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    Anime related words Gundam 00 Mobile Suit Amro Nisemonogatari Chihayafuru Aquarion EVOL Titus Go Busters

    • A idade de Gundam pensou: [Tsu] [KE] que é protagonista [tsu] [o te] [zehato]?
      “[Asemu] [tsu] [te], é provavelmente protagonista que verdadeiramente? ” “Com troca de [zehato] e [romari], “[asemu], você, apenas o pouco [SE] ele é denso,” a conduta da marca ou a expressão era um pouco perigosa e, também o fato de que ganha o inimigo era favor da eficiência de Gundam e” “como para [zehato] com respeito ao desenvolvimento [do sutori] que supor, que é insolúvel, quanto para [romari] a ela é o stoker completamente, você não pensa? se [romari] não é, o ar que uma ou outra história não começ mais má faz”, “quanto para à heroína é ser [arisa] esta vez em que não é ele era um pouco encantador e” “o capitão da plataforma da colagem da pessoa última boa que foi batido, significando o tipo desse espião de [vueigan] está na tropa federal, a semente melhor” “absolutelySpy a criança é barato, você não pensa? depois que entretanto esta vez [daburubaretsuto] foi anunciada pela primeira vez, é necessário substituir ao esse [tsu] [te] pé o carvalho e outro?”

    • 25. März (Tag) [BU] und kommen diese 3
      Was die 17:29funktelegraphie anbetrifft Netz vom preiswerten Kettenc$essenhaus was Anspruch anbetrifft der Wahrheit ernsthaft es nicht ist das System, das es entsprechen kann, aber nicht Sie denken? wenn [watami] folglich am Kundenangestellten stark zuerst und [ho] und andere verwendet wird, der einerseits [Hana] vom Abfall entspricht, um den Brunnen zu behandeln, der vermutlich ist, angesichts des Anspruches „solches kommende [te] Benennen der Person nicht, das, das der Angestellte sich schützen kann“, der Kunde noch, der wohl ist, ist besser, ([tsuito] von lachendem Kabinettpräsident) das 17:29 vom Netz [HU] [MU], auch solcher Gedanke es ist, oder, 17:29funktelegraphie vom Netz dieses mal, die Luft, die das Umwandlungssystem bildete, in dem zum ersten Mal das Alterssystem zum Piloten annehmbar ist, tut! (Hayasaka p ([ru] [Chi] Gruppe) [tsuito]) 17:30 vom Netz age-1 die Schießenwaffe war sie nicht anders als [dotsuzuraihuru] und obgleich 17:30funktelegraphie vom Netzgeschenkpersonen-Wechselbeziehungdiagramm [romari] - > [zehato] - > [asemu]

    • ¿Algo quisiera a decir después de todos?
      ¡A menos que [u] - sea, sintiéndose mal que los días 1 [burogu] está escrita, siendo malo de la sensación, la caña - rutina diaria que se convierte, [ru] algo que,… el margen de la renovación de la vista! ¿Con hay ningún [tsutsukomi] con que se dice… porqué [burogu] aunque pueda renovar, como para la vista que descuida 1 año o más? ¿Está probablemente con algo, si usted es enterado, cualquier días 1 sin irse a la cama, [burogu] usted lo escribe es con la caña… yo, [puroburoga] y no hay marzo a anteayer? ¿Usted escribe luego, haciendo compras en vista de la lectura del 咲 [del daburubaretsuto], usted no piensa? ¿[e]… la animación comienza de abril a menos que y del primo que usted lee rápidamente, hectogramo Gundam age-2 [daburubaretsuto] después de que todo el hectogramo de la edad sea posible en el escrito, usted no piensa? si usted comparó a age-1, el tiempo alcanzó el punto donde coge, pero… age-3 cómo es probablemente lo que, [asemu] conmuta el extremo que hará punto probablemente él, - es, fabricación que intenta, usted pensamiento, no obstante es,… normal que la diferencia no entiende en absoluto si usted dice fácilmente, si [tsu] [te] usted llama,… bien, el hombro %

