have access to one of the best RPG games ever made . While it may seem hard at times ( especially the first hour or so ) , don't give up . It took me awhile to get over dying a couple times - - I'm not used to dying in video games . . . so every time I died I tried to go back and rush through . Once I finally slowed down and took into account what I was learning every time I died , I started to really enjoy the game . After awhile I wasn't dying at all and enjoyed the perks of being a human ( mainly summoning a partner online to help out , and increased HP ) To make it short , I'll list a few pros and cons : Pros 1 . Great combat system 2 . Very Rewarding 3 . It's nice to have a game that is actually challenging 4 . Great Worlds and game concept 5 . First play-through took me 40 hours and I never felt bored 6 . Innovative online play ( I loved invading other worlds in order to regain my human form ) 7 . Very re-playable Cons 1 . Some people won't enjoy the challenge 2 . Frame rate issues and at times glitchy 3 . Graphics aren't perfect but in no way does this take away from the gameplay 4 . There could be more items , weapons , and armor to choose from ( I could use some good DLC ) 5 . Story is a little bit weak Overall . . . If you enjoy RPG's and are looking for a challenge , buy this game now . You will not be disappointed .
    • 255 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls follows in the footsteps of King's Field , and for those of you who winced in angered memory , its vastly improved . You are a mute , essentially nameless and faceless warrior of a particular stripe sent into the Deep Fog or help rescue an imperiled kingdom from the demons that now infest it . While power and glory may be motivation , unless the Fog is repulsed , it will swallow the world . The graphics are very pretty , and flow very well , so you're not caught feeling liked you've switched universes as you change rooms , but the various worlds are eerie , unsettling things that will make your skin crawl at times as you explore torture chambers in a prison filled with armed psychotics , run across ramparts pursued by gigantic dragons , and face 30 foot tall demons with weapons reminiscent of shadow of the colossus . Monster repeat rather lamely at times , but they are varied and well put together . The gameplay in this is virtually realistic . And by realistic , I mean full of mistakes , and utterly without mercy . Four or five blows from a peon can easily kill you , and while you're tougher than the average bear , its hard to fight with weapons in a cramped corridor , meaning your frequently hitting walls and other obstacles rather than your enemy . A lock on feature and fairly good combat mechanics help make up for this , but unfortunately , the sheer brutality of the game will frustrate many , though a shot of reality in the midst of nigh invincible super men is at least a welcome departure , but this makes up for it almost too well . Annoyances that still haven't been fixed despite this effectively being Kings Field VIII abound . There's very little , almost zero , interaction , apart from some yes / no dialogue options . Some items , such as levers , are interactive , though these are not easily or clearly identified , despite items being made glowing orbs of light or a bright shine . Its too easy to get lost , and there's no map . Level 80 monsters can be found next to level 8 ones , meaning there's lots of surprise deaths . Overall though , this game is entertaining , well storied , and contains some nice and almost unique developments . The interactivity and hints dropped by other players are nice , and the Black Phantoms , where you can break into another players game and try to kill them are sweet . The ghosts that crop up periodically are spooky and still manage to be helpful at times . It is very difficult , yes , but so long as you fight smarter and not harder , its only a 7 as opposed to a 9 as many say .
    • 256 4  Demon's Souls follows in the footsteps of King's Field , and for those of you who winced in angered memory , its vastly improved . You are a mute , essentially nameless and faceless warrior of a particular stripe sent into the Deep Fog or help rescue an imperiled kingdom from the demons that now infest it . While power and glory may be motivation , unless the Fog is repulsed , it will swallow the world . The graphics are very pretty , and flow very well , so you're not caught feeling liked you've switched universes as you change rooms , but the various worlds are eerie , unsettling things that will make your skin crawl at times as you explore torture chambers in a prison filled with armed psychotics , run across ramparts pursued by gigantic dragons , and face 30 foot tall demons with weapons reminiscent of shadow of the colossus . Monster repeat rather lamely at times , but they are varied and well put together . The gameplay in this is virtually realistic . And by realistic , I mean full of mistakes , and utterly without mercy . Four or five blows from a peon can easily kill you , and while you're tougher than the average bear , its hard to fight with weapons in a cramped corridor , meaning your frequently hitting walls and other obstacles rather than your enemy . A lock on feature and fairly good combat mechanics help make up for this , but unfortunately , the sheer brutality of the game will frustrate many , though a shot of reality in the midst of nigh invincible super men is at least a welcome departure , but this makes up for it almost too well . Annoyances that still haven't been fixed despite this effectively being Kings Field VIII abound . There's very little , almost zero , interaction , apart from some yes / no dialogue options . Some items , such as levers , are interactive , though these are not easily or clearly identified , despite items being made glowing orbs of light or a bright shine . Its too easy to get lost , and there's no map . Level 80 monsters can be found next to level 8 ones , meaning there's lots of surprise deaths . Overall though , this game is entertaining , well storied , and contains some nice and almost unique developments . The interactivity and hints dropped by other players are nice , and the Black Phantoms , where you can break into another players game and try to kill them are sweet . The ghosts that crop up periodically are spooky and still manage to be helpful at times . It is very difficult , yes , but so long as you fight smarter and not harder , its only a 7 as opposed to a 9 as many say .
    • 257 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This game will punish you , chew you up and spit you out . Only to leave you wanting for more . Its hard , very hard . Its rewarding . Usually my favorite games are back on the SNES or PS1 , but this ranks high up there .
    • 260 4  Demon Souls , a PS3 action / rpg dungeon crawl , is a much needed addition to a console lacking in that particular genre and it is fabulous addition to both the console and the genre . Demon Souls makes a convincing argument that you are a participant in its world . Your mortality - or more accurately , your susceptibility to death - - immerses you into its world by the tension of walking through cramp corridors and the frequent ambushes encountered throughout the game ( unlike other games which create the illusion of a hero by empowering you over your foes . ) The game states itself as a struggle and it definitely is one . The five different areas provides enough variety in gameplay that one must adapt and adopt new strategies to win . Although you are the protagonist of your story , the game mechanic creates a sense that you are one of many who are interlocked in the conquest of eradicating the scourge that has infected the land . The game is innovative in the sense that your character interaction with others is indirect through messages and watching them ( as white spirits ) play in their own game . Its fascinating to watch several white spirits fly around you . The game has a online co-op and a pvp mechanic both are entertaining but further research must be done before I come to anything conclusively about it . This game has received comparatively very little fanfare compared with the other big hitters , hitting the Playstation 3 this month ( October 2009 . ) It would be a mistake to think that Demon Souls is not up to the high caliber as say an Uncharted 2 . This is an excellent addition to anyone Playstation 3 library ( and let how you spend your time be the deciding factor which game you prefer . )
    • 262 4  It sounds like a bad game : It is very hard , you die a lot , it is unforgiving , you lose your souls ( your currency / experience points ) when dying , when in soul form your HP is halved , you will spend most of your time in soul form , online multiplayer is limited . etc . Surprisingly , the hard difficulty goes hand in hand with the games brilliant design . The gameplay is done so well that when you die , it is your own fault and not because of some cheap shot by a demon . This means that you decide how often you die depending on how many mistakes you make and how well you can prevent them from happening . But just like everyone else in the world , you will make mistakes and they will show in Demon's Souls . The areas you visit have an atmosphere of tension as you will be forced to use caution around every corner . The feeling of satisfaction from defeating a boss , completing a level , or finding loot is phenomenal . If the game wasn't as difficult as it is , it wouldn't be very fun and would not suck you in like it does . Simply put : Hard difficulty is really really good in this game . However , this game obviously won't be for everyone . If you are looking for a game to sit back and relax with , this is not it . This is not the type of game to be playing when you are winding down for the night . This game will keep you on the edge of your seat ( or bed or couch or whatever ) . Make sure you take your contacts out before playing since your eyes will turn bloodshot from staring at the screen without blinking . You cannot pause , so plan ahead so you won't be distracted every 15 minutes . The sooner you start getting sleepy and lay back and relax , the sooner you will start dying and dying often . If you love RPGs and want a fair and very fun challenge , try this game . As long as you expect to die and die often , it isn't very frustrating at all . Reading reviews and watching videos is not a good way to experience the gameplay and combat . The videos look boring and the reviews almost make it sound bad . Only by playing the game can you understand .
    • 266 4  You know that situation in RPG's where you've levelled up some characters , gained some good stuff and maybe even that rare drop only you forgot to save after all that hard work ? Know how disappointing and almost crushing it is to lose all that progress ? If the memory still stings , then Demon's Souls is going to become your new archnemesis . When people say a game is challenging , it's usually just that they die too many times or they never really understood how to play the game . Demon's Souls on the other hand is never cheap or unfair but it is punishing . It's a perfect description because this game in a sense doesn't tolerate errors or oops moments , it takes advantage of them and more often than not your deaths will come from those moments where you decided to be a little foolhardy . There's a couple of things that seemingly make it more difficult just for the sake of it but all in all this is the kind of game that if you're in the right mood , the game will enter your mind and sort of linger ; thinking about playing , thinking about what you want to accomplish next time you play . Sure you'll swear but you'll probably love every moment of it too , you masochist . Story : The story takes place in the kingdom of Boletaria as the old King Allant the XII ended up unleashing the Old One , a powerful beast which covered the land in a thick fog which brought with it terrifying demons who crave souls . Many have tried to defeat these demons but none of ever managed to be successful . The game starts appropriately enough with your death ( get used to it ) who is sent to the Nexus , where you can enter portals to various lands around the kingdom and hopefully bring down the demons one at a time . Graphics : Games such as Metroid Prime or a lot of horror games succeed in drawing players into the game thanks to the atmosphere of the game and Demon's Souls is no different . When a dragon swoops down and spouts flames onto the walkway you've just outrun , it's very easy to feel that your in this place . They also are nicely varied as well from a simple castle fortress to a mine and a creepy-as-hell prison . In-game graphics are generally simple with some nice physics effects on things that can be destroyed / blown up and some bosses are just massive and very intimitading . However while NPC models look good , it suffers from the problem of most games with a character creator which is it's very hard to make someone look like they're not a troll . Sound / Music : The music is appropriately creepy at times and almost melancholy . The soundtrack cd that came with pre-orders is a nice listen if you're into music that's not uplifting and high-spirited . Voice acting is generally good though you might not like its . . . flatness if you will where the actors just don't sound so excited but then again there's no bad line readings from what I've seen or anything where you let out a chuckle but would've been nice for actors to put a little oomph . Sound effects are generally alright and that whoosh that comes with a successful parry attack called a riposte is flat-out awesome . Gameplay : It's hard to describe Demon's Souls since it feels like something you've played before yet you couldn't think of it if you tried . Essentially imagine the 3rd person swordplay of Oblivion , world traversing of Zelda and RPG elements of pretty much every one you've tried in the past 10 years . You have your lock-on , attack with R1 , strong attack with R2 , block with L1 and parry with L2 . Do a successful parry and R1 and your character will do a badass attack that'll practically kill your enemy in one hit but the timing is incredibly tricky but it's oh-so-satisfying when you pull it off . You also have magic and spells as well as bows and crossbows which feel a bit strange to use since crossbows have no aiming feature like the bow and switching from bow to sword felt strangely cumbersome to me . And you're going to need to learn how to fight because these enemies are not necessarily smart AI-wise but in groups and particularly if you're not careful they can pack a mean punch . Death in this game means that you have to make it back to way you died and activate your bloodstain where you'll regain all the souls ( your currency , EXP to level up ) you've accumulated . The brutal thing is that if you died trying to get back to your body , your souls are forever lost and practically negating all the hardwork you did . Yeah , this game wants to make you yell , it seems . Worse is that the game actually gets more difficult the more you die thanks to the concept of White and Black World Tendency which can alter who shows up in what world and what weapons now where it feels backwards to me is that sometimes the best stuff to get is actually in Black Tendency worlds so having the game purposefully get more difficult only to net you some good gear / trophies is odd . In addition , some may not like the idea of no save points or checkpoints and you can't pause in-game either so if you need to answer the phone you need to find a safe hiding place where you know enemies won't come . The nice thing is that enemies don't respawn ( they do if you die or re-enter the world though ) and other enemies won't come looking for you until they see you . Make no mistake , you need to be absolutely patient with this game because the more time you put into it , the better you'll get and the more satisfaction will come when you finally kill that annoying boss . Downside of course is that there's no place to stockpile your souls in that you pretty much have to spend or luck out and don't lose any souls since you can't deposit them anywhere save for your level gaining ( stat based , not level based ) or buying stuff so it's almost encouraged you keep as much as you can till you can spend all of them . No need to be penny-pinching . The most unique aspect of this is the multiplayer which isn't multiplayer per se but more like MMO's without the MMO . Basically practically everyone is in the same level as you and you can even catch glimpses of them via white ghost representations . They can leave messages on the ground to warn you about a valuable goodie ahead or a trap / ambush and even clues as to how to best a boss or enemy . One negative I have of this is that you can't actually spell what you want ( obviously to dissuade people using swear words and racial slurs ) but say you want to warn people about the dragons in 1 - 2 and to run to the other tower AFTER they've swooped down and already scorched the walkway . You can't , all you can really say is Run right through or variations thereof . Bloodstains are also on the ground which'll replay that player's death so if there's a trap ahead and you're not sure how to avoid it , touching the stain will allow you to see how they died and how best to avoid it . In addition , people can come into your world for co-op in case a boss is really laying a beating on you and people can actually invade your world in hopes of killing you and gaining their body back ( you can alternate between Body Form and Soul Form ) . It's certainly unique and I can honestly say I've never seen this before so people , you know those Please recommend this messages ? Please do as you get full health wherever you are and you never know when some player needs a big health boost . Think of it this way , we're all here to beat the thing called Demon's Souls together , not individually . . . if that makes sense . I got the Deluxe edition though the review is for the regular version since most people probably didn't buy it or preorder but as far as goodies you get a nice embossed cover and an official guide from Atlus with tips , walkthroughs , bestiaries , item and equipment stats and boss strategies . While for some people it might be seen as spoiling the fun but with a game like Demon's Souls , everything as far as help is concerned should be welcomed . Also there was an artbook and a soundtrack cd that came with which is quite nice though it was more character art than concept art a la Prince of Persia , Fallout 3 or Resistance 2 ' s artbooks but oh well . Is this game for everyone ? Definately not . The difficulty will be the key factor in determing whether this game is right for you but unlike most difficult games like Ninja Gaiden where the difficulty comes from balanced to completely unfair , Demon's Souls is just a wild beast that'll take awhile to tame . A long while .
    • 268 4  Demon's Souls is a blast from the past type of gameplay for old skool gamers . This game is sequence driven game and feels punishing for missing key prompts to attack and block . Dungeons , weapons , classes , online play , and game depth is all there in this one package . There is definitely replay value in getting through the game uses all classes or going online to join others . When I think of a game like this , it reminds me of Super Ghouls n ' Ghosts where sequence was everything and there wasn't too much room for errors . Some dealbreakers for the game are the save points are very far from each other and the game colors just look washed out even when the brightness is turned up . This is not a game designed for casual gamers , it's almost like a racing simulation where the goal is to get good at the sequences , get the right kit , and get it down to a science , and getting past the level is where the satisfaction is . If you don't have the patience or the time to invest to die many times through trials or use a guide , this game will not be fun . Because the save points are so far apart , it is difficult to play the game in short spurts during the learning curve .
    • 273 4  I can't believe that what is assuredly a fringe game like Demon's Souls is garnering the reviews it has garnered . The number of people who claim that this is the best game they've ever played lead me to wonder . . . what other games they've played . Still , there is a very undeniable charm in this one that is hard to put your finger on , but there nonetheless . It makes for a tough job to even review the game , let alone play it . I've been a fan of FROM Software's King's Field Series from the ground floor , and this game shares much with that series , but it certainly isn't like that . It's CERTAINLY not like the RPGs you are accustomed to ( either American or Japanese ) , but there's still some nuances from those games that appear as well ( and I'm not talking simply about the levelling / grinding aspects ) . But anyway , here goes : The Good : 1 ) Atmosphere - Another reviewer used the word personality to describe this , and it's almost perfect as a metaphor . This game has personality . The worlds have a unique character . The enemies run the gamut from cute to cool to horrifying ( however , they are all mostly difficult ) . You are constantly on your toes , never knowing if around that next corner lurks an enemy that is 1000x stronger than any you've faced previously ( if you think I am being hyperbolic , you are wrong ) . I can't count the number of times I've actually gone to the end of my chair in anticipation and fear . 2 ) Combat - while there are problems , overall the combat engine is solid . Different weapons play VERY differently . There is a vast difference between using a spear , a straight sword , a curved sword , or a mace ( to name but a few ) . Spells have advantages and disadvantages . Overall , balance is good here . If you lose a battle ( and you will lose many ) , for the most part , the fault is yours , not the games . There are exceptions , but combat feels . . . right , for the most part . 3 ) Bosses - I can't stress enough - you feel a sense of accomplishment when you beat one of the game's many bosses . When you stare down the giant Tower Knight , or come face-to-face with the Flame Lurker ( who are merely major demons , by the way , and not the monstrous arch-demons you'll fight later ) , you realize that this isn't a battle you're going to win by simply slashing away . You're going to have to think , and when you beat them , you'll heave that sigh of relief ( if not bellow a cheer of victory ) . The Bad : 1 ) Camera - I wanted to like the camera , but the biggest problem is this : the lock-on function is controlled by the same stick as the camera . Thus , if you try to lock on to a single enemy during a multi-enemy battle , the camera becomes mostly inoperable , as you will simply change the enemy on which you are locked . It would have been much better to make lock-on the LS button ( which is instead used for the completely-useless shield push ) , and have the right stick devoted to the camera . There are other issues as well , but this is the biggest . 2 ) Cheap tactics - OK , I said above that combat was mostly fair . This only serves to make the instances in which it is not vastly more frustrating . An attack which wasn't hurting you before will suddenly pummel you for no good reason ( e.g . the lightning bolts of the storm beasts will . . . start hurting you through walls , for no good reason ) . Moreover , the dark demeanor of the game is great for mood , but really bad when you have to cross small bridges in the wall . The unfair platformer elements ( which there are precious few ) are just stinky . Oh , that bridge that looked solid gave way under my feet for no reason , and now I'm dead ! This game is difficult enough as it is - there is no reason to cheapify things further . 3 ) Story - What a miss . This might be the biggest problem with the game . It is clear that there is a good story lurking here . I can understand that , in a solo venture , it's not reasonable to have tons of characters with whom to talk and flesh out the story . So , why not use a codex , a la Dragon Age ? There are literally HUNDREDS of dead bodies in the game . Would it have been so hard to put . . . journals on some of them ? Stolen documents ? King's Field for the PS2 did a great job of this . It is a damn shame that it is missing here . So , in short : this isn't the perfect game , and more than likely , this isn't going to be the best game you've ever played . At many times , it's a frustrating exercise in level grinding and equipment building . I did in fact throw my controller once . But I can't deny that this game constantly brings me back . It is one of the first games that I feel like I have accomplished something when I succeed . I have not commented on the multi-player aspects , because I am a solo player . I hear it is excellent , however , but you'll have to read about it elsewhere . Happy gaming !
    • 276 4  Summary : I must say that this game took me completely by surprise . It is indeed challenging and also rewarding if you persist . I can't remember the last time that I was so excited for a game . This game is not for the novice player . But if you are a lover of action / adventure / rpg elements you'd be in the few who doesn't like this game . Graphics and Sound : Visually spectacular . . . a feast in every artist in a dark setting . Sound is equally . Gameplay : I'm hooked !
    • 279 4  Difficult . Hardcore . Unforgiving . Sure , the game can be all of those things . But what exactly does that MEAN ? This game's difficulty doesn't come from learning complex key combos like in fighting games or hardcore thumb-training for head shots in shooters . Nor are there a million different types of armor with a confusing array of stats ( though weapons are another matter ) . After the first level , not even your class really matters , as all characters can learn anything depending on how they level . There are really only two ways in which the game is difficult : 1 . Every once in a while , you'll actually have to stop and think for a second . I know , I know . . . A WHOLE SECOND . That's like , an eternity , right ? But you can't run up to bosses swinging wildly and giggling LOL AXE ! and expect to win . It's not like it's a chess tournament , though . Oooh , a dark corner . I wonder if I should raise my shield before walking into it . Uh oh , something just laughed right behind me . I wonder if I'm about to get attacked . Look , a dragon . I wonder if this would be a good time to use my fire protection spell . That's pretty much the extent of it . And there are a million messages left by other players to help you out . Individual combat is the same way . You don't run up and swing wildly . You have a shield . You have ranged spells / attacks . You have melee weapons . Use each at the right time . I don't know about anyone else , but I thoroughly enjoy jumping back when an enemy lets loose with a hard attack , misses completely , and leaves themselves open for me to deliver a hammer to their face . I love it when some overzealous mob runs at me , I sidestep them , then turn around and shove a sword through their heart . I love it when three mobs attack me , I dodge one attack , block another , shove the third back , and then do a rolling attack that takes all of their legs out . That's fun . That's rewarding . The MUST PRESS R1 AS FAST AS POSSIBLE FOR FIVE HOURS UNTIL I BEAT THE GAME style in other games gets boring very fast . 2 . A ridiculous learning curve . Your items have strange symbols on them . None of the levels are marked . You have no idea how to learn magic , how to level up , what the difference is between a spell and a miracle , where you buy anything . . . you're told NOTHING . No , really . . . NOTHING . This game would be outright unplayable for most players ( who have neither the will nor the desire to spend three months experimenting to figure out what the heck anything does ) without things like wikis ( [ . . . ] ) or forums . IGN's walk-through is decent , also . Don't even bother trying to do much more than clear a stage or two without knowing the basics ( which you learn anywhere BUT in the game itself ) . - - - As for other factors . . . The graphics are decent . I bought this at the same time as Uncharted 2 , which is like an orgasm for your eyes , so I was a bit disappointed . But they're on par with PS3 games in general . The storyline is absurd . Pick up any generic fantasy novel and you'll find a better story . It's like they barely even tried to come up with consistent , meaningful lore . Just remember that this isn't a fantasy novel , it's a PS3 game . Ignore the fact that there's an eyeless anti-demon chick who serves a bald , ancient child by lighting its candles , grants you levels by having you touch the demon inside of her , speaks in an atrocious semi-Bible babble , and can often be found sitting on the stairs and moving her feet back and forth like a little girl . Ignore the fact that you're fighting fat guys with clown makeup who waddle like constipated ducks . Ignore the fact that you eat grass to heal your wounds and that you can temporarily enchant your weapon by rubbing on some feces of a magical slug that bathed in fluorescent water ( called Sticky White Stuff for extra giggles ) . Just smile , mumble something about crazy Japanese people , apologize to any Japanese friends who may have overheard you , and resume playing .
    • 281 4  Do you consider your self to be a particularly tough individual ? Hard , as they say ? Invest an hour into this game and get back to me , because I've played my share of difficult games , but few are as unforgiving as this game is . There's a plethora of RPGs out there , so does this game manage to stick with the pack or pave a path all its own ? I find out in my review of the newest arrival in the fantasy RPG genre , Demon's Souls . To be completely honest , I'm the type of gamer that rarely explores outside a game's medium difficulty setting , and most of the times I died were because I made a poor decision that landed me in the Nexus ( the game's version of limbo ) . I walked off cliffs , messed up a block ( or parry ) , and forgot to heal myself when I was low on health plenty of times , but when I thought I had the hang of things and was doing good the game decided to stop going easy on me and threw me into a room with a terrifying demon that sent me packing with one swipe of its weapon . Demon's Souls does not care about your feelings . It is beautiful , it is addicting , and utterly ruthless . The times when I wasn't being ravaged were when I got to really take in the game's locales . There is some gorgeous scenery in this game , the dungeons are dark and creepy , the castles look ancient , the graveyards are unnerving , every location in this game is beautifully imagined and immensely fun to explore . There's also a decent variety in the locations ; you'll be exploring expansive vistas one minute and crawling through claustrophobic corridors the next . This isn't the type of game that forces you to explore dungeon after dungeon , there's a good level of diversity to keep it fresh . The game is divided into five locations that can be traveled to from the Nexus , the hub the connects them all . Each location has a very different look and feel to it ; you start off at a castle before moving on to underground tunnels and a couple other locales . Each section has enemies exclusive to its location , my favorite being the Shrine of Storms level where you have to fight skeletons as giant manta ray shaped creatures fly overhead . Demon's Souls has a very imaginative story that gets revealed to you through many very cool grainy cinematics . The story surrounds the search for power and wealth of King Allant XII who brought unprecedented prosperity to the kingdom of Boletaria . That is , until a thick fog covered the lands separating the kingdom from the rest of the world . Those who entered the fog never returned . The aging King Allant XII had awakened the Old One , a great beast below the Nexus , which in turn let loose the fog and hordes of demons . The Demons grow stronger and more powerful with every soul they devour . The story makes for the perfect backdrop and is also a great incentive to keep going , just so you can see what's going to happen next . Some of my favorite parts of the game were also the sections where I managed to die often . I ` m talking about the game's bosses , which are truly petrifying . They're usually intimidating because of their mammoth size or their disturbing design . Fortunately , you can team up with two friends and take them down through teamwork ( or , in my case watch as you all die one by one but the former sounds better ) . The bosses are always tough , but also extraordinarily fun to fight . There's no better feeling than the wave of satisfaction ( and relief ) of conquering your first boss . That brings me to what is arguably the game's best , and most innovative feature : the multiplayer . When From Software wasn't thinking of inventive ways to punish you for being such a weakling they were thinking of ways to make the online support incredibly original . If you want to help other players fight through the tougher sections of the game you and two others can team up and fight alongside each other . If you're feeling a little less kind you can enter another player's world and fight them as an evil spirit and attempt to take them out . Many games in this genre have some form of co-op or PvP but Demon's Souls takes it to the next level by letting you interact with other players outside of the aforementioned features . When you die you leave a bloodstain that can be touched to see how the recently deceased met their end . Thankfully , you only leave one bloodstain at a time , otherwise you could probably tell what levels I just got through because they looked like the elevator scene from The Shining . Like any good RPG , there's a ton of customization in this game . You can tailor your character's appearance to make him or her look like whoever you want ( mine resembled a young Dan Aykroyd ) , your class , and equipped items . Being able to make your character your own really helps to make the dozens of times the game chews you up and spits you out even more heartbreaking , but when playing online no two characters will be alike . If you find yourself spending more time in the Nexus than playing the actual game you can always trade the demon's souls gathered from slain foes for new items , upgrades , and repairs . The multiplayer is less an addition than a seamless integration ; if you want to play with or against other players there's nothing stopping you from doing so . But if you're looking to have a less noticeable effect on other players ' worlds you can always leave your mark ( quite literally ) through your bloodstains , or through helpful messages written on walls . If you find a particularly useful ( or not-so useful ) hint or tip scrawled on the wall you can rate it so other players know whether to heed your advice or ignore it . Another cool addition was the wandering spirits of other players , which made the game feel even more real , and if you follow one long enough there's a chance you could find something you otherwise would've missed . This is a truly amazing game with a unique setting , gorgeous environments , and more than a couple jaw-dropping moments . Unfortunately , for me the game's controller tossing level of difficulty keeps it from achieving a place amongst my all-time favorite games . In no way should its difficulty detract you from diving into this game , because for any RPG fan this is a game you shouldn't miss . When a game's difficulty is my only real gripe that just goes to show how great it really is . Maybe they should've just included a Wussy Baby difficulty for gamers such as myself ?
    • 283 4  Dejame empezar diciendo que en todos mis años jugando video juegos hasta hace un año empeze a jugar juegos de rol ( RPG ) , y casi todos en la consola de PSP ; yo soy adulto o sea que mi tiempo de juego es limitado y por esas razon quiza le tenia un poco de miedo por que me gusta terminar los juegos que me interesan . Jugue un poco de Oblivion ( algunas 5 horas ) y me aburri un poco por eso de estar caminando por 15 minutos sin ningun tipo de accion , Fallout 3 tambien me aburro un poco ; eso no quiere decir que son juegos excelentes simplemente que yo me aburro un poco en ellos.En esta situacion aparece Demons Souls ; hasta ahora la experienia en este juego ha sido tremenda ; estoy metido en el por completo ; es muy dificil y frustrante ; pero a la vez eso es lo que me gusta . Com solo decir que ya llevo 14 horas y solo he ganado al primer Boss ; mi nivel de Soul es 15 y empeze en nivel 6 ; el limite es nivel 712 o sea que me falta un mundo por jugar asi estimo que estare jugando este por al menos unas 100 horas ( nunca hago eso por ningun juego ) , me refiero es que cada upgrade que le doy a mi personaje es gratificante , no me importa ni tengo mucha prisa en seguir adelante en el juego , en estos momentos estoy recolectando almas para poner mi juego en posicion a enfrentarme a los enemigos que son mas retantes y poderlos doblegar . Hasta ahora he sido cuchillado , rostizado , me han caido rocas encima , me he caido por vacios etc ; en otras palabras he sido abusado por este juego ; y lo peor aun es que me ha gustado jaja . Cada vez que me siento a jugar voy con un plan , pues mi tiempo es limitado ; o sea que estare unas 5 horas mas recolectando almas para ser mas poderoso y seguir luchando en los demas niveles que se abren al derrotar al primer Demonio Mayor . Bueno en otras palabras este juego esta brutal , comprenlo ; el juego en linea es buenisimo , los otros jugadores te dejan consejos , ( la mayoria del tiempo muy utiles ) , mas adelante te puedes unir con otros jugadores para luchar con Bosses , puedes invadir el juego de otros para atacarlos , etc ; el juego te tendra todo el tiempo con la adrenalina alta . Tambien tiene sus errores com no poder usar la pausa ; pero dentro de todo le doy 5 estrellas por que hace mucho ningun juego me ponia a pensar tanto , a delinear estrategias e inclusive escribir una reseña jaja , asi que si les gusta el reto pruebenlo , pero por varias horas por que las primeras 4 o 5 horas moriras mucho y mucha gente se puede frustrar . No dejes que eso te haga poner el juego a un lado te aseguro que la pasaras muy bien .
    • 287 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This game is just plain frustrating for the casual gamer , like myself . It is very unforgiving . There is only one difficulty setting , Hard . This might be a good game for very experienced players with a lot of patience and time on their hands . The levels you fight through are very long and have no save points . If you die before the end , you start all over again and have to fight the same creatures all over again . You also lose the souls you have gained and the healing potions ( leaves ) you had . The height of frustration for me came when I reached the first boss . This guy is real hard . Like before , if you die you don't get back the healing leaves you use . So with each defeat you get weaker and weaker . Soon you will run out of leaves and have nothing to buy more of them with . You will have to go on and re-fight the same creatures , yet again , to hopefully get some more healing leaves . Totally stupid if you ask me . This game also starts you out with very little health and you die very easily . However it's not all bad . The graphics are great and the story is interesting . It also has some unique features like the ability to write / read helpful messages from other players . This has saved me on more than one occasion . There is also a feature where another player , via online , can join you to help you . Sometimes , they just come in to kill you though . What is the point of having that in the game ? The game designer sure seems intent on punishing the the buyer who paid $60 for this game . Not a good thing , if you ask me .
    • 290 4  I wont repeat what other reviewers have said about the game . Only one major aspect of the game for me : Nowadays , most of the games are so easy , you just play them without even thinking about it . Mistakes have nearly no consequence . Finally Demon's souls changes that . Finally you can get some stress from the game . You get involved . You worry about your character , about the potential experience points ( souls ) you just earned and you may lose . You play carefully , you think about a fighting strategy for the next foe , you read the messages written by other players hoping to avoid a trap . That is the real fun . And the reward is so enjoyable . You will take a very good care of your character : ) . And the game is not so difficult and frustrating . The truth is that it is more difficult than all the games you have seen for the past 10 years . Nothing else . Give it a try . It is a refreshing experience ( or a nice come back in time for old gamers looking for some challenge ) .
    • 291 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) There's a lot to say about Demon's Souls , and I could go on for days . But I'll be brief . This game revolutionizes a genre . I have played numerous action RPG's : diablo , dungeon siege , champions of norrath , nad many more . Demon's Souls takes the action RPG genre ( emphasis on action ) to new , soaring heights . Multiplayer , which I thought might be more of a gimmick , is essential for survival . Unsure of how to proceed ? Throw your sign down to get summoned into another player's world and explore risk-free . Don't feel ready for the next boss fight ? Summon other players to come to your aid . I think of this game as a shadow mmorg - there is constant evidence of other players , but you don't necessarily have to interact with them , and there's always the subtle fear that one might come hunting for you . . . .
    • 292 4  There's a lot to say about Demon's Souls , and I could go on for days . But I'll be brief . This game revolutionizes a genre . I have played numerous action RPG's : diablo , dungeon siege , champions of norrath , nad many more . Demon's Souls takes the action RPG genre ( emphasis on action ) to new , soaring heights . Multiplayer , which I thought might be more of a gimmick , is essential for survival . Unsure of how to proceed ? Throw your sign down to get summoned into another player's world and explore risk-free . Don't feel ready for the next boss fight ? Summon other players to come to your aid . I think of this game as a shadow mmorg - there is constant evidence of other players , but you don't necessarily have to interact with them , and there's always the subtle fear that one might come hunting for you . . . .
    • 293 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls is unlike anything else on PS3 or any other system right now . Sure its hard but very beatable with some practice and some online guides . The multiplayer component is very innovative and adds a lot to the game . Don't miss this one , rent it at the very least just to try something different then buy it !
    • 295 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Don't buy this game if you want easy gameplay ! It's super hard but very very fun ! A great RPG and a must have !
    • 297 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This game has a fantastic atmosphere and mood . I loved it from the beginning . It's hard at first but once you learn how to fight this game gets pretty easy The combat is really tight and never feels cheap . Then you beat the game and it's freaking super hard again lol . I love it . I put about 300 hours into the game before I lost interest in it . IMO best Action / RPG on the PS3 , and perhaps on all new consoles . Worth your time and money . Go .
    • 300 4  There's nothing like getting shot at with a crossbow , stabbed by an enemy that is much stronger , chopped up , punched in the face by a god , and then having to do it all over , but with fire and disease and unfair enemies . This game will have you screaming at your tv , yelling at the imaginary monsters , and wondering why you died . You may be tempted to give up , but you will hear the game laughing at you . And you just have to put it back in . This game is like Ghosts n ' Goblins for a new generation . It is wickedly evil and unforgiving , but oddly addictive . You can choose to take some time to help out other players , attack other players , or just run around on a narrow edge a mile above a toxic pool ( of something that will be explained in the game ) while giant bugs and zombie-like enemies poke at you with fire while a giant runs after you . Sounds hard ? Well , it is . But that makes the victories that much sweeter . Your character is what you make it to be , and while you do choose a starting class , those are just base stats and equipment , nothing more . Will you be an all-powerful mage ? Perhaps a heavily armored knight wielding a giant sword is more to your liking ? Either way , this game is pure fun and if someone doesn't agree , then they are missing the point . Games have been diluted over the years ( Devil May Cry 4 compared to the impossible 3 ) but From Software said , Forget that , you're gonna have to work for your rewards . Oh , and watch out for that impossible to reach enemy shooting you with spears from a distance .
    • 302 4  Im not huge on rpg games . Im mainly a fps gamer but i saw this game and wanted it but wasnt sure . I have a anger problem so i thought this game would drive me crazy and well it sure did . But while it makes me mad every time i play it I cant leave it alone . Ive gotten a lot of new games since i got this but I kepp going to this instead of my new games . It is a very fun and hard game . Upgrading is even fun . There is plenty of weapons to try out and to upgrade . Even after beating the game its fun to go around upgrading . The biggest pro of demons souls that truely stands out though is of course its multiplayer . If you die it isnt game over you just go into soul form and can still go around fighting and such just like in human form and there are 3 ways to return to human form . One is the easy way and use a certain ston to get your life back . The second way is to use a blue soul stone and place it in a level and let a person summon you into their game . You help them out and complete the boss and you will return to your world as human . 3rd way is to just defeat a boss by yourself . There are 4 stones that you get in the game . The blue stone is to get other peple to summon you into their game to help them . The black stone is if you want to invade another persons world and try to kill them . White Ston is only used if your in another persons world and you want to return to your world . The final one is the red stone which lets people summon you to challenge them When a person dies they leave a blood stain that you can see in your game which if you touch it you can see how they died . People can also leave messages helping you or giving you hints or just leading you to your death . This game is definitely a hard game probably one of the hardest ive ever played but that doesnt mean it isnt fun . Like i said before i have an anger problem and this game makes me mad a lot but i can really say this is probably my new favorite game of all time .
    • 309 4  this game is tough , but that is what makes it so rewarding . Its difficulty isn't for the faint of heart , but overall , its an amazing work of art , from presentation to gameplay .
    • 310 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls is , as nearly all of the reviews have stated , a very challenging game . However , that is why I bought it and why it is great . The game doesn't play around . If you are trying to just run through the level , killing every foe in sight like a madman , you will be cut down sooner rather than later . You must go through each level , and typically die a horrible death , so you can figure out how the level is mapped out and what to do when faced with certain enemies . I deducted one star for weird in-game physics anomalies such as bodies flying all over the place when you walk over them . . . ( a game that took this long to make should have taken care of such things ) and also for a slight lacking in melee combat . The sword combat in this game could have been better in my opinion . I wish you could do different things like ducking and attacking and actually inflict bodily damage on demons such as decapitation and dismemberment . ( Gruesome I know . . . but for such a dark / realistic looking game - it's already not for small kids . Give us the gore . ) Aside from that subtracted star . . . the game keeps you coming back for more and more . The customization is stunning . I love going through levels and racking up as many souls as I can so I can upgrade my weapons and armor to dish out some serious pain on an enemy that is giving me hell . And when you do level up enough and cut that guy down - it is extremely rewarding ! I have been playing this game now for about 20 hours + and still have so much yet to do . I'm thinking it will take longer than previous reviewer's 40 hour estimation to complete your first time through . I love how it's not one of those instant gratification - go hog wild for 30 hours and your done wanting more games . It's very in depth and is worth your money in my opinion . If you like the medieval knights and demons genre and enjoy nice graphics all the while getting forged by countless deaths into a warrior to be reckoned with , then just get the game . Then you'll be where I am , taking time away from your girlfriend to have a cold one and kill demons all evening ! !
    • 311 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls is , as nearly all of the reviews have stated , a very challenging game . However , that is why I bought it and why it is great . The game doesn't play around . If you are trying to just run through the level , killing every foe in sight like a madman , you will be cut down sooner rather than later . You must go through each level , and typically die a horrible death , so you can figure out how the level is mapped out and what to do when faced with certain enemies . I deducted one star for weird in-game physics anomalies such as bodies flying all over the place when you walk over them . . . ( a game that took this long to make should have taken care of such things ) and also for a slight lacking in melee combat . The sword combat in this game could have been better in my opinion . I wish you could do different things like ducking and attacking and actually inflict bodily damage on demons such as decapitation and dismemberment . ( Gruesome I know . . . but for such a dark / realistic looking game - it's already not for small kids . Give us the gore . ) Aside from that subtracted star . . . the game keeps you coming back for more and more . The customization is stunning . I love going through levels and racking up as many souls as I can so I can upgrade my weapons and armor to dish out some serious pain on an enemy that is giving me hell . And when you do level up enough and cut that guy down - it is extremely rewarding ! I have been playing this game now for about 20 hours + and still have so much yet to do . I'm thinking it will take longer than previous reviewer's 40 hour estimation to complete your first time through . I love how it's not one of those instant gratification - go hog wild for 30 hours and your done wanting more games . It's very in depth and is worth your money in my opinion . If you like the medieval knights and demons genre and enjoy nice graphics all the while getting forged by countless deaths into a warrior to be reckoned with , then just get the game . Then you'll be where I am , taking time away from your girlfriend to have a cold one and kill demons all evening ! !
    • 315 4  Yes , this game is great . Yes , it's engaging . Yes , it's addicting . And yes , it's ridiculously hard , to the point of being very frustrating . This is literally the hardest game I've ever played . So hard that it's easy to get frustrated and stop playing . I've come back to it time after time because it IS so much fun , and for that reason I give it a 4 . But I can't give it a 5 with the level of difficulty . Would it be so hard to include a difficulty adjustment setting for those of us who don't WANT to replay levels over and over and over and still not clear them ?
    • 317 4  I had my eye on demon's souls several months before its release . I was intrigued at how high its review scores in Japan were but how little it was being marketed by Sony . Also intriguing was how difficult it seemed to be while at the same time being loved so much by those who had played it . To sum things up I have beaten the game around 10 + times now and its my favorite game of this generation . The game is challenging , and it ALWAYS punishes you when you get too cocky ( even at very high levels ) , but the gameplay is so satisfying and its FUN , thats why I keep coming back to play . If you want to play a great game and support a developer that makes quality games ( not generic ones ) , BUY THIS GAME !
    • 323 4  This game scared me at first , I haven't played any rpg's for any long period of time but i was intrigued by the game . After seeing reviews on how hard this game is ( and it is ) i was reminded of old school games where when your character dies , you start alllll the way back at the beginning . Losing whatever you had earned along the way . Thankfully in demons Souls , you keep items and have a chance to redeem yourself and get back you souls . ( currency for EVERYTHING in the game . ) The graphics are great , it has a real dark ages feel that captures the essence of , what i believe , they were going for . There isn't really a story that is constantly being told , but it starts with a big message . Save the world because some dumb ass king awoke the old one . ( ultimate demon ) The audio is the only thing lacking during most of the game play . Its not that noticeable when you are struggling to live long enough to regain your stamina before getting speared in the chest and sent back to the beginning . There is music during the LARGE boss battles . The controls work well and fit the environment . There will be times when you feel like you cant catch a break , falling off cliffs , ambushed by creatures , poisoned without medicine . . . . but just remember , THIS GAME HATES YOU AND WANTS YOU TO FAIL and that's the beauty of it . Game play - 5 / 5 Graphics - 4.8 / 5 Sound - 4.2 / 5 Story - 4 / 5
    • 325 4  I'll skip the details since there are lots of good reviewers who already posted them . here's what I thought about this game : This is the best action rpg on ps3 hands down . i only wish that they had actual co-op mode to go through the stages with your friend ( s ) etc - although this is still possible using stone items in the game but there is no actual co op mode . this is like 3rd person zelda except when u just slash and hack you'll die faster . I was worried about the difficulty since everyone talked about it to be incredibly difficult . but once you get used to stages , and get comfortable with blocking , counter attacking , locking / unlocking target , rolling and spell usage figured out , it's not that bad . also , having random online users helping you by picking up their souls is very entertaining experience and it'll help you clear stages relatively easily . definitely recommended for players who love dark medieval settings with swords , dragons . . etc .
    • 326 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Not for the casual gamer ! This game is unforgiving and difficult ! But that's what makes it so great . If you're looking for a demonic , dark , hard-as-heck game , this is for you .
    • 328 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Finally a game that challenges , infuriates and frustrates the hell out of you all the while providing a worthwhile game . Providing true next gen graphics and a typical story line . It's not a hard game by no means . It's an unforgiving challenge . You have to think and re-change your strategy multiple times in less than a minute . Ambushes , surprises and more enemies than you'll know what to do with makes this game a worthwhile investment . I have not had a game give me a challenge like this in well forever . I played video games from the Atari all the way up to the PS3 and I've never had a game that didn't lose my interest in less than a day . Demon's Soul's has kept me playing for hours on end . Yes it's as some gamers call it hard , infuriating , frustrating but if you're tired of finishing a game like I usually do in less than forty eight hours then pick this up . You won't be disappointed .
    • 334 4  This game strikes out to be a bit of a throwback 1980s style RPG in both difficulty and handholding ( or lack thereof ) . If you played and enjoyed the original Wizardrys , Ultimas , and AD & D Gold Box games , this is your ride . This game was designed for you . On the other hand , if your only exposure to RPGs has been through fruity JPRGs with linear gameplay and endless cutscenes , you may want to take a pass . Demon's Souls is a game that rewards exploration like few other recent RPGs . Be prepared to learn , though . The gameworld is heartless and unforgiving , but has an ingenious mechanic where other human players help you along your journey . If your PS3 is connected to the Internet , it logs you in to a server upon starting the game . There are other neat things that I won't spoil , but the game has two things that players leave for others : blood stains and messages . If you click on another player's bloodstain , it will show you the last 10 seconds of their life before death . This is useful for avoiding traps . Also , the game has a system where you can enter messages for other players , warning them of traps or hidden treasure ( you choose from preselected messages , so there's no griefing or vulgarity possible ) . So , this is certainly a game that benefits from having your PS3 connected to the Internet , despite being a throwback game . Highly , highly recommended game for old school RPG players . For new players , welcome , but I'd suggest either using the Demon's Souls wiki or buying the Deluxe Edition with the guide book to get you going and minimize frustration .
    • 335 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Hands down this is the best RPG the PS3 has to offer . I've read a lot of reviews describing how challenging this game is and that's true , but that's what makes the game so special . I can't remember the last time I had this much fun trying to master a game ( or even needed / wanted to ) . Most games today tend to hold your hand to the point that you almost can't lose . In contrast , beating a level of Demon's Souls feels like you've really accomplished something . Additionally , every time you do win , your character grows increasingly stronger . All of this , plus the fact that you can upgrade your character's weapons , add magic / miracles , and increase your soul level ( attributes ) adds amazing depth to the experience . The AI is intelligent and challenging , the graphics are excellent , and the multiplayer functions are so seamlessly integrated that I feel like I'm missing something when I'm not playing the game online ( Online play allows you to leave hints for others , invite players to help you , and even attempt to assassinate players within their own games ) . Playing Demon's Souls reminds me of why I enjoyed playing RPGs in the first place . Bottom-line , although I've tried to do so here , the experience is hard to describe , and something you have got to try for yourself .
    • 338 4  Demon's Souls is , in my opinion , the best game of the year so far , just barely edging out Batman : AA . It is beautiful , has an atomosphere so thick it's palpable , and one of the best ( or possibly the best ) combat systems ever in a video game . This is not a game for the faint of heart , however . The game is pretty unforgiving , but as long as you're willing to learn from your mistakes and plan accordingly you'll never lose too much momentum . Honestly much has been said about the difficulty but I feel that although the game is difficult it never feels like you are not making progress . Even if you die in the later part of a level and are unable to find the souls ( money and exp ) that you lost you've still progressed to the end of that level and most likely found some nice loot ( which you will not lose upon death ) and opened up some shortcuts so your path to the boss will be much much shorter once you respawn . I like that the game never kicks you out to a ' GAME OVER YOU ARE TEH SUCK ' screen , despite it's difficulty . Overall the game consistently feels fresh . Every new environment , enemy , and NPC is unique and intriguing and thoroughly well-designed . The action is amazing and after ten hours each encounter still gets my adrenaline flowing . I'd wholeheartedly recommend the game to anyone who enjoys action games or rpg's in general and has enough patience to learn from their mistakes . Also , the guide that comes with the deluxe edition has repeatedly been a boon and constantly reminds me that I made the right choice by purchasing this version of the game . The art book and soundtrack are just the icing on the cake .
    • 340 4  I'm not a hardcore gamer - A few hours on the weekend and an occasional weeknight at best . I've played many games casually and typically find myself playing first-person shooters the majority of the time ( COD , Bad Co . , Bioshock , etc ) . I did enjoy Fallout 3 which was more of a RPG than a shooter - logged in over 60 hours . I was initially turned off by Demon's Souls because of the reviews telling casual gamers to beware because of the difficulty . . . The only reason I picked up DS was the glowing review it got from Gamespot as their pick for game of the year . After getting it home and setting up my character , I literally spent the next 4 hours trying to just get through the first level . EXTREMELY frustrating to say the least ! Still , after spending $60 on the game I was determined to give it a chance . As stated in other reviews , when you die you lose all your souls ( which are currency ) and start back at the beginning with all of the same enemies to fight ( with the exceptions of bosses and some black phantoms ) . Where the game tempts you to try , try again is that the physical world you just died in does not change . In other words , if you opened a gate which can act as a short cut , activated an elevator , or even hardened lava - it will still be in the same state as when you left it . . . . These changes may help you along in your progress . It took me approximately 6 hours just to finish level 1 ( 1 - 1 for those that have played it ) . After killing the boss at the end of level 1 I WAS HOOKED ! I upgraded and repaired my equipment as well as my stats and was off to tackle another 40 + hours of greatness . I'm currently at 5 - 1 ( which is roughly 85% complete ) and loving it . This is by far the best game I have played to date . I should finish it at about the 50 hour mark ( spent some time soul farming to help upgrade ) , and plan on playing it again as a different class when I finish the first play through ( a feature called new game + ) . A couple of words of wisdom to make it a little easier : the booklet that comes with the game is very basic , so do a web search for a good Demon's Souls wiki which will provide much more info on everything from equipment to defeating bosses . There are also some great walkthroughs on youtube that show you different strategies for completed levels / defeating bosses . Without a little research I'd still be stuck on level 1 - 2 trying to get past those two pesky blue-eyed knights at the end of the dragon bridge ! Also , the online feature is really cool . I've requested the help of a couple blue phantoms to help me defeat a boss here or there and the black phantoms can be a pain in the neck . . . . . The messages left by other players , white phantoms and blood stains all are innovative ways to help you with the game . In conclusion , this game is frustrating but that's part of what makes it so much fun . If you decide to jump in , don't quit easily . Once you get the hang of it you will see the payoff for your efforts . A fantastic game - I have my fingers crossed for some DLC or Demon's Souls 2 !
    • 344 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This is the game of the year . Everyone knows It's been a really good year for PS3 . I bought both UC2 and Demon's souls ( DS ) . I did not put too much attention on Demon's souls for quite a while until I finished playing UC2 . And what happend was I spent the next about 300 hours all straight playing DS without touching any other games . . . I had to admit , UC2 is really a good game . To compare with DS , UC2 is more like a huge blockbuster movie Avatar , while DS is like Shawshank - You sit there , and you feel the game . If I had to pick , DS gotta be the GotY , hands down .
    • 348 4  Unlike its predecessor the PS3 hasn't been known for its extensive library of great RPG games however , in the last couple of years titles such as Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion , Dragon Age : Origins , and the PS3 exclusive Demon's Souls looks to change all of that . Demon's Souls might not appear to be anything special but like the old saying goes don't judge a book by its cover . Demon's Souls puts you in the dark fantasy themed Action-RPG world of Boletaria , a kingdom that has crumbled , been besieged by demons , and where the sane have become insane and have allied themselves with the horrors of the land . This game is classic good versus evil and though the story might again not seem like anything special it is portrayed very well and it eventually all comes together . The game's difficulty at some points can be punishing but once you get the hang of how things work experienced RPG fans will find Demon's Souls to be quite rewarding . The main object of Demon's Souls is to slay demons and collect demon's souls which are the unusual currency of Boletaria . You can use these collected souls to buy weapons , armor , items and even spells but once you die in demon's souls you lose all of your souls and start from the beginning of the level though you do have the chance to find your body and reclaim your lost souls . Once you start a new game you will not only be able to choose from 10 classes but you will be able to fully customize the look and name of your character and there are several customization options . You also have the freedom to take your character in any direction you please because the classes only dictate what stats and equipment your character will start with . Once you complete or skip the tutorial ( it is highly recommended that you play through the tutorial ) you will find yourself in the Nexus , a sort of hub world where you will first be in Soul Form . Throughout the game you will discover two forms in which your character will either be in , these are body and soul form . While in body form you have max health and you can active glowing blue runic writings which appear on the ground known as Soul Signs . You can use these to summon Blue Phantoms while online ( co-op ) . These phantoms are in soul form but once you and your ally or allies have destroyed a lead demon your phantom friend will be revived to body form and he will return to his or her realm . Now it sounds like being in Body Form is the way to be however , Black Phantoms ( Player versus player aka PvP ) can invade your game randomly and once there they will try to assassinate you because your death is their body form revival so be careful when you get an onscreen warning that you have been invaded . Soul form is a little different than body form . While in soul form your HP is halved however , you do more damage and you can join other players ' games as a Blue Phantom and attempt to get revived , or you can enter a player's game as a dreaded Black Phantom . Now back in the Nexus you cannot be invaded by a Black Phantom and you cannot summon a Blue Phantom , it is sort of a safe haven and where you can enter 1 of the 5 worlds through portals called Archstones . Each of these worlds are vastly unique and feature their own environments and enemies and each world features plenty of hours of play time . Now this game can have a crushing difficulty but if you are playing online there things that can aid frustrating players such as Blue Phantoms , which I talked about earlier , bloodstains , messages and apparitions . Bloodstains show the location of where another player has died and if activated they will show the deceased player as a red apparition in his last moments offering a warning to players online that danger is around . Messages are glowing pink runic writings found on the ground which are similar to Soul Signs . These are left by other players and offer hints but always beware because some messages may be false . Last but not least are apparitions which are players from other realms in a ghostly form who fade in and out between your realm and theirs . Sometimes watching them can provide helpful hints . Online Demon's Souls is definitely a bit less hard and a lot more fun but offline or online any RPG fan will find that Demon's Souls is brilliant masterpiece RPG and is a proud and welcomed edition to the PS3 ' s library .
    • 351 4  If you beat the first level you wont stop playing . . . its that addictive ! . Tip : may sure you understand the online ( recommend it ) and offline modes so you can enjoy it even more ! the only complain i have is the camera lock on system especially when you are fighting and skeleton and a flying manta pass by and takes the lock with it . but it happens like once or twice in the game so its nothing really ! My brother and I cant stop playing !
    • 352 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I have to admit I was withdrawn about getting this game . I have read alot of reviews and felt like this was going to be one of those programmer made games just to show how smart they are at making a game . Boy I was wrong ! Yes the game is hard , Yes when you die you are in soul form and yes when you die you have to do it all over again . This was what I was faced with when I first started this game . Now I have to admit that there are lenghty reviews about this game maybe from people trying to boost this game and then there are reviews about this game that rate it in the toilet . All I'm going to say is that this game woke something up inside of me that seemed to be asleep a long time since the laungh of the next-gen systems and that is the feel of finally beating a level and a boss in one fell swoop without dying once . Now I have to admit that this took sometime to do and I mean sometime to do more like 4 - 5 hours but during this time I had fun doing it . Now most who played this game will say that there is something wrong with me if I can play this game for the time I did and not lose my mind . I did lose my mind cause the game was just that frustrating at times and with no plan of attack at times left me dead more then alive . But this game is what you get when you put OLD school gaming with NEXT-GEN graphics and a good storyline .