    • O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
      [A]…, l'extrémité [wa] [tsu] [chi] [ya] elle était, « le 肆 de registre d'ami de Natume » également la limite actuelle le coeur très que mignon pleurant toujours doit pour être faite dans ce travail qui est l'histoire qui est chauffée, mais cette fois le collier [o], l'ampleur où le souffle devient douloureux elle a pleuré, (le ^_^ ; ) la période 1~4 passant, n'est pas qu'également le travail où la qualité ne descend pas le ce est beaucoup peu commun, sera probablement ? Avec [tsuito], « quant à la conception du 3&4 il y avait surveillance à l'étape que 2 périodes finissent », cette vous avait dit, mais toutes les 4 périodes passant, nous voulons la personne qui est commencée pour regarder à partir du milieu et de la personne qui arrête le fait que vous voyez intermédiaire, jetant un deuxième coup d'oeil une fois de plus, à l'heure actuelle qui est le travail très splendide où vous pouvez penser dans un vent tel que pour le programme de 5 périodes complètement il n'est pas, est ainsi, mais parce que l'original est continué, certainement, certainement, nous voulons faire 5 périodes avec la même fonte, est, néanmoins, l'animation de la limite actuelle est la bonne moisson vraiment, « le 肆 de registre d'ami de Natume » dans le chef, l'étudiant % de lycée de garçon de langue de copie

    • Gundam AGE24 story
      From the glue deck and reunion of the frit as for story whether in the story of the glue deck which is start [vueigan] the person who is connected now in the federal troop the sushi, to the evidence, kind of [asemu] which is inserted in the hand is reunion of [zehato], but as expected also [zehato] that mask is removed, how doing in that water, whether it hides the mobile suit it is the kana which probably will be it is, when [asemu] and looks at the conversation of [zehato], [zehato] the protagonist [tsu] [po] to be even with the battle which is after all as for [asemu] to [zehato] with this which the frit which does not serve in the supporter is appearance situation reversal to call, being about the unit of x [raunda]Being the place where it becomes the pinch which comes out, appearance of new [patsudaburubaretsuto] of age-2 %, a liberal translation

    • It is movement soldier Gundam AGE 24th story “X [raunda]” thought.
      Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.

    • Gundam AGE, 24th story thought
      Gundam age, the 24th story thought snow falls and/or it stops, with, it is just a little the dejected curator in strange weather, densely it is, well it is, with the bar the glue deck reopens is ended with the scene of the frit which previous this time to start from the continuation over there when [vueigan] has led to the terrestrial sphere there is a power which in the better shelf because thing tomorrow you speak in detail, in addition it comes to this bar and with to say has become that again the frit calls to the association which, “27 years, ago” although [asemu] compilation start probably will be entwined 2 years which have elapsed it knows [vueigan] side, decyl msBeing arbitrary did further [chiyunatsupu] of course, is cautioned the air which is heard calls to [zehato], - it is something which is warped in the [mu] and the distortion and protagonist [sa, a liberal translation

    • [comic] Ambition of Oda trust 奈 (~01 volume)
      * transferência & transferência editam [2012/03/2817: 28] Desenhos animados | 0) ≪ do cm ([música] do “idade de Gundam do soldado movimento” [asemu]. Canção da inserção - você quanto para a mim ele estava lá, ambição de /song [novela] do 奈 da confiança do Oda (- 01 volumes) o ≫

    • [music] The [chi] original sound track & the character song which are shaken quickly, a liberal translation
      * Download redigieren [2012/03/2817: 32] Musikmusik-Animationspiel andere Sachen | cm (0) ≪ [Musik] Rostexil - [huamu] silberner Flügel - o.s.t.2 [Musik] „Bewegungssoldat Gundam Alter“ [asemu]. Einfügunglied - Sie was mich anbetrifft es waren dort, /the Lied ≫

    • [ibirujiyo] which awakes in wave motion of murderous intent
      Вы не думаете? это и нажимает вниз с запевом, присутствующий полдень который wwww [e] Endo, в добавлении что-то Кале едой значительно, он пошло рядом [kokoichi], но недавно ел 込 SI руки [chikinkatsukare] [tsu] [te] периода ограничил меню наилучшим образом, [ru] он, когда то… tastiness оно и вы не думает? с, что-то оно сравнивает к бывшим временам недавно, к языку кота, вид воздуха который преобразован делает, но он,… этот быть влиянием реформы dentition? Kana последствия воздуха… хорошего как для вызывать его, сегодня когда с рукояткой воскресенье [tsu] оно кладет вне разделять делало спокойный для того чтобы чувствовать, идущ к kana Кале есть, после ходить по магазинам подходяще, на доме… при рыбы понимая хвостовик? Оно будет и то также сегодня когда [monhan] мы делали будет продолжаться к вчера и как-то вероятно будет нажиматься вниз subspecies диена также сегодня когда он пробует persevering попробованный persevering около 2 времени, но он, если… параграф ww [хиа] [yo] [u] который, то после того как все отделка с игрой pt отбития… [sotsuko

    • Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • There is no news item with only work., a liberal translation
      Working 3/11, from morning early on you became tired, [patoratsushiyu] (; Ω; Although) [tsu] [te] feeling [tsusu]… after the returning home Gundam age (22 stories) the [wa] which was seen > strategy (laughing) and the decyl which movement soldier Gundam age22 story how are said 噛 increase it is the cedar [warota] www first coming out, because www frit age-1 was hit and miss state, [asemu] tear eye how much it is updated with say, the fuselage of 25 years ago to be too strong the [ro] which is!! The mutual commander combat mission and kana is with [shiyaa] which is said… as usual is [tsutsukomi] full load don't you think? (no ∀ `) ゚. You think (∀) [ii] that it is at all funnier than the frit compilation even with [ahiyahiyahiyahiya]! There are no times when especially you write with the work soaking from 3/12~15 morning to the night late, it is, don't you think?… ('; Ω; `) [u, a liberal translation

    • Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
      Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.

    • Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
      As for latest [aban] the penal servitude 20 year which starts from the origin scene of the glue deck rising from here,…To tell the truth not to be the meaning which threatens the crew, to be the hero who stares ahead or it is not harsh although it is widely known thing? If this time, other than [zanbotsuto] 3, excessively being able to meet, it becomes the episode fight which it mentions the taboo of the hero whom it does not touch, the civilian sacrifice even the mask rider whom it is not possible to zero, the mysterious person itself of the shocker, 拐 even the ultra man it is the victim who cracks, swaying, the victim who breaks the building each time in the shocker zero, the civilian who cannot think opinion of [asemu] that a certain meaning is correct cannot be made sacrifice, in order “to hit badness, some sacrifice stopping and not obtaining?”With as for the topic which is said, reality %, a liberal translation

    • O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
      These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.

    • Still the frit saying the protagonist [tsu] [po], ......Well, seriously
      Est-ce qu'également âge de Gundam, généralement il demi d'année à ce jour, mais vous avait-elle lieu ne pensent pas ? ce devient assez bonne énorme chose et [le chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] augmente le &hellip [e] ; &hellip ; Ne collez jamais la plate-forme, dans le développement [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te], &hellip bon ; &hellip ; Il y a environ 25 ans, enfin il vient et [ya] [a], le pense également devrait faisant correctement mais &hellip ; &hellip ; Ainsi s'il ne va pas au l'un ou l'autre la signification avec laquelle est dit même, si vengeance, ceux qui apporte ceux qui vont comment le &hellip dit ; &hellip ; Vous dites ou que l'ampleur, détestent vous pouvez comprendre le &hellip ; &hellip ; Bien, l'humain comment, également il n'y a aucune chose vivante qui se déplace avec la raison, en outre fait éteignant le &hellip ; &hellip ; Comment, dites-vous, ou est-ce que humains [tsu] [te] sont-ils difficiles, vous ne pensent pas ? il s'épuise dans un mot, avec, donc avec dire, en tant que pour aussi le garçon de ce temps mourant, à moins qu'il soit seulement, &hellip ; &hellip ; Chose ou &hellip, folie de résultat dedans [kore] et production de guerre ; &hellip ; N'est pas l'enchaînement de la graine de Gundam, mais parce que « vous avez tué, étant tué, parce que vous avez été tué, tuant, &hellip ; &hellip ; Avec le ce luttent pour finir %

    • 'Movement soldier Gundam AGE' insertion song you as for me it was there,/AiRI
      You as for me cd which is there (2012/3/21) the disk quantity: 1 formats: single and maxi label: [ranteisu] recording time: 17 minutes asin: b006yr3vyu 1 as for you and me 2 where it is there blue season 3 you as for me it was there, (instrumental) 4 blue season (instrumental) 'insertion song of movement soldier Gundam age' sells!! /airi where as for becoming key point of the tv animation 'movement soldier Gundam age' 2nd generation who is the magnificent big river drama which draws the parent and child 3 generation, that it flows with the scene where very the related characteristic two it is developed in the background symbolizes that springtime of life of good point the insertion song of airi, new the high tone vocal of kind of airi which blue in the melody which has anxiety, tightens the chest resounds in heart it draws the related characteristic springtime of life of [asemu] and [zehato] and lowers and illustration jacket you as for me is there

    • Colony of movement soldier Gundam AGE 23rd story “doubt”, a liberal translation
      Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.

    • Animation special 撮 thought earth days's amount of this week (3/24-25 amount)
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • Gundam AGE #24
      Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.

    • http://mikihara.blog70.fc2.com/blog-entry-2915.html

    • The middle of March, a liberal translation
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • , a liberal translation
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • [bu] and coming March 18th (Sunday) that 6, a liberal translation
      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • PV2 release of secondary [suparobo] Z playback compilation!! [niyaniya] does not stop, (><, a liberal translation
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

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