  • 108 4  This is an Excellent RPG . It will challenge you as well but its worth it and its not hard to where you can beat it . You have to think and be patient . You can also find tips and tricks and online walkthroughs for this game as well . THIS GAME IS NOT FOR THE IMPATIENT OR CASUAL RPG GAMER , IT CAN BE IF YOU LIKE A LIL CHALLENGE . The graphics are excellent , gameplay is great , use of controls excellent . Yes there is no pause button but u can press the ps button to pause it .
    • 144 4  If you got the time and like RPG's ( also A proud owner of A PS3 ) then this is your game . WARNING THIS GAME IS HARD

  • 219 4  If you're a PS3 owner , chances are that you've already heard various things about Demon's Souls . No matter what you may have heard though , the one thing that you need to believe first and foremost before you even consider popping this game in is the fact that it is unbelievably difficult , incredibly challenging , and just plain unforgiving . No mid-level save points , getting sent back to the beginning of a level after you die , re-spawning firerce enemies ; yes , Demon's Souls is probably one of the hardest games you'll ever play , regardless of the genre . That being said however , Demon's Souls is also one of the absolute best action / RPG's you'll ever play as well . Technically speaking , Demon's Souls is simply a gorgeous sight to behold . The level designs are foreboding , dark , and varied from one another , while the game's creature designs are brilliant as well . The game's combat mechanics are intricate and deep , with boss battles being nothing short of epic as well . Along with some great online features , Demon's Souls has all the makings of being a great game , and indeed it is , but it definitely isn't something for everybody . As said before , the game's difficulty will frustrate you to almost no end , yet you'll keep coming back regardless . If anything , Demon's Souls is reminiscent of the arcade / action games of yesteryear in these terms , and the game is all the better for it . All in all , if you're looking for something spectacularly challenging and unbelievably difficult , Demon's Souls is just what the doctor ordered . Don't say that you weren't warned though .
    • 306 4  This is a great game for serious rpg / action fans . It is a lot of fun but also very challenging . If you are a person who gets mad and throws controllers you'll want to steer clear of this game . The game never feels cheap but it does expect you to learn from your mistakes , and you'll have a lot of them in your first play through . If your looking for a challenge and enjoy intense online duels , you'll love this game .
    • 327 4  Not for the casual gamer ! This game is unforgiving and difficult ! But that's what makes it so great . If you're looking for a demonic , dark , hard-as-heck game , this is for you .
    • 329 4  Finally a game that challenges , infuriates and frustrates the hell out of you all the while providing a worthwhile game . Providing true next gen graphics and a typical story line . It's not a hard game by no means . It's an unforgiving challenge . You have to think and re-change your strategy multiple times in less than a minute . Ambushes , surprises and more enemies than you'll know what to do with makes this game a worthwhile investment . I have not had a game give me a challenge like this in well forever . I played video games from the Atari all the way up to the PS3 and I've never had a game that didn't lose my interest in less than a day . Demon's Soul's has kept me playing for hours on end . Yes it's as some gamers call it hard , infuriating , frustrating but if you're tired of finishing a game like I usually do in less than forty eight hours then pick this up . You won't be disappointed .

  • 288 4  This game is just plain frustrating for the casual gamer , like myself . It is very unforgiving . There is only one difficulty setting , Hard . This might be a good game for very experienced players with a lot of patience and time on their hands . The levels you fight through are very long and have no save points . If you die before the end , you start all over again and have to fight the same creatures all over again . You also lose the souls you have gained and the healing potions ( leaves ) you had . The height of frustration for me came when I reached the first boss . This guy is real hard . Like before , if you die you don't get back the healing leaves you use . So with each defeat you get weaker and weaker . Soon you will run out of leaves and have nothing to buy more of them with . You will have to go on and re-fight the same creatures , yet again , to hopefully get some more healing leaves . Totally stupid if you ask me . This game also starts you out with very little health and you die very easily . However it's not all bad . The graphics are great and the story is interesting . It also has some unique features like the ability to write / read helpful messages from other players . This has saved me on more than one occasion . There is also a feature where another player , via online , can join you to help you . Sometimes , they just come in to kill you though . What is the point of having that in the game ? The game designer sure seems intent on punishing the the buyer who paid $60 for this game . Not a good thing , if you ask me .
    • 171 4  I've been playing games for 20 + years . And it has been a long time since a game captured my imagination . This game will grab you and not let you go . I am on my third play through , which should tell you how addictive this game is . Also this game plays differently depending on how you level up your character . I was a magic user the first time , melee user the second , and mix of both for my third play through . Oh , and did I mention the online play ? First time you are being invaded by another player , who wants to kill you and take your soul , you will experience a rush like never before . Unlike other games , you actually have a lot to loose by dying . There are no save points , you loose all the souls ( Currency ) , and most of all you will have to restart from the beginning of the level . So the tension you feel as you approach the end of the level is epic . When you beat this game , you know you just accomplished something that seemed impossible . So in short , go play this game !
    • 223 4  This game is the most in depth game I have ever played that wasn't on the computer . You are forced to figure everything out yourself , there is very small tutorial and the end of it will leave you thinking , What the hell just happened ? ! since they have a monster kill you on purpose . After playing this a few hours I was completely addicted and found myself reading the Demon's Souls Wiki when I wasn't playing it . I just got it the other day and I already have over 40 hours into it ( I'm unemployed obviously ) . One of the most groundbreaking things about this game is the online play . You can leave messages on the ground for other players and touch bloodstains to see how others died . Also if you lose your body and are playing in soul form you can invade someone else's game as a black phantom and kill them , regaining your soul . You can also go as a blue phantom and help someone kill a demon to get your soul back which isn't as fun . The sense of danger in this game is intense because there is no pause button . Every time a black phantom invades or you invade as a black phantom your heart will start racing . Bottom line : buy this game if you are a hardcore gamer looking for a challenge . The game is not easy at all and requires patience and careful observation . [ . . . ]

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) After playing this game for over 60 hours ( including several re-starts ) , I decided it's time for a review . Let's start off with the good . The graphics are relatively good , but nothing really wows you here . The worlds are varied , and it is a treat to explore these lands , however dangerous and deadly they are . The combat system is deep and the controls are pretty good . The lock-on feature while essential to the game can be problematic at times , and at least for me has caused an untimely death on more than one occasion . The atmosphere in this game is out of this world . There are places in this game that will really creep you out . Some enemies will be two feet in front of you and will not be visible because sometimes you'll be wandering around in virtually pure darkness . This game definitely excels in the freak you out department with it's atmosphere and host of deadly monsters . On that note , let's talk about the bosses . Some of the bosses you encounter here are ridiculously terrifying and tremendously ferocious . I have caught myself holding my breath and shaking with fear before these behemoths . . . you will feel like an ant in front of a lion . For me , this is the best part of the game ; to be able to fight bosses that are many times larger , faster , better equipped , and much more powerful than you are . It really does feel good to defeat such imposing enemies . Now for some bad , and there's plenty of it . Let's start with this no checkpoint , no save , no pause , die and start all the way from the beginning , lose all your souls business . The only reason to have a system like this in place is to torture and frustrate players . There is no excuse for a game of this difficulty level to force you to start a level over , and over , and over , and over , and then some more over again . I would have given this game four stars or more if it at least had checkpoints and pauses , but they do not exist . In order to really level up , you will need to replay levels dozens upon dozens of times , if not hundreds , and it really does get exceedingly repetative and just not fun . Let's not even talk about ' farming ' for items and hoping for an enemy to drop that special something you need . To be honest , my first couple of hours into this game , I didn't think it was that difficult . I had done some research and learned that the royalty class was an excellent one to start with and I was able to defeat the first three levels and bosses while only dying twice . I played extremely cautiously and treated every single enemy almost like a boss and it worked to my advantage . Everything was going great until the following . . . I recall fighting my way through and a tremendously difficult level and stayed alive long enough for the privilege of fighting an inconceivably difficult boss . I was somehow able to bring its life meter down to around 15% , and guess what happened next , I was annihilated . . . what this meant is that I was then forced to do this all over again from the very beginning of the stage . What's worse is all those thousands of souls I had accumulated now lay at the bosses lair . I lost my patience and attempted to rush my way through the level to get my souls back . By breaking my successful formula of caution and patience , I made the worst possible mistake one could make in this game . . . I began to die in a quick and consistent manner . This causes what's called your world tendency to turn black . What happens is the game becomes exponentially more difficult the more you die ( in body form ) . . . and this horrendously vicious system is never explained to you until it's too late . You will experience countless events that will make you want to yell expletives at the top of your lungs . Everyone who's played this game knows that souls are the everything of this game . You need it to buy equipment , items , level-up , upgrade weapons , and so on . I have lost over 29,000 souls at least twice now , and once I lost over 70,0000 souls cause I was in the middle of a boss fight and was trying to cast a spell to get me the h out of there and back to the nexus ( home base ) , and the boss would damage me before I could complete the spell meaning my doom and the loss of all those souls forever . No player should ever have to experience such a loss . I believe this game is in desperate need of a strategy guide . I've had to go on Demon's Souls wiki about a million times already for help with weapons upgrades , special-items , NPCs , world-tendency , character tendency , etc . etc . etc . There's just way too much information that a player needs to succeed that is not provided . Some semblance of a story is there , but no nearly enough to satisfy even the average RPG player . I thought I reached a turning point , when I defeated what's called an in-game black phantom of world 4 - 1 . In my book , these things are major demons actually worse than most bosses . I was so happy I thought nothing could stop me now . I began to level up like crazy and defeating everything in my path . I am currently a level 92 character and I unlocked this new area and gave it a try . After a couple of stupid mistakes , this new area is now in pure black condition , meaning it's now at the absolute pinnacle of difficulty . Now , I run into these two mini-bosses that INSTANTLY kill me in ONE blow with either a melee attack or magic . What kind of game has REGULAR enemies that can immediately kill you in one blow when you're almost a 100 level character and have defeated more than 8 bosses and levels and even killed three in-game black phantoms and one archdemon ( uber final boss ) . I mean , it doesn't make any sense to me at all and frustrates myself and so many others to no end . But wait , it gets worse . . . , when I switch to body form to try and get more hp and attempt to summon other players to help me to defeat this enemy , I get invaded by a black phantom ( another player ) who completely destroys all my equipment , kills me , and steals my souls . It cost me about 7,000 souls just to repair my equipment . I'm a life-long gamer and I do enjoy a challenge , but this is just one of the many examples I could list that keep me from loving this game .
    • 013 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) After playing this game for over 60 hours ( including several re-starts ) , I decided it's time for a review . Let's start off with the good . The graphics are relatively good , but nothing really wows you here . The worlds are varied , and it is a treat to explore these lands , however dangerous and deadly they are . The combat system is deep and the controls are pretty good . The lock-on feature while essential to the game can be problematic at times , and at least for me has caused an untimely death on more than one occasion . The atmosphere in this game is out of this world . There are places in this game that will really creep you out . Some enemies will be two feet in front of you and will not be visible because sometimes you'll be wandering around in virtually pure darkness . This game definitely excels in the freak you out department with it's atmosphere and host of deadly monsters . On that note , let's talk about the bosses . Some of the bosses you encounter here are ridiculously terrifying and tremendously ferocious . I have caught myself holding my breath and shaking with fear before these behemoths . . . you will feel like an ant in front of a lion . For me , this is the best part of the game ; to be able to fight bosses that are many times larger , faster , better equipped , and much more powerful than you are . It really does feel good to defeat such imposing enemies . Now for some bad , and there's plenty of it . Let's start with this no checkpoint , no save , no pause , die and start all the way from the beginning , lose all your souls business . The only reason to have a system like this in place is to torture and frustrate players . There is no excuse for a game of this difficulty level to force you to start a level over , and over , and over , and over , and then some more over again . I would have given this game four stars or more if it at least had checkpoints and pauses , but they do not exist . In order to really level up , you will need to replay levels dozens upon dozens of times , if not hundreds , and it really does get exceedingly repetative and just not fun . Let's not even talk about ' farming ' for items and hoping for an enemy to drop that special something you need . To be honest , my first couple of hours into this game , I didn't think it was that difficult . I had done some research and learned that the royalty class was an excellent one to start with and I was able to defeat the first three levels and bosses while only dying twice . I played extremely cautiously and treated every single enemy almost like a boss and it worked to my advantage . Everything was going great until the following . . . I recall fighting my way through and a tremendously difficult level and stayed alive long enough for the privilege of fighting an inconceivably difficult boss . I was somehow able to bring its life meter down to around 15% , and guess what happened next , I was annihilated . . . what this meant is that I was then forced to do this all over again from the very beginning of the stage . What's worse is all those thousands of souls I had accumulated now lay at the bosses lair . I lost my patience and attempted to rush my way through the level to get my souls back . By breaking my successful formula of caution and patience , I made the worst possible mistake one could make in this game . . . I began to die in a quick and consistent manner . This causes what's called your world tendency to turn black . What happens is the game becomes exponentially more difficult the more you die ( in body form ) . . . and this horrendously vicious system is never explained to you until it's too late . You will experience countless events that will make you want to yell expletives at the top of your lungs . Everyone who's played this game knows that souls are the everything of this game . You need it to buy equipment , items , level-up , upgrade weapons , and so on . I have lost over 29,000 souls at least twice now , and once I lost over 70,0000 souls cause I was in the middle of a boss fight and was trying to cast a spell to get me the h out of there and back to the nexus ( home base ) , and the boss would damage me before I could complete the spell meaning my doom and the loss of all those souls forever . No player should ever have to experience such a loss . I believe this game is in desperate need of a strategy guide . I've had to go on Demon's Souls wiki about a million times already for help with weapons upgrades , special-items , NPCs , world-tendency , character tendency , etc . etc . etc . There's just way too much information that a player needs to succeed that is not provided . Some semblance of a story is there , but no nearly enough to satisfy even the average RPG player . I thought I reached a turning point , when I defeated what's called an in-game black phantom of world 4 - 1 . In my book , these things are major demons actually worse than most bosses . I was so happy I thought nothing could stop me now . I began to level up like crazy and defeating everything in my path . I am currently a level 92 character and I unlocked this new area and gave it a try . After a couple of stupid mistakes , this new area is now in pure black condition , meaning it's now at the absolute pinnacle of difficulty . Now , I run into these two mini-bosses that INSTANTLY kill me in ONE blow with either a melee attack or magic . What kind of game has REGULAR enemies that can immediately kill you in one blow when you're almost a 100 level character and have defeated more than 8 bosses and levels and even killed three in-game black phantoms and one archdemon ( uber final boss ) . I mean , it doesn't make any sense to me at all and frustrates myself and so many others to no end . But wait , it gets worse . . . , when I switch to body form to try and get more hp and attempt to summon other players to help me to defeat this enemy , I get invaded by a black phantom ( another player ) who completely destroys all my equipment , kills me , and steals my souls . It cost me about 7,000 souls just to repair my equipment . I'm a life-long gamer and I do enjoy a challenge , but this is just one of the many examples I could list that keep me from loving this game .
    • 014 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) After playing this game for over 60 hours ( including several re-starts ) , I decided it's time for a review . Let's start off with the good . The graphics are relatively good , but nothing really wows you here . The worlds are varied , and it is a treat to explore these lands , however dangerous and deadly they are . The combat system is deep and the controls are pretty good . The lock-on feature while essential to the game can be problematic at times , and at least for me has caused an untimely death on more than one occasion . The atmosphere in this game is out of this world . There are places in this game that will really creep you out . Some enemies will be two feet in front of you and will not be visible because sometimes you'll be wandering around in virtually pure darkness . This game definitely excels in the freak you out department with it's atmosphere and host of deadly monsters . On that note , let's talk about the bosses . Some of the bosses you encounter here are ridiculously terrifying and tremendously ferocious . I have caught myself holding my breath and shaking with fear before these behemoths . . . you will feel like an ant in front of a lion . For me , this is the best part of the game ; to be able to fight bosses that are many times larger , faster , better equipped , and much more powerful than you are . It really does feel good to defeat such imposing enemies . Now for some bad , and there's plenty of it . Let's start with this no checkpoint , no save , no pause , die and start all the way from the beginning , lose all your souls business . The only reason to have a system like this in place is to torture and frustrate players . There is no excuse for a game of this difficulty level to force you to start a level over , and over , and over , and over , and then some more over again . I would have given this game four stars or more if it at least had checkpoints and pauses , but they do not exist . In order to really level up , you will need to replay levels dozens upon dozens of times , if not hundreds , and it really does get exceedingly repetative and just not fun . Let's not even talk about ' farming ' for items and hoping for an enemy to drop that special something you need . To be honest , my first couple of hours into this game , I didn't think it was that difficult . I had done some research and learned that the royalty class was an excellent one to start with and I was able to defeat the first three levels and bosses while only dying twice . I played extremely cautiously and treated every single enemy almost like a boss and it worked to my advantage . Everything was going great until the following . . . I recall fighting my way through and a tremendously difficult level and stayed alive long enough for the privilege of fighting an inconceivably difficult boss . I was somehow able to bring its life meter down to around 15% , and guess what happened next , I was annihilated . . . what this meant is that I was then forced to do this all over again from the very beginning of the stage . What's worse is all those thousands of souls I had accumulated now lay at the bosses lair . I lost my patience and attempted to rush my way through the level to get my souls back . By breaking my successful formula of caution and patience , I made the worst possible mistake one could make in this game . . . I began to die in a quick and consistent manner . This causes what's called your world tendency to turn black . What happens is the game becomes exponentially more difficult the more you die ( in body form ) . . . and this horrendously vicious system is never explained to you until it's too late . You will experience countless events that will make you want to yell expletives at the top of your lungs . Everyone who's played this game knows that souls are the everything of this game . You need it to buy equipment , items , level-up , upgrade weapons , and so on . I have lost over 29,000 souls at least twice now , and once I lost over 70,0000 souls cause I was in the middle of a boss fight and was trying to cast a spell to get me the h out of there and back to the nexus ( home base ) , and the boss would damage me before I could complete the spell meaning my doom and the loss of all those souls forever . No player should ever have to experience such a loss . I believe this game is in desperate need of a strategy guide . I've had to go on Demon's Souls wiki about a million times already for help with weapons upgrades , special-items , NPCs , world-tendency , character tendency , etc . etc . etc . There's just way too much information that a player needs to succeed that is not provided . Some semblance of a story is there , but no nearly enough to satisfy even the average RPG player . I thought I reached a turning point , when I defeated what's called an in-game black phantom of world 4 - 1 . In my book , these things are major demons actually worse than most bosses . I was so happy I thought nothing could stop me now . I began to level up like crazy and defeating everything in my path . I am currently a level 92 character and I unlocked this new area and gave it a try . After a couple of stupid mistakes , this new area is now in pure black condition , meaning it's now at the absolute pinnacle of difficulty . Now , I run into these two mini-bosses that INSTANTLY kill me in ONE blow with either a melee attack or magic . What kind of game has REGULAR enemies that can immediately kill you in one blow when you're almost a 100 level character and have defeated more than 8 bosses and levels and even killed three in-game black phantoms and one archdemon ( uber final boss ) . I mean , it doesn't make any sense to me at all and frustrates myself and so many others to no end . But wait , it gets worse . . . , when I switch to body form to try and get more hp and attempt to summon other players to help me to defeat this enemy , I get invaded by a black phantom ( another player ) who completely destroys all my equipment , kills me , and steals my souls . It cost me about 7,000 souls just to repair my equipment . I'm a life-long gamer and I do enjoy a challenge , but this is just one of the many examples I could list that keep me from loving this game .
    • 032 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This game is amazing ! Not since final fantasy 10 has a game compelled me to play it for over 100 hours . It's also the first PS3 game of the 20 or so that I own that I felt would be an insult to not get the platinum trophy . I'm going to start off by saying that this game wasn't as hard as everyone said it was . I mean yes your going to die at least 4 or 5 times per satge the first time you play it but those deaths are learning experiences and if you PAY ATTENTION you will learn and get better . Also it's impossible to beat it without a guide in my oppinion . I used a wiki guide that I found and its a favorite on my tool bar now . Theres really no story to get involved with just kill demons and take their souls and stuff . But that also means that you can play it over and over without getting sick of it . Like the 3 times you have to beat it to get the platinum trophy . the world tendency and character tendency adds an extra level of depth as does the online which is think is what makes this game so fun . Also I think that is should be noted that even though this game is an rpg is not in the sence that you will never be uber powerfull no matter how much you level up . Even normal enemies can kill you in like 2 hits in new game + + + . TIPS FOR NEW PLAYERS . . . 1 . Start out as a royal class . they are balenced and start out with soul arrow which is the BEST spell in your first playthrough . I used it to kill about half of the bosses . 2 . Play the game in soul form ALWAYS . This means you dont have to worry about black phantoms invading ( other players ) . You will need to equip the cling ring which is easily obtained in level 1 - 1 . This also means your footsteps are silent so enemies can't see you as soon . 3 . Playing the game in soul form also means that world tendency doesn't change when you die . So all those things you heard about the gaming getting harder the more you die doesn't apply to you ! 4 . Whenever you kill a demon and regain your body suicide in the nexus by jumping off the stairs . Make sure you don't land on any npc though , they could attack you ! 5 . As said in 3 if you upset an npc enough they will attack you so don't swing your weapon around in the nexus . If they attack you they won't help you anymore for the rest of the game cycle . 6 . Once you beat level 1 - 1 go to level 4 - 1 . It's got the best bow to level up and at the begining of 4 - 2 theres a great soul farming spot . 7 . Use the wiki guide it will save your SOUL ! ! ! ! ! ! !
    • 277 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Difficult . Hardcore . Unforgiving . Sure , the game can be all of those things . But what exactly does that MEAN ? This game's difficulty doesn't come from learning complex key combos like in fighting games or hardcore thumb-training for head shots in shooters . Nor are there a million different types of armor with a confusing array of stats ( though weapons are another matter ) . After the first level , not even your class really matters , as all characters can learn anything depending on how they level . There are really only two ways in which the game is difficult : 1 . Every once in a while , you'll actually have to stop and think for a second . I know , I know . . . A WHOLE SECOND . That's like , an eternity , right ? But you can't run up to bosses swinging wildly and giggling LOL AXE ! and expect to win . It's not like it's a chess tournament , though . Oooh , a dark corner . I wonder if I should raise my shield before walking into it . Uh oh , something just laughed right behind me . I wonder if I'm about to get attacked . Look , a dragon . I wonder if this would be a good time to use my fire protection spell . That's pretty much the extent of it . And there are a million messages left by other players to help you out . Individual combat is the same way . You don't run up and swing wildly . You have a shield . You have ranged spells / attacks . You have melee weapons . Use each at the right time . I don't know about anyone else , but I thoroughly enjoy jumping back when an enemy lets loose with a hard attack , misses completely , and leaves themselves open for me to deliver a hammer to their face . I love it when some overzealous mob runs at me , I sidestep them , then turn around and shove a sword through their heart . I love it when three mobs attack me , I dodge one attack , block another , shove the third back , and then do a rolling attack that takes all of their legs out . That's fun . That's rewarding . The MUST PRESS R1 AS FAST AS POSSIBLE FOR FIVE HOURS UNTIL I BEAT THE GAME style in other games gets boring very fast . 2 . A ridiculous learning curve . Your items have strange symbols on them . None of the levels are marked . You have no idea how to learn magic , how to level up , what the difference is between a spell and a miracle , where you buy anything . . . you're told NOTHING . No , really . . . NOTHING . This game would be outright unplayable for most players ( who have neither the will nor the desire to spend three months experimenting to figure out what the heck anything does ) without things like wikis ( [ . . . ] ) or forums . IGN's walk-through is decent , also . Don't even bother trying to do much more than clear a stage or two without knowing the basics ( which you learn anywhere BUT in the game itself ) . - - - As for other factors . . . The graphics are decent . I bought this at the same time as Uncharted 2 , which is like an orgasm for your eyes , so I was a bit disappointed . But they're on par with PS3 games in general . The storyline is absurd . Pick up any generic fantasy novel and you'll find a better story . It's like they barely even tried to come up with consistent , meaningful lore . Just remember that this isn't a fantasy novel , it's a PS3 game . Ignore the fact that there's an eyeless anti-demon chick who serves a bald , ancient child by lighting its candles , grants you levels by having you touch the demon inside of her , speaks in an atrocious semi-Bible babble , and can often be found sitting on the stairs and moving her feet back and forth like a little girl . Ignore the fact that you're fighting fat guys with clown makeup who waddle like constipated ducks . Ignore the fact that you eat grass to heal your wounds and that you can temporarily enchant your weapon by rubbing on some feces of a magical slug that bathed in fluorescent water ( called Sticky White Stuff for extra giggles ) . Just smile , mumble something about crazy Japanese people , apologize to any Japanese friends who may have overheard you , and resume playing .
    • 278 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Difficult . Hardcore . Unforgiving . Sure , the game can be all of those things . But what exactly does that MEAN ? This game's difficulty doesn't come from learning complex key combos like in fighting games or hardcore thumb-training for head shots in shooters . Nor are there a million different types of armor with a confusing array of stats ( though weapons are another matter ) . After the first level , not even your class really matters , as all characters can learn anything depending on how they level . There are really only two ways in which the game is difficult : 1 . Every once in a while , you'll actually have to stop and think for a second . I know , I know . . . A WHOLE SECOND . That's like , an eternity , right ? But you can't run up to bosses swinging wildly and giggling LOL AXE ! and expect to win . It's not like it's a chess tournament , though . Oooh , a dark corner . I wonder if I should raise my shield before walking into it . Uh oh , something just laughed right behind me . I wonder if I'm about to get attacked . Look , a dragon . I wonder if this would be a good time to use my fire protection spell . That's pretty much the extent of it . And there are a million messages left by other players to help you out . Individual combat is the same way . You don't run up and swing wildly . You have a shield . You have ranged spells / attacks . You have melee weapons . Use each at the right time . I don't know about anyone else , but I thoroughly enjoy jumping back when an enemy lets loose with a hard attack , misses completely , and leaves themselves open for me to deliver a hammer to their face . I love it when some overzealous mob runs at me , I sidestep them , then turn around and shove a sword through their heart . I love it when three mobs attack me , I dodge one attack , block another , shove the third back , and then do a rolling attack that takes all of their legs out . That's fun . That's rewarding . The MUST PRESS R1 AS FAST AS POSSIBLE FOR FIVE HOURS UNTIL I BEAT THE GAME style in other games gets boring very fast . 2 . A ridiculous learning curve . Your items have strange symbols on them . None of the levels are marked . You have no idea how to learn magic , how to level up , what the difference is between a spell and a miracle , where you buy anything . . . you're told NOTHING . No , really . . . NOTHING . This game would be outright unplayable for most players ( who have neither the will nor the desire to spend three months experimenting to figure out what the heck anything does ) without things like wikis ( [ . . . ] ) or forums . IGN's walk-through is decent , also . Don't even bother trying to do much more than clear a stage or two without knowing the basics ( which you learn anywhere BUT in the game itself ) . - - - As for other factors . . . The graphics are decent . I bought this at the same time as Uncharted 2 , which is like an orgasm for your eyes , so I was a bit disappointed . But they're on par with PS3 games in general . The storyline is absurd . Pick up any generic fantasy novel and you'll find a better story . It's like they barely even tried to come up with consistent , meaningful lore . Just remember that this isn't a fantasy novel , it's a PS3 game . Ignore the fact that there's an eyeless anti-demon chick who serves a bald , ancient child by lighting its candles , grants you levels by having you touch the demon inside of her , speaks in an atrocious semi-Bible babble , and can often be found sitting on the stairs and moving her feet back and forth like a little girl . Ignore the fact that you're fighting fat guys with clown makeup who waddle like constipated ducks . Ignore the fact that you eat grass to heal your wounds and that you can temporarily enchant your weapon by rubbing on some feces of a magical slug that bathed in fluorescent water ( called Sticky White Stuff for extra giggles ) . Just smile , mumble something about crazy Japanese people , apologize to any Japanese friends who may have overheard you , and resume playing .
    • 313 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Yes , this game is great . Yes , it's engaging . Yes , it's addicting . And yes , it's ridiculously hard , to the point of being very frustrating . This is literally the hardest game I've ever played . So hard that it's easy to get frustrated and stop playing . I've come back to it time after time because it IS so much fun , and for that reason I give it a 4 . But I can't give it a 5 with the level of difficulty . Would it be so hard to include a difficulty adjustment setting for those of us who don't WANT to replay levels over and over and over and still not clear them ?
    • 314 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Yes , this game is great . Yes , it's engaging . Yes , it's addicting . And yes , it's ridiculously hard , to the point of being very frustrating . This is literally the hardest game I've ever played . So hard that it's easy to get frustrated and stop playing . I've come back to it time after time because it IS so much fun , and for that reason I give it a 4 . But I can't give it a 5 with the level of difficulty . Would it be so hard to include a difficulty adjustment setting for those of us who don't WANT to replay levels over and over and over and still not clear them ?

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) An action-RPG that prides itself on its difficulty , Demon's Souls is not a game for the faint-hearted . However , for a player willing to overcome a few hardships , Demon's Souls is a well-made , well-executed , highly enjoyable game . Demon's Souls ' basic gameplay is hack-and-slash similar to The Legend of Zelda or Kingdom Hearts , i.e . you swing your sword , block with your shield , roll , dodge , and so on . However , Demon's Souls has much higher stakes - your character can die in 2 or 3 hits , for one . Enemies telegraph attacks well enough , and are generally as weak as you are in health terms , so it's at least fair in that regard . It's less that the game is hard directly , and more that the game is unforgiving of carelessness ; charging at an enemy as though they can be easily dispatched , like you would in most action games , usually ends up with your death . There's a fairly wide level of customization available in terms of gameplay choices , though . Souls are the game's currency , and are obtained from every enemy defeated . They are used to buy stat upgrades , spells , weapons , armor , and items . In essence , you have a fairly wide set of choices available in terms of how you play the game - as a direct fighter , as a lightly-equipped archer , or as a supporting magic-user . Your class influences your starting stats , but there are very few class-based limitations in terms of equipment and spells . As long as you've upgraded your stats to the right level , you can use almost anything . There is some difference in terms of what weapons are used , so there's at least a lot of diversity in terms of your character's development . In addition to enemy weaknesses , the weapons in the game also take how the weapon is used into account . Most directly , walls and corridors will make it impossible to swing a weapon - a problem if you're using a giant sword and can't get the room necessary to swing it . Generally , stabbing weapons like spears and rapiers are useful in close-range areas , while the giant swings of greatswords and polearms are useful in wide-open areas . It's possible to wield weapons one-handed or two-handed ; it's also possible to dual wield weapons , to varying levels of effectiveness . The two kinds of ranged weapon are bows and crossbows : the former can be aimed manually , but requires two hands , while the latter must be locked on automatically , but can be used with a shield . Death in Demon's Souls is frequent , and comes with a few penalties . Upon death you become a ghost , with only 50% of your normal HP ( though this is raised to 75% by an item found early on , which is much more tolerable ) . When you die , you lose all your current souls ( but not items or abilities ) , but if you can get back to the spot you died in and touch your body , you can at least recover it . There are a few ways to recover your body , the most common of which is beating a boss while in spirit form . However , it's often not worth it - you can only beat a given boss once , and it's fairly easy to die afterwards to some simple trap or surprise attack . And given the number of things that are trying to kill you - soldiers , monsters , dragons , rolling balls , pit traps , and the occasional explosion - care should be taken at basically every opportunity . The game's multiplayer is probably its most innovative feature ; rather than a direct sort of join someone else's game feature , Demon's Souls is more like a persistent online world where you can only occasionally interact with other people . The most common online interaction is messages . These messages are assembled from premade parts ( look out for the _ _ _ _ ahead , etc . ) and left on the ground near whatever they're talking about . Any player can put down a message , regardless of content , so it can be used to help people ( there's a trap ahead , don't trust this guy ) or to hinder them ( if you jump down into this bottomless pit you'll get some treasure ) . Trustworthy messages can be recommended ; recommending a message provides the player who put it down with an instant full-heal - something that's not to be sneezed at , especially during boss fights . Therefore , it's to the player's advantage to put down helpful notes , and the game is certainly hard enough to warrant them . In one case , for example , an otherwise innocuous NPC was marked with many runes nearby indicating that said NPC was a liar and I should attack him . As it turned out , the NPC was powering a ritual that made the level's boss immortal , and without killing him I never would have been able to beat said boss . The other way that the game presents a passively online universe is through player ghosts and bloodstains . The former is just a glimpse of other people playing the game - i.e . , their characters running around in the same level you are in . These are mostly just there for show , though seeing a ghost pull a lever or break down a wall can provide a helpful hint . When another player dies , their bloodstain is left in the location where they died . If you touch a bloodstain , a ghost pops up and runs through the last few seconds of that player's life . This basically shows you where traps are in a lot of circumstances - you just have to watch for the part where the ghost dies when you go forward . In some cases , the presence of a great deal of bloodstains serves as warning enough . There are more direct ways of interacting , as well . When you're a ghost , you can offer your services as a Blue Phantom and enter another player's world as a cooperative helper . Beating the level's boss transports you back to your own game and gives you your body back . You can also take the darker path of the Black Phantom and invade another player's world ; if you manage to kill them , you get your body back . Overall , there's not a lot of communication possible in-game . The messages serve as the only actual communication ; blue phantoms must communicate with gestures and emotes , and there are only a few of these . There's no friend lists or anything along those lines , so you're really just grabbing any random player either as an enemy or a friend . The graphics in the game are excellent - the designs and effects are detailed and well-executed , there are plenty of incredible panoramic views ( many of which can be noted with messages ) and the characters all move with realistic weight and effort . On the other hand , the Havok physics used in the game are completely ridiculous . Bodies , for one , can be easily kicked around by a player walking slowly into them , which causes them to go into humongous spasms and flail around . The sound is great , being distinctly atmospheric while also serving as a warning . The music is good , but only shows up for boss fights ( in a manner similar to Shadow of the Colossus ) , while the rest of the game is music-less to let you focus on approaching footsteps or flapping dragon wings . As a whole , Demon's Souls is a great game with solid gameplay and fun online multiplayer . However , it's also a very unique game - casual gamers , people who dislike losing repeatedly , and people who want to play with people they know in real life are probably better staying away . The game's difficulty will drive away most gamers ; even gamers who stick with it will likely find it frustrating when they die for the hundredth time . The online mode , while interesting and fun , is limited in its long-term applications due to the short pick up game nature of coop play . In conclusion , the game is a 9 / 10 for hardcore gamers , and a 6 / 10 for casual gamers .
    • 055 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) If you were like me when looking at the other reviews for Demon's Souls , you might be a little scared and hesitant to click that add to cart button because of all the reviews talking about how difficult it is . I too was scared to commit to a game I wasn't sure I would be able to enjoy since I am not what you might call a pro gamer . I never had the quick reflexes to master fighting games and FPS . Well let me tell you that you should not be afraid . Yes this game is difficult , but not in a way that it can't be beaten . Yes it will punish you for failure , but when you succeed you will feel extremely satisfied . Yes you will die and yes you will throw controllers . This game is not hack n ' slash . I repeat , NOT HACK N ' SLASH . Those of you expecting a game like Diablo 2 or God of War will probably be a little confused when you are getting destroyed by every little puny enemy in game . But you will also keep coming back . Why ? Because you realize that you didn't die because the game cheated or treated you unfairly . You died because you did something dumb like rush into a group of enemies or attempt to take on a large powerful foe in a position that left you at a disadvantage . What do you do ? You come back again and try a different approach . You learn from your mistakes and you press on . When you do get past it you will feel satisfaction like you've never felt in a game before . This isn't cheap thrills like Halo . Hard mode isn't just adding a ton of HP to monsters and making every attack one shot you . This is strategic hard mode . Use your brain and you will succeed . Think logically and you will triumph over the demons . Most of all , be patient . You won't regret it . Graphics : 4.5 / 5 . You would be hard pressed to find a blemish in this game . Everything is beautiful . Everything from your armor to the scrubby zombie creatures in 1 - 1 are beautifully rendered and highly detailed . My only complaints are the wonky camera in certain areas like 5 - 2 where structures tend to make it difficult for you to see and the way that no matter what you do you can't seem to get your character to not look hideous . Mostly its covered by a helmet so you don't see it though . Story : 3.5 / 5 . Well I guess there was a story . It's not a story you are going to remember but honestly you don't really care either since the gameplay is so good . Gameplay : 5 / 5 . It doesn't get much better than this folks . The controls are simple and easy to get used to . The targeting system could use a little work specifically on world 4 - 2 but its nothing you don't learn to manipulate on your own . It's constantly fun . Never a dull moment . You'll be shocked by enemy sneak attacks and mystified by the epic scale of some of the bosses . Great fun all around . Online : 5 / 5 I thought this deserved a separate section . The online play in this game is very intuitive and I wish other games would make clever use of the internet like DS did . You can summon other players to assist you as phantoms in your world , invade OTHER worlds to hunt and fight the host , you can leave helpful or not so helpful messages on the ground for other players and you can even see bloodstains where other players died . By touching the bloodstains you get to see a phantom image of their final moments which can offer some helpful insight into challenges coming . For example , if you see a doorway with several bloodstains outside of it chances are there is a trap or an enemy waiting in ambush so you know to proceed with caution . Also throughout the game you will see phantom images of other players who are playing the same area as you . Their image will fade in for a few seconds as a translucent ghost and then fade away . It's cool because sometimes you can see them fighting which lets you know that enemies are near but it also has a different effect of reminding you that you aren't alone on your quest and it kind of makes you feel nice . Sound : 4.5 / 5 The soundtrack is good . You know it's there but it isn't intrusive , the way a soundtrack should be . Fun / Replay : 5 / 5 . Between new game + mode ( you replay the game with all your stuff and levels from the previous game it's just harder ) and just trying out new styles of playing you will be dedicating many hours to this game . A first run will probably take you about 40 or more hours depending on how much soul and upgrading you can do . Runs after that seem to last between 20 - 30 hours . It's a lot of fun and you really shouldn't miss out .
    • 074 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) An action-RPG that prides itself on its difficulty , Demon's Souls is not a game for the faint-hearted . However , for a player willing to overcome a few hardships , Demon's Souls is a well-made , well-executed , highly enjoyable game . Demon's Souls ' basic gameplay is hack-and-slash similar to The Legend of Zelda or Kingdom Hearts , i.e . you swing your sword , block with your shield , roll , dodge , and so on . However , Demon's Souls has much higher stakes - your character can die in 2 or 3 hits , for one . Enemies telegraph attacks well enough , and are generally as weak as you are in health terms , so it's at least fair in that regard . It's less that the game is hard directly , and more that the game is unforgiving of carelessness ; charging at an enemy as though they can be easily dispatched , like you would in most action games , usually ends up with your death . There's a fairly wide level of customization available in terms of gameplay choices , though . Souls are the game's currency , and are obtained from every enemy defeated . They are used to buy stat upgrades , spells , weapons , armor , and items . In essence , you have a fairly wide set of choices available in terms of how you play the game - as a direct fighter , as a lightly-equipped archer , or as a supporting magic-user . Your class influences your starting stats , but there are very few class-based limitations in terms of equipment and spells . As long as you've upgraded your stats to the right level , you can use almost anything . There is some difference in terms of what weapons are used , so there's at least a lot of diversity in terms of your character's development . In addition to enemy weaknesses , the weapons in the game also take how the weapon is used into account . Most directly , walls and corridors will make it impossible to swing a weapon - a problem if you're using a giant sword and can't get the room necessary to swing it . Generally , stabbing weapons like spears and rapiers are useful in close-range areas , while the giant swings of greatswords and polearms are useful in wide-open areas . It's possible to wield weapons one-handed or two-handed ; it's also possible to dual wield weapons , to varying levels of effectiveness . The two kinds of ranged weapon are bows and crossbows : the former can be aimed manually , but requires two hands , while the latter must be locked on automatically , but can be used with a shield . Death in Demon's Souls is frequent , and comes with a few penalties . Upon death you become a ghost , with only 50% of your normal HP ( though this is raised to 75% by an item found early on , which is much more tolerable ) . When you die , you lose all your current souls ( but not items or abilities ) , but if you can get back to the spot you died in and touch your body , you can at least recover it . There are a few ways to recover your body , the most common of which is beating a boss while in spirit form . However , it's often not worth it - you can only beat a given boss once , and it's fairly easy to die afterwards to some simple trap or surprise attack . And given the number of things that are trying to kill you - soldiers , monsters , dragons , rolling balls , pit traps , and the occasional explosion - care should be taken at basically every opportunity . The game's multiplayer is probably its most innovative feature ; rather than a direct sort of join someone else's game feature , Demon's Souls is more like a persistent online world where you can only occasionally interact with other people . The most common online interaction is messages . These messages are assembled from premade parts ( look out for the _ _ _ _ ahead , etc . ) and left on the ground near whatever they're talking about . Any player can put down a message , regardless of content , so it can be used to help people ( there's a trap ahead , don't trust this guy ) or to hinder them ( if you jump down into this bottomless pit you'll get some treasure ) . Trustworthy messages can be recommended ; recommending a message provides the player who put it down with an instant full-heal - something that's not to be sneezed at , especially during boss fights . Therefore , it's to the player's advantage to put down helpful notes , and the game is certainly hard enough to warrant them . In one case , for example , an otherwise innocuous NPC was marked with many runes nearby indicating that said NPC was a liar and I should attack him . As it turned out , the NPC was powering a ritual that made the level's boss immortal , and without killing him I never would have been able to beat said boss . The other way that the game presents a passively online universe is through player ghosts and bloodstains . The former is just a glimpse of other people playing the game - i.e . , their characters running around in the same level you are in . These are mostly just there for show , though seeing a ghost pull a lever or break down a wall can provide a helpful hint . When another player dies , their bloodstain is left in the location where they died . If you touch a bloodstain , a ghost pops up and runs through the last few seconds of that player's life . This basically shows you where traps are in a lot of circumstances - you just have to watch for the part where the ghost dies when you go forward . In some cases , the presence of a great deal of bloodstains serves as warning enough . There are more direct ways of interacting , as well . When you're a ghost , you can offer your services as a Blue Phantom and enter another player's world as a cooperative helper . Beating the level's boss transports you back to your own game and gives you your body back . You can also take the darker path of the Black Phantom and invade another player's world ; if you manage to kill them , you get your body back . Overall , there's not a lot of communication possible in-game . The messages serve as the only actual communication ; blue phantoms must communicate with gestures and emotes , and there are only a few of these . There's no friend lists or anything along those lines , so you're really just grabbing any random player either as an enemy or a friend . The graphics in the game are excellent - the designs and effects are detailed and well-executed , there are plenty of incredible panoramic views ( many of which can be noted with messages ) and the characters all move with realistic weight and effort . On the other hand , the Havok physics used in the game are completely ridiculous . Bodies , for one , can be easily kicked around by a player walking slowly into them , which causes them to go into humongous spasms and flail around . The sound is great , being distinctly atmospheric while also serving as a warning . The music is good , but only shows up for boss fights ( in a manner similar to Shadow of the Colossus ) , while the rest of the game is music-less to let you focus on approaching footsteps or flapping dragon wings . As a whole , Demon's Souls is a great game with solid gameplay and fun online multiplayer . However , it's also a very unique game - casual gamers , people who dislike losing repeatedly , and people who want to play with people they know in real life are probably better staying away . The game's difficulty will drive away most gamers ; even gamers who stick with it will likely find it frustrating when they die for the hundredth time . The online mode , while interesting and fun , is limited in its long-term applications due to the short pick up game nature of coop play . In conclusion , the game is a 9 / 10 for hardcore gamers , and a 6 / 10 for casual gamers .
    • 075 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) An action-RPG that prides itself on its difficulty , Demon's Souls is not a game for the faint-hearted . However , for a player willing to overcome a few hardships , Demon's Souls is a well-made , well-executed , highly enjoyable game . Demon's Souls ' basic gameplay is hack-and-slash similar to The Legend of Zelda or Kingdom Hearts , i.e . you swing your sword , block with your shield , roll , dodge , and so on . However , Demon's Souls has much higher stakes - your character can die in 2 or 3 hits , for one . Enemies telegraph attacks well enough , and are generally as weak as you are in health terms , so it's at least fair in that regard . It's less that the game is hard directly , and more that the game is unforgiving of carelessness ; charging at an enemy as though they can be easily dispatched , like you would in most action games , usually ends up with your death . There's a fairly wide level of customization available in terms of gameplay choices , though . Souls are the game's currency , and are obtained from every enemy defeated . They are used to buy stat upgrades , spells , weapons , armor , and items . In essence , you have a fairly wide set of choices available in terms of how you play the game - as a direct fighter , as a lightly-equipped archer , or as a supporting magic-user . Your class influences your starting stats , but there are very few class-based limitations in terms of equipment and spells . As long as you've upgraded your stats to the right level , you can use almost anything . There is some difference in terms of what weapons are used , so there's at least a lot of diversity in terms of your character's development . In addition to enemy weaknesses , the weapons in the game also take how the weapon is used into account . Most directly , walls and corridors will make it impossible to swing a weapon - a problem if you're using a giant sword and can't get the room necessary to swing it . Generally , stabbing weapons like spears and rapiers are useful in close-range areas , while the giant swings of greatswords and polearms are useful in wide-open areas . It's possible to wield weapons one-handed or two-handed ; it's also possible to dual wield weapons , to varying levels of effectiveness . The two kinds of ranged weapon are bows and crossbows : the former can be aimed manually , but requires two hands , while the latter must be locked on automatically , but can be used with a shield . Death in Demon's Souls is frequent , and comes with a few penalties . Upon death you become a ghost , with only 50% of your normal HP ( though this is raised to 75% by an item found early on , which is much more tolerable ) . When you die , you lose all your current souls ( but not items or abilities ) , but if you can get back to the spot you died in and touch your body , you can at least recover it . There are a few ways to recover your body , the most common of which is beating a boss while in spirit form . However , it's often not worth it - you can only beat a given boss once , and it's fairly easy to die afterwards to some simple trap or surprise attack . And given the number of things that are trying to kill you - soldiers , monsters , dragons , rolling balls , pit traps , and the occasional explosion - care should be taken at basically every opportunity . The game's multiplayer is probably its most innovative feature ; rather than a direct sort of join someone else's game feature , Demon's Souls is more like a persistent online world where you can only occasionally interact with other people . The most common online interaction is messages . These messages are assembled from premade parts ( look out for the _ _ _ _ ahead , etc . ) and left on the ground near whatever they're talking about . Any player can put down a message , regardless of content , so it can be used to help people ( there's a trap ahead , don't trust this guy ) or to hinder them ( if you jump down into this bottomless pit you'll get some treasure ) . Trustworthy messages can be recommended ; recommending a message provides the player who put it down with an instant full-heal - something that's not to be sneezed at , especially during boss fights . Therefore , it's to the player's advantage to put down helpful notes , and the game is certainly hard enough to warrant them . In one case , for example , an otherwise innocuous NPC was marked with many runes nearby indicating that said NPC was a liar and I should attack him . As it turned out , the NPC was powering a ritual that made the level's boss immortal , and without killing him I never would have been able to beat said boss . The other way that the game presents a passively online universe is through player ghosts and bloodstains . The former is just a glimpse of other people playing the game - i.e . , their characters running around in the same level you are in . These are mostly just there for show , though seeing a ghost pull a lever or break down a wall can provide a helpful hint . When another player dies , their bloodstain is left in the location where they died . If you touch a bloodstain , a ghost pops up and runs through the last few seconds of that player's life . This basically shows you where traps are in a lot of circumstances - you just have to watch for the part where the ghost dies when you go forward . In some cases , the presence of a great deal of bloodstains serves as warning enough . There are more direct ways of interacting , as well . When you're a ghost , you can offer your services as a Blue Phantom and enter another player's world as a cooperative helper . Beating the level's boss transports you back to your own game and gives you your body back . You can also take the darker path of the Black Phantom and invade another player's world ; if you manage to kill them , you get your body back . Overall , there's not a lot of communication possible in-game . The messages serve as the only actual communication ; blue phantoms must communicate with gestures and emotes , and there are only a few of these . There's no friend lists or anything along those lines , so you're really just grabbing any random player either as an enemy or a friend . The graphics in the game are excellent - the designs and effects are detailed and well-executed , there are plenty of incredible panoramic views ( many of which can be noted with messages ) and the characters all move with realistic weight and effort . On the other hand , the Havok physics used in the game are completely ridiculous . Bodies , for one , can be easily kicked around by a player walking slowly into them , which causes them to go into humongous spasms and flail around . The sound is great , being distinctly atmospheric while also serving as a warning . The music is good , but only shows up for boss fights ( in a manner similar to Shadow of the Colossus ) , while the rest of the game is music-less to let you focus on approaching footsteps or flapping dragon wings . As a whole , Demon's Souls is a great game with solid gameplay and fun online multiplayer . However , it's also a very unique game - casual gamers , people who dislike losing repeatedly , and people who want to play with people they know in real life are probably better staying away . The game's difficulty will drive away most gamers ; even gamers who stick with it will likely find it frustrating when they die for the hundredth time . The online mode , while interesting and fun , is limited in its long-term applications due to the short pick up game nature of coop play . In conclusion , the game is a 9 / 10 for hardcore gamers , and a 6 / 10 for casual gamers .
    • 198 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) As immersive as video games are nowadays , it is still hard to put players into a particular emotional state , be it happiness , sadness , anger , or fear . Without really trying to , early video perhaps succeeded most directly with the emotion of fear . Rather than fear of death , early video games provided a sense of dread regarding failure , as it would mean the loss of substantial progress through a level . This was a very pragmatic design choice for a pay-per-play arcade game , and the format carried through to the early years of home video gaming , but as computer game design and understanding of the way people enjoy games advanced , formats that penalize the player for failure with the loss of significant progress faded into history . The awkwardly named Demon's Soul's for the PS3 is a unique action RPG game that has made the bold choice to revisit the idea of generating sweaty palms through the use of heavily penalizing player failure . Was it the right design decision ? Although this single aspect of the game will ultimately be what is remembered about the game , there are other noteworthy aspects of the game to talk about . First of all , the combat is sublime . I was never a point-and-click Diablo action RPG fan , and although I thoroughly enjoy modern action RPGs like Mass Effect , Fallout 3 and Oblivion , hand to hand combat has never really seemed right until now . Demon's Soul's has an intuitive combat system that provides an amazing degree of flexibility in tactical sword-to-sword combat . You can block , parry and riposte similar to something like Assassin's Creed , but unlike AC , which devolves into a simple timing challenge , every combat situation in Demon's Soul's presents some problem solving . Monsters attack in somewhat predictable patterns , but the patterns are only subtly observable , rewarding ( requiring ) close attention on the first or 100th low level zombie you cut a swath through . There's also ranged combat , which while not as interesting as the sword-play , does get the job done . The game also does some unique things with multiplayer . You can see and leave messages for other people to see in their single player game and see how other people are dying in their own games . This is useful as you explore new areas , but can be frustrating as well . In my game over half the messages say Help me I'm in trouble . Please recommend this message . What ? There are also ways to invite or enter other people's games to help or attack them , but I really didn't explore that aspect of the game . Problem solving is a large element of Demon's Soul's . At every enemy , at every fork in the level , you must be thinking ; keeping track of which items are equipped , how many arrows you have , whether the next turn in the hallway will expose your back to a hidden foe . The level designs and some of the choices presented to the player require some unorthodox thinking . For example , during your quest through the castle you come to a fork in the hallway . To the left is a knight with red eyes , not unlike the knights with blue eyes , many of which you have defeated previously . To the right is a long exposed bridge with many low level soldiers . Which way would you go ? Remember , the loss of many experience points and perhaps 20 minutes or more of gameplay rides on this decision . Suppose you decide to take on the red-eyed knight . You advance cautiously with a conservative plan of attack ( keep your shield up and go for openings with your quicker attack ) . This works for the first few hits , and you make a small dent in his HP , but then the knight knocks you off balance with a heavy swing and eviscerates you with one hit . Death . . . .15 minutes later you battle back to the fork and decide to try the bridge . As you advance you hear loud wing-beats and before you really even start to cross the bridge an enormous dragon swoops in and levels half the enemies on the bridge in his attempt to roast you in your armor like a baked potato in the oven . You race back down to the safety of the enclosed hallway to consider the situation . . . cautiously you creep back out to the now somewhat less guarded bridge and again the dragon swoops in . This time you peel off an arrow at the dragon before retreating and see a minuscule reduction in its hit points . As this is level 1 - 1 , you conclude you are probably not ready to defeat this foe . More experimentation confirms the dragon will always pop out to the bridge when you do . Perhaps the red-eyed knight isn't so tough after all . . . . After numerous wasted attempts to beat the knight , you finally realize ( maybe you are smarter than me , but I eventually just looked it up on Youtube ) that you can't beat EITHER of these foes and actually what you need to do is time a run PAST the dragon in order to continue through level 1 - 1 . . . . Of course . Oldest trick in the book . Learn the AI pattern and exploit it to continue past . And therein lies the problem . The game has wonderful combat and the levels are stimulating and fun to explore , but the merciless nature of dying and losing progress is ultimately a detriment to the game . Those that can handle the repetitive , high-stakes nature of progress in this game can get a lot of enjoyment out of it . As I read more about the intricacies of the game world and unique items to find , I thought I could too , but the soul-crushing frustration of dying on your way back to your previous death spot , simply because you were a little less patient in your fighting technique the 9th time through finally made me personally set the game down and say enough . I won't go so far as to say that only masochists will enjoy this game , as it does provide a lot of problem solving stimulation and elegant battle , but I certainly can't recommend it to most people .
    • 250 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I want to start off by saying this game isn't for everyone - - however I think that everyone should at least give it a try . If you own a PS3 , you now have access to one of the best RPG games ever made . While it may seem hard at times ( especially the first hour or so ) , don't give up . It took me awhile to get over dying a couple times - - I'm not used to dying in video games . . . so every time I died I tried to go back and rush through . Once I finally slowed down and took into account what I was learning every time I died , I started to really enjoy the game . After awhile I wasn't dying at all and enjoyed the perks of being a human ( mainly summoning a partner online to help out , and increased HP ) To make it short , I'll list a few pros and cons : Pros 1 . Great combat system 2 . Very Rewarding 3 . It's nice to have a game that is actually challenging 4 . Great Worlds and game concept 5 . First play-through took me 40 hours and I never felt bored 6 . Innovative online play ( I loved invading other worlds in order to regain my human form ) 7 . Very re-playable Cons 1 . Some people won't enjoy the challenge 2 . Frame rate issues and at times glitchy 3 . Graphics aren't perfect but in no way does this take away from the gameplay 4 . There could be more items , weapons , and armor to choose from ( I could use some good DLC ) 5 . Story is a little bit weak Overall . . . If you enjoy RPG's and are looking for a challenge , buy this game now . You will not be disappointed .
    • 251 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I want to start off by saying this game isn't for everyone - - however I think that everyone should at least give it a try . If you own a PS3 , you now have access to one of the best RPG games ever made . While it may seem hard at times ( especially the first hour or so ) , don't give up . It took me awhile to get over dying a couple times - - I'm not used to dying in video games . . . so every time I died I tried to go back and rush through . Once I finally slowed down and took into account what I was learning every time I died , I started to really enjoy the game . After awhile I wasn't dying at all and enjoyed the perks of being a human ( mainly summoning a partner online to help out , and increased HP ) To make it short , I'll list a few pros and cons : Pros 1 . Great combat system 2 . Very Rewarding 3 . It's nice to have a game that is actually challenging 4 . Great Worlds and game concept 5 . First play-through took me 40 hours and I never felt bored 6 . Innovative online play ( I loved invading other worlds in order to regain my human form ) 7 . Very re-playable Cons 1 . Some people won't enjoy the challenge 2 . Frame rate issues and at times glitchy 3 . Graphics aren't perfect but in no way does this take away from the gameplay 4 . There could be more items , weapons , and armor to choose from ( I could use some good DLC ) 5 . Story is a little bit weak Overall . . . If you enjoy RPG's and are looking for a challenge , buy this game now . You will not be disappointed .
    • 346 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Unlike its predecessor the PS3 hasn't been known for its extensive library of great RPG games however , in the last couple of years titles such as Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion , Dragon Age : Origins , and the PS3 exclusive Demon's Souls looks to change all of that . Demon's Souls might not appear to be anything special but like the old saying goes don't judge a book by its cover . Demon's Souls puts you in the dark fantasy themed Action-RPG world of Boletaria , a kingdom that has crumbled , been besieged by demons , and where the sane have become insane and have allied themselves with the horrors of the land . This game is classic good versus evil and though the story might again not seem like anything special it is portrayed very well and it eventually all comes together . The game's difficulty at some points can be punishing but once you get the hang of how things work experienced RPG fans will find Demon's Souls to be quite rewarding . The main object of Demon's Souls is to slay demons and collect demon's souls which are the unusual currency of Boletaria . You can use these collected souls to buy weapons , armor , items and even spells but once you die in demon's souls you lose all of your souls and start from the beginning of the level though you do have the chance to find your body and reclaim your lost souls . Once you start a new game you will not only be able to choose from 10 classes but you will be able to fully customize the look and name of your character and there are several customization options . You also have the freedom to take your character in any direction you please because the classes only dictate what stats and equipment your character will start with . Once you complete or skip the tutorial ( it is highly recommended that you play through the tutorial ) you will find yourself in the Nexus , a sort of hub world where you will first be in Soul Form . Throughout the game you will discover two forms in which your character will either be in , these are body and soul form . While in body form you have max health and you can active glowing blue runic writings which appear on the ground known as Soul Signs . You can use these to summon Blue Phantoms while online ( co-op ) . These phantoms are in soul form but once you and your ally or allies have destroyed a lead demon your phantom friend will be revived to body form and he will return to his or her realm . Now it sounds like being in Body Form is the way to be however , Black Phantoms ( Player versus player aka PvP ) can invade your game randomly and once there they will try to assassinate you because your death is their body form revival so be careful when you get an onscreen warning that you have been invaded . Soul form is a little different than body form . While in soul form your HP is halved however , you do more damage and you can join other players ' games as a Blue Phantom and attempt to get revived , or you can enter a player's game as a dreaded Black Phantom . Now back in the Nexus you cannot be invaded by a Black Phantom and you cannot summon a Blue Phantom , it is sort of a safe haven and where you can enter 1 of the 5 worlds through portals called Archstones . Each of these worlds are vastly unique and feature their own environments and enemies and each world features plenty of hours of play time . Now this game can have a crushing difficulty but if you are playing online there things that can aid frustrating players such as Blue Phantoms , which I talked about earlier , bloodstains , messages and apparitions . Bloodstains show the location of where another player has died and if activated they will show the deceased player as a red apparition in his last moments offering a warning to players online that danger is around . Messages are glowing pink runic writings found on the ground which are similar to Soul Signs . These are left by other players and offer hints but always beware because some messages may be false . Last but not least are apparitions which are players from other realms in a ghostly form who fade in and out between your realm and theirs . Sometimes watching them can provide helpful hints . Online Demon's Souls is definitely a bit less hard and a lot more fun but offline or online any RPG fan will find that Demon's Souls is brilliant masterpiece RPG and is a proud and welcomed edition to the PS3 ' s library .
    • 347 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Unlike its predecessor the PS3 hasn't been known for its extensive library of great RPG games however , in the last couple of years titles such as Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion , Dragon Age : Origins , and the PS3 exclusive Demon's Souls looks to change all of that . Demon's Souls might not appear to be anything special but like the old saying goes don't judge a book by its cover . Demon's Souls puts you in the dark fantasy themed Action-RPG world of Boletaria , a kingdom that has crumbled , been besieged by demons , and where the sane have become insane and have allied themselves with the horrors of the land . This game is classic good versus evil and though the story might again not seem like anything special it is portrayed very well and it eventually all comes together . The game's difficulty at some points can be punishing but once you get the hang of how things work experienced RPG fans will find Demon's Souls to be quite rewarding . The main object of Demon's Souls is to slay demons and collect demon's souls which are the unusual currency of Boletaria . You can use these collected souls to buy weapons , armor , items and even spells but once you die in demon's souls you lose all of your souls and start from the beginning of the level though you do have the chance to find your body and reclaim your lost souls . Once you start a new game you will not only be able to choose from 10 classes but you will be able to fully customize the look and name of your character and there are several customization options . You also have the freedom to take your character in any direction you please because the classes only dictate what stats and equipment your character will start with . Once you complete or skip the tutorial ( it is highly recommended that you play through the tutorial ) you will find yourself in the Nexus , a sort of hub world where you will first be in Soul Form . Throughout the game you will discover two forms in which your character will either be in , these are body and soul form . While in body form you have max health and you can active glowing blue runic writings which appear on the ground known as Soul Signs . You can use these to summon Blue Phantoms while online ( co-op ) . These phantoms are in soul form but once you and your ally or allies have destroyed a lead demon your phantom friend will be revived to body form and he will return to his or her realm . Now it sounds like being in Body Form is the way to be however , Black Phantoms ( Player versus player aka PvP ) can invade your game randomly and once there they will try to assassinate you because your death is their body form revival so be careful when you get an onscreen warning that you have been invaded . Soul form is a little different than body form . While in soul form your HP is halved however , you do more damage and you can join other players ' games as a Blue Phantom and attempt to get revived , or you can enter a player's game as a dreaded Black Phantom . Now back in the Nexus you cannot be invaded by a Black Phantom and you cannot summon a Blue Phantom , it is sort of a safe haven and where you can enter 1 of the 5 worlds through portals called Archstones . Each of these worlds are vastly unique and feature their own environments and enemies and each world features plenty of hours of play time . Now this game can have a crushing difficulty but if you are playing online there things that can aid frustrating players such as Blue Phantoms , which I talked about earlier , bloodstains , messages and apparitions . Bloodstains show the location of where another player has died and if activated they will show the deceased player as a red apparition in his last moments offering a warning to players online that danger is around . Messages are glowing pink runic writings found on the ground which are similar to Soul Signs . These are left by other players and offer hints but always beware because some messages may be false . Last but not least are apparitions which are players from other realms in a ghostly form who fade in and out between your realm and theirs . Sometimes watching them can provide helpful hints . Online Demon's Souls is definitely a bit less hard and a lot more fun but offline or online any RPG fan will find that Demon's Souls is brilliant masterpiece RPG and is a proud and welcomed edition to the PS3 ' s library .

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Been playing this game for a week and thought would like to share the experience . Key things to share : 1 . Its not for players who think they can just go through the game without learning it first . 2 . learning curve for some players will vary depending on skill and patience . 3 . Do appropriate research before purchasing the game . Maybe rent it first to try it out . 4 . Totally great game if you take the time to learn the mechanics and strategy . For the review : Visuals : Very pleasing to the eyes . Character detail is high . Very nice areas to explore . Controls : This is probably the only thing I have a problem with . There is a enemy lock on feature which you will need to rely on from time to time , however its somewhat limited , there are times when lock on will not kick in when you think it should , if the lock on fails and you try to run away from a swinging enemy , your character will turn it's back on the enemy and will get hit , if it locked properly the character will run backwards facing the locked enemy and you can block attacks . Minor problem which can be worked around . All other controls works great . Challenge : Great ! ! ! Very rewarding for those who have patience . There are enemies that you simply cannot defeat if you are ill prepared . You will need to think of ways to defeat your enemies and you will need to probably try more than once to get it right . It's not really as hard as other people say it is , it's only hard if you don't use your head when playing . It's not the type of game where you mindlessly mash buttons and finish the game . Think old school megaman / castlevania games where if you don't know how to defeat an enemy you die , if you fall of a cliff , you die but once you know all these then you will succeed . You can also compare it with really old school RPGs where if you're not at the right level or don't have the right equipment then you would find it hard to defeat certain enemies . Think Diablo II when it comes to dying , you lose your main equipment , money and some experience , yes in Diablo II when you try to get your body back you will not face enemies you already defeated , but your body is located where you died which means right next to whatever killed you . At least in Demon's Souls you only lose your souls ( money ) , you get to keep your equipment and your level and your blood stain will be somewhere far from the enemy who killed you . Customization : Tops all other features ! This for me is the highlight of this game . Other games restrict character classes to a certain degree so if you make a mistake on the way you build your character then you're screwed . In this game you can essentially build your dream character without any restriction , each character attribute can be maxed . All weapons / equipment can be used by all Classes eventually . Class selection at the start of the game only makes it easy ( or hard ) to get through the first area / boss because the game does not allow you to level at that time . There are a lot of weapons and each can be customized as well . Each weapon is strong in a certain way but weak in another way which fits different styles of play . Fun : Tons of fun and very addictive . Challenge is not really a turn off and it actually adds to the fun . There's a certain satisfaction at beating an enemy who's much much more powerful than you by just using your head . But again you have to learn the mechanics to be able to enjoy this game . Online : I got to play with my bro who lives 7000 miles from me and play was smooth , no lag at all ( NA release version ) . Online co-op is fun but does not include voice chat . You will have to rely on in game messages or email each other using ps3 xmb . Restriction to play with another person online is you have to be in the same server , can only play co-op with max of 2 people and they have to be within 10 levels of you . You cannot simply play with a friend for this reason without planning ahead . Server is controlled by which version of game you have . Concept : Unique online concept where players can leave each other hints . ( you can also mislead other players so beware ) . Blood stains show you how other players died and can give clues on what not to do . You can summon for help or get invaded by phantoms . Dying is a concept , you can use it to your advantage instead of complaining that you died again like most people do . For example , you can actually commit suicide as a shortcut for repeating an area instead of having to backtrack . World tendency concept is totally new to me , don't know any game that has one . Essentially aside from playing through your game , you should also pay attention to the World tendency , depending on this , other areas will open up which unlocks new items and opponents , it also affects difficulty of the game and the rewards you get from killing enemies . Overall : Awesome game . Glad I bought it and glad the developers created it . Will recommend to others who enjoys a deep and engaging game . I did not purchase COD4 - 2 because I will be playing this game !
    • 027 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I think many of the reviews here have done and excellent job of discussing Demon Souls . I am surprised by all the five star reviews . This game is unforgiving . It is more frustrating than fun . If you are looking for a challenge this game is it . However , if you are looking for a casual RPG steer clear . Everything in the game is driven by souls . Souls are the coin of the realm . If you die you lose all your souls , and they are left back at the point where you died . If you die again trying to get back to the last spot where you last died , all your souls from the previous death are gone for good . Also , the online play options are fairly non-standard and leave you with little control as far as choosing when and where you will play . I think the online elements are useful from a helpful hint standpoint and utterly useless in all other aspects . I actually find watching other player's ghost a distraction and annoyance . I think this game will have a fairly die hard following , and offers up many challenges . If you are looking for a game to make you suffer , this is it . The game play is hack and slash with RPG character development elements . But , you have to be careful as you'll lose your life quickly unless you plan out your attacks carefully . This game is not anything like the type of hack and slash action offered up by Dynasty Warriors ( which in my mind is a good thing ) . There is a depth to the combat system that is missing from many hack and slash games , although Demon Souls roots can probably be located in the hack and slash genre . Often the controls are not as smooth as they should be given how punitive this game is , but overall they are suited for the style of game . It is a good game , but not perfect . This game will probably lead to a few broken controllers and more than a few popped blood vessels . I would recommend it , but with reservations . I am finding myself both loving it , and hating it all at the same time .
    • 028 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I think many of the reviews here have done and excellent job of discussing Demon Souls . I am surprised by all the five star reviews . This game is unforgiving . It is more frustrating than fun . If you are looking for a challenge this game is it . However , if you are looking for a casual RPG steer clear . Everything in the game is driven by souls . Souls are the coin of the realm . If you die you lose all your souls , and they are left back at the point where you died . If you die again trying to get back to the last spot where you last died , all your souls from the previous death are gone for good . Also , the online play options are fairly non-standard and leave you with little control as far as choosing when and where you will play . I think the online elements are useful from a helpful hint standpoint and utterly useless in all other aspects . I actually find watching other player's ghost a distraction and annoyance . I think this game will have a fairly die hard following , and offers up many challenges . If you are looking for a game to make you suffer , this is it . The game play is hack and slash with RPG character development elements . But , you have to be careful as you'll lose your life quickly unless you plan out your attacks carefully . This game is not anything like the type of hack and slash action offered up by Dynasty Warriors ( which in my mind is a good thing ) . There is a depth to the combat system that is missing from many hack and slash games , although Demon Souls roots can probably be located in the hack and slash genre . Often the controls are not as smooth as they should be given how punitive this game is , but overall they are suited for the style of game . It is a good game , but not perfect . This game will probably lead to a few broken controllers and more than a few popped blood vessels . I would recommend it , but with reservations . I am finding myself both loving it , and hating it all at the same time .

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon Souls is by far my favorite game of this year , it's also probably the most difficult . It's the one game that's actually taken me a month to beat and I'm still enjoying playing through it . The story of Demon Souls is simple enough though has a bit more depth than you'd think . NPC's are sparse but what few there are set the dark mood of the game perfectly . There aren't really any plot twists or anything like that but you won't care . Your character is there to defeat the big-bad and that's pretty much your entire motivation . Demon Souls is NOT a story heavy RPG . Demon Souls is an RPG with a heavy emphasis of action . Though instead of just simply hacking and slashing your way through a level , there's a tremendous amount of strategy involved . It may not seem so at first but every motion you make with the controller , every slash , dodge , roll , jump makes all the difference in the world . Even the weakest of enemies has the potential to kill you if you're not careful . You can switch to wielding any weapons two-handed style for wider archs ( which all look and control differently ) , you can block or bash guys with a shield , and fighting with two weapons means LITERALLY having to control both weapons at the same time . This is by far the best combat engine developed for an RPG video game and I hope great gaming developers take note . Oh yeah , if you haven't heard yet , you will die ALOT in this game . In the first stage I died at least 40 times ( I lost count after that ) , and if you die you lose your souls ( souls are your exp / money you use to level up and buy items ) and have to start over at the beginning . This is where the difficulty comes in . You CAN however fight your way back to where you died to regain your souls again which IS possible . You do also keep all your levels and stats though the game thankfully has you relying on SKILL instead of stats . What's even better is your souls STACK so that you gain everything you lost , plus keep everything you gathered so you're twice as powerful as what you were . Death is kind of your GRINDING aspect . Demon Souls is without a doubt the best and most satisying gaming experience I've had on the PS3 . It probably wont be everyone's gig , but if you're up to the challenge you won't be disappointed .
    • 086 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This has got to be one of the most rewarding and challenging games that I know . It has consumed my soul , and I will always remember this game . Ever since I got this game , I have Played NOTHING on my PS3 except this game . The graphics and gameplay are amazing , but I really don't think this game should be rated M . Just an opinion though . If you buy this game , please please please , don't give up on the first or second level , there is always a way to win .
    • 087 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This has got to be one of the most rewarding and challenging games that I know . It has consumed my soul , and I will always remember this game . Ever since I got this game , I have Played NOTHING on my PS3 except this game . The graphics and gameplay are amazing , but I really don't think this game should be rated M . Just an opinion though . If you buy this game , please please please , don't give up on the first or second level , there is always a way to win .
    • 107 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This is an Excellent RPG . It will challenge you as well but its worth it and its not hard to where you can beat it . You have to think and be patient . You can also find tips and tricks and online walkthroughs for this game as well . THIS GAME IS NOT FOR THE IMPATIENT OR CASUAL RPG GAMER , IT CAN BE IF YOU LIKE A LIL CHALLENGE . The graphics are excellent , gameplay is great , use of controls excellent . Yes there is no pause button but u can press the ps button to pause it .
    • 142 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) If you got the time and like RPG's ( also A proud owner of A PS3 ) then this is your game . WARNING THIS GAME IS HARD
    • 143 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) If you got the time and like RPG's ( also A proud owner of A PS3 ) then this is your game . WARNING THIS GAME IS HARD
    • 155 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon Souls is by far my favorite game of this year , it's also probably the most difficult . It's the one game that's actually taken me a month to beat and I'm still enjoying playing through it . The story of Demon Souls is simple enough though has a bit more depth than you'd think . NPC's are sparse but what few there are set the dark mood of the game perfectly . There aren't really any plot twists or anything like that but you won't care . Your character is there to defeat the big-bad and that's pretty much your entire motivation . Demon Souls is NOT a story heavy RPG . Demon Souls is an RPG with a heavy emphasis of action . Though instead of just simply hacking and slashing your way through a level , there's a tremendous amount of strategy involved . It may not seem so at first but every motion you make with the controller , every slash , dodge , roll , jump makes all the difference in the world . Even the weakest of enemies has the potential to kill you if you're not careful . You can switch to wielding any weapons two-handed style for wider archs ( which all look and control differently ) , you can block or bash guys with a shield , and fighting with two weapons means LITERALLY having to control both weapons at the same time . This is by far the best combat engine developed for an RPG video game and I hope great gaming developers take note . Oh yeah , if you haven't heard yet , you will die ALOT in this game . In the first stage I died at least 40 times ( I lost count after that ) , and if you die you lose your souls ( souls are your exp / money you use to level up and buy items ) and have to start over at the beginning . This is where the difficulty comes in . You CAN however fight your way back to where you died to regain your souls again which IS possible . You do also keep all your levels and stats though the game thankfully has you relying on SKILL instead of stats . What's even better is your souls STACK so that you gain everything you lost , plus keep everything you gathered so you're twice as powerful as what you were . Death is kind of your GRINDING aspect . Demon Souls is without a doubt the best and most satisying gaming experience I've had on the PS3 . It probably wont be everyone's gig , but if you're up to the challenge you won't be disappointed .
    • 156 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon Souls is by far my favorite game of this year , it's also probably the most difficult . It's the one game that's actually taken me a month to beat and I'm still enjoying playing through it . The story of Demon Souls is simple enough though has a bit more depth than you'd think . NPC's are sparse but what few there are set the dark mood of the game perfectly . There aren't really any plot twists or anything like that but you won't care . Your character is there to defeat the big-bad and that's pretty much your entire motivation . Demon Souls is NOT a story heavy RPG . Demon Souls is an RPG with a heavy emphasis of action . Though instead of just simply hacking and slashing your way through a level , there's a tremendous amount of strategy involved . It may not seem so at first but every motion you make with the controller , every slash , dodge , roll , jump makes all the difference in the world . Even the weakest of enemies has the potential to kill you if you're not careful . You can switch to wielding any weapons two-handed style for wider archs ( which all look and control differently ) , you can block or bash guys with a shield , and fighting with two weapons means LITERALLY having to control both weapons at the same time . This is by far the best combat engine developed for an RPG video game and I hope great gaming developers take note . Oh yeah , if you haven't heard yet , you will die ALOT in this game . In the first stage I died at least 40 times ( I lost count after that ) , and if you die you lose your souls ( souls are your exp / money you use to level up and buy items ) and have to start over at the beginning . This is where the difficulty comes in . You CAN however fight your way back to where you died to regain your souls again which IS possible . You do also keep all your levels and stats though the game thankfully has you relying on SKILL instead of stats . What's even better is your souls STACK so that you gain everything you lost , plus keep everything you gathered so you're twice as powerful as what you were . Death is kind of your GRINDING aspect . Demon Souls is without a doubt the best and most satisying gaming experience I've had on the PS3 . It probably wont be everyone's gig , but if you're up to the challenge you won't be disappointed .
    • 160 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This game is unforgiving - as you already know from reading the reviews but it's so rewarding . As you gain power you truly feel bad ass . . . NOTHING is just handed to you in this game but when you get it , the feeling that you get is unlike anything i've played in a - very - long time . It's a gem of a game that no body really knows about , but players who do know about this game RAVE about it . OUTSTANDING you will not be disappointed ! !
    • 161 4  This game is unforgiving - as you already know from reading the reviews but it's so rewarding . As you gain power you truly feel bad ass . . . NOTHING is just handed to you in this game but when you get it , the feeling that you get is unlike anything i've played in a - very - long time . It's a gem of a game that no body really knows about , but players who do know about this game RAVE about it . OUTSTANDING you will not be disappointed ! !
    • 167 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) In my quest to find good games , I end up with a lot of junk on my shelf that I get bored of for many reasons , and most of them are touted as AWESOMEST GAME EVER ! . . I'm so glad I believed the reviews on this one . It's everything I hoped it'd be and more . There's so much that I didn't know about when I first started playing this . I'll be honest , I very rarely read manuals . I like to learn about the game from playing the game . This game has a lot of unusual things about it , good unusual things . When I made it past the tutorial and started running around , I noticed these white ghosts running around that seemed a little too random to be NPCs so I looked them up and found out they're actually other players in the game with me . There's a couple unique and interesting ways to interact with these other players that I later found out about as well . It was a pretty cool revelation , so I won't spoil the rest if you're like me . I haven't found it extremely challenging so far like a lot of other people are saying . It's just like the older games where if you die , you start back at the beginning of the level , except it's easier than the old games . You get to keep any items ( excluding souls ) you collected , and doors / paths stay open for you to take shortcuts back to where you died . And it's important that you get back near your death location , especially if you had a lot of souls . If you made it to your death location once , you can do it again and as long as you don't do the same thing you did before , or try to rush it back , it's pretty easy to get back to your souls . I'm really glad that I got this game , and if you're into games that actually make you play them and figure them out rather than run from checkpoint to checkpoint or mash the buttons as fast as you can , this one will please you .
    • 229 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) If you like the genre ( Action RPG ish ) , this is a must have game . With the monotony of all the other game types out there this is a great one to mix it up with . It is really fun and I would recommend it to anyone wanting a break from the shooters out there .
    • 230 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) If you like the genre ( Action RPG ish ) , this is a must have game . With the monotony of all the other game types out there this is a great one to mix it up with . It is really fun and I would recommend it to anyone wanting a break from the shooters out there .
    • 243 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) a very hard game to accomplish but with time you will achieve your goals . online play is superb and very challenging .
    • 321 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This game scared me at first , I haven't played any rpg's for any long period of time but i was intrigued by the game . After seeing reviews on how hard this game is ( and it is ) i was reminded of old school games where when your character dies , you start alllll the way back at the beginning . Losing whatever you had earned along the way . Thankfully in demons Souls , you keep items and have a chance to redeem yourself and get back you souls . ( currency for EVERYTHING in the game . ) The graphics are great , it has a real dark ages feel that captures the essence of , what i believe , they were going for . There isn't really a story that is constantly being told , but it starts with a big message . Save the world because some dumb ass king awoke the old one . ( ultimate demon ) The audio is the only thing lacking during most of the game play . Its not that noticeable when you are struggling to live long enough to regain your stamina before getting speared in the chest and sent back to the beginning . There is music during the LARGE boss battles . The controls work well and fit the environment . There will be times when you feel like you cant catch a break , falling off cliffs , ambushed by creatures , poisoned without medicine . . . . but just remember , THIS GAME HATES YOU AND WANTS YOU TO FAIL and that's the beauty of it . Game play - 5 / 5 Graphics - 4.8 / 5 Sound - 4.2 / 5 Story - 4 / 5
    • 322 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This game scared me at first , I haven't played any rpg's for any long period of time but i was intrigued by the game . After seeing reviews on how hard this game is ( and it is ) i was reminded of old school games where when your character dies , you start alllll the way back at the beginning . Losing whatever you had earned along the way . Thankfully in demons Souls , you keep items and have a chance to redeem yourself and get back you souls . ( currency for EVERYTHING in the game . ) The graphics are great , it has a real dark ages feel that captures the essence of , what i believe , they were going for . There isn't really a story that is constantly being told , but it starts with a big message . Save the world because some dumb ass king awoke the old one . ( ultimate demon ) The audio is the only thing lacking during most of the game play . Its not that noticeable when you are struggling to live long enough to regain your stamina before getting speared in the chest and sent back to the beginning . There is music during the LARGE boss battles . The controls work well and fit the environment . There will be times when you feel like you cant catch a break , falling off cliffs , ambushed by creatures , poisoned without medicine . . . . but just remember , THIS GAME HATES YOU AND WANTS YOU TO FAIL and that's the beauty of it . Game play - 5 / 5 Graphics - 4.8 / 5 Sound - 4.2 / 5 Story - 4 / 5

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls is not a game for everybody . That being said , if you're up to the challenge , it's one of the best games of its kind to be released in recent memory . Most game review sites gave it high marks , and Gamespot recently awarded Demon's Souls its 2009 Game of the Year award , so it's clear that this game is doing something right . Demon's Souls is basically a combat RPG . You run around and kill all sorts of different monsters with lots of different weapons and spells , get currency called demon's souls ( hence the title of the game ) , and use that currency to level up , upgrade your weapons , buy items , learn spells , etc . The game takes place in five different worlds , each of which has its own style , both artistically and in terms of gameplay . The game world is one of the most atmospheric in any game I've ever played . There isn't really much of a story ( don't expect anything like Dragon Age or Final Fantasy ) , but you really do feel like you're in a kingdom being overrun by chaos and evil . The gameplay in Demon's Souls is spot on . There's a great sense of progression , since you slowly but surely become more and more powerful throughout the course of the game . A huge amount of the progression doesn't actually come from any statistical boosts , but from simply going through the game , dying a lot , and learning from your errors . As you learn how to beat different monsters and bosses , you really do feel like you're accomplishing something nontrivial . There aren't a huge number of weapons ( maybe a few dozen ? ) , but they each have a distinct role in combat , and the game really forces you to think about which weapons and armor you want to use . You'll find that there isn't one best answer ; rather , the best equipment and spells to use will depend on your playstyle and the monsters you need to fight . One of the great things about Demon's Souls is that there are all sorts of different ways to progress through the game . The boss fights in this game are fantastic - they involve lots of different sorts of crazy , mostly huge , monsters , some of which seem overwhelmingly powerful at first , but which upon closer inspection have their weak spots . Perhaps the most innovative aspect of Demon's Souls is the multiplayer system . It's kind of hard to describe , but it involves you either helping or fighting other players by invading their worlds as a phantom , or by leaving notes on the ground . You can also touch other players ' bloodstains to see how they died , which might serve as a warning for you . You can't chat with other players , but this really adds to the atmosphere of the game . One of the most frequent complaints about this game is the difficulty . It's true , this game is hard , but not unfair hard . There are ways to beat every monster in the game using the tools available to you , and if you take the time to be patient and learn from your errors , you'll find that the game isn't unreasonably difficult . That being said , Demon's Souls is more demanding than almost any other game out there , and probably isn't appropriate for more casual gamers . If you're unsure if your skills are up to the task , try playing the game at a friends or renting it first . The first few levels are pretty indicative of the difficulty of the rest of the game . Demon's Souls isn't a perfect game , but the flaws are all minor . I don't know if this is the best game I've ever played on the PS3 , but it certainly is one of the best games currently available for the system . If you're unsure about whether this game is for you , rent it first , but I'm sure that many people will be pleasantly surprised with Demon's Souls .
    • 016 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Like others , I was hesitant to buy this game based on its name ( Demon's Souls . . . do I really wanna spend money on a title like this ? ) and the reviews describing how difficult the game is ; however , the reviews were overwhelming positive so I had to see what the deal was with Demon's Souls . Overall , this is one of the best games I've ever played and I hope they make a sequel very soon . Reviewers that don't like DS usually criticize the game for being a ) too difficult , or b ) too creepy . The gameplay of the game is indeed tough because the enemies ' attacks do a lot of damage and if you die , you'll start from the beginning of the level . This reminds me of NES games like Megaman or Ninja Gaiden when recognizing patterns and avoiding strikes were priorities since dying meant starting over . In my opinion , DS is very fair and realistic in its gameplay - - if you get hit by a swinging halberd or blasted by a fireball , it will naturally hurt a lot and you might die . When this kind of gameplay is combined with the kind of surreal and grisly environment presented in DS , you will be very cautious in your approach , especially the first time . In my first go-round , there were levels that had the tension and dark feel of a Resident Evil game , where I had my shield ready at all times and manuevered very slowly around corners and ledges . It's really a testament to the superb graphics and sound of DS . This game rewards having patience , understanding patterns , and reacting properly . I have died embarrassingly from rolling away from an enemy only to fall off a cliff or spazzing out and button-mashing in panic only to have my attacks blocked , my guard exposed , and my chest impaled in return . But you learn from your deaths , and that's the beauty of the game . The game only becomes frustrating because you made it that way ; as you move forward you realize that DS isn't really that hard . When you clear a level though , you can breathe a sigh of relief and feel like you earned something . All those souls you managed to keep can be used to customize your character to any way you see fit . Throw in a unique multiplayer dynamic , and DS is even more fun . It's cool to help people beat levels and bosses as well as recruit 1 or 2 others to assist you . There is some sort of unspoken camaraderie to it all . Likewise , you can invade another player's realm or be invaded by another player , which exhilirating in its own right . The replay value of DS is big . If there is ever a sequel for DS , I am sure the multiplayer system will be expanded on . I'll give Uncharted 2 the credit it deserves as PS3 game of 2009 , but DS is the dark horse runner-up that could have taken the title .
    • 039 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls is a title reserved for those in the gaming community who relish the idea of enemies being your enemy . What I mean is that the game is criticized and praised universally for being difficult , when it merely wants to show you that you are a human . When you see that gigantic dragon whipping its tail back and forth , tantalizing loot underneath its swings , you don't say hey , I'll just go pick it up , no problem ! The game makes you feel as if you are your character , as if bad decisions have consequences instead of a few taps of X ( or in this case , R1 ) to get out of . What's important to note about this game is that it really isn't that tough until New Game + , when enemies suddenly have 3 times the health that they did , because it's just fair . If you want the game to be hard , you can make it hard in 3 steps : 1 ) Forget your shield . Who needs it ? You're invincible , you play GAMES ! 2 ) Take on all comers . Remember those scenes in Chinese martial arts movies when the good guy is surrounded by 8 guys ? It works superbly . 3 ) Run headlong all the time into everything , slashing wildly . This is no time for metered attack and defense , you should use up all your stamina instantly regardless of your environs . If you approach the game with patience and planning , you will find it is not as challenging as you've heard . It's really quite easy for the most part , you just have to respect your enemies . However , there are some fine points about the game that I really hate . The first is the camera . Usually the camera is great , but in a game like this where you can be brutally slaughtered in a few moments of not being able to see yourself , it becomes a real onus . Secondly , the farming for ore via crystal geckos is a fine idea , but sometimes shoddily executed . Making a pure Darkmoonstone drop from 2 sets of geckos on a % chance to drop is the worst idea they didn't cut . Requiring what could be near-infinite playthroughs of the entire game to acquire one item is just lazy game design . The final problem I have with the game is the way the weapons never feel that different from one another . You have your heavy weapons , requiring most of your stamina per swing ; your medium weapons , allowing 3 - 6 swings on moderate stamina ; and your daggers , the only weapon that has any speed whatsoever . This makes for an evolution of combat that is dull and ponderous rather than exciting and fast-paced , because you're limited by what weapon type you prefer so drastically . The game alludes to switching various weapons out to be more effective against certain enemies or in certain environments , but really you can just take your dagger out and slash your way through the game with no difficulty . Aside from these relatively minor setbacks , Demon's Souls is a fine outing for a new IP and one I hope can be polished and returned to in some sequels . I'll be preordering the next one for sure .
    • 040 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls is a title reserved for those in the gaming community who relish the idea of enemies being your enemy . What I mean is that the game is criticized and praised universally for being difficult , when it merely wants to show you that you are a human . When you see that gigantic dragon whipping its tail back and forth , tantalizing loot underneath its swings , you don't say hey , I'll just go pick it up , no problem ! The game makes you feel as if you are your character , as if bad decisions have consequences instead of a few taps of X ( or in this case , R1 ) to get out of . What's important to note about this game is that it really isn't that tough until New Game + , when enemies suddenly have 3 times the health that they did , because it's just fair . If you want the game to be hard , you can make it hard in 3 steps : 1 ) Forget your shield . Who needs it ? You're invincible , you play GAMES ! 2 ) Take on all comers . Remember those scenes in Chinese martial arts movies when the good guy is surrounded by 8 guys ? It works superbly . 3 ) Run headlong all the time into everything , slashing wildly . This is no time for metered attack and defense , you should use up all your stamina instantly regardless of your environs . If you approach the game with patience and planning , you will find it is not as challenging as you've heard . It's really quite easy for the most part , you just have to respect your enemies . However , there are some fine points about the game that I really hate . The first is the camera . Usually the camera is great , but in a game like this where you can be brutally slaughtered in a few moments of not being able to see yourself , it becomes a real onus . Secondly , the farming for ore via crystal geckos is a fine idea , but sometimes shoddily executed . Making a pure Darkmoonstone drop from 2 sets of geckos on a % chance to drop is the worst idea they didn't cut . Requiring what could be near-infinite playthroughs of the entire game to acquire one item is just lazy game design . The final problem I have with the game is the way the weapons never feel that different from one another . You have your heavy weapons , requiring most of your stamina per swing ; your medium weapons , allowing 3 - 6 swings on moderate stamina ; and your daggers , the only weapon that has any speed whatsoever . This makes for an evolution of combat that is dull and ponderous rather than exciting and fast-paced , because you're limited by what weapon type you prefer so drastically . The game alludes to switching various weapons out to be more effective against certain enemies or in certain environments , but really you can just take your dagger out and slash your way through the game with no difficulty . Aside from these relatively minor setbacks , Demon's Souls is a fine outing for a new IP and one I hope can be polished and returned to in some sequels . I'll be preordering the next one for sure .
    • 053 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I left this as a response to the 1 star review of the game and figured I might as well leave it as a review too . This game takes skill , patience , and a love for overcoming obstacles previously too big to take on . This is one of the only games I've ever played where being alive is a perk ! I actually play better in soul form for some reason . I'm too nervous about dying when I have my body . This game is incredibly fun . Sure there are no save points , but the game automatically saves so you can quit whenever you want and you'll be right where you left off . Also , even though the enemies respawn if you die all of the progress that you've made in the levels remain like opened gates for shortcuts . Once you start to level up the game becomes easier because you can use miracles like evacuate to take you to the Nexus with all of your souls intact relieving a lot of pressure about dying and losing them . The multiplayer is really fun too even though you can't unfortunately play with friends ( you can , but it requires uneccesary planning ) . The bosses are huge and really give you a sense of accomplishment once defeated . Leveling up takes time and planning , but it is hugely rewarding when you go back and defeat a foe that was too difficult to beat before . This game isn't for everyone , but it's also not as hard as others would have you believe . Yes it's difficult . . . and yes you will die often ( I myself have been in soul form over 75% of my playthrough ) , but that's all part of the game and it doesn't feel cheap at all . There's a lot of information online to help you make choices and make the experience smooth and rewarding . It's tough , but it's not insurmountable . If reading about how tough it is makes you interested as I was you should buy it . . . if it makes you leary then rent it and find out that you should have bought it ! It's a great game and I'm very happy to have it in my collection . Also , there's a lot of replayability with New Game + that allows you to keep all your weapons , spells , and miracles and makes the enemies tougher . It's not without it's downsides , but they're so few and far between that it doesn't hinder the experience of the game . . . the biggest being for me that you can't easily join with friends online and no co-op offline . I highly recommend it !
    • 090 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls is not a game for everybody . That being said , if you're up to the challenge , it's one of the best games of its kind to be released in recent memory . Most game review sites gave it high marks , and Gamespot recently awarded Demon's Souls its 2009 Game of the Year award , so it's clear that this game is doing something right . Demon's Souls is basically a combat RPG . You run around and kill all sorts of different monsters with lots of different weapons and spells , get currency called demon's souls ( hence the title of the game ) , and use that currency to level up , upgrade your weapons , buy items , learn spells , etc . The game takes place in five different worlds , each of which has its own style , both artistically and in terms of gameplay . The game world is one of the most atmospheric in any game I've ever played . There isn't really much of a story ( don't expect anything like Dragon Age or Final Fantasy ) , but you really do feel like you're in a kingdom being overrun by chaos and evil . The gameplay in Demon's Souls is spot on . There's a great sense of progression , since you slowly but surely become more and more powerful throughout the course of the game . A huge amount of the progression doesn't actually come from any statistical boosts , but from simply going through the game , dying a lot , and learning from your errors . As you learn how to beat different monsters and bosses , you really do feel like you're accomplishing something nontrivial . There aren't a huge number of weapons ( maybe a few dozen ? ) , but they each have a distinct role in combat , and the game really forces you to think about which weapons and armor you want to use . You'll find that there isn't one best answer ; rather , the best equipment and spells to use will depend on your playstyle and the monsters you need to fight . One of the great things about Demon's Souls is that there are all sorts of different ways to progress through the game . The boss fights in this game are fantastic - they involve lots of different sorts of crazy , mostly huge , monsters , some of which seem overwhelmingly powerful at first , but which upon closer inspection have their weak spots . Perhaps the most innovative aspect of Demon's Souls is the multiplayer system . It's kind of hard to describe , but it involves you either helping or fighting other players by invading their worlds as a phantom , or by leaving notes on the ground . You can also touch other players ' bloodstains to see how they died , which might serve as a warning for you . You can't chat with other players , but this really adds to the atmosphere of the game . One of the most frequent complaints about this game is the difficulty . It's true , this game is hard , but not unfair hard . There are ways to beat every monster in the game using the tools available to you , and if you take the time to be patient and learn from your errors , you'll find that the game isn't unreasonably difficult . That being said , Demon's Souls is more demanding than almost any other game out there , and probably isn't appropriate for more casual gamers . If you're unsure if your skills are up to the task , try playing the game at a friends or renting it first . The first few levels are pretty indicative of the difficulty of the rest of the game . Demon's Souls isn't a perfect game , but the flaws are all minor . I don't know if this is the best game I've ever played on the PS3 , but it certainly is one of the best games currently available for the system . If you're unsure about whether this game is for you , rent it first , but I'm sure that many people will be pleasantly surprised with Demon's Souls .
    • 164 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) First off , let me say that this game is very , very different . Most reviews talk a whole lot about how hard the game is . While this may certainly be true , the game doesn't have the kind of frustration that I normally experience in a game that others would call ' hard ' . This is an amazing third person action game with heavy RPG elements added in . The initial character customization seems rather limited , but in a way that's what I love about the game . Everything is rather straightforward and simple . Items highlight in blue any features that are improved over your currently equipped gear , and leveling up just has you pick a category and gives specific explanations of exactly what will be changing and how it will change . The combat is , quite frankly , brilliant . Every weapon feels different , every spell seems to do what you want it to do , and generally when you die you don't feel like the game cheated you , but that you didn't follow the rules . The online integration is fantastic . Players can leave you messages that show up on the ground and give hints . You can leave markers to be summoned into the game of other people and help them fight demons , or if you're an evil character you can invade the games of others and wreak havoc . Leaving messages or helping others has good benefits for the person doing it , and I frankly love the fact that I don't have to talk to strangers online . It adds a layer of mystery to these strange folks that enter your game , and eliminates the annoyance of having a 13 year old child throw racial epithets at you . Not everything is perfect . You'll spend lots of time whittling down the life of a very tough boss by using really cheap tactics like staying just out of their awareness range and popping out every once and awhile to pop them with arrows or ranged magic attacks . With the games brutal tactic of sending you back to the beginning of a level ( upon death ) with all the baddies back you'll wish there was a checkpoint feature just before bosses . So typically you're so frightened of death when you get to a boss that you'll go the safe / cheap route in order to come out victorious . This is kind of fixed by the ability to be summoned into the games of others and help them fight bosses ( or to summon them into your game to get help . ) I found myself much more adventurous when I didn't have the threat of getting kicked back to the level entrance upon failure . The long and the short is that if you enjoy Action RPGs , this is one of the best games out there . You'll find yourself challenged yet hungry for more . There are more secrets and special things to find in the game then I've ever seen before with the game encouraging you to play it more then once and to take more then just a single tactic . It honestly amazes me that Sony contemplated not bringing this game to the US because they didn't think there would be interest . Of all the PS3 games I own this one easily stands out as one of the best and more innovative and creative games .
    • 165 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) First off , let me say that this game is very , very different . Most reviews talk a whole lot about how hard the game is . While this may certainly be true , the game doesn't have the kind of frustration that I normally experience in a game that others would call ' hard ' . This is an amazing third person action game with heavy RPG elements added in . The initial character customization seems rather limited , but in a way that's what I love about the game . Everything is rather straightforward and simple . Items highlight in blue any features that are improved over your currently equipped gear , and leveling up just has you pick a category and gives specific explanations of exactly what will be changing and how it will change . The combat is , quite frankly , brilliant . Every weapon feels different , every spell seems to do what you want it to do , and generally when you die you don't feel like the game cheated you , but that you didn't follow the rules . The online integration is fantastic . Players can leave you messages that show up on the ground and give hints . You can leave markers to be summoned into the game of other people and help them fight demons , or if you're an evil character you can invade the games of others and wreak havoc . Leaving messages or helping others has good benefits for the person doing it , and I frankly love the fact that I don't have to talk to strangers online . It adds a layer of mystery to these strange folks that enter your game , and eliminates the annoyance of having a 13 year old child throw racial epithets at you . Not everything is perfect . You'll spend lots of time whittling down the life of a very tough boss by using really cheap tactics like staying just out of their awareness range and popping out every once and awhile to pop them with arrows or ranged magic attacks . With the games brutal tactic of sending you back to the beginning of a level ( upon death ) with all the baddies back you'll wish there was a checkpoint feature just before bosses . So typically you're so frightened of death when you get to a boss that you'll go the safe / cheap route in order to come out victorious . This is kind of fixed by the ability to be summoned into the games of others and help them fight bosses ( or to summon them into your game to get help . ) I found myself much more adventurous when I didn't have the threat of getting kicked back to the level entrance upon failure . The long and the short is that if you enjoy Action RPGs , this is one of the best games out there . You'll find yourself challenged yet hungry for more . There are more secrets and special things to find in the game then I've ever seen before with the game encouraging you to play it more then once and to take more then just a single tactic . It honestly amazes me that Sony contemplated not bringing this game to the US because they didn't think there would be interest . Of all the PS3 games I own this one easily stands out as one of the best and more innovative and creative games .
    • 318 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Title meaning the review , not the game , which is not short at all hehe . I've still to finish this game . I've done 1 - 3 ; 2 - 3 or 2 - 4 , not sure ; 3 - 2 and 4 - 1 . That being said : The game is loads of fun , if you are patient . This game is not for the impatient guns-blazing-without-seeing-who-to-shoot . As everyone's said , you'll die lots of times , and you'll love it ! Royalist is a good class to start . Throws spells , starts with nice armor and a nice mp regen ring . I'm still using those items , only replaced / upgraded the weapons , shields , and rings . As I like agility more than armor . Metal armor makes you cumbersome . I definitely recommend this game to anyone who is tired of easy games that can be finished over a weekend . Plus , if you do finish it , there's always NewGame + , which is a harder difficulty of the game after you finish the first run . Auto Save Note : Careful with the NPCs . If you kill them they will not re-appear until you enter a NewGame + . Also if you attack them by mistake , they might stop talking to you , until NewGame + . My brother actually hit the banker by mistake . . . now the banker won't talk to him and he lost everything the banker was saving LOL .
    • 319 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Title meaning the review , not the game , which is not short at all hehe . I've still to finish this game . I've done 1 - 3 ; 2 - 3 or 2 - 4 , not sure ; 3 - 2 and 4 - 1 . That being said : The game is loads of fun , if you are patient . This game is not for the impatient guns-blazing-without-seeing-who-to-shoot . As everyone's said , you'll die lots of times , and you'll love it ! Royalist is a good class to start . Throws spells , starts with nice armor and a nice mp regen ring . I'm still using those items , only replaced / upgraded the weapons , shields , and rings . As I like agility more than armor . Metal armor makes you cumbersome . I definitely recommend this game to anyone who is tired of easy games that can be finished over a weekend . Plus , if you do finish it , there's always NewGame + , which is a harder difficulty of the game after you finish the first run . Auto Save Note : Careful with the NPCs . If you kill them they will not re-appear until you enter a NewGame + . Also if you attack them by mistake , they might stop talking to you , until NewGame + . My brother actually hit the banker by mistake . . . now the banker won't talk to him and he lost everything the banker was saving LOL .

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) From the reviews I read about this game , I was a little worried that I would find it frustrating . Once I finally played it , I was hooked . This game is challenging fun . This is a RPG in the sense that you create the character and the game puts you in the world . It has all of the archetypes you would expect in a standard fantasy RPG : Magician , Soldier , Priest , Thief , etc . However , your starting class just determines your starting equipment , spells , and stats . From that point on , your character's advancement is up to you . You could put points into your magician's strength and dexterity , give him armor , and make him a combination fighter-magician , or pour all your souls into magic and intelligence for a pure fireball-tossing archmage . There is not much of a story and no dialog trees , so if you desire a strong narrative in your RPGs , you might want to look elsewhere . As a pure dungeon crawl , though , it is nearly perfect . You are in constant fear for your life , yet , if you take your time , be careful , and pay attention to your surroundings , you can get through most everything unscathed . Familiarity with a level can help you get through quicker , but I never felt that memorizing a level was required to survive . Theoretically , it is possible to make it through the entire game without dying , but it is not very likely . However , I never felt like my deaths were cheap or unfair . The punishment for death is the need to reclaim your souls ( used as both experience and currency ) from where you died , and rarely do the challenges seem insurmountable . Due to the challenging nature of Demon's Souls , each completed level feels like an accomplishment . Nothing is handed to you on a silver platter . You can quit and save at any time , but you do start back at the beginning of the level if you die ( i.e . there are an infinite number of save points , just no checkpoints ) . However , many of the levels allow you to open shortcuts as you advance through the level . For example , in the first level , the end boss is very close to your starting point , so once you open the gate , it is easy to get back to the boss if you die . I was originally reluctant to buy Demon's Souls , but if they come out with a sequel , I'll be purchasing it on day one .
    • 059 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) One of the best RPG element hack and slash games I have ever played . You can play any way you want and it will work . But this game is not for the easily frustrated as it will kill you off over and over again if you lose patience .
    • 060 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) One of the best RPG element hack and slash games I have ever played . You can play any way you want and it will work . But this game is not for the easily frustrated as it will kill you off over and over again if you lose patience .
    • 069 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) No wonder this was one of the most imported games ever , Demon's Souls is nothing short of amazing . Amazing combat , gameplay , weapons ( you can dual wield shields ! ) and totally addictive . Even if you don't usually play action RPGs , try this one . You'll be hooked .
    • 137 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) From the reviews I read about this game , I was a little worried that I would find it frustrating . Once I finally played it , I was hooked . This game is challenging fun . This is a RPG in the sense that you create the character and the game puts you in the world . It has all of the archetypes you would expect in a standard fantasy RPG : Magician , Soldier , Priest , Thief , etc . However , your starting class just determines your starting equipment , spells , and stats . From that point on , your character's advancement is up to you . You could put points into your magician's strength and dexterity , give him armor , and make him a combination fighter-magician , or pour all your souls into magic and intelligence for a pure fireball-tossing archmage . There is not much of a story and no dialog trees , so if you desire a strong narrative in your RPGs , you might want to look elsewhere . As a pure dungeon crawl , though , it is nearly perfect . You are in constant fear for your life , yet , if you take your time , be careful , and pay attention to your surroundings , you can get through most everything unscathed . Familiarity with a level can help you get through quicker , but I never felt that memorizing a level was required to survive . Theoretically , it is possible to make it through the entire game without dying , but it is not very likely . However , I never felt like my deaths were cheap or unfair . The punishment for death is the need to reclaim your souls ( used as both experience and currency ) from where you died , and rarely do the challenges seem insurmountable . Due to the challenging nature of Demon's Souls , each completed level feels like an accomplishment . Nothing is handed to you on a silver platter . You can quit and save at any time , but you do start back at the beginning of the level if you die ( i.e . there are an infinite number of save points , just no checkpoints ) . However , many of the levels allow you to open shortcuts as you advance through the level . For example , in the first level , the end boss is very close to your starting point , so once you open the gate , it is easy to get back to the boss if you die . I was originally reluctant to buy Demon's Souls , but if they come out with a sequel , I'll be purchasing it on day one .
    • 138 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) From the reviews I read about this game , I was a little worried that I would find it frustrating . Once I finally played it , I was hooked . This game is challenging fun . This is a RPG in the sense that you create the character and the game puts you in the world . It has all of the archetypes you would expect in a standard fantasy RPG : Magician , Soldier , Priest , Thief , etc . However , your starting class just determines your starting equipment , spells , and stats . From that point on , your character's advancement is up to you . You could put points into your magician's strength and dexterity , give him armor , and make him a combination fighter-magician , or pour all your souls into magic and intelligence for a pure fireball-tossing archmage . There is not much of a story and no dialog trees , so if you desire a strong narrative in your RPGs , you might want to look elsewhere . As a pure dungeon crawl , though , it is nearly perfect . You are in constant fear for your life , yet , if you take your time , be careful , and pay attention to your surroundings , you can get through most everything unscathed . Familiarity with a level can help you get through quicker , but I never felt that memorizing a level was required to survive . Theoretically , it is possible to make it through the entire game without dying , but it is not very likely . However , I never felt like my deaths were cheap or unfair . The punishment for death is the need to reclaim your souls ( used as both experience and currency ) from where you died , and rarely do the challenges seem insurmountable . Due to the challenging nature of Demon's Souls , each completed level feels like an accomplishment . Nothing is handed to you on a silver platter . You can quit and save at any time , but you do start back at the beginning of the level if you die ( i.e . there are an infinite number of save points , just no checkpoints ) . However , many of the levels allow you to open shortcuts as you advance through the level . For example , in the first level , the end boss is very close to your starting point , so once you open the gate , it is easy to get back to the boss if you die . I was originally reluctant to buy Demon's Souls , but if they come out with a sequel , I'll be purchasing it on day one .
    • 238 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) To begin with I am new to the RPG genre the first game to grab my interest in terms of RPG games was Fallout 3 but ever since that game I am now loving this genre . I read most of the reviews for Demon's Souls from most of the reputable game review sites . I have to be honest I was worried that I wouldn't like Demon's Souls and I know what you are thinking why not go and rent a copy yeah right not a copy in sight at the video store . So I took a leap of faith just as I did when I bought Fallout 3 and I have to say . I love this game ! It is tough but extremely addicting . Fallout 3 had me playing at any given moment that I had chance to and this is the case with Demon's Souls as well . The game would have been better if a few things were actually explained in detail such as how to do magic and miracles etc but IGN has helped with that . You will die quite a number of times but you will learn what you did wrong if you pay attention and try other strategies . Go out and buy this game you will not be disappointed . To begin with I am new to the RPG genre the first game to grab my interest in terms of RPG games was Fallout 3 but ever since that game I am now loving this genre . I read most of the reviews for Demon's Souls from most of the reputable game review sites . I have to be honest I was worried that I wouldn't like Demon's Souls and I know what you are thinking why not go and rent a copy yeah right not a copy in sight at the video store . So I took a leap of faith just as I did when I bought Fallout 3 and I have to say . I love this game ! It is tough but extremely addicting . Fallout 3 had me playing at any given moment that I had chance to and this is the case with Demon's Souls as well . The game would have been better if a few things were actually explained in detail such as how to do magic and miracles etc but IGN has helped with that . You will die quite a number of times but you will learn what you did wrong if you pay attention and try other strategies . Go out and buy this game you will not be disappointed . Demon's Souls
    • 239 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) To begin with I am new to the RPG genre the first game to grab my interest in terms of RPG games was Fallout 3 but ever since that game I am now loving this genre . I read most of the reviews for Demon's Souls from most of the reputable game review sites . I have to be honest I was worried that I wouldn't like Demon's Souls and I know what you are thinking why not go and rent a copy yeah right not a copy in sight at the video store . So I took a leap of faith just as I did when I bought Fallout 3 and I have to say . I love this game ! It is tough but extremely addicting . Fallout 3 had me playing at any given moment that I had chance to and this is the case with Demon's Souls as well . The game would have been better if a few things were actually explained in detail such as how to do magic and miracles etc but IGN has helped with that . You will die quite a number of times but you will learn what you did wrong if you pay attention and try other strategies . Go out and buy this game you will not be disappointed . To begin with I am new to the RPG genre the first game to grab my interest in terms of RPG games was Fallout 3 but ever since that game I am now loving this genre . I read most of the reviews for Demon's Souls from most of the reputable game review sites . I have to be honest I was worried that I wouldn't like Demon's Souls and I know what you are thinking why not go and rent a copy yeah right not a copy in sight at the video store . So I took a leap of faith just as I did when I bought Fallout 3 and I have to say . I love this game ! It is tough but extremely addicting . Fallout 3 had me playing at any given moment that I had chance to and this is the case with Demon's Souls as well . The game would have been better if a few things were actually explained in detail such as how to do magic and miracles etc but IGN has helped with that . You will die quite a number of times but you will learn what you did wrong if you pay attention and try other strategies . Go out and buy this game you will not be disappointed . Demon's Souls

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I had imported Demon's Souls in April , and finished it 3 times since then . I have a long review below but if you want a few sentences here it is : The game has an excellent atmosphere , great character customization , enjoyable combat , some unique online elements , but very little story and minimal npc interaction . It is also very unforgiving , but it is strangely addictive if you don't get frustrated easily . It takes about 40 hours in your first play through . It's not because the game is huge . . . It's because you'll die a lot and repeat a lot , which results in playing very cautiously ( which also adds to the atmosphere ) . * * * Review * * * Demon's Souls is an action RPG game with some unique online elements . I loved the game but I can also see why some people ( even RPG lovers ) might hate it . Although I gave it 5 stars , I cannot say the game is for everyone . Just read the paragraph at the end where I explain some game mechanics , and if it sounds frustrating to you then might want to try the game first before buying . For me 3 things are very important for an RPG . A good story and well-developed characters , deep character customization , tactical and fun combat . Story In DS , the people in different realms / worlds are possessed by demonic souls and you are to get rid of them . When you kill them you collect their souls and get more powerful and eventually fight against the final demon . That's basically it . The game has very little story and minimal amount of non player characters ( NPCs ) . There are about 15 - 20 NPCs in total ( including the merchants and blacksmiths ) , and most of them are located in a hub called Nexus . Furthermore , you can talk to them but there are no dialogue trees . They'll say 2 - 3 new sentences after each time you kill a demon boss , giving you some background about the setting . Sometimes they'll initiate a sidequest , by asking you to find / do something . That's all . If you are expecting something like Mass Effect or JRPGs in terms of story or dialogue this is not it . However , the game has a very dark and immersive atmosphere . It just sucks you in and makes up for its lack of story . Also , sometimes new characters / enemies appear depending on World Tendency ( world tendency is something like an alignment that can change toward black or white ) , which provides replay value . In sum , unlike most other RPGs , this is not a game that you play for the story . There is minimal story and dialogue , but the game has an excellent atmosphere which gives you the feeling of being alone and overwhelmed . Character Customization Character customization is probably the most important aspect of an RPG and this is where the game shines . You start the game with a certain class you picked , but it doesn't restrict you . You can develop your stats in anyway you like and completely turn it into something else ( kind of like Oblivion ) . For example , weapons / armors have different stats requirements , but they are not restricted to classes . As long as your character meets the stats requirement you can use it . So you can mix and mash classes anyway you like . There are 8 different attributes , and when you level up you can raise one of those attributes by one point ( there is room for up to 99 for each attribute ) . Weapon upgrades are done by using the ores you find . You can do regular upgrades ( e.g . long sword + 2 ) or you can change it into a different weapon ( e.g . dragon long sword ) depending on the ores you found . There are several different types of ores that opens a different upgrade branch . There are also some special upgrades , if you choose to use a demon's soul that you obtained from a boss , which will give you a unique weapon . Combat The customization also affects your gameplay . For instance , you can wield double swords , sword and shield , sword and crossbow , sword and a wand , two shields ( if you want to be fancy ) etc . Moreover , any sword can be wielded two handed or one handed . Of course , if you choose to wield a two handed sword with one hand , you character becomes clumsy . If you choose to wield a one handed sword with two hands , then you make stronger attacks with different animations . The combat is in real time and it is like an action game . In the controller , L1 - L2 is assigned to the left hand , and R1 - R2 is assigned to the right hand . L1 is used for guarding , L2 is either for parry ( when wielding a shield ) or attacking ( weapon on left hand ) ) . On the other hand , R1 is regular attack , and R2 is strong attack . You can also roll , run , but you cannot jump . So you end up having different combat gameplay and tactics depending on what you choose to equip . Online Gameplay If your PS3 is connected to the internet , you'll automatically play the game online . That lets you do different things . First , you'll see some messages left by other players . They can provide some clues , warnings etc . You can also leave messages but you can only create them by combining preset words and phrases . You cannot type whatever you want . And if someone finds your message helpful and rates it , then your health replenishes . Second , you'll see pools of blood and if you touch them it will show you a ghost of some other player and how he / she died . It's just another clue to help you in the game . Third , and the most important one , is playing with / against others . If you are in body form , you'll see blue signs on the ground left by other players . By touching those signs you can summon up to two more people to your game and they'll fight along with you in your game helping you out . On the other hand , when you are in body form some other player can invade your game and try to kill you . If you are in soul form , then you can put a blue sign on the ground in order to be summoned by others or you can use an item to invade another player's game . However , you cannot just invite your friends to your game . If you and your friends are on different servers ( which you have no control over ) you won't see the signs they left and will not be able to summon them . If you happen to be on the same server , you can arrange a location in the game to put the sign ( via XMB message ) and then summon the other person . Conclusion In sum , Demon's Souls is one of the best games on PS3 . It has a great atmosphere and addictive gameplay that makes you come back , even after you died for the tenth time in the same boss battle . Unfortunately it is not a game for the impatient . Just take a look at the cover art ( the regular cover art which happens to be the Deluxe Edition cover in US release ) of the game . You see a lone , battered knight , who is about to give up . That's Demon's Souls for you . If you are willing to take the challenge , victory will be very satisfying . * * * About the difficulty and potential frustration * * * First of all , the game is very unforgiving . Even regular enemies can kill you with 1 - 2 blows , and they will kill you many times . However that's not the main issue . The real difficulty comes from not being able to save in the middle of a stage / map . The stages don't have checkpoints either . Also dying is very costly . When you die , first you will drop your souls at the location you died ( You gain souls by killing enemies , and souls are used as both experience points to improve your stats and also as money ) . Then you will lose your body ( which means losing half of your life bar , making the game even harder ) and you will respawn in soul form at the start of the stage . However all the enemies will also respawn . Furthermore , if you die again before reaching the location you died , you will lose all the souls you have dropped previously for good . That means no experience / no money from all that playing . Also reaching your corpse does not give your body back , it only gives back your collected souls . You can gain your body ( half of your life bar ) if you beat a boss , or invade another player's game and kill him / her , or use a special item . In brief , you will be playing the same stage from the beginning over and over again , until you beat the boss at the end of the stage . In a lot of cases , you will not gain any experience / level during this process , because you'll die a second time before reaching your corpse . However , the stages are not very big . It generally takes about 5 to 10 minutes to get to the boss if you know the way and IF you don't die . A new respawn point appears at the end of the stage , after a boss is defeated . ( The game has 5 worlds and each world has 4 stages / bosses ) . So , after you beat a boss you can spawn from that location if you want . Still , a lot of people would probably hate this no save / checkpoint mechanic combined with the games unforgiving difficulty . It's like 80s arcade games which takes you back to the beginning of the stage when you die .
    • 001 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I had imported Demon's Souls in April , and finished it 3 times since then . I have a long review below but if you want a few sentences here it is : The game has an excellent atmosphere , great character customization , enjoyable combat , some unique online elements , but very little story and minimal npc interaction . It is also very unforgiving , but it is strangely addictive if you don't get frustrated easily . It takes about 40 hours in your first play through . It's not because the game is huge . . . It's because you'll die a lot and repeat a lot , which results in playing very cautiously ( which also adds to the atmosphere ) . * * * Review * * * Demon's Souls is an action RPG game with some unique online elements . I loved the game but I can also see why some people ( even RPG lovers ) might hate it . Although I gave it 5 stars , I cannot say the game is for everyone . Just read the paragraph at the end where I explain some game mechanics , and if it sounds frustrating to you then might want to try the game first before buying . For me 3 things are very important for an RPG . A good story and well-developed characters , deep character customization , tactical and fun combat . Story In DS , the people in different realms / worlds are possessed by demonic souls and you are to get rid of them . When you kill them you collect their souls and get more powerful and eventually fight against the final demon . That's basically it . The game has very little story and minimal amount of non player characters ( NPCs ) . There are about 15 - 20 NPCs in total ( including the merchants and blacksmiths ) , and most of them are located in a hub called Nexus . Furthermore , you can talk to them but there are no dialogue trees . They'll say 2 - 3 new sentences after each time you kill a demon boss , giving you some background about the setting . Sometimes they'll initiate a sidequest , by asking you to find / do something . That's all . If you are expecting something like Mass Effect or JRPGs in terms of story or dialogue this is not it . However , the game has a very dark and immersive atmosphere . It just sucks you in and makes up for its lack of story . Also , sometimes new characters / enemies appear depending on World Tendency ( world tendency is something like an alignment that can change toward black or white ) , which provides replay value . In sum , unlike most other RPGs , this is not a game that you play for the story . There is minimal story and dialogue , but the game has an excellent atmosphere which gives you the feeling of being alone and overwhelmed . Character Customization Character customization is probably the most important aspect of an RPG and this is where the game shines . You start the game with a certain class you picked , but it doesn't restrict you . You can develop your stats in anyway you like and completely turn it into something else ( kind of like Oblivion ) . For example , weapons / armors have different stats requirements , but they are not restricted to classes . As long as your character meets the stats requirement you can use it . So you can mix and mash classes anyway you like . There are 8 different attributes , and when you level up you can raise one of those attributes by one point ( there is room for up to 99 for each attribute ) . Weapon upgrades are done by using the ores you find . You can do regular upgrades ( e.g . long sword + 2 ) or you can change it into a different weapon ( e.g . dragon long sword ) depending on the ores you found . There are several different types of ores that opens a different upgrade branch . There are also some special upgrades , if you choose to use a demon's soul that you obtained from a boss , which will give you a unique weapon . Combat The customization also affects your gameplay . For instance , you can wield double swords , sword and shield , sword and crossbow , sword and a wand , two shields ( if you want to be fancy ) etc . Moreover , any sword can be wielded two handed or one handed . Of course , if you choose to wield a two handed sword with one hand , you character becomes clumsy . If you choose to wield a one handed sword with two hands , then you make stronger attacks with different animations . The combat is in real time and it is like an action game . In the controller , L1 - L2 is assigned to the left hand , and R1 - R2 is assigned to the right hand . L1 is used for guarding , L2 is either for parry ( when wielding a shield ) or attacking ( weapon on left hand ) ) . On the other hand , R1 is regular attack , and R2 is strong attack . You can also roll , run , but you cannot jump . So you end up having different combat gameplay and tactics depending on what you choose to equip . Online Gameplay If your PS3 is connected to the internet , you'll automatically play the game online . That lets you do different things . First , you'll see some messages left by other players . They can provide some clues , warnings etc . You can also leave messages but you can only create them by combining preset words and phrases . You cannot type whatever you want . And if someone finds your message helpful and rates it , then your health replenishes . Second , you'll see pools of blood and if you touch them it will show you a ghost of some other player and how he / she died . It's just another clue to help you in the game . Third , and the most important one , is playing with / against others . If you are in body form , you'll see blue signs on the ground left by other players . By touching those signs you can summon up to two more people to your game and they'll fight along with you in your game helping you out . On the other hand , when you are in body form some other player can invade your game and try to kill you . If you are in soul form , then you can put a blue sign on the ground in order to be summoned by others or you can use an item to invade another player's game . However , you cannot just invite your friends to your game . If you and your friends are on different servers ( which you have no control over ) you won't see the signs they left and will not be able to summon them . If you happen to be on the same server , you can arrange a location in the game to put the sign ( via XMB message ) and then summon the other person . Conclusion In sum , Demon's Souls is one of the best games on PS3 . It has a great atmosphere and addictive gameplay that makes you come back , even after you died for the tenth time in the same boss battle . Unfortunately it is not a game for the impatient . Just take a look at the cover art ( the regular cover art which happens to be the Deluxe Edition cover in US release ) of the game . You see a lone , battered knight , who is about to give up . That's Demon's Souls for you . If you are willing to take the challenge , victory will be very satisfying . * * * About the difficulty and potential frustration * * * First of all , the game is very unforgiving . Even regular enemies can kill you with 1 - 2 blows , and they will kill you many times . However that's not the main issue . The real difficulty comes from not being able to save in the middle of a stage / map . The stages don't have checkpoints either . Also dying is very costly . When you die , first you will drop your souls at the location you died ( You gain souls by killing enemies , and souls are used as both experience points to improve your stats and also as money ) . Then you will lose your body ( which means losing half of your life bar , making the game even harder ) and you will respawn in soul form at the start of the stage . However all the enemies will also respawn . Furthermore , if you die again before reaching the location you died , you will lose all the souls you have dropped previously for good . That means no experience / no money from all that playing . Also reaching your corpse does not give your body back , it only gives back your collected souls . You can gain your body ( half of your life bar ) if you beat a boss , or invade another player's game and kill him / her , or use a special item . In brief , you will be playing the same stage from the beginning over and over again , until you beat the boss at the end of the stage . In a lot of cases , you will not gain any experience / level during this process , because you'll die a second time before reaching your corpse . However , the stages are not very big . It generally takes about 5 to 10 minutes to get to the boss if you know the way and IF you don't die . A new respawn point appears at the end of the stage , after a boss is defeated . ( The game has 5 worlds and each world has 4 stages / bosses ) . So , after you beat a boss you can spawn from that location if you want . Still , a lot of people would probably hate this no save / checkpoint mechanic combined with the games unforgiving difficulty . It's like 80s arcade games which takes you back to the beginning of the stage when you die .
    • 023 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I'll start off that I've beaten the first boss only . I picked maybe a hard class to play Royalty . On the first level , you can basically one shot anything at range . However , once NPCs are in range you are a 1 - 2 shot from death which makes learning some of the advanced hand-to-hand skills difficult . A couple of tips that I did not understand at first . You will be dead after the tutorial , which I suppose teaches you the death mechanic . You will be sitting at 50% hp the entire time you are in soul form ( dead anytime that level ) . You will get a ring on the first level that makes this more like 70 - 75% of your total hit points . If you die getting back to your body , you lose all of your souls which is basically the only thing that allows you to enhance your character . I lost all my work to a couple slip ups costing me 2hours of work . You will become very frustrated playing this game . So if you have little patience , I'd find something a little more tame like Oblivion or Fallout .
    • 162 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Story : From the moment I started Demon's Souls I lost interest in the story . Somehow I gathered that Boletaria was surrounded by a fog which managed to cut it off from the outside world . One soldier escaped and told the world of it's predicament . The king awakened the Old One beneath the Nexus ( for some reason I'm still not sure . . ) which released demons upon the world who get stronger with each soul they devour . Yup , that's what I was thinking too . Thus , I never really cared for the storyline . It was a bit far stretched and with no character background I couldn't understand why I was stuck in this situation attempting to save the world for no apparent reason . I believe that anyone who's played Demon's Souls will admit that the story feels non-existent . If you are one of those individuals who are solely interested in a storyline this game is not for you . Technical Stuff : This game is pretty . It really is that simple . The detail to the demons and worlds is incredible . You really need to see this game . Even if you just view a few screenshots you owe it to yourself to check out some of the bosses in this game . This type of quality can only be seen on the Playstation 3 . There were a few hiccups though . Sometimes the camera would not allow me to target an enemy or I would somehow manage to get turned around in the process only to have said enemy shoot me in the back . Very seldomly did I encounter framerate issues . There were a few times ( mostly when large enemies were on screen such as the Dragons in World 1 ) but it never caused an issue that would take away points from it's overall score . One thing I will say is that the music in this game really was excellent . It did a fantastic job setting the mood for whichever world I was in . Sometimes I would allow myself to get lost in the sounds of the world ( s ) which ( especially in World 3 ) would make the gameplay that much more enjoyable . Character Builds : When you choose to start a new game you enter a character building screen . This allows you to change what your character looks like ( I made the perfect replica of Johan from the Circle Trilogy ) and gives you a few preset classes to choose from . These classes do not determine much but your starting stats and equipment . I choose the cookie-cutter Royal class that can be found online . After you manage to kill the first boss you are allowed to go back to the town and level up . Choose so wisely . I would recommend knowing exactly what you plan on doing before taking this step . Levels in this game really determine how you will play and how well ( or not so well ) you will do while playing . At first it may seem that leveling is a breeze , as it was for the first 40 levels . However , soon you'll find that leveling isn't so easy . I believe at level 86 it required 43,502 souls to level up to 87 . Once again , choose how you want to play this game before leveling up . Giving your character an equal build may seem the right way . However , you'll soon find that whereas you may be able to do it all - you really can't do anything worthwhile . I choose a bow / magic build . Three plain Moments : I will say this this following section may contain spoilers . These are some of the moments where the game completely screwed me over . Enjoy . 1 . Upon entering World 2 - 2 I find out that there's a VITAL NPC that you must rescue if you choose to focus on a bow build . This particular NPC , once saved , resides in the Nexus and will offer you an unlimited supply of Hard Arrows . These arrows are the second best arrows in the game and the best arrow that you are able to purchase from an NPC . Now , whenever I finally managed to work my way to the NPC he offered me a quest to retrieve an item . I accepted eagerly . I crossed the certain path and retrieved the item only to have a gigantic monster spawn on top of me . This isn't too much of a big deal , I dispatch said enemy quite easily with my bow . However , upon doing so somehow , someway the NPC managed to step in front of me and take an arrow in the head which immediately killed him . I was forced to start the entire game over and work my way up to this point and do it all over again . Luckily the second time went well . 2 . In World 5 - 2 you'll find yourself in a Swamp . This swamp hosts the biggest poison spill ever . Poison in this game hurts . This should be enough for you to understand what happened next . Countless trial and errors attempts to find the right path led to 13 deaths . 9 were from poison and 4 were from a random elite monster that would kill me in one hit . 3 . Speaking of monsters who kill you in one hit . This game is full of them . Magic jesters who's fireballs will destroy anything in it's path . Elite Knights that will charge at you , break your guard , and then finish the job with a stab through your heart . Little guys who appear harmless but will cast poison that's so strong you can expect to be dead in less than two minutes unless you spam healing items until your poison is clear . Oh , and let's not forget the flame balls that blow up when you're near only to kill you in one hit . Difficulty : This is the section I'm sure you all are waiting for . As you can see from the above . . this game is not for the fainthearted . There's a fine line between being abusive and down-right impossible . Demon's Souls enjoys walking on that line . Knowing that this game would be difficult when I purchased it I knew that I was going into a game that would push myself to my limits . It did . It did without any sweat . Demon's Souls gives the player the feeling that one wrong turn or one delayed block will lead to your death and both are true . The majority of my deaths were one hit kills by bosses or random monsters that I didn't approach the right way . That's one thing I can say about Demon's Souls . Each monster is easy if you know the right way about approaching them . This is the best thing about Demon's Souls . It forces the player to learn from his or her mistakes . This game does not adapt to the player , the player adapts to the game . If you struggle doing so then you will face the consequences . The controls in this game will take a few hours to get use to . It has generic controls but the weight of your character only adds to the difficulty of the game . I promise you it will take you a few tries before you learn exactly how to roll out of danger or back up just in time to not get hit by a trap that was activated from triggering a switch . Is Demon's Souls hard ? Yes . It's very hard . This game is the most hardcore game I've played in several years . Is that a bad thing ? Not at all . This game takes me back to the good days when you were forced to play smart ( games now days just hold your hand while you enjoy watching the story unfold ) and use strategy guides to ensure you get it done . One that that kept me coming back for more is the feeling I had every time I would kill the end boss of a level . It's a feeling that hasn't been felt for quite some time . I can still feel my adrenaline rushing from the False King fight earlier today . Everything in this game has the right way and the wrong way of doing things . There's also the third option , the down right cheap way . If you invested points and time into making a good bow build you can pretty much kill the majority of monsters without breaking a sweat . A few arrows here and there and you'll do fine . In fact , one boss you can kill before entering the actual boss fight by shooting through the fog . This does make the game a little easier but it takes away the satisfaction you will get when you do things the right way . Closing Thoughts : Demon's Souls is a fantastic RPG ( with the exception of a good story ) . As one of the board's biggest fan prior to it's launch ( the Official Thread was posted by me ) Demon's Souls , simply , is one game that everyone needs to try . You will either do well or horrible . There's no gray area for mediocre play . Upon beating the game you will leave with one or two feelings . . One , the game is excellent and you cannot wait to fire up the next game + option and do it all over again . . or two , you have never been so happy to finish a game ( like me ) . This is one game that will force you to step outside of your comfort zone and do things you haven't had to do in quite some time . This game really hasn't received the praise it deserves . It's one of the top 10 exclusive games on the Playstation 3 and I will forever support Atlus ' future games and will continue to defend Demon's Souls . If you have yet to try Demon's Souls you owe it to yourself as a gamer to pick this one up and give it a try .
    • 172 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This is one of the finest games I've ever played . It creates a dark , lonely atmosphere and it's rich with exploration . It's a tough game , but never cheap . Every time you die , it's your own fault . If you learn from your mistakes , you'll succeed . The game does not hold your hand . You don't even get a map . Hell , you can't even pause the damn thing . However it's this challenge that draws you in . This game will grab you and not let go ! Prepare to face many sleepless nights . . . The combat is deep , polished and unforgiving . Everything is mandated by stats , but without skill you'll die in a matter of minutes . The story is a bit lacking . Not a lot of exposition or dialogs going on , which can be a good thing if you hate reading through walls of text . Voicework is pretty good , but some of the NPC's can get a bit grating . Also you can kill every single NPC in the game so be careful or you won't even be able to level up ! The enemy design is superb and the animations are great . Lighting is terrific and the textures are good . I haven't experienced any bugs or crashes and the framerate never drops . Dead bodies tend to spazz out though . . . The online play is unique and fun . I love being invaded by another played and then kicking them off a cliff and watching them fall to their doom . The same can be said for summoning blue phantoms to help you out when you're in trouble . Overall , I would give it a 9.4 / 10 . It's the finest action RPG on the PS3 !
    • 173 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This is one of the finest games I've ever played . It creates a dark , lonely atmosphere and it's rich with exploration . It's a tough game , but never cheap . Every time you die , it's your own fault . If you learn from your mistakes , you'll succeed . The game does not hold your hand . You don't even get a map . Hell , you can't even pause the damn thing . However it's this challenge that draws you in . This game will grab you and not let go ! Prepare to face many sleepless nights . . . The combat is deep , polished and unforgiving . Everything is mandated by stats , but without skill you'll die in a matter of minutes . The story is a bit lacking . Not a lot of exposition or dialogs going on , which can be a good thing if you hate reading through walls of text . Voicework is pretty good , but some of the NPC's can get a bit grating . Also you can kill every single NPC in the game so be careful or you won't even be able to level up ! The enemy design is superb and the animations are great . Lighting is terrific and the textures are good . I haven't experienced any bugs or crashes and the framerate never drops . Dead bodies tend to spazz out though . . . The online play is unique and fun . I love being invaded by another played and then kicking them off a cliff and watching them fall to their doom . The same can be said for summoning blue phantoms to help you out when you're in trouble . Overall , I would give it a 9.4 / 10 . It's the finest action RPG on the PS3 !
    • 187 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Wow . I don't even know where to start . Demon's Souls is a masterpiece , plain and simple . And what's funny is that it lacks many of the elements that make RPG's epic to begin with . A story ? Yeah , it's there , but only barely . Cutscenes ? Maybe for around 3 minutes . Voice acting ? Only minimally . So what does this game offer , you ask ? Only the most engaging , atmospheric and challenging gameplay you've seen in years ! Demon's Souls is , without a doubt , the most difficult game to come out this gaming generation . Yes , it's even more difficult than the legendary Ninja Gaiden games . Consider yourself warned . Now you know what you're getting into before you buy . You will die several times in this game . Some enemies can kill you in one or two hits . And when you die , you lose all your souls ( in-game currency and only way to level up ) and must retrace your steps back to where you died to recover them . . . provided you don't die again . This kind of difficulty will keep some gamers away , but should you stick with it , I can promise that this is also the most rewarding game you'll ever play . Never have I felt more accomplished upon beating a boss , and the spoils of victory are well worth it . Yet with all this crushing difficulty , not one time do I feel this game is unfair , and never does this game take cheap shots at you . It's so perfectly balanced , and thus you can't help but come back for more . Each time you die , you learn from your mistake / oversight / rashness and feel motivated to try again . Someone made the analogy that it's like a drill sargeant . They yell at you and make you feel like crap , but in the end you're a stronger person . That is such a perfect analogy for this game . So about the game , you play a character that you create and are charged with defeating the demon bosses of the world . Your goal is to leave the Nexus , which is the game's hub world where you buy equipment , level up , and have access to all the game worlds . Pretty simple . Throughout , you'll meet several NPC's that help you or hurt you . You collect souls from the enemies you've defeated to increase your stats ( and thus , your soul level ) or buy / repair / enhance weapons and armor . If you're connected to the PSN , you'll see messages written on the ground from other players that'll warn of what's ahead ( ambushes , traps , etc . ) . You'll also see bloodstains that when touched , will show another player's untimely demise . Occasionally , you can enter another player's game and help them , or try to kill them ( and other players can also do this to you ) . It's a brilliant use of online functionality . Graphically , this game is beautiful . There's an occasional framerate drop , but not enough for you to notice . The sound effects are atmospheric , and totally envelop you in the game world . Surround sound is incredible , as you can hear when something is sneaking up behind you , etc . Any PlayStation 3 owners who love RPG's would be foolish not to give this a try . If the warnings of the difficulty make you hesitant , rent it first . More than likely you will end up purchasing it ! This is one of the finest PlayStation 3 games available , and a truly fresh and original sleeper hit that will be referred to for years to come . You simply cannot miss this game .
    • 265 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) You know that situation in RPG's where you've levelled up some characters , gained some good stuff and maybe even that rare drop only you forgot to save after all that hard work ? Know how disappointing and almost crushing it is to lose all that progress ? If the memory still stings , then Demon's Souls is going to become your new archnemesis . When people say a game is challenging , it's usually just that they die too many times or they never really understood how to play the game . Demon's Souls on the other hand is never cheap or unfair but it is punishing . It's a perfect description because this game in a sense doesn't tolerate errors or oops moments , it takes advantage of them and more often than not your deaths will come from those moments where you decided to be a little foolhardy . There's a couple of things that seemingly make it more difficult just for the sake of it but all in all this is the kind of game that if you're in the right mood , the game will enter your mind and sort of linger ; thinking about playing , thinking about what you want to accomplish next time you play . Sure you'll swear but you'll probably love every moment of it too , you masochist . Story : The story takes place in the kingdom of Boletaria as the old King Allant the XII ended up unleashing the Old One , a powerful beast which covered the land in a thick fog which brought with it terrifying demons who crave souls . Many have tried to defeat these demons but none of ever managed to be successful . The game starts appropriately enough with your death ( get used to it ) who is sent to the Nexus , where you can enter portals to various lands around the kingdom and hopefully bring down the demons one at a time . Graphics : Games such as Metroid Prime or a lot of horror games succeed in drawing players into the game thanks to the atmosphere of the game and Demon's Souls is no different . When a dragon swoops down and spouts flames onto the walkway you've just outrun , it's very easy to feel that your in this place . They also are nicely varied as well from a simple castle fortress to a mine and a creepy-as-hell prison . In-game graphics are generally simple with some nice physics effects on things that can be destroyed / blown up and some bosses are just massive and very intimitading . However while NPC models look good , it suffers from the problem of most games with a character creator which is it's very hard to make someone look like they're not a troll . Sound / Music : The music is appropriately creepy at times and almost melancholy . The soundtrack cd that came with pre-orders is a nice listen if you're into music that's not uplifting and high-spirited . Voice acting is generally good though you might not like its . . . flatness if you will where the actors just don't sound so excited but then again there's no bad line readings from what I've seen or anything where you let out a chuckle but would've been nice for actors to put a little oomph . Sound effects are generally alright and that whoosh that comes with a successful parry attack called a riposte is flat-out awesome . Gameplay : It's hard to describe Demon's Souls since it feels like something you've played before yet you couldn't think of it if you tried . Essentially imagine the 3rd person swordplay of Oblivion , world traversing of Zelda and RPG elements of pretty much every one you've tried in the past 10 years . You have your lock-on , attack with R1 , strong attack with R2 , block with L1 and parry with L2 . Do a successful parry and R1 and your character will do a badass attack that'll practically kill your enemy in one hit but the timing is incredibly tricky but it's oh-so-satisfying when you pull it off . You also have magic and spells as well as bows and crossbows which feel a bit strange to use since crossbows have no aiming feature like the bow and switching from bow to sword felt strangely cumbersome to me . And you're going to need to learn how to fight because these enemies are not necessarily smart AI-wise but in groups and particularly if you're not careful they can pack a mean punch . Death in this game means that you have to make it back to way you died and activate your bloodstain where you'll regain all the souls ( your currency , EXP to level up ) you've accumulated . The brutal thing is that if you died trying to get back to your body , your souls are forever lost and practically negating all the hardwork you did . Yeah , this game wants to make you yell , it seems . Worse is that the game actually gets more difficult the more you die thanks to the concept of White and Black World Tendency which can alter who shows up in what world and what weapons now where it feels backwards to me is that sometimes the best stuff to get is actually in Black Tendency worlds so having the game purposefully get more difficult only to net you some good gear / trophies is odd . In addition , some may not like the idea of no save points or checkpoints and you can't pause in-game either so if you need to answer the phone you need to find a safe hiding place where you know enemies won't come . The nice thing is that enemies don't respawn ( they do if you die or re-enter the world though ) and other enemies won't come looking for you until they see you . Make no mistake , you need to be absolutely patient with this game because the more time you put into it , the better you'll get and the more satisfaction will come when you finally kill that annoying boss . Downside of course is that there's no place to stockpile your souls in that you pretty much have to spend or luck out and don't lose any souls since you can't deposit them anywhere save for your level gaining ( stat based , not level based ) or buying stuff so it's almost encouraged you keep as much as you can till you can spend all of them . No need to be penny-pinching . The most unique aspect of this is the multiplayer which isn't multiplayer per se but more like MMO's without the MMO . Basically practically everyone is in the same level as you and you can even catch glimpses of them via white ghost representations . They can leave messages on the ground to warn you about a valuable goodie ahead or a trap / ambush and even clues as to how to best a boss or enemy . One negative I have of this is that you can't actually spell what you want ( obviously to dissuade people using swear words and racial slurs ) but say you want to warn people about the dragons in 1 - 2 and to run to the other tower AFTER they've swooped down and already scorched the walkway . You can't , all you can really say is Run right through or variations thereof . Bloodstains are also on the ground which'll replay that player's death so if there's a trap ahead and you're not sure how to avoid it , touching the stain will allow you to see how they died and how best to avoid it . In addition , people can come into your world for co-op in case a boss is really laying a beating on you and people can actually invade your world in hopes of killing you and gaining their body back ( you can alternate between Body Form and Soul Form ) . It's certainly unique and I can honestly say I've never seen this before so people , you know those Please recommend this messages ? Please do as you get full health wherever you are and you never know when some player needs a big health boost . Think of it this way , we're all here to beat the thing called Demon's Souls together , not individually . . . if that makes sense . I got the Deluxe edition though the review is for the regular version since most people probably didn't buy it or preorder but as far as goodies you get a nice embossed cover and an official guide from Atlus with tips , walkthroughs , bestiaries , item and equipment stats and boss strategies . While for some people it might be seen as spoiling the fun but with a game like Demon's Souls , everything as far as help is concerned should be welcomed . Also there was an artbook and a soundtrack cd that came with which is quite nice though it was more character art than concept art a la Prince of Persia , Fallout 3 or Resistance 2 ' s artbooks but oh well . Is this game for everyone ? Definately not . The difficulty will be the key factor in determing whether this game is right for you but unlike most difficult games like Ninja Gaiden where the difficulty comes from balanced to completely unfair , Demon's Souls is just a wild beast that'll take awhile to tame . A long while .
    • 331 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls has been labeled as hardcore and difficult in the context of today's RPGs . However many of these labels require context . For instance , Demon's Souls has much more in common w / action games like God of War or Onimusha than typical JRPGs like Star Ocean or the Final Fantasy Series . Furthermore , the difficulty relates more to the player's ability to learn and adapt , than the actual game . For instance , a beginner player who rushes in and button mashes in the first level will die early and often . However if you pay attention to the tutorial and focus on counter attacking success becomes the norm . In general the first time you face a level or a boss or a trap , you might die . But once you learn an enemies patterns , weaknesses , and start to expect traps , what once seemed impossible now becomes trivial . Such is the rewarding aspect of playing Demon's Souls . The combat has been described as visceral , and that is on target , in fact an understatement . While other games focus on this trendy stylish action of air combos , chain attacks , awesome 20hit combos etc . . . Demon's Souls instead shifts the focus to each single hit feeling powerful , deadly and intense . One hit killing of enemies is becomes satisfying because you know that enemy can kill you in 2 - 3 hits . Some bosses are just aggressive and intense . One boss in the first half of the game ramps up it's attacks as it's health drops . In the theme with Demon's Souls , the closer you get to success , the more the challenge increases . This boss is almost daring you to kill it , at first it is an easy target , taking damage , pausing , but once the health bar is below 1 / 3 it chain attacks the player , forcing the player to also increase the intensity . What makes it even more exciting is the 20 minutes of careful approach it takes to even reach the boss without dying from a dangerous fall . Anyone with a fear of heights will be tested in Demon's Souls early and often as getting knocked off a ledge is a real threat , and often made my feet quake . Note I am not a Megaman / Maximo type of gamer . I do not like try and die / platformer type games when you have to jump perfectly or die from a brick falling on your head . Demon's Souls is never * cheap * like those games . This is not a Contra . Again , it's much more like God of War , only GoW seems to try and overwhelm the player w / too many enemies or moving set pieces for distraction . The feel in Demon's Souls is not knowing what is around the corner , and how to best prepare for the battle . It is extremely rewarding to find a magic weapon in one level , then to go back to a boss in another and use that weapon effectively . Finding that magic weapon , you will remember it being no easy task , but again , never cheap , always fair . Any death is no big deal as you can run back and get your lost souls , or not . Losing a few thousand souls is not that anger inducing as you know next time , if you do it right , you can get double the souls , and the time after that etc . . . PROS - Solid graphics , dark almost horror game feel of enemies jumping out at you , zombie style slow then quick . . . - Action combat that feels right , has perfect feedback and lets you customize your combat style - Open character development , many starting classes to choose from - varied weapons - powerful magics - unique online play - fun challenge becomes addicting - epic bosses , mini bosses , hidden items , false walls , traps - true feeling of a dangerous world - deep weapon upgrade system - tactical and strategic combat - no endless respawn CONS - infrequent save points / auto save means you either finish a level or return to the Nexus , no mid level save or pause - menu system is not intuitive , Kanji like symbols to learn and memorize for various stats - story is presented oddly , infrequent cutscenes seem out of place - half of what NPCs talk to you about makes no sense - a bit of guessing as to where to go or what to do next - unintuitive as to whether you are doing something right or wrong , for instance world shift WT or BLK - no map or compass - no way to sell old equipment - carrying capacity can really limit exploration - some stats seem useless - frame rate can slow down during busy fight scenes w / giant bosses / fire / special effects
    • 337 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Demon's Souls is , in my opinion , the best game of the year so far , just barely edging out Batman : AA . It is beautiful , has an atomosphere so thick it's palpable , and one of the best ( or possibly the best ) combat systems ever in a video game . This is not a game for the faint of heart , however . The game is pretty unforgiving , but as long as you're willing to learn from your mistakes and plan accordingly you'll never lose too much momentum . Honestly much has been said about the difficulty but I feel that although the game is difficult it never feels like you are not making progress . Even if you die in the later part of a level and are unable to find the souls ( money and exp ) that you lost you've still progressed to the end of that level and most likely found some nice loot ( which you will not lose upon death ) and opened up some shortcuts so your path to the boss will be much much shorter once you respawn . I like that the game never kicks you out to a ' GAME OVER YOU ARE TEH SUCK ' screen , despite it's difficulty . Overall the game consistently feels fresh . Every new environment , enemy , and NPC is unique and intriguing and thoroughly well-designed . The action is amazing and after ten hours each encounter still gets my adrenaline flowing . I'd wholeheartedly recommend the game to anyone who enjoys action games or rpg's in general and has enough patience to learn from their mistakes . Also , the guide that comes with the deluxe edition has repeatedly been a boon and constantly reminds me that I made the right choice by purchasing this version of the game . The art book and soundtrack are just the icing on the cake .

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I have been playing games for most of my life starting with Atari . There has been very few games that captured the correct way to make it a very hard & challenging game & yet not impossible . This Demons Souls has definately redefined a HARD game . Reminds me of the game ICO , yet makes me feel that Im actually there . You may die alot , but each time you do , it is always your fault . I mean this in the literal sense . No more button mashing . Every action you take costs stamina . So when faced with many different things you must act accordingly or you can and will pay , mostly you will die . I would say even at the very high level my character is at this moment , doesnt say that I should relax at all because when you let your gaurd down is when you curse yourself for being so stupid for not paying attention . I always catch myself & say I deserve that , I should know better . The replay is top notch . I never was into replaying a game after Ive beaten it . So many games out there to stay on the same one , Not this game . I cannot put it down . I have never been into online play . I am a Full single player type of gamer . This online play is most certainly different . You dont chat with other players . If you need help you can call upto two players to assist you . or you can Invade other players game to hunt them down . I must say both ways are very rewarding , especially the fear you get knowing some Phantom has come to your world to kill you . I tell you no matter how powerful you are you will still die if not careful . Theres way to much to say about this game other than if quality is what you desire This is definately it .
    • 100 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I have been playing games for most of my life starting with Atari . There has been very few games that captured the correct way to make it a very hard & challenging game & yet not impossible . This Demons Souls has definately redefined a HARD game . Reminds me of the game ICO , yet makes me feel that Im actually there . You may die alot , but each time you do , it is always your fault . I mean this in the literal sense . No more button mashing . Every action you take costs stamina . So when faced with many different things you must act accordingly or you can and will pay , mostly you will die . I would say even at the very high level my character is at this moment , doesnt say that I should relax at all because when you let your gaurd down is when you curse yourself for being so stupid for not paying attention . I always catch myself & say I deserve that , I should know better . The replay is top notch . I never was into replaying a game after Ive beaten it . So many games out there to stay on the same one , Not this game . I cannot put it down . I have never been into online play . I am a Full single player type of gamer . This online play is most certainly different . You dont chat with other players . If you need help you can call upto two players to assist you . or you can Invade other players game to hunt them down . I must say both ways are very rewarding , especially the fear you get knowing some Phantom has come to your world to kill you . I tell you no matter how powerful you are you will still die if not careful . Theres way to much to say about this game other than if quality is what you desire This is definately it .
    • 124 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Ok , this game is so addicting its not even funny . You can put dozens of hours into it and still have plenty left that you can do and find . Perhaps one of the best parts of the game is that you are meant to play it multiple times in order to get everything and each item requires some different world status in order to obtain . I dont especially care for the fact that another player can invade your game at any given time but then you can just disconnect or sign out if you dont want to deal with that . A word of warning , even though I highly recommend this game , it is very difficult at times and those who are used to dominating without much challenge then you may not get along with this game . A minor gripe is that most of the levels are set at night which can get kind of old but it doesnt detract a whole lot from the overall experience . If you like RPG's at all this game is for you .
    • 202 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) By far the depth found in Demon's Souls is in its gameplay . Never has playing a game felt more rewarding , giving the player a real sense of fulfillment for accomplishing even the most mundane tasks . Death serves the function as both a lesson and hurdle for the player to overcome . You will die a lot while playing this game , but unlike many other games , death serves a deeper purpose . If you are the type of person who sees dying in a game as always a horrible ( or frustrating ) experience , then consider avoiding this game . Death will come to even the most veteran players , but this usually occurs when your strategy needs to be adjusted . Here is where the game gains its power , there is no single strategy to defeat an enemy , but a multitude of strategies . Each situation must be approached with a different strategy in mind , and when it works the player really feels they have triumphed ( or risen to the occasion ) . This feeling may not manifest in every individual who plays this game , but is why I feel the game has gained its devout audience . If you have ever been playing a game and felt like its challenges did nothing to motivate you to the end , then you should consider this game . Again though , this game is not for everyone . If you are still on the fence , at least consider renting this amazing gem , if only to experience a truly innovative game with a captivating atmosphere .
    • 203 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) By far the depth found in Demon's Souls is in its gameplay . Never has playing a game felt more rewarding , giving the player a real sense of fulfillment for accomplishing even the most mundane tasks . Death serves the function as both a lesson and hurdle for the player to overcome . You will die a lot while playing this game , but unlike many other games , death serves a deeper purpose . If you are the type of person who sees dying in a game as always a horrible ( or frustrating ) experience , then consider avoiding this game . Death will come to even the most veteran players , but this usually occurs when your strategy needs to be adjusted . Here is where the game gains its power , there is no single strategy to defeat an enemy , but a multitude of strategies . Each situation must be approached with a different strategy in mind , and when it works the player really feels they have triumphed ( or risen to the occasion ) . This feeling may not manifest in every individual who plays this game , but is why I feel the game has gained its devout audience . If you have ever been playing a game and felt like its challenges did nothing to motivate you to the end , then you should consider this game . Again though , this game is not for everyone . If you are still on the fence , at least consider renting this amazing gem , if only to experience a truly innovative game with a captivating atmosphere .
    • 226 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This is a great game from beginning to end . Its not as HARD as people make it out to be trust me , but its just so much fun . Dont get discouraged about difficulty , its just like any other game . If your dying or not strong enough level up or upgrade equipment its pretty basic . You'll probably get addicted to it especially collecting souls as that is the way you level up . The more you level up the more souls you'll need for the next level so level up wisely . Online is great you see other players ghost as they play and you can invade or be invaded . The reason you do this is for getting your body back because you have your full health . If you die you are in soul form and have only 50% health but theres an item that raises it to 70% . Invading also is fun sometimes if your bored and want a challenge cause your fighting against another player so you get to test your skills . Later on in the game you can just challenge players and fight against each other . Another great thing is you can summon another player to help you , another reason why its not hard . If you need help beating a boss or a level you can summon a player to help you . Well i hope this helps those thinking of buying this game . Its not hard or stressful dont get discouraged this game is fun really fun lol . You wont regret it trust me .
    • 227 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This is a great game from beginning to end . Its not as HARD as people make it out to be trust me , but its just so much fun . Dont get discouraged about difficulty , its just like any other game . If your dying or not strong enough level up or upgrade equipment its pretty basic . You'll probably get addicted to it especially collecting souls as that is the way you level up . The more you level up the more souls you'll need for the next level so level up wisely . Online is great you see other players ghost as they play and you can invade or be invaded . The reason you do this is for getting your body back because you have your full health . If you die you are in soul form and have only 50% health but theres an item that raises it to 70% . Invading also is fun sometimes if your bored and want a challenge cause your fighting against another player so you get to test your skills . Later on in the game you can just challenge players and fight against each other . Another great thing is you can summon another player to help you , another reason why its not hard . If you need help beating a boss or a level you can summon a player to help you . Well i hope this helps those thinking of buying this game . Its not hard or stressful dont get discouraged this game is fun really fun lol . You wont regret it trust me .

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I like this game , but I wanted to love it . I was hesitant to own it because I am a little old for hardcore games that everyone praises for their difficulty , but I was persuaded to try it because of fond memories of a wonderfully difficult combat RPG called Severance Blade Of Darkness . Unable to find a rental I bought it . Sadly , I think this game does not measure up to the reviews . My review in brief : - 1 one star for the grinding because of the few and far between saves ( difficulty itself is ok ) , - 1 / 2 star for miscellaneous stuff , - 1 / 2 a star for simplistic combat mechanics . So , let me throw some water on the glowing reviews . The game is very difficult . I think the difficulty is the heart of why people love this game . The difficulty gives a genuine sense of accomplishment when you succeed in getting past a certain point , and this is truly rewarding in a way most games are not . The difficulty , however is greatly compounded not by interesting challenges but by tedium . Much of the game becomes tedium because if you die you need to repeat everything . Were you really excited by defeating that tough group of monsters - well awesome ! If you die to a new monster a few steps down you have to fight them all again . And again . And again . This is where the game completely falls down . The difficulty is truly rewarding , but the necessity of repeating so much of the game if you fail is lame . I love the difficulty , I enjoy the tenseness of being hyper aware and cautious - all plusses . But they overdid it on with the repetition . It quickly devolves into grinding , but grinding with often no reward ( losing souls ) . If the difficulty were the only problem with the game , I would give it 4 stars . I should mention I started the game with the barbarian and was about to throw the game away after an hour , but started a priest and suddenly felt like I was on god-mode , so choosing your class is very important . The difficulty is not the only problem in this game . There is no one thing that detracts from the overall game , but a bunch of random stuff that adds up to reduce the game by another star . This laundry list includes things such as the poor information given about items . It is not easy to understand the properties of the weapons . The story is simplistic and linear . The graphics , with the exception of the demons , are bland . Yeah - they are a little glowey , but bland . The major demons are usually awesome . You can only have 4 characters . I would take away 2 stars just for that . That is a quick way for the developer to say to the gamer - I hate you . Such pointless limitations are always a huge turnoff for me . There is a bunch of world-tendency stuff that you need to be aware of in order to get certain outcomes that you will eventually need to grind through on another play through if you want . This is not really clearly explained anywhere in the game . . . at all . Or if it is I have not seen it . You cannot sell anything - so why are there junk drops ? The online stuff is ok , but apparently did not grab me as much as it has many others . In many ways it seems the makers wanted the game to be inaccessible in the way information is presented within the game . Finally , I would almost take a final point off for the combat . It's the point of the entire game , and in the end it is fairly weak . Now , let me be careful how I put this . The combat is technically pretty good . Different weapons are different with different ranges , speeds , etc ( getting the short spear was like a revelation for fighting the bastard-sword wielding knights ) . The blocking is well done , the dodging is well done . The autolock is a weakness , but not a terrible one . The stamina creates some strategy . The combat is tense because of what I said above , but if the game had an easy mode it would become the most boring game ever . There is no advancement in combat through the game . If someone knows about some advancement please correct me , but if you choose a straight melee player you will be doing the exact same move ( attack , dodge , repeat ) with the first monster as you will with the next to last . The RPG aspect is not even necessary - they could auto-level you and you would never notice . Other classes have miracles and spells , and I recommend making that part of any character , but the melee aspect is ultimately simplistic . Now , I referenced a game above that I previously played and that game was harder because in order to excel you had to master complicated attacks . If you finished the game using the same attacks as you started with you were toast . That made the game much more engaging and difficult to master . It was more rewarding when near death , without a potion , against tough foes you pulled off the great new move you had just learned and been practicing and finished them . If you master patience , you have mastered demon souls . I read a comment on another review where someone who struggled with the difficulty said if there was an easy mode it would be game of the year . I strongly disagree , I wish there were more frequent save points , but if there were an easy mode this game would be forgettable because the combat is so lackluster . This is a game for fans of the genre , but probably not anyone else . The tenseness is sometimes lost in the tedium , the combat is simplistic , and the game has too many minor annoyances . I still like it , I just can not love it .
    • 117 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I like this game , but I wanted to love it . I was hesitant to own it because I am a little old for hardcore games that everyone praises for their difficulty , but I was persuaded to try it because of fond memories of a wonderfully difficult combat RPG called Severance Blade Of Darkness . Unable to find a rental I bought it . Sadly , I think this game does not measure up to the reviews . My review in brief : - 1 one star for the grinding because of the few and far between saves ( difficulty itself is ok ) , - 1 / 2 star for miscellaneous stuff , - 1 / 2 a star for simplistic combat mechanics . So , let me throw some water on the glowing reviews . The game is very difficult . I think the difficulty is the heart of why people love this game . The difficulty gives a genuine sense of accomplishment when you succeed in getting past a certain point , and this is truly rewarding in a way most games are not . The difficulty , however is greatly compounded not by interesting challenges but by tedium . Much of the game becomes tedium because if you die you need to repeat everything . Were you really excited by defeating that tough group of monsters - well awesome ! If you die to a new monster a few steps down you have to fight them all again . And again . And again . This is where the game completely falls down . The difficulty is truly rewarding , but the necessity of repeating so much of the game if you fail is lame . I love the difficulty , I enjoy the tenseness of being hyper aware and cautious - all plusses . But they overdid it on with the repetition . It quickly devolves into grinding , but grinding with often no reward ( losing souls ) . If the difficulty were the only problem with the game , I would give it 4 stars . I should mention I started the game with the barbarian and was about to throw the game away after an hour , but started a priest and suddenly felt like I was on god-mode , so choosing your class is very important . The difficulty is not the only problem in this game . There is no one thing that detracts from the overall game , but a bunch of random stuff that adds up to reduce the game by another star . This laundry list includes things such as the poor information given about items . It is not easy to understand the properties of the weapons . The story is simplistic and linear . The graphics , with the exception of the demons , are bland . Yeah - they are a little glowey , but bland . The major demons are usually awesome . You can only have 4 characters . I would take away 2 stars just for that . That is a quick way for the developer to say to the gamer - I hate you . Such pointless limitations are always a huge turnoff for me . There is a bunch of world-tendency stuff that you need to be aware of in order to get certain outcomes that you will eventually need to grind through on another play through if you want . This is not really clearly explained anywhere in the game . . . at all . Or if it is I have not seen it . You cannot sell anything - so why are there junk drops ? The online stuff is ok , but apparently did not grab me as much as it has many others . In many ways it seems the makers wanted the game to be inaccessible in the way information is presented within the game . Finally , I would almost take a final point off for the combat . It's the point of the entire game , and in the end it is fairly weak . Now , let me be careful how I put this . The combat is technically pretty good . Different weapons are different with different ranges , speeds , etc ( getting the short spear was like a revelation for fighting the bastard-sword wielding knights ) . The blocking is well done , the dodging is well done . The autolock is a weakness , but not a terrible one . The stamina creates some strategy . The combat is tense because of what I said above , but if the game had an easy mode it would become the most boring game ever . There is no advancement in combat through the game . If someone knows about some advancement please correct me , but if you choose a straight melee player you will be doing the exact same move ( attack , dodge , repeat ) with the first monster as you will with the next to last . The RPG aspect is not even necessary - they could auto-level you and you would never notice . Other classes have miracles and spells , and I recommend making that part of any character , but the melee aspect is ultimately simplistic . Now , I referenced a game above that I previously played and that game was harder because in order to excel you had to master complicated attacks . If you finished the game using the same attacks as you started with you were toast . That made the game much more engaging and difficult to master . It was more rewarding when near death , without a potion , against tough foes you pulled off the great new move you had just learned and been practicing and finished them . If you master patience , you have mastered demon souls . I read a comment on another review where someone who struggled with the difficulty said if there was an easy mode it would be game of the year . I strongly disagree , I wish there were more frequent save points , but if there were an easy mode this game would be forgettable because the combat is so lackluster . This is a game for fans of the genre , but probably not anyone else . The tenseness is sometimes lost in the tedium , the combat is simplistic , and the game has too many minor annoyances . I still like it , I just can not love it .
    • 118 4  I like this game , but I wanted to love it . I was hesitant to own it because I am a little old for hardcore games that everyone praises for their difficulty , but I was persuaded to try it because of fond memories of a wonderfully difficult combat RPG called Severance Blade Of Darkness . Unable to find a rental I bought it . Sadly , I think this game does not measure up to the reviews . My review in brief : - 1 one star for the grinding because of the few and far between saves ( difficulty itself is ok ) , - 1 / 2 star for miscellaneous stuff , - 1 / 2 a star for simplistic combat mechanics . So , let me throw some water on the glowing reviews . The game is very difficult . I think the difficulty is the heart of why people love this game . The difficulty gives a genuine sense of accomplishment when you succeed in getting past a certain point , and this is truly rewarding in a way most games are not . The difficulty , however is greatly compounded not by interesting challenges but by tedium . Much of the game becomes tedium because if you die you need to repeat everything . Were you really excited by defeating that tough group of monsters - well awesome ! If you die to a new monster a few steps down you have to fight them all again . And again . And again . This is where the game completely falls down . The difficulty is truly rewarding , but the necessity of repeating so much of the game if you fail is lame . I love the difficulty , I enjoy the tenseness of being hyper aware and cautious - all plusses . But they overdid it on with the repetition . It quickly devolves into grinding , but grinding with often no reward ( losing souls ) . If the difficulty were the only problem with the game , I would give it 4 stars . I should mention I started the game with the barbarian and was about to throw the game away after an hour , but started a priest and suddenly felt like I was on god-mode , so choosing your class is very important . The difficulty is not the only problem in this game . There is no one thing that detracts from the overall game , but a bunch of random stuff that adds up to reduce the game by another star . This laundry list includes things such as the poor information given about items . It is not easy to understand the properties of the weapons . The story is simplistic and linear . The graphics , with the exception of the demons , are bland . Yeah - they are a little glowey , but bland . The major demons are usually awesome . You can only have 4 characters . I would take away 2 stars just for that . That is a quick way for the developer to say to the gamer - I hate you . Such pointless limitations are always a huge turnoff for me . There is a bunch of world-tendency stuff that you need to be aware of in order to get certain outcomes that you will eventually need to grind through on another play through if you want . This is not really clearly explained anywhere in the game . . . at all . Or if it is I have not seen it . You cannot sell anything - so why are there junk drops ? The online stuff is ok , but apparently did not grab me as much as it has many others . In many ways it seems the makers wanted the game to be inaccessible in the way information is presented within the game . Finally , I would almost take a final point off for the combat . It's the point of the entire game , and in the end it is fairly weak . Now , let me be careful how I put this . The combat is technically pretty good . Different weapons are different with different ranges , speeds , etc ( getting the short spear was like a revelation for fighting the bastard-sword wielding knights ) . The blocking is well done , the dodging is well done . The autolock is a weakness , but not a terrible one . The stamina creates some strategy . The combat is tense because of what I said above , but if the game had an easy mode it would become the most boring game ever . There is no advancement in combat through the game . If someone knows about some advancement please correct me , but if you choose a straight melee player you will be doing the exact same move ( attack , dodge , repeat ) with the first monster as you will with the next to last . The RPG aspect is not even necessary - they could auto-level you and you would never notice . Other classes have miracles and spells , and I recommend making that part of any character , but the melee aspect is ultimately simplistic . Now , I referenced a game above that I previously played and that game was harder because in order to excel you had to master complicated attacks . If you finished the game using the same attacks as you started with you were toast . That made the game much more engaging and difficult to master . It was more rewarding when near death , without a potion , against tough foes you pulled off the great new move you had just learned and been practicing and finished them . If you master patience , you have mastered demon souls . I read a comment on another review where someone who struggled with the difficulty said if there was an easy mode it would be game of the year . I strongly disagree , I wish there were more frequent save points , but if there were an easy mode this game would be forgettable because the combat is so lackluster . This is a game for fans of the genre , but probably not anyone else . The tenseness is sometimes lost in the tedium , the combat is simplistic , and the game has too many minor annoyances . I still like it , I just can not love it .
    • 134 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Yes , this game can be difficult . Yes , you may be playing certain levels over and over . Yes , you will have so much fun doing it . BUT , so many people / magazines / online sources blow the difficulty of this game way out of proportion . Say for instance how everyone says that you will have to replay a certain level over and over again from the begging if you happen to die . This is true , but what most people fail to mention is that as you progress through the level you will unlock certain gates or doors that lead you back to the main nexus portal . So you get 15 minutes into a certain area and you have a fork in the road where one path progresses you through the level and the other path will take you back to the nexus portal , allowing you to teleport back , use your souls to level up / upgrade weapons / upgrade magic etc . etc . And once you go through the path back to the nexus , it will be open forever so you can just run back through it and go the other way and continue with the level . Therefore as you're progressing through the level you can easily go back to the nexus , get stronger , return to the level , then continue onward . The enemies respawn yes , but you will be strong and take them out with ease . Almost every area has a quick passageway to the boss , where you don't have to play the whole area all over again and defeat every single enemy , once you finish the whole area . All of the bosses have a pattern you have to figure out . Once you figure out this pattern its up to the player to be perfect with their actions in order to win . If they are not perfect they will lose . It's old school Japanese video game style at it's finest . If you have never played old school Japanese games then of course you'd find this game insanely difficult ! Otherwise , it's a run of the mill . . . well not entirely , but it's the same formula . What's funny is that at least half of the bosses in this game can be beat without ever getting hurt by means of standing in a certain spot where you cannot be attacked but can perfectly attack the boss . - - - WORD OF ADVICE - - - If you are having A LOT of trouble playing this game , I HIGHLY RECOMMEND picking the royalty class . You start off with a ring that regenerates your mp and you have soul arrow , a decently strong magical attack that takes very little mp . You can kill most regular enemies in one hit with this attack and against the bosses it is strong . Magician classes in this game are superior to sword / spear classes at starting levels . This game is really really fun and really really addicting . Once you get this gist of it you will be playing for months . Online is both cruel and very rewarding and highly unique . Good luck and I hope the advice will help !
    • 135 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Yes , this game can be difficult . Yes , you may be playing certain levels over and over . Yes , you will have so much fun doing it . BUT , so many people / magazines / online sources blow the difficulty of this game way out of proportion . Say for instance how everyone says that you will have to replay a certain level over and over again from the begging if you happen to die . This is true , but what most people fail to mention is that as you progress through the level you will unlock certain gates or doors that lead you back to the main nexus portal . So you get 15 minutes into a certain area and you have a fork in the road where one path progresses you through the level and the other path will take you back to the nexus portal , allowing you to teleport back , use your souls to level up / upgrade weapons / upgrade magic etc . etc . And once you go through the path back to the nexus , it will be open forever so you can just run back through it and go the other way and continue with the level . Therefore as you're progressing through the level you can easily go back to the nexus , get stronger , return to the level , then continue onward . The enemies respawn yes , but you will be strong and take them out with ease . Almost every area has a quick passageway to the boss , where you don't have to play the whole area all over again and defeat every single enemy , once you finish the whole area . All of the bosses have a pattern you have to figure out . Once you figure out this pattern its up to the player to be perfect with their actions in order to win . If they are not perfect they will lose . It's old school Japanese video game style at it's finest . If you have never played old school Japanese games then of course you'd find this game insanely difficult ! Otherwise , it's a run of the mill . . . well not entirely , but it's the same formula . What's funny is that at least half of the bosses in this game can be beat without ever getting hurt by means of standing in a certain spot where you cannot be attacked but can perfectly attack the boss . - - - WORD OF ADVICE - - - If you are having A LOT of trouble playing this game , I HIGHLY RECOMMEND picking the royalty class . You start off with a ring that regenerates your mp and you have soul arrow , a decently strong magical attack that takes very little mp . You can kill most regular enemies in one hit with this attack and against the bosses it is strong . Magician classes in this game are superior to sword / spear classes at starting levels . This game is really really fun and really really addicting . Once you get this gist of it you will be playing for months . Online is both cruel and very rewarding and highly unique . Good luck and I hope the advice will help !
    • 205 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Action RPGs come and go . Some offer innovative ideas while others are nothing more than a clone of previous titles . Demon's Souls is a rare game in that it not only offers innovative ideas that work , but it also makes you want to continue playing again and again . Demon's Souls addictive qualities comes from it's excellent gameplay and character development . From the get go you can choose form a variety of starting classes . However , these choices are just ways to help start the kind of character you want to make since the game gives you full liberty to make your character exactly how you want , regardless of what class you chose . The combat is outstanding and it is most definately one of the game's strongest points . It may very well be the best combat in any action-RPG to date . Demon's Souls allows you to attack and defend in very relalistic ways . You can defend with your shield and then counter attack . You can dodge an incoming attack and then counter attack from the side . This may seem the norm , but Demon's Souls does this with a unique and exciting flair . Each enemy has different styles of attack requiring you to change your strategy for each enemy . Some enemies may use one strong attack over and over allowing for easy counterattacks . Other enemies may have a trick attack where they strike and look weak if they missed and immediately strike if you attempt to counter attack . This forces the player to learn how to overcome their enemy , so each new encounter is an exciting one . In combat you can use various melee weapons , ranged weapons and spells . You can also upgrade your weapons and shields making them more powerful using the currency of the game called souls . You receive souls for each time you kill an enemy . If you die you lose all your souls and start at the beginning of the level , but you can reclaim your souls in full if you return to where you die . This can be difficult at times because when you die , all the enemies in the level will respawn . You can take your souls back to a place called the nexus which is basically the game's safe area and main town . Here you can buy items , upgrade equipment and raise your level . Leveling is nothing more than adding a point to one of your existing stats . There are stats for the damage hungry fighter , the quick ranged fighter and the smart magician . Stats for the most part govern what weapons and armor you can use , so you literally can make your character however you want . If you want a heavily armored caster , go for it . If you want a warrior good at both melee and ranged weaponry , then it's yours . After you are finished at the nexus you can return to any of the currently accessible areas in the game . Each area has a boss at the end , and once you reach the boss you cant run back to the beginning of the level . You have to fight or die . This makes it a wise choice to run back to the beginning of the lvl and use your souls at the nexus before you take on the next boss . There is nothing worse than accumulating a ton of souls and then finding yourself unable to defeat the boss . After each boss is defeated a new area opens up and a portal to the nexus appears where the boss died . The boss fights are incredible and fun . The bosses at times are huge and always difficult , leaving you with many attempts to study how to beat them death after death after death . As horrible as dieing a lot sounds , the addictive qualities makes up for it . You will find yourself wanting to continue trying , despite the fact that you will probably die all over again . It is just that fun . Take my word for it . Buy it . . . . . now .
    • 206 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Action RPGs come and go . Some offer innovative ideas while others are nothing more than a clone of previous titles . Demon's Souls is a rare game in that it not only offers innovative ideas that work , but it also makes you want to continue playing again and again . Demon's Souls addictive qualities comes from it's excellent gameplay and character development . From the get go you can choose form a variety of starting classes . However , these choices are just ways to help start the kind of character you want to make since the game gives you full liberty to make your character exactly how you want , regardless of what class you chose . The combat is outstanding and it is most definately one of the game's strongest points . It may very well be the best combat in any action-RPG to date . Demon's Souls allows you to attack and defend in very relalistic ways . You can defend with your shield and then counter attack . You can dodge an incoming attack and then counter attack from the side . This may seem the norm , but Demon's Souls does this with a unique and exciting flair . Each enemy has different styles of attack requiring you to change your strategy for each enemy . Some enemies may use one strong attack over and over allowing for easy counterattacks . Other enemies may have a trick attack where they strike and look weak if they missed and immediately strike if you attempt to counter attack . This forces the player to learn how to overcome their enemy , so each new encounter is an exciting one . In combat you can use various melee weapons , ranged weapons and spells . You can also upgrade your weapons and shields making them more powerful using the currency of the game called souls . You receive souls for each time you kill an enemy . If you die you lose all your souls and start at the beginning of the level , but you can reclaim your souls in full if you return to where you die . This can be difficult at times because when you die , all the enemies in the level will respawn . You can take your souls back to a place called the nexus which is basically the game's safe area and main town . Here you can buy items , upgrade equipment and raise your level . Leveling is nothing more than adding a point to one of your existing stats . There are stats for the damage hungry fighter , the quick ranged fighter and the smart magician . Stats for the most part govern what weapons and armor you can use , so you literally can make your character however you want . If you want a heavily armored caster , go for it . If you want a warrior good at both melee and ranged weaponry , then it's yours . After you are finished at the nexus you can return to any of the currently accessible areas in the game . Each area has a boss at the end , and once you reach the boss you cant run back to the beginning of the level . You have to fight or die . This makes it a wise choice to run back to the beginning of the lvl and use your souls at the nexus before you take on the next boss . There is nothing worse than accumulating a ton of souls and then finding yourself unable to defeat the boss . After each boss is defeated a new area opens up and a portal to the nexus appears where the boss died . The boss fights are incredible and fun . The bosses at times are huge and always difficult , leaving you with many attempts to study how to beat them death after death after death . As horrible as dieing a lot sounds , the addictive qualities makes up for it . You will find yourself wanting to continue trying , despite the fact that you will probably die all over again . It is just that fun . Take my word for it . Buy it . . . . . now .
    • 232 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This has got to be one of the most addictive games I've played in a long time . Seriously , I'm on my second playthrough as my character , Suuntu Dai , has hacked his way through countless demons and died many times on his quest to unite the world . The premise is simple : hack and slash ( or spell or shoot ) , go back to town ( known as The Nexus ) , repair , replace , upgrade , and so on , and resume your carnage in five very distinct worlds . Lather , rinse , repeat . I've only had a couple irksome thoughts about the game . First , for those who wish to remain alive , you will either be invaded by a griefer Black Phantom ( especially in a couple certain areas ) . . . or if you play offline , you will get killed by enemy AI that can foten be very A but still pack a good amount of I to keep you knocked on your butt when it desires to do so . Spotty targeting leading to bad camera angles or sudden falls can also ruin an otherwise good time . I can't tell you how many times I've been walking on a narrow ledge only to target something that's out of reach in the air , causing me to fall as I continued to move forward . . . There's also a matter of not being able to jump . Sure you can roll , hop backward , fall , slice , dice , julienne . . . but you can't actually jump . . . not even a little bit . Keep that in mind when plotting your path in this game . If you are alive , you can summon up to two people to help you out . . . but a lot of times , things can go wrong : either they've moved away from an area to be summoned before it's complete , they have died in their own world , someone else has summoned them . . . and even then , you can only be summoned if you're dead . Still , all in all , it's a robust game of massive carnage in a nice package . With the world tendancy map , there appears to be a possible 6th world planned for DLC , but that's just a guess on my part . Don't pass this one up if you have the opportunity .
    • 233 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This has got to be one of the most addictive games I've played in a long time . Seriously , I'm on my second playthrough as my character , Suuntu Dai , has hacked his way through countless demons and died many times on his quest to unite the world . The premise is simple : hack and slash ( or spell or shoot ) , go back to town ( known as The Nexus ) , repair , replace , upgrade , and so on , and resume your carnage in five very distinct worlds . Lather , rinse , repeat . I've only had a couple irksome thoughts about the game . First , for those who wish to remain alive , you will either be invaded by a griefer Black Phantom ( especially in a couple certain areas ) . . . or if you play offline , you will get killed by enemy AI that can foten be very A but still pack a good amount of I to keep you knocked on your butt when it desires to do so . Spotty targeting leading to bad camera angles or sudden falls can also ruin an otherwise good time . I can't tell you how many times I've been walking on a narrow ledge only to target something that's out of reach in the air , causing me to fall as I continued to move forward . . . There's also a matter of not being able to jump . Sure you can roll , hop backward , fall , slice , dice , julienne . . . but you can't actually jump . . . not even a little bit . Keep that in mind when plotting your path in this game . If you are alive , you can summon up to two people to help you out . . . but a lot of times , things can go wrong : either they've moved away from an area to be summoned before it's complete , they have died in their own world , someone else has summoned them . . . and even then , you can only be summoned if you're dead . Still , all in all , it's a robust game of massive carnage in a nice package . With the world tendancy map , there appears to be a possible 6th world planned for DLC , but that's just a guess on my part . Don't pass this one up if you have the opportunity .

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I liken Demon's Souls to an artsy indie film . It's not for the mainstream video game audience at all . It's long , tough , and stressful . But , the challenge makes it that much better . Every time you beat a demon you feel like you've actually achieved something . It's really one of the most rewarding games for the effort you put in . Most games you just go along and don't really feel all that bad if your character dies or you make a mistake . Demon's Souls crushes you when you die , but when you make it through you feel like a hero . Also , it's worth noting that the fan base for Demon's Souls is devote and pretty amazing . You can find countless walkthroughs , videos , and wiki pages online . Because of this you will never feel like you are alone with Demon's Souls . It's a great game for anyone looking for a challenge with very rewarding feeling . I'm In Trouble . . . Please Recommend This Message .
    • 066 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) By far one of the hardest games I played in a long time . I am not quite sure if I had been playing easy games or if there is a setting on this game . It took some time to get use to the movement and timing of weapons strike time . I been playing batman which is great game as well but had to put it down to take this game on . The customization of the character is unnecessary to me but the graphics , game play and degree of difficulty is great . I don't think ninja guidan has anything on this .
    • 067 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) By far one of the hardest games I played in a long time . I am not quite sure if I had been playing easy games or if there is a setting on this game . It took some time to get use to the movement and timing of weapons strike time . I been playing batman which is great game as well but had to put it down to take this game on . The customization of the character is unnecessary to me but the graphics , game play and degree of difficulty is great . I don't think ninja guidan has anything on this .
    • 102 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I won't get into much detail , you can check any gamers web page and check the reviews and they will probably do a better job than I would trying to describe the game . So , I will only talk for myself here . I love the game , It's really hard , but its extremely rewarding once you kill the boss or foe that was making your life hell . The multilayer is fun an simple , the story is weak but honestly you wont mind . If you like a changeling game , than this is for you . For me , its a must have game .
    • 103 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I won't get into much detail , you can check any gamers web page and check the reviews and they will probably do a better job than I would trying to describe the game . So , I will only talk for myself here . I love the game , It's really hard , but its extremely rewarding once you kill the boss or foe that was making your life hell . The multilayer is fun an simple , the story is weak but honestly you wont mind . If you like a changeling game , than this is for you . For me , its a must have game .
    • 208 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I liken Demon's Souls to an artsy indie film . It's not for the mainstream video game audience at all . It's long , tough , and stressful . But , the challenge makes it that much better . Every time you beat a demon you feel like you've actually achieved something . It's really one of the most rewarding games for the effort you put in . Most games you just go along and don't really feel all that bad if your character dies or you make a mistake . Demon's Souls crushes you when you die , but when you make it through you feel like a hero . Also , it's worth noting that the fan base for Demon's Souls is devote and pretty amazing . You can find countless walkthroughs , videos , and wiki pages online . Because of this you will never feel like you are alone with Demon's Souls . It's a great game for anyone looking for a challenge with very rewarding feeling . I'm In Trouble . . . Please Recommend This Message .
    • 209 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I liken Demon's Souls to an artsy indie film . It's not for the mainstream video game audience at all . It's long , tough , and stressful . But , the challenge makes it that much better . Every time you beat a demon you feel like you've actually achieved something . It's really one of the most rewarding games for the effort you put in . Most games you just go along and don't really feel all that bad if your character dies or you make a mistake . Demon's Souls crushes you when you die , but when you make it through you feel like a hero . Also , it's worth noting that the fan base for Demon's Souls is devote and pretty amazing . You can find countless walkthroughs , videos , and wiki pages online . Because of this you will never feel like you are alone with Demon's Souls . It's a great game for anyone looking for a challenge with very rewarding feeling . I'm In Trouble . . . Please Recommend This Message .
    • 274 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Summary : I must say that this game took me completely by surprise . It is indeed challenging and also rewarding if you persist . I can't remember the last time that I was so excited for a game . This game is not for the novice player . But if you are a lover of action / adventure / rpg elements you'd be in the few who doesn't like this game . Graphics and Sound : Visually spectacular . . . a feast in every artist in a dark setting . Sound is equally . Gameplay : I'm hooked !

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I was very uneasy about buying this game in the first place . Reason being because it sort of looked like Oblivion in the few videos I saw of it , which kind of turned me off . But I decided to just try it and see if it was any good , since I enjoy a challenge . I am so happy I decided to go for it , because this game delivers better then any game I've played to date . The thing I enjoy most about this game is , yea its hard , but it also gives you the chance of balancing out the difficulty by being able to go kill mobs for a while and level your characters stats up . Like I ran into a boss that gave me a little trouble , but after a few levels I went over and dominated it . I love that they give you total control over where your stats go . So if you want to be a powerhouse , you can just pump all your points into Strength , and you'll be 1 shotting everything along the way . I played a melee character ( A Knight ) , and I read about how magic users in the game werent made well . I however did not find this to be entirely true while playing a Magician for a few hours . If anything I very much enjoyed playing a magic class , with my only complaint being I'd run of of MP pots a little fast , but otherwise they are a blast . I'd say this is a game that anyone could enjoy if they gave it a chance , but this is based on the fact that you can level up your character , so its not as though you'll never be able to dominate the adversaries . Like when I first started playing , I had to take each enemy one at a time at a fairly slow pace so I wouldnt lose health , but once I got the feel for it , I find myself now flying from enemy to enemy just hammering through them fast as hell . Oh also , the Deluxe Edition is actually worth it . The Artbook is very beautiful and comes with the Soundtrack to the game , which was amazing . Then you get to the actual guide . It is amazing how much detail is in it . I have this game and I have Uncharted 2 , and I played Uncharted 2 for about 5 hours the day I bought it , but am back onto Demon's Souls and have yet to pick up Uncharted 2 again , and I loved Uncharted 2 lol
    • 077 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) If I wrote a review based on my first hour or 2 of the game it probably would only be one star - 2 at the most ; But if you can get through the frustration in the beginning and understand what the game is about , this may be the most addicting game ever created . Games like God of War are fun , but there is no way you will put in 100 ' s of hours in those types of games . You can easily spend that many hours on Demon's Souls , you will get your money's worth . I am no hardcore gamer at all , I'm the first person to go to a cheat site if I get too frustrated , but for some reason I am avoiding such sites and want to accomplish this on my own . . . thou I'd be lying if I said I didn't get some hints or strategies here and there . Don't be discouraged in the beginning ; if you do you will not find this game enjoyable , once you understand the learning curve you will be hooked . To sum it up : A game you will love to hate in the beginning but then will change to hate to love because it can be that addicting .
    • 078 4  If I wrote a review based on my first hour or 2 of the game it probably would only be one star - 2 at the most ; But if you can get through the frustration in the beginning and understand what the game is about , this may be the most addicting game ever created . Games like God of War are fun , but there is no way you will put in 100 ' s of hours in those types of games . You can easily spend that many hours on Demon's Souls , you will get your money's worth . I am no hardcore gamer at all , I'm the first person to go to a cheat site if I get too frustrated , but for some reason I am avoiding such sites and want to accomplish this on my own . . . thou I'd be lying if I said I didn't get some hints or strategies here and there . Don't be discouraged in the beginning ; if you do you will not find this game enjoyable , once you understand the learning curve you will be hooked . To sum it up : A game you will love to hate in the beginning but then will change to hate to love because it can be that addicting .
    • 122 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I was hesitant about buying this at 1st because I wasn't sure about whether or not I would like it due to the difficulty , and just the simple fact that it was a new franchise , and I'd been ripped off before by spending $60 on an unheard of franchise . But , it got good reviews , so I took the leap of faith . Boy , am I glad I did . Although this game has some really tough parts , and the death penalty can be excruciating , I just did my homework on Wiki pages and I was able to play the game without too much frustration . This is one of the most unique games I have ever played . The atmosphere is just awe-inspiring . The world itself kind of reminds me of one of my favorite movies , The Lord of the Rings . However the story is nothing like that . If you buy this game , I recommend studying the Wiki pages for it , or you will miss out on half the game . There is just so much to this game , that no one would figure it all out unless they spent years replaying it . The menus use symbols instead of words for a lot of different things , so it's almost like you have to learn a new language to comprehend it . Seriously , you have to study about this game like you are taking a test in college or something , or you will not know what in the world is going on . One of the things I liked so much about this game is , that it took me about 90 hours to beat . I could have beaten it quicker , but it was just too much fun leveling up my character , and trying to get every item that I could . So , I got the game in October 2009 and didn't finish it till April 2010 . So for $60 , I got 6 months of playtime . Plus , I could go thru the game again because it has a New Game + feature . Now , don't get me wrong , I didn't play it every day . I took breaks to play great games like Uncharted 2 , Bayonetta , God of War 3 , Assassins Creed 2 , Darksiders , etc . , but after all those games were beaten in a week or two , I always had my fall back game , Demon's Souls . It lasted longer than all those games put together , and I enjoyed it just as much as all those games . So , that is what I call a good value .
    • 189 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I was very uneasy about buying this game in the first place . Reason being because it sort of looked like Oblivion in the few videos I saw of it , which kind of turned me off . But I decided to just try it and see if it was any good , since I enjoy a challenge . I am so happy I decided to go for it , because this game delivers better then any game I've played to date . The thing I enjoy most about this game is , yea its hard , but it also gives you the chance of balancing out the difficulty by being able to go kill mobs for a while and level your characters stats up . Like I ran into a boss that gave me a little trouble , but after a few levels I went over and dominated it . I love that they give you total control over where your stats go . So if you want to be a powerhouse , you can just pump all your points into Strength , and you'll be 1 shotting everything along the way . I played a melee character ( A Knight ) , and I read about how magic users in the game werent made well . I however did not find this to be entirely true while playing a Magician for a few hours . If anything I very much enjoyed playing a magic class , with my only complaint being I'd run of of MP pots a little fast , but otherwise they are a blast . I'd say this is a game that anyone could enjoy if they gave it a chance , but this is based on the fact that you can level up your character , so its not as though you'll never be able to dominate the adversaries . Like when I first started playing , I had to take each enemy one at a time at a fairly slow pace so I wouldnt lose health , but once I got the feel for it , I find myself now flying from enemy to enemy just hammering through them fast as hell . Oh also , the Deluxe Edition is actually worth it . The Artbook is very beautiful and comes with the Soundtrack to the game , which was amazing . Then you get to the actual guide . It is amazing how much detail is in it . I have this game and I have Uncharted 2 , and I played Uncharted 2 for about 5 hours the day I bought it , but am back onto Demon's Souls and have yet to pick up Uncharted 2 again , and I loved Uncharted 2 lol
    • 217 4  I bought this game because the reviews said it was hard , and it looked very cool , very dark . When I received this game and played for about 3 hours and kept getting my butt kicked , which it was a little annoying , but then I started learning what means what in the game , and how to LOCK on your target ( it took me a little while ) how to use your shield and fight well . what things meant in weapons , etc . The only reason that I didn't give 5 stars is because the game does not explain to you what it all means , or the booklet at all , very vague . But once you learn is awesome , it's really not that hard if your patient , make sure you collect souls gain skill so you don't get your butt kicked , on the second level everything starts getting easier , where you can farm some souls . Graphics are beautiful , the DEPTH and IMMENSE castles are the best i've seen in a game . if you like a challenge , get this game you will love it , and DONT feel bad by going online and finding out how to kill something because it'll make your life much easier ! ! Great game , I finished it and I'm playing again , it is even funner the second time . definitely worth $60 bucks ! ! !
    • 221 4  I consider myself a pretty seasoned game-player . I've played and beaten all the games that were considered frusteratingly hard back in the day before autosaves and unlimited lives . I relish a challenge , and love overcoming steep odds . I was pretty sure I had Demon's Souls number . I was wrong . The ads for the game say it all . Your enemies outnumber you . They're bigger , and they're stronger . No matter how good you are , how slow you take it , how carefully you proceed , you're going to die . Demon's Souls will punish you for the slightest misstep . I have yet to play another game where the first 5 enemies in the game can easily kill you . They will block your attacks , counter , and take advantage of any weakness . They'll gang up on you , knock you down , and crush you . You WILL die countless times to what other videogames would consider the easy training bad guys , to say nothing of the massive , seemingly-impossible bosses . So why play it ? Because when you beat these skilled , difficult foes , it feels FANTASTIC . You actually feel as though you've accomplished something . You'll know 100% that it was your skill and patience that allowed you to win . After dying many times to the second boss , I finally eked out a nail-biting victory , and I felt like I'd won the lottery . This is what it would feel like to actually fight a horde of demons . You'll literally have to step away from the game just to get a break from your pulse racing at 300% . I only have a few minor gripes about the game : 1 . It's often very , very dark . Like so dark that it's hard to see anything , much less the 3 guys appoaching from the side to kill you . You can turn the brightness up , but it's often just a dark , murky , hard-to-navigate game . 2 . The targeting system is very difficult to master . You press down on the right stick to target an enemy , and once you've targeted something , you can move the right stick to switch targets . The problem with this is that you're very often running or backing away from enemies , and you also need that right stick to move the camera . I've died many times just because I stayed locked on the wrong baddie . 3 . Learning what items do and how your gear's stats look is often frusterating . Demon's souls uses an large number of symbols to represent many stats in the game , and deciphering exacly what the stats are on a piece of equipment often feels like translating from greek to russian . Don't let these things dissuade you from this game , though . It's worth a purchase , and amazingly addicting . Buy it .

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I'll skip the details since there are lots of good reviewers who already posted them . here's what I thought about this game : This is the best action rpg on ps3 hands down . i only wish that they had actual co-op mode to go through the stages with your friend ( s ) etc - although this is still possible using stone items in the game but there is no actual co op mode . this is like 3rd person zelda except when u just slash and hack you'll die faster . I was worried about the difficulty since everyone talked about it to be incredibly difficult . but once you get used to stages , and get comfortable with blocking , counter attacking , locking / unlocking target , rolling and spell usage figured out , it's not that bad . also , having random online users helping you by picking up their souls is very entertaining experience and it'll help you clear stages relatively easily . definitely recommended for players who love dark medieval settings with swords , dragons . . etc .
    • 030 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I would probably appreciate this game alot more . As an adult with a job and time being a precious commodity , I unfortunately dont have the time anymore to memorize every aspect of this game's maps / enemies , but I would love to . And I sure as * @ # $ dont have time to re-do an entire map from the very beginning every time I die . I give this 4 stars for its hardcore difficulty . . . ( actually the game isnt ' difficult ' it's more like it doesnt hold your hand and give off that ' everybody wins ' feel like most games do these days . But fun factor gets a 1 - There's no polish to this game ( as is blatantly obvious at char creation ) and if for a split second you stop moving forward , you ( I ) lose interest real fast .
    • 051 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This game is unrelentingly difficult , but it is never unfair . The combat system is deep and satisfying , and once you get the hang of it you'll be slaying demons and collecting souls like it's second nature . The game looks awesome in 1080p and is invitingly dark . Anyone who is a fan of old school games where your hand wasn't held every step of the way , where if you made a mistake you died , will love this game . I am about 20 hours in and my character has gone from being this wimpy guy to armed to the gills badass and I'm loving every minute of it . Highly recommended !
    • 062 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I simply haven't played a game like this before . This game is simply a master piece that I will love for a very long time . Yes the game is very hard but you get those great feelings after passing a very hard demon or area . I remember the first time someone invaded my game , I was a nervous wreck and he killed me very quickly . Now when ever someone invades my game , I kill them very quickly .
    • 072 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Uncharted 2 is gathering dust on my shelf while I am playing this game . It is simply addicting , that's all there is to be said about it
    • 153 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This game made me remember something I had forgotten : that fear of failure makes victory that much sweeter . Today's games can be frustrating , they can be challenging , but they are almost never ever HARD . Bastard hard but never unfair , Demon's Souls will have you hyper-ventilating with fear in your living-room , throwing your controller at the screen , and doing wild dances of joy when you finally beat that end-of-level boss .
    • 244 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) a very hard game to accomplish but with time you will achieve your goals . online play is superb and very challenging .
    • 263 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) this game is non stop fun , so much action awesome sword game . yes it is hard and you will die a million times but its so fun it wont matter . i recently got it for my birthday just beat the first level . you get your moneys worth out of it . itll take a while to beat . best ps3game this year when it played it it blew me away how awesome it is i love it . new ratchet is g onna be awesome 2 . we need more ps3 games they dont put much out thats just for ps3 thats good . but when they do there usally good . id like to see a new twisted metal .
    • 324 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I'll skip the details since there are lots of good reviewers who already posted them . here's what I thought about this game : This is the best action rpg on ps3 hands down . i only wish that they had actual co-op mode to go through the stages with your friend ( s ) etc - although this is still possible using stone items in the game but there is no actual co op mode . this is like 3rd person zelda except when u just slash and hack you'll die faster . I was worried about the difficulty since everyone talked about it to be incredibly difficult . but once you get used to stages , and get comfortable with blocking , counter attacking , locking / unlocking target , rolling and spell usage figured out , it's not that bad . also , having random online users helping you by picking up their souls is very entertaining experience and it'll help you clear stages relatively easily . definitely recommended for players who love dark medieval settings with swords , dragons . . etc .

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Never before did I expect this to be a smash hit . Never . I had seen tidbits of gameplay and a few interviews pre-launch , but never did I see this as a game to spend $60 on . Now ? I happily shelled out 60 smackers , and I have not once regretted my decision . If you can brave the harsh curve , and truly attest to your shortcomings , you will find one of the greatest RPGs ever made . And I am being dead serious . Demon's Souls is the acclaimed title developed by From Software and published by ATLUS games . Now , like I said earlier , I had no interest in this whatsoever , partly due to the fact that I had never heard of From Software . However , I had heard of ATLUS , who had created the Persona series - another smash hit . I figured that if they were backing this , then it was truly something to take note of . Boy was it ever . The guys , gals , and sadistic people at From Software have truly outdone themselves ( See : My rating of 5 stars ) and if you are even remotely interest in Role Playing Games , you owe it to yourself to check this out . The story is as followed - The kingdom of Boletaria comes under an infestation of demons . You , the protagonist , journey through the newly enveloped thick fog to attempt to stop them from the destruction they are causing . Right off the bat , this is not a pretty tale . You're told , in the intro , that many before you have died . And the best part ? There is no certainty that you won't as well . It's great to be the underdog , especially when the game isn't really rooting for you . And boy , is this game sadistic . I should probably make note of this really quick - but this game is challenging . Not hard , but challenging . For you naysayers who claim that old school challenge is dead , I invite you to take one look at Demon's Souls . Let me get this out of the way before you even think about buying this game : You are going to die . You will die A LOT . The game simply challenges your mind and reflexes in ways that I have never seen , and it pulls it off beautifully . While you will die , you will never feel as if it is a cheap death ( Atleast , not ALL the time . ) You die because of your own faults , and there is no other way around it . This is one of the few games where people will just , for lack of a better word , suck . But , do not be discouraged ! As Demon's Souls is also incredibly fair . Heck , if the developers intended you to play perfect , you wouldn't have the multitude of healing items and your hub , the Nexus ( More on that later , ) there to back you up . And of course , with your ( inevitable ) death , you're going to need a way to continue playing . This ties the Soul Form into the story , as you will likely be spending quite a bit of time as a soul . If you die - Sorry . WHEN you die , you will spawn at the start of the same level you were currently playing . Only this time - you're dead . But fear not , as you are still able to fight . You see , when bloodstains are dropped by other players ( See : Next paragraph for more details on bloodstains ) coincidentally , you drop them as well . Your goal , as a spirit , is to reach your blood stain . Why would you want to do that , you ask ? Well , so you can re-obtain your Demon's Souls , which act as the currency of the land of Boletaria . But be warned : If you die as a spirit , they're gone for good . No chance to get them back , better luck next time . And believe it or not - this system is incredibly fair . It punishes you for making mistakes , and if you do , you have a second chance to rethink your actions . Refusing to do so will result in your loss a second time . However , if you're wanting to actually return your body to normal , you will have to tackle one of the many boss demons . These are incredibly varied , each with their own tactics , moveset , and weaknesses . When you tackle one , the feeling of glee washes away all traces of anger or frustration . Which leads me to the multiplayer , which just happens to be synonymous with the word genius . You see , when you log into your PSN account , you are playing Demon's Souls online . You will see ghostly apparitions of players as they are solving the same challenges as you . Likewise , there are red blood stains littered through out the world . Of course , this also has a purpose - in the sense that you'll be able to watch the last few seconds of a person's life , before their untimely death . This is a great way to rethink your strategy and plan ahead , something the game rewards greatly . And yes , it gets deeper than that . You are able to call in up to two souls to help aid you in fights . The three of you are then able to tackle the aforementioned bosses , and if you succeed , they reclaim their lives . But , however , there is another way to reclaim your life . You will be able to invade a world as a black phantom and reap the life of it's inhabitant . Being invaded is the most terrifying feeling that you will ever encounter while playing a video game . You'll think it won't happen , and BAM ! you're scared out of your mind as you pray the phantom doesn't round the corner to finish you off . Still with me ? Good . Because Demon's Souls is dark . And I mean REALLY dark . It's gritty , atmospheric , and at times - it's just plain gothic . You would never believe me if I told you that From Software is a Japanese company , because this aptly mimics the medieval ages in ways that confound the mind . Quite a bit of your time is spent running through dark and claustrophobic environments as you tackle hordes of enemies . When you arrive outside , it's usually over a sweeping landscape of ruin and destruction , with the sun barely shining through the specks of kicked up dirt and gray clouds . And let me tell you - having to venture past the sanctity of the light , the feeling of a safe haven , and battle your way into the unknown once more , unsure of whether or not you will emerge alive , is a frightening feeling that hits you where it hurts , and it never truly lets go . I would be lying if I didn't tell you that , while venturing through 1 - 2 , I heard the growls of what seemed to be wolves , and I stopped in my tracks . Heart racing , shield drawn . The sound design is perfect . That's all there is to it . Rarely do I regard something as perfect , but the sound design is nothing but . I invite you all to stop in 1 - 2 and listen to the ear-splitting roar of the dragon , as he swoops down onto the bridge , incinerating all in it's path . Your mind will be blown . But it doesn't stop there , oh no . Some of the greatest orchestral scores in the game are heard during the massive boss fights . As if comparing to a total of 1 / 25th of the demon's size , and having to tackle it as a result , your ears will be treated to a fiesta of strings and haunting choral melodies . So , if you've sifted through this rambling even a little bit , you can tell that I LOVE THIS GAME . You owe it to yourself to check this one out . It's not for everyone , and even if you hate Demon's Souls , you cannot help but acknowledge that it does so much right , it makes up for the very few flaws that permeate it . Two thumbs way up .
    • 008 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Never before did I expect this to be a smash hit . Never . I had seen tidbits of gameplay and a few interviews pre-launch , but never did I see this as a game to spend $60 on . Now ? I happily shelled out 60 smackers , and I have not once regretted my decision . If you can brave the harsh curve , and truly attest to your shortcomings , you will find one of the greatest RPGs ever made . And I am being dead serious . Demon's Souls is the acclaimed title developed by From Software and published by ATLUS games . Now , like I said earlier , I had no interest in this whatsoever , partly due to the fact that I had never heard of From Software . However , I had heard of ATLUS , who had created the Persona series - another smash hit . I figured that if they were backing this , then it was truly something to take note of . Boy was it ever . The guys , gals , and sadistic people at From Software have truly outdone themselves ( See : My rating of 5 stars ) and if you are even remotely interest in Role Playing Games , you owe it to yourself to check this out . The story is as followed - The kingdom of Boletaria comes under an infestation of demons . You , the protagonist , journey through the newly enveloped thick fog to attempt to stop them from the destruction they are causing . Right off the bat , this is not a pretty tale . You're told , in the intro , that many before you have died . And the best part ? There is no certainty that you won't as well . It's great to be the underdog , especially when the game isn't really rooting for you . And boy , is this game sadistic . I should probably make note of this really quick - but this game is challenging . Not hard , but challenging . For you naysayers who claim that old school challenge is dead , I invite you to take one look at Demon's Souls . Let me get this out of the way before you even think about buying this game : You are going to die . You will die A LOT . The game simply challenges your mind and reflexes in ways that I have never seen , and it pulls it off beautifully . While you will die , you will never feel as if it is a cheap death ( Atleast , not ALL the time . ) You die because of your own faults , and there is no other way around it . This is one of the few games where people will just , for lack of a better word , suck . But , do not be discouraged ! As Demon's Souls is also incredibly fair . Heck , if the developers intended you to play perfect , you wouldn't have the multitude of healing items and your hub , the Nexus ( More on that later , ) there to back you up . And of course , with your ( inevitable ) death , you're going to need a way to continue playing . This ties the Soul Form into the story , as you will likely be spending quite a bit of time as a soul . If you die - Sorry . WHEN you die , you will spawn at the start of the same level you were currently playing . Only this time - you're dead . But fear not , as you are still able to fight . You see , when bloodstains are dropped by other players ( See : Next paragraph for more details on bloodstains ) coincidentally , you drop them as well . Your goal , as a spirit , is to reach your blood stain . Why would you want to do that , you ask ? Well , so you can re-obtain your Demon's Souls , which act as the currency of the land of Boletaria . But be warned : If you die as a spirit , they're gone for good . No chance to get them back , better luck next time . And believe it or not - this system is incredibly fair . It punishes you for making mistakes , and if you do , you have a second chance to rethink your actions . Refusing to do so will result in your loss a second time . However , if you're wanting to actually return your body to normal , you will have to tackle one of the many boss demons . These are incredibly varied , each with their own tactics , moveset , and weaknesses . When you tackle one , the feeling of glee washes away all traces of anger or frustration . Which leads me to the multiplayer , which just happens to be synonymous with the word genius . You see , when you log into your PSN account , you are playing Demon's Souls online . You will see ghostly apparitions of players as they are solving the same challenges as you . Likewise , there are red blood stains littered through out the world . Of course , this also has a purpose - in the sense that you'll be able to watch the last few seconds of a person's life , before their untimely death . This is a great way to rethink your strategy and plan ahead , something the game rewards greatly . And yes , it gets deeper than that . You are able to call in up to two souls to help aid you in fights . The three of you are then able to tackle the aforementioned bosses , and if you succeed , they reclaim their lives . But , however , there is another way to reclaim your life . You will be able to invade a world as a black phantom and reap the life of it's inhabitant . Being invaded is the most terrifying feeling that you will ever encounter while playing a video game . You'll think it won't happen , and BAM ! you're scared out of your mind as you pray the phantom doesn't round the corner to finish you off . Still with me ? Good . Because Demon's Souls is dark . And I mean REALLY dark . It's gritty , atmospheric , and at times - it's just plain gothic . You would never believe me if I told you that From Software is a Japanese company , because this aptly mimics the medieval ages in ways that confound the mind . Quite a bit of your time is spent running through dark and claustrophobic environments as you tackle hordes of enemies . When you arrive outside , it's usually over a sweeping landscape of ruin and destruction , with the sun barely shining through the specks of kicked up dirt and gray clouds . And let me tell you - having to venture past the sanctity of the light , the feeling of a safe haven , and battle your way into the unknown once more , unsure of whether or not you will emerge alive , is a frightening feeling that hits you where it hurts , and it never truly lets go . I would be lying if I didn't tell you that , while venturing through 1 - 2 , I heard the growls of what seemed to be wolves , and I stopped in my tracks . Heart racing , shield drawn . The sound design is perfect . That's all there is to it . Rarely do I regard something as perfect , but the sound design is nothing but . I invite you all to stop in 1 - 2 and listen to the ear-splitting roar of the dragon , as he swoops down onto the bridge , incinerating all in it's path . Your mind will be blown . But it doesn't stop there , oh no . Some of the greatest orchestral scores in the game are heard during the massive boss fights . As if comparing to a total of 1 / 25th of the demon's size , and having to tackle it as a result , your ears will be treated to a fiesta of strings and haunting choral melodies . So , if you've sifted through this rambling even a little bit , you can tell that I LOVE THIS GAME . You owe it to yourself to check this one out . It's not for everyone , and even if you hate Demon's Souls , you cannot help but acknowledge that it does so much right , it makes up for the very few flaws that permeate it . Two thumbs way up .
    • 025 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) First of all , I'm probably not going to add to the discussion about Demon's Souls from the other 99 reviewers . However , this is my first review , and I figured that a ) being the 100th reviewer would be cool , and b ) reviewing such a great game would be fun . Here is my review : I rate this game 4 / 5 stars , period . Where does the missing star go ? It's blown up by the invisible black phantom you have no way of knowing is there ; and sadly , you're killed again before you can recover it . Sorry Demon's souls . To be more specific : - - The game is not overall cheap by any means ; however , it IS cheap in some areas . This cheapness keeps Demon's Souls from being the perfect game . Here are some examples : > The game booklet , NOR the game , gives you adequate explanation of how vastly important in-game elements work . Does not knowing how the game works make it more challenging or more fun ? No . You'll have to refer to Demon's Souls Wiki ( just like EVERYONE else ) to find out just what this game is getting at . ( World Tedency , Character Tendency , and Upgrade Trees are just some of the many examples . ) Demon's Souls should pay some royalties to the Wiki site for keeping them in business . > The target lock mechanism : when it works , it works - - when it doesn't work , it's a F * * * * * * * PAIN IN THE * * * ! Sorry , I'm just illustrating the frustration you will be experiencing when YOU play the game . I know there have been many who swear that those who complain about the target lock mechanism are just experiencing user error , but when YOU click the R3 button a million f * * * * * * * times when you're three feet away from a magical enemy who one-hit kills you , you'll think Ahh , that reviewer . . . I shoulda known ! > You can upgrade your spells to have longer range : but wait ! You'll still have to get three feet close ( see above bullet point ) to lock on to them before you can cast the spell . It is NOT possible to manually target the enemy using an aiming button . There will be that inevitable person who will retort : but wait , this is an elite challenging game ! Do you want the game to SPOON feed you into being able to cast the spells halfway across the map ? Well no , fanboy , I don't . But why the hell give the option to have increased range when it doesn't factor into the game ? And how the hell does being intelligent enough to be able to tap into arcane magical abilities coincide with your character's inability to cast the magic two feet in front of his / her face ? That is cheap , my friend , cheap ! > The inevitable lame death will have you throwing your controller and cussing your wife ( sorry babe ! ) . What do I mean by lame death ? I mean LITERALLY an invisible ( - - as in can't see the bastard - - no magic goggles for this one ) enemy one-shot killing you with a bow . 3 - 1 anyone ? ( Don't know what 3 - 1 means ? You will , courtesy of Demon's Souls Wiki . You'll refer to this website . A lot . ) At least with the boulder traps , you can actually SEE the boulder if you're careful enough . These other lame deaths are just a way for the nerds who got picked on in high school to get back at the cool kids . And after ALL that , I still demerit only one star . If you've made it through the bad ( and are still interested ) , then you're now ready for the good . I'll do this part a little differently . I'm going to raise some points that other people find bad about this game and tell you why they're wrong . Here goes : - - Waaaaaaaaah , I die too much ! > These people never likely got passed 1 - 1 ( Again , refer to Wiki - - it will be your friend [ notice a theme here ? ] ) . Besides the cheap deaths mentioned in my previous point , deaths in this game are primarily YOUR fault . And that's the beauty of it . Each time you die , you'll be saying , Ah , you silly Red-eyed knight : I'll poke your eye out next time ! ( Well , you don't , but that's not the point ) . The point is , this game demands strategy , and for those who enjoy the feeling of accomplishment , killing that Red-eyed Knight will be a LOT more rewarding than stomping on the Goombas face in recent Mario games . - - Waaaaaaaah , there's no story line ! > This game is badass enough that it doesn't need some convoluted story line that takes up half your playtime to make it better . The fact is , you become so engrossed in what you're doing in the game ( because you have to concentrate on not dying ) that you create your own story for the game . For me personally , I had to quit playing Fallout 3 four or five hours into the game because I was like , OKAY ! Enough already ! I get that I have five thousand options on how to answer this question , but I DON'T GIVE A * * * * ! Basically , I want a game that I can play , not watch . And this is exactly what Demon's Souls offers . - - Waaaaaaaaaah , the online mode is gimmicky ! > Do the red messages on the floor get annoying as hell ? Absolutely . But did that person ever summon someone to help them with a boss or rape an invading black phantom ( literally raped , I bent him over one of the in-game wooden tables ) ? No , they didn't . Because if they did , they wouldn't be bitching . - - Waaaaaaaaaah , there aren't any save points ! > I'm sorry : I know a new Mario game just came out on the Wii - - maybe you should consider flapping that controller around in the air ? I'm sure it'll suit your gaming needs a lot better . The point is , this game isn't NEARLY as brutal as some have made it out to be . Will you die and have to do it all over again ? Yes . But since you've already played through it one , it'll take you a maximum of 3 - 5 minutes to get back to where you were , and besides that , the game allows you to unlock shortcuts and gateways along the way , so you don't have to literally play the game over and over again . Eh , those are some of the major points . The main thing is that this game is a lot of fun , and there are millions of other things that are cool about this game that aren't mentioned here ( such as great customization option , depth of skill points , great pace , etc . ) You can fill in the blanks with the other reviews written on Amazon . I hope you find this review helpful ! Buy the game - - it's great !
    • 095 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I didn't learn about Demon's Souls until shortly before launch & was intrigued by the reviews of how tough it is . I lean toward games that are engaging , difficult ( not unfairly so ) and rewarding when you do accomplish something . This game covers all three . After starting the game , you find yourself without too much story or instruction , but don't worry . Be sure to realize this is a steep initial learning curve and once you've played , I'd say about 5 - 10 hours , you'll really have the hang of things . You die often & sometimes suddenly and will have to start over from the beginning of a stage , but each time you do die you learn something and , with dedication & adjustment to the way you approach that death , can generally get past that point without too much difficulty the next time . Boss battles are epic and sometimes take a decent amount of time , so give yourself plenty of time to play through since there is no pause function . Some people don't like this ; I personally do since I find that it helps you immerse yourself in the game ( or Boletaria , the name given to this fictional land ) . In closing don't expect to breeze through this game . If you are a casual gamer or don't prefer some of the nuances I mentioned , pass it up . But if you enjoy some of the same things I do , I doubt you'll find a more enjoyable or rewarding game ! : )
    • 174 4  This is one of the finest games I've ever played . It creates a dark , lonely atmosphere and it's rich with exploration . It's a tough game , but never cheap . Every time you die , it's your own fault . If you learn from your mistakes , you'll succeed . The game does not hold your hand . You don't even get a map . Hell , you can't even pause the damn thing . However it's this challenge that draws you in . This game will grab you and not let go ! Prepare to face many sleepless nights . . . The combat is deep , polished and unforgiving . Everything is mandated by stats , but without skill you'll die in a matter of minutes . The story is a bit lacking . Not a lot of exposition or dialogs going on , which can be a good thing if you hate reading through walls of text . Voicework is pretty good , but some of the NPC's can get a bit grating . Also you can kill every single NPC in the game so be careful or you won't even be able to level up ! The enemy design is superb and the animations are great . Lighting is terrific and the textures are good . I haven't experienced any bugs or crashes and the framerate never drops . Dead bodies tend to spazz out though . . . The online play is unique and fun . I love being invaded by another played and then kicking them off a cliff and watching them fall to their doom . The same can be said for summoning blue phantoms to help you out when you're in trouble . Overall , I would give it a 9.4 / 10 . It's the finest action RPG on the PS3 !
    • 235 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Gameplay : The sword play makes you feel every hit , block every shot , and think on your toes . The simple buttons i.e . L1 / 2 are your left arm and the opposite for your right arm makes for intuitive action . The biggest issue that made me want to review this game is the question of the difficulty . While I will agree that this game has its challenging parts , I DO NOT agree that it is as hard as everyone has made it out to be . Okay , yes , you lose your money when you die . But it was your fault . Pretty much every time I die in this game was due to me resorting to spamming attacks or something that burns stamina , not cheapness , not the all to commonly said impossible difficulty that has so many people shying away from this game . In reality it's not THAT hard , it just take patience . When I die , it was because at one point I decided I'm going to keep going and push the limits instead of return to the Nexus and cash in on my hard fought souls . The other thing that is seldom mentioned is that you do have the ability to get your lost souls back . All you have to do is get back to your spot of death and voila . Yeah you have to re-fight all the monsters , but you did that before and you can do it again . Seriously people , man-up . As for being an RPG , it's definitely got the parts that I like . You can upgrade your weapons to superbly powerful weapons , though I would've liked to be able to combine damage types , say a sword with physical , fire and magic damage . Also , while I've only had experience in my first play through , the armor seems to be next to pointless . The fact that most bosses can kill or severely injure you in single hit made me value speed and agility over heavy armor . I did really appreciate how every piece of armor , and every weapon actually makes your character look physically different . This as opposed to other games where you may change your armor from something like leather armor to Godly armor of supreme awesomeness and your avatar still appears the same . Nice touch . Graphics : Compared to some , it's not the BEST , but they are excellent in my opinion . What this game does do well is detail of the environment and the worlds you encounter . Boletaria Palace is hugely immense in passageways and rooftops . . . someone with an architecture degree in castle design must have been on Atlus ' development team . The level of detail and the use of color makes for some very bleak , dark and gloomy environments all to give you the urgency that you're the last person available to do the job . The environments are very rich and deserve huge props . Secondly in graphics , the character models are very very impressive . Each character , NPC enemy type and boss have their own unique details , animations and patterns that make the game all the better . I actually sort of enjoy the loading screens when traveling between worlds because you're shown a larger character model of the various NPCs . Finally in graphics , the cut scenes are exquisite . They really help you to grasp the extreme scale of what you're about to get killed by . No seriously . I pretty much entered the fog of a boss with the intention of getting totally slaughtered ; one could only hope to learn of a weak spot before death . Sound : The sound is a love hate thing for me . Sound , in my opinion , can make or break a game . I loved how the sound effects in this game are pretty much exactly what I would have imagined a sword hitting a shield , or a crossbow bolt being fired would sound like . However , the music is a bit repetitive for my taste , it's really not noticeable . While I wouldn't advocate they use some high energy rock or techno ( reference the film Knights Tale if you don't believe me ) , it seemed a bit forgettable in terms of style . At the same time , the music does help to draw attention to the loneliness that one must feel trying to save EVERYONE from a horde of demons . This is a source of my lower than perfect score . Replay Value : In short , I will be playing this through numerous times before my PS3 decides to die . It allows you to continue with your character into a harder mode called NewGame + where you start over with all your gear , soul levels etc . and try to become even more of a champion . In fact , to get the platinum trophy , you must go into NewGame + + + ( I believe ) which may qualify some to borderline obsession . Multiplayer : While I personally don't play games for their MP modes , this one was nice in that I don't have to own a PS3 keyboard to enjoy it and I don't REALLY have to put up with all the sub - 12 - yearolds that only know four-letter words , and racial slurs . The multiplayer mode is simple : you see others in ghost form fighting in their own version of the world you're in . While you may be standing still enjoying a breather , they may be getting their shield handed to them by something lurking up ahead . You'll know if their blood spot appears at your feet . When you see blood spots , ( and they're everywhere ) you can watch and see them in action before their inevitable death . Some can be a bit humorous in fact . Additionally , you have the option to invade others worlds as a demon , or be invaded by others for a bit of PVP . Be on your toes . All-in-All : I would have liked to give this a 4.5 stars , because it's certainly not perfect , but as truly enjoy the game , I will give it 5 stars . This is because of the innovative gameplay , the excellent graphics and the RPG aspects . Multiplayer is a nice touch and it's nice to see a game that doesn't revolve solely around a forced multiplayer mode . The difficulty is high , but not nearly as hard as made out to be . What's better is you will actually feel that long lost sense of gamer's accomplishment while removing your weapon from the chest of a boss that's handed it to you a few times before . It's a game that will drag you in and frankly save you money because you probably won't be able to take your eyes off it until you're done . . . many many hours later . Here's to hoping for a sequel !
    • 236 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Gameplay : The sword play makes you feel every hit , block every shot , and think on your toes . The simple buttons i.e . L1 / 2 are your left arm and the opposite for your right arm makes for intuitive action . The biggest issue that made me want to review this game is the question of the difficulty . While I will agree that this game has its challenging parts , I DO NOT agree that it is as hard as everyone has made it out to be . Okay , yes , you lose your money when you die . But it was your fault . Pretty much every time I die in this game was due to me resorting to spamming attacks or something that burns stamina , not cheapness , not the all to commonly said impossible difficulty that has so many people shying away from this game . In reality it's not THAT hard , it just take patience . When I die , it was because at one point I decided I'm going to keep going and push the limits instead of return to the Nexus and cash in on my hard fought souls . The other thing that is seldom mentioned is that you do have the ability to get your lost souls back . All you have to do is get back to your spot of death and voila . Yeah you have to re-fight all the monsters , but you did that before and you can do it again . Seriously people , man-up . As for being an RPG , it's definitely got the parts that I like . You can upgrade your weapons to superbly powerful weapons , though I would've liked to be able to combine damage types , say a sword with physical , fire and magic damage . Also , while I've only had experience in my first play through , the armor seems to be next to pointless . The fact that most bosses can kill or severely injure you in single hit made me value speed and agility over heavy armor . I did really appreciate how every piece of armor , and every weapon actually makes your character look physically different . This as opposed to other games where you may change your armor from something like leather armor to Godly armor of supreme awesomeness and your avatar still appears the same . Nice touch . Graphics : Compared to some , it's not the BEST , but they are excellent in my opinion . What this game does do well is detail of the environment and the worlds you encounter . Boletaria Palace is hugely immense in passageways and rooftops . . . someone with an architecture degree in castle design must have been on Atlus ' development team . The level of detail and the use of color makes for some very bleak , dark and gloomy environments all to give you the urgency that you're the last person available to do the job . The environments are very rich and deserve huge props . Secondly in graphics , the character models are very very impressive . Each character , NPC enemy type and boss have their own unique details , animations and patterns that make the game all the better . I actually sort of enjoy the loading screens when traveling between worlds because you're shown a larger character model of the various NPCs . Finally in graphics , the cut scenes are exquisite . They really help you to grasp the extreme scale of what you're about to get killed by . No seriously . I pretty much entered the fog of a boss with the intention of getting totally slaughtered ; one could only hope to learn of a weak spot before death . Sound : The sound is a love hate thing for me . Sound , in my opinion , can make or break a game . I loved how the sound effects in this game are pretty much exactly what I would have imagined a sword hitting a shield , or a crossbow bolt being fired would sound like . However , the music is a bit repetitive for my taste , it's really not noticeable . While I wouldn't advocate they use some high energy rock or techno ( reference the film Knights Tale if you don't believe me ) , it seemed a bit forgettable in terms of style . At the same time , the music does help to draw attention to the loneliness that one must feel trying to save EVERYONE from a horde of demons . This is a source of my lower than perfect score . Replay Value : In short , I will be playing this through numerous times before my PS3 decides to die . It allows you to continue with your character into a harder mode called NewGame + where you start over with all your gear , soul levels etc . and try to become even more of a champion . In fact , to get the platinum trophy , you must go into NewGame + + + ( I believe ) which may qualify some to borderline obsession . Multiplayer : While I personally don't play games for their MP modes , this one was nice in that I don't have to own a PS3 keyboard to enjoy it and I don't REALLY have to put up with all the sub - 12 - yearolds that only know four-letter words , and racial slurs . The multiplayer mode is simple : you see others in ghost form fighting in their own version of the world you're in . While you may be standing still enjoying a breather , they may be getting their shield handed to them by something lurking up ahead . You'll know if their blood spot appears at your feet . When you see blood spots , ( and they're everywhere ) you can watch and see them in action before their inevitable death . Some can be a bit humorous in fact . Additionally , you have the option to invade others worlds as a demon , or be invaded by others for a bit of PVP . Be on your toes . All-in-All : I would have liked to give this a 4.5 stars , because it's certainly not perfect , but as truly enjoy the game , I will give it 5 stars . This is because of the innovative gameplay , the excellent graphics and the RPG aspects . Multiplayer is a nice touch and it's nice to see a game that doesn't revolve solely around a forced multiplayer mode . The difficulty is high , but not nearly as hard as made out to be . What's better is you will actually feel that long lost sense of gamer's accomplishment while removing your weapon from the chest of a boss that's handed it to you a few times before . It's a game that will drag you in and frankly save you money because you probably won't be able to take your eyes off it until you're done . . . many many hours later . Here's to hoping for a sequel !
    • 272 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I can't believe that what is assuredly a fringe game like Demon's Souls is garnering the reviews it has garnered . The number of people who claim that this is the best game they've ever played lead me to wonder . . . what other games they've played . Still , there is a very undeniable charm in this one that is hard to put your finger on , but there nonetheless . It makes for a tough job to even review the game , let alone play it . I've been a fan of FROM Software's King's Field Series from the ground floor , and this game shares much with that series , but it certainly isn't like that . It's CERTAINLY not like the RPGs you are accustomed to ( either American or Japanese ) , but there's still some nuances from those games that appear as well ( and I'm not talking simply about the levelling / grinding aspects ) . But anyway , here goes : The Good : 1 ) Atmosphere - Another reviewer used the word personality to describe this , and it's almost perfect as a metaphor . This game has personality . The worlds have a unique character . The enemies run the gamut from cute to cool to horrifying ( however , they are all mostly difficult ) . You are constantly on your toes , never knowing if around that next corner lurks an enemy that is 1000x stronger than any you've faced previously ( if you think I am being hyperbolic , you are wrong ) . I can't count the number of times I've actually gone to the end of my chair in anticipation and fear . 2 ) Combat - while there are problems , overall the combat engine is solid . Different weapons play VERY differently . There is a vast difference between using a spear , a straight sword , a curved sword , or a mace ( to name but a few ) . Spells have advantages and disadvantages . Overall , balance is good here . If you lose a battle ( and you will lose many ) , for the most part , the fault is yours , not the games . There are exceptions , but combat feels . . . right , for the most part . 3 ) Bosses - I can't stress enough - you feel a sense of accomplishment when you beat one of the game's many bosses . When you stare down the giant Tower Knight , or come face-to-face with the Flame Lurker ( who are merely major demons , by the way , and not the monstrous arch-demons you'll fight later ) , you realize that this isn't a battle you're going to win by simply slashing away . You're going to have to think , and when you beat them , you'll heave that sigh of relief ( if not bellow a cheer of victory ) . The Bad : 1 ) Camera - I wanted to like the camera , but the biggest problem is this : the lock-on function is controlled by the same stick as the camera . Thus , if you try to lock on to a single enemy during a multi-enemy battle , the camera becomes mostly inoperable , as you will simply change the enemy on which you are locked . It would have been much better to make lock-on the LS button ( which is instead used for the completely-useless shield push ) , and have the right stick devoted to the camera . There are other issues as well , but this is the biggest . 2 ) Cheap tactics - OK , I said above that combat was mostly fair . This only serves to make the instances in which it is not vastly more frustrating . An attack which wasn't hurting you before will suddenly pummel you for no good reason ( e.g . the lightning bolts of the storm beasts will . . . start hurting you through walls , for no good reason ) . Moreover , the dark demeanor of the game is great for mood , but really bad when you have to cross small bridges in the wall . The unfair platformer elements ( which there are precious few ) are just stinky . Oh , that bridge that looked solid gave way under my feet for no reason , and now I'm dead ! This game is difficult enough as it is - there is no reason to cheapify things further . 3 ) Story - What a miss . This might be the biggest problem with the game . It is clear that there is a good story lurking here . I can understand that , in a solo venture , it's not reasonable to have tons of characters with whom to talk and flesh out the story . So , why not use a codex , a la Dragon Age ? There are literally HUNDREDS of dead bodies in the game . Would it have been so hard to put . . . journals on some of them ? Stolen documents ? King's Field for the PS2 did a great job of this . It is a damn shame that it is missing here . So , in short : this isn't the perfect game , and more than likely , this isn't going to be the best game you've ever played . At many times , it's a frustrating exercise in level grinding and equipment building . I did in fact throw my controller once . But I can't deny that this game constantly brings me back . It is one of the first games that I feel like I have accomplished something when I succeed . I have not commented on the multi-player aspects , because I am a solo player . I hear it is excellent , however , but you'll have to read about it elsewhere . Happy gaming !
    • 339 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I'm not a hardcore gamer - A few hours on the weekend and an occasional weeknight at best . I've played many games casually and typically find myself playing first-person shooters the majority of the time ( COD , Bad Co . , Bioshock , etc ) . I did enjoy Fallout 3 which was more of a RPG than a shooter - logged in over 60 hours . I was initially turned off by Demon's Souls because of the reviews telling casual gamers to beware because of the difficulty . . . The only reason I picked up DS was the glowing review it got from Gamespot as their pick for game of the year . After getting it home and setting up my character , I literally spent the next 4 hours trying to just get through the first level . EXTREMELY frustrating to say the least ! Still , after spending $60 on the game I was determined to give it a chance . As stated in other reviews , when you die you lose all your souls ( which are currency ) and start back at the beginning with all of the same enemies to fight ( with the exceptions of bosses and some black phantoms ) . Where the game tempts you to try , try again is that the physical world you just died in does not change . In other words , if you opened a gate which can act as a short cut , activated an elevator , or even hardened lava - it will still be in the same state as when you left it . . . . These changes may help you along in your progress . It took me approximately 6 hours just to finish level 1 ( 1 - 1 for those that have played it ) . After killing the boss at the end of level 1 I WAS HOOKED ! I upgraded and repaired my equipment as well as my stats and was off to tackle another 40 + hours of greatness . I'm currently at 5 - 1 ( which is roughly 85% complete ) and loving it . This is by far the best game I have played to date . I should finish it at about the 50 hour mark ( spent some time soul farming to help upgrade ) , and plan on playing it again as a different class when I finish the first play through ( a feature called new game + ) . A couple of words of wisdom to make it a little easier : the booklet that comes with the game is very basic , so do a web search for a good Demon's Souls wiki which will provide much more info on everything from equipment to defeating bosses . There are also some great walkthroughs on youtube that show you different strategies for completed levels / defeating bosses . Without a little research I'd still be stuck on level 1 - 2 trying to get past those two pesky blue-eyed knights at the end of the dragon bridge ! Also , the online feature is really cool . I've requested the help of a couple blue phantoms to help me defeat a boss here or there and the black phantoms can be a pain in the neck . . . . . The messages left by other players , white phantoms and blood stains all are innovative ways to help you with the game . In conclusion , this game is frustrating but that's part of what makes it so much fun . If you decide to jump in , don't quit easily . Once you get the hang of it you will see the payoff for your efforts . A fantastic game - I have my fingers crossed for some DLC or Demon's Souls 2 !

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Pros : Fully customizable character design Unique hint system Upgradeable weapons LARGE replay value Online gamers can offer their help against tough bosses Cons : Online gamers can also invade your game and kill your player Instruction manual is not descriptive enough No pause option No voice chat option PS3 exclusive Well folks , here it is . After completing the game with 112 hours of accumulated playtime and 108 soul levels earned , I'm finally ready to review Demon's Souls . This game is very enjoyable , and sometimes very patience-testing , and I will say with no hesitation , it is DEFINITELY a worthwhile investment of your hard-earned money . PLOT : The plot is simple enough - the far away kingdom of Boletaria has been enveloped by a strange fog . From this fog come demons who desire nothing more than to kill humans and claim their souls . Many warriors have gone to try and lift the curse , but none have returned . Now it's up to you , brave warrior . Will you be the savior of the land , or will the demons claim another victim ? GAMEPLAY : Once you start playing , you'll discover that this is no ordinary role playing game . If you play in human form , your strikes and magic do less damage . If you play the game in soul form , your strikes and magic are more powerful , but your life bar is cut in half . As you play through the game , you can gather demon's souls for currency - weapons , spells , miracles , healing herbs , armor , it's all the same currency in Boletaria . If you are playing in a world and get killed , all your demon's souls are now at the bloodstain where you died . If you make it back there and touch your bloodstain , all those sweet souls are yours . If you die on the way , those souls are gone forever and your wallet is empty . There are some online features here that I've never seen before . After playing for a little while , I saw writing on the ground and when my character passed over it , it said Beware of the dangerous foe ahead . I was very cautious from this point and eventually I saw a bloodstain on the ground . When I touched it , I saw a blood-red visage of another character rolling backward through a doorway , swinging their sword a few times , and then dying . From this , I figured out an ambush was waiting for me in the next room . Wow - talk about helpful , I was given two ways to avoid a premature death : a written message and a blood-smeared warning . Awesome ! You can also leave messages for other players to warn them of danger - if they find your message helpful ; you earn a healing boost . This can help out BIG TIME during a boss battle , let me tell you ! COMBAT : One thing Demon's Souls will teach you is variety . Monsters will not attack the same way in all worlds . They will exhaust your stamina , or poison you , or simply try to cleave you from neck to navel . You will have to keep on your toes to survive . You can dodge by rolling , or time a perfect riposte , but you can't button-mash your way to victory . Now we've all been there - we planned accordingly , brought enough healing items , even watched online videos to train up , but somehow we just can't beat the next boss . This is where the help option comes into play . Instead of throwing your controller across the room , look for a blue stone on the ground - you can summon up to two other players to defeat that boss . Rock on ! Now if you're one of those gamers with a lot of confidence , there is one boss battle with a delicious twist : if you play online , YOU WILL BE FIGHTING ANOTHER PLAYER . . . THEY _ ARE _ THE BOSS . Yep , you read that correctly . WEAPONS / SPELLS / MIRACLES : Your weaponry is virtually limitless in Demon's Souls . Knives , rapiers , broadswords , clubs , spears , crossbows , maces , and many more . You can create more powerful weapons by collecting various ores from the 5 worlds you explore . Your options also cross over into the magical - you can learn protection spells for your character , or conjure clouds of poison to slowly turn your enemies into worm's food . There are miracles to flee back to The Nexus , or summon God's Wrath to lay waste to your foes . Some upgradeable weapons / miracles / spells are not available unless you have the right demon's soul , so this means you'll have to play through the game a few times to get all those sweet , tasty goodies . WORLD TENDENCIES : While playing Demon's Souls , the worlds you inhabit can change from your actions . For example : If you kill a demon boss , that pushes your world tendency toward white . If you are in human form and die , that pushes the world tendency towards black . There are some enemies and game events that are only accessible during certain world tendencies . Sometimes the game's server throws events for us . Atlus threw all 5 worlds into pure black ( the hardest difficulty ) for Halloween of 2009 and before Christmas they changed all 5 worlds to pure white ( easiest difficulty ) . While these events helped some gamers , I'm sure others found this relaxing . . . like swimming in a shark tank with chum-flavored swimming trunks . CHARACTER TENDENCIES : In addition to the worlds changing , your character can become good or evil with certain actions . For example : If you kill other online players that invade your game , your character tendency goes toward white and your attack power will increase . If you kill other players by invading their game , your character tendency goes toward black and your hit points will decrease . There are certain events that only occur if your character tendency is at full white / black . TROPHIES : The trophies in Demon's Souls cover the full spectrum of difficulty . Some are given for creating the best weapon with rare ores , others are given for defeating bosses , and others are given for learning all the spells / miracles . A regular game from start to finish will usually net you about 17 trophies , but there are 38 total - and this vastly increases the replay value for the trophy-hungry crowd ( like me ! ) . CONS : Even with a game this amazing , innovative and addictive , it does have a few faults . It's very annoying to finish fighting a boss and be returned to human form when all of a sudden , you're thrust into battle with another player with better weapons and spells that mops the floor with you . Of course , if you play in offline mode , this won't happen . The game's instruction manual doesn't go into NEARLY enough detail , but fear not , it references the official website which has wiki entries on every subject imaginable . Like many gamers , I am used to taking bio-breaks during my gaming sessions , but Demon's Souls doesn't let you drop your guard that easily . The best option is to clear an area of enemies and then do your business . Don't try this in human form while online ; you never know when your game could be invaded ! The lack of a voice chat option is really the only gripe I have . Inviting players with the blue stone is a fantastic feature , but without a voice chat option , you're forced to send messages to each other - and let me tell you , you can't be doing strategy planning while the False King is trying to separate your head from your body ! Finally , I have to say it . . . while this is one of the great PS3 exclusives , I feel the very large gaming demographic of Xbox and PC gamers are truly missing out . I hope that Demon's Souls 2 will be available on other platforms , because everyone deserves the chance to play a game this fun , this frustrating and this rewarding . FINAL VERDICT : If you're only a casual RPG gamer , you can take your time and enjoy Demon's Souls to the fullest . If you're a hardcore gamer or a trophy nut , you'll love , love , LOVE this game and find yourself playing it over and over . Special thanks to Adam , AJ , JEQ92 for helping me get the Monk's Collar ( with a 5 - hour time difference ! ) and other gamers who left online messages which saved my butt a thousand times over !
    • 003 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Having spent just several hours with this game , it is already difficult to describe . It's difficult . Actually , no , it's punishing . No . . . in fact , it can be maddeningly infuriating at times . It is also a complete blast . I don't want to write an essay . In short , though , Demon's Souls is an action / RPG which is a bit like a combination of a 3rd-person adventure like Uncharted , a hack-n-slash action / RPG like Diablo , with the required thoughtfulness in swordplay of the original 2D Prince of Persia ( you have to be an old-schooler to remember that one ) . The game is difficult , but veterans of the 8 - bit days will find the difficulty somewhat nostalgic . The game does not simply restart you unscathed 15 seconds from where you kicked the bucket . Rather , you have to start the level from scratch , and to regain your earned currency ( which you earn by killing enemies , and use to buy improvements for your character ) , you must fight your way back to your corpse in spirit form with half of your health . Die before you get there ? Kiss that currency good bye . The game is FAIR , though . You have the option of running , at your liberty , to the beginning of the level and exiting to the starting area to spend your winnings , so that you can return all-the-more powerful . When you feel like you are pushing your luck and the level is outgrowing your character skills , it's time to heed that advice . Of course , this IS a dungeon crawl game , so when you come back the enemies will have returned . Think of it as more souls ( i.e . money ) to be made . It helps to go into this game EXPECTING to be in spirit form more often than not . The game assumes you will die a lot . In that sense , one should avoid frustration over death . It's a natural part of the game . Battle must be approached carefully . Running in and hacking mindlessly will only tire out your character , and likely result in an unceremoniously awkward death to even the most bottom-rungs of the enemy food chain . You must work with your shield , your footwork , and given the right character your magic and ranged weapons to succeed . All of this alone makes for a fantastic experience beyond any action RPG offered in this generation of games . What makes it a slam-dunk are the online aspects . The single player game takes advantage of your internet connection ( though you can opt out by signing out of your PSN account ) . You will see occasional apparitions of other players fighting through the same level you are . Further , before long you will obtain an item that will allow players to invite you into their games to assist them . Later , a more sociopathic ability is obtained : the ability to break into another player's game , without their consent , hunt them down , and kill them . Either provides a bit of a shortcut to regaining your body , with the further effect of easing / intensifying the difficulty of the world around you . . . helping people lightens the world , harming them darkens it . On top of this , the ability to examine bloodstains to view apparitional replays of other players ' deaths is fantastic and adds to the feeling that you're not dealing with this alone . The game punishes EVERYONE , and they are struggling with you , and it will prove it via these replays . This is no quick game . Reports from those who have played the imported non-US version claim play times of 80 + hours to conquer the game for the first time . . . nevermind 2nd and 3rd playthroughs , which supposedly come at a higher difficulty . All that said , it is not impossible . In my very first shot at it , I actually survived for a good half hour in the first non-tutorial realm without dying , and when I realized this , I quickly found my way back out and spent my winnings to upgrade before I went and got myself annihilated ( and make no mistake . . . I did shortly thereafter ) . That is what is fantastic about this game ( so far for me at least ) : if you respect it , play conservatively , and don't do anything you wouldn't try in real life , you CAN have a reasonable chance at survival . Stay on your toes , don't push your luck , and survival IS possible . Often death is simply a result of a lapse in attention or a reckless decision . If , on the other hand , you approach it like you would , say , God of War or just about any other action game from this generation , you WILL pay a price for your stupidity . And it's wonderful . Just to wrap up : the graphics are nothing short of what you'd expect in a top flight PS3 game . The sound is amazing . . . I have never wanted surround speakers so badly . And , as I mentioned , the gameplay is phenomenal . My only warning : casual gamers need not apply . Do NOT approach this game unless you like a challenge . Looks like I wrote an essay , after all . It could use some editing , but I have some playing to do .
    • 005 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I just got the game yesterday . After about 4 hours , the only progress I made so far is just past the tutorial . And I beat Ninja Gaiden Sigma on Normal difficulty for crying out loud ! ! ! This is the game that tutorial stage could kill you ! ! ! This game is very unforgiving , so casual player be warned . There's no checkpoint and save point . When you die , you start at Nexus ( the hub ) , you dropped all your souls at the place you died and reborn in soul-form , and if you die again , all the souls you dropped are lost . So , you'll most likely go through you first hours getting nowhere . But , oddly enough , the game keeps you coming back . It's strangely and highly addictive in nature for those who prepared to accept frequent deaths and be patient with it . You'll learn little by little , use less and less time in each fight , and lose less and less health each time . It's like those NES games ( Ninja Gaiden , Megaman , Castlevania , etc . ) that you keep dying and dying and dying and dying . . . and dying until you learn the patterns of enemies and traps by heart . It's frustrating , but satisfying as hell when you finally rise above the challenge . Even so , I still prefer the game to have difficulty settings or save options for single player . People pay the same money , so they should be able to enjoy the game as they feel comfortable . Developers could reward them differently rather than leaving the casual players out of the circle entirely . And it'd be better for marketing too . One flaw that I don't see the point why should this happen is that you can't pause the game in single-player . Why ! ? ! ? I know that adds realism to the game , but hey . . . players have to pee sometimes : P Combat feels responsive and highly TACTICAL . This is by no means a hack-and-slash game , so bashing frenzy won't do you any good here . I'd call the melee combat in this game a fencing simulation . You're no God of War . You're just a person with a sword . You stab them , they die . They stab you , you die . So , be very cautious . Graphics looks decent enough , not exactly PS3 , but more like a PS2.5 game . The game looks better with low brightness , but that makes it harder to see enemies and traps . Though it's understandable that this game is not from a giant team like Square-Enix , but still , I believe they could do better with normal maps and texture details . Also , the character face looks hideous . Making the game looks Western doesn't mean they have to give up the pretty-face trend of the JRPGs . People still love looking at pretty people . Also , the physics engine is a bit weird here . Pieces are flying around low-gravity-like when props are broken . Enemy corpses are rolling along when you walk over them , and their heads are twitching as if they're listening to iPod while lying dead XD In conclusion : I took one star off for the extreme unforgiving nature of the saving system , the lack of choice in difficulty , the no-restroom-break policy , and the less-than-impressive graphics . Other than that , the game is great . Casual player who doesn't want any frustration should avoid this game at all cost . The game has gained its reputation for being very unforgiving since its first Asian release . You've been warned , and I'm warning you again . If you can't take it easy when you die once and lose almost all your hours of progress , then DON'T listen to the hype of hardcore players . There's nothing wrong with liking easy games . Because even the greatest game of all eternity doesn't serve its purpose if it doesn't entertain you . But if you feel up to the challenge , go for it . The game WILL forge you into a real warrior . I'm not there yet . But I'm having a lot of fun dying on the way there . I'm still halfway through Uncharted 2 , but all I'm wanting to play now is this game .
    • 006 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I just got the game yesterday . After about 4 hours , the only progress I made so far is just past the tutorial . And I beat Ninja Gaiden Sigma on Normal difficulty for crying out loud ! ! ! This is the game that tutorial stage could kill you ! ! ! This game is very unforgiving , so casual player be warned . There's no checkpoint and save point . When you die , you start at Nexus ( the hub ) , you dropped all your souls at the place you died and reborn in soul-form , and if you die again , all the souls you dropped are lost . So , you'll most likely go through you first hours getting nowhere . But , oddly enough , the game keeps you coming back . It's strangely and highly addictive in nature for those who prepared to accept frequent deaths and be patient with it . You'll learn little by little , use less and less time in each fight , and lose less and less health each time . It's like those NES games ( Ninja Gaiden , Megaman , Castlevania , etc . ) that you keep dying and dying and dying and dying . . . and dying until you learn the patterns of enemies and traps by heart . It's frustrating , but satisfying as hell when you finally rise above the challenge . Even so , I still prefer the game to have difficulty settings or save options for single player . People pay the same money , so they should be able to enjoy the game as they feel comfortable . Developers could reward them differently rather than leaving the casual players out of the circle entirely . And it'd be better for marketing too . One flaw that I don't see the point why should this happen is that you can't pause the game in single-player . Why ! ? ! ? I know that adds realism to the game , but hey . . . players have to pee sometimes : P Combat feels responsive and highly TACTICAL . This is by no means a hack-and-slash game , so bashing frenzy won't do you any good here . I'd call the melee combat in this game a fencing simulation . You're no God of War . You're just a person with a sword . You stab them , they die . They stab you , you die . So , be very cautious . Graphics looks decent enough , not exactly PS3 , but more like a PS2.5 game . The game looks better with low brightness , but that makes it harder to see enemies and traps . Though it's understandable that this game is not from a giant team like Square-Enix , but still , I believe they could do better with normal maps and texture details . Also , the character face looks hideous . Making the game looks Western doesn't mean they have to give up the pretty-face trend of the JRPGs . People still love looking at pretty people . Also , the physics engine is a bit weird here . Pieces are flying around low-gravity-like when props are broken . Enemy corpses are rolling along when you walk over them , and their heads are twitching as if they're listening to iPod while lying dead XD In conclusion : I took one star off for the extreme unforgiving nature of the saving system , the lack of choice in difficulty , the no-restroom-break policy , and the less-than-impressive graphics . Other than that , the game is great . Casual player who doesn't want any frustration should avoid this game at all cost . The game has gained its reputation for being very unforgiving since its first Asian release . You've been warned , and I'm warning you again . If you can't take it easy when you die once and lose almost all your hours of progress , then DON'T listen to the hype of hardcore players . There's nothing wrong with liking easy games . Because even the greatest game of all eternity doesn't serve its purpose if it doesn't entertain you . But if you feel up to the challenge , go for it . The game WILL forge you into a real warrior . I'm not there yet . But I'm having a lot of fun dying on the way there . I'm still halfway through Uncharted 2 , but all I'm wanting to play now is this game .
    • 109 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Pros : Fully customizable character design Unique hint system Upgradeable weapons LARGE replay value Online gamers can offer their help against tough bosses Cons : Online gamers can also invade your game and kill your player Instruction manual is not descriptive enough No pause option No voice chat option PS3 exclusive Well folks , here it is . After completing the game with 112 hours of accumulated playtime and 108 soul levels earned , I'm finally ready to review Demon's Souls . This game is very enjoyable , and sometimes very patience-testing , and I will say with no hesitation , it is DEFINITELY a worthwhile investment of your hard-earned money . PLOT : The plot is simple enough - the far away kingdom of Boletaria has been enveloped by a strange fog . From this fog come demons who desire nothing more than to kill humans and claim their souls . Many warriors have gone to try and lift the curse , but none have returned . Now it's up to you , brave warrior . Will you be the savior of the land , or will the demons claim another victim ? GAMEPLAY : Once you start playing , you'll discover that this is no ordinary role playing game . If you play in human form , your strikes and magic do less damage . If you play the game in soul form , your strikes and magic are more powerful , but your life bar is cut in half . As you play through the game , you can gather demon's souls for currency - weapons , spells , miracles , healing herbs , armor , it's all the same currency in Boletaria . If you are playing in a world and get killed , all your demon's souls are now at the bloodstain where you died . If you make it back there and touch your bloodstain , all those sweet souls are yours . If you die on the way , those souls are gone forever and your wallet is empty . There are some online features here that I've never seen before . After playing for a little while , I saw writing on the ground and when my character passed over it , it said Beware of the dangerous foe ahead . I was very cautious from this point and eventually I saw a bloodstain on the ground . When I touched it , I saw a blood-red visage of another character rolling backward through a doorway , swinging their sword a few times , and then dying . From this , I figured out an ambush was waiting for me in the next room . Wow - talk about helpful , I was given two ways to avoid a premature death : a written message and a blood-smeared warning . Awesome ! You can also leave messages for other players to warn them of danger - if they find your message helpful ; you earn a healing boost . This can help out BIG TIME during a boss battle , let me tell you ! COMBAT : One thing Demon's Souls will teach you is variety . Monsters will not attack the same way in all worlds . They will exhaust your stamina , or poison you , or simply try to cleave you from neck to navel . You will have to keep on your toes to survive . You can dodge by rolling , or time a perfect riposte , but you can't button-mash your way to victory . Now we've all been there - we planned accordingly , brought enough healing items , even watched online videos to train up , but somehow we just can't beat the next boss . This is where the help option comes into play . Instead of throwing your controller across the room , look for a blue stone on the ground - you can summon up to two other players to defeat that boss . Rock on ! Now if you're one of those gamers with a lot of confidence , there is one boss battle with a delicious twist : if you play online , YOU WILL BE FIGHTING ANOTHER PLAYER . . . THEY _ ARE _ THE BOSS . Yep , you read that correctly . WEAPONS / SPELLS / MIRACLES : Your weaponry is virtually limitless in Demon's Souls . Knives , rapiers , broadswords , clubs , spears , crossbows , maces , and many more . You can create more powerful weapons by collecting various ores from the 5 worlds you explore . Your options also cross over into the magical - you can learn protection spells for your character , or conjure clouds of poison to slowly turn your enemies into worm's food . There are miracles to flee back to The Nexus , or summon God's Wrath to lay waste to your foes . Some upgradeable weapons / miracles / spells are not available unless you have the right demon's soul , so this means you'll have to play through the game a few times to get all those sweet , tasty goodies . WORLD TENDENCIES : While playing Demon's Souls , the worlds you inhabit can change from your actions . For example : If you kill a demon boss , that pushes your world tendency toward white . If you are in human form and die , that pushes the world tendency towards black . There are some enemies and game events that are only accessible during certain world tendencies . Sometimes the game's server throws events for us . Atlus threw all 5 worlds into pure black ( the hardest difficulty ) for Halloween of 2009 and before Christmas they changed all 5 worlds to pure white ( easiest difficulty ) . While these events helped some gamers , I'm sure others found this relaxing . . . like swimming in a shark tank with chum-flavored swimming trunks . CHARACTER TENDENCIES : In addition to the worlds changing , your character can become good or evil with certain actions . For example : If you kill other online players that invade your game , your character tendency goes toward white and your attack power will increase . If you kill other players by invading their game , your character tendency goes toward black and your hit points will decrease . There are certain events that only occur if your character tendency is at full white / black . TROPHIES : The trophies in Demon's Souls cover the full spectrum of difficulty . Some are given for creating the best weapon with rare ores , others are given for defeating bosses , and others are given for learning all the spells / miracles . A regular game from start to finish will usually net you about 17 trophies , but there are 38 total - and this vastly increases the replay value for the trophy-hungry crowd ( like me ! ) . CONS : Even with a game this amazing , innovative and addictive , it does have a few faults . It's very annoying to finish fighting a boss and be returned to human form when all of a sudden , you're thrust into battle with another player with better weapons and spells that mops the floor with you . Of course , if you play in offline mode , this won't happen . The game's instruction manual doesn't go into NEARLY enough detail , but fear not , it references the official website which has wiki entries on every subject imaginable . Like many gamers , I am used to taking bio-breaks during my gaming sessions , but Demon's Souls doesn't let you drop your guard that easily . The best option is to clear an area of enemies and then do your business . Don't try this in human form while online ; you never know when your game could be invaded ! The lack of a voice chat option is really the only gripe I have . Inviting players with the blue stone is a fantastic feature , but without a voice chat option , you're forced to send messages to each other - and let me tell you , you can't be doing strategy planning while the False King is trying to separate your head from your body ! Finally , I have to say it . . . while this is one of the great PS3 exclusives , I feel the very large gaming demographic of Xbox and PC gamers are truly missing out . I hope that Demon's Souls 2 will be available on other platforms , because everyone deserves the chance to play a game this fun , this frustrating and this rewarding . FINAL VERDICT : If you're only a casual RPG gamer , you can take your time and enjoy Demon's Souls to the fullest . If you're a hardcore gamer or a trophy nut , you'll love , love , LOVE this game and find yourself playing it over and over . Special thanks to Adam , AJ , JEQ92 for helping me get the Monk's Collar ( with a 5 - hour time difference ! ) and other gamers who left online messages which saved my butt a thousand times over !
    • 115 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) This is a throwback game and I dig it ! When I was walking through my local department store in my youth in the hair band days of the 80 ' s I remember the first time I found the alter of NES and played my first 8 - bit game and DIED a lot . I was hooked ! ! People of a certain age will respect and covet this game bc it feels like its worth your time and effort to play . In these days of cheat codes and anywhere , anytime save points it's no wonder that today's gamers are crying their eyes out bc they can't beat the game in 2 days . This is the NOW generation where T.V . , Music and movies are point and click , instant gratification . Everything happens in a milla-second . Not with Demon's Souls ! You actually have to learn how to be a good solider or Hunter or whatever class you choose to progress in the game . Each class has a primary and secondary weapon and they both have different uses and styles . You can wield one-handed weapons with a shield or two-handed with just your sword . It is realistic ; I mean you can't really hope to break through the defense of a knight in full battle armor with a short sword or a dagger . You have to use a two-handed style for power and beat his helmet in like a coke can to stand a chance . You can't just slaughter everyone with any weapon using any class character like in Diablo or Sacred you have to LEARN and PRACTICE . Those two words are why today's Newbie gamers are throwing a tantrum in the middle of there Mom's basement floor ! Get up , stop crying and go practice ! This is one of those games that is worth playing for the battle mechanics alone . Every move feels real and unforced . You clash with opponent's armor and weapons . If there are numerous enemies you can't block all of them at once you have to move and roll and plan to defeat them . Your sword will hit the walls in small corridors and you will have to fight dirty to get out of there , bash him up close with your shield and then get him with your dagger . Learn to parry and backstab enemies as well as rush into the middle like a Barbarian . I am only on the crust of what this game has to offer as far as styles and class distinction . Now the reason I have given it 4 stars is bc you can't pause the game and I know there are some of you who are going to say , It's an online game you can't pause and that is partially true but for any of you whom have played WOW you know that you can logout with out without actually exiting the game and your player stays put until you return . You're basically just inactive or in Demon's Souls you should appear to be a ghost like the other online players appear to you as your questing . I hope they address this bc any of you with a family knows you can't possible play unhindered for more than 15 minutes at a time ! And they last grip is you CAN'T freaking sell your plundered items ? ? Are you kidding me ATLUS ? Half the fun in these games is the Economic factors of trade and barter ! ! Wake up and let me sell or trade my flippin loot that I fought an hour and half for just to get through the first level ! ! FIX THIS ! ! Besides those two obvious issues the game if worth the investment of time and money . Just like the money you EARN to buy this game I promise you will EARN every Soul in Demon's Souls .
    • 116 4  This is a throwback game and I dig it ! When I was walking through my local department store in my youth in the hair band days of the 80 ' s I remember the first time I found the alter of NES and played my first 8 - bit game and DIED a lot . I was hooked ! ! People of a certain age will respect and covet this game bc it feels like its worth your time and effort to play . In these days of cheat codes and anywhere , anytime save points it's no wonder that today's gamers are crying their eyes out bc they can't beat the game in 2 days . This is the NOW generation where T.V . , Music and movies are point and click , instant gratification . Everything happens in a milla-second . Not with Demon's Souls ! You actually have to learn how to be a good solider or Hunter or whatever class you choose to progress in the game . Each class has a primary and secondary weapon and they both have different uses and styles . You can wield one-handed weapons with a shield or two-handed with just your sword . It is realistic ; I mean you can't really hope to break through the defense of a knight in full battle armor with a short sword or a dagger . You have to use a two-handed style for power and beat his helmet in like a coke can to stand a chance . You can't just slaughter everyone with any weapon using any class character like in Diablo or Sacred you have to LEARN and PRACTICE . Those two words are why today's Newbie gamers are throwing a tantrum in the middle of there Mom's basement floor ! Get up , stop crying and go practice ! This is one of those games that is worth playing for the battle mechanics alone . Every move feels real and unforced . You clash with opponent's armor and weapons . If there are numerous enemies you can't block all of them at once you have to move and roll and plan to defeat them . Your sword will hit the walls in small corridors and you will have to fight dirty to get out of there , bash him up close with your shield and then get him with your dagger . Learn to parry and backstab enemies as well as rush into the middle like a Barbarian . I am only on the crust of what this game has to offer as far as styles and class distinction . Now the reason I have given it 4 stars is bc you can't pause the game and I know there are some of you who are going to say , It's an online game you can't pause and that is partially true but for any of you whom have played WOW you know that you can logout with out without actually exiting the game and your player stays put until you return . You're basically just inactive or in Demon's Souls you should appear to be a ghost like the other online players appear to you as your questing . I hope they address this bc any of you with a family knows you can't possible play unhindered for more than 15 minutes at a time ! And they last grip is you CAN'T freaking sell your plundered items ? ? Are you kidding me ATLUS ? Half the fun in these games is the Economic factors of trade and barter ! ! Wake up and let me sell or trade my flippin loot that I fought an hour and half for just to get through the first level ! ! FIX THIS ! ! Besides those two obvious issues the game if worth the investment of time and money . Just like the money you EARN to buy this game I promise you will EARN every Soul in Demon's Souls .
    • 224 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) I went back and forth for a long time on this one because the last thing I wanted to do was sink cash on a game I would be too frustrated / angry to play for more than an hour . Finally got it , and I absolutely love it . I'm NOT a hardcore gamer , I'm more of a casual gamer from the old school video game generation ( Atari / NES ) . So here's my take : the story , action , gameplay , graphics , audio are stunning . This game is a challenge , but only because you have to actively develop a strategy for progressing through it . Enemies aren't necessarily impossible to defeat , but you will have to start the level from the beginning if you are killed ( like the old days ) . This really isn't as frustrating as people claim , because you're going to spend time developing your skill and strategy anyway and the levels are a joy to play through however many times . And cheer up , there are no forced start-the-entire-game-overs after 3 deaths like original NES games ; those of us who grew up on those style games know true gamer frustration . In sum , this is a great game . If you're on the fence because of reviewers ' rants about difficulty and frustration , don't be . Get this game and have fun with it . And remember , this is the opinion of a casual ( not hardcore ) gamer . IMO , this is game of the year .
    • 225 4  I went back and forth for a long time on this one because the last thing I wanted to do was sink cash on a game I would be too frustrated / angry to play for more than an hour . Finally got it , and I absolutely love it . I'm NOT a hardcore gamer , I'm more of a casual gamer from the old school video game generation ( Atari / NES ) . So here's my take : the story , action , gameplay , graphics , audio are stunning . This game is a challenge , but only because you have to actively develop a strategy for progressing through it . Enemies aren't necessarily impossible to defeat , but you will have to start the level from the beginning if you are killed ( like the old days ) . This really isn't as frustrating as people claim , because you're going to spend time developing your skill and strategy anyway and the levels are a joy to play through however many times . And cheer up , there are no forced start-the-entire-game-overs after 3 deaths like original NES games ; those of us who grew up on those style games know true gamer frustration . In sum , this is a great game . If you're on the fence because of reviewers ' rants about difficulty and frustration , don't be . Get this game and have fun with it . And remember , this is the opinion of a casual ( not hardcore ) gamer . IMO , this is game of the year .

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Sad to say some people will never experience this game . It is one of the best I have ever played and I have played a bunch , from Oblivion , DAO , RFOM to R2 to COD4 , 5 , MW2 to Killzone2 to Uncharted 1 and 2 to Halo to LBP and the Ratchet and Clank games and many many more . It is unlike any you will ever play should you decide to try it and yes it is hard , but to say that simply doesn't explain why this is important to the game . One only has to look at the wikidot wiki on it to see how deep the game is . It's good to address complaints a very few people have had with the game : No checkpoints No saves Lots of dying Ok , the game doesn't have a menu that allows you to save anywhere you want , but that means menus don't interfere with the game-the game is about immersion . It does save after you kill enemies , when you reach certain points ( it autosaves a lot ) , and when you die . It also saves when you quit the game and any baddies killed where you quit will be dead when you reload . Certain traps will reset , though . The other thing to note is there's no pause in the game , so if you have to run off to do something , you probably want to quit so as to avoid having some other player invade and kill you-because one innovative feature in the game is that other players can enter your game ( at certain times ) to help or to hurt you . The online feature is amazing . The game does involve a lot of dying on your part , some of it is even required , because certain situations are only created due to you dying . As well there are certain ones that only come up if you are fairly perfect in an area . The fact that the game is rather harsh due to the dying a lot part , and the fact that you lose all the souls ( the form of currency in the game ) you've accumulated and have to start the level you died in all over again with all foes having re-spawned and made harder to kill helps to create a certain edge of your seat experience . When you are up on some extremely high ledge with very little room for error or when you've gotten the message that some player has invaded your game when you have just fought some tough foes and have to replenish health and mana , you will feel the game and some sense of fear and anxiety . No other game today can do that for you . In most games if you die , at worst you start the area over again , no real penalties other than having to go through some small part again and try not to die at it . Demon's Souls creates real consequences for dying in the game and really makes you sweat everything . To say it isn't fun is only true for those who want a game that coddles them . This is a game that will bring out true fear and sense of accomplishment like no other . Yes , foes can one hit kill you , even some of the lesser foes , but I find this refreshing after playing games where multiple shots from a shotgun only slows an opponent down . Games today usually allow you to go hide and wait for your health to replenish after being shot by a machine gun . Demon's Souls causes you to be more tactical in your thinking . What works for one opponent will not for another . Watching , listening , walking and evading , and ultimately thinking , not charging in blindly are paramount . Character creation allows you to choose a certain class ( each one has its benefits with unique abilities and / or items that you begin with ) , but you can change your mind throughout the game and choose level ups that turn your mage into a melee specialist if you choose . Spells , miracles , special weapons , world and character tendencies , as well as online hints , bloodstain replays , PVP and coop play make this one very special game . I , like many others thought it was way too hard at first-hated it , but a few hours into it and I can't put it down , months later .
    • 042 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Sad to say some people will never experience this game . It is one of the best I have ever played and I have played a bunch , from Oblivion , DAO , RFOM to R2 to COD4 , 5 , MW2 to Killzone2 to Uncharted 1 and 2 to Halo to LBP and the Ratchet and Clank games and many many more . It is unlike any you will ever play should you decide to try it and yes it is hard , but to say that simply doesn't explain why this is important to the game . One only has to look at the wikidot wiki on it to see how deep the game is . It's good to address complaints a very few people have had with the game : No checkpoints No saves Lots of dying Ok , the game doesn't have a menu that allows you to save anywhere you want , but that means menus don't interfere with the game-the game is about immersion . It does save after you kill enemies , when you reach certain points ( it autosaves a lot ) , and when you die . It also saves when you quit the game and any baddies killed where you quit will be dead when you reload . Certain traps will reset , though . The other thing to note is there's no pause in the game , so if you have to run off to do something , you probably want to quit so as to avoid having some other player invade and kill you-because one innovative feature in the game is that other players can enter your game ( at certain times ) to help or to hurt you . The online feature is amazing . The game does involve a lot of dying on your part , some of it is even required , because certain situations are only created due to you dying . As well there are certain ones that only come up if you are fairly perfect in an area . The fact that the game is rather harsh due to the dying a lot part , and the fact that you lose all the souls ( the form of currency in the game ) you've accumulated and have to start the level you died in all over again with all foes having re-spawned and made harder to kill helps to create a certain edge of your seat experience . When you are up on some extremely high ledge with very little room for error or when you've gotten the message that some player has invaded your game when you have just fought some tough foes and have to replenish health and mana , you will feel the game and some sense of fear and anxiety . No other game today can do that for you . In most games if you die , at worst you start the area over again , no real penalties other than having to go through some small part again and try not to die at it . Demon's Souls creates real consequences for dying in the game and really makes you sweat everything . To say it isn't fun is only true for those who want a game that coddles them . This is a game that will bring out true fear and sense of accomplishment like no other . Yes , foes can one hit kill you , even some of the lesser foes , but I find this refreshing after playing games where multiple shots from a shotgun only slows an opponent down . Games today usually allow you to go hide and wait for your health to replenish after being shot by a machine gun . Demon's Souls causes you to be more tactical in your thinking . What works for one opponent will not for another . Watching , listening , walking and evading , and ultimately thinking , not charging in blindly are paramount . Character creation allows you to choose a certain class ( each one has its benefits with unique abilities and / or items that you begin with ) , but you can change your mind throughout the game and choose level ups that turn your mage into a melee specialist if you choose . Spells , miracles , special weapons , world and character tendencies , as well as online hints , bloodstain replays , PVP and coop play make this one very special game . I , like many others thought it was way too hard at first-hated it , but a few hours into it and I can't put it down , months later .
    • 043 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Sad to say some people will never experience this game . It is one of the best I have ever played and I have played a bunch , from Oblivion , DAO , RFOM to R2 to COD4 , 5 , MW2 to Killzone2 to Uncharted 1 and 2 to Halo to LBP and the Ratchet and Clank games and many many more . It is unlike any you will ever play should you decide to try it and yes it is hard , but to say that simply doesn't explain why this is important to the game . One only has to look at the wikidot wiki on it to see how deep the game is . It's good to address complaints a very few people have had with the game : No checkpoints No saves Lots of dying Ok , the game doesn't have a menu that allows you to save anywhere you want , but that means menus don't interfere with the game-the game is about immersion . It does save after you kill enemies , when you reach certain points ( it autosaves a lot ) , and when you die . It also saves when you quit the game and any baddies killed where you quit will be dead when you reload . Certain traps will reset , though . The other thing to note is there's no pause in the game , so if you have to run off to do something , you probably want to quit so as to avoid having some other player invade and kill you-because one innovative feature in the game is that other players can enter your game ( at certain times ) to help or to hurt you . The online feature is amazing . The game does involve a lot of dying on your part , some of it is even required , because certain situations are only created due to you dying . As well there are certain ones that only come up if you are fairly perfect in an area . The fact that the game is rather harsh due to the dying a lot part , and the fact that you lose all the souls ( the form of currency in the game ) you've accumulated and have to start the level you died in all over again with all foes having re-spawned and made harder to kill helps to create a certain edge of your seat experience . When you are up on some extremely high ledge with very little room for error or when you've gotten the message that some player has invaded your game when you have just fought some tough foes and have to replenish health and mana , you will feel the game and some sense of fear and anxiety . No other game today can do that for you . In most games if you die , at worst you start the area over again , no real penalties other than having to go through some small part again and try not to die at it . Demon's Souls creates real consequences for dying in the game and really makes you sweat everything . To say it isn't fun is only true for those who want a game that coddles them . This is a game that will bring out true fear and sense of accomplishment like no other . Yes , foes can one hit kill you , even some of the lesser foes , but I find this refreshing after playing games where multiple shots from a shotgun only slows an opponent down . Games today usually allow you to go hide and wait for your health to replenish after being shot by a machine gun . Demon's Souls causes you to be more tactical in your thinking . What works for one opponent will not for another . Watching , listening , walking and evading , and ultimately thinking , not charging in blindly are paramount . Character creation allows you to choose a certain class ( each one has its benefits with unique abilities and / or items that you begin with ) , but you can change your mind throughout the game and choose level ups that turn your mage into a melee specialist if you choose . Spells , miracles , special weapons , world and character tendencies , as well as online hints , bloodstain replays , PVP and coop play make this one very special game . I , like many others thought it was way too hard at first-hated it , but a few hours into it and I can't put it down , months later .
    • 092 4  Amazon Verified Purchase ( What's this ? ) This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) First off , there is a sort of check point system in this game , and your progress is saved . For example , when you activate the elevator to blacksmith ed , its on even after you die and quit the game . The same for both tower gates before Phalanx in 1 - 1 . All the gear / items you collect on the way before dieing are also still with you should you quit or roll off the stairs and die . oh you will die a lot . The only thing you dont keep are your souls , but honestly theyre easy to replace . So environment changes you make that alter the games level do stay with you . So feel proud when you open those gates , because youre making progress . Secondly , the difficult nature of this game . It took me something like 3 days to beat the first level , thats no joke , not that i played 18 hours per day mind you . This will take time to get used to and eventually youll be backstabbing enemies and laughing merrily while you do . So many spend a few hours playing this , then just quit . Its a shame as ive found there to be a supprising lack of blue runes to summon people with on the North American version . I did the Japanese version and was never a shortage of people online . Third , online mode . I see complaints of not being able to party with a friend , the reason is , the game wont let a person with soul level 40 join your noob game and give you sweet gear . Soul levels have to be + / - 10 to be able to join . So if your friends playing and you want in and you suck , tell him to start over . After you beat 1 - 1 and youre within soul levels , you can join , i do this all the time with my friend who plays . Lastly , my opinion only , is dont give up on this game . The player community needs more souls . Most of the reviews are dead on , the game rewards patience and the understanding that the mistake was yours , not the games . Do a little research online , find out how to upgrade your weapon the way you want , look at boss strategies , etc . The feeling of accomplishment will never be as great as with this game .
    • 093 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) First off , there is a sort of check point system in this game , and your progress is saved . For example , when you activate the elevator to blacksmith ed , its on even after you die and quit the game . The same for both tower gates before Phalanx in 1 - 1 . All the gear / items you collect on the way before dieing are also still with you should you quit or roll off the stairs and die . oh you will die a lot . The only thing you dont keep are your souls , but honestly theyre easy to replace . So environment changes you make that alter the games level do stay with you . So feel proud when you open those gates , because youre making progress . Secondly , the difficult nature of this game . It took me something like 3 days to beat the first level , thats no joke , not that i played 18 hours per day mind you . This will take time to get used to and eventually youll be backstabbing enemies and laughing merrily while you do . So many spend a few hours playing this , then just quit . Its a shame as ive found there to be a supprising lack of blue runes to summon people with on the North American version . I did the Japanese version and was never a shortage of people online . Third , online mode . I see complaints of not being able to party with a friend , the reason is , the game wont let a person with soul level 40 join your noob game and give you sweet gear . Soul levels have to be + / - 10 to be able to join . So if your friends playing and you want in and you suck , tell him to start over . After you beat 1 - 1 and youre within soul levels , you can join , i do this all the time with my friend who plays . Lastly , my opinion only , is dont give up on this game . The player community needs more souls . Most of the reviews are dead on , the game rewards patience and the understanding that the mistake was yours , not the games . Do a little research online , find out how to upgrade your weapon the way you want , look at boss strategies , etc . The feeling of accomplishment will never be as great as with this game .
    • 094 4  First off , there is a sort of check point system in this game , and your progress is saved . For example , when you activate the elevator to blacksmith ed , its on even after you die and quit the game . The same for both tower gates before Phalanx in 1 - 1 . All the gear / items you collect on the way before dieing are also still with you should you quit or roll off the stairs and die . oh you will die a lot . The only thing you dont keep are your souls , but honestly theyre easy to replace . So environment changes you make that alter the games level do stay with you . So feel proud when you open those gates , because youre making progress . Secondly , the difficult nature of this game . It took me something like 3 days to beat the first level , thats no joke , not that i played 18 hours per day mind you . This will take time to get used to and eventually youll be backstabbing enemies and laughing merrily while you do . So many spend a few hours playing this , then just quit . Its a shame as ive found there to be a supprising lack of blue runes to summon people with on the North American version . I did the Japanese version and was never a shortage of people online . Third , online mode . I see complaints of not being able to party with a friend , the reason is , the game wont let a person with soul level 40 join your noob game and give you sweet gear . Soul levels have to be + / - 10 to be able to join . So if your friends playing and you want in and you suck , tell him to start over . After you beat 1 - 1 and youre within soul levels , you can join , i do this all the time with my friend who plays . Lastly , my opinion only , is dont give up on this game . The player community needs more souls . Most of the reviews are dead on , the game rewards patience and the understanding that the mistake was yours , not the games . Do a little research online , find out how to upgrade your weapon the way you want , look at boss strategies , etc . The feeling of accomplishment will never be as great as with this game .
    • 196 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) Ok so first of all I had no clue what this game was or what it was about until a week ago . The only game that was on my radar was Uncharted 2 , and when I saw Demon's Souls pop up on the Amazon Ps3 top 10 I decided to look into it . Everyone keeps saying how hard it is and after playing it for 3 days I can certainly agree . However , the game is so rewarding if you stick with it . I am a big first person shooter fan ( dont ask how much time ive spent on Halo 2 and 3 ) but this game has definitely won me over . For example , the second level I spent almost an entire day just trying to get through and then kill the boss at the end . After beating him , I collected enough souls to power up my guy and now guys I had struggled with in that level die with just two hits . Pros : Very Hard so you will get your moneys worth Lots of things to upgrade Incredibly intense and satisfying Neat online incorporation Very cool graphics Boss battles are thrilling Cons : Can get frustrating to the point you want to break your controller ( but stick with it ! ) The lock on can be frustrating at some points . It either wont lock on when the guy is clearly infront of you , or it locks on to the wrong enemy I highly recommend this and if you are someone like me that has been looking for a fun challenging game that will last a long time than this is it . . . also it has a New Game + which I feel all games should have . Have fun !

  • Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) There's no two ways about it , this game is the bees knees . This was the very first game I put into my PS3 when I first got it on the 11th of January . Having entirely foreign controls in my hands and a game as punishing as this to tackle was no easy feat . The game was simply harsh and brutal . Completely unforgiving and entirely frustrating . It was simply lovely . The first level took me about 6 hours of playing to best . I was ready to take a sledge hammer to my shiny new ps3 , but then it occurred to me that this game had FORCED me to become a better player , and to be more aware of my surroundings . Once you get over that first hump , and meet the learning curve in the middle the this game really starts to pay off . This is not God of War where you can just brute force your way through and be done with it ( took me ~ 7 hours total to beat GoW1 first playthrough no walkthroughs ) . I thouroughly enjoyed God of War don't get me wrong , but this game is all about patience and finesse . I can not comment on the graphics really , as I have a SD television . They look nice to me but I'm sure my set doesn't do the game justice . The text is somewhat difficult to read , it forced me to stand up and squint in front of the TV a few times , but that is my only complaint , and likely due to the television . The environment is very immersive , you can find yourself at times really tensing up or concerned about peeking around that next corner . It is very dark and appropriate overall . Some of the bosses are MASSIVE and very ominous looking , you really feel like a little insignificant amoeba by comparison . Think God of War only you have free roaming combat always , no minigames . The combat takes a little time to get used to , but once you get a grasp on it it can be very rewarding , especially the melee characters . The combat is rather technical at times where you need to dodge your enemy at a certain time and then quickly attack from their back or side for maximum impact , or lure single enemies out of a larger pack with arrows so you don't get overwhelmed . The game can be played in a somewhat linear manner if the player so chooses , or the worlds can be played in any order , save the very first stage 1 - 1 . The game is MASSIVE and there is a lot to learn and discover . I'm pretty comfortable with the game at this point , but also realize that I have just barely scratched the surface . This game is certainly not for everyone . It's definitely designed with a more hardcore gamer in mind . There is limited in game information to help you learn certain aspects of the game such as stat importance , detailed character and world tendency information , item upgrading information etc . There is , however a wealth of resources on the net to help guide you along . I would suggest that anyone and everyone at the very least rent this game . It is the best money I've ever spent on a game for console or PC , easily . I can see someone who finds themself really enjoying the game getting at least 500 hours of gaming out of it . If you like the online and pvp aspect , even more . With all of the soul farming for levels , upgrading materials and items , there is much more to be done than simply defeating the endboss . Not for the instant gratification crowd or the weak spirited , but if you want a very challenging and extremely rewarding game then buy Demon's Souls .
    • 140 4  This review is from : Demon's Souls ( Video Game ) There's no two ways about it , this game is the bees knees . This was the very first game I put into my PS3 when I first got it on the 11th of January . Having entirely foreign controls in my hands and a game as punishing as this to tackle was no easy feat . The game was simply harsh and brutal . Completely unforgiving and entirely frustrating . It was simply lovely . The first level took me about 6 hours of playing to best . I was ready to take a sledge hammer to my shiny new ps3 , but then it occurred to me that this game had FORCED me to become a better player , and to be more aware of my surroundings . Once you get over that first hump , and meet the learning curve in the middle the this game really starts to pay off . This is not God of War where you can just brute force your way through and be done with it ( took me ~ 7 hours total to beat GoW1 first playthrough no walkthroughs ) . I thouroughly enjoyed God of War don't get me wrong , but this game is all about patience and finesse . I can not comment on the graphics really , as I have a SD television . They look nice to me but I'm sure my set doesn't do the game justice . The text is somewhat difficult to read , it forced me to stand up and squint in front of the TV a few times , but that is my only complaint , and likely due to the television . The environment is very immersive , you can find yourself at times really tensing up or concerned about peeking around that next corner . It is very dark and appropriate overall . Some of the bosses are MASSIVE and very ominous looking , you really feel like a little insignificant amoeba by comparison . Think God of War only you have free roaming combat always , no minigames . The combat takes a little time to get used to , but once you get a grasp on it it can be very rewarding , especially the melee characters . The combat is rather technical at times where you need to dodge your enemy at a certain time and then quickly attack from their back or side for maximum impact , or lure single enemies out of a larger pack with arrows so you don't get overwhelmed . The game can be played in a somewhat linear manner if the player so chooses , or the worlds can be played in any order , save the very first stage 1 - 1 . The game is MASSIVE and there is a lot to learn and discover . I'm pretty comfortable with the game at this point , but also realize that I have just barely scratched the surface . This game is certainly not for everyone . It's definitely designed with a more hardcore gamer in mind . There is limited in game information to help you learn certain aspects of the game such as stat importance , detailed character and world tendency information , item upgrading information etc . There is , however a wealth of resources on the net to help guide you along . I would suggest that anyone and everyone at the very least rent this game . It is the best money I've ever spent on a game for console or PC , easily . I can see someone who finds themself really enjoying the game getting at least 500 hours of gaming out of it . If you like the online and pvp aspect , even more . With all of the soul farming for levels , upgrading materials and items , there is much more to be done than simply defeating the endboss . Not for the instant gratification crowd or the weak spirited , but if you want a very challenging and extremely rewarding game then buy Demon's Souls .

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